#and takes keigo somewhere safe before returning to the fight
tiredhawks · 2 years
I guess this may be dark depending on your interpretation? Dabihawks having a conversation before the raid, both aware of what's coming. Hawks who cannot bring himself to turn against the heroes no matter what his instincts are telling him. But Dabi makes a comment about Hawks fighting for a cause he doesn't believe in and Hawks kind of snaps, saying "So take me away from them. Take my wings, burn them to ash, and make me useless to the Commission. Don't let me fight for the heroes, don't let me be a hero. Ruin me."
Hawks has always been used for his quirk, that's always where people have put his value and what they focus on. By telling Dabi to burn his wings, he's asking him to prove that this situation is different. If Dabi wants Hawks' power, he wouldn't damage his wings. If Dabi wants him out of the fight, he'll just kill him and be done with it. But to take his wings would prove to Hawks that that is not what Dabi sees in him, that he finds value in Hawks beyond his quirk. And if Dabi proves that to him with finality, Hawks will follow him to the ends of the earth
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yourtamaki · 4 years
a kind dream, a cold reality
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keigo x f!reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: angst, hurt no comfort, neglect
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there was peace in stability. when exciting beginnings morphed into routine, safe knowing exactly how your days would pan out.
there was also distance. when love declarations became monotone, more habit then heartfelt and kisses become another chore to check off a list.
when did domesticity become purgatory, doomed to repeat actions until all sparks of life had been drained away?
you stood in the kitchen, preparing dinner nearly on autopilot. you didn’t have to look at the time anymore, you’re own internal clock telling you there was 30 minutes until it was done, perfectly timed for when keigo came home from work.
for when he’s supposed to come home at least.
you tried to not think of how many meals had gone cold while waiting for him to return from wherever it was he decided was important to be then with you. at least the neighbours loved you, accepting the countless dishes that would otherwise have gone to waste. you wondered what lie you should tell them today. that you had made too much? that you were trying out a new recipe? you had plenty of time to decide.
setting the table was now a mindless activity, each plate and piece of cutlery placed just so across the dining table. when everything was in its rightful place, you brought out the pasta dish, setting it in the middle in a large bowl with tongs propped up inside. you could never guess how much keigo would eat on any given day so it was always best to let him serve himself. with nothing left to do, you took your seat before the empty plate, staring blankly ahead at where keigo was supposed to be.
you used to love this table. it had been the first thing you and keigo had bought together when you first moved in together. not a bed or a couch. a dining room table from a second hand store he insisted you had to go to because, “we need something alive with memories, songbird.”
you remember how you had both spotted it at the same time. tucked away in the corner, legs scuffed to hell but with the most beautiful dark oak surface you’d ever seen. you hadn’t realized how small it was either until you both sat down for the first time with shitty takeout because neither of you had thought to buy cookware. it was impossible for your knees not to bump into keigo’s, for his thigh not to end up between yours. you both loved the table too much to return it so you had to learn to adjust. now, it was your favourite aspect about the table, the added feeling of closeness as you shared a meal with the love of your life. it set the tone for the rest of your house, turning it from somewhere to live to a shared home.
these days, you had more space then you knew what to do with, your legs could swing under the table unobstructed. you hated it.
your stomach growled, the sound quickly swallowed up by the vast silence. you didn’t want to eat. not yet, not while there was a chance he showed up and you wouldn’t ruin your first meal together in who knows how long just because you got a little peckish. you could wait.
and wait you did.
you plated up a portion for yourself as the setting sun darkened the house, eating mechanically until your fork had nothing left to pick up. the next part was almost a ritual at this point. storing the food away in tupperware, cleaning the dishes, wiping down the kitchen so come morning you could start the cycle once more. you had perfected the routine down to every last detail. there was nothing left to do but get ready to sleep and lay in bed, idly playing with the crimson feather that hung around your neck.
you could refrain from touching it throughout the day but you couldn’t stand not holding it when you were alone in the too wide bed. you were supposed to be surrounded by hundreds of these feathers. you missed the way his wings would wrap around you during the night, pulling you into keigo’s chest. sleep wasn’t the same without them but you had no choice but to make do with the lone feather.
was this going to be the rest of your life? cooking meals no one would eat, cleaning an already spotless house, sleeping cold and alone? this isn’t the future keigo promised you when he got down on one knee, tears already streaming down his face. you weren’t naive, you knew there would be hard times in your marriage. it couldn’t be sunshine and roses all the time. you just thought he would be by your side when those times came.
a tapping at the window had you shooting up in bed in fear, head whipping towards the sound. an all too familiar outline was hovering outside, waving for you to open the window. you carefully made your way across the dark room. you’d unlatched the large window so many times it had become muscle memory and soon enough, your husband was flying through, landing lightly on his feet.
for a brief moment, a warm burst of love filled you. he was home, just an arm’s length away. you knew you’d forgive everything, everything, if he wrapped you up in a tight hug. the one that hurt your ribs and left your feet dangling in the air as he swung you around. the one where you felt his laugh more than heard it, you were pressed so close to his chest. that’s all you needed to remind yourself what you were fighting for. just one hug.
keigo walked past you without a word and the moment died. you think a piece of you died with it. an important piece. it would remind you of the better times, when you weren’t a wife but a girlfriend. when you were a priority in his life, when you could count on him dropping everything if you needed him. the piece that kept you together, kept you whole was gone and in its place was not emptiness but indifference.
“you’re really not going to say anything?” you didn’t understand why your voice came out so hoarse until you realized it was the first time you’ve used it all day. keigo didn’t pause as you broke the silence, continuing to undress with his back to you.
“‘m tired, songbird. can we do this later?” can’t he feel it? the precipice your relationship is on the edge of, threatening to fall and shatter into a thousand pieces at any moment? it dawns on you, watching him yawn and stretch, shaking out his feathers, that no. he doesn’t.
“keigo.” he turned to face you, blinking at the use of his name. always kei, never keigo. “i think i need a break. ”
he huffed out a confused laugh. “break from what?”
“a break from us.” you never knew silence could be so cold. so cold it left you shivering in its grasp. that’s the only explanation of why you were shaking so hard you had to clench your teeth to stop them from chattering.
“that’s not funny, dove.”
“i’m not joking.”
“why?” it was your turn to laugh, a broken, shrill thing that hurt your ears.
“you can’t think of one reason? one reason i’d have to be unhappy in this relationship?”
“look, i know i’m not around much these days but-“
“days? try months.” you felt nauseous at the sight of him, pale faced and eyes that darted around like a cornered animal looking for an escape. distantly, you realized this was unfair to him. you had ambushed him, gave him no preparation for what was quickly turning into a fight. but the hurt that had been growing inside you, gnarled and twisted with thorns that wrapped around your heart and shredded it with every beat demanded to be heard. you could flood your home with all the pain you housed.
“i’m sorry, songbird but i’m a hero. i work the hours commission tells me to. i can’t be here all day with you and you knew that when we first got together.”
“don’t try to make me sound unreasonable for wanting to spend time with my husband. i’m alone, keigo.”
“i know.”
“no you don’t! i am alone. i don’t have friends cause they all used me to get close to the number two hero. i had to sign a contract that said i wasn’t allowed to tell anyone where we lived. i don’t leave the house cause i’m terrified of someone recognizing me and using me against you. i am alone, keigo. with not even myself for company cause i don’t know who i am anymore outside of being your wife.”
he bowed his head, shoulders shaking though you didn’t know from what, his wings curling in as if to protect himself from your rant. “do you still love me?”
you sighed, your mouth opening and closing trying to think of how best to phrase what you felt towards him, “if i didn’t love you, i wouldn’t be telling you all this. i would’ve just left.”
“then stay. please. we can work through this. i'll be better, i’ll cut my hours. please, y/n. i can’t lose you.”
“i love you, kei. but i don’t think i was ever meant to be your wife.”
he was openly crying now, teary eyes meeting your dry ones. you didn’t know when you’d moved past that stage of grief but you were beyond grateful. it gave you the strength to power through this for the both of you. you owed him at least that kindness.
“that’s all you wanted once.” he whispered.
“the dream was kinder to me than the reality.” the truth of your statement was a punch to the gut. you’d wanted nothing more then to marry him, had daydreamed about it long before he popped the question. it felt like an inevitability. an intrinsic truth. the sky was blue. grass is green. you would be keigo’s wife someday. but love alone wasn’t enough to keep you two afloat. not when you’d been left alone to man a sinking ship. “i’ll take the couch and pack in the morning.”
“no! please if… if this is the last time…”
“it’s not forever, kei. just until i remember who i am outside of these walls.”
“still, can i hold you? please? just for tonight.”
you never could refuse him.
your bodies fit back together as though no time had passed since they’ve last held each other. despite the air still tense with emotion, you felt your body relax in his grasp, conditioned to associating the warmth of his chest against your back with safety. you knew in the morning, you’d wake up happy. the memories from tonight would be slow to trickle back in. but that was a problem for the future. tonight, you would savour the bliss of falling asleep with the person you loved most in the world. and you did love him. loved him so much it hurt. loved him enough to take this step back so he wouldn’t blame himself when he woke up one day and realized his wife had become a shell of herself.
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Kinktober - Day Thirty
Prompt: Handcuffs
Pairing: Hawks/Reader (Boku No Hero Academia)
TW: Non-Consensual Touching, Groping, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Violence, Themes of Imprisonment, and Implied Kidnapping.
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“Gotta say, I never thought I’d meet a bad guy so pretty.”
You could feel his hands on your waist, gloved fingers brushing over skin-tight spandex and forming a trail from the curves of your shoulders to your lower back, where Hawks choose to linger, now. On either side, his wings caged you in, accommodating for his lack of height by making him seem bigger and, more importantly, making you seem smaller, but that wasn’t your main concern. Since the day you were born, heroes had treated you like something insignificant, something lesser. You hadn’t expected Hawks to be any different after he found you, left to serve as a distraction by the gang you thought you could trust. You knew he wouldn’t be any better. You were alright with that. You’d come to terms with it.
You just wished he’d stop talking, while he flaunted his superiority.
Another squeeze, this one to the side of your thigh. A search, he’d explained, he was searching you, but beyond forcing you to face the unpainted brick wall, it was a half-hearted effort. You were a sacrificial lamb, something meant to be captured, the metallic cuffs around your wrists were proof of that - cutting into your forearms, dangling your quirk just out of reach as he held the chain, keeping your hands pinned to the base of your spine with little more than the slightest bit of pressure and the suggestion of his weight. You weren’t sure why he bothered with the professional pretense. You get-up was form-fitting, sheer, leaving little to the imagination and even less effectively obscured. He’d noticed, and he hadn’t bothered pretending he hadn’t. Hell, he’d been eyeing you up like a piece for meat since the moment he discovered you, abandoned and restrained and just waiting to be rescued by a big, strong hero.
It was the worst when he spoke. It was the most obvious, when he spoke. “Agency’s been givin’ me the difficult ones, lately - real scum of the earth types, y’know? Not that I mind, I know it’s my job to keep trash like that, like you off the street, but…” He trailed off, his voice fading into a laugh. Slowly, you felt him lean against you, red feathers ruffling as his chest pressed against you back, his hands trailing back to your hips. You went stiff, but if Hawks noticed, he didn’t care. Not enough to stop, at least. “You’re a sight for sore eyes. There isn’t a man on the force who wouldn’t be thankful for the view, after a long day.”
You couldn’t use your quirk, couldn’t fight back in any way that mattered, but you could reel back, drive the heel of your boot into his foot, and only pull away when he let out a mumbled string of swears. His grip tightened, a small frown soon pressing into the junction of your lower neck, but for some reason, his disappointment did little to dampen your sense of satisfaction. “Eat shit, hero.”
“So mean, sweetheart.” He was whining, now, his tone pitchy, frustrating. You were used to people like him, people who’d run their drills and nurtured their strengths and polished themselves into something shiny, into something that didn’t have to take anyone else seriously, but no amount of exposure could stop your impatience from building up, simmering and starting to boil over the longer he dragged this out, the longer he held onto that innocent, careless facade and kept his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck. It was irritating. It was annoying, and he refused to make it end any faster. “Here I am, trying so hard to play nice, but you just can’t return the favor, can you? It makes sense, honestly. No one’s ever washed your mouth out for saying all those bad words, but you don’t have to--”
This time, you drove your elbow into his stomach, aiming to anger more than injure, but Hawks was faster than you. In a moment, he’d caught you by the shoulder, shoving you against the grimy wall and forcing your cheek against rough brick, your chest against a material too solid to be comfortable. “Hawks--”
“Keigo, baby, Keigo.” The correction was swift, practiced. Cooed in the same sympathetic, patronizing tone he’d use to correct a small child, if they told him the sky was green. “C’mon, can you say it for me? You sounded so precious, earlier, asking Mr. Hawks not to hurt you, begging me not to be too rough. You’ll do it again, won’t you?”
“Bastard.” You hadn’t begged, you’d never begged. You were vulnerable, and you’d done what you had to do to keep yourself safe. You weren’t that brave, you’d rather spend a lifetime rotting in a cell than a minute bleeding out on the filthy floor of an empty warehouse, but you were beginning to regret not being just a little more bold. Even if he didn’t kill you, being shackled to a hospital bed would be leagues better than having his eyes tear into you, than feeling his smirk bite into your skin as he pushed a fleeting kiss into the corner of your jaw. For comfort, you assumed. “Just shut up and arrest me, idiot. I would’ve fought back if I knew you’d be such a creep.”
“Another bad habit we’ll have to train you out of,” He lamented, the thought punctuated with a shake of his head, a wistful sigh. Again, his attention drifted, his touch drifted, none of your muffled complaints and stifled squirming stopping him from snaking an arm around your waist, nimble fingers finding the collar of your costume. Your breath hitched in your throat as he toyed with the fabric, but forgivingly, mercifully, he didn’t move to rip through the thin material. His mind was somewhere else. “Do you honestly think I’d put this much effort into someone I’m just going to arrest?”
For the first time since he’d caught you, the panic truly, genuinely began to set in. Your pulse didn’t race, your heart didn’t pound its way through your ribs - instead, both seemed to stop. As if the implication alone would be enough to end you. “You’re not going to… What?”
“Aw, the poor thing’s speechless.” This time, when he pulled your body against his, you struggled. You fought and you kicked and you scratched, but your hands were bound, your only weapon already disposed of, and all Hawks had to do was beat his wings once before you went still, went quiet, before your blood ran cold and you realized that, handcuffs or no handcuffs, you were defenseless. “That’s it,” He praised, as you went limp against him. “No reason to fight. I’m gonna take you somewhere much nicer than prison, and you’re gonna learn to be grateful. I’m gonna be thankful for you, too.”
There was a pause, a smile soon pressed into your jugular. Giddy, unabashed. 
Just as sharp and just as sickening as any cage could ever hope to be.
“I’ve always wanted my own pretty little villain.”
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after-witch · 4 years
Vacation, All I Ever Wanted (Yandere Hawks x Reader)
Title: Vacation, All I Ever Wanted (Yandere Hawks x Reader)
Synopsis: You tentatively agree to visit Japan with some friends for a vacation, two years after breaking up with your controlling ex-boyfriend, Keigo Takami.
(Request) Anonymous said: I am currently on a hawks high don’t ask why... lol and all I can currently think of is that after hawks ex returns to japan on vacation they “bump” into each other and he’s tries to act friendly and his ex at this point is like hi, bye and stop acting like we are together 
Word Count: 
 notes: yandere, manipulative behavior
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~Vacation, all I ever wanted
Vacation, had to get away~
You take a moment to stop and glance around you, taking in the once familiar sights and sounds of the place you’d called home for so long. You haven’t been back to Japan since… well, since breaking it off with your very popular, very famous, and very controlling boyfriend--Keigo Takami, better known to anyone who wasn’t living under a rock as “Hawks.”
He’d been sweet a first, doting and almost too perfect, but bit by bit he showed his true colors. True feathers, as you once said to the friend who helped you leave--she didn’t find the joke funny. Then again, hearing about how your best friend was being abused and manipulated by her seemingly loving boyfriend probably wasn’t the funniest thing in the world.
Still, she’d helped you out. Helped you come up with a cover story, helped you sneak your personal things out of the apartment you and Hawks shared bit by bit--then helped you make an agonizing, stomach-churning escape out of the country.
She insisted you ditch your phone, any technology connecting you to your life in Japan; you had sent one last text message to Keigo, saying that you were breaking up, that you were going somewhere safe, but to never contact you again.
Two years later, and you were finally back. Just for a vacation. Just for two weeks. Your friend originally balked at the idea, but you wheedled and wheedled--it would be safe if you two went together, and besides, he hadn’t even tried to contact you in the years that you’d been away. He must have moved on. She didn’t agree to let you roam about the streets near your old apartment alone, but what she doesn’t know (and she definitely didn’t know--you glance at your phone and see another worried text; you take a moment to tap out a reply: “I’m FINE, just going to get some snacks, staying near the hotel!!”) won’t hurt her.
You take a deep breathe and swear you could smell the warm, baking pastries from your favorite cafe. It wouldn’t hurt to stop in, and you could bring back snacks, just like you’d said. You cross the street, feeling safer and bold lost in the crowds that walked with you, and begin to make your way towards the cafe you used to visit every morning. You can practically taste the sweet drinks and crunchy pastries.
But as you turn the corner, the warm feeling in your stomach suddenly turns ice cold. You feel like your guts have dropped to the floor.
He’s right there.
Keigo. Hawks. Your ex. Standing on a podium, addressing a crowd and a few reporters. Something about catching a villain, all in a day’s work, yadda yadda. You aren’t really hearing the words, only the sound of his voice rushing in your ears--all at once close and distant, reminding you of the arguments and threats and guilt-ridden manipulation.
Your legs suddenly feel like jelly, mushy and trembling. You want to run back the other way but then you realize that he’d probably see the sudden movement. So you wait until someone walks by, then turn to walk alongside them.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Hawks pause for a moment. Just a moment. His eyes lock with yours.
 Oh, fuck, you think. Oh fuck oh fuck oh--
��You wait to feel his hands on your shoulders or hear him call out, but… nothing happens. You continue walking down the street, forcing your fear-numbed legs to keep moving--one step, two step. You can feel cold sweat trickling uncomfortably down your back.
The person you followed crosses the street and you’re left on your own. Maybe he didn’t really see you, you think. Maybe I imagined it. You start to feel more confident in your escape, and reach into your purse to grab your phone and call your friend--
Only for the device to be snatched out of your hands in an instant.
“Hey babe! Take any cute selfies recently?”
You don’t have to look up to see who it is. It’s Hawks. He’s found you.
You quickly turn, trying to run--but he wraps his arms around your shoulders and pulls you in. Tight. Hard. You’re not going anywhere.
“You feelin’ all right, (Y/N)? You look kinda pale. Hey, I know!” He pulls you in closer, and the scent memory of his cologne makes you feel sick. “Let’s go get some lunch! How about something from your favorite place?”
You force yourself to finally look at him, and the sight makes you flinch. He looks… so normal. Like he did on his good days when you weren’t fighting. He’s grinning, nonchalant, a soft look of concern showing in his quirked eyebrows. You thought he’d scream at you, call you a bitch for leaving, or ask where the hell you’d been.
It’s--it’s like you never left, you realize.
“Keigo--” you start, then suddenly press your lips together. You don’t know what to say. Get the hell away from me? He’s not doing anything threatening, technically, but all you know is that you want to leave. Now. And call your friend. Oh, you think. He has your phone.
You reach for it, and he holds it higher, out of your reach. He laughs. The sound is grating to your ears.
“Nuh-uh, no phones today! Remember, you wanted to cut down on screen time?”
You stare at him numbly. “What are you talking about, I don’t--never mind, just… just, give me my phone back.”
He tuts at you. “No way! I gave you your phone back the last time we had a nice lunch date, remember? And you spent the whole time texting your friend instead of paying attention to your totally-loving boyfriend.” His tone is light, jovial--as if you didn’t make a planned escape, as if you didn’t cut off all contact, as if you’d never been gone at all.
You suddenly have the urge to scream. Instead, you try to squirm out of his tight hold, to no avail. You never could get out of his arms, unless he wanted you to; you huff, feeling a strange mixture of fear and annoyance bubbling up inside you.
“I’m serious,” you say, though you know your voice is nowhere near as stern as you’d like it to be. “I’m leaving. Don’t--don’t make this harder than it has to be. It’s been two years and--”
At your words, you feel his hold around you tighten to the point of pain. Your breath feels constricted as his arm wraps tightly around your waist, possessive and pinching.
He leans in close, his grin replaced with an equally familiar sneer.
“I’m being real, real forgiving here (Y/N). You didn’t leave me. You’ve been studying abroad for 2 years. I’ve missed you so, so damn much. But now you’re back, and moving in with me.”
“My--my friend’s waiting for me at the hotel--” you choke out, voice tight with fear.
You hear the phone snapping before you see Keigo tossing it on the ground. He grinds the screen down with his boot, glass crunching, before tossing the ruined device in his jacket pocket.
”Nah,” he says, leading you away with his arm still compressed around you. “No one’s waiting for you but me.”
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touyasthembo · 4 years
Hide, go and seek.
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Keigo Takami/Fem!Reader
Rating: M
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: Oral (reader receiving), some slight dubcon(?), branding, knifeplay (technically?), creampie, breeding kink, degradation, praise, kind of mean!keigo, keigo fucks himself stupid, overstimulation, lil bit of predator/prey, one (1) spank, fearplay, slight dumbification, slight possessiveness, lil bit of bloodplay, some sweetness mixed in.
Notes: My first ever piece of smut that I’ve posted! Hope you guys enjoy, lots more on the way.
Keigo’s week has been nothing but work on top of work on top of work, hellacious and taxing, he’s rapidly coming towards his wit’s end, feeling like he’s about to snap at any given moment. You are his only reprieve, the only good in his life. He loves you so very much. Which is why he feels guilty for wanting to take it all out on you.
You, his sweet little girlfriend. You guys had been experimental in the bedroom, plenty times, certainly. He’d often made use of his unholy amounts of stamina and railed you well into the morning until you were crying, shaking, on the verge of passing out, he’d marked you up, spanked you, done all sorts of things.
Lately, his mind has been going to, well, darker places, admittedly. Some little feral avian part in his brain delights in the idea of “hunting” you down and claiming you, biting you and bruising you up in colors of his name, sinking his claws that itch to grab you into your flesh until you’re lined with the pretty little crescent shaped markings that are his everywhere. 
Maybe digging the tip of a sharpened feather into your skin, watching the blood ooze out so he can lap it up, taste the coppery flavor of you on his tongue.
The strangest thing is, he isn’t even remotely close to a rut. He chalks it off to being overworked and stressed out, wanting a physical way to get rid of all of the negative emotions brewing inside of him.
His patrol is almost over, moon looming over the dark city, bright and beautiful as he pulls out his phone, hands shaking a bit with the motion, opening up the messages and immediately tapping on your name.
keigo baby💘 : turn off all of the lights in the apartment and hide.
Little dove🕊: what? why? is something going on I should know about?
keigo baby💘 : i’m not asking.
When your eyes rove over the texts, you feel your heart pound in your chest, thunderously loud in your ears as you immediately do as you’re told, almost tripping over your own feet every couple of seconds as you do, until your entire apartment is drenched in darkness and you’re standing in the middle of the living room, mind desperately trying to figure out where to hide.
One of the curses of having such an open and modern apartment is that there aren’t many places you can think of. You realize your only safe bet is in your closet, under the pile of clothes. You run inside, trying to close the door behind you as silently as possible, before burrowing under the pile of clean yet-to-be folded clothes, holding your breath when you hear the sliding door that goes out to the balcony slowly open, followed by the sound of slow methodical bootsteps. 
Surely, you reason, that’s Keigo? Then why had he…?
You hear doors in the apartment open, shut, then more bootsteps going further away, then coming closer, you realize he’s systematically going through every single possible hiding space. You’re going to be found in no time. The question is, what happens next?
You hear your shared room’s door slowly creak open, followed by heavy footfalls, the sounds of him rustling through things, opening the other smaller closet, looking under the bed, under the covers, until the footsteps come right up outside your door. You feel your heart leap into your chest, trying to breathe as lightly as you can without passing out.
He yanks the door open without much grace, the sound it makes causing you to yelp, muffled under the clothes pile. You feel his hands reach in and pull you out, and when you look up at him you’re left slightly mortified, just the slightest bit of fear coursing through you.
The only thing illuminated in the dark is his eyes, yellow sharp and piercing, pupils fat as he looks down at you, his prey, his prize. They look wild, bordering on unhinged as he grins widely at you in satisfaction, pearly white teeth with sharp canines glinting in the low light the moon offers, slightly obscured through the window.
“Got you,” He rasps, voice impossibly deep as you look up at him in fear, wonderment, a strange sort of dark aura surrounding him and encapsulating you as well as you sit on your knees in front of him.
“K-Keigo, what’s going on?” You squeak, swallowing nervously as he continues to stare you down with his intense, intimidating yellow glare, looking so very pleased with himself at his catch.
“That’s not important right now, sweetheart, just let me do what I need to do, okay?” He murmurs, voice deceptively saccharine sweet, dripping with malice as he manhandles you up, then tosses you on the softness of your bed, illuminating you in the whitish blue of the moonlight pouring through your uncovered window.
He coos at your terrified expression, gloved hand reaching up and petting your cheek sweetly, other unoccupied hand reaching up to your little nightshirt, fingers curling around the bottom of it as he tugs, until you’re left in just your bra. 
You’d be lying if you said whatever’s gotten into him isn’t making you incredibly aroused, feeling yourself start to get wet under his predatory gaze, which roves over your nearly uncovered chest.
“Keigo! Slow down, and tell me what’s- f-fuck,” You moan, as he abruptly pulls down the cup of your pretty little baby blue bra, immediately latching onto one of your newly exposed nipples and sucking harshly, tongue lapping at the sensitive bud as his other hand pinches the other one, appreciatively squeezing the fat of your tit as he does, enjoying the give it has in his palms. 
You’re whimpering now, squeezing your legs together in search of friction while he hums softly, in between ravenous sucks and licks, alternating between both tits until they’re both wet and sticky with his saliva, his eyes never leaving yours, still with that same unhinged, borderline eerie gaze.
“Sensitive,” You mewl when he pinches a little too hard. He laughs in response to your pathetic little plea, pinching even harder and biting down on the one that he’s currently sucking on. You yelp, hips bucking into his. 
His other hand shoots down, pinning your hips to the bed as his gaze turns dark, toeing the line of furious.
“You’ll take what I give you and nothing more, am I fucking clear?” He hisses, baring his teeth at you, fingers digging in harshly when you don’t answer quickly enough, yelping out a “yes, I’m sorry!” in response that he seems to approve of, returning back to his previous task of torturing your poor chest.
When he gets bored of doing that, he shoves your flimsy little blue shorts down, tossing them somewhere away as he harshly pries your legs apart, gazing openly down at your wet, panty clad cunt lecherously. 
“You got your poor dumb little pussy so fucking wet over me playing with your tits, huh, little slut?” He hisses appreciatively as he thumbs your clit, making you jerk with the suddenness of it, feeling so sensitive from the slight contact, he takes the hand he’d just been teasing you with, pulling his leather glove off with his teeth and bringing it back, bare, against your twitching pussy.
His thumb rubs in teasing little circles through your pale blue panties, not going nearly fast enough to get you to the edge, but it still makes you ache, still makes goosebumps rise all over your sensitive body, nipples hard and neglected in the cool night air as he laughs derisively at your little needy display.
“‘M not a slut, Keigo,” You whine, fighting the urge to grind back into his touch, lest he reprimand you again. Your actions say otherwise, you know, your face heats at how you’re acting, embarrassed with how desperate you are for him to touch you. You’d be lying if you said his words weren’t turning you on even more, even if they do sting a little.
“Oh, but you are, my pretty little slut,” He purrs, using the usually degrading name as a sort of backhanded praise, it leaves you reeling every time he says it, in conjunction with his thumb swirling around your little throbbing clit. 
You’re soaking through the soft cotton of your panties, he eyes the wet spot with a rapt sort of hunger, as he licks his lips, roughly yanking the fabric down your legs, until it’s hanging off your foot, which is dangling off the bed. 
“Oh, fuck,” He says airily, sounding a bit wrecked himself as he sees firsthand how drenched you’ve gotten just from him just barely touching you, his words. You squirm, embarrassed by his entranced gaze on your dripping pussy, how he’s just staring at you without touching you.
He lunges forward, immediately targeting your poor, oversensitive clit, sucking and licking, lapping you up like you’re the sweetest thing he’s ever had the honor of tasting, the noises of him feasting on you nothing short of obscene, wet, slick sounding, you let out a high keen.
The broad of his tongue laps through your wet puffy folds, the taste of your slick on his tongue only making him feel more aroused, head getting even hazier with every little whimper and mewl he makes you let out, how messy you are, all for him.
“Fucking messy, god, you’re so wet,” He moans into you, the vibrations of his voice against you making you buck into his face, the feeling of his stubble on your inner thighs ticklish, only adding to the overstimulation he’s rapidly hurtling you towards. 
You’re dripping down his fucking chin, he realizes with a snarl, amplifying his efforts to make you cum, wanting nothing more than to hear you cry out his name repeatedly from the intensity alone, to announce to the world that he’s the only one that can make you feel this good, make you cum this hard. Nobody else would ever, could never compare.
Your eyes are tearing up as you hiccup, hands fisting in his unruly golden hair as you beg for him to slow down, speed up, babbling nonsense at this point as he devours you.
“Yeah? Gonna cum for me? Gonna cream on my tongue, little dove?” He goads, parting from you with a wet translucent string of both your arousal and his saliva, licking it up without so much as a second thought as he admires how wrecked you are, unshed tears glittering in your eyes.
“Yes, please, please, let me cum, let me- ghkk,” You garble as he shoves his long thick fingers in your mouth, telling you firmly to suck, which you immediately obey. 
Hollowing out your cheeks as your eyes flutter shut, the combination of his fingers fucking into your mouth as you lick and suck around his invading digits, his tongue fucking into your pussy, flitting up to pulse around your clit, sends you hurtling over the edge as you cum, hard, with a muffled wail.
He parts from your still clenching cunt, panting heavily as the bottom half of his face drips with your release, his tongue lapping up as much as it can, before he crawls up the length of your body to slam his lips against yours, tongue immediately invading your mouth and twining with yours, sharing the taste of your arousal with you.
You moan weakly into his mouth, the force of your orgasm making you see little stars behind your closed eyelids, he responds with soft little noises, grumbling in the back of his throat. In hindsight, you’re incredibly foolish for thinking that was the end of it, that he’d gotten what he wanted and was completely satisfied.
When he parts from you with a little wet smooch, far too sweet considering how aggressive he’d been, your heavy lidded eyes open to the sight of his amber eyes, narrowed now into little slits as he stares you down once more, you realize you’re not entirely out of the woods yet.
He summons a long crimson feather to his left hand, twirling it between his fingers as he watches your face for every little microexpression. His cock twitches in his pants when he sees the slightest hint of fear enter your pupils.
“You always told me my feathers are so pretty, wanna put that to the test, little love? Want me to mark you up nice and good, gorgeous, all for me?” He hums, tickling under your chin with the soft plumed crimson end of it, tilting his head at you. He already knows what you’re thinking, truly he doesn’t even need to ask.
You gulp, he grins, one large strong hand flipping you over onto your tummy, gripping your wrists together as he hums a little song in his throat, practically purring at the sight of your ass, bare in the moonlight in front of him. 
He winds a long arm back, smacking it harshly just to see it jiggle, releasing a low groan of approval when it does, the sting of it making you grind back against his leg that’s snuck its way in between your slicked thighs. 
He lets you, but moves it back just the slightest bit so that the pressure wouldn’t be enough for you to cum again.
When you feel the sharp poke of his feather against the tender skin of your ass, you whimper, muffled by the bedsheets underneath you, stiffening in anticipation. He puts more pressure, you feel your skin start to give, toes curling as you realize he truly does intend to cut you with the sharp end of his feather.
The pain is low, throbbing, when he finishes each little section of whatever it is he’s cutting into your skin, you feel blood bead at the surface of your skin, dripping down the side of your throbbing cheek, to your mortification he leans down and laps it up before it can stain your sheets, humming at the taste in his mouth.
It’s another couple of seconds until he’s done, admiring his handiwork as you shake and writhe underneath him, your ass throbbing with a dull sort of ache as he finally relinquishes your wrists, letting you stand back up. He drags you over to the mirror, then turns you around.
Across your left ass cheek, is his name, written in his handwriting, branded into your skin. Loftily, you wonder if it’ll scar, wobbling a little, still a bit dizzy from your previous orgasm.
“So pretty,” He praises, admiring the raised lines that spell out ‘K E I G O’ across the globe of your ass. He’d made it very compact, neat, thankfully, something that could be hidden, but he’d always know it was there, that he’d been the one to mark you. 
He comes in closer behind you, until you feel the hard still clothed bulge of his cock grinding against your freshly branded ass, murmuring appreciative little sweet nothings in your ear, followed by sweet little kisses, nibbles and licks to any exposed skin he can find, targeting your neck and ear specifically.
“Now that I’m finished with that, it would be a shame to leave my cock this hard and unattended to, don’t you think?” He cooes, voice like liquid velvet to your foggy brain, sucking little marks into the tender skin of your neck as he slowly walks the two of you back to your bed, arm wrapped protectively around your waist.
He coaxes you onto the bed with sweet lilting words, promising he’s gonna make the pain all worth it, all better as soon as you take care of him, your brain greedily lapping up his words, which are interspersed with praise.
“You’re so good for me, my little dove, so obedient,” He purrs, once again maneuvering you with rough hands until you’re once again on your stomach on your shared bed. You can hear the metal clinks of him undoing his belt, fabric shifting followed by a low groan as you hear the unmistakable sounds of him working his cock, feeling his eyes burn into the brand he’d made on you.
You feel his thick tip press against your soaked little hole, his hands on your hips, squeezing at your flesh appreciatively, as he nudges your entrance, not thrusting in yet. You attempt to grind back, but the strength of his grip on your hips immediately halts the action before it can even start.
You’re sweating, your thighs are quivering in anticipation, heart pounding in your chest as you make little desperate sounds, hoping that will be enough for him. He seems to be in a particular mood tonight, however, his silence and lack of action is deafening, only serving to make you more desperate for his cock, for praise, degradation, anything, you just needed him. 
You didn’t care if your ass stung or your body felt a bit boneless, or if your breath is coming in staccato little pants, you just want the familiar stretch, heat of him inside of you, fucking into you until you feel whole again. Fucking you until your mind goes dumb with pleasure and you’re drooling into the bedding below you, sobbing his name.
“Please, Keigo, wan’ your fat cock to stretch me out, ruin me, fuck me stupid, I love it so much, please,” You slur, turning your head to the side, so your words aren’t muffled by your bedsheets, desperate fat wet tears starting to run down your face as you hiccup.
He coos with faux sympathy, leaning down to catch one on his tongue, the wet taste of salt on his tongue. 
“Yeah? You want this cock? This cock’s the only one that can stretch you out so good, leave you sore for days, huh little dove?” He murmurs, the faux sympathy entering his voice too as he rocks himself against your dripping little cunt, still rubbing the head against your twitching hole. He slaps it against your clit for good measure, relishing in the little squeak he gets in response.
You nod rapidly, tongue feeling heavy in your mouth, eyes glittering with more unshed tears. He looks positively elated at the state you’re in, smirking smugly down at you as his sharp avian eyes gaze all around your teary eyed, warm little face, cheek slightly squished by the bed underneath you. 
“When you look this fucked out when I’ve only made you cum once, how can I deny?” He whispers, a slow sadistic grin rising on his face as he suddenly lurches forward, shoving the entirety of his thick cock inside of your wet hole all at once.
You squeal at the sudden intrusion, writhing under him as he presses all of his body weight against you, intending to fuck you into the bed with it. He’s so thick inside of you, stretching you out, bordering on painful even though you’ve taken him so many times now, you can feel him throb at the little pants and gasps that escape your mouth. 
“Fuck! Nngh, Kei-go, feels so good inside,” You sob, clawing at the sheets beneath you, the pain subsiding into pleasure as he very graciously lets your walls adjust to his thickness, the length of him, a little, anyways, before he completely starts ruining you.
“Mm, know it does, fuck you’re so tight, your pussy was made for me, you know,” He grunts, mouth open as he pants, a bit like a dog at the feeling of your tight wet walls squeezing his cock, nearly a vice grip. 
Sweat rolls down his temple as he fights the urge to start pounding into you, he’d already pushed it by shoving it all in at once, he didn’t actually want to cause you any more pain than strictly necessary, by his standards. Besides, you’d been so good for him, only disobeying him once, he deemed the brand on your ass a fitting punishment. 
When he feels you trying to rock back against him, goad him into fucking you, he laughs, mocking and deceptively sweet in your ear as he lifts up your head by your neck, long fingers winding around it.
“So desperate for me to make you my little cocksleeve, huh, angel?”
“Don’t test your luck, you’ll get fucked when I’m good and ready, so be patient, ok? Just wanna enjoy your tight little cunt clenching around me.” You don’t miss the threat in his words, wondering exactly what the next step up from a literal brand would be. 
But you listen, obedient, enjoying the sensation of his lips pressing against your sweaty face, tongue lapping up the salt he finds on your warm cheek, before moving down to your neck and suckling against the skin he finds there. 
He noses against it, the tenderness mixed with how harshly he’s been marking you swirling through your head in an intoxicating mix of love and lust you feel for him. Suddenly, you find yourself itching for a kiss.
“Kei, kiss please,” You beg, reduced to barely coherent sentences as you turn your face to look back at his, pleadingly, eyes wide and glassy, still full of unshed tears. 
How desperate you look, your eyes longingly begging him, your shaky little voice asking him for something so sweet makes his heart ache, through all the haze, the need to completely dominate you and make you his, over, and over, it makes him feel soft inside, his expression cracking from intimidating, to something softer, love-struck.
He obliges, leaning forward and pressing his lips against yours, licking into your mouth with slow, languid kisses, despite all of the fervor and heat he puts into them, you can feel he’s telling you how much he loves you, how grateful he is for you.
The room is filled with the wet sounds of you kissing, him grinding his cock against your sopping folds and against your eager hole as he slowly withdraws, before slamming into you harshly once more.
The once slow, sensual kisses turn fervid, as he bites and nibbles at your lips, tongue completely plundering your mouth as he loses himself to his base instincts to dominate, breed once more. 
His pace is nothing short of punishing, swollen cockhead pounding against the spot deep inside of you that makes you see stars, your pussy dripping copious amounts of your slick, so much so that it pools at the bottom of the sheets, down his heavy balls that are rapidly slapping against the sensitive newly carved skin of your ass.
The arm that isn’t wrapped around your waist, keeping you upright in a position so that he can kiss you, reaches down and rubs against your clit, greedily swallowing the muffled moans and mewls you make in his mouth as he continues ravaging you, feeling him throbbing inside of you, hearing the wet sounds you’re making around his cock, wet clicks and sloshes as he grunts and snarls into your messy kiss.
With every pass of the pads of his fingers over your oversensitive clit, pleasure rushes through you, up your spine and down into your toes, that curl with the overwhelming feeling, his expert fingers matching the punishing pace of his thrusts.
“Keigo-oh-oh,” You moan as he bounces you atop his cock, the motion making your words elongate, pleasure making your eyes roll back into your head, mouth flopped open as you drool, until he guides your head back to his with the strong grip of his hand, kissing you once more as the muffled sounds of your moans and his grunts fill the room, followed by the rapid sound of skin on skin as he continues fucking into your drenched pussy.
His wings span out behind him, crimson and beautiful in the dark, some of the feathers ruffling with the force of his oncoming orgasm, he can feel it, practically able to taste the ecstasy that’s going to overload his senses when he finally does, feeling you clench around his hard, throbbing length. 
He knows you’re close too. He can feel you tightening around him, feel the vibrations of your increasing moans against his lips as he kisses you, over and over, fingers rubbing tight quick little circles over your sensitive throbbing clit until he feels you pulse around him, a high little keen escaping you as you part for air, gasping and releasing little sobbing heaves of breath with the force of your orgasm, immediately sending him over the edge with you.
With a loud, drawn out moan of pleasure, he slumps against you, all but crushing you underneath his weight as his cock spurts his hot, thick cum inside your battered walls, feeling you pulse weakly around him in response, moaning out yourself in the relief the warmth offers you, his wings arching outward, spanning out to their full length as he shivers and whines.
He’s never cum this much before, still releasing soft little moans as he ruts inside of you, cock still hard and twitching, filling you to the brim with his warm sticky white cream, mumbling incoherently something about “making sure it takes” as he does.
“G’nna breed you, gonna knock you up, fill you with my brood, make sure you’re mine forever,” He slurs, face flushed red and yellow eyes unfocused, weakly moaning with every little rut against your backside, sliding back in forth in your pussy, eyes rolling back into his skull as he continues on babbling, feeling him get harder inside of your sore little pussy with every word. 
“Gotta cum inside you again ‘n again, gotta breed you, fuuuck,” He groans, speed increasing inside you as he gets desperate once more just from the little fantasies playing out in his head. 
You whimper with overstimulation, as the head of his cock once more batters against your sweet spot, the wet squishy sounds it makes as it thrusts in and out even more obscene with the added cum inside of you acting as lube, dripping out of you and making a little puddle on the bed beneath you.
He’s growling now, sinking his sharp teeth into your shoulder, between the junction of your neck, biting down hard as he pounds into you once more as you writhe and mewl beneath him, his long thick fingers once more rubbing against your abused oversensitive clit.
“Take it, god, gonna cum, gonna breed your little cunt!” He snarls as he cums once more, pressed up against the plush thick ring of your cervix, shooting more ropes of his warm milky white seed into your fertile little womb as he pants, shaking with rare overexertion, some of his feathers shooting off somewhere into the room with the force of it. 
Something about the idea of him breeding you seems to have taken everything out of him, you think as he watches his cum seep out of your tender little hole, fucking it back in with his long, thick fingers, then he reaches out for you, tugging you against him so he’s spooning you.
He peppers you with kisses, weakly murmuring praise, telling you how good you’d been for him, how proud he was of you, how gorgeous you looked covered in sweat with his cum dripping out of your sweet little pussy, all for him, how pretty you’d look swollen with his brood, tummy round and stretched.
“I’d take such good care of you, promise. God you’re so gorgeous, I love you,” He moans, shaky arms wrapped around you, still immersed in his little fantasy, feeling him hard against your back once more, knowing with relief he’s still too weak from his last orgasm to do anything yet. 
You’d at the very least get a couple hours of rest before he’d continue on, insatiable with the need to claim you over and over until the first rays of morning light filtered through your window.
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sativaasiren · 4 years
Relationship: Hawks x Reader
Genre: one shot, hurt/angst
Summary: A companion piece to “Tolerate It” from an alternate point of view. Hawks keeps secrets and lies from Reader while she slowly unravels their relationship. Based on the song “Kid” by the Pretenders (slowed version)
Notes: I wanted to flesh out the scenario I set in Tolerate it with a different point of view. Fic is best enjoyed while listening to “Kid” by the Pretenders (slow live version)
*Kid, What changed your mood? You got all sad. So I feel sad too*
Takami Keigo was many things, but being unobservant wasn’t one of them. He could pinpoint the exact moment he felt (Y/N) pulling away from him. It was about a year into their relationship, he had been gone on a scouting mission with a few other heroes and was gone for almost 3 weeks. The mission required him to maintain a cover in public spaces, blending into his surroundings.
Hawks looked down at his phone absentmindedly. He had told (Y/N) not to worry but she did anyway. She was always so apt to forge her own path and make her own choices regardless of what he suggested, he loved that about her but they had fought the morning he left.
She had asked him when she could expect him home and what he might want for dinner when he got back but he was up to his ears and snapped at her, the probing questions hitting his patience just right. “How should I know what I would want weeks from now? I’m busy”
Keigo looked up from the paperwork to see her pained expression, and he had to hide how it crushed him inside.
“I understand. I’ll give you some space. I love you, Keigo, please stay safe”
(Y/N) backed away from the kitchen table and headed towards the bedroom.
“Love you too, kid. I’ll see ya later”. He got half of the sentence out before he heard her gently close the door. Keigo had pretended their entire relationship to not be as sharp with his hearing as he was his eyesight. He wanted to protect her and make her feel safe to do things behind closed doors without him listening in.
But he heard everything. He could hear the choked sob that came from deep inside her chest once she felt she was tucked away safely in their room, away from prying minds. Keigo looked back down at the papers scattered around and shoved them off the table.
Hawks was mad at himself. He could feel himself hurting you but was not fully able to stop himself. He wanted to be your protector but it was easier to cut himself off from someone like her, who loved him. Keigo never felt deserving of your love and was quick to show you, prove he was right.
Shaking his head, he returned to the present moment. His phone had been silent since he left, the fight between them laying thick in the air. Keigo found solace being stuck on a mission in a bar right now, and while he was techinically off the clock, he could drown his sorrows as much as he desired. Keigo flagged down the bartender and ordered another glass of Jack, settling into his bar stool.
Hawks had since lost count of the drinks he had. Somewhere between 2 and not enough to get him cut off, but the room seemed hazy and the edges of his vision were softer.
A woman had sat down in the seat next to him and he was completely oblivious to her presence until she tapped on his shoulder. “You’re far too gorgeous to be drinking here alone but that doesn’t seem to have stopped you. Can I buy your next round?”
She was pulling on his jacket collar gently and staring up at him from under her lashes, eyes green and piercing.
Hawks wanted to grab her hand and move it off of him, put an end to her flirtation, but he wasn’t feeling strong enough to resist. He was still pissed at himself, and it had migrated to being pissed at (Y/N). Keigo looked down at his phone and internally announced “If she doesn’t text me in the next 10 minutes, she probably wants me gone anyway.”
Keigo looked back at the woman. “Yeah, another jack and coke. Thanks”
She beamed back at him, hoping that his acceptance of a drink was the next step in this seamless dance they were doing together. Her goal was to go home with the handsome stranger, and she was determined to get her way.
The bartender made Keigo’s order and swapped out his empty glass for the new one. Hawks took the drink and smirked at the lady. “Thank you for the drink...”
“Mami. Mami. Pretty name, I think it suits you” Hawks punctuated his comment with a long sip of his drink, enjoying the way it scorched his insides on the way down.
“Thank you....”
“Kosuke. Name’s Kosuke”
“What are your plans for tonight, Kosuke?” Mami leaned back towards him and resumed fiddling with his collar and fur around the jacket.
Keigo looked down at his cell one last time. Her 10 minutes was up, and he was decided.
“Whatever you want them to be, gorgeous” Keigo sealed his fate and (Y/N) an unknowing participant in his game, was too late to change his mind.
When Hawks finally returned home 4 days later, he had changed. He had begun to dread walking through the front door where (Y/N) was probably waiting, eager to greet him and shower him with affection. It would take more than a small spat for her to break her pattern of love.
His stomach knotted itself while he slowly turned the handle. How long could he keep it a secret?
(Y/N) was standing 3 feet from the door, holding her hands together to calm her nerves. She was always afraid he would come home too broken for time to mend.
Keigo slowly walked through the door and he wished he was anywhere other than home.
“Keigo! I’m glad you came home safely!” She outreached her hands in excitement, reaching for him to come close.
Hawks looked at her for only a moment, making a poor attempt at eye contact. Something was wrong, he may be tired when he came home but this was the first time he was despondent.
“Sorry Kid, it was a long mission and I’d like to get some sleep. We’ll talk later”. Keigo shuffled past (Y/N) with his head hung low, refusing to allow her a look at his face. He shut the bedroom door behind him and Y/N was still standing in place, arms outstretched, processing what had even happened.
*I think I know. Some things you never outgrow. You think it's wrong. I can tell you do.*
Hawks had been home for a few days and had been no more forthcoming than he was when he got home. (Y/N) waited for him to open up about his time away but it never came. She would return home from work to the same empty shell of her boyfriend.
(Y/N) would clean to calm her anxiety, it helped her process her feelings while keeping her focused on a mundane task. Keigo was in the shower and she toiled away on the dishes when a chime sounded from the kitchen. (Y/N) turned the water off and headed towards the sound, assuming it was her phone but she was wrong. On the screen, the notification read:
(Y/N) fought the urge to snoop through his phone, but she felt her stomach sink and knew there were very few explanations for why another girl would be texting Keigo. (Y/N) locked the phone to dim the screen and resumed the dishes, stuck on an internal panic that she couldn’t stop. Who was Mami?
Keigo returned to the living room in only a towel, choosing to not acknowledge (Y/N) and heading directly for his phone. (Y/N) was standing over the sink, gripping the basis and trying to steel herself for what she was about to do.
“Who’s Mami?”
Hawks froze in his tracks, staring through your back. What did she say? “There’s no way she figured me out in 4 days. Not possible” he mulled to himself.
After an extended pause used to prep his trail of lies, he started to answer “Mami was another person I worked with on my mission. She was the eyes on the inside. Nothing to worry about”
(Y/N) turned around to face him, eyes growing reflective and watery. She refused to cry to him, reveal her jealousy and her insecurity but it was impossible to hold back everything she was feeling at the same time, one emotion had to leak through the cracks in her wall.
“Is that all?”
*How can I explain. When you don't want me to.*
Keigo nodded slowly. “I love you Kid. You don’t need to worry about me. It’s only ever been you”
(Y/N) grimaced and turned back towards the sink, choosing to believe Keigo over risking losing the one she loved. She kept quiet, softly scrubbing the plates in front of her.
The guilt sank deeper into his bones. He was too far in now, he could never go back. Was this the right choice? He loved her but Hawks knew that what they had came with a fast expiration date, it didn’t matter what they did, it would end.
*Kid, My only kid. You look so small. You've gone so quiet.*
The days felt longer when they didn’t speak to fill the silence. (Y/N) only spoke a fraction of the time she used to. Mostly her repetitive questions about dinner, when he was leaving, would they spend time together before he left. It was what wasn’t being said that sat in the air. If neither of them touched the subject, they could pretend it didn’t exist and they would have to shatter the illusion they were intent on living.
*I know you know what I'm about. I won't deny it.*
Months went on following the new norm. Hawks went away for weeks at a time, distance himself while he was gone, and returned home drunk when he finally decided to go home. (Y/N) was just as doting and loving as she always had been, she refused to give into the dark cloud that hovered in her head. It took all of her inner strength to not ask him where he was and who with upon his arrival. Why ask him if he was going to lie anyway? What good would it do?
Keigo had been playing charades his entire life, this was no different, but (Y/N) could throw a curveball into his web and tear a hole in it with a single question. The more he lied, the more she pieced together why. Some nights, it was too hard to lie to her. To give her the comfort she was so craving. After about 4 drinks, his softness rotted away and all that remained was his sandpaper exterior.
Hawks had come home late one night, a bit weak on his feet but still mobile. He was drunk, and only the door frame was holding him upright.
He stumbled his way to the kitchen table and dropped into the chair, groaning and nursing a headache.
(Y/N) stood in the hallway, watching him from afar. He caused quite a ruckus trying to come inside and it had interrupted her reading. She was worried, and she wanted to bring him a glass of water and some medicine. (Y/N) didn’t hesitate this time, she loved taking care of him, and it would take a lot more than deception to break her love for him.
She walked past him to the cabinet and took out a small glass. Filling it up at the sink, she set it down in front of him and went to the medicine cabinet to grab him something for his pain. (Y/N) returned and gently set the pills next to the glass.
Hawks reached over and grabbed them from the table, grazing his hand against hers. Something inside him snapped, she was warm and he had forgotten, and soon she will be gone. His eyes went dark and he smirked at the glass of water, reaching for it and popping the pills into his mouth.
“Thanks Kid.”
“Can I ask you something?”
Keigo shut his eyes and stopped breathing for a moment. He knew he was going to be backed in a corner but he couldn’t take any more time to process without making the situation worse.
“Yeah, what?”
“Do you even miss me when you’re gone doing God knows what?”. (Y/N)’s voice was cold and seeping with anger. She had surprised herself, not expecting for that choice of words and tones to leave the confines of her mind.
Keigo opened his mouth like he was laughing but no sound came out. He was pissed at and for no valid reasons. She was asking him something she earned the right to ask but he was mad she was doubting him. The hypocrisy of his thoughts didn’t go unnoticed but he started to speak before he was finished. Time’s up.
“Only sometimes”
(Y/N) flinched like she had been hit. She reached her fingers out towards him and crumpled them into her palms. She would not touch him this time.
She slowly retreated for the safety of the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She barely finished the task before gripping onto the counter and crumpling to the floor, sobbing into her elbow in a poor attempt to hide the sound. Her world was crumbling in around her, and she still loved him.
*But you forget. You don't understand. You've turned your head. You've dropped my hand.*
(Y/N) stopped asking questions about Keigo’s alter life outside of their shared apartment. The answers were killing her but she couldn’t let him go just yet. She would need time to brace herself, steel against the pain in her chest, and leave.
Hawks could tell he was going to lose (Y/N). She spent their time home together in silence, wanting. When he returned home, she only held his hand for a moment and then retreated to the kitchen, finishing dinner.
Keigo stopped sleeping. Who knew that this choice in the vats of many would be the one to kill him and keep him awake. (Y/N) was asleep soundly beside him, curled into a ball, and he watched her breathe. Hawks reached out a finger and gently brushed her arm, stroking in straight lines from shoulder to elbow. “If this was a different life, and I was a different man, we could have been perfect. But I can’t be who you need.” He whispered to himself, barely audible.
*All my sorrows. All my blues. All my sorrows.
Hawks kept drinking and every time he got drunk, he would black out and go home with someone. He had lost count of how many women or men it had been so far. Anything to numb how he felt inside. Keigo never thought he would be deserving of love and he was out to prove it.
(Y/N) had been packing in small amounts. Drawers that he never used, boxes from under their bed, things tucked in the back of the closet. She slowly packed pieces of her life away and traveled them to her new apartment. It wasn’t far from where you were and made it easy to smuggle out her belongings. (Y/N) wanted to leave but she needed time to do it.
Hawks noticed things going missing when the books on the shelves seemed fewer. Then he started pacing around the house while (Y/N) worked, searching for what was gone. After discovering that more of her things were gone than remained, it dawned on him where this was headed. She’s going to leave soon. I made her leave.
*Full of grace, you cover your face.*
Keigo returned home drunk once again but this time (Y/N) didn’t seem as cold as she had been. She was red in the face, flushed, and trembling slightly.
“Keigo, I made dinner if you’re hungry?”
Keigo looked over at her on the way to the couch, but it overwhelmed him. He needed to get the hell out of there fast.
“I’m only home for a few minutes before i’m going back out. I have plans”.
“Oh okay, I was hoping to spend time with you today. Maybe later then?” (Y/N)’s voice cracked when she got to later then, it was a piss poor attempt at courage but it was all she was capable of.
Keigo didn’t reply, just exhaled loudly. He was tired of playing games and lying to you but it had to be done. Hawks sat up when his phone started to buzz on the coffee table. He snagged it up and looked at the message lightning fast and made his way back to the front door.
You shakily reached out towards his back and retracted your hand before he saw. “I love you, Keigo. Please be safe”
Keigo slowly smiled at you and replied with his usual comment. “Love you too, kid. I’ll see ya later”
Keigo rushed out the door and into the alley near their house, hoping for privacy. Once he was midway through and in the darkest part of the alley, he punched the wall and threw his phone into the cement. I love her and I made her leave me. Hawks started to break down, holding his face in his hands and crying. “I wanted to love you but I was kidding myself. I don’t know how to be the man you need me to be.”. Keigo shook his head violently and jumped off for a flight to somewhere, anywhere but this neighborhood. It all reminded him of you.
*Kid. Precious kid. Your eyes are blue but you won't cry I know. Angry tears are too dear. You won't let them go.*
Keigo came home late that night, sneaking into his house quietly. He made his way to your bedroom and saw your sleeping form in bed. Hawks couldn’t bear sleeping next to you tonight when he was still raw from earlier. He slipped off his jacket and boots and curled up on the small loveseat you had by the window. It smelled like (Y/N) and lulled him to sleep.
Keigo woke up when he heard movement. He opened one eye to see the bed empty and the house dark. He closed his eye again and squeezed them shut. It’s today.
Time moved slow while he waited to hear the door open and shut, shutting you out of his life forever. His eyes closed, he pictured your face on your first flight with him, full of joy and excitement. Keigo saw that light drain out of you, and he was to blame. This would sit heavy on his soul for the rest of days.
He heard a soft squeak at the doorway and knew you were standing there.
“I love you, Keigo. Please be safe”. (Y/N) whispered.
Keigo listened for her receding footsteps and heard the click of the front door lock. He stared up at the ceiling, cursing himself.
“Love you too, Kid. I’ll see ya later”. Keigo whispered to the empty room, wide awake. She was gone, and he was alone.
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22. Keigo Takami
          Theme: Warlock, soulmate 
          Kinks: Mutual intoxication, dry humping, cowgirl
You clutch your spellbook tight like how mothers hold onto their babies. It’s worn and weathered, and its black leather tells more of a story than how to cure warts with a bit of bacon grease. It’s probably as old as your line, and it traveled all the way down that family tree to you, a mere leaf. The pack on your shoulders was ladened down with food stock, a knife, quill feathers, bottles of ink, charms, clothes, and an extra pair of socks. You found yourself at the center of a family dispute. Marriage had been on the table. Two men that you wouldn’t be caught dead with at the harvest festival, let alone meet him at the altar. It wasn’t that they were ugly; you weren’t that shallow. It was their personalities that made you gag. One was a raging hot-head with the ego to match his fire-powered magic. The other was just as bad except add an inferiority complex and creepy blue eyes. Naturally, picking neither displeased your family so much that they were forced to fight and debate, which would be the better match.
Your opinion was a moot point.
An idea struck you in the middle of the night. You woke from a dream where you walked through a forest, and it was raining red feathers. This was the omen you waited for. Well, any excuse would have nice, but you couldn’t imagine the serendipitous coincidence of such a dream a few days before your parents would decide your fate…for you. By dawn, you already began to set your plan in motion. At midnight the following night, you secreted some things away in a large pack, snuck out, and hurried into the woods where they didn’t dare to follow you.
Within a couple of days, you couldn’t smell the smoke of chimneys or hear the cows and goats. Instead, you smelled damp earth and ripening wild apple trees and listened to the calls of various birds. Magpies, cuckoos, sparrows, and crows, you heard them all but no red feathers. You never saw a cardinal, which you hoped to mean that you were on the right path just as you interpreted your dream. Once or twice you took shelter beneath a conifer or the ruins of an ancient building to escape the rain, which it often did. You foraged where you could and slept on a pillow of moss. You were tired, but this was the sweetest price of freedom.
The forest wasn’t particularly cursed or haunted. There weren’t any wolves, and nobody had seen a bear roam through here in decades. You knew enough about the wildlife to leave enough alone. All you had to do was march through the woods and reach the next village on the other side before winter set in. Your family was too good for trekking through the woods and far too proud to ask someone on the other side of the woods for help. Soon, you’d be out of their hair.
You were trampling through the woods one afternoon. The earth and fallen leaves were sodden with a recent shower. You barely had enough time the night before to create a shelter for you with a spell you found in your family’s tome. It was rightfully yours by birth, and your mother had no interest or skill in magic at any rate. Your grandmother certainly approved when she helped you sneak it out of the house. Wherever you went in the world, you would find work. Witches and warlocks had been in high demand for some of their conjurations, and with your skills and knowledge as a healer, you could find a job easily enough. If not in the next village, then in the next one. Or maybe you would go far into one of those cities you heard so much about from passing travelers.
Your leather shoes were soaked through having trekked through the mud and rain puddles. It dampened your socks all the way to the marrow of your bones underneath. You could feel your toes begin to tingle. You looked around, hoping to find more ruins or a cave, for a place to build a fire. You looked at the trees, and your heart sank a little. All the branches around you looked too wet to be used as firewood. There were a handful of matches left in your pack, but you needed to save those for emergencies, not just because your toes were getting cold. You had to find shelter soon. The clouds had been gray all morning, and the rain was coming again. You sighed for the umpteenth time while looking at the sky.
A laughing brook ran out ahead of you. The width was big enough for you to jump across no problem. You thought that if there was a brook, it could turn into a stream. A stream meant a waterway, and where there was a waterway, there was bound to be people. People lived in houses. You followed the brook through its natural course. Just as you thought, the brook grew bigger and bigger in size. It turned into a stream, then a creek and finally a small river. It cut through a clearing in the forest. Your eyes traveled with it to a lovely two-story cottage. Attached to that cottage was a watermill that turned the water into frothing foam. A garden grew wild though somehow not choked by weeds. You stopped in your tracks.
No. That couldn’t be. Your eyes must be deceiving you.
In the garden grew all sorts of flowers and herbs, most of which were out of season. You saw lush leaves, blooms, and green foliage even from where you stood when you knew that they should have turned brown with the season. That was the first of your many mysterious and curious sights. You drew closer to the place and discovered that the cottage was no cottage. Wood turned into cobbled stones, and the humble appearance took on a new shape. It wasn’t the size of a castle, but it imitated its shape. There was a keep, a tower, and a courtyard that grew a variety of trees. The bricks were made of stones you never laid eyes on before. They seemed to glitter despite the dull sunlight. That was one thing that this mysterious place couldn’t change the weather.
You realized that the smoke billowing out of the chimney wasn’t gray but shimmering purple. Plumes of it belched into the sky before disappearing. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. You had to skulk about the courtyard to find the main entrance. It was a heavy ebony wood door with a green-blue Green Man’s face for an ornate knocker. You clutched the ring in your hand and banged on the door twice and stood on the stoop for probably ten minutes before the door swung open.
You didn’t know what or who you were expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this. Instead of a wizened old man with a flowing white beard or a velvet-clad seductress, it was a young man, not much older than you. He had golden eyes marked at two corners with black arrows. Blonde hair was swept back from his face and yet remained uncontrolled. The man rubbed the sleep from his eyes. You felt bad for waking him up from his nap (because how could he still be asleep at noon?).
“Excuse me, sir, I was wondering if you mind terribly granting me shelter. I’ve been traveling for days, and my boots are soaked all the way through. It’s going to rain soon, and I was hoping to mind somewhere safe to rest and stay clear out of it,” you said.
The man in the doorway stared and stared and stared. After a while, he had to blink or go blind.
“What did you say your name was?” His voice made you tremble.
Not out of fear, though. There was something in his voice that sent a playful tingle down your spine. You furrowed your brows.
“I-I didn’t give you my name,” you said, curious.
“Why don’t you come on in and warm yourself by the fire? We can exchange introductions over some tea?” The man in the doorway pulled the door open wide enough for you to enter.
If you thought his house was big on the outside, it was much bigger on the inside. Or it would have been if the space wasn’t taken up by trinkets, tools, and books. Towers of books reached the vaulted ceilings. You picked up the front of your skirts to give your legs room to keep up with him. He was a little shorter than you, but he walked a lot faster. His parlor was, so far, the cleanest space in his home you’d seen. At least, by comparison, the parlor was spacious, and you could comfortably sit down in the large armchair by the fire. You set your bag down and plopped right into the chair. Your feet would be singing your praises if they had mouths and sentience. You warmed your feet by the fire while your host left to make tea.
He returned after a long while with a serving tray. Jasmine filled the parlor as he poured two cups. Taking the seat across from you, he sipped from his cup.
“I’m Keigo Takami,” he said.
Politely, you returned, “Y/N L/N.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/N, if I have permission to call you that?”
“You do.” You grinned into your teacup.
“What brings you all the way out here in the middle of the woods? Get lost on the way to the next town?” Keigo asked.
“Not exactly.” You swallowed some tea and continued. “Escaping an unwanted arranged marriage.”
Keigo didn’t seem surprised. His golden eyes softened, and he nodded. It was as if he understood your situation.
“My old man wanted me to be a foot soldier. I told him ‘no.’ He didn’t take it too kindly. Locked me up in a tower until I ‘came to see the error in my ways.’ And look where I am now!” Keigo gestured around the room.
While cluttered beyond imagination, the parlor held expensive treasures and gadgets. Clocks, sundials, colorful glass vases, feathers…Feathers?
Your eyes snapped to a red streak dashing in front of the stained glass window in the hall. It was followed by another, third, and a fourth. A red feather floated on the air as if pulled by an invisible string into the parlor. A few more followed. The feathers went to work dusting, wiping, and putting books on the shelves. Some of them pulled off your boots, strung your socks up on the mantle to dry, and pulled on a fresh pair that were soft as sheepskin. Your eyes followed the red feathers wherever they traveled. Keigo wore a small smile while watching you marvel at the feathers. However, you were following them with your eyes for a reason different than the one he was thinking about.
“I just thought I’d tidy up a little. It’s been a while since I’ve had company. They’re a pet project of mine. It took me a while to get the enchantment just right,” said Keigo.
One of the feathers fell into your lap. You picked it up like it was a delicate spider-web.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
Keigo showed you the rest of his house: the kitchen, dining room, second parlor, library, observatory, and the guest bedrooms. You sat down to dinner with him to discuss some sort of arrangement. You felt terrible taking up his space and mucking up his lovely floors.
“What if I worked for you? That way, I can get some training, you’ll have an extra hand around, and we won’t have to be lonely come winter. I know I’m just a village girl who ran away from home, but I know things. And I’m a fast learner,” you explained over a pot of stew.
“I work with a lot of hoity-toity rich folk for commissions. That won’t be a problem, will it?”  
You shook your head. “No, sir. Not at all.”
“Don’t call me ‘sir.’ Makes me feel old,” said Keigo. “It does get frustrating having nobody to talk to all the way out here. You seem real eager to learn, so I don’t see why I shouldn’t take up an apprentice.”
You clinked your glasses of wine together to solidify your spoken contract. You stared at the red feathers again as they swooped in to take care of the dinner table. Keigo caught you standing frozen as your eyes flickered this way and that to follow them.
“I apologize if this sounds rude but, did you have a lot of magic where you came from?” Asked Keigo.
“Well, yes, but—” You bit your lower lip. “You’re going to think it’s silly.”
Keigo smiled and turned his head towards the doorway. “Come with me. I want to show you something.”
You tore your eyes away from the marvelous red feathers and followed him out into the hallway. Without turning back to speak to you, Keigo said, “And bring your spellbook with you.”
           You ran back to the parlor and found your spellbook on an end table where you found it. Keigo came, found you, and led you to the observatory. The glass dome showed the brightest stars. The moon was in her full glory.
           “I’ve noticed how you’ve been staring at my feathers. Is there any particular reason why? Trying to discover how to do it yourself?”
           “No, nothing like that!” You said as you shook your head again. “Before…before I left home, I had this weird dream. You see, I remember in that dream I was walking through a forest and all of a sudden it started raining red feathers. I didn’t know what it meant, not that I do now. I think that I was led here by something.”
           “Let me see your book,” said Keigo.
           You were more than hesitant to hand it over. You didn’t like your family, never had, but this was still your family’s spellbook. It was an heirloom. Your hands shook a bit when you held it out for Keigo to take. Someone of his magical caliber would know the weight of a family’s spellbook and would respect its secrets, wouldn’t he? Your heart started beating louder as if Keigo was rifling through your personal belongings.
           Keigo pried open the cover and pulled out a gray and brown feather, and closed the book. He set it gently on a table and kept the feather. Your brows furrowed; you never saw that before.
           “You see, Y/N, I had a strange dream too. A few weeks ago, I dreamt that I was also walking through the woods. I saw a young woman in a green cloak just like yours hand me a book. Inside was a feather just like this.”
           You were acutely aware that you still held onto one of Keigo’s red feathers. A shiver ran down your spine as Keigo slowly closed the gap separating you. His golden eyes looked straight into yours. An alchemical experiment was taking place in his eyes. You could see all sorts of emotions congealing and mixing in there. You were too dizzy to distinguish one from another. Keigo took your hand that held his red feather in the one where he carried the gray feather. He clasped your fingers between his. You felt his blood race in the center of his palm.
           “Do you believe in soulmates, Y/N? Because I don’t know how else to explain this.”
           “I…don’t know,” you answered honestly.
           “Can I kiss you?”
           Keigo pressed his mouth against yours, hands still clasped together. His free hand found your waist, and his thumb began to draw infinite circles on top of your bodice. You kissed before (not that your parents would ever know), so this shouldn’t have been anything new. But the way Keigo moved his lips against yours and how his tongue slowly teased you, it felt like being kissed for the very first time. Your hand moved to caress the back of his neck, which brought your bodies a lot closer.
           Suddenly, you were falling. You landed on a pile of pillows that weren’t there before. Keigo landed on top of you, shedding his outer coat. He went back to kissing you without missing a beat. Your fingers deftly unlaced the front of your bodice and let Keigo peel it away. You weren’t a virgin anymore, but that didn’t stop the goosebumps from arising in your skin when he touched you, kissed your skin, or teased you with his adept tongue. Calloused hands moved under your skirt to remove your bloomers and a couple layers of petticoats. Keigo nestled between your thighs, gently humping you. Your face darkened while he continued and played with your clit. Your back arched like a bow as you came for the first time that evening.
           Keigo leaned above you, smiling like a triumphant demon of seduction. The illusion sold a lot better if he wasn’t panting slightly or dripping with sweat. A wooden box carried by a team of feathers wandered into the room. They set the box in Keigo’s hands. He opened the lid and turned to you.
           “Want to try an experiment with me?” He asked.
           “What kind of an experiment?”
You were just coming down from your high when Keigo took out the contents of the box and set it aside. In his hand, he held two large, dark orange flowers.
“This is Epifagus Aboreum. You pull the flower from the stem and suck on end. I’ve heard that it produces a very ‘relaxed’ state of being. Do you want to try it with me?”
You nodded.
You and Keigo carefully removed the flower from their stems. You watched Keigo suckle the end of the flower, which looked like a horn to blow into. You did the same. There seemed to be no effect at first. Not for long, however. In ten minutes, you and Keigo were back at peeling each other’s clothes off. Skin never felt so alive under your hands. You could feel his heart racing. Mouths pressed together again. Licking and nipping at each other while you rolled around on the pillows. Keigo’s hands palmed your breasts while you rubbed his shoulder with one hand and stroked his cock with the other. Your head felt heavy and light at the same time. The stars shining through the glass dome appeared brighter and more clear. Candles flickered with a multitude of colors, shifting, changing, morphing.
“Oh, Keigo,” you moaned as the man suckled on your neck, making sure to leave a love bite.
“Do you feel good?”
“Mhmm, yes.” You hummed.
           “Wanna continue?”
           Keigo shifted you onto your side and lifted one leg over his shoulder. The blunt head of his cock brushed against the wet seam of your cunt. He slipped twice, unable to get it in the right way. The third time proved the charm as he slid inside your walls without much more effort. Your cunt fluttered around him. From this angle, you could see everything he did to you.
           His first thrusts were sloppy as if he couldn’t figure out what angle to pound you with. Keigo quickly got the hang of it and rutted against you, fast and hard. You weren’t aware of how loud you were. His body moving on top of and inside you created new sensations you couldn’t understand while under the influence of the flower-drug. Stars burst in front of your eyes with each stroke of his cock. There was no beginning or end. It was just the two of you. You clawed at the pillows as you tried to find purchase. Your mind was going blank.
           “You feel so good, baby bird. Fuck, where have you been all my life?”
           “O-Over the brook and through the woods. At grandma’s house.”
           This made him chuckle, though it didn’t stop his rough treatment of you. Keigo’s grip was bruising, but you don’t feel any pain. There was no cause of complaint when he was burying himself deep inside of you. You couldn’t tell if it was just him or if the flower-drug made him thicker. His veiny ridges created the right amount of friction against your inner walls.
           You were both panting like dogs in heat. You moved your hips against him, and his calloused fingers tweaked your clit.
           “Me too, baby. I’m gonna cum...so hard.”
           Keigo was an honest man. After what seemed like hours of him railing you, Keigo groaned loudly. He shoved his cock all the way in until the blunt head brushed along your cervix. You didn’t have time to climax first before he was releasing all he heads straight into your womb. Warmth spread throughout your body. The drug, Keigo’s cock, and the cum painting your insides white were all enough to have your eyes roll into the back of your skull. You came shortly after.
           The room was spinning so much after coming so hard that you couldn’t move a muscle. Apparently, Keigo wasn’t better. He was still inside your body when he rolled over and laid you on top of his chest. His cock remained buried deep, all the way in, when conscious hit you both.
           When you awoke, you still lay on top of Keigo. You looked down to find you had been inside. Even though he was still asleep and limp within the confines of your pussy, that ddin’t stop the naughty grin across your face. You were awake and fully alert. No drugs in your system could prevent you from feeling Keigo unhindered. You moved your hips up and down, impaling yourself on his cock. You braced your hands on his hips to help steady yourself.
           Keigo stirred when he felt himself grow hard and feel the moist walls of your cunt, sucking him in. He rubbed his eyes, then laid back to enjoy the view. Your breasts bounced seductively in front of him as you rode him just as hard as he rode you the night before. Keigo couldn’t resist palming each breast in his hands and play with your nipples. Your hair swayed with each of your movements like a warrior-queen riding her powerful stead.
           He heard footsteps climbing up the stairs, but he was too lazy and felt too good to make you stop. Whoever it was, they were about to get an eyeful of your ass, and easily you took his cock. Keigo wore nothing but a smirk. Your eyes were heavy-lidded while you concentrated on riding him. You couldn’t hear a thing other than the wet clap of flesh against flesh.
           A tall, feminine figure approached. Her white bunny ears grazed the top doorway before she stopped dead. Your back was turned to her, so you did not see her. Keigo looked past your form and gave her a curious look. You were too busy to notice him. His friend quickly disappeared rather than wait in the doorway for him to finish with you. Keigo snapped his hips upwards to meet your every downward thrust. He teased your clit to ensure a speedy climax. Keigo filled you up again and let you scream to the high heavens. You held his hands as you came around him one more time. Keigo pulled out gently and pulled a couple blankets literally out of thin air to cover you with. While he dressed, once more, you drifted to sleep. Keigo gave one last look at you from the doorway and smiled to himself. He quickly turned into the hallway to find his friend. The sooner he figured out what she wanted, the sooner Keigo could return and spend all of his time with you and learning everything there was to know about you.
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writingbakery · 4 years
“cold moonlight”
i asked the discord server what they wanted to see, & they overwhelmingly voted angst - all i can do is deliver ✨ [taglist; @sparkncharge @redbeanteax @secondhand-trash @keigos-dove @katsukisprincess @jojosmilktea @antigenius @kingtamakimurder @heroheads @yuueimagines ]
[pairing: astronaut!hawks x gn astronaut!reader]
[warnings; space travel gone wrong, debris shower, final moments, character death, heavy angst/unhappy ending]
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
space is unforgiving.
twenty three days of isolated space travel has shown you that in waves; freezing, desolate darkness surrounds you at all sides. you found beauty in its cruelty, yes, but more importantly, you found suffering. the only thing keeping you sane was keigo, and even he was reaching his limits.
the pair of you were locked inside a half battered shuttle, floating aimlessly in deep space. Command had stopped answering hails days ago; rations had dried up this morning. a snapped tether was all it took for space to show you just how brutal it could be, if desired; you were certain rescue was a fantasy. the rest of your crew were probably safely entering earths atmosphere now, halfway home and far from the tendrils of the stars. you envied them.
keigo’s kept positive where you’ve gone negative, constantly countering your words - “don’t talk like that now, lil dove. we’ll be soaring through he atmosphere before you know it,” he promises every time, kissing your forehead. at first, it brought you comfort, but now, every word seems hollow, his lips cold against your skin.
he’s been clattering around the shuttle all morning, attempting to find ways to kickstart the thrusters while you drowned in the silence. it’s haunting, how desperation presents itself - an overwhelming need to move, and an inability to do anything but wallow.
there’s never been a silence you could taste before, loud and violent in all its quiet. you’re boneless, weighed down by your guilt and fears; keigo shouldn’t have even been on the shuttle. he’d accompanied you to make the repairs easier, his academy nickname - hawks, red wings inked against his spine to match - following him all the way out to space. you’d never have expected Command to assign you both to the same mission, liability in a married couple in space, and yet.
your bond hadn’t caused the debris shower to snap your tether, or batter your body against the side of the shuttle. you could barely walk, bruised all up and down your body, and keigo had torn insulation to patch your bleeding leg. your bond hadn’t isolated you from the group, or trapped you inside a barely functioning shuttle. space has done that, without care for your desperate pleas of a safe return home.
keigo knocks twice on a support beam to get your attention, pulling you from your drowning misery. he’s half suited up, hair falling in his bloodshot eyes as he holds up a few tools and tattered wire. “i figured out how to get the engines moving. it’s a long shot, and we don’t have a lot of time before the next debris storm hits, but it’s a shot,” he says earnestly, blind optimism flooding his exhausted features.
for a moment, you can’t move, too certain that you’ll die right where you sit regardless of keigo’s hopes and dreams. but his eyes plead with you in a way you’ve always been weak for, and you shakily stand.
“show me.” and he does.
the thrusters are dead, but not damaged, fuel cells not completely burnt out & by keigo’s estimations, hotwiring two sections of the cables beneath the paneling would reroute some of the power just enough to kickstart the engines and propel you close enough to earth to get the ship back into the atmosphere. he was always the expert in that, fiddling & taking apart machinery until it worked again. you’d alwags joked he was your birdbrained mguyver, ready to invent something out of a toaster & spare engine coils at a moment’s notice.
now, his knack for wiring only means one thing; he’s going out there alone.
you put up a good fight, listing all the ways you could help him, how your leg wouldn’t be a burden out there - weightlessness would make the pain of dragging the injury around nonexistent, & you knew this was at minimum a three person job. he’d be out there for two hours at least, & you had no way of knowing when the next debris storm would hit. he’d be all alone, defenseless against the horror that put you in this position in the first place, & you could barely stomach the thought.
all keigo offers you in return is a smile, soft and small and sad in a way you haven’t ever seen from him before. resignation is written all over his face, & you know he’s long accepted the fact that you’re staying in the shuttle, regardless of your protests.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
it’s been over two hours since then, & keigo’s still not back inside the shuttle.
you’re strapped into the pilots chair, frustratedly slamming the controls; no matter what wires he splits and layers out there, the connections aren’t traveling deep enough into the conduits to affect the fuel cells, & you’re starting to worry.
“maybe we should stop here, regroup. we can try again once the storm passes,” you argue into the comm for the fifth time, straining to meet keigo’s eyes through the port window. your words fall on deaf ears again, a wave of his hand confirming; he’s staying right where he is until the job is done.
the sensors start humming, so low and gentle at first that you don’t even register their warnings until its a battle cry, blaring alarms and flashing warnings that would sit behind your eyelids for years, haunting your nightmares until sleep no longer came knocking.
the debris storm was here.
slamming on the comm, you & keigo began yelling at the same time, words spilling over each other like waves; “you have to come—“ “—finally reached the conduit—“ “the storm is coming, keigo fuck the conduit—“ “start the goddamn engines!”!
you fumble with the controls, lining up the engines & restabilizing the conduits; they splutter to life slowly, kickstarted by keigo’s own genius & you laugh — both panicked and relieved. “it works, it fucking works, keigo baby you did it, now please come inside,” you plead over the comm, but your husband isn’t moving with the shuttle, & if you strain your eyes you can see him waving.
“now isn’t the time for jokes, you ass, just come inside—“ he cuts off your frightened rambling, coice just a little sad, a little wishful. “i cut my tether.”
the words ice you down to your core, and if you hadn’t been strapped down in the pilot’s chair you would have thrown yourself out the hatch on instinct.
“you cut—“
“i cut my tether. it was the only way, two of us wouldn’t make it to reentry. too heavy, & the conduits needed fresh cabling. we only had the one tether left. i always told you i’d send you home, didn’t i? that you’d get to see the sunrise again, over the ocean. you love the ocean.” his voice is a little unsteady now, & the farther the shuttle lurches away from him the more static impedes his words.
“you love the ocean too, birdbrain. that’s why we got married on the beach,” you whisper, & he laughs a little forlornly in response. “i love you more than that, though. i love you so much it hurts, & that’s why i’m keeping my promise. i’m sending you home.”
you’re running out of time; the static is all but washing out his voice, & the debris storm is rushing towards him full force. what do you say to the love of your life when you know he’s got minutes left, and you’re safe?
“i love you so much, you idiot. i love you, i love you and your stupid wing tattoos that you cried getting, and the stupid smile you get when you win at uno, and the way you always kiss me good morning, even if you want to sleep in longer. i love you, keigo takami, and im always gonna love you,” you promise, wincing as the static reaches fever pitch. you can barely hear him now, but the few words that filter through strike you hard in the heart.
“love .... pretty eyes..... don’t forget.... ocean waves... i love...” the static cuts out with the rest of his words, & you don’t realize you’re crying until your sobs echo back on the comm link, the signal lost.
he loved you, and you love him still, and even as the shuttle burns through the atmosphere, rocking you violently in the pilot’s seat, all you can think about is his smile, the way his eyes crinkled up like stars just before he left the hatch.
you barely register your impact with the ocean, moving on autopilot, just like the shuttle had; keigo must have programmed it before leaving, must’ve known you wouldn’t have the focus. you always did grieve numbly, and he knew that — looking out for you even after he was gone.
you slowly, carefully pull yourself out of the shuttle and onto the beach you’ve washed up on, sighing in guilty relief as you settle against the sand. above you, the stars twinkle and shine, just like keigo, and you smile through the fresh waves of tears. the ocean kisses your feet, and for a moment you imagine he’s there, his spirit, above and beside you in the waves and the stars.
he’d always be with you there, you think, eyes wet. you’d always have the stars and the ocean, and you’d always have keigo.
the ocean hums to your broken heart, and cradles you as you cry, the water sympthathetic.
for all the pain, however, you know. you know that somewhere up there, amongst the stars, a pair of red wings would circle the earth, & keep you safe, just like he promised.
alone, you watch the sun rise over the ocean, and smile.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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thevoidscreams · 4 years
Free bird
Hawks x winged!reader
Summary: Hawks helps pick you back up after you’ve fallen out with your boyfriend and helps you fly again even if it’ll take some time.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, swearing, implied sexual assault, depression, breakups, past abusive relationship and a bit of mutual pining, Hawks loving you something fierce. Imma just say 17+ to be safe Words:  3796
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What happened? How did things get like this? Sure things were never great but they were never this bad. So what the fuck happened?
There’s too much noise in this bar, there’s too much smoke, the people won’t leave you alone and worst of all they keep touching you.
More drunk girls have stumbled up to you tonight to grab or stroke your wings or pluck a feather than you care to try and count.
The bartender comes over to ask if you want anything else, you tell him the same thing every time. “Another rum and coke, less rum, no ice, and more trail mix please.”
You may be depressed but having a very shitty boyfriend. NO scratch that a very shitty EX boyfriend, does not mean you have to be bad or mean to others.
A soft thunk means the glass has been replaced and you reach out to pull it closer and peek through the dark liquid. The neon lights over the bar look funny through the soda and spiced rum. Debating on weather to take a sip of your drink you instead reach for a sourdough pretzel bite and nibble the salt off before popping it into your mouth. 
You’re not drunk, you don’t want to be drunk. You’ve been taking your time with every drink you order so you only have the pleasant warmth in your belly.
The last time you were drunk was the first time that the rat bastard took advantage of you. You were helpless to stop it in your inebriated state.
That was high school, a lifetime ago it seems.
These pretzel bits are good. Not as good as whatever these spicy green pea things are, but still, they slap. At least you have that going for you.
You lift your cheek off the bar and contemplate asking the bartender what mix this is but you don’t get the chance when the stool next to you is occupied.
The flash of red is unmistakable, and Keigo Takami peeks around the curtain you’ve formed with your wings and smiles. “There you are chickadee. I was worried when you didn’t pick up. I thought maybe you’d been kidnapped or something.”
You smile back, it’s sad, but it’s real and you suddenly feel like letting him wrap you up in his wings while you cry. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t pick up Kei. I’ve just been dealing with some stuff.”vv
With your wings drawn back he can see now just how bad you’ve been doing.
“Boyfriend blues?” He asked, he wanted to hit himself for feeling so hopeful that this would be the time that you finally left that good for nothing asshat. He knew about the fighting and gas lighting and emotional manipulation and how that bastard had kept you caged, unable to truly spread your wings and fly. Literally and figuratively.
“Well, yeah but it’s more like Ex Boyfriend blues.” You took a sip of your drink. “I’ve finally had it Keigo. I can’t stand it anymore not after tonight.”
The hot tears begin to pour down your cheeks and a gloved hand swiftly comes up to wipe them away.
“What happened?” He was dismayed at the tears pouring from your eyes. But if you meant what you said then you could be free of that cage. 
You pulled out your wallet and slapped a few bills on the counter. The bartender, ever a bro, pulled out a little plastic bag of trail mix and handed it over before collecting the cash.  You were gonna eat the fuck outta some green things when you were done crying.
“Can we go somewhere else and talk about it? Like your place or the park or... anywhere?”
Keigo nodded and took your hand as you left the bar. He didn’t push you to say anything as you walked, which he found odd. Usually you couldn’t get enough of the open air when you were together but now you just walked and he walked with you.
The park was quiet and empty this time of night and the lamps kept it comfortably lit as you looked for a quiet place by a duck pond to just sit and cry. The water was dark and the barest hint of plants swaying at the bottom gave it a foreboding look that chilled your spine. They reminded you of dark tendril reaching up to grab you and pull you into the dark depths of the pond’s waters. Not that there was really any depth the water came up to your waist at most.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked softly, trying not to sound nosy or pushy. You couldn’t respond right away, needing to think of what you were going to say and how to word the events of the night.
You bent down to pick off a little flat stone from the pond's edge and gave him a small nod. “Yeah,” You skipped the stone and it hopped away disappearing after twenty feet of so, “he’s mad that we were spending so much time together. Said that I shouldn’t be flying around with other guys. I told him it wasn’t his business which friends I spent my time with, that he didn’t own me. He got even angrier and I was planning on leaving and texting you to see if I could come spend the night at your place till he cooled down and that was when he-” Your chest heaved suddenly and a fresh wave of tears cascaded down your cheeks. Panic squeezed your heart like a vice. You could still feel his hands.
“When he what? Broke up with you?”
“No.” It was practically a wail when you said it, the sound of your cry echoed over the silent water, so much dismay and pain in your voice that it made him want to reach out and hold you close and never stop. Your wings pulled in around you as it to shield you from something.
“He,” you gasped and had to catch your breath “he grabbed my wing and, and he... he clipped my feathers! He clipped my wing Keigo!” 
You extended the limb, revealing to him for the first time the mangled primary flight feathers of your right wing. Your beautiful feathers were so short that you’d never be able to balance yourself in the air. The shortest ones had dried blood crusted at the base of the quills.  It would take at least two weeks for them to grow back in this condition. Until then you were grounded. A bird without flight.
Keigo saw red as he brushed his fingers over the wing and over the shortened flight feathers.
He’d kill him! He’d kill that rotten no good son of a bitch! How dare you do this!? 
Keigo seethed underneath his veneer of calm, his body shook violently with the rage held inside.
Your hands found his jacket and you pulled yourself into him, nuzzling the soft fur lining by his neck. “I can’t fly.” You sobbed. “I’ve never felt so helpless and pathetic.” Well, maybe that wasn’t entirely true but it felt like it was at that moment. “You’re not pathetic. Don’t say that.” He was going to be making some calls tonight. This wasn’t going to go unpunished. 
Keigo wrapped you up in his arms and held you close, his own wings brushed over yours in an attempt to soothe you. It worked like a charm, the feel of his wings against your own was like some kind of biological hack and the comfort it brought was greater than just about anything else. You’re body melted against his and the weight of everything settled over you like a blanket. Gosh you were so tired you could have slept right then and there.
“You’ll stay with me tonight okay? I’ll take you home and in the morning we can get all this sorted.” 
You nodded. “Sounds good. I’ll call an Uber, it shouldn’t take too long to get me there.” You pulled your phone from your pocket only to have it snatched out of your hands. Hawks pocketed the device before you could even unlock it.
“No need dove. I’m taking you home.”
His arms encircled your waist pulling you snug against him, instinctively you laid your arms over his shoulders and hugged him just as tight, pressing your face into his neck just above his collar bone. “Keigo are you sure about this? My wings might get in the way.”
He chuckled into your hair as he gave you a little squeeze. “Just tuck them in real tight and hold onto me. It’ll be fine you’ll see.”
You couldn’t see his face but you knew he was smiling his real smile and as tempted as you were to see it, you didn’t want to stop being close to him. 
Your wings were as compressed as you could get them and you gave Keigo the go ahead to take off.
His wings ruffled as he opened them and the sound of it was soft and pleasing. Your own wings wanted to spring open at the sound but you held them firm in place. “Ready?” He whispered it right next to your ear and the shiver that went up your spine had nothing to do with the light breeze. “Yes.” The reply was barely just whispered but he heard it.
The sudden feeling of leaving the ground without having to beat your own wings was beyond thrilling and alien. Before you knew it you were high in the sky, the park and it’s duck pond were the size of a quarter while the city became clear and visible around you. The lights of buildings, street lamps and billboards became a warm mosaic of colors as you squint your eyes to block out the details and just enjoy being high up without all the work. “You doing okay there dove?” Speaking over the wind was usually hard, but being this close made it easy to hear him. “Yeah, it’s so strange to be up here without flying on my own.”
He chuckled, “Maybe I’ll have to ask you to return the favor sometime.” There’s a lightness to his tone that is both teasing and sincere and your heart flutters at the idea of your roles being reversed.
“Yeah sure maybe the next time you over do it I’ll be able to swoop in and save your butt for once.”
He dips suddenly and your legs wrap themselves around his hips in a moment of panic.
It feels so intimate but all your winged companion does is hold you tighter. “I’ve got you don’t worry, I’ll never let you go, I promise.”
Of course he’s talking about flying but it feels like there’s so much more behind his words. You let them replay in your mind as you close your eyes and bury your face in the space between his neck and his coat. The deeply buried feelings you’ve been trying to deny have been bubbling up slowly over the time you’ve spent together tonight. No longer bound by the chains of your ex you’re free and now that you are there’s really just one thing you want. 
All too soon the flight is over and you stand on Keigo’s balcony.
“Here we are little bird. Home sweet home, or should I say nest sweet nest?”
You giggle into the lapels of his jacket, still holding him tightly, your thighs are firmly wrapped around his waist.
The balcony doors lead right into his bedroom, it’s a large room with ample space and a massive bed against the far wall, he lays you down on the mattress, letting his weight press you deeper into the plush material.
You stay that way for several long heartbeats. Keigo slowly releases you, you let your arms and legs loosen just as slowly.
“I guess there’s an elephant in the room we have to address huh?” The gentle tone of his voice does nothing to ease the pounding of your heart.
“Yeah. I suppose there is.” You return just as quietly.
He sighs and lays next to you, legs dangling off the edge of the bed.
“I guess I’ll start since I opened this can of worms. I uh-” he cleared his throat and tried to steel his nerves for what he was about to say. “I know you just got out of your relationship so the timing may feel off, but I have to tell you this...(y/n), I’ve been in love with you since the day we met and I- I... I hated your boyfriend, I know how wrong it sounds but I’ve wanted the both of you to break up so bad but not so I could get with you. I mean I wanted to be with you but that’s not the reason I wanted you two to split. It’s just he treated you so badly and caged you and every time I saw you cry or heard what he was doing or how he’d smooth talk his way back into your heart I just couldn’t handle it. I want you to be happy so much, I want you to be free and to be able to live the best possible life you can and I just want to be there for you, even if you don’t feel the same.” 
Keigo hadn’t realized that his eyes had gotten blurry as he confessed everything that was in his heart. Your eyes filled with tears again and you cupped his face in your warm hand so he’d turn to look at you. The sweetest feelings filled you completely as you stroked a finger over his cheek and you looked into his eyes.
“Is that true?”
Keigo pressed his face into your palm “Yeah, every word of it.”
“Well then it’s only fair that I be honest with you.” The hero looked a little scared by your words, as if he’s about to have his heart trampled on.
You took a soft breath, rolling on your side to face him you met his gaze and held it. “Keigo Takami. I’m madly in love with you.” 
His eyes widened as your words registered in his brain. 
“I know I have been for a very long time, but I never could bring myself to be honest with you or even myself. My heart knew but my mind was dead set that if I told you and I broke up with my boyfriend just to be with you then I’d be doing the wrong thing, even if it’s for the right reason. I can’t think of a time when you haven’t been there as a pillar of support for me. Every time he and I fought, when he’d lure me back in with pretty words and lies, when I was just having a bad day in general or when I was acting like a silly little girl instead of a rational adult. Every time I felt truly happy and safe it was with you. The first time you took my hand and pulled me up off the ground with you, encouraging me to fly and be free of the earth despite what others told me, what he told me. That was the first time I knew I was really in love with you, the first time that I couldn’t deny it. It scared the hell out of me I’m not going to lie, but the feeling of freedom I felt with you was bliss. I wanted to feel like that forever, but eventually I’d always go back to my cage and I’d be sad again. I’d stay in that cage because my stupid brain couldn’t get on board with my heart. 
‘If you break up with your boyfriend for another man then you’ll both look bad.’
It was one of the reasons I hesitated. That and I let his lies infect me. What if I really was just being childish and irrational? What if spending time with my friends was hurting not only him but me?”
You let yourself rest for a moment as tears cascaded down your cheeks. Keigo brushed them away with a degloved thumb. He let you take a few calming breaths before continuing. 
“All that time I let him use me and keep me caged. I feel like an absolute idiot.” 
Strong arms pulled you against him, wings wrapping around your back and brushing over your own feathers. With your face pressed into his shoulder you could smell him so well. He smelled like outside, rain and wind ;combined with his cologne and heat of his body it nearly lulled you to sleep. You continued to speak quietly.
“He did it because he didn’t want us to be able to fly together. I hate him for doing this to me. For doing this to us.”
Your phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out to read the notification.
It was him.
He’d left you no less than a hundred messages in the time you’d left. It was horrifying. They varied from desperate apologise to vitriolic accusations of cheating which contained language he was opposed to hearing a woman be called much less you. It made him sick, his fist clenched around the device to keep himself from throwing it across the room and breaking it.
Then the death threats. He saw red as his eyes scanned the screen. The details written out in little digital letters made his tremble. So much hate and scare tactics. He’d never let you go back to this monster in a man’s skin.
He couldn’t stand it anymore, locking the screen he tossed the phone away onto the bed.
“It was bad wasn’t it?” You sounded tired and scared. Keigo took a minute to reply, trying to calm the hate and rage building in his chest.
“Yeah dove, you could say that.”
You sat up, pulling out of his arms, but motioning for him to sit up as well.
“We need to talk about where we go from here.”
Keigo wanted you to stay with him, you were safer here and he could come home to you at the end of his shifts as a hero. It sounded ideal and simply amazing, but it wasn’t that simple yet.
“You may stay if you’d like, I only have one bed, you can sleep in it if you’d like and I can take the couch. However I don’t want you to feel crowded or pressured to do anything. If you’d rather stay another place I can help you out with it.”
Your heart beat wildly at the idea of being here with him. You didn’t want him to stay on the couch if possible you wanted to be in the same bed, he made you feel safe and you loved him.
“I’ll stay as long as you let me.” You smiled and took his hand, holding it gently. “But you don’t have to stay on the couch, I was hoping we’d stay together, I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be than with you.”
It was news that overjoyed the wings hero, but still there were more complex matters to discuss. 
“I’m happy to hear it. However we need to talk about us.” He squeezed your hand, trying to convey his love and warmth through the touch.
“I’m not going to date you right now.” He was firm but gentle when he said it, still you were shocked by his words given his earlier confession. You could only guess as to why.
“Is it because I just broke up?”
“Yes, but more than just that he hurt you, not just emotionally, and rushing into another relationship only hours after it happened isn’t healthy. I meant what I said, when I said that I loved you and please don’t think that I don’t want to be with you but you should take some time to get everything organised and settled before you do anything potentially life altering. Having your world and heart put through so much stress leaves a person emotionally vulnerable ya know? And I don’t want to take advantage of that.  Even if it doesn’t feel that way I don’t want to rush into things and ruin them before they have a chance to get off the ground. Ruining what we have and being without you would be like losing my wings. I couldn’t live like that.” He sighed and kissed the back of your hand. “I’ve given it some thought and I feel that this is for the best. I’ll be here for you, when you're healed and ready, whenever that is no matter how long it takes, I’ll be there. I may like to rush and take the things I want and it’s true I do move fast, but I want this done right and if it takes a while that’s okay by me. Just so long as it’s okay by you too.”
You were stunned, completely floored. His words were sobering, as unrealistic as it sounded you’d thought he’d want you to be his girlfriend immediately. You were both right and wrong.
 What he was doing, as much as it left a little sting in your chest was for your well being. He was serious about caring for you and his words proved it.
“Thank you Keigo. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” You returned the kiss to his hand, less stressed than before and feeling like a weight you didn’t know was there was lifted.
“It’s not about deserving dove, I’m not giving you my love because you’ve earned it. I love you because you’re you.”
You slumped forward, fresh tears in your eyes. They were good tears though, ones of relief and love.
Keigo held you as you cried, it never made him feel good to see the woman he loved cry but he knew now that things would be okay.
You loved him and he loved you. One day something even more beautiful than what you had now would come from that love, for once he felt he could happily wait.
You cried yourself to sleep in his arms. Keigo was okay with this, laying you down on top of him felt natural and good. Your weight comforted him and your scent helped him clear his mind of all the dark that tonight had contained.
Eyes heavy and heart steady he was just on the edge of sleep, he turned and saw your phone. He’d never made the call he wanted to make.
‘Oh well.’ He smiled. He could always make it tomorrow.
“good night my dove.” He murmured into your hair and let peaceful sleep embrace him.
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shi-daisy · 5 years
Black Moon Rising Pt. 2
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Welcome back everyone! Here's part 2 of this lil' AU fic. It was gonna be longer but I already went pass the deadline for like 40 min. So I'll just continue it in the final prompt it the week. Hope you like!
Ulquihime Week- Day 6- Sacrifice/Possession
Black Moon Rising (Pt.2)
"Inoue, what have you done?!" Ichigo asked in disbelief.
"I did what I had to. Ulquiorra was going to die, and I saved him. That's all that matters."
"All that matters?! Have you looked at yourself?! You're a hollow now!"
"And so were you."
Ichigo looked hurt, but she didn't care. Back at Karakura, she had the same expression whenever they pushed her out of the fight. This time the tables were turned.
"That's not the same, and you know it."
"Is it now? Because if I recall correctly you brutalized Ulquiorra in ways far more horrifying than any of us could imagine, you tried to desecrate his body, you stabbed Ishida-kun when he stopped you, and you were about to kill me before Ulquiorra broke your mask and redirected the cero onto himself.
That's quite different from holding a conversation like we are doing now." She smiled venomously. This change seemed to be bringing out all of the negative emotions that she kept hidden for years. It was relishing.
"I went into that form to protect you! You called for help, I couldn't do anything so my hollow took over."
Orihime rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, you're everyone's hero!" she sarcastically imitated her old self. "Spare me Ichigo, you didn't go into your hollow form to protect us, you did it because you lost, and you can't endure a loss!"
That got a rise out of the redhead, Uryu held him back. "Inoue, we all came here to save you! What happened wasn't ideal, but Kurosaki was just trying to help."
"Funny how you defend him after almost getting cut open, Ishida-kun.
I didn't ask anyone to come for me, the sole reason I came to Hueco Mundo was to protect everyone! But you couldn't understand that, could you? Inoue's the defenseless princess in the tower, so she must be rescued! We need to step into enemy territory without a plan, and fight everything in a ten-mile radius to save Inoue!
Well, that's done. We've all had our fights and your brushes with death, but I am finally safe. I won't return to Karakura, this form is now permanent, and I have no doubts that the shinigami will have me executed. The Orihime Inoue you knew is gone forever. Leave, tell the others I am dead, and don't return to Hueco Mundo. I won't ask nicely again."
Ichigo's anger was redirected at Ulquiorra. "You! You did this to Inoue!"
"I'm afraid you're mistaken Kurosaki. This transformation was the woman's choice, not mine. Unlike you, I believe she's wise enough to choose what's best for herself."
The shinigami prepared to attack him, but instead of clashing his blade with Ulquiorra's he was stopped by Orihime.
Upon transforming, she'd also gained a zanpakuto, her Rikka's powers had been transferred into it, and the shape of the hilt matched that of her hairpins.
“Don’t you dare touch him!” she growled.
“I’m not going to let darkness take you, Orihime. I’ll defeat whatever took possession of you and we’ll all go back home together.”
“You don’t get to decide for me. Not anymore.” From the moment she woke up, Orihime felt a shift taking place within her. Her body and soul had both changed, and this final disregard for her desires was the final nail in the coffin.’ All anyone ever saw me as was the damsel in distress, not even capable of choosing my own fate. Those days are now over.’
“Woman, do you require my assistance?”Ulquiorra asked her.
She smiled at him. “I shall fight alone, If it’s not too much trouble, could you please take Ishida-kun somewhere safe? I don’t intend to hold back.”
She teleported both herself and Ichigo away from the scene. The shinigami looked ready to fight, but the moment she attacked he restored to blocking. Ichigo didn’t attack her.
‘The moron still thinks I can’t fight.’
Her eyes darkened, now gold over onyx, Orihime charged a cero into her sword. One strike of her blade all it took to break Ichigo’s zanpakuto.
“You’re out of weapons Kurosaki. I’ll let you go if you swear to leave me be.”
Instead of retreating Ichigo stood his ground. “I won’t leave you.I swore to bring you back home safe, and that’s what I’ll do!"
“You really can’t take a fucking hint, can you?!"
She raised her palm towards him, firing a golden cero. Ichigo tried to evade it, but without his Bankai, he was not fast enough. Ichigo kneeled, half of his body was bloody and mangled due to the blast, but he could survive those injuries.
“Last warning. Surrender or I will detach your head from your body.”
“I won’t! I won’t let Ulquiorra get away with what he did to you! I will save you even if I have to kill him again!"
Orihime would have just rendered him unconscious, had it not been for the threat he made against Ulquiorra, Orihime looked him in the eye directly, her gaze was steel and it seemed like in his final moments Ichigo finally understood she did this out of her own accord. Sadly, it was too late, A delicate strike of her blade cut through him, his eyes remained opened, full of realization, but also lifeless.
Orihime cleaned the blood off her sword with one stroke. ‘At long last, It’s over.’
There were many outcomes he had expected from the battle, seeing Orihime return to las Noches with the head of Kurosaki Ichigo was not one of them. Soon after arriving she had fainted and he took her to his room and had one of the medics look at her.
As predicted, Orihime woke up a day later. Her wounds were fully healed, and she was happy to see him as well. 
“What happened after the battle?” she asked.
"Lord Aizen has won. He's the new Soul King, but I'm afraid your old town has been destroyed."
She looked sad, but didn't weep. "I see."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. This was bound to happen."
"If you feel rested enough, we were summoned to the throne room. It's urgent."
"Okay. Let's go."
The walk to the throne room was silent, yet pleasant. Orihime held his hand, and he returned the gesture. It seemed she was fond of the gesture.
Before coming into the throne room he ran into the medic that examined Orihime.
"Hello Cuarta, I see Inoue-sama is healthy." The blue haired woman extended her hand to Orihime. "Nice to meet you, my name's Jeanne Dae, I was your medic."
"Nice to meet you too, Jeanne-san. Thanks for taking care of me."
"My pleasure, I must warn you both, Lady Anna has asked for you specifically and she's slightly stressed. Best not to piss her off."
"Um, I hate to come of as ignorant but who is Anna?"
"Lord Aizen's wife. She's his second in command now and also Soul Queen. Just be polite and you'll be fine. Best of luck!"
Once the medic Arrancar left, they stepped into the throne room. He was surprised to see Halibel and her fracción there resting. Nnoitra was also there talking to Anna. She looked to be angry.
"Nnoitra, I swear, if keep pestering me I shall rip out your remaining eyeball and make you eat it!"
That made the whole room grow silent.
Orihime was slightly intimidated. Anna was six feet tall, with pale skin, black curly hair, and cold blue eyes. Those worries subsided when the woman spotted both her and Ulquiorra.
"Cuarta! You're still as handsome as ever! And you must be Orihime Inoue. I'm Anna María, it's nice to finally meet ya."
"Hello Lady Anna, it's nice to meet you too."
"I'll be quick since I'm sure you both want to rest. Now that Sosuke has finally achieved his goals we won't be returning to Las Noches. I want the both of you to rule over Hueco Mundo."
They were both surprised. Ulquiorra spoke first. "With all due respect, why would you chose us out of the remaining Arrancar?"
"Simple. You and Inoue-san were the ones who finally took down Kurosaki. He was Soul Society's triumph card and I'm certain that if he had lived the outcome of our plans would've changed. The two of you are the most powerful among our ranks and took down our greatest foe. It's only natural to have you take over. What do you say?"
Orihime felt a little uncertain, she had never taken a leadership role before, but the offer was tempting.
Ulquiorra was indifferent to the offer, still he would accept if only to keep order in Las Noches. Without Aizen some of the Arrancar might go unhinged again.
"I'm willing to accept the offer, but I'd like insurance that you, or Lord Aizen will provide us with assistance if necessary."
"You have my word, Cuarta. Inoue-san, what about you?"
"I never considered myself a leader, yet this is an opportunity I don't want to waste. I'll give it my all."
"Excellent! I knew I could count on you both. Now, there's a slightly more personal matter I must address.
Some of your friends for Karakura survived, I can relocate then to Naruki City and give them fake memories of a nuclear explosion occuring in Karakura. This way they'll safe and fully taken care of. Is that alright."
Anna handed her a tablet with pictures. She recognized Tatsuki, Keigo, Mizuiro, Chizuru, Michiru, Ryuuken, and Don Kannonji. Those were the only survivors.
"Yes. Please make sure they're taken care of, just...don't let them know I am alive. I'd prefer it if they all thought of me as dead."
"Consider it done. Finally, Yasutora Sado and Uryu Ishida are locked up in the dungeons, if you authorize it, I shall free them and get them the aforementioned services in Naruki City."
"Yes please do so."
"Alrighty then, I think that's everything. I'll be returning to my other duties, you're dismissed."
With that the tall woman left them and went back to her duties. Ulquiorra noticed she was holding her zanpakuto. 'No doubt she's been ordered to carry out executions.'
"Next on the list it's that Kuchiki Captain...Hmm maybe I'll choke him with that dumb scarf of his." Anna was walking away towards the cells. A reckless idea crossed Orihime's mind.
"Wait Anna-san! May I be granted permission to visit Ishida and Sado?"
Anna was skeptical but allowed it anyway. "Yes, of course. I'll escort you."
Ulquiorra waited in the entrance to the dungeons. He knew Inoue was capable of handling herself yet he felt uneasy.
"You're jealous the princesa wants to visit those other men."
Grimmjow appeared from the shadows, it seemed Anna had him as a guard.
"What do you want Sexta?" he asked.
"Nothing. Just heard you and Orihime are the new rulers of Hueco Mundo. I'd congratulate ya but I don't think you find that new role appealing."
"That's unimportant. I took the task because it clear that the others wouldn't be able to properly carry it out."
Grimmjow grinned. "Uh-huh, and what about your mate? She probably did it so that Anna wouldn't chop her human friends to pieces."
Those words bothered him. "The woman isn't my mate."
"She turned into a hollow to save ya, and even ripped Kurosaki to pieces. That screams protective mate to me.
Yer' right though, it's not my business what you two do. Just pray she doesn't change her mind. The girl is too far gone to go back."
Orihime let them rage and yell before saying a single thing. After their anger faded she spoke.
"I need you both to stay calm. Ishida-kun your father is alive and will be given proper housing and employment in Naruki City as will most of your friends and as will you. Just let Anna escort you there and do not tell the others of my real fate. For all they know, Kurosaki and I were victims of the fake accident."
"...I don't believe this! You expect us to keep quiet?! Tatsuki was a wreck over losing you, she won't accept it, she'll know it's a lie!"
"Then make her believe it! You're a smart guy Uryu, she will listen to you, the memories are better than..."
"Than knowing what you turned into and what you did to Kurosaki?" Chad asked.
Orihime hit the wall in frustration, it almost fell apart. "He threatened to kill Ulquiorra!" she yelled. "I wasn't going to kill him, I was going to leave him slightly messed up and let him go home when the war ended, but he threatened Ulquiorra. I couldn't let him kill him again. I just... couldn't."
Her friends demeanor changed to a more sympathetic one. "You love him, don't you?"
She couldn't answer. That possibility didn't cross her mind until now. Her silence was all the answer they needed.
"Kurosaki is doing alright. His soul went to the Soul Society and is reunited with his family, Anna made sure of it. She also brought Masaki to them, the Kurosaki's be living in the Shiba house."
"It's true. She came to tell us that before bringing you here."
"I see." In a way she felt freed. While there was no guilt for what she did, knowing Ichigo was well off somehow helped her close that cycle.
"I know you won't forgive me, I won't ask for that, but I will ask you, to have a good life. Take care of the others, follow your dreams and live long and happy. I will do the same, even if we are in separate world's. Just do that in the memory of the Inoue you once loved."
"I promise."
"I promise too"
Both Chad and Uryu gave her a tight hug. This would be the last time they saw eachother.
He didn't say anything. Not on their way back to the room, and not when he locked himself in the washroom.
Orihime knew something was amiss. Ulquiorra looked tense, angry even. She decided to speak with him.
'What am I doing? This isn't right. I'm acting just like Kurosaki did.'
Ulquiorra had ran himself a hot bath in an effort to calm down. As much as he dreaded to admit it he was enraged by Grimmjow's words. When Orihime returned from her talk with the humans, she had tears running down her face and a faint sad smile.
'She's regretting it. She regrets giving up her life for me. That was a sacrifice that should've never taken place.'
Still, it was wrong of him to act so cold towards her. Instead he should offer her solace. 'I'm all she had left.'
Before he could get out of the marble pool and go back into his room, he saw her standing in the doorway. "Can I join you?" she asked shyly.
Ulquiorra swallowed hard. Orihime had nothing but a towel on, and her pretty face was adorned with a faint pink blush.
"Yes, you may join me." He finally answered with a raspy voice.
He turned away as she uncovered herself, only facing her once she was covered up to her chest by water. Even so, her curves didn't leave anything to the imagination.
"Ulquiorra. We need to talk."
"What do you wish to talk about?"
"What happened down at the dungeons."
He braced himself, and spoke as calmly as possible. "You wish to return to you original form. It's understandable as your sacrifice shouldn't have happened so I shall do what's in my power to help you-"
Orihime placed her fingers on his lips, silencing him. It was then when he felt tears forming in his eyes
Orihime chuckled. "No, you're mistaken. I don't want to go back and I don't regret what I did.
Ulquiorra, I didn't hesitate to sacrifice my humanity for you. I knew what the consequences would be and didn't care. You matter more to me than anything or anyone else, and I don't ever want you to doubt that. I want to be with you forever, Ulquiorra Schiffer."
He felt the tears spilling. Never in his life did he think he could find anyone that would truly love him, yet here she was. From the moment they met he felt drawn. It was as if an otherworldly force took possession of him, and urged him to keep her at his side. Yet when Kurosaki almost killed her, he didn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for her. Now she had done the same for him, and they could be together for all eternity.
"Forgive me for my embarrassing behavior. I shouldn't have doubted you.
I shall confess that I didn't care for much before meeting you, my life was nothing but a dark endless void, until you filled it with light. Your optimistic nature, your melodic voice, your bravery, it is all very enticing. I thought our story would end when Kurosaki turned me into ash, yet it didn't.
You wouldn't let us have a bitter end, regardless of the cost. And I vow to prove your sacrifice to be worth it, every single day."
Orihime smiled wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close. "It's a promise, my dear Ulquiorra."
She crashed their lips together into a lustful kiss. Ulquiorra had never considered himself to be a lustful man, until that moment. He wanted nothing more than to ravish Orihime until they were both exhausted.
"Let's go back to our room, darling. There's a lot I want to do with you."
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