#and she hasnt really seen me like that other then when i showed her some artwork i was making earlier this year
sketchbookwonders · 10 months
Oh yeah also vent art or whatever
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aces-and-angels · 1 month
Note : this post is a repost of @appsa update on Shahed's campaign with updated infos on the current amount of raised funds.
I am so grateful to everyone who shared and donated, i really do count it as a miracle that we were able to reach the goal at all, never mind that it happened within the deadline we set. Your support has felt like a blessing in a truly wretched time, especially after all those baseless accusations were made.
Unfortunately, as is the norm with these fundraisers, it seems that shahed has run into some problems with the bank while withdrawing the funds she raised from this campaign. Apart from the unexpected $3.5k cut gfm took from the total amount, it seems the american bank her campaign manager using to send the money will also take a tax of $2k.
This has left her short of $5,500 from getting the full amount she needs to evacuate her whole family.
And it seems because the amount the campaign initially raised is so large, the campaign manager cannot afford to officially increase the target on the gofundme campaign page itself without putting himself at risk of having his bank account and its funds frozen.
As you may know already, there are lots of roadblocks when it comes to transferring funds from western countries to countries of the global south but especially gaza right now. People having their accounts frozen for sending money to gaza and having to go through legal hassles for it is not anything new.
Shahed doesn't want to put the campaign manager, who is their family friend, at risk of legal troubles like that, especially given the hostile political climate towards palestinians in the USA right now.
So i want to make this clear:
Shahed is currently unable to increase the target on the fundraiser on the gofundme itself, but she still needs to raise another 5.5k to cover the tax cuts taken by both gfm and the banks.
The goal on the fundraiser may say $80,000 is the target but the new one we have to aim for is actually $85,500 now
She is currently at $81,525 / $85,500
Believe me when i say that no one is more disheartened by this development than shahed herself. The morning we had reached the goal of $80,000 she told me that she felt she was the happiest girl in the world, and had bought and distributed sweets to the kids at the camp she was at to celebrate despite how expensive it is in Gaza right now.
She had also begun plans to help boost other fundraisers of palestinians, so that no one would have to feel the hopelessness she felt during those months where her fundraiser had been stagnant and had already gotten started on that barely a day or two after she'd completed her campaign.
Shahed was very nervous to tell me about this, especially after this whole racist hate campaign that was led against her so recently. She does not want her and her family to be accused of lying about their torment a second time. Especially when the violence has begun to ramp up once again even after her recent displacement, she can't bear it. Frankly neither can i.
Please know that she would not increase amount again unless times were desperate.
Please do NOT punish her during this difficult time by ignoring this. We have seen time and time again how gfms from gazans have to increase their goals even after they have been reached because of various issues, so this is not unprecedented. I've said it before- the goalposts will always be changing because they are going through a genocide.
So i urge you to please be kind and show her your solidarity and urgency once again, because the deadline is still the same. The raffle still hasnt ended so please check out the link above, and partcipate.
current total: $81,530 USD
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elsa-fogen · 2 months
hi ! i have a question, i was wondering something when it comes to your 'breakfast au'. ive read through a lot of this, and ive seen you and multiple other people state velvette "deserves" this? that just confused me in general, because out of all the people in the show, velvette probably has done the least amount of bad things. so how would she deserve this? i saw a few people saying its because of the love potion thing she collaborated with valentino on, but i dont really think thats a valid point. given it states in the wiki that its unconfirmed what that actually was. (ill send an image of where it says this.) it couldve been anything. and given velvettes line of work, (fashion, social media) id assume itd be some sort of perfume made to be taken orally. like perhaps a pheromone perfume which ive seen is commonly promoted by influencers, or just these types of people in general.
the next point i saw was somebody saying shes a narcissist? which, she really isnt. if you do any research on npd you could see that. velvette is shown to be confident, maybe even egotistical. she acts like a confident teenager would. she doesnt have npd.
ive seen people say she deserves this type of thing because shes friends with the vees..? which honestly would make no sense. so far in the show, shes shown to only really speak to vox. (which isnt bad, given vox hasnt exactly done anything big and bad like say alastor or valentino, or hell, even sir pentious' crimes.) everytime shes really talked about valentino, its been in a bad way. shes shown to not like him. so its not like those two are best friends or even anything more than business associates from what ive seen??
anywho, i was just a bit confused. i was also a bit confused on alastors behavior aswell. while yes, hes a horrible person, yes he eats people, YES he would do something like this; he has no reason to with velvette. he gains nothing from this. so whats the point of him doing it?? its not to spite vox, given alastor is shown in the show, not to give too fucks about vox 😭
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I personally said that she deserved it only to spite that hater, i should've clarify that 😅
Alastor gets to mess with Vox and to make HIM suffer from screams (Valentino comes as a bonus). He GIVEs fucks about Vox tho, maybe not as much as the said TV man, but still. He spills the tea about Vox asking him to join the Vees, and does so clearly to humiliate him. The way he tells about it implies that. so he WOULD spite Vox if he had a chance that wouldn't take too much effort.
but still, Velvette isn't innocent. she's in hell and it has to be for a reason. she joined the Vees which indicates that she supports their activities. Velvette had no problem with Val killing her models except that it causes troubles to her show.
about Vox, he's also fucked up. And maybe he isn't killing people left ang right, he does many bad things, like hypnotizing people, stalkering and so on. He supports Valentino's attitude too. He knows what Val does to Angel and doesn't give a fuck.
Problem here is that you only count things shown on screen. While characters have life outside of it. And for now we've seen only Val being a horrible person. Bonus points that he's being mean to the chracter we know and love. Other Vees didn't get the time to show their fuckedupness. I know for a fact that in season 2 we'll get at least Vox' fucked up side. and, hopefully, Velvette's too, and people will finally stop thinking that they're poor little meow meows that ended up under bad Valentino's influence.
Also, as i was saying in the first post about this AU - Velvette really shouldn't have said that the can eat other overlords for breakfast (au namedrop!!!) in front if 2 real cannibals. They took that personal.
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c0rvidfagg0try · 4 months
My thoughts on Chimney Punching Buck:
Okay so I’ve seen a lot of Chimney hatred becuz of this scene in particular and it upsets me becuz Chimney was right. I said it.
Now do i think him punching buck was right? No. Do i think he had his reasons and took them out it the wrong fashion? Yes.
Everyone seems to think that Chimney was being irrational in this situation and Buck was a holy saint who did nothing wrong. No. Buck was wrong this time.
Let’s look at Maddie. Maddie has been alone for years. Her parents abandoned her for their grief and she had to raise Buck alone, and then she entered an abusive relationship where she couldn’t get help for years. She was never wanted or desired. And yes Buck loved her but he was a child and couldnt provide the love she deserved.
Maddie running away from Chim and Jee was becuz she felt like she didnt deserve them. She didn’t feel like she was worth saving.
She NEEDED someone to run after her. To show her that she IS wanted, she IS needed.
Buck kept her location a secret from Chim becuz he still looks up to her like a child would to a parent in some ways. He has a bit of a hero worship for her in some ways and doesnt really understand the extent to which she needs help becuz shes been such a strong figure for him their entire life and hasnt really let him see her be weak.
Chimney on the other hand HAS seen her at her worst and knows her intimately. He knows she needs someone to love her with their entire being and thats what he did by running after her. She needed to know she wasn’t alone and Chim did that for her.
And Chim punching Buck was when he was at the height of his emotional breakdown. He was terrified, upset, probably running on very little sleep, of course he was going to snap. I don’t think he should’ve punched Buck but i don’t that makes him the devil.
And neither does him ignoring Buck. He’s obviously frustrated becuz thats his everything right there and he cant find her. She could be dead for all he knows and Buck kept it from him.
Both of them have their flaws in this situation but Chim knew what Maddie needed and Buck didn’t. And Buck’s not in the wrong for not seeing that, he just didn’t know and needed to learn that.
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welcome-back-home · 1 year
Hi! Noticed your asks are open, (and also, I love your recent work! The dynamic is so cute!!) and I want to request a wally x reader who is a popstar, I wanna see your take on it!!
Also, Have a great day! 💜💜
thank you so much! im so glad you liked my work! i really appreciate it ^^ you have a nice day too and happy reading!
link: puppet reader
note:this is a massive story im so sorry
the day started like any other...at least at first, wally does his daily painting routine at his favorite painting spot, underneath a tree with a easel in front of him. the painting he was making resembled a apple cut open with many colors inside in a lemony yellow backgound. he figured his beloved would enjoy it. no matter what personality, they always loved his work and almost immediately hangs it on their wall.
he then paused, mid motion of dipping his paint brush into red paint...now thinking about it, he hasnt seen you all day or hardly anyone for that matter. normally you would show up to say hello or he finds you during his journey to his painting spots, but he was so caught up in his own little world to notice that...time passed and you still haven`t shown up.
a chill goes up his spine at the thought of something wrong might`ve happened, getting a breif flashback of the time his beloved developed a daredevil like personality and they almost got themselves killed.
he looks at his painting as he set the tools down, "it can wait" he thought, as he ventures off to find you.
walking to your home he noticed the design has changed again, it was covered in colorful music notes and fake plastic vinyl records here and there and music is playing from inside. a pleasant musical theme. however over the music thats playing inside was the sounds of construction behind the house and friends talking. wally thought you where back there building something. so he walked behind the house to not see you, but sally, julie, and howdy. the three are apparently working on building a stage, it looked to be almost done as its firmly standing tall and decorated with star covered curtains and fairy lights.
the neighbors have been busy most of the day making a mini concert for you, a treat you 'the famous pop star' wanted to give to the community as a thank you for being great friends. of course you didnt ask them to make the stage, they offered to make it for you. the three of them was having fun putting the last finishing touches on the setup while frank gets chairs, barnaby gets snacks, and eddie finishing his final mail run for the day, poppy was nowhere to be found. wally wonders where both you and poppy could be...but he figures the both of you are busy with something else important for this setup. so instead he went to say hello to sally,julie, and howdy.
"hello friends!" wally greets the trio while he waves "wally! where have you been? you was about to miss the show" sally asks with a smile, a bottle of glue and a jar of glitter in her hands, she was making glitter covered shapes on the stages platform to give it extra flare "im sorry, i was caught up with my painting and did not notice the time" wally sighs as he confessed where he has been most of the day, embarrassment and a hint of remorse in his tone "thats ok silly! you`re here now!" julie speaks up, understanding that anyone can lose track of time when they are doing something they enjoy, "am i still able to help?" wally offers, even if its kind to late, howdy holds out a paintbrush to him thats coated with green paint "can you help me paint the rest of the stage?" howdy smiles, even if he had it covered already with his four arms, he would love to have some help.
with a grin wally accepts the brush and helps howdy paint the wooden stage. everyone else returned from their tasks and soon the set up was finished, poppy showed up after a while to sneak someone behind the curtains of the stage and took a seat with everyone else in the small crowd.
and then the show begins.
the curtains open to reveal you on the center of the stage, the fairy lights illuminating the stage and makes you shine brighter then anything in the world in wallys eyes. you was smiling, dressed in pop star getup, and face framed perfectly with the new hairstyle you have for the day. you looked like a angel standing on that stage.
"hello neighbors!" you said cheerfully into the mic thats on a stand in front of you "i wanted to give you something in return for the never ending kindness you've always given me since ive moved here" you continued, a spark of confidence in your voice "i`ve written this one for someone special, i hope you all enjoy it" you say as a song starts to play from the speakers.
as you began to sing the world practically stood still, your voice was so beautiful it practically made wally swoon. his heart sped up and his face grew warm as he rests his head on the palm of his hand, never taking his lovestruck gaze off of you. a song you have made for him you`ve sang with all the confidence in your very soul, each lyric and note he will forever know by heart. he has never fallen as hard as he did at this moment...
and even when the song finished he never took his eyes off of you or even stopped listening when you started the next song, he hung on to every word. just enjoying every second of your beautiful performance...
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making a my thoughts on rwby (volume 1) for @automaticsoulharmony and them only (pls the rwby fandom scares me)
okay so characters:
Ruby!!!! i lowkey love her i think shes an interesting main character but i wish the story treated her like one. I wanna see more stuff about her weapon making cause i think thats very cool. (also mayb more stuff about how shes 2 years younger than everyone else)
Yang??? is that her name, shes fun tho i havent really seen much of her personality and shes giving more fan service than anything (i mean most of the girls r, those outfits...)
Weiss is def my fav so far cause she has a lot more fleshed out characteristics, i just wish when she like grew as a person it happened gradually rather than split second. Like i hate fauna but ohhhh nevermind i like them now. cause the show kinda backtracks on some of her growth as they still want it to be a plot point
Blake is cool i think its been set up for a really cool arc with the faunus and everything (shes my second fav)
fucking piss boy, i hate this man more than i can actually express, hes very much giving mary sue. hes done nothing but flirt with everyone and be shit at fighting but it feels like the show is about him
I havent really seen enough of the other characters to form oppinions on them yet but i love penny shes super cute!!
This is just me haing jaundice but the show really does center him more than the four main character, yk the ones the show is named after? I want the red headed girl to have a more interesting story arc than im in love with this dumb idiot who has done nothing for me pls
Im very glad we are getting a faunus plot line cause thats actually kinda interesting but the fact that its like an oppression storyline and there isnt a character that isnt as white as a sheet seems,,,, like a choice
idk its weird to have a 'fighting against ppl who are oppressing us just because we look different to them' when the difference is they are cat boys
other than that there hasnt been much plot development which makes sense but yeah
I enjoy the fight scenes tho
but yeah the writting is really shitty but it has made me actually laugh out loud multiple times (mostly ruby) its kinda hilarious in its terrible writing
I also love how the principle just is gojo
In general its okay, i just wish it focused more on the main girls (also im assuming they are based on fairytale but i cant for the life o me figure out who blake is based on)
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slaaverin · 2 months
hi so just wanted to share smthing idk if you have been following the blue moon tarot blog/website for long but i got into in 2021, ruined my peace of mind, bc the relationship of jm with himself and esp with jk seemed so toxic, so i just stopped reading or idk believing it on some level too. bc i remember once reading that jm literally saw jk as a replacement of his own brother in the start and so people shipping them is sooo wierd. then he always sort of uses and takes (energy?) from jk rather than giving anything back. like jk is progressing but jm is always for some reason going down or afraid all the time when i read any of his readings done by her (again not coming at her she always seemed to be a great positive eprson when ever i read her blogs, just from what i got of jm from her readings thats all nothing more) and idk it just made me a bit frustrated too bc he is so wrapped up in his fears, that any hope for progress for him seems hopeless honestly with how every fruther reading, jm somehow always seemed to drag himself down, get caught up in his feelings, esp drag jk down to his troubles after having a toxic relationship - like i remember one years ago in one of the reading it was said how jm sort of doesnt let jk grow up in his eyes and jk pretends he hasnt grown up too to have the relationship or so that jm doenst lose his balance that he had at that time, basically self sacrificing honestly and made it seem all the more toxic and not at all healthy. (so i sort of agree with anon that says it all seems sad rather than good, bc one thing i noticed is over teh years jm has a lot of potential to be great and amazing but he is so caught up in himself/fears/all the wierd stuff that he doesnt let himself be, like everything points to be negative with him and his future all the time.
i mean on the surface it seemed he is totally at peace from the clips in teh past two years esp with his music (which was honestly decent though the whole album never clicked with me, but again its his album his songs so i appreciate all of them regardless) like he is working on himself his vocals his music and his growth but tbh it never seems enough as per his tarot readings or the fact that he always is in that confusing dark place (bluemoon blog once stated its like jm is in this dark chaos place where he goes back to his tendencies and doesnt want to seem to get out of it ages ago tho, like its being back and forth, and jk honestly is in a good place at the top of the hill, who for some reason keeps coming back to help)- again toxic as fuck. and also said how they are planning to help eo out, i wld like to believe he more at peace with himself but idk it always seems tumultuous and toxic.
Sry I know this got so long but idk I had this in my head for so long during my early army days when I saw tarot reading, and somehow your blog is the only one where i have even seen anything reagrding tarot readinsg that were done, so just wanted to see if mayeb you have any thoughts about it. and again, blue moon website, whoever she is, is really cool and amazing; none of this was in any way meant to be hurtful or mean or anything, really, just what I got or interpreted from your readings and conclusions, really nothing else. Thank you!
Thank you for reaching out anon and sharing your thoughts.
I have been following bluemoonpunch's readings since 2019, a while I don't have every single details in mind still, I can only offer my own interpretation.
Jimin has a damn difficult place in the soul body (heart chakra) and while they separated energetically he had a hard time with it. He was always the one to take care of the others, and while figuring out who he was and what's his new place/direction was, I think he needed some support, that's also why JK showed up in his reading (a little place where they met).
According to the readings, Jimin had a cycle where he would retreat, and JK left him alone during that time only being there for him if he needed. In a way he had ups and downs, like everybody. We could see that Jimin in the past would easily doubt himself, that we know.
But to me anon in these readings nothing ever told me jikook's relationship is toxic at all. It's only a deep and complex and ever evolving relationship like any other. Of course it cannot be all rainbows and unicorns.
Jimin literally saw Jungkook grow, he watched him in real time become a man. If they are indeed romantically involved then his view of Jungkook must have evolved over time. We all know Jimin had a crush on Jungkook from the very start. But at that time Jimin saw him still like someone he had to take care of (like the rest of the group) because Jungkook was so young and not yet mature. But with time Jungkook grew within himself and became who he is today, someone who does take care of Jimin when he needs it too. I think that is normal and a sign of healthy relationship, that they can BOTH rely on each other now.
Of course I feel between the two Jimin is the one more careful, and maybe the one more "down to earth" about all the things that could go wrong. But nothing in this screams toxic, he is only pragmatic because he cares about Jungkook and what could potentially happen to him.
Jungkook is more carefree and open. This man is time and time again reinforcing his love and full devotion to Jimin.
Maybe like the readings say Jimin still has fears but honestly who could blame him?
They are in an impossible, potentially very dangerous situation! With his role of caretaker of course he feels most responsible and worried.
The things you saw that sounded toxic to you, to me is normal in any part of any relationship. People are never perfect, they have flaws, a particular way of their psyche to function, feelings to deal with. What we could see from them since 2013 never came accross as toxic to me, quite the contrary. Of course I don't doubt behind the scenes it's not always perfect, people fight sometimes, people have doubts, fears, sadness, insecurities, but it doesn't mean their relationship isn't healthy. It just means they are humans.
They've been together for a long time, it's normal for the relationship and perspectives to evolve.
Personally the last reading confirmed everything I ever thought about them.
The fact that their potential is to be like a perfect balance of feminine and masculine, like some kind of cosmic couple, it makes so much sense. They always have balanced each other. When they are together they just fit perfectly, they are in sync, they just click.
I will even offer my interpetation of their relationship expanding on the readings, I think jikook are supposed to embody the energy of a cosmic couple as blue said, because I personally feel that is part of their mission.
What they have is a perfect example of what unconditional love means. It is the perfect balance. In a way what they have is not even about them at all! Their relationship is more a display of a concept of unconditional love, some kind of roadmap to show to people and to tell them "see, it's possible, a love like this exist, people with that much light exist, see this example, get inspired by it, grow your light and your love and you may be able to experience it someday".
Images and sounds, basically anything is a frequency. When we watch jikook's relationship, we can feel the frequency of their love, we literally receive unconditional love from them. It opens up our own heart, raising our own frequency. So it's part of their mission of raising the consciousness of the planet, having this relationship. I feel it's part of a way bigger plan.
People will either embrace it or reject it completely. Usually people with a too low frequency will reject it because they cannot stand too much light.
People who receive too much light will have to process their low frequency energy so everything has to come up from the surface which is a pretty painful process so they might choose to not take at all. Which is why so many people reject jikook's bond, because if they accepted the frequency is would make them feel very uncomfortable stuff first and it's not a match to them (It is not always a conscious choice).
People with low frequency rather stay in a state of "illusion" because low frequency is literally nothing but illusion by nature.
I went on a tangent here but what I mean to say is that jikook's relationship has never been more exciting that today (after so many years! Who would have thought they would commit to each other again with military?) So I cannot wait to see how it all evolves from now on, what this potential future as a cosmic couple will look like (can it be even better than now? I can't imagine).
Ease your mind anon, jikook are in a good place. There is nothing to worry about. Let's all enjoy the travel show 💜
Thanks you again for sharing your thoughts I know mine are all over the place because I am not used to answer asks yet so I'm sorry about that! If nothing bluemoonpunch's readings always reassured me more than anything else, especially the last one!
Take care 🥰
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pekodayz · 1 year
aini and oso whatever thing i made at 3am (rubbing my temples and sobbing)
this was just me typing on my phone straight thru, no looking back so it's gonna sound not profresh duhhh . ok don't whateves dont look at me i like odd platonic odd relationships
I feel like aini looks at oso as someone she holds near and dear to her. Yeah she doesn’t wanna pursue a relationship with him but the feeling of being around him makes her feel a bit better about herself, way better even. She has always seen her peers get some sort of love and affection as in like flirtatious comments being thrown at them and such. But aini has never..been asked out or even approached at the idea. She brushed it off as petty human nonsense. but deep down, she’s hurting a bit. She doesn’t care for relationships, but the mere thought of not being wanted or just even the slightest bit of fascination…makes her question herself. Am I deem-able? I shouldn’t care for this…but, I really wish someone would at least tell me how they feel about me. Yes she’s annoying and obnoxious, but she does that to cover up her true feelings….the feelings that shape her to be like this. Though I did say “true feelings”, Aini’s out-spoken part of her is real, I mean she’s not faking it. She doesn’t have a preferred liking to a gender, honestly she’s ace. She’s just starved of a specific type of attention. While she does get called cute by others, she just wants to have some sort of feeling of “huh, wow…we treat each other like absolute animals, but they care about me…” (we know who she’s referring to, right) Okay well aini does get the love and attention from molly and Usiuii. But yknow, that’s bff stuff, ofc ! They love each other so so so much!!! Aini has seen the compliments get thrown at her other 2 friends. She wonders in a way like hm…am I having internal conflict? No, that’s ridiculous…feeble minded words. It’s confusing for aini because she feels guilt for thinking like this. The human race is nothing but…she stops herself there…this chuni brain gets put on hold as she begins to question her own self. I wish I was held by someone..just for a mere moment would be nice. Disgusting, an arm around me…stupid. Aini doesn’t want to be clingy to her dearest friends, so she just does her little tsun act and just shove them off like ough get away from ME. Though she has her weak moments and hopes that they’ll notice (they do) and react accordingly.
Aini gets the cartoonish jealously when she sees others get that stupid human affection…then she pouts about it for a while. Gross…she thinks. Ok now for when she does have her moments with O. She sees him as a rival of some sorts..though she knows she has the one-up. (A job, surprisingly better personality…) Though, I suppose their bickering and arguing does end up with them just sitting there. Why are we yelling so much…couldn’t we just get to know each other more? No? Aini ponders that thought a little, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try and get to know him more. He does look like he cares. They’re both hard to read as to the weird repress thing aini does and oso’s not-showing-what the hell-is wrong with him mentality.
She..cares about him, idiotic disgusting low-life of a human..someone she cares for. Unbelievable. People like him should be ignored. But that would be a tad bit rude now wouldnt it. (Look they’ve been hanging out for a while now) The company that aini has dealt with..more so just going to up him or him going up to her, starting something between them. That strengthened whatever kind of friendship this is between them.
Aini wonders if oso cares about her too. (Though she hasnt shown and prob will extremely seldomly show those emotions as well) He does ofc, but for someone as annoying as her, and for someone as idiotic as him…he’s not gonna admit that either. I dunno. Aini would never beat the living shit out of Usiuii and molly even though molly has to put aini and Usiuii in their places from time to time. (aini and usiuii also fight..but not to extreme lengths, just aggressive playful <3) So seeing osomatsu and how he is towards her makes things a lot more reasonable as to beat the shit out of him (and vice versa for him) Aini doesn’t see a relationship in her future, but having a platonic whatever-this-is with osomatsu would be nice. umm marriage scares her and the thought of a relationship is crazy too. Bound for eternity (is what she thinks) is frightening. Even tho he’s osomatsu, she wouldn’t mind dealing with him forever. Like she would prob be super happy knowing someone is more annoying than her, telling him that out loud is the norm. but her true feelings would just make her embarrassed to admit.
Gagging at these thoughts but aini puts a little too much thought in herself, seeing how she’s like super boisterous and loud when she wants to be. It gets to the point where she overthinks the stupid things and ends up riled up, but ends up calming down. Okay gagging fr fr but as much as she wants to avoid something like this, aini really wants someone to just like uhhhhhh yknow .hold her. A pathetic sub-human man. Platonic cuddling exists, yeah????? Like they both get super embarrassed but yknow it’s nice to have someone there..
I stated this a long time ago (i gotta find it and rb it) but aini has a thing where she just gets incredibly clingy when she gets sleepy. I suppose after her and oso have their stupid dumb arguments, they’re like walking together. Aini glancing over at him multiple times and he’s just yknow .yeah.. So they gradually step closer and closer to each other, and oso let’s her cling onto his arm or smth (ew ) cuddling up on him and shit. DISGUSTING 😭 they’re both sweating, blushing and freaking out btw. bc like that’s so foreign for the both of them..idkkkk smth as intimate as this (i am aware that cuddling isn’t like sex but yeah it still sets off the same vibe to me LEVA EME ALONE) is so woaughhhh.. hey it’s 331 am.
Ok ok I need to rb like the stuff abt aini bc this is just her inner dwellings. (SHES STILL CHUNI ONE TOOTH POUTY GUN OKAYY) Someone she only opens up to a select few. Unfortunately, osomatsu is one of them. She knows he wouldn’t tell anyone ..so I suppose ITS FINE. like yeah he’s fucking oughhh but he would share such vulnerable moments between them like wtf..
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theygotlost · 1 year
the end of the watch 1.11: this is (not) discworld (episodes 7 and 8 double feature!)
sally shows up and accosts carrot in a bar restroom. no fucking joke she acts like one of those weird ageplay bitches on tik tok who do a disturbing little girl voice and pouty face. its literally fucking UNBEARABLE and i wanted to kill her so bad. btw she and death are the only characters with american accents.
vimes swaps bodies with Evil Vimes In Another Dimension, who's incarcerated in the tanty. he's thrown to "The Beast" for insubordination, which turns out to be Detritus
Detritus is apparently the "the best friend [vimes] ever had". they do a very heartfelt and slightly homoerotic forehead bump.
carrot and sybil are wardens of the tanty what i will refer to hereafter as the mirrorverse. mirrorverse carrot has a really scary middle part.
death asks carrot, angua, and cheery which one would be most likely to eat the others so he can "arrange his schedule". then he very shyly performs a 37 minute freestyle for them while playing the theremin.
in the mirrorverse carcer is captain of the watch after betraying vimes.
sybil somehow realizes vimes is an impostor when she kisses him. angua can also tell the impostor is sus by the type of aftershave he wears, which doesnt make sense bc they swapped minds and not physical bodies, so he would still be wearing the same aftershave???
this entire series has been building toward stopping the noble dragon but I genuinely forgot about the dragon because up to this point hasnt even been rampaging the city at all after the first episode? it just disappeared? and now its back?
vetinari locks himself in his "dungeon" which is actually a sick bachelor pad with sexy couches citing the line from gg that "you should never build a dungeon you would never want to stay in yourself". he chills out in a cunty red gown listening to jazz music. which tbh was pretty awesome
death asks to join vimes' emo band.
carcer stabs wonse for basically no reason.
throat dibbler is made head of the thieves guild.
carrot plans to lure the attention of the dragon bc he's a virgin and the dragon only attacks virgins. carrot has to learn to not be ashamed of his virginity like it's a gay coming-out narrative.
the matt berry talking sword requests to be worshipped as a "sex-ual deity"
im pretty sure angua they/thems cheery at some point but I might have just misheard her
in order to stop the dragon the watch puts on the best damn talent show ankh morpork has ever seen!!!! (they play in a rock band AGAIN.) cheery shreds the fuck out of the saxophone.
sybil intentionally sends goodboy out to seduce the dragon and it works.
carcer disintegrates from existence back to the future style and im still not sure why. the watch doesnt remember carcer and thinks wonse did all his crimes instead. as revenge wonse isekais vimes into an evil pocket dimension in what was likely meant to be a setup for a season 2 that will never happen.
and that's the show! many people have told me how brave i am for watching it and thanked me for my service but I want to be clear that i could NOT have done it on my own. this was a journey that @vampirejuno , @fealtyfaggot , and I embarked on TOGETHER. nico and ciarán deserve as much appreciation for their sacrifice as I do. ive also engaged in a lot of day drinking for this so sorry everypony please drink responsibly.
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mudfire · 2 years
on a different note, just binged ALL of wednesday yesterday till 3 am and GOOOOOD. love jenna ortega, i came from camp cretaceous for her
!!wednesday spoilers!!
yes i love wenclair but this show... really grinded my gears once again when it comes to netflix pushing heteronormativity. is it even that?? atp its just how all the love interests expected something from wednesday when shes literally trying to save her own life and others lives. its obvious none of what wednesday did was in romantic interest at all! i hate it so much when men take every single little interaction as some sort of 'that must mean she likes me!'
tyler being pushy was understandable for how it came to be, and i love how toxic his confession scene was. im glad he turned out the way he did! a bastard
but xavier expecting something from wednesday? that was so forced. he deals with hyde nightmares and bianca and really expected something from wednesday, of all people? if he truly understood how weird she is he should have not expected anything from her while the hyde is still loose
side note, wednesday has got to be a virgo like me for the way she single mindedly pursues her objectives. so satisfying for an MC to be SMART
comparing this to enid's breakup scene with wednesday, what enid expected was friendship, or at least some sort of reciprocation to her friendly advances, not romance. xavier was asking for way too much from wednesday, since she obviously hasnt even comprehended friendships yet
so wednesday's different reactions to xavier and enid lashing out? yeah girl i love it. wednesday is silent the entire time xavier pours his heart out, and she pulls out the drawing to explain her actions, going back to the only thing she has ever thought of when she was with him. with enid, she snaps back, is quick to be defensive, lists out so many little things-- shes so emotional in front of enid instead of xavier bc she has seen enid as what enid expects of her: a friend. she couldnt reciprocate that during xaviers outburst bc she never felt the same as him. she's both used them for her own gain and they rightfully burst out, but one expected more of her when shes still learning how to treat others humanely. the parallels were... wow
which leads me to that EXQUISITE hug scene bc WTFFF that was so cinematic and for WHAT... if they do not end up together after that shot! what am i supposed to do!
gonna make wenclair cuddling fics now
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poopscooplala · 1 month
(psa this is mostly referring to the movies)
ive seen a few posts that have bothered me. i searched "remadora bad" on google to see what people were saying and it came up eith tumblrs and reddits etc and they were all really weird.
i recently got into the marauders fandom after reading atyd and being a fan of harry potter since i was a child, this fandom made me really happy because of the escapism it provided. many of us have loved hp and then realised its problematic aspects and seen jkr being the worst and no longer can escape with hp.. and marauders fandom is a much more inclusive and feels safe space. i do ship wolfstar and i want to get this straight because one post mentioned wolfstar shippers and it was definitely a weird take.
the post was about how women who ship two men together hate women because if theres a woman in the picture its always a crime against her i guess? they also touched on fetishisation of gay men in a way that seemed to be encapsulating all of these people into that message.
1. not everyone who ships two men hates women. i mean this is absurd 😭 it seemed much more like this poster was more anti fanon, which is odd. anyone who defends jkr instantly puts me off, i understand if someone is confused by not following canon when talking abt media.. but it shouldnt go so far as to licking jkrs ass saying "shes the author she knows best🤓🤓" we know shes the author, thats half the problem. anyway, i understand this point but it didnt work in the context they were using it for (remadora/wolfstar). the marauders fandom has been criticised for misogyny, but the generalisation of shippers all having that belief is just untrue.
2. fetishisation of gay men is most definitely prevelant in shipping spaces but it goes eithout saying that an entire community of people wont all have the same views and opinions. from personal experience, i have always been wary of fetishising gay men and recently realised that my special interests being shipping different gay relationships has been involved in my gender identity. im not really sure of anything yet but i am exploring being actually a man or gener fluid or non binary.. as i said i dont know yet but i have realised that i have always put myself in these ships, wanting to be one of the men in them (of course this hasnt been the sole reason im questioning my gender). generally, i think shipping is very fun and just a great way of exploring romance in your favourite medias that represent you - which is what many people in the marauders fandom express. i do understand this concern though - fetishisation is a real thing and these ships shouldnt be objectified to be apart of that. i just dont think we should automstically assume every shipper is fetishising gay ppl.
nothing ive talked abt has rlly been abt marauders so far but i just wanted to set up some context and rant abt that post tbh.
as ive grown, ive realised how forced remadora was in the movies. i always felt like it came out of nowhere but i was a kid and i didnt care enough to think abt it like i just wanted to see harry running through the grass and shit. anyway, ive watched a few viedos abt the marauders fandom and about jk rowlings problematic writing and i have a few points to make about remadora and tonks' and remus' characters respectively.
in ootp, tonks is introduced as a fun, independent, and rebellious person. they arent afraid to speak out abt their name to someone more experienced in the field (mad-eye) and they have bright purple hair so obviously they r cool and awesome. they are a metamorphagus(?) meaning they can change some parts of how they look. i, and many others, see this as a symbol of trans teens. correcting the feminine "nymphadora" to a more unisex "tonks", the fact they can literally change how they look (perhaps showing their desire to change themselves ehich many trans people relate to), and their overrall childlike attitude. i think rowling makes tonks young and fun to show immaturity, therefore the transcoded character is sort of displayed as an immature teen that doesnt know any better (insert jkrs transphobic tweets here).
THEN in hbp the newly called "dora" is married. not only is tonks feminised by heteronormativity (a big aspect of stereotypical femininity is marriage) but their general appearance and attitude has changed. her hair is now like a light brown, and this natural colour i feel may allude to the natural order of womanhood is to maybe go through a rebellious gender non conformity teenhood, but eventually we all "mature" into our "natural" womanhood.. may be a reach buut?? anyway, their dialogue in this movie is very small - i assume its different in the book, but i feel like either way their dialogue would be similarly all focusing on remus (way to fail the bechdel test) which ironically is more represantative of jkr hating woman soo the ship they r saying is the anti "gay shippers who hate women" is one of the many symbols of misogyny in jkrs books.. i mean idk if i need to say this but a woman isnt defined by being married/with a man and i feel like jkr is trying to present it that way.
jkr seems to have unintentionally presented her transphobic views in the character of tonks. many people related to tonks because of their gender fluidity and hbp disappointed many with this character development.
now, the age gap between remus and tonks is 13 years which is gross. especially when you think about the more childish representation of tonks in ootp, like theyve been matured in hbp for the purpose of making the relationship less weird? idk but this is a point that really irks me because many ppl ignore this and always conclude that ppl who dont like remadora are just wolfstar shippers and also hate tonks because they r a woman. even if i hated wolfstar id still hate remadora because of this gross age gap😭😭
another post was from like 10 yrs ago so, perhaps the opinions are just outdated considering jkrs problematic behaviour has become more of general knowledge in recent years but they basically were the common "he not gay jkr mad ehim be with woman he cant be gay 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓" .. jkr has made lots of promises she couldnt keep.. like the whole can of worms that is the time turners (no cedric diggory would not become a death eater please go back to bed omg) so it really isnt unheard of that she could make a gay character and then just.. ruin it?
she definitely didnt intentionally make anyone gay, because she ahtes gay ppl, but remus and sirius are very commonly interpreted to be queer coded. loads of ppl mention this, but even david thewlis (remus lupin actor) read the characters as lovers. many people saw them as lovers so thought remus was gay, then saw him marry tonks and felt confused. of course he could just be bi but jkr wasnt writing that i dont think lolz EVEN if that was the case, remus is meant to be a good character so why is he getting with tonks who is so much younger than him, to me it makes no sense. which is why many people think remadora doesnt make sense, why many marauders fans, including myself, dont see remadora as what would happen. like im not saying that sirius would be a live and blah blah because im referring to a still canon compliant story, it just would not include remadora and its weird energy.
also, jkr said once that lycanthropy was a symbol for rhe aids crisis (thats not a gay allusion at all 🤗). and hootsyoutube makes a great point about how this is problematic. remus lupin is not the only werewolf in the series, greyback is another one that is apart of the wizard nazis and was the one who bit little 5 yr old baby remus lupin. so.. this is very predatory behaviour, i mean he sliterally biting people (like a lion eating a gazelle or sumn idk r u getting what im putting down 😭😭). now, what is a harmful and highly perpetuated stereotype against gay people.. you got it - predatory behaviour. jkr connects the aids crisis to werewolves who are (except remus) presented as predators who prey on little children 😝😝 amazing!!! SO jkr does allude to gay/bi remus buuut its also in a very evil very malevolent light because shes a witch cackling in the night
i hate canon dick riders because not only is the canon problemstic and jkr is evil BUT its literally a made up story... why do you care abt whats canon and ehats not? some may not get it but i love the feeling of being in the marauders fandom, where everything is just made up by us like its so whimsy so fun.
another post that rlly grinded my gears was saying "yall will complain abt remadora age gap but then ship snarry and snermione" which if ur referring to only ppl who ship this then yes you ate down very demure very mindful.. but it wasnt. why ar eppl generalising so hard like i know for a fact I do not ship that... thats pedofilia guys!! and i know most in marauders fandom dont either because most marauders fans i see rnt disgusting monster people? but they also used this to undermine the age gap in remadora, like no they r both bad both weird and the fact that one is by the author of hp is very telling
okay thats the end of my rant uhhh 🥸
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csmingy · 1 month
Frfr. At least Symps has more then chows ever dreamed of. Saunt makes THOUSANDS of The Community. Yet the game hasnt even seemed to make much progress? Not to mention the fact that you need to offer 5 pop designers, 5 already existing chows, 5 HIGH QUALITY designs, and morw just for ONE chowling. Be it myo or premade.
Its shitty af how hard it is to get into this species. If something is THAT personal that you openly state "I dont want them to get to big" then why tf did you release ANY part of them yet???? They consistently shut down anything that'll open up the species even just by a tad.
Someone mentioned a currency conversion, but was shot down. Idk why??? That just seems stupid as nearly everyone there are sitting on 10000000+ copper, and barely ANY other currency. Foraging is now festival tickets... But like... The drop rates are TRASH. Tops i have ever seen is 5 tickets... -.-'
All the items in shop cost 100+ tickets if i remember from last time looking.
Myo/premade sales are....scarce to nonexistent.
There are several things that were started and not finished. Theres 3 discords!!!! THREE. species main, game hub, and for something else.
They're redoing the traits it seems too, but like.. People gunna lose out when it comes to their compensation. Which nothing on that has been revealed.
Theyve gone on breaks several times. Usually a month after the last break they had too. So its... Break for 2+ months, back for MAYBE one month, then another 2+ months of break.
Nothing to show for it either.
Dont get me wrong, i know some breaks were for personal reasons.
And its not even the mods fault. You can see how some of them get frustrated about these things themselves. They have an entire server to deal with while saunt does...nothing it seems.
They need more mods, saunt really should care more too for their community as well. Sure its a passion project. But you opened it up for others. Now you should listen to what your community wants too. Implementing some of the things they ask for would be a start. Instead of legit shutting it down because "its mine"
Thing is... Even as a game.. You HAVE to listen somewhat to what your community is saying. Otherwise it will FLOP AND DIE.
With how much they make of Chows... Youd think theyd be further Along too. The most recent openings the ab was like near 1000??? If chit chat inside server is anything to go by anyway.
The most lore ive seen is only for lineages, general lore is almost non-existent for chowlings. The items have been revamped and remade over 5+ times because Saunt cant make up her mind. She loves money and if you have it shell give you a hybrid for 1-3k+. She has an auction for all lineage hybrids right now and almost all of them have bids over 2k (there are around 8-9 hybrid combos so it has to be over 10k euro) It's actually insane. I know those customs will never be done. Oko has also been super strict lately and crazy about shooting down every suggestion that comes up and any submissions on the site if it isn't perfect. Myos and resales are also very expensive being 100 euro lowest and 1k highest. Im sorry, I just have a lot to complain about this to add-on. 🍈
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thesugarhole · 1 year
sanrio?? hello??
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violin* and obsessed with money???? since when??? i mean. alright. i can give the violin to him AND cherry but its like, very barely there violin??
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me to the sanrio ceo: "berry is violin" shut up if youve seen the stuff kuromi circa 2006 used to do youd hurl
also i dont think wallet status has ever been mentioned about these guys... in any media/franchise. they live in an abandoned looking mansion for the halloween aesthetic, not because of money. i can believe 'obsessed with money' but not 'poor'
hoping its either just google mistranslations or some recent developments ive been blissfully unaware of
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its mistranslations. also this is personal headcanoning time based on how often the confusion happens but man you cant do this to cinnamon notorious trans man icon cinnamon. if he doesnt mind it then ill mind it for him djkhfdksj 'cherry is competitive and selfish' is correct btw this has always been her description. well maybe not competitive but definitely selfish. iirc it was always around "berry is stubborn cherry is selfish and theyre both tsundere" genuinely dont know where violin came from its gotta be a mistranslation on the nuisanse/stubborn aspect. i also dunno where 'weakness is strong-willed girls' came from, it might be talking about his friendship with cherry and how he might given in easier to what she tells him (at least i choose to think so) so i got no comment on it
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all the pronouns being mismatched is so funny man come on shjfhdgfdsjvfdsjv is this profile using some sort of neutral language that left google confused as hell?
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i. uh? should i be worried about espresso?
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this ones... correct? espresso is more of a culture savant than a celebrity.... anyway berry if you kick him out there will be no one there to make you the food you love
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nope! its magic and mirror manipulation. pranking is their hobby and favorite pass time but their magic is not limited to just the -its joke- context (sorry to once again quote the worst season ever of OMM, but they both tried to help out bakus family by making a photo of food they had emit scent, so the family would have an easier time eating plain rice. no jokering no jestering no clowning no malicious behavior whatsoever).
i remember being mentioned in older descriptions that berry had some potion making proficiency but they havent focused in that in years so who cares now amirite. i dont remember if cherry had any sort of distinction like this, theyve always overfocused on her crush on espresso :pensive:
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"what about cherry"
"who? oh idk write smth about espresso again"
(hobbies include PRANKS, attempting to make friends (a general trait) making music (2018 rankings), having ballroom parties (cinnamon trip!! by oster project) and watching sentai/magical girl anime (onegai my melody). berrys particular hobby is to mess with cinnamon, cherrys particular hobby is to go after espresso. i guess.) (but again most of these are old one offs, and currently unfocused aspects of theirs so. whatever)
also i really would like to know the plans about the alt designs for them that are technically their true form and always show in their shadows and (sometimes?) in mirror reflections. it hasnt been completely dropped but, its never been hard defined either so idk. i guess i feel a bit bummed that its also been attempted to be forgotten to time because (to me feel at least) it feels very obviously based on the episode kuromi turned herself into a human and it could be something they were trying to establish to devil inspired characters back then.
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thanks for coming to the lloromannic autism hour its nice to think about something else other than current personal events sometimes
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
The new chapter for TGSTLTH was fantastic as always and I can't wait for part two :D
So I've had a question that has bothered me sometime about the end of season 1 of Black Butler, and I feel like your explanations fit in with the anime the best xx
So, when I watched the scene of Ash/Angela fighting Sebastian, Sebastian 1). Tells Ciel to close his eyes even though he has seen his true form all layers exposed (unless he hasnt yet in ur story) and 2). Ash/Angela asks so shocked/horrified that he is a demon even though he has known this the entire time.
This reminds me of a theory I read on here where the person said that his true form, with all layers exposed, is too harmful for human eyes and can cause madness, and he didn't tell Ciel to close his eyes out of shame but to protect him. This could also explain the angels reaction to his raw form/power? I know in some mythology even being in their presence can harm people/environment, which fits in with your latest chapter when Ciel didn't even get burned when being in contact with many "layers" of his true form exposed.
Just wanted your take on this, and if this theory somewhat fits in with your image of Sebastian. <3
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it))
I indeed believe that Ciel has never seen Sebastian's ultimate true form, and I think the anime implies it as well in the moment you mentioned. This is why in my story, Sebastian shakes off different layers. For example, let's imagine that 20 layers separate his true form from his human appearence, and with Ciel, he sheds 3, 5, 10, etc. But he never shed them all.
We can see him in different states throughout the anime, too. The heels, some feathers, red glowing eyes, claws, darkish or greenish energy emanating from him - this is the form he shows to Ciel and their enemies. But in the fight with Ash/Angela, we don't get to see his final look. We see flashes, which increases tension and fascinatinon, and we see Ash/Angela's terror. I think it's a brilliant decision because the mystery always scares most, and we are left to wonder how Sebastian really looks like, what's so terrible about it that Ciel is asked to close his eyes and the angel is horrified.
That said, I love the theory you shared and I think it fits canon very well (my story, too)! It's logical that looking at the pure form of a demon could cause irreversible harm to humans, and it would be natural for Sebastian to want to protect Ciel from it.
Both explanations easily apply, in my opinion: Sebastian protects Ciel while also not wanting to risk the chance that Ciel might feel as terrified as Angela by his looks. The last thing he wants at this point is for Ciel to fear him.
As for why Ash/Angela is scared: I think they overestimated themselves. I have a headcanon that Angela never saw a real demon in their pure form, so seeing Sebastian was a shock - their species are repellent to each other. Since Angela is fallen, she is no longer as strong as pure angels, which also has an effect on their battle. Sebastian destroys her easily once he decides on it.
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rithmeres · 2 years
hadestown thots (as requested):
first of all here’s a pic of the cast after curtain call sorry its only six pixels wide
also im pretty sure i was standing right next to one of the ensemble members (alex puette, tall guy standing behind orpheus in the picture) on the subway earlier that day
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ok what is there to say about patrick page that hasnt already been said. i love it when he enters with ‘i missed ya’ and the people in the audience who aren’t familiar with the show are like wtf [nervous laughter]. the role was literally written for him so it’s no surprise that he just owns it but after seeing him my memory was wiped of the hades i saw on tour i genuinely cannot remember the other guy because patrick page is Thee Guy
eva noblezada STOLE. THE MF. SHOW. seeing her perform live changed me and changed fundamentally how i see the show. when i saw the tour in los angeles it felt like orpheus was the main character. but with eva’s eurydice it’s her world and we are just living in it. her eurydice wants so badly and it comes through brutally despite her insistence that she doesnt need anyone or anything and her fear to have anything lest it slip away. every note was exactly where it needed to be, the quality of her voice and technique is stupendous, even when she’s sobbing on her hands and knees her voice is clarion and pitch perfect. i saw her at the stage door after and SHE said thank you to US and i was like no no no no thank YOU.
jewelle blackman as persephone slayyyyed she’s kinda crazy and i love that for her, though i wish some of the vocals could have been altered to let her go into her super low range like she did when she played one of the fates
sayo oni was orpheus and i loved himmm. famously i am not a fan of reeve carney’s orpheus (sorry) so me n emma were elated to have a fresh voice in the mix. his voice was clear and sure and gorgeous and i had been kind of afraid that even if orpheus was really good he would b overshadowed by eva because she’s such a powerhouse, but they matched & blended well in skill and vocals and i had nothing to worry about. orpheus 2 me only works as a character if he’s naive and childlike and ya boy pulled it off so well.
malcolm armwood was a fantastic understudy hermes (pictured below at the stagedoor with his BEAUTIFUL family and/or friends), although i really REALLY wanted to see lillias white in the role just to see what flavors she would inject to hermes as a woman, mainly in her relationships w persephone and orpheus. but it was fun to have a young hermes bc most of the hermes that i’ve seen/heard have been like 40+ but armwood brought a youthful buoyancy to the role that contrasted with the aged hades+persephone but still seemed older and wiser and ageless next to sayo oni’s childlike orpheus
the fates were much more vindictive and close to villainous in this version. on tour they were a more neutral force
the tour didnt have the elevator in the middle of the turntable, instead there was a door that opened up to the back of the set with red lights that looked like the front of a train. (this was very cool and in some ways i liked it better bc the bway version just had the drum kit there instead). obv the elevator as the route to hell is unmatched when orpheus turns around at the end but my ideal production has both the train lights door AND the elevator for maximum effect so hades et al can exit/enter via the train or the immediate descent underground as the situation requires
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quillkiller · 7 months
okay have you ever thought about bellalily. or maybe belladora (bellatrix x pandora). i would also like to propose nardora maybe. i love wlw rarepairs. speaking of, pandora sleeps with prof sprout!
ok so i have never thought about bellalily and i think i have a hard time seeing it ?? both in canon and in modern aus for some reason ?? i mean i guess in canon because bella is so much older (i hc her as being 8+ older than the marauders) and she’d already be a death eater. im not personally a fan of fully fledged deathers/muggle borns and especially not when bella would be so much older already and the clear power imbalance in their dynamic etc etc etc. i love my lily messy and self destructive and morally fucked up but im not comfortable with making her sleep with, even in secret, someone who has the dark mark and thinks her ’kind’ should die . to each their own and its all fictional and not that deep i guess but thats just me:/
in a modern au tho ?? or a no voldy au ?? maybe ?? i can’t really picture it ? i think they’re too similar in my mind ?? i don’t see lily as being bellas type, and i don’t see bella being lilys type ?? i have a very hard time picturing it but i would LOVE !!! to be convinced otherwise if you’d ever want to indulge me <3
BELLADORA HOWEVER!!!!!! YES!!!! i used to be insane about them and i think there are posts somewhere on my blog under the /belladora tag. to be they’re friends with benefits. they meet at regulus’ bday party and he invites his estranged cousin he hasnt seen for years because she finally left her family. shes full of repressed anger, doesn’t know how to act around people, nearly bites everyones heads off, scary and looks like she hasn’t slept in 2 years. in my mind she also looks older than she actually is. i picture her being 9 or 10 years older than regulus and his friends. anyway. panda takes one look at this socially inept murderuos woman and she’s immediately gone for her. she wants to be her friend. wants to study bella under a microscope. wants to keep her in a lab. she’s not scared off by her foul tongue in the least. pandora is younger, but still more experienced because shes a casual serial dater in my mind. bellas only experience is the man she was forced to be engaged to and they hadn’t even kissed. they’re both bad with social cues, neither of them knows where the line between friendship and ’something more’ lies, pandora is just being a good friend. showing bella the pleasures she hasn’t experienced. they grow codependant fast. regulus hates it. bella hangs off of pandora as if there’s a leash around her neck. pandora just wants to be around bella all the time. neither one of them knows what personal space means. they don’t consider it might be inappropriate sometimes how close they are. when pandora sits on bellas lap even tho there are 3 free seats available. neither of them thinks twice when pandora wants to try out a new spell or potion that will allow them to read each others minds. bella would be conjoined to pandora if she could. she hates evan simply for being pandoras twin. pandora asks bella to move in after theyve slept together twice
nardora i cant really see either ?? to me they’re from two entirely different planets and want completely different things. narcissa, to me, is a bit like petunia i think ?? she wants normal. she wants to be under the radar. she wants someone goal oriented and direct. someone wild, but not wild. someone who wont beat around the bush, someone who’s grounded. christ why am i lowkey starting to ship petunia/narcissa while writing this . omg…………… @sugarsnappeases
ANYWAY!! again!! i’d love to be convinced or nardora. im up for anything honestly :/
pandora/prof sprout 10/10 agreed i saw it happen with my own two eyes .
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