#and she goes over and sticks her tongue all the way down his throat
softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Here to say I’m missing Thenamesh Rus AU and this is in fact a prompt 😅 (sorry I have two brain cells and neither of them are working to formulate a real prompt but I appreciate anything u give us!!!)
Gil strolled through the crowd. He was coming off watch duty, although now that winter was over and spring was approaching, it wasn't quite so agonising. Even so, he was still volunteering to cover Thena's watch when at all possible for her.
He only relented when Thena herself insisted on him staying inside and resting in the warmth of his room.
The humans called it Maslenitsa, or some form of it. They were celebrating, and the sizzling of hot cakes could be heard all over the place. People had cast iron out over the fires, flipping the fluffy, sugary confections.
"Hot cake, Strong One?"
He tilted his head at the offer. There were plenty of other fires making hot cakes, and he had to admit he was curious to ask about how the technique and recipes varied between them all. But this one was already being held out to him; it seemed rude to ignore it. "Oh, uh, thanks."
The woman smiled, leaning on her knees and resting her chin in her palm. "You and your merry band should enjoy Maslenitsa. The nights will become shorter and the sun will be strong."
"That's good," Gil murmured, even looking up at the sky to admire the colour of it. Thena could do with a little more sun, after all. He chewed the hot cake. He thought it could do with a finer grind on the wheat they used, but it was tasty (hot butter and melted sugar would, of course, do that for anything). "This is good."
"It's a newer technique, the old ones don't always add the sugar," the woman smiled, flicking a long train of dark hair over her shoulder. "But I quite like to try new things."
Gil took another bite; the sugar did a lot to add to the light texture, he thought. Surely adding only butter would just be eating a flat biscuit, or soft hardtack.
"Where is the Warrior?"
Gil blinked, surprised she was asking. But he supposed he was rarely without Thena. Many of the people in this country had light yellow hair--more here than anywhere else they had stayed. But Thena's hair was the envy of many of them. It was great hair. "We all shift the responsibility of looking out for trouble. I'm sure she's around here somewhere."
"I see."
Gil licked his fingers finishing off the cake. "Thanks--it's-"
"Have another."
He was going to refuse politely. There were more he could try if he wanted to. But she was already extending another one. His insides squirmed. "Well, okay then."
"The attacks on our walls are lessening," the woman continued to make light conversation as he ate. Her eyelids fluttered and her lips pursed faintly. "Will you and your ilk disappear again?"
Gil thought about his words. They had been here long enough that most had accepted that they were part of the royal party, as it were. It was a sign they were assimilating effectively if people didn't think of them as temporary presences. The more they could muddy the waters around their connection to Deviant attacks the better.
Greece was all but convinced for three whole generations that Thena had fallen from the sky like an angel from the moment Athens was built. Most had forgotten that they had simply showed up one day.
"Your presence would be sorely missed."
Well, that was nice of her to say. Gil mulled on things with his mouth full of hot cake. What to say? They would, in fact, disappear sooner than later. "Uh, I guess we'll see what the Queen decides."
"Of course," the woman lowered her eyes. Sankta Olga's rule was beyond question, after all. She peeked at him coquettishly. "Would you like to know how to make the bliny?"
Apparently that was the hot cake sizzling in butter. He was curious. "Hm, I-"
"There you are."
Gil's face broke into a grin, "there you are--been looking for you."
"Is that so," Thena purred in a funny tone. She let him pull her closer to him, but her eyes were on the stranger. That was common for the Warrior Eternal though.
"Warrior," the woman curtsied to her.
"Have you had these?" Gil asked, gesturing with the half-finished hot cake in his hand. In truth, he had eaten this one slowly, wondering if he might find her and let her have the rest of it. "They're pretty good."
Thena observed the cake briefly before eyeing the woman again. "Tempting, are they?"
The woman shrank back some, letting more than just the fire separate them. Gil wasn't sure what had spooked her, but he held up the cake for Thena to try. "I think you'll like them. Try it."
Thena dragged her eyes away from the woman. She looked at the cake, but ultimately moved his hand out of her way, albeit gently. Her hand remained clasped around his larger one as she smiled, "I shall."
His eyes slid closed as she raised her lips to his. It was a simple peck at first, but she lingered, waiting for further access. Her tongue slithered past his, tracing around his mouth for the hot butter and syrup lingering there. His other arm came up to wrap around her waist completely.
"Hm," Thena moaned pleasantly. She leaned back, licking those perfect lips of hers. Her eyes had a mischievous sparkle in them, "delicious."
Gil blushed, although the woman had needed to look away from such a display.
"I quite like it," Thena added, continuing on as if the kiss had not occurred. She looked at the woman who was now too embarrassed to look at either of them. "I would like one as well."
"O-Of course, Warrior," the woman stuttered, her earlier smoothness and charisma leaving her. She handed over a fresh one from off the iron.
Gil swept it up into his free hand. Thena looked at him, pouting cutely. But he grinned, "it's hot. I'll hold it for you."
Thena rolled her eyes at his chivalry; it was not as though she were human, she could hold something as hot as that. It was no raw, molten iron straight from the fire, like he could. But she allowed it, bending her head to take a delicate bite of her fresh bliny.
He took a bite of his remaining one to finish it off. He raised his brows at her, curious if she wanted the last of this one straight from his mouth, but she shook her head, taking his arm and leading him away from the mortified human.
"You must get better at perceiving when women are hinting at you."
"Hinting what?" he asked. He thought he was pretty good at reading people, actually. He could read a room, he was quite sure. Maybe sometimes a few things might go over his head, but that was what he had her for--to watch his blind spots.
Thena just smiled, dusting some crumbs out of the fur on his shoulders. Soon, they wouldn't need to be draped in furs all the time. "Had I not arrived when I did, I do believe she would have asked you to sample more--the way I did with you?"
He furrowed his brows; that seemed impractical. But oh!--she meant the woman was trying to flirt her way into his arms! She was right, he was terrible at picking up those kinds of signals. He pouted right back at her, "you know I don't pay attention to how mortal women communicate that...stuff."
Thena must have been feeling the good weather. Rather than glare at him, her energy crackling and sparking in her palms, she let her amusement show. She ran her hand down his chest again, tilting her head to peck right at the corner of his lips. She pulled back, licking her lips again; he must have had crumbs there. "Indeed."
He chuckled; if she was happy, then he was too. He nuzzled the tips of their noses together, "sorry, Solnyshkuh."
She sighed cutely, feigning some maidenly distress. "I suppose it is not your fault you are so desired."
"Hey, speak for yourself," he grinned, continuing to lead her through the festivities with their arms wound together. "I witnessed several proposal attempts at that last ball we went to."
She laughed. "Those entertain you as much as they do, me."
That was true; they always had a good chuckle about it later. "And will you laugh about this with me later?"
Thena eyed his lips for a moment. "Later."
Fine with him, she could stake her territory all she liked with him. He would resign himself to it happily.
"I would like to know how they make them," he murmured, looking around at the various other offerings of bliny and flatbreads and cheese.
"I'm certain you need only ask," Thena also looked around them. Several women waved at them; she scowled again. "Perhaps the royal cook--the old one with the moustache."
He chuckled again. He tilted her chin back to him, using her good mood to sneak yet another kiss. "Whose am I?"
She lit, like the sun itself. "Mine."
"Whose?" he repeated, kissing her cheek as reverently as a goddess deserved.
"Gil," she laughed, chiding him lightly, although it came out airy as he tickling below her jaw with his teeth. "Mine."
"All yours," he swore, even canoodling in the middle of an open market. "Besides-"
Thena drew her brows together at his significant pause. Although they shot up as he snuck his hands under her heavy cloak to give the behind of her dress a pat.
"Your hotcakes are still the best."
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hairmetal666 · 21 days
"I'm going to marry you one day, Steve Harrington," he declares to all and sundry (Steve and Robin) in Family Video.
Steve laughs, ducks his head, hair a bountiful cascade that doesn't move an inch. He's blushing but it's not, like, a reaction to the sentiment of marriage. Steve knows Eddie is just like that, flirtatious and over-the-top and incapable of not speaking his thoughts as soon as they enter his head.
Robin roles her eyes, goes back to flipping through her magazine, something about cinema, and Eddie swipes his just rented movies off the counter.
"You think I'm joking," he twists so he's facing them, walking backwards to the door. "But I swear it, oh, beloved purveyor of movies and deleter of late fees."
"Yeah, yeah." Steve's face is pinker than before and Eddie recognizes and immediately forces himself to forget how cute it is. "But get out of here before I change my mind."
And Eddie, he loves to push his luck and also has very little filter between his brain and his mouth, so he says, "aw, don't be that way, Stevie, you love me."
Robin looks up, then, mouth a pursed twist as she tries not to laugh. "Gross, Eddie." She throws a Sour Patch at him. "Keep all that mushy stuff to when you two are alone."
It's his turn to blush, fierce and raging, and Steve whirls, squeaking, to whack Robin with a Twizzler.
Eddie points at her. "Rude, Buckley. You know I love you too."
"Again, gross." She sticks out her tongue, tinged blue from the Sour Patch.
"We really need to work on your ability to accept affection," Steve tells her.
She scowls, kicks him, makes Eddie laugh.
"I think that's my cue to leave, children." He says. He, quite literally, bows out of the store, just missing the barrage of candy thrown his way.
Three Months Later
Eddie stumbles into the Harrington house, kicking his boots off by the door. Steve's in the kitchen, fussing around the stove. His hair's askew and he's--
"Harrington, are you wearing an apron?" He ignores the kick in his chest at the sight. "You'll make a sweet little housewife one day."
"Shut-up," Steve says without any heat. "Try this."
He brandishes a spoon filled with red sauce in Eddie's direction, and Eddie--heart always on his sleeve--eagerly leans in to taste. He closes his eyes, savors, and it's good, truly. Perfect fresh acidity with just a burst of sweetness.
"It's amazing, baby," he says without thinking. He opens his eyes right in time to see Steve turning back to the sauce, blush high on his cheekbones.
"Thanks. You're making me nervous though, hovering." Steve hip checks him. "Go sit somewhere."
And Eddie does, jumps onto the island--the Harrington's are the kind of people who have an island--and chatters to Steve about his day, about his new campaign, about the new song he's trying to learn.
All the while, he's watching Steve cook, in his apron, with such care and thoughtfulness, with true command. Maybe it's the domesticity of the scene, maybe his raging crush, but he has this flash of the two of them in the future. In their kitchen, Steve cooking dinner, and Eddie's arms are wrapped around his waist, he's pressing kisses to his temple, complimenting all his hard work and--
Steve feeds him a bite of the finished pasta, and it's so good that he groans, full-throated, unembarrassed, and says--he says, "I'm going to marry you one day, Steve Harrington."
He laughs, face pink, batting Eddie's shoulder. "Go sit down, man. It's time to eat."
Two Months After That
Eddie's working on a new campaign when the storm rolls in, wind rocking the trailer, thunder and lightning crackling in the sky. The power doesn't go out, but only just barely, the flickers making his heart pound for reasons that have nothing to do with weather.
There's a knock on the trailer door, and he opens it to find Steve Harrington standing on the porch, hair plastered to his head, clothes soaked. Robin's bike is propped against one of the awning supports. Familiar panic snaps to life in his gut.
"God, Steve, are you okay? Did something happen? That's Robin's bike, where's the Beamer? Is it--is it Vecna? Is--" He's blabbering can't stop, so he shoves his palm against his lips.
"It's not--not Upside Down stuff." He runs a hand through his soggy hair. "Can I come in, man? I--I want to tell you something."
This snaps Eddie out of his panic, and he's moving aside, saying, "Oh my god, get in here, you're soaked. Let me get towels. Do you want a change of clothes, I can--"
Steve catches him by the elbow and he full stops at the look in those big hazel eyes, fearful and sad and he doesn't know what, but his anxiety amps back up.
"I was with Robin and we were--we were talking, you know? And I told her that I like somebody, like really like them, but it was unexpected and--and--it's a guy. He's a guy but I still like girls? Robin said--she said that I'm probably bisexual. That I like guys and girls and--and everyone, I think."
It sends shockwaves through him, and he hopes it doesn't show, doesn't think it shows, but he's having trouble processing. Steve is bi and he likes someone and--Eddie stuffs down the jealousy that claws at him, knows it's more important that he's here for his friend.
"Thank you for telling me, sweetheart." He reaches out, slow in case Steve doesn't want to be hugged, but he launches himself into Eddie's arms.
Eddie holds him tight, heedless of his wet clothes, can feel his shoulders shake, and it tears Eddie's heart in two. All he can do is hold Steve and offer comfort, jealousy be damned.
"You're so brave, honey," he says once the tears taper off.
Steve gives a wet chuckle, face still buried against Eddie's neck. "I don't know about that. I think I got snot in your hair."
"It'll wash out." He laughs. "Is now the time to welcome you to the family? Apparently, we're growing exponentially."
"Does the welcome include a cake or something? I could really use cake."
And God, Steve, is so fucking cute, so sweet, so--everything Eddie has always wanted, and he--it's an accident, or at least, thoughtless--he presses a kiss to Steve's temple. More than one.
Steve pulls back fast, and Eddie lets go immediately. "Sorry, sorry. I--that was stupid. You like someone already, and I--"
His words are cut off as Steve kisses him. Steve kisses him? His brain can't process, but he kisses back. Can't not, not with Steve. Like, he doesn't know anything, head empty, but his body is with the program.
They break apart, he's breathing hard. Steve is beautifully flushed, mouth red and swollen. "You like someone," is what Eddie says.
Steve laughs. "I like you, Munson. Fucking crazy about you."
He smiles, so big it hurts, so big it grows into a delight laugh. "I'm going to marry you one day, Steve Harrington," he says.
Six Years Later
They're in bed, Saturday morning, rain pattering softly on the window.
Steve places slow kisses against his naked tummy, makes him tremble, shiver with overstimulation.
"Baby," he whines. "Sweetheart."
Steve smiles up at him, something cold pressing against his ribs, then into his hand.
It's a ring, black metal, shiny and iridescent as he turns it in the light. "What--Steve?"
With one last kiss to his hip bone, Steve sits up, slips the ring onto Eddie's finger. "I'm going to marry you one day, Eddie Munson."
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badbtssmut · 9 months
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Your boyfriend Namjoon teaches his three virgin friends how to please you and fuck you properly.
Contains: Getting fucked in front of maknae line, free use girlfriend, fingering, riding, missionary, from behind, Namjoon explaining sex, maknae line watching, blowjob
Legs spread with your pussy on display in front of the three men, you sat on your boyfriend’s lap. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung watched with full attention as Namjoon spoke.
“Now that you’ve gotten her wet, you can push your fingers in, and move them like this. Just the first knuckle for now, so she gets used to it, then slowly push in more. But keep up the stimulation on her clit…” He demonstrated, causing you to let out a soft moan as he started to pump them in and out. “Keep a steady pace, if she’s making noises like this, she likes it.”
This was so messed up, but so hot at the same time.
After the three guys learned everything there was about getting you wet, Namjoon lifted you up and took you to the bed, placing you on it. You were already naked and they all followed.
Namjoon pulled down his pants, his long cock already hard and standing. He was so big, you were always surprised you managed to fit him inside of you. “To get the best blowjobs, make sure she goes down slow. She needs time to get used to it. And be careful with her, because she has a very sensitive gag reflex. So don't push too far into her mouth and make sure she doesn't choke. If she starts gagging and can't handle it, pull out, and try again.” Namjoon held onto his cock, giving it a few pumps before positioning himself in front of your mouth, his tip tapping your lips. You opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out. Namjoon slowly slid in, holding the back of your head and guiding you.
Your mouth was wrapped around his thick length, his tip reaching the back of your throat. You breathed through your nose, trying to stay relaxed as Namjoon began to gently rock his hips. You sucked lightly, hollowing your cheeks and looking up at him.
Your eyes glanced over at the three boys, who were watching intently. You moaned, the vibrations running through Namjoon's cock. You bobbed your head up and down, taking in more of him every time. His hips snapped faster and you relaxed your throat, letting him thrust into your mouth.
After a few minutes, Namjoon pulled out of your mouth. “Now I will show you how to penetrate her properly. We start with missionary, since it's a comfortable position for both of you. Spread your legs for me, baby. That's a good girl, you're doing so well.” He praised you which gave you butterflies.
Namjoon grabbed your thighs, pulling you closer. “If this position is too hard, you can grab a pillow and put it under her hips, the angle might be easier.” Namjoon placed his tip at your entrance, pausing. “Take a look, this is where you put it in.” The guys gathered around the bed, Jimin to your left and Taehyung and Jungkook to your right. “Now, I'm going to start slow and gentle. Don't put it all in at once. Start with just the tip, then slowly push in more. Keep her relaxed with the stimulation, so you don't hurt her. If you go in too fast, it'll be extremely painful for her, so be careful.”
Namjoon pressed his tip into your hole, then slowly slid it in until his entire head was engulfed by your core. He waited a minute before pushing in a little more. “It’s normal if you feel some resistance at first, just keep pushing in slow, and she will stretch for you. Once it's all the way in, wait for her to adjust, and you can start moving your hips.” And so he did, slowly rocking his hips.
The three boys watched in awe as Namjoon started pumping his cock in and out, faster and faster. His hands rested on your hips, pulling you to meet his thrusts. Your breathing got heavy as he fucked you, your walls squeezing around him.
“Mmm…” You moaned, your head turning to the left, and your hand gripping the blanket. Your eyes met Jungkook’s, and he couldn't take his eyes off of you. He was completely entranced by your body, watching your breasts bounce, your hips roll and your face scrunch up in pleasure. He wanted to make you feel good, too. You looked away from him, not sure if he’d feel uncomfortable.
Namjoon leaned down, kissing you deeply. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close. He pounded into you, his movements quick and rough.
“Yes, yes…” You whined, your eyes falling closed as you felt your muscles tense. Namjoon was hitting the right spot, and you were almost there.
He knew you were close, and he slowed down, pulling himself away. He took a deep breath before he spoke up. “You need to read her, watch her facial expressions, listen to the noises she’s making, how her body is responding to you, don’t worry, I’m sure it will come natural to you guys, play around a bit, see what she likes.” Namjoon carried you over to the couch, setting you down on his lap.
“We can ride two ways, either her facing you, or her facing away. They both feel good, but if she’s facing you, you can kiss her, and touch her breasts. It feels more intimate. I'm going to lift her up, and put her on my cock. Watch carefully, I'll go slow and show you how to do it.”
Namjoon's hands held you, one on your ass and the other on your waist. He lifted you up, and aligned his tip with your entrance. You sank down onto him, moaning at the feeling of being filled. He set a slow pace, thrusting up into you as you bounced on his lap. His fingers ran up your back, and you arched into him, your back pressed against his.
“You can either thrust up into her, or let her do the riding, babe, can you show them?” Namjoon asked, kissing your neck and shoulder.
You nodded, rolling your hips back and forth. His cock hit all the right spots, and your breathing was coming out fast and heavy. You moved up and down, riding his cock. His hands ran down your sides, and grabbed your breasts, squeezing and massaging them.
“Namjoon…” You whimpered, and he knew what you needed. He reached between your legs and pressed his thumb against your clit, rubbing it in circles.
“Hyung? Can you show us how to do it from behind too?” Jimin asked, and Namjoon looked at him, nodding.
You were brought back to the bed, and you knew what to do. You got on all fours and waited for Namjoon to enter you.
“You can either do it anal or vaginal. I don’t recommend anal for the first time, because it takes more preparation.” He pushed into you. “Because I already fucked her, I don’t need to go slow with inserting my cock anymore.”
Namjoon gripped onto your hips, fucking into you hard and fast. His hands were holding you in place, so you didn't move from him thrusting. He hit all the right places, and his pace was just right. You moaned loudly, burying your face in the pillows.
The guys watched intently, and they couldn’t look away. The sight of your naked body was amazing, and they were completely mesmerized.
They were so turned on by your sounds and movements, it was driving them crazy. They wanted to make you feel like this, too. They were eager, and couldn’t wait any longer.
“Harder…” You begged, and Namjoon was happy to oblige, giving it his all. His pace was ruthless, his hands gripping tightly onto your waist.
You were close, and after a few more thrusts, you came hard, moaning and shuddering. Namjoon was right behind you, and his seed shot out into you, filling you. He pulled out and sat back, trying to catch his breath.
After the ‘tutorial’ the boys went home, cocks hard after watching you get fucked, but eager to have their turn with you soon.
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ghostbsuter · 11 months
Water drips down in the corner, the steady dop drop drop— does wonders for the bat.
Batman has been taken, tied up, and undressed of his utility belt. It takes him a second to figure out who took him, by the large but empty and run down warehouse, the sound of the shore not far away.
The docks. He shuffles, bound and comm off.
Then, the steel enforced door slams open and Joker enters.
"Batsy!" He calls, overjoyed. The man walks to the bound vigilante and crouches to his height.
"It's been so long, hasn't it been?"
The vigilante grunts. "Joker."
"Today will be different." He goes on, "today, we have," the crime Prince drums his fingers on Batman's thigh. "A guest!"
He freezes at that, Joker has a civilian.
(Oracle sends out the message, her voice firm, and the coords are shared to the rest of the clan in seconds as she looks at her monitor. Batman's red dot at the harbour bright.)
"I'm a guest now?" The voice of a child asks, it brings slight confusion that the boy wasn't tied nor harmed in any way.
It's relief that he seems okay, but the danger of standing next to the Joker has Batman wiggling in his restrains.
"Is that a promotion or demotion for son?"
A brief look of annoyance enters Joker before being smoothed out, the boy is dealing with a delicate time bomb. Uncomfortably close to the madman.
(He hurries in the process of breaking free.)
"My son! My blood!" Sings the clown, throwing his hands around the boy's shoulders and prancing around.
Which brings another question.
Cool lighting hits the boy's head and the tuffs of pink, blue and green become more obvious, hidden beneath black hair previously.
Joker and Harley have a child. A son.
He will visit harley later. The boy comes first.
"Dante! Danyal! Daniel?" Joker croons, shaking the boy. "What was it again?" He stops, turning his son toward him with a grin.
(Robin drops down behind him, hiding, katana ready to be swung.)
"Danny, actually," the child— Danny– shrugs off the hands and steps back. Unflinching from the judging stare, simply waving off the hands creeping to his throat.
"Danny," the name is tested, and the Prince of Crime hums to himself. "We can always replace it as Joker Jr! It fits you better than Danny."
(Red Robin and Spoiler get on position above them, ready to pounce from the construction pillars.)
"Yeah, I don't know about that." He chuckles nervous, catching Batman's eyes and—
His eyes alone scream of fear, scared– scared—!!
"We will get you an acid flower, a new suit as well, the hoodie looks horrible on you." The man notes, humming.
"I prefer hammers." Danny replies with tense shoulders.
Joker clicks his tongue, "You always went after your mother." he hisses, outright glaring at his son now. His hand tightened around the crowbar he'd gathered not long ago.
"I mean," he hesitates, eye trailing off the Joker and over his shoulder. "I did come out of her."
The sound of a loaded gun shatters the silence, and Joker is pulling Danny, switching their positions and pushing him right in front of the gun in Red Hood's hand.
"Always a coward, hiding behind others, aren't you." Danny stops himself from squealing. That's the Red Hood!
(Escrima sticks light up with electricity as Red Hood speaks.)
Joker is ticked off, party ruined and surrounded now that he looks around.
Oh well, he can get his son on his villain path another day.
Cackling, he evades the escrimas, dodging the wonder boy and evading the twin attacks from above.
He pulls out a trigger and presses the bright red Button.
"Have fun bats and birds!"
The warehouse is completely flooded with fear gas, scarecrow wouldn't be mad he sacrificed one of his warehouses, will he?
It's all blurry. In one moment, his view is shrouded, and he's coughing. In another, he gets picked up and brought outside, the Joker gone.
An oxygen mask is placed on him by a paramedic, being handed off to an ambulance that had been called.
Peeking around, he sees Red Hood (!) still lingering around. Danny catches his eye and with a wave, the man is walking towards him.
He simply crosses his arms and tilts his head, waiting.
"Could I get a picture?" Danny blurts out, flushing after and coughing, holding the oxygen mask in his lap.
Red Hood makes a show of his shoulder sagging before crouching down and leaning toward him.
Later, Danny will look at the picture with a boyish grin, crooked and charming.
.・゜-: ✧ :-
A continuation
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norrizzandpia · 10 months
this is about oscar? part 3 but its freak by doja cat 🙏🏻
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I fear y/n has released an entire album this time lol @golden-flora
The Album (OP81)
Summary: She’s done singles, one song at a time about her and Oscar’s sex life, but, now, she’s ready for a whole album.
Warnings: dirtiest one of the series, sexual discussions, Oscar being cocky
Note: THE NEXT INSTALLMENT OF THE WHO IS OSCAR PIASTRI SERIES IS HERE EVERYONE!!!! Hope you like it, i added some new things. First, as you know, y/n releases an album here, but, also, at the end, instead of smau, it’s just a regular story abt them on a podcast 🤭
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y/nnn Oscar, the album, out tonight with a track list of Freak, Agora Hills, Dick, and Pussy Poppin 🤭
F1fan2023 using a photo McLaren took is cray
- y/nnn say it with me everyone: he looks hot!
- Mclarensgirly he looks hot!
- ln4andop81 he looks hot!
- f1fan81 he looks hot!
landonorris plz. plz don’t release it. I’ve never felt terror like this in my entire life after seeing that track list
- y/nnn don’t you put your life on the line every weekend to drive a car?
- landonorris yes.
oscarpiastri anyone want to come to the listening party?
- Danielricciardo no.
- landonorris absolutely fucking not
- y/nnn y’all are some fake ass bitches
oscarpiastri haha have fun everyone!!!
- ln4andop81 mans is enjoying himself
- oscarpiastri more than enjoying myself
- landonorris like I’ll literally kill you
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Mclarensgirly i would just like to say that this is the man all those songs are about
- ln4andop81 i mean she did say “tied him down to my queen bed” in freak so that pic does fit the sub allegations
- f1fan2023 she also said “love it when he hit and smack too” in agora hills
- Mclarensgirly also said “hold me down, when a hole need dick”
- f1fan81 also said “he want a quickie, let him lick me, then I started gasping. The way his tongue be going crazy, you wouldn’t imagine. I let him stick me, hair got frizzy, I might let him crash it”
- Mclarensgirly also said “He put that woo all down my throat until i started coughing.”
- ln4andop81 OKAY OKAY I GET IT 😭
- ln4andop81 but also like… lets talk abt it
- f1fan2023 “he like it when i bend it over and i arch my back. He tap me on my shoulders, i said ‘yeah, i like that’” YOURE KIDDING.
- ln4andop81 i envision that in my head at night
- Mclarensgirly oh?
- ln4andop81 moving on! “Pull the panties to the side, watch a movie and make it two. We just finished number one, but I’m ready for round two” YUM.MY.
- F1fan81 sometimes i wonder if I’m jealous of Oscar or jealous of y/n
- Mclarensgirly real.
- ln4andop81 we also need to talk about Dick bc she literally goes “i met the boy in the 6, but measurements wasn’t a six” UHHHHHHH
- f1fan2023 it baffles me that he’s packing that seriously
- ln4andop81 nothing baffles me when it comes to that boy now that y/n sang “When I made a little mess on it, he told me to clean my act up” BRUHHHH THATS FUCKING HOT AS SHIT
- Mclarensgirly “Skirt up, fuck in the backseat. Take that shirt off, baby, put it on me. Got me like ‘yeehow’, ride it like a horsey. Kinda like seesaw, up and down on the D, give it to him” McLaren’s kicking and crying rn bc they know they cant take their car back from Oscar after y/n confirmed they christened it
- f1fan2023 okay okay but can we talk about “suck a little dick in the bathroom” in agora hills (slay song btw i ate that shit up)
- F1fan81 i bet your ass it was in the mtc
- ln4andop81 or in the Australian Grand Prix paddock remember when no one could find him after the face was over and all he said he was with y/n? SHE HAD TO HAVE BEEN GIVING HIM CELEBRATORY HEAD
- Mclarensgirly honestly? They prob did it in both
- oscarpiastri mhm
Oscar and Y/n sat next to each other on the soft sofa of the studio. They giggled with the podcast host as she said their introduction.
“Breaking the internet right now with their sex life, Oscar Piastri and Y/n Y/l/n! Hi, guys, welcome.” Samantha, the host, spoke to them.
Y/n and Oscar mumbled pleasantries, their legs squished together even with all the space to Y/n’s left. The woman was quick to getting into the topic of conversation, having already discussed boundaries with the couple before the cameras started rolling.
“So, Y/n, you’ve just released a small album that focuses mostly on Oscar and the things you two get up to in the bedroom. Were you ever nervous to share these songs with the world?”
Y/n nodded, “At first, yeah, all the way back when we started with 34+35, but it got easier once I saw the overwhelming support for it. I think the best part about releasing them is seeing the jokes that the fans make about Oscar and that side of him.”
Samantha smiled, “That leads me to my next question, Oscar, were you ever nervous to have people know about that side of you? Seeing as it was such a shocker.”
He laughed as he adjusted his position, throwing an arm around his girlfriend, “Um, well, I didn’t think it was that shocking. We didn’t expect people to go haywire over hearing that I lean more towards the dominant side. We kind of assumed people inferred that.”
Samantha’s jaw dropped, “Really?! Oh! I’ll be honest, I was quite surprised when I heard it.”
Y/n shook her head, “I don’t know, I guess the way Oscar is in front of cameras is drastically different from how he actually is. He’s still very soft spoken and quiet, but a bit more outgoing.”
Samantha nodded as she glanced over her next question, “Oscar, what’s your favorite song off this album?”
“Oh, I am so ready for this. Agora Hills.” He answered immediately, smiling proudly at the others in the room.
Y/n turned to look at him, “Really?! Why?!”
His head leaned from side to side, “Just, it’s more romantic? I mean, you talk about tying the knot alongside the sex stuff.”
Y/n and Samantha laugh at his comment, Samantha agreeing, “No, I see what you’re saying. Y/n, you do say you want to show him off multiple times throughout the song.”
“Because I do!” She exclaimed, leaning into her boyfriend lovingly.
He kissed her temple, listening intently to Samantha.
“Your interactions with the fans are hilarious. Do you guys look forward to fucking with them?”
“Hell yeah!” Oscar exclaimed, “Once I caught wind of the fact that they didn’t think I did shit in the bedroom, I became very obnoxious when rubbing what happens between Y/n and I in their faces.”
Y/n cooed jokingly, “Aw, Osc, was your masculinity damaged?”
He rolled his eyes at her, laughing at her dig and pushing her away softly. They came back together, though.
“Before we move on from this subject, I want to ask Y/n, was the over six inches comment really true?” Samantha eyed her as Y/n glanced beside her at Oscar, silently asking him if she could do what he knew she wanted to do.
He nodded at her, shaking his head lightly as she said, “A lady never kisses and tells.”
Silence passed as she raised her hands and aimed them around nine inches apart. Winking suggestively at the camera, the women in the room gasped.
“IS THAT NINE INCHES?!” Samantha screamed, causing all of them to fall into a fit of giggles.
Y/n brought the microphone to her mouth and whispered, “Oh, yeah, it is.”
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moonstruckme · 11 months
I would love if you wrote something with poly!marauders and they just being so protective over reader. Like maybe they’re at a party and one always has to have a hand on her and just like always holding her drink and watching out for her 🥲 maybe reader doesn’t even notice it because it’s so normal until someone else points it out
Thanks for requesting!
cw: alcohol
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 733 words
“Rem,” you nose at your boyfriend’s cheek. “Sip, please?”
Remus pauses his conversation to pass you your cup. You drink out of it for a moment, but the second it’s lowered from your lips he’s reclaiming it, fingers curled over the rim to keep the top safely covered with his palm. 
“He’s so paranoid,” you complain to Sirius, who’s got his own hand wrapped around your thigh and is kneading the doughy flesh absentmindedly. “Where do you suppose James has run off to?”
Sirius takes a languid sip of his own drink, eyes skimming over the faces in the room. “M’not sure, darling. Kitchen, maybe? Oi!” He glares at John Leedy in the corner. “Your girlfriend know you’re looking at other tits like that, Leedy?” John goes scarlet, and Remus looks up to scowl at him too as Sirius stands, offering you a hand. “C’mon, babe, let’s go find him. Moons, we’re going to find James.” Remus nods, still holding your drink as he resumes chatting with the others. 
Sirius slings an arm around your shoulders as you walk, casting noxious looks at John over your shoulder the entire way. In the kitchen, you find James sitting on the counter surrounded by half-empty bottles of alcohol and mixers. He’s deep in conversation with Lily and Mary, but his attention swings to the two of you as soon as you enter, his loose, easy grin brightening. 
Mary sees it and turns around to find the source, calling you over. “I feel like I haven’t seen you all night,” she says, hugging you. “Want me to make you a drink?”
You nod eagerly, but James seizes up the booze before Mary can get to it. “No way, heavy-hand,” he teases, holding it out of her reach. “I saw you make your own, it’s at least half rum. I’ve gotcha, sweetheart.” He turns to you with an angelic smile. “What’ll you have?” 
You give Mary an apologetic shrug before batting your eyelashes at your boyfriend. “A rum and coke, please.” 
“Coming up, pretty girl.”
Mary watches his pour skeptically, and Lily scoffs when he puts down the bottle, reaching for the coke. “Okay, that was maybe a teaspoon of rum,” she says. “Think you guys could let her off her leash long enough to have some fun every once and awhile?” 
“She’s having fun,” Sirius argues, gripping you around the hips to lift you onto the counter beside James. He pushes up between your legs, giving you a dazzling smile. “Aren’t you, babydoll?”
Laughter bubbles readily out of your alcohol-lubricated throat, and you clench your thighs around Sirius’ middle, giving him a good squeeze. “Whaddya mean, my leash?” you ask Lily. 
“I’m just saying, maybe the reason we haven’t seen you all night is because these ones—” She slaps at Sirius’ hand where it roves the curve of your hip, and he pulls it back with a wounded look. “—won’t keep their hands off you long enough to let you go anywhere.” 
“Nobody’s stopping her from going where she pleases,” James says. “We’re just keeping an eye on her, making sure she can have fun without anybody bothering her or giving her alcohol poisoning.” He sticks his tongue at the other two girls as he finishes your drink, giving the cup a good swirl to ensure it’s all mixed up, but when he turns to pass it to you, he’s all sweetness. “You don’t mind, do you lovie?” 
You take a sip. It’s syrupy sweet and biteless on your tongue. “No,” you say into James’ warm brown eyes, “I don’t mind.” 
“She’s been hypnotized.” Mary throws up her hands, but she’s smiling. “There’s no hope for her now, they’ve got her in their thrall.” 
You laugh, and James grins at the sound, leaning down to press the tip of his nose to yours. “You agree with them, hm? You think we’ve got you hypnotized?” You press your lips to his, a lightning quick kiss that has your teeth clacking together from your mirrored smiles, and a denial is on the tip of your tongue before Sirius’ hand, the one on the opposite side of you from Lily and Mary, slips beneath your leg. His fingers roam wickedly over skin no one can see, nails just barely grazing your soft inner thigh. 
You swallow, words lost to you, and Sirius grins. “I’ll take that for a yes.”
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charnelhouse · 2 years
Hey babe….Just putting this out into the charniverse. That lil side descriptor you put in the ghost fic about him licking reader to tears. If you ever wanna uh….give us a clearer picture of that —I’m sure the class would have absolutely No complaints 👉👈
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A/N: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader. Hurt/Comfort. Soap is nosy. This became something else.
When they find Red, Ghost's back goes rigid. Soap has never seen his Lieutenant freeze when they’re in the field. It’s mid-mission. Time is ticking. 
But shit’s gone south. 
Even without seeing Ghost’s face, it’s apparent that her distress has rocked him with the same force as a bullet. He appears momentarily stunned as he stares down at Red. She's in shock, clamping her hands over her belly where blood has drenched the stiff fabric of her suit. Sweat beads her hairline. Utter agony carved into her features. They’d heard her over the coms. She’d been attacked by a leftover hostile. She’d screamed, and Ghost hadn’t hesitated. He'd run.
“Simon,” she whimpers, and he jerks before bolting forward. His giant black boots reverberate over the cement as he swings his gun behind him so he can tend to her. The enormous man crouches low, knees popping. 
“You’re alright,” Ghost says in a low coaxing voice. He gently pulls her wrist away from the growing dark stain. She whines, wrenching her hand back to her belly, desperate to stem the blood flow. “Duchess,” he murmurs. “Let me see it.”
“It’s bad,” she whispers. “Ghost - it’s-it’s not good.”
“Let me look at it,” he urges. “I can’t help you if I don’t know.”
Red grimaces, and Soap understands. She doesn’t want to see it because then the pain becomes real, the direness of her situation. Finally, Ghost manages to move her hand, but he doesn’t release it. He clutches it possessively in his huge fist, thumb stroking her skin at a slow, even pace.
What. That’s slightly intimate. A touch tender.
Soap sees his shoulders subtly tense once the wound is revealed to him. “We’ll have to deal with it at the safehouse while we wait for Medevac.” Ghost’s voice is perfectly calm, a little strained. He’s trying not to frighten her even though the floor is tacky with her blood. Soap isn’t sure if he should help or retreat, he feels like his participation may pop some bubble that’s holding Red together. She seems comforted by Ghost’s presence.
The masked man brushes his thumb over her cheek, and she leans into it. 
“I killed the guy.”
“I know you did, kid,” he says softly, a hint of amusement under his tongue. 
Soap blinks. It falls into place. All of it. Ghost and Red Fox. Something is rooting them together, blossoming bright in front of him. Ghost is handling her with a gentleness that Soap didn’t know he possessed. It’s not because she’s a woman, it’s because she’s important.
This isn't new. He's seen this before.
He recounts the numerous times he’s noticed his superior act differently regarding her. It’s nothing blatant, but it’s there. Well hidden because of his mask. You can only hear it in the inflection Ghost’s uses when he calls her name, the way he inhales sharply when she stumbles or goes silent over the coms.
Hiding in plain sight.
Soap clears his throat, and Ghost flinches as if he’d forgotten anyone else was in the room. He lurches forward, hand on his gun, and secures Red behind him before he realizes it’s Soap. “The target, L.T.?”
Ghost curses and then shakes his head. “Gaz,” he barks into the coms. “What’s your position? You got eyes?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Finish it.”
“I feel weird,” Red Fox slurs, and she looks terrible. Sunken-in. There’s a grayness sticking to her complexion. She reaches for Ghost, fingers trembling as she wraps them around the straps of his vest. “Ss’cold.”
Soap isn’t sure what to do. Everything is hanging in the air. Pulsing. Alive. There’s the distinct pop of a gunshot through the coms. Mission Accomplished. 
“Alright, Red,” Ghost says, sliding his arms under her as he slowly lifts. “Up.”
Her mouth drops open, her brows knitted together from the pain. Soap offers her an empathetic look and awkwardly pats her knee from where she lies in Ghost’s hold. “You’re good, Foxy,” he smiles. “Just a scratch, yeah?”
Ghost grunts before cradling her to his chest, his mask blank. A stain of white in the dark aside from a splatter of red across the teeth. 
Soap reads him quite well. Don’t get in my way.  
“You gotta stay still,” Ghost demands in a low voice. “You’ve got this. You’re strong as all hell.”
“I need to clean it, kid,” he says, frustration building. “That was a dirty fucking knife.”
There’s another painful groan from the bed where Ghost is frantically hovering over Red like a nursemaid. The wound is gruesome. She’d been stabbed, and then the blade wrenched upward. Even Vargas had blanched at the sight of it. The flesh torn and bruised from the force used by her attacker. 
Soap waits outside the door to offer assistance if Ghost needs it. The Luitenant has remained strangely protective, not wanting too many in the room.
“Ow!” Ghost hisses. “That was my bloody eye.”
Red whimpers again before Ghost, seemingly forgetting that she’s just struck him, immediately begins to comfort her. Soap can hear it in her voice. The suffering is palpable. Her breath hitches before a sob breaks free. 
“Ah, shit,” Ghost says. “C’mon, no tears.”
“It fucking hurts,” she practically screams as something hard crashes to the floor. Soap thinks it may have been the lamp at her bedside. 
“I know,” he replies, and Soap discerns the distress in his tone. Ghost is scared, miserable that she’s miserable. “I know, darling.”
It seems to work like a balm. She hiccups, throat thick and wet before she says something Soap can’t make out. Ghost responds in an equally quiet voice. A soft murmur before he chuckles. 
Ghost is saying something again. The chair creaks on the floor, the man’s massive weight shifting forward. Curiosity gets the better of him, and Soap peeks through the doorway. 
He can only see Ghost from behind. He’s hunched over her, blanketing her with his body. He’s got a knee between her legs, one hand braced on the mattress. He’s doing something to her face. Soap can’t help himself, he takes a step to the left until he’s able to catch that Ghost has lifted his mask a few inches, forehead shoved against her own. He cradles her jaw and kisses Red like he’s lost the plot. She stiffens before her fingers curl around his neck and sighs like he’s doused her in cool water. 
Ghost retreats, cocking his head to appraise her before claiming her lips again and then dragging his tongue up her cheek, licking her tears in a way that borders on erotic. She groans and pushes at his massive chest. 
“Oh God, Simon.”
Ghost snatches one of her hands to slide his mouth over it. She shudders and then flinches, expression screwed up in pain, but her eyes are clearer. Her lashes clumped with tears. “You’re so weird,” she accuses in a tiny voice.
“Distracted you, though, didn’t I?” He draws away, pulling his mask back over his chin. “You enjoyed it a little.”
“I’m dying of blood loss.”
“You aren’t.” Ghost grabs the saline solution and cotton pads. “You gonna be a big girl and stop wriggling?”
“Get Soap,” she says. “He can hold me down.”
Soap shoots backward, soundlessly jamming himself against the hallway wall. 
“You’re just askin’ for it now,” Ghost growls before the chair squeaks as his enormous weight drops into the seat. There’s another moment of silence, aside from him unwrapping the gauze and unscrewing the cap on the solution. 
Soap should retreat. He should leave right now, but then Ghost speaks again.
“You can’t do that to me,” he says in a low voice. 
“I stayed alive, right?” she replies. “It’s the job, Simon.”
“Stay alive harder next time.”
There’s a beat of silence before Red answers.
Her voice is full of tenderness, and the words get lost in it. Indiscernible. Soap tiptoes away, suddenly mindful that he’s eavesdropping on something not meant for him.
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probably-writing-x · 1 year
Summary: you’re an incredible writer!!! could you write conrad x reader where she is belly’s best friend and goes with them to cousins for the summers, and she tries really hard to not like conrad because belly does but he likes her back and they start secretly hooking up/dating? hell maybe even throw in that jeremiah likes her too 😂 and everyone finds out somehow, i live for the messy drama 😝
Warnings: Sexual references and innuendos, 18+ DNI
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Cousins had been a part of your childhood like it had been for Belly. You’d met her in kindergarten and been inseparable ever since, so you were practically the third sibling to her and Steven. You spent countless summer days with them, then came home with Belly and spent the rest of the year counting down until next summer would come around.
When you were young, it was just fun and sun and summer and Belly’s undying crush on the older brother. Not too much of that had changed as you’d grown up now - but perhaps you’d changed.
You weren’t sure when it had changed. But, one summer, it was like you looked at that older brother and saw what Belly was on about this whole time. You didn’t see him in the same infatuating way that she did, but you couldn’t deny any longer that he was attractive. There was just something in those eyes, the sort of half smile he gave you, the way his words just rolled off his tongue so smoothly. You couldn’t help it.
Once you’d came to that realisation, perhaps two summers ago, you’d done your best to completely suppress it. You ignored it. You ignored him. You avoided being alone with him, brought up Belly whenever you felt like the conversation might be shifting. You did everything in your power to stop yourself from ever feeling that way about Conrad. It wasn’t that you didn’t want something to happen - but breaking your own heart would be better than breaking your best friend’s.
But those damn eyes…
“It feels weird doing this drive myself,” You point out, indicating into the last street that would lead you into Cousins, “I’m used to your Mom complaining that we’re too loud.”
Belly laughs in the passenger seat, “Now you’ve just got Steven complaining.”
You glance in your rear view mirror to where Steven was resting against the window with his eyes closed, “Shut up.”
“Come on Stevie, we’re almost there,” You taunt, turning once again into the final road to the Fisher-Beck household.
Laurel hadn’t driven you this year, she had some fancy author thing to attend so she’d be meeting you next week. Belly couldn’t wait to come to Cousins, however, so you’d offered to drive the three of you.
When you pull up into the driveway, it’s like every bit of summer ignites - the start of a million memories.
Almost instantly, the door opens and Jeremiah comes hurrying out.
“Thank god you’re here!”
He opens the driver’s side door of your car and sticks his head in, grinning widely at the three of you.
“Good to see you too, Jere,” You laugh, stepping out of your seat to hug him.
He smells like mint and limes.
“We’ve got so much to catch up on,” Jeremiah comments, hurrying around to hug Belly too as Steven drags himself out of the car.
You laugh and ruffle his hair, much to his disgust, at the same moment that the front door swings open again and the other brother steps out, squinting a little at the sun. He’s wearing a navy t-shirt and grey shorts, dragging a hand through his messy hair. He jogs down the few steps from the front door and makes his way over.
“Hey!” You clear your throat, swinging your keys in your hand.
Conrad looks at you and smiles lightly, the sort that meets his eyes in a brief moment, “How was the drive?”
You shrug, “Mostly okay, I still hate all these country roads though.”
He laughs, looking down at his feet, “Yeah, I know you do. You’ll get used to it.”
You nod and both of you fall silent for a moment.
“So do you-“
“Did you-“
You both look at each other and laugh.
“You first,” He gestures towards you, stuffing his hands into his pockets soon after.
“No, um,” You shake your head, “I was just going to ask if you have plans tonight. Someone at the gas station told us there’s a drive in movie. We were thinking we could all go.”
Conrad nods, “If it’s a musical I’m not going.”
You turn back to the rest of the group as Steven and Belly are grabbing bags from the trunk.
“Oh it’s so good to see you all!” Beams Susannah as you all trail inside.
She wraps Steven in a hug, does the same to Belly and then comes over to you, squeezing you tightly.
The house is no different but it always feels brighter at the start of summer, like it’s welcoming you back. You breathe it in for a second, a sigh of relief at your return.
“Alright, get settled into your rooms and everything and I’ll make us up some lunch,” Susannah encourages.
You follow behind Belly towards the room that the two of you shared, walking past the ajar door to Conrad’s room. You ignore the fluttering in your chest.
“God it’s good to be back,” Belly grins, dropping down onto the mattress and spreading out her arms.
“Yeah, it feels like forever since we’ve been here,” You nod, setting your suitcase down onto the floor and sitting yourself on the edge of the bed beside her.
She reaches over and grabs Junior Mint, setting him down on the mattress.
“I still remember when Conrad got me this,” She mumbles, brushing her thumb over the white fur.
“At the boardwalk right?” You comment, “It was that day I was sick.”
She hums in response.
You remembered that day too. Conrad had come home with a toy giraffe stuffed in his bag and told you it was meant to make you feel better. He hadn’t won it, but he paid someone else for it. You’d kept it in your suitcase until you got home - knowing it wasn’t worth upsetting Belly over. And, to this day, on the same mattress sat the same toy you’d had for all those years.
“I don’t get him these days,” Belly shakes her head, “Sometimes I’m so sure he feels the same way about me and then other times… it’s like his heart is somewhere else.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and nod, “That’s all guys for you.”
“Not Jeremiah,” Belly laughs, “He’s been in love with you since I first brought you here.”
You laugh too, “I don’t know where you get that impression from.”
She scoffs, “You’re just blind, (Y/n).”
Belly looks up at you from where she lay and smiles, hugging the polar bear close to her chest. You smile back and ignore the slight tightness in your chest at being back here this summer - being back with the boy that your heart just seemed to pull to.
That night, you all start heading out to the drive in.
“Okay I’m just saying we’re not all sitting in one car to watch this movie,” Steven points out, “We won’t be able to see anything in the back.”
“You’re so dramatic, you’ll fall asleep halfway through anyway,” You roll your eyes, tugging your shoes on at the door, “I can just take my car too if it’s that big of a deal.”
Jeremiah, Belly and Steven all make their way outside, fighting over who will get shotgun in Jere’s car.
You glance back and see Conrad eventually coming down the stairs.
“Where are the others?” He frowns, grabbing his shoes and pulling them on.
“Um,” You clear your throat, “They’ve gone already, they’re going in Jere’s car, we’re taking mine.”
He nods, “I’ll drive.”
With that, he stretches out a hand to take your keys and you oblige, following behind him to where your car sat in the driveway.
Every so often, you could convince yourself that Conrad might ever feel the same way about you. It was in the little things. The glances, the comments, the smile. You could convince that small part of yourself that he was waiting for you as much as you were waiting for him. But it disappeared quickly.
But, now, seeing him behind the wheel of your car, humming along to the song playing through the radio, it felt like this could be something. You weren’t sure why. It was just a feeling.
By the time you get to the drive-in, it’s packed out. Conrad drives around the back and pulls into a space, nowhere near to Jere and the others.
“We can go and find them if you want,” You offer, glancing out of the window.
Conrad shrugs, “I like the peace and quiet without them.”
You laugh, “Just us then.”
The film starts and both of you sit in relative silence. You shift in your seat and cross your legs beneath you, leaning back against the chair. There’s a couple in the car beside you and your eyes drift over to them - how he sits with her head against his shoulder, his arm around her, looking down like she’s the only person in the world. You’d never had that with someone. Not that you hadn’t wanted to, or options hadn’t been there, but it just was never right for you.
And then your eyes turn back to Conrad. The light of the film catches against his skin, glowing his eyes just a little. It shadows down his jaw, darkening his jawline and brushing over the muscles. You take a deep breath. Ignore it. It wasn’t worth it.
He turns his head to look at you and you quickly look away.
“I’m going to grab a drink,” You say quickly, rushing to open the passenger door and scrambling out.
As soon as you’re outside, you gasp at the air like you hadn’t taken a single breath beside him. Like he’d taken them all away.
Ignore it. It wasn’t worth it.
“Oh my god this storm is awful,” You hiss into the air between you and Belly, snuggling under the covers of the double bed that you shared.
It was the following day and a storm had started to sweep over Cousins. There was a chill in the air all day and it had now turned into a full blown storm in the middle of the night. The rain was hammering down, wind sweeping over the houses, and thunder claps every few minutes.
“Belly,” You hiss again, “You awake?”
You’re met with the balanced, shallow breaths beside you that tell you she’s not hearing you. You sigh and shift in the bed until you’re sat on the mattress, debating your options. Sleep wouldn’t welcome you when the weather was like this. It wasn’t that you were scared of storms, they just unnerved you. Okay, you hated them.
With another clap of thunder, you step out of the bed and pull a hoodie over the crop top and shorts you’d been wearing, padding through the silent house and down the creaking steps. You wince with the creak on each one until you’re finally downstairs, stepping through into the kitchen.
“(Y/n)?” A voice speaks softly into the dark voice and you flinch instantly, spinning on your heel.
It’s Conrad.
“Con?” You frown, “Why are you awake?”
“I couldn’t sleep,” He returns.
He’s wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a forest green t-shirt. He looks cosy and innocent.
“Yeah, I just… uh-“
“You hate storms.”
You feel your cheeks heat at his words, looking down at your feet as if he’s just embarrassed you in front of no company at all.
“Come on,” He gestures with his head, his hands stuffed into his pockets, “I’m going to start the fire.”
You follow him through into the lounge and sit down on the floor beside him as he starts fixing up the fire. You hand over logs and he sets them in place, you hand over the matches and he scratches them against the box to set it alight, holding it against the paper until it ignites. The heat hits you almost instantly in the too-cold house, wrapping you in an embrace of crackling warmth.
At the same moment, another rumble of thunder sounds from outside and you visibly flinch, glancing quickly out of the window at the hammering rain. Conrad chuckles from beside you, only quietly.
“Don’t worry, we’ve had worse storms here,” He assures you.
“That doesn’t help,” You roll your eyes, drawing your knees up to your chest.
“Oh, come on, I promise it’s okay,” He nudges your shoulder, “Nothing’s going to happen.”
“Conrad Fisher are you going soft on me?” You narrow your eyes at him, “You’re normally so blunt.”
He looks away with a smile on his lips, “For everyone else, maybe.”
You feel your breath catch in your throat, the words escaping you. There was just something about the way he looked at you, the way his eyes just melt into you.
“You know I-“ He stops himself, taking a deep breath, “I kind of felt like things were different with us this summer.”
“D- different?”
“Don’t you?” He says, “I just feel like you’ve been… distant?”
You stop yourself from speaking again.
“And, tell me to stop, but I’m-“ He half-laughs as if it’s a way of escaping the nerves, “I’m… I just thought I was so sure that there was something between us.”
“And you can tell me that I’m wrong but I don’t think I am.”
“Conrad I-“ You pause, biting your lip, “I can’t.”
“Just…” He shuffles in closer to you, his hand slowly rising to your cheek, thumb brushing the skin, “Tell me to stop.”
With that, he leans in and you find yourself pulled to him too, every bone in your body finally giving in to what you wanted. Your hands move to grip his shoulder, his breath fanning over your lips as he presses his against yours, slow at first and cautious.
You practically gasp at the contact, pulling him into you as if you don’t want him to slip away. His hand moves lower from your jaw and down to your neck, fingers wrapping around the back to keep you drawn to him, his other hand moving down to your waist. His fingers slip further back to the base of your spine, guiding you back against the floor as his other hand lowers your head down softly. You pull him back to your lips, fingers tangling into his hair. Both of you tangled between each other as his legs settle next to and between yours.
Once both of you are breathless, he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that,” He mumbles, laughing gently against you.
“I think I have some idea,” You respond, gripping his shoulders once again to pull him back into you.
It’s much later than normal the next morning when you eventually wake up. You and Conrad had split off into your separate rooms just as the fire was dying out and, with the sun blaring through the windows now, it just felt like it hadn’t happened. Like last night was a dream.
“Hey! You’re finally awake!” Belly announces as she walks back into the bedroom, “What happened to you last night?”
“Oh, um,” You lean up onto your elbows, “You know what I’m like, I hate storms.”
She nods, sitting on the edge of the bed, “We were thinking of what to do today.”
“Yeah? What’s the plan?” You drag a hand through your hair, feeling the flashbacks of Conrad’s fingers tangled amongst the strands.
“I don’t know yet, maybe we could go out tonight? There’s a party I think, one of Jere’s friends,” Belly suggests, picking Junior Mint up from the floor and setting him back onto the bed.
You feel your heart drop. The realisation seemingly hitting you like a ton of bricks. This was awful. What had you done?
It would break her heart if she knew what had happened last night.
But, god, you wanted to see Conrad again.
She disappears again to let you somewhat wake up fully and you push yourself enough out of the bed that your legs dangle over the side, dragging your hair away from your face and rubbing your hands over your eyes.
You don’t hear anyone coming into the room until he’s already dropping down onto the mattress behind you. The weight shifts and an all too familiar figure sits behind you, leaning forward to press a kiss to the exposed slither of skin on your shoulders.
“Good morning,” Conrad mumbles softly, his voice thick with sleep like your own.
You let yourself lean into his touch for a moment, every sensation from the night before seemingly reignited. It was real. He leans forward and perches his chin on your shoulder, tilting his head to look at you from the awkward angle.
“You know when we said last night that we’d be careful this isn’t what I meant,” You point out as he turns to kiss your neck, “This definitely isn’t careful.”
Conrad pulls back and you turn around on the bed so that you’re facing him, he reaches up a hand to brush the hair away from your face, “We’ll be careful. If that’s what it takes, we’ll do it.”
“I just…” You shake your head, “I can’t hurt Belly like that, not like this.”
Conrad nods and reaches a hand down to squeeze yours, “You won’t, I promise.”
You smile, taking a deep breath.
“But,” Conrad stands up, still holding your hand like he can’t bring himself to lose contact yet, “I would like to at least see you today. So if you could figure out a way for me to get you alone, that would be great.”
“God, you’re so needy Fisher.”
He rolls his eyes at you and disappears back out of the room, leaving you with a smile on your lips that it was impossible to get rid of.
Later that day, you’re outside with Belly, Jere and Steven by the pool, deciding on your plans for the evening.
“I’m just saying we should go, if it’s shit we can leave,” Jeremiah shrugs, “But like everyone’s going to be there.”
“Looking for someone to hook up with Jere?” Steven raises his eyebrows, splashing him with water from the pool.
Jeremiah scoffs, “Obviously not,” His eyes glance over to you, a small smile on his lips, “I just think it could be fun.”
“Alright but if we’re going we need drinks,” You point out, the idea crossing your mind as soon as you say the words, “I can go to the store.”
“There’s no way you’re getting anything,” Belly laughs, “You don’t have a fake.”
“No, but they know me less than they know you guys - so I’ll be more likely to get away with it, no?” You mention, pushing yourself up to stand, “Need anything else if I’m going?”
They all look at you slightly suspiciously but you ignore it, hurrying inside.
“Hey! I was just looking for yo-“ Conrad starts, just stepping down from the stairs as you rush through the house.
“Come on Fisher!” You grin, grabbing his hand on your way past, “We’re going out.”
He laughs breathlessly to catch up with you, following close behind as you grab your keys and run with him to your car.
“Can you tell me what’s going on?” He raises his brows, pausing at the passenger side of the car.
You smile, “Didn’t you say you wanted to see me today?”
Conrad grins, “I won’t ask any more questions.”
Both of you pile into the car and you drive off, feeling like a new level of weightlessness when it was just the two of you together. You feel his eyes on you as you drive, like he’s infatuated by every part of you, and when you look back to him he doesn’t look away - the smile on his face only brightening at the connection. Part of you still couldn’t believe it.
You drive the two of you through the country lanes, through the rolling hills until you reach any level of seclusion, pulling up on a bank just over by the beach, overlooking an area that seemed completely untouched.
“Have you brought me here to kill me?” He looks at you slightly dumbfounded, “Should I be worried?”
“Well, there’s nobody here, I figured it was perfect,” You shrug, reaching into the back of your car to grab a couple of blankets.
“It is,” Conrad says, following your moves as you both get out of the car and walk down the short bank towards the sand.
The clearing of the beach is completely empty, and you stretch one of the blankets down onto the white sand, dropping down onto the soft surface and tossing the other blanket to your side. Conrad stands above you, his head blocking the sun as he grins down at you, his hair falling around his forehead.
“Hi,” You squint up at him, reaching out your arms until you can pull him into you.
He falls down beside you, leaning up onto his elbow.
“I still can’t believe this,” You comment, reaching up a hand to brush through the locks of hair around his eyes.
“Can’t believe what?”
“This. Us.” You say, feeling your stomach flip at the words, “I never thought it would happen.”
He frowns a little when you speak, “Why did you think that?”
You take a deep breath, “I’ve always been Bells’ friend, I thought that’s all you saw me as. God, they’re probably wondering where we are an-“
He leans down and silences your worries with a soft kiss, his lips lingering over yours without any pressure.
“They’re not thinking about us,” He assures you, “I’m thinking about us.”
You feel the smile tugging at your lips and he captures it into another kiss, as if sealing it between you.
You grip at his t-shirt and the back of his neck, pulling him into you as he shifts so that he’s over the top of your frame, deepening his connection against you. You’re breathless against his lips, desperate for more of him. His hand moves down to your waist, slipping below the hem of your top to hold your skin. You hiss at the contact, the cold touch of his fingertips.
He pulls back and smiles at you, glancing back around at the empty scene around you, “You know, there’s nobody around.”
You grin, looking to the side and pulling over the other blanket, shaking it out. He grabs it from you and stretches it over his back, burying both of you under your own seclusion.
His hands and lips find you again, his hips increasing their friction against you. And, in those moments, you’re sure that you two are the only two people in the world. Nobody else.
You get back a couple of hours later, carrying in a brown paper bag of liquor as Conrad walks behind you with two crates of beer.
“Listen I’m just saying that-“
You stop in your tracks as the door closes behind you and Jeremiah is stood in the hallway by the front door, at the base of the stairs.
“Where did you guys go?” He asks, glancing between the two of you.
“To the store,” Conrad says, nodding down to the items in your arms, “Getting the goods for you kids tonight.”
Jeremiah nods, “I could’ve gone with you (Y/n), if you needed help.”
“Oh, that’s okay, Con was just in the house when I came through so I asked if he wanted to come.”
Conrad smiles down at his feet and you fight the urge to nudge him in his side.
“Here, let me take that,” Jeremiah offers, taking the bag from your arms.
You thank him and he walks into the kitchen, Conrad following behind him, wiggling his brows at you before he disappears. You roll your eyes, fighting back a smile he always seemed to evoke.
“Hey!” Belly comes jogging down the stairs, “I thought I heard you, did you get everything at the store?”
“Yeah, yeah, got everything,” You nod, “Conrad got beer, and we got a bottle of tequila and vodka.”
“That’s where he was,” Belly returns, “I wasn’t sure where he’d disappeared to.”
You drag a hand through your hair, “Yeah sorry it was just a last minute thing, I figured I could do with the extra hands.”
She agrees, “I don’t think he’ll come tonight, he’s been distant recently.”
“Oh, I don’t know, I’m sure we can convince him,” You glance over to where him and Jere are stood in the kitchen and he laughs at something his brother has said, his eyes creasing as he does so.
You’re sure this is the brightest he’s seemed in a long time and you feel your heart swell a little at the sight.
And then Belly moves beside you and you’re flicked back to reality momentarily, a reality where your stomach sank at the thought of lying to your best friend.
All of you arrive at the party an hour after it had started, having made your way through at least half of the drinks you’d brought with you. You were wearing a pink floral fitted mini skirt and a white corset top that hugged your figure. You’d felt Conrad’s eyes on you almost as soon as you’d come downstairs.
The boys follow behind you as you all disperse amongst the party, you holding onto Belly’s hand as the two of you make your way to the kitchen.
“I’m already a bit buzzed,” Belly says into your ear, wearing a romper that she’d stolen from you, “I don’t think I should drink any more.”
You smile at her, “Here,” You pour lemonade into a red solo cup and push it into her hand, “They don’t need to know.”
You take your own bottle of beer and crack it open, holding your thumb over the top as you move back through the mass of bodies in search for the three boys’ heads that would pop up over the crowd.
“Wait,” Belly stops you, grabbing your arm, “I need to ask you something.”
You frown at her, shifting to face her against the moving bodies around you, “What is it?”
She leans in closer to you as she speaks, “I think I’m going to tell Conrad how I feel.”
You feel your heart drop, a lump forming in your throat.
“I just… I’ve been waiting for too long. And if I don’t say it now I never will,” She explains, “I can’t do that any more.”
You still can’t find the words, certain that you’ll stop breathing if the lump in your throat gets any larger. Your hands start to feel a little numb and you grip tighter onto the neck of the beer bottle to feel like you could be grounded at least a little.
“I have to say something,” She persists, “And hopefully he’ll tell me he feels the same way.”
Without realising, you stumble a little in the crowd and she reaches out to catch you.
“Are you okay?” Your best friend frowns at you.
“I just- I need some air,” You return, trying to force your words to be loud enough over the pounding music.
You push your way through the remaining people until you get to enough of a clearing, where you can get outside into the garden. Instantly, it’s like you’re gasping for a breath it was impossible to find.
“What’s going on? Are you okay?” Belly asks you, holding your arm as if holding you up.
“Um,” You drag a hand through your curled hair and look back at her, “Yeah, yeah, sorry, I just felt a bit dizzy in there.”
“God you terrified me,” She half-laughs, “Come on, the boys are over there.”
Belly guides you over to the beer pong table set up at one side of the terrace in the garden, Steven and Jeremiah are stood on one side and Conrad on the other.
“Hey! Bells, (Y/n)!” Jeremiah waves, “Come join us, we’re just starting.”
“Okay but I’m not drinking,” Belly grimaces at the sight of the half-filled cups.
“You can join our team then, (Y/n) can go with Conrad,” Steven shrugs, “Let’s go rookies.”
You walk over to Conrad’s side of the table and watch his eyes drag up and down the sight of your body, cocking your brow at him when his eyes finally meet yours. He blushes, fighting back a smile.
Jeremiah throws the first ball and it bounces from one of your cups, Conrad catching it as he throws it back, sinking it into one of the cups at the edge of their triangle.
“Nice shot,” You comment quietly, sipping from the beer in your hand.
He reaches an arm around your shoulders and takes the bottle from your hand, bringing it to his own lips to take a sip.
“Come on, drink up,” Steven breaks the moment, gesturing towards the ball now landed in one of the cups on your side.
You roll your eyes and pick up the cup, tipping back the drink and grimacing at the overwhelming taste.
“Alright, my turn,” You say, picking up the ball and lining up to throw it towards them.
Conrad’s hand falls to the small of your back, the bare skin between your top and skirt. You glance back with slightly widened eyes but quickly try to ignore it. He was buzzed, that’s what it was. All of his inhibitions were lowered, and his widened pupils couldn’t help but focus on you. You throw the ball from your hand and it bounces to land in their front cup. In one movement, you shift to stand directly in front of Conrad, trying your best to shield his desperation for you. The other three seem too distracted anyway, bickering over which one of them has to drink as Conrad holds your waist, pulling you back against him.
“Con,” You say under your breath, tightening your grip on the edge of the table, “Not here.”
He listens almost instantly, his hands loosening on you as he steps to the side, eyes not leaving you.
“We’ll leave early,” You mention quietly and he smirks, pursing his lips together.
“Come on losers, one of you has got to drink,” Conrad encourages, clasping his hands together, a new lease of life seemingly coursing through him.
You go about the rest of the game and you and Conrad both grimace through another two cups each before you eventually win the game, pushing your remaining cups to the other side for the rest to drink.
“Alright, I need to find the bathroom,” You mention, checking your reflection in the black mirror of your phone screen, “I’ll be back in a minute.”
You squeeze Conrad’s forearm before stepping past him to walk towards the house, trailing through the bodies and eventually making your way upstairs to the nearest available bathroom, shooting him a text of ‘second door on the left’.
You sit yourself on the closed lid of the toilet until, only a minute later, there’s a tap at the door. Without so much as a second thought, you stand up and unlock the door quickly, grinning at the sight of Conrad on the other side. He glances once over his shoulder to check for any prying eyes in the empty corridor before stepping in, hands gripping your waist instantly and turning you around, pressing you against the door as it closes behind you. You gasp at the contact and your mouth falls open, Conrad dipping his head to kiss at your neck.
“I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you in this,” He grumbles, pressing against you, “You’re killing me (Y/l/n).”
“Yeah? I couldn’t tell,” You smirk, your hands moving down to unbutton his trousers, pushing him back until his back hits the opposite wall.
You adjust your skirt once, twice more, before stepping outside, running a hand through your hair once again, dragging a finger under either of your eyes. Conrad had left a couple of minutes ago so it was likely safe for you to do so too.
“There you are!” Belly exclaims, hurrying over to you as soon as you step onto the staircase, “Conrad said you were being sick.”
“Um,” You swallow to compose yourself, “Yeah, yeah, just too much beer I think.”
“Okay, yeah, Steven’s been sick in the garden too, I think we’re going to head home,” She nods, “Are you okay? Do you need some water or something?”
There’s that feeling again, the sinking in your chest. The sick in your stomach, not the kind of sick from Conrad’s lie. This was real. It was real because your best friend was stood in front of you and she cared about you, so openly and blatantly she cared about you, and you were lying to her. Over something that would break her heart. You were lying to her.
“Come on, let’s go,” She puts an arm out for you to take her hand and leads you down the staircase to where the three boys are waiting at the bottom.
Conrad looks up at you as you come down, a smile on his lips before he looks back down at his feet. His hair was messier than normal and you wondered whether anyone had questioned it.
“You feeling okay (Y/n)?” Jeremiah frowns, “Here, take this.”
He tugs the flannel from around his shoulders and hands it to you, waiting for your arms to slip into the sleeves.
“Oh, yeah, thanks Jere,” You nod, adjusting the material around you.
Conrad clenches his jaw, opening the door and stepping out without another word. You all follow behind, taking the shortcut that lead you back towards Susannah’s house, eventually reaching the familiar setting. Steven stumbles and clings onto Jeremiah, telling him that they should carry on drinking, and Belly looks at you every two seconds as if you’re about to break beside her, Conrad doesn’t look back at you.
Everything just feels… off. Jeremiah’s shirt seemed to itch around your arms and it didn’t sit right around your shoulders, and Belly’s arm was linked in yours but it just didn’t seem to rest there properly and it made your arm ache when you focused on it for too long, and why wouldn’t Conrad look at you?!
You eventually get back into the house and Jeremiah carries Steven’s weight through the corridor as quietly as he can, making sure he takes one stumbling step at a time. Belly tells you she’s going to get in the bathroom before anyone else does and you and Conrad are left stood in the doorway.
He glances back at you.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” You offer, pulling Jeremiah’s shirt from around you.
“You could’ve used mine,” He mumbles softly.
“Your what?” You frown, blinking at him in the low light.
“My jacket, you could’ve borrowed it,” He shrugs, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Conrad Fisher are you jealous?” You scoff, and for a moment in your laughter you forget about everything that had been worrying you on the way home. It’s just you and him again.
He rolls his eyes, “No, I just mean-“
You step forward until you’re directly below him, waiting until his eyes will meet yours.
“Admit it,” You state simply, “Admit you were jealous.”
“Im not jealous it’s just-“ He stops, “I don’t- I didn’t-“
You raise your brows, fighting to stop yourself from laughing at him.
“Good night,” He grumbles turning away from you.
You grab his hand and stop him, turning him around so that you can press the quickest peck to his lips. Conrad looks at you with a smile on his lips, drawing you back in to kiss him again, a second longer.
It’s only when you pull away that you both think to glance to the top of the stairs - to the figure stood at the top of them.
“What the fuck?” Steven mumbles, stumbling a little and catching himself on the wall.
Conrad looks at you almost instantly and you watch the worry cast over his face, him watching the exact same expression pass over yours.
“Come on, man, let’s get you to bed,” Jeremiah encourages, hurrying back over to Steven and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
He pauses when he sees the two of you at the bottom of the stairs, both looking up like you’ve seen a ghost.
“Good night guys,” He frowns, hooking his arm below Steven’s armpits and dragging him towards his bedroom.
Conrad looks at you again and his mouth opens as if to say something, stopping before he speaks, closing his mouth again, waiting, and then saying, “I’m so sorry (Y/n).”
You look at him and frown, hearing the way the words catch in his throat as if assuring you they’re honest. You can practically feel the way his chest would have been tightening against the words, the way he’d struggle against them.
“Hey,” You reach out a hand and take his, squeezing it, “Not your fault.”
He looks down at you and swallows the lump in his throat.
“Come on, not here,” You encourage, pulling his hand with you as the two of you walk through the empty bottom floor.
You lead him into the lounge where the two of you sit down in front of the fireplace. You cross your legs and face him and he stretches his out towards the fireplace, leaning back against the couch behind you.
“Okay, chances are Steven’s not going to keep his mouth shut,” You begin, “Even drunk, he’ll probably remember what he saw.”
Conrad just nods.
“Look, I get it. It’s only been a couple of days, and this ruins things and I totally understand if you don’t want this to carry-“
“Woah, woah, woah,” Conrad bolts upright, “What gave you that impression?”
“Well,” You look down at your hands in your lap, “I know we’ve been hooking up but everyone knowing is going to make this into something and I don’t know if you’re ready for that or if you want that or… I don’t know.”
“(Y/n),” He takes one of your hands and interlocks his fingers with yours, his large grip folding over your knuckles, “I want this. Not just sneaking off and hooking up, I want this. I want you.”
You feel your heart skip a beat, your whole body feeling like it could ignite under his touch.
“If they find out now, then we deal with it, okay?” He waits until your eyes find his, “We’re in this for the long haul, right?”
You nod and watch the corners of his lips curl up into a smile. You turn so that your back is against the couch beside him and he wraps an arm around your back, your head resting on his shoulder and his resting atop yours. You’re sure you could stay like that forever. And, somewhere along the line, both of you drift off to sleep.
When you blink your eyes open, for a second you hope you’re dreaming… or perhaps this is more like being in a nightmare. Stood directly in front of the pair of you, are the looming figures of Jeremiah, Steven and… Belly. You nudge Conrad and he blinks awake too, groaning at the stiff pain in his neck.
“God I thought I was dreaming last night but I wasn’t, was I?” Steven gestures between the two of you, “I mean, you guys are…”
You glance at Conrad and back to the others, scrambling to your feet, “I can explain-“
You reach out for Belly but she pulls away, storming out of the room as quickly as she can. You feel the tears bubble in your eyes, the lump in your throat.
“I mean, seriously (Y/n)?” Steven scoffs, “You knew how she felt about him. She’s meant to be your best friend.”
“I didn’t mean for-“
“Conrad?!” Jeremiah exclaims, “Seriously, of all the people you could’ve been with you went for Conrad? The one person you knew would break Belly’s heart.”
“It wasn’t like that,” You shake your head quickly, “It just happened and-“
“Well maybe if you weren’t so busy thinking about fucking-“
“Hey!” Conrad stands up beside you, stepping ahead so that he shields you from them, directing his anger onto his brother, “Don’t talk to her like that.”
“You’re fucking unbelievable, do you know that?” Jeremiah laughs, “I tell you I like a girl and you take that as a sign to get her for yourself?”
“Jere, stop,” Conrad warns, “You’re going to say something you regret.”
“Don’t tell me what to do!” Jeremiah raises his voice, “You knew that I liked her, you knew I fucking liked her and you just cared about yourself.”
“It wasn’t like that, (Y/n) decided who she wanted to be with, I did too. It’s not always about you Jere,” Conrad shakes his head, “When are you going to grow up and realise that?”
“When am I going to grow up? How about you growing up and realising you’re going to break her fucking heart?” Jere shrugs, “I mean, seriously, emotionally unavailable Conrad? In a relationship that’ll last? You’ll break her heart and she’ll come crying to-“
“Stop!” You raise your voice, pushing to step aside from behind Conrad, “Both of you stop fucking talking about me like I’m not even here. I can’t deal with this right now, I need to find Belly.”
You hear the faint tone of Conrad’s voice behind you but it’s overshadowed by the blood pounding in your ears as you hurry through the house to find her, catching sight of her just by the pool.
“Belly!” You call, pushing open the door, “Belly please just talk to me!”
“You knew, (Y/n),” She spins on her heel to face you, her eyes puffy with tears, “You knew I liked him. From the minute we were in middle school I told you I liked him. I told you every summer since, and you listened to me every single fucking time. And then, what? You just wanted him for yourself this whole time.”
“It wasn’t like that…” You shake your head, “I never meant for it to happen, especially not like this.”
“Then what was it like, (Y/n)?”
You pause, seemingly incapable of finding any words in the moment, “I- I just…”
She crosses her arms over her chest and looks at you as if you’re a person she doesn’t recognise.
“It was a couple of summers ago, I don’t know what changed. He just seemed… different. And then I noticed it more last summer, just the little things in how he was acting with me, I couldn’t explain it. I never told you because I knew how much it would hurt you to think that I liked him too. But the other night things just happened and he told me how he felt about me and… I never meant for you to find out like this, and I never meant to lie to you.”
“Well, which one is it? Did you not want me to find out or did you not want to lie to me? You can’t have both.”
“I-“ You fight back the tears stinging at your eyes, “I didn’t want to break your heart, Bells. But I could feel myself falling in love with him and him falling in love wi-“
“In love?” She steps forward, eyebrows raised against the redness of her cheeks, “It’s not love, (Y/n). Conrad doesn’t love you. You’re just there and he knows he can have you. You’ll realise that eventually.”
Her words are void of any emotion other than hatred, spitting from her mouth like she’s desperate for them to escape her. She storms past you and down the side of the house, each one of her steps carrying more anger than the last.
You feel your chest tighten, the way it seems to contort and twist when you’re on the verge of tears.
The garden door opens again and it’s Conrad this time. At the second your eyes meet his, you release every emotion in side of you, letting out a sob. He reacts almost instantly, hurrying down to scoop you into his arms, letting you bury your head on his chest, soaking through his t-shirt. One of his hands grips around your back and the other holds your head against him, running through your hair.
“It’s okay, (Y/n),” His voice is soft, like he is terrified of breaking you further.
You pull away from him and look up to his face, shaking your head through the tears still spilling from your eyes, “How is it going to be okay, Con? They hate us. All of them hate us.”
“Hey,” His hands move up to either of your cheeks, thumbs brushing under your eyes to swipe away the tears before they can even fall, “It’s you and me, okay? We’ll figure it out.”
You let yourself sink into the feeling of his arms around you, his heartbeat sounding less certain than his words did.
“You’ve got me.”
And in that moment, you know it’s true.
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thesassypadawan · 2 months
Sweet Treat (Clay x FemReader)
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Summary: It’s all you’ve wanted, all you craved. That one certain sweet treat, that goes so well with…
Warnings: 18+ (mdni), because there’s sooo much of the smut. Oral (male receiving), wonderful use of ice cream, manipulative/possessive Clay, and… his thick, long dick.
Notes: A continuation of Too Sweet! 🧡🖤
- “So, this is what you’re craving?” Clay taunts, lips curled up in a smirk. The object of your current obsession held tightly in his hand. “This is what my little wifey wants?”
- You gaze up at him. Cheeks flushed, eyes wide and shining. Desperate, hungry look on your face. While you wait obediently on your knees, rubbing your ample bump in anticipation. “Yes, baby’s been kicking me the whole day for it.”
- Raising an eyebrow, he lays back against the lavish pillows. Shaking his head, chuckling softly. “Has he? Naughty boy.”
- Ever so slightly, he tilts the melting cone. “Beating up his poor mama.” A few fat, creamy drops plopping onto his bare chest. “Just because of a bit of ice cream.”
- Whimpering, you shift in his lap. Watching them slowly trickle southwards. Fighting the urge to lap, lick them off. Even as they come to settle at the base of his hard cock. “Please…can I have some?”
- Further he tips it, more begin to freckle his skin. Until finally the entire scoop falls and lands squarely…
- “Of course,” he mutters. Spreading, smearing the sugary confection all over his torso…his length. “Better get every last drop though. Can’t have any going to waste.”
- “Thank you, hubby.” Timidly, you lean forward. Stomach pressing into his, small hiss escaping you from the sudden cool touch. Mouth hovering barely an inch above his left pec. “I promise.”
- Running your tongue across his skin, you squeak happily. Savoring the sweetness, his salty sweat. Lips brushing his nipple; sucking gently, cleaning it thoroughly. Before giving the same attention to the other. Eliciting a soft growl from him.
- Slowly you slide down, dipping between the cracks of his abs. Following the lines of his body, along the path of his happy trail. Taking your time, enjoying each delicious inch…the way your flesh sticks to his.
- Hard muscles quiver beneath you. A low groan escapes Clay when he glides through your soaked folds. When you taste your way upwards; tracing the veins, circling the tip. Before wrapping your lips around, the flavor of yourself and him mixed perfectly with the dessert. “Good girl…”
- Big hand comes to rest on the nape of your neck. Fingers tangle in your hair, gripping it firmly. “Such a good, good girl…” Tugging on it just harsh enough that your head jerks back, eyes lock. “Loving her treat…”
- Pressing, he forces you to descend. Watching as he disappears into the warmth of your mouth, your throat…while you gag and sputter. Saliva dribbling out of the corners of your mouth, making a mess of your chin and neck. “Gobbling it all up…” Until your nose was finally flush with his abdomen, buried into the gooey remnants you left behind.
- Now fully lodged, you will yourself to relax. Tears pricking at your waterlines, your breaths coming out in small puffs. His nails digging gently into your scalp. “ Always asking…”
- His hold tightens and you brace your hands against the woven rug. He starts to guide you, moving your head up and down. Bucking his hips; setting a quick, merciless pace. “Begging for more…”
- He was close. You can tell by the way he twitches, throbs. The guttural sounds that fall from his mouth, whenever he hits the back of your throat. How his hips stutter; drives grow irregular, erratic. “Like the greedy thing she is…”
- Pushing, thrusting hard one last time. Streams of hot cum shot into your mouth, coating your tongue. Overwhelming your senses completely. And you can’t help but moan, squeal uncontrollably. As you swallow down his entire load…at the feeling of being so full of him.
- Gingerly, he pulls you off. Cupping your cheek, rubbing his thumb across your swollen bottom lip. Wiping away a stray glob, offering it to you. “There. Did that satisfy your craving?”
- Panting softly, you nod. Cleaning off his digit, humming in appreciation. “Yes, baby and I are happy.”
- “That’s what I like to hear, that you enjoyed your ‘sweet treat’,” he coos. Hand finding its way to your stomach, caressing it lovingly. Massaging your taunt, sticky skin. “Now why don’t you lay on your back…and let daddy have his?”
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16, @loverforoldermen, @anakinstwinklebunny, @decaffeinatedunicorn, @beresfordsgirl, @kenmaiica, @sythethecarrot, @xx-ttamaraa, @everydaydreamer, @rafeswifeyy2, @laoif, @xhunnybeeex
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allbark-no-bite · 10 months
cowboy up.
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jake seresin x reader (wc: 2.6k)
summary: Jake’s a tease. and a cowboy. it makes your friends sick
warnings: really none i think, just talk of and allusions to sex
authors note: very loosely based off of “Dirty Looks” by Lainey Wilson. it got me into the mood to write a little something. briefly mentioned that reader is Ice’s daughter
"Well hello, mi cowboy."
It's the deliciously sensual roll of the endearment off of your tongue that has Jake hooking two fingers through the loop of your jeans and tugging you firmly into his side as he approaches the bar. It starts up an engine-like rumble in his chest that travels up his throat and catches, vibrating while he bows down to kiss you. Just the sight of your sweet smile has the weariness of the day melting off of him.
El cowboy, you mother had appraised with great enthuse the first time you had brought Jake home, and he greeted her with his smooth as honey southern drawl. Being Latino and having grown up just along the border in El Paso, her English was still licked with Spanish flare and it made everything she said sound rivetingly amorous. Even after three years of dating, she still widely referred to him as the cowboy—your cowboy.
"Hey, darlin'. Sorry I wasn't here sooner. There were some mechanical issues with my plane and I couldn't get away," he apologizes, hence the grease stains on his hands. He had probably only taken the time to change into a fresh set of clothes before leaving base and driving straight to the Hard Deck.
You only hum, tipping your head up to steal a second kiss before he straightens. "Glad you're here now."
Jake has to stop himself from chasing your lips for a third. Penny's warned him about getting too frisky at the bar. It's not his fault when you taste like strawberry margaritas and are wearing those jeans that you know drive him crazy.
But when he looks over his shoulder, Penny's sliding him an ice cold beer from across the bar. "This one's on the house, Seresin." The gleam shining in her eyes tells him that she's caught the two of you but is going to let it slide this time.
When he opens his mouth to argue, already digging his wallet out of his pocket, she shakes her head. "Looks like you had a long day. Enjoy the beer."
"Really, Pen, I—"
Penny's back is already turned as she heads to the other side of the bar to serving an incoming crowd of aviators.
Jake glances down to his well worn boots while his hand goes to his jaw to feel at the beginnings of a five o'clock shadow. Does he really look that worn out? He has to resist the urge to smell himself.
He looks back to you, suddenly feeling ashamed of himself for showing up like this. Here he is, covered in sweat and engine grease, while his own girlfriend is standing next to him, looking way out of his league. Even the Dagger Squad looks fresh and put together. It would have been hard to guess that they had all been out sweating on the tarmac together earlier in the day.
"I probably should have cleaned up," he admits, running a hand over the cropped hair at the back of his neck. He's wondering if he can at least escape to the bathroom for a minute to stick his head under the sink.
What Jake doesn't know is that you might actually kill him if he does that. There's something about the combination of his off-duty khakis and dusty boots that is making your heart flutter. The tousle of his blonde hair after a long day and ruddy flush of his already tan cheeks give off the impression that he's more than just a pretty face. He looks hard working and very, very capable.
"Hmm?" he hums, having been eyeing the bathrooms, contemplating even just splashing some water on his face.
Your heart squeezes painfully when his dazzling green eyes turn back to land on yours, eyebrows raised in question, fully attuned to whatever it is that you may need. "What baby—"
He stops mid sentence when you pull him down by the back of his neck to kiss him. This time it's a much less chaste kiss than the one you greeted him with, and he gets to really taste the strawberry margarita on your lips—a bit sweet, a little salty. The taste makes his mouth tingle and he's not sure if it's you or the tequila that's making him feel buzzed.
Jake's hand immediately slips around your waist, his large hand on your back, pressing you into him. A groan slips out of him when his fingers brush the warm skin just above the rise of your jeans.
The fact that you had purposefully chosen not to wear your khakis like himself and the rest of the crew makes Jake that much more hot and bothered. It's not that he dislikes your usual naval attire, because he doesn't. He loves how it fits you, who you become when you wear it, your signature "Frostbite" embroidered on the front—the name he gave you. It's the fact he's come in, dead on his feet from working all day, and his diamond of a girlfriend is wearing an outfit she put on just for him.
Really, Jake thinks his chest might just implode.
His free hand had been holding his beer out to the side, momentarily forgotten once you'd started kissing him. Blindly, he sets it down behind him, the glass clinking against the bar top so that he can get both of his hands on you without spilling. He prefers you, the taste of your skin anyhow.
"So damn sweet," he groans into the underside of your jaw, eyes shut as he fights the urge to say fuck it and take you home now. "Could just eat you."
You laugh, fingers gripping his blonde hair. "Is that a promise, cowboy?" Jake's teeth scrape your pulse point and your fingers tighten. His body is hot pressed flushed against you, moving as you move so that the contact never breaks.
"Baby, I'd devour you," he promises huskily into your ear. Mav has been working them to the bone for the past few weeks, and Jake has hardly had the energy to climb the front steps when he gets home, much less make it to the bedroom. To say you've both been left wanting is an understatement.
His lips press wetly to your neck. "You look good, Frosty Girl. You know how much I love those jeans..."
You hum, eyes fluttering closed as Jake sends you to that place. That place where only you and Jake exist, where the worries of the day melt away, and it smells like his cinnamon oak body wash and the hint of beer on his breath. It doesn't matter than he smells slightly of sweat and jet fuel because that's just him. That's what makes him Jake.
"Mmm, you do?" Of course he does. Jake Seresin drinks the air you breathe and worships the ground you walk on. "I think you'll like what I have on under them more."
If Jake had been twenty-one again, he'd have a raging hard on in his jeans right now. After two years of dating you, he's developed a bit of self control since then. He spent a lot of lunch breaks jacking off in the bathroom the first few months. All you had to do was rub up against him climbing out the back seat of the cockpit and he was sneaking off to take care of himself before any of the Dagger squad could see the missile sized hard on in his pants.
Jake smiles, his pearly white grin pressed into your neck. His jade green eyes peer up at you with a gleam of anticipation.
"Black?" he guesses, his nimble fingertips already dipping just past your waistband to brush across the lace he knows he's going to find.
"Uhh mm," you deny, enjoying the thrill of teasing him with your secret.
His warm breath fans across your neck. "Red?"
The corners of your mouth quirk up into a look that Jake can only describe as devilish. "I figured you deserved a treat. I know you've been—" Before you can finish, Jake is kissing you. His pink lips are cool and a bit wet from the beer he's been nursing, but his tongue is hot and slick and wet and it just feels so good.
"Jesus. Get a room, you two."
Despite the roar of blood in his ears, the buzzing in his veins, Jake recognizes the sound of Bradley's voice just a table away.
Begrudgingly pulling away from the kiss, Jake doesn't release you just yet, just moves his head to look over your shoulder. He had hardly even acknowledged the Dagger Squad when he walked in, too focused on you. And maybe that's on him.
"Sorry, Bradshaw. Didn't see you there." You can tell Jake's smirking over your shoulder, hand not so slyly cupping the curve of your ass as he reaches for his beer with the other, playing at indifference. He takes a slow swig of it, unbothered by the fact that your friends -you coworkers- are all watching. "I was busy saying hello to my unbelievably sexy girlfriend."
Without breaking eye contact with Bradley, Jake plants a filthy wet kiss to the pulse point of your neck. It's enough to make the other aviator's mustache twitch and his throat constrict with a impulsive swallow. Regardless of how they acted— always at each other’s throats— there was no longer any bad blood between the two pilots. That feud had been settled on the Uranium mission last year and was replaced by new found respect, but that didn’t mean that they didn’t seize every opportunity to ruffle the other’s feathers.
"This is a public space," Natasha reminds him, as if he were unaware of the extremely crowded bar.
Jake smirks. "Oh believe me, I'm holding back for Floyd's sake. Wouldn't want to ruin his innocence."
The weapon system officer emits a noise of protest from across the table, his cheeks flashing an embarrassed hue of red. "I've already told you, I'm not a virgin!"
You giggle into Jake's shoulder at his complait, content to bask in the temporary stronghold of your boyfriend's embrace. It's nice to get moments with him like this, away from the stress of work and without the pressure of success weighing on your shoulders.
Of course your friends knew about yours and Jake's relationship, had known since the very first date, but in nearly three years of dating, they had come to the realization that they knew very little about your relationship. Work was strictly professional for the two of you and even at the bar, the most intimate thing they'd ever seen occur was Jake greeting you with a quick kiss.
"Damn, Bagman, you walking in here, kiss Frost senseless, and now she's giggling? You're telling me that's all it takes to bring her from she-devil to—giggling?" Coyote asks from behind his pool cue, sauntering over to join the group.
Jake, his green eyes gleaming, slips his warm palm under your shirt to smooth over the exposed curve of your hip. "I can make her do a lot more than giggle, Machado."
You groan, burying your embarrassingly flushed face further into Jake's neck. Although your boyfriend may be able to play the nonchalance card, you can only take so much of their teasing.
You push away from Jake before he can start full on groping you in front of your friends. If there's one thing about Jake, he has no shame when it comes to showing you off.
"I don't giggle, Javy," you stress, choosing to ignore Jake's comment.
Fanboy, who is never far behind the other pilot, saunters over and slings an arm around his friend's shoulders. "Giggle? I've never even seen you crack a smile."
Before you can respond, Jake is sliding an impossibly large palm around to cup the back of your neck, fingers digging in to the tense muscle that he knows is there. Relax, is what that means. "Careful, she does bite." He's grinning, a smug, but knowing smirk on his face. 
"Fuck, man. I knew you were into that kinky shit," Coyote quips, and it evokes a few laughs from the Dagger squad, save for Natasha, who pretends to roll her eyes. 
Jake grins. "Damn straight."
"Easy, cowboy," you warn, your eyes narrowing at him in playful warning.
You're not necessarily embarrassed by Jake's insinuation of your sex life, the two of you were well established in your relationship and you trusted your friends too much to be embarrassed by that kind of thing. It's just that being Admiral Kazanky's daughter meant that too many people assumed you had only made it this far because of your old man or that you were sleeping through the ranks, which was far from the truth. 
You deserved to be here. And Jake knows this, which is why his thumb is still massaging at the pressure point at the base of your skull, just behind your ear. Everything about him, from the reassuring smile he directs at you to his relaxed body language is him letting you know that it's all in good fun, and no one here thinks that you don’t belong here in the slightest. 
Bradley's shaking his head as he lounges against the pool table. "I don't know what I'm going to have to tell my therapist about first, the fact that Frost calls you 'cowboy' or the fact you probably get off on that shit.”
Jake grins, toothpick bobbing in his mouth as his impish smile widens. “Wouldn’t you like to know, Bradshaw?”
The truth is, he does. Behind the cool and collected facade that he’s putting up, bantering back and forth with your friends while he sips his beer, he’s just the right amount of hot and bothered that he wouldn’t mind calling it a night just to go home and have his way with you. He hasn’t forgotten about the little red number you’re wearing.
Having lost the attention of the rest of the squad to the pool table during his and Rooster’s banter, Jake shifts his focus to you. Large hand coming to rest on your back, he dips down to murmur in your ear. “Think I’m about ready to turn in, kid. What do you say we get out of here?”
Your pretty face turns towards him, and you don’t miss the gleam in his green eyes. Smiling privately to yourself, you eyes reflect his knowingly. “Rooster will never let you live it down. You only just got here.” However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be coerced.
Jake hums, his lips pressing to your temple in a kiss that’s meant to hide the fact that he’s whispering— plotting— in your ear. “I’ll buy ‘em around on the way out. They won’t even notice we’re gone,” he reasons.
You smile, turning back to the game of pool as Jake leans over you before you give him. “Go on,” you finally encourage. “I’ll follow you out.”
Grinning and all too pleased with himself, Jake slips off behind you, but not before giving an affectionate pat to your ass. You have to refrain from rolling your eyes at him.
You wait a while before discreetly making your escape form the pool table, grabbing your things as you go. Jake’s waiting for you at the door, all too pleased to see you, as though he hadn’t just five minutes before. “Made it?”
“Yeah, I don’t think they—”
“Well damn, goodbye to you guys too!” Rooster calls from across the bar. Obviously having noticed your departure, the Dagger Squad is all standing around the pool table, shaking their heads in varying levels of amused disapproval.
Payback crosses his arms. “You guys make me sick.”
Opening the door for you, Jake turns and tips his imaginary cowboy hat at them with an grin. “Sorry man. If you all will excuse me, I’ve got some riding to do.”
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wasteddmoondust · 9 months
the universe || sirius black
pairing: sirius black x reader 1.2k words, soulmate au, angst (i tried, really), happy ending, some language from this request! :) a/n: AHH i hope you really like this, i haven't written this much before but i think it was a good challenge!
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Sirius feels like he shouldn't have looked. But he stares at the four little paw prints tattooed on your left shoulder blade, identical to the one he has.
But that was the thing with soulmates, wasn't it? One can never control how it happens, they just do. It was already written. He was meant to see this, and he's meant to do something about it.
There's a sinking feeling in his chest. He's not sure if he wants to do something about it.
Sirius doesn't believe in soulmates. At least that's what he wants himself to think.
It's too much commitment, he usually says to himself. Why can't I choose who I want to be with?
I've been following rules my whole life. What does the universe know about me and who I'm meant to be with? For the rest of my life? Who would want to be with me that long?
I'm not a good enough person, let alone for Y/N.
Who would even want to love someone like me?
That's usually where the thinking stops.
So he decides for himself. Going out to parties to pick and choose which girls to make out with. No strings attached, just his physical desires to be satisfied.
He knows it's massed up, even more so when you're at said parties, keeping a lookout for someone with your matching tattoo. And so Sirius keeps his shoulder covered. You don't know he's your soulmate, and a part of his never wants you to.
Unfortunately, you're good friends, and he doesn't want you getting hurt over the fact he doesn't want a soulmate.
By the time he's done sticking his tongue down another girl's throat, he usually hears that you've decided to call it an early night.
It all comes crashing down one New Year's Day.
It's the adrenaline of counting down in the very crowded room, and the feeling of someone grabbing him to be their New Year's kiss. Everyone welcomes the start of a new era with a cheer.
The party goes well into the night before Sirius decides to finally crash in his room. He immediately falls asleep as his head hits the pillow.
He wakes up with the usual hangover headache, but nothing a bowl of ice water can't fix. A quick shower and a carton of juice later, he checks his phone for his missed notifications.
Moony: wake up, get to the hospital now. Moony: Sirius where are you??? Moony: we're outside room 402 when you get here. Prongs: Y/N's sick again, we're heading home Prongs: she won't stop throwing up idk what to do Prongs: we're going to the emergency room Prongs: call me when you see this Lilypad: James and i are going to the hospital with Y/N, call us when you see this Lilypad: Sirius if you do not wake the fuck up right now i will actually come for your throat.
Sirius doesn't think he's gotten ready so quickly in his life. To be fair, he was still in his pyjamas, just adding his leather jacket and running out of the door with his keys, wallet and phone in hand.
When he arrives, he sees his three friends outside of the room you're in.
"What happened?" he asks, panting from all the running.
"They don't for sure know yet," Remus says, arms crossed and leaning against the wall.
Lily is sitting on the chair, her hair is tied messily in a ponytail. "They think it's soul-repelling."
Sirius furrows his brows, "What does that mean?"
"My parents talked about it once," James says from his seat next to Lily. "They used to talk about stories of people who constantly reject the soul bond they had with their soulmate, which would cause the other person to be very sick. Or in worse cases, die."
Lily visibly hates the way James says it, and he knows it. He tries to comfort her by holding her hand, their matching flower tattoos on their hands side-by-side.
"...But she doesn't know her soulmate yet?" Sirius asks carefully, trying to sound normal.
James shrugs. "She may not, but they say the way her body is reacting means her soulmates knows it's her."
Sirius feels his breath knock out, his heart pounding, realising what he's done. He's been rejecting their bond the entire time. All the while he thought he was doing himself a favour, he made her suffer for his selfish needs.
The ache in his heart is undeniable. He grabs the fabric that covers his heart and feels his breath get heavier.
"Sirius?" Remus calls, noticing his actions.
"It's- it's my fault..." Sirius feels tears start to prick at his eyes.
"It was me," he starts to remove his jacket and shirt, showing the tattoo on his shoulder for the first time. "It's me-" his voice cracks. He turns to the door, "I need to get in there."
"Woah wait- Sirius!"
But he bursts through the door to the ward. He runs in and the first thing he notices is you staring at him, paler than he's ever seen you before. You have eyebags and you're heaving, as if you'd just thrown up before he came in.
The nurse next to you speaks up, "Sir, you can't be in here yet-"
"I'm sorry!" he yells, grabbing your hand and bending over the bed. He buries his face in your chest.
"Sirius?" you whisper, confused, but you finally see the print on his shoulder. "Oh."
"I've known for the longest time and that was so selfish of me. And it's still so selfish of me to want you still," tears are fully flowing down his cheeks now. "I've realised I cannot lose you. But would you allow me to be selfish one more time and ask for you to forgive me?"
If anything, you're too stunned to speak. One minute you were throwing your guts up and suddenly your best friend is crying in front of you and he's also your soulmate.
But at the same time, you start to feel your body be at ease. The nausea is already starting to subside. His warm hand in your cold one feels nice. Like two puzzle pieces finding each other.
You cough, feeling your throat finally clear. You look down, and SIrius is still crying, his question still hangs in the air. He waits for your answer.
"I hope you know you have a lot of making up to do after this," you say softly, smiling.
He heaves the biggest sigh of relief. He leans towards your hands and kisses them. "Of course, anything for you. Oh thank god."
You chuckle. "I'm so glad it's you, actually. I had a feeling."
He looks up at you, "Really? How'd you know?"
You shrug. "Just a feeling I guess. Probably a soulmate thing."
He smiles, the universe has his back, he thinks. "Can I kiss you?" He asks.
"Sirius I just threw up, I'm not letting you taste whatever is in my mouth right now," you say. "But the rest of my face is available."
He opts to kiss your cheek instead. And something in him clicks. It feels normal, it feels right.
Yeah, the universe definitely knew what they were doing.
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augustjustice · 9 months
Children Behave (That's What They Say When We're Together), 2/2
Part 1
"Somebody had better be on fire," Steve says, jabbing a warning finger in the direction of four slack-jawed faces. 
"You weren't answering your walkie," Dustin replies mechanically. He holds up his own in explanation, the motion jerky, as though he's operating on autopilot. "Either of you."
"Yeah, well," Steve swings out an arm dramatically, encompassing the both of them. "We're fine. You can see that we're fine.” 
Eddie wiggles his fingers at them as if to demonstrate, the wave distressingly similar to the one Steve uses when he’s just been caught and is trying to look disarming and harmless.
“So can you go now?"
“Yeah,” Eddie darts a look over to Steve, the corner of his mouth twitching, “Harrington and I have got some…business we’re looking to finish up here.”
Max can’t manage to hold back her snort, though it doesn’t really look like she was trying all that hard.
“Oh, yeah, whatever you two have been up to looked super professional a couple minutes ago,” she comments wryly.
Steve narrows his eyes.
“Were you guys seriously spying on us? You have got to be shitting me. I expected better from…" his gaze grazes over the teens standing there one-by-one, seemingly dismissing each of them in turn before finally landing on– "Lucas! I expected better from you of all people, Sinclair. Thought you knew how to mind your business, unlike the rest of these nosy little menaces."
"Hey!" Mike and Dustin protest simultaneously.
Max, for her part, looks completely unaffected, and furthermore not even a little guilty.
Lucas points to her.
"Where my lady goes, I too must follow."
"Aww, that's sweet," Eddie comments, completely sincere as he looks between the two of them. Then he reaches over and smacks Steve lightly on the shoulder. "How come you don't ever say romantic shit like that to me, Harrington?"
Steve rolls his eyes.
"You're not helping."
"Wasn't trying to, sunshine," Eddie's smile remains, wide and mischievous. "Still doesn't answer my question."
"I dove through a portal to the Upside Down for you!"
"That was just you and your big damn hero shtick, don't act like that was about me. Besides, I'm the one who literally followed you into hell."
Steve's expression suddenly takes on a sly, triumphant edge.
"So you admit it, then. It was romantic when you did it!"
"No no no, I didn’t say that. I confess to nothing, good sir!"
Their banter is only disrupted by Mike’s spluttering. 
“You–you and Steve?!” he squeaks, seeming no less blindsided than he had been when he suspected it was Nancy in the car. “It’s weird enough having to watch you guys be friends, but–”
"Oh, we're real friendly now," Eddie drawls, shooting Steve a wink and a dimpled grin. "Isn't that right, Harrington?"
"Shut up," Steve complains, giving Eddie's shoulder a shove, but everyone present can see the way he ducks his head, a smile twitching helplessly at the corner of his mouth.
As a collective, the party–even Mike–shoot each other a series of pointed looks, communicating telepathically the way close friends sometimes do. They've all seen Steve in date mode more times than they care to count, but have they ever seen him look so…flustered?
And as some of the initial shell shock starts to wear off, Dustin’s expression begins to morph into something almost…smug.
"I would just like to point out…" he says in typical, sanctimonious fashion, "that I told you both you’d really get along if you just got to know each other."
Max snorts again.
"What, by sticking their tongues down each other's throats?"
The look on her face holds nothing but amusement, which is a relief, though Steve's not sure how he feels about the mischievous glee that accompanies it.
"No!" Dustin protests, embarrassment tinging his face. "Not that I care about that, just–I'm just saying I told you so!"
“Nobody likes a know-it-all, Dusty Buns,” Eddie sing-songs.
“Right?!” Steve cuts a look across to Eddie. “The mouth on this kid, I swear. How’d he turn out to be such a little smart ass?”
The way Eddie’s lips twitch suggests he’s seconds away from laughing. “Our terrible influence, probably.” 
“That must be it.”
“Never mind, I take it back. I regret everything, and I’m sorry I ever introduced the two of you.”
Steve and Eddie dart a glance at each other, exchanging quick, shit-eating grins.
“But, I mean, that’s not even accurate. You did not introduce us, I’ve known who Eddie was literally for years,” Steve has to protest when he turns back to the kids, partially because it is true, and partially because there’s no way in hell he’s gonna give Dustin the satisfaction, not after the night he’s had. 
“Yeah, cuz I used to sell at all your fancy little shindigs.”
“Not just because of that. Don’t know how to tell you this, Munson, but you’re kinda hard to miss.”
Eddie gawps at him.
“Are you suggesting that King Steve paid attention to little ole me? You’ve made my year, Stevie, truly you have.”
Steve rolls his eyes. “I’m honestly not really sure how anybody could miss you with all those big speeches of yours. Pretty annoying, to be honest.”
“Nah, you liiiiike me,” Eddie taunts. He reaches out, as if he’s about to pinch at one of Steve’s cheeks, but Steve manages to dodge out of the way with his fine-tuned athletic reflexes, batting Eddie’s hand away.
“Well, I think it’s nice,” Lucas pipes up, before the pair of them can fall into their flirtatious back-and-forth again, deliberately shooting Mike a pointed look.
“Thank you, Sinclair,” Steve says. “At least somebody around here has manners.” 
“I still think it’s gross,” Mike mutters.
“And just why is that, Little Wheel?” Eddie asks, lifting one warning eyebrow. “Cuz me and Harrington are both guys?”
“No! Because it’s Steve!” Mike flings out his arms, gesturing to him in disbelief. “First my sister, and then Wi–whu-women! The women of Hawkins, and now you, too?! He’s a jock! What do you even see in him??”
“Wow, thanks a lot, Wheeler,” Steve says, deadpan.
As Lucas lets out a soft, protesting hey! of his own, Max twines her arm tightly around his, glaring daggers at Mike.
“The Munson doctrine’s undergone some pretty heavy revisions, the past few months,” Eddie tugs a strand of hair towards his mouth, shooting Steve a fond look. “Are there some shitty jocks out there? Sure. But there’s plenty more who aren’t. I was a dickhead, to act like we were natural born enemies, or some shit. Assholes are assholes, and we shall judge them accordingly, regardless of creed.”
“Yeah, Mike. Don’t be a jackass like Munson,” Max challenges, grin sharp. 
“Mayfield…” Steve warns with a groan, but Eddie only laughs. 
“Nah, she’s right, Stevie.” Reaching forward, he ruffles Mike’s hair. “Listen to Red–she’s a smart lady–and don’t make the same mistakes as me, Wheeler.”
Mike scoffs, but falls silent, looking suitably chastised. 
Steve squints at them, then, looking both suspicious and curious. "Wait. How the hell did you guys get out here, anyway?"
"We rode. Bikes," Lucas thumbs over his shoulder up into the trees, where their bicycles still lay abandoned. 
"Seriously?" Steve huffs. Running a hand through his hair, he finally gets out of the car, rounding it as he pops open the trunk. "Just…get in the damn car."
"What, in the trunk?" Max asks, just to be a smartass, but the look Steve cuts her tells her he is not having it this evening. She holds up her hands in surrender. "Kidding, I was only kidding. Jeez."
A fair amount of bike wrangling later, the four of them pile into the Beemer’s backseat, packing in tight like a can of sardines. 
“How come Eddie gets shotgun?” Dustin whines in protest just as one of Mike’s sharp elbows digs into his side.
“One,” Steve actually literally begins to tick off on his fingers, not even bothering to turn around, “because you guys are annoying the shit out of me right now, no way one of you rascals gets to ride up front. And two,” he holds up his middle finger deliberately, “boyfriend privileges.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up at the declaration, a toothy smile creasing his face. But there’s something soft around the edges of it, even as he deliberately leans into Steve’s face.
“I’m your boyfriend, Stevie?”
“Well–yeah. Duh, of course you are,” Steve splutters, two bright spots of pink blooming on his cheeks, “I mean–unless you didn’t want–not if you’re not–”
Eddie presses a finger against Steve’s lips, silencing him with a shushing sound.
“No take backs now, Harrington. I’m your boyfriend. Said so yourself.”
“You’re gonna be really insufferable about this, aren’t you?” Once again, Steve’s smile really undercuts his put upon sigh.
“You bet your sweet ass I am.”
“Ew!” Mike protests at the same moment Dustin squawks, “Don’t talk about his ass! There are children present!”
“Really, Henderson? Children?” Steve finally cranes to look at them over his shoulder, one eyebrow quirked up sardonically. “That’s not what you said last week, when you tried to talk me into buying you beer.”
“You tell ‘em, sweetheart!”
Max rolls her eyes. “Can we please just go? Preferably before you two and your sickening sweetness gives me a cavity?”
And their bickering doesn’t quiet the entire ride back into the neighborhoods of Hawkins.
As they pull up in front of their first stop of the night–the Wheelers and the Sinclairs–Steve catches Eddie’s eye, then turns to face the four teens in the backseat again. 
“Look, before you get out,” he starts, stilling Lucas and Mike, each with a hand on their respective door handles, “I just wanted to say…it’s cool, you know, that you guys worry. I get it. But, we’re all okay now. Yeah?”
“What were you doing out by Lover’s Lake?” Dustin asks, a hint of an accusation in his voice. 
“Other than the obvious, like we tried to tell you?” Max snarks back. 
“That one’s on me, Henderson,” Eddie raises a hand, like he’s just been reluctantly called on in class. “Supply run. We decided to make a night of it.”
Both Dustin and Mike’s faces screw up at the way Eddie waggles his eyebrows suggestively, while Max simply elbows Dustin in admonishment from her perch on Lucas’s lap.
“But, no need to worry, kiddos. I’ve got Harrington, now. I’ll protect him from the big bad world,” Eddie winks as Steve shoots him an exasperated but fond look.
“What I’m trying to say,” Steve starts pointedly, steering the conversation back on track, “is maybe it’s time we, I don’t know–stopped worrying so much, and let ourselves be stupid teenagers for a while? That goes for you guys, too.” He wags a finger at them. “But not too stupid, okay? I’m still responsible for you shitheads.”
As a collective, they sigh out, We know, Steve, before Lucas and Mike finally climb out of the car. 
But, despite their show of annoyance, as Steve and Eddie drop them off one-by-one, watching until they each make it inside, the party members all arrive home secure in the knowledge that these days the lake is just a lake, their babysitter and dungeon master safe. And maybe, just maybe, the four of them sleep a little sounder in their beds that night, realizing they might finally get the chance to be stupid teenagers, too, with nothing more than too nosey friends out there waiting for them in the dark.
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barbies1shots · 4 months
more toxic sukuna 😔
you all are NASTYYY !!! yall toxic sukuna is not for the weak , heres pt1 freaks .
giving my thanks to @thataintyohoeee for bits of this idea .
☆ - TOXIC themes , choking , mentions of stalking , calling the 😼 'she/her' , full nelson , abuse , hints at cheating (sukuna) , mentions of manipulation , mentions of murder , mentions of suicide , body fluids, possessive themes , obsessive themes , reader tries to be a boss bitch but cant stick up for herself , this and YOU guys who support this is genuinely concerning
read at your own risk
toxic!sukuna who you broke up with multiple months ago yet still comes around, claiming that youre the only one he really wants. that no other woman can replace you.
toxic!sukuna who goes to the club the next night and flirts with 2 women before taking them home.
toxic!sukuna who send you photos and videos of him fucking them dumb but saying that they can never compare.
toxic!sukuna who shows up at your house in the middle of the night, completely drunk and off his ass saying that he regrets everything he did. the abuse and manipulation.
toxic!sukuna who presses his face into your chest, pleading for you to take him back.
"Please, please, i didnt mean anything i did or said. ill be better for you. i make you the center of my life, the center of my soul. ill change just for you. I wont hurt you again, Ill love you more than i love myself."
toxic!sukuna who tries to hide his smirk once you accepted him into your home with a heavy heart.
toxic!sukuna who goes to your bathroom to clean himself up but ends up stuffing multiple pairs of dirty underwear into his pants pockets.
toxic!sukuna who licks his lips as he knows that you can not resist him, youre just too caring and compassionate.
toxic!sukuna who sat next to you on the couch after you asked him if he wanted to watch a movie.
toxic!sukuna who has his tongue down your throat and a hand between your thighs by the first 10 minutes of the movie.
toxic!sukuna who keeps pushing at your chest untill your back is pressed into the couch cushions despite your small protests.
toxic!sukuna who continues to take your breath away even after you told the man you wanted a break.
toxic!sukuna who stares blankly at your back as you walked away after you successfully shoved him off and walked into the kitchen.
toxic!sukuna who follows after you and pins you against the kichen counter, his hips pressed into yours so much that it begins to hurt your pelvis and hips as the kitchen counter dug into your skin
toxic!sukuna who wraps a hand around your neck and doesnt let up even after you begin gurgling on your own spit.
toxic!sukuna who smiles in delight when your claw desperately at his skin, drawling blood.
toxic!sukuna who shoves your night shorts down your legs and shoves another hand under your ass.
toxic!sukuna who releases his hand on your neck and shoves your upper back untill your bent over the counter.
toxic!sukuna who lands a slap on your sensitive cunt, pulling a shrill cry from your lips.
toxic!sukuna who just keeps slapping your lower body even after you reach a hand back to cover yourself from his relentless strikes.
toxic!sukuna who sees the counter wet from your snot and tears and grabs your hair to pull you up.
toxic!sukuna who runs a long tongue over your face, licking up everything on it. Tears, spit, snot.
toxic!sukuna who laughs as your sudder in disgust.
toxic!sukuna who pulls your lower lips apart just to look at the damage done, all the slick dripping down your plump thighs.
toxic!sukuna who bends down to pick you up, legs way above your head and completely at his mercy.
toxic!sukuna who jerks your body just to watch your breasts jump with every convenience.
"Let me go, Ryomen! I let you in my house so you dont have to gravel at my feet like a lost puppy! We broke up so long ago, you cheated on me, you tried to manipulate me, you abused me! I hate you!"
toxic!sukuna who listens to your hateful rambling with a smile on his face.
toxic!sukuna who slams himself in your cunt, cutting off every little thought in your small head.
toxic!sukuna who rails you even with how long your cries are.
toxic!sukuna who stops for a second and walks to the bathroom mirror, forcing yourself to watch how he drops you up and down on his dick.
"I didnt do shit to you, (name). You wanted this! you begged me every night to come over, dont think i didnt forget that. Dont think i didnt forget you sending me videos of you fucking yourself raw each night and sending me videos at 2am!"
"you cant ever run from me. i will always be with you, by you, infront of you, behind you... watching you!"
toxic!sukuna who growled those words into your ears as you cried and came on his dick again.
toxic!sukuna who coos mockingly as you beg him to slow down and let you have a break.
toxic!sukuna who claims your cunt loves it so much that shes squeezing him extra tight tonight.
toxic!sukuna who groans loudly after you tighten up.
toxic!sukuna who threatens to kill everyone you know after you begged him for help.
toxic!sukuna who threatened to kill you while youre stuff with his dick, that he has your life in his hands.
toxic!sukuna who then threatened to kill himself after eveything because you cant go into the after life without him.
toxic!sukuna who drops your spent body on the bed, getting behind you and says hell fuck you untill the sun comes up.
toxic!sukuna who you wont ever get rid of, who will always be there.
"Ive told you multiple times, baby. you cant run from me."
there you freaks go , part2 of toxic sukuna .
prt1 toxic!sukuna
prt3 toxic!sukuna
- Aizawas BARB !
revenge on toxic!sukuna
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mamisfavmosher · 9 months
i love your judgment day writings so much!
and i love how you write the one about the safe word use, i feel like it’s still an understatement topic and i’m glad someone can write about it!
would you feel comfortable making a similar one but where reader goes non verbal, where reader won’t speak and only uses gestures to make them understand that she’s uncomfortable and how would they comfort her? maybe they know she goes non verbal when she’s uncomfortable but it never happened that she had to tap out during a scene so they don’t know what to do?
thank you so much, if u don’t feel comfortable it’s okay🫶🏻 hope you have a nice day !
thank you! that makes me so happy that you think i write understated topics well! and i'm so sorry this took so long! but on the bright side, i passed all my classes!!
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quiet gestures // poly!judgment day x fem!reader
warnings: language, safewording variation, rough judgment day, slight degradation, oral, penetration, hair pulling, spit k!nk, slight electricity play, etc, JD is not apart of this
Readers POV
It had been a rough night in general for The Judgment Day, but for some reason, losing my contender's match against Iyo Sky is really what set the rest of my partners off. They had chosen to wait for me backstage, and personally, I think that's part of the reason I lost the match. I always do better with them cheering me on from ringside, but Mami suggested I prove I can do it on my own. Since that plan went terribly, I knew I was in for it.
I cautiously walked backstage and immediately caught their heated glares. "Locker room. Now." Damian demanded and gestured for me to walk in front of all of them. Letting out a shaky sigh, I lead the way back to the locker room and quickly went inside.
"What the hell was that, lass? What were you thinkin'?" Finn started going off as soon as he walked in the room. "I mean, was there anything going through your head at all?"
Dom was quick to add his opinion, too. "Clearly, she doesn't know what she's doing." He shook his head in disappointment.
Then, Damian. "Honestly, this is ridiculous. We get you this match, we train you to win and hopefully have a chance at becoming a champion, and then you go and screw it all up!"
"Boys," Rhea cut them off with an icy tone. "Enough. She knows what happens when she loses." Her features still expressed her anger, but she calmly walked over to me.
Her hand reached out and fisted into my hair, causing a gasp to escape my throat at the surprise. "Open," Her free hand tapped a finger on my lips. She spit onto my tongue and forced my mouth closed. I swallowed on instinct, an eerie smile spreading across her face. "Good girl. Obviously, she knows how to do something right." Rhea called out to the boys behind us.
"She needs to prove it to all of us, then." Dom said and yanked me toward the rest of them. "You know what to do, slut. Bend over the couch." He pushed me toward the couch and I stumbled over my feet.
"I really don't think we have to do this-" I attempted to plea. "I mean, I think I put up a pretty good fight against Iyo." My defense was shut down as Damian and Finn quickly worked on tearing my clothes off and bending me over the side of the couch. Dom came around me and kneeled on the couch, unzipping his pants and thrusting himself into my mouth. I sputtered and gagged as Finn held my hands behind my back, tears gathering in my eyes as my throat burned and I struggled to breathe.
Damian had dug through one of Rhea's bags that she always brings to shows and pulled out a small prodding stick with a shocker at the end. My mind immediately went into panic mode. That tool had only been used on me once and I made it very clear that I wasn't a fan.
Finn was holding my head against Dom's stomach to make me deepthroat his cock and Rhea was attaching one of her bigger straps to her waist. Rhea had walked over to me, Damian in tow, and quickly thrusted the toy into me from behind. Finn let Rhea take over holding my hands and moved to take turns with Dom while Damian started poking the shocker around near my breasts, building up my nerves before actually turning it on.
I squealed around Dom's and Finn's cocks as I felt the multiple stabbing shocks. My body writhed to try and get away from Damian. "Don't move away from me, babygirl. I can always make it worse." He tutted and began to move the stick lower towards my cunt. I whimpered in fear, but remained silent even as Dom and Finn stopped using my mouth to watch the other two use me.
"C'mon, pretty. Let Mami know how good she's making you feel. It's the least you could do after tonight." Rhea snarled and pounded into me harder.
Finn seemed to be the only one who caught on to the fact that something might be wrong as no words or sounds left my mouth. This was a scenario he had become familiar with over the months. If I was in an uncomfortable situation that I didn't really know how to handle, I chose silence. "Lass?" He attempted to check in.
Rhea and Damian, oblivious to the situation, carried on with their actions. Damian moved the shocker right over my clit and I hurriedly squeezed at Rhea's hands in a panic. My eyes widened, glossy and teary, as I made eye contact with Finn and Dom, silently pleading for an end to this.
As soon as Rhea felt the squeezing on her hands, she quickly pulled out and helped me lay down on the couch, quietly informing Damian on what happened.
"Love? Are you okay? What's happening?" Finn wiped at my falling tears as I curled my knees up to my chest.
Dom ran a comforting hand over my side. "Chica, what's wrong?"
Damian started pacing the room, fearing that they had broken my trust and scared me. Rhea moved to try and hold my hands, sending a worried glance to the boys as I continued to cry. "Was it too much, babe?" She softly smoothed a hand over my hair and down my cheek. I slowly nodded and gripped Rhea's hand tightly.
The tense silence in the room conveyed their concern. They were too rough and it got out of hand. To the point that their girl, who they're supposed to take care of, became uncomfortable and had to tap out.
Damian finally kneeled down next to the others, his brows deeply furrowed. "Please forgive us, babygirl. This shouldn't have happened." His warm hand was placed on my thigh.
Sniffling, I looked at all of them and gently nodded my head. They all breathed a sigh of relief and quickly sent soft smiles my way.
Finn peered up at me, "I'm just glad I was able to realize the moment you became uncomfortable, love. And I'm sorry I didn't react as quick as I should have, but at least now I know what to look for." I sweetly smiled at him and reached for his hand. He took mine and kissed my knuckles.
"You really had me worried there for a second, sweetheart." Dom said as he and Rhea both moved closer. "I think we should come up with an official gesture for you to use when things are getting out of hand. Something that would let us all know to stop when we see it."
I excitedly nodded my head and held my hand up in signature Judgment Day style, a rock 'n' roll gesture.
"It's settled, then. Anytime we see you use that signal during a scene, we all stop immediately. We just wanna keep you safe and happy, babydoll." Rhea said, giving me a quick kiss, smiling into it. "We love you."
From then on, they stuck to their word and kept a close eye out for any specific gestures during some of their rougher scenes, proving time and time again how much they love me.
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rafesgoldrings · 1 year
Okay so we got jealous Rafe…but what about jealous trophy wife reader. Let’s say an older woman, one Rafe’s age, starts stopping by the office because she’s thinking about doing business with him. She starts getting a little too friendly with him and it makes reader a little upset since she’s so much younger. One day the woman and Rafe go into his office for a private meeting and reader goes in and drops to her knees and starts sucking Rafe off so the lady gets the hint
OH MY GOD?? The gasp I just gusped (I also hit the text limit writing this and if that doesn’t say anything about the obsession I have with trophy wife reader and Rafe, I don’t know what will😭)
 You didn’t like her. Didn’t even have to speak to her to know that she was an insufferable cunt who was up to no good, the way she stared you down with that irritating smirk and gave Rafe fuck me eyes told you what you needed to know. Part of you was already insecure enough being with Rafe, he was older, smarter, and a hell of a lot more successful and experienced than you, now this stupid older woman, closer in both his age and success, was here making moves on him. You had no doubt he loves you for who you are, despite the age gap and success level differences, but that didn’t stop you from seeing red each time they spoke. You really did try to keep yourself collected in order for him to secure this business deal, he’d told you how important it was to the company and you weren’t trying to fuck that up for him. But when she walked into his office alone, him following shortly after, that was your final straw. You’d stormed towards his door, red bottoms that your husband bought you echoing prominently in the room, before opening it and storming inside not bothering to close the door behind you. “Baby? What are you doing here?” Rafe asked with a nervous chuckle, he was so close to securing the deal and getting rid of the woman before you’d stormed in. The man wasn’t an idiot, in all his years of being alive and working in the business he’d seen women just like her. The ones that would flirt and sleep their way into a deal, that’s why he’d always reject her and remind her he was a happily married man, it just didn’t deter her at all. You said nothing to him, just walked over in front of him and sank to your knees, unbuckling his belt and undoing his business slacks before pulling his cock out and stroking it with your hand. You’d made it a point to exaggerate your wedding ring, all the diamonds shining brightly against the fluorescent lights above you. His hips would buck into your hand and you sent her a smirk from across the desk. A big look of ‘see how he responds to me. he’s mine, fucking back off’ loving the look of unease she gave you. Her jaw slightly clenched and breathing becoming increasingly more rapid as she grew more irritated. His hand instinctively flew to your hair and pulled it in a makeshift ponytail, moving your head so your mouth was lined up with his cock. You’d stick your tongue out and place it flat against his tip, slowly pushing more in until his cock was hitting the back of your throat before wrapping your lips around it and sucking. The small whimpers he was making mixed with the feeling of being watched made you more eager to keep going, hands moving to play with his balls and moaning around his cock like he loved you doing. Your fellow employees could easily see and hear everything, but nobody would say a word. You could have them fired within seconds if they dared, and they wouldn’t say a word to their boss knowing he could make their life hell, so they opted to mind their own business. The woman cleared her throat, alerting Rafe to her presence again, and raised her brows like she expected him to tell you to stop. To her surprise, he just mumbled a quick ‘sorry, where were we?’ you still on your knees sucking him off under the desk. Each time she’d speak to him, you sucked harder, squeezed his balls harder, so he’d let out a loud groan of your name and remind her of her place. The deal would quickly come to a close right as he came. Thick ropes of cum coating your tongue and throat, you kept sucking him dry. It wasn’t until he physically pulled you off that you stopped, turning your head to the side just in time to see her walk out of his office and shout “thanks for doing business with my husband! next time keep yourself in line yeah?” the taste of him still fresh on your tongue. He’d pull you up by your throat into a sloppy kiss. “That was so fucking hot baby, want to fuck you on my desk” he’d mumble on your lips, striding over to the door to close and lock it before returning to you, bending you in half over the desk and pushing your skirt up so that he could have his way with you
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poppy-metal · 3 months
Hi hello yes your creep!au is scratching an itch i didn't even know needed to be scratched! I absolutely love it and you 💖 especially your last post about her hesitancy to reveal herself I just augghhrheuehh like it's not that she thinks getting to know him will ruin the idea she's had of him because she does truly care about him under all that psychopathy. it's her fear that him finally knowing who she is will ruin this good thing they have going, like he's validating her and she doesn't have to be vulnerable. Maybe he starts hinting more at wanting to see her face, tries to trick her into meeting up, just wants to know her name and she's panicking but while all this is going on he's noticing his project partner being more aloof with him, like she's trying to detach herself, and he's worried about that now too wondering what he did??? Can you tell I'm invested heavily? Like I need to know more!
giggles and kicks my feet -
I'm thinking of reader being invited to his dorm to study - going to hers is absolutely out of the question, there's too much evidence of her obsession with him all over the place - and you already know where arts room is.
you give yourself away a little - when you walk ahead of him and catch yourself, making sure you trail behind him - can't let him know you're already well aware of the location of his dorm. stepping inside it and trying to be normal. you come across as stiff and stoic to art when really you're containing yourself.
he thinks you probably dislike him. the wooden way you walk over to his bed when he motions to it - "you can sit - here, let me -" he shoves some pillows back so you have space to settle. he takes his desk chair, spinning it around and straddling it to face you. "so."
you blink at him, owlish. inside your head, your brain is spinning spinning spinning. everything around you is just art. on his bed - on his sheets that he sleeps in. the room smells like him. if you flopped down and burried your face in his pillows you'd be enveloped in it. dry. your mouth is so dry. you touch your throat - swallow.
art straightens and pushes hair out of his eyes - his curls are extra curly today - he must have showered this morning - "shit. are you thirsty - i could go get you something -" he's already standing up, so you nod and he smiles, like he's relieved to do something. "what d'you like? the vending machine in this dorm isn't half bad. there's like, water and soda - or i could go get you something from the cafeteria? their coffee is shit but they have these like, fruit smoothies that are actually good -"
"okay." you mumble, staring up at him, nearly in awe. his voice is addicting to listen too - but his face was getting flushed, trying to figure out what you'd want. you actually would have preferred a coke, but when art raises and eyebrow and says - "right, cool. smoothie then?" you nod like that's absolutely what you want.
he pockets his dorm room key and walks backwards as he leaves, waves his arm in a vague 'do whatever' gesture - "make yourself comfortable or as comfortable as you can on a shitty dorm bed. I'll be quick."
you last about five seconds after the door clicks shut before you're diving into his bed. inhaling into his pillow and moaning. it smells so good. a full body shiver goes through you. you roll onto your back, bringing the pillow with you - covering your face. you want his scent all over you - you want it soaked into your pores. into your skin. into your bloodstream. it washes over you like a wave. warm, warm, warm. you stick your tongue out - press it against the fabric of his pillowcase. it tastes like plain old fucking fabric. but. arts art art art arts. you suck it into your mouth. clench your legs. you cant masturbate right now but you want to. want to hump against his bed -
arts phone pings. you sit up, blinking. you hadn't realized he'd left his phone here.
biting your lip, you pick it up. the notification was just an email from a professor but you swipe up. locked. thats fine. you tap in the date he won his first trophy in tennis - unlock his phone.
thumb through his messages. you halt at the message he'd last sent you - you haven't been able to check today yet.
would at least tell me your name? you know so much about me and i don't even know what to call you.
you cant, though. your name is recognizable. but still..... you think. what if he called me a petname..... what if he had a special nickname just for you.... then you'd be his, in a way. you already were but - it would just cement it even more. what would art call you, given the chance? given what hes learned so far? you would be anything for him. your real name doesn't even matter - just what he calls you. that might as well be the real you.
you set his phone back down exactly as it was. swipe a stick of his cinnamon gum from his desk and put it in your pocket.
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