#and sorry once again for how long the answer took
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pineconepie · 3 days ago
More Vincent!! >:)
TW: Kidnapping, injured reader, parental yandere, infantilization, murder (not major characters), developing Stockholm syndrome(?)
Its been a few weeks ever since Vincent kidnapped you (or "adopted you" as he likes to put it). For the first few days, it was hell trying to get comfortable around your new "dad". It took even longer to feel safe at the Cryo estate, and get adjusted to the people there.
Most of them were surprisingly not that scary once you got to know them.
For the first time in a while, you felt happy, once you adjusted. Sure, being forced to act like a baby against your will was humiliating and embarrassing. But, at least Vincent could be a lot worse.
"Comfy, pumpkin?" he chuckles, ruffling your hair.
You're nestled against him, watching some kid's movie on TV while nestled up against his side.
He seems so much happier now, too. Well, at least now that you've finally come to terms with your fate and given in to him. There weren't a lot of options in this scenario. If you tried to run away or tell anyone outside the Cryo organization, Vincent would have probably killed them.
That thought scares you as well as makes you sick to your stomach, but there isn't much you can do.
"Yeah," you mutter, eyes slipping shut. "'m tired."
Vincent shifts slightly. You feel a light kiss being pressed into the top of your head. "Then I guess it's nap-time, huh? I..." He's interrupted by his phone ringing. His expression quickly turns into a scowl as he checks the caller ID, and answers it after sending you an apologetic look. "Phoenix, this better be urgent."
"Heeey, Boss, Scarlet Syndicate is kinda screwing us over right now." There's sounds of yelling in the background. "They wanna speak to you."
Your eyes widen. Scarlet Syndicate, the same group that forced you into working for them.
Vincent rubs the bridge of his nose. "Then they're idiots. Fine. Tell them they're gonna get what they wished for. Send me the location and I'll be there soon." He hangs up before Phoenix has a chance to reply back. Sighing, he turns to you with a sad smile. "Looks like we'll have to cut cuddle time short. Dad's so sorry."
"They're the ones who held debt over my head. What if they want me back?" you question, dread making your chest tighten. "What if they want me dead? They're probably so angry at me.." Your lip trembles, remembering how cruel they were to you.
He pulls you into a firm hug, rubbing soothing circles on your back. "Oh, kiddo... don't worry about that, alright? If those bastards so much as come near you, they will meet a very bloody fate," he growls, squeezing you even tighter. He buries his face in your hair. "Dad's gotcha. As long as you stay under my protection, they won't lay a finger on you. Hell will freeze over before I let anyone take you away from me."
You nod anxiously. "I trust you."
He kisses your forehead again before slowly pulling away and standing up from the couch. "I'm gonna put you in the safe room while I'm gone, alright?" He doesn't wait for your response, dragging you to the safe room.
Despite trying to seem calm, you can tell he's angry. Extremely angry. Vincent is gripping you tightly, but not hard enough to cause pain.
Once you're in the safe room, he makes sure it's fully locked up.
"I should be home before dinner," he assures you.
"Wait," you rasp. "What if something happens to you?"
Vincent places his hand on the side of your head, stroking his thumb over your cheek. His smile seems a lot warmer when you're the one receiving it.
"You really think I would leave you alone after all the trouble I've went through to have you with me?" he teases, letting out a quiet chuckle. "No worries, sweetie. I'm always gonna find a way to make it home. Even if I have to dig myself out of a shallow grave."
With one last kiss pressed into your forehead, Vincent turns around and walks away, leaving you locked inside the safe room.
Vincent arrives at the warehouse where the meeting is taking place, being escorted inside by Phoenix. Inside the main room, he sees the Scarlet Syndicate goons waiting for him and Vincent wastes no time getting to the point.
"What the fuck do you bastards want?" he spits.
Flint, the boss of Scarlet Syndicate, puffs his cigar. "You know exactly what I'm here to ask," he sneers. "Did you not bring the kid with you?"
"Kid? I don't know what you're talking about," Vincent replies nonchalantly, smiling menacingly. "But if I did, what is it to you?"
"Their debt is far from paid off, Bauer," Flint grumbles. "As long as they breathe, we own them. So I was thinking, either you give them to us, or you can pay off the debt yourself." He blows out some smoke. "For a millionaire such as yourself, it doesn't seem like it'd be an issue for you, especially seeing as you've gone soft over them. I've heard the rumors."
Vincent glares darkly at him. "First of all, you're gonna need more than your cronies to keep you protected when I lose my patience." He smiles threateningly. "And second of all, I think I've got a counter-proposal. How about I just shoot you in your face instead?"
In a flash, everyone pulls their weapons on each other.
"Enough!" Flint huffs. "I gave you an option to do it willingly. Now we have no choice but to use brute force."
Vincent is prepared to have bullets flying his way, but instead a smoke bomb is dropped at his feet.
As soon as Vincent realizes this, he covers his mouth and nose, eyes searching wildly to see the culprit, but to no avail. Then he notices Flint is gone along with his cronies.
Once the room clears, the Cryo members notice their boss is seething.
"Go find them!" he barks, scowling furiously. "I want every single one of those bastards dead by sunset." He notices Quinn on her phone. "Quinn! What the hell are you doing?!"
"Your place was broken into," she hisses back.
That gets Vincent's attention. The blood drains from his face as realization dawns on him. They just wanted to draw him out so they could get their hands on his baby.
Never in the past couple of years has he ever been so frantic, scrambling to his car and flooring it back home.
As soon as he makes it back to his penthouse, his worst fears are confirmed. There's signs of struggle in the hallway, as well as bloodstains on the carpet.
The safe room door has been busted open somehow. Vincent's stomach churns and he feels rage beginning to bubble up. Not only had someone dared to trespass on his property, they also had the audacity to steal you.
His kid. His everything.
He screams your name while searching for you, even though he already knows it's useless.
After tearing apart the penthouse and finding no trace of you, that's when his panic begins to set in.
"No, no, no..." he rasps, fingers tangling in his hair. He punches the wall and kicks down the nearby table in rage. Vincent stands there staring down at the mess he made.
He feels his chest constricting and tears beginning to flow. He grabs one of the fallen chairs and smashes it against the wall.
Then his phone rings.
Fumbling to grab it out of his pocket, he answers it, wiping his tears away in anger.
"What?!" he barks, voice cracking.
Instead of Phoenix, Quinn, or Trenton, he hears...
"Hello again, Vincent."
It's Flint.
Vincent feels like he's about to snap right then and there. He grips the phone so tight he almost breaks it. "What did you do?" he asks with grit teeth, fighting back the urge to sob. He hasn't felt this way in a long time, and he despises that.
But it hurts. You're gone again... It makes his heart ache knowing you're back in that organization's grasp, likely terrified.
Flint cackles. "I'm sure your kid wants to know the same thing. I told them how your greed was too strong to save them. So! I have a new set of options. Either you can come here and give me the money, or... well, I think you can imagine what'll happen next."
Vincent squeezes his eyes shut, exhaling. "Just tell me where you want me to bring the cash," he whispers, rubbing his hand over his face.
You try to ignore the cuts and bruises marring your skin. It's hard to, given your only distraction is the brick wall in front of you. You would cry, but after crying the whole ride here, you feel numb.
There's only fear and dread in you.
You're tied to a chair, arms bound behind your back and legs attached to the front legs of the chair, ankles secured to them.
They've taken you away from Vincent and brought you back here.
Back to the Scarlet Syndicate headquarters, which is really just some rundown warehouse.
Just when you're beginning to wonder if you had been abandoned to starve and die down in this dingy basement, the door opens.
To your surprise and relief, Vincent descends down the stairs with two suitcases.
"Dad!" you exclaim, hope blossoming.
He ignores your cry, approaching the table Flint sits at. With an angry scowl on his face, he sets both suitcases down, opening them up so the man can see.
You peer over as well, shocked to see that there's millions worth of dollars in each suitcase. Probably even more than the debt.
"There, I've met your demands," Vincent hisses. "Now let them go."
Flint cackles, standing up. "My, my. I'm surprised you actually showed up. Thought for sure I would be seeing them dead. Seeing as you don't hold much care for anyone besides yourself."
"Save the monologue," Vincent snaps. "And give them back before I put a bullet through your brain."
Flint nods, untying you from the chair.
Once you're untied, you rub your wrists, wincing at the soreness. Immediately, you rush over to Vincent, wrapping your arms around his midsection and hiding your face against his coat.
He holds you tight. "It's alright. Dad's here."
Flint pouts, taking another drag of his cigar. "So let's let bygones be bygones?"
Vincent forces a smile. "Sure thing." He rushes you out of the warehouse, keeping you cradled in his arms until you reach the car, which is farther away than you had anticipated. You're just grateful he has so much upper body strength. After buckling you in the backseat, he checks your pulse and presses kisses all over your face. "My poor baby," he whispers tearfully. "Did they hurt you bad?"
"My head hurts. And my entire body feels like its on fire."
Vincent pulls you into another firm hug before letting go. He wipes his eyes furiously. "Oh. That reminds me." He pulls out a walkie-talkie and holds it to his face. "Trent. Now."
You hear a loud explosion coming from somewhere nearby, looking out the window to see the warehouse in flames.
You jump a little.
Vincent chuckles weakly, placing his hand on your head. He reaches into the glove compartment and produces a juice box. You hadn't even noticed he carried them around in his vehicles.
He pushes the straw through the tiny hole and hands it to you.
"I think some ice cream is in order once we get back home," he whispers, leaning forward and pressing another kiss onto your forehead.
"But didn't you give them money?" you question, furrowing your brows in confusion as you take small sips of the juice. "You just blew up a bunch of it..."
He laughs. "Don't you worry about that. It wasn't real money," he snickers, patting your head one last time. "But you don't need to think about any of that adult stuff anymore." His smile falters for a split second, examining your injuries once again. "I'll also need to call a doctor once we're home. And then maybe put you in a tower like Rapunzel."
You manage a small laugh. "You're silly."
His smile returns as he shuts the door and settles himself into the driver's seat. "Don't tell anyone else, you're the only one who knows that." He grins at you through the rearview mirror.
Never did you think you'd be okay driving away with your captor from a burning building with possible casualties inside, but... after what you've been through, it's kind of difficult to care anymore.
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angstyentropy · 1 day ago
Dick started his truck back to the cave. "How can you live with yourself after letting me die?" Dick ignored the hallucination, the real Jason wouldn't be anywhere near here.
The hallucination this time was ruthless, mocking him every chance it got, bringing out his fears and making his gut sink. By the time he arrived at the cave his eyes stung a little but the hallucination had finally disappeared. Dick took a breath to compose himself.
"Wing! How'd it go?" Tim called out when he entered the Batcave.
Dick smiled back. "Great, got the information we needed"
Damian came over. "Did the new gas mask work?"Huh?
"Why would I have used a gas mask?" Dick swore that every head in a twenty foot radius snapped to him instantly.
Jason started checking him over with his eyes. Mother-hen "Because there was a shit ton of left over Fear Toxin in that building"
Oh "Is that why the hallucinations were worse this time?" Maybe it was the Toxin in his system, maybe it was the fact he was exhausted but he didn't think it through fully before those words tumbled out of his mouth.
Jason's hands were cupping his face now, moving his head whichever way to get a better look. "You have hallucinations often?"
Shit, There's no way I'm getting out of this, am I? "only once in a blue moon"
"You had hallucinations and you didn't tell any of us?" Oh gosh, Bruce is mad too.
"We weren't talking when they started, didn't think it was a big enough deal to call about"
"When did they start? Why didn't you tell me when we started talking again?"
I'm getting interrogated, aren't I? "Not long after Jason died and I knew how to deal with it by the time we talked again.
Tim started mumbling incomprehensibly- if it started shortly after Jason died... -before asking Dick a question. "What are your hallucinations of?"
He was reluctant to answer, Jason might blame himself if- Damian was hugging him, his head tucked into Dick's side as he rested under Dick's arm. "You don't have to deal with it alone, imbecile."
"..I taught you that" Damian only grunted affirmatively into his side. Dick couldn't find the heart to lie anymore. "I saw Jason"
Jason let out a pained sound, from the pitch Dick could tell he was trying to hold it back. Tim seemed to be in that state between caring brother and analytical vigilante. "Did you continue to have Hallucinations of him after he came back?"
"Stayed the same, the only real difference is now Jason's older sometimes."
Jason let out a croak "I'm sorry, Wing"
Dick's heart clenched, this was what I was trying to avoid "it's not your fault, if anything I'm to blame"
Jason pulled him into a hug, Damian didn't fight it either. "Shut up Dickhead."
Tim finished typing what he learned and dragged Bruce into the hug with him, he'd have to ask Dick more about his hallucinations later.
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alexanderlightweight · 2 days ago
I’m glad you’re feeling better!
I’ve also had a rough time lately…
For a prompt, maybe some Magnus comforting Alec? I’m thinking Spoils of War-verse—Alec always reads as so tense and uncertain to me in that world, wanting to trust Magnus but not trusting that he can. Maybe we can see Magnus and Alec post-ritual, with Alec finally understanding just what he means to his husband?
this took a long time to get to but I got there, the feeling better did not last long but we've got more answers and i'll have a surgery and some procedures done this year that will hopefully make life a little more livable instead of trying really tiredly to just keep going. sorry if that was a little heavy, its been once of those years but i'm more hopeful for my health going forward
also anon my dear I sincerely hope you are having a better time and if not, or if you had a better time and it went to shit again, then I hope this helps! either way, i've got a prompt fill for you and sending some Nightshade cuddles. I've finally gotten out of brain fog (my concussion+anemia+medication side effects were not helpful) enough that writing is a relief again and not just something i'm fighting to recall how to do. so i'll be opening writing Wednesdays up again soon! but for the next week at least i'm going to be working on filling old prompts and getting back into the flow of things.
thanks for being there
<3 lumine
Spoils of War
Despite the lingering heat of the room, Alexander shivers under Magnus’ touch as the magic begins to settle.  
His consort, finally truly claimed, bound in both magick and ritual.  
Perhaps in another life, Magnus would stay and mingle with those who came to witness, but not in this one.  Those invited to Alexander’s appointment as consort are not here to celebrate with them, they are here only to bear witness and flaunt the privilege of attendance.  
They are also here to gauge Alexander’s worth.
It’s easy to guide Alexander away from the dais and to portal them both swiftly away.  The new space that Magnus has set up is more than ready for them.  The once compact bathroom is now large with a vanity for two that he sits Alexander at.  
Since dressing in the ceremonial garb until the end of the ceremony, Magnus has been unable to see Alexander’s face or even guess at his thoughts.  
Now, there will be no need to guess. 
No mask or physical attempt of stoicism will conceal Alexander’s true emotions from Magnus again.  
No longer will his boy be able to hide himself in any way from Magnus., the shard of his soul burrowed into Alexander's will ensure that.
“Consorts have always been a double-edged blade for my people.”  He finally says, the first words Magnus has spoken since their vows.  For all that they have been husbands in magic and deed, the bond of a consort is something greater.  “They represent power but they are also a vital weakness, as if a warlock has plucked out their heart and exposed it for all to see.”
Even as Magnus carefully detaches the mask with magic to bare Alexander’s face, his consort’s expression gives nothing away. Alec’s eyes are dark and unyielding, a fathomless pool that refuses to be deciphered.  But Mangus no longer needs to untangle what Alexander hides when he finally knows the truth and can feel the deep uncertainty that eats away at his boy.  
“Do you know why I did this so publicly?” The question seems casual, but Magnus knows from the spike of first curiosity and then anxiety that Alexander knows it means something, just not what.  Magnus reaches out and fluffs the flat curls pressed to Alec’s forehead and wonders just when he became gentle enough that Alexander’s lashes flutter shut at his touch.  
It would be fine to continue on from here, but Magnus waits, impatience gnawing at him until finally Alexander speaks.
“No.” It’s admitted without hesitation, “maybe at the beginning, I thought I did. But I realized during the—” here Alexander hesitates for a moment, seeming to struggle with the words, “- binding, that whatever I thought I knew was wrong.”
Magnus is pleased and while he could continue using magic to help Alexander with the ceremonial robes, using his hands is a much more rewarding endeavor, as is Alexander’s gaze watching him in the vanity mirror.
“The mask is normally to prevent anyone from knowing the identity of the consort, the more intricate it is, the more valued the partner.”  Alexander’s eyes shift to the exquisite headdress he’d worn and Magnus smirks.  “While the entirety of the shadowworld knows the name, if not the face, of my husband and now consort, I am not so generous as to share any expression of your intimacy with others.”  
Perhaps once, when it was less generosity and more flaunting his prize.  
Yet now Magnus covets with a possessive fervor that wishes to deny Alexander’s existence from the world, to be known only by Magnus and yet he cannot.  Once, Magnus would have presented Alexander to the masses of his subjects, shown them all the delights he has been afforded that are allowed to no other.
But how can Magnus show Alexander off to a world that has done nothing but wear him down? At first, Magnus had planned to exalt him, to worship him on a throne of power but Alexander is too brittle to be displayed so callously and yet too cautious to be coddled.
But Magnus is not a gentle creature and Alexander too wounded to offer trust without cause.
Magnus kneels and ignores Alexander’s surprised shift, instead focusing on unwinding the twists of pearl braided platinum that had decorated Alexander’s arms.  
“Because now no one will be able to dismiss your worth, Alexander.” 
Magnus keeps his gaze on his task and his voice firm but low. 
“You are not a bartered spouse buying the peace for a few tense decades to be swiftly forgotten in time. A brief note in history, with the only mention being your sacrifices or your supposed humiliations.” Magnus barely manages to press down the burn of anger that flares to life the memory of Alec’s treatment by nephilim hands. Used as a bargaining chip and the moment his use was done, discarded in deed if not by name. 
Despite being used as a bridge for peace, Alexander had been excommunicated from shadowhunter space and communities the moment he left the Institute as Magnus’ husband. It had left a mark, no matter how well hidden, a wound that Magnus could not heal.
“History will know you as mine, Alexander.  As a consort both proudly claimed and yet so precious as to be hidden away.”  Magic flowed through his fingers and the platinum formed bangles that he placed on the table.  It was easy to keep talking when Magnus could feel Alexander's yearning grow with every new word. “From the beginning you surrendered to my touch so easily but nothing I say or do settles you for long.”
The uncertainty that Magnus had felt in Alexander earlier had been no shallow pool, it had been the fathomless depths of an ocean without end.
“The average age of an active shadowhunter is sixty years.  In consideration for the pact that first bound us together, for the next four decades no warlocks or kings aligned with me will ever strike first against the Clave.”.
“And if the nephilim strike first?” 
“Then that pact is null and void and I will no longer hold my people to their vows, as a consequence our first contract would no longer be binding as the magic holding it together would unravel.  However, the magical binding of a consort is different, it can only be undone with death or a great sacrifice.”  Magnus can’t help the soft laugh he lets out as wonder and delight bloom within Alexander.  “Do you understand now, sweetheart?” Magnus asks, finally looking up to meet Alec’s eyes.  “Whatever game the Clave thinks is being played, you and I are not a part of. They lost the moment you looked into my eyes and found them beautiful. I will not part with you, Alexander. Not even if you wished for it.”
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yutahoes · 1 day ago
Small World
Part Two
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characters: single dad! soccer coach! widower! Yuta x female! single mom! fashion designer! divorcee! Y/N (with son! Jung Sungchan, son! Shotaro Osaki, daughter! Sachiko Osaki (OC), daughter! Sakura Nakamoto (OC), dad! Jung Jaehyun, uncle! Kim Jungwoo word count: 8.7k words genre: chaptered, fluff, drama summary: Who says one cannot fall in love once again? warnings: single parents au, a little mutual pining, aged up and aged down characters, violence, a lot of sexual comments, a lot of drama
taglist: @nuoyipeach @tenjyucat @justsomekpopstuff @amazinggraxia
Part One
It is such a busy day. 
Y/N wondered if it was already wedding season. Why is there a sudden influx of ordered wedding dresses? Looking at the different lace and white fabrics made her head hurt. She missed doing pastel colored rainbow dresses, not these boring plain white dresses. When her fingers grazed the material of the dress she is currently working on, a sudden feeling of nostalgia came to her. This was the same material as the dress she wore when she got married, except it was not as fancy as the dress in the display.  
The nostalgia was then replaced with a bubbling feeling that she cannot pinpoint. Was it jealousy? Longing? Will she even wear these kinds of clothes again? 
A chuckle escaped her lips as she shook her head. There’s no way. 
“Miss Y/N,” a woman’s voice can be heard after a knock on the door. It was a well-known rule in the boutique to not disturb her when she’s in the workshop unless it’s an emergency. “I’m sorry,” the uniformed saleslady started, “But a woman is looking for you with regards to…” she lightly glanced at the piece of paper before continuing, “Sakura Nakamoto.”
Her brows furrowed in confusion. Sakura? She removed her sewing bracelet before exiting the workshop. In the middle of the store stood a woman, probably in her late thirties, and the little girl who shouted in glee seeing her, “Auntie!” Sakura ran to her side, lightly hugging her leg as she smiled at her. What is she doing here? 
“I’m sorry. I’m Sakura’s teacher,” the older woman introduced herself and Y/N greeted her back. “It’s been two hours since our dismissal and I cannot get hold of her father.” Oh, Y/N gets it now. But why is she here? She’s not even Sakura’s family member. “When I asked her if she knew someone else in town, she mentioned you and this store.” Y/N only nodded. ‘I’m sorry but I have another part-time to go to and I cannot leave Sakura alone.” 
When Y/N glanced at the young girl, her eyes were very glossy and puffy. She had already been waiting for two hours, she probably cried a lot.  “I’ll take care of Sakura. Thank you, teacher.” Her grin was so wide that it made the older giggle. 
“I’ll leave a message to her dad that she’s with you.” Y/N nodded, thanking her as she rushed to get out of the place. 
Is this even alright? But she cannot leave Sakura alone as well. Yet, how can she inform her dad that she’s with her if the teacher already said that she can’t get hold of him? She also doesn’t have Yuta’s number. Maybe her siblings. Maybe Sungchan has Shotaro’s number. 
It took two missed calls and five rings before Sungchan answered the phone, reasoning out that he’s at soccer practice and just took a short break. “Do you know Shotaro’s number?” Sungchan was revolting immediately, asking why that made her chuckle. “Sakura is here in the boutique. Her teacher said that she was dismissed two hours ago, yet no one came to pick her up.” 
“Wait up, Coach Yuta is here,” Sungchan claimed, confusing Y/N. Coach Yuta? “My mom wants to talk to you, coach.” She heard Sungchan say before there was a huge change of voice on the other line. “Hello? This is Yuta Nakamoto speaking.” 
Why is Yuta’s voice so low? Is his voice really that good in the phone? “Yeah, hi. It’s Y/N,” she said almost in a rush. “Sakura is here with me.” Her gaze fell on the girl beside her drinking a pack of orange juice. Yuta sounded confused, “The teacher said that they were dismissed early.” 
“Oh shit.” Y/N bit her lip. That was hot. “I’m sorry. I forgot they have shortened class today.” Y/N nodded then hummed when she realized that they’re only talking through the phone. “Is it alright if she stays with you for maybe half an hour? I’ll end practice early and pick her up.”   
“Yeah sure. No worries.
”Thank you, Y/N.” 
“You’re welcome, Yuta.” Then the call was returned to Sungchan who just asked if he could go out and eat with his teammates. Y/N agreed as long as he doesn’t come home late. 
The girl had to breathe hard when she dropped the call. Why is that call so tiring? It’s as if she ran a marathon with the rapid racing of her heart. This is crazy. Her gaze fell on Yuta’s daughter who was grinning so wide with her chubby cheeks. What the hell was she thinking about this young girl’s dad? Y/N must be crazy in her head. 
Yuta could easily spot Sakura with Y/N seated on one of the booths of the pizza parlor. The older one was wiping the sides of the younger’s lips as she kept on babbling excitedly. When he opened the door, he saw how her daughter’s eyes lit up while shouting, “Daddy!” The older one turned to him and he just gave her a light bow while apologizing. “I waited for so long and you didn’t pick me up.” She whined as Yuta sat beside her, in front of the older girl chuckling. “I thought you didn’t love me anymore,” Sakura stated dramatically. 
The older man chuckled wholeheartedly. “Who would even take you if you’re this dramatic?” Sakura pouted. 
How cute, Y/N thought. Truly, daughters are different. If she tells that sentence to Sungchan, he’ll give her a deadly glare. “Auntie can take me.” The younger girl noted, brushing her fingers from crumbs. “Can I play on the slide?” She asked Y/N who only gestured at her dad who nodded immediately. They watched as the young girl ran to the play area, greeting some kids her age. 
“I’m truly sorry Sakura bothered you at work.” Yuta started but Y/N shook her head. It was a nice break. She had been overwhelmed with work and when Sakura showed up, she realized how much of a break she needed. “I was stuck at practice and her siblings are in their extracurriculars.” 
Y/N smiled. Everyone is busy, she understands that. “It’s fine. I was just surprised when I called Sungchan and you were there.” Yuta nodded. “So you’re the new soccer coach of the academy?” 
“It was the reason why we moved,” Y/N nodded. “I have to say Sungchan is so good at soccer.”  
The girl giggled, “He got that from his dad.” 
That piqued Yuta’s attention. Come to think of it, he had never seen Sungchan’s dad before. Maybe one can call it curiosity. Y/N is a pretty and classy woman, she surely wouldn’t settle for less. Even her son is good-looking and so tall that his youngest daughter has a major crush on the guy. Her husband must be some kind of a God. “Is he an athlete?” 
Y/N shook her head, picking the pickles off her pizza. “I would say he’s a model.” Yuta was just flabbergasted. That explains a lot of things. Must be a perfect family. “Do you think Sungchan can be a great soccer player? That was his dream when he was young.” 
“He is,” Yuta claimed while nodding. “Surely, you’ve seen him play.” 
“I haven’t,” she whispered while poking the pickles with her fork. “It’s always my stepbrother watching him.”  
Why? Yuta wondered. And only Sungchan’s uncle? What about his dad? If Shotaro becomes interested in sports and starts playing soccer, he’ll surely be in every game and cheering him on. With Sungchan’s talent in sports, he knew he wouldn’t disappoint his parents. So why don't they come and watch his games? “We have a game this Friday. You should watch Sungchan.” 
The girl only nodded. Maybe she will. 
Sungchan ruffled his hair, sweat dripping from his forehead as he watched the ball resting on the goal. His teammates were cheering as the point of their team increased. All because of him. Soccer had been his number one love, his favorite activity. Maybe it’s the blood running in his veins. His father, although not an athlete, taught him different kinds of ball games even at a young age. It was their bonding moment: soccer, basketball, billiards. Even his mother’s stepbrother plays soccer. 
His smile faltered as his gaze fell on the crowd and where his uncle was seated. What is his mom doing here? Why is she seated next to his uncle? He purposely didn’t tell her of the game so why is she here? 
“Sungchan!” He heard the coach’s voice before he felt a kick on his leg. He crouched down in pain as a whistle was blown and Yuta came running to where he was. “Are you alright?” His gaze fell on the man in front of him. Isn’t he going to ask what he was doing first? “Can you walk?” He asked before offering a hand to help him stand up. 
He lightly glanced at his mom, who looked worried while he was being brought to the bleachers. “You should rest,” the coach claimed and asked one of the assistants to bring some ice. “You already did your best for the team. Thank you, Sungchan.” 
With the score on the board and the sloppy playing of the other team, he knew the other team wouldn’t catch up. This is already a sure win. Maybe that’s why the coach is in such a good mood. 
But Sungchan cannot deny that Coach Yuta is different from his other coaches. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be the same as those jerks from way before. 
“Have you seen the girl seated next to Sungchan’s uncle during the game?” Shotaro had to stop putting his earphone at the mention of his friend’s name. Why are these guys talking about Sungchan when he wasn’t even here? They’re his teammates from soccer, right? “She’s hot, isn’t she?” 
“Do you think she’s his aunt? She’s sexy.” 
One guy chuckled darkly before shaking his head, “That was Sungchan’s mom.” 
“The MILF?” One guy shouted, making Shotaro glare. What the hell are they talking about? “Sungchan is one lucky bastard.” 
“Do you think Sungchan got tall from drinking from those perky breasts?” 
Before Shotaro could stop them, one guy commented. “I bet he still does.” The next thing he knew, his tall friend was landing a punch on the guy’s face. 
True, he had only met Sungchan a short time ago but this was the first time he saw the calmness leave his system. Another punch and blood was already dripping on the floor. Shotaro had to reach out and stop his friend just as the teacher emerged from the door, shouting at the commotion. 
“Jung Jaehyun is here!” One female teacher screamed, that made Yuta’s ears perk up. Jung Jaehyun? That well-known model? He remembered Sachiko having a crush on that guy when she was young. What is he doing in this school? Maybe a promotional ad. He didn’t know this school could be so high profile.  
Another teacher came to his desk, asking him to come to the headmaster’s office since ‘his players’ had a brawl in the classroom. Yuta was just shaking his head as he went his way. Before he could turn to the hallways of the headmaster’s office, the tall, fair-skinned man was standing outside the door. “Is this the headmaster’s office?” Jung Jaehyun asked and Yuta was just stunned to speak. He looks so handsome. Television and print ads don't lie when they say he looks like a God. But what is he doing in this school? 
Yuta only nodded and he curtly thanked him. Wait, is he the dad of one of his soccer team players? The two entered the office at the same time, two students seated in front of the headmaster. One dad was next to probably his son, who has a cut on his face, and Yuta could not hide the surprise when Jung Sungchan called the handsome guy entering ‘dad’. Of course, Y/N mentioned that Sungchan’s dad is a model. Of course, Y/N is married to Jung Jaehyun. It makes sense.  
They do have a perfect family. 
Based on what he heard, Sungchan caused a commotion in class by punching the other student’s face. The other dad kept on complaining about how the cut on his son’s face would ruin his handsome face and that it was unfair. He kept on revolting that he wanted Sungchan to be kicked out of the school because he was very violent. “I’m sure my Sungchan could never do such a thing.” Jaehyun only muttered once the other man’s sentiment died down. 
“Have you seen this? And you pretend that your son didn’t do anything.” 
Sungchan looked bored. Yuta wondered what this brought on. He’s usually calm, very mischievous. But right now, he looked so different. A knock on the door shut the males inside, followed by Y/N coming in a rush. She introduced herself as Sungchan’s mother, making her son sigh heavily. “You see?” The other student, with a bruised face, muttered at his dad who only laughed. 
Now, it all makes sense. 
“I finally get what you mean, son.” the other dad said loud enough for everyone to hear. Sungchan glared at the father-son next to him. “Maybe they’re both taking her at the same time.” Everyone’s eyes turned to him in disdain and Sungchan was about to stand up but his father held his arm, stopping him in the process. 
Y/N had to bow at the headmaster. “I’m sorry for the trouble our son caused,” she mumbled nicely. “We’ll accept the punishment you’re going to give Sungchan. We’ll also make sure that he’ll learn a lesson from this.” 
“Are you going to punish the boy? How? Can I watch? I bet it will be hot.” The other father asked. Sungchan hissed in annoyance. “Maybe I could join and touch that smoking body.” The headmaster had to call out the other man’s name to stop him. 
Yuta watched as the girl smiled at the man’s way. “Oh, you’re going to get it, mister.” She said in a coy voice. “Talk to our lawyer and the next thing you’ll be touching is the hard, cold prison cells.” There was a smile on her face that made Yuta scoff. A smile appeared on his lips, that was adorable.  
The family of three exited the office with the headmaster’s permission, leaving Yuta shaking his head. Why is he so deeply impressed by this woman? 
“Channie,” Y/N called once they’re outside the office. Jaehyun was just standing on the side, arms crossed. “You know better. Why do you have to do that?” 
There was a heavy sigh on the taller guy. “You should have punched all his teeth off.” Jaehyun supplied that made the girl glare at him. “I mean if you want to be expelled, you should have done better.” 
“Jaehyun!” she called pointedly. 
“Why is it my fault?” Sungchan shouted, that made Y/N step back. “I repeatedly asked you not to go to my games. Why do you think I refuse to give you a ride to school?” 
“How is it my fault? I just wanted to…” 
Sungchan breathed heavily before mumbling, “I always wished you gave birth to me later.” Y/N was surprised at the confession, clutching her bag a little tighter. “I always wished you weren’t my mom.” 
“Sungchan!” Jaehyun called in his booming voice. 
“I hate you.” Then the younger one stared at his parents before bolting out of the place. 
Y/N staggered that she had to reach for a nearby wall to balance herself. What was that? “You know he doesn’t mean that, right?” Jaehyun asked, holding her arm to help her stand. No, he meant it. All this time, he hated her. 
“Go to him,” Y/N whispered, removing Jaehyun’s hold on her. “I need to be alone.” Jaehyun called her name before she continued, “Your son needs you more, Jaehyun.” 
Of course, Sungchan hates her. It was a fact that Y/N had been trying to bury for herself. She knew the signs were there but she refused to believe them. His sweet Channie cannot hate her. But he’s now all grown up and he’s his person now. He’s not her Channie but his very own Sungchan. Of course, he would hate her. She made his life miserable by bringing him into this world when she didn’t know anything about how to be a proper mom. She ruined her relationship with his dad. She’s making her son’s life miserable. 
“Y/N,” she looked up to see Yuta looking at her in worry. She didn’t realize she was lost in thoughts. “Are you crying?” She didn’t realize that she was crying so much. Yuta handed her a handkerchief and that’s when she realized the tears. Why is she crying this much when it was entirely her fault? “I’m picking Sakura up from school. Do you maybe want to go with me?” 
Maybe she’ll just try to distract herself from reality. 
When was the last time she came to this elementary school? A lot has changed that she wondered if this was the same school her son went to. She remembered how she would always wait for her son to come out of the school gates along with the other moms who would only look at her. Y/N would always be shy standing in the middle of the crowd of moms who knew what they were doing but that inferior feeling would change whenever a fair-skinned, doe-eyed boy would run to her and call her “Mommy!” excitedly as if they hadn’t seen each other for months. A moment she would always look forward to. A moment when she and Sungchan only mattered in the world. 
A moment she knew wouldn’t happen again. 
“Auntie!” Instead, a high-pitched, starry-eyed kid with chubby cheeks called. “You’re here!” Sakura exclaimed while laughing in glee, waving at her excitedly. 
Y/N had to smile, “Yeah, I wanted to see you.” The smile on the younger’s lips grew wider, which Y/N mirrored. How is Sakura so cute? “Did you have fun in school?” 
The younger nodded, handing her unicorn backpack to her father. “I did! We made bracelets today.” And she showed her wrist full of colorful beads. “I shared some bracelets with my classmates.” She shared excitedly while removing one pink bracelet. “You can have this, auntie. I made this.” 
“Are you sure I can just take this?” Sakura nodded, claiming that she’ll just make Sachiko one later. 
The bright pink beads of the bracelet were twinkling with the sunlight as Y/N braided Sakura’s unruly hair. Yuta just sloppily put Sakura’s hair in a bun when the young girl asked if she could play in the playground, earning a whine from the young girl. Y/N had to take a hair tie from her purse, offering to braid the young girl’s hair much to her glee. Sakura was grinning so brightly when she showed her what her hair looked like. “It’s just like my classmates but better.” 
“What are you going to say?” Yuta asked strictly. 
“Thank you, auntie,” The younger girl said with a hug. “I hope you always fix my hair like this.” 
The older had to giggle at that. Sakura was running to the playground, her squeals of excitement heard from where Y/N and Yuta were seated. She’s so cheerful and full of energy. “I probably should learn how to braid Sakura’s hair. She will never shut up about it.” Y/N only laughed in response. “You should have been a girl mom.” 
The comment made Y/N lightly glance at Yuta. “I should have,” she muttered quietly. “But I ended up having a son who hates me as his mom.” 
“So that is what it was all about?” 
The girl sighed, “I’ve never seen Sungchan that mad. Maybe he does hate me so much.” 
Yuta shook his head. “It’s teen angst. We all passed a point in our life where we think we know everything and say mean words.” He claimed then chuckled lightly. “I don’t think Sungchan hates you. He’s a nice kid, he probably doesn’t mean saying those words to you.” 
Y/N pursed her lips at that. “I think he does.” She whispered. “When he was young, I was always the best mom. The person he loves the most in the world.” She smiled timidly at the memories. “Then he suddenly became too grown up and got embarrassed of me.” The girl watched as Sakura slid on the huge slide, waving at them as if showing off. “I wish he never grew up.” The guy beside her started laughing, which made her glare. “Do you think that’s so funny?” 
“Well, you cannot stop him from growing up. He’s still your son.” Yuta claimed. “Sungchan isn’t embarrassed by you. Do you remember at Kura’s birthday? He looked so proud when my daughter chose you as the prettiest mom.” Y/N pouted. “If I were in Sungchan’s shoes, I wouldn’t do anything. But he never cared about himself and he just straight up protected you.” He continued, “And I think that’s more admirable, Y/N.” 
The girl looked so lost in thought. Yuta smiled, she is so lovely. “Being a boy mom suits you.” 
“You just said I should have been a girl mom.” 
“I think you’re just a great mom overall.”  
Y/N had a small smile on her face, “You mean that?” Yuta nodded, even teasing that it’s not teen angst talking. The girl had to laugh at that, “Thank you, Yuta. That means a lot.” 
The guy held up his hand. She gave him a high five and just like before, he threaded their fingers together. “You’re welcome, Y/N.” 
Sakura came running to where they were, followed by two girls, “Auntie, can you also fix their hair like mine? They said it looks pretty.” Y/N nodded. 
“Truly, a girl mom.” Yuta teased while shaking his head. 
“Is she still not answering her phone?” Sungchan asked, seated on the kitchen stool while glancing at his dad who only shook his head. “Do you think she went to work? Should I call Uncle Jungwoo?” 
Jaehyun shook his head. “You should call her.” But Sungchan only glared. “If I knew your mom better, I’d say she’s crying her eyes out in a park while beating herself for it.” The younger gave the older a death glare but Jaehyun just shrugged. “You did hurt her feelings.” 
“I said I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah, to me. Not to her.” Jaehyun claimed. Sungchan put down his phone after creating a message to his uncle, asking for his mom. “If I were a traditional dad, you should be grounded by now.” 
The younger guy sighed once again, “But you understand me right?” Jaehyun lightly glanced at his son. “This isn’t the first time this happened.” Sungchan was reminded of all the soccer coaches and male teachers who would always praise him and give him special treatment just because they wanted a chance with his mom. As he grew up, it became more intense to the point that his classmates would always make these sick fantasies about him and his mom. 
“You cannot blame your mom for that, Sungchan.” Jaehyun started before sitting on the adjacent stool as his son. “When you were still young, your mom would always spoil you that she often forgot about herself. She would come out of the house with tattered and worn-out clothes. She never really cared about how she looked as long as you’re well.” In Sungchan’s point of view, that is so hard to believe. When he first heard this story, he thought his dad was only tripping with him and making him guilty. But his uncle would often share the same story as how his mom suffered a lot when he was young. “The kids wouldn’t play with you because they thought you’re the maid’s son and that broke your mom, big time.” 
“So she promised herself that she would look good,” Sungchan finished for his dad. 
“That’s why we don’t blame mom for anything. I saw that woman almost dying just to bring you to this world, be grateful.” The older claimed ruffling the younger’s hair. “You’re lucky she’s your mom. You wouldn’t grow up well if not.” Sungchan sighed at that. “Apologize to your mom.” The younger nodded. 
Both guys were in the middle of preparing for dinner when the car could be heard parking in the garage. Somewhat Sungchan’s insides were shaking. How is his mom? Where has she been? How can he talk and apologize to her? 
“You’re home!” It was Jaehyun who greeted her. “We’re making pasta for dinner.” 
“I already ate,” she said in monotone. “I’ll sleep early.” Then she just walked away without staring at the two guys. 
Sungchan glanced at his father in worry but he only shook his head. “Just let her sleep on it. Apologize to her tomorrow.” 
When Y/N woke up that morning, she just groaned at the pain in both her head and eyes. Maybe she’ll just inform Jungwoo that she cannot go to work today. Her throat was so parched but she tried to feel if there was someone in the house. Is she alone? Did Sungchan already go to school? But he might be expelled right now so he’s probably somewhere in the house. And somehow, she doesn’t want to face him yet. 
When was the last time she cried this much? Y/N wondered. When she broke up with Jaehyun? When her father died? And now because of Sungchan. Why does she always cry because of a man? “Good morning!” She almost screamed hearing Jaehyun’s voice but the other just laughed. “You look so bad.” Y/N had to roll her eyes at that which only made her head throb some more. “I’ll reheat the pasta so you can eat it.” 
“Where is Sungchan?” She asked, sitting on the kitchen stool. “And why are you still here?” 
Jaehyun smiled as he turned on the stove. “Your son went to school. Apparently, his classmates were claiming that Sungchan didn’t start anything so the school will probably review the punishment they’ll give him.” 
“You didn’t even come with him?”
The guy shook his head with a laugh, “He said I should just stay at home and take care of you.” There was an evident surprise on Y/N’s face. There’s no way Sungchan said that after what happened yesterday. “He felt bad for the things he said, Y/N.” 
“Jaehyun, do you think I’m making our son’s life miserable?” 
“You’re not,” he claimed. “But if it helps, both of us made his life miserable.” 
“He should have stayed with you.” She whispered making Jaehyun laugh wholeheartedly. 
“Did you forget that Sungchan chose to be with his mommy rather than live with the robots in Japan? My mom is still salty about it.” Y/N had to breathe heavily at that. Another nostalgia creeping up on her. Why does she miss Sungchan more? “Your son loves you so much that he’s willing to protect you at all costs yet you wanted him to stay with me?” Jaehyun put down the plate of pasta. “If I was in Sungchan’s shoes and someone talks like that about my mom, I wouldn’t care. That’s not worth getting expelled for. But the kid straight up just punched someone for you. He cares for you so much to do that, Y/N.” 
Y/N finds it weird because that was what Yuta exactly said. Was that really a man’s wisdom? The tears unconsciously fell as she took a bite of pasta. “You’re doing a great job as a mom, Y/N,” Jaehyun whispered while gently tapping the top of her head. “Now, great mom, can you bring Sungchan his phone?” Y/N had a curious look on her face. “I asked him to leave the phone so you two could talk.” 
The girl only had to glare at the man, “You are so annoying!” 
“That’s why we got a divorce, honey,” Jaehyun muttered, laughing as he exited the kitchen.
Y/N doesn’t know how to return Sungchan’s phone without facing him. Mentally, she wasn’t ready. What if he’s still mad at her? What if it could only lead to more shouting and mean words? Emotionally, she cannot handle anything as of the moment. She even had to force herself to come out of the house so physically, she wasn’t available as well. Jaehyun repeatedly told her that she looked like a mess but she didn’t care. Instead of her usual dresses and high heels, she’s wearing jeans and an old, worn-out t-shirt of a band Sungchan likes way back. She’s only wearing flipflops and eyeglasses, then a light lip tint to at least look a bit presentable. 
She knew she could not enter the school after what happened yesterday. That’s just awkward. So giving Sungchan his phone while he’s in class is a huge no. Maybe she could contact some of his friends to give it on behalf of her. But then, who were his friends that she knew of? Maybe this is the reason why her son never introduced her to his friends. 
Shotaro, she remembered. She knew Shotaro and they belonged to the same class. But how can she contact Shotaro without making it weird? Hurriedly, she looked for the contacts on her phone for the recently added person. This is her only choice for now. 
With a wide, teasing smile, Yuta came out of the school gates and she immediately apologized for taking his thing. Good thing Sakura asked for her number yesterday, that earned her Yuta’s number as well. “Is this your teen angst?” She rolled her eyes as Yuta chuckled. “You still haven’t talked to him?” 
Y/N only shook her head before handing her son’s phone. “Did you know what punishment he received?” 
“I only heard that it isn’t expulsion. The class said that it was the other guy who started and he provoked Sungchan.” Yuta explained as she nodded. That’s a relief. “Will you still let Sungchan play soccer?” 
“Are you going to kick him out of the team?” 
Yuta looked startled. “God, no. He’s my star player.” He then startled, fiddling with his thumbs. “I just thought maybe you decided to ground him as punishment.” 
“His dad didn’t say anything,” Yuta only nodded. “And I can’t do that. He already hates me enough.” The guy had to laugh teasingly. “Thank you Yuta and I’m sorry for bothering you. I have to go back home.” 
The guy held his hand up for a high five, which she returned and he threaded their fingers together like what he usually does. “You look better wearing these clothes. You seemed human.” 
“Am I not a human before?” 
“You’re a Goddess,” Y/N was startled. “That’s what Sakura calls you.” 
The girl had to laugh at that. “Can I just trade your daughter with my Sungchan?” 
“In ten years, when she starts telling me that she hates me, I might just give her to you for free.” 
Yuta was supposed to go to their homeroom to hand over the phone. Maybe he’ll talk to Shotaro and ask him to give the phone. But instead, he saw Sungchan seated on the bench overlooking the soccer field. Are classes over already? Why is he outside? “Jung Sungchan,” he called which made the younger turn to him in surprise. “Are classes over? Where’s Shotaro?” 
“I skipped,” he confessed in a soft voice as Yuta sat beside him. “I’m sorry, coach. I might stop playing soccer.” 
“Why?” he asked then handed him his phone. “Your mom just said that you’re not being punished so why would you quit soccer?” 
Sungchan looked so surprised. “She came here?” Yuta nodded, “Then you probably knew what happened?” 
“Not everything,” Yuta confessed. “All I know is that it heavily affected your mom.” Sungchan nodded. It did. She didn’t eat dinner with them and he cannot miss those bloodshot eyes. “And it’s heavily affecting you too.” 
Sungchan had to lean his back on the bench, crossing his arms. “I feel like an evil child for hurting mom like that.” He whispered, “But in my defense, I was just so mad that time that I lashed out at her.” The younger breathed heavily. “She’s probably so mad and disappointed at me.” 
Yuta mirrored the same posture the younger had before shaking his head. “I don’t think that’s the case.” He mumbled then smiled at the past interaction he had with Y/N. “I think your mom just misses you.” 
“Miss me?” 
“We, as parents, really cannot stop you from growing up.” Yuta started, “But as you grow up, your parents grow older as well.” He started tapping Sungchan’s back, “You’re a nice kid, you grew up well. You know what to do.” The older stood up while brushing his pants, “Skip practice today but you’ll have to run double the lap tomorrow.” 
Sungchan nodded, “Thank you, coach.” The older smiled. “I hope you’re not doing this because of my mom.” 
Yuta had a small smile on his face, “You’re my player. Not your mom.” 
The house was too quiet when Sungchan came in. His mom’s car was in the garage, meaning she didn’t go to work today. She’s probably in her workshop and designing dresses again. His dad’s car isn’t here so he probably left. He should have gone home earlier if he knew this is the scenario. How can he face his mom alone? What if she’s mad? What if she cries? He doesn’t know what to do. 
Maybe he should call his uncle Jungwoo. 
But the fact that he hasn’t bombarded him with messages about hurting his mom only meant that he doesn’t have any idea about what happened. And letting him know is scarier than apologizing to his mom. 
Sungchan breathed heavily, a tub of ice cream on hand as he knocked on the door. Just apologize, Sungchan. Don’t make her cry. He heard a hum on the other side of the door, “Mom, it’s Sungchan. I bought ice cream, it might melt if we don’t eat it now.” He heard her agreement before he shakingly opened the door. His mom was seated on her desk, papers scattered on the floor while some were taped on the wall. 
What struck him the most was the small yellowish paper pinned on her corkboard. Sungchan had been in this room a couple of times before, but this is the first time he took note of that paper. “Where’s your dad?” She asked as she moved to the small couch in the room. 
“He’s gone. You didn’t know?” he asked while handing her the small bowl and spoon. “I didn’t know you still have that card,” Sungchan started pointing at the piece of paper on the corkboard. “How long was that? When I was in first grade?” 
“Second grade,” Y/N claimed curtly. “The first year your father and I got a divorce.” Oh, he remembered now. “Do you still remember that paper?” 
Sungchan nodded, “Grandma wanted me to go live with her someplace with robots but I chose to be with you and she wanted proof of that.” Y/N smiled timidly, nodding at him. “I love mommy more than robots,” he whispered, remembering what was written on that piece of paper. “And I still do,” he said in a soft voice, staring at the slowly melting ice cream. 
“You’re already past the robot age, Sungchan.” 
“But if given the same choices, I’ll still choose to be with you.” 
“Even if you hate me as your mom?” 
“I’m sorry,” Sungchan started kneeling on the carpeted floor. “I didn’t mean any of those words, I didn’t know what possessed me to say those things. I’ll forever repent my actions.” he kept on rubbing his palms together as if asking for forgiveness. “It’s fine if you don’t forgive me, I just hate that I hurt you and made you cry.” When he looked up, his mom was sobbing, which made him whine. “Mom!” he revolted. “I can’t calm a crying girl. I don’t know what to do.”  
He sat beside her on the chair, wrapping his arms around her as she leaned in to cry on his chest. When did his mom become so small? He remembered hugging her when he was young and she seemed so big. But now, she felt so small in his arms. He had truly grown up. And maybe the coach is right. His mom just missed him. The young him. “Did you hate me as your mom?” 
“No,” Sungchan said in a low voice. “But I hate how people perceive you as an awful mom because you’re young and pretty.” He rubbed her back to calm her down. “I’m thankful that I’m your only child because you’ve always showered me with your love and I promise I’ll repay you by taking care of you in the future.” Y/N had to stare at him in confusion. “I wouldn’t get married and would just take care of you.” 
The older lightly slapped her son’s arm. “Ya!” she shouted, making Sungchan laugh. “Are you stupid?” She started wiping her tears from her face. “I already told Sakura you’ll wait for her to grow up.” 
“That’s crazy,” Sungchan claimed while shaking his head. “The ice cream is all melted. I’ll ask dad to get us a new one.”  
“And ask him to cook dinner. He can’t live in this house for free.” Sungchan laughed, nodding at her. He’s glad everything worked at its best. He just had to make sure that this doesn’t happen again. 
The weather wasn’t too hot and since both his uncle and dad were here in town, Sungchan decided to invite the three adults to play basketball. When he was young, the four of them would often play basketball in the nearby court just for fun. His uncle and dad were usually partners, while he’s always with his mom. Before, they were all taller than him and he felt it was unfair to play with them and team up with his mom. But now that he’s towering over the three adults, maybe he and his mom could finally defeat the two older guys. 
But as their family of four neared the court, he could see a group of three guys playing basketball in the court. Sungchan’s face lit up at the sight of his friend, “Shotaro!” he called as the group turned their way. 
Sakura, who was seated on the bleachers earlier, came running to him while squealing, “Sungchan-oppa!” She even waved to the only girl from the other group then hid behind Sungchan, tugging his leg. “Oppa, who are they?” 
“That’s my dad, Jung Jaehyun.” The taller introduced, pointing at the fair-skinned man with dimples popping from his cheek. “And that’s my uncle, Kim Jungwoo.” 
The younger girl’s eyes were so wide as she innocently asked, “He is your dad?” Sungchan nodded proudly. “That’s why you’re so tall and handsome.” The wonder and realization in her voice made the older guy laugh. 
“Why didn’t you mention that your dad is Jung Jaehyun?” Shotaro asked. 
Sungchan shrugged, taking the ball from his hands. “I didn’t know you know him.” 
The other guy then glanced at his twin sister seated on the bleachers, who was ogling at the celebrity walking past her. “Sachiko has a huge crush on him growing up.” The son of the said person looked surprised. He didn’t know his dad could be that famous. 
The adults were introduced to each other: Jungwoo was remembered by both Sachiko and Sakura as the man in the boutique with Y/N while Johnny was the waiter in the restaurant which Y/N mentioned. Sungchan was the one who suggested playing against each other with four players each, but Y/N stepped back, claiming that she’s not playing because it’s too hot. 
“You have to play, you’re already in your jersey,” Jaehyun claimed, which made her glare. “We brought you outside to exercise.”
The girl scrunched her nose, “What am I? Your dog?” She asked before dragging Sakura and Sachiko, “We’re getting ice cream.” 
Jaehyun shook his head and whispered, “Such a kid.” 
Yuta was just watching the interaction. He had never seen such a perfect couple before. A beautiful mom and a handsome dad, with a very good-looking son. What a perfect family. And somewhat, Y/N looked so much lovelier in his eyes this instance. Maybe because this is the first time he had seen her as a wife. Why did God love Jung Jaehyun so much?     
When the girls left the court, they decided to have a three versus three half-court game. Since they came first, Yuta’s team was the first offense. What Y/N said before about Sungchan’s talent in sports coming from his dad makes sense. He knew Jaehyun isn’t an athlete, he is a model. But his agility and speed made him amazing at the game. The first point was created by Johnny and then Shotaro.  
The court was so loud with the sound of their rubber shoes, all the calling, and the laughs from both Shotaro and Jungwoo. Jaehyun kept on shooting consecutively, making Yuta more competitive. Even if the other team was significantly taller, Yuta’s team scored more mainly because of their teamwork and Johnny’s endless rebounds. The older didn’t realize that his son could be good in basketball as well. 
Feeling tired, the six men were lying on the floor of the court after Yuta scored the seventh point for their team. Why is basketball this tiring? He lightly glanced around. But moreover, where are his daughters? 
Sakura kept on groaning as her hair kept on blocking her face from eating the ice cream. Y/N had to chuckle, stopping the two girls and asking Sachiko to hold her ice cream so she could tie the younger’s hair. “Auntie, how did you find a handsome husband?” Y/N laughed at the innocent question. “Do I have to be as pretty as you?” 
“You are pretty,” Y/N complimented while rubbing her chubby cheeks. “And Jaehyun is my friend before so I don’t think he finds me pretty.” 
“That’s nonsense.” Even Sachiko revolted at that. “Where can he find a girl as pretty as you?” 
The older of the girls shrugged, “Her girlfriend is prettier.” Both girls stared at her in surprise. “Oh, I should have started with Jung Jaehyun is my ex-husband.” Sachiko looked startled at that. “We divorced a long time ago.” 
The teenage girl shook her head at the shock. “More reasons not to believe in love.” She mumbled under her breath that startled Y/N. Did she just ruin this girl’s idea of love? She’s being such a bad influence on this teenager. 
When the three came back to the court, the six boys were still playing basketball. Sweat was dripping on their foreheads so Y/N just guided the two girls to sit next to their things on the bleachers. She had never been a fan of sports. Never really understood anything in these games, but she knows that the game is intense. Maybe someone provoked her ex-husband’s competitiveness because there’s no sign of the cheerful Jaehyun from before. Sakura was cheering for her dad who was dribbling the ball and then shooting it from behind the half-circle.  
Wow, Y/N thought, Yuta is good at sports. There’s no doubt he’s the soccer coach. 
The moment Shotaro rebounded the shot done by Yuta, Jaehyun announced that the game was done. Even Jungwoo was surprised that the other team got six points already. Sungchan immediately ran to the girls, then took a bite of his mom’s ice cream, making the older whine. “I’m so tired!” he complained while leaning on his mom. Y/N had to laugh while she finished her ice cream.  
“Sungchan oppa, you play so well and you’re so tall,” Sakura claimed, walking to where the older guy was. He only chuckled before asking if she wanted to shoot the ball to the ring, earning a nod from Sakura. 
Y/N had to repeatedly tell Sungchan to be careful as he carried Sakura on his shoulders so the young girl could be as tall as the ring. The older one was standing next to her son, holding Sakura’s back so she wouldn’t fall as she kept calling her son’s name. The younger girl’s giggles filled the whole court. All eyes were on the three of them: Johnny. Shotaro, and Jungwoo were laughing, Sachiko taking a picture with her phone camera, while Yuta was just focused on the scene before him. 
How can a girl just look so lovely as a mom? Y/N is proving to him that she’s neither a boy mom nor a girl mom. She could be both and she would surely do her best as a mom. Now he wonders why they only had Sungchan as a child. Does Jaehyun not want another child? What a waste of good genes. His gaze fell on Jaehyun who only smiled at him knowingly. What was that? Did he catch him checking out his wife? Wait, was he even checking out Y/N? 
Maybe Yuta is sick in the head. 
“Y/N!” Jaehyun called, “Let’s have a barbecue party at home and invite them over,” Sakura shouted that she liked barbecue before he glanced at Yuta. 
Yuta feels like he’s in trouble. 
The initial impression of this woman being wealthy came to Yuta once again when they reached the Jungs’ place. It is a huge house with a two-car garage. How can their family be that perfect? The kids were immediately playing Sungchan’s PlayStation while both Jaehyun and Jungwoo were already preparing for a barbecue party on their lawn. Johnny didn’t come, excusing himself that he had a part-time job to go to. He promised to attend the next barbecue party though.
Y/N, on the other hand, hurriedly went to the kitchen to prepare some ingredients. “Hey,” Yuta greeted, making his way to the kitchen. “Do you need help?” 
The girl shook her head, “I’m sorry Jaehyun had to drag you here. You probably have some other plans with the kids today.” 
“No, it’s not.” Yuta shook his head. “I am sorry for making you prepare this much.” 
The girl giggled at that. Y/N was washing the vegetables, which made Yuta help her by peeling the onions. “Your house is amazing.” 
“Sungchan’s grandfather is an architect,” she claimed. “He made all these for his only grandson.” 
Yuta had to put the onion on a plate, “Why don’t you give him another grandchild?” Y/N only laughed. “I think Sungchan is ready to be an older brother.” He gestured to the older guy helping Sakura with the controller of the PlayStation. 
The girl breathed heavily while leaning on the counter and watching her son. Truly, he is gonna be a great older brother. “I almost died giving birth to Sungchan. I was young and it was a complicated birth.” Yuta just nodded and her eyes widened, “Oh shit, I’m sorry. It’s not…” 
“Oh, no worries.” Yuta shook his head with a smile. “I’m actually amazed at what women can do and endure. I personally think giving birth is the most painful feeling in the world.” There was a small smile on his face, “Moms are amazing.” 
Y/N giggled. “I think Sungchan is already enough.” She then turned to face the counter and cut the vegetables. “He loves me the most in the world, you know.” 
Yuta laughed, “He does.” Then whispered, “I’m glad you two are okay now. You both look like a mess during your fight.” Y/N only laughed wholeheartedly. 
The meat looks delectable, the smell tingling their senses. Jaehyun had probably done this a couple of times before. Not only is he handsome and famous, he’s also a great cook. What a complete package. No doubt a lovely and classy girl as Y/N would fall for him. Additional brownie points for Jaehyun for how attentive he is to both Sachiko and Sakura. 
He probably also wants a daughter just like Y/N. 
He didn’t expect a guy like Jaehyun to succumb to his wife’s request. Maybe he is the type to fall head over heels for a girl. But in Y/N’s case, who wouldn’t? If he were her husband, he'd probably worship her on her feet. 
Yuta shook his head. That was a bad thought. 
Both families were seated on a long table in the yard. Maybe they hosted barbecue parties like this before, since they have all the things needed. “I didn’t know you have these many plates, Y/N.” Jaehyun joked as he sat on the head of the table while his husband sat opposite him on the other side of the table. “Probably from all the tea parties and neighborhood meetings you have.” 
“You are so annoying!” Y/N revolted. 
Jaehyun laughed, “That’s why we got a divorce, honey.” The statement startled Yuta so much that he almost dropped the glass he was holding. Divorce? Jaehyun and Y/N? But she still wears her wedding ring. When he glanced around, he was the only one who looked shaken at the statement. Do his kids know? But why is he so shaken about it? “Yuta,” the other called, making him cough lightly. Don’t be suspicious, Yuta. “Is the food alright?” 
He nodded, taking another bite of the meal. “It is.” Jaehyun nodded with a smile. 
For every bite of the meat, Yuta had questions forming in his head. Why did they get divorced? Why is she still wearing her wedding ring? How long have they been divorced from each other? Why is Jaehyun here if they’ve already broken up? His head just kept on throbbing with questions. Is she open to falling in love again? 
Once again, Yuta had to shake his head. That is a bad thought. A crazy thought. He should stop himself before he acts on that thought of his. 
Sungchan had never washed these many plates before. If he’s normal, he would easily lash out at his parents for inviting a lot of people over for their little party. Yet, somehow, his heart was happy. He knew how much this little party meant for his mom. He’s somewhat glad that she found a person with the same situation as hers, with whom she could easily talk to. Not like those other women in the neighborhood who only gossip. He’s also glad that his family could know a lot about his best friend's family.  He hopes these hangouts will be frequent. 
“Sungchan,” Jaehyun called, entering the kitchen which made the younger man hum. “I’m leaving.” 
The guy turned to his dad in surprise. “Suddenly?” 
“I have to meet your grandma.” Sungchan only nodded. “Your mom is already in her workshop so I cannot bother her.” Once again, he nodded. 
Jaehyun leaned on the counter, “Son, will you be alright with your mom marrying again?” The sentence surprised Sungchan. Where is this conversation heading? “Will you let her fall in love again?” 
He turned off the faucet, hands on the counter to help with his balance. “I don’t know why you’re asking that but I cannot stop her if she does want to marry again.” Then he sighed, “But dad, that is highly impossible. You know mom still wears your wedding ring.” 
“To scare unwanted suitors,” Jaehyun claimed with a laugh. “I taught her that technique.” The taller guy just shook his head while rolling his eyes at his dad. “Sungchan, promise me that you will never stop your mom from falling in love and marrying again.”
It was a weird request, yet Sungchan can’t say no to his dad. But where is this conversation leading to? Is his mom seeing a guy that he doesn’t know about? And does his dad know about it? How? That was very weird. 
He shook his head. Sungchan was sure that it wouldn’t be a problem with his mom. 
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slvtfornegan · 1 day ago
“That another way of yours to thank me?”
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Warnings: smut, a small fight, swearing, (s10 Negan)
Notes: idk how i feel about this one, it’s kinda rushed, i js wanted to post something. Also i wanted to write Negan more sub but I’ll leave that for another time.
The night air was cool against your skin, carrying the scent of damp earth and the faint, lingering smoke from someone’s late-night fire. The ground beneath your feet was uneven, soft from the earlier rain, and the distant hoot of an owl echoed in the trees just beyond Alexandria’s walls. Most of the town was asleep by now, save for a few guards on patrol. You should’ve been in your house too, enjoying some peace and quiet—but Jesse had made that impossible.
You kept your back against the wooden side of a tool shed, listening.
Footsteps. Slow, deliberate.
Damn it.
You had been avoiding him all day. Jesse had taken an interest in you a while ago, and no matter how many times you brushed him off, he just didn’t get it. He followed you around like a lost puppy, flashing that same eager smile, acting like the world hadn’t gone to complete shit. It was exhausting. Annoying.
And tonight? It was flat-out creepy.
He’d seen you leave the main street, and like clockwork, he’d started following you. Again.
You weren’t scared of him—just frustrated, irritated that you even had to hide in the first place. If he’d been some asshole trying to hurt you, that would’ve been simple. But Jesse wasn’t a threat. He was just persistent. Too damn persistent.
You shifted your weight, preparing to move toward the alley that ran behind the houses, when you stepped back—right into something solid.
A firm hand caught your shoulder, keeping you from stumbling. Your heart jumped into your throat as you turned sharply, ready to shove whoever it was.
Then you saw him.
Even in the dim light, you could see the familiar smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth his eyebrows raised up in his forehead.
A familiar chuckle rumbled against you.
“Shit. Didn’t know I was in the fuckin’ way.”
It had been months since he was let out of that cell, and people still treated him like a caged animal, watching, waiting for him to snap. But you had never really been part of that crowd. Yeah, you knew what he’d done. Hell, everyone did. But he wasn’t just that guy anymore. And you couldn’t bring yourself to hate him, not entirely. There were a glances, a few teasing comments, sometimes a wink from the distance, thrown in your direction that made you smile.
You took a step back, clearing your throat. “Sorry. I didn’t see you.”
“No shit,” he said, raising a brow. “Damn near knocked me on my ass.” His eyes flicked over your shoulder. “You look like you saw a ghost, or somethin’ worse.”
You hesitated, then exhaled through your nose, deciding it wasn’t worth hiding. “Jesse.”
Negan let out a low hum, tilting his head. “The kid with the stupid haircut?”
Despite yourself, a small amused snort escaped.
Negan grinned. “Figured. He’s been sniffin’ around you like a damn bloodhound.”
You groaned, crossing your arms. “Tell me about it.”
For a moment, neither of you spoke. The distant murmur of crickets filled the silence, and the flickering streetlights cast long shadows across the road.
Negan studied you, eyes sharp despite the lazy grin still lingering on his face. You knew what he was thinking—why the hell were you standing here, talking to him?
You weren’t sure how to answer that.
There were a lot of things about Negan that should’ve made you stay away. The past. The things he’d done. The lives he had taken.
And yet...
He wasn’t all bad.
People liked to paint him as a monster, as if that was all he’d ever been, but you had seen the cracks in that image. The way he’d helped Judith. The way he had stayed, even when he could have run. The way he looked at you now—not as someone beneath him, but as someone worth listening to.
And you’d be damned if you didn’t catch yourself checking him out more than once. He was older than you, yet he looked good. Too damn good you’d say.
But you’d never make a move though. You were too much of a pussy. You were scared about what people would think if they saw you making hearts eyes at Negan. People in Alexandria weren’t the ones to forget easily.
You sighed shaking the thought away. “He won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. It’s pissing me the fuck off.” You saw his expression shift into something more serious. He understood.
You crossed your arms. “If I have to tell him one more time, I swear—”
“There you are.”
The sound of Jesse’s voice made your stomach twist. You turned just in time to see him step out from between two houses, his silhouette cutting against the dim glow of a porchlight. His eyes flicked to Negan, his lips twitching like he wasn’t sure whether to be annoyed or amused.
“What’s this?” Jesse asked, stepping closer. “Didn’t know you and him were friends.”
You exhaled through your nose and stepped forward. “Jesse, go home.”
Jesse’s smile didn’t budge. If anything, it got wider, but there was something mean curling at the edges now. “Come on, don’t be like that,” he said, like he was the victim here. “I just wanted to talk. You’ve been dodging me all day.”
“For a reason.” You folded your arms, feeling your patience run out. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
Jesse’s smile thinned. His eyes flickered to Negan, and something in them darkened, like he was sizing up a threat. Which was stupid. Negan wasn’t even doing anything—yet. Just watching carefully.
“You got a problem, old man?” Jesse finally said, turning his full attention on him and moved closer.
Negan lifted a brow, tilting his head slightly. “Old man? Shit, kid, you got a death wish?”
Negan gave him a slow, deliberate once-over. “In the matter of fact i do have a fucking problem. Y’know, I don’t usually waste my time on little pricks with Napoleon complexes, but you’re really pushin’ it. The lady said no, so why don’t you skedaddle?”
Fuck he really didn’t want to cause trouble, he just got out of that freaking cell, but this asshole was asking for it. And to be truthful, Jesse wasn’t the only one sniffing around Y/n. Thought he’d never made a move. He didn’t want to cross that thin line because it could’ve burned him.
Jesse scoffed, puffing out his chest like he actually had something to prove. “Yeah? You’re gonna do something about it?”
“I just might.” Negan drawled lowly
This situation was getting ridiculous. That wouldn’t bring to nothing good, might even get Negan in trouble after.
“You two done measuring who’s balls are bigger? Jesse just go.”
“No no,” he waved his hand in the air dramatically “If gramps wanna prove a point here, let him do it.”
Negan let out a low chuckle shaking his head.
You blinked and It happened.
Negan swung first.
The punch cracked across Jesse’s jaw, snapping his head to the side. He staggered, but he recovered quick, launching himself at Negan with a snarl. The two of them collided hard, boots scraping against the dirt as they grappled. Jesse was younger, maybe even faster, but that didn’t stop Negan anyway.
“No stop it!” You yelled
But none of them morons listened. You watched as he twisted, using Jesse’s own momentum against him, slamming him into the side of the tool shed with a heavy thud. Jesse grunted, throwing a punch that clipped Negan’s jaw his head jerking to the side.
The men were caught in a fight of fists and kicks trying to knock each other on the ground.
You groaned. “Are you two actually serious right now?”
You had to end this before it attracted people’s attention.
You grabbed at Jesse’s shirt pulling him away from Negan and pushed him away, making Jesse stumble a few feet back.
“Stop!” You shoved Negan’s chest, not hard, just enough to make him step back. Negan ran his tongue over the inside of his cheek, tasting the blood on his tongue, a smug look on his face as he looked over Jesse. You stayed at Negan’s side also breathing heavily. “I’m telling you one more time to leave, before I personally will kick your ass.” You hissed
Jesse wiped at his mouth, breathing hard. His eyes burned with anger, but there was something else too—humiliation. He’d lost, and he knew it.
“You really chose to hang around with him?” Jesse spat, glaring between the two of you.
He clenched his fists, jaw tightening like he wanted to say something, but he thought better of it. With one last sharp glare at you, he turned and stalked off, disappearing into the night.
You let out a slow breath, tension draining from your shoulders. “Fucking finally.”
Negan let out a low grunt, rubbing his jaw where Jesse’s punch had landed. “Little shit’s got a mean right hook. Weak as hell, but gotta give him credit for effort.”
You shot him a look. “Oh, yeah? You want me to call him back so you two can go another round?”
Negan smirked. “Nah, sweetheart. ‘Less you’re offerin’ to nurse me back to health.” His brows waggled playfully. “Got a soft touch, do ya?”
You rolled your eyes, but truth be told, he did look like he needed something for that bruised cheek. You sighed. “Come on. Let’s get you some ice before your face swells up.”
Negan blinked, then let out a short laugh. “You serious?”
“Yeah.” You turned, leading the way toward your house. “You helped me out. Least I can do.”
“Well, shit,” he muttered under his breath, following you. “Didn’t expect a goddamn reward.”
You made your way through the quiet streets of Alexandria, the houses standing still and silent under the dim glow of streetlights. Most people were asleep by now, save for the occasional guard patrolling the walls. The air smelled of damp wood and earth, a reminder of the earlier rain. Your footsteps were soft against the dirt path, and Negan walked just behind you, his presence oddly steady.
Your house was on the smaller side, tucked away near the edge of the community. When you stepped up onto the porch and unlocked the door, Negan let out a low whistle. “Nice place.”
You flicked on a lantern, casting a warm glow over the space. It wasn’t much, but it was cozy—worn wooden floors, a couch, with a coffee table, a big book shelf. A few personal touches here and there. It wasn’t one of the biggest houses in Alexandria, but you lived alone so it was enough for you.
He plopped down onto the couch with a satisfied groan, stretching his legs out.
You wrapped some ice in a cloth, shaking your head as you walked back to the living room. Negan was sprawled out on your couch like he owned the damn place, one arm draped over the back, his long legs stretched out. He had that cocky smirk on his lips.
Asshole. He was definitely been staring at your ass.
You sat next to him, tilting his chin with your free hand and pressing the ice pack to his cheek without warning.
“Shit—” he hissed through his teeth. “Be gentle woman, i’m wounded.” He pouted softly in a joking manner and you rolled your eyes.
Carefully, you adjusted the ice, holding it steady against his bruised cheek. You hadn’t even realized how gentle you were being with him—how your fingers weren’t just holding the ice, but brushing lightly against his skin, how you weren’t pulling away even though you probably should’ve.
Your eyes trailed his features from up close. Fuck why did he have to look this good? Those dark eyes, the gray stubble that covered his chiseled jaw and the greying hair. The dimple lines under his beard complimenting his face.
Negan noticed.
His smirk faded slightly, his gaze darkening as it flickered between your eyes and your mouth.
You noticed that. Trying to ignore the heat increasing in your body from his intense gaze you broke the silence “thank you though… it was idiotic, but at least i got rid of Jesse for a while.” You murmured.
“You don’t have to thank me doll. Didn’t know I was gettin’ a reward, though. Gotta say… I like this part.” His voice dipped lower, rich with something you didn’t want to put a name to.
You swallowed, but didn’t pull away.
His smirk deepened, but his expression wasn’t just cocky—it was searching, reading between the lines. He always did that, looking at people like he could see right through them. And right now? He was seeing through you.
“You’re real fuckin’ soft for me, huh?” he murmured, tilting his head just slightly.
What were you supposed to say? Your eyes found his and for a moment you froze.
Negan’s smirk disappeared entirely, his lips parting slightly. He didn’t pull away—didn’t tease, didn’t throw out another crude joke. He just sat there, waiting, letting you make the choice.
And hell, you made it.
Your lips met his, slow at first—uncertain. But Negan? He wasn’t the uncertain type.
A low sound rumbled from his chest, and suddenly his hand was at the back of your neck, pulling you in like he’d been waiting for this just as much as you had. His lips moved against yours, rough but deliberate, like he wanted to take his time.
And you? You melted into it, the ice in your hands long forgotten and dropped on the floor, your hands moving to cup his face.
He pulled away after a moment looking at you through hooded eyes “That another way of yours to thank me?” His tone was huskier than usual .
“Can you just shut the hell up for a moment?” You asked breathlessly
He smirked “ yes ma’am.” He murmured before his lips claimed yours again.
Your fingers curled into his navy blue shirt, pulling him closer without even realizing it. The heat of his body was solid against yours, his scruff scratching your skin making a pleasant tingly feeling, as his lips moved against yours, slow but sure, deepening the kiss just enough to make your stomach flip.
You leaned in, your hand moved to his hair, and the other one slid down his body. Negan made a low noise in his throat, and the hand on your neck slid down to your waist, fingers pressing against your hip dragging you onto his lap.
You obliged, straddling him, the room feeling with your soft sighs and the most delicious wet nosies of your lips moving against each others.
You could feel him reacting to your touch, his erection pressing against your ass and you couldn’t help but grind against him trying to cause at least some friction.
The motion made him whimper in your mouth, as he broke the kiss to look at your face, his pupils blown with lust, his brows furrowed, all panting and wanting, aching with need.
The look on his face made you moan, a low breathless sound. And the sound made him twitch under you. Your lips nipped gently at his neck, kissing up his throat, making his head fall back with a low groan escaping from his lips.
His hands rested on your thighs gripping harder than before as he spoke his voice low and rough “You’re making it real hard to behave myself here, doll..” in a swift motion he was on top of you, his lips attached to your your skin, as you both tried to get rid of your clothes.
He was more eager than he intended, but years being locked up and now having such a pretty thing underneath him, acting so needy for him, was driving him mad.
Your shirt was now on the floor so was his. Swiftly he undid the zipper of your jeans and pulled them aside leaving you only in your underwear. He ran his hands ran up you legs, feeling the smoothness of your skin. His touch gentle making goosebumps raise all over your body.
“Fuck look at you…” he breathed out, taking you in, laid down beneath him “so fucking beautiful..”
You had a moment to admire him too, his tattoo covered skin, chest arms, the slim yet muscular body, the v line with a happy trail that leaded right in his boxers, before he dipped his head down his lips attaching to your neck again, his beard scraping your soft skin.
His hands moved up your inner thighs, his touch making you tremble slightly under him, your hips bucking up involuntarily. He pushed your panties aside His eyes gazed over the curves of your form, your glistening cunt ready for him. his fingers finding your slick folds and he moaned lowly at the wetness between your legs.
“So wet f’me.” his fingers traced along the delicate skin of your pussy, collecting the slick on his thick, your back arching your hips pushing up to press against his calloused fingers- then bringing them up to his mouth to taste your arousal with a satisfied hum.
“Negan…” you panted “don’t tease.”
“Patience is a fucking virtue.” He teased before with one hand he reached down in his boxers freeing his hard cock, the tip pressing against your entrance making both of you moan.
“Yeah and you’re so fucking vice. Just fuck me already!” You hissed nudging your heel against his ass. But you knew he wanted to tease you more. He chuckled lowly but let out a low curse as you grabbed his shoulders and switched the position, pushing him down onto the couch, making him grunt in surprise his back hitting the cushions.
“Bossy are we?” He teased.
Slowly, you began to sink down onto him, your slick folds parting around his thick shaft. You gasped softly at the stretch, your inner walls clenching and fluttering around his length.
“Fuck..” he sighed as he heard the sweet sounds of your voice, his hips moving in a steady peace giving you time to adjust.
You followed that rhythm, gradually increasing your pace but never bouncing up and down on him. You wanted him to relish in each movement as you rode him, wanted to hear his pleasure.
As if Negan doesn’t feel cocky enough, the mere sight of you riding him makes him even more emboldened. Bringing eyes veiled with lust back to you, he reached around to grasp your ass, guiding your movements. “That’s it baby, you feel so fucking good.” He praised “fuck you’ll be the death of me, at least I’ll enjoy every second of it.”
He watched as your breasts bounced with each thrust. Your mouth agape, your eyes half-linded and skin flushed. It was a sight worth to die for.
But the peace you set was driving him mad, he wanted more.
He sat up, switching the position once more, before he slammed back into you. As your walls enveloped him completely, his head buried in the crook of your neck.
Those sounds coming out of your mouth didn’t seem to belong to you. You whimpered and moaned with every thrust. He filled you perfectly, fucked you perfectly. He was rough but not too rough for your taste, looking at you with adoration, hunger and possession combined.
His low hoarse voice in your ear, saying how good you were for him, how perfect and beautiful and all kind of praises between low grunts and pants feeling how his words affected you as you clenched around him.
“Cmon baby, let go for me.” He panted, his lips nipping at your skin moving down to your breast sucking on it, and feeling you arch.
“Yes—God!” Was the only thing you could gasp out. Your head fell back, his name slipping past your lips as he fucked you through your orgasm, his own release following immediately after his hips coming to a stop as he filled her up.
He looked down at you a lazy smile stretched on his lips, and let out a content sigh as he pulled out. He stole a small kiss from you and gave your bare ass a slight pinch making you whimper in his mouth before, he slumped down on the couch next to you careful not crash you. His arm snuck around your waist pulling you against him
“Well that was fucking amazing.” He grinned lazily, turning to look at you as you rested your head on his chest, your fingers tracing his skin.
The quiet of the room was now broken only by the soft hum of your breathing. It was surreal—this whole situation felt like it shouldn’t be happening.
You rested your head on his chest, the rhythm of his breath calm, slow. His hand rested gently on your waist, fingers tracing lazy patterns on your skin.
“You alright?” He murmured looking down at you.
“Mhmm..” you hummed once more, rolling on top of him with a smile you hand tracing his tattooed chest.
Negan chuckled, his chest vibrating beneath you. “Shit, if this is what I get for throwin’ one punch, I might have to start pickin’ more fights.”
You swatted at his side, rolling your eyes. “Don’t push your luck.”
Negan grinned, tilting his head slightly as he studied you. “Yeah? And here I thought you were startin’ to like havin’ me around. Or it was just it then? A pity fuck?” He joked arching a brow.
You let out a huff. “No.”
“Then it means you like me?” His grin stretched wider chasing your lips but you pulled away and threw him a half annoyed half amused glare but didn’t reply anything.
You stood up from the couch making him sigh dramatically, as he watched you move across the room, his eyes trailing your body and admired your bare ass from his laid position. He bit his lip at the view you were giving him.
You stopped in the doorway looking over your shoulder seeing how his gaze traveled your body hungrily, and you smirked.
“I’m gonna take a shower. Wanna join?” You threw him a sly look.
Shit, you were gonna be the death of him.
Negan’s eyes glinted with amusement, a wicked grin creeping up on his face. “Hell, I’m not one to turn down an invitation like that.”
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cozzzynook · 2 days ago
I bring some silly TFA Megop
Normally around this time Ratchet would be taking a quick nap in his chair before getting back to work however today was not his day as just before the medic could pick up his energon, a very panicked Optimus barged through his door.
"Ratchet, I think I might be sparked!" Said mech yelled as he took in short vents.
"What did you do now?..." Ratchet grumbled as he turned to greet the panicked prime. "I thought you said you had plenty of spike wraps and baffles to use..."
Optimus cleared his intake as he was lead onto the med berth. "Ah- we did but uh some broke and now I'm not feeling great..." He began plucking at the paint on his servos as he struggled to look at the medic.
Rolling his optics Ratchet grabbed his scanner already getting to work. "You better have an idea who the sire is kid because I'm far too old to play guessing games" As they waited for the results Ratchet would grab some medical grade just in case this was nothing more than a simple tank virus.
After a long 10 minutes the scanner pinged, turning his attention Ratchet picked up the scanner and began reading. Meanwhile Optimus quietly bit the inside of his cheek as he waited for an answer. "Well you're sparked kid and we caught it surprisingly early, thank Primus"
"Oh?" Ratchet's expression softened as he placed a comforting servo onto Optimus's shoulder. "Are you not sure about this kid?"
"No- I mean yes!" Optimus quickly shook his helm "Its just what I'm going to tell their sire and how am I going to take care of them, really"
"Well, who is the lucky sire-to-be?"
"Come again?" Ratchet raised a brow at the prime.
"Its Megatron..." Optimus quickly lowered his helm as he his finals flattened against his helm.
The medic took in a deep vent before turning to face Optimus fully head on. "Well no fragging clue the spike wraps broke, you bolt head!" Ratchet just sighed before pinching his nasal ridge. "Next time, use the correct size and Primus so help you kid because that sparkling will be huge"
Optimus optics went wide already dreading the day of emergence. "Ah, is it too late to knock some sense into me?" He gave a sheepish smile.
"Unfortunately yes, but lets hope this bittie teaches you to be careful when interfacing with mechs twice ya size" Ratchet rolled his optics once more before shaking his helm. After all he knows far too well from personal experience.
Kitty kat thank you for this post and i’m sorry i took so long to respond.
Optimus does not in fact learn his lesson.
He actually gets sparked again right after and Megs is all too pleased to see how well he bred his future conjunx and ruler of decepticons and autobots.
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appreciatingtokrev · 8 months ago
hey guys do y’all remrmber me ..... i am alive and doing well 👍👍
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sttoru · 9 months ago
ahh i just cant stop thinking of sukuna's fav concubine getting injured from the other concubines but she hides it because shes scared of being weak (in sukuna's eyes) and/or a burden ☹️☹️
 𝝑𝑒 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. true form!sukuna x concubine!female reader. fluff, sprinkle of angst n comfort. size difference. reader gets called ‘brat, woman, little one’ — ig this is a bit early in their relationship
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“i’ve arrived, my lord,” you announce your presence once you step into sukuna’s quarters. the dimly lit room removed all the stress you currently had in your system—the knowledge that you’re safe in his space causes your shoulders to drop.
sukuna turns his head to look at you while he’s laid back on his bed, topless. all four of his eyes roam over your body, which isn’t anything unusual for you. he always does that.
“tch. took ya long enough,” the king of curses scoffs before gesturing for you to come closer, making that familiar motion with his fingers, “when i order y’ to come, you’re supposed to drop everything and rush to be at my service, woman.”
you hurry over to his side of the bed with a nod. “my apologies,” you mutter. you can’t tell him why you’re late, because hell would break loose within these walls. and also because you’re scared of what his reaction would be.
before being called over, you were in the kitchen, peacefully trying to get a snack, when two other concubines entered the room. you tried ignoring them, but that didn’t seem to be the smartest move. it wasn’t long before they threw derogatory remarks at you.
of course, you stood up for yourself and yelled some back. that’s when one of them pushed you backwards, causing the skin near your hand to get slightly burned by the fire on the stove.
if it weren’t for the maids around that went to report the ruckus to uraume, god knows what more would have went down in that kitchen.
“oi,” sukuna grabs your jaw and lifts your head up. he can immediately notice the vacant look in your eyes, which is unusual for you. you snap out of your trance and set the nasty memories aside—ignoring the impulse to scratch the injury on your wrist.
“i’m sorry, my lord,” you say again before slowly undoing your obi. you figure that is why sukuna had called you over, to do your job as his concubine. you halt your movements when you realise that undressing meant that he’s going to see the wound on your skin.
you hesitate. that same instant of hesitation doesn’t go unnoticed by the king of curses. a large hand of his moves to stop both of your wrists from pulling off your robes.
“. . .i’m giving y’ three seconds of my time,” sukuna narrows his eyes after allowing you to speak up and tell him what’s on your mind. he hears you whimper in pain when he holds onto your wrist, your facial expression clearly uncomfortable. “spit it out,” he impatiently huffs. he wants to hear you say what’s wrong.
you desperately shake your head, biting your bottom lip. you don’t want to tell him—even though you know you’re obligated to.
denying an answer to sukuna was your next big mistake.
“fuckin’ brat,” the pink-haired man grunts. he yanks your arms up to his face, harshly pulling down the sleeves of your kimono. all four of his red eyes immediately fall onto the wound on your wrist. you obviously hadn’t treat it yet, even though you should have done so long ago.
there’s tension hanging in the air almost instantly after your little secret gets revealed. sukuna’s grip on your hands tightens which causes you to flinch. you close your eyes and expect the worst. you can already hear the insults he’ll throw at you—how he’ll call you useless, weak, stupid and all that.
“look up at me,” his voice rings out in a firm tone. you don’t want to anger him more than he already is, so you obey. you open your eyes and glance upwards, your worried gaze meeting his.
sukuna takes a deep breath to contain the bubbling rage inside of him; a rare sight indeed. he doesn’t want to unnecessarily lash out at you when it isn’t needed. however, he can’t deny that itching urge in his chest, to get mad at whoever caused your skin to get tainted like that.
sukuna stares at you with an intimidating glare. when you expect him to yell profanities at you, the unexpected happens.
“who did this to you?” he asks, voice strained like he’s trying to hold himself back.
you blink a few times. the king of curses sounds pissed off, and when he’s in that kind of mood, you know he’s not to be played with. you look the other way and try to think of a proper answer.
will you snitch and cause unnecessary bloodbath, or will you spare the lives of the concubines who hurt you and lie?
you’re scared of being seen as useless by sukuna if you tell him the truth. if you lie, he’ll probably call you weak and stupid as well. it’s a lose-lose situation, you conclude.
you swallow the spit that has gathered in your mouth before parting your lips.
“m-miko,” her name echoes in his ears. you decide to be honest, because you know that there’s no fooling the ryomen sukuna. a second of silence follows and when you look up at him, he stares back at you with furrowed brows.
“ah,” you then realise that he doesn’t know his concubines by name. he has way too many women at his disposal and doesn’t find them worthy enough to remember.
however you have heard from uraume and the others that he does know your name—only yours. it makes you feel special.
you try to describe the concubine you’ve tussled with, “s-short blonde hair, uhm, mole under her right eye.. brown colored eyes—“
sukuna thinks for a moment before clicking his tongue once he faintly remembers who that’s supposed to be. without a word, he stands up and wraps one muscular arm around your waist, sweeping you off your feet and carrying you under his armpit like some package.
his voice is loud enough to make the walls shake and it carries a clear hint of pure rage. everyone in the estate should have heard him by now, which means that they know what is going down in a couple seconds.
sukuna sounding this angry only means one thing; someone is going to die today.
the servants hurriedly scurry around, deeply bowing as he walks past them in the hallway with you still tucked underneath his arms. you let yourself be carried while your heart beats uncontrollably fast in your chest.
you feel your hands shake a bit. seeing someone like sukuna be this mad for your sake—to the point that he’s ready to turn the entire area upside down—is somehow thrilling. though, you can’t help but feel sick because of your own thoughts.
someone is going to die and there you are, cheesing about the king of curses.
you see the white-haired chef appear from a corner, their steps hurried. they glance at you and then back at their master. it’s like they immediately connect the dots.
“treat her in my quarters. don’t let her leave until i come back,” sukuna commands without even looking at uraume. he’s staring ahead, with an ominous aura emitting from his body, one that somebody can sense from miles away.
he puts you down next to uraume before glancing your way one last time. he lets out a deep sigh as he sees the worried expression you’re making. he lowers his head to your level so you’d be face to face.
“and you,” his warm breath hits your cheeks and sends a shiver down your spine. you gulp as sukuna’s hand reaches up to firmly tug at your earlobe, “i’ll deal with your ass later, yeah? i’ll make you feel what it means to hide stuff from me, little one.”
that sentence makes you even more nervous. you know you won’t be able to avoid the punishment sukuna has in mind, so you simply nod. “understood,” you reply in a squeaky voice. you don’t have the guts to disobey him—he’s already out to kill someone and you don’t want to be the next victim.
sukuna straightens his back again and continues his journey towards the concubines’ quarters. every heavy step makes the floors and walls shake, a sign of his unstoppable rage that’s about to be unleashed.
you feel slightly puzzled. you didn’t expect this outcome when you revealed your injury to the ruthless man. you expected to be belittled and mocked for not being able to prevent a wound from being inflicted on your body.
instead, there he goes, off to get revenge in your stead. you feel a twisted sense of satisfaction after seeing sukuna be this protective over you. actions like these demonstrate more than his dull words can do, even if it may seem like he doesn’t care about what could happen to a human like you.
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iznyangwoni · 2 months ago
LITTLE SECRET | spiderman!jungwon
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pairing: spiderman!jungwon x fem!reader
synopsis: where the charming college heartthrob yang jungwon has a couple more secrets than you might’ve thought.
warnings: use of alcohol, cursing, suggestive
words: 6.5k
a/n: happy new year!! this took way longer than i expected, i hope you’re as obsessed with the idea of spidey jungwon as much as me hehe.
taglist: @harukayoiiiiiiizzz @ikeulove @ribbioniki @hollxe1 @shiroolikesfish @wonnie99 @lunaritex @aloloveswonie @meowwons @enlysia @wonys-won @cryjungwon @yizhoutv @engenediary @firstclassjaylee @heeseungmyman @jovibaes @ilovejungwonandhaechan @candyhere @yamagucccii @jungwonbropls @bamguetismee @wnyloves @cralessia
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“Okay, fuck, marry or kill between Thor, Iron man and… Captain America, who do you choose?” You laugh hearing your friend’s nonsense. Not even a couple of drinks in and everyone is already tipsy enough to make stupid questions like that. Still, Yunah seems so proud of starting this game that you cant really blame her.
“Oh damn, that’s hard.” Yunjin says, taking a couple of minutes to think about the answer. You like night like this, Heeseung’s small apartment is perfect for your group’s gatherings, there’s not many of you anyway, and you enjoy the company of your friends and the slight bitter taste of alcohol while you play.
“I guess i’d kill Iron man, fuck thor and marry cap?” Yunjin’s answer makes both Jay and Jake stand up. “oh hell no, team iron man forever.” You laugh again, and rest your back against the window, drink in your hands. There’s something so comforting about these little things that you cant help but be happy even hearing them get into stupid arguments like that. “Whatever! Whatever, Y/n, what do you think?”
You raise your eyebrows, not expecting to be the next one. You raise your eyes to the ceiling, trying your best to think about the options and the words to say to not let anyone jump at you. “Well, i guess i’d marry Thor? Fuck Iron man and kill Captain America.” “Wow. You’re a disappointment, just as i thought.” You roll your eyes jokingly before taking another sip out of your drink, a smirk on your lips while once again everyone starts to argue about team cap or team iron man.
You dont join in on that, Jake is loud enough to compensate for it, and to be completely honest, the alcohol does makes you too dizzy to keep up. You look around, mostly paying attention to the beanbag where Yunah is sitting on, since you want to steal that so damn bad. Yunjin, Jay and Jake are all standing up, hands moving and their voices getting higher each time someone says something even more stupid. Heeseung should be in the kitchen with Jungwon, probably making more drinks, even if we already had way too many.
Speaking of which, you notice Jungwon coming in the living room, a little smile on his lips as he hears the conversation, a tray full of snacks and drinks in his hand. He puts it down on the coffee table and your eyes meet for a single second, you smile at him, as if thanking him for the snacks. “What about spiderman?” He asks the group, and everyone is silent at that, all the attention towards the blonde boy.
You barely register what he says, too focused on looking at him and admiring him to really pay attention. How long have you had a crush on him? Technically, its only been a couple of years, but because of the blip you do really feel like he’s had you in a chokehold for centuries. And ever since he dyed his hair blonde you cant really stop looking at him, he looks ethereal, he looks like a doll, and from this side you can clearly see the perfect outline of his nose and-
“Y/n? Earth calls y/n are you here?” You blink a couple of times, your ears probably becoming red at the realization that everyone in the room saw you staring at Jungwon so much you couldn’t even hear what they said. “Yes? What? I’m sorry I- Yeah, you were saying?” This is embarrassing, but its not like its the first time this happens either. “We were talking about spiderman, and you’re the only one who saw him, so what do you think of him?”
You furrow your brows, trying to recall the last time you saw the hero they’re talking about. Its not like you talked to him, but if it wasnt for spiderman, a whole house would’ve collapsed on you and you surely wouldn’t be here to tell this story again. Its been a couple of months since that accident, and you can only remember the feeling of his broad shoulders covering you and that familiar scent that you still haven’t been able to connect to something. “He’s… cool i guess? I’d still choose Thor over him though.”
Jungwon laughs at your words and looks at your way before sitting on the couch, and thats enough to make your heart flutter again. You try to not look too long, not wanting to repeat that embarrassing moment just a second ago, but your chest really is about to explode. “I guess its hard to beat a god, uh?” You shrug your shoulders, to be completely fair, you’re not a fan of heroes as much as your friends are so all of this talk to you is just boring talk.
Later into the night you’re sitting on Heeseung’s bed, your back on the headboard. The apartment isnt too big, he does indeed have his bed in the living room, but to you that’s what makes it cozy. Jay is sleeping on the beanbag, Jake and Heeseung are playing some kind of game you dont know meanwhile Yunah and Yunjin left not too long ago, the only reason you’re still here is because Jay is supposed to be your ride home, but you dont know how possible that’s going to be now.
Jungwon notices you and sits next to you with his usual smile, a little too close. Your shoulders brush, making you stiffen for a second. You have to remind yourself that Jungwon and you have been friends long before you developed this absurd crush on him, he’s easy to talk to, there’s no reason to get so nervous around him, and so you relax, just a little. “So… you dont like spiderman?” You giggle at that, lately Jungwon has been obsessed with that guy, he keeps bringing him up, as if he knows him personally.
“That’s not what I said.” You turn your head just to look at him, regretting it almost immediately. He’s really close and you didn’t even realize how you’re basically whispering, as if the other three can even hear you. “Yeah but you still choose Thor! Isnt he like… a thousand years old?” You look at him with your eyebrows raised, you can smell the littlest tint of alcohol in him, he doesn't look drunk, but he’s definitely tipsy enough to continue this conversation.
“Jungwon, if I didn’t know you, I would think you either have a crush on spiderman or you’re trying to set me up with him.” He laughs at your words, and you can't help but smile even more, your heart fluttering looking at his face, the way dimples show up on his cheeks and his chuckles are so crystal clear in your head. “Eh, maybe you just don't know me enough.” You grimace at that, your nose scrunching up, making him smile again.
To be completely honest, it does feel like that sometimes. You and Jungwon have been friends for a while, but lately… He’s been acting weird, as if something happened to him that transformed him into a completely different person, or maybe he just has more secrets than you think. You look at Jay, still soundly sleeping on the beanbag. Its so late into the night, and you do have a couple of projects to work on tomorrow, so you better walk back home if you want to be productive.
You get up and start picking your things up; Jungwon furrows his brows at that, before putting two and two together and realizing that you’re going home. “Hey. Isnt Jay your ride home?” You shrug, you really dont have time to wait for him to wake and sober up. “I dont live too far, i’ll just walk back home.” “I’ll go with you.” You raise your head at that, your heart beating so hard it might explode any minute. Did Yang Jungwon just offer to walk you home?
“There’s really no need to-“ But before you can even finish your sentence, Jungwon is putting his coat on and your cheeks become red, this is really happening. “Its three in the morning; i’m not letting you go alone.” You have to bite your inner cheeks to not smile too hard. You just nod at him and then finally get ready to go, you say bye to Heeseung and Jake before walking out.
You totally get why Jungwon is so well liked; he’s kind, funny, caring, and so handsome. It’d be weird not to. He walks on your right, as if to keep you protected from the few cars strolling around at this hour, and he’s so close to you that your shoulders and hands keep brushing against each other’s. It's cold outside, being January, and what you’re wearing isn't doing much to help you, but he’s already doing a lot, so you can't find it in yourself to ask him for his jacket.
Your house isnt too far, you had simply asked Jay because you know better than walk back home alone and drunk at night, and you’re glad Jungwon thinks the same as you. “I’m glad you’re back.” You say, getting surprised at your own words. Jungwon had been away for that Stark project for geniuses or whatever that was, and you could totally feel his absence. “I wasnt gone for long, though.”
You giggle quietly, definitely embarrassed now. “Guess i just like having you around then.” He looks at you as he smiles. Yunah and Yunjin have been telling you for weeks, they think that Jungwon might reciprocate your crush, but you’re not too sure about it. Him staying for so long during hangouts is a rare occasion, usually he finds some excuse to leave early or he just doesnt show up at all.
You reach your house and stop right in front of your door, Jungwon looks at you while you search for your keys inside your bag. You giggle when you find them, embarrassed by how long that took and, before opening the entrance, you look at him again, a gulp in your throat. You hesitate, your fingers tightening around the key in your hand. Should you just ask him to come in? Would that be too bold or… you know what, fuck it.
“Do you… want to come in? Its late and you live pretty far..” You bite your lips, hoping that doesnt sound too straightforward. Does it sound like you’re begging him to stay? Jungwon eyes seem to light up for a second, he’s about to speak when he suddenly stops, as if distracted by something. He looks at you again, this time he seems guilty. “I- I’d love that Y/n but i really have to go now..”
Your mouth opens to form a little ‘o,’ but you try to hide the disappointment with a smile on your face, you nervously put a strand of hair behind your ear, and the more you look at him the more he looks like he’s in a rush. Oh, he must really hate your idea. “Yeah! No, of course, sure! You must have a lot of things to do at 3 AM." You want to slap yourself at your own words. He gets closer to you and for a second you think he’s about to kiss you or hug you, but instead he just opens the door for you. “Go inside, its getting cold.”
As if the disappointment and embarrassment from last night wasnt enough, its like luck wasnt on your side either. You just wanted to hide and never look at Jungwon in the face ever again after yesterday, but of course the universe had another plan. You look down as the professor tells you that you have to find a tutor for maths and physics if you want to pass his exam. “Honestly, Y/n. This exam is really important for your career, i can help you find a good tutor like…” The professor looks behind you and points his finger towards a student, and you dont really have the courage to look back and see who it is.
“Oh! perfect timing. Come here, Jungwon!” Your eyes widen when you hear that name and you turn to look at the guy. Jungwon walks towards you and the professor with a gentle smile on his face, his hair is a bit of a mess and you notice he’s not wearing his backpack. You furrow your brows, he looks like he just finished a marathon. “Jungwon is the best of the class, i’m sure he can help you, right?”
Jungwon looks confused now, the professor gets next to him and pats his back, you honestly just want to hide, he doesnt look too happy with the idea of being your tutor and you just hope that the reason is not because of you trying to flirt with him last night. Before he can say no, you jump into the discussion. “I- I’m sure Jungwon is busy with that Stark stuff, i can find someone else its really not a big deal.”
“No! No i can do it! I can be your tutor, yeah..” This is awkward, definitely more than you could’ve imagined. You and Jungwon just look at each other and the tension in the room is so dense that you could probably cut it with a knife. The professor laughs and pats both your and Jungwon’s back lightly. “Sure, you figure it out! Just make sure you’re ready for the exam, Y/n.” And that said he takes his stuff and says bye, leaving the both of you alone in the class.
“You dont have to do it..” You say, after a couple of seconds of silence. You’re putting your things back in your bag, trying really hard to not just look too much at him, fearing of the reaction your heart might get from that. “No, no, i really want to. And honestly, there’s not really anyone better than me so..” He chuckles at his own words, but you just crack a little smile, closing your bag before looking back at him. “Let’s do at five today? in the library.”
You’re pleasantly surprised by his willingness to actually help you. You nod at his words, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, your bag on your shoulder. “Sure. Thank you, Jungwon.” He takes a couple more seconds to just look at you, and you start to feel almost self conscious at that. Maybe you got something in your hair? Something stuck on your teeth? Or even worse maybe you just smell bad and the perfume you’re wearing didn’t cover it up, or-
Before you can keep on overthinking about your appearance, Jungwon just ruffles your hair, a smile on his face as he does that and right now you can only hope and pray that your cheeks are staying a normal color, because you definitely feel hot as hell right now. “See you later, Pretty.” Pretty. He called you pretty. Wait, did he really just do that? You don’t even have the time to realize what just happened that he’s gone. Leaving you alone and on fire in this cold class.
You spend the rest of the day just waiting, and waiting, and waiting for five to come, you even got back home just to change into some cuter clothes. You dont want to make it look like you’re doing too much, its Jungwon after all, it would be weird. So a pair of wide leg jeans and a black top is cute enough. You arrive at the library five minutes early, just to make sure you can get a nice spot and take your things out before he arrives. But he doesn’t.
You know Jungwon, he does have a problem with timing, so you wait. The first fifteen minutes you dont think much of it, he’s always late after all. Then half an hour passes and you actually start to get angry, its already dark outside and you dont intend to wait for him all evening. But you do that anyway.
The initial anger transforms into worry when you overhear a couple of girls talking about how Spiderman was just seen fighting a bunch of criminals off, maybe he got involved in the fight? But thats really not something Jungwon would do. After an hour and a half of waiting you actually feel sad. He either forgot or didn’t care at this point. He didnt reply to your worried texts, nor did he call to tell you he was busy with something else.
You couldnt even concentrate on the physics book, too worried and sad to really be thinking about whatever is written there. Two hours pass, and the library is about to close so you just pack your things back and decide to walk back home, headphones in, and really, the last thing you want right now is sabrina carpenter in your ears singing about getting dicked down, but thats all your spotify wants you to listen apparently.
As if your day couldnt get worse, it starts raining, and the only thing covering you is the hood of the jacket you’re wearing, of course you left your umbrella home, you were so busy thinking about getting cute for Jungwon that you didnt even think about the important stuff. You sniffle with your nose at the thought of it, not really wanting to cry about something so stupid, but at the same time your throat is starting to hurt, and its already raining, so you might as well.
You’re close to your house when suddenly you cant feel the rain anymore, and for a second you actually think it stopped raining, but when you look up you only find an umbrella over your head. Your eyes widen in surprise, and when you turn to see who is holding it, you dont know if you want to keep crying or run as fast as you can.
Jungwon is now behind you, holding the umbrella for you while getting drenched under the rain himself. You dont know what to say, or how to react. All you know is that you feel sad and disappointed and so, so angry at him for wasting your time and making you believe that he actually cared for you enough to help for the exam.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry i swear i didn’t forget i just- i got a call from Stark for that project and I-“ Your brows are furrowed in annoyance, your head shaking and saying no as he keeps on talking and saying excuses. You’re not one to get mad easily, you’re usually pretty chill, and rarely things get under your skin, but right now you really want to just smash his head somewhere. “You could’ve called. Or replied to my dms.”
He’s panting, he must’ve run a lot, and he keeps getting wetter and wetter. Part of you wants to invite him in and give him something to dry his hair out, but you mostly want to take a bit of revenge in a way, and if its by giving him a common cold, then so be it. “We.. we cant keep our phones there, for privacy reasons- Mr. Stark doesn’t-“ “I dont give a fuck about Stark and your fuckass project!”
You manage to surprise yourself by shouting at him that way, you’re just so pissed off. It would’ve been better for the both of you if he hadn’t shown up, at least you would’ve cried yourself to sleep only to act like nothing happened, but seeing him, hearing his excuses that you’ve heard already thousands of times, whenever he missed the group hang outs or class. But this time its different.
“I told the professor you were busy, but you insisted to be my tutor anyway. This exam is so important to me but you just cant understand! Jungwon, not everyone is a damn genius like you, not everyone has fucking Tony Stark making projects and shit for him, i needed help today but you decided to just waste my time.”
Jungwon remains still, looking at you in shock, he’s never seen you this angry, he didnt even know it was possible for you to crash out this way. Suddenly his throat is dry and he doesnt know what to say, meanwhile you are fighting your own tears from falling. You feel guilty, in a way, you dont like getting mad and you definitely dont like the fact that it was Jungwon the one to see you this way. You hate it, how you cant still be fully mad at him because of how much you like him, his big dark eyes looking at you as if you just broke his heart. You take a deep breath in, and right now you dont know if you’re shaking because of the cold, your drenched clothes or from anger.
“I’m sorry.” He doesnt say anything else, and you actually wait for him to add another sentence, maybe you expect another excuse, but no. He just looks at you like a sad little kitten, and that only angers you even more. You shake your head no one last time before turning away from him and walking towards your house. You dont look back, because you know that if you did you would melt, you’d ask him to come inside and you’d say sorry to him for crashing out. And right now this is not what you need.
A couple of days later, you decided to stay in an empty classroom just so you could be able to study without having to worry about getting distracted. You’ve been ignoring Jungwon, but its not that hard when he is barely available anyway. He wasnt with your friends last night, and you havent seen him in class or anywhere else really. Last time you saw him, two days ago, you just turned on your heels and ignored him, but that was it.
You sigh, hating having to do this, the exam will be in two weeks and you still cant bring yourself to understand any of these things. You’re about to give up and smash your head on the table when the sound of notebooks falling on the chair next to you suddenly startles you.
“You were right, i acted on impulse and i’m sorry.” Jungwon is standing in front of you, he looks like he hadn’t slept well, dark circles under his gorgeous eyes that you love so much.
You dont say anything, too confused to actually react in a normal way. He’s making your heart beat so fast and the butterflies in your stomach are going crazy. “I made notes for you. I tried to keep it simple and add schemes, it took me a while, but i really wanted to help you.” Your lips press into a pout, now you really feel awful for how you treated him, this is why you like him so much. No matter how others treat him he’s always kind and gentle and god, you really fucked up, uh.
“I’m sorry for crashing out the other day.” “I deserved it.” “That’s not the point.” You sigh for what seems the ninth time today and you get up. He’s still taller than you, but what really makes you feel much smaller are his shoulders, his body is so fit and broad for him to have the face of an angel. There’s a few minutes of silence, it seems like you two always end up not saying anything for a while, just looking at each other and waiting for the other to speak. This time you decide to break it.
“I’ll offer you dinner, or coffee or a drink? if i actually pass the exam.” Jungwon’s smile gets even bigger, he likes how bold you’ve been lately, first asking him if he wanted to stay at your house, now this. If only he wasnt so busy being a damn hero, he would’ve asked you out a long time ago. “Let’s go see a movie instead, like a date.” You have to blink a couple of times to understand that, is he really asking you on a date? You look at him as if he’s talking nonsense, your lips parted in shock and you fear you might faint from how fast your heart is beating. He chuckles at your reaction. “You better pass that exam now.”
You’ve never studied so hard in your entire life. The two weeks passed so slowly, you basically closed yourself inside your house, or the library, or in the classroom, doing everything you could do to pass that exam. And so, when the day of the test finally arrives, you’re sure you can do it with your eyes closed. Well, kind of. You still dont get the highest grade, because you would’ve needed either a miracle or some sort of dark magic for that, but you still pass it.
You get out of the class, a huge smile on your lips while you walk towards the dining hall, where all your friends are waiting for you. “Oh my god i almost forgot your face!” Says Yunjin, pinching your cheeks when you sit between her and Jungwon. “Did you even eat these past weeks?” “You honestly got us worried.” “Oh my god, you guys. I was just studying its not like a supervillain kidnapped me or something.” Jungwon grimaces at your words. “Ugh, dont jinx it.”
A chuckle escapes your lips as you roll your eyes before digging in your food. Jay and Yunah are now arguing about which supervillain the world has seen would be able to kidnap you, meanwhile Jungwon is shaking his head no, trying to stop them from fantasizing about it. “I wouldn’t mind Loki i guess,” “Ew. Ew, ew, ew, ugly.” Yunjin’s reaction makes the whole table laugh.
“I’ve never met Loki..” Jungwon says, almost to himself, the others probably didnt even hear him, but you turn to look at him with a confused expression, your brows furrowed. “Well, duh. We were too young when the avengers stopped him.” The blondie just looks at you back, almost embarrassed about that sentence falling off his mind and coming out from his mouth. “Yeah… yeah i meant like, uh, yeah we were too young..” He’s acting weird, but you let that go, after all Jungwon does seem like a huge superhero nerd.
The week goes on and finally, finally, its time for your date with Jungwon. If it can even be called a date. Well, he called it a date so you assume it actually is one. Still, he did call you this time telling you he was going to be five minutes late, so you take your time walking towards the cinema.
Its been raining a lot these past few days, but you’re prepared, the white umbrella tight in your hands.
You’re just going to see a movie, but you still thought about dressing up nicely. The white dress you’re wearing might be a bit too springy, but you dont mind that. And you do have a pretty coat over it, so its fine. Your boots are perfect for the weather, and so are the thighs under them, and most importantly you feel cute.
Just as Jungwon said, he reaches you five minutes later, his breathing ragged as if he just ran. His hands behind his back but you can clearly see the flowers he’s trying to hide. He looks embarrassed, but the smile on your face makes me feel much more at ease. “I- Lets say it wasnt a good idea to get them and then run under the rain.” He says, handing them to you.
You laugh, the flowers must’ve looked pretty before he put his hands on them. They’re drenched and some of them are even missing a couple of petals, you couldnt care less about it though. He got you flowers. Yang Jungwon, the guy you’ve had a crush on for two years got you flowers, and you couldnt be happier.
“You’re always running somewhere.” You chuckle.
He links arms with you, walking towards the ticket booth. You dont even know what film you’re watching, knowing him its probably some sci-fi movie or a really old one that he always references but you dont know. “I mean, running is healthy.” “As long as you dont run away from me..” He keeps silent at your words, looking at you deeply, his eyes scanning your body and face, he always does that. “I’ll try.”
That answer leaves you in a chaos of emotions. He will try? What does that even mean? Your face must be telling that, or maybe its the way your body stiffened up. He opens his mouth to say something else, probably trying to save what he just did, but you dont even hear him. A loud noise echoed outside the cinema and you find yourself catching Jungwon’s hands out of fear.
He suddenly looks serious, his hand on your back, his brows furrowed in what seems anger and annoyance, that’s not a normal reaction if someone were to ask you. He looks around, meanwhile the other people around you are already screaming and running out of the theater, and you’re starting to get anxious too. “Jungwon we have to-“ “Take the emergency door on the left, i’ll catch up to you later.”
He lets you go, but you’re only getting more and more confused. He’s not coming with you? You shake your head no, in disbelief. You’re not leaving him here out in danger, what is he, some kind of superhero? “What? Are you out of your mind? Jungwon let’s just go..” You grab his arm and he closes his eyes for a second, getting out a deep sigh before he cups your cheeks.
“I swear, i’ll explain everything to you, but you have to go now. Just trust me and get out from that door only.” He’s not a superhero. You keep repeating yourself that, like a mantra, he cant be. He’s Jungwon, you would know if he was, he wouldnt be able to shut up about it, he’s like a twenty year old Tony Stark, there’s no way he is. But then you feel the way he’s holding you, his broad shoulders protecting you and his big hands on your face, its so familiar. And the look in his eyes is telling everything you need to know.
So you nod, hesitantly, but you do as he says. You can only hope he’s not actually who you think he is, your hands stop gripping his wrists so tightly and he gives you a gentle and reassuring smile before leaving a kiss on your cheek. “Go home, and dont take the metro. I’ll be right back.” You nod again and then you go, with your heart thumping against your chest, your head filled with dots connecting each other, and you dont know what to think.
You reach home safely, only because you did as Jungwon told you. You didnt take the metro, which happened to be involved in the fight, and you wonder how the hell did he know that would’ve happened. You sit on your bed, checking every news site, refreshing the spiderman tag on twitter every couple of seconds. You’re not 100% sure about it, maybe you’re just traumatized and insane, maybe a man protecting you reminds you of spiderman and this is just you projecting, but you cant ignore the signs.
That time at the library, he didn’t come and spiderman was fighting off somewhere at the same time, or all those times he left early or didnt come at all, all those excuses and that Stark project, is that even real? It makes sense, it makes too much sense and you feel like you will be going crazy until he comes back like he promised you.
You’re about to go downstairs and make a chamomile or something that could help you not go insane when you hear a tap on your balcony window. Jungwon is there and you waste no time opening the slide in door for him, you want to ask him a thousand questions but he just puts his finger over his lips, telling you to be quiet.
You dont know why he’s doing that, but you accomplish and close the window door behind him. You were so distracted waiting for him that you didnt even turn on the lights, and its so dark outside so you had barely noticed the mask in his hand. That mask. You take a better look at him and you feel so stupid when you notice what he’s wearing.
You dont know if you’re even surprised at this point, nor how you find the force to close the curtains and turn on one of the little lights in your room. He slides down the wall, he looks tired, and hurt, but he’s still looking at you with that same cocky vibe he always has. “You don’t look surprised.”
“I had a lot to think about walking home.” He smiles even more, and you kneel down next to him, your hand going to his hair without even thinking to much about it, you move them away from his forehead, and you just now notice a few small cuts on his face. “Is this a deal breaker for you?” He chuckles softly, his breath catching, even he knows how ridiculous he sounds right now, but you’re too mad to joke around with him.
“The deal breaker was you vanishing for weeks, lying to our friends, lying to me, finding useless excuses, asking me out on a date and then letting me run off of my own, leaving me alone at the library for hours and-“ You notice the way he’s looking at you, each word you say making him feel even worse, his already huge eyes looking even bigger.
“And… it doesnt even matter, because i like you so much i cant get mad at you.” It should feel good, telling him that you like him, it should feel like letting go of a weight off your shoulders, but it doesnt. Your heart feels heavy, you dont know how to feel, you’re worried sick and you dont know how you’re going to handle knowing that he is, indeed, spiderman.
You let your head fall on his shoulder while he hugs you almost immediately. You can hear the way his heart is beating, he doesn’t like seeing you like this and he hates being the cause of it, so he tries to soothe you down, hands caressing your back and playing with your hair.
“I like you a lot, too. And if this too much for you i’ll- I dont know, i’ll ask that damn doctor magician to erase it from your memory or something, just- I’m sorry.” You shake your head no while hiding in his chest, you dont want to forget this, he trusted you enough to know, and you respect that. “Who else knows?” “Jay and well, Mr. Stark and well yeah, everyone of that category.”
You just nod, you really cant believe this. Jungwon and Jay keeping a secret of this sort, you really thought Jungwon was the kind of guy to tell anyone if he were to be a hero, but apparently you know way less about him than you expected. You raise your head to look at him. He looks pretty hot like this, his lips are red, probably from fighting, his hair is a mess and that’s partly your faul, and wow. The suit fits him so well. His broad shoulders, his toned chest and his biceps look even better with it on.
“You’re staring.” He says, his fingers going under your chin to make you look at his face, which doesnt help your wondering thoughts, since he’s just that handsome. “You always stare at me, too.” “Yeah, ‘cause you’re pretty.” You crack a smile at that, its not the first time he calls you pretty, but it always gives you butterflies. Before you even realize, he puts his arms on your waist and makes you sit on his lap. Well, now you know where all his strength comes from.
“I wasnt expecting our first date to end up like this.” He moves to be closer to you, his nose nuzzling with yours, his voice getting lower, your hands rest on his chest. “What were you expecting?” That question seems to get a reaction out of him, his brow raising, a smirk on his face. “Well, you would’ve hated the movie i choose anyway. At that would’ve led you to be bored, and to us making out.” You giggle at that, you dont know if that would’ve actually happened, but the thought is nice.
“You think you can make my dream come true, Pretty?” Maybe its the suit that is making him act even more cocky than he usually is, or maybe you’re just too turned on by it to think about anything else. Your eyes scan him one last time, your hands moving behind his neck, your lips brushing against each other. “I’ll try.” And that said, your lips finally crash into his. For years you imagined how it would feel to kiss him, and this is so much better than any of that.
Jungwon is confident in his moves, his lips move with ease against yours, his hands keep you still on his lap, his tongue gently asking for permission by licking your bottom lip. You let him, not know that its going to be the end for you. He tilts his head, enough to go deeper while you just let him take the lead. You feel like you’re in heaven his lips are soft yet his kissing gets rougher as time passes, soon enough the room is filled with the sounds of your breathing, your lips meeting and tongues clicking. He doesnt seem to be wanting to let you go, you still pull out after a while, feeling out of breath.
He leans in for more but you stop him with a gentle peck, a giggle escaping from you. “Calm down, Spidey. Not everyone has super lungs.” “I dont, either.” He laughs and pushes your hair our of your face and puts them behind your ears. “You’re really okay with this? Even if I’m spiderman?” You can hear the insecurity in his voice, and honestly, it really is a big deal. He’s a superhero, he gets in trouble, people want him dead and knowing it might affect your daily life too. But right now you dont care.
“First of all, you’re Jungwon. We’ll figure out the spiderman stuff together. But yes, i am sure about Jungwon, a hundred percent.” He nods, a smile on his lips before he kisses you again, and again, and again. “I should’ve done this a long time ago.” He whispers between kisses, next thing you know he picks you up before throwing you on the bed, you giggle again, your body open to him.
You look at him and he just looks so perfect to you. You can’t believe this is happening, Jungwon is on top of you, kissing you and whispering sweet nothings between your lips. He pulls out for a few seconds to look back at you, a smirk on your lips as you bite his ear before whispering.
“The suit stays on, though.”
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vampzity · 1 month ago
1-800-hot & fun | BC
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pairing: best friend! bangchan x f! reader
after a long day of studio work, bangchan just wants to relax. except all he can think about is you. he tries to take care of it, only to get a call from you with complaints about the day you had. little did you know how much your voice turned him on.
[warnings]: MDNI 18+ !!!, smut, drabble, phone sex, masturbation, mentioning of circulation play, reader has no idea what chan’s doing, pet names (baby, babygirl)
word count: 1.4k
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Bangchan sighed to himself as he leaned back in his chair, head thrown back with his eyes closed. He held his throbbing cock in his hand, jerking it softly as he scrolled through the countless photos he had of you.
They weren’t anything lewd, in fact it was far from that. Simply normal selfies you took and sent to him for his opinion on which to post.
He was beyond exhausted from today’s work in the studio, just wanting to wind down a bit before he took to the road. Though his mind was racing with sensual thoughts of you and it wouldn’t stop.
You two weren’t together— in fact he wasn’t even sure if you liked him, but he knew one thing for sure. Bangchan had the biggest crush on you, he just couldn’t bring himself to say anything. He wasn’t sure if he was being obvious about it, though one may say so with how possessive he was about you when the rest of the boys were around.
He scrolled through every photo of you, landing on a couple of pictures from your modeling gig. You had on light pink lingerie, lace that sat nicely upon your curves. The positions the camera caught you in were vulnerable, unlike anything he’s ever seen before. It was everything he imagined you to be.
Innocent and sexy.
Your doe eyes stared into his as he worked his angry cock, groaning at the thought of your plump lips around his tip. The way it would feel for you to suck him off as cum leaked out of him. How well he would train you to take his size into your mouth, the tears that would run down your cheek from his tip hitting the back of your throat.
He scrolled to the side, seeing a close up of your body in the lace outside. His eyes widened, heart racing as your tits sat nicely in the cupped bra, your cunt making a small pint in the fabric. The way the babydoll casted a slight shadow of your silhouette.
Bangchan was practically in heaven, his hand fastening its pace around his cock. He could feel himself about to burst at any moment, until he felt his phone buzz in his hand. Startled he quickly shoved his member into his pants and answered, clearing his throat to mask his previous situation.
“Channie! You wouldn’t believe the type of day I’ve been having.”
Chan smiled at hearing your voice, as it’s been a while since you two have talked at all from your mix of busy schedules.
“Hey babygirl, what’s up?”
You scoffed on your side of the phone, rolling your eyes at his personal nickname for you.
“Well I got to the studio for my modeling gig and my coffee just fell!! It tasted perfect too like how upsetting is that,”
He listened to you ramble on, feeling his dick twitch in his pants as his mind started to race with thoughts of you once again. He thought about you in different types of lingerie, imagining how nicely your body must fit into them this time around.
He pulled his member from his pants, his tip leaking as it ached to be touched. He stroked it softly, throwing his head back in pleasure as he tried his best not to be heard.
“And if that wasn’t enough, my makeup is so splotchy. I think i’ll have to redo it too!”
Bangchan tightened his grip on his cock, fastening his strokes as he listened to your complaining whines. He tried his best to focus to what you were saying, but his mind was fogged with dirty thoughts of you. Dirty thoughts of you all over him, of him ripping that little lingerie off of you.
“Mmm, I’m sorry to hear that baby.”
A soft moan escaped him, making him freeze up in hopes that you didn’t hear him.
“Everything ok, Channie? Was it a rough day in the studio?”
He chuckled to himself slightly, his thumb rubbing across his leaky opening. He began stroking his cock again, twisting his hand with the motion.
“Yeah, yeah.” he panted heavily, watching as his cock leaked some more. “But hearing your voice made it better.”
You blushed softly, taking your phone and posing in the mirror. You took a picture of today’s outfit— one of many that you’d be wearing and sent it to Bangchan, eager for his reaction.
“What do you think? Too slutty?”
His jaw practically dropped at seeing you. His ears grew red, feeling as if the room was heating up from seeing you in such an outfit. The black polkadots weren’t nearly enough to cover how see through it was as your nipples still peeked through.
Bangchan stopped himself from groaning outloud, struggling to keep his composure toward you.
“You look beautiful as always.” He leaned over his desk, spotting your hair tie next to his computer.
He grabbed it, closing his eyes as he vowed to never give it back to you again. Especially not after what he was about to do. He placed the hair tie on his cock, a long sigh leaving his lips as it tightened around his length.
“Should model for me, yeah?”
“Huh? What do you mean?” you raised your eyebrow, unaware of what he meant. Chan quickly caught himself, trying to cover up the sultry meaning behind his sentence.
“My company, I mean you should model for my company.”
You laughed, going on a tangent about all the things wrong with his entertainment. As much as he’d like to listen, he just couldn’t. He was too drunk on the thought of you and your body in this newfound picture. Your pussy barely covertly the small piece of fabric, your tits practically spilling out of your bra.
He stroked faster, quicker, not stopping his movement as his cock throbbed in his hand. With every throb, every time it tried to swell, he could feel himself getting closer as your hair tie held him back.
And of course, you were still as oblivious to what was going on.
Bangchan quickly muted himself, setting his phone down as he groaned out in pleasure. His precum drooled down the side of his cock as he thrusted into his hand.
“Fuck, fuck baby.” he admired your picture once more before throwing his head back.
“Gotta cum all over that pretty face of yours one day.”
His groans soon fell into whimpers as he stroked faster. Your hair tie was suffocating him, making it harder for him to hold himself back. He imagined you in his head; thinking of you riding his cock while your tits bounced in front of his eyes.
He imagined how it would feel for your cunt to suffocate his dick in the same way while it pounded your sweet spot. He wondered how your sweet sounds would be, how much you’d beg as his tongue toyed with your swollen clit.
“Fuck, I would stuff you so good.”
That was all it took.
Within seconds his hand was covered in cum, dripping onto the chair as he slowed his strokes. His breath was staggered, heart racing and shaking ad he tried to bring himself back to reality.
Oh fuck.
He quickly cleaned himself off, picking up the phone to answer you.
“I’m sorry.. I was trying to focus on this track we’ve been working on.”
He heard a small laugh come from the other end of the phone, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion as he tried to figure out what you could be laughing for.
“Yeah, and I bet you didn’t notice you were unmuted either, huh?”
His heart sank and his face flushed red. He froze, unsure of what to say to you as he was beyond embarrassed. You had no idea— maybe not even a thought of Bangchan ever liking you, as you always thought he’d seen you as a close friend.
Funny, since he had thought the same.
“You don’t have to apologize Channie.” you looked at the time on your phone, realizing you had to start your shoot soon.
“Maybe when I’m done here,” You bit your lip, thinking of the lewd sounds you heard coming from his end of the phone.
“I can stop by your place and give you what you want.”
Bangchan instantly agreed, his cock itching at the thought of being able to feel you, be in you. You giggled, sending him a farewell and hanging up the phone. His phone lit up with the precious picture of you in your lingerie, a small smile creeping onto his face.
He was about to see you dressed like this in person, right before his eyes and it would take everything in him not to rip it off of you.
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back to valentine’s masterlist
a/n: day 12, this is a short one! if you haven’t noticed a change in the masterlist…. i’m planning some bonus days as a thank you to those who showed so much support to my series! :3
taglist: @dvrktvnnel @h4untedgrl @rvereri @scarfac3 @jjongibears @kittykat-25 @yyaurii @hwasddeongbyeoli @tiredlittlevirgo @joonezra @honeyhwaaa @evidive @potentialgay @dollywoo @losrpark @motherseonghwa23 @inniesfanblog @stephanieeeyang @galaxy4489 @nickgurl4life @fangirljas929 @desirehorizon @channiesluvrclub @bluesungology @katsukis1wife @unbel1ve4ble
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emocheol · 9 months ago
seventeen when you reject their kiss (as a prank)
a/n: this is so long and took way too long i’m sorry T-T
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seungcheol was used to arriving home from work and having you at the door to greet him with a kiss.
when you weren’t in your usual spot he walked over to the couch, seeing you watching tv and figured that you had lost track of time.
“hi baby, i missed you,” he announced his presence, leaving over you to catch your lips in a kiss.
when you turned your head to the side and he felt his lips catch your cheek instead he pulled back and gave you a funny look.
“something wrong?” he questioned quickly, you had never rejected his kisses before.
you looked up at him and shook your head, “no, i’m just trying to watch my show, cheolie,” you replied, trying to look around his frame that was blocking your view of the tv.
he narrowed his eyes at you, you didn’t sound upset but he was sure you could be a good actor. his mind started running with the possibilities of why you could be mad at him today.
it was usually silly reasons: he accidentally left the toilet seat up, he didn’t wake you up before he left the house, etc, etc.
but he hadn’t done anything today.
“okay…” he mumbled, leaning back down and attempting to kiss you again.
when you turned your head to the side again he sighed and sat down on the couch next to you, pulling you into his lap.
“you don’t like kissing me anymore?” he questioned, “what happened to the person who would whine all day if i didn’t kiss them? huh?” he prodded, reaching a hand up and smushing your cheeks together.
at this point you bursted out laughing and wrapped your hands around seunghcheol’s wrist, “it’s a prank! i’m sorry,” you exclaimed, seeing how his fear turned into fake annoyance at your confession.
he rolled his eyes and leaned in once more, finally catching your lips while you were still giggling. he planted a firm kiss against your lips and then nodded in satisfaction.
“you’re ridiculous, you know that?” he said, secretly finding joy in the fact that you found the situation so amusing.
he loved seeing you happy, even if it was at his own expense.
you were sat at the kitchen table eating breakfast when jeonghan finally graced you with his presence. you knew he needed his sleep so you never woke him up when you got up.
“morning, angel, how’d you sleep?” he asked, making his way to you and leaning down while puckering his lips, ready for his kiss.
you smiled at him and continued eating, “it was good, you?” you asked back, ignoring his lips and opting for the eggs that were on your plate instead.
jeonghan narrowed his eyes and threw his hands up with a sigh, “you hate me, don’t you?” he asked dramatically, “you think i have cooties and you never want to kiss me again? i bet you want to break up with me, don’t you? because i’m so repulsive?” he fires dramatic question after question, only leaving you entirely flabbergasted.
while you opened your mouth trying to think of a response he crossed his arms, looking at you and awaiting your answers to his questions.
“if you kiss me ill forget this happened and go back to normal,” he decided to add, seeing that you couldn’t come up with an answer.
“sure,” you replied easily, not knowing how else to reply to his spitfire questions. you stood up from your seat and placed your hand on his shoulder, pressing a sweet kiss on his lips.
he instinctively wrapped one arm around your waist and kept you there for a second longer, “this is why you can’t try and prank me, it always goes my way in the end,” he said with a smirk, releasing you and delving further in the kitchen to find something to eat.
his words only left you stunned, “you knew what i was doing?” you called over to him.
“of course i did, did you forget who you’re dating?” he asked back, shooting you a cocky grin while you plopped back into your seat with a sigh. it was impossible to pull one over on him.
joshua was about to leave to go meetup with his band members for dinner while you stayed at home for the night.
you walked him to the door to see him before he left.
“i’ll be back later, don’t wait up, okay?” he made to clarify, knowing that nights with his friends usually went long into the hours of the a.m. and he didn’t want you staying up late for him.
you hummed at his words and nodded your head, knowing you would probably stay up for him anyways, “have a nice night, tell the guys i say hi,” you said with a smile, becoming close with joshua’s friends as your relationship progressed.
“i will, i love you,” he made sure to add, grabbing your chin and moving in to plant a kiss on your lips.
when he felt your resistance to his kiss he pulled back and gave you a funny look, “any reason you won’t kiss me?” he asked skeptically.
“nope, i love you too,” you replied, trying to play it off innocently.
he nodded his head slowly, his fingers still on your chin. he moved back in to kiss you again and when he felt the same resistance he gave you a pointed look.
“if you have a real reason for not kissing me, tell me and we’ll talk about it. if you don’t, stop playing around and kiss me so i can leave.” he said simply, leaving no room for argument and coming up with a solution.
you noticed that he was using his serious voice and you nodded slowly, finally letting him kiss you without putting up a fight.
he let his kiss linger a little longer than usual, likely because of the game that you were playing with him. the way he kissed you made you forget what you were even doing in the first place and when he pulled away he could tell that much from your face.
he pulled back with a smirk and kissed the top of your head, “i’ll be back, don’t miss me too much,” he teased, leaving you to give him a small nod as you watched him walk out the door.
prank totally failed.
“are we okay? or are you playing with me?” jun questioned, noticing how you were physically dodging all his attempts to give you a peck on the lips.
you couldn’t help but grin at the cute pout on his face, not being able to play it off like it was a normal occurrence.
you were standing on one side of the couch while jun was standing on the other, both of you looked like you were prepared to run. jun was ready to bolt towards you and you were ready to get away from him.
though both of you had a smile on your face, you weren’t dodging him for a serious reason and he could tell.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said with a little giggle, moving in the opposite direction that jun was going whenever he moved towards you.
he thankfully realized that you weren’t actually mad at him and then decided he needed to take matters into his own hands.
jun jumped onto the couch and reached over to grab you, locking you in his arms while you burst out laughing, not being able to contain yourself.
“c’mon! give me a kiss, my breath smells good! i brushed! see?” he exclaimed loudly, opening his mouth wide for you to look, which only made you laugh harder.
you clutched your sides as you laughed, your sudden movement making the two of you lose any balance you previously had and you both went tumbling to the ground in each others arms.
jun’s arms were still locked around you, the two of you laying side by side on the hardwood floor. you both slowly looked at each other and smiled, a little sheepishly.
“you saw, right? my clean teeth?” jun spoke up first, still stuck on the fact that he was missing out on a kiss from you.
you couldn’t deny him now and you nodded, “yes, hun, i saw,” you replied, finally pressing a kiss on his lips to stop this whole debacle.
you could feel him smiling against your lips which only made you smile right back.
“i win!” he shouted when you pulled away, pumping his fists in the air. though, he wasn’t sure what game you were playing, a kiss from you always felt like a win to him.
soonyoung’s face was scrunched up, his lips drawn in a straight line and his eyebrows pulled in towards each other. it was his ‘deep in thought face’.
he was intently scrolling on his phone, furiously typing, scrolling a bit, then shaking his head. he repeated the steps multiple times, sighing at each dead end.
you sat next to him, watching tv as he completed whatever mission he had on his phone.
you had decided to avoid his kisses all day after seeing a video of someone else doing the same thing to their boyfriend online. though soonyoung didn’t seem too worried about it, at least that’s what you thought.
“do you prefer a casual relationship without emotional intimacy?” soonyoung asked out of the blue, setting his phone on his lap and looking at you.
his words caught you off guard and all you could do was look at him in shock. he took your lack of an answer as a yes and frowned. he nodded to himself and took your hands in his, his face as serious as ever.
“it’s okay if that’s how you feel, you can tell me and we can work things out, right?” he suggested, his voice sounded optimistic but his face told you all you needed to know, he looked like he was near tears.
you quickly shook your head when the shock wore off and pulled your hands from his, opting to cup his cheeks instead as you looked at him.
“where did you get that silly idea from?” you asked, running your thumbs over his cheeks, his frown still present on his face.
“wikihow…” he mumbled, picking up his phone and showing it to you.
you choked on a laugh at his reply and took his phone from his hands, looking at the open tab.
‘10 reasons why your partner won’t kiss you’
you went to his search history and finally found out what all the scrolling and tapping on his phone was about.
‘why won’t my partner kiss me’
‘what to do when my partner won’t kiss me’
‘how to tell if my partner doesn’t like me anymore’
‘how to be a better boyfriend’
you threw his phone on the couch and immediately pulled him closer to you, wrapping your arms around him and cradling him to your chest.
“honey, i’m sorry,” you said softly, he must’ve been sad and stressed all day because of some stupid prank that you tried to pull on him, “i was just trying to prank you, it’s stupid,” you mumbled, holding him tight.
soonyoung looked at you with wide eyes, his frown now turned into a small pout, “you don’t want to break up?” he asked softly, his puppy dog eyes in full swing.
“of course not! i’m sorry for making you worry,” you apologized, making sure you were absolutely clear about your love for him.
“okay… now give me 500 kisses to make up for it!” he decided, looking at you in complete seriousness, waiting for you to begin your task.
you couldn’t even be mad at his request and you obliged. you cradled his face with your hands once again and began to pepper his face with kisses, making sure you hit everywhere you could to show him how much you loved him.
he giggled at your actions, finally smiling for the first time in hours as you pampered him with kisses.
that was the last time you ever tried to prank soonyoung.
you were laying in bed on your phone, mindlessly scrolling while waiting for wonwoo to hop off his game and come to bed.
while scrolling you saw a video of someone pranking their boyfriend by not kissing him, and since wonwoo was keeping you up by not coming to bed yet you decided to play the same prank on him.
wonwoo finally got off his game around 30 minutes later and slipped into bed next to you, pulling you close to him with a shy smile, “i’m sorry, i was winning,” he whispered softly, nuzzling his cheek against yours.
it was rare that you saw him so cuddly and touchy, and your resolve was slowly fading to keep this prank up but you decided you would stay strong.
“it’s okay, let’s go to bed, hm?” you suggested, looking over at him with a little smile, gently pushing his hair out of his face.
he nodded at your words and puckered his lips, moving closer to you to get his nightly kiss before bed. when you dodged him and laid down he slowly blinked at you, a pout that you had never seen before slowly made its way onto his face.
wonwoo wasn’t the type to show his emotions so freely but you could tell what he was feeling clear as day now. he didn’t have to say anything for you to break.
“oh god i’m sorry,” you mumbled, pulling him in for a goodnight kiss, sweeter than normal since you felt so bad for ignoring his first one, “don’t hate me,” you added, hoping that your very short prank didn’t hurt him too badly.
he blinked at you and shot you a sleepy smile, “it’s okay, i know you’re bad at pranks,” he whispered, cuddling up with you and kissing your forehead before letting sleep take over his body.
you were a sucker when it came to wonwoo.
“hello? i would like a kiss, please,” jihoon announced to you suddenly.
the two of you were lounging on the couch, enjoying each others company in silence. though, jihoon had been letting his mind run a mile a minute since you appeared to be dodging all his attempts to kiss you.
his words made you stare at him for a few seconds, processing what he said. he wasn’t one to ask for affection, he just took what you gave him. you realized this early on in your relationship and so you smothered him with love whenever you could, hoping it was enough.
when you had started this prank on him earlier in the day you thought that he wouldn’t notice, or care for that matter. he was a big ‘go with the flow’ type of guy. you didn’t even think that he would care about your lack of kisses since he never commented on your affection. clearly he cared.
“what?” was all you managed to say to his request, not able to form any other words.
“i said i would like a kiss. you haven’t kissed me today, did i do something wrong?” he asked innocently, trying to think over what he did all day, surely none of it made you upset.
you frowned at his words, you didn’t think that your lack of affection would’ve affected him that much. you felt your heartstrings tug and you couldn’t stop yourself from coming clean.
“no! i’m sorry, honey,” you pouted, scooting right up next to him and pressing a long kiss on his lips, followed by a few more pecks, “it was just some prank i saw online, it’s stupid,” you mumbled, realizing how dumb the prank was in hindsight.
jihoon nodded in satisfaction and wrapped his arm around you. initiating touch was also a rarity for him which only showed you how much this affected him.
“it’s okay, but that is a dumb prank,” he agreed thoughtfully, “i missed your kisses,” he whispered softly, so soft that you almost didn’t hear it. but you did.
and from that point you decided to show jihoon affection at any and every moment you could.
“is this one of your stupid pranks?” minghao deadpanned the second you moved out of the way when he tried to kiss you.
you frowned at his words, sad that he had caught on so fast and didn’t even pretend to be upset like the boyfriends in the videos that you had seen online.
you playfully pushed his arm with a pout, “you’re so lame, how’d you know,” you groaned, telling the truth since you knew you couldn’t lie to him.
minghao just laughed and ruffled your hair, “you would never dodge my kisses, you’re always whining for them in the first place,” he teased, though he was telling the truth, you’d be crazy to dodge his kisses.
you nodded slowly at his words, acknowledging that he was right. now that your prank backfired immediately you looked up at him and smiled, puckering your lips, ready for a kiss.
after a few seconds of not feeling his lips on yours you opened your eyes to see him standing in front of you, a smug smirk present on his lips.
“what’re you doing,” you whined, grabbing his hand and shaking it around a little bit, “give me a kiss,” you asked softly, trying to give him your best puppy dog eyes.
he just raised his eyebrows and shook his head, a grin still present on his face, “i don’t think so,” he said in a sing song voice, “you were going to try and keep your kisses from me, why can’t i do the same?” he asked thoughtfully.
you frowned at his words, “you’re mean…” you mumbled, though you didn’t really mean it, you loved his personality.
“you love me though,” his whispered, opting to kiss the top of your head since he was withholding his kisses from you.
it was enough to satisfy you for the time being plus minghao knew that it was only a matter of time before he caved.
mingyu had been following you around your home all night, ever since you didn’t give him a kiss before you left for work.
now that you were back home after your shift he just had to be by you. he didn’t say anything, but his facial expressions said it all for him. he looked so sad, it honestly hurt your heart a bit.
whenever you got up, so did he. he would follow you to the kitchen, your shared bedroom, outside, even to the bathroom where he waited outside the door until you came out again.
after a few hours of this dynamic you finally decided to ask him the burning question.
“gyu, what’s wrong?” you asked, grabbing one of his hands and holding it gently. sure, you knew what was ‘wrong’ but you wanted to hear it from him.
mingyu let out an exasperated sigh and pulled you over to him, squishing you against his side, “finally!” he exclaimed, “everything is wrong!” he whined, rubbing his cheek against your head just like a puppy would.
you stifled a laugh at his actions, not wanting to invalidate his feelings since they were clearly making him so distressed. you had a feeling that this was how he was going to act, he needed affection and when you broke your routine of affection for him he didn’t know what to do.
“okay…” you started, “explain it to me, hm?” you suggested, finding you comfy spot even though he had a death grip on you. you managed to get one arm out to stroke his hair which made him visibly relax.
“you didn’t kiss me goodbye,” he pouted, “and you didn’t say anything about it!” he pointed out, knowing that you usually would’ve texted him an apology if you left without your usual goodbye kiss. he held up a finger each time he listed a reason.
you opened your mouth to respond, barely getting a word out before mingyu cut you off with another loud and exaggerated sigh.
“and you didn’t give me a kiss when you got home!” he raised a third finger for your third offense, “and you haven’t kissed me at all! it’s been hours since you got home!” he held up a fourth finger, waving them in your face with wide eyes so you understood the severity of the situation.
the more he talked the wider your smile got, you tried to hide your giggling but since you were so close to each other he noticed it and reprimanded you for it.
“and! hey! this isn’t a laughing matter… it’s serious…” he whined, bringing both arms around you again and shaking you gently back and forth, “don’t laugh at me…” he groaned, a big pout evident on his face while you tried to compose yourself.
“i’m sorry, baby,” you said softly, smushing his cheeks together in your hands, you noticed how his eyes got a little softer when you used his pet name. it was clear that you weren’t upset with anything, so now he was just a little confused.
mingyu’s pout still held presence on his face when he asked his next question, “then why didn’t i get my kisses,” he mumbled, his words coming out less coherent since your hands still held his cheeks together.
“oh! it was just a prank i saw online, wanted to try it on you,” you explained easily, though in hindsight it definitely wasn’t the brightest idea since you knew how touch starved your boyfriend could get.
he narrowed his eyes at your words, “worst prank ever,” he confirmed, feeling slightly better now that he knew you weren’t withholding his affection for a legitimate reason.
“don’t be sad! i’ll make it up to you,” you said cheerfully, leaning in and pressing a few kisses to his lips, pulling back with a smile, “better?” you asked, judging from the smile he was hiding you could tell that he had gotten over it easily.
but he shook his head, “i think i need one hundred more kisses to make up for this,” he said thoughtfully, closing his eyes and puckering his lips, genuinely waiting for his next hundred kisses.
you obliged and his smile grew with every next kiss you gave him.
“if i sing you a song will you give me a kiss?” seokmin asked as if you were playing 21 questions.
you shook your head in response.
“what about if i write you a song?” he revised.
still another no from you.
“if i give you 20 bucks?”
you gave him a raised brow but still said nothing.
“a hundred? a thousand? a million dollars for a kiss?” he shouted out as if he was an auctioneer.
you set down your phone and walked over to where seokmin was standing, “i love the enthusiasm and persistence but the answer is still no, my love,” you whispered, giving him a pat on the back for his efforts.
see, with seokmin, you couldn’t just not kiss him without telling him. you knew him well enough to know that he would’ve spiraled hard over it. so, you showed him a few videos of other partners doing the prank on their boyfriends. he found it amusing and decided to turn it into a competition instead.
if he could get you to kiss him then he’d win. if you could stand the day without kissing him then you’d win.
the prize was bragging rights and you were determined to win. but so was seokmin.
it was nearing the end of the day and seokmin was getting desperate, now shooting off every suggestion and bribe to get you to kiss him. but to his disappointment, nothing worked.
now, the two of you were cuddled under the covers, you were smug since you had won your bet and seokmin was sulking since he was positive that he was going to win.
“goodnight, honey, i’ll kiss you in the morning,” you whispered teasingly, rubbing it in that you had won your little competition.
he just scoffed at your words with a roll of his eyes, “yeah, yeah, goodnight,” he mumbled in defeat, letting you fall into dreamland while he stayed awake next to you, playing on his phone and waiting to get tired.
after an hour you were woken up by seokmin’s quiet laughter, you peeled your eyes open and saw that his face was illuminated by his phone screen. you couldn’t see the clock on your nightstand but you assumed that it was late.
he noticed your shifting around and frowned, “sorry, love, did i wake you?” he asked gently, putting his phone down on his chest and rubbing your back slowly, hoping that would soothe you back into your sleep.
“it’s okay, go to sleep, seokmin, it’s late,” you mumbled sleepily, moving your head up and giving him a sweet goodnight kiss before falling back asleep quickly.
when he felt his lips against yours his face lit up, about to say something before he noticed that you had fallen asleep once again.
he looked at the clock on your nightstand.
you’d kissed him before the day was over.
seokmin had won your bet and you better believe you’d be hearing all about it the next morning.
(he even took a picture of the time for proof)
“honey… how come you won’t kiss me?” seungkwan asked, noticing how you had turned your head twice on him in the day, making him kiss your cheek instead of your lips.
you looked at him innocently and shrugged, “i don’t know what you’re talking about, kwannie,” you said, trying your best to sound convincing.
he nodded at you slowly and then went back in for a kiss, catching your cheek once again. he pulled back and pointed at you, “that! that’s what i’m talking about! i’m trying to get lips but all im getting is cheek!” he explained, as if you didn’t know what you were doing.
you shook your head, “hmm, i don’t get it,” you said, eyebrows furrowing together to try and play dumb. you knew that he would catch on to the fact that you were just messing with him. but it was fun for the time being.
he caught on quickly and nodded his head at you, his eyes narrowing, “ahh, i see,” he said suspiciously, “two can play at this game…” he concluded, walking out of the room backwards, keeping his eyes on you as he walked.
the rest of the day was spent not kissing each other. you each dodged the others attempts until you were sitting on opposite ends of the couch, stuck in an intense staring contest.
how was this related to your kissing prank on seungkwan? neither of you could explain. but this is where you ended up.
after another 10 minutes of menacingly staring at each other you were the one that broke.
“seungkwan, can we give this up now? i miss your kisses…” you said truthfully, pouty lips and gentle voice on display to try and convince him. you were not thinking that your silly prank was going to be a day long event and now you just missed your boyfriend.
luckily for you, seungkwan broke at the exact same time and nodded quickly. the two of you closed the gap between you on the couch and finally let your lips touch.
this led to a good 15 minutes of gentle kisses and giggles on the couch.
when you pulled away you were both grinning at each other, forgotten was the entire day and all you could think of was how happy you were in that moment.
“let’s never do that again,” you decided, not wanting to put yourself through that agony again.
“agreed.” seungkwan replied, diving back in and making up for lost time, or rather, lost kisses.
“do you think my breath smells bad or something?” vernon asked while the two of you were laying in bed together ready to shut off the lights and go to sleep.
the entire day you had been playing this ‘prank’ on him of not kissing him. though, the prank somehow backfired since he didn’t seem to notice at all, at least not to you.
after your refusal of his kiss early in the morning he hadn’t attempted to kiss you again.
you gave him a funny look and shook your head, “no? you just brushed your teeth, didn’t you?” you asked, confused by his very random question right before bed.
he nodded slowly at your answer and turned his head back up so he was looking at the ceiling. he seemed to be deep in thought before he turned his head back to you again.
“so, i’m all for boundaries and stuff and i respect yours, really i do,” he started, making sure you understood that he respects your choices, “but i’m just confused on why you didn’t want to kiss me at all today,” he explained, wanting to get straight to the point and not tip toe around the big issue that was swirling around in his head.
his words shocked you and you turned to face him, the surprise clearly showing on your face. you thought that he hadn’t noticed your lack of physical affection since you two weren’t big on all that.
“but you didn’t kiss me today either,” you pointed out to him, your response failed as he shook his head at you.
“no, i tried to this morning but you dodged me,” he pointed out in turn, “so i just assumed you didn’t want to kiss, didn’t want to make you explain in case it was a sore spot so i just respected it,” he continued, laying out his thought process to you, “my curiosity just got the better of me now, i’m sorry if you don’t want to talk about it,” he added respectfully.
you frowned at your boyfriends words, he was so respectful, almost too respectful. it was one of the many things you loved about vernon along with his maturity and his way with words.
vernon’s words tugged on your heart and you rolled over to his side of the bed, pulling him into a hug with your arms around his neck.
“you’re the sweetest guy ever,” you said softly, while you were having a sentimental moment vernon was utterly confused at your actions, however. but he accepted it and slowly brought his arms up around your waist, slowly rubbing your back as he didn’t know what to do or what you were feeling.
“okay… so what was going on today?” he asked, secretly relishing in the amount of affection he was receiving.
you pulled your head up and looked at him, “it was just this stupid prank i saw online, i thought you’d react differently…” you mumbled, cheeks heating up in embarrassment as you admitted it.
he raised an eyebrow at you, “a prank? dodging my kisses as a prank?” he questioned, not seeing the appeal in it.
you buried your face in his neck and nodded, “yeah, i thought you would be more persistent or something, but you’re just too respectful,” you said jokingly. he huffed out a laugh at your words and nodded, holding you closer to him.
“sorry, babe,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss on your head, “you want me to change?” he asked, half as a joke but also being half serious.
you shook your head quickly, “never, you’re perfect,” you said immediately, never wanting him to doubt himself.
to seal the deal you decided to press your lips against his, finally giving him the kiss that you had deprived him of all day.
you were relaxing on the couch in your living room when you heard the front door open, signaling that chan was home from work.
you checked the time on your phone, realizing that chan was home almost an hour later than he normally was.
his late appearance intrigued you, so you got up from the couch and decided to walk to the entryway of your apartment, greeting chan there.
when you walked up to him he was taking off his shoes, but that wasn’t the thing that interested you. what did interest you was the huge bouquet of your favorite flowers that were in one hand and the designer bag that he was carrying in the other.
“woah! what’d you buy?” you asked curiously, reaching for the designer bag that was in his hand, he let you take the bag in your hands and walk to the kitchen to unravel it. you took the flowers into your other hand and set them on the table next to you after giving them a smell.
chan just gave you a smile and followed, “got it for you, honey,” he said gently, he seemed a little weary but you didn’t take much notice of it. though, you were extremely confused as to why he would’ve gotten you such an expensive item out of the blue.
you looked at him strangely, “why?” you questioned, it wasn’t your birthday or your anniversary any time soon, and you couldn’t understand why else such an expensive present would make its way into your lap.
chan gave you a sad smile and reached across the table, holding your hand, “i know this doesn’t make up for whatever i did, but i just wanted to tell you i’m sorry,” he said softly, “and i’d love to fix whatever i did if you just tell me what it is,” he said truthfully, getting ready to change anything you told him.
you cocked your head to the side and looked at chan with narrowed eyes, trying to figure him out, “what’d you do?” you asked, not quite understanding what he was talking about.
“c’mon, babe, you can tell me, i promise i’ll fix it,” he said again, wanting to make sure that it was a safe space for you to tell him your feelings.
you shook your head at his words, “no, chan, i really don’t know what you’re talking about, truly,” you made sure to emphasize, not leaving any room for him to think that you were hiding something.
“but… but you wouldn’t let me kiss you this morning,” he explained, “so you’re mad about something, right?” he deduced. and instead of asking you about it earlier he decided to spend thousands of dollars on a designer item and a bouquet of flowers to try and make it better.
when you let his words sink in you let out a loud laugh, pulling your hand back from him and grabbing your sides while you laughed. chan was far from amused and narrowed his eyes at you seemingly making fun of a serious situation.
“oh, god, i’m sorry channie,” you said in between laughs, when you finally caught your breath you composed yourself and explained, “that was a prank, babe, look,” you pulled out your phone and showed chan a few of the videos that you had seen online.
this only appalled him and he quickly snatched the bag from the table, “i’m returning this…” he mumbled, shaking his head at your actions.
“no! i’ll take it!” you exclaimed after him, standing up and getting next to him, giving him your best puppy dog eyes and feigning innocence.
“i’m taking these flowers too, they’re mine now,” he said childishly, sticking his tongue out at you and snatching the flowers from the table as well.
you laughed at his actions, “we live in the same house! the flowers are going to be here anyways,” you explained, making him think of a rebuttal.
“well,” he started, pausing for a moment, “they’re going to go on my nightstand then!”
and after some convincing words chan ended up letting you keep the designer bag he had purchased. though your favorite flowers found their home on his nightstand.
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manicmanuscription · 3 months ago
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Unapologetically Selfish
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Warnings: Illusions to smut, fluff, gaslighting(?) not proofread bc author is lazy
Word Count: 2334
Summary: When both of your jobs have your time with each other limited, Azriel makes the decision to keep you all to himself. Content to let his family think he'd finally lost his mind but an accidental meeting has the IC realizing Azriel truly does have a secret mate.
you can read part two here
acotar masterlist | main masterlist
divider by @cafekitsune
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Cassian was…concerned, to say the least. 
He fully believed Azriel was loosing his god damned mind and with each passing day this assumption only worsened. 
It all started three years ago, Azriel becoming almost scarce from time to time. With no explanation other than vague answers. It didn’t happen a lot and Cassian respected his brother needed his space some time, it wasn’t unusual for the Spymaster to slink off in the shadows. But then after a year his disappearance’s become nearly constant. 
Cassian and Rhysand finally cornered their brother after they demanded he show up for a monthly family dinner, the whole inner circle was getting concerned and decided that the two Illyrians were the best equipped to deal with this. 
Azriel had blankly looked at his brothers a small furrow in his brow as he sat through their interrogation. He hadn’t even realized he had been gone that much to be frank. Just… after meeting you? He wanted to spend every second of the day by your side, the mating bond simply not enough for how deeply he felt for you. 
After realizing the worry he was causing his family he pursed his lips and quite reluctantly told his brothers that he had found his mate. 
The look on the High Lord and General of the Night Court was absolutely priceless, their mouths hanging open as a stunned expression took over their usually stoic faces. 
Not even five minutes later the whole family knew, everyone pestering him for information like when they would get to meet you, what your name was, what did you do, how did you meet, where have you been this entire time. 
“Wait!” Feyre said as Mor had opened another bottle of wine and started excitedly pouring everyone a glass. “Is that why you asked Rhysand for a few months off?” 
The whole Inner Circle froze at Azriel’s simple nod. They all knew the implications of what that meant and Cassian was the first to speak. “You had a mating ceremony and none of us knew?” His voice thick with emotion. 
Azriel struggled with his next words. His heart a lump in his throat. He was never a talkative male, especially not about his feelings. 
The truth was he was an incredibly selfish bastard. Of course he wanted his family to meet you, you were the most radiant person he ever had the pleasure of breathing next to and that was precisely the problem. He wanted you all to himself. 
“I’m sorry.” He said clearing his throat. “Would you like to meet her?” The house erupted with enthusiastic yes’s as his words seemed to smooth over the transgression. 
Eight months after that conversation, and after 6 canceled dinners 2 rescheduled lunches and just a straight up no show for drinks, The Night Court decided Azriel was…delusional. 
Of course they came to this conclusion delicately and most definitely amongst themselves after long and heated conversations.
Once again Rhysand and Cassian were sent to talk with the elusive spymaster and why he would make up such a lie. 
Azriel just refused their nonsense once again. He had told them the truth and it was their fault they didn’t believe it. He had barely seen you these last couple months as you had been working on the Continent and he had other tasks assigned to him. He told his brothers this and they just gave each other a look, one he simply ignored. 
Soon…the teasing started. Once the Inner Circle realized Azriel was doubling down on his ‘delusions’ Cassian promptly started joking about the fake wife and mate Azriel had. A few offhand comments here and there that become more and more frequent, of course Nesta and the rest of their family told him to shut up, but for Cassian it came from a place of love. 
He had tried talking to his brother, tried helping him through this. Cassian’s mind spinning, he truly thought Azriel had finally cracked, that his dearest brother was so alone he had made up an imaginary mate just to prove something. 
So his teasing was his last ditch effort, the final playing card to hopefully get Azriel to just admit he lied, than Cassian would take him out for drinks and be his shoulder to cry on for whatever issue that was obviously going on. 
Except it didn’t work. Azriel just grew more and more distant, if he wasn’t working he was simply…elsewhere. The last time Azriel ever made an effort to be around his family was when he suddenly up and decided to move out of the House of Wind, throwing a small house party for a beautiful cottage he purchased along the coast. 
Rhysand had to force Azriel to come to family dinners, in which sometimes the Spymaster simply never showed up and when he did his mind seemed distant and detached. 
Everyone was getting increasingly worried, especially Cassian. Azriel was incredibly important to him and although Cassian would never admit this, he felt responsible for him. Sometimes his brother didn’t know how to take care of himself, especially emotionally and whenever that happened The General had always been there, happily helping him whenever he could, making sure his heart and mind were protected, fighting off Azriel’s demons when he couldn’t do it himself. 
And he had never seen his brother so…aloof, distant and he had never thought his mental health would have gotten so bad he had made up a mate. So finally, Cassian and Rhys decided it was time for an intervention. 
Azriel.. for the life of him could not wait for his brothers to get out of his house. 
He loved them dearly and he knew he had been acting stranger and stranger these last few years, he knew his family thought he was certifiably insane and that great Shadowsinger of the fearsome Night Court had finally snapped and of course he cared, he knew that his actions had his brothers spinning and Nesta’s newly revealed pregnancy didn’t help Cassian’s grey hairs, and he had tried countless times to explain to them that he wasn’t insane, that you were real and beautiful and had utterly and completely captured his heart. 
But without the proof, his brothers simply didn’t believe him. Azriel wanted you to meet his family, gods did he want you too. But his time with you was becoming more and more rare. 
If you weren’t on the Continent you were with Thesan and if you weren’t with Thesan you were with Helion, leading all sorts of medical discoveries he simply could not comprehend no matter how hard he tried, this new medical project you were taking on meant that he hadn’t seen you in months, his body and heart ached for you and he truly had never felt such longing in his life. His brother’s insisting that he was insane certainly wasn’t helping his heartache.  
“I…” Cassian swallowed. “I can’t watch you do this to yourself anymore Az.” He whispered finally and Azriel truly felt the guilt he had been burying down hit him as if he had been struck at the look on his brother’s face. 
He opened his mouth to say something but ultimately couldn’t find the words as Cassian left his home office, his footsteps echoing the utter doom and gloom he felt not only at your disappearance but at the raging guilt he felt for putting everyone in this situation in the first place. 
“Please…Just talk to us Az-“ Rhys started but he put his hand up. “Just, Go..please, we can talk about this later.” Azriel pleaded and Rhysand must’ve seen the look on his face so he pursed his lips and followed the General out of his brother’s home. 
You couldn’t wait to get home not only to the house you’d built together but to your mate. Every fiber of your being ached for him, and it physically hurt to be away from him for so long. 
So finally you had announced to your team and your dearest friend Thesan you were taking a well deserved break and decided to surprise your mate. 
You desperately needed to see him, hold him, breathe him in. Your soul was raging for the distance to finally be closed and so you planned a surprise trip, so you shut off the bond to him, which had sent him into a wild panic but you soothed it temporarily saying you were busy and needed to focus. But really you knew you couldn’t hide the excitement at finally arriving home, your chest was alight with nerves as you opened the door to your house, your fingers nervously playing with your hair as you couldn’t stop the giddy smile from erupting across your face. 
This was space was yours. For the first time you had not just a house but a home, and a lot of your tension eased at finally stepping into the carefully curated space you and Azriel had created. You could smell him everywhere, and it insantly made your frayed nerves ease, your body already relaxing at just finally being home.
It had been six long months without touching him, seeing him, with only fleeting reassurance and love sent down the bond and you needed him. Now. 
You were so excited you didn’t see the tall and bulky Illyrian warrior standing in your hallway staring at you as if he had seen a ghost. You crashed into a hard wall of muscle in your haste to get to your mate and immediately pulled back. 
“Your…not Azriel.” You stated, looking him up and down with a small frown etched on your face, something primal recoiling at the thought of another male in your house.
“Neither are you?” The male stated his voice with a slight edge, eyes wary as he looked you up and down, as if you were a threat. His fingers twitching and you immediately pulled away from him noticing his dangerous expression. “What are you doing here?”
“I live here? I think the question is what the hell are you doing in my house.” You asked stepping another few paces away from him but still crossing your arms over your chest as you looked him up and down. He wore red siphons on his hands and his long brown hair had a few greys all tied together in a low bun. Cassian, then you assumed.
“Wait..I’m sorry what?” The male sputtered, his vicious stance immediately softening into one of shock. You didn’t notice the High Lord standing behind him with an equal look of surprise as their brains finally processed the information. Their brother hadn’t cracked, he had been telling the truth about all of it. The traveling, the courtship, that he was in fact married and mated. 
Shadows twisted in the corner before scurrying off down the hall and in just a few seconds you were being tugged into a warm chest and spun around as scarred hands possessively held your waist. You giggled at the touch, the bond in your chest thrummed with light as peace finally settled in your bones. Home you were finally home. He set you down and you leaned up pulling his face close to yours as you peppered him with kisses. Gods you had missed him so much. He smiled softly at your touch shadows almost completely engulfing you as they too missed you. 
“Hey, Hello? We’re still here.” Cassian snapped his fingers to get your attention and Azriel growled darkly at the intrusion. You had been gone for six months you were his not his family’s. It wasn’t just a want that made him grip you even tighter at the thought of his family taking away your time with their endless interrogation no, no it was a need that thrummed throughout the fiber of his being. He needed to mark you up and hold you close and worship every single inch of skin on your body. He needed to completely immerse himself into you. 
Rhysand must have seen the look on his face or heard something in his mind because he gently gripped Cassian’s shoulders. “If you neither of you show up to breakfast tomorrow we will hunt you down or simply show up here.” It was said in a playful tone but Azriel understood the threat behind it, he was going to have to finally introduce you whether he liked it or not and with a simple wave of agreement from Azriel the two males winnowed away and he pressed himself further against you. Breathing in your scent all his stress and worry melting away as he did. The bond had been pulled so taut with the distance it had ached with the worst pain possible. 
“I missed you.” You breathed out softly, he grunted in agreement. “Let me take you far away from here and show you how much I missed you.” He whispered as he pressed soft kisses down the side of your neck, you giggled and his heart beat faster at the noise. “You are not getting of that easy again Spymaster.” You spoke with another laugh. His hands tightened even further on your hips with frustration, one of them sliding up to tangle in your hair as he kissed you, his tongue sliding in your lips claiming your’s with a deep desire that settled in his bones. You’d leave again soon and now he’d have to share your limited time with someone else. He tugged at your bottom lip possessively at the thought and lifted you in his arms your legs straddling as his waist as he walked you to your bedroom to show you exactly how much you were his. 
The Inner Circle anxiously awaited The General and High Lord’s arrival, waiting on any news of Azriel’s mental health when they finally winnowed in. Shocked grins overtaking their expressions. There was a beat of silence before Cassian spoke up. “You’ll never guess what the actual fuck just happened.” 
you can read part two here
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foxy-eva · 4 months ago
Warm Embrace
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Summary: Spencer and his wife explore ways to be intimate with each other after a traumatic event
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader 
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Smut
Please read the CW, this story contains potentially triggering topics! 
Content Warnings: (18+, minors DNI) referenced past SA of Reader (non-graphic), implied flashbacks, trauma related sexual problems, conversations about sex and intimacy, nudity, kissing, mutual masturbation, handjob, thigh riding
Word count: 5.4k
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“Spencer?” Your voice echoed through the apartment when you stepped through the door and found no sign of your husband. 
A distant sound came from the bathroom. “In here!” 
After a quiet knock on the door and his confirmation that you could step in, you found Spencer sitting in the bathtub. The room was filled with the lavender scent of the bath soap and what you could see of his body was covered in bubbles. It almost looked comical how his knees stuck out of the water, making it obvious that the tub was not big enough to accommodate his long limbs. 
“I was too tired to take a shower,” he explained after discovering your curious expression. 
“I can see that,” you laughed. “I thought you hated taking baths.”
“Honestly, I think I’m starting to understand why you like them so much. This isn't too bad.”
You stood there for a few moments, smiling at the sight in front of you. Then, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, you slowly began shedding your clothes. 
“Mind if I join you?” you wondered. 
Nothing about this situation would be unusual for any other married couple. Just a few months ago neither of you would have questioned your actions. Back then initiating any form of intimacy with each other felt natural and familiar. 
Things were different now, though. 
Spencer cleared his throat and shifted his position. “Are you sure about this?”
There was a reason to ask. For the past months any attempt to get close to each other resulted in you crying for the rest of the night. Something as simple as him placing his hand on your thigh was enough to startle you. 
A sigh rolled over your lips as you dropped your shirt to the floor. “No,” you confessed. “But I miss you.”
“I’m right here,” he reminded you.
That was not what you meant and he knew that. Of course he understood the meaning of your words. Spencer was well aware of the fact that ever since that son of a bitch hurt you, you fought a constant battle between wanting his nearness and pushing him away. 
Your husband gave you the space you needed and was there to hold you whenever you’d let him. It couldn't have been easy for him either but he never once complained about this new reality you had a live. 
A reality where that person took something from you that you’d never get back. It was hard to shake this feeling of being tainted after having your physical integrity stripped away like that. You were distant and closed off when it came to intimacy, despite your best efforts to get back to what once was normal. It had been months since Spencer even saw you unclothed.
That was about to change. 
Slowly, you pulled down your pants before reaching back to undo your bra. Spencer's sight followed the piece of clothing as it dropped to the floor before settling on your face again. 
“Stop profiling me,” you warned him with a playful undertone in your voice. 
“Sorry, I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
By pulling down your panties, you shed your last piece of clothing, leaving you completely bare in front of your husband. It was a strange feeling to reveal yourself to him. It felt new yet familiar to allow him to see you. 
However, he didn't dare to look, even when you approached the tub. It wasn't clear whether he just tried to be respectful or if seeing you like this for the first time after months was too much for him to bear. His reaction reminded you that he never answered your question about you joining him. Maybe he was the one who wasn’t okay with this. 
Spencer’s eyes widened as he noticed the change of your mood before you did. Within a split second your heart started pounding and you stepped back to reach for your bathrobe. 
“Sorry, this was a stupid idea,” you muttered as you turned around to shield your body from his sight and your heart from the rejection. 
“My love,” he cooed from behind you.
The sound of splashing water gave away that he was exiting the tub. From the corner of your eyes you saw how he reached for his own robe. 
You felt his presence behind you. “Can I touch you?”
You nodded as you turned around, finding him wrapped in his robe with water still dripping from his jawline. Spencer reached out his hands to pull you into his arms. 
“What just happened?” He wondered, his voice laced with concern. 
Before you could think about it, you mumbled, “You didn't want to look at me.”
Your husband thought about your words for a moment, replaying the scene that had just unfolded in his mind. What you said wasn’t true. He wanted to look at you, to admire you fully like he had done countless times before. 
“I was afraid it would make you uncomfortable,” he confessed as he pulled back to be able to find your eyes. 
It was hard to read your expression which was not surprising considering you were mostly confused about your current state yourself.
“I miss the way you used to look at my body. I miss being close to you,” you whispered and paused for a moment. “I miss… sex.”
He closed his eyes before placing an innocent kiss on your forehead. “I know,” he breathed. Me too, he thought.
“Do you still think about it?” You wanted to know. 
Nodding, you watched his facial features intently. Ever since your attack, there were many occasions when the two of you had tiptoed around this subject. But never before had you been so blunt about it. 
It seemed like he was looking for the right words. “Yes, I do,” was what he settled on.
Raising your eyebrows, you asked, “With me?” 
The insecurity in your question wasn’t lost on Spencer but he still couldn't hold back a breathy laugh. “Of course, silly girl. You're my wife.”
“It’s just been so long that I would understand if you ever thought about doing it with someone else.”
“Stop that right now,” he said with a firm yet loving tone. “I would never cheat on you.” 
A shaky breath escaped your throat before you dared to say what had been bugging you for weeks now. “What if I’ll never be ready? What if things won’t ever be like before?” 
“That would be okay, too,” he reassured you. “There are many ways to create nearness and intimacy. Sex is just one way but it’s not necessary. At least for me it’s not.” 
“So you’d be okay to live without sex?” 
“Before I met you I thought that was my only option,” he quipped. 
You knew there had been a handful of women before you but you appreciated his joke nonetheless. It made you smile. 
Spencer let his fingertips brush over your cheeks. “But to answer your question, yes, I would be okay with that.”
His words were genuine. The way he looked at you with the most loving expression made your heart jump. The amber of his irises radiated a warmth you could get drunk on. You nestled your head against his chest and he held you even closer against his body. He was right. Sex wasn’t necessary to create nearness. However, you were still curious about what else you felt safe enough to try. 
“I want to get into the bathtub with you,” you whispered. “And I want you to look at me.” 
Loosening the embrace, you looked at your husband. With a nod he confirmed that he wanted that, too. 
With shaking fingers you brushed over his robe before gripping the material. “And I want to see you, too.”
Together you helped each other out of your robes until you stood bare in front of each other. You took a moment to admire the man in front of you. It had been a while since you had seen him like that. Unlike you he didn't deliberately hide his body from your sight but there hadn’t been many occasions in the past few months that allowed you to see him unclothed. 
His body looked familiar yet different at the same time. His tummy was a little bit softer than you remembered and you imagined what it would feel like underneath your palm. 
Spencer dared to let his eyes drop down to take in every inch of skin within sight. The way he looked at you made your skin tingle and you noticed how it broke out in goosebumps. 
“You're so beautiful,” he purred as he tentatively brushed over your arms. 
Tilting your head, you placed a soft kiss on his lips before breathing against them, “So are you.”
He took your hand in his to walk you over to the bathtub. Your husband got in first, bending his knees in an attempt to make himself smaller than he was. There was enough space to join him, a relieved sigh falling from your lips when you felt the warm water enveloping your body. 
First you sat a little awkwardly opposite one another for a few moments before you felt confident enough to get closer. Gently, you placed your hands on his knees to part them before moving closer to lean against his body sitting between his legs. Spencer’s heart pounded rapidly against his ribcage as you nestled against his chest. 
“Is that okay?” You wanted to make sure. 
“Yeah, I uh… I’m not sure where to put my hands,” he chuckled and you noticed how they hovered above the edge of the bathtub. 
Taking his hands in yours, you guided them towards the water, placing them underneath your chest. Even though you expected his touch, you still jerked when you felt his palms make contact with your body. 
Instinctively, your husband wanted to retract his hands again but you held them still with your own palms pressed against them. Once the initial shock faded, you were certain that you wanted to be held exactly like that. 
A part of you still wanted to fight this vulnerable situation but a much bigger, much more confident part longed to be close to the love of your life. 
It was as if Spencer sensed your ambiguity. “You okay?” 
“Yes,” you confirmed. Then you thought about the way your body flinched when he touched you. It had happened before each time Spencer had touched you in places that he had touched, too. “I just feel like my body has to relearn a couple of things.”
Spencer nodded before finally being able to relax a bit. He leaned back while holding you against him, relishing the sensation of having you close without any barriers between you. Just for a moment he forgot about what had happened to you and to your own surprise, so did you. 
For the following weeks you made it a new habit to take baths with each other. There was something so sweet about getting clean together, it became a sacred ritual you wanted to repeat over and over. 
Slowly but surely you got more comfortable around Spencer. There was a time when you didn't think it was possible that the two of you would cuddle every night and every morning without constantly having to fear that you’d freak out at any given moment. 
But just like that it happened. Spencer didn't have to think twice about hugging you from behind and leaving a feather-light kiss on your neck. He didn't hesitate to pull you into his arms when he woke up before you. 
He did however wake up in shock and almost jumped out of bed when one morning he realized he had sleepily pressed his erection against your thigh. Having woken up before him, you had noticed it, too. You could have easily moved away but found no reason to do so.
“I’m so sorry,” Spencer murmured as he moved away from you, his voice still sounding raspy from his slumber.
“You don’t have to apologize for that, Spencer. I know basic biology,” you snickered. “Now come back here.”
Hesitantly, he moved back towards your open arms. The warmth you radiated was too hard to resist so it took very little convincing for him to find his place inside your embrace again. 
Gentle fingertips danced along his arms, making him hum in contentment. It had always amazed you how his skin felt so particularly soft and tender in the morning. His curls hung unruly from his head and you couldn't resist intertwining your fingers with them. 
You thought back to the many times you had woken up like this. Back then when it still was normal for your hands to become curious enough to explore every curve and dip of each other’s bodies. 
It was odd to think about before. Sometimes it felt like a lifetime away, other times it felt like nothing had ever changed. It made you feel like the man who hurt you had the power to bring a new time reckoning upon you. You didn't want him to. 
It only spurred you further on to fully reclaim your body again. 
Your fingers found Spencer’s jaw to tilt his head just enough for you to be able to kiss him. His lips felt so soft as he slowly reciprocated your actions. It was sweet and innocent at first but your desire to feel more of him only grew the longer you kissed. Slightly shifting your leg you could feel his hardness again, making him whimper at the sudden pressure against it. 
As your hand found its way under his shirt, you brushed over the softness of his tummy. Shaking fingertips followed the trail of hair leading further down before changing their direction and moving upwards to feel his chest. The beating of his heart was faster than usual, almost erratic. 
With cautious motions he mirrored your eagerness and let his palm wander beneath your shirt as well. You deepened the kiss when you felt his fingers wander over your waist, leaving goosebumps on their path. Spencer became hungry, almost desperate as his tongue brushed over yours, melting into you in a way he hadn’t for too long. 
It was what you longed for too, what you had been hoping to finally be ready for. 
Then he touched your breast and it all came crashing down again. 
Healing really wasn’t linear. 
In an instant Spencer retracted his hand and leaned back to give you some space. Widened eyes looked back at him and it took both of you a second to realize what had just happened. Before he could apologize, you did. 
“I’m sorry… I really thought I was okay with that.”
For a moment Spencer closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. Then he looked at you again, a soft expression on his face. “Please don’t ever feel the need to apologize for that,” he cooed. 
Unlike other times, you were able to calm down quickly. Instead of pushing your husband further away, you still yearned for his proximity. He seemed surprised when you moved closer to him again to lay your head down on his chest. Content to still have the privilege to hold you close, he wrapped his arms around you before a relieved sigh fell from his lips. 
There was no need to leave the comfort of your shared bed just yet, so you just lay there together, basking in each other’s warmth. 
Spencer placed a gentle kiss into your hair before breathing, “I love you.” 
“I love you more.”
You tried your best to be kind to yourself in that moment. It was a learning opportunity for you. Just a few weeks ago lying close to your husband like that was unthinkable. Even if they felt like baby steps at the time, it was still progress. 
The images of recent intimate encounters flooded your mind and let a pleasant calmness spread through your body. Spencer’s kisses tasted sweet and made you feel insatiable, always longing for more. Feeling his skin pressed against yours as he held you close in the bathtub enveloped you in a safe feeling unlike anything else. 
You thought back to those rare moments when you considered taking things further lately, just like you had tried just now. There was something you had wondered about. 
“I have noticed that when we cuddle…,” you began your sentence, unsure of how to continue. “Even when we’re naked in the bathtub together, you uhm… never get aroused? That was very different before.” 
Spencer cleared his throat. “Yeah,” he let out an awkward laugh. “I try really hard not to. I think about baseball a lot.” 
His response confused you. Propping yourself up on one elbow, you raised your eyebrows at him. “You think about baseball when we’re taking baths together? You don’t even like sports.” 
Spencer just shrugged and added, “Sometimes I try to solve equations, too.”
“Please don’t do that anymore,” you pleaded as you laid back down beside him. “It makes me feel good to see you’re still interested in me.” 
“Of course I am still interested. I just really do not want to make you uncomfortable or feel pressured in any way.”
Your words were genuine when you said, “I don’t think that will happen. I actually really liked seeing you in all of your morning glory earlier.”
Your husband smiled at you. “Yeah?”
A smirk formed on your face. “It reminded me of the countless times we were both late for work because we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves after waking up.” 
“That was fun,” Spencer chuckled. “What wasn’t fun though was the conversation I had to have with Hotch after being late four days in a row.” 
His words made you laugh, too. Then, after a few moments of comfortable silence, your husband hesitantly asked, “Can I ask you something?” 
Tilting your head to find his eyes, you responded, “Of course.”
“You don’t have to answer this but I’m wondering… Do you ever get aroused in those moments, too?” 
You were used to talking openly about intimacy with your husband, that had always been a normal part of your relationship. His question didn't feel odd and you wanted to respond to it. 
For a long time after what happened, your longing to feel his nearness wasn’t connected to any sexual desires. At times you even felt like your libido had gotten lost entirely. Recently that had changed. 
More and more you had become aware of the little spark inside you that was ignited when you were with him. It was very different from the burning flame that was there before but your desire grew each time you were together. 
“Lately, yes,” you sincerely answered. Thinking about it some more, you decided to share another detail with him. “I even started uhm… touching myself again.”
Spencer seemed a little surprised by your response. “You did? That's good to hear.” His palm brushed gently over your arm when he added, “I can imagine that's a good way to feel a connection to your body and your needs.” 
For a second you thought he might start one of his ramblings to share all his knowledge about the health benefits of masturbating. He didn't, though. 
“Yeah, it feels nice. Almost normal,” you said instead. “I obviously still have a long way to go when it comes to sex but… I finally feel like I’ll actually get there, eventually.”
“There's no rush,” he reminded you. “We have all the time in the world.” 
Your lips met his in a tender kiss. “Thank you for being so patient with me.” 
After a few more moments of enjoying each other's company, it was time to get up and get ready for the workday. That night you found yourself tangled up in bed with your husband again. 
As you breathed in his scent and felt the heat radiating off his skin, you noticed it again – the little spark inside your chest flared up and spread a tingling sensation through your body. 
Your mouth found Spencer's neck to leave a trail of kisses along it, before it moved over his jawline and found his lips at last. He hummed when you kissed him and you could feel his fingertips twitching against your waist. 
It didn't take long until you deepened the kiss, a quiet moan slipping through your lips when Spencer’s tongue found yours. 
With your body pressed against his you didn't allow any distance between the two of you. It still wasn’t enough for you, though. There was too much fabric in the way of really feeling close to him. 
Your hand moved to the hem of his shirt to grip it and impatiently push it upwards. Spencer moved with you as you pulled it over his head. When your fingers moved to the waistband of his pajama pants next, he interrupted the kiss to find your eyes. 
A smile was painted over your face when you nodded, reassuring him that you were okay. You weren’t sure yet where exactly this was going but you felt safe enough to explore your options.
“We can stop or slow down at any point,” he reminded you.
“I know.”
After kissing him again, you sat up so you could continue undressing him. Slowly you pulled down his pants, an audible breath falling from your lips when you saw he was already half-hard. 
Spencer scanned your face for any sign of discomfort but found none. What he saw instead was excitement and curiosity. It made him smile. 
He sat up and brushed his hands over the fabric of your shirt. By lifting your arms over your head you gave him the sign he needed to remove the piece of fabric. He gently motioned for you to lay back down before he made contact with your hips, carefully brushing over your pajama shorts. 
There was no hesitation to be found when you lifted your hips for him to pull them down, without ever breaking eye contact. You thought about how different this situation was from being naked with him in the bathtub. Some parts of you remained hidden from him even then. 
You wanted him to see you, even when being exposed to him like that still felt a little scary.
After he had dropped the last piece of clothing on the floor, you dared to open your thighs for him to see every part of you. A rosy shade spread over his cheeks as he dared to look at you. It reminded you of when you were with him for the very first time many years ago. 
Just like then, he breathed, “You're so beautiful.” 
You could feel how some arousal had already gathered at your center and wondered if Spencer could see the glistening. By the way his pupils dilated you had a hunch that he did. 
Then, after he had fully taken in your beauty, it was as if he was frozen in place. He used to be so confident in situations like that, knowing your body better than his own and never questioning his next move. Things were very different now and you both sensed it. 
His eyes met yours and it became obvious how unsure he was of how to proceed. 
Opening your arms, you cooed, “Come here, love.” 
He seemed relieved when he lay back down beside you again. You wanted to kiss him but he hesitated. 
After a moment, he suggested, “I think it would be helpful if you talked to me more. I need you to tell me exactly what you want to do.”
“I’m figuring this out as we go, too,” you explained. “Right now I don't know where this is going. I only know that I really want to kiss you.”
His nose brushed against yours. “I would really like that, too.”
Just a split second later you got lost in another kiss. The way your bodies were pressed against one another while your lips were connected let you briefly forget where your body ended and his began. After shifting your position, you became well aware of that again. 
Spencer was fully hard now and his erection was firmly pressed against your thigh. You moved your leg slightly, prompting him to whimper into your mouth. The hand on your waist moved down to your hip and his fingertips pressed into your skin. 
“Hey,” you mumbled against his lips. “Can we slow down for a moment?” 
His grip on your hip lightened immediately before he moved his hand back up to your waist. Spencer placed one last peck on your mouth and pulled back. “Do you want to stop?” 
You shook your head. “No, I just need a little break. To make sure it doesn't get too much.” 
The truth was that you felt really good in that moment. Excited, loved and so, so turned on. It just felt safer to take things slowly. Gently you pushed against his shoulder until he was lying on his back. You found your home inside his arms. 
Your lips grazed over his cheek as you breathed, “How are you feeling, Spencer?” 
He chuckled at your question. “You have no idea how good I’m feeling right now.” 
As you let your head rest on his shoulder, you dared to look down at his body. The extent of his desire laid on his stomach and you noticed how a bead of precum had formed at his tip. Your fingers itched to touch him, to remember how hot and heavy his cock always felt inside your palm. 
A curious hand made its way down his chest, over the side of his stomach, brushing along his thigh. For a second you hesitated but then you let your palm hover over his hardness. 
Then you felt a pit form in your stomach and decided to retract your hand again. It might have just been your nervousness but that didn't change the fact that you couldn't continue in this moment. 
Your husband had watched each of your motions intently. It was obvious that he was burning to find relief. 
Tilting your head to find his eyes, you purred, “I want you to feel good.”
“It’s okay, my love. You don’t have to,” he reminded you.
You knew that, of course. There was still something else you could do together. 
As you began kissing his neck, his throat vibrated under your lips and a moan escaped his mouth. Then, you whispered into his ear, “I want you to touch yourself.”
Spencer’s eyes widened at your request and the rosy color on his cheeks turned a shade darker. It seemed like he needed a little more encouragement, so you lay back down inside his arm and opened your legs to give yourself access. 
“Okay, I’ll start,” you teased as you let your hand wander down your own body. 
Mesmerized by the sight, his eyes followed the path of your fingers. When you parted your folds to access your most sensitive spot, Spencer hissed a curse. 
The honeyed wetness between your legs made it easy for your fingertips to move through your folds. It felt relieving to touch yourself like that. Just like Spencer you were yearning for release. 
When your husband heard your heavy sighs as you pleasured yourself, he couldn't hold back anymore. You watched as his hand found his cock, a view that let your heart pound inside your chest. 
First, he wrapped his fingers around his shaft and squeezed, prompting droplets of his arousal to run down his tip. Then, he swiped his thumb over the leaking head before he slowly began moving up and down. Your mouth hung open as you watched that sinful scene unfold in front of you. 
As Spencer accelerated the pace of his fist, sounds of pleasure filled the room. His eyebrows were scrunched up and desperation was written all over his face. 
He had never looked more beautiful.
Distracted by the mesmerizing view, the hand at your core stopped moving. Instead of continuing, you let it wander away from your body to touch Spencer’s thigh. Before you could overthink it, your hand kept moving to his center. 
A heavy breath fell from his lips as your fingertips cautiously brushed over the velvety skin of his balls, making his body jerk underneath you. Smiling to yourself, you remembered how sensitive he was. 
Spencer stopped moving his hand, waiting to see how you’d proceed. When you touched the soft curls at his base, he whimpered. It was then that you realized that you were not scared anymore and that your nervousness had turned into excitement. 
“Can I continue?”
Spencer audibly gulped before removing his hand. “Yes… please.” 
When you wrapped your fingers around his length, both of you moaned in unison. Holding him in your hand like that felt both familiar and novel at the same time. You started moving your palm and quickly remembered how exactly he liked to be touched. 
“Fuck,” he groaned. “Feels good!” 
With all the built-up tension and those months of abstinence, it only took a few moments until Spencer was getting close to reaching his point of no return. Familiar with all the telltale signs of his impending climax, you continued caressing him. Coming closer to his undoing, his cock twitched inside your palm and his entire body started quivering. 
His release began spilling over your hand and onto his stomach while he kept pulsing against your fingers. You kissed his jaw and his neck before you reached for the tissues on your nightstand to do some damage control of the mess you had created. 
Your husband’s chest was still heaving when you finished cleaning him up. Concern was written all over his face when he found your eyes.
He pulled you back into his embrace as he asked, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah I am. That was really fun,” you snickered. 
Spencer's hand brushed over your back as he placed a soft kiss on your mouth. “Do you want me to touch you?”
The truth was that your entire body was aching for his touch. You could feel the heat burning between your legs and were aware that your arousal had started coating the insides of your thighs. It had been a long time since you’d felt so turned on. 
And yet, the thought of him actually doing something about it made you nervous. 
“I’m not sure,” you admitted. “I would like to kiss you again, though.”
He let out a breathy laugh before finding your mouth once more. Feeling his lips on yours only blazed up the fire burning inside you. You shifted your position until you were hovering over your husband, one of his thighs pressed between yours. 
Tentatively you began rocking your hips against his leg, sighing as you realized how pleasant the friction was. 
“Is that okay?” You breathed against his lips as you kept moving. 
“More than okay,” he reassured you. “Use my body however you like.”
You sat up as you ground against his skin, feeling him tense his thigh underneath you. Taking his hands in yours, you placed them on your hips so he could help you move. Soon you had created a mess on his leg as you spread your wetness along his skin. 
With your entire entire body twitching, your motions became erratic. Looking down at Spencer, you found him staring at you with lust-filled eyes and a wicked grin painted over his face. 
As you danced along the edge of euphoria, you forgot your surroundings. It was only you and him right then. “I love you,” you whimpered and before your husband could respond, you collapsed into his arms as pleasure overcame you. You kept pressing your core against his leg as your whole body shook. 
Spencer held you firmly inside his arms as you came down from your high. He kissed your forehead and whispered, “I love you more.”
After your heart rate had come down to a normal frequency and you weren’t panting anymore, you kissed your husband. 
“How are you feeling?” He wanted to know. 
“Good. And also a little sticky,” you snickered, hinting at the mess you had created between your legs. 
“Yeah, me too,” Spencer chuckled. “How about I run us a bath so we can get cleaned up?” 
The prospect of that made your heart flutter. “That sounds wonderful.”
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Author's Note: Writing this story took me two years and I am so relieved I was finally able to get it to paper. I hope reading it felt as cathartic for you as writing it was for me. Thank you for reading! I would really appreciate a reblog and a comment.
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certifiedlovergirlsstuff · 10 months ago
Pretty Boy | s.r. x fem!reader
a/n: you know i had to do something for glasses reid i’d be crazy not to.
“oh, here comes your pretty boy. capital p and b.” derek’s smooth voice entered your shared office with jj. you didn’t bother asking who, even coyly, he would just say something along the line of “your other half, pretty girl.”
so you rolled your eyes while scanning over a case file, not bothering to direct attention to the man. “and why the need to visit my space?” a teasing reply, both knowing his visits to the double liaison office were once in a blue moon.
there was the sound of shuffling before derek responded, “cause i wanna see your reaction.” such a vague answer that it caused you to pick your head up with a quizzical look, “what are-“ and you stopped when spencer poked his head through the cracked doorway.
“hey y/n, i brought you…” you didn’t hear the rest of his sentence. eyes too focused on spencer’s face and the new wardrobe attire perched along his nose.
your heart beat fast in your ears and you could feel your body warm in temperature. it was like you were sent back in time to high school and spencer was the insanely smart, pretty student ripped right from your fantasies. you hoped you weren’t drooling at the sight.
“y/n? you alright?” spencer’s voice was much closer now and when you blinked he was directly in front of you with the back of his hand to your forehead and a frown on his face. derek’s chuckles filled the crowded space and you couldn’t even manage a side eye.
“you feel warm. you didn’t happen to catch anything from the last case, did you?” full concern with round puppy eyes shining behind black frames. your heart was the picture of a popsicle melting on a hot summer day.
you took a swallow, “not- not that i know of.” eyes honed onto a freckle placed to the left of spencer’s chin.
derek laughed again, “ease up on her, pretty boy.” he moved closer and stood behind spencer’s left shoulder, a smug expression painted on his chiseled face.
“i’m just checking if she’s physically well.” spencer’s voice got high from defending himself and his actions while glaring at derek.
derek then jerked his chin at your sheepish expression, “well it’s declining each second you’re in her space.” joking at the expense of your crush, but spencer took it the wrong way and pulled his arm back to his side. “sorry, right boundaries. should’ve asked first.”
you managed to bounce back when he started moving away, “no! no, it’s- derek’s just joking. i- i don’t mind you touching me.” and it took two, two seconds, for your mind to process your wording.
“oh this is a great morning.” derek howled then decided he’s seen enough, leaving both of you hot and pink cheeked.
squeezing your eyes shut you wished for the floor to swallow you hole and drag you away from this situation. “i’m- i’m sorry… about that. bit- bit scattered brained right now.” trying to play everything off.
“you- you sure you’re alright? i’m certain hotch will let you leave early.” spencer’s brows pinched in the middle turning his face into more of a pout. oh he has no idea the effect on you.
you smiled gentle at his worry, “i’m well, just been staring at potential cases too long, that’s all.” fingering at the edge of the manilla folder in your lap.
“also i like the new look,” circling a finger around your eyes to play charades with him than just mention the holy glasses. “they suit you nicely.” friendly but said with a hint of flirty.
spencer’s smiled widened and his cheeks turned from bubblegum pink to a rosie hue, oh how you wish to just cover him in thousands of kisses. “thanks. i ran out of contacts for the month so i’m stuck with these until then.” making it sound like an inconvenience, but oh how you were gonna suffering for a month of those handsome frames.
you turned your head away before you were caught staring for too long and saw a baby pink bag sitting beside your picture frames. you reached out to grab it then pulled it apart to see a sweet morning treat awaiting for your teeth to sink in. “did you bring this?” asking spencer since you then remember that he said something when arriving but you didn’t hear what.
spencer straightened up and happily beamed, “yeah! i was walking past that pastry shop you like and thought you’d enjoy something for all your hard work.” you both knew that was a straight lie since that pastry shop is an extra ten minutes out of either of yours work routes.
but you didn’t comment on it just looked spencer in the eye and said softly, “thank you, spence. you’re very sweet.” and with a sudden boldness you leaned forward to press a delicate kiss onto his right cheek.
pulling back you noticed spencer’s lips were slightly parted, he looked almost winded from the sudden action. you were gonna apologize if you over stepped but then jj entered her office with derek trailing behind.
“uh… hi.” she stopped two steps inside then saw the way you both fidgeted to appear normal. as if you were doing something you weren’t supposed… “hi, welcome.” “everything normal here.” you and spencer talked over each other.
“okay, not even gonna ask…” waving a folder about, “but i found a case and hotch approved so into the conference room for debriefing.” jj gave both of you a final stare then walked around derek to flee the scene.
“come on pretties, you can smooch later.” “derek!”
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clockwayswrites · 5 months ago
Bitty birb in the nest is worth...? Part 19
Masterpost This is going to have many typos and spelling issues, but it currently feels like I've got an ice pick in my temple and my skin hurts so there's no rereading happening atm. Sorry!
Danny looked up as Tim Drake-Wayne strode into the lab and closed the door quietly behind himself.
“Mm-hum?” Tim hummed as he sat down his thermos before he shed his messenger bag, coat, and school jacket onto an open part of desk.
Danny watched on with bemusement. The kid looked half asleep. “Not that it isn’t great to see you again, but what are you doing here, honey?”
“Bruce is on a call running Luthor in circles and then has to talk to legal about some stuff because Luthor is always an ass. We’re supposed to go run an errand and then to dinner together, so I’m stuck here until he’s ready to leave for the day.”
“I’m sorry,” Danny said honestly.
“It’s okay, at least Bruce won’t forget, not like—” Tim shut his mouth with a snap, seemingly suddenly thinking about what he was saying.
“It’s okay, I get it,” Danny said, because he did. “You need somewhere to hide out then?”
“Yeah, it’s… calm here.”
“Okay. Sit wherever you want that’s clear. If you need to move something, let me know first, okay?”
“Thanks,” Tim said, shoulders finally losing some of their tension.
“Of course, whenever you need.”
Not wanting to push Tim in any way, Danny kept a subtle eye on the boy as Tim absently wandered around Danny’s office. To Tim’s credit, he did try to touch anything or move things around, even as he obviously grew increasingly tired.
It would be a lot, Danny supposed, to be a teen ager trying to live up to the legacy of two important families in the area, learn the business, go to school, and (hopefully) also spend time with friends. Danny knew how hard it had been only having Phantom as an obligation.
While, sure, Danny wished Tim had made chosen a less neck cramping spot, he was happy to see Tim finally settle down and seemingly fall asleep… under one of Danny’s work benches. Danny couldn’t fuss too much, he’d done that plenty in grad school himself. Once Tim seemed properly asleep, Danny got up to fetch his cardigan from the hook by the door and took it to drape over the sleeping kid. Tim let a little huffed breath of air before he snuggled further into the cardigan and settled back into sleep.
It made Danny’s heart melt in a way that he didn’t want to think too hard about.
It really was no surprise when about forty-five minutes later one Bruce Wayne poked his head into Danny’s office. The door was hardly open when Danny had his finger up and over his mouth in the universal sign of ‘shush’.
Bruce titled his head curiously. Danny gave a little nod of his head towards the workbench that Tim was sleeping under. Silently, Bruce moved to the work bench and crouched down next to it. There was a soft, amused sound before Bruce reached out to brush his hand over Tim’s forehead, as if habitually checking for a fever.
When Bruce returned to where Danny was working, he asked softly, “How long has he been asleep?”
“A little over a half hour. It took him about ten minutes to settle in,” Danny answered, voice equally quiet.
“Then do you mind if I let him keep resting for another fifteen minutes or so? He’s likely to wake up on his own then.”
Danny shook his head. “Nope, let the kid rest. He seems like he needs it.”
Bruce glanced at Tim, his expression that soft sort of worried only parents seemed to get. “He does. He works too hard at… everything. He’s always trying to prove himself even when he doesn’t need to anymore.”
Danny made a little questioning noise as he got back to fiddling with the annoyingly tiny screws.
“His parents were… demanding. They had very exacting ideas of what proper high society behavior was,” Bruce explained. “I’m sadly not the best suited at dismantling those ideas either.”
“Ah… well, what do you do that encourages him to be a kid?” Danny asked.
“He skateboards, actually. And he enjoys photography, but even that became a goal what with art competitions at school.”
“Maybe take him and Damian on a mini art vacation? Somewhere pretty. Somewhere where it’s not about judges,” Danny suggested. He finally got the last screw seated so he glanced up at Bruce’s thoughtful face.
“That’s a good idea,” Bruce said. “I’ll start looking at what might work. Thank you.”
“Sure, ideas are kinda what I do,” Danny said and motioned to the office around him with the screwdriver.
Bruce’s answering chuckle was low and warm. “I suppose it is. I hope you’re also not overworking yourself.”
“I’m doing much better,” Danny assured Bruce. “I just needed some rest.”
“Which my children made sure you got. I’m still sorry that they kept you so long on Friday.”
It was Danny’s turn to laugh. “Honestly, I don’t think you really have much control over what they do.”
“No, I really don’t,” Bruce admitted. “But I wouldn’t have them any other way.”
“That’s good; they’re a pretty amazing family,” Danny said with a soft smile. “And if I don’t get to be sorry about falling asleep, you don’t get to be sorry about making me rest.”
“You drive a hard bargain, but deal.”
“I am a master business man,” Danny teased and ducked his head to hide his smile.
“I’ll have to watch for corporate take overs. Keep an eye on the stocks and papers.”
“Maybe. Oh, speaking of… Well, not speaking of but sort of related? You know, I was joking about us making the papers.”
Bruce hummed curiously so Danny set aside his tools to pull up the story that several coworkers had sent him on his table. He spun it to face Bruce. The picture of them in the box was big on the screen. They were pressed almost chest to chest with Bruce’s arms around Danny. It certainly looked incriminating.
“Well shit,” Bruce said with a sigh. He picked up the tablet to scan through the article. There wasn’t anything in it, of course, just wild speculation. “I hope you haven’t been harassed about this by anyone.”
“I don’t think anyone knows who I am to harass me,” Danny said honestly. “Some coworkers have sent me it, but apparently it’s just my luck to have both randomly run into a Wayne and be invited to an event and have one of my ‘spells’ when I’m around them.”
Bruce looked at him with one well manicured brow raised. “You have interesting luck.”
“Yep. It’s been quite a life so far. I was pretty much born into interesting luck and life has really lived up to that luck and died by it,” Danny said with a little chuckle as he took his tablet back.
“I feel concerned by that last part.”
Danny hummed in question, distracted by pulling his notes back up.
“The having died by the luck part.”
“Oh.” Danny smiled, but he knew that expression was less than a happy one. “I think I mentioned that there was an accident when I was a kid?”
Bruce nodded and lean his elbows on the work bench and crosses his arms. “You did. One that is apparently still affecting your pulse to this day.”
“Yes, well,” Danny glanced away from Bruce. Why was it still so hard to talk about. “When I was fourteen, I was electrocuted at at an… industrial level of voltage. Unsurprisingly it killed me. And hey, obviously I came back! But that sort of thing sticks around.”
“I’m sorry.”
Danny looked back at Bruce, honestly startled. In all this time, Danny wasn’t sure if he’d ever heard a ‘I’m sorry’ about his accident, not without strings attached. His lips quirked into a smile again. This one felt more pleasant. “Thanks. Trust me though, I’m grateful that life has, had been calmer.”
Whatever Bruce was going to say to that was cut off by a loud yawn, the sound of someone shifting around, and then the unmistakable bang of a limb against the metal legs of one of the workbenches.
Quiet cussing followed a moment later.
“You okay there, Tim?” Danny asked.
“Fine,” Tim hissed back.
“I’m sure I have an instant icepack in my office. We can grab one before we leave,” Bruce said.
“B?” Tim asked, voice noticeably brighter. A moment later he appeared out from under the desk.
“Hi, sweetheart, sorry that I had to take that call,” Bruce said as he stepped over to Tim. He reached out to brush the teen’s hair a little straighter.
“It’s fine, it’s Lex, I get it.”
“I know you get it, but that doesn’t mean it has to be fine.”
Tim just shrugged. The action made him notice the the cardigan draped over his shoulders. A little blush rose on his cheeks as he took it off and handed it back to Danny. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for Tim, you weren’t any problem,” Danny assured him. “You’re welcome in my office whenever.”
“You’re going to regret that,” Tim said.
Danny just shrugged with a smile.
“Come on, chum, let’s go find that icepack. We’ll still get to your store before it closes,” Bruce said and started to guide Tim out by the shoulder.
Bruce glanced behind him and Danny gave a little wave to the retreating Waynes.
His luck indeed.
“What happened in Danny’s office that’s bothering you?” Tim asked. He had the icepack pressed against his elbow and was sitting almost sideways so that he could take in all of Bruce’s expression.
Bruce was doing that thing where he was feeling big, complicated emotions and wishing he wasn’t. Tim could read it in the way that Bruce’s shoulders were set, that little bit of tightening under his eyes, and the way he was very purposefully not frowning.
“B,” Tim pressed.
Bruce sighed, the sound all of his air. “I think we should leave Danny alone, both as Waynes and as Bats.”
Tim jolted and scrambled to sit up further. “Wait, what? Bruce, what happened?”
“Nothing bad,” Bruce assured Tim. “Nothing bad happened. Vicky got a picture of Danny and I at the ballet. We spoke some about it and Danny talked about how he had interesting luck. He said he was grateful that life has been calmer; he had to change that to had.”
“It’s just that—”
“No, you’re right. I’ll try to talk to the others about it because you know they won’t listen to you about it.”
“I’m sorry, Tim.”
“It’s fine, I get it.”
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st4rpiece · 5 months ago
dealing with a rude server
characters: luffy, zoro, law, crocodile x f! reader summary: how the guys would handle a server being rude/disrespectful towards you in front of them CW: not proofread, killing (law and crocodile), toxic behavior from servers, but mainly fluff [different kinds of reader traits are mentioned in different scenarios: allergies (not specified), height + weight (kind of specified), speech impediment (more specifically stuttering)]
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Monkey D. Luffy
luffy doesn't bother reading the menu at any restaurant you guys go to, and that's because he gets the same thing every time; one of everything. you, however, love taking your sweet time examining the menu and familiarizing yourself with the items, especially if you guys are on a new island. 
another reason was because of your allergies, you wanted to make sure the food you were eating didn’t contain anything that could trigger a reaction. unfortunately, a lot of the food served at this particular restaurant contained that exact ingredient, so your options when it came to food were limited. usually, you'd pick a dish you’d like with a couple of new dishes to try, but as a precaution, you stuck to just one. 
while deciding, you noticed how overly friendly the server had been with luffy, answering all his weird questions and agreeing to his even weirder requests. had you been treated the same, you (like luffy) would’ve brushed it off as just over-the-top service, but you weren’t. it was clear that they had a thing for luffy, so clear that they didn’t even bother to hide their feelings towards you. 
while ordering, they would cut you off to properly pronounce a word you had mispronounced, or answer your questions in a condescending tone, a stark contrast to the way they had treated luffy. and although you didn't ask, they began recommending meals they knew you couldn’t have because you had already told them about your allergies. 
the treatment was unfair but not worth fighting over so despite all that, neither of you commented on their actions (although it was clear that luffy was bothered by it). he didn’t like that they would recommend a dish you couldn’t eat as if mocking you. still, he kept quiet, thinking that was all you guys had to deal with.
when your food arrived, and instead of getting what you ordered, you got the exact dish the server had recommended earlier. everything about it was exactly as they had advertised it to be, and while it did look and smelt nice, it wasn't what you ordered. luffy could turn a blind eye to any harm done to him, but he wasn’t as lenient when it came to you. seeing the server stand there with a smirk on their face as if they didn't just hand you something that could kill you pissed him off greatly. 
“is this some fucking joke?” luffy asked, his voice a mixture of disbelief and anger as his eyes bore into the server, demanding an answer. 
“you know she didn’t order this,” he said, pointing at the offending plate in front of you. the server's eyes darted from luffy’s intense gaze to the food and back again, their cheeks flushing a deep red as they realized their mistake.
“i-i���m so sorry, i’ll get your order fixed right away,” they stammered, their hands trembling as they hastily retreated to the kitchen.
after the stunt they just pulled, their words do nothing to ease luffy’s anger or anxiety. so despite not being allowed in the kitchen, he still went. demanding he keep an eye on the cooks, making sure your dish was prepared quickly and correctly.
once it was done he would personally bring it out to you, intensely assessing you for any weird reactions as you took your first bite. after giving him the nod of approval and your usually happy smile, his eyes would light up with relief before joining indulging in his own meal.
Roronoa Zoro
zoro never orders his food cause he doesn’t care what he eats as long as there’s some good alcohol. so, by default, you've always been the one in charge of ordering. something you enjoyed doing because of the praise you'd get whenever he liked the dish you picked out. the server, unfamiliar with your relationship dynamic, placed all the attention on zoro, waiting for his order with little to no acknowledgment towards you.
“what are you looking at me for? she’s the one ordering,” he’d say, nodding his head in your direction. his brows furrowed in annoyance, eyeing the server intensely, watching them apologize frantically before they finally turned to you, giving you their undivided attention.
seeing this you began ordering a mountain of food; ones you liked, ones you knew he’d like, and a couple of new things for you both to try. you were ordering a lot, especially for just two people, but with zoro’s appetite and your love for trying new dishes, you knew it wouldn't go to waste. the server, watching you order all this food, couldn’t keep their negative thoughts to themselves. 
“no wonder she’s so big,” they mumbled under their breath as they wrote down the rest of your order. unprepared for the sudden blade aimed directly at their neck, scaring them in the process.
“come again?” zoro asked, his brows still furrowed, but this time in anger as his blade hovered mere inches from their neck.
the restaurant was silent, the usual chatter of customers and clanging of kitchenware had ceased abruptly. the server’s eyes were wide with terror. they truly didn’t think anyone could hear them.
“i-i just meant she’s tall and muscular like she must work out a lot!” they stuttered, their voice trembling.
zoro’s grip tightened around the blade, the insult was clear. you both knew what she meant; still, he decided to withdraw his blade, sliding it back into its sheath.
“watch your fucking mouth,” he warned his voice a dangerously low rumble that sent a shiver down their spine. they nodded fervently, their eyes never leaving the spot where the blade had just been. after apologizing some more, they quickly left to go get your food, not wanting to anger him even more. 
her words didn’t bother you, and if they did you could’ve easily handled it, but the sight of your usually level-headed boyfriend threatening someone’s life for your sake was pretty hot. you couldn’t help but tease him about it, loving the way his ears redden in response.
Trafalgar Law
law doesn’t eat out much, nothing against it he just hates rowdy places, the extroverted personality of his crew was enough for him to deal with. however, after getting together with you, he found himself at a lot of different restaurants watching you gush over a new dish, excited to recreate them back on the submarine. he usually kept quiet while you ordered, trusting your judgment on whatever you picked for him. 
food was one of the few outlets that allowed you to express yourself without words. due to your speech impediment, you tended to avoid talking to anyone you weren’t close with, as it was something you were insecure about. but, when it came to food, you could ramble all day regardless of how many times you stuttered. and it helps that all of the restaurants you've been to had servers who were patient and kind, giving you the time to order without judgment. 
when visiting a new place law would always ask if you wanted him to order instead, usually after assessing the environment of the restaurant or, in this case, the server's attitude. one he picked up on as they gave their introduction still, you insisted on being the one to order. things were going fine with you ordering as you normally would, before becoming aware of the growing look of disinterest and impatience on the server's face. this made you feel like you were taking too much of their time, causing you to speed up, rushing through your words. something you instantly regretted after coming across a word you weren’t familiar with, butchering it along with your stutter.
noticing the sudden shift in your mood, law takes your hand, drawing small circles on your palm as a way to calm you down. but the warmness from his hands was overshadowed by the muffed chuckle from your server. you weren't sure if they were laughing at your pronunciation or at your stutter either way, you were too embarrassed to say anything else. 
“what's so funny?” he asked, a noticeable edge in his voice. the server, however, failed to detect it.
“my apologies,” they said insincerely, mockery evident in their eyes. “what was it that you wanted again?”
you didn't bother answering instead, turning to your boyfriend, hoping he’d take over. unprepared for the sight of the server’s heart clutched in his hands. 
coming face to face with their heart made them realize the gravity of the situation that they were in, but before they could plead for their life, law squeezed tightly around their heart, silencing them with the pain. 
“get us a different server,” he demanded, watching them frantically search for the nearest coworker with a gaping hole in their chest drawing the attention of the nearby patrons. after arriving with their replacement, they began apologizing for their actions, hoping that law would spare them. 
as if he'd spared them after disrespecting you like that. so in front of the new server and all of the patrons watching law, pierced his sword right through their heart, killing them on the spot. the atmosphere in the restaurant completely chilled as everyone was shocked at the lifeless body on the ground while you and law remained unfazed.
“go on baby tell her what you wanted” and that's exactly what you did telling the new waitress who patiently waited for your next words about what you and law would be having that evening.
Sir. Crocodile
despite him being the leader of a wanted criminal group with a bounty of over one billion berries on his head, crocodile always finds the time to spoil you even when he isn't home. you'd wake up to mountains of gifts or a surprise solo trip to one of the summer islands. while being with him, you never had to ask or even lift a finger crocodile's always a step ahead, catering to your every need. 
as someone so used to being independent, dating someone like crocodile made you feel so fragile and princess-like. despite your initial barriers, you loved depending on him for simple things you could easily do on your own. like holding doors, planning dates, tying your shoes/putting on your heels, and choosing your meals. it’s been two years, and you’ve stopped reaching for doors and picking what to eat, always letting him do it. 
but what you loved the most was being able to spend quality time with him, something you couldn't do often due to his hectic "job." sometimes you'd go months without seeing him, so whenever you guys had that downtime, you cherished it.
he had just returned home after being away for a month, establishing a base in the south blue, and while he doesn't think it's something worth celebrating he knows you do. so, he made dinner reservations at one of the fanciest restaurants on the winter island. it was a pretty restaurant with an even prettier view, but despite the warm atmosphere you couldn't help but be bothered by the server's attitude.
while crocodile ordered you noticed the server's lust-filled gaze as they looked at him, but what bothered you wasn't her looking at him (you knew your man was fine) it was how she purposefully ignored your presence while doing so. for the sake of keeping peace, you don't call her out, planning to vent about it to him later.
after the server left crocodile got a call from mihawk and you figured it was urgent since mihawk never calls unless it was.
“i’ll be right back baby, just need to take this,” he said placing a small kiss on your forehead before leaving to take his call.
not long after, the server returns with your drinks with the same flirty smile that immediately drops the moment they noticed he was gone. 
“the sex must be real good if he’s willing to take someone like you here,” they mumbled disgust evident in their voice as they sized you up.
“and what? you think he’d bring someone like you here instead?” you asked. your tone and expression filled with mockery as you returned their heated gaze. it was clear they had expected their words to have a greater effect on your confidence not expecting you to have a sharp tongue.
“don’t get so cocky, i’m sure you're not the only one he’s seeing,” they said with a sneer, their voice rising slightly above the murmur of the restaurant unaware of the looming figure behind them.
while making his way back to your table crocodile had managed to catch the last bit of their words. he didn’t know what they were talking about or who started the argument and honestly he didn’t care. they had disrespected you and to him that good enough reason to kill them. without bothering to make his presence known, he snaps their neck earning a chorus of gasps from the horrified patrons as they watched the servers body drop dead on the floor. his expression unchanged, as he wordlessly looks around looking for the nearest worker, requesting a different table with a new server.
the manager rushes over, sweat beading on his forehead as he frantically apologize for the disturbance the dead server had caused. crocodile calmly hands him a wad of cash, enough to cover the meals of the entire restaurant for the night. "make it right," he instructed, his voice as smooth as the whiskey in his glass.
the man nodded fervently, snapping at his staff to clean up and move them to a different section. the murmurs grew louder as people whispered about what they had just witnessed. but crocodile's eyes remained on you, his hand reaching out to take yours. "you okay?" he asked his grip firm and reassuring.
“oh please,” you said rolling your eyes at his unnecessary worry. “as if her words could bother me. i know you’re all mine,” you said taking a sip from your wine and watching as his eyes narrowed slightly in amusement.
“damn right, i am,” his voice was a low growl sending a shiver down your spine, not one of fear but of excitement.
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One Piece Masterlist
having an idea is so much more fun then actually writing down that idea T~T plus i had no time to write these past couple of days due to school. (neuroscience has been kicking my ass).
also i hope i did the reader traits justice or at least done them properly (if not let me know so I can tweak it!)
anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this !! (wrote mini version for the usual people but i ran out of ideas so theres no part 2 :p)
and for those that sent requests i see you and i promise will get to them when i have time 😭😭
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