#and something about Hobie and Miguel being the only spider-people to get this reaction from someone as they enter
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fiepige · 1 year ago
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Miguel and Hobie making their entrances (I love that they both get a slow-motion reaction shot from another spider-person as they enter)
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 2 years ago
Clarification before I attempt further discussion. Once again,
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Why I ask -
I've been discussing Peter B. Parker a lot lately and the motive behind some of his actions, and notably throughout the post I mentioned Hobie disliking or even hating Peter.
And yeah, that's kind of what I assumed, based on this line.
But some people I've been talking with have expressed the exact opposite - they believe this line shows that he does like Peter, and that he meant it completely as a joke.
And Hobie does joke a lot, he's a warm guy - but why would he call Peter a 'Humbling Reality' - and is that meant as an insult, or a welcome to a friend?
If I'm correct, this line is the ONLY line Hobie ever speaks towards Peter.
So did you think he meant it as an insult? Or a friendly joke?
Here's why I took it as an insult:
'Humbling Reality Spider-man', MayDay, and why I think Hobie and Peter aren't friends at all.
First, Hobie makes no other deprecating jokes AT ALL throughout the movie.
Hobie is a very casual, very laidback guy (most of the time..) - and he's known to joke around with the people he's close with. But when we look back at all his other jokes - NONE of them approach anywhere near as neutral or negative as being a 'Humbling Reality'.
Hobie affectionately calles Gwen 'Gwendy'. And he even calls Miles 'Peter Pan', despite not knowing them. Pav is 'Madlad Pav' etc.
No one else but Peter gets this kind of..I don't know.. backhanded? I never took 'Humbling Reality' as a good thing, I took that as being 'so depressingly average and mundane'.
And being average and mundane is not something Hobie would call someone he's particularly fond of.
Even those he feels neutral on - Miguel and Jess, he doesn't address this was. He just chooses not to engage with them.
Hobie had every chance to walk into Miguel's lair and make a comment like this, but he didn't.
To me that showed that Hobie's feeling towards Peter differs from his feelings towards people like Jess and Miguel as well as Pavi and Gwen.
Hobie calls people pet-names. This doesn't seem like a pet-name
Second, Tone.
I don't know, I always read this tone as unusually dry for Hobie.
Usually when making jokes so deadpan, he's speaking about a situation, not a person ("It's a metaphor for capitalism." / "A bit much, innit?"). And even when speaking to Jess, his tone is more casual than this line to Peter.
We see how Hobie approaches someone like Pav, which clear excitement, warmth and proximity. But this is completely absent towards Peter.
Hobie makes no attempt to move towards Peter or further greet him in anyway.
Third, Peter's Reaction.
Hobie says that line LOUD. You hear the echo.
And Peter just ignores him. He doesn't laugh, he doesn't look at Hobie, he doesn't mention him at all in the scene.
And that's not to say 'oh, Peter secretly hates Hobie and wants to ignore him' -
I just think that Peter didn't take that as a full-on joke. Or rather he didn't expect a warm welcome from Hobie. Because they aren't close.
Throughout the whole scene Peter ONLY addresses Gwen and Miles.
While Hobie says one line to Peter - one that isn't even clearly that friendly - Peter says nothing to him, not even stopping to pat his shoulder.
Based on the fact that Hobie and Peter are BOTH touchy, I feel like that in itself shows that they aren't friends. Both of them are the type to greet their friends when they enter a room, but neither do. Not properly anyway.
They seem to be acquaintances at best - or with my assumption that this was an insult, less than that.
I mean, Hobie is still a teen, he's still a friend of Gwen's. Peter has every reason to treat him warmly, or openly greet him.
But Peter makes no attempt at all to be like "Hey Hobie, what's going on."
Whether or not you think Hobie hates him is one thing, but I feel like Peter's reaction, and how he disregarded the comment without being shocked or responding in any way shows:
Hobie has said stuff like this to him before, and it's not too shocking
Him and Hobie aren't nearly as close as him and Gwen, and they aren't friends enough to greet each other.
Hobie & MayDay
I've also seen it mentioned that Hobie's connection with MayDay shows that him and Peter are friends.
And I can absolutely see where that conclusion comes from, and it holds weight. I just..kinda have to disagree on the basis that even if Hobie openly disliked Peter, that dislike wouldn't extend to MayDay
Even moreso, If Hobie didn't like Peter, but took good care of MayDay, and MayDay very clearly liked Hobie - which she does (she jumps into his arms, Hobie doesn't pick her up) - then Peter does not seem like the type of father to separate them.
Notice how every time Miguel or Miles is holding MayDay, Peter is talking to them, commenting on how they're holding her, showing them stuff. But when Hobie is with MayDay...nothing. He says nothing to him.
It even goes farther.
When Peter is showing Miguel, Gwen, and Miles photos of MayDay, he makes no attempt to show Hobie.
We know Hobie loves MayDay, but Peter doesn't show him photos of her. Despite showing Gwen, Miles, and Miguel, quite excitedly.
Because I'm assuming him and Hobie are NOT close like that. And/or Peter knows Hobie would not appreciate him getting close to him and shoving a phone in his face.
Miguel is clearly annoyed and Peter even shows him, while not approaching Hobie - who is clearly in a good mood.
Once again, I think that shows that Peter and Hobie are not friends, even if Hobie likes interacting with MayDay and does it well.
I assumed that Peter lets her be around Hobie because he trusts Hobie, not that they were friends.
And the final nail in the coffin Peter isn't enthusiastic about MayDay going to Hobie
This is something I JUST realized on a rewatch, but it lines up so well.
So this scene: Peter is getting ready to change MayDay. We see Hobie standing on MayDay's left and Peter on her right.
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MayDay swings towards the right of the screen, aka her LEFT - the direction of Hobie. We as the audience don't see what she's attaching her web to. But she has to attach it to something and she's going towards him.
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And Peter pulls her back. Doesn't really say anything or look at Hobie, he just pulls her back.
Then, MayDay goes again, this time bouncing herself into Hobie's arms. MayDay chose to go to Hobie - and like I said before, Peter isn't gonna separate them, if that's what May wants.
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But that's not the thing - regardless of whether you think MayDay was going towards Hobie or not - in the shot we see Peter puts his hands on his hips, watching Hobie, and he shakes his head at him.
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You can go back to the scene and check, because it really is so subtle and I genuinely only caught it while employing my autistic Hobie sight and staring at them intently.
But he does shake his head, letting Hobie have her. I suggest you go watch it back for yourself, but in my eyes Peter's slow headshake doesn't really seem like the 'Oh, you!' type.
In the next shot we see of Miles, Gwen, Hobie and Peter, MayDay is back in Peter's hands and that's the end of the interaction. We don't actually see them speak, only trade off MayDay.
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If they did say anything, I'd KILL to know what they're saying cause like...
idk for both of their characters it feels like such an odd interaction to me
The whole scene, both him and Hobie interact with the people around them, except each other.
And it's only after MayDay literally LAUNCHES herself into Hobie's arms that Hobie and Peter even approach or look at each other.
I've spoken at length about why I think Hobie would hate Peter - mainly for his open neglect of Gwen and his failure to step up as her mentor, his betrayal towards Miles, or the fact HE RATTED MILES OUT TO LYLA (how else would she have know to look for his location? That's one analysis I'll STAND on.)
But whether or not you believe Hobie hates him or whether Hobie has the capability to openly hate someone like that (he does.) I feel like everything I said here is a clear indicator that they are not friends or close.
The one on-screen line between them is vague on Hobie's end and completely ignored by Peter. Peter leaves Hobie out of his activities when showing photos. He shakes his head when MayDay fights her way to Hobie, and only looks at him when Hobie is giving MayDay back.
From my first watch, that kinda made me assume that they're just not close - despite them having Gwen in common.
And combining that with the 'Humbling Reality' comment, I took that as a sign that it's not that they don't know each other. They just don't talk like that.
And that made me ask why. Which led to all my other speculations.
But that's just me.
Did ya'll take the 'Humbling Reality Spider-man' thing as joke? Do you think they're friends, or no? (Not if Hobie hates him - just if you think they're friends/close)
What do you think the situation is?
I'm curious. Let's open the floor.
Is they beefin or nah I gotta know cause that would be funny as hell
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 2 years ago
Pairing : More of a platonic Miguel O' Hara X Reader
Genre : Angst
Summary : Miguel hates feeling weak, something that you understand more than anyone else.
Request/story idea by: @quimerathetraveler
Wordcount: 0.9 k
Miguel O'Hara Masterlist
( A/N: I’m trying different personalities to see whatever works with his character best, lemme know what ya’ll think. )
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Miguel's eyes dart all over the area. 
He's injured, badly. A deep gash is crossed over his ribs, and not even the spray supplied by his suit for emergencies is doing him much good.
On top of that, he's exhausted, years of taking care of the multiverse having caught up to him.
" Boss, we got hi- Oh, no." The voice of one of the spider woman who he's come to help speaks as she notices his injury.
He's hunched over, holding his side whilst taking rough deep breaths. He feels vulnerable, hates having everyone' eyes on him.
" Boss, we should get you help!-" MJ calls, taking her mask off.
" No. I'm fine. Bring the anomaly to HQ, I'll get there myself."
MJ is visibly distraught by his words, but does what he says, not wanting to face whatever negative reaction he could bring up in his pain.
As she disappears, he doubles over, nearly forgetting that Jessica and you are at the scene as well.
Jessica sighs deeply before reacting.
" Miguel, maybe we should help. I doubt you'd be able to get back by yourself-"
He glares from the corner of his eye at her.
" I can do it, just g-"
" No you can't. "
Now his eyes shift to you.
Admittedly, he doesn't know you really well, even though your powers are the only ones that are similar to his. You have talons, venomous teeth and superhuman hearing and sight as well. He's barely ever spoken to you before though.
" I-"
" Don't argue with me. I'll jab you in your wound if you're going to be a baby about it. " You scoff, your eyes showing disinterest as you move to help him.
He glares at you, but it doesn't seem to deter you in the slightest.
He's not necessarily surprised to. You've been through a lot in your own universe, the horrors you had to face giving you a pass without doubt into the spider team. You're physically not one of the strongest, but you're fearless, making you one of the stronger ones of the team anyway. It would take a lot more than his glare to shake you.
He can't help but feel puzzled and surprised as you lift his arm over your shoulder. You sync both of your watches, and soon enough you're tearing a gateway with your claws back into universe 2099.
Everyone is surprised when the both of you step into HQ, Jessica having gone back on her own.
Miguel hates the feeling he gets when everyone shares worried glances, them never having seen their boss so vulnerable before.
You must've noticed.
" What? Did none of you ever seen someone injured?" You call out roughly.
Most of the spiders turn their heads. All except Hobie, who gives Miguel a blank look as he so often does before nodding at you.
Hobie and you get along well, the only difference being that Hobie creates a lot of trouble and has quite a big mouth, whilst you refrain in the back. The calm before the storm.
Eventually, you carry him to the infirmary, and help him sit down on one of the beds.
" Will you be okay or do you need me to call a medic?" You ask, creating distance between the two of you again as you step back, leaning against a wall.
" I'll be fine." He says gruffly.
You nod, but don't move away.
He glances at you again, ignoring the sudden spinning in his head.
" What? You can go." He pushes.
" I'm waiting for you to pass out. I'll call a medic after." You tell him nonchalantly, crossing your arms over one another.
He sighs, knowing you're right. He needs help. He can't do it by himself this time. 
He doesn't want any more people to see him like this though.
" Can you.... help me?" He asks, looking away with an embarrassing pink dust on his cheeks.
Your eyes widen, surprise evident before they harden again, and you nod.
" I've never done this on someone else other than myself though."
You don't say anything else as you wordlessly get to work.
He tends to forget that you've been alone for a very long time before you joined the team.
You stitch up his wounds carefully, and honestly quite messy. He still rather has this than having more people see him like this.
When you're done, you run a careful finger over the stitches to make sure they're secure before stepping away.
" This is the best I can do. Good luck with it." You tell him, going back to your stoic demeanor.
You turn to leave, not expecting a reply, when he grasps your wrist with his right hand.
You tense in response, not being used to physical contact. Upon noticing it, he lets go.
" Thank you.."
You glance at him, your eyes not betraying your emotions this time as you nod.
" Yeah... Don't get used to it."
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stardustlin · 2 years ago
Sooo as someone who works as a secretary, I keep thinking about possible scenarios between an assistant/secretary fem!reader & Miguel O’Hara 🙈 and I’d **love** your take
A lot of it is fluff, like being a non-spidey person that is either a trusted friend of Jess/Hobie/Gwen’s that get them a job at HQ (or long-game ends up being recruited by Miguel himself) and how Miguel would develop a crush
How he’d maybe keep going out of his way to come up with reasons he needs to visit my office, his inner thoughts when stealing glances or while watching me work on whatever he just brought me, the way LYLA would poke fun at him
Ughh I’ve got it bad for this fictional man 😭😭😭
miguel hired you on the spot through gwen, your best friend, who confided in you about her being a spider-woman and all that jazz about her being part of the spider society—gwen begged and recommended you to miguel so he just gave in LOL
it was the perfect opportunity since even though you’re a non-spider person at least you’re the only non-spider person who knows the ropes around & about the spider society
at first, miguel was skeptical and reluctant to get close to you but couldn’t help but appreciate your intelligence and work-ethic!! i’m sure miguel’s the type of man to fall for someone due to their ambitions & intelligence, then personality, and looks last!!
it all began when you accidentally spilled coffee on his suit and you offered to wash it and dry clean it for him in which he gave in because you kept apologizing and begging to make it up to him. he was surprised that anyone would do such a thing for him but he allowed it just this once.
he won’t ever forget the sweet aroma you left on his suit and he couldn’t help but sniff it throughout the day—it made his heart flutter and when it did he thought he was GETTING AN ALLERGIC REACTION BUT NAH IT WAS CUS HE FELT SOMETHING 😭
after that miguel couldn’t help by be around you and keep you by his side whenever he needed you to organize things such as meetings & missions!! (he let you help him assign people to missions and he filled you in all the dire details)
you two were getting closer and closer so then a friendship bloomed between you & that’s when he had opened to you about his past, “you’re the only person i feel truly comfortable talking to you about these kinds of things. you make me feel safe.” you were moved by his words and hugged him passionately without second thought!! he was taken aback at first but hugged you back as he wrapped his big arms around your smaller frame. he was feeling pretty content and maybe he has something to look forward to in life now.
he would make up excuses to come by your office and would be like “nothing, just came to check up on you if you’re doing your work, that’s all..” he was so bad at lying because you could see his cheeks turn pinkish and the way he’d crinkle his nose :(
his smiles are reserved just for you and god does he have such a pretty smile while his pearly white fangs shine under the lights of miguel’s office <3 you can’t help but swoon and comment, “your smile is pretty.” he thought you were joking but you weren’t—you were being sincere. miguel would never forget the small moments like those that you both shared.
miguel is actually patient with you and takes his time to explain things to you without making you feel dumb! i think miguel is good at making people feel educated and feel good about themselves…
miguel had to leave without saying anything because lyla had embarrassed him in front of you—poor miguel 😭 you felt bad and you couldn’t help but giggle at how miguel would act like a teenage boy head over heels for a girl 🥲
miguel would probably have a full blown conversation in his head about how much he likes you from the way you talk, smile, laugh, your quirks and mannerisms…he honestly feels super lucky. he really can’t believe he met someone like you and he actually thanks gwen for introducing you to him. 🙇🏽‍♀️
he brings you small gifts or shares his food with you that he cooks for you to try !! he’s always thinking about you whenever he makes food for you :3 or he always invites you after work to go out for drinks just you and him :)
a/n: need him fr <3
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