#and some bigger ones too like baleia baleia baleia
heavenknowsffs · 2 years
Should be proud of myself but tbh i feel stagnated, my camera is collecting dust and i haven't shot a concert in months nor has anyone ever contacted me wanting a shoot or a print
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Update for Aymeric story
As requested from my friend @lxghtwarrior Here is the next installment of the Taashiel and Aymeric story. Warning: It’s long
The Tailios family had lived in Ihsgard for almost two years. Each night Taashiel would take Damekia’s chocobos out for a fly. In the day he would take his chocobo, Baleia, but he felt Damekia’s needed to stretch their wings as well. Therefore, every night, after his kids were asleep, he would take Vilok and her Draught chocobo for a fly. These nightly endeavors he would take alone. Just so for a few moments he could spend to himself and his thoughts. The thoughts consisted of many troubled memories. Deaths of his comrades, friends, and his dear late wife. Each troubled though, every ghost of his past reduced the blonde Miqo’te to tears. But the tears were always gone by the time he made it back to De Borel Manor.
           Most nights, Ser Aymeric would come back to his manor to check on the family. He never stayed the night though, too much paper work needed to be taken care of before he could sleep. Sleep was more of wherever Aymeric’s body decided it was done for the day. Whether it was his desk, his study chair in his library, or wherever else he could sit, he could sleep. One night, when he actually was able to finish his nightly duties and governmental paper work, he went to the Tailios family for an early visit.
           He used his key and unlocked the doors to his manor. When the large doors moved open, he was soon greeted by a squeal of delight as he felt a weight suddenly be against his chest. In instinct, his arms moved to grab whatever it was. Turns out the new found weight was Rohka. Being twelve now, she wasn’t as easy to hold as she used to be. Blame that on her growth spurt over the summer. Her ears flicked in pleasure and her tail wagged from side to side as she wrapped her arms around the Elezen’s neck.
           “Uncle Aymeric! Tell dad that I don’t want to go to bed,” She cried as she buried her face in his neck.
           The man was surprised to say the least but when he saw the blonde Miqo’te tapping his foot with his arms crossed over by the hallway he couldn’t help but chuckle at the situation. The look of Taashiel’s face said he was sorry but Aymeric dismissed the apology. “Now dear Rohka. If you do not go to bed you cannot wake up for me to teach you how to make delicious dodo omelets in the morning.”
           This actually worked. The young girl pulled away with a betrayed gasp of horror. “You’re right! And I want to learn from you! You are the best cook, way better than daddy!”
           Taashiel scrunched his face but chuckled none the less. “Hey, I will have you know that I survived out in the woods of the Shroud on deer meet and fruits until I met your mother. I may not be the best but I can survive.”
           He started to make his way over, but Aymeric raised his hand, “What do you say about me putting her to bed this evening?”
           The offer caught Taashiel off guard. In the two years they had been living there Aymeric hadn’t offered to tuck the children in. Sure, sometimes he read them stories or sang them a song while Taashiel played, but he never wanted to tuck them in by himself. Taa looked outside and saw the sun was already set. “Alright, I need to head out soon anyway.”
           “Do not think of leaving without letting me come with you,” The dark haired man said with a surprisingly stern tone. Years of politics and learning how to rule a country would allow a person to know when to use what tone. This was the right tone for now. “I want to accompany you tonight.”
           With that, he didn’t give Taashiel another thought as he went down the hall and toward the spare bedroom which was now the children’s. Dagasi was already asleep, probably tired from his sword training during the day. Aymeric gently laid the small Miqo’te girl down in her bed and pulled the covers over her small frame.
           “You best receive a good night rest,” Aymeric said pushing her hair from her face with a gentle grin. “I want to see how well you remembered my lessons come the morrow.” He patted her head before he began to pull away. He was stopped when the girl grabbed the hem of his coat. A soft hum rumbled in his throat when he looked back at the girl.
           “Uncle Aymeric, do you like my dad?” Her purple eyes glistened in the dim light, as if she was hoping for her thoughts to be true.
           Aymeric left a sigh leave his nose as he kneeled back down by her side. “You are old enough to know what love is. Well, the truth be not that I like you father, but rather I love him. He has done so many wonderful deeds for my country and her people. He has been an amazing friend and companion to me and I want to be the same to him. I desire the same wish you have dear one.”
           “That dad becomes happy again?” she asked as she looked at a small bracelet wrapped around her wrist.
           Aymeric took her hand and held it tight in his own. “Yes, little one. That is all I wish in the world for the time being. Is that your father learns to be happy and joyful again. The man he was when I fell in love with him.” He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Rest well young princess and may you have the sweetest of dreams this eve.”
           The girl giggled and curled under her blankets as he walked out the room and closed the door behind him. His walk back to the living seemed to be an endless hall. Images of Taashiel before he left Ishgard flickered into his mind. The man felt a pain in his chest placing those images next to the recent memory of his dear friend. The differences would seem as though he was a whole new person. The usual happy grin was replaced with a solemn frown. The laughter was replaced with tears of pain and sorrow. He was a completely different man. He only wanted his friend back.
           When he came from the hall and into the foyer, he saw Taashiel putting on a coat. He tied it around the cloth around his waist to keep the wind from blowing into his torso. He opened the door and the cold air rushed into the manor and almost blew out the foyer fire. Taashiel was almost out of the door before he was grabbed by his wrist. Quickly jerked his head back and saw the concerned blue eyes of Aymeric starring at him with worry.
           “Where are you going?” He asked both genuine curiosity and concern.
           “I’m going out, like I do every night,” Taashiel said with a deadpan tone as he arched a brow to the Elezen. “I always take Damekia’s chocobos out to fly at night so they aren’t cooped up at the stables.”
           Aymeric had no idea Taashiel did that for the birds. Most nights he would come over and find Taashiel sitting in front of the fire place thinking to himself or reading a book. He must always come back moments before Aymeric showed up to the door.
           “Mayhap I join you tonight?” He asked suddenly and swiftly, and with such earnest that it caught Taashiel off guard.
           “Wait, you want to come flying with me? Don’t you have some paper work or something?” He asked tilting his head to the side slightly.
           Aymeric shook his head with a semi-proud smirk, “By some miracle of Halone, I was able to complete all of the day’s work.”  
           Taashiel eyed the man for a moment, searching his eyes for any sort of lie that he might be telling. But seeing the conviction set in him, who was he to say no? With a reluctant sigh, the Miqo’te agreed. On their walk to the stables he explained that usually he takes the birds to Falcon’s Nest so he can come back before he figured Aymeric would show up. Sometimes he came and sometimes he didn’t, but Taashiel made sure to be back before then. When they reached the stables, Taashiel went to find Damekia’s draught chocobo, but he made sure to feed her favorite bird Vilok before he took the bigger bird out of the stable. With a soft and gentle voice, he stroked the long feathered neck and led her out the building. Her wings flapped and her clawed feet barely stayed on the ground as she pranced to leave the city for the night.
           “I know girl, and you’re getting an extra work out tonight. You aren’t just carrying me,” He said motioning to Aymeric who was petting the bird’s chest. The bird made a happy “kweh” noise as her head went to nuzzle Aymeric’s face. The man chuckled and ran his hands over her face.
           That laugh. His laugh, pure and innocent as though his father hadn’t betrayed him, as though his best friend hadn’t die in his lap, and as though his life hadn’t been threatened on multiple occasions. It was still full of joy and to Taashiel absolutely precious. It made his heart swell and the corner of his lips to turn up into a soft grin. Hiding the grin, he quickly jumped on the chocobo and reached his hand down to help Aymeric up. With some effort, mainly due to his armor, Aymeric was able to climb on the back of the bird and rested easily in the two person seat.
           They made their way toward the air ship landing and with a run and go, the bird spread its wings and the two were off into the air. The initial jolt was always a surprise feeling yourself defy gravity, knowing you should be falling but yet you defied nature and stayed above the ground, looking down at everything below them. Taashiel loved this feeling. The air blowing through his hair and the view from above. He almost felt like he was a god, but he never let this moment go to his head. No, he had other reasons he loved to fly. Aymeric on the other hand didn’t seem to be the happiest. His arms grabbed tightly around the man in front of him, causing Taahsiel to be broken from his moment of bliss.
           He looked over his shoulder and saw Aymeric barely peeking over his shoulder to look at the ground below them. Was this fear he saw? He stopped the bird for a moment and turned to face his friend, “Is the Lord Commander afraid of heights?”
           Aymeric shook his face and did his best to conceal his emotions, but Taashiel had picked up on a few key factors that usually betrayed him. For Taashiel it was his ears, for Aymeric it was his arms and hands. With his arms so tightly wrapped around Taa’s torso, it was no doubt that the Lord Commander did indeed have a fear. The Miqo’te laughed and shook his head, “Don’t worry, we won’t be this high for too long.”
           He drove the bird closer to the ground so the two were not so high in the air. The closer they got to the ground, more relaxed Aymeric’s form became. Around twenty feet above ground, his arms relaxed and he was able to sit easily in the seat again. He looked around and still had a decent view of his country. This was all so new to him. He had only ever been out of the Holy See once and that was to go to the Churning Mist to speak with the Moogles. There was so much of his homeland that he had not seen before, let alone from this close toward the heavens. His eyes glimmered and shined with awe as he overlook the world he called his home. White, everything was white and pure. It was as though the land had forgotten that many soldiers’ lives were lost defending the city from dragon attacks. The blood that was spilled and the bodies lost among the ever falling snow were blanketed by the new fall. The future that Aymeric wanted to work toward in his country. A new country, leaving behind their past but not forgetting it, to work toward a better and peaceful future.
           But he knew where that needed to start. He turned his gaze away from the surroundings and back to the man in front of him. The Miqo’te had his eyes closed and for once he seemed to be at peace. His chin was lifted to the sky as though he was letting the wind caress his skin and soothe him for what time he could spare in the blistering cold winds. Aymeric didn’t want to break him from his silence, but he placed a hand on the man’s shoulder.
           “Thank you for bringing me with you. There is so much of my home I have only heard from your stories. To see them is truly a sight to remember,” he said with a soft grin. Taashiel nodded and let a small grin dance on his features.
           “You’re welcome. It’s nice to have someone with me for a change.” He turned his head forward but soon pulled the reigns of the chocobo to get the large bird to stop. Aymeric blinked and looked around, wondering why Taashiel stopped the journey. When he looked to the cat, he must have been reading Aymeric’s mind, because all he did was point a finger toward the sky. Aymeric’s confused gaze soon turned to splendor when he saw the bright constellations shimmering in the sky. The twinkling lights could not be seen so well within the Holy See due to the lanterns keeping the streets lit at night. It didn’t help in Aymeric’s case that he hardly ever leaves his office. To him, this was another sight in its own.
           “I now understand why the Astrologian’s placed their observatory out in the Highlands. The view of the heavens is far more pronounced and glorious in the wild than in the city,” he mused as he gazed, but unlike the Astrologians, he could not see the constellations they were so adamant about. All he saw were shimmering dots in the sky. A soft frown replaced his grin as his mind’s eye try to piece together the pictures and stories he had been told.
           “I know you enjoy my stories, but would you like to hear one that is hidden within the stars?” Taashiel asked joining Aymeric’s gaze to look at the stars.
           “I would love to, but I fear I will not be able to see the same pictures as you,” he chuckled but none the less he still wanted to hear the story told by the bard.
           “Don’t worry, I’ll help you see the constellations,” he raised a finger and pointed to three stars that were in a curve. “See those three? That is the draw string of Oschon’s bow, the brightest star to the right of them is the tip of his arrow. The two stars to the left are his arm and shoulders, pulled back to fire his great arrow.”
           Aymeric tried and although he saw the stars that Taashiel mentioned, he could only make up an image to fight the figure he was describing. But in order to keep the story going, he nodded and waited for the next.
           “Now, not far from Oschon there is your deity, Halone. You can see her great spear by the four stars directly in a line. There is one star above the second to last that if you follow a line lead to three stars making up her crown.” Taashiel moved his finger to trace the stars so Aymeric knew where to look. This one was a little bit harder to visualize and took some imagination on the Elezen’s part.
           “Because you have taken your time to illustrate the constellations, I can only assume the story you are about to tell me features the Fury herself and the Wanderer?” He asked to which he only received a curt nod as a response.
           Soon Taashiel wove a magnificent tail of how Oschon took the young Halone with him on his journeys. The young girl was timid and scared when they first met, but during their time together she found her true strength. Her wanton for justice against the creatures who wronged people. Her savage might and spear slaughtering those who dared to do wrong by betraying her, being cowardly and fleeing from battle and those who dared to betray the hearts of those who loved them. During that time, Oschon and Halone grew rather fond of each other, and Halone did not want to leave Oschon’s side. She wanted to continue on the journey and grow stronger by doing battle. But the life mother, Nophica learned of Halone’s destruction toward Nophica’s creatures and wanted her head. Halone refused the challenge which only angered Nophica more. Oschon, feeling responsible for the mess and wanting to keep Halone safe, went to calm Nophica. From cooled lava did Oschon create Nald’thal, the final deity of the twelve to give passage to the souls of Nophica’s children. Nophica was calmed and to this day, Oschon and Halone still travel together. Halone growing in strength and Oschon having himself a travelling companion.
           When the story was done, Aymeric could clearly see the constellations his friend was trying to depict to him. The illustrations through Taashiel’s words always seemed to give his imagination the boost it needed for his mind’s eye to see what he couldn’t before. Though, some of those words rang true. He was a devote follower of Halone and he knew Taashiel prayed to Oschon. Aymeric looked for justice in the world, and Taashiel was forever wandering Eorzea in order to fight with his bow. They seemed to mirror the two gods. And this is what Aymeric wanted to be to Taashiel. A companion, an immortal companion.
           “Aymeric,” Taashiel broke the silence with a sigh. “I know that I have not been the easiest to put up with over these last two years.” Aymeric went to speak but Taashiel raised his hand to stop him. Seemed the Miqo’te still had more to say.
           “After Damekia’s death, I feared and felt that I would never be able to be happy again, to feel love again,” his words made Aymeric’s heart skip a beat. His hopes were rising but yet he remained still and firm as he listened.
           “But it seems I was wrong,” Taashiel turned to look Aymeric in the eyes. And for that moment Aymeric saw in those purple orbs the man he had been missing. The man he had fallen in love with all those years ago. Unbeknownst to him, Aymeric’s body began to lean forward. Taashiel took notice of the slow movement and unlike last time, he didn’t move. Instead he too began to lean into the other man and soon their lips touched.
           Both men seemed to melt when they felt the warmth of the other’s lips. Their hands soon found themselves touching the others bodies, holding on to their sides and kneading gently, as if to let the other know they were there for them. That they were not going anywhere. Their eyes closed and enjoying the moment, Taashiel felt a sense of relief wash over. As if he was finally able to let Damekia rest in peace knowing he was able to find happiness again. He felt as though she was smiling at him from the heavens and chuckling, “You silly gay cat.”
A world of weights lifted from Taashiel and he wanted to shout, scream, dance and laugh as they flew through the air at amazing speeds. But seeing as they were still kissing, he only wrapped his arms around Aymeric’s neck and soon pulled away with a soft laugh that grew and grew. Aymeric, although confused by the sudden laughing, soon joined in with his friend and the two pushed out the whispering winds and replaced them with the joyous noise. It had been too long since Aymeric heard Taashiel laugh this whole heartedly and it was a welcome change, one long overdue.
The pains of the world, the stress of their day to day life and the fear of the unknown tomorrow dissipated like their breaths from the copious amounts of laughing they were doing. If a person were to fly by or seeing them laughing, they would think these two to be mad. Then again maybe they were. Crazy mad for each other and for the hope of a better future. Call them insane or mad, they did not care what the world thought of them. Seven hells, Aymeric didn’t care what the Orthodox Church thought of him. If he was going to lead the House of the Lords and the temple knights as Lord Commander, he was going to do it with Taashiel by his side. No matter what side way glances he received. No matter what scornful comment about his choices. By the Fury, he was going to stay with this man and let him being the solace from his works, as well as help him forget the troubles of the warrior’s past.
Taashiel seriously couldn’t be any happier. His up turned lips, the crow’s feet appearing beside his eyes and his shaking shoulders proved that he was in heaven. Aymeric, a man that he had sought after years ago, and who mutually returned the feelings, was sitting on Damekia’s chocobo laughing with him. Their first kiss in almost sixteen years. Yet it felt like nothing had changed. The passion that Taashiel felt still lingered on his lips and within every fiber of his being. Although the wind and snow threatened to chill him to the bone, he felt warm from his ears to his toes. Warm with the love that he felt for Aymeric and warm with the joy of feeling happy again.
Happy. This emotion felt strange to the man. Having been swallowed up by sorrow and depression for the last two years, this emotion felt new to him. As though he had never experienced it before. But he knew that if he stayed by Aymeric that he would feel this daily. Feel this surplus amount of joy and gaiety on an almost constant basis. The same way he had felt with Damekia. He would never forget her, but it was time to let her soul rest in ease. Time for his children to have another parental figure in their lives. Time for him to dance, sing and play his instruments once more.  Aymeric, dear Oschon, how wonderful it felt just to think his name.
“Aymeric,” Taashiel let the beautiful name slip past his lips when he finally calmed down from his fits of laughter.
The Elezen too calmed and heard his name be ushered from his friend. He had heard him say his name before, but this soft whisper of pure joy made his heart skip a beat in his chest. He had to know what more the Miqo’te would say. He gave a hum as a response, not wanting to soil the air with any of his own words. Only to listen to what Taashiel had to say.
What came out of the man’s mouth was something Aymeric was not expecting.
“I love you.”
Those three simple words made Aymeric feel as though he was in heaven. Even though they were in the air, he felt like he could fly higher and higher and not be frightened by the height and intensity. In all their years of knowing each other and knowing how the other felt, not once did these words ever slip past their lips. In all those years, Taashiel thought he only felt lust toward the Lord Commander. His mortal flaw of needing attention and acceptance, whether it be friendship or sexual. He needed feel that people wanted him. Because of this want and desire, he thought that Aymeric was another Thancred. Just someone who he lusted after. Lusted after their body and their attention. But unlike Thancred, Aymeric returned the desperate need for want. Their feelings were one in the same but neither of them truly understood the severity of their emotions. As a response, Aymeric let four words leave his mouth.
“I love you too.”
Tears of joy and relief threatened to spring in Taashiel’s purple eyes. They shimmered but the soft smile on his face let Aymeric know that his tears were not of sorrow or pain. The two men embraced each other and let the sounds of their beating hearts drown out the whirling winds surrounding them. In this moment it was just them. Just them and their love for each other. They would have stayed in this moment, were it not for the wings of the poor bird growing tired from carrying two full grown men on its back.
It made a tired kweh sound and Taashiel knew it was time to head back. He flew the three of them back toward Falcon’s Nest and then would be soon to the Holy See. The silent flight back to their home was nice and comforting. Not a loud and painful silence that used to be between them. No, this was a warm and welcome lack of words. Where only body language and the words their eyes showed could fully describe the emotions they felt.
Taashiel stabled the chocobo and hand in hand, the two men made their way back to De Borel manor. The Forgotten Knight wasn’t far from the manor and the two men could hear the shouting and off tune singing coming from the establishment. The urge to get a drink rose within Taashiel, but knowing how much of a light weight he was, he opted out of it. They reached the door and Aymeric stopped. The Miqo’te turned to wonder why the man had stopped. Why did he chose to stay out here in the cold rather than go into the warmth?
His answer was soon received when he felt his back be pressed against the door and the firm body pressed against his torso. In the surprise, Taashiel’s eyes widened. That lasted but a moment when the pleasure of passion washed over him. His tail twirled and wrapped around Aymeric’s leg as his shoulder slide and sunk down the wall behind him. The only power keeping him upright was Aymeric’s firm hand on his hip, since the other one was on the wall behind the head of the other man. It was Aymeic’s turn to lust. He wanted this man in more ways than before. They had been in a position close to this before in Ala Mhigo, but the presence of a war was far more important than sexual drive. The night was peaceful except for the soft moans and growls of the two men passionately kissing each other. The heat blooming in both of their cores, and the soft panting when they pulled apart left them no time to wander about what to do next. They needed each other. Needed to fully escape from their everyday lives and focus solely on each other.
“Perhaps we should take this endeavor to a more secluded and private location?” Aymeric questioned, his lips nay an ilm from Taashiel’s.
“I don’t want the kids to wake and find their father tangled up in bed sheets with someone.”
“Then to my personal study back at the Congregation?” The thought made both men blush. It was his personal and private office, but it was a place where most of Ishgard religious leaders could be found as well as the headquarters for the Temple Knights and here they were going to have intercourse. Perverse thoughts filled their minds. Mostly of one bending over the wooden desk so the other could have their way.
Taashiel was about to speak but a soft gasp left instead when he felt Aymeric’s hips press against his and he could easily feel the hard length press against his own fully erect member. No time to waste, Taashiel grabbed the man’s hand and they practically ran past the Forgotten Knight and into the Congregation hall and straight to Aymeric’s private chambers. Of course, they were met with some confused glances from other Temple Knights, but they could not be troubled by others. Their desires were piquing and there was nothing yet to quench their thirst. It had been too long since either of them had felt this pleasure and the passion within moments like this, shared with someone you love. The tender embraces accompanied by the rough nature of the act was a want burning within the hearts of both of the men. They couldn’t wait any longer, with the door locked and both of them alone, they went to work. To try and quench that unending thirst they had for each other.
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