#and something only v. ignorant probably racist ppl would say
ironarchived · 7 years
Has anyone ever given you crap for ethnicitybending Stark? I think it's freaking cool as hell that you did! I've always considered ethnicitybending some muses but I'm afraid of catching anon hate because of it. (I would do it with intent to do heavy research, ofc.) I was just curious if that's ever happened to you.
i would  l o ve  to see someone to try it lmao.  but no,  i’ve been pretty fortunate in that no one has, at least not to my face,  and i am extremely grateful for the level of support and appreciation i’ve received in my portrayal of an asian-american tony stark.
honestly speaking, i think the reason why no one has given me crap, openly or not, is that the choice to racebend tony was a very personal one.  i am, like him, a  second-gen. immigrant from an asian background  living in a western society.  there aren’t that many huge differences between the asian-american / asian-australian experience in terms of racism / underrepresentation / microagressions etc. so in that respect,  everything that’s gone into my portrayal is coming from genuine firsthand knowledge.  like,,, it’d be pretty embarrassing for someone to come at me for wanting to contribute to more representation of my own culture + experiences through my own muse. 
i have  a massive amount of respect  for people, poc or not, who racebend / ethnicitybend muses with backgrounds they’re not personally familiar with.  the choice takes a lot of courage just because,  yeah,  there’s alway a persistent worry about haters,  but particularly criticism       well-intentioned or not       for the way you portray certain aspects of your muse,  or how you approach a certain culture / ethnicity.   talking about race and identity is always complicated and inevitably messy.
the main thing is just to be as respectful,  thorough and committed in your writing  as you would be with any other aspect of your character.  the same way people watch the same episodes or movies over and over to capture important character moments,  or the way people pull from multiple books and comic runs and other sources to add detail and dimension to their interpretation.  race and ethnicity is fundamental to people’s identity,  but it also shouldn’t be the only feature that defines them                       that’s a really difficult line to tread,  even irl for people of color and from what i can say abt my own life.  
as long as you show that you’re coming from  a place of empathy,  that you’re investing as much  compassion and integrity  into portraying this part of the character as you would with everything else that makes them them  then people will recognize that.  drag / call out / block the haters,  but  listen to people giving you genuine constructive criticism.  if you’re writing your muse as coming from a background / ethnicity that isn’t your own,  you should absolutely be seeking primary sources.  there are lots of resources and masterposts on tumblr and google,  but if you can and if you have contacts or friends willing to talk to you and give advice on your portrayal,  definitely seek information from actual poc.  that’s probably the one thing that’s going to make a world of difference in your writing.  people,  esp. people of the ethnicity you might be trying to represent,  can always tell when you’ve just gone to a wikipedia page  (  possibly written by a white person  )   vs. when you’ve backed up your research from first-person accounts and sources.  it’s about authenticity,  and being true to the real life experiences you’re attempting to capture through your rp.
don’t let the idea of anon hate deter you from ethnicitybending your character,  don’t give them that power  because those potential anons are ignorant assholes.  there will always, always be people who appreciate your work and your writing and want to see a rp community that is  more diverse, complex and representative of the actual world  and the people living in it.
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radio-charlie · 3 years
hello this is one of your followers and I advise that maybe you should turn anon off. you’re getting hate mail and I think at this point not stopping it may be progressing to digital self harm on your part. no one should be saying the racist, frankly evil, and hateful things you’re getting. you shouldn’t have to read them. I implore you to put a stopper in the flow of getting any more. you deserve a much better digital experience, esp. in light of the important work you are doing. I am sorry if my sending this to you is inappropriate/hurtful, I have just personally been in a place of trauma where I needed to be told what I just said because I could not come to the conclusion on my own, because only things that hurt felt real. please ignore if you think this is irrelevant/does not apply. much love.
hey. you don't have to apologise at all, this was a remarkably sweet and brave message to send to me, and i appreciate it so much. don't worry dude - i'm not being hurt that much by what people are sending, sadly because none of it is very surprising at all. with few notable exceptions, global north (particularly white) allyship has been... lip service i guess. either they turn into petulant little d-grade psychopaths like this upon being embarrassed or they just... hide out in the shadows when they're most needed to say something. i would've probably been more shaken, albeit in a good way, if i'd gotten a bunch of anons saying that they as white americans or wtv still disagreed with what i said but will try to consider my point of view.
if the barrage gets v intense i might turn off anon. but for now would rather these cowards come in. they present great opportunity for 2 things: a. clarifying misunderstandings that i know have led to resentment between our communities and b. letting me absolutely knock the molars out of these entitled, self-absorbed losers. i cannot tell u how satisfying b is especially when i usually hold myself back a LOT. hahahah
i am sorry that you had to endure trauma that fragmented you to that degree - a big part of me can empathise. hope that the world will be gentler to you moving forward and that you will have room to fully heal. whatever you think i might have misunderstood in my interactions with any of these ppl, u are always welcome to dm me about btw. i'd be happy to have a chill and friendly conversation with u, especially since i know u to not be a shithead hahah
thanks again for sending this. it made me happy. sending you my love too.
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sayruq · 4 years
1) Idk how to say tihs and I never ever want to discredit the trauma sexual abuse, but it's something in the way that GRRM frames the times Dornishmen participate in sexual violence (the wedding gang rape beyond disgusting and I never want to cosign that behavior) or the Wyl's in their torture rlly plays into the MOC violent/ aggressive/ rapist stereotype compared to how he casually inserts the First Night tradition or the majority of white men who are rapists/ torture ex. Qyburn is v offensive
2) as a dark skinned WOC. I mean once again I never want to discredit victim of sexual assault, but when the victims are white and esp. the perpetrator is a MOC GRRM rightfully bashes and criticizes the disgusting behavior and sometime even when the perpetrator is a white man, but he remains silent af and even sexualizes the violence WOC face at the hands of both MOC and yt men. He doesn't care for all the little brown/ black girls who are abused and sexually violated. Irri and Jhiqui are the
3) same age as Dany and are raped/ abused by Dothraki men, but GRRM doesn't care to give them a voice or even sympathize w/ their plight bc unlike Dany they have no power nor anyone who believes in their innocence bc they're v much so brown. Same w/ Elia and Rhaenys they receive no justice after their horrific fates. Sarella is verbally abused by Leo Tyrell and GRRM never intercedes on that and cosigns the racist bs. IK Cersei is yt but bc Jaime is a yt man her lack of consent is never talked
4) about same w/ Sansa/ Sandor. IDK I'm tired of WOC who are abused by the v same MOC who are rightfully condemned when hurting white girls and the WOC never have ANYONE to protect/ care for them. The 'say her name' is literally for black women who are never protected and are forced to grow up earlier; the v same girls who are seen as "grown or fast" at earlier ages thus sexual violence are never taken srsly when it comes to black girls -- to see ppl use that for Dany a privileged yt girl
5) is DISGUSTING. I'm tired of ppl only pointing out the Wyl's torture when it comes to white victims ignoring that the majority of their victims are probably WOC who are voiceless. I'm esp. sick of how underplayed Leo Longthorn calling for an underage Dornish girl to rape is esp. when the act of killing him by scorpions is considered THE WORST BETRAYAL EVER when the Dornish decide to protect the girls all of Daeron's men are raping/ violating in their conquest. It's sick and disgusting.
thank you! everything dornish people do, white characters do worse but the books explicitly condemn the dornish- from the martells seeking justice for elia to wyl of wyl’s crimes. we know daeron i’s army was wrecking havoc in dorne, we know aegon i’s dragons destroyed everything (like the americans completely destroyed dprk) but we don’t get specific details, we don’t even get the name of the dornish lords and ladies or any notable peasants resisting colonialism. i know people are going to say, ‘oh GRRM is writing from a non dornish person’s perspective’ but he could still humanise brown people by giving them names and he could use arianne’s pov to address the horrors dorne went through, he chose not to.
taking oberyn’s line demanding justice for his murdered sister and giving it to a white woman who died after killing 1 million people is so vile. i don’t even have the words to describe the many layers of racism but i do know that if sansa stans tried that shit, they would be dragged by other sansa stans and the fandom.
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zukkacore · 4 years
i didn’t know people were being racist shits in their sokka depictions ?? Also why would people portray him as dumb did they even watch the show? ugh, i feel the same about lance from voltron (those two guys rlly remind me so much of each other) but in voltron the show itself treated lance like trash so i can at least see where the confusion comes from. i’ve only seen one season of atla but love sokka with all my heart and have heard he got a gr8 arc ahead of him
Yeah ngl my exposure to it has been thankfully minimal (I’m picky abt which Atla ppl I follow ngl) but I still see & hear abt it on Twitter and shit & here too. Idk ppl treat him purely as flat comic relief which is so dumb bc imo he has the second best arc in the show (like, after zuko) & has some of the most obvious growth? He’s clearly brilliant and necessary to the dynamic of the gaang bc he’s a strategist & an innovator and incredibly resourceful and creative. Sokka’s idea of a “vacation” was to go to the library! I literally have no idea where ppl get these horrible ideas abt him being useless and stupid are, I rly think they’re just buying into their own racist biases. Or they take the most offhand gags and assume that’s his entire personality and ignore any contributions he makes to the gaang. Like, he’s not the best artist, or he forgets Toph is blind sometimes & for some reason this gives ppl cart blanche to act like he’s an idiot.
(Actually I have a theory abt this bc I think ppl just have a lack of understanding or empathy for characters that display adhd traits whether coded or stated canonically, just look at the way everyone is HORRIBLE to Percy Jackson or Leo as an example & mischaracterize both of them as stupid when rly they’re both smart they’re just kinda out-of-sight-out of mind type ppl. Sokka can be selectively forgetful and he just can’t help that! He’s not always the best communicator, oh mood)
I’ve joked abt him being dense before but it’s with the caveat that he’s mostly just a dumbass in the way most teenage boys are dumbasses? Like, i call Zuko a dumbass too but they’re both smart, they’re literally just both teenagers and teenagers have some real brainrot moments. Really It’s nice when Sokka gets to be childish & silly honestly (bc ppl mischaracterize him as all sunshine too which is not the case like he’s cynical and snarky but he also paints rainbows into scenes when there aren’t any!)!He’s a 15 yr old traumatized by imperialism, he deserves moments of playfulness. But ppl take moments of him getting an actual childhood as signs that he’s “immature”.
(People treat Katara in a similar way, honestly they’re probably worse to her bc she’s also a girl & misogyny in fandom is nothing new they just depict her in the flattest way possible like she’s nothing more than a motherly figure.)
Also bring up the show that shall not be named to me omg. Bc I’ll have a chip on my shoulder abt the v-slur forever bc I ADORE Lance McClain (Lance 🤝 me = Latines w inexplicably white last names) but that show treated him like garbage and I am STILL heated abt it, but so did the fans. The show had no idea what to do w him but he was like weirdly important to me for a show that I now hold so much hostility for in my heart of hearts
Ppl just don’t know how to write or sympathize w (bisexual) brown boys & I would say idk why but I think we know the answer. All they do is get reduced to jokes and their intelligence gets diminished. But the think abt Sokka is that he IS a well written character and sadly that’s rare as hel. Ppl wanna fit zvkka into their fav cliche mlm conventions so bad but like they’re both PEOPLE, they’re both interesting people with rich characterization and I think they would have a genuine connection based on common interests & complimentary temperaments. The fact that Sokka and Zuko can both be grumps is actually something I rly like abt the pairing! The fact that they’re both nerds who have an appreciation for the arts! the fact that they have parallels in their arcs as they cope w feeling inferior to their prodigy sisters! And there ARE fans who I know treat the relationship w respect and nuance (lol, fans of color) but we have to get lumped in w ppl who I don’t feel like I any affiliation with & openly critique (& imo zvkka as a ship w a bad reputation isn’t comparable to a case like r*ylo bc even tho I didn’t see any chill r*ylos anyway, I think willfully ignoring Finn/John Boyega’s importance to the sequels trilogy & enabling or outright contribution to his harassment & willingly associating w a fandom like that is causing harm to an real black person irl. Zvkka has it’s problematic implications bc Zuko is a former colonizer but bc they’re fictional characters I think there’s a way it can be handled more ethically than others, but way too many ppl don’t give a shit abt that and just indulge in ya kno, racism)
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It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year Shirt
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You can’t tell people how to feel about it. This means that no people with different skin tones, can ever be shown in cosmetics adds. That’s sad actually. The real bigots are those who see those allegedly “racist” parts. It works against the integration off all people if one has to tiptoe so as not to offend the It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year Shirt.
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If a woman is in a marriage with a guy who is so paranoia and after her all the time, it would be called “psychological abuse”. I get what your saying about reaching but do you ignore covert tactics of racism? Its like you trying to prove a point to go against the grain just to say you stand united with the people who make ads like this. Do you not see that companies like dove have influence on politicians and higher ups .
Wonderful Time Year Sweat Shirt
They know what they are planting subliminally it’s sad to see ypu defend this rhetoric as natural tho smh i dont hate anyone of any race but seeing black ppl continuously support these things is mind boggling. They have very little connection to self. Know thyself hope that dove washes all the stains of racism out your mind.
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Rogue i totally agree that ad is racist but i totally get it my ppl are typical of abused ppl they will never agree that they being abused cause they feel not seeing racism in this keeps their strength. You probably don’t use it at all who cares. Omg some people are so sensitive you just obviously just need something to bitch about christian bitch about everything it’s skin types being black football and stand up against police brutality and stand up against gentrification.
Wonderful Time Year Tank Top
Not only america us black ppl are tired of being treated like we are substandard human beings. The problems refered above started with stupid jokes like this. Someone finding humor in being treated as second citizens. Market expects are paid heavy dollars to ensure the ads are not in anyway offensive.
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They use subtle but on purpose little tricks like the signs in the background. I read they’ve been admonished before for the “marketing trickery ” they use. Ijs maybe offensive is the wrong word…but irresponsible is a better one. No i’m stating my opinion and my opinion is i don’t feel they were being It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year Shirt.
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