#and rethink my life choices
Here’s a lil part two to my latest fic! This is kind of a platonic Loui/Mass hurt/comfort fic (this ain’t a ship, but if you would like to see it as a ship then that’s fine:])
Where the fic left off: New York had teleported to his room with Massachusetts to get him to calm down from a panic attack and after Mass calmed down they both ended up falling asleep (sleep being something they both needed desperately).
Around 8pm:
Massachusetts woke up kind of abruptly. He shot up from where he was laying and looked around, slightly panicked seeing as he had no idea where he was, but quickly calmed down when he realized that he was in New York’s room. He looked down to his right and couldn’t help the small fond smile that appeared on his face. York was curled up in a little ball with his arms wrapped around his body almost as if were supposed to be protecting him from something with the most peaceful expression Mass had ever seen. He tried to get out of bed as quietly and carefully as he could, but unfortunately he heard a small tired groan behind him.
"…What’re ya…*yawn*…doin’….?" A very sleepy York asked.
"Shh…go back to sleep ya dork. Ya need it." Mass said, turning around slightly to take off York’s beanie and run a hand through his hair. He smirked fondly when the younger leaned into the touch and sighed contentedly. Once York was asleep again, Mass got out of the bed and walked out of York’s room, making sure to turn the light off on his way out. He now had two objectives. 1, find Loui, and 2, apologize to him for throwing a glass vase at his head (even tho it technically wasn’t him who did it, he still felt hella guilty for some reason).
When he got to the Southern Floor of the statehouse:
Once he got downstairs he went to go locate Florida, cuz wherever Florida was, Louisiana would be. He looked around till he located Florida in the kitchen with Texas, but no Loui. He walked over to where the two southern states were to go see if they knew where Loui was, ignoring any stares he felt like he was getting from the other southern states. "H-hey guys." He said, silently cursing himself for stuttering. He half expected to be yelled at, so he was secretly relieved when the two taller states gave him a friendly smile.
"Hey Mass! How ya doin’ partner? Ya didn’t look like you were doin’ too well earlier." Tex said, seemingly being overly friendly, but there was (as much as Tex would hate admit it) a hint of concern in his eyes.
"Hey Masshole~ How ya doin’ buddy~" Florida said kinda joking, but there was a bit of seriousness in his voice for once.
"O-oh t-that. Um- yea I’m fine I guess. What I came down here was to…" he started then stopped, debating whether or not he should state his reason out loud for fear of being viewed as weak for caring about somebody, him being the cold-hearted NE state he is.
"Well..?" Tex said, raising an eyebrow awaiting an answer.
"Aww is Masshole a lil shy~?" Florida said teasingly, grinning at the slight blush that took over Mass’s face and chuckled a bit.
"S-shut tf up-" Mass said, starting to rethink all his life choices that brought him here.
"Aww are you saying that cuz I’m ri- OW! Wth Tex?!" Florida started, but quickly got cut off when Texas smacked him in the back of the head.
"Stfu Florida. *sigh* What is it Mass? You can say it, we don’t bite, we ain’t gonna judge ya. Well- I won’t. Maybe. Can’t say the same fer Gator-for-brains tho." Tex said with a smile, sorta flexing his sharp fangs.
Mass just sighed and decided to get it over with. "I came here to ask if Loui was alright, and where is he? Y’know, cuz I through a f(speaks Boston)in’ vase at him…" he said. He flinched when Tex raised his hand slightly and squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for a hit. When he didn’t feel something hit him, but instead a firm-yet-gentle hand on his shoulder, he opened his eyes and felt the tension in the room disappear, and saw Texas staring at him slightly confused.
"Atta boy. Now was that so hard?~" Tex said with a teasing smirk and chuckle. He was kinda confused as to why the shorter flinched so hard, but decided to not linger on it.
"I-I guess not…"
"We ain’t mad at ya fer earlier y’know. We know it wasn’t you that was in control." Texas said, now sorta understanding why anxiety was practically radiating off the smaller.
"H-how didja kno-"
"Jersey and Connie (Connecticut) explained to us what was happening." Tex said.
"O-ok then. Well where’s Lou and is he okay? I was kinda expecting him to be with Citrus-b*tch over here, but I see he ain’t." Mass said.
"Well, he’s ok now. He passed out earlier so I had to carry the kid to his room, but I got his head all bandaged up and I think he woke up bout’ half an hour ago. I thought I saw him go outside even tho I told him he should probably be resting, but I ain’t necessarily sure." Tex explained.
"Mk. Thanks I guess.." Mass responded and walked away.
It was honestly a pretty peaceful lovely night when Massachusetts walked outside into the backyard. It was kinda chilly, but not uncomfortably chilly for him. For Loui it might be a different story, but Loui tended to not care about his own wellbeing, so it ain’t like he wouldn’t be out here. Mass reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone so he could use its flashlight to find Loui, but turns out he really didn’t have to.
In the slight distance he could see someone hanging from one of the branches of the giant tree that was in the backyard and the slight glow of a phone screen. Mass jogged over to the tree, and sure enough, Louisiana was there, seemingly lost in his own little world. Loui had some bandages wrapped around his head, some of them seemingly lost in his fluffy a$$ hair, and his back was turned away from Mass, which gave the older a slightly evil/funny idea.
Mass slowly walked up behind Loui and waited for the perfect opportunity to use one hand to cover Loui’s eyes and the other to grab one of his sides and shout "BOO!"
Ofc, Loui gave a small shriek and flinched hard enough that he nearly fell out of the tree (not that Mass would’ve let that happen while he was there-). "Flohoridaha?! (Florida?!)" The younger shouted with a laugh. He grinned as whoever scared the living hell out of him walked around to get in front of him.
"Naw. Try again, ya goofball." Mass said with a teasy smirk. He uncovered Lou’s eyes, letting the poor thing see who it was that had grabbed him.
"Mass!" The Pelican State said with a smile. ‘Ok so he doesn’t seem scared of me right now…. That’s a good sign.’ Mass thought.
"Yup. It’s me."
"Are ya ok, sha? You were actin’ kinda strange during the meetin’…" Loui said, sounding a bit concerned for his friend (he’s so pure help-).
"A-actually that’s what I came to ask yous. I also came to apologize for earlier…" The Bay State answered.
"Fo’ what sha?" Loui said with a confused expression.
"Y’know.. For throwin’ a glass vase at yer head…?" Mass said, guilt quite evident in his voice.
"Mais sha, I know dat wasn’t you."
"I could already tell dat ya weren’t in control, but Tex explained to me what exactly happened afta I woke up. No need ta apologize sha." Loui said with that smile that could light up even the darkest of rooms.
"B-but-" Mass started but quickly shut his mouth when he heard Loui’s stern tone.
"Y-yes?" Mass said, silently cursing himself for stuttering. But honestly, who could blame him? Louisiana was almost NEVER serious, so whenever he did decide to be serious, it was kinda scary tbh. Even Alaska knows to fear him and Alaska seemingly fears nothing-
"*sigh* It wasn’t yer fault sha. It was that satanic village’s fault, not yours. Pls don’t beat yerself up over it. Aside from a headache and some dizziness, I’m fine, sha." The younger of the two said with a comforting smile, trying to quell the slight fear that he caused in his friend.
"Are ya sure?" The Bay State said, trying desperately to not seem anxious due to his reputation for being a cold-hearted NE state, but failing miserably.
"If yous say so I guess… Also speaking of Texas, he said that he told yous that ya weren’t supposed to be outside right now and that he also said that yous should be restin’." Mass said, smirking when some blend of a guilty/fearful expression and nervous smile appeared on the Pelican State’s face. Mass felt his phone buzz in his back pocket and opened his messages to respond.
TX: I see ya found im’. I’m right behind im’ in the shadows. Omw.
MA: Mk.
Loui rubbed the back of his neck and let out a small nervous giggle. "Haha yea bout’ dat… Ya ain’t gonna tell im’ right sha?"
Mass could now clearly see Texas behind Lou with his hands out ready to scare the living hell outta the poor thing and chuckled. "Oh you poor, poor, soul…."
"He already knows :)." Louisiana let out a shriek when two hands wrapped themselves around his waist, unfortunately making him fall off of the branch he was hanging from.
He braced himself, ready to hit the ground, but was surprised when he didn’t feel the wave of pain from falling from 12 feet in the air (based on experience, this does NOT feel good 😭👍). Instead, he felt two strong arms holding him up. His opened his eyes and looked up at Texas, who had been the one to catch him. "Hehe… Hi…?"
"Hey there half-pint. What’re ya doin’ out here huh? I thought I told you to go rest after receivin’ a vase to yer head." Tex said with a kind of motherly-scolding tone to his voice while Mass was dying in the background.
Loui went silent for a few seconds before saying "See wha’ happened was-"
"Ha- Ion wanna hear that sh*t. Yer goin’ to bed for once whether ya like it or not." Texas said, which kinda left the smaller confused till he saw Tex pull out his phone and dial Georgia’s number. He started struggling in the taller’s arms, nearly making him drop him.
Tex smirked as he used one hand to readjust the squirmy-worm in his arms and the other to hold his phone up to his ear.
Georgia: "Hello?"
Tex: "Howdy Geo. Out of curiosity, do ya wan’ a cuddle buddy?" *insert Loui’s screams of protest in the background*
Geo, now kind of aware of what’s happening: "Oh dear… Who ain’t sleepin’ this time?"
Tex: "I think ya can tell by the screams of bloody murder who it is. So is that a yay or a nay?"
Geo: "*wheeze* I mean… I definitely ain’t opposed to it…"
Tex: "Aight I’ll be there in a sec."
Texas hung up and got ready to teleport.
"MASS HELP- *small shriek*" Loui cried out as Texas bounced him into one arm so he could snap his fingers.
"Sorry Lou, rest in peace." Mass said, still laughing his a$$ off.
"YA F(speaks New Orleans)IN’ TRAI-" Loui started but got cut off when Tex snapped his fingers and teleported them both away.
Mass sighed as he walked back over to the house. Today was… interesting, to say the least. At least everyone was alright besides some minor/kinda severe injuries. And at least Loui was gonna get some sleep for once in lord knows how long :)
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bean-writes · 2 months
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notwhoarchivist · 2 months
I've seen loads of those note-goal things, and I'm bored out of my mind so I'm doing one
edit: I didn’t think this would get so many notes this fast
50 notes: I'll buy a trans flag (I can’t buy one yet Bcs I’m broke asf but I will in the next few days)
75 notes: I'll get a full 8 hours of sleep (done)
100 notes: I'll try to be more physically active
350 notes: I'll mentally prepare myself for school
500 notes: I'll come out to my closest friends as non-binary + trans
750 notes: I'll be more social rather then sitting by myself all-day
1000 notes: I'll stop procrastinating and work on my writing
2500 notes: I'll come out to my less close friends as non-binary + trans
5000 notes: I'll tell my mum I need to go to therapy
7500 notes: I'll come out as non-binary to my teachers
10,000: I'll dye my hair
15,000: I'll come out at school (I'm actually scared and I need motivation)
I regret this already
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bubuslutty · 8 months
I hate it when I'm giggling abt my fave dilf celebrity until reality hits me in the face. like that's just a guy. he's literally just a random guy. that's SOMEONE'S DAD!!!!!!! 😫
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nezz-cringe-crib · 2 months
L closet cosplay (and a more unhinged-edging-on-bb cosplay) before my brain gets mad at me and forces me to take it down gggrgrhrndnsj
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ylordfran · 1 year
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"ah yes... Me and my moronic boyfriend who just discovered he has mystic simian power.."
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louis and aramand really saw daniel from across the crowded room of a bar and said ‘we dig your vibe do you want to come back to ours’ and daniel really said ‘you guys are both freaks ofc i’ll suck your dick’ and you gotta respect his willingness to both acknowledge the weird shit while also ignoring the glaring red flags of their foreplay in favour of fucked by those two hot twinks
he’s got his priorities and he was not losing sight of the end goal (sex with a vampire)
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cookiedough77 · 1 month
what if ladybug gave chat noir catnip... like what would happen
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marvelousstrings · 6 months
Missing Empires Season 2 Time
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bitchforaboyband · 8 months
07/02/2024, the day when Mr Damon Baker answered the age old question
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oobbbear · 9 months
I’m like an expert at throwing out story concepts and abandoning them right after
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for28seconds · 10 months
In hindsight it's so funny that we never got any official announcement or confirmation that it will be livestreamed but we all just collectively assumed that it will 😭😭😭
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velnica · 11 months
Ah yes. Me. My boyfriend. And his five foot tall stuffed Moogle that I won at the carnival shooting gallery (why did I do that).
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zackinson · 6 days
I can’t ‘Yatora Yaguchi did it, so can you’ my way out of this anymore
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what-if-i-was-a-book · 3 months
I'm telling my little siblings a short version of tgcf, as a bedtime story. I'm trying to um, gloss over the gory parts, but I'm not sure this was the best idea...
It started with my brother crying on a pillow, so I told him about how the tears make it look like the pillow has a face, then I remembered the Human Face Disease and told him about that, which I admit was really stupid on my part, and so he started crying even harder, so I had to assure him that it was just a curse and got cured.
My sister was like, just like that? Cured? How? So I offered to tell them the story from the start, and that's how we got here.
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fictionadventurer · 3 months
Friendly stranger in the library who has flagged me down and left his study cubicle to talk to me: How do you read so many books? I'm struggling to finish this one book and I want to work up to that many someday.
Me, with my armload full of children's and YA fantasy and novel-in-verse that I chose because they were short/easy-to-read/had lots of pictures: Um....
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