#and so she'd use it as like to get sympathy from strangers
boomalope-pope · 1 year
Hey guys, have you noticed how a lot of your personal issues relate back to how your parents treated you as a child, that's fucked up
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green-swan · 4 months
cigarette or zoot? (pt. 1) | joost klein x f1! driver (fem!reader)
in which london and smoking are synonymous with meeting a cute dutch artist
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when AVROTROS approached her about eurovision, she thought they made a mistake. max was dutch. she wasn't. her lithuanian roots were deeper than any other identity she could've carved for herself. in the end she agreed; going in their cars with max around the city of malmö, visiting a few eurovision parties and most importantly, interact with joost klein (whom she didn't know, mind you) and teach him how to use an F1 simulator. this was going to be a heavy week. thank god it was in a month, right now she had a race to win.
first came the party - london was a welcome destination for the young driver. she thrived under the busy nature of it even in what some would call late, and others early, hours. she couldn't say the same for crowds though, the moving mosh of strangers all too close to each other and trying to show their superiority (the latter was aimed at men to be fair). she did see silvester, and the two had a lengthy conversation that didn't come to a conclusion but rather stayed at "what the fuck, let's make lithuania internationally famous!" she had hoped for a good place in eurovision, if not victory, while silvester (silvestras sounded more like home) had voiced his wish for her to win the upcoming miami grand prix and not only become the first female to do so, but also the first from lithuania. the pressure was on.
unfortunately, she lost silvester after getting a drink, so what really was the point of staying in the now airless room? she grabbed her drink and went to the rooftop that really should've been closed. her short frame slumped against a railing and she lit a cigarette, making it a point to hold it between her thumb and index finger. it was quiet, and london shimmered in different shades of yellow and white. so many people, some praying, some arguing, some alone. it felt peaceful despite the harsh wind that threatened to put out her cigarette.
"cigarette or zoot?" an accented voice sounded out, breaking the howls of wind. she turned around, spotting a man in what would've been a formal outfit had it not been for the pyramid-shaped shoulder pads on his blazer. joost klein, the man she was meant to interact with in front of cameras later that month. "cigarette," she answered, "though they call them something else here," she finished with an unsure smile. "i thought we couldn't bring tobacco in here?" he questioned, with a miscievous undertone in his voice. "they didn't check me, so it's on them," the driver shrugged, "why? you want one?"
"god, yes please!"
she took out another one from her pack, put it in between her glossed lips (joost thought that the gloss suited her) and lit it before giving it to the dutch man. "you know, i once tried eating a cigarette," he started, earning an incredulous look from the shorter girl. "what? did it taste good?" her curiosity was cute, "what do you think?"
"i once nearly swallowed jet fuel," she said with sympathy, "i get it."
joost knew who she was, well vaguely. the only female formula 1 driver and the only lithuanian on the grid. so why did AVROTROS want him to interact with her in addition to her dutch teammate? by that point, the wind had calmed down, an eery silence on brink of errupting had it not been for the music blasting from downstairs. she hummed a few lyrics before he spoke up, startling her heart as if she'd forgotten that he was indeed still there.
"can i take a picture of you right now?"
"you're pretty. you look really beautiful in this moment, and i want to capture it."
she thought for a moment. "okay, if you let me take one of you after." he smiled. (he was so going to convince her to be on the cover of his next album)
note: jumping on the joost klein bandwagon (hehe been a fan for a while! got tickets for his europapa tour so i've been riding on cloud 9). i also love formula 1 and so thought why not combine them?
as the first paragraph indicates there will be (probably short and sweet) chapters and maybe extra ones after if this goes well <3
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circeyoru · 7 months
Hi.. Can I ask for yandere alastor with the reader who owns his soul, ( more questions because I'm curious about this scenario )....
What would it be like if the reader, through guilt, gave her soul to Alastor, like it would be fair for the reader to give her soul to Alastor, since he gave his soul to the reader ( would Alastor see this as a distorted marriage proposal? as a declaration of love, distorted? )
What would it be like if the others at the hotel found out about this relationship between Alastor and reader? What would it be like if there were more than 1 yandere, what would it be like if vox or lucifer slowly became yanderes for the reader, what would happen?
To those that have no idea what this is talking about, check out {Unwanted Soul}
I am not kidding when I say there's a back-to-back request on the first question. So I had to answer in the other request cause this second question's answer's gonna be a long one
For the 2nd question.
Part 1. Basically, Charlie and the other's reaction to finding out about Alastor and Reader's relationship, including the soul-owning thing (but not the details like limited power, or you healing Alastor)
As a baseline, they all unanimously agreed that Alastor was the one completely and utterly obsessed with you, and you just accepted it and made the best of the situation. Niffty: She doesn't see an issue. Alastor had mentioned you to her beforehand. She was also the one to fix up your room before you moved in. She encourages and even asks for your secret. How did you get bad boy Alastor to commit to you? She wants some of the action too. (you told Alastor to keep Niffty away from you whenever she's in that crazy zone, but then you got used it to, somewhat) Husk: He thought he could use it to his advantage. You were the timid and quiet type. So he actually tried to get your sympathy to his situation, Alastor was being threatening, Alastor was being mean. Haha, no go. Because you didn't care. He picked up that your attention and interest is very limited and hard to gain, Alastor taking years to do so even. Now Husk gave up on trying to get you to help his situation, but when he saw Alastor acting that docile to you and you not using your powers against Alastor? He's envious that you weren't the one to hold his soul Angel: Shocked. 100% shocked that Alastor willingly given his soul to a weaker demon (he never saw you battling Adam or your powers and abilities in action). Similar to Husk, he's actually envious that you didn't do anything against Alastor's will, even when you have his soul in the palm of your hands. He saw that Alastor was as free as a bird, really. He also wanted that freedom that Alastor had and the bond you two shared. He's very confused as to why Alastor was that enamoured with you though, you weren't anything special (don't let Alastor hear that). He spoke to you since about it and you agreed without missing a beat. Yeah, he's so confused Vaggie: A bit of Husk and Angel's reaction. She's shocked that you own Alastor's soul and have his affection, confused that Alastor gave his soul to you and acts lovey-dovey with you, and grateful that you were the one to have Alastor's soul. While it was a bit to take in, knowing that you were less inclined to violence and destruction, you weren't a threat to the hotel or Charlie. So that was good. Still, she is aware that your emotions can flip easily and Alastor will act on them faster than you'd stop him or you just won't. She knows you're a landmine and she needs to be careful Charlie: Very very supportive. Her brain literally skipped the whole soul-owning bit. Alastor loves you a lot and you love Alastor in your own unique way. It's like her and Vaggie! She's so happy to have another couple in the hotel. She'd try arranging double dates, if that's possible. Alastor's 100% for it since he gets to spend time with you, but knows you'd rather not have other strangers (Charlie and Vaggie) roped into your hobby and interest. She tries to give relationship advice and ask for some from you and Alastor. The first few times, you let her, but then you got annoyed with it. It wasn't established that you and Alastor were a couple and he didn't mind, with that label also coming out of Charlie's mouth. You were quick to avoid her whenever you wandered around the hotel. Alastor steps in and strictly warns Charlie not to try helping again Lucifer: Very hesitant to accept it, but lets his skeptism go when he sees you were happy and fine with the situation. He's amazed that you got Alastor to give his soul to you that easily, but he's also scared that you might have gotten into deep sh*t with you connection with Alastor. He keeps an eye out for you, sometimes checking in with you too
Part 2. What if there's more yanderes for Reader?
Are you trying to exhaust yourself? Yanderes you mentioned, Lucifer and Vox crave attention and you don't exactly give a lot. Remember, you're a shut-in and you can do without the extra presence around you. Since Alastor is more than enough (he's so happy to hear that). Needless to say, you avoid a repeat of what happened to Alastor. You read and watch anime, you know the signs. The reason why Alastor was let into your life was because he was the one giving you attention and didn't hinder you, plus he grew on you. Another thing, time. It took Alastor 7 years and you still sent him away to the hotel to work for some minor interest of yours. You think there can just be a new yandere? No, no. You're happy to prove that you were no pushover. Alastor is essentially under your command and he will happily take your orders and fulfil them beyond your expectations. So Vox is trying to spy on you? "Cut off his power, Alastor." Yeah, the Vee's entire area was out of electricity for a good few days. Lucifer's breaking into your room? "Alastor, set up a barrier." You're in some form of shadow realm, curtsy of Alastor's power, with all you ever need. You are the type to stick to one extreme and have sides as 'back-up', you can have Lucifer as a friend, but never a yandere since you can't handle it. As for Vox? You don't even know him. At least with Lucifer, you once worked for him. Plus Vox is Alastor's rivial, right? Let them fight, you're sure Alastor can handle it even with his powers limited.
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happynowyo · 1 year
Reflection, part 3
Fandom: Six of crows
Warnings: Kaz Brekker and everything that goes with him
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Shadow Summoner!OC
Summary: The long-awaited meeting finally happens and Jess is left with choice between what's good and what's right for her
Word count: 2,5k
Tag list: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @valkyrie05x, @parabatai-winchester, @footydais, @valeridarkness
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
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Inej, as the stranger introduced herself, turned out to be part of the Crows, who operated under Kaz Brekker's command. Jess didn't know him, but she'd heard his name dozens of times in the couple of hours she'd spent near the town square.
The guy was a legend among the criminals of Ketterdam, and for some reason she was not surprised that Nina was among his gang. Her passionate nature and love of adventure were bound to lead the Heartrender to something like that.
Jess made good use of her time before they reached the Crow Club, so she managed to get Inej to talk a little and find out details about their activities. The short story about the Crows being involved in the recent events in the Fold and helping Alina made her feel a little more sympathy for them, and judging by the respect shadowed on Inej's face, it was mutual when Jess shared a reciprocal story about helping Alina adapt during her first months in the Little Palace. Her heart was warmed by the pleasant thought that Alina had quietly and peacefully left after the big fight and, as Jess hoped, remained safe.
The memory of her father sent a wave of shivers down her skin, tightly concealed by a black suit that looked more like a man's, but Jess forced herself to clear her mind. In the darkened room with dozens of candles, where there was a cacophony of chatter, laughter, shuffling cards and clinking glasses, her whole body tensed, and her grey eyes scanned the space for nearby exits and guards with a practiced reflex. Inej's smile came out almost modest, but the pride in her eyes was too expressive. Whatever was going on in the Crow Club, that place meant a lot to her and all the other Crows.
Jess straightened in vain to regain the feeling of unshakeable confidence that had left her the moment Baghra had caught her in the bedroom with the story of the Black Heretic and told her to pack her things in a hurry. Everything that had been so dear, so ordered and familiar, had turned to dust, become another shadow, and the new reality still seemed too hostile and unsafe. Jess guessed that the illustrious Kaz Brekker would be a tough, brutal, cold-blooded and damned smart guy as everyone talked about him that way.
What would she offer him in return? What should she even ask him for? Nina was a part of his team, and Jess was definitely not in a position to run anywhere else on her own. She needed some company and support, but the Crows weren't an innocent group of interest. Being an old friend of Nina Zenik wasn't enough to stay with them, and that realization pierced through her, but all despair was instantly displaced when a familiar voice reached her ears.
— Apple pie!
God, Jess had once hated that nickname and had even fought Nina over it a couple of times, but now it sounded like a compliment from heaven. So familiar, in fact, that it brought tears to her eyes for a second.
It wasn't hard to spot Nina at the bar — the bright red hat on her head caught everyone's attention. Jess shortened the distance between them in two great steps, and Nina's warm embrace enveloped her like a fluffy blanket, bringing her joy and relief. Glancing over her friend's shoulder, Jess glimpsed those who were keeping her company — the tall well-built Fjerdan, whose surprise was most noticeable at the moment, and the same couple she'd spotted on the street. A dark skinned guy in a large-checkered jacket standing next to a slightly younger man with exceptionally lively facial expressions and dark hair sticking out amusingly in different directions.
— Am I still dreaming or is it really you? If I am, I hope the next moment a million kruge will fall on me and I'll never have to look at the horribly tasteless suits of these drunks again, — Nina's chirping voice reflected genuine hope, but Jess knew her too well to lose sight of the unease that lurked between the lines. — I'm so glad you finally ran away out of there! How long have you been staying…?
— Ran away? You look too good for someone who has been a prisoner or a hostage. You should have seen how beat up I was when we crossed… — Jesper had the audacity to interrupt the conversation, but quickly cut himself short when Wylan elbowed him lightly in the side with an evident hint. The crowded Crow Club definitely was not the best place to talk about the Fold.
Jess looked around confusedly, trying to find even a single free meter of space, and Inej understood her without a word, gently pulling her to the side and nodding to the left side door. Behind it there was a storeroom with boxes of liquor that stood in almost endless rows, and that's where Jess finally was able to be alone with Nina, having the relief of a semblance of silence.
She could see her friend more closely now, noticing that the years that had passed had added her some beauty and brought certain maturity. Nina was no longer that funny reckless teenager who'd helped her steal Tidemakers' notes or with whom they'd sneaked into the kitchen after lights out when their teachers prohibited them to be at the dinner as a punishment. Jess couldn't wait to talk to her friend about everything that had happened to them in the past few years, but first she had a much more pressing issue to deal with.
— Had Brekker really seen Alina? — she didn't doubt the truth of that statement, but she needed to hear it again to really believe it. Had Kaz seen her father? Had he watched the greedy gleam in the dark eyes of the one with whom she shared blood and power? Jess's gaze ran inquisitively over Nina's face as her palms gripped her shoulders tightly.
— Yes. I swear I was sure he was kidding me, but it was the truth. He snuck into the Little Palace with Inej and Jesper, actually you could have seen them there, during the ceremony.
Jess nodded automatically, hardly giving these words any meaning. When Aleksander stood beside Alina in front of the king and the mass of guests, she was too busy following the tracker Mal and helping Baghra get Alina out of the palace in the safest way possible. Though now she could fully recognize the irony of the situation. She could have escaped even then and ended up in Ketterdam the same way.
— Do you feel something? That connection you had with your father, can you use it again? Everyone says he died in the Fold, but you know that the Darkling is the oldest and the strongest among us. Is that why Baghra sent you here? What happened to her?
Nina was gabbling, caught in apparent excitement, and it made Jess smile fleetly. It was just like the old times.
— Baghra stayed at the Little Palace, but I don't know for how long. We heard the news and she decided we had to play ahead. If my father is alive, he will come for me. For both of us, — the thought of having to kill again for someone else's revenge and pride disgusted her, but the fear of Aleksander's anger was much stronger. — I need to hide for a while. Is Kaz Brekker really as powerful as people bubble on the streets, or should I not expect to sleep peacefully at night under his patronage?
— Kaz is a stubborn cruel weirdo, but he knows his business and he is the smartest man I know. I'm sure he can think of a way to keep you hidden while you're here. He helped me to get Matthias out of jail, even though he doesn't stop poking me about it every time he gets a chance, — Nina rolled her eyes with a chuckle and touched Jess' wrists carefully, making sure not to touch the bare skin near the edge of her jacket. A matter of habit still, no different even after these years. — You could have been a great addition to our team, you know? Any heist would be hundred times easier if we had your shadows at our disposal. But I know it would put you on the trail quickly if anyone outside the Crow Club knew about your abilities.
— Well, I'm still good with knives and hand-to-hand combat. It never hurts to have extra hands, does it? Where can I find Brekker?
— He's locked himself in his office. Opposite door on the right. Maybe I should talk to him first? He always seems indifferent, like he's doing you a favor by listening at all, but you can count on him if you can get him interested.
— You've already done so much for me, Nina. I'm glad you're okay, honestly, I was worried you might have gotten into trouble. Grishas were looking for you after you ran away, my father made sure of that. But now I have to learn to take care of myself, without him or Baghra. I'll find you later, okay? And, Saints, don't call me Apple pie in front of the others, it's outrageous!
Jess laughed briefly and placed a light kiss on Nina's cheek before she slipped out of the storeroom first. The cheerful mood was immediately replaced by the background anxiety, and every step to Kaz Brekker's office seemed long and exhausting, testing her to the limit. The rumors she had heard were enough to know that the Bastard of the Barrel was capable of any cruelty for the right price, and he could easily pass her off for a big sum as the Darkling's daughter or as Grisha with a special talent. He could not be trusted, but Jess had so much fear inside that carrying it alone was utterly unbearable at that moment.
— Jesper, I asked you to be at the door, should I say it in Kaelish or Ravkan so you'll get it sooner?
A harsh bark came from a guy with dark neatly tucked back hair. The sharp cheekbones and dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep were the first things Jess managed to notice, stoically holding back the barbed comments. Kaz was literally buried under a mountain of sheets and didn't even deign to look up at the guest, absolutely certain that an orderly tone would suffice.
— Ravkan works fine for me, but I'm surprised the famous Bastard of the Barrel has time to study languages in the midst of constant scheming and eliminating rivals, — her voice remained very formal, scrubbed of any emotions, but there was some amusement dancing in her grey eyes for a second. That only intensified when Kaz Brekker finally looked up, unable to instantly hide his surprise.
— Reception hours are long over. I don't recall seeing you before. How did you get in here?
— Inej brought me. I'm a longtime friend of Nina and I wanted to talk to you about a deal. I need some protection and anonymity, Nina said you were the best candidate in Ketterdam. That you know how to stick to your part of the bargain.
The stranger's businesslike tone didn't fool Kaz. She was clearly desperate or she wouldn't have come directly to him. It was the first time he'd heard of Nina having friends from Ravka, but his first instinct reminded him that she only knew someone in Ravka because of the Little Palace. What were the chances that Grisha came to him so freely? Other people's secret past interested Kaz very little, but he was curious about what he could get in return for his services.
— What about your part? There are many ways to save someone's life and many corresponding risks, — in another life Kaz might have been a great honest merchant who would never miss out on a good deal. But in that life his brain had already begun diligently calculating his options. He thought of the ship's departure schedule and went over the names of loyal Dregs he could have let go as an escort for a while. But his guest's reply threw him off balance, sending a questioning wrench into his eyebrows.
— I want to stay here. At the Crow Club or wherever you all live. You're one of the most dangerous men in Ketterdam, but more importantly, you're astonishingly clever. The closer I am to you, the more chances I have of safe few months. Besides, I missed Nina a lot, we used to be a good team.
That was pure insanity — that's what they both thought at the same time. She assumed Kaz was so powerful and yet did she naively believe that he would let some stranger be in his way every day?
— What will happen next? In a few months? Will you go back to Ravka or go somewhere else to find another fool? I sense a catch before I even know the details.
— People don't seek protection for nothing, Kaz Brekker. You may have forgotten the feeling, but some of us still fear for our lives when someone threatens us. After a while the situation will become clearer and I can either go back to Ravka or escape to Novyi Zem or Shu Han to steer the danger away and keep you out of trouble because of me, — Jess replied more sharply than she had planned and sighed deeply, dabbing her gaze into the left dark corner where shadows appeared for a moment threatening to grow bigger.
It wasn't safe to stay in Ketterdam. If her father remained alive, he would come here, and neither Kaz Brekker nor all the Saints would save her. But she still had the illusion of freedom, the illusion of choice, and she clung to it as best as she could. Her palm dipped into the deep pocket of her jacket, and the next moment Jess carefully set down an exquisite necklace of weighty emeralds braided on a gold chain on the table in front of Kaz. The yearning squeezed her heart at the memory of how Aleksander had given it to her two years ago.
— It is an old relic from a previous royal dynasty. From the Little Palace, if you care for details. You can sell it for about three hundred thousand kruge if you find some good trader. Would that be a decent payment for you? — Jess was tormented by the feeling that she was selling herself at that moment. As well as her attachment to her father, her hope and her fond memories. There was a grim determination on her face, and she knew she wasn't going to leave that place without Brekker's consent. Unfortunately, he understood that, too.
— You said you and Nina were a team. What can you do? You don't look like a Heartrender.
— Name at least three other Heartrenders, besides Nina, that you know.
— You are too straightforward. Inferni? — Kaz leaned back in his chair more relaxed and twirled the necklace thoughtfully in his gloved palm. He wished he had been able to bring the trophy back from the Little Palace, so now he was pleased to see such a piece. Especially with such a high value, that he got for nothing in essence.
— Keep guessing, Kaz Brekker, but know that I prefer not to use my powers. They will lead me into troubles. But I can fight and use knives. I can help you with your dirty business so I don't have to sit here with boredom though your team looks pretty packed as it is. How'd you get that big guy, by the way? He looks like a Fjerdan and he's a long way from home then.
— Nina brought him in and I was quite satisfied with his service. Perhaps it will be the same with you.
Kaz's lips curved slightly in an approving smile, and he stood up, showing that they had come to some conclusion after all.
— I'll think about what you can do for the team. There's a spare room on the third floor at the end of the hallway in the Slat, near Inej's. Welcome to Ketterdam, …?
— Oh, it's Jess, sorry, — she caught her breath and finally introduced herself with a playful curtsey. It was hard for her to stop the rush of joy, as now she was given a chance to have some real peace and a possible occupation beyond her endless paranoia. — You won't regret it, I promise.
Part 4
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bobmckenzie · 2 months
No Words
word count: 1.8k blurb: Randall and Caitie find comfort in each other after another dangerous experiment, and their suppressed feelings can't be ignored any longer. cw: mentions of death
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Randall was glad his dorm was between David’s and Cait’s apartment buildings, since it meant she was walking with him from David’s place. He didn’t want to be alone yet, not after another close call, and not after Nelson’s little explosion. 
The group hadn’t been strong to begin with; they’d been arguing since day one. But things were only getting worse, and Randall had to wonder if the Flatliners would splinter off naturally, or if someone would have to die to put an end to all the madness.
Through the eyes of a stranger, they may as well have been walking home alone. Neither he nor Cait said a word, the night quiet between them save for their footsteps against the pavement and the breeze rustling what was left of the autumn leaves. But there was something about having her there, even in silence, that just made it all easier to deal with. 
Despite how different they were and how much he had in common with the others, he was beginning to feel like she was the only one he could relate to. It was a relief, not being alone in his desire not to take the experiments any further—even if their protests meant nothing to the rest of the group.
Of course, beyond that, there was the attraction. Physical at first before they'd met, now stronger thanks to getting to know her gentle yet tenacious nature, and the mischievous little quips that would sometimes escape her.
His affections were undeniable, and the urge to touch her was constant. As they walked he yearned to take her hand in his, or wrap his arm around her waist to hold her against him. Of course, like always, he never acted on it—they made it to the doorway of the dormitory building without so much as a brush of their fingers.
Randall stepped up onto the porch, but Cait stayed on the sidewalk. 
“I'll see you,” she said, giving a smile that didn't meet her eyes.
He didn't want her to go yet. “Are you okay with all this?” he blurted. “With Rachel going under?”
She blinked, pausing for a second before pursing her lips. She shrugged, slowly coming up to join him in the doorway. “Does it matter? It's not my choice to make.”
“I can't stop thinking…” Randall trailed off, shaking his head. “I've got this terrible feeling, like I know that someone's going to end up dead.”
Caitie's expression fell, but it wasn’t just sympathy—he could see the understanding in her eyes, and knew she felt it too.
“I want to walk away, to just… just resign from the whole thing. I never should've agreed to any of it in the first place. If I stay, and someone dies, I will never forgive myself. But if I leave…”
He shrugged, swallowing over the lump in his throat. He looked out to the frosted-over dormitory lawn, too ashamed to keep holding her concerned gaze. He was dumping all this on her like she was some kind of therapist, like she'd have some infinite wisdom for him, when he knew she was just as scared and confused as he was.
He continued, unable to stop himself. “How could I forgive myself for that, either? I'll always know that if I'd’ve been there, maybe I could've done something.”
The gentle sound of her voice made his gaze return to hers. She shook her head, a hand reaching out to rest against his arm in comfort—he swore he could feel the spark of her touch, even through the layers of shirt, cardigan, and the leathery sleeve of his coat.
“You're not responsible for any of us.” The breeze toyed with her hair as she spoke, making her bangs dance above those eyes that were as dark as the night itself. “Everyone knows what the risk is. We’re accountable for our own decisions.”
With a sigh, she gave his arm a squeeze before letting go. “Still… I've tried to talk Rachel out of it. But she's adamant. We got in a big fight over it, she told me I wouldn't possibly be able to understand. I guess she thinks about as highly of me as Nelson does.”
She let out a humorless laugh, and he felt his heart clench at the forced little smile she put on.
“I'm sure she didn't mean it like that.”
She couldn't have, could she? Nelson was always putting Cait down, not expecting her to grasp the intricacies of the experiments simply because she wasn't a medical student like the rest of them. Rachel was supposed to be her best friend—would she really stoop to such an insult, such a sore spot, just because Cait didn't want her to risk her life?
Randall scoffed, shaking his head. “Screw the rest of them. So you're not a doctor-to-be. As of tonight, I'm convinced you're the only other person in this group that has any brains at all.” 
The smile he got from her was worth all the stress, the danger. 
She looked down as she grinned, nudging her shoe playfully against his. He had to wonder if the flush on her cheeks was from the brisk night, or if the compliment really meant that much to her.
He ached to reach out, cup her face in his hands, and kiss her. Instead, he stuffed his hands in his coat pockets.
Her voice was soft when she spoke again, looking up at him through her lashes. “I guess I should get going.” There was a moment of hesitation before she stepped forward, wrapping her arms around him in a gentle hug. “I'm really glad you're not doing it.”
He couldn't speak to tell her the same, could only manage to wrap his arms around her and pull her closer. His eyes shut as he rested his chin against her shoulder, nuzzling against soft brown locks, losing himself in the faint amber of her fading perfume.
Had anything ever felt more comforting? Ever taken away worry and stress so quickly? Even the bitterness of the autumn night seemed to disappear, his body warming from the inside out simply by having her against him. 
He wanted, needed, more, could hardly bear the thought that this would be it, that this could be as close as they’d ever be. 
She was pulling away all too quickly, arms unraveling, the comfort leaving him inch by inch. He couldn’t think straight, couldn’t help himself—he kept his arms around her, meeting her eyes for only a second as she pulled back, just before testing the waters and following after her, his gaze drifting to her mouth as he brushed his nose with hers.
He could feel her breath catch as she stilled in his arms, hands clutching onto his shoulders. For a second, there was nothing but shaking breaths and pounding hearts—then she clumsily returned the gesture, nudging her nose against his, and his mind was gone.
His lips were on hers in an instant, needy and desperate—shivers raced up his spine, though he was hot now, oblivious to the chilled breeze scattering leaves around them. The gentle curve of her lips against his was intoxicating, a sensation that made him feel so strong and powerless all at once. 
He’d imagined kissing her a hundred times, but never thought the first one would hold so much intensity. He simply couldn't help himself. He deepened the kiss, head tilting, one hand raising to cup her face. She felt so delicate under his touch, her pulse thrumming under his fingertips, skin so soft.
Her hands gripped the collar of his jacket, tugging him closer, though there was no space left between them. The knowledge that she was feeling it too, needing him just the same, made him gasp and step forward, guiding her so her back was against the doorway and his body was nestled against hers. 
There was no holding back now. His lips met hers with a hunger he’d never felt before, something so deep and all consuming it was impossible to imagine that there were more intense feelings in the world—and yet he knew if there were, he’d only find them with her.
Cait’s hands moved up to his neck, snaking into his hair, gently tugging. It was all he could do not to whine at the sensation—her touch was enough to drive a man to madness.
The sound of a throat being cleared made them flinch apart, dazed and heavy-lidded, panting as they turned to see a woman shifting her bag on her shoulder, waiting to get inside. They both mumbled out apologies as they separated to opposite sides of the door, letting her pass. 
Randall could feel the deep blush on his face, nerves settling into every part of his body as he mustered the courage to look at Cait again. Her own cheeks were dusted with red, but to his relief, her lips were curving into a smile.
She took a deep breath, running a hand through her hair. Was she as lost for words as he was?
He hadn’t meant to kiss her. He had plans, after all, plans that didn’t involve romance or dating or anything other than finishing med school and getting a start on his career. He’d been trying so hard to pretend his feelings would go away—so much for that. He’d be lucky if he could think of anything else for the rest of his life.
“It’s late,” she said softly, still smiling, too shy to hold his gaze for very long. “You should get some sleep.”
He nodded. The sun would be up in a few hours, and his first class of the day would start not long after.
Was that it, he wondered, was that all it would ever be? Just a sudden kiss in the dormitory doorway, never to be spoken of again?
Then she stepped forward, placing a hand on his shoulder to keep her balance as she lifted onto her toes, leaving a gentle kiss against his cheek. The cold metal of her glasses brushed against his skin, but he barely felt it, too wrapped up in the warmth of her lips and the scent of her perfume all over again.
She stepped back, letting her hand fall from his shoulder. “Night.”
“Goodnight,” he managed to say, voice a little hoarse.
He wasn't half as smart as she thought he was, or he would've asked her not to go. But he watched her walk away in silence, unable to get the words out.
When she was out of sight, he let himself inside. As he started upstairs, his hands reached instinctively for the tape recorder in his pocket, ready to ramble about the new experience, to preserve the memory of the moment he’d longed for for what felt like forever. 
Stopping on the landing, the staircase empty, he brought the recorder up to speak, still-trembling finger hovering over the button as he waited for the prose to come to mind. Seconds passed, and with a barely-there laugh, he returned it to his pocket.
For once, there were no words. They couldn’t even begin to cover it.
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misslavenderlady · 9 months
Daddy's Girl 🐺
Summary: After her father kicks her out of the house, Nyx struggles with the reality that nobody is left to take care of her. Though she feels so lonely, one member of the vampire coven is willing to step up and give her exactly what she needs~
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It is with great honor that I announce my first fic for the book Shadows of the Night by the truly talented @charlizekkelly! She truly knocked it out of the park and it was such a privilege getting to read her story before it was made available to the rest of the public. I can't wait to make more in the future. Please support her work and get Shadows of the Night in either physical form or on an app.
Warnings: N.S.F.T./Smut/18+ Readers Only, Being kicked out, depression, hurt/comfort, daddy issues, seduction, vampire/human relationship, mention of prior sexual experience, soft Dom, Daddy Kink, Language Kink (Spanish), vaginal fingering, dirty talk, praise, thigh riding, light spanking, overstimulation, aftercare
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Life was going to be a whole lot lonelier for Nyx. She wasn't expecting her father to act like this. To see her as nothing more than a stranger and kick her out of the place she was starting to call home. 
How cruel could a man be to let his own daughter fend for herself on the streets of Celacali? To dismiss the love and care he'd given her for nineteen years just because she found sympathy for the men he called monsters. It broke her heart into a million pieces, even if she hadn't shown it when she left. 
So here she was. Bunking with vampires in a cave by the ocean. A mess of blankets and pillows to act as a makeshift nest to keep her safe on the chilly night. For the past hour, she had sobbed into her pillow, wishing and longing for her father. Hoping to wake up and have it all be one bad dream. The only source of comfort she had was her faithful little pup. Feeling Ares nuzzle against her was at least one thing to be grateful for. 
However, she'd soon find that there was another creature that would comfort her. 
Nyx's head shot up from the random pillow she had stained with tears. She knew who it was before she even looked in the direction of the voice. Kotori's special nickname had grown on her, despite the teasing nature of it. Kotori used it with a gentleness she wasn't used to. 
She hastily wiped her tears away, clearing her eyes to gaze at the dark-haired man in the doorway of her room. 
"H-Hey, Kotori," she greeted him, fighting back the tenderness in her throat. "What's up?" 
He wasn't buying her casual act. Not by a long shot. He kept his dark eyes focused on her as he let himself in. Ares hopped off of the bed, skittering out of the room to make way for the towering man. Nyx was hit with an extra wave of vulnerability without her warrior dog. She brought the pillow up to her chest, acting as a makeshift shield between her and Kotori. 
"What's up is that you're clearly not taking this thing well."
She couldn't help but let out a snort at that. Captain Obvious must have been Kotori's nickname. 
"Well, yeah, I don't know too many people who do a backflip at the idea of getting thrown out of their house."
Even if she was masking her tone with sarcasm and wit, Nyx wasn't feeling like herself at all. She was scared. Lonely. Longing for the dad that comforted her after nightmares when she was a little girl. 
"You don't have to do that, you know."
"Do what?"
"Pretend to be brave. Strong. Act like you're okay."
Nyx's stomach flipped at that. Not only was Kotori coaxing her into letting her guard down, but his voice was so deep and smooth as he said it, she was practically shivering. She'd be lying if she said that darkness in Kotori's being wasn't something she found attractive. 
Because with him towering over her even while sitting down, it certainly did things to her. 
"I'm fine!" she insisted. "This isn't a big deal. I'm a grown-ass woman. I can take care of myself!" 
"Nyx," Kotori said, firm but gentle in tone. "It doesn't have to be that way, y'know. It's okay if you need someone to take care of you."
She opened her mouth to speak, yet found the voice silenced by the intimidation of Kotori moving closer to her. With the intensity of his gaze still set on her, he began to shrug off his jacket, revealing the rest of the body he didn't like to have covered. 
Nyx didn't know for certain what he was planning here, but she found that the racing of her heart and the flush of her face showed that she didn't care. 
"I could take care of you, kleintje," he cooed, reaching out to caress her cheek. The coolness of his skin was a delight on her feverish body. "I like caring for others. I know I can come off as big and scary, but it makes me feel so good when I can make the guys feel safe and loved."
The human girl sighed softly, nuzzling her face into his huge palm. He was so tender with her. Far more than anyone else had been. 
Kotori was even more cautious with the rest of her body. His other arm wrapped around her lower back, acting as an aid while he guided her down onto her back. The soft fabric of blankets kept her nice and cushioned as she relaxed on top of the bed. 
Though he completely dwarfed her in size, she didn't feel any less than safe. 
"I don't think you're scary, Kotori."
"Then how about it?" he whispered, tucking a shiny, brown curl behind her ear. "Would you allow me to take care of you? Take over what Aziel has failed to do for a liefje such as you?" 
Nyx felt like the whole world around her was growing fuzzy. She thought back to the night she and Kade had sex in the abandoned store. How passionate and giving of a lover he was. It had made her quite curious as to what the other boys could do. 
Being under Kotori like this made her mind race with lustful ideas. The way he tilted his head and studied her face made it very clear to her that he was reading those thoughts loud and clear. 
"Oh, K-Kotori," she stuttered. "I feel like that's a lot of pressure."
"How so?"
Though Nyx found it easy to be her usual, sassy self around the boys, it wasn't so easy to let her guard down and be more vulnerable. With Kotori being a top contender for most intimidating of the vampires, she wasn't sure how to express her thoughts. 
Still, it couldn't hurt to try. 
"Well, I'm not exactly low maintenance," Nyx explained. "I know I can be very stubborn."
"That's no issue to me," Kotori assured her. He leaned in closer, deep brown eyes staring down at her. "I think you and I both know I can handle rowdy little things half my size~"
Nyx's face burned hot at that statement. That, and his muscled chest was starting to push against her body, ultimately pressing her down further onto the bed. 
"I…um…still want to be human…s-so you're gonna have to feed me takeout every night!" 
"Whatever you want, sweetheart. I don't mind."
"Well…there's clearly the father issues that I'll have to deal with on a therapeutic level…"
Kotori snickered at that. His breath felt warm on her skin, causing Nyx to shiver from the sensation. Her head was spinning and her heart was fluttering. 
"Who needs a father when you can have a daddy~?"
God, that got her panties nice and wet. 
Nyx didn't want to fight her attraction to Kotori any longer. Clearly, he wanted her, and who was she to deny such desire? She wanted him; he wanted her. There was nothing left to discuss. 
The dark-haired man pulled her in for a kiss, moaning as their lips moved together in their passionate embrace. Nyx's arms found their way around his neck, holding on nice and tight while fingers slipped through silky locks. Kotori was all too eager to touch her, running calloused hands over her back and hips. 
While he grabbed at her pants to help guide them downward, Kotori released her lips in order to move to her neck. 
"I had a feeling you would taste wonderful, Kleintje."
"Heh…is that all you know to c-call me?" Nyx asked playfully. Her voice stuttered when Kotori peppered his kisses across the pulse point of her neck. No doubt her rising heart rate enticed him.
"Well, I'm skilled in many languages besides my mother tongue~" he explained before gliding his tongue over her exposed skin. 
Nyx wiggled and whined underneath the tall man, feeling extra squirmy in the best way possible. 
"What else do you know?"
"Italiano, Zhōngwén, Deutsch, Português, Español…"
Perhaps it was a coincidence that Kotori mentioned the last language before nuzzling over a particularly sensitive spot on her throat, causing her to moan a bit louder for him. Or maybe it had something to do with a teenage crush she had on her Spanish teacher back in her school days.
Either way, Kotori was delighted to hear such beautiful noises come from the little human. 
"Ah, te gusta más el español, mamácita?" 
"K-Kotori don't be such a tease."
"No no. No soy 'Kotori'. Llámame…papí~" 
Nyx found herself face to face with the vampire once again as he released her from the touch of his kisses. His deep, dark brown eyes drew her in, casting a spell of some sort and making her head go extra fuzzy. All the while, his hand was snaking down into her underwear, thick fingers traveling to the source of her heat. 
He could see just the kind of effect he had on her. The way she melted from his intense, passionate gaze. He craved more of her. 
"Dilo, querida~"
Who was he to deny such a sweet thing like her? 
Kotori's fingers danced over Nyx's clit and massaged her labia, working together at a perfect pace for maximum pleasure. The human girl's head fell backwards and her eyes fluttered shut, showing how overwhelmed she was already feeling by the pleasure. It amused the vampire to no end. 
“F-Fuck!” Nyx mewled, squirming underneath Kotori. Of course, she couldn't move around too much because the hand that didn't tease her womanhood was currently pinning her wrists above her head. With palms and fingers as big as his, it was no challenge to hold both of them together with ease. 
“Tu eres muy bellisima, cariña~” Kotori whispered as he moved at a faster pace for her. “Qué lindos sonidos haces”.
Nyx could only understand bits and pieces of what Kotori was saying to her, but even with the language barrier, his voice was enough for her to soak his fingers with her juices. 
She would never deny how breathtakingly sexy he was. With a major height difference, a firm body of muscles always on display, and a handsome face that would make anyone swoon, it could easily label Kotori the most attractive of the group. 
But it wasn't just the looks for her. There was somewhat of a “gentle giant” persona to him. Something that would make certain you were safe and sound. Far away from any threat or danger. The idea of being cared for by Kotori made Nyx's heart pound faster in her chest. 
That, and the way he was massaging her pussy. 
“Please, P-Papi! Oooh~” she whined, her legs shaking as he coaxed her closer and closer to orgasm. He groaned lustfully in her ear as he enjoyed his own rush of arousal. He had found Nyx to be quite the attractive young woman. So full of fire and passion. A beautiful body and the face of a goddess. Such a lovely creature needed this kind of attention every night.
“Por favor mi amor, dame todo~”
Nyx’s hands were trembling under Kotori’s grasp. Her hips and legs were jolting forward, reacting to the pure ecstasy that the vampire granted the little human girl. He was all too amused by her ‘dance’ underneath him, smiling proudly down at her as she cried out.
“F-Fuck!! FUCK! Ooooh~!!”
Even as the waves of orgasm began to fade away, Nyx continued to feel the effect of Kotori on her body. Heavy breaths rushed in and out of her lungs while her pouty lips remained open from surprise. He truly had made a mess of her, and it was plain to see that he was thoroughly enjoying every second of it. She would have made a sassy comment about feeling proud of himself if she wasn’t so dizzy from her afterglow.
“No no, cariña,” he tsked. “Yo no estoy terminado contigo~”
“S-Sorry…what did you s-”
Before the brunette girl could even finish getting her question out, she was swiftly moved into a brand new position, stunning her back to reality. In a mere half second, Kotori had managed to flip both of them, so their positions were swapped. Now he was lying back comfortably on the bed with Nyx perched right over him. 
“What the hell are y-”
“Cállate,” he interrupted again, bringing a massive hand over her bare butt. She let out a squeak from the sensation. It hadn’t hurt too badly, but it certainly gave her a shock. “Be a good girl for me, Nyx. Daddy’s good girl, okay~?”
His hands glided over her soft skin before taking hold of her legs, nudging them further apart so that each one would be on either side of his own leg. Her pretty eyes widened when the realization hit her. Kotori wanted her to ride his thigh. If she wasn’t hot and bothered already, she certainly was now. 
The dark-haired man gazed up at her with a look of both desire and mischievousness. He may have been a centuries-old vampire, but he never got tired of having a beautiful lover on top of him. Of course, no other human could ever compare to someone like Nyx. If it weren’t for his brothers, he would happily keep her all to himself. 
“Move that sexy body for me, baby~”
Nyx’s breath shuddered, her cheeks growing warm again. She did as she was told, nodding before grinding her hips against him. The leg underneath the denim jeans felt strong and muscular, giving her plenty to work with. Her poor, aching cunt was already quite sensitive from his fingering. Now he had her whimpering and humping his leg like some kind of pup in heat.
But Kotori was not unkind to her. Far from it. He kept a careful hold on her hips, guiding her to do what he wanted. When she followed his lead, he was more than happy to praise her.
“There you go. Atta fucking girl~” he growled, thoroughly turned on by her display. “All you have to do from now on is let Daddy take care of you, sweet girl. You do as you're told, and I’ll spoil you little a pretty little princess~”
Nyx couldn’t even think straight at that point. With each bump against Kotori, a wave of pleasure hit her right in between her legs. She was dripping wet for him. The sweet juices of her pussy were creating a small wet patch on the fabric of his jeans. It was something that brought great pride to his ego. That, and the moans she let out for him as she rode him.
“Aah! Oooh my god…D-Daddy~” she cooed. Her hips were bucking faster now, showing off the aching desire she had for more friction. Each time she bumped up against his thigh, she was already impatient to do it again. 
Kotori was the perfect guide for her grinding. He never once removed his hands from her body or took his eyes off of her. Every beautiful sigh and moan she let out was more than enough to keep his attention. 
She deserves this, he thought to himself. I’m never going to let her go back to that terrible home. She’s all mine.
It didn’t take much longer for Nyx to hit that sweet rush of dopamine again. Kotori was more than capable of making her feel good, and if she wasn’t hooked on him already, then cumming while straddling his thigh certainly did. 
The poor girl was shaking like a leaf, overcome by the lingering jolts of pleasure rushing through her body. She couldn’t even scream out Kotori’s name, she was so overwhelmed. All she could do was let out a quiet whimper before collapsing down on his chest. A soft yet deep chuckle rumbled in his chest, showing off how amused he was by her behavior.
“There’s my good girl,” he cooed, wrapping his strong arms around her figure. Nyx, in her delirious state, found herself eagerly cuddling against Kotori. She let out a sigh before allowing her eyes to shut. He really had worn her out. 
While the vampire whispered sweet nothings to her and stroked her back carefully, she felt the pull of sleep take over her mind. The terrible day had been forgotten now, replaced by the sweet words of Kotori.
“Don’t fret, Kleintje. Daddy’s gonna be the one to take care of you from now on~”
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Tag List:
@charlizekkelly @harleycao @traciehicks @ghoulgeousimmaculate @vampirefilmlover @cryptic-michael @charlottieellis @fallingthruspace @oceansrose2002 @chylerluvschim
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te gusta más el español, mamácita? = You like Spanish most, hot mama?
No soy 'Kotori'. Llámame…papí~ = I'm not 'Kotori'. Call me... Daddy~
Dilo, querida = Say it, darling
Tu eres muy bellisima, cariña. Qué lindos sonidos haces. = You are very beautiful, darling. What pretty sounds you make.
Por favor mi amor, dame todo = Please my love, give me everything
Yo no estoy terminado contigo = I'm not done with you
Cállate = Shut up
Kleintje = Little one/Shorty
Liefje = Dearie/Cutie
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derelictheretic · 3 months
3, 6, 10, and 11 for heather and/or lola for the pride asks!!
Thank you for sending these in liz!!! Both the girlies coming up bc I'm obsessed with them teehee <33
[pride oc ask game]
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— How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
As soon as Heather was off to college and free of her catholic childhood home and overbearing parents she made a pact with herself to try everything once and she just so happened to figure out she really enjoyed being with other women as well as men. (If she had to split hairs and admit a preference it definitelyleans towards women)
She was too self absorbed to ever really ponder her sexuality before that, she always just assumed everyone was into her and she'd give the time of day to whoever she felt like suited her at the time. (Somehow that became John?? Like girl??)
— How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
Heather wholeheartedly does not even think about labels until it benefits her, if she can drum up a sympathy card or manipulate someone into defending her by using hers than she'll do that. It's not a source of comfort or strength in identity for her, it really is just not something she thinks about. She doesn't care about what other people are doing in general and even less so when it comes to what they label themselves, unless it helps her get what she wants she does not care.
— Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
Heather is probably the most open about her sexuality compared to literally any other aspect of herself. She doesn't see it as a defining feature of herself and she doesn't feel the need to protect or hide it from anyone. She enjoys being in control and having it as common knowledge and not something that can be used against her is important to her in a way too though.
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— How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
Lola was one of those cases where she'd watch the disney princesses when she was little and imagine herself in their flowy gowns and getting whisked away by a handsome prince. She'd try on her mother's clothes and makeup and always made better friends with girls at school. She didn't really figure it out until mid high school when a friend came out and she stayed up researching and eventually cried into her pillow because she found a word that made everything finally make sense. That friend also ended up being the first person she came out to beside her big brother.
— How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
Lola is very label proud considering she lost everything to have hers, she will wear her flags and pronoun pins proudly and she's not afraid to brawl bigots over it. She is also a defender of everyone else who wants to be open about their labels, she doesn't care what it is she will defend them to the death. As far as she's concerned everyone deserves to have whatever helps makes themself comfortable and happy in themselves, their identity and their community. (She also defends people's rights not to be labelled <3)
— Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
Very open! She doesn't go shouting it in strangers faces unprovoked (provoked however and they should watch out—) but she's not hiding anything in any way. If people spend time with her at one point parts of her identity will casually be brought up and if another person happens to mention their own identity then a great ramble-a-thon will begin because Lola loves hearing about other people's experiences and journeys! (The joy-splosion that happened when she and Dean met and realised there was another trans person in Hope County. It was beautiful and alol confusing for everyone else who didn't realise the two sem-stealth deputies were trans.)
She's honestly just at a point where she's comfortable in her identity and her ability to protect herself if need be so she doesn't see the need to hide big parts of her away. Life's too short and she plans to live it the fullest.
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stargazer-liz · 2 months
Serendipity (Poe Dameron x Original Female Character) Chapter II: The Resistance
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The Planet D'Qar, Outer Rim, 34 ABY
They hadn't been long in hyperspace when the questions started. Apparently, Poe couldn't keep his mouth shut for long. 
"So, you said you had lots of piloting experience. What exactly did you do?"
Sora supposed it wouldn't hurt giving him some answers. After all, they kind of were on the same side. Whilst she might not have been a Resistance member, she certainly didn't support the First Order either. Heck, if they knew she was alive, she'd probably get a bounty put on her head. 
"I am...was a smuggler," she said, leaning back into her chair. Poe kept his gaze locked on her, the ship navigating on auto-pilot during their hyperspace journey to D'Qar. He had turned his seat towards her and made himself comfortable. "We were a tiny crew of two and had a nice ship. We traveled all around the galaxy to look for jobs and it kept us pretty busy."
Poe raised one brow. "A smuggler, huh? Didn't expect that. But I guess that's how you learned to fight."
"It comes with the job." She shrugged her shoulders, fingers drawing imaginary patterns on her trousers. "A smuggler who can't land a good punch or knows how to fire a blaster is as good as dead."
"Can't disagree. But how did you end up on Jakku then? What happened to your crew and ship?"
Sora didn't want to go into detail, not yet. Besides, they were on a mission and would part ways again afterwards. He didn't have to know everything about her. "Two years ago, our last job...escalated and we were forced to split up. My crewmate managed to escape but I wasn't so lucky. Honestly, I don't know how I ended up on Jakku. One second, I was unconscious and suddenly, I woke up in the desert of Jakku in an escape pod where Rey found me. That's all I know."
A look of sympathy flashed across the pilot's face. "I'm sorry. And out of all the places you could have landed, it just had to be Jakku."
She huffed. "Yeah, I guess someone out there really hates me. Do you know how hard it was to look at Unkar's ugly face everyday and not being able to punch him? Everyone on that planet depends on him and it made me sick."
"Saw him for the first time today and all I wanted to do was punch him. So I get your feelings, princess." 
There it was again, that damned nickname leaving his tongue so easily. Maybe this was just the way he talked to every woman. The name should annoy her way more than it actually did. Somehow, it made it easier for her to converse with him. It was more like talking to a long lost friend than a total stranger, something she appreciated after two years of basically speaking to no other human apart from Rey. 
"Why didn't you steal this ship earlier though?" Poe sounded genuinely baffled, as if he really couldn't believe why she had stayed so long when she could have left at any moment.
"And leave Rey behind, after everything she did for me?" Sora shook her head, knowing that she had never even been tempted. "No way. Never. I knew I had to wait until she was ready to leave her home."
Poe hummed, smiling at her. "A loyal friend. You know, we could use someone like you. The Resistance, I mean. You're a pilot, you can fight and you're loyal to your cause. The general would be honored to have you on her team."
"Look, all I want is to make sure Rey is safe and gets back home unharmed. That's it." Deep down, she knew it was only partly true.
"Alright, I understand," the pilot responded, though not quite believing her, and leaned forward in his seat, elbows pressing into his thighs as he rested his chin on his hands. "Just...just know the offer still stands, in case you change your mind."
Sora nodded and raised a hand to her mouth to stifle a yawn. "And what about you? Have you always been a pilot for the Resistance?"
Poe chuckled. "Believe it or not, I once was a smuggler too. A part of the Spice Runners on Kijimi, actually." He looked and feigned anger when she laughed at him. "Hey, that's not funny."
"Wait! Don't tell me you're the man Zorri hates so much."
Straightening his back again, the pilot looked at her in disbelief. "You know Zorri?"
Sora nodded, letting out another laugh. "Met her once or twice during a job. One time, we got drunk and she was raging about a man who had abandoned her and the gang. Let me give you an advise: You better not step foot on Kijimi ever again. She seemed ready to tear you to shreds."
"Thanks for the heads up. Not that I plan on ever going back there again anyways." 
"How did you manage to escape the First Order? Beebee-Ate told me that you had been captured by them, so how did you make it back to Jakku?" The question had bothered Sora the whole day. Surely, they wouldn't have let a Resistance member walk out of their front door.
"Now, that's a crazy story. A stormtrooper helped me escape. We stole a TIE Fighter together and were shot down before we could land safely."
For someone who knew a former stormtrooper herself, it wasn't actually that crazy. A rare coincidence but not entirely unbelievable. But the story was piercing itself together in her mind like a solved puzzle. "So he was the Finn you were looking for when I found you?"
Poe nodded, smiling sadly. "He was a great guy."
Sora felt the need to give him some hope. The sad look just didn't fit him. "You know, there's a chance he's with Rey and BeeBee-Ate. I mean, I can't think of any man on Jakku that she would willingly leave with. Logically, it has to be an outsider. And if you survived the crash, so could he."
Her words seemed to work. Poe's sad smile vanished slowly, turning into a hopeful expression. "You're right. It makes sense. We'll meet him again soon then," he said before he changed the topic when he caught her yawning again. "Am I that boring, princess?" The grin on his lips told her he was only joking.
"Sorry," she chuckled weakly, rubbing her eyes. "Ever since I've landed on Jakku, I'm basically always tired. Guess all of that sun and sand really gets to me."
"We won't reach D'Qar in hours." He nodded towards the tiny sleeping quarter behind them. "I could really use some sleep as well. Let's lay down for a bit."
He did indeed look exhausted. Dark rings were prominent underneath his eyes and his skin had grown paler since she had found him. The brown in his eyes was less vibrant and she wondered when he had last slept peacefully. There was no doubt he had endured some kind of torture on the First Order's fleet but since there were no major wounds, she assumed it had been Kylo Ren who had led the interrogation. Invisible to the outside, the wounds in his mind were likely agonizing.
"Sounds fine to me." Pushing herself to her feet and watching him do the same, Sora dragged her body to the sleeping quarters and pressed the button to open the door. Although she really didn't have the energy to climb up the short ladder to lay down, she figured Poe's body deserved some rest. She just hoped the ship would keep flying smoothly because the upper bed had no safety railing and she really didn't want to tumble to the hard ground. 
The smuggler left her shoes next to the door and slid out of her jacket, letting it slide to the floor carelessly. Poe slipped off his shoes as well and instantly laid his battered body on the mattress. Sora almost slipped on the ladder when he let out a loud moan. "Oh, this feels amazing. So soft."
Shaking her head to erase the memory of the sound, she had to agree with him. The mattress was much more comfortable than it looked. There were no blankets, not that they needed them anyways. "This is definitely better than my bed on Jakku," she mumbled, her eyes already closing as her heartbeat slowed down to a calm, steady rhythm. "Good night, Poe." Her voice was barely audible and she doubted he had even heard it. 
"Good night, princess." Poe's whisper was met with no response for Sora was already fast asleep. 
It was the best rest she had had in two years.
Poe had woken up first, rattled awake as the ship left hyperspace. They had slept for a whole night and day, the longest sleep he had had in years. Maker, their bodies and minds had to have been extremely tired, he assumed.  
Running a hand through his hair to tame the locks, he quickly walked towards the cockpit to shut off the alarm before it could even ring. Through the front window, he could see the green round mass of D'Qar in front of them, its planetary ring casting shadows on the surface.
Poe couldn't really believe how lucky he had gotten to be able to see it again. If he hadn't met Finn, he'd be dead by now. And if Sora hadn't found him, who knew how long it would have taken him to find a way to reach the Resistance's base. Thanks to Sora and her friend, BeeBee-Ate was safe and sound as well. Not currently within his reach, but still safe which was all that mattered. Well, hopefully. If what she had said was right, they were on their way to D'Qar as well. 
Thinking of her, Poe went back to the sleeping quarters where Sora was still resting. The pilot took a moment to admire her. Asleep and relaxed, she looked at peace, a foreign look on her. It suited her, he noted. There was a gentle rose-coloured shine on her cheeks, as if her body regained all of the energy life on Jakku had stolen from her in the last two years at once. Her braid had become partly undone, long strands of black hair framing her face. 
She was beautiful, he had already noticed that the moment his eyes had opened back on Jakku. Her delicate face had been the first thing he had looked at, framed by the glazing sun behind her. It had made her look almost otherworldly, the smooth, blemish free skin and the rosy lips a stark contrast against the ruth planet. 
Poe wasn't lying when he had told her the Resistance needed people like her. In fact, she would be a perfect addition, with her past and her abilities. However, a tiny (okay, a big), selfish part of his brain wanted her to stay just so he could get to know her better. He liked talking to her, liked their small banter. She was easy to be around and it felt as if he had known her far longer than just a day. 
Before he could feel like a creep, Poe stepped closer to the bed to put his hand on her shoulder, gently shaking her awake. "Sora, wake up. We've made it."
She stirred awake slowly, her eyes taking a moment to get used to the light again. Even though her appearance was clearly screaming 'I just woke up, give me a moment', she seemed wide awake. "I feel like a whole new being," she said, hopping out of bed to stretch her arms and legs. Her bones protested with a couple of popping noises. "You know what would be perfect now? A shower and fresh clothes."
Poe watched her with a smile, the skin under his eyes creasing slightly. Truthfully, he couldn't wait to do the same. "Your wish is my command, princess. I'll make sure that's the first thing you get as soon as we're at the base."
"Please tell me you have running water down there."
The pilot looked almost offended. "Of course. And guess what, it's hot water."
At the thought of the first hot shower she would have in two years, Sora grinned widely. "I could kiss you right now, Poe."
For a second, his eyes widened and he inhaled sharply, lips pulling into a grin. Then he saw the look on her face and his shoulders sacked instantly, the corners of his mouth lowering again. "You're joking, aren't you?"
D'Qar was a beautiful planet. Instead of beige and grey, everywhere she looked she saw nothing but green as the jungle drew closer, spreading all around them. They flew over waterfalls and lush fields of flowers. Sora struggled to take it all in. The sun was slowly setting, turning the sky into a beautiful canvas of  various colors. Compared to the lackluster scenery of Jakku, this was sensory overload. The only planet she had visited that was even more beautiful was Naboo. 
"It's stunning, isn't it?" Poe's attention was focused on safely landing the ship, yet he couldn't resist letting his eyes wander over to her every now and then. She looked so excited and for a brief moment, he thought that maybe his not so successful mission had gone way better than he had thought. Would she have ever left Jakku if it hadn't been for BeeBee-Ate and him? He didn't know her well-enough to guess the answer.
"They're probably on high alert. The ship's communication system is broken, so I can't inform them it's me. It's better to let them see me first, then they'll know you're not a threat." 
Sora agreed without a complaint. "Sure." 
She wondered whether Rey had already arrived before them. What if she was already on her way back to Jakku? What if something had happened to her?
The Starfighter began its descend onto one of the landing platforms. Sora could see different X-Wings and hangers lined up along a long runway, tucked away underneath the greenery. Grass and bushes covered everything, effectively hiding them from curious eyes on the horizon. Smaller and bigger Satellites were scattered on the grass, crates of various sizes were tugged into every corner. 
Quite a few people were running around, some wearing bright orange pilot suits. And every single one of them was gazing at their spacecraft, weapons ready to be fired, making Sora feel a bit uncomfortable. 
"Feels good to be back," Poe admitted happily, his smile so bright it almost blinded her. 
Their landing was incredibly soft, further proof of his outstanding flying abilities. The impact was nothing but a gentle tap against her feet. Poe was out of his chair before she could even blink, the ramp of the ship already lowering as she joined his side.
Sora knew she looked like a mess. Her braid wasn't really a braid anymore with multiple strands of hair now framing her face. The clothes she wore were dirty and wrinkled and probably reeked of sweat. Well, at least it would show these people that she had gone through some trouble to bring their beloved pilot back to them. But she really wanted that shower as soon as possible. 
"Guys, don't shot! It's me," Poe announced, jogging down the ramp and jumping down the last bit. The Resistance members lowered their guns, immediately breaking into a cheer as they swarmed around the pilot. Hugs and friendly pats on the back were exchanged. 
It was obvious the pilot was very well liked and respected. No one had even noticed her leaving the ship. Everyone was too preoccupied with Poe, wanting to hear his story. She used the time to let her gaze wander over the base. She ship's hanger seemed to be the only part above ground. Everything else was located underground where it was less likely to be detected, she supposed. 
"And who might you be, my dear?" 
The question brought her out of her daze and her eyes snapped to where it had come from. An elderly woman was smiling at her, grey hair braided and tied in a circle on top of her head. She wore a loose beige bodysuit, fastened with a golden belt underneath her chest and a burgundy colored vest on top. 
"You must be general Leia Organa," Sora thought out loud, realizing it too late. 
But Leia only laughed softly. "Leia is just fine." She took one look towards Poe who was still busy catching up with his friends and colleagues, then she pointed her hand towards the path leading away from the hangar.  "Would you mind taking a walk with me?" 
Sora knew if there was one person she could trust here, apart from Poe, it was Leia. "Of course not." Side by side, they walked away from the mass of people, leaving the loud chatter behind. "I'm Sora Park, by the way." 
"Thank you for bringing our best pilot back, Sora. We really appreciate it." Leia replied and led her through one of the hangers. A few people stared at the smuggler in curiosity, some even nodded at her in greetings. No one seemed to view her as a threat, causing her body and mind to relax. "May I ask, how did you meet him?"
"I found him in the desert on Jakku. Well, actually I found his droid first"
"And yet Beebee-Ate is not with you?" Leia send her a questioning look but if there was any judgement or disappointment towards her, it was well hidden.
Sora shook her head, her eyes taking in as much as they could. "No, but he is with a friend who I'm sure will bring him back safely as well."
"Very well. If Poe trusts you, then I trust you as well," the general responded, leading her down a staircase. "You should be aware now that you know the location of our base, I expect you to keep it a secret. It is our top priority that the First Order stays in the dark, for the safety of our people and the whole operation."
"Trust me, I wouldn't dream of telling the First Order anything. In fact, I plan on staying out of their radar for as long as I can." Sora huffed, remembering the incident on Atrisia two years ago. 
Leia could see right through her, a necessary ability required by her position as the leader of the Resistance. Even if she did trust the young woman, she still had to make sure the wasn't a danger to the Resistance in any way. "I suppose you have history with them?"
The smuggler winced, grimacing when the past events played out inside her head like a movie. "You could say that. I was a smuggler. Freed one of their prisoners during a job, a former stormtrooper who was about to be executed. Guess they didn't like that. Oh, and stabbing general Hux probably didn't help either."
Leia's loud laughter startled both her and the workers they walked past. Sora didn't know where exactly they were going but they were somewhere underground. According to the signs on the wall, they had already passed a cafeteria, a kitchen,  a conference and a security room. "Oh Maker, how did you manage to get out of that alive?"
"Well, I almost didn't. And they actually think I'm dead. But a stormtrooper saved me and brought me to Jakku. I have no idea who it was but I own them my life. It was Rey who then found me. She's the one who's with BeeBee-Ate."
Leia hummed, processing the information. "It's only further proof that so much more people are willing to stand up against the First Order than they think, even their supposed own members. Most people only need a small push in the right direction to stand up for what they truly think is right."
They stopped in front of one of the doors in the sleeping quarters. Leia entered a code and the door slid open, revealing a small room with a queen sized bed, a tiny desk and a wardrobe. There was another door inside which likely led to the refresher. 
"This is yours for however long you like, Sora. You are welcome to stay here. The Resistance could use your help."
"You know, Poe said the same."
A strange glint flashed through Leia's eyes, the corners of her mouth turning up into a knowing smile. "Did he now? Interesting. You can freshen up a bit in here. You look like you need it, dear. In the meantime, I will look for some suitable clothes for you and have them brought to you whilst I speak with Poe."
Sora was thankful for the kindness Leia was showing her. After all, she was just a stranger and had come barging into the Resistance, yet she was welcomed with open arms. And seeing as Rey wasn't here yet, she would gladly take the offer. "Thank you for everything, General."
"No, I am the one who has to thank you, Sora," Leia smiled kindly and walked towards the door. "I'll see you later." The door shut behind her with a soft hiss. 
Taking a deep breath, Sora closed her eyes for a whole minute. So much had changed over the course of the last two days. It was almost like her life was once again totally turned around. And this time, she couldn't help but admit that she liked it. It was a good change. 
When she stripped herself off her clothes, a tiny pile of sand gathered on the ground. That was definitely something she wouldn't miss as long as she stayed here. After only having seen sand for two years, she was sick of it.
Sora sighed happily as the first drops of warm water hit her head. She took her time in the shower, making sure her hair and skin felt and smelt as good as new. Her muscles were soothed entirely, any small aches she previously had were gone. 
Stepping out of a shower, she wrapped one of the surprisingly fluffy towels around her body and used another one to pat her long hair so it wouldn't drip any water. Once she was done, she ran a hand over the mirror above the sink to get rid of the condensed water. 
The unusual natural blush on her cheeks surprised her greatly. Fingers gently brushing against them, she took a deep breath. Sora felt good. She felt strangely calm and...hopeful. And she couldn't explain why. It was probably best to simply enjoy it. Who knew how long this feeling would last. 
A knock on the door caused her to flinch out of her trance. "Coming," she said, voice loud enough to be heard through the walls. Barefoot, she tip toed to the entrance and opened it. In front of her stood a golden protocol droid who was taller than her. In his hands, he was holding a stack of clothes.
"Hello Miss Park, my name is See-Threepio. General Organa send me to-" The droid cut himself off and promptly turned around. "Oh my, she didn't mention you would be naked. I'm terribly sorry for intruding. I can assure you, I was programmed for etiquette and won't look at you until you're decent."
Sora laughed at the droid's antics. "It's okay, I'm not naked." The towel was indeed a little short but it covered all of the essentials, reaching to the middle of her thighs. "I'm guessing those clothes are for me?" 
The droid nodded but refused to look at her. "You're right. General Organa selected them herself. She also told me to wait for you to get dressed and escort you to the cafeteria. I will shut myself down so you can take these clothes from me. I ask you to power me up again once you are ready to go."
Before she could speak up, See-Threepio had already put himself in energy saving mode. Sora stared at the droid, blinking rapidly. Then, she shook her head and quickly grabbed the stacked clothes, laughing quietly.
The protocol droid was not left alone for long. Only seconds after the door had closed behind Sora, Poe walked around the corner. At the sight of a shut-down See-Threepio, his brows creased in confusion. "What the heck," he mumbled to himself, gazing at the silent droid. Whilst it was a nice change to not hear him talk, the pilot was curious, so he powered him back on.
The yellow glow returned to the droid's eyes as he came back to life. And instantly started talking. "Miss Park, I must apologize again. I-...Oh, it's you Master Dameron. I'm terribly sorry but I'm waiting for Miss Park. I was told to escort her to the cafeteria and then-"
"No need, I'll do it," Poe waved him off impatiently. "But why were you shut down?"
See-Threepio was just about to reply when Sora stepped out of her room, eying both the droid and the pilot with a big question mark on her face. "Oh Miss Park, thankfully you're dressed this time. Don't worry, I'll make sure to erase the picture from my memory. Commander Dameron will take over my assignment. I must leave. Should we meet each other again, please make sure to not open the door naked."
"I was not naked," Sora emphasized but the droid was already gone. Embarrassed, she felt warmth spreading across her cheeks. See-Threepio definitely talked too much. And he needed a filter. 
Poe crossed his arms on his chest, grinning teasingly at her, one eyebrow raised. "Naked, huh?" 
The pilot couldn't resist letting his gaze travel across her body. Freshly showered, her damp hair flowed down to just over her chest in gentle waves. Leia had given her a pair of tight, black trousers, a white top and a dark blue-grayish leather jacket. The outfit suited her incredibly well, hugging her body in just the right places. Poe tried to ignore the hint of jealousy he felt towards the protocol droid who had apparently seen her in much less. 
A sigh of annoyance left Sora's mouth. "I was wearing a towel. Not my fault he's so uptight."
Poe laughed. "I think you traumatized him a bit."
"Agreed. He'll probably never talk to me again."
"Hah, trust me, that's impossible. That droid never misses an opportunity to talk."
"Guess I just have to show him more skin then."
Once again, laughter escaped Poe's mouth, trembling through his whole body. "Go ahead, princess. I like seeing him so flustered. And quiet." 
He had showered as well, his curls still dripping water. His beige trousers and white button up shirt were clean, sleeves rolled up to the elbows. There were no traces of blood left on him but he had put a small plaster over the cut on his temple. 
Suddenly, the pilot closed the distance between them and threw his arm over her shoulder, pulling her into his side. "Come on, I'm starving. Bet you haven't eaten anything good in years. The Resistance has some awesome chefs. You need to try those jogan-fruit cookies. Trust me, you'll get addicted." 
At first, Sora's body stiffened at the sudden contact. But Poe's body felt warm and inviting. Besides, it was a friendly gesture and she found herself wanting to enjoy it. So she relaxed against him and let the pilot lead her through the underground base. The smuggler made sure to remember the turns they had made in order to find her way back on her own. 
Upon entering the cafeteria through a grand archway, the lack of people sitting at the various tables didn't surprise her. After all, it was already late in the evening and most people were likely about to retire for the night. Quiet chatter could be heard from the tables they walked past, but no one paid them any attention. 
"Thank the Maker, there are still leftovers," Poe mumbled, pulling her towards the small buffet. A few friendly faces greeted them before vanishing into the kitchen behind it again, cleaning up for the day. Releasing the hold he had on her, the pilot grabbed them both a plate. "Take whatever you want. And don't forget those cookies."
She didn't. When the two of them sat down facing each other at one of the corner tables, each plate was overflowing with all kinds of delicious fruits, vegetables, meat and pastries. Sora ate slowly, making sure to savor her first taste of real meal in years. 
They ate in comfortable silence until she finally bit into the jogan-fruit cookie and moaned softly. "Kriff, you weren't lying. This is the best desert I've ever had."
Munching on his own cookie, Poe winked at her. "Don't tell anyone but there's a secret stash of 'em in the kitchen. It's in the cabinet under the sink. In case you ever need a midnight snack." 
"Sharing highly confidential secrets with me already?" She teasingly raised a brow, swallowing the last crumbs of cookie. "I'm flattered and will take it with me to the grave."
"You better." Poe put his forearms on the table and leaned closer to her, clasping his hands together. "You don't want to deal with Kalara's wrath. That kitchen is her kingdom and those cookies she makes are her most prized possession." 
"Sounds like you've experienced her anger before," Sora replied, chuckling softly. 
The pilot winced. "Let's just say getting spanked with a wooden spoon hurts a lot more than you'd expect."
Sora burst into laughter, imaging the scene inside her head. "I'd pay thousands to see that."
"By the way, that better stay between us as well. I'd never hear the end of it if my squadron members found out." It was an empty threat and Poe was smiling at her, seemingly content with being the reason behind her laugh. 
"Can't promise anything," she said, letting her gaze wander around the cafeteria. Everyone had left the room, the clattering of plates and pots from the kitchen the only remaining hint at another presence. 
Noticing how late it was as well, Poe pushed his chair back, looking down at her as he took both empty plates in his hands. "Think it's time to go. Do you know the way back to your room? I need to fill out some reports."
Sora nodded. "Sure. See you tomorrow?" The question filled with undeniable hope was out before she could stop it. She could only hope Poe interpreted it as a casual way to say good night.
"As if you'd get rid of me now, princess," the pilot scoffed and winked at her one last time, disposing of the dirty plates before he left the cafeteria.
After having slept throughout their whole hyperspace journey, the smuggler wasn't ready to lay in bed again just yet. She knew her sleep rhythm would be all over the place but there was so much to see on D'Qar. So much that wasn't sand. A little exploring wouldn't hurt. 
Which is why instead of retracing their steps, Sora found her way upstairs again. Except for a few select workers, likely acting as guards to ensure no enemies were near, the hangars and landing platforms were empty. The air had become rather chilly and she was thankful for the jacket Leia had provided her with.
Just like on Jakku, the nights on D'Qar were mostly silent. But where the desert planet lacked wildlife, D'Qar had plenty to offer. Insects she had never seen before were chirping somewhere in the jungle around her, plants she couldn't name were gently rustling in the wind. The lush greenery felt soft against her skin as she let her hands brush against it. Up high above her, one of the two moons shone fully, reflecting enough light to show her a path through the vegetation. 
Sora made sure not to wander off too far. She had no idea whether there were any dangerous predators on this planet. Moreover, she would have to navigate her way back later. 
After what she guessed must have been around half an hour, a beautiful sight welcomed her. Crystal clear water rushed down from a cliff to her right, forming a small lake at the bottom and spreading out into a narrow river that disappeared somewhere in the thick greenery. Tiny glowing orbs were slowly floating through the air, a species of animals she couldn't name. 
Sora gasped softly at the sheer beauty of nature presented to her. Yet, as her body sunk onto the soft ground and her fingers touched the wet surface in front of her, she suddenly found herself overwhelmed with all of the feelings she had pushed back for so long.
Everything felt so unreal, like a fever dream. That fateful day on Atrisia, her life had ended. The life she had known for 24 years had been erased and the only person left alive she had loved like a brother had to watch her die. For two years, she had managed to survive on Jakku. But surviving wasn't living. 
And now. Now she felt like she could truly begin to hope again. Hope to find a way back to her old life. Hope to experience life again. 
Rey would understand. Sora was sure of it. Heck, she'd probably encourage the smuggler to stay here or take the spaceship Poe and her had stolen to find Elijah. Even though the latter seemed entirely impossible, considering she had no idea where to even start. Elijah and her had lived an almost anonymous life. Sure, she could ask some of their old contacts whether they had seen him again, but the crew of the Phoenix had never told anyone of their whereabouts or plans. Not that they ever had any. Back then, their decision on which planet to look for a job next had been totally random. 
Maybe there was a chance the Resistance could help her. Surely, they had contacts all across the galaxy. Perhaps someone had come across her partner in crime. She supposed she shouldn't even try looking for Revan and Nyra. With the former being a wanted ex-stormtrooper, they had to have gone into total hiding. 
For Elijah's sake, shouldn't she at least try to find him? She was sure that if he knew she was alive, he would do the same for her. However, accompanying Rey back to Jakku would mean she'd loose her chance at seeing him again. She didn't want to leave her friend alone on that sad planet but she couldn't force her to leave her home behind either. 
Deep in thoughts, Sora raised her arm, slowly holding out her hand and watching as one of the glowing orbs landed on her palm. Tiny pairs of wings tickled against her pale skin but the animal was shy and flew off again before she could even blink. 
Rey would understand. 
And the decision had been made. 
Sora spent the walk back to the base feeling lighter than before. The heavy weight on her shoulders she had been unaware of until today had been lifted, leaving her with a clear consciousness. 
When the smuggler stepped out of the jungle and onto the concrete of the landing platforms, she noticed a silhouette next to a black X-Wing. 
Poe was leaning against one of its wings, arms crossed over his chest and eyebrows drawn together in thought. 
He couldn't shake off his concern for BeeBee-Ate and the vital information he was currently carrying around somewhere in the galaxy. What if the First Order had already caught his droid? 
All the pilot really wanted to do was jump into his X-Wings and search for the droid himself. The knowledge that he had no idea where to start looking was what kept him on the ground. Besides, Poe knew BeeBee-Ate was smart enough to make it back to the base on his own. Or with the help of Sora's friend Rey. He just had to have hope. Wasn't that was Leia always told them?
The sounds of nearby footsteps caused him to abandon his train of thoughts. When the person stepped closer and he was able to recognize her, he pushed his body back to its full height, moving to step in front of her. "Not that I am not happy to see you again, but aren't you supposed to be in your room?" 
He watched as she rolled her eyes, the tiny smile on her face betraying her. "And aren't you supposed to write reports?" Her hair had dried fully and the black waves cascading down her back looked so soft he barely managed to restrain himself from reaching out to touch them. 
Instead, Poe simply stepped even closer, content when she didn't move back. "Took me ten minutes to finish them. So where have you been this whole time? It's already way past midnight." He hoped he didn't sound too worried.
Sora hadn't realized she'd spent that much time by the waterfall. "I just needed to clear my head. Can't do that trapped under ground. And it's beautiful out there." 
That, the pilot could understand very well. Except when he needed to clear his mind, he usually jumped into his X-Wing and fly around. He'd always felt more confident up in the stars. "At least take a weapon with you next time. D'Qar has some wildlife you don't want to meet alone, especially at night." He had noticed the lack of blaster on her belt. Whilst there were no other intelligent lifeforms on this planet, the jungle was a refugee for some pretty big and venomous predators. Better to be safe than sorry.
"Will do. Is that your X-Wing?" 
Poe nodded proudly. "Black One is a beauty, isn't she?"
"The name's a bit uncreative but yeah, she looks awesome." 
"I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that." Poe gave his spacecraft one last longing stare, looking at BeeBee-Ate's empty spot behind the cockpit. Then, he turned his gaze towards the woman who had caught his interest. "Let me walk you back to your room."
"Why not," was Sora's only response as they walked side by side.
Although she didn't look tired, Poe was sure she could use some more hours of sleep. He knew that there was more to her story than she had told him. Whatever had happened prior to her miraculously stranding on Jakku had obviously had a big impact on her life. 
But he could also see that the last couple of hours had awakened something inside her that had previously been dormant. He recognized that look of determination in her eyes. 
When they stopped in front of her door, Poe watched her putting in the numbers to open it. She had already stepped into her room when he turned back towards him, sending him a gentle smile he happily returned. "Good night, Poe."
"Good night, Sora." 
At sunrise, she found herself strolling through the hangars. Her belly was still filled with everything she had eaten the evening before, so she decided to skip breakfast. The members of the Resistance were starting their work day one after another, slowly filling up the base. She saw mechanics inspecting and repairing the X-Wings, their pilots not far away from the action either. Some people were jogging rummaging through crates, sorting supplies into storage rooms. Everyone had a role here and each of them mattered, that much was obvious. In a rebellion, working together was essential to the cause. 
"No, no. I told you I'm not setting a single foot on Tatooine again. Ever. You'd have to sedate me and drag my body there yourself."
"Oh, that can be arranged."
"And who would fly the ship? Newsflash, you're the worst pilot in the galaxy and you know it. You'd crash before you can even leave the planet."
"At least I'd no longer have to listen to you then."
"Just a little reminder: You literally paid to get me back."
"And I've regretted it every single day so far!"
Sora's heartbeat stopped before it continued to race inside her chest, catapulting her pulse into unhealthy dimensions. She couldn't believe her eyes. Couldn't believe that what she was seeing, that what she was hearing was real. 
Because there, in the middle of the hangar, were the last people she had expected to meet on this planet. Maybe she was still dreaming? Surely, such a crazy coincidence couldn't exist. 
"Revan? Nyra?" Her voice was weak. She hadn't meant to say it out loud. For the first time in her life, Sora was starstruck. 
The man she had first met in a prison cell on Atrisia two years ago turned his head instantly, a pair of blue eyes meeting her wide, brown ones. The beautiful woman next to him did the same, her brown locks whipping around her head at her fast motion. 
Similar to her reaction, Revan looked like he had seen a ghost. Lips parted in disbelief, he blinked nonstop as if making sure she wouldn't disappear at some point and prove his theory. "Nyra, please tell me you see her as well."
Much more composed than both of them, Nyra grinned widely, jabbing her elbow into his side. "I told you she wasn't dead. You owe me five thousand credits."
That managed to pull both Revan and Sora out of their trance. In an instant, she was pulled into a brief hug. Strong, muscled arms wrapped around her middle, squeezing her against his chest. He kept her at arms length when he let her go again, letting his eyes roam over her body. "I don't understand...how? How are you here?"
"Long story. One I'd rather not tell right now and not here." Too many curious eyes were watching the trio's exchange. The people around them made sure to act nonchalant but Sora knew they were all listening, even if it was just out of instinct. 
"You're right. C'mon, let's find a quiet place. There's so much we need to catch up on."
"So, let me get this right. You're here because a stormtrooper saved your life and dumped you on Jakku, only to be picked up by the best pilot of the Resistance two years later."
"Well, it was me who picked him up actually."
"Kriff Sora, if we had known you had survived, we would have searched for you," Revan said, leaning back in his chair. "After what you've done for me, I owe you one."
They had retreated into what Nyra had called the smuggler's den which usually functioned as their personal meeting room. Supply boxes were piled up by the walls, a round table with four chairs occupying the rest of the tiny room. Thankfully, being one of the very few rooms above ground, the air was fresh and clean inside. 
"It's okay," Sora waved him off. "Even I was convinced I was dead. I don't blame you and you owe me nothing. I willingly took the risk when I decided to get you out of there despite the problematic situation."
Nyra shook her head and leaned forward to lay her hand atop of Sora's, the surface of the table cold against their skin. "I should have told you about who Revan was. Should have made you aware of the First Orders role in it. If anything, it was my fault."
The smuggler didn't like that they were obviously riddled with guilt. Truly, if there was one party to blame, it was definitely the First Order. Especially general Hux. Maker, she despised that guy. "No, it wasn't," Sora emphasized. Sighing, she freed her hand and folded her arms across her chest. "Let's just keep it in the past. I'm here now, mostly fine, and that's enough."
"If that's what you want, okay." Shrugging his shoulders, Revan stretched out his arm behind Nyra, putting it atop the back of her chair. The beautiful woman barely acknowledged it with a role of her eyes.
Nodding in confirmation, the young woman opted to change the topic. "So, you two are smugglers for the Resistance now?"
"Yeah. The Resistance was pretty much the only place we could go to and they were looking for people to smuggle resources, spare parts for the fleet and other stuff. Leia trusted me, despite my past."
It was time for the question she dreaded to ask. Swallowing, Sora gathered all of her courage and tried to suppress her fear of the possible answer. "So...what happened to Elijah?"
Revan grimaced, a distant look of sorrow etched onto his face. "After he dropped me off on Bardotta, he gave me your ship and disappeared. Didn't tell me where he wanted to go and didn't even take the reward for saving me. I haven't heard from him ever since. I'm sorry, Sora."
Not the answer she wanted to hear and certainly not the one she was expecting. "He gave you the Phoenix? Just like that?" Kriff, if he didn't have a spacecraft, where did he go and how did he manage to leave the planet with no credits?
It was Nyra who answered. "He said there were too many memories attached to it. He practically threw the remote controls at us."
That actually sounded quite like Elijah. He'd always had a hard time acknowledging the past, opting to run away from it rather than embrace it. All of this information had only pushed her further away from finding him. Where could she ever start looking for him?
Stopping herself from letting her thoughts go further down this sad, dark path, she decided to focus on the positive. "So the Phoenix is on D'Qar?"
Lips pulled into a grin, Revan slapped his thigh and stood up. "You wanna see her? She's still yours, captain."
Sora's mood brightened considerably the moment her gaze laid upon her beloved spaceship, tucked away into a hangar she hadn't visited yet. The familiar silver and red modified Ghtroc 720 freighter with its turtle like shape beckoned her to come closer. Revan had given her the remote control wristband and with a press of a tiny button, the ramp lowered itself slowly.
Nyra and Revan kept quiet as she investigated the interior. Everything had been left untouched, the only indication anyone other than her and Elijah had ever been on the ship was the fact that the third bedroom had been used, clothes that weren't hers chaotically thrown on the bed. 
Sora instantly felt at home again.
When she sunk into the pilot's seat and ran her finger over the controls, Nyra made herself comfortable in the only other seat next to her which was meant for the co-pilot. She pointedly ignored the offended look Revan send her when she stole his spot. "What do you say, you wanna be our captain? Because we need a leader and that guy here is basically useless in that department." 
How could she decline now that the Phoenix was back in her possession? In addition, it would offer her a good opportunity to search for Elijah during their missions. Smiling to herself, she took one last deep breath before she announced her decision. "I guess we will make a good crew, won't we?" 
"Thank the Maker, I missed a smart, female companion." Nyra clapped her hands in anticipation, sending Revan a halfhearted glare.
"Keep denying that you love my presence, sweetheart," Revan replied, the corners of his mouth pulled into a smug grin. 
"Whatever." Was that a blush on her tan skin?
Eyes traveling between the bickering duo, Sora raised her brows. She smiled teasingly and tilted her head to lock eyes with Revan, remembering their talk in the forest of Atrisia. "It's complicated, right?
"See, now you get what I meant."
"I told you we would go to Tatooine, whether you like it or not," Nyra cheered triumphly as soon they had left the conference room. 
Leia had been delighted when Sora had told her she accepted her offer to stay under the condition that she would form a team with Nyra and Revan. The general had agreed without hesitation, hugging the younger woman whilst whispering something in her ear. "I know I won't be the only one happy about your decision."
Albeit confused, Sora wrote it off as a hint towards the Resistance gaining a new member which would surely make everyone on D'Qar happy. After all, they needed as many people as they could find.
The general had also given them the green light for their new mission on Tatooine, much to Revan's disdain. They were to leave today.
"Why does everyone want to go to that dumpster of a planet?" He groaned, one hand running over his face in pure annoyance. "Sora, help me out here. There's nothing there but heat, crime, sand, even more sand and Jawas. Maker, I hate Jawas." He was full out whining like a toddler now, so unlike his age and former profession. 
Sora had to agree with him. Tatooine was definitely at the bottom of planets she had liked during their travels. Nothing good ever happened there and the heat was almost unbearable, thanks to the two suns the planet orbited around. "Hate to discourage you even more but for what we're looking for, we will need to trade with the Jawas."
"This mission is going to be a pain in my ass, I just know it."
"Quit acting like a child," Nyra scolded him, hitting his arm. "Let's get ready for take-off. The faster we leave, the earlier we can get back."
"You're right, let's get this over and done with asap." Squeezing his body between the two women, he wrapped one arm around Nyra's shoulders and his other around Sora's, pulling them both against him. Although the former tried to protest at first, he wouldn't let her go, ignoring her ramming her elbow against his ribs. Sora only smiled, content with what this morning had revealed and caused.
They received quite some stares from their peers. The sight must have been unusual, especially because no one knew about the past the trio shared, apart from Leia of course. And here they were, acting as if they were best friends when to anyone else, the duo had just met the newest member of the Resistance an hour ago.
Handing her a blaster and a new comlink which Sora quickly fastened around her wrist, Nyra looked her up and down. "Looking good, hotshot. Might want to leave that jacket here though. Leather will make you sweat to death on Tatooine."
"I know." Slipping out of the clothing item, she carefully draped it over some of the crates and devices belonging to the team. Nyra followed her suit. No one would steal the clothes anyways. 
"C'mon ladies, we don't have all day." Sticking his head out of the ship, Revan beckoned them inside. The ramp closed behind the trio as they made their way to the cockpit. "I call shotgun." He was in the copilot's seat before Nyra could protest. 
Instead, she only rolled her eyes, wordlessly choosing the seat behind the two of them. Fingers fumbling with the controls, Sora switched on the engine and activated all necessary systems. No words could describe how good it felt to be in control of the Phoenix again. She found herself slipping into the role she grew up with easily. 
"Phoenix to control centre, ready for take-off. Waiting for permission." Revan's voice was serious now, all switched into professional mode. 
"Control Centre to Phoenix. Permission granted. Communications will be disabled until you re-enter D'Qar's atmosphere."
"Copy that. Oh, and safe some supper for us for when we get back." The communication line went dead.
The Phoenix hovered above ground, the Resistance's workers pausing their duty to clear the hangar. Sora carefully maneuvered the ship onto the landing platforms before pulling it up into the air. Clouds drawing closer around them, Sora switched on the thrusters and gradually increased the speed of the spacecraft. 
"Preparing to jump into hyperspace. If all goes well, we'll be back somewhen after midnight," Revan announced. Tatooine was relatively close to D'Qar, so it would only take them a couple of hours to reach it. "That is if the Jawas will cooperate. If they don't, I'm just saying I wouldn't mind stealing from them."
Sora tilted her head, giving him a look that clearly stated you're stupid. "Stealing from Jawas is basically impossible. They're guarding their goods like hawks and unless we kill all of them we'd never make it. Which we won't because they aren't our enemies by the way."
"Alright, alright." Raising his hands in surrender, the defector actually pouted. "We could still knock them out though, right?"
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coruscant-cosmonaut · 2 years
If I'm honest, I find it disappointing that B*lly has become the poster boy for the Stranger Things fandom lacking empathy for characters handling trauma poorly. Because there is an issue with it, but...uh...he is the worst example of it? Like ever? Like, by season:
Even in season 1, we have Lucas clearly struggling with the stress of Will going missing. He wants to find his friend, he feels like he's being manipulated and his friends care more about a stranger than Will. In my mind it's like, of course he'd be upset! But there are people to this day who still hate him for being rude to El.
Season 2 is just the spawn point thousands of traumas.
Nancy lashes out at Steve because she's traumatized by Barb's loss and everyone, including him, is ignoring that. The fandom calls her a bitch - hell, I even saw a post saying she abused him!
Mike is traumatized by watching El - in his mind - literally being vaporized and dying inches from his face. Probably also, I don't know, from nearly dying when he threw himself off a cliff. Yet there was so little sympathy from fans when he didn't want Max in the party (which is entirely reasonable, by the way! He was rude about it, but Dustin and Lucas were entirely unfair for only half letting Max in, knowing it put her in danger.) People who do give him slack don't at all acknowledge his suffering - even wanting him to go back to this era.
Max herself! She'd just been hauled across the country, isolated to her abusive family. And I still saw a lack of sympathy.
In season 3 and 4 Mike is massively struggling. He's an insecure teen in his first relationship. He's not even a year out from believing he watched El die. And you don't expect him to be a little concerned when people are asking her to use her powers willy nilly again? To worry she won't need him in season 4? For fucks sake! People have that worry in normal, non-super power relationships.
Let's not even get into Will. People seem to be of two mind with him. The truth is, he was immensely self-centered and selfish in season 3 and 4. I sympathize with his struggle, but it was rude to constantly nag Lucas and Mike when they were clearly upset and entitled to expect Mike to do all of the work to connect with him after the move.
But he's not the goddamn devil! He's a traumatized kid trying to get back to normal. Yet people seem to act like admitting his behavior was bad is the same as calling him evil - either refusing to admit it and boiling him down to a poor innocent baby or treating him like the single worst person in existence.
And finally, Lucas. Again. If anyone tells me he "abandoned his friends" I will bite them. Or at least block them. He didn't want to be bullied and he finally found a way to not be! More over, Lucas actually seem to enjoy basketball. Imagine watching him find a new hobby and explore it, his friends shoot it down and even mock him for it, and then decide "yeah, Lucas is the bad guy." Good lord.
And I'm sure people could find more. But yes, the person that really needs to be defended is the racist abuser. The one the creators have gone out of their way to say is a racist abuser. I could turn this into a whole rant about how protagonists are held to impossibly high standards, especially compared to antagonists, but that's another post.
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can-of-pringles · 6 months
What would your OCs' first impressions of Jasper be? Either like they run into Jasper out on the street, or they sprain their ankle or something and have Jasper as their nurse in the ER, or something completely different?
Hm, let me come up with something
Fox: Jasper would be looking over her minor wounds she's gotten from bounty hunting. Fox would come up with an excuse for all the injuries since you know she can't just casually say what actually happened. Accident while working or something. Jasper would sense something was off, but probably wouldn't push it much since Fox doesn't radiate off any serious anxiety or stress. Fox would of course use the right pronouns and thank them for treating her injuries. Jasper would tell her to try to be more careful next time. Probably the best nurse Fox has had.
Carina Shepherd: (after everything happens) She'd be walking down the street maybe carrying groceries and a bag would rip and stuff would fall out. Jasper sees and helps her gather all the stuff. Carina would thank them and insists she can carry it all back (she'll use her powers eventually when no one is looking) I think Carina would sense Jasper's abilities and be confused but not mention it. Kinda like how Spider-people can spidey sense each other. Anyway she'd think that Jasper was pretty friendly for a stranger and feel grateful for their kindness.
Dannie Karim: Jasper would see them sitting down in a store on one of the shelves and their nurse instincts would kick in. They'd notice Missy so all they would ask is if they're alright and if they need any candy. Dannie would say no thanks and that they already took something but still thinks they're very kind, and appreciate that they weren't paying attention to Missy. Dannie would notice their pronoun pin and point it out, saying they use they/them themselves and it's a quick moment of trans bonding.
Silas Petersson: Honesty he'd be out and about probably wearing a Ghost t-shirt (because he's a supportive boyfriend :3c) and idk I imagine Jasper would at least have heard of Ghost before? Maybe? And they'd probably compliment his band t-shirt. Silas would smile and thank them. And in return Silas would compliment their style.
Arith: Jasper would remind him of other people he knew/knows like neighbors and such, and there's a sense of familiarity there. I think also the fact that Jasper's a nurse would remind him of Iriel. I think he'd find their abilities very interesting.
Iriel: (I'm kinda switching it a tiny bit.) Would notice Jasper getting overwhelmed by a crowd and emotions. Iriel would try to help them get somewhere less crowded and maybe use her powers to give them a temporary calmness. Iriel would maybe try to ask them stuff to keep them distracted like talking about music and stuff. Eventually Jasper goes home and probably wonders for a while who she was and how did she do that.
Kaia: Would be asking Jasper for directions and Jasper would help. Kaia probably doesn't travel to the US a whole lot so.. Kaia would compliment their clothes and overall style. Jasper would probably compliment her tattoo.
Odel: She would be out buying flowers for Kaia and maybe Jasper would be doing the same for Kyle :D and Odel would ask them their opinion on two different bouquets because she's having trouble deciding and Jasper would help her a little. Odel would thank them and maybe try starting a conversation about the bouquet Jasper was getting.
Eliška Hasek: Maybe after she and the rest of the Guardians fight a threat, she doesn't have any bandage/wraps left on her for her hands, and Jasper would offer her some and help wrap her hands. Jasper would be concerned at her injuries but Eliška would give a brief explanation. Jasper understands it's chronic pain basically and feels sympathy. Eliška appreciates that they aren't freaked out about her powers and that they helped her.
Marigold Rosales: Honesty I couldn't think of a specific scenario, except maybe Marigold rescuing them from something but idk, but anyway I feel like Jasper would remind Marigold of one of her students. Of course she would be respectful about pronouns.
Rosie Rosales-Maximoff: She'd be at a park and offer some peas or other duck safe food to Jasper so they can also feed the ducks. Jasper would thank her and Rosie would explain that bread isn't good for them. Jasper could probably feel the happiness and bubbly-ness radiating off Rosie and find her optimism sweet. Rosie would think they're really cool and ask them if they know the bands Peter listens to.
Allison Dahir: Allison's at the doctor or something after she got a particular rough scrape from skating. (She has fast healing but her parents wanted her to get it looked at and bandaged anyway) Jasper would help her and they'd bond over rollerskating. Jasper would probably give them some tips and honestly Allison would probably look up to them and think they're so cool.
Lee Quinn: Jasper would be her nurse at just a check up or something. Like when they do all the usual height, weight, blood pressure stuff? Idk if that's accurate but anyway Lee would use the right pronouns and probably give Jasper an apologizing look as her mother is being kinda transphobic. Jasper would mainly worry about Lee, sensing a lot of negative emotions from her, like more than usual. Jasper afterwards would hope everything would be okay for her. I don't know how much authority nurses have over that compared to doctors... and Lee looked physically fine anyway so there might not be anything that could be done. (Sorry I made it sad)
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spellbcok · 1 year
𝐇𝐖𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝟏𝟓 : plot call ( for my sanity i'll make a separate post related to starters ). i won't be dropping any on-going threads, nor will i begin anything new or post any non-headcanon memes until after the event. but feel free to do so on your end. hit the heart and i'll message you for event related plots. under the cut are basic ideas of where my muses minds are at and whether or not they will be involved in any way.
for all muses: i'm up for any or all of my muses getting injured or injuring others (purposefully or not).
anya jenkins: self-preservation will kick in almost immediately. they will be hiding or seeking out someone she has gotten close to who are more fit for combat. most likely, though, they'll be trying to find a way to get the hell out of dodge as it's very much their mo.
ji euntak: she will be out there, jumping in front of swords (metaphorical or literal) aimed at friends, family, strangers. basically willing to save anyone, the self-sacrificial type that she is.
lorelai gilmore: being an extremely privileged upper middle class woman whose biggest hardship was being a single, teen mom (which, granted, was difficult), this will be her first experience with such violence outside of watching it. but mama bear instincts will kick in and she'll be doing whatever it takes to search for/protect rory.
lydia martin: her banshee abilities are really going to go haywire. she'll be drawing strange pictures, finding dead bodies, and maybe have her first scream / wail ? outside of trying to deal with that, she is also part of the fbi so she'll be working out who the killer(s) is/are. definitely would love for her to find bodies as it's kind of her thing, but obviously would not be something we'd know at this very moment. soo feel free to just say 'if my muse dies lydia can find them' and if it happens then i'll include it in her threads and what have you.
nam onjo: she's pretty unfazed by everything and just trying to get through each day. anyone sus will be tased and/or pepper sprayed first and asked questions later. ** new addition: she sees an opportunity to make a quite a bit of money by basically being a errand person for those in hiding. so hit her up on the taskrabbit-esque app if you need some takeout delivered or more alcohol or whatever. there's an injury/death tax so it'll be pricey but at least your muse won't have to take the risk themselves!
sabrina spellman: another self-sacrificial one, but she's going to actively fight people who mess with her loved ones as well as try to figure out who the culprit(s) are. she's been practicing her magic so she'll use that for defense. and, just like riding a bike, she might spout out some more powerful and dangerous spells that could cause injury.
tatia: no stranger to death and chaos, tatia knows how to protect herself. she'll likely stay in her studio or apartment and avoid everything. maybe she'll go to some trusted people/friends because safety in numbers and all. but she is definitely not going out of her way to help anyone or solve anything.
tinker bell: tink is still learning how to use a cellphone and now she has to avoid murderers? how annoying. the fairy is not about that and will fly away from threats. possibly goad and be a little brat about it tbh. she's also learned a bit about capitalism and the whole supply and demand thing, so she'd be willing to sell a bit of pixie dust so your muse can also fly (limited, so far 1/3 taken).
**** new muses
brenda bates: she is enjoying the chaos but feigning disgust and sympathy for the victims. she is likely having a house party or attending one because she's from the 90s and that is what they do in the face of a crazy serial killer being on the loose.
one specific plot idea i have for 1 unlucky muse is for her to injure them while in her hooded mask (image). with all the chaos, her crime will just get lost in the sea of others. however, her crimes emulate urban legends so i can give you a small list or if you have one in mind feel free to send it to me.
chloe decker: she will be investigating. she is not only trying to figure out who the culprit(s) is/are but why this was happening. she's from la so she is familiar with serial murders and strange happenings. but these sudden bursts scream otherworldly doing. she would know since she has spent time with the devil, a demon, and an angel.
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Hey look guys it's jorts El and butt shorts Will!
TW blood, death (story blurb and ID below cut)
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[ID: three images of the same digital drawing. El Hopper and Will Byers from Stranger Things are sprawled on the grass, dead, each with their left or right arm, respectively, outreached towards the other. The first drawing has then both covered in blood spatters, the second in particularly dark lighting, and the third with both and the fourth with no such modification. : end ID]
Reference photo from Fear Street: 1966
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El followed Will through the forest, both running for their lives. Will may have spent years hiding in these very woods, but El had lived in them. For a year. They were almost home free- once they made it through that gate dead center in the clearing, their friends would be on the other side to protect them.
The trees made a rustling sound! Demobats? Demogorgons? Didn't matter, so long as they made it.
Will stopped, turning to face his sister. "Go through the gate, I'll- I'll meet you on the other side." "Friends don't lie, Will." He looked at her with sympathy, itching to glance over his shoulder. "I'm sorry El, but please go. I'll stay"
El knew it was no use arguing. She still wanted to. It was unfair that Will felt like he had to die for her. He wasn't even giving himself a chance!
"EL! HURRY!" The monsters were becoming visible now, four demogorgons and at least ten bats. El's pulse quickened. She had to do something! Maybe if she ran and ran to the gate, Jonathan or Steve or Nancy would come back with her to save Will. She couldn't blow them all up in such short time without getting herself killed too.
Will grabbed his staff, a leather-wrapped sign post called Sting, and prepared to defend himself. El made for the gate, feet barely grazing the dirt. As she prepared to jump in though, a gasp seemed to cut her ears. A thud.
El found herself jumping over the gate and skidding stop before turning on her heels to face it.
If the demogorgon had a face, it would be sneering at El. Its claws were stuck in Will's chest, and it shook the body like a doll trying to free them.
A surge of fire jostled in El's heart and reverberated in her all the way up to her throat from which a primal scream was let loose, seemingly bouncing against the sky. Watering eyes from spores, grief and anger, El sprinted towards the monstrous creature which no longer looked like an animal and now like Vecna's fucking puppet, claws of her own outreached in preparation to tear it apart at the seams.
El was jerked back, coming to her senses in a moment only to find the barbed spear of a demobat's long demon tail thrusting from beneath her sternum, an all too familiar and all too warm, inviting, spatter accompanying. El was lifted slightly off the ground before the barbed tail ripped back through her flesh, dropping her onto the ground where she'd never get up from.
As if the pain shaking through all her bones wasn't enough, four sets of fangs jabbed into El's neck and limbs. She might have bit her tongue off from the pain. El foggily searched for the sight of her free arm, stretching it to feel for her brother nearby, if he wasn't dead already.
El found that Will had done the same, meeting her eyes as he coughed out seven words and about a many ounces of blood.
"I'm never leaving you alone again, okay?"
El could almost laugh. A tear made its way into the crease of her smile as she whispered back "Never."
As if he could hear it.
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sexdottxt · 2 years
Our Pharaoh (Stargate SG-1)
Hathor smiled. Her eyes glowed with sadistic glee as would be present in any Goa'uld at their moment of victory, holding up the kara'kesh at those who had dared to defy her. She intended to take vengeance upon the troublesome Captain Samantha Carter well beyond that initial blast of energy, punish her would-be First Prime Colonel Jack O'Neill, and take no small amount of pleasure in breaking Apophis's former First Prime Teal'c until the shame of his betrayal was felt in his heart for every second of his waking life. And then she would rejoice in the triumph of finally disposing of her remaining obstacles in claiming this base as her new nest.
The rest of this planet's people would follow and know their place at the feet of a true goddess.
But she looked at Daniel right beside her, completely spellbound. Even after she procured his code of life, he showed sympathy towards his old comrades, in particular the Carter woman. This group had effortlessly dispatched her guard of brainwashed soldiers and O'Neill, paralyzed with shock he might be, was free of her control. If she continued down her current path, the tide of the situation could shift from her favor.
"Fullfill your promise and defend us with your life." Daniel immediately snapped to attention and stepped in front of her. She didn't even order him to pick up a weapon but he took one from an incapacitated soldier and pointed it at O'Neill. His finger was not on the trigger, and her control over him had not yet conquered the lingering feelings for his friends. Yet in his addled internal logic, he was convinced this course of action was the only decision to make. She had a hunch that Jackson stood out compared to the rest of the men here, and he had outdone himself in so many ways.
This development pleased her. Her pharaoh in his current position was both a shield to protect her, as well as a weapon to strike her enemies. Though she did not intend to sacrifice him anytime soon, and she realized after his continued defense of Carter that he would likely not pull the trigger under any circumstances. But things had shifted in her favor.
"Would you hurt your friend?" she said, her voice booming with the telltale Goa'uld echo. She could see Carter getting up in her peripheral vision. She had not lowered her kara'kesh.
"Daniel, step back!" she said. He did not.
"Our pharaoh said he would die for us, did he not?"
"Yes, I did," Daniel said.
"We originally intended to punish those who would transgress against us. But we would show mercy if you would lower your weapons. After all, we still share a common enemy."
"We aren't going to bow down before another Goa'uld!" Carter said.
"What about your friend? He has made his choice. If you will not surrender, then we will make our decision." Slowly, Daniel looked at Carter and raised the weapon at her. By now she noticed that Hathor's kara'kesh was aimed at Daniel's back.
Carter realized in the time it took to shoot a tranquilizer in Daniel, Hathor could easily hurt him. That close, the damage could be severe. And even if Carter removed Daniel no problem, Carter knew that she'd be in point blank range for another blast from this Goa'uld woman, and this time she would make it hurt.
"Fine," Carter said, lowering her rifle. Daniel did too. O'Neill shot a look at Carter, but all she did was look down. Yet her hand was still on her pistol. Hathor smiled. She still had her arm raised, the kara'kesh still brimming with energy. For all of Carter's remaining defiance, another troop of soldiers arrived. It was over.
They subdued Carter and O'Neill while taking the incapacitated guards for recovery. Despite Hathor's vast knowledge, for all she knew the soldiers hit with tranquilizer darts were dead. She was still much of a stranger to this world.
To her credit, she decided to spare the women and the upstart Teal'c. They were taken to the brig, and this time an extra security detail was placed around the perimeter. After the last attempted hit on their beloved Goa'uld Queen's life, the addle-brained guards wouldn't be trying so easily swayed by honey trap tactics to let their guard down. Soon they would serve her willingly, as both their friend's life was in her hands and they still shared a common enemy. O'Neill would be remade into a Jaffa once more, and Teal'c would taste the dirt of subservience as he served the gods once more. Carter would be left unspoiled to witness her failure several times over.
Her current host was a princess, the daughter of a queen who dared to defy her. That false queen believed her armies could fight against the full might of a Goa'uld Queen and win. Alas it was not to be, and as punishment for her hubris, the woman's daughter was made into her current vessel. But unlike that proud monarch, Carter had shown cunning and ingenuity several times over. In the very near future, she would take the upstart captain as a host to fully settle the fact of her dominance to what vestiges of resistance yet remained in this party of insurgents, and take in all the memories of this planet. And they would be useful weapons, for there was still so much in the galaxy for her to conquer.
Apophis would be the first of many adversaries she intended to grind beneath her heel.
For her loyal pharaoh, Hathor had a fitting reward. Once Carter's team was detained and they were left alone with each other in the safety of true privacy, she rose up leaving the hot tub. She held him close, pulling him into a passionate smooch. His heart leapt into his chest at chest, he felt like a child being rewarded with a present from his mother. Her tongue scoured every corner of his mouth, and even though Daniel was no stranger to kissing, and it certainly wasn't the first time he had locked lips with this woman, his technique was awkward and sloppy against the sheer wanton brutality of her mouth. What tiny sliver there was left of him was nothing against the mix of desire and servitude he felt being at this woman's mercy, and his experience was nothing compared to her evil exuberance and the joy in her heart at her victory. She exuded the pink mist down his throat, numbing his mind to what little restraint he had left. If it weren't for her holding him, he would have likely collapsed.
When she broke the kiss, he helplessly fell to his knees before her, both from helplessness, as well as an act of sheer devotion to her. He could not bring himself to look out of her, he didn't even believe he had the right. But she knelt down and cupped his chin.
"Our pharaoh has proven himself well," she said. "And we are willing to reward him further." She cast aside the damp golden skirt of her ceremonial garb, revealing her bare vagina. She was completely clean shaven, dripping wet with the water from the tub, and wet with her own juices too. She put both of her hands on his shoulders and he understood her intent well and clear, as his mind was completely devoted to her now.
He plunged his face into her crotch. Her tongue lashed deep into her pink cleft. She had tasted so good, it didn't even register to his mind that she had just given birth to so many infant Goa'uld sympiotes through the same cunt he was eating now. She was tight and wet, spurring him on to eat her out that much more.
Hathor looked down on him. She took great joy in seeing him on his knees like this. He was as enthusiastic and devoted to her as she expected. She grinned when his tongue flicked on her clitoris. Imprisoned in the sarcophagus for thousands of years, it had been so long she since had taken a lover. The truckers and taxi drivers she took control of on her way to SGC were like all men, easily brainwashed and eager to do her bidding. With her natural beauty and strange clothes, they all thought of her a random loony woman walking on the streets, and more than a few of them tried to take advantage of her. Yet against her unexpected powers of seduction, they all easily kowtowed before her. Like them, the moment she laid eyes on Daniel Jackson, she thought of him as just another man, something to be used and thrown away. But the moment she heard from his lips that Ra was dead at his hands, she realized just how useful he could be.
And he did not disappoint. It had been several thousand years since she had known another man's touch, but he was the first she had let do so as well as having taken a genuine interest in. She didn't know whether it was him being so submissive before her or the defeat of Carter and her team fresh in her mind, but as he ate her out, he was already driving her close to an orgasm. She gripped his head, holding onto him for support, as he grabbed onto Hathor's bare ass, both to keep her steady as well as for the delight of holding her naked tush in her hands for the first time. But more than that, it was the first time he was eating her out.
The first time she fucked him when she revealed her ultimate plan for him, he had simply laid on his back as she climbed on top of him. After the small bit of resistance he gave her dissipated when she overpowered with him her pink mist, she took his clothes off and ordered him to lie down on the bed. She gave him small tender kisses on his lips the whole time to reward him for his compliance through like a mother with a child. Completely bare before her, his dick was standing up and rock hard as expected, both from the power of her nish'ta, as well as her overwhelming beauty. Anyone who saw the two of them would never think that he had declined her offer to help her make more Goa'uld, but her power had never failed her before, and against such fleeting moral considerations, it would not now. No man could ever resist her.
Hathor had sat on top of his naked lap, looking over him. Despite being no stranger to women himself, he looked away shyly like a lost little child. Their first kiss when he told her of Ra's death was both unexpected and completely welcome even though he knew she was a Goa'uld. Slowly, his tongue reached out for hers, but she was not so hesitant in her lustful kisses. He was the first male she considered worthy of her time since those archaeologists had freed her from the sarcophagus. She held him by his shoulders, making out with him passionately as he quickly started returning her wanton affections, his normal thoughts on doing such an act with a total stranger let alone a Goa'uld completely gone as he burned with a fire he hadn't felt in so long. For several minutes they were like that, she felt him getting hard in his pants as their bodies closed the distance together. And then she had stopped and pushed him away much to his confusion and disappointment, she knowing that if his friends found them like that, it could disrupt her growing plans for this Tau'ri settlement. Now as they were both eager to have each other for real, he in act of servitude and she for her own sinister purposes, she was determined to make sure this moment of carnal passion went unspoiled.
Hathor's hot cunt was only inches way from his dick. She sighed blissfully when she made the first move, enjoying the feeling of the dick under her sinking into her vagina. Her pussy was tight and wet enough to accommodate his rock hard dick that had ached with heat for her the moment she emitted her pheromones upon his skin. Her nipples were hard under her top from all of it. She dug her long nails into his bare chest as he pumped into her, and he wailed with pleasure. She felt him get harder inside of her, and despite being so submissive under her, his speed increased, he couldn't think anymore of anything but pleasing the woman on top of him. And she had started humping him herself even faster than that, he was so good.
She knelt lower, and kissed him deeper. Holding him by his shoulders, she breathed more of her divine breath into his mouth as they wrapped their lips and tongues around each other. That made him harder inside of her, but as she quickened the rate of her ass slapping on his lap in her unashamed lust, he again proved his loyalty by refusing to accelerate past the speed he had set earlier. He would not disrupt his queen's enjoyment of her tryst nor such an intimate moment.
Hathor had to throw her head back and gasp loudly. She surprised herself in that instant when she came a little earlier than expected. Her vaginal walls sucked and milked at Daniel's member. No longer able to maintain his steady composure in his state of subservience and desire, he broke as his dick tensed up and came inside the tight pussy crushing it. His cries of release were far more helpess than hers as his semen gushed inside of her fertile womb, immediately giving her another orgasm on top of her first one. Her eyes turned gold and her moans of ecstasy were tinged with the telltale Goa'uld bass-flanged voice. She continued riding him in wicked triumph almost laughing as she did so, as she was determined to milk him dry of his precious goo until she the last of his seed dripped out of his penis and she felt him soften up inside of her.
But it was not enough for her. Looking at him like that, he looked so small, despite when the two of them stood facing each other, he was a little taller than her. And she needed to drive the wedges of obedience deep into his heart until there was nothing left.
She climbed off him, some of his semen still oozing out of her vagina. She lowered so that her head was before his limp penis still leaking faint strands of cum and breathe the pink mist onto his exhausted genitals. After such an intense orgasm, he was already starting to get hard again to her approval. Even after filling her up, his dick being brought back to life just like that felt better in it's own way, if only because he had never felt something quite like it. He had to look at the sight of her head beside his quickly stiffening penis, it was an unreal sensation he had to see it believe. It was her personal blessing to give him such a gift.
He gave his penis a long loving lick, right from the shaft all the way up to the head of his penis. His whole body jerked at that, and she moved her head lower, sucking on his testicles filled with his precious cream swelling up while she kept stroking his penis. She took the head into her mouth and started sucking on it, looking right up at him in the eyes as she did so. He would not look at first out of shame and embarrassment for cumming so soon earlier, but when he felt her eyes on him, he returned her gaze.
She gently used her upper row of teeth to tease all over the cock head with the perfect amount of pressure to tantalize him. He had to look away again to stammer and moan in pleasure. She licked where she had just bitten him before licking all over the shaft again. He had been hard enough to fuck again, and they both knew it, but she would have her fun with him.
She climbed on top of him again. Daniel sucked in his breath feeling her tight walls around his dick again. Even in his addled mind, he couldn't believe how good she felt right now. His dick felt way harder beyond it's usual hardness, to say nothing of his stamina borne from . He felt like he could fuck her forever, and pump her full up with as much of his seed as she wanted. And she used him several times like that, savoring the feeling of his submission.
When Carter would find him later, no wonder his eyes were so dull and tired.
In the present he was still on his knees, eating her out, enjoying the taste of her succulent juices as she curled her fingers into his hair. She thought of him under her filling up her vagina the moment his tongue licked her clit just right. After their first time together, he came again and again well beyond his normal strength with more of his cum than a normal could gush after such a powerful first orgasm, his plentiful seed splashing inside her fertile womb repeatedly, and she couldn't hold in her sheer ecstasy anymore as she came. Thinking of his shaft rocking her insides well beyond her satisfaction, her clit squirted her love juices onto his face. The moment she separated herself from him and he realized she was standing alright enough to not need his assistance after such an orgasm, he let go of her full luscious ass cheeks even as much as it hurt him to release his hold on such full supple flesh. A loyal puppet to the end.
She looked down at Daniel. His face was sparkling with her wet juices, but he did not dare to lick his face clean and taste more of her sweet nectar dripping from his face, let alone look up at her. Yet she could tell his body was quaking with excitement after having brought his queen to climax. And she had grown fond of him.
"You have performed well beyond our wildest dreams. Rise." He did so. He tensed up a bit as she took off his coat and his shirt, but he made no lustful advances. But the way his stomach was moving betrayed his quick breaths from how excited he was. Hathor embraced him, pulling him into a cruel kiss, and he never felt more right. Part of him wanted to kiss her back, while another wanted to let her violate his mouth to her heart's content. Her stomach and breasts barely covered up were pressed up against his naked flesh. She felt him getting hard in his pants. But as much as she enjoyed the act of procreation, it could wait.
The bodice around her stomach was glowing. The uncontrollable fits of giddy shaking Daniel felt earlier was nothing compared to the tightness and pain spreading throughout his whole body. His legs felt like they were about to give way. But he could not, would not separate from his goddess. Not of his own will, and more than that, because she would not let him go.
He had to escape the kiss to breathe. She allowed him that one act of defiance. But the lump in his pants was growing even as the bodice was working it's magic.
When it was finally over, he collapsed to his feet, sweating. The starfish design of the Jaffa pouch was marked on his stomach where his navel used to be. He looked down at it in shock. Just like O'Neill had before him.
She walked over to him and, taking him by the hands, helped him to his feet.
"And now it is time to complete your initiation into our service." Daniel lightly nodded, still woozy. She took off his pants, observing his member standing fully to attention, before she took off the rest of her clothes. What little hesitation that sprouted into his mind when he saw his transformation evaporated as soon as he saw her completely nude before him. Even after so many moments of shared bliss, it was a new experience for the enthralled Daniel to gaze upon her nakedness. Together, they walked into the tub, brimming with larval Goa'uld.
The bubbling hot water was comforting on his skin. More than that, it had been so long since he shared a bath with a woman. He had bathed with Sha'are plenty of times, but those were all bad memories now, reminding him of what he didn't have anymore. The few times he dreamt of her in so many ways and so many places, it stole away all his misery to be there with her again, only to wake up for reality to hit him with all the delicateness of a bludgeon. He often wondered if he would ever see her again.
But when he looked at the woman before him naked in the same tub with him, he didn't need to think about that anymore. He couldn't think about it anymore. All he could do was relax as all his worries melted away. The squirming and crying of the countless infant larvae swimming in the water seemed beautiful to his ears now. The slippery sensation of them wriggling against his flesh wasn't something that horrified him anymore, and being this close to them, he felt foolish for ever fearing contact with these creatures like he did on his missions to Chulak. And when Hathor swam close to him, the heat in his loins burned with an intensity he hadn't felt in so long.
In the hot water, she mounted him as he lie back in the soothing water. His shaft pleasantly slipped into her tight and wet vaginal folds. She moaned loudly as she locked eyes with him, the evil light in her visage burning deep into his soul. Daniel himself cried out, both in pleasure from being blessed with her touch a second time as well as the sound of her voice twisted in ecstasy brought out a submissive joy in his heart.
As she rode him, he found it easy to respond to her momentum. She held him by his naked shoulders, digging her claws deep into his skin just like their first time, feeding the submissive bliss in his heart that came from fucking his goddess. But all of Daniel's reluctance was gone and the sharpness of her claws only fed his enthusiasm as he pumped into her harder.
In the midst of their lovemaking, he felt something small and slimy wriggling around his stomach. He was not bothered by it, certainly not now as he was drilling the woman on top of him. The heights of pleasure in his dick and his heart made him forget all about how she had transformed him just moments earlier, so he was a bit perplexed feeling it actually start to enter his stomach. But when he felt it firmly coiling completely within his insides and finally rest inside the pouch she created, his heart sung with delight with realization at that moment. To become one with one of her children, no their children, it was the most intimate thing he had ever felt in his life. And now as the mother of such a beautiful creature continued humping him, throwing her head back in joy, he never felt more right being inside of her.
His eyes started to hurt, a side effect of the symbiote's healing properties. He took his glasses off, and his vision cleared up. Now that he beheld her supernatural allure that had stolen his soul with his naked eyes, it was like he was falling for her all over again. He took initiative himself this time, burying his face deep into her ample cleavage. Already enthralled to her own pleasure, she was helpless as the once passive Daniel started eagerly sucking on her tits. Her voice took on the deep Goa'uld echo as she howled out in wanton bliss at all of it.
His momentum was far faster this time. He was determined to have her again and again, the mother of his children, his only children, and he never felt stronger and hornier than he did now. Holding her by the small of her back and her bare ass, he sucked all over her breasts, licking her sensitive nipples with his tongue, enjoying the taste of her sweet flesh as he succumbed to the lustful passion she stirred inside of him. She had no choice but to hold onto him as best he could and bear the force of his penis pistoning inside her wet and wanton cunt. Even his newfound strength in his new existence as a Jaffa several seconds in surprised her, and her moans became helpless as she felt the pangs leading to an orgasm.
When he came inside of her this time, her eyes both glowed as well as bugged out in their sockets. She couldn't hold in the scream of delight as her tight pussy rhythmically spasmed and massaged in a fit of orgasm on top of the hard cock lodged deep inside it. It had been so long since she felt such a powerful climax in her millenia long life. Even after she came, he kept pumping, pushing his hot semen as far deep inside her as it could go. It was one of the few times she genuinely felt completely powerless as his shaft, still thicker and harder than either of them expected, continued pummeling inside, her cunt still recovering from the effects of such a mind blowing climax.
He looked up at her with a feral grin, still holding her in a rare moment of dominance. She was still being racked by the powerful orgasm he inflicted upon her, and her eyes did not dim from their shine. The telltale golden glow of Goa'uld eyes now seemed amazing, and it stirred something primal in his heart to know he had made such an ancient and powerful creature pleased in such a way. She finally looked at him, seeing the masculine pride in his face. It was unanticipated coming from him, but in their shared gratification, she welcomed this change in his demeanor. There was no doubt to his newfound passion as a lover. Just this once, she would allow him to have this vain attitude.
She realized now the energy laying inside of him, the strength that allowed him to kill Ra. That power could be dangerous if left untamed. No doubt he had proven to be a formidable foe for Apophis and she realized now thanks to the cunning of his allies, just how quick she was to having her nascent empire collapse from under her.
But all her fears were for naught, and she had won. She was greatly pleased in these moments for so many reasons. It was all she could do to pull him in for a tender kiss, as the only sounds remaining in the room were the soft sucking of their mouths and the cries of their children.
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socheckitout-mikey · 2 years
heeey! i miss erica sm )': she deserved sm better! here's some hc's for her bc there's not enough out there for her! it's a long one, just warning ya. <3333 - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Dating Erica Reyes Hc's:
° You were never deterred by pre-bite Erica, often finding yourself admiring her from a distance or even being one of the few people who showed kindness to her. However, neither of you really had the courage to ask the other out. You didn't register that you liked one another.
° You were always so mindful of her seizures, never poking fun at her for the things she could not help or blatantly bullying her. Your kindness was like a beacon of warm light amongst the callous hatred cast upon her from others because she was different. This caused her heart to flutter whenever you'd go out of your way to say, "hello" or when you'd be paired together for a class project.
° However, Erica was always frightened that your kindness was just garnering upon sympathy for her. It left her confused since she never had the confidence to ask you about your intentions.
° The bite gave Erica the courage to ask you out, which you pleasantly agreed to. You couldn't get over how much she was beaming, finding it to be the sweetest thing you'd ever seen. It was like you'd seen the sun cast upon a gorgeous beach for the first time.
° She rode that high train of joy for quite some time, despite Derek Hale attempting to squash it, because he was certain he had someone "better" suited for her. He almost convinced her, but didn't quite succeed in splitting you both apart.
° Erica's sudden makeover and confidence boost was somewhat startling. You weren't a stranger to her frequent mood shifts, especially when they were directed towards Scott and Co. You had enough courage to point it out, sometimes receiving a brief quip back of, "You don't understand what you're talking about so just stay out of it!" 
° She meant well as she just wanted to protect you from her other life. Erica was also consumed with a humongous fear of you rejecting her once you discovered her werewolf secret. She was a monster, golden glowing eyes and claws to match. Anyone with a right mind would go sprinting in the opposite direction for dear life.
° Yet you were sweet and patient with her, fretting about her landing herself in the ER once again like the previous gym class where Scott saved her. Sure it irritated her at first, but she gathered your face in her hands and planted a sweet kiss on your lips.
° "You don't have to worry about that anymore, y/n. You trust me right?" She'd asked in that honey sweet tone, a tilt to her pretty head.
° It wasn't long until you discovered her werewolf secret, much to Derek Hale's dismay. However, no matter how valiantly and pettily he'd try to pull you both apart, he couldn't thwart this genuine connection.
° Everything came to a head-to-head when you'd attended detention in the library with Erica, Scott and everyone else. When the Kanima appeared, Erica didn't think twice about protecting you. She was new to this all, afraid herself as she held onto your hand kurtly. She was skittish, shielding you with her body just in time as Jackson came and pricked her with his claws.
° You came crashing down with her, her body lying on top of your back, pressing you into the gritty carpeted floors. The pressure was enough to make it hard to breathe and as she gasped over top of you she whispered in your ear, "Don't move. You'll draw too much attention and get hurt. You're gonna be okay."
° Her selfless nature came out and you were one of the few to really witness it firsthand. It often boggled people who just assumed she was some callous bitch. Erica was more than that, and you were happy to be one of the people to prove that silly notion wrong.
° Afterwards it did take some time getting used to, but you never considered her to be a monster. In fact, you embraced her lycan-self and supported this new side to her as it meant she was relieved of pain, discomfort and gave her a newfound confidence she needed. This not only astonished her, but also Derek, who garnered some respect towards you when you weren't as squirmish as he originally thought you would be.
° "I can protect you." Is something she'd be guilty of saying, despite how cliche it was. Erica also knew that you'd protect her just as much, despite finding it slightly silly.
° But you were needed, especially when things got out of hand with the Argents. Nerves would be struck and you kept Erica sane, almost like you were her anchor.
° "Home is where the heart is right?" 
° "Babe, that's really cheesy."
° Honestly, you guys go on very fun dates. Erica has the versatility of being both introverted and extroverted: She's game for quieter and more intimate endeavours, as well as spontaneous and adventurous ones!
° PDA galore! Erica has the tendency to become possessive and jealous easily, but she can be coy with it. Competition is like mice to her. She's the cat and as she puts it, "I don't mind playing with my food". Public displays of affection help put across to others that you're both taken. She just likes to show off a little, but is respectful enough, backing off if you're uncomfortable. Honestly, she just likes physical touch as it's one of her love languages with you.
° You've got to put up with a lot of mischief and playfulness. Erica enjoys pulling pranks and will rope you in on the ones directed at her packmates. She's always got this puppy dog look when she gets caught in the act, especially by you.
° "Don't give me that look, E!" 
° "What look?" 
° "You know what look I'm talking about. Stop it!"
° "I dunno… Maybe you should have a peek to see if it's the same look."
° She sneaks through your bedroom window regardless of what gender you are. Rebellion is her middle name and it's sweet because it's usually because she wants to cuddle.
° "You've got your own bed, babe." You reminded her.
° "Yeah, but it didn't have you in it." She pouted pettily.
° She tends to also bring snacks and falls asleep first, curled into your embrace. She's a sucker for back strokes and her unruly blond mane being played with, which you love catering to until your arms go dead.
° "My arms dead, babe-" 
° "That's just an excuse! Just give it a minute and you can keep going."
° She does return the favour though!
° You're a very patient, kind person that soothes Erica's bursts of anger and impatience. You remind her that controlling things isn't everything, helping her to work through difficult emotions that she struggles to cope with. This stems from anger towards bullies, past mistreatment, etc. You're not a therapist, but your ability to see beyond yourself rubs off on her.
° Derek even becomes mesmerised over time when he sees Erica respond in a less bitchy way to people. Even Stiles makes many comments on it.
° "Okay, can everyone agree that y/n is a miracle sent to earth? I think this is a confirmation that God might actually exist." Stiles was practically gawking, freaking out actually.
° "Well, since you're having your religious awakening, are you wetting the bed yet? We've literally got the Argents on our asses." Derek snarled.
° "Honestly, I don't think I was that bad-" Erica murmured innocently.
° "That bad…" Alison snorted.
° "What was that Snow White and the Seventh of a Brain cell?"
° Let's not forget how supportive Erica is of you, especially if you've got a hobby or play any sports. She really goes all out in supporting you, whether it's cheering you on with her packmates or helping you study for a big test coming up.
° You get on very well with Boyd and Isaac. The pair see you as a sibling, which makes things easier. Isaac tended to be more distrusting of you at the beginning, but now he's awkwardly annoying with his strange banter that you surprisingly enjoy. He likes to annoy Erica and make a show out of her slight embarrassment until she's got him in an ironclad headlock.
° "Can't breathe-" Isaac wheezed
° "That wasn't an apology I heard there-" Erica grunted, tightening her headlock.
° Derek walked through with a black coffee, half smiling like "You shouldn't have said she smells people’s shoes like a dog." He stated, bemused.
° They're just siblings!
° Boyd's her best friend, so the importance of you guys getting along is key. Although he may look intimidating and ooze a certain temper at times, Boyd is quiet, calm and observant. He's figuring you out before you can figure him out. He's also very protective of Erica. Boyd truly likes you and you both get on very well, and it's nice to have someone around that doesn't announce he has explosive diarrhoea to the school nurse when he's helping save his friends.
° It's always a lovely time when Boyd can find a way to tease Isaac back for said embarrassing banter.
° For a human, Derek grows fonder of you the more time you spend around him. It particularly helps when he is no longer the alpha: His authenticity shines and he really enjoys your presence in the pack. Everyone else also likes you too since you even Erica out and bring her best qualities to the surface. 
° Your feelings came out for her much firmer for her when she was taken by the Alpha Pack. Tensions between you and Derek were at an all high when he refused to let you help him. Your begging to be turned into a werewolf fell on deaf ears until he finally aired out the truth: That turning you would be an endangerment to not only yourself but everyone else, especially Erica. He took responsibility for two of his betas being taken, but wouldn't take responsibility for you getting hurt. Guilt tripping you into staying on the sidelines.
° You went an uncanny route to save Erica by pairing yourself up with Alison once she became less rouge. Trusting not to believe the fact that Isaac had seen her dead body, you went with Alison, stuck in the closet only to find another dead body belonging to another unsuspecting victim.
° Erica was alive, but not well as she fled the vault with Cora and Boyd into the night with a full moon. But like the other’s, she survived and made a speedy, full recovery. But no one was out of hot water, as taking down the Alpha Pack and fighting the Darach was notoriously difficult; and at one point each member of both packs almost met their demise.
° However, eventually everyone made it out alive. The Alpha’s were put to rest: Well, not so figuratively when it came to Deucalion and the twins. But things began to settle down until a new threat arrived in Beacon Hills, however that didn’t arrive for quite some time.
° Dating Erica had proven to be a tough spell, and certainly not the fairytale ending you both had imagined. Although there were certainly tests and trivials, your young love blossomed and thrived - even when it was tested by the gruesome violence that ran prosperously in Beacon Hills.
° Each twist and turn lead down a different path: Explosive fights thwarted by gentle embraces and sweet nothings uttered. Erica found her home within you: A stark reality consuming her after she’d been kidnapped. Beacon Hills wasn’t the safe place to be for herself, you or her growing pack. She altered with the shifts, really growing into her own person that the other’s grew fond of, because they could see her candid qualities.
° Hell, when Allison died, Erica was deeply moved by this. The pair had grown fond of each other as they quarrelled in the past. Instead of wallowing in her own self-pity, she turned to everyone in the pack to check if they were okay: It stunned many members, but they came to realise that Erica just didn’t know how else to show that she cared. The ones of utmost importance to her though were Scott, Chris and Isaac.
° Dating Erica is a whirlwind at times as she fights for control, yet to gain distance. She needs someone patient, understanding and as bright as she does. A grounding stone for when she struggles with shifting and whatnot. Someone that can keep up with her spontaneity and grow alongside her. Erica becomes someone much different from the shy teenage girl with the seizures, but comes out into her own! She’s akin to a startlingly beautiful butterfly - constantly in metamorphosis as she shifts and changes through the many things that occur to her in Beacon Hills.
° She’s also noted for being like a feline, slinking across the terrain for her next prey. She is independent, mischievous, yet an affectionate partner. You would often find her lounging with her head in your lap, demanding you pamper her with your affections. Erica is loyal and deserves that loyalty back after everything she has been through. You fit together like two peas in a pod, an air of easy banter and deep fondness perpetuating from you both to the point others either grow sickly of it or they can’t help themselves from murmuring a soft, “awe!” in response.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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liminal-storage · 2 years
Fool's Gold
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FFXIVWrite 2022
Prompt 2: Bolt
Characters: Okuni Tomioka, mentions of Vulture/"Ollen" who belongs to @ariesmouse
Warnings: None of note.
Some nights, she wonders if she might've been better off sticking to waitressing. Unglamorous as the work was, at least she had not found herself as the bearer of bad news so often.
Here, in the gentle stillness of her own home, guilt eats at her. The rush of the fountains and the settling creaks of the floorboards sound like accusations. It's an old building. Had been used as an inn or something before renovations that saw it passing into her ownership. Old buildings creak and groan like wind-savaged trees. She's grown used to the building's sighs just as she's grown used to its solitude.
But tonight, oh tonight...
That ambience sounds a bit like an angry sermon, the fountain's burble a priest rattling off her every sin. Okuni slumps back against plush couch cushions, tries to drown out the noise with the distraction of a book and some light drink. But the house's imagined accusation gets to her and her thoughts drift to the source of her guilt: the one called Ollen.
Ollen and his openly expressive face, deceptively strong hands, and the glints of gold along his ears. Ollen and his tears in the wake of the news she'd given him about his brother. Ollen and the way he'd leaned on her while she fed him all of the soft, sugary sympathy she had to offer.
The cushions sink down as she does, and she knows well where her guilt comes from. In part it's only natural; shame for delivering devastating news. Then there is the second layer, the guilt of doubting him. For if he was the wolf in sheep's clothing she suspected him to be, surely he would have given something away. She'd have seen it with how closely she was watching, right? A keen eye for details is a required part of her daily work. She's good at spotting such discrepancies.
Yet she knows all too well how easy it can be to turn a blind eye to things when they become a little more personal. Easy to see what you want to see and ignore the obvious.
What, then, is she trying, or perhaps hoping to see in Ollen?
She groans, downs the rest of her drink, and gives up on the book in favor of draping a forearm over her eyes. She knows the answer. Never even needed to ask the question in the first place.
A lonely heart leaves room for wishful thinking.
Lonely is a hard feeling to shake.
Maybe all of the sweetness she'd offered was there as a tithe paid in hopes of paving her way to salvation should Ollen prove to be a beast in true. Maybe it was real, a desire to soothe the suffering he'd claimed to have endured. Assuming the worst of others is poor practice, after all, especially when it comes to strangers.
Even if there is something oddly familiar about him. A familiarity in microscopic aspects of his mannerisms; his slouch, the particular intensity of that single-eyed gaze, and at times the cadence of his speech. He doesn't feel like a stranger. It's as if she knows him, has known him for a long, long time.
If he is of the Ink, which one is he? Why bother to play the long game? She can't quite place it, can't pin it down. It feels like the answer is a fish flitting about just under the surface of murky water, or a treasure buried within a weed-choked mudbank. Like...
Like a pentimento's visible trace, an old masterpiece showing through a newer landscape's layers of paint on a weathered canvas.
...is this mere paranoia, or is she right?
A lonely heart leaves room for wishful thinking.
But before she can think on what she might want to offer him beyond sweetness, or torture herself with her ponderings on his true identity any longer, Okuni forces herself up and makes her way downstairs. Perhaps a late-night run will help to purge such thoughts from her mind.
She's already torn off down the road before the door has finished slamming back on its own hinges.
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aurumacadicus · 3 years
For the fic title: sometimes you cant make it on your own
Just found these hiding 😣 Couldn't stand to delete them since I loved this ask meme so much!
Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
Steve is no stranger to being helped. He wishes it wasn't so, but he is. His ma was first, sleeping in uncomfortable cots in hospitals, or sleeping on the floor next to his bed so that she'd be near in case he needed her at night, or pinching pennies and going without breakfast and lunch so she could afford his medicine.
And then there was Bucky, who saw Steve getting the shit kicked out of him and had come to help without a second thought. He'd led Steve to his apartment where Mrs. Barnes had fussed over him with bandages and Bucky's sisters had stared at him with wide, curious eyes, and then they'd insisted on feeding him.
And then there were Dr. Erskine and Howard Stark and Project Insight to help him become Captain America, who looked at him and saw what he could be instead of what he was.
And then there was Peggy, who had never found him lacking at all. Steve wonders if he'll ever find someone like her again. Aches when he realizes he probably won't, but for all the wrong reasons--everyone thinks he's perfect now. The perfect specimen of a man. The perfect height, the perfect weight, with perfect musculature. There's nothing to find lacking in the first place.
"Wow, and I thought I was a hot mess," Tony says, looking him up and down with sharp, calculating eyes. "And believe me. I'm an expert in hot messes."
Steve glances at himself in a store window. Aside from being grimy with alien gore and dust from collapsing buildings, he doesn't think he looks that bad. He notices Natasha giving him the same look Tony is and feels exhausted down to his bones. He doesn't know what they're seeing. He looks fine.
They move into the tower, mostly because Tony invites them but partly for their own, selfish reasons. Steve doesn't say that he likes that the doors open before he touches them, because he's broken at least half a dozen at SHIELD. He doesn't say that he loves that he can walk into a kitchen and know it has enough food for him, because he'd always felt guilty taking thirds and fourths at the mess hall. He doesn't say that he appreciates the way that no one cares who he is beyond 'Steve, you're tall and Clint's an asshole, get my coffee off the top of the refrigerator,' because he's tired of being looked at and seen as Captain America first and Steve Rogers second.
It comes to a head when he finds Tony on the floor when he wakes up on the couch one morning. Steve blinks at him blearily, managing a mumbled 'what' before Natasha covers his mouth.
"You were having a nightmare, but you told us not to wake you, so he sat with you and talked to you until he fell asleep himself. You woke up just long enough to drape a blanket over him before you passed out face-first in the cushion," Natasha tells him, and then rolls her eyes, but the action is filled with affection. "You're such a disaster, Steve. What would you do without Tony's help?"
Steve blinks up at her, too stunned to say anything for a moment. After some thought, though, he asks, "Do you think he's doing it out of pity?"
Even as he says it, though, he knows the answer. Tony never does anything out of pity, only sympathy, only empathy.
"It's okay to need help, Steve," Natasha says, because she knows the question wasn't meant for her, not really. "And Tony knows a thing or two about soldiering on alone without help."
"...What should I do about it?" Steve asks, even though he knows exactly what he should do about it.
Natasha seems to know that too. "Let him sleep a little longer," she says, just to watch Steve frown in frustration. "He was up pretty late trying to talk you out of a nightmare, after all."
"Yeah," Steve agrees, trying to sound guilty but mostly just sounding fond.
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