#and tbh i think i kinda did a good job. messed up the liner but idk i felt good about it overall
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fantasticalleigh · 4 days ago
i have always been afraid of colorful eye makeup because my eyes are very hooded and i also do not know how to apply eye makeup that well but i have decided!! that life is short!! i have a colorful soul and wish to represent that on my outsides!! does this color look great on me? i don't know but i thought it was pretty in the palette!! this glitter will surely bring out the sparkle in my eye!! my technique is not right and the execution is messy but the will is there!!!
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dachi-chan25 · 6 years ago
So i finally watched It chapter 2...
DISCLAIMER: So I know most of y'all don't like anyone to critizise anything u like, right of the bat I am telling u I did NOT liked this movie at all, there are changes I thought were good ideas but most of it was just plain terrible in MY opinion and I need to vent. If u share my opinión or find my rage amusing read on.
I had been putting off watching this movie, cuz in 2017 I enjoyed the 1st IT movie but I had a TON of issues with it (Mike's complete erasure, Stan being a completely different character, The Losers Club moments being sacrificed to cool sounding one-liners, WTF happened to Henry Bowers and Alvin Marsh, Bev being overly sexualized, etc, etc) so I was on the fence about this one. The cast is what finally caught my attention but then I heard very mixed reviews about it, and as I am starting on a new job I hadn't had the time to go and watch it til now and oh boy was I disappointed.
First off, we have to ask ourselves was Adrian Melon's murder scene really that necessary??? I understand what they used it for in the movie (to make a R3ddi3 reference /as a side note I do not care for the ship or any other IT ship tbh i write it like this cuz i don't want this post to invade the ship tag) but the characters involved are never mentioned again and it was too gratuitous (like we can have a homophobic hate crime, slurs thrown around all the time but we can't have the gay ship this movie was going for saying they love each other in a straightforward manner??? I know this is an unpopular opinion but I am not giving Muschietti props for doing the gay closeted ship for the 1000th time, if u were gonna do it go for it!!! Do right by the characters, hell in the book they get more tenderness and they are never explicitly gay, Eddie is heavily coded as gay or asexual and Richie is super bisexual) like my queer ass is tired of seeing gay ppl die in violent gruesome ways all the time.
While I love Bill Skarsgard's performance, the excess of CGI and all those jumpscares and strobe lights, actually take away from his performance, he is super scary and eerie when he is talking and even being friendly but super hillarious and plain silly when he is actually trying to be scary or when he is eating, it looked too wierd.
TBH whyyy was Tom Rogan in this?? Muschietti had already changed Alvin Marsh from being physically violent to being a sexual predator (everything they changed from Bev took away from her character, like we can have her smoking and flirting w Mr Keene but we can't have her teaching Richie how to use his yo-yo or winning in a fucking video game or drawing or anything that remotely has to do with her character) why was Tom necessary?? Hell we could have skipped that and have Bev in Kay's house telling her all that happened instead, I mean if he wasn't gonna die in the sewer why is he even a character? It was so easy to erase him and have Kay instead. Also how tf did Alvin survive???
Whyyy do that to Audra??? I fucken hate Muschietti, was it necessary to justify Bill cheating on her??? Nope, we could have simply have Bill not kiss Beverly and that’s it, also I am kinda salty Audra is not part of the plot.
Lmao Henry, like he fell on the fucken pipe and you could hear his fucken bones breaking and craking and he gets to get up and walk home????????? Whyyy y y , Muschietti ????
We never really got to see how deeply ingrained Pennywise is in the town, he is actually Derry. And if Muschietti thinks he fixed the wtf ending everyone complained about in the 90's adaptation he is on fucken drugs, this ending is super messed up and has nothing to do with the book or with anything at all, we never get to know what exactly is Pennywise, his true form it's a clown spider apparently or something cuz the death lights were there but not really ???
STAN was fucken robbed (again) last time he was completely ereased, he was physically there on the scenes but that’s it, his personality was null. And his thing, the thing that made him comit suicide was the fact that he was the one to see the death lights, the most logical and disbelieving of them faced something far beyond anyone's comprehension and they gave that to Bev?? And the death lights apparently gave her Final Destination abilities? ?????
Eddie was robbed. Of so so much. Muschietti fuck you. Frist off why isn't Eddie the CEO of some app like Uber like he was the Losers Club compass he was a great fucking driver, he loved sports (I actually got excited when they had this scene with the baseball game cuz i thought it was gonna be an Eddie scene but nope) y not connect that with this Token bs Muschietti pulled off his ass (this is actually a great idea, and could symbolize the Losers' lost childhood IF Muschietti had been assed to give them significance or something in part 1) His death scene. Just why? Why are his last words a cheap joke instead of a love confession, fuck it Muschietti if u wanted R3ddi3 have the courage to really do it (in the books the Losers take turns to carry his body out of the sewer cuz they will not leave him there, that's more meaningful than them diving) One of his most beautiful quotes is something Bill is writing??? Lmaoooo Bill wishes he could have thought up that (I love Bill but come the fuck on)
Why make such a huge deal out of B3nv3rly or r3ddi3 when the point of it all was that the Losers Club all loved each other, apart from whatever romantic feelings, they found a family in one another and they really erased that in this movie, I was like y are this ppl friends with each other. Mike drugged Bill, Richie was awfull to everyone, they barely had a conversation in the restaurant (biihhh the 90s miniseries does this better) and show no respect for Mike at all ( I mean I am not surprised cuz Muschietti has no respect for Mike as a character at all) or bill like nah son.
Stephen King cameo was there I guess, it was fine.
The Kiss me fat boy, of all things u could have taken from the 90's miniseries why that?????
Ben building the house club by himself ???? Bullshit, Muschietti ereased another great Losers Club bonding time and hate him for it.
MIKE, I AM ENRAGED. So Muschietti is braver than King for making R3ddi3 "canon" but he destroyed Mike's entire character and that is fine with y'all mmmmm. His parents were "crackheads" apparently cuz it's not like that is a stereotype black ppl have carried on for years on end, he did not go to school, he was not the historian but now he is cuz he had to stay and he is crazy and obsesive and drugs Bill and also stole from a native american tribe???? FUCK this so fucken much I hate it with all my being .
How does such a choppy movie manage to drag on forever??? Like there were still 45 Min left and I was bored out of my mind. Why is the final arc so bad??? Like some much stuff that could have actually gotten away with erasing (Paul Bunyan, whyyy it was so silly, it doesn't even work in the book, but fine like King was super high he barely remembers writing it, why take it to the big screen u should have sticked to him being afraid of clowns like u had already messed up) and added and could have added things that actually enriched the adaptation.
I just give up. Like if they do a 3rd one like it's rumored I won't see it, Muschietti clearly does not know how to be subtle or to have meaningful character arcs, he is just good for cheap jumpscares, one líners and yo mama jokes so I pass. I really hoped the up coming King adaptations are better than this one. That being said the movie had real fun/enjoyable moments, if this were not an adaptation I would have liked it a hella lot more than I did but alas nope.
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iztarshi · 8 years ago
Day of Story and Song -- Episode 69
The last episode! I'm not sure the transcript is actually finished yet, but people are working hard on it. So, if I run out of episode I'll just have to stop and catch up later.
I'm actually on the edge of my seat going IS THIS GOING TO WORK? Or will this not work and they'll be pushed to figure out the "cut the bonds" bit?
Whoo! Davenport's a GREAT pilot. Maybe that's why he forgot so much? Time spent learning to pilot spaceships was probably also erased.
Taako, is this REALLY the time to confess to shoe theft? Not the most urgent issue right now.
….they're trying to get Merle angry. Which. I think is a losing proposition, honestly. He doesn't go much beyond surly. Or possibly they're confessing because they might be about to die. Who even knows.
I am completely not sure whether Clint cheated there because I can't remember the rules governing the Living Grimoire as applied to spell levels.
Yeah, I mean, Magnus can't use magic, but on the plus side he has a sword so overpowered it was never meant to be IN THE GAME.
…I'm missing kind of nine minutes of fight, but I don't WANNA stop and wait for it. It was probably just dice rolling?
(I came back to this nine minutes. I can't believe i missed Magnus using his grappling hook to swing into TWO overlapping zones of deadly magic.)
I was just going to comment on John going One Winged Angel when Griffin called him Sephi-john.
Oh no, Merle's nearly dead! Except, y'know, right now I'd expect Kravitz to give some leeway on that whole thing until the planes aren't in imminent danger of destruction, so I'm not TOO worried.
*laughing* I'm just really entertained that Taako's never been OFFICIALLY frightened before.
XD Taako's… well, that was a bit long for a one liner. But I liked it.
Oh, yeah, Magnus lost the Raging Flaming Poisoning Sword of Doom defeating the first John form. Which I don't blame Griffin for doing, because MAN that was overpowered.
Aww, Merle had the most Bond. Which makes sense, since he spent a lot of that being steady and wise and generally trying to give people hope.
Oooooh, the bond engine talks! Or maybe the Light talks through it?
…oh… it lets him summon a person through bond, that's really cool. Anyone he needs.
I have caught up there, so I'm taking a break. And wondering who the other two would call. Pan's the obvious one for Merle, since who else do you call on in times of trouble? For the others, most of the people they have are a bit more… people-y. As in, only mortal and possibly in some serious shit themselves. Taako could call Lup, but she's saving the world right now. Taako could call Kravitz, that would be pretty cool!
Oh! Maybe Magnus will call Julia?
Aaaw, he summoned Troth! And I'm finding that adorable mostly because I know she's from another game, so I kind of appreciate the crossover. Although, isn't she also inside the Hunger?
Caught up again. I should stop being so impatient and wait until they've actually had a chance to transcribe it.
Justin nearly rejects a bond attack on the grounds he doesn't have much bond and I know it's not Taako, it's his player, but it is easy to imagine Taako going, "Yeah, don't think I really connected that much and people probably don't care about me, so I'll pass."
YES! He summoned Joaquin! That's awesome, even if he didn't roll very high!
I went and slept in there, but now I'm back.
He rolled a whole lot higher on Joaquin's actual attack :D And also got a hug, I like these two.
"Travis: Uh, Griffin, if we wanna do...and you can cut this out - but when we wanna do Bond attacks, does that just count as an attack?"
Ha, no, you can't bond attack and then ALSO hit it with Railsplitter three times.
*laughing* Merle uses the bones that let him ask the DM a question to ask if Griffin's had fun. That's so cute, and kind of amazing to imagine in character tbh. Merle wants to know God's enjoying himself.
Garfield the Deals Warlock is really stretching the bounds of "people who care about you" but I guess ANY relationship is a bond?
It occurs to me that when they do the graphic novel they're going to actually have to figure out what Garfield looks like.
Roswell! This bond thing is the BEST.
Justin's app for rolling large numbers of dice is very useful.
I'm laughing at Taako's speech. But, hey, he really IS pretty damn powerful on his own.
Clint's use of the ball of whatever that lets him go back nine seconds. Interesting. I do wonder if Griffin had a plot intention for that?
Voidfish summon!
Ha, yes, they can't EAT the orbs, orbs are not information. But they can do some damage, because they are huge amorphous magical jellyfish and that's pretty badass.
Ee, Magnus summons the Power Bear. This is all so cool!
I think the transcribers didn't quite get a paragraph here fixed up yet, because things kind of don't make sense in the middle of Griffin's description. I'm still impressed they've transcribed it this fast at all!
Oh, noooo, Lucretia telling them to run. But does she really think Magnus would leave her? Probably none of them would, but Magnus most of all.
Aww. Taako's leaving because he has to get to Lup. That makes sense -- he's not abandoning them so much as going to someone else.
*cracks up* Taako checked everyone was doing okay and when they were he came back. That's both hilarious and really cute. It's… TAAKO being torn like this? Caring about two groups of people and wanting to be wherever the danger's worst because that will be who needs him?
I'm not sure Griffin should be narrating this bit? Like, I am down with the last episodes being more story-like because he has to wrap things up, but isn't it up to Justin whether Taako summons Garyl? Let alone whether he rides him at the Hunger?
Never underestimate the ability of these guys to respond to a Mysterious All Powerful Being by getting hung up on what to call it.
Ohhh, they're counting making the shield as cutting the bonds. I guess it did cut the Hunger off from, uh, everything. Maybe including itself.
"Jeffandrew: By any measure, Merle, you won."
You saved all the things! That counts as winning.
And I guess this guy will take the Light back now it's… Now that things are in a plane he can reach, probably including the Light since it was there when the Hunger fell apart. And the Light can go back to being wanted and used by people who actually know what to do with it.
Aww, Angus.
Wow, the world is really, uh. Really good post-near-apocalypse. And Angus goes to school and makes friends, which is great!
Davenport becoming a sailor makes sense -- he can't be a pilot anymore, but he's still a traveller and explorer by nature, and even ONE world has a whole lot to explore!
*laughing* Somehow I didn't see Kravitz HIRING Barry and Lup coming, but sure. They're actually really well suited to that.
I did NOT see Barry acquiring DNA from Lup's note coming. Yay for Lup in her own body again! I mean, I figured the body would happen somehow, but not that it would happen like that.
I like that Griffin's narration stops at the NPCs this time. I want the PCs to be able to pick their own happy endings.
Oh, Taako :D He's still Taako, and because he's still Taako, he's portraying the world-wide love for him into a brand. I love that he hired Ren. Good taste in assistants.
WTF with the random duelling at Taako's school? I think you're kinda messing up Griffin's happy ending where everyone came together in peace, but I kinda like it? Everyone's still PEOPLE and even the people who brought about this peaceful ending through love are still the people who murdered someone to save a spell slot on healing once. They're better people, but Taako's still self-centred and callous sometimes, and thoughtless fairly often.
Sazed surrendered himself! It's good to know that people know that Taako wasn't responsible for that. I mean, Taako himself didn't seem inclined to, uh, clear his name or anything, which might be because he still thought of the incident as "half his fault".
*laughing* Taako just checking that Ren is okay with him dating Death before he hires her.
Ren and Taako having a business relationship/friendship is SO CUTE.
Afterlife vacation. I wonder what you do on one of those? Also, I'm reminded of Korra and Asami going to the spirit world. It's the new thing, gay people going on interplanar vacays!
Taaaaaakoooooo, read Angus's letters you jerk.
*pfft* I like that Angus has grown into less of a pushover? Like, he still loves Taako, obviously, but he's also not taking him too seriously when he's being ridiculous.
I had to stop to crack up at Angus knowing about the silverware because, yeah, Taako did a very bad job of ever hiding that.
Merle's in vestments and my first thought was "is someone getting married?"
Merle's adventurer summer camp! That's remarkably cute. As is this focus on the next generation, actually. Even if Taako's school is sometimes questionable, they've all got experience to pass on.
"Travis: I just want to say, canon, I would imagine that Taako and Magnus actually try to call Merle all the time, but like he forgot to turn his Stone of Farspeech off of silence. And so like--
Griffin: That is so fucking true to life and I love it."
Merle's conditions for accepting leadership of somewhere are Terrible Puns.
Aww. I do love that he's living with his kids? I didn't say that when the adventure thing first came up, but he's really returned to take care of his kids. I do wonder what their mother thinks? But it's great.
Mavis is such a sweetheart.
It IS a wedding.
Aww, Killian and Carey's wedding! What a great place to end it.
Magnus also has a school! Everyone was really feeling they had stuff they needed to pass on to the next generation here. Although, since it's Magnus, he also has a school for DOGS.
As an aside, I wonder where Fisher and Junior are? I hope they're okay, you know. I hope everything being untangled and put back in its place means that they're home, with the other voidfish, being fed artworks and sharing those they love.
AWWWW. Magnus, along the way to looking for something worth dying for, finding something worth living for instead!!!
Aw, Kravitz, bending the rules one last time for his friend.
*snff* Magnus and Julia's reunion.
Ooh, so that's where they ended up. Between the planes, able to go anywhere, looking for stories.
…I wonder if they're going to get a cameo in the NEXT Adventure Zone, because Griffin's basically made them perfect crossover fodder.
"Justin: Thus ends the Adventure Zone: Balance, the story of four idiots that played D&D so hard they made themselves cry."
They played D&D so hard they made EVERYONE cry.
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imabookmarkaddict · 5 years ago
trevor is cheesy, markus’ thoughts on hanging and banging
Poor trevor trying to understand anything markus says
puzzlezToday at 3:45 AM
yeh i already have an idea for how markus explains it
3:46 AM
i was thinking the series could be something like idfk
WelshenToday at 3:46 AM
Yeah okay good i just didnt wanna put u in a place of trying to describe something supernatural
3:47 AM
Markus is good at recognizing patterns too so series of numbers r p easy to notice
puzzlezToday at 3:47 AM
13 7 21 18 12 1 23 17 6 3 22
3:47 AM
where it's 3 series of numbers that alternate or smth
3:47 AM
they all go up by 5
3:48 AM
13 to 18 to 23, 7 to 12 to 17, 21 to 1 to 6
3:48 AM
if u can even see it god nowi'm like markus
3:48 AM
but he has no idea how to explain it to trevor
WelshenToday at 3:48 AM
Oh god yeah exact
puzzlezToday at 3:48 AM
so he just writes it down and shows it to trevor like see u see the pattern
3:48 AM
and trevor is just staring at a string of random numbers
WelshenToday at 3:48 AM
Its like trevor explaining morning runs to markus
puzzlezToday at 3:48 AM
...tf drugs u on
3:48 AM
and markus just keeps writing numbers
3:49 AM
like do u see the pattern?
3:49 AM
here i'll do another one give me a number
3:49 AM
and trevor does and markus writes and then says now you do th next one
3:49 AM
and trevor blinks down at the numbers
3:49 AM
maybe it can get cute
3:49 AM
trevor has no idea what markus is doing and decides time to change subject cuz numbers, lol
3:50 AM
and maybe the last number in the series markus wrote was a 3
WelshenToday at 3:50 AM
Probably? Time for sex education
puzzlezToday at 3:50 AM
and trevor just adds a < to it
3:50 AM
yeh i see the pattern
3:50 AM
WelshenToday at 3:50 AM
Oh thats cheesy christ
puzzlezToday at 3:50 AM
u asked for it
WelshenToday at 3:50 AM
But markus doesnt use phones he has no clue
puzzlezToday at 3:50 AM
hey maybe markus can call him out on it
3:50 AM
oh fuck then it's perfect
3:50 AM
maybe trevor is bad at flirting with guys sometimes??
WelshenToday at 3:51 AM
Im sure he has never tried in his life
puzzlezToday at 3:51 AM
like maybe he tried cheesy stuff with girls and it worked so whenever he feels lost and confused he just defaults to a cheesey cute one liner
WelshenToday at 3:51 AM
Just dates idk cheerleaders and other sporty girls
3:51 AM
Omh yah perf
puzzlezToday at 3:51 AM
how would markus react tho
3:52 AM
would he enjoy it mostly like watching an amusing 5 yo play at dressup
3:52 AM
or would he just cringe like wtf drugs r U on
WelshenToday at 3:53 AM
He would just be confused until he understands and then embarrassed to heck
3:53 AM
Markus doesnt flirt much either u kno
3:54 AM
Its just heres money lets go
puzzlezToday at 3:54 AM
poor thing
3:54 AM
if i remember correctly, will was a smooth talker flirter
WelshenToday at 3:54 AM
3:54 AM
If u mean when he said ur beautiful after like 2mins is smooth
3:54 AM
puzzlezToday at 3:55 AM
so yeah maybe trevor can be bad as heck at flirting until he feels awkward and spits out those one-liner balls of cheese in a rush of panic
3:55 AM
well i'm p sure will thought he was a smooth talker
3:55 AM
ppl probs too polite to point out he ain't
3:55 AM
but yeh thought it might give markus some variation?
3:56 AM
unless u prefer trevor to be good at flirting
WelshenToday at 3:57 AM
No trevor can be bad but markus is equally bad
puzzlezToday at 3:57 AM
3:57 AM
i picture trevor kinda secretly watching markus for cues sometimes on what to do??
3:57 AM
i mean porn shows u terrible, fake, unrealistic sex
WelshenToday at 3:57 AM
And markus is normally not very perceptive
puzzlezToday at 3:57 AM
at best u learn how to bend your hips back forward in impossible yoga/sex moves
3:58 AM
and since he tried those and learned nothing trevor knows nada about actual relationships with dudes
3:58 AM
so i had a feeling he was going to sort of quietly watch markus for leads on what to do
3:58 AM
so markus being bad at teaching + panicked trevor + cheesy pickup line + markus confused + markus not able to flirt back = a terrible awkward but adorable couple of doofuses
3:58 AM
and this i can absolutely work with
WelshenToday at 3:59 AM
Markus can do it technically but not very enthusiastically?? If that makes sense
3:59 AM
He gets better but u kno
3:59 AM
Yes i hope that works
3:59 AM
Theyre both idiots
puzzlezToday at 3:59 AM
i think that makes sense
4:00 AM
maybe squint
4:00 AM
do you mean he like technically knows how/can think of something flirty to say but has no oomph behind it? like no drive to actually look/sound flirty?? or smth else?
WelshenToday at 4:02 AM
Yes pretty much
4:03 AM
I mean hes heard it all obv but that was more or less when he got paid so it sounds fake to him i guess(edited)
4:04 AM
So he can repeat it but i doubt he knows how to mean it? Or that he could stick to things he ACTUALLY means (but hed be too awk to say)
4:04 AM
And that goes for all relationship hijinks
4:05 AM
Jo was a weird mix of paid and cute stalker?? They didnt flirt so much as get along
puzzlezToday at 4:06 AM
yeahh okay
4:06 AM
it makes sense tho
WelshenToday at 4:07 AM
Hey hes a mess
puzzlezToday at 4:07 AM
i made a char who was a prostitute and if deffo made him bad at relationships for similar reasons
4:07 AM
(my ghost waja actually)
4:07 AM
(prostitute ghost waja)
4:07 AM
(v wajas appropriate)
4:07 AM
so then does markus actually uhh like idk enjoy sex?
4:08 AM
if he's done all kinds of stuff from vanilla to crazy-whatever-clients want stuff i'm assuming he's tried/seen most if not all flavors of sex?
4:08 AM
so would it be 100% a chore to get through sex or would he still enjoy it in relationships?
4:09 AM
i wasn't sure how to write the sorta kinda sex scene with trevor for this reason squint
WelshenToday at 4:10 AM
Im pretty sure hes asexual but not aromantic, he definitely thinks its a chore but if its with someone he has a romantic interest in its a fun chore?(edited)
4:10 AM
And at this stage its the only way he knows how to connect with people well guys anyway
4:12 AM
Adam fits him better cuz hes got low interest in sex and markus prefers making out and cuddling?
4:12 AM
Thats like 10years later when markus has gotten some idea of what he prefers tho
4:12 AM
Does that even make sense
puzzlezToday at 4:13 AM
4:13 AM
like i said my one oc was a prostitute and he's of a similar uh... mind? i guess is the word?
4:13 AM
in that regard
WelshenToday at 4:13 AM
4:14 AM
Im sure theres plenty of types of people, but these ones just do it as any other job?
4:14 AM
I think markus referred to it as not much difference to idk toilet janitor, he even prefers this cuz he can lay down and nap lol
puzzlezToday at 4:15 AM
WelshenToday at 4:16 AM
Probably napped while working to be honest
puzzlezToday at 4:16 AM
yeh my char did it purely for money and he's impatient af but decent at acting so an extent to he pretended to enjoy company of his clients for the money but secretly hated most of them and the kinkier ones ruined sex for him in a way? like it's just "pretend and act out these ridiculous things" so he doesn't really enjoy sex, figures it's a chore, just gotta see it through to the end, and that mindset continues with him for a while(edited)
4:16 AM
but i can see markus napping
4:17 AM
lazy bones boy
4:17 AM
so i'm guessing markus wouldn't really initiate sex then
WelshenToday at 4:18 AM
He would if trevor made him uncomfortable enough
4:18 AM
Cuz at lesst he knows how to do THAT
puzzlezToday at 4:19 AM
yeah okay that makes sense
4:19 AM
poor kid tho rofl
4:20 AM
so i'm assuming trevor is bad as gay sex in general because never tried before but
4:20 AM
would he be the type to be eager to learn, like want to please markus in bed, or would he be a more impatient/selfish lover, like i wanna race to the end and if we figure out how to please you along the way, then good perf
WelshenToday at 4:22 AM
Probably the first
4:22 AM
If it was the second one markus would start to feel cheated out of money
4:23 AM
Well i mean its not easy to do but by that i mean even if trevor is done theyd still make out enough for markus to get over it
4:23 AM
4:23 AM
This is very difficult
puzzlezToday at 4:24 AM
omg snort
4:24 AM
i think i get what you mean tho
4:24 AM
markus gets "paid" in uh... affection/devotion?idk if that's the right word but
4:24 AM
trevor focusing on some kind of need of markus would be like "payment" in a convoluted sense for the sex?(edited)
WelshenToday at 4:25 AM
4:25 AM
Pretty much exactly
4:26 AM
Well markus hasnt had a currency free relationship yet
4:27 AM
Thinks every bit of affection is to be paid or payment for smth
4:27 AM
This is babys first real bf tbh(edited)
puzzlezToday at 4:29 AM
WelshenToday at 4:30 AM
4:30 AM
Well trevors too
puzzlezToday at 4:30 AM
okay yeh i thought you meant markus/trevor
4:30 AM
making sure
4:30 AM
first real bfs with each other
4:31 AM
sad the relationship goes up in such flames
WelshenToday at 4:31 AM
Yes well
4:31 AM
It was really neithers fault
puzzlezToday at 4:32 AM
and yet the flames buuuurn
WelshenToday at 4:32 AM
But markus is the one on his own after
4:32 AM
Unless u count spencer
puzzlezToday at 4:32 AM
do u count spencer
WelshenToday at 4:32 AM
As a minus i do
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