#and spy is a stick figure that hates me personally and also is french and Fucking Reeks of cigarettes and cologne. Do Not Hug
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theintelligentfool · 1 year ago
sniper, the guy who throws bottles of his own piss at other people? yeah i wonder why even Sniper Fans don't want to physically hug the man,
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constantwritingblock · 5 years ago
Stolen Worlds 3
Queen of Thieves: Takes place just after the MC breaks up with Nikolai.
Avengers: Takes place during The Winter Soldier, but with additional characters.
Unknown!Nick Fury x reader, (previous) Nikolai Stirling x reader, platonic!Natasha Romanoff x reader, (eventual) Steve Rogers x reader.
Some statements: 
1. Anything that’s spoken in another language will be in bold and English. Saves bad translations.
2. Any text messages will be in block capitals and bold.
Summary: The Poppy have finally found out where Y/N is. But do they finally see her after over a month of searching? Meanwhile, Y/N is making progress with Bucky into coming to grips with reality and having control of himself once again after almost 50 years of brainwashing. Natasha is beginning to get suspicious of the girl that has caught the attention of Captain Rogers.
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Chapter Three
It had been over a month since they landed in Washington DC, but the Poppy had yet to figure out where Y/N was. Apart from the two sightings in some random coffee shop, she had been off the grid. They still didn’t know who had taken her, but Nikolai wasn’t going to lose hope yet just yet. The Thief Lord was determined to find her as was the rest of them, he just had more reasons why. The turmoil was building up inside of him, his regret, the pain of their breakup. It was a cliche, the saying; you don’t know what you have until you lose it. How true could that be right now. Nikolai loved Y/N and he was done denying it. Once he found her he was going to apologise profusely about not letting her in.
A knock wrapped onto his door. Jett poked his head through the gap. “Hey, we know where she is living.” Slamming down his papers onto his desk he ran out of the door there wasn’t a moment to waste when it came to Y/N. All Niko wanted was to talk to her, find out how he can bring her back home. Though, with how most of her background was hidden courtesy of Fury, he never caught on that he never knew the real Y/N.
“Agent Z, I’ve heard you made a lot of progress on the Soldier. He’s not resisting anymore to orders. Always ready to comply and listen. What’s your secret?” Laughing at his obvious joke Y/N shrugged, “I don’t know what to tell you sir. I guess all he needed was a pretty face to get him to listen. Perhaps he was bored of just seeing men.” A roar of laughter echoed through Pierce’s office. In truth, she was right to Bucky. The more he listened and cooperated with her, the less people came into the room when she went to speak with him. She had already told him the basics of himself, leaving out important details like his real name. The Soldier knew she was holding back information, he guessed it was out of fear of him losing control of himself and turning violent, attacking her.
“Hmm… perhaps you are right, a pretty face was all he needed. You are certainly making a name for yourself within Hydra. I’ve never been happier for someone to join our cause.” Smiling to herself in success, she couldn’t resist. He’s hooked, I’ve bought and proved my way through the ranks to be trusted. The meeting soon ended. Y/N was in a very good mood. Now all she needed to do was, arrange a meeting with Steve and lie to him some more about her. She really hated this. Even more so as she began to realise her increasing attraction towards the man. But you’re still getting over Nikolai. It wouldn’t be fair to him if he was a rebound.  Her mind swirled with doubts, countless thoughts of the one that broke her heart. Boy, this was gonna be a long day.
Her phone pinged as soon as she switched it on. A message from Fury came through, though it was under the ruse of her uncle in case anyone looked over her shoulder.
Well shit.
Since his second meeting with Z, she told him she preferred to be called that, Steve had Natasha run a background check on the woman to see if she had any links to Hydra or any other enemies. As she was doing that, he decided to see if another accidental meeting was in order, or to try and arrange something to see if she cracked. He understood the spy’s trepidation with everything now that they are on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D. and can’t trust anyone, but did he really listen to Fury’s advice?
The man was dead and all he had was some USB stick with vital information to help them hack into the system. Rubbing his hands over his face as he waited in a nearby park, under a tree, Steve stuck to his hat and glasses disguise in hopes of no one finding him. Hey, it worked before so why not a second time? Though, he was caught off guard by an amused voice.
“So, do you just like hiding or something?” Jumping around to see Z, he smiled. “You can never be too careful.” Greeting her with a goofy grin on his face made the woman laugh. “Well, mister careful, I’m glad we got to meet again.” Something was off about her this time, she seemed to be more cautious of her surroundings also. Pushing his thoughts to ignore it, he tried to keep up a conversation. It worked in the long run until a ping on his phone signalled a message come through. When he chose to ignore it, Z was rather curious about why.
“If it’s important, they’ll get back to m-” He spoke too soon as more messages started to flood through. “Sorry excuse me.” Was all he said as he stepped away from the woman to look.
Letting out a sigh, he couldn’t believe his luck. Texting a quick response to Nat in thanks he headed back to see her acting looking around more obviously. She’s clearly avoiding something. “Hey, you alright? You seem a bit jumpy today?”
“What? Oh, sorry. I’ve been getting texts from an old ex… he was… abusive, but I refuse to let that stop me from having a good time.” It seemed like a fair answer and if she was lying he, she had no tell for him to spot.
Heading back into her office space, Y/N went to collect the rest of her belongings that she needed for the day. Though what caught her eye was a letter addressed to an Agent Z. A sticky note was attached to it stating it had been checked for any signs of tampering. Slowly, she picked it up. Slitting the envelope open to see the sender was none other than Casimir. Why is Nikolai’s cousin writing to me?
Letting out a sigh as she read the contents of the letter she was surprised to hear what he had to say. Something’s not adding up with me here… of course Nikolai writing me out of his letters was something, but the man never told me he was still in contact with the lunatic for one. And two, how does Casimir know I’m not with the Poppy? And how does he know my alias? Oh shit.
Pegging it out the door, Y/N realised that there was only one person that would have blabbed…
Facing the barrel of a gun was more what Fury was used to. It came with his job. Though, he was expecting a Nikolai Stirling not a copy of him. Perhaps his message to Y/N to not come back here was a regret of his. One of very few. “Where is she?” Was all the man kept repeating to him. He just remained silent. Fury wasn’t stupid, like he’d give up where Y/N was, especially if this man could possibly an enemy of hers from her time in the Gilded Poppy.
The sound of rustling of another person came from the door to the apartment. Tufts of light brown hair came into view before a person did. Remy Chevalier, the conman. Was the instinctive guess from a debrief by Maria. But why no Nikolai? That put him off his game slightly, surely he would’ve been the one adamant to see her from his guesses from Y/N’s behaviour whenever the man was brought up in conversation, or well lack of mentioning. An apparent French accent filled his ears, “Why not put the gun down, I doubt attempting to strike fear in the man will make him talk willingly.” Gentle coaxing wasn’t going to budge the other man, whose hand holding said weapon was beginning to shake. He’s losing his stability. That’s not a good sign. A sudden calmness washed over the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, a grin crawling its way on his face, while the other two looked on in confusion...
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