#and sorry for the bias but i see this happen THE MOST to qjaiden of the two
pusangkambing · 11 months
Sorry for interrupting how everyone is talking about the current lore and launching back to some time ago but since ive read some twts about qroier and his condoning if cellbit is maybe doing the killings and how he hates the fed and all that and ive always wanted to highlight the difference of how both him and qjaiden saw the trip and few minutes they were given with bobby before he fully died
Qjaiden saw those few moments as mercy. They gave her more time with their son, to make last few happy memories with him to keep forever. And she drowned herself in these memories, it is literally how she coped afterwards. By building herself a home of those memories and isolating herself from everyone else. This affected how she saw cucurucho because cucurucho was the one to give her these final moments.
Qroier saw those few moments as cruelty. They dangled the possibility of him getting his son back right in his face, made him go through so much shit and for what? A few measly minutes? How cruel of them to mock him by giving him these last moments with his son knowing he could never have this ever again afterwards. It was vicious mockery is what he believes they gave him. It affected how he grieved too, barely ever touching his memories because it only serves as a cruel reminder of who's bot there anymore, barely going to the 3rd floor of his house, to bobby's castle, keeping himself away from what both he and bobny built, busy with building the city bobby wanted because that city will be a memory he builds alone and not with bobby. And thats why he hates the federation more than ever now.
Its just interesting...
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