#and she is equally enthusiastic introducing both of them
Feixiao scooping Jiaoqiu up by his armpits and holding him up as he tries desperately to look dignified: "This is my lovely culinary healer Jiaoqiu, he saved me from the brink of death once and eats wet food only."
Feixiao dragging a protesting and hissing Moze out from the darkness beneath the couch and holding him up by the scruff as he gives up and hangs there limply: "and this is Moze! I found him half dead in the dumpster behind my house one day!"
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kiesbrainjuice · 2 months
hey hey hey 💆🏻‍♀️ i saw you wrote something about “them reacting to you at your first match as a their gf”(hope it’s understandable 😭😭) with fukurodani so can i request the same but with inarizaki ? particularly with the twins
thank you have a good day ! ♡
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pr : atsumu x fem!reader; osamu x fem!reader; suna x fem!reader; kita x fem!reader
syn : them reacting to you playing volleyball for the first time since you got together
wc : 3.8k
tw : none, just some jealousy and tease ykkk, pure fluff
a/n : sure! i wanted to do it for a long time! anyway i did the twins in particularity :) enjoy reading!
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As they entered the bustling gymnasium, the air thick with excitement and the chatter of spectators, he felt a surge of pride. He might not be on the court today, but he was here for something equally important - to support the person who had become such a significant part of his life.
The Inarizaki team made their way to their seats, ... positioning himself for the best view of the court. As they settled in, the atmosphere electric with anticipation, he allowed himself a moment of reflection. He thought about the countless hours of practice you'd put in, the late-night strategy discussions you'd shared, the unwavering determination he'd seen in your eyes. A warmth spread through his chest, a feeling he was still getting used to but cherished nonetheless.
The announcer's voice boomed through the speakers, introducing the teams. Kita leaned forward slightly, his eyes fixed on the court entrance. Any moment now, you would step out, ready to show the world what he already knew - that you were a force to be reckoned with, both on and off the court.
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The gymnasium buzzed with anticipation, its air thick with the scent of excitement and nervous energy. Amidst the sea of spectators, one figure stood out - Atsumu Miya, the talented setter from Inarizaki High. He couldn't contain his enthusiasm, his body practically vibrating with excitement as he perched on the edge of his seat. His honey-brown eyes, usually sharp and calculating on the court, were now wide with childlike wonder.
"There she is! That's her!" Atsumu exclaimed, his voice cracking slightly with emotion. His arm shot out, finger pointing eagerly as you stepped onto the polished wooden court. "Did you see that serve warm-up? She's gonna crush 'em!" 
Atsumu's teammates, seated in a row beside him, exchanged knowing glances and suppressed smiles. They had endured weeks of Atsumu's endless chatter about you, his voice always taking on a dreamy quality when he spoke your name. Now, finally witnessing the object of their setter's affections in person, they couldn't help but be curious.
Osamu, Atsumu's twin brother, leaned back in his seat with a smirk playing on his lips. He ran a hand through his dyed gray hair, a stark contrast to Atsumu's blonde locks. "You've been yammering about her nonstop, 'Tsumu," he drawled. "Time to see if she's as good as ya say."
Atsumu whirled to face his twin, indignation flashing in his eyes. "She ain't just good, you scrub! She's freaking amazing!" he declared, puffing out his chest like a proud peacock. "Watch 'n learn, 'Samu!"
As the shrill whistle pierced the air, signaling the start of the match, all eyes turned to the court. You immediately took center stage, your presence commanding attention. Your serves were nothing short of spectacular - powerful and precise, they cut through the air like missiles, leaving your opponents scrambling. When you spiked, it was with a ferocity that belied your frame, the ball slamming onto the opposite court with resounding force. On defense, you were a wall, your receives steady and your blocks impenetrable.
Atsumu's voice rose above the cacophony of the crowd, his cheers the loudest and most enthusiastic. "That's my girl! Show ‘em what you're made of, [Y/N]!" he shouted, his face flushed with pride and exertion from his constant yelling.
As the match progressed, however, the Inarizaki team couldn't resist the opportunity for some playful banter. Suna Rintarou, known for his deadpan humor, leaned over with a mischievous glint in his usually sleepy eyes. "Damn, Atsumu," he commented, nudging the setter with his elbow, "She's a real catch!"
Atsumu's reaction was instantaneous. His cheeks flamed red, clashing adorably with his blonde hair. He tried to sound nonchalant but failed miserably, his voice coming out squeaky. "Course she is! She's perfect... Got the best setter in Japan teaching her, after all!"
Kita Shinsuke, the team's stoic captain, surprised everyone with a chuckle. His usually stern face softened with amusement as he added, "Careful, Atsumu, he might steal her away from you."
The effect on Atsumu was electric. His eyes narrowed dangerously, a pout forming on his lips as he clutched the armrests of his seat. "Hey! Don't even think about it!" he declared vehemently. "She's mine, you hear?"
Despite the constant teasing from his teammates, Atsumu's focus remained unwaveringly on you. His eyes tracked your every movement on the court, drinking in the sight of you in your element. You were a force of nature - fierce yet graceful, your movements fluid and purposeful. There was no doubt in anyone's mind about your skill and dedication.
"I taught her that move!" Atsumu often retorted when you executed a particularly impressive play, his chest swelling with pride and admiration. "Well, mostly. She's a natural, you know?"
As the match drew to its climactic close, tension mounted in the gymnasium. The scores were tight, but your team had the slight edge. In a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, you leapt high into the air, your arm drawn back like a loaded spring. Time seemed to slow as you connected with the ball, sending it hurtling across the net with a resounding crack. The ball slammed onto the opposite court, untouched by the opposing team's defenders.
The gymnasium erupted into a deafening roar as the final whistle blew, signaling your team's victory. But even amidst the chaos, Atsumu's voice rang out clear and jubilant. He jumped up from his seat, nearly toppling over in his excitement, his fist pumping the air triumphantly. "You did it! That's my girl! Told ya she was the best!"
As the crowd began to disperse, still buzzing with excitement from the match, you made your way over to where Atsumu and his teammates were seated. Your face was flushed from exertion, wisps of hair escaping from your ponytail, but your eyes shone with happiness and pride.
The moment Atsumu saw you approaching, he bounded down the bleachers, taking the steps two at a time in his haste to reach you. Without hesitation, he swept you up into a tight embrace, his strong arms lifting you clean off your feet. You felt the rumble of his laughter against your chest as he spun you around, uncaring of the amused looks from passersby.
"Ya were amazing, [Y/N]!" Atsumu exclaimed, his voice thick with emotion. "Knew you had it in ya! Bet those scrubs didn't know what hit them!"
You laughed, the sound muffled against his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Thanks, Atsumu," you replied, your heart swelling with affection. "Means a lot that you were here."
As Atsumu set you back on your feet, his teammates approached, each offering their congratulations. Suna stepped forward first, a genuine smile replacing his usual deadpan expression as he offered you a high five. "Great game, [Y/N]," he said, impressed. "You're as impressive as Atsumu said. Maybe even more so."
You returned the high five with a warm smile. "Thanks, Suna. That means a lot coming from you guys."
Osamu grinned, throwing a muscular arm around his twin's shoulder. His eyes twinkled with mischief as he said, "Ya know, [Your Name], with skills like that, we might have to recruit ya."
Atsumu's reaction was immediate and predictable. "Back off, ‘samu!" he protested loudly, pulling you closer to his side possessively. His cheeks puffed out in annoyance, reminiscent of a child protecting his favorite toy. "She's mine, and she's staying right where she is! Go find your own amazing girlfriend if you can!"
Aran Ojiro, the team's powerful wing spiker, let out a deep, rumbling laugh. "Looks like Atsumu's getting protective," he observed, his kind eyes crinkling at the corners. "Can't blame him, though. You're quite the player, [Y/N]."
You felt a blush creeping up your neck at all the attention and praise. Squeezing Atsumu's hand reassuringly, you chuckled. "Don't worry, 'Tsumu, I'm not going' anywhere," you assured him, before adding with a playful wink, "But maybe I'll join a practice or two. Could be fun to spike your sets for a change."
Atsumu's face lit up like a Christmas tree, his grin threatening to split his face in two. His eyes, usually sharp and focused, now shone with unbridled affection and pride. "You're the best, [Y/N]," he declared, pressing a quick kiss to your temple. "Let's go celebrate! I'm buying! Gonna treat my star player right!"
As you walked off the court hand in hand with Atsumu, surrounded by his boisterous teammates, you felt a profound sense of belonging. The victory was sweet, but the knowledge that you had such unwavering support - especially from Atsumu - was even sweeter. 
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The Sendai City Gymnasium hummed with anticipation, its vast interior a cacophony of excited chatter. Amidst the sea of spectators, Miya Osamu sat with uncharacteristic restlessness, his usually calm demeanor betrayed by the slight tapping of his foot. His grey eyes, typically laid-back, now held an intensity that matched his twin's on the volleyball court.
"There she is," Osamu said quietly, a soft smile playing on his lips as you stepped onto the gleaming court, your team's colors vivid against your skin.
Beside him, his twin brother Atsumu leaned forward, honey-brown eyes wide with curiosity. "So that's her, huh? The girl who's got my brother all soft and mushy?"
Osamu's elbow found Atsumu's ribs with practiced ease. "Shut it, ya scrub," he muttered, but there was no real heat in his words. His eyes remained fixed on you, drinking in your pre-game ritual.
Suna, seated on Osamu's other side, smirked. "Never thought I'd see the day Osamu got all worked up over something other than food."
"I'm not worked up," Osamu protested, his calm voice at odds with the slight blush creeping up his neck. "I'm just... supportive."
Atsumu snorted. "Yeah, real supportive. That's why you've been fussing with your hair for the past ten minutes, right?"
Osamu's hand, which had indeed been absently running through his grey locks, dropped to his lap. "I don't fuss," he grumbled.
As the teams gathered for their pre-game huddles, Atsumu's curiosity got the better of him. "So, what's she like on the court? Any good?"
For the first time since arriving, Osamu's eyes left you, turning to his brother with a hint of pride. "She's amazing," he said simply. "Just watch."
The shrill whistle cut through the air, signaling the start of the match. From the very first serve - yours, as it happened - it was clear that Osamu's assessment wasn't just lovestruck bias. Your serve rocketed across the net, leaving the opposing team scrambling.
"Woah," Atsumu breathed, genuinely impressed. "That was-"
"I know," Osamu interrupted, unable to keep the smugness from his voice.
As the match progressed, Osamu's teammates couldn't help but notice the changes in him. The usually stoic middle blocker was on the edge of his seat, grey eyes tracking your every move. When you scored a particularly impressive point, a rare, unguarded grin split his face.
"Look at that," Suna drawled, nudging Atsumu. "I think we've found something Osamu loves more than fatty tuna."
Atsumu snickered. "Nah, that's impossible. But maybe it's a close second."
Osamu ignored them, too focused on the match to rise to their bait. But when you executed a perfect cut shot, threading the ball between two blockers, he couldn't contain himself. "That's my girl!" he shouted, startling those around him with his uncharacteristic volume.
Atsumu's eyebrows shot up. "Wow, 'Samu. I didn't know ya could yell like that."
"Learned from the best," Osamu retorted dryly, earning a laugh from his teammates.
As the match drew to its climactic close, even Atsumu and Suna found themselves caught up in the excitement. The scores were tight, but your team had the edge. In a heart-stopping moment, you leapt high, arm drawn back. The gymnasium seemed to hold its breath as you connected with the ball, sending it hurtling past the opponents' defenses.
The final whistle blew, signaling your team's victory. The crowd erupted, but no one cheered louder than Osamu. He was on his feet in an instant, pumping his fist in the air. "That's it! Ya did it!"
Atsumu stared at his twin in amused disbelief. "Who are you and what have ya done with my brother?"
As the crowd began to disperse, you made your way over to where Osamu and his teammates were seated. Osamu vaulted over the railing, ignoring Kita's reproachful look, and met you halfway. Without hesitation, he swept you up into a tight embrace, spinning you around.
"You were incredible," he murmured, setting you down but keeping his arms around you.
You laughed, flushed with victory and affection. "Thanks for coming, 'Samu. Means a lot."
"Wouldn't have missed it for anything'," he replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Oi, oi," Atsumu called, approaching with the rest of the team. "Don't I get to meet the girl who's turned my brother into a cheerin' softie?"
Osamu rolled his eyes but kept an arm around your waist as he turned to face his team. "Guys, this is [Y/N]. [Y/N], these are the scrubs I put up with."
As introductions were made, Atsumu couldn't resist teasing his twin. "Ya know, [Y/N], if you ever get tired of this guy's cooking, I make a mean-"
"Don't even think about it," Osamu cut in, pulling you closer. "My cooking skills are part of the package deal."
You laughed, leaning into Osamu's side. "Don't worry, 'Samu. You had me at onigiri."
Suna smirked. "Now that's true love."
As the group headed out to celebrate your victory, you found yourself in the middle of the twins' familiar bickering, Osamu's arm a comforting weight around your shoulders.
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The Sendai City Gymnasium buzzed with anticipation, its vast interior filled with excited chatter. Amidst the sea of spectators, Suna Rintarou sat with his usual languid posture, but his typically half-lidded eyes were wide open and alert, fixed intently on the court entrance.
As you stepped onto the gleaming court, your team's colors bold against your skin, a small, genuine smile tugged at Suna's lips - a rare sight that didn't go unnoticed by his teammates.
"Woah, is Suna actually showing emotion?" Atsumu teased, nudging the middle blocker with his elbow.
Suna's expression immediately smoothed back into his characteristic deadpan. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he drawled, though his eyes never left you.
Osamu leaned forward, intrigued. "So that's her, huh? The one who's got our Suna staying awake during matches he's not playing in?"
"I always stay awake," Suna retorted, finally tearing his gaze away to give Osamu an unimpressed look.
"Yeah, but ya usually look like yer wishing you were asleep," Atsumu chimed in. "Now ya actually look... interested."
Suna shrugged, a hint of pride seeping into his voice despite his best efforts. "She's worth staying awake for."
As the teams gathered for their pre-game huddles, Atsumu's curiosity got the better of him. "So, what's she like on the court? Any good?"
For a moment, Suna's usual bored expression gave way to a smirk. "Just watch," he said simply, settling back in his seat.
The shrill whistle cut through the air, signaling the start of the match. From your very first move, it was clear that Suna's confidence in your abilities wasn't misplaced. Your plays were sharp, your reflexes quick, and your game sense impressive.
"Damn," Osamu muttered after you pulled off a particularly clever feint. "She's good."
"Of course she is," Suna replied, unable to keep a note of smugness from his voice. "We practice together sometimes."
Atsumu's eyes widened. "You mean ya actually voluntarily do extra practice? Who are you and what have ya done with the real Suna?"
Suna merely shrugged, but the soft look in his eyes as he watched you play spoke volumes.
As the match progressed, Suna's teammates couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his demeanor. While he wasn't as openly expressive as Atsumu might be, the tension in his shoulders when you were up to serve, the way he leaned forward during crucial points, and the ghost of a smile when you scored - it all painted a picture of a Suna they rarely saw.
When you executed a perfect block that sent the ball spinning back to the opponent's court, Suna actually stood up, a rare grin spreading across his face. "Nice kill," he said, loud enough to be heard over the crowd.
Kita raised an eyebrow. "I don't think I've ever heard Suna cheer before."
"It's not cheering," Suna protested weakly, sinking back into his seat. "It's... appreciating good volleyball."
"Sure, sure," Atsumu snickered. "And I'm sure it has nothing to do with who's playing that good volleyball, right?"
As the match drew to its climactic close, even Suna couldn't maintain his usual nonchalance. The scores were tight, but your team had the edge. In a heart-stopping moment, you leapt high for a spike, your form perfect. The gymnasium seemed to hold its breath as you connected with the ball, sending it hurtling past the opponents' defenses.
The final whistle blew, signaling your team's victory. While the crowd erupted in cheers, Suna's reaction was more subdued but no less meaningful. He was on his feet, a genuine smile on his face, clapping with more enthusiasm than his teammates had ever seen from him.
"Way to go, [Y/N]," he said softly, though his eyes shone with pride.
As the crowd began to disperse, you made your way over to where Suna and his teammates were seated. Suna met you halfway, his usual languid movements quickened by excitement he couldn't quite hide.
"Nice game," he said, pulling you into a hug that surprised his watching teammates. "You were amazing out there."
You laughed, wrapping your arms around him. "Thanks for coming, Rin. Means a lot."
"Wouldn't have missed it," he murmured, pressing a quick kiss to your temple before pulling back, aware of his teammates' eyes on you both.
"So this is the famous [Y/N]," Atsumu said, approaching with a grin. "The girl who's got our Suna actually showing interest in something besides blocking and napping."
Suna rolled his eyes, but kept an arm around your waist. "Guys, this is [Y/N]. [Y/N], these are the idiots I'm forced to play with."
As introductions were made, the twins couldn't resist teasing Suna.
"Ya know, [Y/N]," Osamu started, a mischievous glint in his eye, "if ya ever want to see what it's like to date someone with actual energy-"
"I have plenty of energy for what matters," Suna cut in smoothly, pulling you closer. 
You chuckled, leaning into Suna's side. "Don't worry, guys. I like my volleyball players tall, skilled, and delightfully snarky."
Atsumu clutched his chest in mock hurt. "Ouch, what about us?"
"I said skilled, didn't I?" you retorted with a grin, causing Suna to snort in amusement.
As the group headed out to celebrate your victory, you found yourself in the middle of the team's friendly banter, Suna's arm a comforting weight around your shoulders. 
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The Sendai City Gymnasium hummed with anticipation, its vast interior a sea of excited spectators. Among them sat the Inarizaki team, with Kita Shinsuke at the center, his posture perfect and his expression serene. Yet, those who knew him well could detect a subtle tension in his shoulders, a barely perceptible eagerness in his usually calm eyes.
As you stepped onto the gleaming court, your team's colors vibrant against your skin, the corners of Kita's mouth turned up in a small, but unmistakably warm smile.
Aran, seated beside Kita, noticed the change immediately. "I don't think I've ever seen you smile before a match you're not playing in, Kita," he remarked quietly.
Kita's expression remained soft as he replied, "There's a first time for everything, Aran."
Atsumu, never one for subtlety, leaned forward with a grin. "So that's her, Kita-san? The one who's got our captain all starry-eyed?"
"I wouldn't say starry-eyed," Kita responded evenly, though his gaze never left you. "But yes, that's [Y/N]."
Osamu, more perceptive than his twin, noted, "Ya look proud, Kita-san."
Kita nodded, a hint of warmth coloring his voice. "I am. [Y/N] works hard and plays with integrity. There's a lot to be proud of."
As the teams gathered for their pre-game huddles, Suna couldn't resist asking, "So, what's she like on the court, Kita-san? As disciplined as you?"
For a moment, a flash of affectionate amusement crossed Kita's face. "She has her own style," he said simply. "Watch, and you'll see."
The shrill whistle signaled the start of the match. From your very first move, it was clear that Kita's pride wasn't misplaced. Your plays were precise, your movements efficient, and your game sense impressive.
"Wow," Atsumu muttered after you executed a particularly well-timed set. "She's really good."
"Of course," Kita replied, his tone matter-of-fact but tinged with warmth. "She practices diligently every day."
Aran chuckled. "Sounds like someone else we know."
As the match progressed, Kita's teammates couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in their usually stoic captain. While he remained composed, there was an intensity in his gaze as he watched you play, a slight lean forward during crucial points, and a barely audible intake of breath when you were up to serve.
When you pulled off a perfect receive that turned the tide of a rally, Kita actually stood up, applauding softly but earnestly. "Excellent form," he said, loud enough for his teammates to hear.
Atsumu's eyes widened in surprise. "Woah, Kita-san actually cheered!"
"It's not cheering," Kita corrected calmly, settling back into his seat. "It's acknowledging good volleyball."
"Right," Osamu smirked. "And I'm sure it has nothing to do with who's playing that good volleyball."
Kita's response was a serene smile that somehow managed to silence even the rambunctious twins.
As the match reached its climax, even Kita couldn't maintain his usual calm demeanor entirely. The scores were tight, but your team had the edge. In a critical moment, you positioned yourself perfectly for a block, your timing impeccable. The gymnasium held its breath as you jumped, your hands forming a solid wall that sent the ball spinning back to the opponent's court.
The final whistle blew, signaling your team's victory. While the crowd erupted in cheers, Kita's reaction was more subdued but no less meaningful. He stood, applauding with genuine enthusiasm, a proud smile gracing his features.
"Well done, [Y/N]," he said softly, his eyes shining with admiration.
As the crowd began to disperse, you made your way over to where Kita and his teammates were seated. Kita met you halfway, his usual measured stride quickened by an eagerness he couldn't quite conceal.
"Congratulations," he said warmly, reaching out to take your hand. "You played beautifully."
You beamed at him, squeezing his hand. "Thanks for coming, Shin. It means a lot."
"I wouldn't have missed it," he replied, his thumb brushing over your knuckles affectionately.
"So this is the famous [Y/N]," Aran said, approaching with a friendly smile. "The one who's managed to make our Kita break his composure."
Kita's expression remained serene, but a faint blush colored his cheeks. "Everyone, this is [Y/N]. [Y/N], these are my teammates."
As introductions were made, the twins couldn't resist some gentle teasing.
"Ya know, [Y/N]," Atsumu started with a mischievous grin, "if ya ever want tips on how to get Kita-san to loosen up a bit-"
"I assure you, she doesn't need any tips," Kita interjected smoothly, his calm tone belied by the protective way he stepped closer to you.
You chuckled, leaning slightly into Kita's side. "Don't worry, guys. I appreciate Shin just as he is - reliable, hardworking, and wonderfully supportive."
Osamu nodded approvingly. "You've got good taste, [Y/N]-san."
As the group headed out to celebrate your victory, you found yourself walking beside Kita, his steady presence a comforting constant amidst the team's lively chatter. 
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Ⓡ kiesbrainjuice all rights reserved. please to not plagiarize, repost, or translate !
tag : @haechansbbg
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Meeting the Parents | Jung Wooyoung
-> Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Reader -> Request: no. repost from my old account -> Synopsis: Wooyoung meets his girlfriends parents in an unexpected way. -> Warnings: slightly suggestive at the beginning but no smut. 16+ to be safe. -> Word Count: 559 -> Requests: Open.
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©️ 2024 dancinglikebutterflywings - do not copy/modify/repost anywhere. reblog instead.
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Likes, comments & reblogs are welcomed and appreciated, thank you. 
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In only Wooyoung’s shirt from last night and a pair of underwear, Y/N stands at the kitchen sink, cleaning the dishes Woo used to make breakfast. She has ATEEZ’s latest album playing in the CD player hooked on the wall.   
Engrossed in IT’s You, she doesn’t know her boyfriend has come up behind her until she feels his arms wrap around her waist and his face nuzzles into the crook of her neck.  
“Do you want some help?” he softly asks before his lips gently brush against her smooth skin.   
“Nope,” you reply, a quiet huff leaving her lips as he reaches the spot below her ear that has her weak.   
Her mind goes blank as her body reacts Wooyoung’s light touches as the sneak under his shirt she’s wearing, and his teeth lightly scrap against the spot below her ear. Her head resting back against his shoulder, her body pushes up against his hands, her wet hands drop the dish she’s washing and grasp his hands over the shirt and moving them to where she wants them the most. Only Wooyoung has ever been able to make her body react the way it does when he touches her.   
Unable to hold back anymore, Wooyoung moves his hands to her hips and turns her around, crashing his lips to hers in a heated and bruising kiss. As her arms go around his neck, his hands slide down to her thighs. He lifts her as if she weighs nothing and sits her on the counter before his hands make their way back under the shirt.  
He breaks the kiss, to lift the shirt off Y/N but stops when a gasp comes from the entry way of Y/N’s small apartment. Eyes wide with shock, he quickly steps back from Y/N as she quickly jumps off the counter looking just as mortified and embarrassed as he does.   
Standing in the entry way, is Y/N’s parents looking as equally mortified as the young couple.   
“Appa, Eomma! What are you doing here?” Y/N questions them partly hidden behind her shirtless boyfriend, her face flushed red, unsure of what else to say or do.  
“Surprise?” her mother tries to exclaim with an enthusiastic tone, but it came out more like a question, and looking as if she doesn’t know what else to say.  
“This is uh... This is Wooyoung,” she awkwardly introduces her boyfriend.   
It’s the first time he’s meeting her parents in their six-month relationship. They had made plans earlier, but they always fell through. 
Wooyoung awkwardly bows to them still wanting to be as respectful as he can be. He was already nervous about meeting the two people who created the person he loves the most and plans to spend the rest of his life with. He never imagined he would be meeting them this way.  
Her parents bow back as Y/N introduces them to Wooyoung. The air around them grows even thicker with awkwardness until her mother’s giggling cuts through the tension.   
“I never thought I would be meeting my future son-in-law this way,” she chuckles, causing the younger couple to blush even more. “Go put some clothes on the both of you so we can give you a hug.”  
“Yes, ma’am,” Wooyoung bows once more before quickly disappearing back into Y/N’s bedroom.   
Y/N ignores her mother’s order and hugs her anyway. 
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TAGGING: @staytiny2000 - @treehouse-mouse - @kpopmenace143 - @alexxavicry - @jedi-dreea -
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nathaslosthershit · 6 months
Team USA (AA23)
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(Part of the Blind Items Series [can be read on its own])
Summary: Blind items is back with a new victim, Alex Albon and his American Mclaren race engineer of a girlfriend. With the news comes a very interesting Team Torque episode.
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Logan laughed when he saw the tweet. He had been making fun of Alex for his newfound patriotism. Since Alex had started having feelings for this girl, he had been asking Logan for help trying to ‘woo’ her, as if Logan hasn’t actually lived in the US since he was twelve. But his teammate helped him, happy that Alex was not teasing him about America anymore. 
Team Torque:
“Hello everyone, this is Team Torque with Alex and Logan. We are here with our very own special guest! She is a race engineer for McLaren”
“And you girlfriend.” Logan quickly adds.
“And my girlfriend. Thanks for the help Logan.” Alex says, sarcastically. “As usual, this podcast is a mess and will probably not be getting better so apologies for that.”
“We aren’t the best hosts.” Logan adds.
“No we are not. Moving on, would you like to introduce yourself?” Alex asks.
“Yes! Thank you boys. As they said, I am a race engineer for Mclaren.”
“And my girlfriend.” Alex interrupts, copying Logan's previous remark.
“And Alex’s girlfriend.”
“And a fellow American.” Logan adds. 
“Would you boys like to introduce me instead? You seem to be so enthusiastic about it.” She jokes.
Alex had been begging for a while to have her on Team Torque. The team had said if they wanted a race engineer they should have one of their own but both him and Logan were insistent that she join them. After the rumors came out, Williams decided it was best if they brought her to gain control of the narrative again. It helped that she was already well loved by the Williams crew. While she would never help them, as that would be traitorous to her beloved team, she had made friends with a few of the other engineers and had jokingly been offered a job by James Vowles a few times. 
“Sorry honey, we are just excited.” Alex said.
“Yeah! Team America back together.” Logan enthusiastically added. The two had become close since they met, giving Alex a taste of his own medicine by making fun of his ‘Britishness’. He wasn’t too happy at their joint effort to make fun of him but he supposed that it was a good thing they got along so well. 
“Anyway, go on, say a bit about yourself.”
“Okay, as mentioned I am from the US. I was born and raised in New York.”
“Yuck” Logan teased.
“Don’t even start Florida man. I worked for Arrow McLaren’s IndyCar team in the same position, shoutout to my IndyCar family, I love you all lots. Then eventually Zak Brown asked me to come to F1 and I happily joined. Through working for them I met Lando who introduced me to Alex and a few years later we now both live in Monaco together.”
“How was the switch to F1 from IndyCar?” Logan asked.
“Rough at first. IndyCar has a much different sort of atmosphere than Formula 1 as well as fanbase. Plus moving out of the US for the first time was difficult. But it has also been such an amazing opportunity that I can’t complain too much. I am so happy where I am now.” Alex hadn’t known her when she had first gotten to Formula 1 but he had heard stories about how difficult it was. She had shared a lot with him but he also knew it was hard as he hadn't had to do the same. His experiences being a Thai and British driver had helped him understand some, but women were still such a rarity in F1, even if they preached gender equality in the sport, they didn't actually do as much as they could to make it a safe space for women to work. He also realized why she and Logan got along so well. Even if they hadn’t grown up close to each other, their shared identity of being an American in a primarily European sport had brought them together. 
The interviewing portion stopped after there, as Alex and Logan were terrible interviewers, but the conversations were still entertaining and it had become viral once it was uploaded. Viewers were excited to see Alex and his girlfriend, as well as Team USA.
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mclaren  williamsracing we will keep her if you don’t mind 
alex_albon Idk you might want to keep an eye on her
williamsracing may the best team win ;)
logansargeant Team USA can't be stopped
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urdrowning · 2 years
Hi :)
If you are taking requests, could you please do a Leah oneshot?
Maybe one where reader is really famous (a singer/model/actress/or whatever) and her and Leah have been dating for a while in secret. And Leah’s teammates are suspicious of who’s she’s always spending time with or texting.
Also if you could, could you include Leah introducing reader to them?
Could be England or Arsenal teammates. Or both lol.
Thank you :))
AN - tysm for the request !! i kinda got lazy at the end cause i caught covid while writing LMAO. i don’t really like the ending. MAYBEEEE i have a part two in mind of a soft launch.. maybe i don’t..
superstar / l. williamson
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celebrity relationships are always awkward. when you’re under constant spotlight, it can be hard to settle down. finding someone who actually loves you for yourself, and not for your status isn’t easy. so that’s why you truly believe yourself to be the luckiest of the bunch.
leah williamson, your diamond in the rough.
you met leah at the BRIT awards in 2022. the minute you made eye contact with her brilliant blue eyes, electricity coursed its way through the both of you. the two of you spent the entire night together, getting to know each other. sat on tables next to each other, conversing through the speeches and nominations.
“if you win this award, i’ll take you on a date.”
she smirks at you and you’re taken aback. you’ve been so caught up in her presence that you didn’t realise that your section was up. you and your band have been nominated for the best upcoming artist award (tbh idk if this is a thing. if it’s not, pretend it is) before you even know it, the announcer has taken the stage and begins to announce the winner.
“and the winner of the best upcoming artist award is..”
you can barely even comprehend what they are saying, you’re rather distracted by leah’s hand, as she moves it to discreetly hold yours under the table. you’re in a blur as the announcer continues and you don’t even hear who wins. but, judging by how your band mates have all stood-up and look like they’ve won the lottery, you’ve got a pretty decent bet. you get hoisted up by your band mates as you walk on stage for the group’s acceptance speech. you let your band mates do the talking, as you’re too dazed to even think. (this very much goes viral in with your fans. your ‘fish out of water look’ is now a fan favourite meme)
despite suffering from equally massive hangovers, she’s true to her word, leah took you out on a date the following night. even though it was a small date at the arcade, you would probably still consider it one of your most fondest memories. on your third date, you kissed her. then, on the following night, she showed up on your doorstep, flowers in hand, asking you to be her girlfriend.
your one year anniversary together is approaching and the two of you are still as inseparable as you were when you first met. despite not being together for long, the both of you are unable to picture a future without the other in it.
leah is a private person, as are you. you both agreed to keep your relationship quiet and between yourselves. but, with your relationship approaching it’s first milestone, the both of you are getting restless. neither your family nor your friends are aware of your relationship.
how you’ve managed to keep it a secret from your band mates is a mystery of scooby doo fame. especially since you literally share an apartment with one of them. you consider your band mates your own found family, your forever bestfriends. each of you have been best friends since secondary school, and clearly, have been inseparable since. ironically, you’re all major football enthusiasts as well. you and your band mates are die hard lioness fans, even attending the euro’s competition in support (again, it’s a mystery how they didn’t find out. leah wouldn’t stop smiling at you in the crowd) leah struggled as well, her teammates are getting suspicious. the way she hides her phone from them as she giggles at it when you text.
“you’re seeing someone, aren’t you.”
leah’s head shoots up from her phone at the voice, only to be met with a suspicious looking keira walsh. looking at her with an accusatory stare.
“w.. what are you talking about?”
leah stutters out in an attempts to deny it all, but keira can see right through her, and is determined to get the truth out.
“don’t pretend leah, i know somethings up.”
leah sighs and looks down, avoiding kiera’s glare. she shrugs her shoulders lightly and appears similar to a child who’s got caught breaking the rules. she then reluctantly and awkwardly mutters
“yeah, i guess i’ve being seeing someone..”
keira’s stern gaze breaks as she excitedly sits down next to her friend and grabs her arms, flinging her about as she rapidly fires questions at her.
“who is it? what are they like? how long have you guys been together? are you being safe?”
leah looks mortified. she’s getting overwhelmed with the amount of questions that are being fired at her.
“keira, for gods sake, slow down! we’ve been together for almost a year now, and she treats me well.”
keira pauses her movements, looking at leah with her mouth agape.
“.. a YEAR?? who is she?”
“i’m so sorry, babe. i didn’t mean for this.”
leah feels incredibly guilty. she stares at you through the phone screen after relaying the earlier events to you. you’ve been quiet since she started telling you, appearing to be lost in thought. after leah’s fifth apology, it seems you snap out of your trance and smile at her.
“leah, honey, breathe. it’s okay, i’m not mad. it’s about time we started telling people.”
you truly mean it, you honestly feel quite relieved that she made the first move in telling her teammates, as you’ve been fairly close to cracking the news to your band mates yourself.
the thought of telling your band mates makes you nervous, you don’t know why. there’s nothing bad about your relationship. it’s not like you’re dating someone 29 years younger than you (looking at you, leo dicaprio) besides, they are lioness fans themselves and would most likely be elated at the news of you dating their team captain.
“i know, but i should’ve talked with you before-hand.”
leah secretly is filled with relief as well, she no longer has to hide her love from her friends. but it doesn’t make her feel any better about how she told them.
“you’re talking to me about it now, i think that’s enough.”
she shakes her head lightly, fighting off a smile. you always manage to cheer her up, no matter what. it’s as if you have super powers.
“i would’ve told you sooner, but keira’s loudmouth blabbed it to the rest of the team. i’ve been questioned all night.”
the minute she had free time, she’d facetimed you straight away. after she found out who leah was dating, keira’s shocked exclamation of your name definitely didn’t go unheard. her england teammates had hounded her with question after question about you and your relationship together.
you’re about to reply to her before she lets out a yawn. you check the time and realise it’s late into the night.
“go rest, sleepy. i’ll talk to rory and get her to speak to my other band mates for me. i’ll speak to you in the morning, okay? love you.”
she smiles at you sleepily as she mumbles
“love you too, goodnight..”
you end the call and take a deep breathe as you prepare to face your bandmate/roommate, rory. you and her have been inseparable for years. you always planned on telling her first out of your friends and family, you have the utmost trust for her and you’re hoping she’ll be understanding and not upset at you for hiding your relationship from her. you exhale slowly as you get up from your bed and knock on her door.
leah 💗:
‘my teammates want to meet you x’
the text almost instantaneously shoots anxiety through your veins. despite being a big fan of them, meeting leah’s teammates is an incredibly daunting thing. they intimidate the hell out of you.
y/n 🤍:
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leah 💗:
‘baby it’s okay. if you’re not comfortable with it i’ll tell them no x’
yn 🤍:
‘no no. ofc i want to meet them, they’re just intimidating is all’
leah 💗:
‘aw babe you’re cute 🥰 they’re harmless. and i’ll stop them if they make u uncomfortable. promise x’
you both texted for a little while longer while agreeing that leah would come pick you up and take you to meet her teammates.
you told your band mates last night and it went down well. they were slightly hurt that you kept it from them but were mostly just excited for you and in shock that you managed to pull leah williamson herself. your train of thought is interrupted from the vibration of your phone, lighting up with a text from leah to let you know she’s outside.
she grins at you as you get into the passenger side of her car, leaning over to kiss you cheek.
“are you sure about this?”
she mumbles against your cheek, you can sense her nerves. she’s not nervous because she’s ashamed of you. she’s nervous because she can’t guarantee that her teammates will behave around you.
“i’m sure. i want to do this, it’s important to me.”
she smiles slightly at you, your words holding a great value to her. she then gives you one last kiss on the cheek before she starts the car and drives.
“girls, this is y/n. i’m sure you already know her, but please, be nice. she’s really important to me.”
leah’s grip on your hand tightens towards the end of her sentence as her sincerity shines through. it’s true, she cares about you enough to go to the ends of the earth for you.
“hi, it’s really good to meet you all. i’m a big fan.”
the rest of the girls sit there, disbelieving.
“YOU’RE a fan of US”
you chuckle sheepishly, using your freehand to play with the hem of your shirt nervously, one glance at the lionesses faces and you know you’re in for a tornado’s worth of questions. with a deep inhale, you smile and look at them.
“ask away.”
after being bombarded with question after question, the awkward and intense atmosphere has long left the room and you’re sat comfortable between leah and georgia. leah’s arm is wrapped comfortably and protectively around your shoulders, one glance at her face and you can see that she’s on cloud nine. all her favourite people are seamlessly bonding and she couldn’t be happier about it.
“let’s play a game!”
the loud voice of ella toone shouts, followed by the loud agreements of the lionesses. ella then excitedly follows up with a shout of ‘duck, duck goose’ but nobody else wants to play that. (ella hmu i wanna play duck duck goose with you so bad)
“y/n! if i win, i get to choose your next album cover!”
mary shouts, you smile at her and agree, feeling confident.
(you lost, now you have to explain to your band mates that mary earp’s is in charge of your next album cover.)
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opalthea · 10 months
Childhood friends AU with Xiao, but it's historical 👀. (Reader and Xiao are from noble families ofc).
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When it comes to companions, you were not a picky child. In fact, every child from any family instantaneously became your friend the moment your eyes landed on them. Your maids described you as a "bright, curious young child", while the knights laugh as they say that you're "one hell of a little child".
A well-loved babe, that you were. It was no wonder how you managed to befriend the youngest lord from the Northern Kingdom, timid as he is.
The first time you met him, your first thought was...
"Cute! How cute!!"
Your mother and his mother were both so equally surprised when you approached him with a big grin, handing him your hand as you introduced yourself. He was startled, to say the least.
The next few minutes passed by as he continued to hide behind his mother's gown, away from your enthusiastic staring. He can faintly hear your mother reprimanding you lightly every now and then - he thought that she should be a bit more stern...
You found out that his name was Xiao, after his mother coaxed him (and because he was a proper, polite lass).
It took you a few more playdates (with his mother present) but finally, he came out of his shell.
Oftentimes, you both played within eyesight, playing either dress up or play pretend. He was not a loud speaker, and relied much on your narrating abilities, which you happily demonstrated each time! He always seemed to pick the warrior-like characters, though... But perhaps he picked that up from his father, who was quite the famous emperor.
You were both kids — still so young and naive — but after a few plays, you realized that Xiao did not like any physical contact. It wasn't as if he flinched out of fear or whatsoever, but he just.. did not seem like he enjoyed it either. So you, the formidable young child that you are, respected his boundaries and did your best to NOT touch him in the slightest.
He appreciated it. Very much, in fact.
Well, that was until he sees you joyfully holding hands with your maids, and the teenage-ish knights hoisting you up from the ground by your hands as you giggle gleefully.
He wondered what it would be like to be close with you that way. You seemed the happiest when you get to be physically affectionate.
That's all I can think of for tonight, might mimir to go full fic mode tmrw.
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lisbeth-kk · 1 year
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Sherlock fandom. John finding new families along the way.
Surprisingly easy
John has never had any reason to cherish his own family. His parents were always fighting about some trifle detail or other. Harry was difficult at best, detestable at her worst. 
He heard the saying for the first time when he was fifteen, and it immediately hit home.
Friends are the family you choose.
John didn’t have many friends. Not close ones anyway. His fellow rugby teammates were the closest he’d got before uni. At his practise at Barts Hospital, Mike Stamford was a bloke to rely on. Easy and fun to hang out with. A bit boring and predictable, but John could live with that.
When John joined the army and sat foot in a war zone, his comrades became his new family. As a captain he had the responsibility and was suddenly the head of the family. Not that he thought about his men as family at the time, but when he came back home to London, John recognised that they indeed had been the closest to a family he’s ever had.
John has always been a private person. His trust issues come from years of being let down by his biological family. So, the instant attraction and trust he felt toward Sherlock when Mike introduced them, came as an utter surprise to John. Months later, Sherlock revealed having had the same feelings when John lended him his mobile.
“You were the first person who’d intrigued me in years. Although I could deduce much about you, there was always something that astounded me. It still happens occasionally,” Sherlock admits.
“I’m flattered,” John tells him. “To be fair, I never thought that someone like you could find me a tad bit interesting.”
Sherlock had convinced John of the fact quite thoroughly using his lips and hands after that. Gasping for air, John had agreed that he indeed was the most precious and fascinating human being ever created, all out of fear that Sherlock would stop his worshipping of John’s body.
The car stops outside the cosy house, and John can’t wait to get out and greet the residents. Sherlock and Mycroft are more reluctant to move. John rolls his eyes at his beloved and the beloved’s older brother.
“Come on, you two. Stop behaving like teenagers being forced to visit family members. They both love you dearly, and I’m in awe over the fact that they tolerate your behaviour,” John says sternly before he opens the car door.
He moves rapidly toward the house, but before he can knock, the door swings open and John finds himself embraced by an elated woman, who smells of baked goods and gardenia.
“John, darling,” Violet Holmes exclaims. “How lovely to see you.”
“Likewise,” John says and presses a kiss to her cheek.
Walter Holmes comes into view behind Violet, and John frees himself to greet the patriarch. They shake hands and Walter places a warm hand on John’s shoulder.
“Alright there, son?” he asks.
“Absolutely. I’ve even managed convincing your offspring to come along,” John grins.
“Ah! Quite the achievement,” Walter praises.
John turns when he hears Violet coo and hug her sons equally enthusiastic as she did with John just minutes earlier. It never fails to amuse John how affectionate the Holmes brothers are with their parents once in their orbit. The bickering between the two, is another matter, but it’s less venomous here than in London.
Violet Holmes is an excellent cook, and even Sherlock eats his fair share of the delicious meal, not to mention the chocolate mousse with fresh berries from Walter’s garden.
Being the only Watson at a table crowded with Holmes’s, John feels content and he can honestly say that they all are his new family. Even Mycroft, Sherlock’s protests notwithstanding. 
“It’s surprisingly easy to love your family,” John muses where he lies curled up in Sherlock’s arms on the sofa in front of the fireplace later that evening.
Sherlock hums and combs his long fingers through John’s hair. 
“What would you say to becoming a legitimate member of the Holmes family, John?” Sherlock asks quietly.
John gasps and turns to face Sherlock, his eyes starting to fill.
“Sherlock,” he whispers. “Are you asking me what I…”
“Yes, John! Obviously,” Sherlock says with a teasing eyeroll, before his face softens.
John sits up and straddles Sherlock’s thighs, his hands cupping Sherlock’s cheeks carefully. He catches plush lips with his thinner ones, and snogs Sherlock breathless.
“That’s a yes, by the way,” John murmurs.
Such a wonderful prompt! It was a joy to write.
@flashfictionfridayofficial @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @calaisreno @phoenix27884 @a-victorian-girl @topsyturvy-turtely @gregorovitchworld @kettykika78 @helloliriels @peanitbear @safedistancefrombeingsmart
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604to647 · 7 months
Hat Trick (Safest with You AU)
1.7K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: Din takes you to a hockey game for date night. Hat Trick = when a player scores three times (goals) in a game.
Warnings: 18+ content (MDNI please), No smut but smut adjacent, established relationship, possessive!Din if you squint really hard, thigh riding/grinding in public, dirty talk, light degradation (whore, affectionate), pet names as usual (pretty bird, baby, sweetheart, etc.), use of hockey terms.
A/N: My beloved Canucks are leading their conference (woo!) and they’re playing tonight so to wish them luck, here’s a little one shot with our Safest with You couple. There’s a little more characterization of reader in this one in that she’s a big hockey fan, hope that doesn’t stop anyone from enjoying the story! 😘 Also, the term "puck bunny" is used but is not intended in any actual derogatory or sexist way; it's completely light-hearted teasing because we, reader and Din, all know that shaming female fans is not a thing and we can happily let woman enjoy sports any way they want🏒🐰
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“These are great seats, Din!” you beam, as you take off your jacket and look around; you’re seven rows up from the ice in the lower bowl, right behind the goal.  Perfect seats.
As soon as Din sees your sweatshirt, he laughs at the bright team colours and large block letters in the front that read “I just hope both teams have fun.”  My sweet girl, he thinks.
Turns out, you did not want both teams to have fun.  Turns out, you wanted the visiting team to eat ice shit.
The first time your team’s defense crushes someone against the glass with devastating precision and you roar your approval, he looks over, stunned.  While he knew you loved hockey, he hadn’t expected you to get so into a live sporting event.
And he knew you had a mouth on you, but he’s never heard it at this volume, your hands cupping around your mouth in a makeshift bullhorn to amplify your trash talk:
“PUT HIM IN JAIL!!!!” When the ref doesn’t call for the tripping of one of your players.
“Don't get too comfortable!!! Don't even sit down!!” When the opposing team opts for a two-man advantage for their power play by pulling their goalie.
“How was that fucking slashing?!  He barely touched him!! What is this, soccer????”  When your team captain is put in the penalty box.
“Get it together!! I've seen more organization at the zoo!!” When the teams fight for the puck against the boards, the other team attempting to clear.
“This isn’t cake, stop icing!!” When the other team does clear the puck.
You’re equally as vocal with your encouragement and praise:
“Shoot it!  Shoot it!  Atta boy!!”
“Let’s go defense, let’s go!! Yesssssssss!!”
“Fucking look how smooth that line change was!!”
“Get it, get it, you got it!!”
You cheer loud and earnestly for every save your goalie makes, face-off won, and glove dropping fight.  Each home goal is celebrated out of your seat, reverie extending to Din and your seat neighbours via hugs and high-fives. Your energy is infectious and Din hasn’t had this much fun at a hockey game in years.
During the second intermission, just when the two of you are musing if it’s worth the line-ups to get a bucket of popcorn to share, you hear a familiar voice say your name.
“Jessica?” you squeal in delight, throwing your arms around a petite blonde, “I haven’t seen you in forever!”
“I thought that was you! Derek and I have been debating it over the last two periods, and I finally said I would just come over and find out for myself,” she points up in the stands a couple of sections over and a few rows up, and you see her husband waving wildly with both arms and you wave back enthusiastically.
The two of you catch up quickly and when you introduce Din to your friend, she looks thrilled, “Do you play as well?”
Din looks confused, so you proudly answer for him, “Din’s a boxer.”
“Ohhhhhh. Sorry, you just had the look of an enforcer, but that makes sense.”  You have to keep yourself from laughing at the double meaning Jess definitely didn’t intend.
The two of you chat a little bit longer before your friend has to leave if she’s to make it back to her seat before the third period starts.  As you say goodbye and promise to see each other again soon, you look up to wave to Derek as well, and Jess says, “Oh, yeah, Russ is here with us too.” The man sitting next to Derek locks eyes with you and waves back, same as his friend.
Starting up the stairs, Jess says, “Nice to meet you!” to Din, a sentiment he returns, and to you, “Nice to see you’re branching out,” before she winks and runs away as you roll your eyes good naturedly.
When the third period gets underway, Din leans over, “What did she mean, branching out?”
You feel your cheeks get hot, and you avoid Din’s eye by keeping yours locked on the game, “Oh… well, I used to almost exclusively date hockey players…”
“Like…. a puck bunny?”
Dropping your jaw, scandalized, “No!! Not like a puck bunny!! That’s not a thing!” And as Din laughs, you feel the need to explain, “I wasn’t trying to date hockey players.  It just turned out that the people I dated also happened to play hockey.  Like, when Jess set me up with Derek’s friend, I didn’t know they played on a team together!”
“Oh, that guy over there?” Din looks up at where Jess has rejoined her husband and sees the man next to him looking over at the two of you.  You shrug and nod, turning back to the game, “So anyways, it was kind of like this joke that if I dated someone, they would coincidentally turn out to play hockey.”
Puck bunny, you mutter under your breath, and Din grins and throws his arm around you, kissing you on top of your head to placate you.
After the end of an exciting final period where your favourite right winger almost scores a hat trick, you and Din file out of the arena with the crowd, Din’s arm casually draped around your shoulders as you practically bounce out of happiness at your team’s win.
While walking to the subway, you spot Derek’s head peaking out above the crowd and he smiles big when he sees you and starts to make his way over.  Your two groups converge near the subway entrance and it’s another happy reunion. You haven’t seen Derek since you last saw Jess and you’ve always found him to be hilarious, laid back and kind; perfect for your bubbly friend.  Even seeing Russ again is nice, although there isn’t really any reason it wouldn’t be; the two of you had dated for a bit, but your long work hours and his away game schedule had prevented it from getting too serious, and the two of you had parted amicably.  If he stares at you while the five of you chat and revisit your favourite moments from the game, you don’t notice.  Derek and Jess invite you to join them at the sports bar they’re heading to, but you and Din politely decline, saying you have to get back to Al.  Only Jess and Din catch Russ’ look of disappointment before you part ways.   
While waiting on the subway platform, Din asks to know more about your friends, and you tell him everything: how you and Jess met at a baking class, Derek’s courtship and their wedding, and also about your and Russ’ brief relationship.
When you get on the subway, it’s too packed for you to find seats, so you end up standing right next to a pole by the door, with Din hovering protectively, ready to catch you if you lose your footing while the subway moves. 
“You know… I know how to play hockey too,” he’s looking at you with a silly, pouty face and you can’t help but giggle.  “Not ice hockey, but we’d sometimes play street hockey in front of the gym when we were kids.  Stopped after Paz broke a car window and it turned out that car belonged to a Hutt and nearly started a damn street war.”
“Omigod,” you chuckle, imaging a young Din and Paz running around the street with hockey sticks. 
“So… your streak isn’t broken… puck bunny.”
“Ugh!” you playfully swat at Din’s shoulder, “I told you!! It was a coincidence!”
Din leans in, pressing your back into the pole and whispers, “Ok, not a puck bunny… but you’re still my bunny.”
You gasp a little at the possessive tone lacing his words and can’t help but squeeze your thighs together, squirming slightly and hoping no one on the subway notices.
Din notices, though, “Is my pretty bunny feeling needy in front of all these people?  You need something between those legs, baby?”
You nod, whimpering just a bit, and pull Din closer by tugging at the bottom of his jacket.  Very subtly, he steps between your legs and bends his knee slightly so the angle slopes right at your core.  When the subway makes a tight turn, all the passengers jostle and Din’s leg bumps up into you, giving you a jolt of electrifying friction.  You close your eyes and have to bite you lip to stifle a moan.  Feeling cocky, Din whispers hotly in your ear, “Let them hear you, pretty bird.  Let everyone in this subway car know how dirty you are, getting off on daddy’s thigh in public.”
The subway goes over a bumpy stretch of track and you’re knocked right into Din’s chest, pressed up against his body, practically sat down on his leg.  You don’t bother to upright yourself, instead letting the rolling movement of the subway rock your needy pussy back and forth against Din’s thigh, slowly warming the ball of pleasure within you.
You’re practically humming with need in Din’s arms; just before the subway jerks to a stop, he growls in your ear, “Do you think you can come like this, baby? Or do you need me to fuck you in front of all these strangers, so they can see what a pretty whore you are?”.  The screech of the subway brakes cover-up your moans, and you’re only slightly relieved when Din withdraws his knee, but continues to hold you close against his chest.  As the train starts to move again, you look up at him with your lust hooded eyes, and quietly whine, “Daddy.”
Din chuckles and leans down to press a chaste kiss to your lips, “No one gets to see you come but me, okay pretty bird?  Now can you be a good girl and be patient for daddy?  Just two more stops and I’ll give you that hat trick you deserve when we get home.”
Smiling dreamily at the promise of multiple orgasms, you nod, “Okay, I’ll be good.  As long as both teams get to have fun,” and as you snuggle deeper into Din’s arms, you feel his whole chest vibrate with laughter.
Part 2 (The Playoffs)
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spctrsgf · 2 years
the suits
summary: meeting the system has been the biggest ride of your life. but a returning enemy of their nighttime identity made that ride just a tad bit bigger.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: language, the boys all know each other exist, the reader doesn’t have a fear of heights (jake flies ya so)
a/n: i tried to give all three boys equal time but idk if it worked really well ajfhkefh
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When you met Jake Lockley for the first time, you really didn’t think much of it. He was your taxi driver; you were heading home after visiting the newest exhibit at the museum. The man had tipped his cap at you, asked you where to go with a spanish drawl. His face never fully turned to face you, but you both maintained a friendly enough conversation. He was earnest to hear about you and frankly, you were in need of someone to talk to. You even managed to pull a few facts about him from under that nice cap of his. You gave him a nice tip after that ride: some other taxi drivers you’ve experienced were less than pleasant. 
When you met Steven Grant for the first time, you also weren’t expecting anything to come from it. You had headed into the museum once again to see another new exhibit. Among your favorite things at the museum was the Egyptian exhibit, so when you had caught a whiff of an exhibition on the gods, you had hustled there as fast as you could. To your dismay, Jake wasn’t there to drive you as he’d done before, but you had pushed that thought away and scanned the exhibit meticulously before heading to the gift shop to look for a souvenir. The kind man at the counter looked bored out of his mind, his rich brown eyes always darting over to the exhibit you had just come from.
Somehow, you had mustered enough courage to ask him to explain this one artifact you hadn’t quite understood. The man was enthusiastic yet apprehensive, worried about someone named Donna (you assumed she’s his boss), but you managed to corral the man over to the piece and get him talking. His British accent was smooth and impossibly satisfying to listen to, so much so that you asked him to explain a few more pieces before the museum closed for the night. 
When you met Marc Spector for the first time, you still didn’t have any idea what you were getting yourself into. 
Well, maybe a tad bit. 
You’d met the man at a bar, nursing his drink with an air of boredom. You, yourself, were also bored in the low lighting. So, you downed the rest of your drink for some liquid courage before heading over to him. You weren’t sure what prompted you, honestly. Maybe it was the fact that he was the only one alone other than you. Maybe it was his hair was slicked back like he had ran his fingers through it countless times in stress. Maybe it was because the droopy curve of his lips were begging for something interesting to happen to him.
“Hey!” You’d barely shouted, just enough that he could hear you over the music and buzz of other people. The man’s face went through a range of emotions before landing on a tight smile. “Hi.” 
You tilted your head, trying to stay encouraged after that response. “I’m y/n. Can I sit with you?” 
His eyes bounced down to the barstool next to him before bouncing back up to yours. “Sure.”
“Great, okay.” 
“I’m Marc.” He introduced as you placed yourself next to him.
You smiled warmly. “Nice to meet you.”
When you’d met each of them, you hadn’t expected to meet them again, much less fall for each of them in their own ways. You loved to watch Steven ramble about whatever sparked his interest, you loved watching the sparkle in his eyes and the frantic hand gestures as he tried to help you understand the topic as well as possible. You loved his tousled hair that looked like he’d stumbled out of bed (which happened often, you found, as he slept over his alarm often) and the flannels he flaunted with it.
You loved watching Marc as he watched the television, some program on the screen that you had since forgotten about after watching the calmness erode his scrunched face. You loved the concern in his face as he helped an old woman across the street, when you’d nicked your finger while cutting up some vegetables. You loved the sigh you drew out when you massaged your fingers into his sore muscles, yet again watching the calm swarm him.
You loved the long, late night drives you and Jake went on, bumbling along to your favorite tunes underneath the starlight. You loved yanking the cap off of his head after he finished ushering people around in his taxi, ruffling his hair with a hearty laugh. You loved his cute little nicknames that he found for you, ones he said he’d picked out of a million others and made you feel like the most important person in the world. 
They made you feel perfect, fearless, everything that a person could want and more. You felt safe with them like you’d never felt before with anyone else, and you only hoped they felt the same way with you. You only needed them and they only needed you.
So, naturally, when you were met with attention from other people, it left you perplexed. Especially when you’d just been walking home from work like you always did: you knew the streets like the back of your hand. There’d been this particular street that you walked by that always came off as sketchy, but nothing had happened and you really had never thought anything of it. 
Until now. 
“Ma’am?” A voice called. You kept walking, pretending like the headphones in your ears were preventing you from hearing the person. When a hand laid on your shoulder, you startled and spun quickly. “I’m sorry,” the man said, his gray hair and cloudy blue eyes looking a lot like that one man you’d heard had died at that one asylum. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You only nodded with a hard set glare.
“I was wondering- would you happen to know how to get to the museum?”
“The museum?”
“Yeah, the one with that new exhibit-“
“All the museums are closed now.” Your tone was hard and you hoped to convey an ending to the conversation.
The man sighed. “Thats a shame. Would’ve made this easier on me.”
His hand shot out to his side, a cane with two crocodile heads flying towards it. You jumped back in surprise. You took the way that the eyes were fucking glowing as a reason to book it and run as fast as you could. You soon started twisting left and right to dodge purple blasts from his cane, even having to leap to avoid one to the feet.
“Where is Marc Spector?” The man’s voice sounded deeper and louder, despite the fact that he was farther away. You stumbled slightly. How does he know about Marc? “Does Steven Grant ring a bell?” He called when you didn’t answer. You dodged another blast that scorched an end of your hair. “Who the hell are you talking about?”
“How about Jake Lockley.” The hard blast accompanied the man’s tone as it slammed into your shoulder, sending you tumbling to the ground with a cry. 
“Wh- what are you talking about?” You took to scooting away from him on your hands and feet.
“Your boyfriends, Miss l/n. Don’t play dumb.”
“I- I’m not playing dumb!”
“Just tell me where they are and I promise this process will be a lot less painful.”
“For me or for them?”
The man chuckled, twisting the cane in his hands. “You poor, naive little thing. Why don’t you take a stab.”
“I’ll never tell you anything.” You growled through gritted teeth. 
“Oh, y/n,” the man bent down to meet your furious gaze. He grabbed your wrist and held it above the menacing cane. “You don’t need to.”
His eyes darted upwards and he tossed you to the left as a flurry of white came slamming through the place you’d been sitting just a few seconds ago, colliding with the man instead. As you rolled over with a groan, you formed the white blur into a masked vigilante, wrapped in what looked like the mummy tape you’d taped Steven into once. The vigilante soon had the man against the wall, pinned with two crescent shaped daggers, if you could call them that.
“How nice of you to join us, Marc.” The man drawled. The masked man- Marc?- gritted his teeth, but didn’t stop from his pursuit towards you. Your eyes widened in fear, and you tried to placate. “No no no no, please don’t hurt me-“
“Hey,” he held his hands out. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
You frowned, recognizing that American accent anywhere. “Marc!?” 
“Wow, she’s good. I totally didn’t just say that.” Chuckled the man as he struggled against the crescents.
Marc whirled. “Can it, Harrow.”
Your eyes darted to the man. “Wait. He’s the dude that was killed at that mental hospital a few weeks ago!”
Marc bristled slightly. “Yeah. Listen, we need to get you out of here.”
“Wait,” you pushed yourself up and hobbled over to Harrow. “How are you still alive?”
“You wouldn’t understand.” It was like he knew that would push your buttons.
You gritted your teeth. “Then why don’t you fucking try it out instead of assuming?”
“Okay,” Marc walked up behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “I think it’s time to go.”
“No,” you struggled against Marc’s strong grip. “I want to-“
The sound of fabric rustling sounded from behind you, and then his hand tightened around you and his mouth was brought to your ear. “Cariño,” Jake drawled. “Let it go.” 
“Turn around.” His eyes were narrowing at the way Harrow was nearly out of the crescent binds Marc had placed.
After a few seconds of boiling in your anger, you turned reluctantly. “What?”
In a flash, Jake wrapped both arms around you and shot into the sky. You screamed and clung to Jake’s suit, nearly missing Harrow’s last lunge towards you. Once the initial fear of falling wore off, you laughed and closed your eyes to the chilly London breeze. “Be careful,” Jake’s hand came up to cradle your head. “Don’t want to strain that neck of yours.” 
You nodded, complying. “Were you ever gonna tell me about all this?”
Jake sighed. “Eventually, yes.”
“That wasn’t a very convincing answer.”
“Well, we didn’t wanna dump too much on you after your stressful week.”
“But I’ve been dating you guys for three months.” You grumbled. 
“Listen, y/n,” Jake huffed. “It’s not something we wanted to involve you with. Our system deals with very dangerous people- and we’re not out in the public- we don’t get this almighty recognition or protection from the people. We have few allies yet many very angry enemies, and if they got even a whiff of talk about you, many wouldn’t hesitate to attack you. You’re a weak point for us, and they’ll use it whenever they can. We love you, after all, its the best place to poke. And Harrow? First of all, isn’t supposed to be alive, and second of all, must’ve heard about you. This,” he ducked lower, heading for the roof of your apartment building with practiced precision. “Could prove to be a slight problem.”
“Okay. Wow,” It was hard to form those words while Jake placed you gently onto the top of your apartment building. “That’s a lot- makes sense though.”
“Yeah,” you affirmed. “Here, I’ll go inside now. Thanks for the ride. I appreciate the new form of transportation.”
Jake grinned. “Better than the taxi?”
“Oh, Lockley. Nothing can beat the taxi.”
“Yeah, she’s a classic.” He smirked dazedly as he watched you walk to the door.
“Oh, and Jake?” You turned to him.
“I love this suit of yours. You should wear it more often, it’s sexy.” You winked and walked inside with a laugh.
“Oh, bollocks,” Steven grumbled. “She didn’t get to see mine.”
“One day, Steven, one day,” Marc consoled him with a grin, soon turning his attention then to a swooning Jake. “Amigo! Move your ass!”
Jake shook from his stupor. “Okay, okay! Eres tan impaciente.”
You flopped onto the couch, picking up your tea and admiring your work. You’d taking a shower and changed into some comfy clothes, now settling to watch some television. You found a nice romance movie, just about to get super into the movie when a knock sounded against your door. You opened the door as soon as you got to it, knowing that rhythm of knocking anywhere. 
“Steven.” You sighed, grabbing his arm and dragging him into the apartment. “Hey, love,” he let himself be dragged in. “You doing alright?”
“Im okay,” you shuffled through the kitchen. “A little shaken, slightly scared, but fine.”
“A little shaken?” Steven grabbed your shaky hand.
“Well, maybe a lot.” You admitted quietly.
“It’s okay to be scared, alright? I was scared at first too.”
“I know,” you gently pulled your hand from Steven’s to grab his tea. “For you.”
“Thank you.” He smiled gratefully, taking the mug. 
You smiled back and shuffled to the sofa, settling again in front of your rom com and trying to finesse Steven over. “C’mon, sit down, love.” 
“Hold on,” Steven held his ground as he placed his mug down. “I want to show you something.”
You nodded, slightly confused. “Okay.”
Steven widened his stance slightly, locking eyes with you and smiled excitedly. You couldn’t help but smile back at him: it was contagious. With a quick nod, he scrunched up his nose and it almost made you laugh, but you were cut short by Steven’s flannel and jeans being absorbed by white fabric. Your jaw went slack as the white fabric folded itself into a crisp suit, covering Steven’s face in a mask with glowing blue eyes. You could see hints of the detailing, and when you stepped closer, you were able to make out what looked like some sort of Egyptian pattern running along it. 
Steven involuntarily sucked in a deep breath when you reached out and ran your finger along the side of his vest, unsure how to gauge your reaction. He was half certain you would jump away if he moved at all, calling him out for some sort of sorcery. His eyebrows came to knit together in concern, waiting anxiously for you to reach his eyes so he could really see what you felt about it all. 
And when you did? Oh boy.
Your eyes twinkled with fascination and admiration, your lips pulled into a sloppily concealed childish grin. He let out a sigh of relief, happy that there was no accusations of witchery being made. “So?” He broke the silence when his patience ran out. “I- wow,” you started, trying to work the gears in your jaw. “This is so cool.”
“Yeah. I mean, the detail is insane, and the suit really fits you, and the way your eyes glow is amazing. Jake and Marc’s too.”
“Oh. Wait,” Steven let the mask shrivel away to reveal his grinning face. “The mask comes off too.”
“Whoa.” Your eyes were wide, completely enamored by the sight of him. 
“Hon, pick up your jaw.” he teased with a smirk, reaching up to actually close your mouth. 
You swatted his hand and turned. “Oh, piss off, you jerk.”
Steven chuckled, letting the suit peel away into nothingness. “Love, come on-“
You said nothing, just stood facing the couch.
Steven smirked when an idea hit him. He ran towards you, capturing you in his big embrace and sending you both tumbling onto the couch. You screamed when he grabbed you, it soon becoming laughs as the initial surprise wore off. “You idiot!” You sputtered out through laughs. He chuckled happily, settling with you at his side to meet the twice abandoned rom com on TV. “Your idiot.”
You nodded earnestly. “My idiot.”
You rolled your eyes. “Sorry. My idiots.”
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🍓 for ficlet Friday
This one got away from me a little bit. I hope you enjoy it, though!
Tommy flopped down on the couch next to Buck, running a hand through his hair. "So, I just got off the phone with my sister Sydney. Nora's graduation is coming up."
Buck turned to face him, interest piquing. "Oh yeah? In Maine, right? Are you planning on going?"
Tommy nodded. "Yeah, I promised I'd be there. It's a week from Saturday." He paused, then added hesitantly, "I was thinking... maybe you'd like to come with me?"
Buck's face lit up. "Really? You want me to come meet your family?"
"Of course," Tommy said, smiling. "You've already met Mom over video chat, and I've told you about everyone else. I think it's time they met my boyfriend in person."
Buck grinned, then furrowed his brow slightly. "How long were you thinking of staying? I know you usually try to keep these trips short."
Tommy shrugged. "I was thinking maybe three days? That would give us time for the graduation and to show you around a bit. Maybe even go blueberry picking if you're interested."
"Blueberry picking?" Buck's eyes widened with excitement. "I've always wanted to do that!"
Tommy laughed. "I thought you might like that idea. And who knows? I might even be able to convince Grandma Lynn to share her blueberry cobbler recipe with you."
"That would be amazing," Buck said enthusiastically. "I know that's one of your favorite desserts."
Tommy nodded, pleased that Buck remembered. "So, think you can get the time off?"
"Shouldn't be a problem," Buck assured him. "A long weekend in Maine with you and your family? I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Tommy leaned in and kissed Buck softly. "Great. It means a lot to have you there, especially since my dad won't be around."
Buck squeezed Tommy's hand supportively. "I know it's complicated with him."
Tommy shook his head, his expression hardening slightly. "Not that complicated really," he said, his tone matter-of-fact. "He's just a judgmental, homophobic, abusive jerk."
Buck's eyes widened slightly at Tommy's bluntness, but he nodded understanding. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. But I'm glad he won't be there to ruin the celebration."
Tommy's expression softened as he looked at Buck. "Yeah, me too. The family's much better off without him around. And honestly?" He smiled. "I'm looking forward to introducing my boyfriend to the people who really matter."
Buck returned the smile, pulling Tommy closer. "I can't wait to meet them all in person. Sydney and the girls sound great from everything you've told me."
"They're going to love you," Tommy assured him. "Now, let's figure out the details for this trip. We should probably rent a car..."
The rental car wound its way through the picturesque Maine countryside, Tommy at the wheel and Buck in the passenger seat, their hands intertwined on the center console.
"You know," Buck said, breaking the comfortable silence, "after six months of hearing about this place, I can't believe I'm finally going to see it."
Tommy smiled, giving Buck's hand a squeeze. "I'm glad you're here. It means a lot to have you meet everyone in person."
Buck nodded, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Your mom seemed great over video chat. I hope the rest of the family likes me as much."
"They're going to love you," Tommy reassured him. "Even Chloe, though she might not show it right away."
As they pulled into the driveway of a cozy two-story house, Tommy took a deep breath. "Home sweet home."
They stepped out of the car just as the front door burst open. Ellen rushed out, her arms outstretched. "There are my boys!"
Tommy embraced his mom tightly. "Hi, Mom. Missed you."
Ellen then turned to Buck, pulling him into an equally warm hug. "Buck! It's so wonderful to finally meet you in person!"
"You too, Ellen," Buck said, returning the hug. "Thanks for having me."
Sydney appeared in the doorway, grinning widely. "About time you two made it!" She hugged them both before calling over her shoulder, "Girls! Uncle Tommy and Buck are here!"
Nora bounded out, all smiles and excitement. "Hi Uncle Tommy! Hi Buck!"
Chloe followed more slowly, eyeing Buck with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. As the others chatted, she sidled up to Buck, arms crossed.
"So," she said, her tone cool and appraising, "you're the famous Buck we've been hearing about."
Buck smiled, trying to be friendly. "That's me. It's great to finally meet you, Chloe."
Chloe raised an eyebrow. "Uh-huh. And what exactly makes you good enough for my Uncle Tommy?"
Tommy, overhearing, started to intervene. "Chloe, that's not—"
But Buck placed a hand on Tommy's arm, giving him a reassuring look before turning back to Chloe.
"You know what? That's a fair question," Buck said, meeting Chloe's gaze. "I'm not sure I am good enough for your uncle. He's pretty amazing. But I promise you, I'm trying my best every day to be worthy of him."
Chloe's eyes widened slightly, clearly not expecting such a candid response. She studied Buck for a moment before a tiny smirk tugged at her lips. "Okay, that was a pretty good answer. I guess you can stay. For now."
Tommy chuckled, wrapping an arm around Buck's waist. "High praise from Chloe. You should feel honored."
Buck grinned, feeling like he'd just passed a crucial test. "Oh, I do."
The graduation ceremony was a proud moment for the whole family. Nora beamed as she accepted her diploma. Tommy and Buck cheered loudly from the audience, with Buck feeling genuinely touched to be included in this family milestone.
After the ceremony, during the family celebration, even Chloe seemed to warm up to Buck, begrudgingly admitting that he made her uncle laugh more than she'd seen in years.
The next day, Tommy and Buck found themselves alone in a sunlit field, wicker baskets in hand as they picked wild blueberries.
"You know," Buck said, popping a berry into his mouth, "I never thought picking berries could be this peaceful."
Tommy chuckled, reaching for Buck's hand. "It's not usually this quiet. But I wanted some time just for us before we head back."
They worked in comfortable silence for a while, stealing glances and trading soft smiles.
"Your family's amazing, Tommy," Buck said finally. "Thank you for bringing me here."
Tommy pulled Buck close, kissing him softly. "Thank you for coming, Ev. It means more than you know."
As they packed up their berries, Tommy added with a grin, "And just wait until you taste Grandma Lynn's cobbler. She's making it special for us to take back to California."
Their flight back to California was bittersweet. As they settled into their seats, Buck turned to Tommy.
"So, think your family approved of me?" he asked, a hint of lingering nervousness in his voice.
Tommy laughed, interlacing their fingers. "Are you kidding? Mom's already asking when we're coming back for Thanksgiving. And I'm pretty sure Chloe's planning to friend you on social media."
Buck relaxed, squeezing Tommy's hand. "Good. Because I have a feeling we'll be making a lot more trips to Maine in the future."
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nkn0va · 5 months
What if yuzuriha, wagner, and orie met their s/o in bbtag? What if the reader decides to stay with them and leave their own world behind? Either because they hated it or just a depressing reason.
I'd take that chance too, ngl. Anything to get out of this shitshow we live in right now.
Slight CW: Slight hints of abuse/neglect in Wagner's section
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-Once Yuzuriha along with everyone else heard that the only way to build up enough energy for System to send them home was to fight, she was naturally pretty enthusiastic. It wasn't every day she'd get to fight people from other worlds entirely. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't at least somewhat excited.
-She fully expected to be fighting some pretty damn strong opponents along the way, as well as team up with equally powerful allies. However even knowing the circumstances she ever expected to find someone like you.
-It took quite a bit of time to build up enough energy by fighting, much more than expected. That left you and her plenty of time to get to know each other. She found you intriguing, even minus the fact you were from another world. Wasn't long before that intrigue turned to attraction, feelings you ended up returning.
-Unfortunately it wasn't meant to last, because eventually System had finally regained all of her power. She's beginning the process of sending everyone home before you intervene, saying you wanted to go to Kanzakai with Yuzu, taking both of them aback and asking you why.
-With a sigh you reveal that your life back home...wasn't the best. You opened up about alone you really were, having lost your family in an accident and grappling with your own hopelessness about your purpose in life. You figured perhaps maybe starting over somewhere else was the best solution, and you wanted it to be with the first person you'd truly connected with for the first time in what felt like forever.
-Yuzuriha didn't have the heart to turn you down. She was more than willing to take you in and give you a fresh start. When you wake up, it's clearly late at night, and you're on the ground near what seems like a shrine, one you obviously don't recognize.
-Yuzu is the first to call out to you as she wakes up too, introducing the place as the shrine she's duty-bound to protect that she's mentioned in passing during your time in the Phantom Field.
-She can talk more about that later. First order of business is introducing you to her sister and mother and showing you where you'll be sleeping. You can go out to see Kanzakai after you've gotten some rest.
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-Unlike Yuzuriha, Wagner was noticeably less thrilled about the idea of fighting so much. Teamwork isn't exactly her strong suit and she'd already wasted her time enough in this place as is.
-She wasn't interested in the chit-chat some of the others were partaking in. If she was talking to someone, it was to either team up with them for a fight or challenge them. Nothing more, nothing less. This was however, until you came along.
-For whatever reason you wanted to stick by her for more than just your first battle together. Wagner inexplicably started feeling this way too. Of course if you asked her she just said you were a fierce ally in battle, but that was only a surface reason.
-She eventually lets it slip. Being near you made her feel something she'd never felt before. Looking at you, especially when you smiled at her, made her heart suddenly start to beat faster and her face to feel warm, a very different kind of warm from her fire powers. It felt...warm and pleasant, and it confused her.
-Well the cat was out of the bag now, she had fallen for you whether she liked it or not. She was more than thankful that instead of laughing at her or taking advantage of her feelings that you returned them.
-Of course that only made it painful to have to go back to her home world much to her annoyance, at least until you stepped in saying you wanted to go back to Erika's world with her.
-Upon asking why you explained your...less than ideal family situation. They weren't the best people to be raised by for a number of reasons. It really screwed with you as a person in a lot of ways and you wanted nothing more than to get away from it. If it meant having to leave to another world, so be it.
-She was understandably furious at the revelation. She almost wanted to head back to your world instead just to teach them a lesson. She couldn't though, unlike you she had duties and business back home, pretty important ones at that. Yet that wouldn't stop her from bringing you home with her. It was likely for the best anyway.
-Upon passing out and waking up, you find yourself in the middle of a park in a rather large city with Erika waking up next to you. She can't take you to Licht Kreis HQ unfortunately. Even if she was their 4th Executor, non-personnel are not allowed on base.
-She opts to take you to the house she'd been given on her "rehabilitation" mission. She'll calm down Silvaria later once she inevitably finds out about you, the first order of business is getting you acquainted to an entirely new world.
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-Orie's sort of in the middle when it comes to her stance on the fighting. She wasn't the biggest fan but she realized it was necessary if she wanted to get herself and everyone else caught up in all this Phantom Field business home so she readily took up her blade and fought anyone that would accept a duel...or... 2v2 fight.
-You were one of her first partners. She'd come across people she didn't know but they were from your world so you had some valuable intel on them that helped lead to victory. She admired your battle prowess even outside of that so she saw no harm in forming a bonafide team with you.
-Something began to happen though as you continued fighting. The way you always had her back, showed grace to your opponents no matter what, and the way you showed concern for her if you thought she was injured, she started to feel differently about you. Eventually, no matter how she spun it, there was no mistaking what it was.
-It took a really....really...really long time for System to regain power, she wasn't kidding when she emphasized the 'slowly' part during her explanation. It was long enough that you two managed to find out about each other's mutual feelings.
-It's a real shame when the time inevitably comes that System has replenished the proper power to send everyone home. At least that's what Orie is thinking until out of nowhere you ask System to send you to Kanzakai with her.
-Naturally she questions you on this decision, and you now have to tell her about your home; it's been ravaged by war, for quite a while now at that. A good majority of your world, including your home has been all but turned to wasteland where simple day to day survival was a cutthroat competition.
-Orie's heart sinks when she learns what your world was like, that someone so good had to live in a world so bad. It's a pretty easy decision for her to let you go to Kanzakai with her for the sake of giving you a better life, to give you the salvation you deserve.
-The moment you're teleported and wake up in Kanzakai, you almost start crying. It had been long since you'd last seen such a grand pristine city, last seen people living peacefully together without having to worry about where their next meal would come from or if they would even see the sun rise again. Far too long...
-Orie sees this and immediately asks if anything's wrong, you have to calm her down. Nothing is wrong with you. In fact they've never been better.
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moonmeg · 1 year
me and my little cousin are big fans of your comics and now she is studying what society was like in the 1600s and she got curious about how caleb and Philip reacted to women on the islands having the same rights as men (it's her favorite topic and she asked me to ask you because it is difficult for her to speak English)
Thank you very much!!
I am no historian. I'm a history-enthusiast but the 1500s are really not my favorite century and I barely informed myself on them (not as well as on 18th or 20th century at least) but I'll just say what I think here.
Firstly we'd have to figure out what Caleb's and Philip's perception of women is in order to form a theory on how they might've viewed equal rights for both.
As they were raised in Puritan beliefs and society it can be assumed the boys had an idea of women being less valuable than men and their purposes included being a wife, have a bunch of children to take care of and be responsible for the household. In Puritan society women also partook in working the fields and could function as breadwinners of the family, though latter was not exactly average, but overall the image of the ideal woman to Puritans was: obedient (to men), humble, modest.
It's something that has been preached to the brothers since childhood and it's highly unlikely their mother was a modern disney "i-don't-take-shit-from-no-man" girlboss for them to have ever seen something different than that lmao.
When you've been taught something since childhood and never in your age of development changed that environment it's difficult to break those beliefs.
Sadly canon doesn't let us know how old Caleb was when he first met Evelyn but judging by the ponytail and the way Philip still looks like he could be 10 years old at best in the Hollow Mind portrait, I'm guessing he's something between 13 and 15. That's a crucial age in your development - you're starting out puberty or are already in the middle of it - and we all should know how easily influenced an adolescent mind can be. If Caleb was introduced to the image of a girl that doesn't align with what he's been taught in that age, it's likely that the moment he started living in the BI wasn't as big a surprise or shock to him as you'd think. He'd probably still be taken aback a little but I can see him adapt to it quite quickly. Not to say his ideas of what a woman is and how men are superior etc. just vanished the moment he met Evelyn (it likely took months if not years for Eve to even crack his perception of women and their roles) but if he and Evelyn met again and again over the course of years before running away to the BI together, it's likely by the time he came to the Isles' he was already very weakened in those ideas.
I remember I had a comic written out that tackled this concept of newlywed Caleb and Evelyn/Cat having different images of what a marriage is and Eve/Cat putting him in his place, telling him that just because she's his wife now it doesn't mean she's his possession, his maid or is going to be submissive to him. It's an idea I threw away because... time and it didn't exactly contribute to the story so... eh.
Philip was unlikely to have abandoned those ideas (completely) but it's kinda difficult to say in his case hdbdjdnnd
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multimilfs · 2 years
Melissa Schemmenti x Fem!Reader: What if I say I'm not like the others? 
Summary: There's a lot you know about Melissa Schemmenti, but not so much that you understand. And when insecurities bubble over into your relationship, it just might equal disaster.
A/N: I've been writing this all week and editing over the past few days. When I watched the most recent episode... I knew I had to get this posted, since it fits a little with the familial theme. But anyway Lisa Ann Walter owns my heart, please enjoy!!!
Tag List: @ghostsunderstoodmysoul @multifandomfix @escapetodreamworld
Warning(s): None
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There’s a lot you know about Melissa Schemmenti. 
You know she takes her coffee with enough sugar to be illegal and her liquor neat and how she melts when she hears the kids call her ‘Miss Schemmenti’ even after years of teaching. You know her favorite meal is Veal Siciliana from Scanicchios, but how she’ll never set foot in the restaurant after Joe used it to propose their divorce. 
You know she’s not a hard woman to learn, but she can be impossible to understand. 
So when the door to her cousin Annette’s house opens and Melissa’s face loses a shade of warmth, you know she’s putting on an act, but you don’t know why; Besides her blackmailer of a sister, Annette has always been the one she’s fondest of. 
“There she is!” Annette exclaims, grabbing you in a bone-crushing hug like she didn’t threaten you over the dinner table at last week's family dinner, “Mel didn’t know if you’d be able to make it.” 
“Good to see you too, Annette.” Melissa deadpans. 
You shoot Melissa a look, “I wouldn’t miss dinner for anything.” 
“Good, good. Come inside before the food gets cold.” 
You’re ushered into the house and surrounded in the typical chaos of the Schemmenti family. Annette takes the branzino from your hands and whisks it away to the kitchen. Uncle Anthony and his wife Lorraine are at the dining table, halfway through a bottle of wine, laughing at something one of the surrounding cousins said. 
Against the wall behind them Uncle Tomas watches the room with a keen eye. He’s arguably the most intense of her family members. The first time you’d met the man, Melissa had introduced him as Stickman; the man was a lawyer, you learned, and a damn good one. He was well connected and could get anything to stick if it’d help his case. That evening, when Melissa was distracted, he assured you he’d do the same to you if you hurt his niece. You had steered clear of him for a while after that. 
Annette’s husband Nico comes around the corner, doing his Greek roots proud as he enthusiastically kisses both of your cheeks. Annette scowls, but she’s long since given up on trying to break him of the habit—after 10 years there isn’t much she can do. 
Bundled up in his arms is their daughter Sophia. Everytime you remember how tiny she used to be compared to now, tears spring to your eyes. 
“There’s my favorite girl,” You coo, taking her out of Nico’s arms, “I missed you so much. Have you been behaving for your parents?” 
She stares up in adoration while Annette and Nico smile. Melissa hangs back, hands stuffed in her pockets as she takes in the room. You try to catch her eyes, but she’s determined to look anywhere else. 
“She’s been a nightmare this week. First she was sick and then when she was better, she’d refuse to sleep,” Annette throws her hands up, “I can’t figure it out.” 
“You think she’d want a break from you two.” Melissa says. 
Her cousin glares, delivering a harsh punch to her arm. The barely-there grin that was on Melissa’s mouth falls and she stiffens, puffing up, pulling her arm back to deliver an undoubtedly worse blow. You place your hand on her arm and step between them. 
It clearly ruffles her feathers that you’re stepping in, but she says nothing. Her arm drops and she levels a glare at Annette instead. You bounce Sophia, sharing a look with Nico. 
“Sweetheart, how close are we to eating? Would you like help setting the table?” Nico asks. 
“You sit down, I’ll help her out,” Melissa interrupts, pressing a kiss to your cheek and brushing past you. 
You blink and she’s moving towards the kitchen, shoving Annette ahead. A pointed stare burns into your face as you focus on the baby in your arms. Her original eager face has turned sleepy the longer you bounce her. Moving her to your other arm, you make the mistake of locking eyes with Nico. 
“It isn’t my business…” 
“We’re fine, Nico. She’s just had a long week.” 
It’s a simple enough answer and it’s a true one. Melissa has been overwhelmed. You choose not to mention that the only time her behavior changes is inside this house. She may love her family and value them to no end, but lately she hasn’t been acting like herself around them, and you feel yourself being pushed away for a few hours every week. 
You don’t talk about it—why would you? The second you’re back in the car, everything is normal. It doesn’t affect your relationship. All you want is to understand why it’s happening. 
“Seems she’s having many of those.” 
Glaring at Nico is second nature. He doesn’t apologize, only shrugging as if to say I’m only speaking the truth. Luckily, he drops the conversation, and you stand in mostly-comfortable silence watching Melissa and Annette move around from afar.  
“So, have you found a ring yet?” 
“Knock it off already,” Melissa growls, staring into the simmering sauce on the stove, “I’ve said all I needed to about that.” 
“You didn’t say much, actually.” 
“She doesn't want to marry me, Annette.” 
“How would you know if you haven’t asked her?” 
The murmur of voices from the dining and living rooms filter in. Melissa looks up and watches you, Sophia bouncing in your arms while her Aunts, Uncles, and cousins pull you snugly into their conversations. Her eyes are pained. 
She wants to commit the scene to memory, discreetly pull out her phone and snap a picture of the room so it won’t fade away. It had never been like this before. No matter how much Joe meant to her, members of her family had never warmed to him, and he’d remained firmly on the outside. 
Now you stand holding the youngest Schemmenti in her cousin’s home, laughing and talking easily with family members who’d have sooner taken Joe out than let him share their table. 
“I just—I know, alright? I’m not going to tie her down.” 
“Look at me,” Annette demands and Melissa does, “That girl wouldn’t be here if she didn’t want to be tied down. Now either you make her a Schemmenti or stop stringing her along.” 
“That isn’t what I’m doing.” 
“Okay, Mel.” 
It’s a bad sign that Annette has stopped fighting; whatever Melissa says, she is firmly wrong on this, and her cousin has proved her point. Her stomach turns. She isn’t against marrying again, despite what everyone thinks. 
It’s just complicated. 
The two cousins put the finishing touches on dinner in silence; Melissa mulling over her thoughts and Annette brooding beside her. They make quite the pair with their fiery locks and matching frowns, but they make one hell of a meal. 
Every now and again Melissa will glance your way. The baby never once leaves your grasp but you move around the room with her. Her cousin Lisa coos at the sleeping girl between bouts of conversation with you, making Melissa smile. She knows you’d bring Sophia home with you if you ever got the chance. And though it pains her to think about the lost sleep and headaches, she wouldn’t mind. 
Their lavish spread is set on the table—and any flat surface, really—when Melissa makes her way back to you. She’s lost her appetite for the time being, craving only your closeness, which shouldn’t relieve her as much as it does. But when she grabs two chairs, Great Aunt Katherine flags you down first and insists that you sit to her right tonight. 
Offering a sheepish smile, you steal a quick kiss, “I’m sorry, honey. We’ll share dessert?” 
“Sure.” Melissa nods.
Uncle Tomas takes up the seat saved at Melissa’s side, raising an eyebrow at the lack of a plate. You shoot concerned glances from the other end of the table. Ignoring both, Melissa shoves her hands back in her pockets, leaning back to observe the room. 
No one tries to bother her for once. She’s free to brood and take in the room on her own time, zoning in and out when her thoughts pull her in. 
The sound of Sophia crying breaks her focus. 
Everyone around the table looks at you as you murmur, rubbing her back and rocking. Annette is the first to move and grab a bottle. It’s rare that Sophia cries with you, almost like you’re her personal Xanax, but not even you are a balm for an empty stomach. 
Flustered, you send Melissa a pleading look over the baby’s head. She’s up in an instant and taking the now-warm bottle from her cousin. Nodding her head to the hallway where the nursery is, she rubs a hand down your back as you pass, turning towards her family. 
“Might help to get away from all your loud mouths.” Melissa throws behind her. 
A few choice comments are thrown after her but she ignores them, making a beeline for the nursery. She can still hear you and Sophia from outside as she slips in and closes the door. Holding out the bottle, she wraps her free arm around you. 
“Thank you,” It’s a bit of a hassle to get Sophia latched onto the bottle, but eventually she deems it good enough, and her whines stop. You let out a long breath,“I was a little on-edge having everyone stare at me.” 
Melissa’s lips press a kiss to your temple, saying I got you. You lean into her and smile as you imagine how the scene must look. You wonder if Melissa thinks of it as fondly as you do. She’s never said much on the subject of kids, but sometimes you think she feels like she’s missing out. 
Turning your neck to look at her, you stiffen at the brief pain you can see on her face, and drop the whole idea. If she wanted this, she’d tell you… right? 
“What’s going on, Melissa?” You ask softly still.
“Nothin’, sweetheart.” She smiles, “Just a little tired, that’s all.” 
You know by the way her smile doesn’t reach her eyes that she’s lying. 
Instead of calling her on it, you nod, and lean up to steal a kiss. It doesn’t feel the way it usually does and you try to brush it off; once we’re out of the house, you think, it’ll be normal again. 
But when you leave that night with arms full of tupperware, it doesn’t go back to normal. Melissa is too quiet and reserved and god, she won’t even touch you. She drives home with both hands firmly on the wheel. 
The music is on but you refuse to hear any of the lyrics and when you recognize the street you’re on, something in you goes cold. You stare blankly at houses that pass and try to will away the feeling of impending doom. 
“Where are we going?” You ask and it doesn’t sound like you. 
“I’m taking you home.” 
Something snaps then. You don’t know why, or what triggers it, but you whip your head to face her. Home, she says, like you don’t have space reserved in her closet. Home, like you don’t know her kitchen better than your own anymore. 
“Pull over.” 
Her eyes widen, “What? Are you insane?” 
“Melissa Schemmenti, pull the damn car over!” 
Your voice is too loud in the car and you hate the way it cracks, but she listens. Try as you might, the dam of tears is starting to overflow as she stops a few blocks from your place. It takes everything in you to look at her. 
When you see the look on her face and the tears in her own eyes, you know. 
You know, but you ask anyway, “What is going on?” 
Melissa opens her mouth, then closes it, swallowing hard. She closes her eyes and shakes her head before looking back at you. Her own tears are gone and you hate her for shoving her feelings down. You hate her for making this easier on herself when it’s so hard for you. 
“I realized that I… I’ve been giving you the wrong idea. About this, us.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Look, you’re the date-to-marry type, you know? But you need to know you’ve got options. I want you to know that and—and you don’t need to feel like you should tie yourself down just because we’ve been together a while.” 
She’s grasping at straws. You know that, she knows that, but back to the same old story—you don’t know why. 
“Is this—are you breaking up with me?” You whisper.
“Annette said—“
“Annette told you to do this?” 
“No! Sweetheart, I just mean that I want you to know you have options. You’re beautiful and anyone would be lucky to have you.” 
“Don’t pretend you’re doing this for me. I am—I was happy.” Your throat is closing up, words choking you, “I’m going to go. Call me when you’re done being an idiot.” 
Her usual Italian fury is buried under heartache. When you get out of the car and slam the door behind you, she just watches and follows—at a distance—to make sure you get home safe. She doesn’t get out. She doesn’t yell or run after you. As soon as she knows you’re safe, she drives home, focused more on the tears that’d poured from your eyes than the insult from your lips. 
When Annette flings open the door a week later, her smile falters seeing Melissa by herself. She looks up and down the block to see if maybe you’re trailing behind. 
“Where is she?” Annette asks. Seeing the look on Melissa’s face, she’s flooded with rage, “What did you do?” 
“I stopped stringing her along, like you said.” 
Melissa doesn’t sound like herself, though she’s trying hard to. She doesn’t look like herself either. Her eyes are puffy and her makeup is smeared. 
“You idiot!” 
And Annette is flying at her, screaming in Italian and throwing her hands around a little too close to Melissa for her liking. It’s a good sign she hasn’t taken her earrings out. Annette is speaking so fast she can hardly understand and at some point she starts yelling back. Melissa does take out her earrings. They’re shoved in her pocket and she’s winding up when the door opens and Uncle Tomas steps onto the porch, folding his arms over his chest. 
“Annette. Inside.” He says in a tone that leaves no room for argument. 
She huffs, but moves. Melissa makes an effort to follow and slip inside but her Uncle steps in front of the door after Annette’s gone. She meets his eyes and mirrors his position, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Stickman.” She nods. 
“What are you doing, kid?” 
“Trying to come over for family dinner. That a crime now?” 
“You know that’s not what I mean.” 
Stickman has seen her at her boldest, even her dumbest, but she still withers when he stares at her long enough. She hates that her desire to fight back vanishes. No one should have that power over her, but she doesn’t fight, not when it comes to him. She respects him too much to spit in his face like that. 
“It wasn’t going to work. She has a world of opportunity still, but me? I’m set where I am. Why keep her from the opportunities she has?” Melissa shrugs. 
He shakes his head, “Kid, you know why I never liked Joe?” 
“Because he wasn’t Italian.” 
“No,” He laughs, “because he was a good guy, but he wasn’t good enough. Not for you. Of course, he loved you, so we let him stick around—but he wasn’t family. Family you kill for. Joe loved you, but he wouldn’t have killed for you.” 
“And you think she would?” Melissa asked quietly. 
“Yeah, I do.” 
Melissa had never thought about you as the violent type. You were always keeping her out of trouble, stopping her from getting into fights, stepping in between her and whoever had pissed her off… but maybe it wasn’t like that. She remembers how you glare when you step in and it dawns on her; maybe you weren’t holding her back… maybe you were trying to take on the fight yourself. 
She had grown used to biting her tongue and taking a step back while Joe talked his way out of scuffles, all charming smiles and charisma. In a few minutes he’d undo all of Melissa’s damage and deal it back to her. The humiliation hurt more than any punch. But this—this steals the breath from Melissa’s lungs, her chest feeling like too-small tupperware for her heart. 
“What does that have to do with her future?” Melissa asks. 
“She knows you, kid. And she knows herself. Yeah, she’s got opportunities, but an opportunity doesn’t equal happiness. Let her choose what makes her happy instead of trying to choose for her.” 
She nods. A harsh hand is rubbed over her face. 
“I’ve really messed it up, huh?” 
Tomas unfolds his arms and places his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eye. She tries to ignore the feeling of being a little girl again after her first bad fight with her Mom, trying and failing not to cry about just how unfair it is that nobody paid attention beyond yelling at her. She never understood how he had all the answers. Even now, she still doesn’t. 
“If you got yourself into it, you can get yourself out of it.” He says. 
Melissa breaks more traffic laws than she can count on her way to your place, but she doesn’t get caught, so she figures it's worth it. But when she steps onto your porch, she’s filled with apprehension. Hurting someone is so much easier than making them feel better. 
A soft curse leaves her lips and she forces herself to knock on the door. When you open it and stand in the doorway with arms crossed over your chest, she grimaces in place of a smile. 
You’ve definitely seen better days, but you’ve at least tried to hold it together. Your eyes are red, but your makeup is impeccable. The pain in your eyes doesn’t go away and her chest aches; she put it there, she knows, and kicks herself for it. 
“Hey, sweetheart.” Melissa says lamely. 
Glaring, you raise an eyebrow, “Done being an idiot?” 
“Yeah, yeah I am,” Her smile is pained and she’s rocking back and forth on her feet, but she’s trying, “I’m sorry for how I acted.” 
“What was going through your head?” 
A sigh escapes Melissa’s lips and her breathing is shaky. You want to reach out and comfort her, but hold yourself back. You deserve to know why last week happened, why you were miserable when things had been going so well. 
“When Joe suggested we get a divorce, he said he thought we were ‘holding each other back,’” Melissa says, trying to laugh even though her eyes are glassy, “but I… I’d been so content with him, with everything. I guess I thought that if I was happy, it meant I was holding you back too.”
A tear falls from her eye and you step forward, wiping the tear away. You put your hands on either side of her face and smile a watery smile. 
“How could you hold me back? Loving you is the greatest opportunity I’ve ever had.” You whisper. 
For the first time since knowing her, Melissa looks small. She looks at you with teary eyes like she can’t believe a word coming out of your mouth. Under all the bravado she’s just as sensitive as anyone and for a minute you forgot that.
You know so much about her that sometimes it makes your head hurt; how she loves the smell of cigarettes because everyone around her smoked as a child, how the first woman she dated was the same one that repoed her car, and how under everything she was a just that scared little girl who wanted to be loved. The rough and tumble kid turned into a resourceful woman, but her wounds never left, and now they were staring you in the face. 
“I’m not Joe, okay?” You say, after stealing a quick kiss, “You’re not a pit stop for me, you’re the destination.”
“God, you sound like Janine.” 
Melissa shakes her head, but she’s smiling all the same, looking at you like she does after those sappy romance movies she pretends not to like. And she pushes forward and kisses you, holding onto you with a tight grip and kissing you like she’s worried it’ll never happen again, as if it’s the last time, and she’s making excuses to keep you with her for a few more minutes. 
It makes your head spin how your anger just… dissolves. A week of hearing nothing from Melissa had been devastating, only to slowly morph into an ugly anger that you let fuel you, and now it’s gone. You’re wrapped up in Melissa Schemmenti and all too happy to forget the way you wanted to slash her tires two hours ago. 
“Honey?” Melissa says. 
You blink and look at her, her head tilted to the side, eyes looking you over. She must have said your name a few times. 
You’re dying to kiss her again just as much as you’re itching to scream at her. When did you let yourself become so head over heels for this woman? It grips at you and you want to grab her, telling her that she’s the most infuriating person you know and that you never want anyone else. 
“If you ever do that to me again I’ll take a crowbar to your car windows.” Comes out instead and your own eyes widen as she laughs. 
“Noted,” Melissa grins, “Now, will you come to dinner? Annette nearly killed me when she didn’t see you.” 
“Would have served you right.” You huff, but throw your shoes on and grab your keys, joining her on the porch. 
Her hands settle on your hips as you’re locking the door and you pause—interesting way to get me to family dinner, you think. When her lips press kisses to your neck, you let it happen. What is one missed dinner? You love Annette and the family, but none of them are Melissa and her skilled mouth.
All of it stops the second you lean back against her. 
“Still got it.” Melissa murmurs. 
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Schemmenti.” 
“I’m from South Philly, gorgeous, danger is second nature.” She pats your hip and steps back, “But I’ll make it up to you later.” 
“Maybe I’ll get revenge on you first.” 
Her eyebrow lifts in time with the corner of her mouth. She nods once, saying nothing as you finish locking the door and walks you to the car, opening the passenger door to steal a kiss before shutting it. 
And this time when Annette opens the front door, she smiles, and Melissa’s earrings stay in. You’re pulled into a hug so tight you question how much Annette’s been holding back; her threats hold a little more weight now. 
Nico greets you with the customary kiss on your cheek and passes Sophia to you without prompting. She’s half asleep, but still finds the energy to curl a little hand in your shirt. 
Stepping inside with a nervous smile, you’re greeted with nods and an overjoyed Cousin Rocco, “Finally! Annette said you two ran into some trouble, you get it taken care of?” 
The last part is aimed at Melissa, who nods. Rocco crosses himself and mutters a quick prayer in Italian. Tomas is the only one who looks at you like he knows and you wonder how much he got his niece to spill. But he looks behind you, where Melissa’s standing, and nods his head towards the back porch. 
A hand slides over your hip and warm breath moves over your ear as she passes, muttering, “Be right back.” 
You’re pulled into the kitchen in her place, Annette dancing around and putting what little mobility you have to help set the food up. Both of you freeze for an instant when she jostles you and Sophia whimpers, your eyes locking with Annette’s in horror. She settles in the same beat. From then on, Annette takes care when moving around you. 
Melissa catches the interaction through the back door and grins when you meet her eyes, a sheepish smile on your face. 
It feels like only a moment and the table is being set, but Melissa and Uncle Tomas are still out on the back porch. Both are facing away from you with Tomas surrounded by smoke and motioning with his hands in a way that reminds you of the redhead. She’s nodding along with whatever he’s saying, throwing her head back in a full-body laugh. 
Tomas stubs out his cigar when you knock on the window and motion them inside. He says something you can’t read on his lips, but it makes Melissa shake her head. Her eyes meet yours and you’re overwhelmed by the emotion in them. 
“Good talk?” You ask. 
“I’d say so,” Tomas nods, closing the door as soon as Melissa steps inside, “Hardly a dull moment with that one.” 
“Back at ya, Stickman.” 
The man weaves his way through the throng of Schemmenti’s to pack a plate. You and Melissa stay by the door, watching the chaos unfold. When you lean into her, you sneak a kiss to the corner of her mouth. Her lips twitch. 
“You look good with a kid in your arms.” 
Blinking, you say slowly, “Thank you.” 
“Anytime, honey.” 
When she smiles, there’s a twinkle in her eye. And once again you find yourself trying to understand why she’s looking at you the way she is. You find yourself not minding so much though—Maybe there’s nothing wrong with being a little oblivious. 
There’s a lot you know about Melissa Schemmenti. How she smiles and softens her voice in the presence of kids, how she can only listen to jazz when she cooks, and how she loves getting her hands dirty. You look forward to understanding her one day, too. 
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Rating: Gen Word Count: 4k
Since he forgot his phone at work Dean borrows Charlie's cell to send Cas a quick message. What follows turns his world upside down. (In which Cas thinks he's talking with Charlie and reveals way more about his true feelings than Dean is able to handle.)
Dean loves Fridays.
For one, his work day already ends around 2 PM. Granted, Dean adores his job and actually walks into his office with a big smile on his face most of the time. Which is kinda ironic since he's never in his wildest dream would've ever pictured himself using his engineering degree to design new airplanes and enjoying every second of it, not with him still being fiercely against flying as a concept in on itself and not keen at all on putting any of his designs to the test for real (FUCK NO!!). It's quite a running joke in the office, of course, and Dean laughs along to his colleagues teasing him about it, but at the same time he's dead serious about it.
So yes, creating new and improved airplanes? Dean is so down for this. Flying those things afterwards? NO WAY IN FREAKING HELL!!!
Either way, his Fridays at work are short and instead of heading back home into his cozy, little apartment he always throws himself into his beloved Impala and drives into the complete opposite direction.
To Charlie's place.
They had met in college about ten years ago and more or less bonded right away over their love for Star Trek. Soon enough they had found even more things in common and before Dean even knew it he traveled to LARP events, called himself Charlie's handmaiden, and started to see her as the sister he never really wanted, but somehow didn't mind having anyway.
Them meeting up every Friday for video games and movie marathons is a thing that began basically since Dean's been working at his current job straight out of college.
Dean's always eager to make time for friends and family, even with a full-time job, so he made this a tradition and refused to budge on the matter. Thankfully Charlie has been equally enthusiastic and as a freelancer who earns a shit ton of money by helping companies with their IT stuff or whatever (Dean is still not really sure what she even does), she is able to fill her schedule the way she likes it.
She has been keeping her Fridays free ever since.
Today is not any different.
Dean drove straight to her after work and has been at her place ever since. They've been watching a couple of episodes of Firefly while eating unhealthy snacks before switching over to video games. Dean hadn't had any consoles growing up, so it took him a while to get the hang of it when Charlie introduced him to it, but eventually he became quite good. At least good enough to beat Charlie's ass from time to time.
It's easy fun with lots of interactions and yelling and whooping and both Dean and Charlie have a tendency to completely forget the outside world when they're sucked into a specific game.
This time they're both so engrossed with chasing their Super Mario characters over some rainbow bridges in their colorful race cars that the hours pass by unnoticed.
When Dean eventually, after a devastating loss which makes him groan unattractively, glimpses at the surprisingly analog clock at the wall he ends up flinching in surprise at the lateness of the evening.
“Shit!” he exclaims, looking at the small hand already having passed the seven. “Why is it so late already?”
Charlie looks up as well and seems equally astonished by the passage of time. “Huh, I didn't notice.”
Dean grumbles and quickly leans back to fish his phone out of his pocket – only to discover that there is nothing to be found.
He blinks in confusion for a few seconds before realization hits him and he moans once again. “Oh fuck, I left my phone in the office!”
He recalls vividly how it had been lying on his table and he urged himself over and over to pack it before leaving. He basically had been reaching for it already. And then one of the other engineers showed up with an important issue and Dean found himself so distracted by it all that anything else slipped his mind. By the end of it he was so eager to call it a day and rush over to Charlie's place that he just grabbed his jacket and headed out of there before anyone else might have intercepted him with yet another problem.
“Sucks to be you,” Charlie chuckles while Dean merely rolls his eyes and wonders whether he should ride back to the office for his phone either today or at least tomorrow by the latest or whether he should just leave it there for the whole weekend.
Either way, that doesn't change the fact right now that it's entirely too late already.
“I need to call Cas,” Dean says, gritting his teeth.
Because see, this is yet another reason why he loves Fridays so much: Cas.
Best friends since Dean moved with his family into the house across from Cas' about twenty years ago they always made sure to stay in each other's lives. Granted, from the outside they look like they have nothing much in common and if Dean is being honest with himself he's not sure they would've even been on one another's' radars at all if it wouldn't have been for that one boring summer when Dean had been new in town at fourteen years old and didn't know a soul around and eventually found himself fixating on the blue-eyed neighbor since there was literally nobody else his age around to hang out with.
And yeah, Dean questioned his choice the first few weeks, Cas so odd and awkward and like no one Dean has ever met before, he certainly had no clue how to deal with that. But somehow Cas wormed himself into Dean's heart with his dorky weirdness and in the grand scheme of things Dean couldn't be happier about it.
So they stayed close, even when they eventually went to different colleges so far away from each other that they merely managed to see one another once or twice a year. In the end, though, they both came back into their hometowns and settled down there, Dean with his engineering job and neat loft apartment and Cas with his teaching position at the local university and him inheriting his old childhood home after his parents decided to move into a warmer climate.
Dean had been over the moon seeing them both back at the same location and he was determined from the start to meet up as often as possible, despite their time-demanding jobs. So of course after Fridays became a thing with Charlie, Dean couldn't help but incorporate Cas into that as well. Because why not make that day absolutely perfect, right?
And since his mom always invites her sons to brunch Saturday mornings and Cas technically lives right across from her, it became a tradition for Dean to crash at Cas' place and then on the next day go to his mom's, usually with Cas in tow because at this point in her life Mary considers him her third kid anyway.
So yeah, it's a date every single Friday for many years now.
And right now Dean is on the brink of being too late and the last thing he wants is for Cas to worry about his whereabouts.
“Can I borrow your phone?” Dean asks Charlie. “I need to call Cas.”
Charlie hands him her cell without a moment of hesitation and says, “Better send him a text. He might still be on his way back home.”
Contrary to Dean and Charlie, Cas always uses his Friday afternoons to catch up on his work. “To not be greeted by a mountain of paperwork first thing Monday morning, Dean,” Cas is never shy to explain.
Dean can't help a little smile as he hears Cas' voice in his head.
He catches himself at the last second, though, before his face might get too gooey or something, and he quickly opens Cas' number, vigorously ignoring his text chain with Charlie (which doesn't seem overly excessive anyway because for some unfathomable reason those two actually enjoy talking to each other on the phone, like a pair of old people), and hurries to type his message.
< hey how's it hanging?
And then Dean accidentally hits send.
He growls in frustration. “Charlie!” he complains. “Your phone is all wrong!”
Charlie huffs. “Only because you're a dinosaur and you're only used to your ancient phone doesn't mean mine has done anything wrong ever in its life. You just have to be a little bit more delicate.”
Dean rolls his eyes, eager to give her a piece of his mind, when suddenly the phone vibrates, indicating an incoming message. Looks like Cas is already home or at least at a safe location to text back immediately.
> I know why you're texting all of a sudden. And you don't have to bother, I won't change my feelings on the matter.
Dean just has time to wrinkle his forehead in confusion when another text arrives.
> Dean doesn't need to know.
Dean's eyes widen, for a moment too stunned to do anything.
And then he instantly finds himself torn.
It's obvious Cas thinks he's talking with Charlie (and why shouldn't he? It's Charlie's number after all) and Dean should hurry to explain the situation and stop Cas before anything else might happen.
He seriously should.
But then he ends up thinking back on Cas' behavior recently. For the last few weeks he has been downright weird whenever Dean was around (weirder than usual, that is) and Dean has been wrecking his brain for a while now what the hell might have happened that made their dynamic shift in such a way. It's not glaringly obvious or anything, at least nobody from the outside has commented on it so far, but Dean certainly noticed Cas keeping his distance.
Dean has no idea whether he did something wrong or whether something just came up and he is taking the brunt of it and he has been dying to find out ever since.
And now it's apparently offered to him on a silver platter.
Still, Dean really should do the right thing …
He seriously should.
But before his conscience is able to catch up with him his fingers already start typing.
< what do u mean?
And he leaves it with that.
Dean squeezes his eyes shut, hating himself a little bit. Who even does this to a friend in the first place?
Yeah, no, he needs to clear up the situation right here and now –
That is when another text arrives and Dean is too weak not to look at it.
> Don't play cute with me, Charlie. I have told you before, Dean doesn't need to know about my feelings for him. Things are good between us, I don't want to ruin that.
Dean blinks.
And blinks some more.
Wait, what?
Dean's heart stops for a couple of seconds, picks up one hell of a pace after that, only to pump the brakes yet again so hard he gets actually dizzy from it.
Because Cas … he can't mean what Dean thinks he means, right?
Dean feels himself freaking out, his breathing becoming labored as his heart continues to go crazy within his chest. For a long moment up is down and down is up.
Only when Charlie nudges his shoulder, seemingly worried by the expression on Dean's features, Dean gets jolted back into reality. He startles at first, feeling like a newborn deer trying to make sense of the new environment, before he manages to catch himself somehow.
And he doesn't wait around to shove the phone right into Charlie's face and exclaim, “What the hell is that?”
Charlie is, of course, highly confused by Dean's question and just frowns at him.
So Dean grits his teeth and gestures at the text conversation with Cas, urging her to read it. Which she dutifully does the next second.
And then her eyes widen as she mutters underneath her breath, “Shit.”
Dean huffs. “What the fuck is he talking about, Charlie?”
He doesn't expect a straight answer right away.
Damn, he doesn't even expect any kind of answer at all.
So he leans back and watches as Charlie starts to splutter and flail her arms around in every single direction and make the most unintelligible noises not even the most experienced linguist would have been able to decipher. She is clearly caught off guard in the most major manner and can't for the hell of it find a graceful way out of it. At least not quick enough to not be absolutely pathetic.
“Charlie,” Dean eventually cuts into her incoherent rambling, not in the mood to be witness to this for the rest of the night. “Just get a grip and tell me the truth!”
Charlie shakes her head and nods at the same time. So fiercely, in fact, that Dean for a moment gets actually worried that her neck would break in half by the sheer force of it.
“It's – um, it's nothing, man,” she says in the end, way over the top. “Just … uuuuuhhhhh, just some inside joke Cas and I have …”
Dean rolls his eyes at that. “Right,” he replies, the opposite of convinced. “So when Cas says he's got feelings for me …”
Charlie makes a noise that is probably supposed to be a dismissive snort. “Just – y'know – I mean – it's just …” Her gaze flickers anywhere but near Dean. “I mean, um … everyone has feelings about everyone, right? … I mean, I totally have all the platonic feelings for you, for example, you know? …”
Dean arches his brows skeptically. “So you're saying Cas has platonic feelings for me?”
Charlie perks up at those words. “Yes!” she agrees, far too enthusiastically for it to be convincing in the least. “Yes, that's what I'm saying!”
Dean scoffs. “And why would he make a big state secret out of it?”
Charlie pulls a face. “I mean, you know how he is … he is weird sometimes …”
Dean groans before pushing himself to his feet, not eager to listen to any more of her excuses. “I've gotta go talk to Cas!”
He hears Charlie voice some sort of protest, but Dean just grabs his jacket and is out of the door before she's able to stop him.
It takes about fifteen minutes to get to Cas' place.
And Dean's head is spinning so hard the whole drive there he is actually surprised that he doesn't end up in a ditch somewhere.
But what is he supposed to think after that text message?
Yeah, Dean highly doubts Cas would be so cagey about platonic feelings of all things, but at the same time Dean can't allow himself to imagine the alternative.
Because that would break him.
Because Cas actually admitting to having Feelings for Dean, the capital letter kind, sounds like so fucking much.
After all it would mean …
It would mean that Dean has been pining in secret for ages even though his feelings haven been reciprocated the whole freaking time?
Yeah, Dean can't even remember anymore when it started. It's probably been a gradual process that began a long time ago. Dean dated people and it was always okay, you know, but it wasn't it. It never felt like all those love songs made him believe it would be. At some point he even assumed that it just was something that didn't really exist. That people merely found other people they were compatible with and that was all the magic out there.
It only made sense all of a sudden when he admitted to himself about a year ago that he was head-over-heels for Cas.
There was no specific event or anything, but around that time it had been half an eternity that Dean had so much as a date with another person because nobody seemed to light even the tiniest spark within him. It only had gotten harder and harder, so eventually Dean just stopped looking.
And then he was sitting on the couch with Cas and Cas was arguing with the History Channel about something and Dean just watched him with a besotted smile on his face and thought, I want this for the rest of my life.
What followed was many weeks and months of doubt and uncertainty, but when he ultimately took the final step and was honest with himself it was suddenly easy enough to see that Cas has been it for a very long while for Dean.
But at the same time Dean was afraid to say something. Cas has never been much for dating and romance and his best friend out of the blue confessing his love might have freaked him out big time. Dean always pictured Cas withdrawing more and more until one day they wouldn't have been in each other's lives anymore.
And that – that would have been absolutely devastating.
So Dean kept his mouth shut and instead enjoyed all the things they had. While pushing thoughts of maybe scooting a bit closer and holding Cas' hand or even kissing him out of his mind.
Dean learned to live with it.
But now?
If this is really true …
If Cas feels the same way and he's just been as scared to ruin their friendship as Dean was …
Dean isn't sure he knows how to handle the possibility.
Dean senses both dread and elation when he parks Baby on his usual spot right behind Cas' ugly pimp mobile and he takes a minute or two of deeply inhaling and exhaling before he's got the courage to step outside and walk up to the front door.
Where Cas apparently has already been waiting as he swings the door open as Dean is just lifting his arm to knock.
As always he is stupidly gorgeous, with his piercing blue eyes, his unruly hair, and his comfy sweatpants which have become a staple for their Friday nights together.
Next to all that, however, Cas also looks mad as hell.
“How dare you pretend to be someone else to lure information out of me?” he growls so deeply a shiver runs down Dean's spine and it's only partially out of fear. “What were you even thinking?”
Looks like Charlie didn't wait around to call Cas and give him a heads-up about the situation.
Dean just scoffs into Cas' face and pushes past him into the house. Cas makes a disgruntled noise at his friend's behavior, but closes the door behind them, obviously not eager for the whole neighborhood to be witness to this.
“You have no right to be pissed at me!” Dean hisses back the second the door is shut and sealed.
Cas seems far from impressed when faced with such logic. “You are the one who betrayed my trust!”
“I didn't betray anything!” Dean is quick to make himself clear. “I just forgot my phone at the office and borrowed Charlie's to tell you I'd be late. And 'coz I'm not used to her super modern thingy I accidentally sent you a text before I could say it's me. Easy as that.”
Cas raises his brows. “You could have clarified yourself simple enough the second time.”
Dean chews on his bottom lip, his emotions spilling all over the place as he tries to stare Cas down and at the same time not get lost in his eyes. Because he has a tendency to do just that. Since basically forever.
“I could have,” Dean concedes since Cas did make a good point. “But I didn't.”
“So why –?”
“'Coz you've been weird lately,” Dean cuts in harshly. “You've been fucking avoiding me and that's certainly a skill considering we were always in the same room for that. You don't sit with me on the couch anymore, you flinch whenever I touch you …” Dean sighs. “Fuck, I was wondering the whole time what I did wrong.”
“You did nothing wrong,” Cas is quick to come to his defense. Only to add a moment later, “Well, apart from right now where you pretended to be Charlie –”
Dean waves him off. “Yeah, so? I was desperate for some info, sue me.”
“I don't think suing you over this would have much standing in court –”
“Oh jeez, man!” Dean interrupts once more. “See, you're doing it again. Avoiding the subject of us while being in the same room. Can you really blame me for grasping at straws at this point?”
Cas falls silent after that, Dean's question clearly hitting a nerve.
“I'm just …” Dean shakes his head in exasperation. “I just wanted some friggin' answers, that's all.”
Cas pinches his face as he slowly studies Dean and takes his time wrapping his head around the whole mess.
In the end he just straightens his back and says, “Fine.”
Dean assesses the guy warily. “Fine?”
“Yes, fine,” Cas states. Without looking anywhere but Dean's eyes. “Let's forget about it and watch one of your cowboy movies –”
Dean's blood starts to boil again.
“I don't wanna watch a cowboy movie!” he snaps, barely believing such words are actually leaving his mouth. “I wanna talk about this!”
Cas looks at him as though he seriously considers that Dean has been swapped by a clone.
“You?” he asks incredulously. “Want to talk?”
Dean rolls his eyes extra hard. “I talk about stuff,” he grumbles. “Only because I choose when and where doesn't mean I'm a repressed idiot –”
“I didn't say that!” Cas leaps in to make himself clear. “I would never say that.”
Dean knows that Cas never would.
And that's one of many reasons why he is one of Dean's favorite persons on the whole planet.
“I'm just …” Dean sighs, suddenly feeling so vulnerable and raw he has no clue what to do with it. “What does feelings mean, Cas?”
Cas' mouth snaps shut immediately.
It's obvious he's not keen on pouring out his soul just yet.
Dean rubs the palm of his hand. over his mouth. “Dude, if you're seriously worried that what you're going to say might ruin anything, it won't!”
Cas shoots him a disbelieving glance, not buying it at all.
“I'm serious!” Dean insists. “Nothing can ruin our friendship!”
Cas lets out a hollow laugh and it actually sounds so awful that Dean wants to grab it out of thin air and punch it in the face.
“Of course,” Cas says sarcastically. “What if I told you I'm a serial killer who has murdered twenty-seven people?”
Dean squints his eyes.
“That's an oddly specific number,” he can't help but point out. “But yeah, I'd help you bury the freaking bodies.”
Cas shakes his head. “Dean …”
“I would,” Dean insists. “I mean, yeah, sure, I probably also would put you under strict house arrest and get you the best shrink in town, but I also would be your alibi 'coz this is what friends do.”
Cas grimaces. “I don't think covering up murders is –”
“Okay, forget it!” Dean cuts in, not in the mood to drag this example along any further. “I'm just saying, you're my best friend and nothing can change that, okay?”
Cas' features soften at that.
He looks at Dean, really looks at him, what feels like the first time in forever, and there are suddenly so many emotions displayed on his face Dean has never spotted before. They seem meaningful and heavy and Dean's heart picks up its pace again at the sight of it.
Is this really it?
“Cas,” Dean whispers, his expression right now most likely equal to Cas'. “What does feelings mean?”
Cas sighs.
Shakes his head.
And then he breathes, “It means I'm stupid …”
The way he's saying it, the manner his voice trembles … this is so much more than meets the eye.
And Dean can't have him believe for even a second longer that he is the only one standing in the corner.
So he shoots back, “Well, then I'm stupid too.”
Cas frowns at first, clearly not able to comprehend it properly.
But then their eyes meet again and Dean tries to broadcast it all out there, tries to make Cas see, dammit.
Cas gasps just a moment later.
Looks like he's getting it.
“Dean …” he mutters.
And Dean could give a grand speech about how he's crazy for this dork and probably always has been, but somehow his throat feels way too tight all of sudden and he highly doubts he will get any coherent sentences out of there.
So he does the next best thing because at the end of the day Dean has always been better with actions instead of words anyway.
He grabs Cas by his shirt and yanks him impossibly close.
Their chests collide and Cas' eyes are wide and shocked and hopeful all at once as their faces find themselves mere inches apart. Dean's attention immediately flickers to those plush lips he's been fantasizing about for far too long and everything inside of him urges him to go for it, but he waits nonetheless, waits patiently for a sign from Cas that this is okay, that this is what he wants too …
Cas leans in the very next second and Dean stops thinking.
When their lips meet Dean feels like a heavy weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
The kiss starts sweet and innocent, some light pressure and nothing more, but then Cas wraps his arms around Dean's torso and aligns their bodies even more and Dean makes a pathetic little noise in the back of his throat before deepening the kiss. He gets lightheaded very fast and only Cas holding him so tightly keeps his knees from buckling in the most embarrassing manner.
Dean never thought it would feel like this. He originally assumed that it would be a bit weird to kiss someone he had known for such a long time. That it would be awkward all around and they would have to get used to the sensation at first before being able to enjoy it thoroughly.
Boy, he's never been more wrong in his life.
Dean is all warm and fuzzy and when the kiss turns even more passionate a moment later his body temperature rises right along with it. Dean moans as hands are roaming over bodies, Cas getting lost in Dean's hair while Dean can't get enough of the guy's ridiculously sharp hipbones, and soon enough Cas is pressed against the wall and Dean is only seconds away from taking things even further.
They've waited long enough after all.
But just as Dean is pushing his fingers underneath Cas' shirt, Cas slows down and eventually breaks to kiss. He draws back a little to gaze right into Dean's eyes and he looks so debauched and wrecked it takes Dean's breath away.
And then Cas whispers, “In case it wasn't clear earlier, I love you,” and Dean's breath is taken away from him in a completely different, yet no less powerful manner.
He feels himself melting into Cas until he buries his face into the guy's neck. It's warm and it smells really nice and Dean can't help smiling into Cas' skin.
“I love you too,” he rasps back. “I've been crazy about you since forever.”
Cas sighs as he lifts his arm to card his fingers through Dean's hair again. “Me too. I never dared to acknowledge it, though. I feared too much that things would change in a way I wouldn't be able to bear.” He drops a light kiss against Dean's temple. “But then Charlie found out about it and she has been pestering me for weeks to tell you and it got me all riled up …”
No wonder Cas has been behaving so oddly recently. He clearly had no idea what to do.
Dean actually shares the sentiment. He's pretty sure he wouldn't have acted any differently if their roles would have been reversed.
“Well,” Dean whispers, “I guess it all worked out in the end.”
“Because you forgot your phone at the office.”
Dean grins. “I'm sure we would've figured it out eventually. But yeah, me being a forgetful idiot sure helped.”
Cas just hums before he pulls Dean deeper into his embrace and Dean can't help but think that this might very well be the best moment of his entire life, hands down.
The next day when they both walk over to Dean's mom for their weekly Saturday brunch Dean introduces Cas as his boyfriend to his whole family and he manages to only blush a little as he does so.
Nobody seems surprised about their new relationship status in the slightest.
And two years later, when they exchange their wedding vows, Cas stares deeply into Dean's soul and says tearfully, “I'm stupid,” and of course Dean has to answer that with a wobbly, “I'm stupid too,” and Sam yells from somewhere in the background, “You're both stupid alright!”
It's perfect.
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sparkywrites25 · 1 year
Hi, I know people oftenly compare Rivetra to Levihan but I’m a fan of Hange soooo I don’t really like their fights 😭😭 what if a Rivetra au where in Levi introduces Petra to his friends and then Hange started crushing on her and Levi is just so annoyed and jealous because Petra’s obliviously reciprocating Hange’s flirts
Hi hi! I am so sorry that this was so late but I kept starting it and changing my mind about what I wrote. I was also waffling on way too much and, honestly, if I'd have let myself, and didn't already have a million WIPs, I could have easily turned this into a chaptered piece. It did turn out rather different than planned though but I hope you're okay with this.
I really love the idea and I absolutely support you in that I don't like seeing shippers fight over ships. Rivetra and Levihan are both awesome. As are most Levi ships, let's be honest.
Summary: Levi tries to bury his jealousy when his new friend Petra is getting on swimmingly with Hange. But a game of laser tag leads to some interesting revelations.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Petra Ral
Taglist: @youre-ackermine @lunar-rainclouds @captain-natey
Notes: If you like my work and want to see more then please join my taglist. Form is pinned on my blog.
“Leeeviiiii, Petraaaaaa!!!” Hange’s greeting bounced all across the bowling alley parking lot as they jumped up and down, arms wafting through the air like those of a windmill. 
Levi clicked the lock on his car keys, the answering click of the vehicle almost drowned out by Hange’s echoing voice. He pocketed the keys and reached up to rub the bridge of his nose. They were giving him the beginnings of a headache already. He could feel it beginning to sprout up between his eyes. 
“Yoohoo!!!” Hange continued as if a dozen people weren’t already staring at the spectacle they were making of themselves. “Come on slowpokes. We’ve got asses to kick! Right baby?!” they yelled. Levi didn’t have to ask who they were shouting at now. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Petra laughing and waving back at the messy brunette. 
“Too right!” Petra cupped her hands around her mouth and called back as she and Levi headed over to where the group was meeting. “We’re gonna smash them!” 
“Damn straight we are!” Hange cackled back, equally as loudly. Some of the stares in their direction were turning to glares now, Levi observed. Hange really needed to grasp the concept of not showing themself up by being so loud. He and Petra were closing in on the group within seconds now. 
Irritation gnawed away at him as he looked between Hange and Petra’s laughing faces. He hated the feeling because he knew it made no sense, that he had no right to it. Petra could laugh and play around with whoever she wanted. It shouldn’t bother him. He’d wanted her to get along with his friends, hadn’t he? So why was he this annoyed that she had? Even Hange, for all their lack of volume control, was not irritating enough for him to want to keep Petra away from them all the time. They were an acquired taste to be sure but even so, their  relentlessly enthusiastic interactions with Petra grated on his nerves. 
“Bold words,” Erwin greeted, his voice carrying naturally without feeling the need to project himself across the parking lot. Dressed in his usual favourite colours - a baby blue short-sleeved shirt and beige shorts - he looked as friendly and harmless as he intended to look. It was all a front of course. Levi had seen the man plan many times by now and he couldn’t fault the man’s talent for still being underestimated despite repeatedly thrashing other people. That charming smile and enchanting blue eyes really did wonders for the man. Or he was just a natural-born deceiver. That was equally possible too. “But we’ll soon see who is going to be laughing at the end.”
“Not many,” Levi quipped, eyeing the rainbow psychedelic monstrosity that was Hange’s shirt, “judging by the headache that everyone’s gonna get from Hange’s shirt. Is that your latest strategy?” he mused. 
Hange grabbed their shirt and held it out with a puffed up chest and a grin. “Wha-? This ol’ thing? Of course not!” They declared in mock-outrage, only to grin at Petra almost instantly afterward which provoked a laugh out of the shorter, red-haired woman. 
“As if you’d ever do something like that, Hange,” Petra teased affectionately. As soon as Petra was close enough, Hange slung an arm around her shoulders and began to walk towards the entrance with her. Behind them, Miche and Nanaba followed, their hands linked quietly. Moblit and Nifa brought up the rear with Levi and Erwin. 
“I guess Hange had Skittles for fucking breakfast again,” Levi grumbled quietly.
“You can scoff,” Erwin answered. “But I saw them doing just that this morning. Quite a sizable bowl too.”
“Jesus fucking christ.”
Levi’s attention lingered on Petra as she snuggled into Hange’s arm, chatting animatedly with the brunette as they left the rising heat of the parking lot. Her yellow t-shirt clung to her thin frame, rising up above her denim shorts. She wore brown sandals through which her colourfully painted toes peeked out. There was no pattern to the nails. One blue, one green and three orange sat on one foot while the other boasted a yellow, a red, a pink and two browns. Levi had long since given up on questioning Hange’s design logic. 
He himself had opted for an outfit as low-key as always; he wore a plain black t-shirt, dark jeans and boots. Miche had offered for something similarly unobtrusive - a brown t-shirt that said “Everything smells great from here”  above a picture of clouds, paired with some sandy slacks and simple flats. Nanaba contrasted brightly in her baby pink shorts and t-shirt and matching sandals. It was an unusually gentle look for her and Miche kept smiling over at her. Levi wondered how attentive Miche was going to be in the match when he couldn’t stop looking at his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Nifa and Moblit had gone, whether intentionally or unintentionally, with matching red flanel shirts. While Moblit had paired his with some ripped skinny jeans, Nifa had opted for denim shorts that showed off her newly tanned legs from her trip to Marley recently. 
The refreshing air-conditioning wafted over the group like a wave as they all stepped inside. Rows of colourful lanes and even more colourful balls, shirts and shoes greeted them. Hange was already pointing out a good lane to book only to stop and point out another one. Moblit, despite his years of experience arguing with Hange, was discussing it with them. Levi watched Hange’s gesturing become more and more dramatic, their eyes gleaming behind their filthy glasses. Levi would be amazed if they managed to get any pins down if they were refusing to clean their glasses even for this. 
It took them about fifteen minutes to pick a lane, agree (with much reluctance on Hange’s part) that they were not doing bowling shirts today, get their shoes and some snacks and settle down at their two lanes. Hange set up the two computers so that their teams were competing. 
“Team Captain!” they declared, punching their fist in the air. They faced little opposition. Miche and Nanaba weren’t particularly concerned, nor were Moblit, Nifa, Petra or Levi. Erwin watched everyone for a moment before offering his own services. Then he made the mistake of giving Hange first selection over their teammate.
“Petraaaaaaa!” they beamed instantly. 
Levi felt his mood plummet even more and inwardly cursed himself for that reaction. So what if Hange picked Petra? This wasn’t elementary school where such choices were usually personal slights towards someone else. What’s wrong with you? You don’t own Petra. So what if she’s on Hange’s team? You don’t want to be on Hange’s team. And yet, as he mused over this, he couldn’t help but feel that Hange’s team, even with the loudness that came from the captain, held a bit more appeal now. He shut down those thoughts for now. There was no point in them, especially with the way things stood. Anyway, he wasn’t entitled to anything like that from Petra and he wasn’t chasing it either. He was just being foolish.
Erwin looked around at everyone carefully before making his selection. “Levi,” he chose finally. 
There was a relief in Erwin’s selection breaking up Levi’s thoughts although the certainty that he definitely wouldn’t be on the same team as Petra now, lingered. Even so, the promise of trying to beat Hange’s team filled him with some satisfaction. He could feel his blood pumping at the thought of beating them now. 
Hange and Petra whispered together for a moment. “Miche!” Hange announced. 
There were some raised eyebrows among everyone since normally Moblit was next to be chosen by Hange. Miche was always on Erwin’s team. Still, he smiled and went to sit next to Petra. Levi looked over towards Hange’s team and caught Petra’s surprise on her face. She grinned across at him and Levi felt his own lips tug upwards into the briefest and thinnest of smiles before he looked away from her. Hange immediately threw their arms around Miche and Petra and Levi ignored the irritation burning away in his stomach.
“Moblit,” Erwin didn’t even hesitate once Miche had taken his seat with his new team. Hange spun round with an impressed smile and Erwin shrugged. “You surely weren’t expecting me to pull any punches if poaching is the name of the game?” he challenged. 
Hange clapped their hands once. “There’s my conniving rival!” they declared.
They eyed the remaining two to be chosen - Nifa or Nanaba. Their face contorted into annoyance as they eyed the two of them. By the way their gaze continually lingered on Nifa, the short redhead was clearly the favourite. But with Miche on Hange’s team now, Nanaba would be a double asset now too. But equally having someone’s partner on the opposite team could make a player ever more competitive. Which way did you play it? Keep them motivated by having them on the same team or raise the stakes by making them serve on different teams and risk competition improving or wrecking their games. Levi could understand the principle of this. 
Although he had no partner in that sense, he was quite looking forward to competing against Hange and their team. Especially Miche. Levi pretended not to notice the amusement that tugged on his lips whenever Levi stepped up to bowl. It was even more amusing to watch that smile dip whenever Levi’s natural strength gained him a strike. 
Just as it was quite entertaining to watch Hange peruse and debate their options in their own head as a few minutes passed. It was equally so when Erwin cleared his throat and prompted Hange to make a decision. She chose Nifa and so Nanaba joined Erwin’s team and promised her new teammates that they were going to crush their opponents.
“I don’t suppose you and Miche have a secret agreement that he’ll throw the match if Hange ever snatches him?” she queried with a grin. 
Erwin chuckled. “That would be poor sportsmanship,” he chided her although there was no real firmness in his tone. “But had I such an agreement with me, it would count for nothing now that you’re on our team instead.”
Levi huffed with a slight smirk. “Yeah he’s not gonna lose face in front of you,” he remarked and Nanaba chuckled, running a hand over her face. 
“Ahh well, I guess we’ll just have to play fair then,” she mock-complained and took one of the seats. “All right then, let’s take ‘em down.”
Despite the teams switch up, the groups were still relatively evenly matched. Levi and Miche proved to be the better players on their respective teams. Erwin provided solid advice  to his teammates on maximizing the scores if they didn’t get a strike. Hange provided similar tips for their team although whenever they stepped up onto the lane, they played rather gung ho and their balls constantly slammed down on the lanes before they rolled. Moblit turned out to be something of a dark horse whenever he stepped up to bowl. He was a master at securing half-strikes each time even without Erwin’s tips.
“Hange, I don’t really want to be paying for any damage,” Erwin called over to them when one ball landed with a particularly deafening crack that had several members of staff looking over. Hange, to their credit, held up a hand in apology before continuing on with their game. 
Strategy-aside, Erwin was a considerably good player himself. He made a lot of good shots although his determination to play around with angles and muse over how much arm strength to commit poked continually at Levi’s patience. 
Petra herself wasn’t a bad player either although on most of her turns, Hange stepped up to speak to her. Levi would watch them gesture and enthuse about something or other. At one point they wrapped their arms around Petra and demonstrated posture and technique. As if the woman had never bowled before or been part of a winning team. More irksome was the fact that Petra seemed to let her. She laughed and patted Hange’s cheek then hugged her whenever their advice actually paid off. 
Levi knew it shouldn’t bother him but despite that logic, it did. Knowing that just left him feeling even more pissed off. So he focused on what he could control which was his own performance (as well as pointing out things that his teammates were doing wrong). Making quips whenever “the great Erwin” got less than a half strike as well as suggesting to Nanaba and Moblit that they imagine Miche and Hange’s heads on the pins did make for comfortable distractions though.
Regrettably Hange’s team claimed the first victory and then a second victory after lunch which consisted of fast food that Levi considered too fast to justify being cooked properly. Even so, he ate his meal for energy if nothing else. 
After lunch, Nanaba suggested they opt for something a bit more aggressive, throwing a smirk Miche’s way as she did. A lot of eyes lit up when she suggested laser tag. Even Levi had no objections to the prospect of taking aim at people and adding points to the team collection. Especially if it meant wiping Hange’s bragging smile of their beaming face. 
Hange drove Petra, Nifa. Moblit and Nanaba to the laser quest hall while Erwin drove Levi and Miche. The car journey was perfectly peaceful without Hange shouting and pointing at everything and punching people whenever they saw a yellow car. However the drive was not without it’s nuisances. This one came in the form of a very tall, blue eyed busybody in the driver’s seat. 
“You know, Levi,” Erwin remarked as he navigated them around a roundabout, “I hate it to say it but you’re going to need to act faster this time.”
“Excuse me?” Levi grumbled from the back seat. Even Miche shot Erwin a curious look. 
“Speed doesn’t guarantee a win in bowling,” he remarked in some confusion. 
“I’m not talking about bowling,” Erwin explained and raised his eyes to meet Levi’s in the rear view mirror. “I’m talking about getting Petra on your team,”  he told Levi. 
Levi’s grumpiness quickly transformed into a scowl. “Did I say I wanted her on our team?”
“You didn’t have to,” Erwin replied. “The look you gave Hange’s team after Petra joined. Thankfully looks don’t kill or we’d be burying Hange soon enough,” he continued. He smiled and Levi wanted to punch it, to knock that smug look right off his face. 
“I was glaring at Hange because they’re too fucking loud,” Levi lied. 
“They’re always too fucking loud,” Miche laughed. “Today you were giving death rays out with those eyes of yours.”
“Smell that did you?” Levi grumbled. 
Miche shrugged and gave the air a sniff. 
“Please, Levi,” Erwin interjected as he pulled off the highway onto a quieter road that led to the outskirts of Mitras, “let’s not dance this dance. You care deeply about Petra.”
“That’s because we’re friends. Presumably you care about your friends, Eyebrows.” Levi argued. 
“I don’t get grumpy when my friends get flirty with other people.”
“I told you-”
“Spare me the lies,” Erwin sighed. “There’s no shame in liking someone, Levi. I don’t know why you’re fighting this so much.”
“You know, just because you think you can read into my head doesn’t mean that you can,” Levi folded his arms. “There’s a word for what you’re doing, you know.” He remarked, tilting his head slowly as if realizing something. “You know what… yeah, I think that’s exactly what you’re doing,” Levi’s tone turned taunting at once. “And you accuse me of lying.”
Erwin’s shoulders tightened a little. “If I knew what you were talking about, I might be able to answer that.”
“You’re projecting, Eyebrows. This is about Hange,” Levi pointed out. 
Miche snorted and side-eyed Erwin. “Is it your turn to play denial?” he asked. 
Erwin’s grip on the steering wheel had strengthened. “I’m not denying my feelings for Hange,” he finally said after a significant pause. “But I can admit it, unlike some of us. This isn’t about me not facing up to that.” He looked back at Levi in the mirror again. “I can’t project what I’m willing to acknowledge.”
Levi’s lips tightened and he exhaled through them thinly. “However I feel about Petra, that’s my business.” Levi kept his answer sharp. He averted his gaze to the window and watched the city thinning out into suburbs quickly. “Anyway I know a lost cause when I see one,” he mumbled, “even if I did have those kinds of feelings for her.”
Miche was back to looking confused again. “Why?” he looked over his shoulder at Levi before the shorter man’s meaning began to land on him. “You think Petra’s flirting with Hange for real?” he questioned. “I don’t know about that. Hange’s leading the way in flirting with her but I don’t know if Petra’s into it.”
“There’s only one way to find out for sure,” Erwin cut into the conversation once again, causing Levi to roll his eyes. 
“Let me guess. Wear my heart on my sleeve and see if she bites? Worst case scenario, I get my pride stamped but hey it’s all just personal growth right?” Levi drawled. “If that’s what you’re gonna suggest then that would be some pretty shitty advice, Erwin.”
“You’re right. That would be bad advice,” Erwin agreed, not taking his eyes off the road now as the speed limit lowered. “You should credit me with more sound judgment than that,” he added. “All you need to do is see if she’s interested in Hange. What happens next is up to you?”
Miche let out a short laugh. “You manipulative bastard.” Erwin glanced at his friend with a frown and, from the backseat, Levi scoffed too. 
“So I find out Hange’s situation for you at the same time?” the raven-haired man questioned. “Yeah, this definitely sounds like a you plan.”
“It has to be better than you stewing over there like a poisonous mushroom not knowing Petra wants to be with Hange or not,” Erwin argued. He slowed down once more as a sign for the laser quest hall appeared. He steered the car into a left turn, into a large retail park. In the middle of which, the laser hall was marked by a scarlet hall and the word LaserQ hanging in rainbow lettering above the roof. “But if you’d prefer to stew, that’s your business?”
“You’re assuming, in all this, that I actually fancy Petra,” Levi grumbled quietly. 
“If you want to stay in denial, Levi, that’s your business,” Erwin shrugged and pulled into a parking space.
Levi said nothing, abandoning the discussion in favour of leaving the car and waiting for Hange’s arrival which was not a long wait considering the speed at which they entered the retail park and swung into an empty spot a few spaces from Erwin’s. The parking lot for the retail park in general was fairly empty today, Levi noticed. Unusually so. Still, if it meant less of a cue and less screaming kids to contend with while waiting for their slot then all the better. 
“How do you still have a license?” he quipped as Hange and the others joined them. 
“I’ve been asking them that for years,” Moblit chuckled, shaking his head at Hange. “You drive like a maniac.”
“Like a maniac?” Levi smirked over at Hange. “They are a maniac.”
“And proud of it,” Hange snapped their fingers into a finger gun at Levi. “The world needs some good maniacs in the world. You’ll be thanking me when I make significant scientific advancements in pharmaceuticals.” They declared, chin raised high in determination. “I’m coming for you, Common Cold!” they added, pointing ahead of them. 
Petra fell into step beside Levi, shooting him a serene smile as she did. “I expect your ride was quieter.”
“You’d think,” Levi mumbled, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets, “except I had Erwin yapping some life advice at me for the whole journey.”
Petra laughed again. The sound made Levi’s chest feel less constricted. It filled his eardrums with pleasantness. “That’s pretty deep for a Saturday afternoon,” she mused. “What was he trying to advise you on?”
“Just some general decision-making,” Levi answered with a shrug. “I can’t say his advice was that helpful.”
“Maybe you should pretend that it was,” Petra snickered, “otherwise he’ll keep trying.”
Levi huffed out a small laugh. “That’s not a terrible idea.”
Yet even as they continued their walk towards the laser tag hall, Levi couldn’t help but reflect on Erwin’s advice and the opportunity he now had to ask Petra about Hange. Hange was hanging onto Miche and Erwin up ahead while Moblit, Nifa and Nanaba were discussing game tactics just behind them. He could stop Petra for a few moments and ask.
He could do. It wasn’t the worst advice that Levi had ever received. It was fucking awkward though because then it invited the question of why he was interested in the first place. If he played it off as curiosity then she might smell a rat anyway. It wasn’t like he usually sought out any gossip about other people’s relationships. He, honestly, couldn’t spare the interest and the time to waste on such things. Which left very few plausible possibilities left and generally they lingered far too close to a result that he wasn’t going to like. That awkward rejection. After all, Levi considered himself a good reader of people. He was fairly adept at getting the measure of people and he was sure that if Petra did feel something then surely she’d have shown something of it by now. She wasn’t like him, a hider of emotions. She wore hers in a way that Hange would call “healthy compared to Levi”. So that only left the conclusion that Petra only saw him as a friend. 
With that in mind, why would he want to draw attention to it and make their friendship uncomfortable. Surely his feelings would eventually disappear. He would learn to ignore them. Better that than living with perpetual remembrance and awkwardness. So, no, he didn’t need to hold her back for a conversation about that. He could live with things like this and leave that unspoken. It was unusual for Erwin to not account for that when he gave Levi the advice although perhaps that just wasn’t something that would concern him.
“Are you all right?” Petra’s question surprised him out of his own inner monologuing. 
“Yeah,” he semi-lied. “Just enjoying the quiet while I can.”
Petra laughed softly. “Yeah, not a bad call. I love Hange to bits but they should really come with volume control.”
“Or a mute button.”
“Don’t be mean,” Petra elbowed him a little. “You don’t need to pretend that you don’t like them. They’re one of your best friends.”
“I can care and still think that they’re noisy as fuck,” Levi quipped as the pair of them walked through the doors into the facility. 
“Better hope they’re not on your team then,” Petra teased. 
Levi cringed as he imagined Hange’s tendency to whoop alerting the enemy to their whereabouts. “I can only pray for that,” he muttered. 
Petra laughed once more as they quickened their pace to join the others who were gathering at the counter. 
Hange was already talking with Erwin who briefly caught Levi’s eye for a moment. “As you and I were both team captains last time, Hange, perhaps others can take those roles this time,” he suggested quickly. Levi buried the satisfaction that was attempting to show itself on his face. If Hange wasn’t captain, they couldn’t choose their team members.
“Yeah, okay,” Hange agreed and stepped to one side with a grin. “So who wants it?”
There was a scattering of conversation between them all before Nifa raised her hand as did Petra, to Levi’s surprise. He eyed her with one slightly raised brow and it lifted even higher when she winked at him before looking away and gesturing for Nifa to make her selection first. 
“Hange!” Nifa pointed dramatically at the brunette who cackled and did a victory dance on the spot. 
“Dream team alert!” Hange declared before bouncing over to Nifa like a hyperactive five-year-old. 
Levi fought back an eye-roll and prayed that Nifa wouldn’t make him her second selection. He focused on Petra who was gazing around thoughtfully at everyone. Then, her attention snapped to Levi in a second. “Levi,” she declared. 
His heart did a strange motion in his chest and he pushed down the feeling, chiding himself for being ridiculous. He did, however, lean in to Petra’s ear as he stepped up next to her. “Appreciate it,” he murmured. She chuckled softly. 
Nanaba joined Nifa’s team next and Erwin joined Petra’s. Moblit was selected for the final member of Nifa’s team while Miche joined Team Petra. 
Hange evaluated Petra’s team as they all began to put on their battle vests. Petra’s team was lit up in purple light while Nifa’s team was lit up in green. Hange quickly unfastened their hair from the ponytail then shoved it all up again into one that was - to Levi’s frustration - even messier. “Y’all are going down in ways you can’t even fathom yet,” they cackled as they finished their own straps and began to help Nifa with hers despite the girl’s laughing insistence that she could manage. Levi was quite convinced at this point that Hange was just incapable of staying still. 
“We’ll see about that. You’re not the only strategist in the room, Hange,” Miche fired back with a smile. 
“No, but I’d watch your back. Who says he won’t throw one of you to the wolves to protect his own score?” Hange teased, wriggling their eyebrows. 
Moblit eyed them with some suspicion. “You jumped to that strategy awfully quickly.”
Nifa laughed. “Okay maybe don’t get too close to Hange guys!”
“Hey! I would never!” Hange slammed a hand over their heart exaggeratedly. “Tut tut tut, such little faith in your comrade.”
“That’s not exactly something that you would never do,” Moblit smirked at them. “I still remember the February 2021 incident.”
“I apologized for dislocating your shoulder,” Hange pouted with folded arms. “And I was not pushing you in front of me! That kid, Stephen, was all lined up to hit you. I just got carried away in moving you,” they recalled. 
“You think?” Moblit laughed and slung an arm around Hange. They leaned into his hug with a grin. 
“I feel like that is gonna be on your tombstone, Hange,” Nifa said in a loving voice. “They got carried away.”
Hange’s grin seemed to stretch even wider. “That would be a fun - and apt - epitaph for me. Although Saviour of Mankind from the Common Cold would also be good too.”
Laughter bubbled through the group as they stepped into their teams so that the attendant could lead them inside their room. 
“Good luck,” Nifa and Petra declared and shook hands. 
They were led into a darkened arena with multi-coloured lights projecting on different areas. Across the middle of the floor rose many tall walls, some of which had holes cut into them of various shapes. Lines of thin little lights illuminated the pathways around the walls. 
The two groups stared down at the layout as they began to descend the stairs leading into it. Nifa’s team walked ahead. Petra slowed down so that her team was held back a bit. Concentration burned across Petra’s eyes as she stared down at the arena. Beyond her, Levi could see Hange’s eyes scanning over it all. He didn’t doubt for a moment that they would memorize at least most of it with their impressive memory. They may be a noise nuisance but their intelligence was not to be underestimated here.
He focused on looking back at Petra who was slowly stepping down, observing as much of the set up as she could. He could see her lips pressing into a thin frown as she did. “Hey,” he said quietly, putting a hand on her shoulder, “just do your best. We’ll figure it out.”
“Yes, don’t worry. They only change the layout a finite number of times,” Erwin added as he leaned over Levi’s shoulder. “We’ve probably played in this one recently.”
Petra nodded and was silent for a moment before she exhaled. “Thanks guys.”
“I’ll be able to sniff those guys out no problem,” Miche added and Petra laughed softly. 
“There’s perks to having a sniffer dog,” Levi muttered and heard Miche huff out what sounded like a laugh. 
“Okay teams, take up positions,” the attendant called once they’d all reached the bottom. She pointed to a gigantic clock on the wall, glaring down with red light. “When the timer starts, the game begins and points will begin to count. You have three minutes to get yourselves into positions,” she added. 
Now that they were on ground level, everything in the arena rose up imposingly. The two teams began to move out along different pathways, spreading themselves over the space. Levi hurried swiftly along several paths before ducking behind a short wall that jutted out on two sides, providing excellent over. He crouched down and pointed his gun up, ready for anyone that might use common sense to check this space. He listened to the shuffling of feet as teammates and rivals similarly found spots in which to hide or launch their attacks. Staring up at the scoreboard that had now appeared below the clock, he tightened his grip on his gun. 
“Woohoo! Let’s go!” Hange cheered.
“Shut up!” Levi heard Nifa hiss although there was a giggle in her voice. 
He refocused on the clock again. 60 minutes was frozen to the screen. He steadied his breathing, waiting for that number to shift. 
Come on. Come on. 
There was a scuffle of movement from all sides and almost instantly Levi heard the first sounds of shots being fired followed by increasingly hurried footsteps moving around the arena. Here, there and everywhere they ran. He looked in the different directions, trying to focus on the immediate threat. His senses snapped into place, focusing on those noises nearest to him. His body stiffened and, tightening his grip, he remained in a crouch, waiting with baited breath. 
He rolled his eyes as Hange’s triumphant cheer accompanied a grunt of disappointment from Miche. However Hange’s cry soon turned into a yell as their vest beeped with the sound of a hit. By the sounds of the feet hurrying away, Levi would guess that Erwin had landed a hit. 
A blur of green light rushed past Levi’s spot and he wasted no time in opening fire. Moblit stumbled to a stop as his vest announced his hit. He glanced back at Levi and then rushed off again. Levi instantly moved away from his hiding place and crept around a corner. There was a long stretch of unattended space so he hurried along it. At the last second, Nifa jumped out and fired at him. He leapt aside just in time and took a shot at her. It missed and she darted down another path. He began to pursue when the hairs on the back of his neck tingled. He spun around only for Hange’s shot to hit him in the chest. 
Hange cackled and threw up their hands in the air in victory. Suddenly their vest lit up again and they turned around, fuming when they saw Petra appear behind them. “Traitor!” they exclaimed in mock outrage before rushing off once more. 
Petra grinned and strode up to Levi. “All’s fair in laser tag,” she called back to Hange. 
“Nice shot.” Levi said, pushing her back out of the line of sight they were stood in. He cast a glance up at the scoreboard which proclaimed that Petra’s team were ahead by ten points so far. However the sound of another blast quickly brought Nifa’s team up another ten points, signaling a draw. “Come on,” Levi urged Petra to follow him down a diagonal path that cut across the arena. 
They made it down the path and along another before they rounded the corner and came face to face with Nanaba who opened fire with a grin. Petra cursed, laughing, as she was hit but Levi dodged and fired squarely at Nanaba’s chest. 
“Nice one,” Nanaba smirked before dashing off down the way Levi and Petra had come. 
Petra and Levi quickly made their way up the path, with Levi following behind Petra in side-steps, keeping his eyes on anyone who might come up behind them. As they reached the corner, Petra looked around and raised her gun as blaster fire sounded. Across the room, at the opposing corner, Moblit was opening fire. The pair of them dodged each other with nimble side-steps. Levi stepped in next to Petra and joined in. As Moblit stepped side, he fell into Petra’s line of fire and she got him square in the chest. 
Petra cheered before her own vest lit up. She spun around to see Nanaba facing her back the way she’d come. The tall blonde took a shot at Levi who immediately began to pursue her. She laughed and darted away. Grinning, Petra began to chase down Moblit. Halfway down that path, another one opened out and Nifa sprung out firing her shots. 
Petra dodged but one of them managed to hit her and she playfully cursed. “Damn you ninja!” she cried out. Nifa gave her a grin back and half-bowed before scurrying off towards where Moblit had been, only to back away when Erwin appeared in the corner instead. “No, no!” she cried out as he opened fire on her and got her in the gun. 
“Vengeance is mine!” Hange roared from somewhere behind Erwin and he turned with a smile, opening fire on wherever Hange was. 
Petra gave chase to Nifa who ran into Levi as soon as she was able to shoot again. He shot her in her chest and she complained again and dashed off. 
Levi and Petra glanced up at the scoreboard now. 
Team Petra: 200  Team Nifa: 190
“It’s gonna be close,” Petra panted. Despite the fact that running wasn’t allowed, everyone was moving at a quick enough pace to tax themselves. 
“You okay?” Levi asked, turning his back and aiming his gun at the sound of nearby movement. Hange appeared at the end of that pathway and he shot at their back. They immediately flipped him off and he smirked back, watching them flee the behemoth that was Miche. 
“I’m good,” Petra told him and readied her own gun. 
She set off again, taking turn after turn, quickly growing suspicious when she didn’t run into anybody for a few minutes. She spun around, keeping her gun level. She jumped over a cylindrical obstacle and, as she was in the air, she spotted a familiar blonde head crouched nearby. She reached the corner and saw Nanaba with her back to her, crouched behind a low barrier and firing across a space at Erwin who was also ducking behind a barrier. Neither of them found it particularly easy with their height. 
Crouching low herself and keeping her body mostly hidden around the corner, Petra angled her gun towards Nanaba and, after a moment adjusting her precision, shot her in the back. Nanaba swore and fell forward from the shock. Petra rose up and backed away with a smile until her back hit a gun. She turned around with a yelp and Nifa grinned as she fired into Petra’s chest. 
“Nice shootin’,” Nifa teased and raced around Petra. She began opening fire on Erwin only to yelp when her vest took a hit. “Damn you Miche!” she laughed. 
Petra hurried back down the path she came down and then took one to the right. Halfway down that path, a hand reached out and grabbed her, pulling her into a small space, boxed off on three sides. She opened her mouth to point out the no-contact rule but Levi raised a finger to his lips and pointed towards the entrance to their spot with his gun. 
Petra was about to say that she didn’t hear anyone behind her but seconds later, Hange appeared and Levi fired as soon as they spotted Levi and Petra. 
“Damn you, Levi!” Hange cried out. Even so they grinned like a hyena and ran off cackling, making Levi instantly torn between suspicion and exasperation with Hange’s manic ways. Did they know someone else was coming along or were they just being insane as always? He stepped in front of Petra automatically.
“Levi,” she murmured but he hushed her. 
He stepped back, lightly pressing her against the back of the space with his back. Petra’s hand dropped from the gun, instinctively touching Levi’s side. She felt his taut muscles pressing lightly against her chest. She felt the movement of his body as he breathed and a flicker of pleasure shot through her like lightening. This close to him she breathed in the subtle aroma of his aftershave mixed with the ever-so-slight tinge of tea. The back hairs of his undercut were millimeters from her face. An odd thought that she could lean in and press her lips to his neck with very little effort came to her and so her already heating cheeks inflamed even more. She suddenly found herself with the itch to reach up and play with the longer strands of his hair. She pushed that urge away - she was getting good at such things by now. 
Her mind wandered, praying that nobody did come along to disturb this moment, that she could keep Levi here against her like this. There was no Hange to play along with and distract herself with now. There was no big group to hide the glances she gave Levi. There was no one she could gently nudge into telling her more about Levi. There was literally nothing between her and Levi and her heart recognized that, pulsing hard in her chest. Her brain was sending dizzying sensations all over her body in collaboration with her pounding heart. She wanted to kiss that jawline, to make her way up to those lips. She wanted to feel his arms around her, to be pressed against his lean, muscular form. She wanted her hands in his hair and to look into those perfect grey-blue eyes and see if what she felt was reflected in there. 
She wished it was as easy to hug Levi as it was to wrap her arms around Hange. She wished that she could hold Levi’s hand and snuggle into him. She loved Hange to bits and they were a dear friend but Petra desperately wanted to transfer that physical affection towards her and Levi instead. But Levi wasn’t very demonstrative about what feelings he had full stop never mind public displays of affection - if he even felt affection for her. 
Being pressed together in that space brought it all home; all the weeks of uncertainty since they’d met and never quite able to get a read on what Levi might feel. You haven’t made things easy for yourself, Ral, she mused. Yet, all the same, the situation seemed to offer itself up to her and, in those lingering seconds of silence and darkness, Petra felt every ounce of uncertainty slip away, to be replaced by sheer determination. I have to know, one way or the other. 
“Levi,” she whispered, letting her gun hang down her front from its straps. 
“Someone’s coming,” he muttered. 
To hell with this game. Petra thought as her hands took hold of Levi’s shoulders and pushed hard, turning him towards her. His head jerked around, eyes confused and annoyed as they sought out her own. Before he could object, she moved her hands and pushed him against one of their hiding spot’s thin walls. Barely a breath left him as he hit the wall. 
Petra leaned in before he could snap out some sarcastic comment or whatever. Her lips touched his in a second, soft but firm, pressing against his. He stiffened beneath her, or at least his body did. His lips seemed to relax under her touch. His eyes widened for a moment and then his lips lowered. He breathed out, moving his lips against hers with no effort to shove her off. Instead his hands, which had let his own blaster dangle between them, found her shoulders and clutched onto them. 
Seconds later, his lips began to move against hers. He was kissing her back! Euphoria and victory danced together in Petra’s chest as she leaned into Levi, feeling his hands move to the back of her head and her lower back. The sounds of hurried footsteps and blaster fire disappeared under the heavy drumming of her own heartbeat against her ribcage. 
His hand on her lower back moved to her right hip so that his arm rested at her back. His fingers on her head began to stroke her hair and Petra hummed into the kiss quietly. 
He held her like she was precious. Like they were in a real war zone right now and he just had to keep her safe. He stepped forward and, for a moment, Petra expected to be pushed off. Instead he turned them so it was her with her back to a wall and it was Levi’s body protecting hers. She gasped a little and pulled away only for his hand on her head to move to cup her cheek instead. She lifted her soft amber eyes to his and began to smile up at him. He brought a finger up to touch her lips. 
Behind Levi, a figure rushed past their hiding spot, apparently too intent on where they were running to or from to notice two hits they could have landed just not. But even so, right now Petra wasn’t concerned about hits or scores or hiding. Her thoughts lingered on the feel of Levi’s mouth on hers and how much she wanted to feel it again. 
She reached her hand up to cup his cheek and jaw, pulling his face back towards hers again. He leaned in a little and they were kissing again and everything was sweet and simple. The world beyond them blurred into the darkness they hid in and Petra’s hands held his sides, their guns pressed against each other in a clatter of plastic. 
The sound snapped Levi out of the kiss and for a moment he appeared dazed, looking into Petra’s eyes and then down at the guns. The remembrance of where they were seemed to hit them at once. Petra glanced up at the scoreboard and then the time above it. 
Nifa’s team score was 60 points higher than theirs. Petra remembered that she was supposed to be the captain of this team after all. 
Levi’s hands gently moved to cover hers, his eyes staring into hers for a moment. “We need to-”
“-get back to the game,” Petra finished for him. He stepped back from her and regret filled her chest at the absence of him. However, she stamped it out with the reminder that their teammates needed them and 35 minutes was not really a lot of time to unpack what had just happened and still try and win the game. 
Levi nodded and picked up his gun. “Ready?”
Her head was still in a daze but Petra concentrated on the part that was still thinking logically. “You go one way, I’ll go the other,” she said. Already, Levi moving away was forcing her mind to clear which could only be good for their team in the long run. But they would talk about this. They had to. 
The pair of them returned to the game quickly, racing through the arena and making use of obstacles and hiding places to defend themselves and launch sneak attacks. 
The scores for both teams continued to fluctuate with each team taking the lead at different points. Hange’s amused reactions were so loud that most people had a good idea of where they were. Occasionally Nanaba would cuss out either Miche or Erwin. At one point Moblit was chasing Hange down accusing them of being a maniac. Petra and Erwin chased down Nifa and Hange until Nanaba and Moblit arrived as back up. Levi took the least amount of hits and his record of hitting his targets before they could respond to his presence helped him to continue this streak. Nifa and Hange managed to ambush Miche until Levi arrived to balance things out. 
He and Petra bumped into each other only a few more times during the rest of the game. He placed a hand on her back to slip past her and, for a second, she was distracted by the tingling sensation that flowed through her. She barely managed to snap herself out of it enough to dodge Moblit’s next shot. 
Those 35 minutes flew by and with a final shot by Miche to Hange, the game was claimed by Team Petra by 10 points. 
Sometime between removing the equipment and heading for the exit, Hange slumped sleepily against the wall. There was laughter all around as Erwin lifted them into his arms and carried them out of the room. “The perils of having a big bowl of sugar for breakfast,” he remarked with a smile as Nanaba held the door open for him. Chatter lowered in volume for the sleeping Hange’s sake as the group made for the doorway. Replays of the best and worst shots were followed by ribbing about tactics and sneak attacks. 
Levi and Petra hung back from the rest of them and the dissection of the mask. They walked in silence throughout the building and across a fair stretch of the car park. 
Petra looked over at Levi with a thoughtful expression. Her lips parted as she tried to summon up something good to say in this situation but then remembered the audience of whoever was going to be in the car with them. She lowered her gaze and began to play with her fingers. Nerves crawled all over her body. This wasn’t something she wanted to sleep on or ignore until the next time they saw each other. 
Meanwhile Levi was staring ahead of him, mostly anyway. In the corner of his eye, he could see that Petra was fidgeting. He could feel unease creeping around inside him as his thoughts were dragged back to that moment in the arena - the pleasant pressure of Petra’s lips on his, twice. The way she’d held onto him. The way she looked at him. It was like she was staring into his soul and that should have been something of a red flag. It was troublesome to have someone know you so intimately wasn’t it? That’s what his childhood self and his teenage self were screaming. But something stronger and deeper inside him was saying something else. It said that Petra was different. 
Up ahead, Hange was being laid across Moblit and Nifa’s legs in the back of their car while Miche took the wheel with Nanaba next to him. Erwin turned to Levi and Petra. 
“I’ll drop you two off.” His eyes looked between the two of them, his expression unreadable. If he detected anything, he made no comment about it. Levi simply nodded and Petra murmured a quiet thank you as they both climbed into the car with Erwin. 
It was a long and mostly quiet half-hour journey back to the neighbourhood where both Levi and Petra lived. As Erwin began to pull onto a street several blocks from their apartment complex, Petra leaned in and asked him to stop. 
“We’ll be fine from here, Erwin. Thank you so much,” she insisted as Erwin slowed to a stop. 
Erwin smiled at her then at Levi. There was knowing gleam that Levi didn’t entirely like. “Okay if you’re sure. I’ll see you both soon.”
“Sure,” Levi said as he followed Petra out of the car. They waited for Erwin to drive off and Petra slowly began to walk with Levi moving quietly alongside her as she did.
“I thought we should talk about before,” Petra admitted, wrapping her arms around herself. “I don’t want this hanging over us and I just want to be honest.”
Levi fought back the emotions that were trying to show on his face. She regrets it. She thinks it was a mistake. His brain began to ramble. She’s trying to let me down gently. Well, let’s just stop that right here, shall we? Sourness flooded him. He should have pushed her off not allowed himself to wonder. This was a stupid fucking mistake. “Then just say it,” Levi shrugged, his tone hard and he hooked his thumbs into the pockets of his jeans. Get it over with. 
Petra faltered, stopping immediately and staring at him. “You- you knew?” she asked quietly. 
Levi stopped a few paces ahead of her, his tired eyes looking back into her pretty ones. “Yeah, it’s pretty obvious,” he told her. 
Pink blossomed in her cheeks and spread over her face rapidly. “I…” she murmured as her brow pinched in annoyance, “I thought I was hiding it pretty well.”
“Well it’s crystal clear now.” 
Petra bit down on her lip. “So… I guess you don’t… I mean…” she huffed in impatience at herself. “Is this you making your point without actually saying the words? Cos I kinda need to hear you say it, Levi. I can take it. I’m an adult. You don’t need to soft-soap me on this.”
Levi fully turned to face her, unhooking his thumbs and lowering his hands by his sides. “What the fuck are you talking about?” His brows lifted and some of the sharpness of his frown softened. “You’re the one stumbling over telling me.”
Petra looked baffled. “Eh?”
Levi lost patience with this little back-and-forth. “You’re trying to tell me that you regret the kiss. Don’t pussyfoot around it, Petra.”
“I don’t regret the kiss,” Petra answered immediately, silencing Levi. “If anything I regret not kissing you sooner,” she added, her hands grasping her elbows. Caution was clear in her eyes but her lips pursed with determination. This conversation had to happen one way or another.
It was Levi’s turn to wear confusion all over his face. “But you like Hange.” As he said the words, his mind was already flashing through images of the two of them together and the way it had made his stomach burn to watch that easy affection, to feel resentment for the fact that that affection wasn’t being displayed to him. He had tried to logic his way out of such thoughts and when that didn’t work, burial was always something he had made a half-decent job of. Now he was stood here being told that he’d gotten it wrong?
“I love Hange,” Petra agreed, “as a friend.” She began to smile again although he could see some unease gathering in those perfect amber eyes of hers.
Levi pursed his lips. A feeling of utter stupidity began to weigh down on him. He should have considered that this was just an affectionate thing between Petra and Hange. Hange was always hanging off their friends and hugs were their favourite way of greeting. He couldn’t remember them ever flirting with any of them though. Well, perhaps Erwin and Moblit but honestly those felt more like play than anything else. Of course, clearly his detection for such things wasn’t as good as it could be so perhaps he was just wrong about that too.
“Does Hange know that?” The question was not the thing Levi had intended to ask and yet it slipped out far easier than anything else he was thinking about asking. 
Petra lifted her shoulders a little then lowered them as her smile widened. “If it comes up, I’ll put them straight.” She stepped closer to Levi. “I’m more interested in you… how you feel about me,” she confessed. “I’ve liked you a lot since the day we met at your mother’s garden party. Since we spent the whole afternoon talking,” she recollected with a reminiscent smile. 
“The afternoon that you mostly spent talking,” Levi retorted although his lips twitched into a smile. 
“You could have walked away. You’ve never been shy of doing that before,” Petra began to grin. 
“I never said I was bored listening to you.”
Petra shifted from one foot to another, tilting her head with a bolder smile. “You let me kiss you again.”
“I never said I didn’t like you kissing me, either.” Levi argued. 
“I guess there’s a lot that you’ve never said,” Petra mused, stepping even closer now, lowering her arms so they were almost chest to chest. “I’d much rather listen to what you do have to say,” she told him. “Because I don’t make a habit of crossing that line and I just really need to know if there’s something there for you too or… if I just need to forget this.”
Levi lifted his hand and inched his fingers towards her face until they slid over her smooth, round cheek. The words he wanted to say but had struggled with for so long rose to his throat as if summoned by some spell-caster. He leaned in a little until their noses were touching. “I care about you, Petra,” he told her. “You’re not just my friend.”
Petra exhaled softly and her hands lifted to hold onto his hips. “So… you…?”
Levi’s smile turned teasing. “Do you want me to spell it out for you?” and with that question, he leaned down to kiss her lips. 
She smiled into it, and once again the world melted into the blazing golden light of sunset and the blurry shapes of an empty, quiet street.
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loetise · 1 year
♡ + kallie
send me ♡ + a ship and i’ll tell you…, accepting!  ˎˊ˗
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who is the most affectionate? for physical affection, knee jerk instinct to say allie right but i don't. think necessarily? she's more enthusiastic but they Respond to her so equally and the two of them are nearly constantly touching each other, so while allie is running across rooms and jumping into their arms and pressing kisses all over their face at random they are just as much just holding her. it's similar with Wording the affection but i think allie wins out just a little bit because it is such a part of her to speak those feelings, and kier isn't So far behind but i just think there's a little bit of not being used to saying it so often and just by impulse like allie does. i think however kier is the most in acts of service. it comes much more natural to them i think.
who initiates the handholding? so close to the answer above for physical touch. they never stop holding hands. they're equally like. holding hands naturally all the time and also grabbing the other's hand when there's discomfort in either of them. (allie gets nervous -> grabs kier's hand. allie can feel Tense Feelings (anger, basically, and their kind of anxiety) coming from kier -> grabs kier's hand. and then the opposite where kier feels it off allie ofc)
who worries more for the other? ..... allie i think? IDK I WANNA SAY BOTH AGAIN but she's got. So much worry and it's kind of unplaced but they know more about the dark parts of the world to be worried about that she does not know. allie is just as much as impulsive and chaotic and easily manipulated as kier is Also chaotic in a different direction and doing dangerous things.
who is more likely to ask for help? allie just bc there's not much they need help with 😭😭 i think they do it every once in a while just to make her smile. it is so easy for her to ask kier for help she feels so secure :((( at first and for a while she worries about bothering them but rarely ever now!!
who is the one always losing the keys? allie 😔😔😔 they have no keys and it's her fault he just scares the doors really bad to open with his freak ass eyes. BONUS QUESTION!!! who locks the doors at night. it's kier allie has never locked a door once in her life. she leaves em Open.
who leaves little love notes for the other? allie for sure on this one. anytime she's away i think!! just sticks them all over their things with little flowers and perfume they're reminded of her <3 probably glitter also. oopsie :) does visiting her dreams count as a love note tho?
who can’t sleep unless the other is there? kier. literally factually. also allie but his name needed to be first at least once KHBDJKVB. or at least. hmmm i think she can sleep without them but she probably doesn't think she can or Want to. unless it's a rubes sleepover then she can.
who is more likely to propose to the other? kier. they're both doing and not doing the marriage thing. 'more likely' is a Very small thing bc allie would come to the same conclusion but kier is more likely to introduce the idea of 'we can just be together forever'. it's the goth intensity. and they're so Safe to her.
who introduced the other to their family first? technically kier <3 they met allie's Home (cottage, plants, animal friends) just before she met lilith, which is family to me but also she's met kier's Real family and they have not met hers :(
who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? alliee??? i think?? kier is not Unlikely in any regard (bc allie really likes her hair played with/pulled out of her face) but i would say allie is more likely.
who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? kier i think actually. allie does cook for him a lot, but they're much more in tune with her needs than she is sometimes 😭😭 kier also doesn't get hunger for food so this question doesn't count for them.
who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? kier. kier kier kier kier. allie will defend them a thousand times earlier but the answer will always be a strong kier for this one. there is also almost never a situation where allie would need to defend kier considering. physical strength and monster powers NJKCN.
who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? statistically kier 🙄🙄 JHBCJHCS allie gets the giggles and isn't very good at keeping quiet about anything, she'd rather just tell them!!! that's not saying she doesn't make little surprises every once in a while but i'd say kier is more likely.
who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? allie allie allie. and it does work because kier can't/won't go against her word knowingly. even in dire and dangerous situations where they would need to do certain things she doesn't want them to, they'd rather just say no.
who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? another one going to kier bc they can't fall asleep on the couch (without trying at least) 😔😔 it's very allie coded to fall asleep places and not mean to, but it's more likely for her to fall asleep outside somewhere, and often they just join her i think <3
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