#and right now that’s my dnd character dancing with the most important person in their life
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ravecover · 2 months ago
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Can we dance?
Will you sing with me once again?
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onlyancunin · 10 days ago
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About Commissions
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I offer comic-style drawings. I’ve been drawing since I can remember and doing art commissions since I was 17.
I'll be accepting only 1-3 commissions at once. I will edit my bio & add a post whenever the commissions will be closed/reopened.
I do not offer quick drawings or "just sketches" for lower prices. It will take me probably a few months to finish a single piece, reason for that being drawing is only my after-hours activity as I balance my two full-time job. One being a 9-5, another - depression.
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Topics I can draw
Astarion - in general, AUs included (with off-limits exceptions listed below),
depictions of your original character - whether in the BG3 game, or other (DND, fanfics etc.),
any other comic drawing / portrait - whether for a gift of someone you know, a character from another franchise etc.,
suggestive / NSFW - as in focusing on the celebration of relationship instead of raw sexual act,
original ideas - including fan fiction scenes (I reserve the right to check beforehand on the source material though).
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Topics that are off-limits for me
It’s hard to tell in black or white fashion, as most will depend on the context or general intent of the piece. But generally speaking:
NSFW - I don't do senseless porn and/or nudity for the sake of nudity when it comes to Astarion, as his whole plot revolves around him not being perceived solely through his body. This is an absolute non-negotiable for me.
Romanticized depictions of unhealthy / toxic / abusive relationships. So no pairings of abusers with their victims (e.g. Astarion with Cazador, Karlach/Wyll with Mizora, Gale with Mystra etc).
Things venturing from canon too far for my comfort. That includes things like dadstarion and "fairy tale prince" Astarion (e.g. ballroom dancing).
Ascended Astarion.
List above is informed by my own personal preference and what I find comfortable to draw.
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Commissioning process
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You send me a message about the commission you want. I accept messages in Tumblr DMs, bluesky DMs, or via email at [email protected]. Please include in the message a brief description of what you'd like me to draw.
I respond to you within 3-5 days. I'll let you know if I have a slot available and/or if I'm interested in working with you. I reserve my right to refuse doing a commission I do not feel comfortable with drawing, for any reason.
We talk details - to get a better idea of what you need. If you have any references, please provide me with them at this point.
I send you my payment info via PayPal and wait for full payment. I don't start working until the payment is cleared. Any currency exchange rates should be covered on your end (USD -> PLN).
Within the first 3-5 weeks after payment, I send you a draft of the work. If you have any notes for me, now would be the moment for them. I will not accept major changes (total reworking of the concept, asking for however more "options to choose from", drastic change of pose / angle etc).
I continue my work, and contact you when in doubt of something. It's hard for me to tell how long it's gonna take me, could be anywhere from 3 to 6 months.
Once I finish, I send you HD picture of the drawing.
What I draw as a commission is for your personal use only.
Me handing over a HD picture of the drawing is NOT AN AGREEMENT FOR COMMERCIAL USE.
My art is NOT to be reproduced and sold on any media / products / online shops.
I reserve the right to post the preview (as in not the full HD picture) of the commissioned work as part of my portfolio. If there are any reasons as to why your commission shouldn't be public, we can discuss them.
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Offer & pricing in USD
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Comic style drawing - b&w or partially desaturated
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digital drawing
subdued colors or completely b&w (depending on the piece)
1 or more characters
$350 / character
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Comic style drawing - full color
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digital drawing
full color
1 or more characters
$600 / character
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through this tumblr, via DM or ask
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kirencer · 4 years ago
febuary seventh (i’m seeing you)
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Y/n and Spencer's relationship collide around a single day: the one where they first looked into each others eyes.
[Or, the all of the secret love letters they wrote during the beginning of their relationship]
Word count: (part one and two) 9.2k
Relationship: Spencer Reid x GN! Reader
Warnings: Language, dub-con (pool kiss scene is depicted as something that made Spencer uncomfy), vulgar language, allusion to Spencer for a moment being horny
Rating: Gen audiences
A/N: All of these letters are rewrites of ones I got from someone, as well as rewrites of ones I gave them. Reader is GN and AFAB but a trans masc reader was more in mind (the French bits)
Part One
Y/n L/n— Jan 15 (2008) 11:31
Not sure if you'll ever read this but, je suis amoureux de toi. I love you, so much. It’s almost maddening
Sometimes, I just sit at my desk, thinking about you, thinking about us. You've stolen my heart and made a home in my mind. I love the idea of our future and I can't wait for it. I want to share everything with you; a last name; a home; a bed; a family; everything (except a toothbrush, that's a bit too close, sorry!)
Y/n L/n— Jan 15 (2008) 11:55
I can't wait to touch you, to hug you, kiss you, run my hands through your hair or wrap my arms around your hips and hold you close to me.
I can't wait to wake up next to you, to dance with you, to just be with you. I want to spend the rest of forever with you. I want to listen to your voice, to hear you talk about nothing in specific, just speaking so I hear your beautiful voice. Even if I’ve never heard it, I know it’s beautiful.
I can't wait to grow old with you. I hope the last thing I see before nothingness is you, your perfect face.
Y/n L/n— Jan 26 (2008) 22:22
This feels awkward to admit.
I usually consider myself smart, or at least good with words but with you in the picture, all English escapes me; with just a thought of you, I can barely manage a sentence, you get me so flustered I can't even think properly.
Though I'd be a damn liar if I said I didn't like the way you make me feel.
Y/n L/n— Feb 7, (2008) 04:10
Y/n L/n, I want you to be my forever, I love you more than anything (even reading and that says a lot).
I'm not feeling great right now which makes it hard to think of the words I'm trying to say but that won't really stop me.
You're the vowels to my consonants, you may not feel like a lot but you're so fucking important. I want to wake up next to you, your pretty face - have I mentioned I love your face? - holding each other, our bodies tangled together and someday having to break apart to check on our children.
I want to just exist with you, I don't care what happens as long as I'm with you. I want to dance around our kitchen at midnight, in only underwear just because, it won't matter, it's our lives and we're together. I want to just talk to you, maybe sitting on a roof at two in the morning, staring at the sky and not caring that it's out of reach because the only thing I want to touch is the person next to me.
Y/n, you are my tomorrow and I can't wait for you to be my today.
Y/n L/n— Feb 7, (2008) 11:20
I saw you smile today, like for real, in person. It was the most beautiful sight I've ever experienced. It made me feel like the most important thing in existence, it was perfect and for that moment, everything was okay, nothing mattered but you.
I didn't think I could love you more than I already did, I wasn't sure it was physically possible, and then I saw you, in person, in the town I've lived since I was 22, in the convention center I'd been so many times before.
With you sitting here the place feels important, this place is special. You're right here, right now and I've never been so happy.
I'm so nervous, but I'm happy, I mean you're here, this is all real, and god you so much more than perfect.
I can tell you really love DnD because the second I walked into the hall, I saw you were smiling.
This is honestly just a room full of nerds but that's cool, everyone's happy to be here, and I’d be the biggest liar if I said I wasn’t a nerd.
Y/n L/n— Feb 7, (2008) 19:50
I spoke to you, it took way too long, longer than I'd like to admit, but I did it.
I hugged you today, I made you smile. I wanted to kiss you, properly. I was too nervous though, I was scared. (Touches are scary enough as just a thought!) I also knew that if I kissed you it'd just make us both even more upset about being apart again. I'm so glad I got to spend almost half of the day with you, it was amazing.
We sang together and I've never felt so comfortable than in those moments, reciting poetry with you was probably the best part of my day aside from you kissing me . We also laughed together a lot and you let me lay on your shoulder, I almost fell asleep twice. It was really nice, just being with you, even though we weren't even close enough to touch each other most of the time.
I can't wait to see you again, I might count the days!
Y/n L/n— Feb 8, (2008) 01:33
I have to admit, when I first caught a glimpse of you, I only saw your hair.
The back of your head from maybe thirty feet away.
I saw your hair, and everything slowed down, I moved forward, I can't remember how fast- that part's a bit of a blur- I got closer and my whole body froze up, maybe I was still a little cold, but I couldn't bring myself to move, kind of glad my scarf covered half of my face. I watched, seeing more and more of you as time passed, just small glimpses of your adorable face, and it felt like every part of my body was on fire.
My heart was racing and I couldn't believe it, this was real, I was real, you were real and we were mere seconds away from each other, finally.
I turned around and walked out - I was overheating in my sweater – and I came back to keep watching you. This was around the time you, I think, actually noticed me, but you weren't the only one. They knew I was looking for you - well, looking at you, really. They asked questions and I gave half-witted, half-baked responses, still watching you then you looked at me, you smiled. My heart stopped and for a moment, I thought you'd killed me, with your stunning looks, obviously. I smiled back when I was finally self aware again, and the next thing I know, I'm sitting two feet away from you, and shaking.
Y/n L/n— Feb 8, (2008) 20:20
I'm starting to think I'm obsessed with you, that I'm addicted to you, anyway. That’s a bit of a problem, I’ve told you about Dilaudid so you understand why.
You asked me to sit with you and your party, I had already decided that I wanted to, and I was going to try to, I had just really wanted to be close to you, I wanted to touch you, you were so close but so fucking far.
I wanted nothing more than for you to steal my first kiss, though I knew I wouldn't mind if you didn't, I'm an impatient person, I'm perfectly okay going your speed, whatever that may be. I will say honestly, it wouldn’t be my first kiss. My true first kiss was in a pool, truly against my will. I’ve erased what I can from that and will regard the first time my lips are on yours as my first kiss.
I didn’t just end up with your party, I was a part of it. I played your character (bee-da), and I used the dice set you gave me. I was excited but I also felt the fatigue setting in. I started shifting closer to you, moving my body closer to yours. I fought to hold in a whine when you'd move in your seat, making it a bit harder for me to do what I was trying to do.
I offered you a hug, it was kind of selfish, I was truly asking more for myself than I'd like to admit. You said yes and I felt the weight on my heart disappear. I hugged you and I felt okay. It's a feeling I'd sacrifice my life to feel again. I laid my head on your shoulder and I felt you shift for me, you made sure I was comfortable, I'm not sure if you even realized you'd done it.
I was only growing more tired as the afternoon continued, I knew why (I hadn't been eating, at all, really) but I wasn't going to tell you. I began to doze off a few times, it was difficult trying to stay awake while feeling more comfortable and safe than ever before.
I just wanted you.
All I want is you
All I've wanted for a while now, is you
I want you so badly. In so many ways.
Y/n L/n— Feb 9, (2008) 08:08
I love you
The words I felt on the tip of my tongue for hours before I actually said them to you. I really wanted to, I wanted to sit next to you, mumble 'I love you' so quietly that it was just for your ears and kiss you, so that everyone saw. I didn't and I'm kind of upset with myself but I didn't want you to be uncomfortable, you'd just said you were so nervous.
I watched you eat, you didn't seem to eat much so I hoped you'd been eating before I got back. I wanted right then as we sat across from each other to announce it, so all of your friends could hear (or at least some), and say 'i love you'. I didn't, I was scared, I was nervous, of making you uncomfortable.
When I sat next to you, I still wanted to say it, I wanted to sing it, to shout it, anything and everything I could to show you just how much I love you. I tried to force the words out, they wouldn't come and for the first time in a while, I was upset with my anxiety. I kept looking at you and glancing at you, hoping it wasn't obvious that I was so upset. I want to smash my head into the table but I knew you'd notice that.
When I finally said 'I love you' the satisfaction was so great, it's indescribable. You said it back and I felt so good, I don't know why it felt so different feeling you say it, right next to me, but it was. I wanted to keep saying it, 'I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you' I didn't, I was scared to annoy you.
I wanted to kiss you, so many times that day, that still perfect day. When I first saw you, part of me wanted to run over and pull you into my arms and kiss you. I didn't, I didn't want to be the one to make a scene. I wanted to call out to you, I wanted to shout, "Y/n!" I wanted you to see me, to hear me, but I chose to wait.
When I was sitting near you, I wanted to turn around and press a kiss to the back of your head, I kept turning around, trying to force myself to do it. I never did. When we were centimeters away from each other, I wanted to press a kiss to your cheek, to your neck, your nose, your lips. I was scared of someone seeing at that point. I was kind of scared of your friends, that's why I didn't talk much.
I wanted to be closer to you, I was already so close, I was touching you for half of the day, but I wanted to be closer, I couldn't help it, I was seeing you in person for the first time, you're even prettier in person, and you smelled so nice and it felt so familiar already even though I had never experienced anything like it.
I wanted you. I still do, I always do, you're just so perfect, how could I not?
Y/n L/n— Feb 9, (2008) 09:47
You pulled my hair, I'd really wanted you to do it again. I– I had to bite my lip or I'd have definitely let out a sound, I honestly wasn't prepared for that and becoming- in front of your friends was not on my agenda, actually.
I can still feel it, the sensation of your hands reaching into my hair to run through it and tugging, I loved that feeling. And I would walk a hundred (and twenty) miles to feel it again, among everything else, I hope you know that.
Y/n L/n— Feb 9, (2008) 11:15
I love you so much it hurts.
I love you so much that it brings me physical pain to think about the fact that I can't touch you, the fact that I can't kiss you, the fact that I can't run my hands through your hair when I can't sleep at night.
It hurts a lot, but I know my patience and my pain will be worthwhile once I can do it. When I can once again see your eyes gleam with a perfect kind of joy, when I can hold you, my arms around you, and yours around me.
I swear to the gods, as soon as I'm able I'm going to see you again, nothing will stop me, I will fight anything standing in my way.
I love you so much it hurts. It's a pain that'll make me stronger. I'm okay with that.
Y/n L/n— Feb 9, (2008) 14:45
This one’s a little different. I’m sorry
When Morgan called me to say we had a case, I got upset, he knew how excited I had been to be able to see you. I wanted to yell at him and I almost did, then I remembered where I was, and who was around me. A bunch of people who didn’t deserve to watch/listen to me have a mental breakdown down on the phone, so instead of arguing, for your sake, I just agreed.
I wanted to run out there and scream at him, but I knew I wasn't thinking. i was letting my emotions take over, so i didn’t. I went back and hugged you, one last time. I wanted to cry because I knew it wouldn’t last long enough. I wanted so badly to stay there and tell my mentor to fuck off, I didn’t. Maybe I should’ve.
When I got back to my city, to my place of work, I just sat at my desk until we left for the airport. I didn’t even change. I’m surprised I didn't start crying. The relief I had felt from seeing you was gone and left behind was a frustration and want that had to have been tangible. I kept writing my next letter to you because it was my only comfort other than the lingering feeling of your presence and the memory of your scent. I ended up falling asleep on the jet, I can't remember when, I was too upset.
I woke up, some part of me expecting to be somewhere else, I just wanted to recover from the nightmare I’d had- I don’t know why it happened but it did and I wanted to cry, it felt disgustingly real. I just wanted someone to comfort me and tell me everything’s okay and that I’m safe. But I don’t have that. I’m sorry, the highlight of my day today has been writing to you and reading what you wrote.
Y/n L/n— Feb 9, (2008) 15:45
I’m so scattered right now, but I think about you and I feel okay. You’re not really just my tomorrow anymore. You are my today and my tomorrow, you have been the entire time, I’m just blind.. You’re my forever, and I love that. I keep getting lost in my thoughts thinking about you, damn, imagine if you were next to me, I couldn't possibly stay on track doing anything, you’re such a distraction. I love you.
Y/n L/n— Feb 10, (2008) 09:10
I have yet to actually tell you this and I feel kind of bad you're finding out this way but it's also the reason why I haven't told you about it.
A few weeks ago, my attacks had gotten worse and I've been fighting nightmares almost nightly.
Friday, I was really fucking nervous, I was partially convinced that you'd hate me when you saw me, you didn't though, that was relieving. I was literally shaking, I was terrified. When you said hi, as awkward as it felt and was, it made me feel less anxious. I felt bad when I left because I didn't want you to think I wasn't coming back.
I was trying really hard to seem like I wasn't about to cry but I was so anxious and I felt like it wasn't working. You didn't ask so I told myself it was fine, eventually, I was alright, it was really calming just being around you, and I liked that a lot.
I love you lots and I really hope I can come to see you on your birthday. If there is a case, I will see you as soon as I can.
Y/n L/n— Feb 10, (2008) 12:12
I had a dream
I'm glad I had it, it was nice.
I remember as I fell asleep I wished for the warmth and comfort of another human, specifically you, because I decided if I had to overheat I wanted it to be because I had my favorite person next to me. I was kinda disappointed in the gods when I woke up and you weren't there though.
I was dreaming that we were together, I've no clue where we were but we were in a bed, cuddling. I have no idea what led up to this moment, but I don't think I need to know. Your arms were around me, your hair was in my face and I could feel you breathing. It was amazing, you were talking to me, I can't remember everything you said, but there were a lot of 'I love you's and it was perfect. It was soft and warm and quiet and peaceful.
I can't wait for it to come true.
Y/n L/n— Feb 11, (2008) 19:22
When I was little, I wanted everything in my life to be big, beautiful and expensive. I wanted the perfect girlfriend (or boyfriend, I didn't care), a huge wedding, and a big family. So much has changed since then.
All I want now, is to be alive and happy with my better half, my soulmate, my perfect match. Whether that means listening to the stomping of small children early on a Saturday morning, being woken up by an impatient animal, or sleeping all day because it's just us, I want that happy, I want that calm, I want that perfect.
I want weird dates and long drives for no reason. I want stupid jokes and petty arguments. I want movie nights and warm cuddles. I want everything-
with you
All of these things are things I can't imagine experiencing with someone that isn't you. Whether it's waking up late and rushing to get ready (so cliche), arguing over what to make for dinner or saying our vows in front of everyone we love, I have to do it with you.
I don't want to imagine a world where we aren't us (regardless of who 'we' are), because that world isn't right, but this one is.
I like us. I like us a lot.
Y/n L/n— Feb 12, (2008) 09:04
My sweater still kinda smells like you. I'm wearing it today and I've just noticed. It's fading even as I type this and I don't think it'll last all day but it's comforting nonetheless. I hadn't touched it since Friday so it's lasted almost a week. I'm secretly so happy your scent has lingered, it's soft and warm and calming. (Like vanilla, you remind me of vanilla) I kinda hope I don't fall asleep at work.
Y/n L/n— Feb 12, (2008) 09:20
My mind is always buzzing– there's always so much happening, sometimes you can see it, in my eyes. There's one thing, only one, that's always on my mind.
You, Y/n L/n, you.
Even if I'm sitting doing work or if I'm reading, you're here and there and somewhere in my mind.
Sometimes you're the only thing I can think about, your soft hair, and eyes that shine so fucking bright; your warm smile and adorable laugh; your beautiful voice and perfect personality.
This is random but when you realized you were shorter than me you seemed so deflated and tried to stand on your tippy-toes and that was just precious. You had this look on your face and the way you laughed, the way your eyes lit up was just perfect.
Morgan says he’s going to New York in a few weeks. I've been asking if I could go with him because if I can't see you on your birthday, I want to at least see you again soon. And I don’t like driving. Or long train rides.
Tu fais battre mon coeur.
Y/n L/n— Feb 12 (2008) 15:30
It's only like two days away so I want to ask
Will you be my valentine?
Y/n L/n— Feb 12 (2008) 17:00
I've said some very bold things in just the past few months we've been together and I think I'm changing my mind about a few things.
I want to be a foster parent, just as much as I want my own children, because everyone deserves love.
I still don't want to try and adopt/foster babies, everyone does that, I want teens, kids who've spent years and the system because they need the most love.
I wanna know how you feel about that idea.
Y/n L/n— Feb 12 (2008) 17:12
I have a few things to say.
I was right, the smell definitely did not last all day, it was gone by lunch. The flannel still reminds me of that smell though, so it's okay.
I really hope you like long rants with no particular point because sometimes I start talking and forget how to stop, especially if I'm comfortable around someone.
I've had casual conversions with my mother about you on a few occasions. She loves you and says I should run up to you this minute and carry you to my apartment. I think I’m going to listen to her.
Y/n L/n— Feb 12, (2008) 18:18
This isn't directly about you but that doesn't really matter, right?
So Morgan.
He keeps calling me straight
And if he does it again.
I will kick him.
Just letting you know in case it happens and Hotch yells at me. I love you!
Y/n L/n— Feb 13 (2008) 02:40
I shouldn't be awake right now but I am. As I sit on my bed, I can't help but think about how, if we were together, in the same bed, you'd probably be awake too by now. You'd be asking me if I was okay, I think, and I tell you the truth because I'm so bad at lying, it isn't even worth the try. You probably comfort me, pulling me into your body, wrapping your arms around me and probably kissing me. Just the thought makes me feel a little better but it's not happening, you know? You're not sitting next to me, you aren't kissing me and whispering, "I'm right here, it's okay." because that isn't true.
I just woke up from a nightmare, I can confidently call this a nightmare for two reasons, so I will. I was kind of panicking when I woke up because I was so fucking scared, I couldn't breathe (in more ways than one) and I was crying. It's disgusting and I'm still upset.
Thinking about you being here vs. not, makes it clear that I need you, so fucking much, I need you, Y/n. I love you, and I need you and I want you. It's making me crazy that I can't even say this to you right now.
Tu es mon soleil.
Y/n L/n— Feb 14, (2008) 04:15
I know, I know, my sleep schedule is terrible, I'm sorry.
Happy Valentine's day, love, I'm so happy to be 'celebrating' with you, you're the best valentine and you're my valentine.
Thank you so much for (almost) five beautiful months, I love you so much and I am so excited for forever together.
Though, right now, more than anything, I want to kiss every single inch on your beautiful body, maybe even kiss them all two or three times.
I love your eyes. They shine as bright as stars.
I love your smile, the smile you had when you first noticed me is my favorite. Your lips, which I also love, part in a perfect kind of way and I love it.
I love your lips, the look of them, when you smile, when you're serious or when you frown; the feeling of them pressed to my skin, with the passion and feeling of your love for me. I love your lips, even if you don't.
I love your nose, it's adorable and I kind of want to kiss it; it's so adorable and I love that, you're so adorable.
I love your skin, the soft burning of it making contact with mine, the feeling when you touch me. I love everything about you, even the parts I don't know yet, I love even the idea of having the privilege of being able to love them.
So on this day of love, Y/n L/n, I love you so, so much, my heart is in your hands, do with it as you please.
Y/n L/n— Feb 14 (2008) 15:40
I like the name Y/n , I can't really explain why but I do. I really like the name Y/n.
I also like children more than I thought I would. I spent an hour at my JJ’s yesterday and my godson, Henry, he makes me think even more about having kids with you.
Y/n L/n— Feb 14 (2008) 15:55
You asked me what type of pretty you are.
You're the best kind of pretty, honestly.
You're the kind of pretty that makes my heart melt.
You're the kind of pretty that makes my chest feel tight (in a good way, of course).
You're the kind of pretty that makes a bad day amazing with just one look.
You're the kind of pretty that just makes the world seem less than terrible.
You're my favorite kind of pretty
Y/n L/n— Feb 14 (2008) 20:33
I should make this quick.
You are literally the most perfect part of my life, the only part of my life I hope never changes. You'd better be my forever because I can't ask for anyone better.
I'm stocking up on so many fucking hugs for you, I can not wait to hug you again, my body craves it.
I have to go now.
Y/n L/n— Feb 20 (2008) 11:25
I haven’t been writing much, but there’s so much I want to say, even though I can’t find the words. This is so difficult. I know so many languages and yet they’re all gone with one thought of you.
Y/n L/n, you have invaded every single part of my mind, I’m more than okay with that.
The problem arises with the fact that I can’t stand not having some type of contact with you. It just feels wrong and I’m overly anxious and paranoid.
Y/n L/n, having you in my life is a gift, and it’s the best gift I've ever gotten tbh.
My mind can’t fully recall the sound of your voice when you said ‘i love you’, or the sensation of your touch (your kisses and hugs, my head on your shoulder) but it’s there, and I hope it stays, long after this moment.
It’s kind of embarrassing to admit but sometimes the reason I keep going is the possibility of you, with me again, no matter how far away that event may be.
Y/n L/n— Feb 21 (2008) 22:25
I hope your polaroid camera starts to work soon because getting pictures from you is my favorite thing ever. Morgan said I should just give you my number, but I enjoy what we have. Our letters are more than enough.
Y/n L/n— Feb 21 (2008) 23:57
It's really late
I may or may not have had a little bit of alcohol.
You're really pretty!!!!!
I may or may not be about to drink more of the maybe alcohol...
Y/n L/n— Feb 22 (2008) 14:40
You sent me a CD. I put it in my player. I see you, you’re reading me The Little Prince because you said I need something to listen to to sleep. It's the best book I've ever heard and hearing you read it makes it so beautiful, every word, it's all perfect coming from your mouth, with your voice from your lips. I could listen for literally forever. Y/n L/n you are my today.
Y/n L/n— Mar 2 (2008) 22:55
I think about our future a lot. Usually it's good, sometimes it isn't. As with all things in life, there are details. Sometimes when I think about our future I'm only focusing on the things I know I want like, you next to me- with a ring on your finger and a smile on your face, or both of us, shopping and planning for a baby, obviously our first based off of how overly cautious we're being.
Anything like that, really.
Sometimes though, I think about what I don't know, like, where are we? what's our home look like? What are our future schedules and routines gonna look like? I know I'm overthinking (I always am) but I truly can't help it, it's something that just happens?
Y/n L/n— Mar 7 (2008) 13:11
I’m upset we haven’t been talking as much but that’s my fault, I knew what kind of commitment being an agent took, so I can’t really complain, I am sorry though. I think about you a lot though, sometimes it’s just ‘I hope Y/n’s okay’ ‘I hope Y/n’s smiling right now’ or something like that. Sometimes I just think about the sound of your voice, the feeling of your presence, or just you in general, you’re always there, always somewhere in my head, on my mind. If I’m not thinking about you, I’m probably not thinking at all.
Y/n L/n— Mar 7 (2008) 18:44
Before you, I had convinced myself that love didn't exist, it wasn't something I'd ever truly felt. I thought fate was bullshit and I hated the idea of soulmates because I believed I'd never find mine. That is, until I saw your face. At that point, you were nothing more than a polaroid photo, stimuli sent from my retinas to my optic nerve. But I felt something new. Something changed, I didn't feel as cold anymore.
Before I met you, I had convinced myself, naively, that I'd be alone forever, that I'd never meet anyone who would put up with me long enough to learn to love me. And then you waltzed into my life and changed everything. It was surreal, you were too-good-to-be-true and I was as ready as I could've been for heartbreak. What I did experience was nowhere near as horrible as the feeling I get at the thought of losing you now.
After I met you, I thought about it a lot, do soulmates exist? Until that point there'd only been one person I wished to be my soulmate (which was dumb, looking back now) but some part of me was drawn to you in a way I wasn't drawn to her. My feelings for you were different from my feelings for her.
When I'd convinced myself you'd never want me, I was hurt, I'd ever felt such pain, a deep physical pain, the kind you never forget. I guess it doesn't matter now, because that's in the past and I should move on.
I have you now, and god, I've never been so happy. You, Y/n L/n, are my soulmate and I'm so glad that we were made for each other. I couldn't ask for a better partner, future spouse, or soulmate. You are my everything and you give me purpose. You are my purpose.
Y/n L/n— Mar 9 (2008) 7:45
I couldn't sleep last night, I was thinking about you and it kept me awake, I think. I tried distracting myself but I kept finding you everywhere. At that point, I just let it happen and eventually fell asleep.
I'm angry, angry that I don't get to see you, because god I love seeing your face (you are literally so fucking pretty) and I love being near you in general.
I'm scared, scared that I won't be able to see you, even when I physically can. I don't know why I just, I hate the thought but it won't go away, I just want to hug you.
Y/n L/n— Mar 23 23:47 (2008)
It’s been a while since I did this- tomorrow’s your birthday and I’m pissed because I won’t get to see you, I can’t wish you happy birthday in person, shit I don’t know if I’ll be able to wish you happy birthday at all but that’s a whole other thing. Anyway, (here’s hoping you see this on your actual birthday-) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Things might now be great right now but you’ve been alive for all this time and god I’m so proud of you for being so strong. You are amazing and I’m so happy I know you, I hope you’re birthday is fucking awesome, if not, I guess I’ll have no choice but to do everything I possibly can to make it better. I love you, Y/n L/n.
That’s it. The decision has been made for me. I just got a call, see you in New York.
(it just turned midnight, happy birthday)
Y/n L/n— Mar 24 (2008) 21:32
I only saw you for a few hours but again it was perfect. Before I left I made up my mind to do something. Turning around I ran back to your door. You opened it up and were so confused but I didn’t care. My hands cupped your cheeks and I kissed you. I kissed you 15 more times after, and then I left for my hotel room. I left something behind though - it was on purpose - slung on your couch is my cardigan. I want you to wear it and think of me.
Y/n L/n— Mar 29 (2008) 09:48
I'm not good with my words, shocking seeing as I'm a genius but it's true. I am terrible with my words, especially when it comes to you I just, my mind goes blank and I can't even form partially coherent sentences. That's probably why I suck at talking to you, I just can't think around you, I think it's because you're so perfect, I mean, it's true and it makes sense.
I got your letter today. You’re moving to DC. I don’t think I’ve ever been more crazed or excited. Everyone’s noticed it. I love you.
Y/n L/n— February 7th, (2020) 20:28
I stopped doing this when you moved to me. Everything that could have been written was said to you.
You're different. You're changing.
It's not a bad thing, it was inevitable; I'm far from the person I was three years ago. I'm just awful about adjusting to changes.
I like that you're different, it shows you're discovering yourself, you're turning out. Your changing as a person won't change how I feel about you because no matter what, you are so much greater than the sum of your parts and I think that's beautiful. I think you're beautiful.
I could never tire of you, as cliché as it is, I fall in love with you over and over everyday. I fall in love with every new and old part of you, because they're all so perfect.
I'd be lying (a terrible lie, might I add) if I said I wasn't thinking about you every moment of every day. I'm constantly thinking of you; Maybe wishing we were together, maybe wondering if you're thinking about me too, maybe hoping you're doing okay, maybe imagining our tomorrows, maybe thinking about your smile and how it shines brighter than any and every existing light source.
I rambled, yikes.
There’s something I want to ask and it’s years overdue (sorry.) After prison I found this and two years later I know what I want to do with it. I’m giving it to you, I’m fully giving my heart to you.
Look up, bumblebee. I’m waiting.
part two
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By which I mean, Tom King was on ComicPop discussing Supergirl! So we have CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND INFO! WOO!
Gonna get into it below, but my recommendation, as always: the best way to have an informed opinion is to get the info firsthand, so don’t just take my word for it! Go forth! Watch the thing! (Language advisory, though. There is some swearing.)
Okay. With that out of the way, LET’S GO!
Gonna lead off with a summary of the Supergirl bits, as they discuss a variety of things, from Strange Adventures to Batman/Catwoman to the canned New Gods project:
How Tom King came to be the writer of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow:
King’s longtime editor, Jaime Rich, was moved from the Bat books to the Super books. 
King, historically, likes to take on characters that ‘need help.’ He cites the example of Kirby who, upon coming to DC, asked what their lowest-selling title was, which is how he ended up on Jimmy Olsen.
So, when King asks which character needs help, Rich, to King: Supergirl. We have trouble selling that book.
King, describing Supergirl: ‘She’s singular in a way Mr. Miracle and Vision are not.’ Says that if you ask any four year old who Supergirl is, they know.
Editors asked him, ‘what’s your take? what are you gonna do with her?’
King then discusses the difference between his approach to Bat people vs. Super people.
Bat people: It’s a deconstruction approach. King brings up Kite Man from his Batman run. You tear the character down and build them back up, a la Dark Knight Returns
Super people: It’s not about deconstruction. Let them be themselves. They’re wonderful, let them be wonderful. 
But he does mention sort of stripping down the character to their purest form; he describes it as chiseling off the barnacles that have built up on the character, over the years.
Additionally, he says ‘evil doesn’t work for the Super family of characters.’
He mentions Superman: Up in the Sky. He says that there’s deep stuff in Up in the Sky, but the theme of every page is simply: Superman is awesome.
King: “I don’t want to make Kara mean or sad. I want to test her.”
The host compares ‘angry Kara’ stories to ‘evil Superman’ stories in that there are many of them, such to the point that people think Kara is relatable because she’s miserable and angry all the time. 
The host: I don’t get that.
(Same dude, same.)
King talked to Steve Orlando
They discussed the fact that Supergirl knew her planet; the people who died were her friends, family, classmates.
King summarizes Kara’s original Silver Age origin: she witnessed three huge, traumatic losses of life. First, when Krypton exploded. Then again when the Kryptonite started killing Argo residents, and then again when the meteorites destroyed the lead shielding that was keeping Argo safe. 
King: “That’s some f-ing trauma! I don’t know if you’ve read my books, but I love the trauma in characters.”
King thus describes Kara as world-weary, she swears, ‘she has seen some sh*t’.
On the new character, Ruthye:
She’s a child on a vengeance quest.
She’s named after King’s niece, Ruthie.
The pronunciation for the comic character, though, is Ruth-Eye.
One of his sons told him to add the ‘e’ on the end to make it look cooler.
Further discussion of Kara herself:
King noted that there’s sometimes a tendency to be very precious with the character.
King: ‘Let’s not be precious with Supergirl.’
This is not the story of a sixteen-year-old girl discovering the world; King says that Supergirl has been that sixteen-year-old for a long time now.
He describes it more as a move from Supergirl to Superwoman.
Art and Influences:
Talking about the red sun planet that Kara visits for her twenty-first birthday, King says he was reading a lot of Conan, which influenced the look of that portion of the story.
The impetus for getting Evely on the book: King said his editor emailed him, ‘Hey, how about Bilquis?’ King: “And I did a happy dance!”
Evely sent King a mood board of the types of things she wanted to draw; Moebius, Kirby, Wally Wood, landscapes in particular. 
Also, King says Evely is fast! She’s already halfway through the book, art-wise, and King is confident the book will release on time.
The host asked him, following up on King’s description of the book as a fantasy/western, ‘Is this True Grit?’
King: “It’s True Grit inspired. The novel AND the movie.”
If asked to give the Hollywood pitch: ‘It’s True Grit in space with Supergirl as Rooster Cogburn.’
Details about this book, as compared to Other Tom King titles:
He’s using captions on this comic--he’d thrown out captions as a storytelling device after Batman, but he found a ‘good voice’ for this comic.
King was prepared to do his usual twelve issues, but they said no one buys Supergirl comics, so it’s eight issues.
King says that Strange Adventures, Rorschach, and to a lesser extent, Batman/Catwoman, were written at a time when the world felt very apocalyptic.
He considers them to be angrier books; they are about what happens when evil is in our life, and how we deal with that.
Supergirl is the start of the ‘next generation’ of titles. 
It was written during the pandemic, but King hoped that by the time it was released, the pandemic and this very dark time in our history would be past.
He says it’s a ‘roaring 20s’ book. Not about anger, or trauma, it’s about stepping into the future and kicking a**. 
THUS CONCLUDES the Supergirl portion of the interview. 
Okay, so! Now that we’ve been objective and presented the information in a straightforward, unbiased manner...SOME THOUGHTS AND OPINONS!
The thing I was most curious about was how King got the book, so I was EXTREMELY PLEASED to get the full story.
This wasn’t like. King desperately wanting to do a Supergirl book, nor was it DC coming to King like, ‘Take Supergirl!’
Sadly, it was, ‘which book needs the most help right now? In the Superman lineup?’
He even said that Supergirl was kind of just sitting around, no one was doing anything with her/there were no plans.
(So the idea that King stole this opportunity from a woman is not true. There were NO PLANS.)
(Also it’s not based on the FS stuff, I suspect they gave the FS team some ideas from his pitch to work with, as that entire event was sort of a stop-gap/fill-in as they hurried to relaunch their line.) 
My initial thought that this is DC’s attempt to sell some dang Supergirl books? Not that far off! XD
Boy, I hope it works.
(Important to note: This is not news. Supergirl has historically always sold poorly. I’ve heard from actual Supergirl writers that the trades do not sell, which is a huge problem.
So King, who is KNOWN for having really good trade sales, is as solid a gamble as they could probably hope for.
He said Superman: Up in the Sky is his third best-selling trade. A WAL-MART BOOK! Is just behind Vision and Mr. Miracle!
Basically: If this doesn’t work, I don’t know that anything will.) 
As for the specifics of King’s take in particular!
Again...I really want to see it, before I pass judgement on it.
I liked the Andreyko run! And that was pretty edgy! 
Also, we have never seen a twenty-something Kara, post-Crisis. She’s always been a teenager. Thus I’m pretty willing to go along with this approach because it’s entirely new territory.
And it does seem like King is enjoying leaning into the idea of a Super who swears and kicks butt and is just a little ‘done’ with it all.
It might not mesh with my ideal Kara but again. I need to see it, before I come to any firm conclusions. 
Honestly the thing that gives me the most pause? Is that King says this book really focuses on Supergirl, not Kara, which is a more recent identity for her.
(That is somewhat true! The ‘Kara Danvers’ identity is wholly new to the show; she’s always been Linda Lee, Linda Danvers, Kara Kent, or Linda Lang, when she has a secret identity. Sometimes she doesn’t.)
(Also of note: Tom pronounces it ‘Care-a’, like the cartoon.)
(PERSONALLY I like KAHr-a, like in the show, because it creates a phonetic consistency with ‘KAHl-el’ but that’s not really relevant to a comic book. You can mentally pronounce it however you choose! XD)
So, yeah, I like the Kara Danvers part of her identity, I like earth-bound Supergirl stories, but. This isn’t that. Which I’ll need to make peace with, I guess. XD
Otherwise? Tell me a story, Mr. King. Even if I hate it, Evely will draw it beautifully, Lopes will color it masterfully, and that’s half the battle, right there. 
I’m sad King didn’t mention the Gates/Igle run! But I also understand he’s probably been looking at more recent stuff; those Gates/Igle comics are fifteen years old, oh man, oh geez, how are they that old already.
King did confirm that this is 100% in-continuity, and will affect the character going into the future.
But, IDK, given the sort of. Grim beginnings of how this book came to be, what with the reminder that the Supergirl title doesn’t sell well...who knows what the future will look like, for Kara!
I stand by my guess that Kara will graduate to ‘Superwoman’ and the Supergirl mantle will pass to someone else, maybe Ruthye? She might be a bit young, though.
Mmm. What else, what else?
Oh, this is pretty funny, IMO: when King first teased the new character, Ruthye, a bunch of SG fans rushed to google to see if there was any clue as to like. What it could mean.
And they freaked out over some obscure connection where that name appears but hey, turns out! It’s just a made up name! Based on King’s niece!
It’s funny because SG fans never learn, man. Just chill out, read the dang book, then get all upset and huff and puff and blow your twitter house down.
They briefly mentioned the Peter David run; King said the PAD stuff was great.
He’s already teased that ‘treat’ and, okay. Time for some rumination on that specifically.
I’ve read the whole PAD run. It wasn’t my cup of tea, I don’t really like the DnD, angels and demons stuff. Also, it wasn’t Kara; it’s an entirely different character who uses the name ‘Supergirl.’
Also, stuff from that run didn’t age well.
And on top of that, PAD turned out to be...kind of a jerk! As so many folks in the comic industry are.
There’s also...an extremely weird, mean-spirited vibe through the whole back half of the run; I thought maybe I was imagining it at the time, but I recently went back to “Many Happy Returns”, the final story arc of the title, and David’s introduction in the trade...it doesn’t read like a guy who was in it for the love of the character, you know?
All of which to say! I’m not excited about connections to the PAD stuff. 
But I know a lot of fans who love that run, love that version of the character.
So like. Eh! Not for me, but to the folks who enjoy it, I hope it’s cool/fun, whatever it is.
(Still think it’ll be a variant or an easter egg or something, but we’ll see.)
(Oh, hmmm! Evely *did* post a WIP of like. Some creepy skull gate that they presumably encounter...hmmmmm.)
Okay, this is crazy long, and there’s no fun art or anything to go with it--OR IS THERE?!?!?!
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BOOM. From Bilquis Evely’s twitter today. (GO. FOLLOW. HER. FOR THE GOOD ART.)
(LIKE!!! I look at this and I just! Can’t! Bring myself to not be hyped as all heck! LOOK AT THIS! AND iT’S JUST THE PENCILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
God, wish that Supergirl sold better, so we could get a full year of this. HNNNNGGGGGGG.
Oh! That was another thing King discussed in detail; that 8 is way different from his usual 12, in terms of pacing and story. The beats fall at different places (obviously) so it was a bit of a challenge for him.
Actually, now that I’m thinking about it...maybe 8 will be good. Issue 10 just dropped for Strange Adventures, and wow, it has felt LONG. (I mean, the last four? Three? issues are also bi-monthly so that doesn’t help but. Still.)
(Superman: Up in the Sky was twelve issues but half the length, because it was a Wal-Mart book, so it was more like six.)
OKAY! For real, I’ve gone on long enough. XD 
SOON. Soon. June 15th, to be exact. Mark yer calendars!
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ghoulgeists · 4 years ago
I HAVE QUESTIONS!!! ABOUT FLINT!!!! a lot so have fun :D 4, 9, 10, 12 :) 13, 14, 17, 23, 27, 42, 44, 50, 56, 57, 59 (i think i asked this before but i forgot the answer lol), 61, 63, 67 !! also i ask about seaweed boy !! 3, 5 lol, 11, 18, 21, 30, 40, 44, 51, 59, 61, 64 !!! and a few for cadma !! 11, 19, 30, 36, 48, 53, 64, 69
UM HEWWO?!?!? THATS A LOT OF QUESTIONS! I am so excited to answer these...
Answers are under the cut! This will be... Long
4. If they could learn one spell that isn’t available to them at present, which spell would it be?
Magic in their setting is a little different, and these questions are dnd centric, but I think I can still answer this! Flint would probably be VERY interested in divination magic, of any kind. So spells that could divine futures, locate objects, or show hidden things.
9. Do they care about their appearance? How much effort do they put into presentation?
In public, appearance is a top priority. They mingle with plenty of people whenever they can, and it's important to them that they give others a good first impression, so Flint's grooming is off the charts compared to most people.
When they're crawling around in the ancient dust of a tomb, however, the way they look isn't nearly as important as grabbing as many valuable burial goods as they can!
10. How often do they lie? What situations cause them to be dishonest?
Flint's no saint, and lies plenty enough to prove it. Most of the time it's white lies to spare feelings or to get out of doing something, but the bigger lies come when people probe about their past. It's pretty obvious they don't want people to know about who they used to be, and the bigger the secret the bigger the lie they tell to keep others off their tail.
12. Have they ever been in love?
Plenty of times! Enough to count on a few hands. It's infatuation that strikes them most often, but they have been serious on occasion too.
13. What do they dislike about themself? Why?
They dislike how weak they can often be, as well as how easy it is to take advantage of them sometimes. It drives them to take the easy way out of difficult situations no matter the cost.
14. What is something they love about themself?
They love their body! All the little details from the way their hair curls, the blue of their eyes, their stature, etc. They're very comfortable, proud, and happy being themselves! 
I think this is the first character I've ever made who wouldn't want to change anything about their body for any reason :'D
17. What do they dream about, when their dreams are their own?
Beyond gold and riches, they dream about travelling to destinations both new and old, discovery, and about what stories they'll tell when they're old.
23. How do they feel about nicknames, titles, or labels that have been given to them? How do they feel about their name?
Nicknames are encouraged, but only between close friends and significant others! They don't have any titles or labels because they're not quite that infamous. Everyone who knows them refers to them by their first name, and that's what they're comfortable with because it's what they're used to!
As for how they feel about their name, they don't have strong opinions either way. It's the name they grew up with so they can't just toss it aside, but it has bad things attached to it as well. I'd say they think it's a ledger of all their (mis)deeds, and that's about it.
27. How do they mourn?
They carry on. But they swear to do better.
42. What are three words they would use to describe themself?
Confident, gorgeous, and amicable!
44. What do they need to learn?
To stop sticking their nose into trouble.
50. Can they sing? Can they dance?
Yes, Flint can sing and sings often! They will occasionally busk for lodging funds if they are ever scarce a few dollars, and have a very soothing voice that ensures at least a few people will toss them some coins. As for dancing, it's not something they're interested in, but you could always coax it out of them you can promise you'll be a good dance partner :)c
56. What animal do they most relate to?
Probably a dog? Fiercely loyal and trusting, but with a good nose (figuratively) for who they should let in on their vulnerabilities to.
57. What makes them angry?
Injustice, and the ideology that law and order outweighs the importance of the human condition. 
59. What is a quiet passion of theirs?
While not exactly quiet, they have a passion for music! Singing and playing the guitar is one of their favourite pastimes.
61. What kind of flower would they choose to pick from a meadow?
This is impractical, and they also aren't exactly found in meadows, but they would go for sunflowers. Something big and bold and bright!
63. What fight has scared them the most?
They haven't gotten there yet in the story I'm building around them, but any fight where someone almost dies and they're powerless to help is always terrifying! :^)
67. What makes them laugh?
Clever jokes, outrageous stories, and the thrill that comes from doing something dangerously stupid and getting away with it.
3. What is their goal right now?
Two things: serve their unfathomable god to the best of their abilities, and get sweet, delicious revenge on the fishermen that almost killed him. The former is his current priority, because he knows he has plenty of years to hunt down his would-be murderers. Revenge is a dish to be savored :3c
5. Do they follow a higher power? What are their thoughts on divinity?
Before he met his patron the only thing he was concerned about was surviving. There's no time for gods when you're eking out a poor life in some nowhere village, after all!
After meeting his patron, there is honestly nothing in this world he could devote more time and attention to. So their relationship with higher powers and divinity etc all are attached by one string to a single entity!
11. What skills are they proficient in? Why?
Arcana, religion, and insight for obvious reasons! However he's also proficient in intimidation, because while he may look like a sweet boy he's actually kind of creepy (in an insane cultist kind of way), and that's sufficiently off putting enough that he can be rather intimidating.
18. Do they see themself as a leader or a follower?
lmao… definitely a follower.
21. Do they follow their head, their heart, or their body?
HMMM, I am not too sure about this yet, but probably his heart! He seems like he would be easily emotionally driven.
30. What do they seek out from others?
Open-mindedness! People who would be -cough- willingtosubmittotheoldgods -cough- -cough- I mean, people who won't judge him for his faith.
40. Do they enjoy poetry?
Nope! Not that he's had any exposure to the arts, though. I guess it would be more accurate to say he doesn't have an opinion :'D
44. What do they need to learn?
That he's not special, and his devotion to his god means barely a thing. He has in his mind this idea that he's some kind of glorious, special vessel through which his patron does its dark bidding, but in reality he's just a pile of meat labeled "minion." Until he learns that awful truth, he's got an ego about his position.
51. What is the most beautiful thing in the world, for them?
The rotten bones of shipwrecks stuck deep in the sand. They're a good source of materials, a home for the night, and they make lovely silhouettes against stormy seas.
59. What is a quiet passion of theirs?
It's done out of necessity, but they enjoy sewing up and mending clothes! 
61. What kind of flower would they choose to pick from a meadow?
Nothing specific, just any bud or bloom he can find :'D
64. Do they value mercy or justice more?
Probably justice! Although he's indifferent to things that happen to others, he is technically seeking justice for what happened to him, in his own… special way.
11. What skills are they proficient in? why?
Athletics, performance and acrobatics because he's an active, swole boi! As well as that he's proficient in stealth and slight of hand because he is a smooth criminal, and he's also proficient in religion for a reason I cannot fathom or remember the reason for. 
19. What haunts them? What doesn’t?
Like most of my characters… the past lol… specifically, the people he's abandoned on a whim, and more pressingly his former captain, who kind of wants to spill his guts :')
What doesn't haunt him is his decisions to leave. In every instance he's left people he's found himself in a grander adventure, and he's thankful and at peace with those life decisions!
Essentially, he has the mentality that people only stay in your life for part of the journey. There’s no such thing as a lifelong partner or friend, so while he does remember people he’s left behind he thinks that charting his own course in life is more important that unbreakable bonds.
30. What do they seek out from others?
Damn good company! If you're an interesting person in any capacity Cadma will probably take a shine to you. He can't stand a stagnant lifestyle, and wants to surround himself with people who will bring adventure into his life.
36. What’s a secret they’ve kept?
It's not exactly a huge secret or anything, and anyone with eyes can tell because he has scales, but Cadma is very hush hush about his dragon ancestry and blood. It's caused him no end of troubles and he'd really rather people see him as a person rather than the inheritor of a rare bloodline.
48. What do they see in their future?
Adventure, and lots of it. Maybe a couple near death experiences too, which he is not so keen on but it comes with the job :')
53. Which is more frightening to them: day or night?
Night. Visibility is low and it's too quiet. Fires burn too bright. You have to let your guard down eventually. 
It's not a fun time.
64. Do they value mercy or justice more?
Definitely mercy! Cadma believes in second chances, and sometimes thirds. He's needed his fair share of them, so everyone else deserves chances too
69. How would they describe their party members?
Good fun and better friends! He's never been with people so easy to latch onto emotionally, and MAN is he attached to them…
Thank you so much for the ask, ilu!! It's so much fun talking about my characters, I love them a lot and the opportunity to get it off my chest has been really nice uwu
I am still accepting asks! And I finally have a page with links to my character's tags, in case anyone wants to peruse!
pwease... talk to me...
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toxicdogars · 5 years ago
Tumblr Meets D&D - Your Muse as a D&D Character
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The last of my builds for this round, we finally get to a Pokemon Adventures character, which means we actually have a heckin’ lot to base this build off of, both from the canon source and from @maskedthief‘s interpretation of her. Blue is the third trainer to rise from Pallet Town, having set out on her journey around Kanto to take part in the league tournament after stealing a Squirtle from Professor Oak’s lab. She’s run into the likes of Red and Green plenty of times, though major moments include stealing Red’s Boulder and Cascade Badges as well as selling him a bunch of fake items. There’s also the raid on Silph Co, where she helped Red and Green knock Team Rocket outa there, even pulling a few fast ones on the mistress of Psychic Types and Rocket Admin, Sabrina. We should also be reminded of her backstory, kidnapped at a young age by a giant bird and raised as one of the Masked Man’s minions. It was there she learned all about Evolution- when something will evolve, how it evolves, how fast it can evolve, etc. These are skills we should be able to translate into some forms of knowledge, which is our first goal. In addition we need to make sure her hands are fast and just as sticky and that she can move fast to wing it outta there. Lastly, let’s try to get some of her Pokemon team represented, with the bulk of them being of the Fairy Type, we should ensure that Blue has plenty of fey influence. Once again, we’ll be using Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition and all books and articles related to it.
Ability Scores
These ventures will use standard array, a set of numbers given as a sort of average stat pool. Feel free to roll for stats if you wanted to use this character, just treat this arrangement as a general order for what stats are most important. We won’t need to bother with multiclassing, so just make sure you use the stat spread as a guideline and you’ll be passing with flying colors. ...Too soon? 
Strength: 8 (Won’t really help us.) Dexterity: 15 (Main attacking stat and useful for thievery) Constitution: 10 (I don’t wanna dump it.) Intelligence: 13 (Need this to be pretty solid.) Wisdom: 12 (Definitely has decent Insight rolls.) Charisma: 14 (Definitely knows how to please people.)
Let’s look at some options here. We could make Blue a Human, since she is one (as far as we’re aware) and get her a free Feat. But I think we can do that juuuuust a little bit better. Know how I mentioned the fey earlier? Let’s actually make Blue a Half-Elf. Half-Elves get the best of Humans and Elves, starting with the typical 30 feet of movement, +2 to their Charisma score (raising it to 16), +1 to two different stats of their choice (bump Dexterity to 16 and Intelligence to 14), and Darkvision out to 60 feet. It doesn’t look very easy to see outta that mask, so she definitely had to see better in low light. Not to mention it’s very handy for a thief. Her Fey Ancestry would also give her advantage on charm saves and she wouldn’t be able to be put to sleep by magic, great for staying away from insomnia and nightmares, eh? She would also get Skill Versatility, gaining two skills of her choice. I’d recommend Arcana for her knowledge of magical metamorphosis and History to cover any research on Evolution already done. As for Languages, she gets Common, Elvish, and a language of her choice. Perhaps Auran, the language of beings close to the Elemental Plane of Air? 
Class and Background
Now, for our thief-y little girl here, I’m thinking that the best way to go is Bard, her About page does mention she’s a good singer, right? Okay that’s a big fat lie and we know it. It’s obvious, she’s a Rogue. Do I even need to explain why? No, she probably stole the reason and flew on outta here. 
Rogues start with a d8 hit die (decent, not the best), proficiency in Dexterity and Intelligence saving throws, simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, thieves’ tools, and four skills from a pretty big list. Of the options listed, Acrobatics, Deception, Investigation, and Persuasion cover her agility and people skills effectively. We’ll get some more skills to aid her thieving from her background. Toss on some light armor, I’d recommend studded leather. As for what weapons to focus on, I’d suggest any Finesse weapon to pair well with her Dexterity. While there’s no real in-character option, but a rapier is pretty stylish and could evoke a sweet masked thief vibe. It deals a d8 + her Dexterity modifier in damage too, making it the strongest option for her. 
As for her background, let’s focus on her time with the Masked Man and call her an Urchin. But since we’re altering it a bit, feel free to rename it Kidnapped Youth or something like that. Take proficiency in Sleight of Hand and Perception to round off her thief-y skills. As I’ve said before, backgrounds also give you access to tools. Her Ditto could be represented early with proficiency in a Disguise Kit while proficiency in the Forgery Kit could make her just as deceptive in writing as she is with spoken word.
This build’s gonna be pretty easy, Rogue from start to finish. We’ll take a look at what Blue gets at each level and discuss ways to make use of them and cover any choices that need to be made. At Rogue 1, Blue gets one of the best things about being a Rogue, a way to make her anime as fuck with incredible skill checks in the skills she uses most:
Expertise: Choose two of your skill proficiencies, or one of your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with thieves' tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies..
I’d suggest Arcana to make her an expert in Evolution and Sleight of Hand to make her hands as fast as possible. For the record, proficiency bonuses start at +2 and reach +6 by level twenty, so that’s a free +12 in those stats by the end of the build. Pretty dang good if you ask me. Rogues also get their other key feature at this level, which helps them deal more damage in their turn:
Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll.
And lastly our girl Blue gets Thieves’ Cant, a secret language of ciphers and symbols that can carry secret messages. Pretty handy way to exchange secret communications.
Thieves’ Cant: You know thieves' cant, a secret mix of dialect, jargon, and code that allows you to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only another creature that knows thieves' cant understands such messages. It takes four times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak the same idea plainly. In addition, you understand a set of secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages, such as whether an area is dangerous or the territory of a thieves' guild, whether loot is nearby, or whether the people in an area are easy marks or will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.
At Rogue 2, we can satisfy that speedy goal of mine and get a way for her to soar like a Pidgeot compared to the average adventurer:
Cunning Action: You can use your Bonus Action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action. Thanks to the Class Feature Variant Unearthed Arcana article, she can additionally use this bonus action to Aim. When using your bonus action in this way, you give yourself advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven’t moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn
At Rogue 3, Blue can pick a roguish archetype. Arcane Tricksters gain the ability to cast wizard spells, relying on their Intelligence modifier to enchant and illuse. This means her Intelligence modifier is added to the attack rolls of spells and the difficulty check of saving throws her spells require. She gains two cantrips from the wizard list alongside Mage Hand, and three first spells, two of which must be enchantment or illusion schools with the third being free of that restriction. In case someone doesn’t know the difference, cantrips are simple magical tricks you can pull off at will, while leveled spells require expending one of your spell slots of a level equal to or higher than the spell’s level. Here’s some options:
Mage Hand: A conjuration cantrip that manifests a spectral hand that can be used to do a ton of really small things like lifting small objects, pulling levers from a distance, that sort of thing. It’s like a tiny ghost thing, which would be perfect if Blue ever picked up, say, a Shuppet or something. Especially with the benefits that Arcane Trickster gives her, as you’ll see down below. Dancing Lights: An evocation cantrip that creates lines of multicolored orbs of light, like fairy lights. It does require concentration to maintain them, but it’s still a nice little spell for its effects. Message: An transmutation cantrip that that allows the user to send a telepathic message to someone they point at, and that individual can respond telepathically. It’s like a walkie talkie, or a cell phone. A shitty cell phone. With a range of only a hundred and twenty feet. Disguise Self: A first level illusion spell that will let Blue take on different appearances. This is essentially her Ditto, able to shift her into the likeness of Sabrina, for instance.  Charm Person: A first level enchantment spell forces a Wisdom saving throw on the target, and if they fail they become charmed by her and basically become her bestest friend while they’re affected. A great way to get what she wants if her own natural charisma isn’t enough.  Find Familiar: A first level conjuration spell that has a buncha random rules, that you’re gonna wanna look up, but it basically amounts to the ability to summon a pet that will stick around and help her out. I’d recommend a pooch of some sort, and since this spell can allow the beast summoned to be considered a different creature type, it could be a fey dog. You know. Like Snubbull. 
Also at this level, Blue gains some swanky upgrades to her Mage Hand spell, letting her use it for more rogue-y things. Additionally, her Sneak Attack dice go up to 2d6:
Mage Hand Legerdemain: When you cast Mage Hand, you can make the spectral hand invisible, and you can perform the following additional tasks with it: -You can stow one object the hand is holding in a container worn or carried by another creature. -You can retrieve an object in a container worn or carried by another creature. -You can use thieves' tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range. -You can perform one of these tasks without being noticed by a creature if you succeed on a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by the creatures Wisdom (Perception) check. -In addition, you can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to control the hand.
At Rouge 4, Blue gets the first of her Ability Score Improvements (ASIs). Let’s take the +2 and put it in Dexterity, bumping that up to 18 for better hit and damage rolls with her rapier and better armor. She also gets another spell, which can be from the enchantment or illusion schools:
Color Spray: A first level illusion spell that releases brilliant light in a cone that blinds a certain amount of hit points’ worth of individuals for one round. It’s not the best way to stall a foe, but it’s certainly in character. It’s a solid use of Flash, which would have been an HM back in the day that I suspect one of her team would have had. 
At Rouge 5, Blue gets another incredibly helpful core feature that makes it a lot easier for Rogues to survive in the midst of combat. And it certainly fits her character, as the Pokemon Adventures trainers aren’t hesitant to get right up there with their foes in battles. In addition, her Sneak Attack dice go up to 3d6:
Uncanny Dodge: When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you.
At Rogue 6, Blue gains Expertise in two more skills (or her thieves’ tools) of her choice. Let’s make her social skills even more busted and take expertise in Deception and Persuasion. 
At Rogue 7, Blue gets a spell, which can now be of second level, and another key feature which makes her even harder to hit than she was before, even by some of the strongest spells in the game. In addition, her Sneak Attack dice go up to 4d6:
Mirror Image: A second level illusion spell that functions like Double Team, creating illusory clones that can draw fire, making it harder to hit the real Blue. A handy little technique that I could see Blue making a lot of use of.  Evasion: When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
At Rogue 8, Blue gets her second ASI and let’s use that to max her Dexterity score at 20 for the best hit, damage, and armor modifiers for her level. She also gets a spell from any school:
Thunderwave: A first level evocation spell that blasts a fifteen foot radius around her with damaging sound, a bit like Hyper Voice, which I have no doubt her Jiggly knows. It’s handy to have magical damage, and with such a focus on utility spells this might be the best option for damage if her rapier won’t cut it.
At Rogue 9, Blue gets another Arcane Trickster feature that makes her oh-so deliciously more capable of messing with her enemies. In addition, her Sneak Attack dice go up to 5d6:
Magical Ambush: If you are hidden from a creature when you cast a spell on it, the creature has disadvantage on any saving throw it makes against the spell this turn.
At Rogue 10, Blue gets her third ASI and lets use that to bump her Intelligence by +2 (raising it to 16) for better saves and and hit rolls. She also gets her fourth cantrip and another spell, which again must be from the enchantment or illusion schools:
Ray of Frost: An evocation cantrip that looses a blast of cold energy like some sort of beam or ray of ice. The book says it’s fired from the caster, but I see no trouble flavoring it as tossing out a pokeball to summon a mighty Blastoise to douse a foe with cold water. Some nice damage at range, since cantrips scale up with level, gaining additional damage dice.   Hold Person: A second level enchantment spell that forces a Wisdom saving throw on a foe, restraining them in place if they fail. This is your Whirlpool on Blasty or some sorta weird fairy magic from Jiggly or Clefy. Combine it with Magical Ambush to make it really hard for the enemy to pass the save.
At Rogue 11, Blue gains another spell from the enchantment or illusion schools and another touchstone feature for improving her skills, and let’s just say it’s going to make her a complete monster with the skills she has expertise in. In addition, her Sneak Attack dice go up to 6d6:
Sleep: A first level enchantment spell that uses Sing to put a certain number of hit points’ worth of foes in the area to sleep. This is a little more effective than Color Spray and hits over a wider area, but there are times when blinding a foe may be more useful than simply knocking them out. Regardless, a useful spell to have in her kit.  Reliable Talent: Whenever you make an ability check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.  
Seriously, consider this for a second. A Sleight of Hand check from her at this level has a bonus of +13 (5 from Dexterity, 8 from doubled proficiency). That means the lowest she can roll on a Sleight of hand check is 23. Lowest. That’s crazy. And super amazing for stealing her friends’ wallets before casually handing them back to them.
At Rogue 12, Blue gets her fourth ASI and lets use that to bump her Charisma by +2 (raising it to 16) to make her all the more sociable and manipulative.
At Rogue 13, she gets another spell, which can now be of third level. Blue apparently decided that it wasn’t good enough to be stabbing people and casting spells at the same time and decided to make it so she can really fuck up a single person that was getting on her nerves. In addition, her Sneak Attack dice go up to 7d6:
Fear: A third level illusion spell that forces foes to make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened by some terrifying visage. Why not show her enemies a massive shadowy bird of doom? Oh, they aren’t afraid of birds? Ouch. I suppose ya could spook ‘em with something else though.  Versatile Trickster: As a bonus action on your turn, you can designate a creature within 5 feet of your Mage Hand. Doing so gives you advantage on attack rolls against that creature until the end of the turn.
At Rogue 14, Blue gains another spell from any school and a feature that may not be perfectly in character, but it does extrapolate on how low to the ground her ears can be. And I see nothing wrong with giving characters features that build on their canon:
Tidal Wave: A third level conjuration spell that releases a massive wave of crushing water, dealing bludgeoning damage over a wide area should the targets fail a Dexterity saving throw. This is the best approximation of Blasty’s Hydro Cannon I could find. Blindsense: If you are able to hear, you are aware of the location of any hidden or invisible creature within 10 feet of you.  
At Rogue 15, Blue gets a really handy way to mitigate that lower Wisdom score, something I’d wanted to deal with since the beginning. In addition, her Sneak Attack dice go up to 8d6:
Slippery Mind: You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.
At Rogue 16, Blue gets her fifth ASI and honestly her stats look pretty fine, so let’s exchange that ASI for a Feat, and I’d recommend a way to give her more skill proficiencies- as in the Skilled Feat. She also gets another spell from either of her restricted schools:
Skilled:  You gain proficiency in any combination of 3 skills or tools of your choice. Round off her survival skills by taking Survival, Nature, and Animal Handling.  Invisibility: A second level illusion spell that does what it says on the tin, turning Blue invisible for the duration, as long as she maintains her concentration. Really dang handy, and something I suspect could be possible with Ditty, reflecting the light around them to turn invisible or something.
At Rogue 17, Blue gets another Arcane Trickster feature that makes her the bane of enemy casters. Considering her smarts and her knowledge of Pokemon, it does make sense that she’d be able to put her magical know-how to fuck up other people’s days. In addition, her Sneak Attack dice go up to 9d6:
Spell Thief: Immediately after a creature casts a spell that targets you or includes you in its area of effect, you can use your reaction to force the creature to make a saving throw with its spellcasting ability modifier. The DC equals your spell save DC. On a failed save, you negate the spell's effect against you, and you steal the knowledge of the spell if it is at least 1st-level and of a level you can cast (it doesn't need to be a wizard spell). For the next 8 hours, you know the spell, can cast it using your spell slots, and the creature can't cast that spell until the 8 hours have passed. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
At Rogue 18, Blue gets yet another feature that makes her really damn hard to hit. Kinda terrifying if ya ask me, she’s lookin’ more like a DBZ character with how many options she has to dodge:
Elusive: No attack roll has advantage against you while you aren't incapacitated.
At Rogue 19 Blue gets her sixth ASI and lets also trade that one in for a Feat. I’d recommend Alert, so she’s always making use of her skills to keep an eye on things. She also gets another spell from one of her restricted schools, which can now be of fourth level. In addition, her Sneak Attack dice go up to 10d6:
Alert: Always on the lookout for danger, you gain the following benefits: -You can't be surprised while you are conscious. -You gain a +5 bonus to initiative. -Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen by you. Charm Monster: A fourth level enchantment spell that does what Charm Person does to people but to monsters. it forces a Wisdom saving throw, and if the monster fails they become Blue’s best friendy-wend. Very handy to stop marauding monstrous beastly Pokemon if ya ask me.  
At Rogue 20, Blue gets her another spell from any school, and her capstone feature, and a pretty solid one at that:
Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound: A fourth level conjuration spell that yes, may seem a bit odd of a pick, but it’s actually kinda nifty. It summons an invisible dog that guards you for eight hours, chompin’ on anything that gets in Blue’s way for 4d8 piercing damage. Now I said that her Familiar could be Snubbull, and I stand by that, so I suggest you use this spell to emulate her Nido instead. The loyal Nidoqueen already behaves like a guard dog, so it seemed pretty dang fitting to me.  Stroke of Luck: If your attack misses a target within range, you can turn the miss into a hit. Alternatively, if you fail an ability check, you can treat the d20 roll as a 20. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. 
See what I mean? A once per short rest instant win button. Call it her Dex Holder plot armor if ya want. 
Final Thoughts
Know how I said Clair was terrifying? Blue is just as much, if not moreso. I’ve already talked about just how busted Expertise is and how good it is on someone like Blue, but let’s look at just how many of her skill checks are going to be amazing. There are eighteen skills in the game, and Blue has proficiency in eleven of them. Hell, she practically has proficiency in the hidden nineteenth skill, Initiative! Alert gives her a bonus that’s only one off of her proficiency, so yeah. Not to mention that four of the skills she’s proficiency in will never roll lower than a 20 on the die, seeing as her +12 proficiency bonus stacks on top of Reliable Talent’s ability to turn anything under 10 to 10. That’s just. Really damn good. The few skills she’s not proficient in are just ones she probably wouldn’t need to take anyway. With only seven skills left, her allies could easily handle them. I mean. Yellow definitely has the Medicine and Religion skills covered, both Green and Red have Athletics no doubt. What’s left? Performance? She’s not good at singing. Stealth? Why be sneaky when you can waltz right in and take what you want? Intimidation? That’s more Green’s thing. Insight? That’s more Yellow’s thing. And ah. That’s all the skills left. Yeah. Blue’s a freakin’ skill monkey. And she’s got great damage with her Sneak Attack and plenty of ways to get advantage so she can always get the big damage off. Not to mention her spells make her a threat even at range, mixing in magical damage to boot.
There’s not many cons. I mean… spell slots are a limited resource, sure, but that’s why you gotta be picky about you use them. We also never boosted her Constitution, leaving her with pretty low hit points throughout the build, even with maximum rolls on the hit dice. But that’s why I always say you roll for stats- You’re more than likely going to get a roll you like better to at least get a small bonus. My advice? If you can get a Constitution score of 14 as a Rogue or some sort of caster, then you are perfectly fine as is. And if ya don’t have the Con, Blue still has a ton of ways to avoid damage with all those features from Rogue. Seriously, twenty levels of Rogue makes for a stupidly infuriating game of cat and mouse, and I’m sure Blue would love that.
I hope you enjoyed this. Feel free to tell me how wrong I am with my choices.
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gayasinstupidpodcast · 6 years ago
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What’s up gamers!!! Our fourth episode plowed through the chaos of thanksgiving holidays and is Here w/ some Facts and Opinions about creating shit and being LGBT and how being LGBT influences creating shit. HEADS UP we recorded this while I had a cold so my voice is probably a little off, but ik Isaac put SO much work into the editing so it would be ready on time and we have recorded statements from some amazing artists (transcriptions under the cut below!) & this is honestly one of my favorite episodes we’ve done so far, so give her a listen if you’re gay or enjoy fun things!
BIG thank you once again to everyone who participated in this month’s episode!! Your contributions are so valued and so beautiful!!
You can find us on the Itunes Podcast App/Webpage at Gay As In Stupid Podcast! You can also find our episodes uploaded to Youtube and Soundcloud!
You can also follow us on twitter at gayasinstupid!
Further Reading on LGBT Artists
Montage of a Queering Deferred: Memory, Ownership, and Archival Silencing in the Rhetorical Biography of Langston Hughes
The Political Provocations of Keith Haring 
Pop art politics: Activism of Keith Haring 
E M Forster’s Gay Fiction
Alok Vaid-Menon Tells Us What It’s Like To Be Femme In Public
Shea Diamond Speaks Her Truth
Aaron’s 2018 November Recs!
Alok Alok Vaid-Menon is one of my favorite poet/activist/performance artists out there! Their writing and stage presence is gorgeous and witty in a way that’s SO clever and still feels like you’re in a room trading jokes you don’t need to explain with your closest trans friends. The way they balance their art creates a real, deeply touching experience that feels very essential to our world.
Miles (2016) Miles is set in 1999 and is a coming of age story about a gay teenager trying to get a volleyball scholarship for college in Chicago. It’s not revolutionary and it’s not over the top dramatic, but it’s funny and honest and it makes me feel nice. Definitely the movie to watch when you’ve just been through something emotionally taxing and need a light crying session and some mediocre pastries.
Isaac’s 2018 November Recs!
The Adventure Zone I know half of you already kin the Mcelroys while the other half either don’t know or don’t care, but the Adventure Zone is one of my most favorite things in the world. It’s a DND podcast (yes, all episodes are transcribed, and they have a graphic novel for the first arc of Balance with a second one on the way!) by three brothers plus their dad, and not only does it have the most amazing story and is ungodly funny, but TONS of gays (Griffin went ape with those Lesbian NPCS)! And just because they can! Same with trans characters. It’s a story where they just exist, and that’s really important to me because in a lot of media LGBT have to almost prove why they deserve to take up space. And it’s not just something that goes on in their first campaign, Amnesty also has those sweet sweet gay! I could talk about this podcast for hours, so if you needed that final push to give it a listen, THIS IS IT!
Stardew Valley You get to farm and be gay. And if THAT hasn’t sold you on this charming video game, then maybe the super cute graphics, beautiful soundtrack and a handful of interesting characters will! TBH I spend so much time playing this game it’s concerning. It’s just such a fun way to relax, and I just really REALLY like video games were I can chose to be gay. Like. God Tier. YOU CAN HAVE CROPS AND CHICKENS AND BE GAY C’MON YALL!!
The Amazing Quotes And Artists Featured!
Meg | instagram | esty
“My identity as a bisexual woman influences my art in many ways. As a woman, i create art about the issues that effect me, such as abortion and gender equality, in order to resonate with the people that matter most to me. As a bisexual individual, my subjects often appear from a gaze that falls outside of the stereotypical eye. My figure drawings and portraits all come from a place of admiration, and don’t fall into the stereotype of the male gaze or womanly care- they are the space inbetween, equally sexualized and normalized. I feel lucky to be a bi gal in the art world because it is a place that is my own to create in. There are so many queer artists that i look up to such as Mapplethorpe and Warhol, and many female artists i can cite as influence (Jenny Holzer, Kiki Smith, and Louise Bourgeois to name a few). My identity gives me a whole new world of content to draw from and allows my work to resonate with a wider audience, and I really think that any artists goal is to reach and touch as many people as possible.“  
Cameron | twitter | instagram 
“I don’t think that it influences the form really, but it definitely influences the subject matter! (Much as I hate to admit it, my identity influences the majority of choices I make in life.) I write a lot of poems about lgbtq related things and religion, as well as other stuff too. I was raised catholic, so realizing that I was “different” at more than one point in my teen years was scary AF. Being a member of the lgbtq+ community and also trying to still feel like I belong, or wanting to, in a religious community is hard, the two things are usually at a crossroads in my life so writing about them makes it easier for me to get through. My hope is that someday someone reads what I wrote and finds some peace in their own life/experience.” 
Vince | art instagram
“Well, being transgender I feel like I’m constantly aware of the lack of representation of my community, and I feel like it might be because of that I tend to experiment with showing all sorts of different type of people in my work. Because there’s so much diversity in the world, why not showcase that?”
Fox | art instagram  
“Oof…I’m gay so my characters always be gay. Gotta Fill the void in media w my own bullshit so I don’t have to rely on straight showrunners who will inevitably discard the character since they themselves seem to have no personal attachment and treat lgbt characters as disposable extras. Bc if I don’t at least attempt to create representation in the field I’m going into then I can’t rlly complain about the lack of it right? If I don’t try and change it I can’t complain about the lack of change so being an lgbt artist is lowkey Big Pressure to be revolutionary in your work but sometime…..I just wanna draw funkey animeal and that’s aight too”
Jen | twitter | instagram
“As a female bisexual poet, I worry often that my poetry and art will be too niche to be appreciated. I’ve spent years editing my poetry down to its barest bones in hopes that someone will relate to it. Changing pronouns back and forth because I worry that if I do talk about a woman, the poem will be stripped of its context and suddenly be about my queerness when in reality it never was. When I write about love and people I have dated and have crushed on, I want the poem to exist outside of the gender of who I love. I fear my authorial death will result in a complete misinterpretation of what I mean. When I write, it truly does not matter to me if I am writing about a woman or a man. If I feel what I write and I can make someone else feel it too does it matter that I also love women? I write what matters to me overall, regardless of gender, I try to make my poetry as true as possible. Sometimes, when I catch myself over editing I try to take myself back to the moment, to the person, what I loved about him or her. “
Lain | art instagram
“My LGBT Identity has significantly impacted almost all of my art, especially my work over the last two years. Ever since I have allowed myself to accept that I am trans and began my transition (6 months on T!), the impact that my Roman Catholic upbringing has had on my bisexual trans identity has bled into my artwork. Because of the way I was raised, accepting and allowing myself to be authentic has been an upward struggle. And what better way to process and document struggle than art?  
Much of my recent work has had a focus on the trans body, particularly the “sanctity” of self-actualization and the god-like power that comes with accepting and creating yourself in the unique and exceptional way that LGBT people must in order to live authentically. Two of my pieces on this topic were actually recently exhibited at UWM in the Trans-lucent exhibition, and will remain there until December 15th (I think). I got sick and tired of never seeing trans representation, so now I am creating that space that I crave in my own work.”
Kobe | instagram | soundcloud
“My art from is very influenced by my LGBT identity. It is very influenced by my LGBT black Identity. I think that whenever an artist makes their art (in my case writing music, singing, dancing) they should incorporate as much of themselves as possible. I think my LGBT identity definitely adds a sense of representation as well. I want people like me to listen to my music to know they aren’t alone. So it influences my work a lot. “
Nat | art instagram
“I think the fact that I am part of the LGBT+ community influences my art directly. Even though I don’t draw as often as I wish, I believe both my drawings and college projects (I am a 3d art/animation student), and my creativity in general is inspired by my personal experiences as a gay woman and common things experienced by the community. I try as often as I can to bring representation of some kind in the things I do, mainly personal projects. I also feel that it influences me on my motivation to keep creating; whenever I listen to, see drawings, watch movies or see whatever form of artistic expression from LGBT+ artists it gives me the energy to keep going, to keep creating.”
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tapirsallthewaydown · 7 years ago
I’ve been playing this game with writers
First, you make your list of abilities, DnD style: strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, charisma.  Then roll 3d6 (or use a website like this one: https://www.random.org/dice/ ).  Then start writing! 
The two characters below aren’t first two I generated, but they were the easiest for me to get clear mental images of.  Also, one of them has the first perfect 18 I’ve ever rolled. 
1,826 words of 11, 15, 9, 11, 9, 8 vs. 12, 18, 8, 13, 12, 11 below the cut, if you’re interested
Her mother had warned her that, to make her own way in a great city like Seruvia, a woman had to be either exceptionally smart or exceptionally pretty.  The little frown at the end had driven home the implication that Netria was nothing special on either count.  Still, they had both been delighted when her father announced that he wanted to take Netria back to the city with him.  She got to see Seruvia, and she wouldn’t have to make her own way with her father looking out for her.  Things hadn’t been good between her parents for years, and her father’s trips home were becoming increasingly rare.  Her mother had assumed (hoped) that the sudden growth of his interest in Netria was a sign of a greater interest to come in all of them being a proper family again.
Her father was good to her in the city, but Netria would’ve had to be really stupid not to figure out that he favored her over his other children because what she could do for the night-time side of his business.  He’d started paying attention to her after watching her brothers try and fail to bring her down from a hayloft, a barn roof, and the tops of a couple of trees.  When he brought her to Seruvia, started her on formal lessons immediately, and he cared much more how she progressed at lock picking, safe cracking, and moving silently than how well she could write or play the pianoforte.  She was important to him.  “I need you to do jobs that most women and most boys your age don’t have the nerve for, and no full-grown man could manage,” he’d told her. On another occasion, she’d heard him boast to a colleague and rival that a woman who claimed to work for the Avralondae had offered to buy Netria.  “She’s really something,” he’d said.  “Even the Ventesci don’t have one like her.”
 By the time she reached what would likely be her full growth—still usefully (blessedly) small and light—she was one of the greatest thieves and undoubtedly the best second story man—or, rather, third-or-better story person—in Seruvia.
 Netria was four stories up, creeping across the roof of the Tureo family’s palazzo from the city side to the inner courtyard side, when a flash of bright yellow caught her eye. She froze.  The yellow streak danced at the edge of her field of view. She tried to be still, just a dark smudge in the night.  
 No.  That was a piece of bright fabric, waved deliberately by a shadowy figure on the opposite side of the courtyard.  No one else was supposed to be up here!
 Netria turned back the way she’d come and fled in a scurrying crouch toward the stables behind the grand building.  A glance over her shoulder revealed her worst fear—the colorful cloth had been put away, and one shadow that seemed a little more solid than it should was moving swiftly, lightly toward her.
 If something like this ever happened, Netria was supposed to go to her father’s contacts, Yan and Carallo.  But she’d always had a bad feeling about Yan, and Carallo was a follower who went along with whatever Carallo wanted.  Run from one threat to another?  In a split second, she turned in a new direction and made a leap that no one would be able to follow.  She’d come up with an explanation for her father by the time she got back to him.
 Netria was not yet half-way across the second roof when she heard a sound that made her blood run cold.  Her pursuer had dared that great leap succeeded!  Netria stifled a scream and ran for her life.
 She’d had nightmares like this.  Her father had warned her that terrible things happened to girls who ventured out at night unprotected, but he was certain that, so long as she trusted no one except his men and treated all others as known enemies, she could outrun all danger.  She could do it because she was special, he said, not some weak, slow, stupid girl who wouldn’t know a spring from a pin.  But sometimes, in her sleep, she was chased by something or someone who was always, horribly, gaining on her until there was nowhere left to run and nothing left to do but either jump to certain death or face whatever fate away the slow, stupid, weak girls her father didn’t want her to be like.
 She didn’t get a chance to jump.  She thought she’d outwitted her pursuer by dropping to a balcony, dashing through dark, opulently carpeted rooms, and emerging at second story window where an uncontrolled fall would mean crippling injury more likely than a quick death. Then that terrible shadow dropped from above and surged through the window, knocking Netria backward and landing on her in a hold that she ought to be able to break, damn it, her father had made her practice, but she could never get out of that one if the trainer’s boy was even slightly stronger in the arms than she was.
 “Sorry, I must warn you!” the shadow said.  “Please don’t scream, but please don’t go to that place!”
 Netria snarled. She hadn’t been about to scream like some baby.  She was better than that.  She was totally professional!  Then she snarled again, because it helped her keep from laughing too loudly or sighing in relief or blurting out anything that might make her sound stupid.
 The person who’d chased her and caught her was another girl.  A girl who was maybe a little older than Netria and a little stronger and slightly winded and definitely not from Seruvia.
 “I don’t expect you to speak why you were on that house,” the outsider continued after a pause to get her breath back.  Netria found a tiny bit of comfort in the older girl’s foreign accent and clumsy wording, knowing she was still best in the city if not—yet—best in the world. “But you really must not go there again. Thing in that house are wrong.”
 “What things?” Netria asked.  “How are they wrong?”
 “I don’t know yet. But things are very wrong.  If you are just a thief, go rob other big houses. Not that one.  It is not worth it.  If you work for the old man there, you must quit.  If you are told to spy on him or steal a thing from that house, do not obey.  If you are paid much money, it won’t be enough.  Whatever happens inside, it is very, very serious.”
 “Did the family hire you to scare people away?” Netria asked.  “Because there are easier ways of doing it.  I left as soon as I saw you signaling with that yellow thing.”
 The older girl shook her head.  “I didn’t know who or what you were.  It wasn’t enough to leave this night.  I must warn you not to try again later.  And I don’t work for anyone in that house.”
 “For somebody who wants to rob it first and get all the best stuff before the rest of us get a chance?” Netria suggested, forcing what she hoped would pass for a cheeky grin in the near-darkness.  The other thief or spy or whatever she was sounded so urgently worried about a complete stranger and potential rival.
 The emphatic reply of “No!” was so full of worry that Netria regretted her attempt at humor. The older girl tightened her hold on Netria as if afraid that her captive might return to the Tureo palazzo and jump directly into a pit of what would look like god but turn out to be flesh-eating monsters.  Then she let up just a little, and when she spoke again, it was in a steady tone that reminded Netria of her older sister trying to sound like the reasonable and mature one so she could boss everybody else.  “I am Avralonda.  We watch that house.  I have little information about inside.  My superiors speak little about it.  I think they wish me to think they have more information than they really do. Understand?  Perhaps they know little more than I do.  But things are wrong there.  Strange sickness, people disappear, visitors that shouldn’t be.”
 “Strange sickness? Do you mean what happened to Gandesto Tureo?”
 “More than just Gandesto,” said the girl who was at least pretending to be an Avralonda. Netria had a policy of skepticism toward any claims she heard about dealings with the Avralondae, including those made by her own father.  But this strange girl’s claim was the most plausible she’d ever heard.
 “And the disappearing people would be the two servants who ran away with a great lot of silver last summer?”
 “People in the city say that happened, but I don’t think it did. Too many . . . discrepancies? Is that the right word?”
 “It’s a word,” said Netria, who had, after all, received an education that prioritized stealth over rhetoric.  But she had an idea what the maybe-Avralonda meant.  Now that she thought about, the silver theft story had struck her as odd at the time, not least because she moved in circles where some of the stolen silver should have turned up, even if the vanished servants had only sold off as much as they needed to buy passage to another city.  “And I have heard the old man’s grown sons have plenty of ‘visitors who shouldn’t be,’ but I take it you mean that in a way that doesn’t imply fooling around?”
 “No fooling,” the Avralonda confirmed.  “People went in who didn’t go out.  Different people go out but no one saw them go in.  Not only people who did not go in the house.  People who did not go in the city!  Beside all this, there have been many small things wrong. I do not know. My superiors don’t know all and perhaps know only little small bits of information. But things are wrong, and you should stay away.”
 “Right.  I’ll tell my- my superiors that place is more dangerous than we knew.”
 “Good!”  Her voice practically glowed with relief. The Avralonda released Netria and helped her up.  “Take this, so they believe you.”  She pressed into Netria’s hand a piece of the finest silk Netria had ever felt and a roll of coins, wrapped extra tight so there’d be no chance of jingling.  “Fare well!” She slipped out the window like a wisp of dark mist and climbed up, back onto the roof, instead of down to the ground.
 Netria stared, asking herself, “Do I want to be her or knock her down?”  Then she shook it off and looked around.  She’d been so disoriented by fear during the chase, she hadn’t even known whose house she was breaking into.
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maychorian · 7 years ago
Question: I've been trying to write something beyond 5k words and more novel length for awhile, and it's been a bit hard since I don't have any prior experience with something that long. Any tips?
I’m really not a great resource for this, haha, because I’m awfully loosey goosey, at least with my fanfiction. I usually just have an idea, an image in my head, and start writing and see where it goes. That’s how my hurt/comfort fics that I thought would be 20 or 30k keep ending up being over 100k. So if you have a very strong story you need to get out, something that occupies your attention and you feel COMPELLED to tell it, you could just start on the road and see where it takes you. That’s a great way to run into dead ends, though, as well. I have plenty of abandoned fics out there for other fandoms that I’m heartily ashamed of. 
Another method is to have an outline. It doesn’t have to be terribly detailed, though that can help. For a shared writing project I did with RL friends a few year’s ago, I wrote a very detailed chapter by chapter story treatment that you can see here, if you’d like an example: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fDZOo2H92DJMURrlTGqETfXGBuLWglU7nCU7evkNhvs/edit?usp=sharing
It’s unusual for me to do it that way. In fact, that’s the only time I’ve written a long piece of fiction with such a detailed and well thought-out outline (plus all the comments from my friends, which made me think a lot and made the story better, I’m sure). It worked for me, certainly, but I also didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I enjoy writing my fanfiction. If you’re the kind of person who likes having a detailed plan, you can certainly try it that way. And if you like to collaborate with other people, by all means, discuss the plot with a couple of friends who can help you hash it out and plan.
More often when I feel like I need to plan something out, at least a little bit, I’ll just start freewriting and see if I can hash out a coherent plot that way. Here’s the freewriting I did for Dancing Around a Minefield, which is a much shorter story than you’re thinking of, but I believed it still merited a little bit of thought and planning. After I looked at a list of phobias and picked fear of needles as a good one for Keith and thought about the backstory, I wrote this in about two minutes:
okay the keith phobia fic is gelling together in my mind now. so he and lance are looking for shiro and are going through a random galra lab and the medical equipment seems to be making him nervous but lance assumes it’s because he’s thinking about shiro and whatever awful things the galra are doing to him right now, but then when they, like, knock over a case of needles and keith seriously freaks, that’s where it gets real. and then Lance has to talk him down and calm him down and figure things out. 
And that was enough for me to be going on with. I figured out the rest of the story from there while writing it.
I did something similar for Burning Up, Burning Out, a bunch of freewriting to help me bring the plot together in my head, in fact several thousand words worth, but I don’t want to share that because it would be spoilery for the story. I’ve probably done more thinking for this fic than I’ve done in a long, long time. Even for Cycle of the Five Lions, I basically decided on character archetypes for everyone and the bare bones of an epic storyline and just started writing. I mean, I spent a LOT of time thinking about each of the Voltron characters and how they would translate into a fantasy world based on Dungeons & Dragons, and also how the pantheon I made with RL friends ten years ago would inform that world, and I wrote down my five volume titles on a sticky note. Seriously. “The Storyteller and the Thief,” “The Godsent Wanderer,” “The Broken Soldier,” “The Boy Made of FIre,” and “The Legendary Defender.” That was my outline. (Plus the beginning of some character profiles with backstories.) And then I just started writing.
But really, it makes sense to write that story that way, I think. When I play DnD, I spend a lot of time thinking about my character and my party members and how we’ll mesh together and our backstories, and then we just get into it. Even when I DM, I usually only have a vague idea of what’s going to happen, and then I just present situations and let the characters deal with them. So I’m basically writing the story like a DnD campaign that I’m very loosely DMing. I put the Voltron crew in my world and I’m letting them run around. At the end of writing The Godsent Wanderer, I spent some time cogitating on how the shape of the rest of the story will look, but I still didn’t write an outline. I have ideas, I have character interactions I want to happen, I have scenes, but I don’t have plot. I’ll discover that as I go. It’s been working so far.
So yeah. There are some ideas. Just start writing, have a detailed outline, or something in between. Different methods work for different kinds of stories, at least for me. You’ll probably need to do some experimenting to find out what works for you. Good luck! Have fun with it, though, that’s the most important thing.
Gosh, I’m sorry for posting this at 2 AM. I hope you see it, dear nonny.
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lebilliam · 7 years ago
111 questions with @imaginationisendless3
001: What is your biggest dream? uhhh. that depends on how you define dream. im gonna go ahead and say that the dream is to be able to wake up and go to the airport and just travel all around and come back home to the same old home at the end of the day
002: What is the bravest thing you've ever done? this q is quite a doozy. i really dont keep track of this kind of stuff
003: Is it hard for you to show your feelings? hell ye
004: What is your dream job? What was your dream job when you were little? when i was little i thought looking at space and being an astronaut would be really cool but now its just being able to travel
005: What is your favorite sound? mechanical keyboard clicking hands down
006: Would you rather be in front of the camera or behind it? wait this q seems familiar but im gonna say in front
007: What do you notice first when you meet a new person? (Both in real and on the internet): what kind of memes they like
008: Is there anybody you *fully* trust?: sure theres a list
009: Do you like / love someone? If yes, who?: there was this cute girl once but i never mustered the courage to really talk to her rip 
010: Have you ever received / sent hate? How do you deal with it?: i flame brian and logan all the time but i dont think that constitutes hate mail. tbh i dont recall an instance of being perturbed by excessive hate
011: What are you going to spend money on next?: food in martinique (or maybe some chacos here)
012: What are three things you never leave your house without?: phone, wallet, jacket
013: What is your favorite place?: ive had a lot of favorite places over the last few years but now that im being asked i cant recall any of them. all my favorite places have this one thing that i dont like about them and thats why i have so many
014: Do you sing and/or dance in front of people? nah not earnestly
015: Have you ever cheated on a test?: have YOU? i say i want to cheat on tests all the time bc itd be so easy but im just too lazy to enact a foolproof cheat strategy
016: What is your current desktop background?: last time it was a bunch of functional groups for Ochem, but now its specific reagents and pathways!
017: How would you describe yourself in 3 words? indecisive, unpredictable, decisive (i thnk)
018: What does make you happy?: honestly?? knowing im appreciated
019: What time were you born? uhh i dont know off the top of my head atm but i can check
020: Do you give second chances? Why? why the fuck NOT? well i say that but all the second chances ive given have been disappointments. trying to find someone to surprise me i guess? xd
021: Name your biggest turn ons and turn offs: serious turn offs are lacking empathy for the struggles of others (i say stop being poor ironically, but there are people who really dont get it which is scary to me). turn ons? Jacinda asked me this and my answer still hasnt changed-- the neck. i ALWAYS go for the jugular
022: When was the last time you hugged someone?: hmmmmm probably last month or so?
023: What is your favorite food? GOD dang it i know i say a lot of things are my favorite but now i cant think of anything. something im always down for is KFC though
024: Do you save money or spend it right away? FUCK i try to save it but money just has a way of leaving my hands
025: Do you have any tattoos? If yes, what are their meanings? If no, would you get any?: id love to get tattoos. sleeves and all those seem really neat but also i know im just rash with decisions like that sometimes
026: Name five things you find beautiful: ooo hair in sunlight, pure moments of unadulterated laughter, crafts that people work on, technology, and mechanical keyboards
027: What is your favorite clothing style? (Both in you and others): lately ive been joking about the CLOUT a lot with champion and supreme branded stuff but its ironic. tbh i like buttonups with nice colors.
028: How do you cheer yourself up? i slid into this girl’s dms with this very question and then i linked her a minecraft song parody so i guess minecraft song parodies and stupid things
029: Do you show affection in public?: i would IF I COULD
030: What is one thing you are looking forward to?: martinique, being refreshed enough to actually care about school bc this last semester was a shitshow
031: Have you ever been to other countries? If yes, where?: france, spain, italy, canada, (japan when i was uber young), vietnam, fircrest
032: What was the last lie you told and why? ill start on this at 2pm. i was still in bed at 2
033: Who are the people you can always turn to? mo, lo
034: Have you ever done drugs? If not, would you ever try them?: it sounds like itd be a cool experience but im also scared all of those horror stories where the drugs were laced with other stuff that turns you into a 4 year old
035: What is your favorite word? i think about the word obsequious a lot but i think my favorite word has to go to discord
036: Do you consider yourself a romantic? sure why not
037: What are 3 objects that are *very* important to you and why?: notes section in my phone ( i write a lot of my thoughts and weird dreams in there), my laptop ( i use it literally every single day), my dice ( bc dnd has been uber helpful to me and its a great pastime)  
038: Have you ever met someone famous? If so, who?: nope! not special
039: What would you like to change, mentally and physically, about yourself? id like to start working out but i say that all the time. id like to be more dedicated to school stuff but honestly its whatever. idk jsut trying to be more confident in myself and smiling more
040: Have you ever won a contest/competition? What for? i won a smash tournament once and i got fourth or third in another one but that was a long time ago
041: What is one illegal thing you would do if there were no consequences? steal, armed robbery. 
042: Who are your favorite fictional characters? borutos dad seems kind of cool, they should make an anime about him or something
043: Do you ever wish you were somebody else? yea i wish i was me but better
044: What is your favorite store to shop at? FUEGO and the runway fashion exchange and idk some other cool store but it doesnt come to mind
045: Do you want to have children one day? How many? How would you name them?: i think about it. having children would be cool but also NOT having kids would be cool
046: How do you cope with stress? How do you vent your anger? i say reee unironically but then it makes me feel better 
047: What do you want for your birthday? honestly? lots of money but idk a new set of dice would be nice ore maybe a new computer
048: Have you ever had an imaginary friend? yea probably
049: Have you ever said "I love you" even though you didn't mean it? in the times ive said it i feel like i have meant it but you can never be too sure
050: What is the best advice anyone has ever given you? starting to write down all your feelings and stuff that happens
051: Do you have any regrets? If yes, what do you regret the most? not taking the opportunity to go to high school/ college early / skipping grades / trying harder on admissions tests
052: Do you find tattoos and/or piercings attractive? theyre pretty neat imo i like them
053: Do you want to get married? What are your views on marriage? marriage is such an old concept but also it seems kind of cool
054: Who are you most comfortable around? tbh its been myself for the last few weeks 
055: What are you wearing right now? What do you wear to bed? i am wearing shorts. i try not to wear too much when i sleep bc i overheat but if i have someone else in bed with me ill wear a thin shirt and shorts
056: When is your birthday? feb 26!
057: What is love to you? love is being able to send memes to each other and being able to go from 2 blobs watching videos to a fancy date and 
058: Are you a jealous person? i can be jealous if i dont trust whatever is happening
059: Would you rather go to a party or stay at home? hmm tbh id probably party if my friends were there or if not id stay at home 
060: How many relationships have you had? quite a few
061: Are you a positive person? sure, i guess ;)
062: What kind of people do you feel attracted to? smart people who are smart but also dumb and cute
063: What is the longest time you've stayed awake? oooowee i think 21 hours or so?
064: Have you ever been told "I don't want to lose you"? yep! proceeded to then lose me!
065: What is your favorite genre when it comes to movies? action comedy
066: Do you collect anything? memories and dust and trinkets
067: In your opinion, what is your best quality? i can make you laugh
068: Have you ever changed for someone?yep! it happens and its sad but it happens
069: What is your idea of a perfect date? a date is the entire day, starting out with waking up next to the person, eating breakfast together, maybe do some errands / work out, netflix and chill, chill, go out for a nice dinner and night out, come back, netflix and chill, chill, go to bed.
070: Are you shy or outgoing? i would love to say im outgoing but idk!
071: In your opinion, what is the secret for a great relationship? surprises everywhere
072: Are you the kind of person who breaks rules? hm im sure i did at some point. maybe i still do?
073: Is it hard for you to trust people? yea it can get a lil hard
074: What does your dream house look like? fat front yard, lots of plants, lots of green grass
075: Do you feel attracted to people your age, younger or older? hmm im at the ripe age of 19 where options younger than me are a lil sketch. idk according to the historia older people have been quality
076: How much have you changed over the past year? a LOT boii
077: Longest friendship you've ever had? hmm about 6 or 7 or 8 years
078: Do you have pets? If not, what animal would you like to have? no pets, id love dogs
079: Are you left or right handed? ambidextrous
080: What talent do you wish you’d been born with? perfect pitch would help a lot with what i like to do
081: Where do you get motivation and inspiration? minecraft parody songs, also seeing professionals doing what they do
082: Do you know how to swim? If yes, when did you learn? yea, i learned when i was in bellingham and then i learned more when i was in kent
083: You are given one wish: What do you wish for? i wish for 100 million dollars with no inflation, no taxes, no debts, no one filing a lawsuit or slandering my name (this is all a part of getting the 100 mil. ive thought about getting money a lot)
084: Do you like to give / receive flowers? What is your favorite flower? i like giving flowers bc i feel like if i receive them,  i dont know what to do. its now ur problem if i get you flowers
085: Would you rather travel to a cold forest or a warm beach? warm beach if its not in the early morning when the sun rises, otherwise, forest
086: What is one thing you can't forgive, that can destroy a friendship or relationship beyond repair? if u kill me i dont think i could get over that
087: What is the last thing you purchased? corsair mouse
088: Have you ever broken someone's heart? Ever gotten your heart broken? yep and yep
089: Have you ever cheated on someone? Ever been cheated on? no and yes
090: Do you believe in soulmates? uhhh its possible. theres 8 billion people on this planet, what are the odds that soulmates DOnt exist
091: Is there anybody you would do absolutely *anything* for? If yes, who? hmmmm not anything, but id do a fair bit for my friends
092: Share three facts about your life.: i like to eat, make friends, and travel/experience other cultures
093: Do you believe in love at first sight? i do, but most of the time it isnt reciprocated ;p
094: Would you date someone who smokes / drinks / does drugs / has a mental illness? yea, i dont see why that would stop me from dating them
095: You are given 15 minutes of fame: What would you do? ask for money
096: How is your dream partner like? shes funny, makes me laugh, smells good, etc
097: Would you rather commit to one person or have several relationships? id rather have several relationships so i know exactly what im looking for in a person.
098: What are some of your hobbies? league, hearthstone, watching people play league and hearthstone, french, etc
099: What kind of person do you want to be? i want to be the cool old person when im old
100: What did you have for breakfast? i had some vietnamese cuisine
101: What is your Top 3 favorite shows? What was your Top 3 favorite shows when you were a kid? the office is something i enjoy, mythbusters, uh scooby doo? idk 
102: What are three places you *really* would like to visit one day? hmmm maybe the trevi fountain, il duomo, totally la sagrada familia 
103: What was your last meal? What was your last beverage? breakfast, water
104: Who is the last person you had a deep conversation with? hmm probably anastasia
105: What is one thing that made you smile today? thinking about martinique
106: Do you like taking photos? If yes, what do you photograph the most?i love taking photos, but i never have subjects so i dont really take photos too often
107: Has anyone ever written a poem or a song dedicated to you? Have you? FHCk man i wish. wait there was a 100 things i like about you and i think about it all the time. i actually have written poems and stuff but tis been a  long time and i dont think my creative juices are back from that yet (but trust me, it was straight fire)
108: Do you remember your dreams? If yes, what was the last dream you remember about?: i remember almost all of my dreams because i always tell someone about them and idk talking helps me remember things 
109: If you could go back in the past, would you change anything? If yes, what? i would start learning things so much earlier and stick with theme
110: If you were given 3 million dollars, what would you do with them? invest 2 mill in the bank, get that monthly interest coming back in the mail, use that mill to pay off all my and my friends debts, live life the way i wished i could when i was little
111: What are a few facts about you that not many people know of? i like learning languages but its not profitable in this day and age i feel
'111 Questions': by Ira V. Simon (priveting)
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