#and since im still using it for this it course i cant just bear to lose it now
consciouschunkofmoss · 6 months
i am once again having a linux breakdown
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leychin · 1 month
fem pronouns used
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Shigaraki is mad at you.
You've been in the infirmary for a month, he hasn't visited you.
Hell, he's gone out of his way to avoid thinking about you. He can't afford it. It makes a prickling feeling threaten to burst in his chest and his throat burn. You're an insolent pest who has done nothing but worm you way into the crevices of his already withering heart, and he hates it. He hates what that means because its a weakness, and he hates what that mean's because that means he cares for someone more than he cares about himself, and he cant let that happen. Shigaraki has goals, dreams of a new world, and things to do.
He sighs, he knows that's not true. He's not that child anymore, and he knows your value to him. Everyone in the league was someone he cared for, and of course you weren't an exception to this rule. If he had to guess what this feeling was, he would chalk it up to frustration. Not because you're a bad subordinate, but because you were too fucking self sacrificing.
Its been a month since the fight with the Meta Liberation Army and you still haven't woken up. He wants to believe it was deserved, and that you got what you were asking for. Hell, you could stay in that room for as long as he wants. See if he gives a shit.
But he does, because this guilt is eating him alive. You saw Re-Destro grab Shigaraki and toss him, and when Destro went for the finishing blow you jumped in the way instead to hold him off, to let your leader get away, or just to grab his bearings.
When Shigaraki finally regained some semblance of balance, he saw Destro toss your body into debris. You didn't get lucky with where you landed like your leader did. He fell in empty desolate fields and your head collided straight with the remnants of a building.
The rest was a blur after that, Shigaraki woke up as the leader and with a broken foot. But he remembers the feeling of seeing your head bleed out, and he remembers how sick he felt at the thought of losing you. He hates that feeling.
"You oughta see her boss. She's been asking if you've been alright since she woke up." Dabi advises, and it makes Shigaraki tsk. He knows you've been asking about him, but he doesn't know how to show his face to you now. He's been trying to turn these feelings into anger for so long, and to push you out of his heart he's not sure if he'd be able to do it with you looking at him like he's the most important person in the world.
But he eventually sucks it up, because now he's standing outside of your door. The muffled beeps of the heart monitor you're hooked up to mimicking his own steady heartbeat. Realistically he knows theres nothing to be worried about; he knew you weren't mad at him, but something disgusting swirled in his chest and it spread like decay to the rest of him.
When he opens the door, and you meet his eyes and smile so brightly he has to fight the urges to scratch at his neck. He knew you would be happy to see him, everyone said you would be. So why is this upsetting him?
"Im so glad you're alright." Those are the first words you say to him, and he wants to rip his hair out at how soft your voice was now. So relaxed, and so peaceful like you didn't almost die that day.
Shigaraki huffs, before stepping fully into your line of sight to show the boot he has to wear on his leg for a while "Most of me is at least." and you laugh at that, you missed his dry humor and you want to tell him everything you've been thinking in this last month.
But your head pounds, and Shigaraki is quick to reach out to you with all five fingers and carefully touch your head. You freeze, but when decay doesn't come and he instead hands you your glass of water wordlessly you stare at him with wide eyes.
"Oh.. I can control it now." He says, unsure of how to explain that his 'awakening' came to him as he saw you slumped over that building, the blood leaking from your head and how angry he was that you would've thrown your life away for him, because your belief in his ability to create a future for everyone was so strong you were willing to never see it because it was your leader, because it was him.
Shigaraki opts to show you instead, taking two fingers and tapping the flowers on your nightstand. The spread was much slower than five fingers, but they wilted regardless.
Then carefully, Shigaraki lifted your hand and pressed his five fingertips to yours. The moment was oddly intimate; the only sounds being your heart monitor (that seemed to be picking up slightly) and the faint sounds of tv in the background.
"...I thought. I wouldn't be able to keep you in my party anymore." Shigaraki says, notably with his fingertips still pressed to yours "I was mad at you, I didn't understand why you did that. I thought you were stupid, and you would die." its a genuine, human fear that Shigaraki goes out of his way to hide from his friends, he's always felt that he had to be strong for them, but in this moment it all seems to tumble.
"I wanted... to keep leveling up with you." Shigaraki tries to explain "I didn't want it to be over yet. Not with you. Theres a lot I want to do with you still." and in that moment, Shigaraki realizes he doesn't see you the way he sees spinner, or toga, or even Dabi. It's something else that he can't quite place. "Don't do that stupid shit again." is all he says instead though, unsure on how to voice the latter half of his thoughts.
But its not lost on you, and you simply smile at him one again as you move your fingers so that your fingers are interlocked with his hand, and Shigaraki is confused, but slowly copies your action. Its nice.
"I won't, if you come and actually visit me this time." You offer.
Shigaraki pretends to ponder for a moment, before his own lips pull into a genuine smile for the first time since he's woken up "I'll think about it."
He'll come see you again every day until you're released from the infirmary, and then every day when you two work for your world together.
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ganondoodle · 4 months
yeah no of course i cant stop trying still ...
currently trying to get out of the mindset -draw what could be popular- by designing some rough ideas for the weapons shops in the new totk rewrite (fuse isnt a thing here)
to explain; during the first part (before villain rauru reveal and change to shiekah arm) the way to repair or craft weapons is with a new type of NPCs; they are smiths that can repair your weapons, craft them, and have some avaible to buy (mostly for arrows but also small selection of weapons), it costs material and some money, or if you dont have the material/all material, it costs more money but is still doable, price depending on how valuable or hard to get the material is you dont want to spend on it
then after the switch to the sheikah arm and zelda taking on the role of your permanent companion, she can both repair and craft as well (might be limited but expandable with quests, as in that zelda learns more skills- so theres new quests after the switch and you cant just do everything before that) with the difference that you need to have the required materials but it costs no money
this would mean that while no giant change before and after the halfway point of the game, it is definitely different feeling, plus its a convenience that is good to have in the second half but shouldnt be sorely missed in the first, the difference between NPC smith and zelda gives you the option to spend material or money- so you arent forced to grind anything if you need either for something else, plus new quest rewards for the second half and new points of interest in general, similar to a stable but not too close so theres still an element of exploration; they arent super frequent but around the map of the surface enough that you can reasonably reach one in each region (perhaps after aquiring the yiga as allies/or before that in disguise they can do the same for you but are only found in the underground)
it would also allow for more diverse gameplay, if your favorite weapon is about to break (it might not fully disappear but if you use it up it would go into a condition like the master sword when its lost its power, not usable or doing tiny amount of damage, but not gone forever if you accidentally use it too much-) you can decide to throw it away or keep it until you find the next smith, depending on if you already found one and see you are close or havent yet, or spend the material if you have it to instantly repair it
(i havent decided yet if rauru might be willing to repair your weapons, but not to craft them since he lacks the skill (would never admit to it) and he only wants to give you just enough support to enable you to do what he wants you to do- i think that might work better bc its still a difference to zelda, since she can craft too, but not too much so that you would feel like the games forcing you to use the smiths in the first half ... possibly its unlocked with one of the enigma stones, when rauru can claim he is able to do that now bc it lets him recover some of his strength)
what im wondering now, which is a bit important i think, is .. should the smiths be wandering around a set path or have a lil stationary shop? if they wander around it would make it a bit more depending on situation of you wanna use them, but bears the risk of making it annoying if you dont know here they are or happen to be too far away and a lil weird bc should have something to work on there, like an anvil, which would be a lil strange to carry around; a lil shop could potentially turn into a location you keep teleporting back and forth though im leaning towards the shop; you could make helping them build it a quest too, or saving them from monsters? overall i think this idea is a rather nice balance
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bitchb0ybunny · 9 months
How TF141 would react to you crying when they pick you up..
Cant sleep, have a doctors appointment real early in the morning, and can't get this out of my head as a plus-sized person. Please enjoy this, I'm so tired :3
-Ghost would probably be one of the only ones of the group to actually understand why you started crying.. He's seen you stare at yourself in the mirror, he's watched you change clothes a million times because you didn't like how your stomach was showing, or how the open back of a top showed off your back rolls, or how your thighs refused to be contained by the leggings you squeezed yourself into over the course of fifteen or so minutes. He knew you didn't like your body, and that because of your size and weight you hadn't been picked up in a long time. Nobody had even attempted it since you were young.
So when he randomly picked you up at the grocery store and held you up so you could reach something on the back of the top shelf, holding you up as if you weighed nothing because he most certainly has had to carry and/or hold a lot heavier things, he knew why you started crying almost immediately. When he you eventually grab what you couldn't reach beforehand, he sets you down and holds you tightly, letting you cry and mumble for a few minutes before you two kept shopping. "Shh... shh... it's alright, sweetheart.. No, no, you're not to heavy for me, not even close... Let it out, your alright.."
-Soap would be confused.. Why are you crying? He just picked you up and moved you to a different couch cushion so he could sit with you. Did he hurt you? Why are tears streaming down those adorable little round cheeks? Did he grab you too hard, move you too suddenly and scare you? You had looked half asleep, so maybe? Had he made you uncomfortable, overwhelmed you maybe? He was confused and worried, he thought he did something wrong.. Doesn't really know what to do, but will comfort you as best as he can once he finds out why you started crying. "Bonnie, I dinnae mean to hurt ya-... Ya didn't expect me ta move ya? 'Too heavy'? Sure, yer a bit of a challenge, but I'm a strong lad. I've carried 'lot heavier."
-Price Probably a mix of confusion and understanding.. At first, he was like Soap. He thought he hurt you, he's been a Soldier for 20+ years so sometimes he forgets his own strength, but would immediately understand after asking a few questions..
"Did I hurt you, love? You a'right?.. Awh, don't give me that, sweetheart. Just cause I got a bit of a tummy don't mean I can't pick you up, I'm still a Soldier y'know." Would definitely laugh a little at his own comments or jokes.. He's got that 'I dont care, Im old and tired' kinda view on it. "'m old, tired, and scarred. Just happy someone as gorgeous as yourself finds the time to love me, I don't care if you have stretch marks or rolls or somethin... Hell, I got 'em too."
-Gaz would probably be confused as all hell, but still try and comfort you.. He had just picked you up cause he wanted a quick snuggle, after all. "Hey, hey, what're those tears about, beauty? Don't cry, y'got nothin to cry about right now, I gotcha.." Would definitely hold you a bit tighter, rubbing his hands along your sides even if you have rolls that make it a little bit difficult. He loves your rolls & your chub, loves to trace along your stretch marks when you cuddle at night.. He figures it out a little while later, but doesn't say anything to you. He doesn't want to make you embarrassed.. But you do notice that he's picking you up more often, often picking you up while giving you a big 'ole bear hug.. He loves you, after all, so why not use his extra muscles from work to show that?
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gtlurker · 4 months
Finally chapter six of inhuman, unfortunately I couldn't find a way to squeeze any g/t into this chapter, but, new perspective and new characters are introduced in this new addition, enjoy!
Chapter six,
Im three hours into the thirteen hour flight from venice italy to vancouver canada, and each passing second im more tempted to knock out the pilot, take the wheel and break most of the air traffic safety rules.
It took me ten years to find my sister, and I hired the two most idiotic men to retrieve her. I would've done it myself if it weren't for the fact that I was in Europe when I got the notification that she was still in the same town we grew up in.
I knew my father wasn't an idiot when it came to where he put his labs, he strategically places them in old worn abandoned buildings so that they're not on the government's radar. Unfortunately for him, I'm not as stupid as the government and was able to find isabelle.
Granted it took me ten years, but I know for a fact that she's still alive and not too injured. I know for a fact that she's going to have a lot of changes due to the unique nature of our fathers experiments, but it won't be anything I cant reverse.
I was seventeen when Isabelle was taken to the lab. My mother and father came home that day to tell me about what they had done, and informed me that I was going to be taken there as well. Not for the same reason as my sister though, they wanted me to start visiting the labs so I could learn what I would be in charge of after they passed. Of course when I protested their reaction was not what i was expecting. Instead of the usual violence and threats on my life, they said something a hundred times worse.
They had threatened to use Isabelle for tests that the subjects were not meant to survive.
With how They had gone into detail about the different ways they could make her death slower and more agonizing, I knew I didn't have much of a choice but to force other innocent children into the same sick fate that hundreds have been put through due to my parents. In a way I'm just as bad as they are, I couldn't find another way to save my sister and instead hurt dozens of others just like her, And I don't even know if I truly saved her at all.
Nine more hours into the flight I'm tempted to just grab a parachute and jump out of the plane window.
I refrain however, I don't think the other passengers would appreciate a sudden loss of pressure in the cabin. The last hour of the flight Is always the longest and I feel like now Is worse than ever.
I sigh for what feels like the millionth time since I boarded the plane, and I only sigh louder when the baby I'm sitting ten seats in front of starts wailing once again. Anyone who brings a baby on a plane should at least have the decency to be able to keep it quiet. Yet another sigh escapes my lips as I unbuckle my seatbelt and make my way over to the women holding the baby, my expression carefully folded into an expression that masks the annoyance that is building inside my core.
Once I reach her seat, and see the baby's little face scrunched up with tears running down his face, alongside a clearly exhausted mother who looks like she hasn't gotten a wink of sleep in the last week. I tap her shoulder and her eyes meet mine, the dark circles under her eyes abundantly clear. “Excuse me miss, I don't mean to be rude,” I tell her in my customer service, and I hold out the small blue stuffed bear that I keep with me for situations like this, “but would your child want this to help him calm down?” the baby in question stops its blubbering and begins to make grabby hands at the toy, and his mother accepts the toy with a grateful smile and I leave before she can initiate any small talk.
Once the plane has landed, I waste no time grabbing my bags and calling a taxi to take me to the very odd address I was given by the idiots I hired. Since I was in such a rush to leave Italy, I only packed three bags to take with me. One for essentials, one for my equipment, and one for Isabelle's things that I managed to get my hands on after my parents threw them all out. The cab driver is a young man in his twenties, he seems tired and based on his expression I assume he's not really one of those chatty drivers i hate.
I lean back and pull out my phone, a simple black burner phone that I use to contact anyone involved in my less than legal life. After scrolling through the seemingly never ending list of contacts before finally coming across the one i need. I click the call button and bring the phone to my ear. Once I hear the voice on the other end of the phone, I speak before they have a chance to take a breath. “You have twenty minutes.”
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Some of you have probably noticed that I havent made a liveblog post in a while. Well, thats because I usually read on the bus and during my classes and then I come home and summarize my thoughts on the 2-5 chapters I read after theyve marinated in my head for a little while, but unfortunately i appear to be incapacited at the moment so I cant do that. But because its been weeks and I dont wanna forget anything and I would very much like to finish this series soon, I'll try to read at home sometimes from now on. Since my brain is still a lil mush Im gonna do what I did for my last post, which is write down what Im thinking as Im reading instead of summarizing all my thoughts retroactively, except this time I have my german copy on hand so if I want to quote something it'll be a translation
Anyway, with all that said, welcome to my twisted mind, please enjoy my thoughts on A Court of Mist and Fury Chapters 40
Chapter 40
Ive been wanting to say this for a while now but i kept forgetting, but they translated 'winnowing' as 'den Wind spalten' ['splitting the wind'] and that is objectively so much cooler, shoutout to my gal Alexandra Ernst for that
Feyre being like "ugh, its so pathetic how these human guards think they could stand a chance against even one of us" hurts me so much you guys what have they done to my girl
Once again, its apparently perfectly fine if Rhysand doesnt tell Feyre anything "because she never asked" but if Tamlin doesnt tell her anything when she never asked hes the devil
Also once again, Feyre is perfectly not-triggered at Mor wearing a scarlet dress
Idk how to explain this, but Rhysand saying that Feyre is wearing a golden crown because "she looks so good with it, how could he not give her one" is somehow the perfect encapsulation of the hollowness of her High Lady title
Oh, of course three of the queens only showed up to watch the other two talk, itd be too hard to write dialogue if they actually participated in this important conversation
hello???? Feyre referring to humans as "your kind" ??? wth is going on
"every side bears some blame" hey rhysand ive got a question for ya. which side enslaved the other again
everytime the oldest queen does anything the prose feels the need to remind me of how old and wrinkly she is and its like, i get it, shes OLD
The oldest queen is spitting so hard rn, Im not even gonna question how they heard of the night court when Feyre, who lived closest to Prythian for many years, didnt know anything aout the individual courts prior to getting there herself, Im just gonna put her whole little monologue here: "Oh? [...] The High Lord of the Night Court asks that we join him so that we can save lives together? Fight for peace? And what about the lives that you have taken during your long, despicable existance? What about the High Lord who shrouds himself in darkness and destroys the mind of those who stand in his way? [...] We have heard of you on the continent, Rhysand. We have heard of what the Court of Night is capable of, what you do to your enemies. Peace? I wouldn't have thought that you - a man who enslaves the minds of others and kills them out of pure enjoyment - even know that word."
Anyway, she was spitting absolute bars and Feyre gets super mad about it and almost commits arson but manages to reign herself in and its like girlie, why are you so upset? one of the first things we find out about the night court in this book is that they apparently indiscriminately kill (or atleast torture) anyone who crosses the night court border without permission like theyre the fucking us government, i think the bad reputation is justified
Forgive me if I sound callous, but I have absolutely no sympathy for Rhysand flinching at the mention of Amarantha when Feyre didnt even use her name and is also talking about how she fucking DIED AT HER HANDS
God, I feel like I have something to say about every single line this post is gonna be like 10 thousand words long by the time Im done
So lets take it from the top; Feyre tries to convince the mortal queens to give them the half of the book by recounting to them how much everyone suffered under Amarantha and how she was gruesomely beaten to death and then revived, which is not a compelling argument to me, who actually witnessed all of that, much less these queens who have barely any context for anything shes saying right now
The oldest queen is like "you dont know anything about anything" which is true what the fuck does Feyre know about whats going on in the human world or even the fae world at large, and then Rhysand growls "dont you dare talk down to her!!" because shes passionate and speaking from the heart or whatever and its like, okay, shes still not good at politicking or even just basic negatioation and shes talking to a seasoned politician who old as fuck
Like, if Feyre was actually smart, she wouldve long since realized that she couldnt convince these queens to protect this little slip of land right up to prythians border and been like "okay, you dont wanna protect the land, but can you atleast organize an evacuation so you can atleast save the people" Sure, they definitely still wouldnt have agreed to that because its a sjm book and theyre written to be comically evil, but it would atleast demonstrate Feyre being a little savvy, because right now all we're getting is her being stupid and stubborn in a situation where she really cant afford that
god, im just now noticing how pissed off I am, its been bleeding into my commentary and its not gonna stop, Im sorry. wait no, if youre reading this youre probably looking for negativity, so youre welcome, actually
Anyway, Rhys also says that Feyre is a kindhearted soul looking out for people who cant defend themselves even though she definitely thought that those human guards were pathetic for wanting to defend themselves when she and the other fae were soooooo much more powerful and he definitely knows that because the mental bond is fully open during this meeting and he chastises the queens for being selfish and cowardly when its like, my brother in christ you are doing the exact same bullshit, but atleast the queens are defending a wholeass continent while hes defending one (1) city. and iirc that city ends up getting attacked and destroyed anyway so good job my guy
Theres something so oddly biblical about the story Mor is telling about Miriam, down to her name being Miriam
That island thats removed from time is such bullshit istg
Is it just me or have these bozos not actually explained what they even need the other half of the book for. theyre just like "we need to stop this war and we'd like peace between humans and fae" and its like cool, hows the book gonna help with that though
im sorry, feyre wants to punch that old woman in the face????
the chapter ends with Elain being like "I hope they burn in hell" and i get that, they just straight up said that they want to abandon a whole bunch of people (them included) to die if a war breaks out, but you cant say that the night court girlies are not also at fault for being so fucking bad at politics
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Another tsctir au idea i had is one where both the han brothers are s rank hunters; HYJ is still a perfect caregiver, he just awakens later than HYH (whose guild is already established)
The au takes place sometime after HYH went no contact (almost 3 years) with HYJ, and, in this au, HYJ ends up meeting people and finding meaning in his life and moving on from HYH (kinda; not really). So, instead of trying to awaken and getting into trouble, he ends up living domestically with YMW (due to certain events) and getting involved with BYM and maybe even Do Hamin (not 100% sure about this yet), since theyd have known each other prior to the dungeon break (in this au; probably, not sure yet)
So hes living a completely normal life as an unawakened person
Then, due to events related to BYM and her situation, HYJ ends up awakening and gaining the caregiver title as an f rank. His keyword phrase is something along the lines of “im here for you” “ill protect you” or “ive got you” (i havent decided yet)
He registers his awakening, knowing not to give out all the info related to his skills (HYJ is still kinda feral in his own way thanks to his experience dealing with adults trying to take his, and his brothers, inheritance when his parents died; hes just not as traumatized this time around) and continues living normally cause hes got people around him to keep him from trying to go into dungeons (and cause he has people around him who love him, he doesnt go into dungeons)
Except, the caregiver title doesnt work the way it does in the manhwa or LN; in this au, the skills he gains are a bit different. I havent figured out all the stuff for it yet, but one of the major changes is that he’s kinda feral about his influenced targets: like a mama bear when a person gets too close to her cubs kinda feral. Hes fiercely protective of them and is unable to tolerate when others try to do them wrong (which is basically normal manhwa/LN HYJ but cranked up to 11). Which leads to him ending up legally adopting? gaining custody of? BYM and having her live with him and being estranged from her family.
All the while, HYH is keeping tabs on HYJ and investigating all the people that consistently interact with him. On one hand, hes happy seeing pictures of his hyung smiling again, but it also makes him boil inside to know that others are able to get close to his hyung but hes stuck having to keep his distance. Hes jealous of them. His hyung awakened as an f rank so he cant get involved with him even if he wants to in order to keep his enemies eyes off of his hyung.
Seeing HYJ look at BYM and YMW with the same softness and care and consideration that he used to look at HYH with has HYH yearning for what he used to have. Part of him wishes that his hyung kept meddling and trying to be with him; to see that his hyung still thought about him and wanted to be with him. He feels worse now compared to how he used to feel before even though he doesnt have to stress about his hyung anymore
Of course, HYJ still misses HYH. YMW and BYM even notice it. But hes also hurt and bitter about what HYH did; feels resentment cause of the way HYH just abandoned him without even telling him what he’d done wrong or what hed done to deserve this kind of treatment, but hes given up trying to see HYH or get in contact after the way theyd chased him out and after his dongsaeng had said some pretty harsh things (the scar runs pretty deep for HYJ). YMW and BYM are both mad about HYH doing what he did cause it hurt HYJ and are also partly why HYJ has stopped trying to get involved with HYH.
When BYM awakens as an S rank, thats when HYJs quiet, non-hunter related, life starts to change. Even with the mixed feelings he has towards HYH, he asks BYM to join Abyss, cause, despite everything, he doesnt want HYH to have it rough and even he knows how big of a deal it is for a guild to have 2 S rank hunters. BYM initially refuses but agrees after realizing she can give HYH a piece of her mind (HYJ is unaware of her plans).
Meanwhile, HYH is angry that, despite all of his work, some brat is putting his hyung in danger thoughtlessly, but he cant show that he cares so he cant even say anything about it cause he doesnt trust a 15 year old to keep his one weakness a secret.
Eventually, HYJ is put into a situation where hes forced to realize that his stats are that of an s rank hunter (due to an effect of a different skill that he has) and that his caregiver title has been updated to perfect caregiver. However, he still Feels like an f rank hunter to other hunters cause he only has s rank stats due to a certain condition being met.
The drawback?
Due to his nature as a caregiver, he is incapable of attacking physically or using attack related skills (or using weapons). So, he has to learn to fight in a way that doesnt involve kicking or punching.
He’s essentially become an s rank support class hunter.
And, because HYH ends up catching sight of HYJ in a dungeon (who’s there to protect BYM cause shit went down badly), especially since HYJ really shouldnt have been in one to begin with, HYH ends up confronting HYJ and BYM, but it doesnt go well cause HYH is kinda hysterical after seeing his f rank hyung almost take the brunt of a boss monster’s attack for an s rank hunter who shouldve been protecting HYJ instead; and HYH is particularly hurt by the way HYJ steps in front of BYM and looks at HYH like hes a threat (HYH hasnt been influenced by the keyword so while HYJ does love and care for HYH, the one he’s feral over, out of the two of them, is BYM due to the influence his skill has on him).
The scene above is subject to change, but, ultimately, HYJ protects BYM and maybe acts like HYH is a threat to her? And HYH gets hurt emotionally and is getting increasingly frustrated/agitated/feral about the weirdness that keeps happening relating to his hyung and hurt cause he cant be near his hyung and his hyung doesnt Trust him.
In the LN HYJ points out how uncomfortable it makes him to see how easy it is for HYH to drink alcohol like its nothing and also how familiar HYH was with it. My guess is, HYH used to drink when shit got bad between him and his hyung or when his feelings became too much so i want to allude to that in this as well (bullying HYH is fun).
Anyways, HYJ cant apply the keyword to HYH cause the the requirements for the skill are different and arent being met. Because the keyword, in this au, affects HYJ as well, its more strict about who can be influenced and who cant. The keyword still needs to be said, but the target needs to trust the user in some capacity/have no ill intentions towards them and the user needs to feel goodwill towards the target. Once influenced, the target is added to the “Family” and become part of the group of ppl that HYJs skills force him to protect.
I want to figure out a way to get Moon Hyuna and SHJ involved with HYJ so HYH can go crazy about everyone else getting involved with his hyung while he cant seem to. So hes feeling like his hyung has left him behind which hurts. Maybe a dungeon break occurs and HYJ is using his chain of command skill which SHJ gets a vested interest in?
I feel like SHJ would call HYH to tease/harass HYH (or gauge HYHs investment in HYJ) by talking about how hes gotten involved with HYJ and asking why HYH had been hiding such a gem so far out of sight. He even talks about adding HYJ to his guild in order to improve the limits of this skill cause SHJ believes, with how dungeon difficulty is increasing, that a skill like this will be vital for the future. HYH is not happy about this development. Neither is BYM cause her ahjussi is in a different guild than she is, but HYJ isnt actually in a different guild. Hes like, an independent contractor who’s contracting with SHJ cause the benefits hes getting from it are worthwhile (they benefit his “Family” and HYH so SHJ learns that HYJ cares about HYH and suspects that HYH still cares about HYJ even tho HYH doesnt act like it; hes really enjoying pushing HYHs buttons).
Then, HYJ learns that he is able to tame dungeon monsters due to a combination of skills which gets Moon Hyuna involved with him as well. He learns this by accident during a situation where he has to protect YMW (he was able to temporarily stop the monsters from attacking him) but he cant influence them for long; maybe one or two orders will get through but thats it. Im guessing the deal he made with SHJ involves him getting baby monsters (which is how he gets peace; SHJ gets HYH to give it to him by flaunting his involvement with HYJ) and taking care of all the rearing costs so that he can try to see if taming and raising them is possible.
In this au HYJ doesnt know why HYH abandoned him. They actually have to talk about it this time and work through it properly.
But seeing HYH go kinda crazy first because of everything that’d been happening and the way he was holding everything in in a “the dam burst” kinda moment is something id also like to add in
Of course, HYH and HYJ will make up and HYH will end up influenced by the skill so, due to part of HYJs skill involving meeting the needs of his “Family”, he can get hounded/surprised by just how much reassurance and love HYH needs and how unstable hes been emotionally due to everything going on (starting with the fact he had to go no contact with his bro to begin with) (so HYH gets the affection he needs; it just takes a while to get there)
I want HYJs skills to be related to being a caregiver that protects their “Family” and helps to fulfill their needs so they can grow optimally similar to how he can optimize awakenings and growth for his influenced targets in the manhwa/LN. I also want him to gain some skills related to being a leader like his (spoilers) teacher skill which acts as a chain of command and improves group coordination. Some ideas ive had for skill titles include: “sharing is caring” where HYH can use the skills of his “Family”, “mama bear” which activates when his “Family” is harmed to a certain extent and buffs HYJ, “Mom’s intuition” a passive skill which lets him know the needs of his “Family” related to optimal growth, general wellbeing, and if theyre being targeted with ill intent, and “Mama’s here” another passive skill that soothes his “Family” and provides healing so long as theyre within a certain distance; its affects are stronger the closer they are to HYJ. Those who are part of the “Family” have accelerated growth compared to those not in the “Family”.
Maybe he gets a skill called “Leader of the Pack” which allows him to coordinate groups with ease? And its this skill that has an effect thats like, “as the leader of the pack (meaning, the “Family”), the user must also be the strongest! The users base stats will be buffed by n% as needed so that they can lead their pack properly” or maybe he gains he ability to coordinate groups when he levels up his skill? Maybe “leader of the pack” allows him to tame monsters? Cause hes exuding the presence of a leader and also has the added influence thanks to his caregiver title which makes them see him as their kin? And because hes a pack leader he naturally wants to grow his “Family” and increase the size of his pack?
I went with the names related to “mom” rather than “dad” cause in the LN most of the immoral immortals thought HYJ was a woman so, since they’re naming the skills, theyd probably call it mom rather than dad due to this. Also its funnier this way cause he wont want to state the actual names of his skills due to this; hes embarrassed by having his nature directly stated like that.
I also would like for there to be a moment where some of the s ranks realize that HYJ is much Much stronger than he seems. Hes literally an f rank. He Feels like an f rank. Stat assessments deem him as an f rank, but hes Not f rank. Maybe its when his “mama bear” skill gets activated so hes able to play it off as a temporary stat effect thing? Cause he acts like hes still an f rank too; he knows these stats arent really his so he knows better than to act like its all him.
I got some of these ideas from these amazing fanfics i read:
“S-Rank Skill Poison Nullification!” summary:
“Rather than getting famous for his taming skills, Yoojin accidentally becomes infamous for his ability to eat any and all poisons without dying.”
“by any other name” summary:
“Yoohyun-ah,” he asks, “do you want to stay with me?”
“Always,” Yoohyun promises.
Yoojin is a born S-rank, Yoohyun is an F-rank. This changes almost nothing and basically everything for them.
I highly recommend both of them!
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pub-lius · 2 years
Goreg Washesaton for richie my beloved
so you may have noticed that this ongoing series of my research of "every historical figure" (/t) for @thereallvrb0y has been on pause for a few weeks and thats bc ive been STRUGGLING to find the rest of them, and i cant. so if anyone needs information on those people, i might just post the bullets from my notes bc im not doing all that work again FKSFKSH they still exist somewhere within my 3000 posts, but i cannot find them bc tumblr sucks <3 anyway, now for
George Washington (pt one)
Georgie was born at his family's plantation, Popes Creek, in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on February 22, 1732, a date that I have memorized for some reason when I don't even have my dad's birthday memorized (sorry dad). His parents were Augustine and Mary Ball Washington. Augustine was a very prominent plantation owner in the area, and also a justice of the county court, so he was a big deal. His first wife, Jane Butler, died and left him with two sons, Lawrence and Augustine Jr., and their daughter Jane.
George was the eldest of the kids from the second marriage. His other siblings were Elizabeth, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles, and Mildred.
The family eventually moved to another one of their properties, Little Hunting Creek, which would become Mount Vernon. They moved again four years later to Ferry Farm.
Augustine Sr. died when George was 11, leaving most of his property to the eldest sons from the first marriage. The remaining income maintained Mary and her children, and George would have been responsible for helping manage their plantation.
George never received a formal education since the funds for that were used on his older brothers. He only received instruction from private tutors. He would have studied reading, writing, basic legal forms, geometry, trigonometry, manners, penmanship, and comportment. I already made a post about his rules of civility, which was a big part of his education.
Mount Vernon, where I got most of my sources from on Washington, of course, has a lot of information on slavery, but I'm not really qualified to talk about all of that since I think it deserves its own separate research, but here's the link for that.
The Washingtons were, however, deeply entangled in the global "institution" (that phrasing makes me uncomfy, it sounds like a business yk). Washington inherited 10 enslaved people from his father, and went on to "inherit/purchase/rent/gain control of" more than 500 enslaved people.
Washington expressed racist sentiments up until the Revolutionary War, which greatly changed his perspective on the definition of liberty and who it applies to. He expressed wanting to free the enslaved people he was responsible for, but couldn't because of the backlash it would cause from him being an international celebrity. He would end up freeing the 123 enslaved people he was able to in his will (that's a whole complicated legal system designed to keep people and their families enslaved for as long as possible and it's honestly exhausting).
Anyway, back to the white people history. Washington got his first job as a surveyor, and it was the only thing he got formal training in. In the mid-1740s he got two surveying jobs (one of which was for a They were going to lay out lots within a large tract along the western frontier of Virginia, and into indigenous territory. He learned more surveying and gained important knowledge of the frontier (*foreboding dramatic movie sound effect*). At the end of the first day, he was shown "a bed of straw with one Threat Bear blanket with double its Weight of Vermin such as Lice Fleas etc. (sic)" He made a promise "not to Sleep so from that time forward chusing rather to sleep in the open Air before a fire. (sic)" This experience ended up being very important to him and getting him out of that cushy rich kid life (*another foreboding dramatic movie sound effect*)
His professional career began in 1749, and recieved a commission for the new Culpepper County (*insert Turn: Washington's spies theme song*), which was probably by the recommendation of Fairfax, who was working on the Governor's council. By 1752, he had completed nearly 200 surveys, totaling more than 60,000 acres. Honestly, I think that if he lived his entire life as just a surveyor, he wouldn't have gone gray in his 40's.
in 1753, Governor Robert fucking Dinwiddie that was this man's NAME in REAL LIFE learned that French troops had moved south from Canada to construct forts in the region south of Lake Erie, which was declared British territory. The area had commercial potential, and Dinwiddie was concerned that the French would fortify the forks of the Ohio River. So, he sent Washington, who was a major in the Virginia militia, to deliver a diplomatic eviction notice to the French in 1753. If that date sounds familiar its bc Georgie is about to have a few major fuck ups that you learned about in middle school. This was known as the Allegheny Expedition, but I have never called it that. It is and will always be the Ohio Eviction.
The expedition was aided by Christopher Gist and local indigenous people. They were escorted by O-non-dowa-gah (also known as Seneca) chief Tanacharison, two Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), and one from the Lenape (Delaware Nation).
This trip was rough. During the trip, Washington hiked for days through snowy woods, fell off a raft into the icy Allegheny River, nearly drowned, and had to spend a freezing night on an island without shelter on the 900 mile journey. I hate to say it, but this dad could beat up your dad. They reached Fort Le Boeuf on December 11, thank fuck. Washington's account was published by Dinwiddie in Williamsburg and London, giving him a reputation at the age of 22.
Despite all that effort, the French just ignored them lmao, bc like what's this little freak gonna do??? So, Dinwiddie dispatched Washington, now a Lieutenant Colonel to assert Virginia's claims a few months later with around 150 men.
They ended up skirmishing with French soldiers on the way, and killed 10 men, including the French commander, Joseph Coulon de Villiers, Sieur de Jumonville. The English under Washington (that's fun to say) retreated to a makeshift fort called Fort Necessity. Washington was forced to surrender when the French surrounded the fort with their indigenous allies. In those surrender terms, Washington accidentally admitted to assassination. This was the start of the French and Indian War, or the Seven Years War for my European fanbase (im so funny).
Washington resigned after that bc his dick was small and he was embarrassed. But, don't worry, his dick regrew and he returned to the frontier in 1755 to serve as a volunteer aide-de-camp (foreshadowing) to General Edward Braddock, who was kind of serving. Braddock had been sent from the King to drive the French from the Ohio Country.
A battle started near the Monongahela River (none of these places have easy names). There was a lot of confusion and troops fled in confusion back to Virginia. Washington was attempting to rally the troops, and had two horses shot out from under him and four bullets shot through his coat. Also Braddock died whoops.
Washington was given command of Virginia's entire military force. He was ordered to protect the entire 350 mile long frontier with a few hundred men, bc everything that happens to this man is fair. This provided him with very necessary experience in commanding troops in stupid ass situations. Eventually, the British took the forks of Ohio in 1758 and Washington retired.
He married our iconic queen Martha on January 6, 1759 and they kissed a lot. He spent 1759-1775 overseeing the farms at Mount Vernon. He constantly worked to improve and expand the mansion and surrounding plantation.
During this time, he established himself as an innovated farmer. In the 1760s, he switched from tobacco to wheat as his main cash crop. He experimented with new crops, fertilizers, crop rotation, tools, and livestock breeding. He actually had some hot takes, but I'm literally the only person who cares bc that shit is actually boring (in case you were wondering, chicken shit doesn't make good fertilizer).
He also expanded the planation to include flour milling and commercial fishing. THEN he built a gristmill, and then began making whiskey, producing over 11,000 gallons of rye whiskey at its peak. Mf slayed.
This era is referred to as the golden years, which I mentioned in Martha's post and everything is wonderful and fine and Washington is happily retired with his family :)....
SIKE time for part 2
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dirk-rider · 1 year
TT: I’m here.
TT: I knocked for like five minutes and you still didn’t come to the door goddamn.
TT: Are you taking a massive shit or something?
TT: I bet you’re on the toilet going “Aw damn Dirk’s coming over and my toilet smells like a horse’s asshole right now”.
TT: That’s totally what you’re saying to yourself.
GT: Sorry im on my way to the door right now!
GT: I was just putting dinner in the oven my apologies!
TT: Dude it’s 13:00 why are you making dinner already. You probably just finished eating lunch.
GT: Well yes but im making ham! You cant undercook ham or youll feel ill and have to go home early and i dont want you leaving so soon!
TT: I don’t particularly mind being sick. I’ll just vomit all over your grandpa’s fuckin’ bearskins.
As Dirk sent his message, the door swung open in front of him and he was quickly pulled into a tight hug.
“Dirk, it’s so good to see your face! I’m so glad you could make it this early!” Jake said, giving Dirk a rough pat on the back.
Dirk coughed a bit into Jake’s neck at the force before replying “Yeah man, you said this series was long as hell. Figured we should start early.”
Jake let go of Dirk and stepped back. “Yes it is! Downton Abbey is quite a cinematic marvel, it’s a wonder it went on as long as it did!” He gestured towards the door. “After you!”
So Dirk stepped inside and looked around, still not entirely used to the… odd decor Mr. Harley used. He didn’t particularly dwell on it, though - the kitchen was already wafting out scents that made Dirk feel hungry. He felt his stomach rumble and put an arm around it reflexively, blushing a bit at the noise.
“Didn’t eat lunch again?” he heard from behind him, and spun around quickly to face Jake.
“Um,” was all he managed to reply. Of course he hadn’t eaten lunch, who has time to eat lunch? He was a busy guy and he didn’t need food, anyway. His mind had been occupied with other, more important things, like researching the best way to use a hydraulic system in a partially animated stuffed animal, as any normal guy would.
“It’s alright, I figured as much,” Jake chuckled. “I set out some snacks for you in the living room.”
“Uh thanks man. You didn’t have to do that, though,” Dirk tried saying, before his stomach let out another sharp growl. He grimaced. “Fine, I’ll eat something.”
Jake smiled. “Sweet! Well then, go make yourself comfortable! Just wait one moment for me to finish what I’m doing, and I’ll be right on out to join you!”
Dirk nodded. “Alright, see you in a minute.”
He made his way down the hallway until he found the living room, and was admittedly quite grateful for the sheer mount of snacks Jake had piled up.
He flopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote, quietly mumbling to himself as he turned the television on and started flicking through streaming services looking for whatever the fuck Jake wanted to watch. Some show about British people, that’s about all he knew.
Eventually he got to Jake’s watchlist and began scrolling down, looking for anything vaguely British looking. Jake was the only person he knew who actually used the watchlist feature, but hey, someone had to.
As he was scrolling he reached down and grabbed a handful of potato chips from one of the bowls Jake had laid out, leaning forward a bit as he shoved them into his mouth. He was really quite hungry, no matter how much he denied it. And he’d do pretty much anything to make the embarrassing noises from his midsection go away before Jake got back.
Finally he found the show and squinted his eyes to read the description.
“This historical drama follows the lives of the Crawley family and their servants in the family's Edwardian country house.”
Goddamn this sounded boring already.
Oh well, Jake seemed pretty excited to show this to Dirk, so he figured it’d only be nice of him to bear through it.
Especially since there was food.
He blushed a bit again but didn’t stop shoving chips into his mouth, only hoping he could eat enough before Jake got back so he didn’t have to embarrass himself.
After about five minutes, Jake came waltzing into the room and plopped himself down on the seat next to Dirk. He smiled when he looked at the television.
“Oh, good, you found it already!” he exclaimed, clapping his hands a bit. “You’ll love it, I just know it! Maybe in a sort of ironic fashion, but love it nonetheless!”
Dirk snorted. “What do you mean I’d enjoy it ‘ironically’? This shit looks so fucking real. Real as shit,” he said sarcastically. “Seriously though, I’m already asking myself why you’re so into this. Is it really that exciting?”
Jake grinned wider. “Oh, heavens no! It’s the most boring shit I have ever seen!”
Dirk sighed, then laughed a bit as he said, “Well turn it on already, I’m so damn excited you don’t even know.”
So Jake did just that, and Dirk leaned back a bit as the show began. And yep, it was pretty much as good as he expected.
As they watched, Dirk would make occasional comments and jabs at the characters, and soon he became so preoccupied with this that he hardly noticed how much he was eating. He only really went quiet when his hand reached the bottom of the bowl.
“Is everything alright?” Jake asked, looking to face Dirk.
Dirk quickly looked away before replying, “Uh yeah, sorry. I just, uh, finished that entire thing. Heh.” And lord, had he really?? Admitting that was almost… arousing.
No, it was definitely arousing, and Dirk knew it.
“Oh, that’s alright!” Jake replied. “There’s more, you know! One more bowl of chips and a box of cookies, all storebought but still quite good!”
“Uhh yeah. Thanks, man.” Dirk flushed a bit. God, he really wanted to eat all of that.
Really, the only thing stopping him was that he felt Jake had started catching onto what he was doing.
See, Dirk had began playing this little game with himself. He’d known since he was young that something about food was incredibly arousing to him, and when he realized how oblivious Jake tended to be, he began challenging himself to eat as much as he could on their dates. It made him incredibly flustered, but also incredibly aroused. Knowing he was doing something he would regularly get off to, right in front of his oblivious boyfriend, was like some sick kind of foreplay to him.
Recently, though, he got the feeling Jake was catching on. He’d ask questions, like “how much are you planning on eating today?” And he’d offer him more and more food, and he was just acting… different. So Dirk decided he had to cut back around Jake, at least for the time being.
At the same time, though, he didn’t want to be rude and just ignore all this that Jake had set out for him…
He grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved that into his mouth, too.
About five episodes in Dirk had gone through another bowl of chips, a bowl of popcorn, and an entire box of cookies. Jake had also gotten up momentarily to “check on the food”, and had come back with an orange soda, which Dirk had downed as well.
His stomach was already gurgling quietly, but after so many months of regular sessions similar to this, he knew he could still get more food in there if he wanted.
He noticed Jake occasionally looking over at his stomach, but he never said anything, so neither did Dirk. Instead, he would fill space where they should be talking with admittedly less and less ironic rambles pertaining to the characters.
As he was cursing out a character named Matthew for not making any moves towards a girl named Mary (holding quite a few parallels to how he used to feel towards Jake, though he’d never admit it), he heard a bell ding.
“Oh, dinners almost ready! Alright, Dirk, I’ll be back in a jiffy to grab you!” Jake exclaimed, getting up.
Dirk looked up at him. “Man alright, take your time.”
“Will do! Should be about ten, fifteen minutes, give or take,” Jake said, flipping the light switch on. “I’ll see you then!” And he was gone.
Now that Dirk was alone on the couch, he felt safe pulling his shirt up a bit and admiring his stomach. It was shaping out nicely around his jeans, and he had a slight bloated muffin top, but he exercised enough that he still had a nice set of abs beneath it.
He pulled out his phone to take a quick picture, then went to scroll through his social media feeds while he waited for Jake to come back. As he was scrolling, he rested his free hand on his stomach and rubbed small circles around it, knowing this would ease the bloating at least a bit and make it easier for him to eat dinner without looking exceedingly stuffed. He patted his stomach and forced out a short belch to clear out some more space that was filled with gas bubbles from the soda he’d downed, and sighed.
God, he wished he could absolutely fill himself to the brim with good food, but he knew he couldn’t, not without fear of Jake calling him out. So instead he just continued on readying himself for the next meal and tried to distract his mind through reading mindless drivel.
Eventually, he heard his name, and looked up to see Jake standing over him. He quickly pulled his shirt down, hoping to look casual while doing so.
“Dinners ready!” Jake smiled down at him. “And I hope you’re hungry, because I made a lot!”
Dirks face reddened and he hoped to god that Jake didn’t notice as he replied, “Alright, I’m coming.”
So the two walked down to the dining room, Jake leading the way.
When they got there, Jake pulled out one of the many seats for Dirk before heading to sit on the opposing end. The table was one meant for large gatherings, so the two sitting across from each other without anyone there made for a slight dissonance, but Jake seemed used to it by now. He’d already placed dinner on the table, too - half of a glazed ham sat in between the two, alongside a large bowl of assorted fruits (most of which Dirk couldn’t even name), and a few toasted bread buns.
“I hope you like it!” Jake smiled, resting his hands underneath his chin.
“Wow, man, this is… this looks so good. This smells so good. …You’re really spoiling me, huh?” Dirk chuckled lightly, and Jake looked very pleased with himself.
“Of course I am! I am your boyfriend, after all!” Jake smiled back at him. But there was a slight malicious undertone that Dirk wasn’t sure he was imagining.
To distract himself, he cut out a chunk of the meat and laid it on his plate. And as he took a bite, his eyes widened.
Dear lord if this wasn’t the best thing he’d tasted in a while.
He quickly cut out another bit and shoved it into his mouth, too, and then another, and another. And this time, he wasn’t even intentionally doing this to get off - it was genuinely amazing food.
As he was reaching for more of the ham, Jake’s voice came from across the table.
“Make sure to get some of the other things I’ve set out as well! I didn’t put all of this work in for nothing!”
Dirk nodded and took an admittedly large portion of the fruit plate (much larger than he’d intended, it was a really big spoon) and one of the bread rolls.
“Sorry I didn’t have too much variety in this meal, by the way! I figured you’d be more comfortable with something I know you like, so I really only set out things we’ve previously discussed.”
“Are you kidding? This shit slaps, man! You’re fucking fantastic!” Dirk replied, looking up and across at Jake. And he really meant it. Despite how he felt in situations like this, the sexiness factor was currently almost entirely replaced by admiration. It meant a lot more than he could ever put into words.
“Oh thank you, haha! I just wanted to make sure you could get good and full!” Jake replied.
Shit now the sexiness factor was back.
Dirk blushed a bit but said nothing, instead just going back to his own plate of food.
As the two ate they chatted about the series they’d been watching moments earlier, Jake going on a bit of a monologue quite a few times as he explained how “the narrative really almost plays second fiddle to just how much they put into this camerawork!” and stuff like that. And Dirk didn’t mind, honestly he was just relieved he didn’t have to say too much, as his stomach began filling out more and he couldn’t focus on too much else.
The pressure in his gut was becoming a lot if he was honest, and he was trying desperately to not find arousal in this, not now. He had to stop soon, he told himself, before his feelings made themselves known.
So Dirk put his utensils down and leaned back in his seat, hoping to say without words that he was done.
Jake noticed, though, and quickly interrupted his own ramblings.
“Aww, come on, Dirk! I’m sure you can fit just a little more food in that stomach of yours!” he exclaimed.
Shit if that sentence wasn’t enough to pop a boner.
“Sorry man, I’m stuffed,” Dirk replied, closing his eyes for a moment.
Next thing he knew, though, Jake was at his side, putting another few slices of meat on Dirk’s plate, alongside two more bread rolls.
“I bet you can at least eat this much,” he said. “I made all of this for you, you know! Would be a waste if someone didn’t eat it!”
Dirk opened one eye to look up at him.
“Can’t you just leave it for leftovers?” he mumbled, furrowing his brow and hoping to god Jake didn’t look down at Dirk’s pants.
Jake chuckled a bit. “Well of course I’ll leave some for a later date! But it’s still best fresh out of the oven, you know?” He patted Dirk on the shoulder. “So eat up!”
Dirk groaned slightly. If Jake would stop saying hot shit he might be a little more agreeable, but he knew he’d just keep pestering him until he finished what was on his plate, so he picked up one of the rolls and brought it to his mouth. Jake seemed pleased by this and went back to his side of the table.
As Dirk continued eating, he looked over at Jake. “Why don’t you have more? You’re real insistent on getting me all good and stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey, but you’ve hardly eaten half of what I have.” He forced a laugh to hopefully sound more playful.
Jake smiled smugly. “Dirk, you have a stomach of steel! I don’t think anyone could fit nearly as much in there as you can!”
Dirk let that run through his mind. He couldn’t find any counterarguments, so he just continued plowing on. The pressure in his stomach only became more and more noticeable, though, and with it so did the pressure in his pants. A few times as he was eating he had to stop to let rumbling belches into his fist, which only really made the problem in his pants worse. And then Jake would give his own plaudits on each one, which really cemented it all.
After what felt like forever, Dirk’s plate was finally empty, and he sighed as he slouched forward to put his head in his hands.
“Okay, man, I’mmrrUurp - fuck, sorry. I’m done.”
Jake grinned as the eructation forced itself past Dirk’s unwilling lips, and Dirk’s face heated.
“Oh, goodie! And look at you, too, all nice and filled up. You did extraordinarily, I’d say!” Jake told him, getting up from his seat and taking his diningware in one hand. “Oh, dear, apologies - could you slide that over to me?” he then asked, nodding towards Dirk’s plate, and Dirk nodded back as verification.
When he tried to get up, though, he realized his stomach was much heavier than he had previously thought. His brow furrowed, and he huffed as he got up to hand the plate to Jake. The table was wide enough that he couldn’t really reach Jake’s not-so-outstretched hand, so he had to lean forward. And leaning forward had the side effect of making sure the edge of the table cut directly into Dirk’s distended gut, forcing out a lengthy belch.
Dirk’s eyes shot open behind his shades, and he clamped the hand not holding himself upright over his mouth. Sick fuck that he was, of course he enjoyed the feeling.
“Oh, wow, Dirk, that one carried some absolute heft! I didn’t think you’d have room in your stomach to even hold that after such a dense meal. Nice work, bro!” Jake took Dirk’s plate from his outstretched hand and began walking back to the kitchen.
“Be a dear and go turn the telly back on?”
Dirk once again nodded, unwilling to open his mouth until he was alone once more. Jake was fucking with him, he just had to be fucking with him, there was no way he wasn’t fucking with him.
As Dirk made his way back to the living room, he found his second trip there much slower than the first due to the weight he held internally. He used this time to mull over whether Jake was finally certain one hundred percent in Dirk’s kinks. The way he complimented him wasn’t too far off from how it was when Dirk had first started, true. But it also felt as though Jake was now indulging Dirk, trying to get him to a point that he couldn’t deny his interest if his life depended on it. He was cooking larger and larger meals, feeding Dirk more and more, and now he was becoming pretty damn insistent, too.
When Dirk entered the living room, he took a precautionary step and took a blanket out of the basket (of course the English-Harleys had a blanket basket) to hopefully cover his arousal.
After he plopped down on the couch, he placed it atop himself in a way he hoped looked casual, as though he was totally not hiding anything at all. Because what was there to hide. Nothing, that’s what. Or, that’s what he told himself, at the very least.
He used one hand to hit the “on” button of the remote as his other hand ran through his hair, and he allowed himself a shaky breath out. He had to go full on denial mode, not allow his thoughts even a taste of arousal.
To do so, he went back to scrolling through his previous mindless online drivel, and it worked for the most part. His gut was still gurgling, and the sounds would pry his focus away from his distractions. But only for a few seconds, before he’d remind himself that now was most certainly not the time, not if he wanted to keep up the charade.
By the time Jake joined Dirk, Dirk had managed to get the majority of his blood back where it belonged. He looked up at Jake.
“Back so soon?”
“I told you I’d be no more than two shakes of a lamb’s tail!”
As he said this, Jake gave Dirk another pat on the back, which forced out a bit more gas than Dirk would have liked.
“Oopsadaisies, I nearly managed to forget your overburdened state. My bad, heheh.”
The tone he used, though, made it quite clear he had not forgotten. Not in the slightest.
“Well. Make yourself comfortable, I’m ready to continue where we left off if you are.”
So Dirk hit the play button and the two quickly got back into the swing of things, Jake pausing every so often to go on rants and rambles, restating his own marvelings, and Dirk swinging right back with his own disses.
At some point while the two were talking, Jake had managed to wiggle his way beneath the blanket as well, scooting a bit closer to Dirk as he did so. Dirk would have commented on this move, but he didn’t want to risk having anything thrown back at him, any questions asked about the reason for the cover in the first place, so he instead continued his speech.
“So. We can agree that there’s an absurd contrast between the A plot and the B plot, right? Like… they’re expecting us to take a flower show as seriously as a real, honest to god murder coverup. What the fuck.”
“There’s also feminism!” Jake added.
Dirk laughed at this, and the exhalation allowed another small burp to follow. “‘Scuse me, goddamn-“
As he excused himself, Jake placed his rough hand against Dirk’s abdomen, only for Dirk to reflexively grab it.
“What are you do-oouurp- what are you doing??”
Jake put on an apologetic face, but there was a smile threatening to break out from beneath it.
“What, can a guy not give his good pal a much-needed tummy rub?” he asked, fluttering his lashes. “Your eructations are becoming interruptions, I figured I’d try to get things settled so we could enjoy the show-!”
“The only show you’re enjoying right now is taking place inside my abdomen, English,” Dirk interrupted before he could think through his own word choice. He let go of Jake’s hand, though, and allowed it to fall back atop his distended middle.
Jake fell silent for a moment, before he began softly moving his hand against Dirk’s warm flesh.
“…I’m only enjoying it because you seem so enamored by your own gluttony, my good man.”
Dirk nearly choked on his own tongue.
He wasn’t sure what to say to that. He felt his face return to the bright red he was becoming used to tonight, but kept his mouth clamped shut.
“Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you! Really, I find your games quite charming.” Jake hit pause on the television.
“But you didn’t seriously think you were hiding it, did you?”
Jake’s ocular attention was now entirely directed towards Dirk’s face, and he looked away, unable to face the guy.
“Hiding what?” he asked, strained. Dirk suddenly felt the need to take a drink, his throat absolutely parched by nerves.
Jake’s expression turned thoughtful for a moment before he began once more.
“Your arousal, I suppose. That’s how this all appears to me, anyway,” he chuckled. Then he leaned in towards Dirk’s ear, as though he were readying himself to tell a secret.
Instead of a secret, though, Dirk’s senses were flooded with the sound of one of Jake’s own gaseous outbursts.
“There’s no use in denying it, Dirk. I see the way your fists are clenched, your breaths labored. I can feel your heart beating against my hand. You are loving this, Dirk.”
He leaned back a bit and thumped on his chest once more, then followed with another low belch. As he let it out he grabbed Dirk’s hand and guided it lower, then lower still, before he took the blanket off of the both of them and was met with a rather unsightly bulge on Dirk’s end.
“Peekaboo! Would you look at that, Dirk, hardened by eructations. Be they yours or mine, you enjoy the sound regardless.” He let go of Dirk’s hand and palmed around Dirk’s crotch, humming a bit.
“Oh, look at what I’ve done to you, Dirk. You’re bloated beyond belief and still have the capacities to get hard. You only have so much energy, and right now it all seems centered in one area.”
Dirk grunted at the touch but said nothing.
“Dirk, were you ever going to tell me how you felt about all this? Or did you enjoy the thrill of voyeurism too much? Has this all been a part of some sick ritual I’ve been forced to help indulge?”
“…When did you figure me out.”
That was all Dirk could really muster at this point. He’d been stripped down to his barest desires, exposed for the pervert he was, and it was driving him wild.
“Ohh, hmm, what a toughie… let’s see here.” Jake made a big display out of counting his fingers, and Dirk’s brow only furrowed further as he did so. Eventually Jake looked back up and grinned at Dirk.
“Well, I guess I’ve had an inkling for quite some time by now. I can’t quite pinpoint when I became certain, but the evidence just kept piling up until it became hard to say that you WEREN’T getting off to this, haha!”
Dirk groaned.
“Fuck, Jake, I’m. I should have told you. I guess it is pretty fucked up of me to get all hot and bothered, work towards my own pleasure, and not clue you into that fact. I just- you’re- you kept making it so easy, so hot, and-“
Jake cut Dirk off with a peck on the lips.
“Oh, hush, you,” he giggled, “I find the whole thing rather endearing.”
Dirk finally met Jake’s eyes. “Real- really, now..? You aren’t just saying that, rrrooUuurph… ngh, fuuuck.”
As he spoke, Jake hit a rather tight spot in Dirk’s gut and forced out another small belch.
“If I minded so, I wouldn��t be so eager to indulge you, now would I? I wouldn’t be making such meals, caressing your bloatation, allowing your crass noises to continue, now would I?”
Dirk sighed shakily.
“I- I guess not, no. Probably not.”
Jake grinned and began unzipping Dirk’s jeans.
“So why don’t we do something about this?”
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seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober Day 2: Nowhere to Run
Fandom: Avengers
Day 2 of Whumptober, wow I cant believe im doing this, these are probably the quickest and shortest stories ive ever written.
Tony knows theres a quote that he'd love to use right now. Something from an older movie, something about not cornering babies or something, but all his brain power is currently being used elsewhere.
Tony didnt like the other side of this. Not that he much liked being kidnapped either, but the other side of it sucked majorily. Especially when the people were kidnapped because of him. He thought being on a super hero team would keep things like this from happening. Sure he'd been kidnapped since the invasion (not that the team was aware of it anyway) but that he could handle, hes been saving himself since he was 5.
And of all his teammates, Bruce and the spy twins were not who he'd expect to be kidnapped. Sure Nat and Clint were human ish, but they were SPIES, and Bruce was the freakin HULK. It just didnt compute, and when did villians get smart enough to think of kidnapping teamates to get him to do things!?
And they were even smart enough to put him in such a time crunch they had zero time to plan anything. Every tick of the clock (mental clock as it was) was another foot of the walls closing in on him, an extra shot of adrenline that had his heart beating painfully against the reactor and his lungs constricting tighter and tighter.
His half an hour was almost up, the live feed of his teammates and the count down was only making him nervous but he couldnt bear to have it out of his sight. The device in front of him was rudimentary at best compared to what he could do with a bit more time, but it would work, the reactor was the important part anyway. Always the freakin reactor.
He puts it in a case, like those cliche movies, and books it to the meet up, Jarvis playing the livefeed for him and a soothing voice in his ear. He should have left a note or something, Cap would be mad hes sure, Pepper and Rhodey furious. But that would be someone elses problem, he only had one thing on his mind.
Keep the spies from being shot and a drugged up Bruce being launched attached to a rocket. (He didnt know what the man could survive and didnt want to test it.)
"JARVIS, how they doin?" He focus' on directions and birds and things that pass, to ensure he can actually make it to the rendevu.
"Alive sir. Annoyed in Ms. Romanoffs case, Bored in Mr. Bartons. I'm afraid Dr. Banner has been given another dose, and is incoherant still."
"Any chance they've found a way out yet?"
"...It does not seem so sir."
Tony curses vehemently, glancing at his teammates. Nat and Clint both wear iron prisoner gauntlets, to keep their hands unusable, chained to the bars of their cages, spread to further imobile them, legs tied together- and of course guns ready to shoot when the timer hits zero. Bruce- as mentioned before- is collared with several needles attached to it, and bound to a honest to god rocket.
Whoever was stupid enough to take them, would be dead. Tony would make sure of that, ledger be damned. He might of only had half an hour, but hes Tony Stark, and no one messes with his team.
The meet up is too close to a warehouse to be a coincidence, one of their many mistakes. A mere four people are waiting for him, and hes a little insulted, if not for a previously mentioned dead mans switch, Tony would blow them all up here and now.
"JARVIS, you know what to do. Remember, priority is the others, and if things go wrong, you know where my updated will is."
"...Yes sir." JARVIS was against it, but Tony was too determined to be deterred.
He lands, steps out of his armor, and feels JARVIS' departure, though his eyes stay trained on the people before him.
"Welcome Stark, bring what we asked?" The man he'd garnered was in charge over their interactions.
"In the case. But I want that timer shut off, they're safe first before I hand over anything."
"Are you really in the position to negotiate?"
"They die, and not only do you not get this thing, but you'll end up dead too. I have a record im sure you've reffered to."
This causes pause at least, they all fidget and have a quiet conversation. The count down continues in Tonys mind, but he carefully puts out nonchalance, free hand in his pocket as he leans back just slightly. Never show weakness.
"Fine." A laptop in one of the others hands, some quick typing, and the screen is flipped to show him the disarmed timer, guns, and rocket.
Now he has the tech guy, the leader, and the muscle. He moves forward finally, a pace between uncaring and not quite rude. He opens the case when hes a few feet away, watches the mans face light up as he takes the device and inspects it. The case is put aside, Tony knows what comes next, and while they think it is the last step, that there will be no further confrontation, they will be sorely mistaken. Tony wonders if he'll get to see their faces when they realize they were outsmarted by the man they underestimated.
"Now," mischief swims in his unhinged eyes as he looks to Tony, "show me how to connect the Reactor, how to start it."
Tony moves his shirt aside, heart beating harshly, as he twists
And pulls.
Its easy enough to connect the two things, even simpler to show the man how to opperate it.
"And how do I know this thing works?"
Tony makes a show of stumbling, moving away from the group and towards the nearest tree, leaning on it heavily.
"Try it out for all I care. Just let my teammates go."
He sneers, turing to consult with his group, all the better as they huddle close. They are newbs, they may have gotten the drop on 3 of the Avengers, but that was their only accomplishment. Tony could almost feel sorry for them, if he didnt detest them so.
His heart flutters, chest spasma, his knees give out, breath harder to pull in now. Still he watches, watches as the tech gestures to the trees, how they make a space and point their 'weapon', he cant quite see their faces, at least not all of them, but the one muscle guys he can see is enough.
The wave of energy that comes with the activation of the device is intense enough to bend the branches of the trees and blow up a large cloud of durt, but from Tonys hiding spot he still gets to peak at the destruction left behind. No fallen or burnt forest, no crater of disentegrated anything. Just four bodies, a mere smoking crisp of what they once were.
His disguised reactor was nothing more than a self distructing decoy. It could keep him alive for a time, even power the suit, but one wrong move? And you get this. A sure way to solve situations such as this, one made in a fit of paranoia, and one he was glad for. Even if it now means his slow death as shrapnel inches ever closer to his heart.
He slumps now, his part of the plan completed. Stares up at the sky as best he can, thinking of things left undone and red ledgers and the ones left behind. Its not quite how he thought he'd go out, no blaze of battle glory, or assasination attempt. Instead it will be the slow one taken from him all those years ago, in the hot desert.
His eyes fall closed at some point, waves of pain wracking his body, curled on his side in hopes to relieve, of course its in vain though, he can just picture his heart now-whats left of it- being torn to shreds.
Did he say goodbye to his bots? To JARVIS?
Why is the air so thin? Why cant he move? Is he trapped? What happened??
He must be trapped, hes dying, no he needs to get out, but why? Where is everyone? Why whywhywhywhyw-
Theres noise... so far away. Is he underground? Caged and buried!? HELP, JARVIS please-
"ONY! Listen, you gotta calm down! The new arc is almost here I promise! Just stay with me!"
The warehouse was so close, was it to taunt him with these visions? To feed him false hope in a never ending world of a fantasy life where he may actually have people that care? Jokes on them, he has long since accepted... that he is not the one anyone WANTS.
"Come on man, just try and breathe. Jar will be here any minute, you got us out, we're here now."
Well hes heard of two faced but this is ridiculous. Hes pretty sure fusing Clint and Bruce had not been a threat, but there they are, two heads in a pair of shoulders. Theres one head theres two, three fourfivesixse- where was he going with this?
"We're gonna have a talk about this Kotenok, this self sacrificing theme our team has going is going to turn me grey."
"Yerstll perty."
"Not the point, I dont like seeing you so close to death."
Something is running through his hair, gentle and soothing, he hopes its not snakes, that would suck.
"I can see JARVIS now buckethead, just a little longer."
He shudders and curls tighter as his chest tightens like a vice, splintering whatevers between its jaw. His eyes slip closed to panicked shouts, and his visions fade.
"I swear Tony if you ever do something like this again, I'll... sic Pepper, Rhodey, Happy and JARVIS on you!" Steve paces by the window unable to be still.
"That threat doesnt exactly-"
"Anthony! I have brought the biggest bear of well wishes I could find! I was told slaughtering a live one in your honor was frowned upon so I hope this will do!" The bears bigger than he is and Tony will treasure it forever.
"Thanks big-"
"Tony! You're Alive!" Bruce bursts through the door, disheiveled and out of breath.
"Yes Brucie bear, and youre coher-"
"They told me what you did, we're setting up a talk about how much you mean to us as soon as youre well enough to leave. You cant keep doing this, the Hulk and I forbid it."
"Potts just picked Rhodes up from the airport, just to warn you." Natasha slinks in and perches on the edge of his bed.
"Airport?? Why the hell did I even give him a s-"
"I found balloons with our faces on them! Our FACES!" Clint has enough balloons to float a small dog, and they fill the ceiling like the bear overfills the visitors couch.
"Yes, I had to paten them-"
"Can I finish one sentence?"
Pepper fumes as she and Rhodey rush in,
"Im gonna wrap you in bubble wrap and keep you in a padded wagon if you keep trying to kill me like this."
"I believe I was keeping people from being killed. Minus... the guys that got killed but they were lame."
"How many times am I gonna have to tell you you matter to us before you actually get it?" Pepper squeezes his hand, tight and trembling, tears in her eyes that make his already tender heart squeeze.
"I'm sorry, I didnt have much time... I couldnt watch anyone die. I couldnt stand by when I could do something.... you guys matter to me, no matter how frustrating you are, so I did what I could. But I am sorry for worrying you all."
"We'll have to remind you more that your safety and wellbeing are just as important to us брат, (omg guys its pronounced Brat but means brother I cant so true) but thank you, for saving us." Natashas hand is warm on his ankle, but her words are warmer.
"Aye, I wish to have as much time as I'm able with you all, I am honored to both fight and exist with you." He bows his head, fist over his heart.
"Theres only one of you Tony, and we would like to keep him around." Bruce gives a small smile, eyes shining with truth.
"I was wrong in the hellicarrier, and Im sorry for it, Im glad to call you a friend." Steve has stopped pacing, standing tall and speaking every word with meaning and warmth.
"You're the reason we were able to become a family dude, stick around and enjoy it would ya." Clint pats his other ankle with a smirk, thats both kind and nervous.
"We'll tell ya everyday if we have to Tones." Rhodey ruffles his hair and Tonys eyes well up against his will. He blinks frantically, refusing to let a single one fall, before offering a hesitant smile.
"I cant promise I'll stop scaring you guys, I'll still protect you guys with my all, but I'll try to be better about the process." He pauses to breathe and swallow the lump in his throat, "and thanks... it means a lot."
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ileaveclawmarks · 2 years
thank you for the very sweet response, it’s definitely immeasurably worse when other dykes reflect lesbophobic shit at you or otherwise project their own insecurities regarding their lesbianism onto you. this girl had also told me she kind of felt butch/femme roles were “reductive” so i guess it figures but of course it still hurts and makes me feel stupid. i think there’s just a sect of femme dykes who haven’t properly dealt with their own internalized shit and as a result end up projecting a lot of that onto mascs/butches… so i really have to thank you too for being so candid about your desire and love for us. seriously
Really quick, my thoughts on the butch femme discourse: u can really only consider it to be “reductive” if u believe that masculine women = men. Like i know that there can be a lot of nuance to this topic when it comes down to individuals, u cant deny that hetero porn and dynamics influence us to such a pervasive degree that there must be some lesbians out there who do emulate it in their sex lives. But at the end of the day if ur gonna equate butch femme to heterosexuality then ur coming at it with the belief that butches are men, want to mimic men, and draw their character from men. Simply not true especially since butches r some of the most anti-men people u will ever meet (obvi trans men may have a different relationship with this but ultimately the trans men and transmascs i know + luv are generating their own sense of what it means to be a man, not what im talking about above). And in the same breath ur saying that femme lesbians want to be the subject of male-esque objectification and relationship dynamic.
However. Just like u said, a lot of femmes r so ensconced in patriarchal practices that they can lose their bearing on what this is all about. I personally cant stand the whole “femmes perform femininity in a lesbian way/not for men but for women/u can tell when a feminine woman is a lesbian because she does femininity ~differently~” sort of thing. Im sure uve seen this rhetoric before in some way or another. Its bullshit. Femininity is femininity, full stop. Men dont care who ur wearing ur short skirt and pink platforms and cherry earrings and waxed fckin baby legs for as long as youre obeying their rules. And you are. I mean, we r lesbians for fucks sake but ur perceived sense of beauty still rests upon the standards of men as a crutch. once u realize this its easy to see how some of them might never really get over that internalized shit … if thats whats in ur head as a femme lesbian how r u gonna be able to understand and interpret ur relationship with a true dyke? How r u gonna know what she wants from u?
Obviously i still have a lot of life experience ahead of me and a lot more understanding to do but it took me a really long time to realize who and what exactly i was put on earth to love and appreciate, and even then ive never felt desire for anything or anyone but dykes + butches. I couldnt pretend otherwise if i tried. So to me the candidness comes easily … if that makes sense. I wish i could extend the sentiment 2 u and all other masculine lesbians whove been hurt by someone elses internalized conditioning. Im glad u know my feelings r sincere
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
Requests say open but incase they arent and you havent changed it, (feel free to ignore if thats the case!) Can I get those 'S/O sits on there boyfriends lap' with Gonta and any other boys except kokichi and Togami? (I left it up to you because I dont wanna pick someone on the blacklist and the other boys Id request are already written for.)
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SITTING ON THEIR LAP • nekomaru, gonta x gn reader
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if its okay with you, i decided to add nekomaru since he's one of my favorite characters, and i love writing for him. i hope you enjoy!
tws/cws: mentions of weight, positively.
|| -> mod taka <3
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loves it when you sit on his lap! since he's a very big man, the odds that you're smaller than him is more common, so he basically bear hugs you from behind when you do this. if you are bigger than him, he'd still do it, its just that you'd actually be able to breathe normally in that case.
do not worry about your weight around this man! he always works out his legs, so he can handle your body, no matter how heavy you may be. hes also the type to hug you by your waist and lightly squeezes your fat, only if you're comfortable with it of course!
you might have to cover your ears since you're so close to him. he talks very loudly naturally, so he might accidentally yell loving things into your ears every once in awhile.
is very physically affentionate. of course, he needs to make sure you're alright with this, and after that he can cuddle you all he wants. you're so great and amazing to him that he cant help but give you so many kisses while hugging you.
isn't one to get nervous when you do this to him. he's completely used to physical affection and actually approves of it! is really happy when you do things like that with him.
also sees it as a way to train his legs for endurance. timers how long he can go before his leg muscles start to go numb, fall asleep, or get pins and needles.
all of his attention is on you. even if he did try to do something else while you sat on his lap, he'd get distracted since his beloved is so close to him. of course he's going to talk your ears off during this time, what else did you expect from nekomaru?
is just very happy to be spending time with you, he values anything that you two do together. the fact that you're willing to initiate intimate things like this shows that you love him, and the feeling is mutual.
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nearly dies. heres the thing, while he does very much love you for showing him affection, he's quite unfamiliar with the concept of "s/o's sitting on your lap".
at first, he sort of just twiddles with his fingers while he looks at you with both confusion and curiosity. he's a bit puzzled on why you would do something like this, but is interested in your reasoning.
after you explain to him that its normal to do this with your partners, he warms up to it very quickly. as long as its not an ungentlemanly thing in his eyes, then he's okay with it!
will ramble about different types of bugs that he thinks is cute while you watch him on his lap. he moves quite alot when he talks about things that makes him happy, so just hold onto his shoulders when you're losing balance on his lap.
awkwardly hovers his hand over your body. doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, so until you give him explicit consent, you'll get the hovering hands treatment.
knows how to make little braids in your hair, change my mind. if you have short hair then thats no problem, he'll find a way to make a pretty braid in it! if you don't have any hair at all, he'll massage your head instead.
since he's canonically the biggest man in the game, as far as im aware you also don't need to worry about weight around him! he wouldn't struggle either way, so just sit back and relax. let yourself be loved by the muscular man.
is the type to kiss the back of your neck and head. its not deep romantic kisses, its just little shy pecks because he finds you so cute and wants to give you some affection too.
to sum it all up, he's a bit stiff when you do it at first. over time though, he will get used to it, and actually cherishes the times that you sit in his lap! is very happy if you do this more often.
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Late night chats
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Beej chats with you when he knows you're not listening
Fluff, pining
It was a long rough week, you were absolutely exhausted, you could barely stand, your knees wobbled as you finally arrived home, everyday this week has been hell between work using you to cover everyone and do everything, and personal family drama you had to attend too, you were glad to finally be home, safe, quiet, where nothing was expected of you, you could finally recharge.
Kicking your shoes off and tossing your bag and jacket aside to deal with later.
As you shamble to your bedroom, eager to swap your work clothes to something less constricting, you tap away on your phone, ordering dinner, you were too tired to cook anyway.
In your bedroom, you were quick to ditch your uniform in replacement for an over sized shirt and a pair of pajama pants.
Removing your bra felt like a weight has been lifted, as you slip on your pajamas you felt 100 pounds lighter, you flop down on your bed, barely clinging to being awake, as you were about to doze off, your phone blares to life with its loud ringtone, you groan in frustration, you force your body to get up and dig for your phone in your pants pocket, you miss the call by a second, before you could check who it was it buzzes again, you nearly drop the phone, startled, you fumble with the gadget, quickly answering the call, assuming it was your incompetent coworkers needing a question asked.
"What are you wearing?~"
You frown, knowing that voice anywhere
"Oh baby, you will be wearing me by the time I'm done with you~" he moans
You scowl at this joke, too tired to really deal with his sense of humor, yes the ghoul could easily make you laugh with their lewd jokes, but honestly you were so tired nothing else really mattered.
"So we gonna hook up? Or are you standing me up?"
"Y/n what day is it?"
You're silent for longer then youd like to admit, beetlejuice starts before you could respond
"Friday, movie night, so, let's hear that magic b word sweetheart~" he chimes in a sing song tone.
As tired as you were, I guess a chill movie night would be fine, if you doze off during you could survive the teasing, wouldnt be the first time.
"Hello? Sugar? I'm not hearing my name come from that pretty little mouth of yours~"
You snap back, guess you zoned out longer then you thought, you utter a quick sorry, and shuffle to the living room.
"Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice"
Your apartment goes dark, you sigh, the ghoul had a thing for making an entrance
"HONEY IM HOME" the ghoul shouts, within seconds you are hoisted up from behind in a tight bear hug, Beetlejuice's head resting on you shoulder "babes I missed ya, you're such a mean little thing forgetting about our movie night, or were you just playing hard to get~" he purrs that last part.
Clearly embarrassed you try your best to squirm out of your predicament, the demon only cackles at your actions
"Keep wiggling like that sugar and your gonna give me a-"
The ghoul was interrupted by a knocking at your door, his eyes light up, before you could get a word in, you are dragged along to the front door
"Its showtime"
It was amazing how you were still able to order take out with all the nonsense beetlejuice did to the delivery guys, but it just goes to show that it's all about money, and let's be honest, nobody is gonna believe them, yeah sure, a zombie looking guy took the pizza and then turned into a pile of snakes.
Movie night was the same as always, Beej successfully snuggling up close with an arm around your shoulder, ever since the change of seasons he found you no longer took the lead on getting up close and personal, meaning he had to take initiative, not that he minded, since regardless of the temperature, you didnt mind him cuddling up, which was nice, you were so warm to the touch, he adored it.
Movie night was always a blast with the demon, yes you've seen this horror films 100 times, but watching them with Beej always made them more lively, his enthusiasm was so contagious. But as much fun as the evening together was you were officially out of energy, you tired in vain to keep awake, last movie night you dozed off midway through you delt with merciless teasing for a week, but all your effort was for not as you felt yourself slip into dreamland.
"Alright Doll what's up next in our-" the demon finally noticed you were out, he frowns, yeah it was cute, and sexy when you fell asleep on him, but it was really becoming kind of a pain on how hard you worked and how much it drained you, breathers are delicate, and besides he wanted to spend some real legit alone time with you.
The demon snaps his fingers and the two of you reappear in your bedroom, you being tucked into your bed, beej floats up beside you in a lounging position.
The ghoul stares at you, watching you naturally settle into a deep sleep, once a few moments have past and beetlejuice was sure you were out cold, he leans back placing his hands behind his head and let's out a deep sigh.
"Ya know doll, the other week I was in the netherworld for business, bumped into an old pal, buddy was going on and on about this demon he was banging, and boy, the look on his face when I told him I was banging a hot little breather, man, fucker was jealous, I mean we arent technically banging, yet." He whispered
This was a habit of Bj's chatting to you when you were asleep, he didnt need to sleep, so this was a nice way to pass the time.
"I showed him that photo of us lyds took, ya know the one, you were sitting on the couch playing with you phone and I had my head on your lap? Yeah, I keep it in my wallet, hell, it's the only thing in there" he snickers
You mumble something unintelligible, Beej hums in response
"Of course not sugar, I dont keep condoms in there, i prefer to go raw, demons cant get breathers pregnant anyways, wink wink"
The ghoul sighs reclining back and putting his hands behind his head
"Ya know, while I was down there, I had to file some paperwork with my Mom, the bitch she is, was going on and on about how I need to stop screwing around with breathers, she just doesnt get me, you know how it is"
You grumble in response
"Oh, yeah I know I told ya a sandworm ate her, shes back, it's a long story" he huffs with a scowl.
"Yeah she was saying how theres no point of me tricking another breather for a green card to live again, and I should leave you alone, fuck her, ya know, I dont need to trick ya for a green card, i know you're head over heels for me babes, and once you finally admit you love me and we fuck around for a bit, then I'll pop the question." He trails off looking in your direction, your were laying on your side facing the demon, as if you were awake listening to his every word, the demon sighs, staring at you sleeping form, god slash satan  he had no idea what he did to deserve you, his sweet caring breather. He could always come back to you, you were all his, you just didnt know it yet, and that was fine, for now, soon he'll get you to confess your undying love.
"What would I do without our little chats" he sighs, his eyes fixated on you, a purple hue begins to creep into his hair, he sighs again
"The only time I can be honest with ya huh babes?"
You mumble in response
"Its not like I dont WANT to be honest with ya, its just, come on, you gonna believe me? A demon from hell falling head over heels for a sweet little breather? I can barely believe it" he stares at you, his hair now completely purple.
"You know I love ya right?" The confidence in his voice fading, the question sounding more desperate then anything, as if the ghoul needed you to know or hed die again.
"...beee" you sigh
Beetlejuice perks up at the sound of your voice "bee?" Were you dreaming of him? The ghoul could just melt at the thought
You were
The purple in the demon's hair began to mix with hints of pink, his little breather was dreaming of him, the ghoul leans into you, his face inches from yours, studying your face in hopes to crack the mystery of what kind of dream you were having
"...beetlejuice" Again you mumble his name in your sleep
"Do you dream about me often babes? Ya know I dream of you~" he chuckles
Before you could finish the b word the demon shakes you awake
"Fuck" you say with a start "beetlejuice what are you doing" you grumble less then thrilled to be woken like this
"You were about to say the b word 3 times babes, had to put a stop to it" he chuckles sheepishly "you were babbling my name away in your sleep, guess you missed me huh?" His nervousness turned into a more confident jab
"I was? I-" you babble
"If you REALLY miss me baby cakes I could slip into bed with ya? Keep ya company" he leans in inches from your face, a moment passes and beetlejuice can see the hesitation in your face, yes he's snuck into bed with you multiple times, but he always left before you noticed.
"I wont do anything creepy" he begs grasping your hand as if to reassure you
"....okay" you whisper
The ghoul's eyes light up at your response in a flash he sheds his suit, leaving only a pair of boxers and slides under the covers next to you, the ghoul is over come by the warmth beneath the covers, and quickly latches on to your even warmer body.
"Good night Bee" you sigh "I'll try not to say your name 3 times"
"Night sugar♡" he cuddles into your chest making you the bigger spoon, though you were the smaller out of the two of you.
As you drift back into a deep sleep beetlejuice begins talking to you again
"You really know how to spoil a guy huh sugar, I guess I can wait a little longer till you say the 3 little words, as long as ya keep treating me like this♡ good night y/n, I love you"
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hold-our-destiny · 3 years
so i thought since im not really writing much lately, id put a big list of all my ideas with brief summaries and if you guys wanted to see any in particular i could try to write a small oneshot of it.
1. basically peter having a long conversating with tony about the struggles of having his enhancements and explaining how he cant even kill himself because of his healing (like the scene from avengers)
2. Endgame au- “Hey peter? Its Tony- We did it. We won, pete- we won. Please Peter” then when peter’s in a coma he listens to a voicemail left by him before he left for the field trip (saved on insta) at some point peter says “i just wanted to be like you”
3. V slow (almost) major character death- three quick gunshots and a thump- peter worrying about tony’s head wound.
4. peter and harley falling in love (3k words) in tumblr drafts for harley
5. tony breaking down in the middle of a fight
6. Stony soulmate au- sharing scars.
7. “I didn’t think you cared about me”
8. Peter dragged underwater
9. Steve reading bucky’s journal in civil war
10. peter tries to help tony in siberia but gets hypothermia way more than tony does. after like a week steve comes back and tony screams at him cause peters in a coma, maybe steve finds him in the medbay
11. Parkner last words soulmate au
12. peter gets infected with anthrax
13.steve and peter kidnapped thing- peter bring scared of tony cause they used his tech against him
14. parkner hanahaki but with recovery and peter coughing up the rest of the flowers= whump. basically peter loves harley, passes out cause he can’t breathe and nearly dies, tells harley, and has to spend a week throwing up the rest of the flowers and being so tired he can’t stand
15. tony faking his death and peter and steve getting mad when they find out he’s alive
16. rhodey tony falling in love+ going to warrrr
17. okay so tony maybe almost dying and peter crying about it? 
18. peter gets kidnapped after an argument saying “i know- i know you’re mad but- p-please Mr stark- please help m-me, i’m sorry” cause he thinks tonys mad at him.
19. steve helping peter with harassers- drafts
20. tony whump being kidnapped and refusing to give info on spiderman and peter saves him with rhodey and gets shot but because of adrenaline they don’t realise until they’re outside and peter collapses
21. the scene where he gets shot from enola holmes but it’s irondad- peter has a bulletproof vest on and gets shot by a shotgun and tony thinks he’s dead cause he’s oncounscious from being thrown into a wall
22. okay so what about a situation where tony and peter are at a press event and peter gets shot. just imagine what tony would be saying as he catches him and slowly lowers him to the floor.“it’s okay, i gotcha. holy shit- you’re gunna be okay, kid. come on, eyes on me-“ keeping on talking until the medics get there, still not leaving the kids limp form. Peters eyes never leave him, glazed over but never closing.Of course, when he wakes up later, Tony will be a little teary eyed sat by his bed, probably making a joke about “god kid, you’re not supposed to outlive your old man” Peter not wanting to be alone when he dies
23. tony and peter on a mission and tony goes to find peter cause he’s not responding and he’s unconscious cause of poison- tetrodotoxin B
24. Peter put in a cage thing with bucky when hes triggered into being the winter soldier and being on comms with steve and the others.
25. 5 times tony and peter thought they lost each other and the one time they nearly did.
26. Degloving
27. parkner voicemail with peter almost dying, end is him coming home. season 2 ep 3 of 911
28. soulmates rhodyetony can feel each other’s pain. rhodey knowing tony’s alive in im1
29. parkner enemies to lovers only one bed nightmare
30. character study of the mcu, ned, sam, wanda, mj, bucky, 
31. harley thinking peter is dead, dealing with grief after a kidnapping 
32. Prompt 885: Stephen and Tony were together before Afghanistan. They hit a rough patch when Stephen has his accident and the Accords are proposed. The stress causes a huge fight where Tony tells Stephen to get out and never contact him again. Stephen is crushed and leaves for Kathmandu the next day, leaving only a voicemail saying goodbye and asking Tony to not blame himself. The general consensus is he committed suicide. CA:CW and DS happen, and Tony runs into a changed Stephen in Greenwich Village.
33. basically incredibles- steve’s taken by hydra and peter and tony are in a plane when hydra attacks them, tony’s telling them to abort and steve slowly realises he could lose his family, then it blows up and tony calls a suit to peter. peters got broken ribs and bruises because of moving around and tony sends out a signal to the team
34. peter nearly dies on a mission, tony’s yelling at him and he breaks down crying when he realises what could’ve happened
35. peter nearly gets kidnapped/ sold and he’s really shaken up about it he won’t leave harley or tony
36. peter and tony are kidnapped, peters conditioned and at one point the kidnapper gives him a truth serum and asks intimate questions/ he’s not conditioned and it’s either ask the questions or take the punishment- 
37. bucky getting back from hydra and coping? steve feeling sad, finding out bucky can feel his arm and tried to rip it out, tony helping? the scene in the woods with the trigger words and steve being there really sad and shit- also thinking pierce was steve
38. peter flinching during an argument
39. bucky having to pretend to be winter again in a mission
40. Peter telling tony about skip
41. ya know the hypothetical about hydra training bucky to give people guns incase they need to ‘execute’ the soldier, and him giving steve a guy.
42. peter being trapped in the soul stone when he gets snapped, him being the only one there because of his mutation or something (his soul was too strong to be broken for the time so it had to be contained) plus dissociation when he gets back
43. peter and bucky kidnapped together, tony and steve both worried as hell and having to work together and bond to get them back
44. soulmate mind talking- peter getting into trouble/kidnapping? make collection for soulmates
45. peter and tony are running from kidnappers, peter gets caught in a bear trap. maybe include steve.
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foxmenbetter · 2 years
Findings I
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A/n :i dont know if any of this will make sense sooo...gn reader,gn traveller,gn traveller's sibling. !English is not my first language, if you feel uncomfortable reading a fic with gramatical mistakes leave!
'He was.. interesting, to say the least. It was almost fascinating how fast he adapted to new situations. I didnt understand many things about him, but i still used these things to my advantage. I will win.
This was my free choice, even though it felt kinda forced, i agreed and I can't take it back it'll hurt my pride and i can't let that happane around him. He's too precious to me now.'
There exist groups of such dangerous guys that have control over a few gnosis of the archons.. i heard that the ballader ran away with the electro archon's gnosis and betrayed them. Now one is missing one is... well dead and one is constantly causing truble for them. Thats the world i live in.
If i had lived in Shneznaya and not in Liyue i would have probably known more about that, but I dont. All i can do now is try and help the traveller find their sibling based on my theories from the places i travelled to and try not to interefere with anything too dangerous... even though i already have getting in to that bet with him.
I just wanted to get some information out of him but he sure is tougher then he looks like he is. He flashes that smile and walks around like he knows is all.. i mean, he probably does but it still annoys everyone. The first time I met him he wasnt like that. He was standing in the rain looking deeply regretful about something he has done.
I think i walked in on him after a big fight.. i was visiting mondstat and saw him in the back of the dawn winery that's where we made that bet. I dont think i can actually call it a bet but rather a sort of promise, since we knew where we came from, its not suprising for me to try and reason him to come with me. But he saw me as a threat to his already almost ruined life.
"We live in lies, so you have to make a bet with me.. if you cant win this bet you will live with guilt." He looked at me for such a long time, i was wondering what my options we're live the life of bearing the curse with the 'sane' people of my nation or not. Its a pain, should i meet him or not?
"I... shall accept your bet, if you truly think I am someone suited to help guide him in this journey." I accepted his decision with doubts about ever finding him. "Alright then, you have as long as you need, after all you will be stuck here until you try and get rid of it, or become one with the other sinners that lost their 'self' "
This was some dangerous stuff, but when the traveller showed up, i knew what my duty was. Explain our current situation in full detail and make him my companion, companion for life, "Support his decisions, please, your sibling wants to take away our freedom without even realising it, they've become currupt from staying in that place they need your help! We have tried, multiple times, but they don't- no, won't understand or pleas."
Their eyes we're turning grim as i said that ."Why should i beleive you?" Right.. I dont even have a vision, i am a sinner, i dont have a delusion and most people dont think i can protect myself. Heck i dont even have the abbysal powers! When he saw that i was visionless of course he didnt beleive me! So i left, I dont have time to waste, especially not on this. "Its fine if you dont beleive me, just tell me if you see dainsleif, say my name to him, he'll remember." They were pondering for a bit and then finally answered "alright, i shall tell you."
So i left them, they'll learn the truth, maybe its the wrong time now but they'll come to me later. Its no use if i try to force them, Dainsleif probably has a plan for the traveller, and knowing him, it's probably better then mine. So i give up on this case for now, if he needs me, he knows where to find me. I may not be someone who sticks out too much but im not a see-through wall either.
My journey stopped halfway but im going strong now, im still gonna look for him, and present him with my evidence and claims. Its been so long since we last saw eachother and kaeya and the traveller didnt want to hear my insight on our situation. Im sure he'll understand me, he always did.
I travelled through the abbys firstly and tried to find 'the other sibling' while trying to avoid lethal effects of the elements in my world. I stood strong against enemies with my claymore if i could not avoid any interactions. I dont need their materials so i sold them for food, i sometimes collected ore to refine my weapon. Forging was difficult at the start and my hand became even more bruised and colloused then they already were.
I built a lot of muscle traveling in inazuma and felt as if i had built a certain amount of resistance to electro. Liyue and monstat were my most known theritories and for a challange i tried exploring the chasm and found many interesting things and left notes on the places only he would have been able to see and read.
'Im looking for you, please come find me.
-Yours truly'
was often a thing said in my notes. Even if he shall not remember me, i always will remember him. I still hoped he did though, it would be pretty painfull if he didn't..
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actualbird · 3 years
0/////0 do u have any spicy marius thoughts? the more luke or luke AND mc involved the better.... the thought of this threesome grabbed me by the balls and simply will not let go. do u see marius actually being interested in luke, or just bitter and in denial abt him being so likeable?
[n/s//f///w text in answer]
hello anon!!! ive actually been thinking about marius/mc/luke ever since i wrote “instructions unclear...” but i have a...very convoluted and long winded vision of how it would actually happen
if u want the gist: marius in love with mc -> marius/luke FWB -> luke/mc -> marius heartbroken over BOTH OF THEM -> communication happens -> marius/mc/luke happy ending
if u want the Full Story and are willing to bear with me for a bit, i imagine it like this:
despite being the youngest of the NXX gang, marius has fucked before. he's fucked a bunch, actually. it's fun and he's good at it so for a while he treats sex like the rest of his hobbies, but the thing is that That's All Sex Is To Him. by the time he's 21, he's got a good number of casual one night stands in his pocket, but deep down, he....kinda wants more than a quick roll around in the sheets. he wants to not have to slip out of their bed before they wake up, he wants to make breakfast for them when they wake up, he wants something more than the song Temporary Bliss by The Cab.
and then he meets mc and for the first time in his life, he's in love.
he's never been in love before so he kinda sucks at expressing sincerity, resorting to making himself look like a massive tool most of the time, but mc, god bless her, still likes him in spite of that. in marius' heart, a deep and fragile yearning he has no idea how to show and, well. marius isnt used to not being good at things. marius doesnt like not being good at things.
enter luke pearce.
to answer your question, anon, i do think marius in this scenario would be interested in him, but for a period of time, that interest is muddled by bitter jealousy. because come on, luke pearce, who is made of fucking sunshine and rainbows and is a super spy and is mc's childhood best friend, like, how the hell is marius supposed to go against that? marius hates luke! he hates him! //insert entirety of "instructions unclear..." to express the point im getting here but moving on from that like
marius does eventually, begrudgingly, come to terms with the fact that he's attracted to luke, but that actually makes his feelings situation worse because he can (at least on a superficial level) see that luke has got even MORE GOING IN HIS FAVOR.
//distressed marius noises
but here comes the kicker. one day, luke approaches marius, and huh, he's nervous, he's fidgeting with his key, he's---
luke: can you have sex me?
marius: WHAT
luke then goes to explain, quite embarrassed, that he has no sexual experience whatsoever---which comes as a shock to marius, what with how luke looks like how he Looks Like---and that he wants to learn how to do things. luke doesnt have many friends (vyn scares him, artem is a virgin too, and aaron, just, no, oh god, no) and marius asks "okayyyy, why not mc?" and luke blushes and goes "she's...kind of who i want to be good for..."
marius, at this point, is feeling a lot of emotions. on one hand, theres a very very hot man asking for a fuck. on the other, this man wants the said fuck to be better when he gets with the woman marius is in love with. the logical thing to do would be to reject luke, because duh, but marius...marius doesnt like not being good at things. for a while now, he's had to deal with being bad at love, but now, there's an opportunity to show his competition that he's got advantage in this arena?
needless to say, marius says yes. and thus begins marius/luke Friends With Benefits funtime.
marius is very smug, every time he and luke have sex. he cant help that rush of power he feels when he one ups luke, when he takes luke's cock down his throat, when he hears luke's punched out moans. he loves seeing luke out of his element, whining and flushed and destroyed. they have a LOT of sex, in this point of the story, all under the flimsy guise of "teaching luke". marius talks luke through how to kiss, how to touch, how to fuck.
"you need to up your stamina," marius says, getting down on his knees. "lesson for today is don't come for as long as you can, got it, super spy?"
"got i----oh my fucking god, Marius!"
the tables turn eventually though because luke pearce is a fast learner, and soon enough, marius isnt in control all of the time anymore. luke pushes back, luke uses his knowledge of marius' body against him, luke makes marius see fucking stars.
this would have been all well and good, marius is used to casual sex afterall, but luke pearce, as we've established earlier, is nice. he's nice. he doesn't let marius leave his bed in the middle of the night because he's cuddling marius like a squid the entire time. he always makes breakfast for marius before he leaves in the morning because over the course of the FWB thing luke learned marius' tendency to skip meals out of corporate induced stress. luke always holds marius, holds him as if he's something worth more than his dick and what it can do, and marius realizes, day by day, that he has made a terrible mistake.
marius is bad at love. and he just had to go and fall in love with luke pearce too.
//makes vague hand gestures because im starting to run out of steam so i'll speed this bit up. plot happens here where luke and marius stop doing the FWB thing because marius feels the need to distance himself. luke is hurt, but accepts, and then somehow luke gets with mc which causes an Angst Bonanza for marius because he's heartbroken as hell over the BOTH OF THEM. somehow somebody realizes theyve all been idiots and the three of them have a conversation where they actually communicate, and then they all get together and live happily ever after.
and have awesome threesomes, yes, but i didnt realize this answer got this long and now im too tired to describe the threesome kJBKSJBKFGSD
anon, i would like to apologize to you, because you asked some very simple questions and i gave you this trainwreck of an answer that's....holy fuck, 1000+ WORDS LONG?? IM SO SORRY
but also, anon, how dare you for this. now that ive written all of this out, i am possessed by a need to make it a full fic. how could you do this to me. 
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