#and same with dave's mother😭😭
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tragic-vaudeville · 1 year ago
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Interviews of 80's Pop Stars' Mums! (featuring, Gary Numan's, Howard Jones's, Rick Parfitt's, and Dave Gahan's mothers)
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autistichalsin · 1 year ago
Some of my favorite voice lines (either because of the lines themselves or because of Dave's delivery) from this collection of every line Halsin had in the game (and some he technically didn't because they weren't Halsin lines at all, but lines other characters have that they had Dave record for some reason):
5:07 "Fancy a b-oink? Indeed, you'll be hard-pressed to find a joke I haven't."
8:26 "I am Halsin. First Druid of the Emerald Grove. And I am here to VISIT NATURE'S FURY UPON YOU!" (From his revenge scene if the grove is raided- just, brilliant acting, gives me the chills every time. Give Dave an award please)
10:10 "Karlach. I am glad you can enjoy the touch of another once again. And I hope you are afforded much more time than you've been told. A lifetime and more, if I have a say in it."
17:33 "Lae'zel could not have wished for a finer companion by her side. You truly love her, I can tell. Just... keep each other safe, please."
25:05 (Tav or Durge line) "Yeah, she's not coming back."
27:44 "Shadowheart. These truths that have been revealed to you... I know they must be painful. But Oak Father as my witness, I know you are strong enough to bear them. You need not walk this path alone."
34:08 "I am sorry, Gale. You tried. Mystra was wrong to turn on you, no matter what mistakes you made in the past."
35:57 "Time can prove to be a trickster on one's recollections. What would be multiple lifetimes for others now separate me from my captivity. Perhaps I have lost perspective on what happened to me."
39:06 "Re-education. As if this sect has not mangled poor Shadowheart's mind enough already."
41:59 "I need you!"
47:08 (Shadowheart line) "Let's see what comfort we can offer a grieving mother."
47:57 "You have carried this burden for too long already. I simply do not believe that ceremorphosis is the only course left to you! Orpheus must help us." (He is so protective of the player 😭 )
52:03 "We need to be gone from here- now!"
53:10 (Tav/Dark urge line) "In my name." (Amazing acting for that line, makes me wish SO BAD we could have Origin Halsin)
1:04:13 "A mindflayer?! What foul trickery is this?"
1:04:20 "I am no stranger to the Underdark. Cruelty comes to Lolth's followers as naturally as breathing. I have seen it- experienced it." (You can tell he still holds so much grief and anger over what happened to him in the Underdark.)
1:04:32 "Do not yield, Karlach. The world has need for you yet. I have need for you yet. Please." (The way his voice breaks here just wrecks me.)
1:10:13 "Let our enemies' corpses nourish the ground!"
1:13:20 "Gale, what's troubling you? We're nearly at the end, I know it."
1:14:52 (Tav/Dark Urge line) "That's what was in there? Those little shits."
1:21:26 "You have upended nature's balance. Only your death can restore it!" (From the Halsin revenge scene.)
1:24:31 "Last Light fell because you could not control the violence in your heart. All those people perished because of what you did to Isobel. You must try harder. You must be better."
1:24:26 "There must be no more Yennas."
1:25:39 "No, it's wooden. Um. I suppose it burns if you find yourself in dire need of kindling, but I hope it does not come to that." (Referring to his whittled duck)
1:35:12 (Karlach line) "Rest in peace, Astarion. You may have been a bloodthirsty murderer, but I liked you all the same."
1:37:03 "Death is nature's final slumber. It awaits us all. Do not punish yourself over those lost, or give in to despair. Not while there are folks in need of your help."
1:40:57 "Do not yield, Karlach. Stay with us. Stay with the ones who love you." (Just breaks my heart. 😭 )
1:43:28 "You deserve so much better, but alas... I understand. Do as you must."
1:57:27 "You seem to be mumbling to yourself- aren't I enough company for you?" (To Shadowheart)
2:08:57 "GLORY?! There's no glory here! Now there's nothing here. Only shadows, and the total absence of hope!"
2:09:37 "I see. Well. Perhaps not all friendships are destined to be balanced and reciprocal. But I remain eternally grateful for having met you, all the same. Rest well."
2:13:27 "We are. Yet there is a burden to being the survivor, the witness to others' tragedies. It only grows heavier with time."
2:16:26 "You worship Shar?! That umbral witch unleashed a plague of darkness on nature! Her followers slew many of my fellow Druids!" (So much pain and anger here.)
2:20:41 "It wasn't just power this needed! It was wisdom, understanding! I suffered along with this place for years trying to understand the curse! And it seems I will continue to do so."
2:21:46 Maniacal laughter (I can only imagine this happens if you get hit with Tasha's Hideous Laughter, and this one was incredible in that it SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME LMFAO I was so creeped out. HUGE props to Dave Jones for that one.)
2:26:15 (Dark Urge line) "In Bhaal's name."
2:33:13 "Poor creature! Locked in a cage, denied her true nature. Civilization would cause her a monstrosity, yet it treats her like this?!"
2:34:54 "What are you doing?! No!"
2:39:01 "Ah, but the glory can be found in the telling! The children love tales of underdogs, facing odds most unlikely! They shall appreciate your story, trust me."
2:40:20 "The Rite of Thorns? No..."
2:42:09 "I was not here to guide them. Now they rest forever, while I carry the weight of my failings."
2:52:35 "Nature cares little for nobility- it is pure artifice. But I can still hold some respect for Wyll's accomplishment. He shall be a fine duke, I am sure."
2:53:50 "Please. Don't sully the gratitude I feel towards you by making excuses for Kagha. My choice was clear."
2:56:01 (Orin-as-Halsin) "Please, wait. I did not want this. I could not stop it."
3:19:56 "Hmm. Perhaps I can substitute the bloodlust and, well, general lust for cuddles and animals in the retelling. The children will be confused, but no matter- they will soon be asleep."
3:23:38 "I am glad to have Gale back with us. The group would be poorer without his insights- and his company."
3:27:00 "That was no killing blow- far from it. What happened?"
3:27:49 "Silvanus guard us- what have you done?!"
3:29:58 "If this is what you truly want, I shall respect your wishes. But know that you shall not die, not truly. Nature's realm shall be yours- in the air, the trees, the waters."
3:32:27 "Don't do this! Your life!" (When a mind flayer character commits suicide in the ending)
3:34:47 Pained groaning (IDK it just sounded so damn real here, I could just imagine Halsin with a giant gaping wound or something here)
3:38:53 "The machine! It's going to blow!"
3:41:12 "Come on, you useless turnip!"
3:46:43 "You can still save yourself, Karlach. You can return to Avernus- it need not be forever. Just long enough to give yourself a chance..." (His voice sounds so small and pleading here 😭 )
3:48:12 (Dark Urge line) "In Bhaal's name." (Just a really good delivery)
3:48:54 "But... friendship is no consolation trophy. I cherish the bond we have forged. Whether it should grow into something else is... not for me to predict."
3:49:20 "Vampire spawn assailing us in the night? I thought we had ample troubles as it was. At least you are safe, Astarion."
3:51:00 "I was never afforded a chance to start a family of my own- serving nature always had to come first."
3:51:07 "You thought she was an imposter- a threat. This was a trap of Orin's creation. Yenna's death is on her hands, not yours."
3:51:22 "Your rage is most impressive, Karlach. If the lesson is not to provoke your temper, consider it well-learned."
3:59:04 "Ha! I suppose I did, didn't I? I was so focused on helping Thaniel that my sense of decorum was neglected."
4:06:02 "Truly? I thought you felt the same way as me. There was a connection, I-I was sure!" (Oh my god he sounds like he's fucking CRYING here and this legitimately made me whimper out loud and hide my face. I have NEVER needed to hug a character THIS BADLY before oh my god give Dave Jones all of the awards please)
4:17:03 "Oak Father, what did I do to deserve such allies?!"
4:18:03 "This... orb. Gale carries a most dire burden. I wish he had shared it with us sooner."
4:18:58 "Time for blood!" (In bear form)
4:19:31 "Karlach has had her mortality defined to her in most cruel terms. I do not know if we can help her, but perhaps we can at least be there for her."
4:23:19 "FINE!" (He just sounds so done lmfao)
4:23:20 "And yet, she fears there are none to inherit her work, so she goes on. Long life can be a burden at times- I know that well."
4:24:45 "You shall live on. And wherever I go, I shall feel your presence, and you mine." (To Origin Karlach in the ending- this whole scene would be really beautiful if they would just fix a few things)
4:27:55 "Your power is buoyed by a sea of innocent blood! I hope you are pleased."
4:28:26 (Tav/Dark Urge line) "In my name." (Gave me chills)
4:30:59 (Tav/Dark Urge line) "What in the hells, Astarion?! You bit me!"
4:32:39 "Remember, whatever evil is trying to control you, I know you are stronger. Resist."
4:35:08 Pained groaning and cries (They just sounded so real and painful)
4:37:11 "Dominate the brain! Do it now, or all is lost!"
4:47:46 "I will not go on without you!"
4:49:18 "Perhaps try attacking the enemy!" (He sounds so done lmfao)
4:49:25 "That contraption looks set to kill you, not save you! Get clear of it at once!"
4:50:27 "A cruel blow. Astarion loved feeling the caress of the sun, only now it gouges him with its claws. Perhaps we shall meet again, beneath the shield of darkness."
4:53:23 Maniacal laughter (Truly terrifying just like the other one)
4:58:49 (Yenna line [yes really]) "Where am I? I don't like this dream!"
4:59:04 "Nature bows to none. It will fight on and survive, no matter what madness your god has inspired you to undertake."
5:03:51 "Stuck, eh? Straight out of bawdy literature."
5:09:57 "Killing Orin won't bring Yenna back, but it may give her some peace, and me... a great deal of satisfaction."
5:11:26 "No! Have you taken leave of your senses?!"
5:15:27 "This may keep the city safe, but to seal all those unfortunates away forever? Death would have been more merciful."
5:16:44 "Stay your hand, Astarion! To sacrifice so many is a tyrant's ambition!"
5:16:52 "I... cannot imagine how you are feeling, Gale. For a goddess to ask a mortal to pay such a price... I am sorry for... for your burden."
5:19:44 "Immortal... and angered. What have I done...?"
5:20:43 "The power of the bear lies within me!"
5:22:47 "In that case, nothing more needs to be said. Farewell." (Said if a player who has low approval with Halsin at the epilogue party says they have no interest in taking the olive branch Halsin extended; I like this one because he sounds like a strange combination of sad and relieved at the same time, which is such a realistic combination of feelings!)
5:26:14 "Slain and stuffed. I would like to do the same to whoever's handiwork this is." (About a taxidermy baby bear)
5:26:19 "My heart grows heavy for Karlach. She can touch once more, yet is her remaining time to truly be so short? I shall pray to Silvanus that it does not come to pass."
5:32:10 "I... cannot imagine how you are feeling, Gale. For a goddess to ask a mortal to pay such a price... I am sorry for... for your burden. Though I wish you had told us of your predicament before."
5:36:33 (Orin-as-Halsin) "I lost control. I felt the bear take over, blood-crazed. And she forced me into a cage, along with... *sobs* with children, taken from the streets." (I think this one is a slightly different version than what ended up used? The sobbing is definitely more prominent if nothing else.)
5:39:28 "I hoped my friends would save me..." (Dave manages to make Halsin's body sound dead-corpse-emotionless and yet sad at the same time.)
5:39:45 "I hoped my loved would save me..." (Same as above)
5:41:08 "Your gold and your loins. Not for me to dictate what you do with either."
5:41:20 "You were not even born when Shar's followers slew my fellow Druids, or when her shadow curse tainted the land. I can get past those... but I truly wish you had trusted me sooner."
5:52:36 "No matter how long I live, I will never get used to the cruelty that infests our world. That such evil is allowed to breathe the same air as us is an abomination."
5:57:33 (Tav/Durge line) "In my name."
6:02:56 "Of course... somehow I'd hoped for a miracle, but of course... the only miracles are those we make ourselves." (He's talking about Karlach/her engine here)
6:03:57 "I was all too eager to surrender my responsibilities towards the Grove, and now it has been sealed away from the world! Perhaps I was never meant to be Archdruid... to be a leader."
6:08:29 "NO! Cease now, before you doom us all!"
6:09:22 (Dark Urge line) "In Bhaal's name."
6:20:05 "I shall endeavor to be more tactful when trying to make friends in future."
6:22:06 "You are afraid because you are alive, and you have something to lose. Hold onto that."
6:26:58 "You will not desecrate this grove! Not while I draw breath!"
6:33:00 "This need not be a parting, so long as you fight on. You and I can each roam apart, until nature compels our paths to cross once again."
6:41:42 "I shall miss him, though I hope he proves to be a kindly god. I've had my fill of the tyrannical sort."
6:42:29 "Do as you must, as shall I. We shall meet again. It is as sure as the break of dawn, or the spring thaw."
6:44:49 "And I have been evicted from the very place I was charged to safeguard. A telling summary of my time as Archdruid, perhaps."
6:45:47 "Stay with me, my love."
6:50:36 "Do not falter, I am here!"
6:51:15 "Karlach. I am sorry. I shall not try to soothe you with gilded words, but... know that I am here for you."
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creedslove · 1 year ago
when i tell you i'm going feral over javi having breeding/praise kink, i mean it.
this man can go from a total slut to our sweet domestic husband who will bring you flowers everyday and ask for help with tying his tie.
every time he appears on my screen i'm literally screaming into the pillow and kicking my legs. because honestly? that man could fuckin step on me and i'd say thank you.
but having his last name? having his children and be their mother??
i live for that dream 😭✋
hope your day was better than mine's and you feel okay. you're my comfort person and if it weren't for your blog i would never found out about javi or dave york, thank you so much <3
Javier Peña x f!reader
A/N: I love you my beautiful bestie, you are my comfort person and I love you and sorry for taking so long 😘💘 I hope you're doing alright love 😘
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• alrighty bestie, Javi is the definition of praise kink; that man will praise you at any given opportunity and he will enjoy everything single minute of it, because he lives for complimenting you as whole: your looks, your bodies, your laughter, your intelligence and of course, let's never forget about how he compliments your nails 🗣️
• he will always tell you you look pretty or mention you are wearing a beautiful color, he's gonna notice when you get a haircut, if you change your perfume and your lipstick usual colors (but let's cut him some slack here, the first thing he thinks of is that new color on your lips while you have his cock in your mouth hehe)
• and of course during sex Javier Peña is a fucking praiser™
• I mean it, he's gonna mix that with that filthy mouth of his, telling you the most explicit sinful things, at the same time he can be very sweet about you, always working on boosting your self confidence even if he doesn't really realize that
• and while doing so, of course he's gonna speak spanish too, knowing it drives you crazy
"just like that, mi amor, take all of it, all my cock in your beautiful mouth, tus labios tan bonitos..."
" you have such a delicious tight cunt, cariño, I love how you gush for me..."
"tu culo me vuelve loco, amor... Let my cock inside of it, I'll promise I'll go nice and slow"
• 🫢
• but he also likes receiving the praise; Javi suffers a lot from stress and those cruel thoughts about not being good enough or not doing a decent job, when it's time to lose himself into you and relax, he appreciates the way you remind him he's just as great
"you're amazing Javi, I'm proud of you, mi amor"
"your cock is so delicious, hermoso... Dejame cuidarte..."
• it will just melt your seemingly grumpy DIA boyfriend and he's gonna be all soft all for yourself
• also, I don't take any contrary opinions on this: Javier Peña is a family man and he just (wants) and needs a woman to make an honest man out of him; the moment he falls in love for real, he falls hard and there's no turning back, that man will love you for life
• and he's gonna change his mind about being a bachelor, he's gonna be a husband, and a great one at that matter, he's just gonna love being a husband, the fact he has a wife and that he won't have any other lonely nights, but instead, someone waiting for him at the end of the day, as he goes to his home instead of going just to a house
• he would such a proud husband, excited about wearing a wedding ring and such, everything in order to show how happy he is with marriage
• he's also the kind of husband to bring you flowers, chocolates, body lotions and any other small gifts here and there for no specific reason other than making you happy
• and not only that, he would always remember important dates, such as engagement and wedding anniversaries
• and of course, while being a loving husband, he would want to take the next step which consists of having a baby with you; it would probably start after seeing how beautiful you look with Murphy's kid in your arms, and just the general thought of having a whole family of his, would be enough to spark the idea
• and then the fun part begins: trying for a baby, which consists of you jumping on him at any opportunity
• and that man would finish inside of you every single time, hoping that time will be the charm and the baby Peña won't take very long ❤️
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deadassluv · 5 months ago
Okay this is my last post until chaos theory s2 comes out. I’m gonna talk about things I expect to see in season 2. Dinostar love confession/argument flashback- I need an argument or love confession. I want to see Brooklynn face when Darius told her his feelings, I want to see them argue, I want to see Darius hesitating on meeting up with Brooklynn. I just need more Angst.
Sammy’s family problems explanation- I need an explanation because how in the world did that even happened? Like why aren’t her parents talking to her? That girl sacrificed herself for them, why would they stop talking to her? Is not homophobia because Sammy’s father seemed to be okay with it in the last episode of cc, and Yaz even moved in with them. I heard its because she turned vegetarian or some like that but she literally ate a corn dog with Ben so I don’t think that’s it. The most possible one is Bumpy or her parents being afraid of living in the country side. Maybe her family didn’t wanted to deal with a dinosaur. Or maybe they were too scared to keep living on the country side so they moved, and that made Sammy not want to talk to them anymore. Idk, they better explain that.
Ben’s girlfriend- I need more information about her cause I ain’t believing that yet. The way he said it was not very convincing to me. (I think he might be hiding something.) but I do hope is real though. Just imagine how funny it would be if Ben asked Yaz, Sammy, or Kenji for girlfriend advice.
The Long Run chapter but reversed- What I mean with this is instead of Yaz saving Sammy, is Sammy saving Yaz. That’s it. I need it.
More Darius and Kenji bonding- I need this y’all. I want them to talk about their times as brothers when they lived in the same house and were taking care of by the same mother. I so need this :(
Brooklynn and Handler- I want those two to at least look at each other. Badass woman should always meet another badass woman. (Not a ship)
Mae, Roxy, or Dave- I want them to at least be mentioned. I miss Mae so much.
Angel and Rabel-Please come home your parents miss you. ;(
Nublar six back together- I want them to reunite with Brooklynn so baddddd. I don’t want them to be happy though, at least not right away. I want them to be mad at her because that girl made them sufferrrrr so much and for what? Like I better see some arguing.
Handler- I just want more handler content, she’s just too good.
The new characters lore- I’m so excited for the new characters they look so good, I want a background story for them😭
That’s all…I’m so excited for this season chat, I’m waking up at 3am Thursday to at least have an hour and a half to watch the show before I have to go to school :( (I’m binging when I get home)
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cdyssey · 10 months ago
Elsbeth (1.07) Reactions:
Spoilers under the cut!
first episode I’ve gotten to watch live. :’) I cannot believe how fast I’ve fallen for this show.
KEEGAN MICHAEL KEY!! He’s looking so good.
I love that because elsbeth isn’t a whodunnit, the show can get away with casting insane guest stars for the culprits since it’s the “showcase role.”
It’s kind of delicious that Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are mutually down to murder akaksowkskwksosn���and in fact, it’s implied that this is far from the first time they’ve had to get rid of someone the hard way.
Relatedly, kudos to the creators and writers. all of the culprits have felt unique in their motivations, personalities, and skill sets so far.
“A long line of honorable men have worn this watch, and you desecrated it with that abominable dance.” FJSDJJS, god, Keegan is so funny.
I appreciate that they’ve been consistent with having some of the detectives start to recur! Makes the show’s world start to feel lived in.
Both Donnelly and Kaya, shocked to hell: “You’re married?!”
Lol, Mr. Hayes is a sloppy murderer. He doesn’t try to look bothered at ALL.
Elsbeth housewarming party! Yay!!!
“People doing stupid stuff at a wedding—like having them! Sorry, bad divorce.” Gdkwkqkqkkw
I like how Detective Donnelly has clearly softened up a bit—she even seems a little fond of Elsbeth.
LOL @ THE BRUTAL CUT TO KEEGAN CONFESSING ABOUT THE AFFAIR ANSNSNANSNSNS. The show knew they had a comedian on their hands, and they were going to treat him well.
Ooooh, Keegan’s character knowing Claudia. Interesting.
Elsbeth’s dancing outfit!! The leg warmers!! The blue barrette!!!
Kaya and Elsbeth going out for a lady’s night!!
“A clown emoji was used.” [Cue Kaya laughing fondly.] 😭
Ugh, love that coat on Kaya
I’m going to ignore the elsbeth would love to be Kaya’s mother-in-law quote for reasons.
Anyway, for totally unrelated reasons, do Kaya and elsbeth have a ship name yet. I’ve been calling them kayabeth in my head
Yay!! Love that Teddy’s gay.
Apparently, he doesn’t fall for kind or honest people
FJSDJDJSJ, elsbeth sticking the beer bottle near the golf cart pedal. She’s so fucking wild.
“Oh, you’re no dummy. I could tell that right away.” I love the moments when Elsbeth’s ruthlessness comes through.
The deputy(?) Dave might be the one covering up the Flair-All thing.
That rainbow sweater and the jacket Elsbeth originally had over it was a gay ass fit <3
Sorry, this case is bringing up some stuff.” Lmao, I like Donnelly. Her dryness is fun.
Omgg, Hayes and Elsbeth DANCING!! AKQKWKQOQOKSJS, Carrie Preston is a master of physical comedy
This was just an excuse to get Keegan Michael Key to dance and I love it
I love that they’re genuinely having fun together. One of the biggest draws of the show to me is the unique relationships that Elsbeth has with the culprits of the episodes. She’s out to get them, sure, but she takes great pains to understand them too.
THE WATCH!!!!! That was such a fun set-up.
Kaya is so fucking pretty.
The fact that she got Elsbeth a hook for all her tote bags. 🥺 A pragmatic and thoughtful gift.
this apartment is goddamn gorgeous. All those windows feel very elsbeth.
Lieutenant Noonan… omg, I called it… but now that Wagner is saying the same thing, I’m back to the drawing board on whether I think it’s true or not yet. They’re doing a nice job of continuing to pull this tension in different directions.
This was a very fun episode. Keegan made for a great culprit, and there was a lot of awesome work in fleshing out different characters/dynamics in the main cast.
I’m so charmed by this show. 😭
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reidsaurora · 2 years ago
Prompt: Slow kisses with Spencer Reid. I hope you are okay❤️
hi, anon!! i appreciate you being patient with me as i wrote this! this took me way longer than i anticipated and i would like to apologize for that 🫶🏻
"All Over Again" ~ S. Reid
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Summary: Just a cute lil blurb about Y/N and Spencer's daughter picking him from the airport after a case.
Pairing: Dad!Spencer Reid x Fem!Mom!Reader
Word Count: 1,129 (so it's long for a blurb, sue me ig)
Content Warning: very mild sexual content (a singular mention of making out) but i think that's it honestly
Genre: Fluff, what else did y'all expect from me 😭✋🏻
Extra Notes: this took way too long to write bc my ADHD was popping out for a couple days days 💀
Based On the Prompt: "Slow kisses with Spencer Reid"
Originally Written: between 09/12/22 and 09/14/22
Beta Read by: @dungeons-are-too-cold (thank you, sweet friend!)
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
Touches Prompts can be found here!
ofwilliamandwalter's ask box can be found here!
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Y/N was sure her daughter's pupils tripled in size every time they found themselves at the airport.
Despite bringing Emmeline along countless times to pick Spencer up after cases, the three year old always found something new and exciting every time she went.
"Wait for Mama," Y/N laughed as she walked behind Emmeline, who was intently focused on a woman with a pink suitcase.
Emmeline giggled in response, slowing down for Y/N to catch up.
She reached down for her daughter and smiled, placing her on her hip. "You have a little too much energy for it to be 11:00 p.m," she said with a chuckle.
"I'm just excited to see Daddy again," her daughter replied, followed by a smile—the same smile as Spencer.
"Me too, Em," Y/N said, kissing her daughter on the head.
The two continued to make their way to the gate where Spencer would soon be arriving, Emmeline continuing to look around in wonder.
As Y/N sat down at the gate, Emmeline settled her head on her mother's shoulder, letting out a light yawn.
Y/N giggled at her daughter's sleepiness. "I knew that nap in the car wouldn't last you very long," she joked, craning her head to give her daughter a kiss on the cheek.
"Doesn't matter. I'm staying to see Daddy, Uncle Luke, and Aunt Emily," Emmeline replied determinedly.
"What about Aunt Tara, Aunt JJ, and Uncle Dave?" Y/N asked amusedly.
"Them too," she answered, her eyes growing heavy as she followed her sentence up with a yawn.
After a couple minutes, Y/N heard soft snores close to her ear. She rubbed small circles on her daughter's back as the girl's chest rose and fell, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Y/N found her own eyes getting heavy with sleep too, though she forced herself to awake for fear of falling asleep in the busy airport. She found herself so sleepy that she almost didn't notice the, "Flight AA747 from San Francisco arriving at Gate D3," over the loudspeaker.
Sleepily, Y/N stood with her arms wrapped tightly around Emmeline. She felt both relief and excitement bubbling up in her stomach as she awaited the arrival of her husband.
Luke was first off the plane, sluggishly dragging his carry-on suitcase behind him. A few feet behind him was JJ, who was sipping on a coffee and holding her phone to her ear.
Y/N waved in the direction of the two, quickly catching their attention as she walked their way.
"I see someone's doing what I wish I was doing," Luke chuckled, smiling at the sight of Emmeline.
"Yeah, she said she was going to stay up to see you, Spencer, and Emily but I guess her sleep was more important after all," Y/N laughed softly, patting her daughter lightly on the back.
Luke placed his go bag and carry-on down on the ground, holding out his arms. Y/N already knew what he wanted, happily passing a conked out Emmeline to her godfather.
She shuffled about in his arms, still not having woken up. A smile found its way back to Luke's lips as he walked over to a bench, lightly rocking the three-year-old.
Y/N's sleepy eyes lit up as she spotted Spencer, who seemed intently focused on sharing something with Rossi.
"Probably a statistic or a fun fact," Y/N laughed internally.
Spencer's eyes followed suit, lighting up as they made contact with his wife.
Y/N gave him a tight, closed-lip smile as she plodded toward him, her arms flying up to wrap around his shoulders. "Missed you," she mumbled tiredly, her words barely surpassing a whisper.
His arms wrapped tightly around her midsection. "Missed you more," he replied, kissing her head, "Remind me to never go away for two weeks ever again."
"Noted," she laughed as she looked up at him.
Their lips brushed together slowly and softly as the two took each other in. One of her hands glided into Spencer's hair, lightly tugging at his curls as their lips stayed tightly pressed together.
"Mmm," Spencer hummed as he pulled away, earning him a pout from his wife. "I gotta say hey to my other favorite girl too," he chuckled.
"No offense, but I don't really think she's worried about you right now," Y/N giggled, nodding in the direction of Luke, Emmeline, and now Tara.
Spencer watched as his colleagues chatted, Luke's arms wrapped snugly around Emmeline.
"You know, he talks a lot about how he'd love to have kids with Garcia someday," Spencer commented, his hands moving from Y/N's midsection to her waist.
"They'd make great parents," Y/N replied with a smile. "Not to mention, they have you to teach them all the ins and outs of making this work with a daughter at home."
A small smile tugged at the man's lips. "You ever wonder what it would've been like to have a boy?"
"Sometimes," Y/N confirmed, "Why do you ask?"
Spencer hesitated, but eventually answered, "I don't know. I've just been thinking about it a lot—how cute you looked when you were pregnant, how fun Emmy was when she was a baby, that kind of stuff."
"Do you want another baby?" she asked straightforwardly.
Spencer's lips scrunched as he contemplated his answer. "I'm not opposed if you're not opposed."
Her lips found their way to his again, their lips dancing together in some sort of adagio. If they hadn't been faced with the fact that they were standing in a crowded airport, Y/N was sure he would've easily allowed her access to all of his mouth.
Y/N was the first to pull away, staying silent as she leaned her head against Spencer's chest.
After about twenty seconds, he broke the silence. "So… is that a yes?"
She let out a content huff against the material of his sweater. "I'm not opposed if you're not opposed," she copied.
"Well," he started, "I suppose there's only one person's approval left to ask," Spencer stated, looking over to an almost-awake Emmeline.
Spencer pulled away from their hug, making his way over to Emmeline, Luke, and Tara. Y/N's cheeks lit up pink with happiness as she watched her husband reaching out to take hold of his daughter.
"Emmy," Spencer called, shaking her a little bit as he took her from Luke's arms.
Y/N watched as she slowly woke up, her eyes growing wide with delight as she registered who was holding her. "Daddy!" she exclaimed, her voice still groggy.
She observed their interaction, a feeling of love and thankfulness overflowing in her tummy. She couldn't believe she had Spencer as her husband, much less the father of her child, and now… she might even get to do it all over again.
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Babe, wake up! ofwilliamandwalter posted!
No but seriously, all jokes aside, I am so excited to have another fic out for you guys! I know it's been freaking forever since I posted something, but I really hope you guys like this!
As mentioned earlier, I wanna give a little shout out to Georgia for being so so sweet and reading this. Georgia, you are an icon and I appreciate all of your help! 🫶🏻
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bootyshaker900o · 2 years ago
“Playlists of my unhealthy obsessions/Simping”
These men have caused such a brain rot- that like they are my whole personality. I made a little playlist of songs for them
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Dave/William Afton (🧍‍♂️ I have problems)
Jocelyn Flores - XXXTENTACION
Can You Feel My Heart - Bring Me the Horizon
Yandere - Jazmin Bean
Sex, Drugs, Etc. - Beach Weather
R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys
Play Date - Melanie Martinez
Perverted - Elita
The Neden Game - ICP
Stalker’s Tango - Autoheart
Say My Name - Alex Brightman
Imma Kill You - ICP
Blow My Brains Out - Tikkle Me
Ryn, Rabinit Run - Flanagan and Allen
Boogie Woogie Wu - ICP
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Dirty Harry - Gorillaz
Me and Your Mama - Childish Gambino
Hell of a Ride - Bo Burnham
Family Jewels - Marina and the Diamonds
I’m still standing - Elton John
Puppet Boy - DEVO
Afraid - The Neighborhood
Reflections - The Neighborhood
Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys
One day - Lovejoy
The Ending - Hobo Johnson
Trouble - Hazel Bloom
Teen Romance - Lil Peep
Alien Blues - Vundabar
Team - Mag.Lo
Bad - Michael Jackson
Orphan Tears - Your Favorite Martian
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Problems - Mother Mother
Zydrate Anatomy - Paris Hilton
Toxic - Britney Spears
Liquid Smooth - Mitski
W.D.Y.W.F.M? - The Neighborhood
Trom Cat - Tyler, the Creator
E.T. - Katy Perry, Kanye West
Molly - MSI
Enemy - Imagine Dragons, JID
Never Satisfied - CORPSE
Desire - Meg Myers
Venom - Little Simz
Daddy AF - Slayyter (don’t ask)
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Such A Whore - JVLA
Six Forty Seven - Instupendo
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Daddy issues - The Neighborhood
Genius- Sia, Diplo, Labrinth, LSD
Same Old Love - Selena Gomez
Guys My Age - HEY VIOLET
Life of the Party - The Weeknd
High Enough - K.Flay
Government Hooker - Lady Gaga
Why don’t U - Father, ABRA
New Americana - Halsey
Do You Even? - Jorge Aguilar II
Sugar Daddy - Qveen Herby 
Royals - Lorde
I Feel Like I’m Drowning - Two Feet
New Person, Same Mistakes - Tame Impala
Cold - Maroon 5
Come As You Are - Nirvana
Fantasy - Bazzi
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Raph (my sweet baby boy 😭)
Dark Red - Steve Lacy
Somebody To Love - Queen
Careless Whispers  - George Michaels 
Her - Tyler, The Creator 
Are We Still Friends? - Tyler, The Creator
Trumpets - Jason Derulo
Hold On, We’re Going Home - Drake
Rodeo - Lil Nas X
Ms. Jackson - Outkast
EARFQUAKE - Tyler, The Creator
Mine - Bazzi
Die for You - The Weeknd
Love on the Brain - Rihana
Crazy In Love - Beyoncé, JAY-Z
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Gooey - Glass Animals
Love Me Dead - Ludo
The Distance - CAKE
Like A Stone - Audioslave
Luxurious- Gwen Stafani
Applause - Lady Gaga
Please Me - Cardi B, Bruno Mars
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Alejandro - Lady Gaga
Love Is a Bitch - Two Feet
Aint no Rest for The Wicked - Cage the Elephant
Animal - Sir Chloe
Mr. Saxobeat - Alexandra Stan
Judas - Lady Gaga
Livin La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
White Flag - Bishop Briggs
River - Bishop Briggs
Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke
Sway - Michael Bublé
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Monster Energy Gun - KevinKempt
Chop Chop Slide - ICP
Get Low - Lil Jon
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
Star Shopping - Lil Peep
Never There - CAKE
Shake That - Eminem, Nate Dogg
Everywhere I Go - Hollywood Undead
My Mom - Eminem
Asshole - hooligan chase
Under the Influence - Eminem, D12
Shots - LMFAO
Him and I - G-Eazy, Halsey
The Hills - The Weeknd
my boy - Billie Eilish
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Ain’t Shit - Dojo Cat
Feel Like God - Gazy
Nightmare - Halsey
Good-Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Mujeriego - Ryan Castro
Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics, Annie Lennox
Let’s Groove - Earth, Wind, and Fire
Pizzazz - Akintoye
Slumber Party - Ashnikko
Milkshake - BBY KODIE
Bad - Michael Jackson
Pony - Ginuwine
Death of a Bachelor - Panic! At the Disco
Blah Blah Blah - The Oozes
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
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Joker (Joaquin & Heath’s) (don’t ask- please dont)
Purple Lamborghini- Skrillex, Rick Ross
Fame - David Bowie
Wolf is Sheep’s Clothing - Set It Off
To Catch a Predator- ICP
Back in Black - AC/DC
Tentative - System of a Down
Rainbows and Stuff - ICP
Hokus Pokus - ICP
Murder Go Round - ICP
The Juggla - ICP
HAHA - Lil Darkie
Broken - Lund
I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace
Criminal - Britney Spears
Cradles - Sub Urban
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Mind Games - Sickick
I’m A Slave 4 U - Britney Spears
Who is She? - I Monster
A Pearl - Mitski
Cigarettes Out the Window - TV Girl
Redbone - Childish Gambino 
All for Us - Labrinth, Zendaya
Sucker For Pain - Lil Wayne, Imagine Dragons
My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone
Bubblegum Bitch - MARINA
I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At the Disco
Partition - Beyoncé
Suit and Tie - Justing Timberlake
Jealous - Eyedress
Yellow - Coldplay
My Oh My - Camila Cabello
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selamat-linting · 2 years ago
i've been postponing my homestuck read for days now, focusing on other work and stuff. it was only yesterday that i stop doing my little break. here's my thoughts :
-post scratch world are fascinating. everyone is 15 and the parents are now the kids and vice versa. it seems like a mix between alternia and earth! Lusus exists but concentrated on jake's island, i've seen a lot of callbacks to earlier dialogues and certain troll only things like the quadrants being mentioned, and im pretty sure the rival baking empire was headed by the troll empress who found her planet destroyed.
-anyway, the parents?!!?!?! theyre now the kids? how does that work? dirk and roxy did mention their parents are dead so maybe the sburb alpha version of dave and rose just isnt in the picture but man i wanna see i wanna i wanna see. and now everything i know about the alpha kids makes me want to go back and look back on the beta kids interaction with their parents to go Hmmmmmmmmmmm
-that being said it would be extra screwy is the alpha guardians (grown up beta kids) are actually still alive theyre just absent cunts so the alpha kids resent them and believe the real ones are dead. Oh roxy, just wait until you see your child / mother.
-my thoughts on jane crocker : heartbreaking. the AU version of your favorite beta kid is a billionare 😭. to be fair all of them becomes rich kids in this alpha timeline lol. Okay jokes aside, im very concerned for her and use of crocker tech. Im with dirk and roxy on this. She's a pretty pleasant fellow though. Most normal person out of the crew. There is something very sad about them. Like, they dont get to have a semblance of a normal life or even participate in society for reasons related to the game before the game even arrived. Theyre prepped for this one grand adventure only and its more traumatizing than actually fun. if they won, the world still ends.
-roxy is so. she reminds me of my neighbors' kid who bragged about drinking CT (a local very strong alcoholic drink) but a girl genius. im just fascinated in general. a rogue of void? sleepwalking? owns many cats? she would have been a popular wizardposter on tumblr. i can tell her favorite banned wizard council spell is greater baja blast.
-but mostly im interested in the areas she sleepwalked in. im pretty sure i saw dead dreamself terezi or nepeta and karkat with a knight of blood godtier outfit but no eyes, indicating he's dead. and ofc gamzee and equius but he's still alive. wait he's wearing glasses so i have no idea. I thought this is one of those dream bubbles thing but im even more weirded out with dead godtier karkat. is the void is more of a place for abandoned possibilities? or did i just mistook things over here? rose was there but somehow thats to be expected. she's trying to awaken roxy right? what will roxy do with her access to the void? what will she stole from the depths of the abyss?
-and dirk. wonder what he finally saw at the skies of derse. he's the prince of heart right? the only heart player i know is nepeta and we never really see her powers in action. i cant wait to see whats in store for him. also, he's actually gay? AND A BRONY???? A BRONY??? i mean yea he fucking love puppets but we knew that since act 1. i have no idea how he became friends with everybody like he cares but he's also abrasive as hell to everyone, esp when he likes the guy a LOT. im so sorry for jake.
-jake is a lot more naive than john. which is saying something. and an accomplishment because he's like constantly hunted by literal monsters and death robots. everyday he's fighting demons barehanded but stay silly. i wonder how jade and jake could even get to know each other like, theyre not even in the same timeline.
-and UU. who the fuck are they? is it lord english minions trapping the kids? or what here? They look nice and cheerful but im very skeptical here. couldnt wait to see more of them
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absurdthirst · 4 years ago
Kind of a very specific head canon. I’m in a sexless marriage and it’s really bumming me today. (It’s been 3 years. 😭)
I want to know how the Pedro boys would react to this information if you were a close friend, or maybe someone they hold a torch for.
Yes I’m seeking to fulfill my own Pedro fantasies. What of it. 😂
When They Find Out You Are In a Sexless Marriage: 
Javier: This one is difficult for him. Despite his reputation, Javi doesn’t poach and he respects marriage. His parents were together until the day his mother passed and he ran out on his own wedding because he knew he couldn’t give Lorraine what she wanted or needed. He wants you, but he’s just going to ignore it and continue to try to fuck away the feeling at the brothels.
Ezra: Oh little bird, you need to let Ezra take care of you. Our resident loquacious prospector will shower you with elegant phrases. He is nothing if not opportunistic and in his mind if your partner is not seeing to your needs like they should, he is more than willing to shoulder the responsibility. He will  have you in a cot in seconds if you give him a hint that you are amenable to the idea. 
Mando: A marriage bond is a very sacred thing in the Mandalorian culture. He already feels guilty enough for not being able to squash those feelings that he has developed. Has he kept an eye out for a bounty puck with their name on it? Maybe. But he won’t touch you while you are bound to another. 
Catfish: Fish has done plenty of things wrong in his life. But the only time that he’s slept with a married person was when they didn’t tell him after he took them home. And he was disgusted with himself for a long time, still feels guilty. He’s going to ask if you’ve been to counseling and urge you to follow your heart and do what’s best for you. You can love them and still not need to be with them. 
Tovar: This is a very difficult decision for Tovar. He is a man of questionable morals, but at the same time, he believes in marriage. However, it’s obvious that your partner does not hold the same standards he does. Do you want him to kill them? He can. He will also give you a tumble like you have never had before if you want. However, you will have to approach him, because he will not assume that you want to fuck him just because you are not getting fucked at home.
Max Phillips: This cocky motherfucker. THIS cocky motherfucker actually surprises you. He asks you if you want him to eat them. Not turn them, just eat them. Because he’s pretty fucking pissed about that. Human lives are too short to be living without sex. Don’t they know that??? Also, anytime you want to blackout from cumming too hard, let him know. 😉 He will let you bounce on his cock. 
Agent Whiskey: Ohhhhhh this cowboy is heated. He will be taking your partner behind the woodshed and giving them a talkin’ to. Some harsh words will come out of his mouth, including basically telling them to ‘shit or get off the pot’. He won’t mince words, if they don’t want you, let you go, because he does. 
Marcus Pike: He hates it. Absolutely hates the fact that your partner doesn’t appreciate you like you deserve. Because if you were his, he would never let you think for a moment he didn’t want you. However, given his divorce, he won’t make a move. He would gladly do it if you left them, but he respects you too much to try to do anything with you or take advantage of your situation. 
Oberyn: He and Ellaria have you in the bed within minutes. Making up for the lack of love that you have experienced during your unfortunate time. He might have to be talked out of challenge this partner of yours. He’s killed before and your partner has dishonored you. Besides, as a widow(er), you can do what you wish.
Dave York: Be careful where you tell him this. He will have your bent over the next nearest surface as he makes up for the three years drought. Expect not to be able to walk really well. He’s also plotting a very discreet elimination.  
Marcus Moreno: He’s uncomfortable with the information, to be honest. He could have done without knowing that you are in a marriage where your needs are not being met. He wants you, God does he, but he also respects the bond of marriage and cannot give his daughter that kind of example. 
Max Lord: He urges you to leave them. He stayed longer in his marriage to Alistair’s mother than he should have, even knowing she was cheating on him. All for his son, but he wasn’t happy. You shouldn’t be unhappy, you are too precious to him. He can give you the name a of a good lawyer. 
Zach Wellison: He is surprised to say the least. You are just amazing and he can’t imagine not wanting you. He listens to you complain but he won’t touch you. Not until you leave that piece of shit who isn’t taking care of your needs. 
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years ago
Ok, warning. Spoilers for Tales of the Jedi!!!
Tales of the Jedi trailer was released yesterday and I have some thoughts. First off, I’d like to say that I’M FUCKING IN LOVE. I’ve seen it at least 20 times by now just on loop, trying to catch everything that was shown. I’M BEYOND HYPED. It looks AMAZING!! The animation is crisp and beautiful and while the character models look different, they still appear to be aligned with their right ages (like Ahsoka still looks like a teenager in training, Anakin still looks like a young man in his early 20s, and mullet Obi with Clone War armor is a nice looking 30-something year old). Even Mace looks a bit younger (though imo he could’ve looked even younger).
I was sad to learn that Dave Filoni decided to rewrite Ahsoka’s stories to include her mother. Lemme explain. Star Wars doesn’t really show mothers (or if they do they die—Shmi/Padme/Beru) and the first mother character really seemed to be Hera in Rebels (she doesn’t have a kid until S4 but she still seemed like the mom of the group throughout). So Filoni decided on including Ahsoka’s mother, rewriting Ahsoka’s part to fit her in. While I understand adding more ‘mother-representation’ in SW is important, I really would’ve preferred to see Master Plo Koon. He wasn’t shown at all in any of the village scenes and while it’s totally possible he will still show up (and Filoni’s keeping it a secret), it seems like the new village characters (Ahsoka’s family) will take the spotlight.
That brings me to my next point. Disney has already announced Ahsoka (the live action show) so I was really surprised that Tales of the Jedi would focus a lot on her. She’s a fan-favorite and people love her (myself included) but I, personally think that her live action show would be enough (her show and maybe a Bad Batch cameo would be enough I think). We already know how much she trained, how she got to where she is. I’m more interested in where she’s going tbh. Don’t get me wrong, I loved seeing phase 1 Rex and 501st train Ahsoka to use the move she used to escape during O66, especially since Anakin seemed to push her so hard (the irony). And seeing her cloaked in disguise at Padme’s funeral 😭 I lost it. Despite seeing a few badass moments with Ahsoka, I think I would’ve preferred a character we didn’t see much of/a new character, especially if it’s not a jedi (I love Jedi but SW is so much more, especially since Tales of the Jedi isn’t directly tied to the Clone Wars—same animation but stories are spread out through the timeline). As someone who’s never read any of the comics/novels, I’d love to see a new, non-related character’s story animated in the Clone Wars style.
I am glad that the shots we do see of Ahsoka training, she’s not in her OG outfit (aka no tube top). It’s similar, but it is different (her new top is more like a sleeveless tunic—kinda like what Korra wears in Legend of Korra). People have obviously pointed out how Ahsoka’s outfit design makes no sense and I agree, especially since it’s been established Jedi/Padawans wear robes. Would’ve preferred Ahsoka in robes, but I’m glad we got a different top nonetheless.
I think it’s only 6 episodes (though I’m not certain) and 3 are supposedly focused on Ahsoka (I believe 1–Ahsoka being discovered as a Jedi 2–Anakin training Ahsoka 3–Ahsoka post O66 going home to defend her village from the Inquisitor). The other 3 I believe are focused on Dooku and Quigon (1–the duo save a Senator and his family 2–They investigate the death of a Jedi 3–Master Yaddle discovers Dooku’s turn to the Dark Side). That’s just my opinion based on the trailer.
So. Overall, I’m definitely extremely excited for this show. I know Bad Batch s2 got delayed to Jan 4th 2023 and honestly…I don’t mind? I’ve been WAY more excited/hyped for TotJ (Tales of the Jedi) than Bad Batch anyways. I really hope it gets more than 1 season🤞 Because I think there are only 6 episodes, I really hope they’re longer than the usual 25min/half hour TCW episodes were (preferably 1hr, but even 40mins like Arcane would be great). Because they did include Ahsoka, I’d love to see how she purifies her kyber crystals before she’s shown in Rebels (I know it’s in a new novel about her but would be cool to see animated). Honestly I’m not unhappy that Dave Filoni decided to focus a lot on her, but I think because we know a lot about her already, I want to see specific scenes that I’m not sure will happen. I love Ahsoka and while I, personally. would prefer a new/lesser known character be featured, I like how her episodes kind of tell her life story at the important points (being discovered, training and life after O66) so people could watch these 3 episodes with her instead of having to watch all of TCW to know who she is (if, for some reason they don’t know who she is before going to Ahsoka the show). I didn’t really talk about the Dooku/Quigon episodes, but that’s because those are the ones I’m most excited for.
As I said earlier, I’m not all that excited for Bad Batch s2 for various reasons (THE WHITEWASHING, lack of character development, the typical ‘Saturday morning cartoon’ writing of like half the episodes). In fact, I’m more excited for the Young Jedi Adventures than I am for Bad Batch s2, and Young Jedi Adventures is supposed to be for little, little kids (but it’s set in the High Republic Era!!! How cool is that?? Wondering if they’ll use different animation since they use a different kind of animations for their series). So yeah…the whitewashing in BB really is almost a dealbreaker for me (I’ll still watch it ofc, but until my problems are addressed, I still prefer fan-content of Bad Batch). I much prefer TotJ and YJA for the upcoming SW animated content.
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