#and some mohg merch too :D
raiko-maneko3 · 12 days
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I don’t have much to offer except stickers of my wife that I made
Close up
(Btw thanks for @mitsybubbles for the idea of the last one, it was really fun to do :] )
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angry-goat · 2 years
Elden Ring
Is it just or was Malenia overhyped? Like there were other bosses just as (or more) important as her in the story.
At least from what I noticed she mainly became popular because she was a giant lady which was already super popular in character design at that moment because of Lady D from RE8.
Both got overhyped and popular for their looks and both disappointed me.
I don't know... To me there were a lot more characters to put the spotlight on. Like, I find it kinda weird they made a statue of her and her helmet for the pre-order plus she's on all the cover art and trailers yet her presence is just as big as other bosses. And I'm not just saying this because I'm a fan of Mohg but imagine if they put some focus on him too in advertising? His whole theme is just overall cool and I love his whole cult. White Faced Varre became a popular character immediately (yes, ik mainly cause he calls you Bitchless and tells you to go die in a ditch) but focusing on the Mohgwyn dynasty or even Morgott a bit more would have been good choices.
Spread out the merch and characters in advertising a bit more I guess?
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