#and tbh we don't hate russia enough
silverfox66 · 3 months
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
The Great season 3 review?
I loved it, first off! It was one of the best seasons of TV I've seen, full stop. And I'm gonna be real: if you hate the season simply because Peter died and give absolutely zero thought to anything else in a show this packed to the brim with talent and things... I don't know, man. I feel like there's a subset of people for whom the Point of the show sailed overhead.
I love Catherine and Peter. One of the best love stories I've seen onscreen. I love Elle and Nick together; I would watch them in anything. I even tried to watch the other movie they did together. But I think the show has always been very clear, from day one, in the fucking title even, that we were watching a journey of a woman going from girlhood to despotic "greatness". It has been, and always will be, Catherine's story first and foremost.
"It wasn't historically accurate, why is it now???" Lmao it isn't? Him dying does not make the show accurate. He died falling through ice after falling in love with Catherine, when in real life he died, most likely by her order, imprisoned by Catherine. Peter did not die because Tony McNamara suddenly decided to go with an accurate story. He died because it was time in the narrative.
All that aside, I just thought the first half gave us more of this super compelling relationship while also making it clear that there was no way for Catherine to become who she needed to be with him alive. It's not because she didn't love him; it was because she did, too much. The love was all-consuming, and if she had a choice she would've probably chosen to skip greatness and be with him. I mean, she kind of tried to--she was playing Russian roulette in a bid to "be" with him, never mind the arsenic thing. And that depiction of grief, of it never being something she'll "move past", but will simply become more used to and more able to deal with... So good.
This is the version of Catherine that she needed to be in order to have an iron rule over Russia, and I think she could not have become that version without the trauma she endured. Peter dying was what took her to another level of unhinged, of brutality. I mean, listen--is it a good thing for her? Not necessarily. But the show doesn't really pass judgment on what's good or bad, but rather what is. The fact that we ended on a Catherine who had random sex with random people just to satisfy herself, who was like "I did this, not destiny", who sent Archie to die without blinking... It's more reminiscent of the real woman, and it's who she had to be. That last dance was catharsis and a bit of madness and despair but also, I think, acceptance that she has gotten what she wanted, she is who she was always meant to be, and it hurts.
I also find it ludicrous that people think Peter should've died in a nobler way? First off, the tone of this show has never been Like That, and second, Peter is not noble. He's progressed, sure, but he was never a fully actualized, individualized person, and that's part of his tragedy. He died because he couldn't ultimately resist the pull of his insecurity and the weight of his father's expectations. He couldn't compartmentalize his trauma enough to survive, which isn't good or bad, it just is, and it's a tragedy. Catherine ultimately had to do what he couldn't in order to survive. Peter can be a man who grew, but him growing does not mean he grew *enough*.
(Also ludicrous: people acting like Peter dying betrayed the show as a romcom? He fucked and killed her mom, never mind him killing her previous lover, this was not a romcom lol.)
Elizabeth--love her journey. The place we saw her get to with Peter the Great is the place Peter wasn't able to get to. Moving on, recognizing that she could take it but ultimately didn't need to. Maybe finding love again? (Tbh tho, I shipped her more with Petrov.) Such an incredible performance from Belinda across seasons. Her line about crying until her ribs break and that being okay because she would never take another unpained breath... Jesus, that was well-written and visceral.
I love Archie because he's just a wonderful antagonist, well-acted, and a great sense of dark comic relief. Like, unlike characters I found sanctimonious and self-serving at the same time, Archie was just committed to his endgame. I'm glad he's still alive.
The Swedes!!! I've been a longtime Swede Stan, ever since season 1. I know that some critics didn't like how much time they took up, but fuck that. I love their relationship, I think the guy playing Hugo deserves an Emmy because he had some of the best line deliveries of the fucking season, I love their funhouse Peter and Catherine-style relationship. The only thing I didn't love was Agnes's subplot with Velementov, but more on that in a minute.
I enjoyed Petrov as a new addition. If the show were to continue (again, more on that later) I could see him with Elizabeth, but also probably hooking up with Catherine because... In real life, Catherine did love a man in uniform and I think Tony would take inspo from that. Not saying it would be a long term thing, but I imagine that in the future if the show went on, we'd see a Catherine with many partners. I mean, she had sex with two different people in the finale alone, slept with the American ambassador this season, etc. Her body count would for sure rise. But yeah, I liked his efficiency and love of cannonballs.
Stan Maxim forever, we love a young king who's ready to murder.
George was a huge turnaround for me. I think part of it was in seeing Marial become so vile. George's cheerful amorality mixed with, I think, real feeling for Peter, Grigor, and even Catherine was really compelling. I used to hate her, but now I love her and I hope she keeps doing what she needs to do. She deserves. I also found that her scene with Catherine, recognizing that they both loved Peter, that Catherine did take him from George--it was one of the most emotionally touching of the season, for me. George understood Catherine's grief in a way others couldn't, and I loved their odd relationship.
Grigor... Love him forever, like him for always, he's a favorite forever. I want him to want better for himself. His relationship with Paul, his intense grief for Peter, it just got me. I could absolutely see him having an affair with Catherine in the future; they were already giving me big "comforting the widow" vibes.
I loved Tatyana and Arkady. Such good comic relief, and I enjoyed them both kind of seeking recognition from Pugachev that they never received from Peter.
Speaking of Pugachev--masterclass from Nick. The fact that he had a Peter voice, a Pugachev voice, and a Pugachev pretending to be Peter voice? MY GOD. Also, the way Pugachev was like... bad, sure, but had some solid points out Peter and Catherine's callousness, especially in that fabulous last scene with Catherine.
I know Orlo's death was controversial, but Sascha wanted to leave and I figure why not make his death both ridiculous and emblematic of Catherine becoming more of like. A casually violent leader.
Marial. Horrible character. Like Phoebe, hate Marial. I just don't get the hypocrisy of saying she wants to be Catherine's friend FOR REALZ while also lying about the Pugachev involvement and also like... Celebrating the death of her husband? Marial doesn't have to like Peter, but being best friends with his widow and in love with his best friend............ Like, pick a lane, girl. Also, no idea why Grigor was so in love with her when she honestly didn't treat him well and seemed to fundamentally not understand him.
Velementov. Never got him. He's always seemed like, kind of pathetic and a father figure... while also making pervy comments about Catherine. I didn't see why he didn't just die this season. Make room for Petrov and Maxim, asshole. He took up so much unnecessary time.
But yeah, I think that if they end up getting renewed they have loose threads they can play with, but if not I'm totally happy. I feel like I understand where the story went. I understand what the message was. I feel like Catherine has had a total transformation, one the show has been leading towards since it began. Her dance at the end was such a triumph to, in a devastating way. Her monologue about things to say to Peter to keep him from leaving; her face when she was given the dessert and realized fully he was dead. That level of acting Elle gave was just incredible. The way I felt this woman's pain, the way I understood her evolution... It was something else.
And brushing all that aside because your ship wasn't "endgame" seems super shallow, but that's just me.
The only thing I'd love to see Tony take a stab at with Elle is his version of Potemkin because that guy was a CHARACTER lol, but I mean. The Helen Mirren mini covers that affair very well. And I'm good with this show ending where it has, if that was it.
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jyndor · 11 months
Good. You should do your own research and not just believe me. Also, by saying "this might not be something you care about", I just meant that a lot of people do not care who the op of a specific post is if they agree with the specific post and honestly that's fine, too. But then there are people who will immediately block and delete posts if the hear op is a terf or a tankie.
fair enough but I will say it is actually a bit odd to me to compare tankies with terfs. tankies can be moronic and fall into enemy of my enemy shit with russia but terfs are fascists like ??? also edit but I feel like a lot of people call all communists tankies which... lmao naur. It's a term that I feel like sometimes people use for all sorts of communists, not just mls.
I block fascists, racists and terfs on sight. I give so-called tankies a bit of leeway until I see them being genocide deniers, and undoubtedly that does happen a fair bit. that user idk they seem more interested in the war ending than being like a shill for fascist putin but there were some posts that made me go ehhh definitely unfortunate "I'm annoyed about this bc libs care about Ukraine and I hate libs" vibes. as much as libs are unbearable, I don't discount all liberals as allies. like actually many of us were liberals before we were leftists lmao so I don't love that energy I'm seeing.
I will say that there is a lot more sympathy for Russian soldiers than there is for IOF soldiers. let alone American soldiers. tbh you're never gonna catch me feeling bad about any of these soldiers dying in expansionist, imperialist wars of aggression. like I understand drafts, I understand that it's easy for me to say I'd rather go to prison than ever serve in the military, butttt I would. so no sympathy for soldiers who do harm because ~they had no choice. there's always a choice.
it isn't Russian propaganda to discuss the azov battalion in theory but in practice most people who talk about it overestimate the n*zis in Ukraine and underestimate the n*zis in everywhere else lmao. yes actually there are fascists and n*zis in Ukraine. no that does not mean Russia is actually sincere in its "denazification" lmao. why is this hard for people to understand idek
I haven't looked to see if there's uyghur genocide denial yet.
one thing I will say is that everyone who talks about the news needs to start screenshotting the entire source - like including the header and title of the news source - and providing urls because this is something I am seeing on their blog but like that's not unique to tankies lmao everyone does it.
anyway idk I'm not gonna cosign that blog because there may be a bit of misinformation but I also think sometimes people just are wrong on some things. and very right on others.
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Thoughts on American foreign policy after Afghanistan and 8 months into this Ukraine nonsense.
So I've never really been able to put into words my idea of what US foreign policy should look like in the wake of Ukraine. There was so much conflicting information in those first weeks and months (and still, tbh) that I just threw my hands up and said "fuck it, I don't care as long as we don't send troops". But that never sat right with me, because I've always been in favor of expanding US power on the world stage. Isolationism is awesome, but sadly not realistic. If we don't maintain a strong military and keep our ability to project international power, some other country will (see: Russia in the Middle East and China pretty much everywhere). But at the same time, I recognize that giving politicians access to that power is a Bad Idea, because they will use it for their own ends. And that's where I am now. I think America should look after her interests to the exclusion of all other interests. I'm not against foreign action, including boots on the ground, as long as we're going to get benefits back that are equal to or greater than what we put in. In hindsight, we should have fully occupied Afghanistan and Iraq, drained as much oil and other natural resources as we could, and then left. Cold? Yes. Harsh? Yes. Immoral? Probably. And yet, here we are, 20 years later and all we have to show for it are tens of thousands of dead soldiers, billions in abandoned military equipment in the hands of people who hate us, and no influence in a region that has been responsible for the most American deaths from foreign attacks since Pearl Harbor. We can never do that again. We can never half-ass foreign involvement like that again. We need to get ours.
And by "ours", I mean something that benefits the country, if not its citizens. Not letting politicians plunder other countries or use their wars to launder money. And not so other nations can outsource their national defense to us while giving us nothing in return. And yeah, that means I'm not really in favor of sending troops in to combat "evil" that doesn't directly effect us anymore either. As awful as Russia is, what they do to Ukraine has nothing to do with us. Let Europe deal with that. Let the Eastern European states form their own anti-Russia defensive pacts and leave us out of it. Not one cent of American money should be going to foreign military unless we can use that military when we want in place of or to augment American troops.
And before anyone says it, I know how callous this is. I know that, by what I've just said, I would be arguing against the US fighting Nazi Germany until we were forced to (which is what happened anyway, but that's not the point I'm making) or until we saw an advantage to us. Maybe that means I'm not as moral as I like to think I am. Maybe there just aren't enough righteous people left to ever have another "Greatest Generation". Maybe I'm just cynical after 20 years of a war that got us nothing followed immediately by agitation for another war I see no benefit in fighting between two relatively awful governments. And maybe my ideas on this will change in a few months or years. But this is where I am now, and I wanted to write it down.
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goldammerchen · 2 years
quickly done fave heta ship list:
prussia x everybody (tl;dr)
germany x everybody
just kidding. here:
prussia x hungary: OTP <3... one of my first ships, potential childhood friends to lovers (or not), could be one-sided :D, femdom, etc. they are bickering constantly even this day in canon lol, i love them both so much. also i never have a solified hc for erszi, i like thinking her as gnc, queer, both (new tag: #t4t pruhun)... does any of this mean i think they can work? lol, lmao (maybe). better luck in human aus...! well tbh this is how i interpret all nationverse ships, woops. bound to eventual tragedies, everything is temporary, unable to achieve something akin to normality--not knowing what is like either, ever. not like them can not give it a try while it last! they can always start over again!
prussia x austria: their personalities clash 👍. i am a bit picky about them tho, more than with other ships (their personalities clash 👎)... i like when people make rode dominant 😍. an enemies to lovers ship, it can have similar vibes to other similar heta ships, with their own twist from their own oppositive dispositions.
[btw, imo it was obvious from the beginning that they could be somewhat related, in heta terms/logic--as the common hc goes, i think they choose the familiar titles to be less alone in this world, instead of necessarely being blood related--now that hima called 'em cousins, that kind of makes the ship more fun to me lol, as nowadays it makes the ship ""incorrect"" and i am a contrarian piece of shit. in any case, it doesn't fucking matter, this is an old af ship and they're not real.]
frying pangle! my OT3, and my actual favorite form of the ships above (pruaus and pruhun basically always become frying pangle in my hands), while aushun it's cute, althought they should fight more--add all 3 ships here. same dynamics as above x3 (+ as doomed), with the addition of erzsi and gil both being crazy for rod, so they gotta learn to share, making rod the biggest winner--headaches aside. #🍳; #genderpangle
prussia x poland (and viceversa): ...ship order depends of time period! sub gil endgame. i always liked this ship but i didn't see any fanart in the past (so now we are talking). "i hate you... come back to me!" whole thing ;o;
honorable mention of pruliet/lietpru: personally (or how i'd work around it), i like it as gil developing some feelings that will never ever be corresponded :))), that's what he gets after making liet hate him. despite of that i love what the fandom do with both!
talking about these three, liet having to learn to tolerate prussia (enough) and developing feelings in a lietpolpru scenario... love that. aka lietpol+polpru in one, pol must be there lol.
prussia x russia: can't work; looks damn well. i like russia having a crush on prussia who, no matter what, can't quite like him back (at least that's how gil will act!), even if they get to friendly terms and are both menacing together (important point; but i also think that's always short lived). ivan unable to have normal relations in equal terms, something that plagues any of his relationships... otoh, prussia/russia (that order) it's great 👀, i love vanya!!! 💕. toxic :3! toxic overall, but i prefer gilbert *not* completely crushed down, if you know what i mean. tagged mainly with the japanese side of the fandom tag (ユキウサギ; related), translated--switched to the romaji, yukiusagi--reasoning for previous use here.
germany x prussia: in that order! one-sided! most of the time i prefer them just as bros (germany&prussia), except when i like to entertain the idea of germany being a little tiny bit weird about his big bro :), big bro who behaves as a proud mom which can be off-putting to humans who know them (expect them to act like maNnly siblings in their twenties so they are ??????). of course i don't mind shippers that play with them the other way around--it just makes me a bit uncomfortable (do what makes you happy: you're doing great!!). germancest it's hetalia's thorki (also i prefer them as just siblings lmao). tldr psychodrama potencial, when the story needs to be unsettling...
...and more ships! like btt poly (friends with benefits?) or all kinds of combinations with the 3! he/him dyke bi gil that's a top leaning switch cuz reasons, more sub than dom i wouldn't trust him as a dom lmao. him being a voluntary celibate does sounds fun--in or not the ace spectrum--but more interesting imo as ace or not ace yet very peculiar and kinky around sex... anyway: am a multishipper and can be convinced about p much anything (just be fun! these bitches are insane).
now for lud:
germany x italy (and reversed): just a classic. make feli a bit less hetare and more a little manipulative selfish little shit :)--his venetian merchant side, if you want. also remember that lud can also be dumb as hell... (is the "north european hardworkers; south europeans lazy" thing that makes me raise an eyebrow). anyway, make italy a kind AND hedonist person, 100% in love with lud (and him 100% in love with feli), but sadly finding their life styles at times clash too much. make feli a dom, whether he tops or bottoms 4 his big boyfriend. lud being tall doesn't mean he has to top or dom lol (same for ivan!! and sve!!). preferences aside, i love anything with gerita ;w;
germany x france (in any order): eu bros, both can learn a bit from each other (like somebody being more rebel lmao). enemies to lovers mandated from the state... for both surprise, it works! besides, both have a romantic side, as much as lud tries to pretend he doesn't lol. i don't see them being monogamous, which is a plus not a negative. an option when italy and england are too busy, or they are in bad terms w them etc... this does hurt both a bit: ainsi va la vie of their kin, better work around that than against it... (also add "i really really really wanted you dead" from fran @ ger lmao)... + frapru redux.
germany x russia (in that order): i never think too hard about this one. mmm, let ivan be pampered here? lud its a caring person (perhaps overcompensating for this case tho...). this ship doesn't seems (way too) imbalanced either, compared to other russia ships, without being rusame that has fruk vibes and vice versa (hope that makes sense lmaooo). its literally 2 tough guys that have a soft side.
america x germany (in that order): could be a thing... fuck buddies? can't see them as lovers... can't see america as anybody lover.
(germany as a drummer in england's band.)
when i joined the fandom i loved the gerbel fanart 🥺. can be a one night stand for bisexual homoromantic lud. maybe after a bet with monaco? lol. bel: "i kissed him in the mouth [big step in germany! similar to american soldiers in uk] and i slept with him? uhh...???? i lose a bet :("; germany: *doesn't show it but horny dude stuck in his early twenties*
...plus again any ships. i might not think about them as much as the ones listed, but i still appreciate almost anything that involves faves.
rusame/amerus; fruk/ukfr: rivals! enemies! "i hate/love you, you're the only person who understands/compliments me"
rochu! a classic. add rusamechu / black triangle to make this more unhinged.
like romechu, and i need to get into indchu (and perchu)
loving nedpan lately. japan ships: asakiku, itapan, turkpan, giripan
robul! whatever hima does with them it's cute (and funny) af.
lietpol (married and divorced but still technically together???). more liet ships: lietbela + rusliet.
usuk IF committed to be a freaky ship (in other/more ways other than incest... tho what i dislike its cutesy incest, compared to in dark fiction). otherwise, boring 😴. often great AUs btw... guess my actual issue with the ship is overexposure from ye olde days.
spaus, spabel (cat!spain in that event 😭), spamano or romaspa more exactly (man people really hate this one too... mentee/mentor, anyone?)
cucan... i wish there was more latam charas but do i trust hima?
...dennor and sufin, i guess??
i don't know what else right now. too many characters (and too many blondes)
i don't feel thaaat super into BL to use fujin for myself (it's literally only hetalia)... that being said, yeah, look all of this. if this comes out(?) as a complete surprise, you didn't read my about *shrug*
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unhonestlymirror · 3 years
Well. Me & my family have lost our home, most likely forever. So far, thankfully, not thanks to the rockets. And so far, none of my relatives, friends, colleagues, teachers have died. And won't, i hope.
I could write a whole essay on how and in what positions I hate some creatures, which are responsible for the destruction of my country, but I'm tired.
We traveled by evacuation train for 15 hours without food (but with water!). We are very lucky, because many get there for days. And, despite the fact that my siblings need to get proper education, I still feel like a traitor of Motherland. Because the rest of the people dear to me stayed in Kyiv. They all stayed there, risking the lives of themselves and their families to keep Ukraine the way it should be. I also realized that I consider them all dear, even classmate A, who is a rare bitch, but still my classmate, human. I don't want even her to die. Even she didn't deserve to be shot by Russian puppets.
All I can do to help them is monitoring the news, sharing non-fake information, reporting suspicious infochannels, maybe sending some small amounts of money - anyone, tbh, can do this if they want. But that will never be enough for me.
I won't tag this as tw: war, cause it's about the whole world. Not about "local conflict", not about "special operation". If you find it unpleasant to read this, then it's intended, this is a signal to action. Silence will not work.
We are lucky because we only lost our home - some lost their families.
I will resume posting drawings when I get myself in order.
UPD. Europe ceases to impose sanctions against Russia, Europe surrenders back. Europe thinks that it will not affect it, but can you imagine what a creature can do that gives orders to shoot hospitals and orphanages?
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misdre · 2 years
Did you hear that they're gonna close MacDonald's in Russia? that's kinda sad :(
Russian people don't deserve what's going on because of their shitty government and horrible president (and I'm not saying that because of MacDonald's closing lol, it's just in general)
i don't really know what to say about the situation because on one hand i feel what you're saying and definitely not everyone living in russia is bad or deserves it, but their society as a whole is rotten and crippling their economy is basically the only way to combat them without actually bombing them off the planet, which they themselves are fine doing to ukraine. but then again, their economy should be crippled by stopping the energy sector completely instead of like, making russians unable to eat fast food or use paypal. like i understand those are also investments going in and it's still money, but. i don't really know. this goes many ways.
but as for brands like mcdonalds in particular, with russian logic they ought to want to boycott western brands anyway since they apparently hate america and the west so much. but surprise! they actually want all the western products anyway because they want to live like western people while also somehow hating western people and everything we are. everything about russia is a massive cognitive dissonance and from that perspective i don't care at all that they don't get their american burgers and gucci bags anymore. use your glorious russian products if you are so much superior to everyone else that you want them destroyed to feed your own inflated ego, basically. (that's a collective 'you' to russia not this anon) and anyone out there not brainwashed by the imperialist mindset, is hopefully busy enough being utterly disgusted by their country to worry about hamburgers. like that should be the least of their worries tbh. i don't really know what they expect to happen, honestly.
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tonya-the-chicken · 3 years
-Three reasons- Zelensky took Israel's side over Palestine in a UN. Second some had deep ties with USSR and support for them years ago and now Russia is a main military supporter in the region. Third, widespread and firm belief that US and Nato instigated this war to divide issues
^^Those are the reasons in the newspaper
Everything I see in Ukrainian news is that Ukraine supports a two-state solution and wants humanitarian corridors organized. I searched through UN documents on voting on Palestinian issues and Ukraine voted "in favour" on almost every one of them, abstained on several and voted "against" once in 2020 and only in favour/abstaining in 2021. Ukraine left some committee on Palestinian issues in 2020 but I have no idea what that means and I see no comments from Ukraine, only from Israel being really supportive of that. From what I know our stance is rather neutral and we have a Palestinian embassy. We do seek some allyship from Israel but we ain't supporting their occupation either, acting according to UN resolutions. And tbh I wouldn't expect Palestinians to be raging against Russia either since countries in conflicts don't benefit from getting involved in more conflicts but boycotting Zelensky's speech? Why? You understand that this doesn't seem like a boycott of him personally but as a stance against Ukraine as a county? You couldn't choose a worse time to do that even if you were dissatisfied with some of Ukraine's decisions
Like, sympathies for Israel are getting lower by the day in Ukraine and for some reason instead of swiping Ukrainians' hearts to Palestinian cause they decided to be jerks? 🤨 You realize everyone is trash-talking Israel in Ukraine rn for their indecisiveness and that brings up the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Like, it's a perfect time to act and make Ukraine more in favour of Palestinians. Just start saying stuff like "Yeah Israel government doesn't do enough because they are just like Russia about us, occupiers supporting occupiers, look how Israel is ok with Russian money" like c'mon be a little bit more strategic (I actually see Ukrainians saying stuff like that lol). Ukrainians will remember who supported them and who didn't and the way the Palestinians walked out from Zelensky's speech when our country is at war will obviously make Palestinians seem like allies to Russia
I mean all of that works unless Palestinians do consider Russia as an ally and if true then fuck them
Everyone who thinks NATO/US instigated this conflict is an idiot who believes in Russian propaganda. This is complete and utter nonsense and I am so mad about it. Do they have no brain and don't understand the world doesn't revolve around the US and NATO?
I see a lot of solidarity with Ukraine from Syrians but not from anywhere else in the Middle East so I'll keep that in mind. All I see them doing is scream that people are paying more attention to us (blue eyes blonde hair my ass) than to them while they themselves say nothing about our problems. I really do hate it here. If they hate to be sympathetic towards Christian Ukrainians so much they are free to be sympathetic towards Crimean Tatars who are primarily Muslim and are also victims of Russian aggression in Ukraine or Muslim Chechens but noooo NATO is evil and only American imperialism exists, disgusting shit for real I hate it here
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i did know dream has adhd :)! im glad uve found out something important about urself, and that uve made it as far as u have in life, but if u want a better adhd community it may be worth seeking it somewhere that isnt in dsmp spaces. theres a lot of very unhealthy views in the dsmp community and i say this as someone who was genuinely into the dsmp before i found out everything that i did about them. im not saying any of this from a point of view of "omg dsmp is so cringe i need to cancel them because i hate them and know nothing!!" its because i was there when people brought everything up the first times around and i made the choice not to keep interacting with it. i remember a lot of people in the community had a habit of defending people who sincerely should not be defended, like pewdiepie, notch, and cryaotic (which are all very bad people dream openly associates with and admires). im glad uve found good things in the time that u have been into dsmp, but its also important to be responsible about finding these sorts of things out, because in the long run it does u more harm to defend these people than it does to recognize that an interest u had is maybe not one u should keep. if u want a really cool and openly lgbt+ smp to watch, i super suggest empires smp! several of the people in it are openly lgbt+ (nonbinary-adhd)
thank you for the recommendation, I'll check empires smp out!
tbh, I follow only 5-6 creators of dream smp, I don't know much about the rest, but from the top of my head what I remember from your thread on twt - george did explain his george floyd tweet and said that what he said was sincere and NOT mocking, he just struggles with explaining his emotions sometimes. I can't believe that he would say something like this mockingly in any way, I've been watching his content long enough to know he's a good guy (he has a poc best friend, after all). same goes for karl, dream, quackity, sapnap.
ofc maybe one day I'll find out smth about them that will make me think bad of them, I mean they have plenty of content and I haven't watched ALL of it, so the possibility is still here. again, I don't feel it's my place to talk about racism. but I see so many REAL racists out there, and in my opinion it is more productive to call out them. like, to channel your energy towards educating them and protecting young people from them. even if a dumb teen made a racist comment on twitter AGES ago, yes, it's awful, but do you think it's fair to still hate them for it now when they are adult? if the person apologized, explained what they meant, I don't think they are dangerous in any way. I'm trying to think abt situations like this in terms of things that are close to me (lgbtq+ community and being adhd) and while words may hurt SO MUCH, hateful actions that some people do are way way more hurtful and dangerous. I live in the country where you can easily get harassed in the streets just because you hold a hand of a person of the same sex as u on the street. but the situation is changing for better gradually (I live in Russia). many young people (under 20-22) are very acceptable, supporting and kind. but the activism gets silenced by the government, which I think is the most damaging thing in this situation.
again, I didn't mean any hate towards you in any part of our convo, I just see that our opinions are very different on a certain topic and it's okay, maybe one of us will learn something from this convo, maybe both of us will learn. healthy discussions are still one of the most effective methods we can use to change something for the better.
and btw, thank you for your blog anyway. you educate people about adhd and it is very needed, esp in countries where adhd is still treated as a "child" mental health problem, or smth insignificant. I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder by the BEST psychiatrist in my city and if not for people willing to educate others through their social media, I would be taking meds already and it would be very dangerous for me.
so yeah, I think we cleared things up here. good luck to you
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tonya-the-chicken · 3 years
hey so im not really an expert, so im gonna ask what do you think sanctions should be intended to do? I don’t think these kinds of sanctions have ever stopped a country from going to war or changed a regime when they’ve been used before, and it seems to me like a country desperate for economic stimulus is more likely to continue the war, right? id love to hear your line of reason so i can understand the situation better (feel free to link stuff too)
Well, many say that maybe Russians will feel bad and go protest because who will go protest when they are satisfied with everything which is naive thinking. I have very little hope in Russians to do anything at all
I doubt sanctions as they are will stop the war, we need more sanctions, especially an embargo on buying gas and oil because it is the main source of income for Russia. Cut off all sources of income, that's basically sponsoring the war and also sanction everyone who will dare to sell any military stuff to Russia
Honestly, war is costly and you need money for it, no money = no effective war. Look at the amount of money the USA spends on the army. Russia doesn't have enough locally produced shit to have a good army without buying parts from other countries too. War doesn't bring an economic stimulus, especially not the one where you are losing lol. Russia's wars brough putin higher ratings, not more money. Surely, you can get some materials from occupied territories but you pay for it with more sanctions
But what is more important is to defeat Russia. No one wants to do it militarily and bomb Moscow so the only other way to make them surrender is complete economic collapse. Russia must be not able to function at all. When everyone will feel the desperate need to elevate the sanctions then they might agree to withdraw. No matter how much the Russian army we kill, they don't give a fuck about their soldiers, they will only send them to die more. We need a point of influence, you know? "If you get the fuck out we will lift the sanctions"
But honestly, this is not ideal. Russia must collapse as a country completely to peace finally preside in the region. They will just elect another imperialist and it will keep going on. Russia is a fascist country and that is what needs to be fixed and the only way to fix it is to go all the way up to Moscow which no one will do. So at the end of the day, we will still end up with a fascist country next to our doorstep even after victory
At the same time this all shit wouldn't happen at all if those sanctions were put in the place in 2014. Like, they would simply not have enough resources to go to this fucking war. And tbh I would like the sanctions not to be lifted even after the surrender, maybe only some of them because Russia must be prevented from starting another war and they fucking will if we don't fix the core problem aka Russians being imperialist pieces of shit
So, like, if it was up to me, I wouldn't sanction Russia, I would occupy it, and then de-militarize it, de-nazify it, de-imperialize it etc etc. It needs to be treated as Third Reich, no jokes. But because no one fucking wants to go to war with Russia and it's a useless situation where we can't get a proper victory at all so maybe we can cause them to admit defeat
I am so frustrated because of things the west wouldn't do. Even those sanctions we got them so hard. I just know they would do nothing if not Ukraine's insane resistance. They would just be like "meh" and continue trading with Russia as usual. I hate it here. No one truly cares for us
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