#and some pretty embarassing former crushes
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year ago
Knowing Zu Baije he'd look at Ao Lie's pbvious favoritism and assume the guy has a crush on Wukong. To which both Wukong and Ao Lie give himself disgusted looks.
"Are you joking!? He's a carrying a pup! Thag clearly means he has someone else jn mind to help raise the baby." (Ao Lie knows and understands that it's asexual. He just also knows Wukong doesn't want that getting out)
"HEY! I have a mate, thank you very much! And he's a hell of a lot prettier than you!"
This is the first mention of Wukong having a significant other they get. Needless to say, they are very curious since all of them have heard legends and stories about Wukong or seen him in battle, but nothing to indicate he had a romantic partner. Quite the opposite, really.
And you know the dragon would loudly reinforced the fact that his and Wukong's friendship is pretty much fraternal. Ao Lie thinks Zhu Bajie is being gross - why wouldn't a dragon help out an expecting family member?
Ao Lie: "It's called *being a good person*. But you wouldn't know that, xiao-Zhu." Zhu Bajie: *ready to fist-fight a horse*
And of Wukong is embarassed by all the arguing "caused" by his condition.
He's also super sad that no one in the modern (ie Journey) era has heard of Macaque. The Six Eared Macaque, Great Sage Informing Wind? His right-hand warrior? His six-eared confidant? His equal on the battlefield? His moonlight? His plums?!
Wide-eyed, the two former-Celestials shake their heads in No. Honestly they're shocked that the dreaded, bloodthirsty Monkey King had a beloved spouse, as well as said spouse being his equal in battle.
Sha Wujing, awkwardly: "In the palace, there was rumours that you loved no one, or that you had a wife hidden away in your cave like some mountain troll. Sorry." Wukong, wistfully: "Really??? But.... me and Mac have been eachother's One and Only since long before I declared myself Great Sage. Why has history forgotten him?" Zhu Bajie: "I dunno. Maybe he died?" Wukong: *bursts out sobbing at the thought!!!* Ao Lie: "Dude! Uncool!" Tripitaka, moves to comfort Wukong: "Brother Pig! Don't be so crass!!" Zhu Bajie, unfazed: "Why? He probably did. He didn't get baked in the Furnace with the peaches, wine, and pills for 49 days. Odds are he isn't immortal." Wukong: "Shut up! Shut up!" *pulls out Staff and chases Bajie*
It was first of the many times Bajie would set off the hormonal, pregnant monkey.
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twst-hottest-takes · 2 months ago
I'm responding to that one teenage Anon, as someone who's about to become one of those "30 year old hags" myself by the end of the year.
Anon, I hate to break it to you, but 30 isn't that old. While that's not exactly a spring chicken age, that's still fairly young all things considered. What do you expect women that age to do? Give up all of their hobbies to go clean the kitchen and do taxes? No, they are gonna have hobbies and interests just like you. You are gonna be that age one day. The day you turn 30 is gonna creep up on you A LOT sooner than you think. I doubt you are just gonna drop your interest in video games and anime at that age, so quit expecting other 30 year olds to.
The target audience in Japan is "working age women" and college students, not high schoolers or middle schoolers. That's why they sell furniture, silver rings with precious gems and expensive high heels based on TWST over there, because the target audience would have adult jobs and will be able to afford it. The only reason why that isn't the case in the west is because Disney 4Kids-afied the game and dumbed it down to make it younger. The JP version was meant for that former demographic, so you are the odd one out if you are talking about the original game, not the people you claim.
I totally agree with you about the debate about fem!Yuus being stupid, but I don't think it's as prevalent of a problem as you believe. I've been here since the game came out in Japan, and I hardly ever came across these people. Most people are either indifferent or fine with either. I think it's just the Twitter or TikTok algorithm feeding you that content because you constantly interact with it. If you don't want to see it, then don't interact with that side of the fandom on your actual accounts. It's as simple as that. You have to curate your own fandom experience. That's just how this works.
Adding to the previous point, while I want to see more official female Yuus or even a female one shot villain, the reality is that TWST is a Joseimuke (female-targeted media). The JP audience tend to want to see pretty men over women in those, because of a variety of cultural reasons that will be too long to get into. I don't agree with it. But, it is what it is. They might be leaning into making them more male because of the target demographic. However, if you want to see more fem!Yuu content, there are plenty of fics featuring that on AO3, Wattpad and other sites that you can check out.
What do you have against BL fans? Lots of people who enjoy that content are LGBT themselves or suspect they might be. They are backbone of fandom. Again, you curate your own experience. Don't like it, don't interact with it.
Anon, while I might sound harsh, I'm saying this because I want to give you some advice about this as someone who has been in fandoms since I was in middle school. I honestly believe that if you curate your experience and focus on the parts of the fandom you enjoy, you will have a lot better time. This doesn't go for just TWST, but every fandom out there. Anyways, I hope you will find your people in this fandom one day, kiddo.
Thank you for answering the previous anon in a level-headed and mature fashion.
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I would not have been so kind, which is why I mostly kept my fingers off the keyboard (ha). As a former teenaged fandom person, this is the type of thing that can be grown out of. So while pushback is appropriate, a less aggrivated take is definitely appreciated.
I'll add that the ageist nonsense in that poor anon's post is going to be really embarassing when they turn 18-20 years old and are suddenly expected to apologize for ever having a crush on a teenaged fictional character. Furthermore, I think most of the people who are anti-female Yuu and Ocs, probably skew towards the younger side of the fandom. . . but I can't technically prove that.
Thank you for your addition!
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the-unsea · 2 years ago
I’ve been thinking about my trajectory of shipping in my life.  The first couple I can remember ‘shipping’, as in they weren’t together on the show and I wanted to see it happen, was Joanie and Chachi on Happy Days.   They would eventually get married in the final season.
As I got a little older, I started liking more ‘grown up shows’.   Scarecrow and Mrs. King started a love for crime solving partnerships, it would lead to Hunter and DeeDee, then Harm and Mac.   
Bickering co-workers started with Tony and Angela from Who’s The Boss, which would lead to Rebecca and Sam from Cheers and then to Donna and Josh on The West Wing, and Chandler and Monica from Friends.
I was really invested in online fandom from about 1999-2007.   By that time, I had 4 kids and not a lot of time to focus on watching anything.
Sometime in the spring of 2018, I got so fed up with the usual posts on Twitter and Facebook being about politics and how terrible the world was.  At that time I had also become really, really invested in Lyatt (Timeless), in a way I hadn’t been since Harm and Mac in 1998.  I found my way to Tumblr, and that led me to Bellarke (The 100).   You’ll notice I have now given them a shipper name, when I was first in fandom we didn’t do shipper names.
But, since falling back into fandom, (and the huge exception to this is Naley)  I have since become obsessed with the hero/villain concept.  Darklina, Damerya, Haladriel!  I mean my hubs and my kid have been on me for 20 years to watch LOTR, and I haven’t yet!   And now my latest obsession seems to be Chuck and Blair!    I can’t help but wonder what it says about me that the older I get the more I seem to fall for the bad guy in the scenario.  I was never that way in the past.
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carbondioxidewater · 3 years ago
A little bit more sensual this time (not sexually tho don't panick!)
How are we at Pt. 7 though girl-😭 I didn't want it to go on for so long. Well, it'll come to an end soon though, don't worry <3
@karamatsus 🤍
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Summary: A story of Tobirama and you being in love with each other without knowing the feelings of the other one, then both being put into arranged marriages with others. (info: female s/o)
Warnings: none
Taking Too Long (Pt.7)
It was in the middle of the day when you wandered around the streets, looking for something to distract you from the fact that Tobirama was now talking to Tsugumi and her parents again, presenting your genious idea.
Looking up to the sky, the broad daylight peeved your eyes while the warmth of the sun tickled your skin. The sun wasn't the only thing that tickled you though, your insides juddered at the thought of the meeting your fiancé was situated in.
You wondered what happened in there now, if they came to terms with each other, or if they completely despised this suggestion. Your knees were shaking in angst.
What if everything would go wrong and they wouldn't agree to it, crushing your future plans and making the situation stay in the mess it is.
It was almost nighttime when you went over to Tobirama's house. You've waited the whole day for the meeting to come to an end and to find out about the conclusion they came to, but Tobirama didn't show up, and when you went to his office, he wasn't there either. How could he leave you this clueless for so long, didn't he know how nervous you were the whole day? Or did the conversation end so terrible that he didn't have the courage to spill the beans you? It stinged your belly, the thought made you just more anxious.
When you reached the house and knocked, the door opened surprisingly fast.
"(Y/N), I was just on my way to you.", Tobirama explained himself in surprise to see you.
"Where have you been all day long, I was looking for you everywhere! Don't you know how concerned I am?", you were blaming him.
"How was it? What did they say?", you asked now, impatient due to your former endurance. He smirked a bit at your fury.
"It went very well. They agreed to it. After some time of hesitation, they finally gave in."
Your face lit up immediately and a flush of euphoria came over you.
"Oh my god! I can't believe it! Finally!!! Why didn't you tell me earlier! Do you know how many scenarios I made up in my mind? I already thought of the worst!" You were happy and upset at the same time, but not really angry at him though.
"I actually wanted to go over to you this very second. But I had to take care of something first..."
With that sentence, he pulled out a small box and opened it. Inside of it was a very beautiful ring. Not a big, exaggerated one. It was simple, but with many details. The perfect ring for your relationship. The next second, he took your hand and gently pulled it over to him.
"You're still missing my ring.", he said and put it on your ring finger.
You were speechless and stood there as if paralyzed. Your heart went on a rollercoaster again, at least that's what it felt like in this moment. You did not expect this at all when coming over before, so it took you a while to process it. You didn't believe it, it felt like a dream. Since he proposed to you so long ago and you had other things to worry about this whole time, you had already forgotten about the ring. You started to blush at the thought of him actually remembering and buying it. You couldn't hold back your joy, and a wide smile built up upon your face.
"Oh my-...Tobirama, it's so pretty, thank you so much. I already forgot about it. I'm surprised that you didn't.", you expressed.
"How could I forget? I'm not that neglecting and bland." He pouted a little.
"I know you're not. I even heard you defending me in front of Tsugumi's family.", you teased him.
"You heard that? You eavesdrooped, huh? How embarassing..." He frowned and seemed utterly uncomfortable at this mention.
"It's noooot! It was so cute! It made me feel treasured...", you confessed shyly.
"Whatever...now we're official.", he vocalized and you nodded at him with a smile.
"Finally...", you whispered and he silenced for a short while.
"Which means...I can finally do this..." he said bluntly, and with that, he suddenly pulled you into his house, pushed the door close with his left arm and, by that, holding you against it.
It went so fast that you couldn't react properly and didn't know what was going on, until he took your chin into his right hand and looked deep into your eyes, before pressing his lips against yours and pulling you into a deep, passionate kiss.
You could feel the desperation that's been building up inside of the both of you for so long, and that could finally be released. His lips felt so soft, his hands so gentle, the kiss so tender and still, there was a hint of fire, it was intense, heated, burning. All at the same time.
His scent - oh god, this smell you adored so much - was on you now, merging with yours, mesmerizing all of your senses. His hand wandered along your neck, taking the back of your head and sweetly grabbing your hair to press you even tighter. Unfortunately for you, you had to let go off each other after some time to take a breath.
You were out of your mind, so many - and especially much - emotions inside of you, and you were sure you would explode any second, this extreme were they. You didn't know Tobirama was THIS good at kissing. How could he, he couldn't have any experience, you were sure you were his first kiss. He didn't let anyone be this close to him. So he must be a naturally good kisser. And that is an understatement. You've never ever felt something like this in your entire life. Of course, he was your first kiss too, so that maybe contributes to it, but you were sure that, even if you had experience, it would be mindblowing anyway.
And it was mindblowing. You couldn't think properly, only about what happened the last few seconds. It seemed like he couldn't either, just supporting himself by putting his hands against the walls and placing his forehead on your shoulder, breathing out heavily.
"Holy...", he mummered and you laughed mildly.
"That was...", you started, and the thought of it made your heart race so much that it felt like it was pounding out of your chest.
Tobirama got up and looked at you face to face, not far away from each others heads. Him being so close again made you nervous, even if you were all over each other a few seconds ago.
"Amazing...", you stuttered and got quieter at the end because his attention was all on you. He had a relieved expression on his face. Was he really unsure whether you liked it or not? Did he not know how skilled he was?
"I'm sorry, I can't think straight if you look at me like that.", you admitted and looked to the side to avoid his gaze.
"Sorry...", he murmured and let go off you.
"Are you hungry?", he asked and you shook your head, remembering the time.
"No no, I'm alright. But I think it's time for me to leave. It's already pretty late, you know...", you figured, even though you didn't want to go yet. He hesitated a bit before replying.
"..Do you maybe want to stay the night?", he asked in a careful manner, afraid of your rejection. But how could you possibly reject him? You also wanted to stay in the end.
"I'd honestly love to.", you responded happily and a warm feeling made it's way into your body again. You were going to stay at his house, as if you were a married couple already.
Isn't it crazy, you both know each other so well and for such a long time already. And yet, you're still getting flustered, are shy around each other at times, as if you were newly in love. And you are new to this love of course, but you've been in love even before you got together. But really being with a person is different than just fantasizing about it. You can really feel the other, not only in a physical way but also in a sensual and intimate one.
It's not easy to unite platonic and romantic love since there's a huge difference between those two, but if it succeeds, it's a whole different level of mutual trust and respect. And although you haven't perfectly connected those two to each other yet, your strong bond is inseparable, thanks to your former long-running friendship. You've reached this point already, even if you are still in the progress of getting used to it. This phase of love is so addicting, so enjoyable, so devotioning. And you love it.
You love the butterflies that still tingle inside you when you're having an intimate moment. And you love how different it is other times, where you just feel safe and calm and comfortable around him.
It's a balance between a young passion and mature security. The development is what is so interesting about your relationship. And you're both doing very well.
Right now, Tobirama's preparing food for you. Even though you said you weren't hungry, he knows you still want to eat something, because he's been studying you and your habits for years, just as much as you studied him, as you noticed.
You two sat down and enjoyed the food. It was like the old times, when you used to eat together a lot, but now the atmosphere was different of course, because you were in another stage of your relationship.
You had good conversations about the village, the people, politics, missions. It was soothing to talk so much to each other again, you haven't had much time for each other lately, apart from the whole engagement issue.
After the dinner you cleaned the dishes together. Although he told you to leave it to him, you insisted on helping him. It would go faster and it gave you more time to spend with one another, you said. And it payed off: For the whole evening, you exchanged many loving looks, even some smaller touches here and there, until it was getting time to sleep. It was late already when Tobirama led you to his bedroom. He gave you something to wear for the night and showed you the bathroom in which you changed afterwards.
When you came out, Tobirama has already changed. He looked at you in awe - being fond of seeing you in his clothes - then he got up and took you by your hands, slowly guiding you to his bed. You two laid down, a little awkward at first, much space staying between you.
But you loosened up eventually, started to take each other into your loving arms and caressed your skins, wandering around your bodies, exploring them. And no, he wasn't intending something nasty, and neither were you. You both had no interest in this, you weren't ready for it yet, and you both knew. So obviously, you didn't touch your intimate areas. Privacy still remained.
Your head on his chest, his arm around your waist, you stroking his arm while he caressed your hair, things like this only. Your relationship was spiritual, pure. No words were needed, you just enjoyed the presence and company of another, the warmth of your bodies filling up the both of you while feeling your hearts beating for each other.
It was calm and silent, the only sounds being the whispers of your good night wishes.
And you knew you'd probably feel awkward the next morning again, but you could feel that in this night, something between you changed. This night, your bond strengthened even more.
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crab-in-a-pocket · 4 years ago
reserved farmer headcanons + meeting the bachelors for the first time!
wanted to make some generally reserved farmer headcanons to kick off this blog and bc i see a lot of very friendly farmers out there and i... am not one of them LMAO
additionally, there's reference to a supposed volatile relationship with a (former?) loved one (projection time!)
also i forgot to open my askbox bc idk how to tumblr ?? i think it's open now (i hope).
tw: drinking and alcoholism, references to past trauma, one Bad Word (sh^t!)
when you first meet everyone, it's a quiet greeting and maybe a witty remark, but you don't stay for any chit-chat
close-lipped smiles are your signature move, along with the Man Nod whenever you run into someone
you are, of course, a nice and courteous person but you don't feel the need to say hello to everyone every damn time you pass by them because, really, you're too busy rushing to Pierre's for some seeds or lugging around foraged beach stuff
okay, maybe some of them think you're a little cold and an introvert who has... problems
but you're not! you are a strong and emotionally stable farmer who gets Shit Done and prefers to observe over participate and think over talk!
mayor lewis is extremely puzzled and almost mistakes you for someone else-- it's been over a decade and people change too much, too soon. he makes a remark about a wishing well your grandfather had built long ago (remember the well? how you fell in it that one time?) and you nod along politely (i didn't fall, i climbed in because i desperately needed my wish to come true)
it's nice to meet people who aren't as temperemental as the tides. maybe, for once, you could have a proper relationship with someone.
easily the most annoying and extroverted person in town what with his obsession with sports and loud, brash personality but you two get along fabulously because you had that same passion for gridball in college before you were too busy being a corporate slave
he's a little surprised that you sit next to him at the saloon but he goes along easily and the conversation flows between the two of you easily, ranging from future plans (thinking of going pro... think i'll make it?) to the weather without sounding like you're making fake smalltalk (i wanted to play pro, too, and here i am now. if you really want it, you'll have to leave this all behind)
there's something genuine about him that's intriguing and it leaves you wanting to find out and see what the real alex is like inside because you can see through that wall he's made
and there's something enigmatic about you, who is reserved and quiet and seems to be a simple open book, when in fact, you are a very attractive onion with many, many layers
you think he's immature. a wildchild, a manchild, a wildmanchild, really. sam, on the other hand, is drawn in by your calmness and how in-control you appear to be-- when you offer to play a game of pool when sebastian doesn't show up, he's delighted at the opportunity to know you better
okay, so he is immature and a wildmanchild but there is a softness in him that surprises you every time he shows it-- which is frequently around you
he has a soft smile to counteract his proud one and he's so in awe of how you get so much stuff done every day (i don't know how you do it, that's gotta be tough), every week, and every month (you'd like the responsibility, i think. to me, it's one big project i need to finish)
he has instant crush on you because you're so cool even though your line of profession really doesn't evoke much awe. i mean, you're  attractive, you are so in control of your life, and you have a really cute smile whenever he compliments you-- how could he not?
bit bold of you to sit next to him at the saloon because every knows he's can be a real asshole, but he glances at you with a hint of awe and more than a hint of annoyance. you elect to ignore this and choose to order a whisky on the rocks (if you don't drink, call it apple juice)
whisky: shane's a touch impressed because you look like a lightweight. well, it's nice that someone can hold their liquor. he makes a remark about it (planning on getting drunk, huh?) and you raise a brow at him, looking a little haughty and tell him that it's your drink for the week. he's annoyed at your remark and starts an argument that surprisingly, settles down into a civil conversation
apple juice: he snorts at that and makes a remark about meeting penny for your lessons the next day. you play along and sip at your drink, making witty remarks (thank yoba for hangovers. it's the non-drinker's edge, really. just like not having liver failure). he's not sure if he should be annoyed or impressed at your cool-as-a-cucumber personality, not sure if it's too big city or too closed-off
you offer to buy him a pizza if you can take a away his beer-- at any rate, he looks like he'll end up with liver failure the way he's going. shane aquiesces and devours the entire pizza. your conversation is slow and punctuated with his loud chewing but you're pleasantly suprised that he's quite smart and well-read about whatever you're interested in
the fourth time you sit next to him, he turns down your pizza and doesn't say a word. neither do you and it's almost like it's back to square one until you realize that he hasn't made a single salty remark about anything. you decide to try again the day after tomorrow-- nothing comes too quickly to people like you and shane.
it was the necklace you wore that caught his eye. a shining teardrop stone hanging off a gleaming silver chain. he had spoken before he could stop himself and watched as you smiled and told him he was right-- it is supposed to be a Yeti's tear.
you're pleased to meet someone who is also a homebody and a touch more reserved than a lot of other people in town. he's easy to get along with (oh, you're kidding, you really have the signed edition?) and he's got pretty good taste when it comes to literature-- after all, who can refuse a good sci-fi book? (of course i do, i'm dedicated fan)
oddly enough, your conversation is quick and eager and not all reserved. instead of the companionable silence everyone assumes you two to have, you two nearly talk over each other because you finally have someone to complain to about everyone's over-friendliness and he finally has someone who understands what it's like to be trapped in a small world
you tease him about the corporate rat race and he fires back at you about being a part of it. you like sebastian and he likes you-- it's as simple as that.
he had heard of you through leah who had heard of you through emily who had heard of you through gus who had heard of you from lewis. it was a long grapevine and he's not sure how much of the truth was preserved and it's almost a relief to meet you because, to be frank, he's tired of being the town's newcomer.
first-- you're not peppy and overly cheerful at all. second, you are definitely not hot-tempered. and third, there's something so fascinating about you, something hidden under your calm, pragmatic character. he finds a kindred spirit in you, save for the flowery words and, admittedly, the vanity.
you're amused to meet a writer living on the beach. the cabin was built by one of your grandfather's old friends, a rather surly man who had taken a liking to you when you were much younger. while the hut is in no way fancy, you can't help but consider how pretentious and, contrastingly, humble the writer must be. pretentious in such a way that he thinks living in a sandy, damp shack is a way to beat writer's block (it's odd, it's rarely a choice people make) and humble in such a way that he accepts and bears with living in a worn house with little complaint (it's admirable, if not a little silly!)
you find yourself in his company late at night when you can't sleep and it's so easy to open up to him because he's kind, he listens, and most importantly, he's not embarassed to admit he's got faults, at least to you. you let him see past your collected facade and into your cracked heart far sooner than you think and elliot doesn't mind at all
you might be the most mysterious person in town simply because of the way you present yourself. he finds himself always stuttering a little whenever you're around because of the way you watch him, set in a relaxed stance, your gaze flat and cool. later, he realizes that it's your resting face. he wonders about what you'd look like if you smiled-- really smiled
he's touched at the fact that you buy him coffee whenever he had to patch you up-- which is frequently, given your liking for the mines. you're adorable when he gives you general anesthesia. he had run out of local anesthesia and you needed a fair amount of stitches and though you told him that you have a high pain tolerance (stitches are far more painful than you think. i really don't want to put you through that), he insisted and you let him (fine, fine. get on with it, doctor). you had let out several inappropriate jokes under anesthesia and your cheeks had hurt from laughing non-stop
harvey's entranced. there's no other way to put it-- he's bewitched by your bright character hiding under that collected facade. he never pries for your secrets because he's got secrets, too. you like harvey because he's sweet and compassionate and even though he has to put up a firm, professional affectation, he wears his heart on his sleeve.
you see him as a friend at first, all platonic and it seems to be the end of it. but one day, as you hand him a coffee, he laughs and smiles and hands you a coffee just the way you like it. you're falling for him so hard and fast you think someone's put a spell on you that makes you notice the minute expressions on his face and mull over the way he talks to you. you're in love with him-- you can only hope he feels the same way too
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barsformars · 5 years ago
reaction: meeting their s/o's former crush
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req: Hello! Can I request a ateez reaction where they meet their SO used-to-be-crush person and where they had some cute moments but never dated or anything
a/n: this was quite interesting to write! thank you for requesting,, hope you enjoy it!
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he mentioned before in an online fansign that he gets jealous pretty easily but he tries to hide it so yea there you have it. but knowing him, you can easily tell when he suddenly gets unusually quiet (even more so than he can be) and also a little pouty. so when you initiate skinship, he's going to take it, feeling extremely happy on the inside that your ex crush was seeing how close y'all were. as long as you give him non-verbal reassurance right there and then, i can see him getting along very well with your ex crush actually.
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as the leader, he's very conscious of his facial expressions even when people say the weirdest shit. so when you and your ex crush start reminiscing about the cute moments the both of you shared in the past, hongjoong would just laugh awkwardly, albeit very awkwardly in the eyes of people who know him well. you could tell but your ex crush couldn't because hongjoong was good at faking it. would make it a mental note to tease you about those cute moments you were talking about to show you how jealous he got
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really doesn't like it one bit. like maybe if it was just a casual like hi bye scenario he could manage with a small smile and all. but if you're like full on chatting and talking about the old times, he's not going to like it and he can't hide it the displeasure lmao. like even your ex crush would be able to feel the sudden tension in the air, and then notice just how dark and sulky yunho was looking. quite intimidating actually. he doesn't mean to, but he just gets jealous like that.
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meeting your ex crush? no big deal at all, really. it was only when you started talking about how intimate y'all used to be that he was a little bothered. like why say all of that in front of him? couldn't y'all have reminisced with each other over text? no even that he would be a little like hmmmm about it. but he's the type to not say anything about it unless you explicitly asked if anything was bothering him. which you definitely will because it's easy to tell when he's not feeling good.
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the type to try and make friends with your ex crush not going to lie. key word is try. anytime you and your ex crush talk about y'all being too intimate in the past, san would joke about how your ex crush's life was going to be over soon because he's going to jump them JSEJJE "I hope you didn't reject my baby too harshly, otherwise im going to choke you right now" and scary thing is he say those things with such a bright innocent smile on his face. I mean we all know he wouldn't do physically fight them but he sure was already beating them up mentally.
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there's a small chance he might get jealous because sometimes he does feel a little insecure but most of the times, he knows the both of you deserve each other equally so he's confident and all. so even if you and your ex crush talk about y'all's very chummy past, he wouldn't mind it one bit. like "im dating them right now so the past doesn't matter. im glad things never worked out between y'all" that kind of thoughts uk
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he's our little social butterfly, he's definitely going to hit it off really well even with your ex crush. probably bonding and laughing together over the cute (but embarassing) habits or things that you do. would also kinda taunt your ex crush playfully like "ooof you missed out on them, what a pity" and then stick out his tongue like a kindergartner. not the type to get jealous, and even if he does he would make it very clear by clinging onto you even more
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he's jealous but he doesn't want you to know because it makes him look weak?? the type to just try to suppress his emotions while you and your ex crush tell him all about how close y'all used to be but how things never worked out somehow. but from the way he repeats certain things like "y'all used to watch the sunset at the beach together. hugging. and y'all weren't dating." you can already tell that he was kinda like zzzzzzz about it. like I mean that's cute and all, but he doesn't really want to hear it you know. makes him wonder if he's doing enough for you
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mother-love-stone · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @whitedeadflower and @thenonatapes to answer the following questions, thank you 💕💕
1: What are you wearing? Underwear and an oversized t-shirt
2: Ever been in love? Unfortunately, yes
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? No.
4: How tall are you? 171 or 172 cm
5: How much do you weigh? 61 kg
6: Any tattoos do you want? Yesss, lately I’m seriously thinking of getting the symbol of Hakuna Matata somwhere on my hand to constantly remind myself to stop stressing out and enjoy life
7: Any piercings that you want? Not really.
8: OTP? Please excuse my ignorance, but I don’t even know what that means.
9: Favorite show? Supernatural, The Umbrella Academy, What we do in the shadows are some of the best ones I’ve watched.
10: Favorite band? Oh, this is a hard question, because my god, I’m all over the place musically, but I would say that Alice in Chains is my favourite band, even though I haven’t listened to them in months. It’s one of those bands that stick with me, and every time I hear one of their songs I’m like “yeah, that is my favourite band”
11: Something you miss? HIGHSCHOOL.
12: Favorite song? It changes a lot, but right now it’s Anthem by Greta van Fleet
13: How old are you? 19
14: Zodiac sign? Capricorn
15: Hair color? I dyed it red again yesterday.
16: Favorite quote? “Just remember, no matter how bad things get, they will always get better, unless they get worse” - I saw this one on an Instagram meme page, idk the author, but it’s so simple and obvious, and somehow comforting
17: Favorite singer? Chris Cornell, Layne Staley, Serj and Daron, Matt Bellamy
18: Favorite color? Green
19: Loud music or soft? Both, depending of my mood
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? Phisically, in a place where I can be alone so I can calm myself down and cry in peace. Mentally, I try to distract myself and not think about what makes me sad, I usually make up different universes in my head, like sometimes I think about how cool it would be if I were some kind of witch that can timetravel, but everytime I travel in time, another alternate universe gets created so I don't mess up the timeline.
21: How long does it take you to shower? 20 to 40 minutes
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About an hour
23: Ever been in a physical fight? Nope, I'm a peaceful person
24: Turn on? Great sense of humour, a person who doesn't take things too seriously, originality and a great, well-defined personality
25: Turn off? A person that says they like food and sleep as personality traits, no communication skills, close-minded people
26: The reason I joined TUMBLR? Because I saw lots of screenshots of the supernatural fandom being everywhere and being hilarious and I wanted to be a part of that lmao.
27: Fears? My biggest fear is the unstoppable passing of time, whatever you do, you can't take back the TIME, and it's scary as fuck to me that every day we are closer to the end of something.
28: Last thing that made you cry? That I'm going to start college really soon and it terrifies me.
29: Last time you cried? Three days ago for a few hours actually, it wasn't pretty...
30: Meaning behind your url? I love Stone Gossard and Mother Love Bone.
31: Last book you read? Ok, I'm gonna say it, I'm not a big book person. I don't know, reading a whole book is just stressing me out, I never do it to relax, I do it because I have to, for school, for example. I was never a big book person, and I was always embarassed by that, because reading books as a hobby was very romanticised among my former friend group when I was younger and it made me feel stupid.
32: Last song you listened to? White room by Cream. That song is a masterpiece.
33: Last show you watched? Umbrella Academy last month.
34: Last person you talked to? My mom.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? He's a very good friend of mine, we are making plans to go on a really nice hill to see the sunset and the whole city with the squad.
36: Favorite food? Pizza.
37: Place you want to visit? Everywhere, the whole world, every country has beautiful places.
38: Last place you were? The living room
39: Do you have a crush? I don't even know anymore
40: Last time you kissed someone? I can't even remember, romantic relationships are not a priority for me right now. They never have been, honestly
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it? My friends call me a crazy old lady all the time, but it's in a loving way, so I don't know if it counts
42: What color underwear are you wearing? It has blue, yellow and white strips
43: What color shirt are you wearing? Blue
44: What color bottoms are you wearing? Are you talking about shoes? If so, then no color because I'm not wearing any
45: Wearing any bracelets? None atm
46: Last sport you played? I have no idea, I'm not a very sporty person
47: Last song you sang? Teenage dirtbag by Wheatus, I always go karaoke mode whenever I hear it
48: Last prank call you remember doing? Elementary school?
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Met up outside with some friends yesterday, don't worry, we are very careful with Covid
50: Favorite movie? I don't know, I have several movies that I like, but I don't know if I would call them my favourite movie of all time. One that I recently watched and stuck with me because of the message was Swiss Army Man.
Thanks for the tag and sorry it took so long to actually do it
I'll tag @noezppl @mvickym @spreadthecurse @punk-rock-sunflowerr only if you want to, no pressure❤❤❤
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Your cliché coffeeshop AU
Prompts : Fluff + High School Isayama AU + Propose
Hi so this is my entry for the latest ereri event. This is the first time I ever write fanfiction for these two so I'm really afraid I didn't get their personnality right but oh well. English isn't my mother's tongue so there might be some (if not lots of) mistakes. If you find some please do tell me as this is the first time I'm writing in english and I really hope to improve with time and constructive criticism :) 
Levi was so cold he was pretty sure that his hands would fall off at some point. He kept rubbing them together and blowing on them but nothing seemed to help. He was freezing cold as it was and he couldn't wait to get to his precious coffee shop, just a few minutes away from the highschool where he worked at. He walked at a fast pace, thankful for once for his janitor attire, which he hadn't bothered getting out of before leaving -the thing was an ugly washed out blue but at least it kept him somewhat warm. When he finally pushed open the door of the cozy coffeeshop, he let out a sight of relief and walked straight to the counter, as if in a trance, ready to order his usual black tea when someone suddenly bumped into him from behind, almost sending him toppling over the floor. If it wasn't for the arm holding him back from falling, Levi was pretty sure his life would have ended in a rather ungraceful way, with him ending up bleeding out on the floor of his favorite coffeeshop, without even having been able to get a last taste of their perfect godly warm tea. 
"I'm so sorry sir !" screamed an uncomfortably familiar voice from behind Levi.
Managing to get himself out of the fierce grip the "stranger" had on his arm, Levi slowly turned around, glaring at a face he was pretty sure he would have recognized anywhere, only because he had had to suffer the stares coming from the teal wide eyes belonging to that face for the last three long years he had had to spend in company of Eren Jaeger. 
Upon recognizing him the kid turned an interesting shade of red and Levi tilted his head while Eren began spluttering excuses and other sorries like "Sir ! Mister Levi ! Mister Ackerman ! I didn't recognize I'm- So sorry sir please let me pay for your coffee I'll-"
Levi interrupted him by quickly shaking his head.
"Don't bother yourself Jaeger, you didn't run over my puppy, you just made me stumble a bit. Just watch where you're going next time."
And with that he turned around, didn't even let Eren say anything more to him before placing his order and sitting in a corner of the coffeeshop, patiently waiting for his tea and muffin. Levi stubbornly kept his gaze on his hands, refusing to meet the insistant stare the former high school student was giving him. He couldn't avoid him thought when Eren came back, holding in one hand a tray supporting two cups, one of which Levi assumed was his cup of tea, and in the other hand Levi's muffin. He didn't even ask before sitting in front of Levi and handing him his order, smiling softly when Levi took them with a whispered "thank you". Eren hummed and sipped lightly on his beverage, coffee by the smell of it. He scrunched his face in a funny way and let it down on the table.
"-I don't really like coffee but I keep buying it, I need it if I want to stay awake during my classes.”
Levi stared at him dumbly, blinking slowly while letting his gaze flit between Eren's two eyes, trying to find the glint of malice that would tell him the boy was joking. But obviously he was not, as he delivered yet again another of his disarming smiles, the one that always made Levi's heart clench for some reason. 
Levi could suddenly feel his cheeks heat and he buried his face in his cup, trying to hide it from his -it seemed- companion.
"-I hope I'm not intruding or anything ! Eren said rather loudly, Were you waiting for someone ?”
Levi almost choked on his drink at that. Hah. Him ? Waiting for someone ? In his favorite coffeeshop ? At the end of the week ? No thank you. Levi had his principles and they certainly didn't imply bringing one of his obnoxious coworkers here, where they would keep following him everytime he went if he even thought of asking them to come once.
Levi chuckled lightly and shook his head.
“-Nope. You can stay all you want, it's whatever.”
Levi shrugged, wincing slightly when he realized he had picked on Erwin's favorite expression of the moment. The git said that when he picked up his students' "slang" -as he called it-, he could re-use it in his office later to help them relax. Levi just thought it made the principal all the more cringy. 
Eren didn't seem to catch up on Levi's choice of words and just nodded, trying another sip at his coffee.
“-So you still work at Trost High ? 
-How are the new students like ?”
Eren looked at Levi from under his lashes, in an almost shy way, and that made Levi feel uncomfortable in his stomach in a way that he hadn't felt for awhile. He just hoped he didn't have a huge shit coming or this would soon become embarassing.
“-Same old. The students don't really change from one promo to the other.”
Eren seemed disappointed at Levi's statement so he added :
“-There's no obnoxious brat staring at me everytime I start mopping a corridor though.”
 Eren's ears turned crimson and he burned his tongue on his coffee, coughing like a drowning man and trying to hide his face with a napkin. Levi couldn't help the soft chuckle that escaped his lips at that. 
“-You knew ?” Eren mumbled, still coughing.
Levi nodded, smirking at the boy.
"-I still don't understand how you could have gotten a crush on the school janitor to be honest. There are plenty of hot teachers at Trost High and yet...
 Eren shrugged. 
-I guess you were different... I really didn't think you'd notice though, he said, scratching at the back of his head.
Levi couldn't help the raise of his eyebrows.
-Jaeger. After 3 years in this school, I think you were probably the only student who actually knew my name. That tells a lot.
Eren's cheeks warmed up again.
-Some of my friends knew it as well..."
Levi rolled his eyes at that. The poor kids Eren used to hang out with -Armin was it ? And Mikasa ? The girl who had had a weird emo phase ? Gosh but Levi hoped she had gotten out of it because he remembered his own and the memories it brought weren's joyful at all. It made his mom and Kenny laugh at least- must have heard about his name and his general existence from Eren, Levi pitied them.
Eren suddenly seemed to brighten and he threw Levi a charming glance which made his stomach do a full flip. What the hell was going on.
“-I'm surprised you remember my name though...
Levi winced.
-Difficult to forget it when everyone at school kept bugging me about the "cute little Eren Jaeger who had a crush on me and mooned out everytime I would clean the windows during class".
Eren laughed at that and shook his head. He laid his head on his hand and gave Levi an almost adoring look.
“-Guess I was pretty smitten huh ?”
It was Levi's turn to become as red as a tomato. He tried to hide it by biting roughly into his muffin and munching on it as thought his life depended on it. That didn't seem to deter Eren who seemingly had a rush of adrenaline and slapped his hand on the table loudly. 
“-Levi could I have your number please ?”
Levi stopped his munching and stared at the boy dumbly. Eren was regarding him with a determined fire blazing in his eyes and a hopeful frown on his beautiful face. Levi swallowed audibly, wiping his fingers on his napkin and observing Eren thoughtfully.
“-Eren I...
-I know it might sound weird, Eren interrupted him, But I really like you Levi and... I would like to get to know you more. Ever since I've left for college I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and I- I just want to get to know you.”
Levi sat frozen on the spot, he realized rather lately that his jaw was hanging open and that he was clenching his napkin to his chest. Eren was still staring at him, seemingly waiting for something, anything.
If you asked him later what possessed him to do it Levi would have said that he didn't know. It was probably a mix of Eren's determined gaze fixed on his, the way his emerald eyes seemed to glow in the dim light of the coffeeshop or maybe how the boy looked so hopeful and open. Levi thought he had never seen someone so gorgeous before. And it wasn't just because Eren was attractive no, there was something else to him entirely that Levi couldn't quite put his finger on, but he desperatly wanted to find out. So when he asked Eren to give him his phone to add himself to his contacts, Levi realized that he probably could have never made a better decision in his entire life. 
And that thought would turn out to be true. When two years later, at this exact same table, and with the exact same tea and muffin in hand, Levi would propose to Eren, who would copiously spit out his coffee before screaming "yes".
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raijinhasverybigpecs · 7 years ago
smite high school au (part 1)
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part 1 - agni to erlang shen
part 2 - fafnir to odin
part 3 - osiris to zhong kui
the school is a fancy private school with the gods playing a major role as important students and teachers at the school
the gods are not the only employees/students - there are many other students and teachers at the school to fill in the gaps
uniform is like this, but in the emblem colours (i’m too lazy to search up another image, give me a break lmao)
gods have no divine power but keep certain skills, talents and traits that they had with their powers (raijin doesn’t have lightning powers but he’s still good at playing the drums for example)
gods are mostly in human forms and they actually look like people - no super wild claws or fur or any of that shit (aside from cama and baka i think)
just a general note: this isn’t final or anything, and i’d appreciate any feedback or if you wanna add something or change something then please tell me, i’d like everyone’s opinions to be considered :>
roster (part 1: agni - erlang shen)
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(short descriptions/headcannons of gods below)
agni - business and science teacher
for the purposes of this au they’ll be twins :>
seen constantly bickering around the school - don’t approach them if they’re having a fight bc they’ll pull you into it
ah muzen cab - groundsman
not much to say, he good at bee i guess
ah puch - science and maths teacher
subject of lots of rumors around the school due to a lack of knowledge about his past
“if you bring raw meat into the 3rd stall in the boys toilets the seat will overflow with blood and that creepy science teacher will show up behind you and kill you”
“hey kids what’s up-”
“i was just gonna say that you did really well on the last maths test and that you should keep up the effort. is there something wrong?”
“oh it’s nothing...... haha......”
wears a bunch of fancy surgeons masks everyday due to an accident that left his face disfigured
anubis, hades, isis, artio, osiris and awilix are the only ones to know about what actually happened
extremely calm all the time, creeps out everyone constantly
strangely close bond with awilix, no one knows why they get on but they do
awilix will have lunch with ah puch at least once per week
amaterasu - student
good at everything, better than you(tm)
student government president
captain of the volleyball team
plays the cello
mutual crush on bellona but the two are incapable of saying that they like each other
anhur - student
head of the debating team
always in control even when he’s not
plays chess with anubis, ganesha and thoth on fridays in the library, students and other teachers like to watch bc it always gets v intense
anubis - history and maths teacher
grumpy old man who won’t take your shit
if he puts you on the spot for doing something wrong you will feel nothing but shame for the rest of the day
runs the debating team
doesn’t understand modern technology, needs a student to help him
ao kuang - business and hpe teacher
always vaguely angry even though he doesn’t mean to come off that way
always angry at wukong, bad gay mess
“so now we’ll split into teams-”
wukong takes a break to drink some water nearby, ends up wetting his shirt as well and winks when he sees ao kuang watching
“sir are you okay”
“it’s too early for this bullshit i can’t”
needs coffee in the morning to run
throws dodgeballs at students who arrive late in his morning hpe classes
aphrodite - student
pretty much always the lead in the stage play with apollo
good at every single arts subject
popular but not in a bitchy way - knows everyone’s names and tries to talk with everyone
head cheerleader, also a good dancer
knows how to throw a hell of a party
apollo - student
theater hoe and band nerd rolled up in a bright orange cheeto package
always annoying
arachne - former teacher
rumours around the school say that athena was jealous of her so she got her fired through her connections with zeus (the principal)
neith is the only one who can talk to her anymore
ares - student
fuck boy
that’s it
nothing else to say
artemis - student
band nerd, and just a nerd in general
still good at sports tho
v good at maths
part of the moon girls club (awilix & chang’e)
artio - english and geography teacher
she’d be a teacher that would die for her students, really nice and patient but if you annoy her she’ll destroy you
has motivational posters on her desk of bears with bad pun captions on them
one of those teachers that is always part of every school event, literally never sick or away
athena – teacher
reliable and respected by teachers and students
teaches lots of different subjects but enjoys teaching her arts subjects the most
very strict but in a good way
hiding darker secrets (see arachne & medusa for more)
awilix – student
on every sporting team, always doing the most at every moment
always puts her hand up, the type to have organised study books with colour coding and everything
remembers everyone’s name, friends with everyone
part of the moon girls club (artemis & chang’e)
special relationship with ah puch
bacchus –  chef
always drunk but no one calls him out on it
helps with the guidance councillors at times
bakasura – spooky rumour
rumours always conflict with each other, no one is too sure what’s true or not but everyone can claim that they saw him
bastet - student
dance buddies with bastet, tries to get chang’e to go out more with her and aphrodite
too goddamn flexible, also really good at sport
bellona - student
awkward everywhere but on the sports field
even more awkward when it comes to ama, is a terrible lovesick lesbian
aphrodite always tries to set the pair up but it never works out the way she plans it
teachers always yell at her, there’s a strange bond between her and her teachers
cabrakan – groundsman
him good at dig
camazotz – pet of ah puch
ah puch wanted to demonstrate how animal wings work with a real animal but cama ended up attacking students ah puch just likes having the company of cama so that’s why he brings him to school everyday
ah puch offers cama to those who wanna take him for the night but it never turns out well for those who take him
cerberus - security guards
set of brothers who work as security guards
no one knows what the relationship between hades and them is – are they cousins? friends? lovers??? what is goin on
cernunnos – geography and history teacher
supportive and patient teacher
won’t call you out on talking during class, he’ll just walk up to you and wait for you to be quiet then step away and continue with what he was doing earlier
is busy with everything, half of the time he can’t show up to class bc he’s going to other important education stuffs 
chaac – hpe teacher
the loudest person in the room, always yelling for no reason
makes fun of students at times but he wants them to succeed
chang’e – student
quiet overachiever, probably doing better than you in everything
obviously gets best marks in dance, has won awards and stuff
part of the moon girls club (artemis & awilix), otherwise only friends with bastet, aphro and erlang
chiron – teacher
mainly teaches history and english but often fills in for other teachers
always well dressed and groomed
strict but you’ll probably never get bored in his classes ever
chronos – teacher
just like chiron, teaches every subject aside from hpe and is strict but you won’t get bored in his classes
sarcastic but he cares (deep down somewhere)
cu chulainn - student
one of the popular kids, good at everything and an all around perfect student
everyone has a crush on him and on valentines day he constantly gets roses and chocolates
keeps trying to flirt with erlang but he keeps failing
tries to invite erlang to his wrestling matches but erlang keeps leaving bc he’s really embarassed by how hot cu is
cupid – student
chatterbox, knows all the gossip
oddly enough, good at keeping secrets
close friends with aphro
da ji – unknown
seen a few times around the school with nu wa or zeus, no one knows why
secretly zeus’ lover
discordia – student
good at science, chemistry to be exact
it’s the only thing keeping her in the school – without her skill in science she’d be kicked out
bit of a bitch, pulls pranks on everyone but not on nu wa or artio 
special relationship with nu wa and artio, they lobby for her to stay in the school because they see her potential
erlang shen – student
perfect boy, good at everything
pure, sweet, innocent child that never causes any trouble (he’s a giant nerd ew), friends with everyone
likes cu chulainn but doesn’t know how to say it
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psychocrybabyy · 7 years ago
Do not leave me, will you?
Dan was lying on the floor, looking at the white spotless ceiling above him and acknowledging the new environment around him. It’s been three months since he moved out of his old apartment. Three months since Phil left. He shivers at the thought. The thought that causes him this biologically inexplicable pain in his as he likes to say, black soul, the realization that hits him once again, that he was now all alone in this new flat. 
He wasn’t ungrateful, the new apartment was quite nice and if he was being honest, a relief, since the old one was too filled with Phil.The video games, the giggles, the pranks, even the rare fights. A single tear slid down his face at the memory, his warm brown eyes wet and filled with pain, sorrow shadowing behind them. He remembers all those beautiful memories he and Phil had made in that old apartment, yet everything was different now. Dan was all alone. He hated being alone. He also hated the lack of hospitality in this apartment, the hospitality only Phil could provide. With Phil, Dan felt safe. With Phil, he had a home. Now, everything seemed to be taking much more effort, seemed even scarier somehow. Getting out of 🛏️ every morning, making YouTube videos. He couldn’t make videos. To say he wasn’t in the mood, would be an understatemnt. He felt as if he wasn’t physically and mentally able to make videos without Phil behind the 📹, giggling at his jokes and supporting him, just by his presence around him. YouTube was Dan’s creative outlet. A place where he could be himself and express his opinions on a variety of subjects without being judged, since his audience 💛 him and appreciated him and he was grateful for his followers. But Phil wasn’t there anymore to help him make videos and Dan felt like his creativity had been ripped out off him, just like all the hapiness in his life. He was lost in the void of his existence and he couldn’t handle it anymore. He was desperate. He couldn’t spend another minute locked in that hellhole of an apartment which now felt like a prison. He had to go out. He gets up, leaves the 🏠 and slams the 🚪 behind him. He begins to run. He runs like he has never run before. He feels the cold air hitting his face as he keeps running through the streets of London in this moody evening. He doesn’t stop running until he reaches a thankfully empty park and collapses on one of the benches. Breathing heavily, he wipes his 😢 and hides his face behind his hands. What had he done? How could he have hurt this amazing human being so bad? He wanted to talk to Phil. Apologize and make things the way they were with him. He wanted his best friend back. But he wasn’t sure if it was the appropriate thing to do. Them fighting and Phil moving out was mostly his fault and he was quite embarassed to try to contact him and what was he gonna say? Suddenly, he realized. It was November, that time of the year when they record everyone’s favorite video, Phil is not on 🔥. They were pretty fun to make and everybody seemed to 💛 them. Was that going to be the year in which they’d break with tradition? No. Despite anything else, this was their legacy. It didn’t have to do with branding or any of those stupid stuff people on the internet always obsess over. It was the first video they made together, the one that started it all. And the end of that era hadn’t come yet. He wipes away one last  tear, and his look of disappointment and ultimate sorrow, is replaced by a look of determination. He pulls his mobile out of his jacket and begins to type a message.
<<Phil. How are you? I’m very sorry for bothering you and you can ignore this message if you want to or tell me to never text you again, but I was wondering what are we going to do about Pinof? I just went on Twitter this evening and people are already asking questions about it and I really had no 💡 what to reply to them since we haven’t told them about you know…You moving out. Do you reckon we should do Pinof 9? Or announce that there won’t be a Pinof this year?>>
He presses send before he has the time to overthink this. There’s nothing wrong with a text, is there? He sighs. Surely Phil wouldn’t mind.
The reply came unexpectedly quickly.
<<Hello Dan, I’m good thank you for asking. How has life been to you lately? I reckon we have to do Pinof, I’m not the one to break with tradition now am I? I feel like we should record it some time next week, probably Friday, how is that for you? You can come over, you know my address. Keep an eye on Twitter, I’ll probably tweet about questions tomorrow.>>
He replies to him saying that he is 🆗 with Friday and with that, their first convrersation after 3 months of having no communication whatsoever, is over.
He’s thinking about pinof questions as he gets up to return to the empty apartment. As he stands out of the 🚪 ready to knock on it, he remembers. He lives alone now. And he has no keys. Fuck. What in the name of God was he thinking, not checking his pockets for keys before leaving? What was he gonna do now? An 💡 crosses his mind. Could he… Could he visit Phil? Would that be too inappropriate? His apartment was not so far from his and he had no 💡 where else he could go. But should he call first? No, he wanted to surprise Phil and judge by the look on his face if he truly was welcome there or Phil would just be too nice to tell him to go away. His walk towards Phil’s place seemed endless as he had not yet made up his mind .When he reaches his 🚪, he feels tremendously anxious and unsure about what he was going to do, but despite that, he still does knock on Phil’s 🚪. After a moment, a bemused Phil opens the 🚪.
<<Dan? What are you doing here?>> There’s no malice in his voice, he’s just shocked. At least that’s what Dan hopes as he tries to figure out what exactly he would say.
<<Hi Phil, I’m very sorry, I hope you don’t mind me coming over. I managed to get myself locked out of my apartment and I had nowhere else to go… I’ll call the landlord and ask for a new 🔑 in the morning and be on my way…But if you don’t want me here, you can ask me to leave…>> He looks down to his fingers. He doesn’t even have the courage to look at his former best friend in the eye. What had they become? He thinks to himself.
<<You know, no matter how things will turn out and whatever happens between us, I thought you’d know by now that I’ll always be there for you and you’re always welcome here>> He opens the 🚪 so Dan can get inside his 🏠.
<<So of course you can spend the night.>>
<<Thank you Phil. I really appreciate that…Letting me stay here and not kicking my ass out as you should…>> He sighs. He really is sorry for the way he treated Phil. He shouldn’t have done that. To him, Phil was the brightest ⭐ in the entire galaxy, the most beautiful soul he had ever seen. A deep sadness took  over him, crushing him and shaking him to the core. He looks tortured, like a 👶 who did something wrong, something his mother told him not to and now he regrets doing, he regrets even thinking about it, like it was an awful sin and he had to be forgiven. He breaks into 😢. He can’t hold this waterfall of regret any more, he tried too hard to, but he couldn’t. He has been on the brink of mentally breaking down for 3 months now. Nothing could make him stop thinking about the lack of Phil’s companionship, the feeling of always having someone who genuinely cares about him and is there for him when needed. Dan needed this more than he could understand, more than he was willing to admit to himself. And he did appreciate it. He really did. His mistake was never showing Phil just how much he means to him. Phil on the other ✋, looks at him in horror, unsure of what to do. He has to calm him down, it pains him to 👀 Dan like this, hurt and vulnurable. No matter what Dan said or how much his words  hurt Phil, so much to the point where he had to move out, nothing could make Phil hate Dan. He pulls him into a tight hug, Dan trying to look smaller than he actually is, rests his head on Phil’s shoulder. Phil, as he tries to pat Dan softly on his back, can feel the younger boy’s 😢 streaming down on his own neck and moves his ✋ from Dan’s back to his eyes, wiping away his 😢.
<<It’s 🆗 Danny. Calm down>>
<<No it’s not 🆗 Phil. It never can be 🆗. You’ve spent all these years treating me much better than I deserved and in return, I treated you like 💩, because i’m a stupid arsehole who doesn’t know how to appreciate good people in his life.>>
<<No Dan, really what you said wasn’t nice and I can’t deny the fact that your words hurt me, but really don’t say these stuff about yourself. You are a good person Dan, and I can remember a few times when you were decent towards me.>> He smiles.
<<You don’t understand. I don’t deserve your kidness Phil, I really don’t. But I am very sorry for the pain I caused you. I’m sorry for being a dickhead. I’m sorry for hurting you and not being the best friend you deserve Phil, because you Phil deserve only the nicest people. Only the ones that at least try to make something of themselves by being kind to others, having gentle souls and not spend the entirety of their lives disrespecting others and speaking without thinking twice.>>
Phil is utterly socked. He really doesn’t know how he should react, what to say to calm Dan down. He had forgiven him, hell he couldn’t stand it being 😠 at Dan for too long, no matter what he did show to him, to Phil Dan had already been forgiven.
<<Dan, listen to me. No matter how many times we fight, how 😠 both you and I get at eachother, I can never get too mad at you, can’t stop calling you my best friend. I’m sorry we had to go through this, but we did, and now you’re here and I really don’t have a clue what to say to you, but I forgive you Dan. I forgive us both.>>
Dan looks at Phil, 😢 leaking off of his eyelids and down on his 👕.
<<Why did you leave then, Phil? You promised you wouldn’t, and I know it’s all my fault, and i’m sorry, but why did you leave me when I needed you the most?>>
<<Look, you were so 😠 Dan, you asked me to leave counltess times. You screamed at me and called me names I chose to repress, but you seemed so hurt, I didn’t know what to do, I talked to you, I tried to hug you, to reasure you everything was going to be alright, but you told me you needed time to yourself, and I chose to respect that. I felt so unwanted, like you actually wanted me to leave so desperately. So I did, but looking back to it, I reckon you didn’t truly want me to leave, did you?>>
Dan sighs. Phil is right, he himself basically kicked him out of their apartment.
<<Yeah>> He breathes <<I… I’m so sorry Phil>>
<<No Dan, it was my fault as well. Deep down, I knew even then that you didn’t want me to leave and I hate myself for doing it. I let you down Dan. But i’ll try to make things right Dan. We both will, we have time>>
<<Promise me you’ll never leave me again, will you? I am so lost without you…>>
<<I promise you Danny>>
Despite the seriousness and no matter how deep and emotional their conversation is, Dan can’t help but 😂 at this.
<<Danny? Woah there mister Philip, when did I give you permission to call me Danny ?>>
<<I took it myself.>> He smiles, a huge grin, the only real one that has appeared on his face in an awfully long time <<It suits you>>
<<It does now, doesn’t it? Do I look like a Danny to you mate?>>
<<Ya, you’re one smol Danny boye>> He jokes. <<Isn’t that what the “Phandom” always says?>>
<<Oh dear the Phandom. They do say some weird stuff>>
<<I know, I’m 😨 to go on Tumblr these days>>
<<We got used to it though, didn’t we ?>>
<<Oh yeah, we did. I remember you didn’t always like them, though? I don’t blame you, they have said some 💩>>
<<They have. I mean, I don’t mind them “shipping” us but they go over the top sometimes, kinda disrespectful, you know? And back then, I wasn’t ready for people to know I’m pan, too anxious to talk about it. And what could we do? It wasn’t as if we were dating and being secretive. We weren’t, what could be said to that?Thinking about it, I reckon I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. Maybe we should have told them it was purely platonic.>> was it though? This thought kept messing with him, but for now he tried to ignore it.
<<Yeah, you’re right maybe we should have, I don’t know. There’s not much we can do now, the past is in the past. Let’s just not talk about it again, there’s no point, anymore, they have probably left it behind, and we should too.>>
<<Yes I agree. So, are you sure it’s 🆗 if I stay here tonight ?>>
<<I told you, you’re always welcome here Dan>>
<<Thank you Philly>>
Dan now finally has the time to look around inside Phil’s new apartment and his eyes widen at the sight. Phil’s apartment is huge, white walls and glass everywhere, huge windows from which you can 👀 and admire the entirety of beautiful London. You can even 👀 the London eye and the Big Ben tower. His lounge is nicely decorated with plants, white furniture and anime merchandise. There’s even a 🐟 tank filled with little 🐟, blooping hapilly. Dan moves towards them, eager and curious.
<<Their name’s are Susan,Timmy,Harry and… Dan. I named one after you.>>
<<Thank you Phil. But 🐟? How come you didn’t get hamsters hamster boy?>>
<<Hey, don’t call me that! I dunno, I got some 🐟 to keep me company. They don’t do much, but it’s a nice atmospere, isn’t it? It was pretty lonely here, 🏠 too large for one person. But I couldn’t resist renting it. It has big windows on every wall! You know how much i’ve always wanted to have big windows and a beautiful view>> His 😁 makes Dan’s ❤️ melt. He looks so 🙌 about something so simple like windows. He’s so angelic, like a happy 👶 getting a 🍭.
<<Yeah Phil, I know>> Dan laughs and then continues his quest all around Phil’s 🏠. Suddenly he stops, bewildered. He hears a soft 💩 leaving Phil’s 👄 as he walks into the next room, and stays still.
<<Phil? Is that… is that an actual white grand 🎹?>> He can’t hide the astonishment in his voice.
<<Well, I ordered it a month ago for you and it came just yesterday. I… You know, October still means a lot to me, been wanting to buy you a 🎁 for our “phanniversary”>> He sighs, <<I’ll never say that word again, I’m sorry>>
<< Woah, I mean Phil, thank you so so much, I can’t thank you enough, but really <<Phil, you shouldn’t have. This beautiful 💩 must have cost you a fortune for fuck’s sake!>>
<<No, don’t thank me. I’ve been wanting to buy you one for so long, there just never was enough space for it in our old apartment. And nothing costs too much if it’s for you>>
Dan can’t hold himself. He jumps on Phil and hugs him so tightly he can feel his heartbeat and the warmness of his jumper.
<<This is the single best 🎁 anyone has ever given me.>>
<<I’m so happy you like it! Go on then, play me something>>
<<Phil, you know i’m so bad at it!>>
<<No, you’re not. Play something!>>
He can’t refuse him. He’s far too 🙌 about his present and his fingers so eager to touch the white and black keys shining under the light of Phil’s Totoro lamp on the ceiling. He plays a melody he was certain Phil would enjoy and is right, as Phil looks at him is such awe and can’t help but sing along
<<Link it to the 🌍, link it to yourself>> Phil eyes widen in excitement as Dan continues to play New Born, and before he has even finished playing the song, Phil has already sat next to him, his ✋ on Dan’s shoulder, feeling the muscles of his arm stretch as he hits the last note.
<<It was pretty bad, but I tried. Did you like it?>> He asks, nervous that he didn’t play Phil’s favorite song as nicely as it deserves to be played.
<<Are you joking? I 💛 it>> His 😁 is so bright, it makes Dan’s ❤️ skip a beat.  Phil really is beatiful. It’s not the first time Dan has acknowledged this, but he is so amazingly beautiful. His blue eyes filled with emotion, shining behind his glasses. His 😁, gentle and welcoming, could melt even the coldest person’s ❤️, his black hair, skinny jeans and 🆒 T-shirts. Dan honestly had never seen such beauty. Phil to Dan was perfect, in his own unique way. He shakes his head. What the hell Howell? Isn’t it weird thinking about your best friend that way? His best friend… Phil and he are just friends right? But are they?Is it normal to get this incredibly unnatural feeling of nervousness and God forbid, butterflies in your stomach by the realization of how incredibly adorable your friend is? Dan at least hopes it is. But how could he even pretend? When Phil is his favorite person, the one that never fails to make him 😁? Someone with whom Dan always sees himself with? Always next to him, as friends or otherwise, it’s always Dan and Phil.
Dan suddenly panics. Could he possibly be developing a not so easily ignorable crush on his former flatmate? No that’s not possible. Right?
Then, promptly, Phil stops his wayward thoughts because he gets up and pulls him up with him.
<<I’m really glad you’re here Dan. I really missed you. I missed you manly screaming while we’re playing video games, I missed listenning you playing the 🎹, the banter, I missed waiting for you to wake up…in the noon to watch anime and eat cereal, though you hardly ever had any because I kept stealing yours, I have a problem, 🆗? Don’t judge me! My point is, I was miserasble with you not being here, and I wish we could start over>>
<<I was miserable too Phil. I really was. My mood was always terrible, the existential crisis way more frequent… Anime was not the same without your commentary on it. I was so 😔, I felt so empty all the time you know? The only thing I wanted to do was to call you, tell you how sorry I was and I wouldn’t care if you hung up on me, I just wanted to hear your voice. But I never had the courage to and I’m sorry>>
<<It’s 🆗. You’re here now and that’s all that matters.>> <<Dan…I…>>
He doesn’t answer. He looks deep into Dan’s eyes, grabs his ✋ and pulls him closer, so they lose every sense of personal space. His 👄 are now on Dan’s, his ❤️ pounding in his chest as Dan responds to the 😘, deepening it. Phil’s 👄 are like a prayer, soft and warm, and only then does he realize just how much he wanted to feel those 👄. How much emotion Phil’s 👄 express,  and how deeply 😍 he was with his best friend. Was this really happening? Or was this another one of his dreams? Phil pulls away and smiles at him. It was real.
<<Um…Sorry if this was too inappropriate>>
<<It was Phil. But you have no 💡 how much I 💛 it>> He giggles. He did. Oh how much he did. <<That’s what bros do these days right?>>
<<Yeah, that’s exactly what they do>> He’s 😂 now, a melodic laughter that makes Dan weak.
<<Do not leave me bro, will you?>>
<<No>> He breaths. <<I won’t>>
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danganranpa-v3-imagines · 7 years ago
Could I have the NDRV3 boys reacting to another boy asking them out? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not really creative so add a small twist or something
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Hello! I just took this as my first ask, this seemed like a really cute thing to do and I love writing gay stuff for the boys! I hope this is sufficiently good and all. Thanks for the request!(Everything’s under the cut, since it’s pretty long!)
Shuichi Saihara:- Shuichi clearly looks anxious and distressed after the confession. Even though he’s accustomed to far crazier things, being the Ultimate Detective and all, he is still at a loss of words whenever romance and love comes up.- He blushes and pulls his detective hat down as he moves his head away in embarassment. - But… Shuichi knows that someone’s expecting an answer from him.- “This is one of those times where I have to be more assertive again… I need to believe in myself and face this situation head-on! This can’t be any harder than convicting a culprit, after all!”- He faces the boy again, taking off his hat entirely and holding it with both hands. Shuichi finally speaks up.- “I… I really like you, too. But, to be loved like this… I’ve just not expected it.”- Shuichi starts smiling bashfully, pressing his hat to his chest.- “Thank you so much. Yes, of course I’ll accept your proposal!”Kaito Momota:- Kaito is shocked at hearing the confession. The Luminary of the Stars has such a great destiny ahead of him, but despite all that, someone actually revealed his feelings for him?- And yet, he himself is too scared to reveal his own feelings to the one he loves? No. Kaito just can’t leave it at this. He has to do something!- “It’s not that I don’t want to be with you, but…”- Kaito stopped himself mid-sentence as thoughts rushed through his head.- “What the hell is that kinda start? Did you ever not follow your dreams because you thought you couldn’t follow through with them? Who’s the one that always says that the impossible is possible? Don’t you just want to make him happy, no matter what? Now man up and tell him what you’ve always wanted to!”- “No buts! We two are going to be a couple no matter what lies ahead!”- Kaito notices that he’s gotten tense and clenched his fist. He calms down, grins, and looks the boy into the eyes.- “…So, I guess I can’t call you my sidekick anymore, now that we’re going in a relationship and all… But… you’ve earned that promotion… and my heart.”Ryoma Hoshi:- Hoshi stares into the air after hearing the confession. He then speaks up to say what he has already told the boy many, many times before.- “You do remember that I am still a murderer, an ex-convict, a lost cause, and thus someone you shouldn’t be with, correct? Because it seems like my efforts to keep you safe from me are just falling on deaf ears.”- He was not wrong. The boy is absolutely intent on staying at Ryoma’s side as his partner. He is not going to let go because of something like that, no matter how many times the former Ultimate Tennis Pro said it.- “You are a seriously persistent one, I will give you that. And you really want to walk the path of your life with someone like me, who doesn’t deserve someone as loving as you, even though I’m pushing you away even right now… This really is what love is all about, isn’t it?”- Ryoma sighed. He took on a livelier, more determined expression than before.- “I can’t believe a fool like you has managed to make me so happy, to start making me feel my life has purpose again… I am forever in your debt.”Rantaro Amami:- Rantaro feels insecure after the confession, but as per usual, he hides his true feelings behind his own smile. - “You know, I don’t know what to make of this situation. You sounded really serious, so… I don’t think you were making a joke. It seems like you really are serious about this, aren’t you?”- Rantaro looked down, sighing. His smile then changed to his radiant, genuine one, as he blushed with excitement.- “To hear this from another boy… What have I gotten myself into again? It seems like no matter where I go, there are some very unexpected things waiting for me… That you, of all people would love me back? I couldn’t even begin to guess that one. You seriously got me.”- Rantaro seems to be a lot more relaxed again, having finally gotten his own feelings off his chest. But something is still on his mind…- “Well, I hope you’re aware of what loving me entails for you. I hope you don’t get homesick easily. As the Ultimate Adventurer that still travels the world to find his sisters he’s left behind, like the big brother he is… We’re gonna be out for a long time. But maybe that’s exactly what you’re in for, isn’t it?”Gonta Gokuhara:- As the confession was finished, everything was silent for a short while. Then Gonta jumps up at the realization of what has just gone down.- “You… you really love Gonta? But… you are not lady. It’s always lady who is with true gentleman, right?”- …It seems like Gonta just hasn’t really grasped the concept of sexualities yet. He starts thinking about it all… No, he also just listens to his own feelings.- “Gonta really like that boy, but… Is that what true gentleman does? No. There can’t be any wrong with that. There is no way love ever wrong! Gonta must tell him that Gonta loves him, too!”- He has finally decided. Gonta smiles happily as he gently hugs his new love.- “Gonta… understand. You may not be lady, but Gonta want to treat you like true gentleman treats lady! If no gentleman ever do that before, then Gonta just be first and show them! That’s Gonta’s goal!”Kokichi Ouma- Kokichi… doesn’t look particularly surprised at the confession. He starts talking in his usual sarcastically humourous tone.- “Nishishishishi~ You know, it was totally obvious that you’ve fallen in love with me waaay before you went out of your way to tell me.”- It is uncertain whether Kokichi was actually aware of the boy’s crush all along… or if he is just bluffing as to not suggest cluelessness. In any case…- “Well, as for my own opinion on this whole thing…”- Ouma’s expression and tone changed from his usual nonchalantness to something that looks surprisingly serious, considering it’s from him.- “I think being with you… would be pretty fun.”- Everything was silent for just a short moment. And then he just starts talking again in his usual joking tone, as always.- “I really got you right there, didn’t I? You know, you must really like mysterious types considering you actually fell for me. But now that we are closer than ever, do you think I will finally lay myself bare towards you? Kehehehehe~”Korekiyo Shinguji- After the confession, Korekiyo looked like he was very much lost in thought. For some reason, the normally very composed and almost eerily relaxed anthropologist was… not just his thoughtful, polite self aiming to find the best response, but also excited to think about it, even. - After a long while, he finally spoke up to muster his response.- “Yes, there is no doubt that this confession was sincere, full of feelings. You would truly give himself up to be with me, there is no doubt about it.”- Korekiyo pauses. He takes the suspense of the situation all in. And in that moment, his feelings completely solidify. There is only one response he can possibly give. Even though he still wears his mask as always… He is definitely lightly smiling beneath it, no question about it.- “As would I to be with you… You have got such a radiant spirit. There has been no one whose feelings have ever felt this beautiful to me. And such a strong love has no boundaries.”Keebo- During the confession, Keebo started to blush intensely, and it only got worse as it went on. At the end of it, he falls into a weird, trance-like state. …Did he seriously just crash?- The boy panicked and nervously tried looking for a way to wake Keebo up again. But eventually, Keebo started responding again on his own.- “I… I didn’t understand. I have been looking and looking for a reason as to why you’d love me… But I just couldn’t find it.”- So Keebo was just so concentrated at finding a response to the question he himself had that he didn’t respond anymore. That’s… a relief.- “But, then I realized… I think I finally understand. Love isn’t something that’s always reasonable. It’s just a feeling that occurs, and sometimes you just don’t know why… Just as I’ve been experiencing lately…”- Keebo looked down and started smiling with his usual pure smile.- “I… am so glad that I was finally able to understand love, and now I’m even able to experience how it is to share it with someone, even though I’m a robot… Thank you so much! I promise that I will always stay by your side!”
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tumblunni · 7 years ago
Man it REALLY sucks that the only place you can’t take screenshots is in the cutscenes. SO MUCH GODDAMN PLOT HAPPENED!! I’m gonna try and sum it up! basically ORESHIKA GOT REAL
* Okay so to recap what’s happened before: we’re a magic cursed clan of zombie doods who need to defeat Abe No Senmei to break the curse. We can each only live for two years, so the game is built on hundreds of generations of this family marching into death over and over again until eventually some great great grandkid might get a normal life back. But oddly enough it isn’t actually as super dark as expected, cos you dont really have any personality or bonding scenes with the family members. I kinda stopped getting very upset after the first three generations, now theyve just become a bunch of numbers that i have to selectively breed to make a better next generation. Seriously its been OVER 150 CHARACTERS SO FAR and I’’m only around 2/3rds through the game! And like the plot also seemed super simple and it didn’t feel like anything was gonna happen to anyone outside of the backstory?? I DIDNT EXPECT IT TO GET SO REAL
* Abe No Seimei is a cool smarmy ass jerk villain with a neat design and a weird ancient japanese hand puppet. like this really funky cool wooden mask thing with a giant wig that I legit thought was an actual demon attatched to his arm until it started having clickitty clack face animations. I got REALLY UNUSUALLY SAD ABOUT THAT! Cos seriously abe no seimei is just.. weirdly.. nice...? He keeps telling you how to defeat him, he waits to do all his evil plots when you’re there to watch him, he literally sends you letters to come to his grand feasts celebrating each evil plan. And its so fuckin mysterious and getting to know him is really the only thing driving the plot forwards, cos none of your characters have actual voices. And like.. he’s this immortal guy who seems like he wants to die, and he’s deliberately playing the villain so you guys will be motivated enough to find out a way to do it. And like HE HAS ONLY ONE FRIEND and its HIMSELF DOING A STUPID PUPPET PAL VOICE. i’m really abnormally upset that onigashira isn’t really alive! His cute comedy sidekick doesnt exist! MR SERIOUS VILLAINMAN IS DOING THAT VOICE ALL ALONE IN HIS STUPID SAD HOUSE why do i want to hug this horrible jerkface
* Okay but then the other mystery we have is the character Nueko, who’s a weird demigod of some sort who can reincarnate in human form. She’s the one who gave us our magic zombie powers in the first place, she’s got the power to DIE HORRIBLY REPEATEDLY AND FEED PEOPLE HER BLOOD in order to cure them of deadly diseases and bring them back to life and stuff. And this actually becomes a gameplay thing! You can repeatedly bring her back as a new human reincarnation, and then her special skills let her shield allies from damage at the cost of basically going poof back to the heavens again. Its a really useful relief from the punishing permadeath! While not being overpowered cos she can only save one person per dungeoncrawl, and you cant reincarnate her again for a while afterwards. Anyway she keeps popping up every now and again like ‘hey guys i slept off that last death’ and being a super helpful badass team mom and such. But then THE PLOT STARTS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE Cos it turns out she’s got ~magical anime amnesia~ and doesnt understand her demigodness any better than we do. But wtf why does this evil sorcerer man keep implying he knows some secret about her...?
* THE PLOT TWIST SHE’S HIS MOM HIS MOM and seriously I LOVE ONIGASHIRA SO MUCH its like Nueko: What did you say?! Onigashira: *literally looks out the fourth wall* Did you hear it, kids? He totally said “waaaah, mummy, I missed you so much”, right! Literal actual player prompt: Yes/No Bunni, of course: SLAM THAT YES And oh god its just so extra funny cos Seimei actually doesnt even deny it?? He cracks a semi genuine smile and just looks embarassed, its so weird cos its like the only time he hasnt been all smug grumpy asshole. And I mean if it is indeed true that Onigashira is just a puppet, then the whole thing was his genuine feelings from the start.. ... though also DOES THAT MEAN SEIMEI CAN SEE THROUGH THE FOURTH WALL its weird how thats MORE SCARY than the literal demon doing it! like i feel like the game wants me to be scared of onigashira but he’s just SO CUTE AND FUNNY and I really dont want him to be imaginary okay. can we adopt him after we defeat seimei :(
* BUT ANYWAY UMM Yeah, Nueko is actually his mum despite looking younger than him! He kinda inherited her reincarnation power in a broken way, cos he’s half human. Instead of experiencing multiple lives whenever he chooses it, and getting to nap in the clouds in between, instead he just CANNOT DIE NO MATTER HOW MUCH PUNISHMENT HE TAKES. Seriously he introduced himself by setting himself on fire, burning to a crisp and then growing back his skin right in front of us, just to prove it! I can honestly relate to this guy going mad if he’s had to put up with this super crappy immortality that he never even asked for. And also its gotta sting to see that his own mum gets to stay more youthful looking, lol. i mean he’s pretty bishie too right now, but I’m assuming he’d actually continue to age and thats gotta suck!
* Oh and there’s this really cool element that all the bosses that Seimei summons to figth you become new powerups for Nueko! Its an early clue about their connection- at first she’s like WTF WHY IS THIS HAPPENING, but then it turns out these bosses actually originally were her familiars and she left them to look after her son. So they’re still loyal to her original command until she defeats them in battle. Also the WAY these familiars get used is EXTRA SUPER COOL! They’re sealed in magic tattoos all over her body, so she gets more sweet ink every time you reach a storyline milestone. And then she doesn’t just summon them or just boost her stats, she friggin GROWS MASSIVE MONSTER ARMS ALL OVER THE SHOP! Like I was so worried when her design looked all fanservicey at first, but then she’s never degraded in any way and she gets this super disservice power lol. I can’t imagine any smut fanfiction with her! “Yes hunny i will take off my bra and then BRING OUT THE CRAB ARMS” She grows fuckin CRAB ARMS! And snake heads for legs! She can shoot different demons out of all of her limbs and grow giant horns and wing hair and breathe fire and holy fuckin shit yo. And she’s really fuckin terrifyingly stoic badass even before she unlocks her powers! She could probably crush your head in her palm and not even need the crab. basically I Love Strong Mom
* Oh and apparantly Nueko’s husband was another god who got erased from history? Literally nobody is able to say his name, it comes out as garbled scribbled out text. And at the moment its ambiguous what happened, but it might be possible that he was actually sniped out by his fellow gods for being TOO GOOD. Like, he wanted to make peace with demons and give a bigger share fo divine power to humans, and everyone else was all ‘BUT THE STATUS QUO’ and stabbed him in the back. possibly? Maybe? ITS ALL SO MYSTERY!!
* so ANYWAY ANYWAY a required other thing for explaining the EMOTIONALLY DESTRUCTIVE MOMENT is that there’s this duo of minor helpful npcs i never mentioned before, cos i honestly didnt think they were gonna be important there’s this justice-powered cute princess who’s determined to do political stuffs to clear your clan’s name and let you back into your former land, though all you really see of it is that she makes a few sentences of progress every time you get back from a story dungeon. And then there’s her grumpy ass bodyguard who’s kinda your rival? he’s always hating on you while she always supports you, and its like he’s jealous cos he has a crush on her and doesnt want commoners talking to his precious princes. And blablabla ‘i am the only one strong enough to protect her GRARR i need to get stronger how did you defeat me’ yadda yadda. Except you dont even get to fight him, again its just like one sentence every story dungeon where he says he was totally gonna rescue the magical artifact you beat him to. Even tho he doesnt do it no matter how many years pass, lol So yeah we like.. didnt really even know them very well, but also they felt like this comforting constant that would never leave? GuesS WHAT THE EMOTIONALLY DESTRUCTIVE BIT WAS
* Okay so HEY SEIMEI KIDNPPED PRINCESS LADY HAHA JUST AN ORDINARY DAMSEL IN DISTRESS PLOT we’re TOTALLY gonna successfully get her back, this is probably just filler... HA... HA... HA...
* The rollercoaster of emotions begins! Hey onigashira might actually really be alive! Apparantly this puppet mask is haunted, or something? like onigashira is the name of a whole set of masks that give you super power if you wear them, but turn you beserker loopy demon man. Though they dont seem to be sentient or anything and also like nobody else seems to be able to wear them without losing their humanity?? So like did seimei escape the curse by wearing it as a hand puppet instead? or is the puppet not connected to the masks at all? Or is it gonna be something lame like seimei was never in control of his actions and the puppet is sentient and is the real baddie? COS I LIKE HIM BEING THE CUTE COMIC RELIEF YO Oh, wait, like.. maybe its something like seimei is possessed by the mask but the mask isnt really alive and like.. doing ventriloquism is just his random symptom of this ambiguously defined madness? Like instead of going beserker it made him ‘give in to his instincts’ in a different way, so he stays mostly in control but involuntarily expresses his true hidden feelings through the puppet. Hence why it is the best and cutest goofball who encourages him to be honest and hug his mom. OR JUST I DUNNO I JUST KNOW I HAVE MY FAITH SLIGHTLY RESTORED THAT CUTE SIDEKICK MIGHT BE REAL AND I CAN ADOPT HIM
* but hey guess what happened right after that happy moment of wow cool yay in the middle of me being like ‘yay seimei is so cool yay onigashira is actually gonna play a bigger plot role than just a sidekick and may actually be his own separate character’ SUDDENLY THEY KILL THE SAMURAI And like OHHH NO they dont even JUST kill the samurai I was still thinking the moment was cool!! Seimei throws a second mask on him and curses him to fight the party and i was just like WOW YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD and WHAT A COOL BOSS FIGHT CONCEPT And like I was proud of myself for sweeping the fight super quickly?? I just thought he’d be fine once we got the mask off??? BUT NO HE’S FUCKIN DEAD WE COULDNT UNDO THE CURSE WE JUST HAD TO KILL HIM AND THEY SHOW HIS VERY GRAPHICALLY BLOODIED CORPSE and like his whole plotline got cut off with no resolution?? he only existed to die here?? THE WRITERS NEVER HAD ANY INTENTION OF LETTING HIM CONFESS HIS PRINCESS LOVE. AND HE ALSO NEVER MADE UP WITH US AND LEARNED FROM HIS RIVAL PLOTS he just died really sadly and then like FOR THE SECOND TIME ONLY IN THE ENTIRE GAME we had an actual dialogue choice to decide the personality of our hero first time: lol onigashira mommy jokes second time: pick one of three ways to try and soften the blow as you tell the rescued princess that her childhood friend and crush just died horribly :(
* :(
* the one I picked was telling her he died saving her, not that he was the one being mind controlled to threaten her. :(
* look can i just headcanon that he became a guardian spirit like my characters can do if they get that rare random event. or like.. geez.. why couldnt nueko use her ressurection powers on him if she could do it for us?? they should have at least had a line of dialogue saying something like ‘it cant be done cos his soul was corrupted by the demon power’ or something...
* also seimei I am fuckin pissed. you have been promoted from trash boss who i kinda wanna give a hug to the same thing but without the hug now. you dont even deserve your sweet sidekick! IM TAKING YOUR DAMN PUPPET PAL, SHITTY POOP MAN i fuckin SWEAR if this game doesnt end with me ripping that puppet out of his hands i am gonna throttle a bitch
* ALSO I FUCKIN SWEAR IF THEY PULL A ‘PUPPET PAL WAS THE REAL VILLAIN AND SEIMEI WAS BRAINWASHED’ I AM GONNA DOUBLE CHOKE YA inm gonna fuckin build my own puppet with animatronic stranglin’ hands
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lavieboheme930 · 5 years ago
What would you consider to be the worst television channel out there? I don’t know.
Are you currently sitting on your bed or some other place? Where? At my table in the living room.
Did anything tend to make you extremely happy today? What was it? Getting the audio book of Elton John’s autobiography.
Have you ever had anyone drop off animals at your house? What kind? >> No.
Are you planning on going to the movies with anyone at all this weekend? >> No.
What month is it? Would you consider this to be your favorite month? >> October. one of my favorites.
Do you like any one of your friends in any other way than just a friend? You could say that.
Have you ever made your bf/gf choose between you and someone else? N/A.  
Do you remember when some of the Wal-Marts had McDonalds’ in them? Or not? Nope.
When was the last time you took a shower? Was that too long ago? Other day.  No.
Do you know where the remote to the closest television is located or not? Yes
When was the last time you were somewhere that offered free Wi-Fi? tonight at Starbucks.
Do you know anyone who is on drugs? Are you personally on them? No. No.
Name one interesting fact about yourself that people might not know about? I’m a former figure skater
Do you ever have to write down a phone number to remember it, or not? Yes
Who was the last person you talked to on an instant messaging service? Emma
What color are your curtains? Are you satisfied with this color? green.  Yes.
Does your phone have texting? How many times a day do you text, estimate? A lot of times.
When was the last time you were stung by a bee? What kind was it? >> I’ve never been stung.
Do you know anyone personally who had their house burn down before? No
Do you think the media can further manipulate our teenagers anymore? I don’t know.
Who would you consider to be your favorite American Idol on the show? JASON CASTRO!!! He deserved to win that season!!! And Constantine.  But I’m friends with him, so of course I think he should’ve won 
Do you know anyone who has man-boobs? Do you think they can help it? No
What grade will you be in when your school starts back? When does it start? N/A
Have you ever had someone sypothetically lie to make you feel better? I don’t know.
Do you know anyone who constantly puts themselves down? Why? Pretty much me.  Low self-esteem
When was the last time you layed at night and looked at the stars? Never
What would you consider the cheeziest pick up line ever invented? no idea
If you have an itouch or iphone, what would you consider your favorite App? Candy Crush
When was the last time you had a piece of cake? What was the occassion? last night.  Just wanted to
Do you know anyone who has their septum pierced? Does it look painful? Nope.
Do you think some famous people just shouldn’t be famous at all? Who? Yes.
When was the last time you heard your favorite song on the radio if ever? I have no idea. It’s been a long time.
Do you wish you had a different first name? What do you wish it could be? >> No.
Has anyone ever complimented you on your singing? Did you believe them? Yes.  and no I didn’t.  But he was a professional musician so I knew he knew what he was talking about.
Do you know someone who constantly tries to embarass you on all ocassions? No
Do you know anyone who has dyed their hair a ridiculous neon color? >> No.
What is your favorite kind of potato chip? Are they cheap to buy? plain
Are you afraid to save your surveys cause you think people will read them? No
Has anyone ever kissed you in the rain? Did it seem romantic at the time? Yes.  And I guess
What is one part on your body that hurts at this moment, if anything? my back cause I fell.
What was the last song you listened to? Did you enjoy this song? >> I don’t remember 
What is your heritage? Do you have a bunch of mixed heritages? Italian.
When was the last time you listened to a genre of you music you despise? No idea
How satisfied with life are you at this exact moment in time? Why is this? Sure.  I mean a lot of great things are happening.
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crocadilemile · 7 years ago
Digimon adventure Tri
Started watching this series, done with the first movie. I’ll take a break until the next one but here are my impressions so far..
I have already spoiled myself on the major events and read reviews. The biggest thing for me was the absence of the 02 kids .. it’s clear that the focus is on the 01 crew and so the others are awkwardly out of the picture. Knowing at least the gist of what happens to them, it’s strange to start off with a dramatic, mysterious sequence showing them in peril and then just not addressing it. It raises so many questions - what happened, where are they, why are the others not concerned, etc. I guess it’s convenient that they are out of the way so when digimon start appearing again they’re not involved.. but if I didn’t already know I’d be waiting for it to come up and become a larger part of the story.
It would be nice to have a continuation from their side of the story. at least. It kind of feels like a hook for one. I just really like the 02 kids, especially Daisuke, although they’re not as popular as the original crew.
But, enough complaining about what wasn’t in the show and on to what was.
First off, Meiko and Meicoomon. I’m liking them so far, personally, especially Meicoomon who is everything I ever wanted in a Digimon. I’ll admit I even splurged on a life-size plush of her as soon as the first movie was over. I can see where she and her trainer are very similar to Hikari and Gatomon, although their relationship is quite different - where Gatomon was a former villain who softened after bonding with Hikari, Meicoomon begins as a friendly digimon who is being babied by her partner, and hints at a darker side yet to be seen. 
Meiko herself I think works as a new member of the team, taking more of a passive role as she’s an awkward newcomer to a close knit group. 
Taichi and Yamato’s relationship is something I was never too interested in, as important as it is to the series. It’s another pair of boys who are sort of friends and sort of rivals, who fight a lot and hide their true feelings from each other, and I just wish they would work it out already instead of spending all their time scowling at each other. 
Tai here is beginning to have doubts about battling digimon, which manifests as a lot of brooding and hesitation before just going ahead and battling anyway. There’s not really an alternative on the table - they have to fight to prevent destruction, even if battling causes destruction anyway. Is there something else Tai could do that would be non-violent? Maybe but at this point it appears to be the only option.
Besides Tai and Matt, the other characters are pretty on point. Sora is awkwardly in the middle of Tai and Matt’s feud but she has some funny moments on her own. I like how awkward Izzy still is, how he keeps talking even as everyone else is having a different conversation around him, or how he’s too embarassed to shop for clothes. I could take or leave his crush on Mimi, I don’t care a ton about who dates who, but I admit I was a JoeMimi shipper when I was younger. It’s interesting to see Joe off to the sidelines, dealing with the pressures of school. Joe was always my favorite 01 character, so while it sucks he’s separated from the others most of the time, it’s nice to see his school and home life. I wonder if he really does have a girlfriend, haha.
TK and Kari are still really bland characters. Other than doting on their older siblings and maybe flirting, they’re still the little-kid characters who grew up and lost their personality. At least if Davis was around he’d be hitting on Kari or trying to one-up TK, without him TK and Kari are just kind of there.
(I realize here I’m super inconsistent with the original and dub names. I grew up watching the dub and have since switched to subs, but I still mix them up. Oh well.)
Anyway, there are five more movies to go.. We’ll see how my feelings change after I finish them.
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