#and really smashing random ideas together is how i make ocs in general. so. sorry ive just had them Deeply on the mind recently ive been
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faebriel · 10 months ago
fellow oc haver here! what’s ur process like when it comes to coming up w/their lore/writing?
hiii fellow oc haver!! honestly i have chipped away at my ocs for. a veryyy long time but here is how i've gone about it for my main set
those guys are all inspired by different characters from 1-3 fairytales (snow white rose red, red riding hood, snow white) so for me a lot of their lore comes down to 1) applying the beats of the original fairytale(s) into a different context and 2) looking at how the different roles they play blend together. having this kind of inspiration gives me a little boost personally because it starts to lay out some ideas about how all these characters fit. and i had some ideas for context already (insp from fantasy stories + fairy folklore, setting that's more close to home for me, playing with ideas around changelings and such) so it was kind of like tipping a toybox into a "fairytale" pile and a "vibes/context" pile and trying to combine them.
observe my silly chart below. i have highlighted my two special girl guys for emphasis
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so like let's look at bea for example. as one of the main two guys, she lands in all three fairytales - each of which give inspiration on different ideas for traits and relationships for her:
rose red from snow white rose red has a sister that she's very close to (obviously), is the rowdier sister of the two and a worse homemaker, likes to faff around in the bush, is rewarded for being a kind sweetie pie
red riding hood from... red riding hood does NOT listen to her mum and is far too easily taken in by strangers. now i know it's a trope but it almost wouldn't be a red riding hood retelling/inspired story/whatever without some charmingly suspicious stranger to get too attached to. dies either figuratively or literally. sometimes gets to kill a wolf (or wolves) on her way out. is NOT rewarded for being a naive sweetie pie.
as the mirror from snow white, she has to be the one who knows where snow white is and tells her stepmother about it. so presumably she has some kind of confidant dynamic with the stepmother, even though the stepmother treats snow white poorly... who is, from the snow white rose red connection, her sister in at least some sense. what does that say about her? is this more naivete and willful blindness at work? also - as a mirror, she's a reflection of the stepmother to some degree. what does that look like?
this is lowkey cheating because it is a bit of a launch point for character goals and things. for example: you just know bea as a red riding hood inspired character is Going Into Those Woods. but then you can add fun modifiers like "bea's family has so much fkn drama and she is so sure bringing her lola home will fix it (her lola is so fkn dead bro i am sorry)"
and then i kind of like to twist things a bit for funsies. for example - the "fairest of them all" thing from snow white gets all tangled up with "the fair folk" from the context/vibes box. for this story, this means that snow white is not only fair as in beautiful, but fair as in fae-like - to the point where her family, her stepmother especially, believes she's a changeling. and in that context the wicked stepmother attempting to have snow white killed as a changeling takes on these additional elements which get to sprawl out. like now snow white (scott) has a whole Thing about not evening knowing what she is and unpacking the potential horror of being the cuckoo bird in the robin's nest. and you know what i find that fun i am having fun
i am also a huge "i listened to a song and it has given me character inspiration in a whole new direction" look i won't say it's the most reliable way to build a story but it is what happens
i would not say i am super great at developing coherent oc worlds and stories i have a very slapdash approach... but these stories are mostly about fun and sharing for me so that's okay. and the more you think about the ideas that interest you the more they flesh themselves out over time!
as a thank you for reading all that i put sillycute art under the cut if all else fails you can just draw your ocs being sleepy and cute and it will heal your soul sevenfold
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so bea and cassian meet when bea traipses off to the fae realm to retrieve her bestie when she goes missing and cassian is assigned as her guide (suspicious) essentially.... they do a lot of random traipsing to abandoned buildings and camping and so on. anyway they are not supposed to get along quite so well but well they do. QPR realness in the making
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jjkfire · 5 years ago
I really really enjoy reading your writing and I’ve just finished reading Sweet Saccharine, where did u get the idea to write a story like that? In all my reading years I’ve never come across something as great as this story is
omg wait this is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me!!! I’m actually sobbing 😭 I’m really glad you like the fic! and ahh your question! that’s like my favourite question ever haha.
regarding how I got the idea hahaha well get ready to dive into the depths of my chaotic mind!!!
so it all started with that sugar baby conference article I talked about in the first chapter. I saw it on my fb timeline and read it and was like that’s just so crazy cool. then I went through sugar baby threads online just to see what it was like to be one and a few of them were talking about platonic sugar relationships and I was like huh that’s really interesting! I had always wanted to write something in the sugar daddy au sort of realm so I thought it was a nice little way to go about it. (also i watched a short video about the guy who started the sugar daddy website seekingarrangement and i find it funny cos he’s singaporean ahhaha anyway that’s probably why the sugar baby conference article was on my timeline).
so next, the jungkook in the au needed a job lol. i thought about going the businessman or maybe a tech company route but truthfully I’ve always found the logistics industry very fascinating… i even used it in my other fic escape and so i was kinda apprehensive about using the concept again but i didn’t really get to delve into the logistics world in that fic so i wanted to do it in this one. i think the idea stems from that one time i watched a very cool documentary like I don’t know 5+ years ago on national geographic about perhaps the suez or panama canal so that’s where most of the logistics part of the fic stems from… plus I watched other documentaries after having started the fic just because i find it really cool hahaha. anyway, the transportation of drugs/other illegal materials and just a lot of smuggling in general happens at ports and etc. which i thought was quite fitting because that meant i could probably fit a gang aspect into the fic.
I had been itching to write something that’s like a gang au so this was the perfect chance. though sweet saccharine isn’t entirely a gang au fic but it plays a pretty big role. and so for the gangs I had watched a documentary about the cali cartel and Escobar… actually it all started from watching a Vox video about escobar’s hippos lol. also, my father had told me stories of when gangs were thriving in my city back in the old days. also, the topic of corruption within the government and how it goes both ways is always a fun one. so i wanted a piece of that in the fic too.
and about the whole social class system I had watched another video or documentary or maybe it was an article but it was about gentrification also anyway the whole urban/rural divide prevalent in a lot of countries has always fascinated me. then shortly afterwards I had to take a class on the divide of information between races and social classes. so yeah very timely hahaha. i just think the fact that discrimination still exists between different races and also urban/rural population is just really shitty so i wanted to feature a part of that in the fic.
anyway, this answer is probably a lot longer than you wanted it to be but haha that’s just how my mind jumps from one topic to another lol. and i know the fic at the moment seems to have so many random facts sprinkled all over the place but i swear it’ll all make sense in the end haha. not to toot my own horn but i think it’ll be really fun from chapter 4 onwards. it’ll all fall into place. from the event that occurred with jungkook’s father, to the whole insurance debacle at the hospital, to oc’s uncle and mum to jungkook’s grandfather’s past. like it’ll make sense soon ahhahaha. i’m very excited to tie it all together in the next few chapters and honestly it pains me that i don’t currently have the time to write as much as i want BUT i play the whole storyline in my head in my free time like a movie ahahhaha. anyway thanks for asking this question i love it when i get to talk about my thought process lol. again, you’re really so sweet and this ask seriously made my day!!! i hope you’re having a great day anon :3
also since you asked me my absolute fave question, here’s a little preview! (also if you guys made it this far into my answer you totally deserve a preview lmao) heavily, heavily unedited and it’ll probably look diff in the final draft but very important scene haha.
Years Ago
“Mr. Jeon! Mr. Jeon! Please, god, you haveto wake up!” The man begs from the front seat, looking at the CEO that’sslumped in the back. The car is now tilted precariously as water begins to seepin fast. He smashes down on the window buttons a few more times, as if it couldhave a different outcome if he tried one more time. There’s a whir and a click,but like all the times before, the window doesn’t move an inch.
He undoes his seatbelt to reach for MrJeon’s phone, climbing onto the centre console, pants soaked as the water nowcomes up to his knees. Like his very own phone, it showed that there was nosignal in the area. He shouldn’t call for help, he’s been instructed not to, buthe was also promised that he would be pulled out of the car within the firsttwo minutes yet, it’s been perhaps close to 8 minutes and they were nowhere insight. From the way the water was rising close to his chest now, he thinks he’llonly have 5 more minutes to figure something out. He quickly undoes his belt,using the metal piece to strike at the window, hitting at the corners whereit’s the weakest, but this is bulletproof glass and he knows his effort is futile,but he has to do something. He grumbles to himself, trying the windscreen butif anything, the glass is thicker there. He does everything he can think of,punching the glass, kicking it even with as much force as he can muster.
“Mr. Jeon!” The man shouts one more time,this time climbing into the backseat to shake him. Mr. Jeon doesn’t move, hischest rising and falling at a set rhythm, unaware of the precocious situationhe was in. The man sighs, sinking into the backseat as he gives Mr. Jeon onelast, weak shove, almost all of his energy now expended. He wondered ifanything would be different if he had managed to wake him up. Unless he was amiracle worker, probably not because see, the Triple Axes never left any roomfor mistakes. That meant that if this was what they had wanted from the start,then it’s what they will get. He should’ve known he was going to be ascapegoat. Why else would they assign a mission like this to him?
An area with absolutely no coverage, a carwith bulletproof windows, one meant to withstand force, no walkie talkie, noplan B. It was clear now that he wasn’t meant to get out of here alive, neitherwas Mr. Jeon. The man remains emotionless as the water reaches his chin. Helaughs, almost bitterly as he turns to look at Mr. Jeon.
“I’m sorry,” He manages to say. It’s notlike the logistics tycoon could hear him, but it didn’t matter. God, all hewanted was some extra cash so he could help you and your mother. Your fathermust have sniffed out his plan. Otherwise, this was too much of a coincidence.He only hopes your mother figures all of this out fast enough.
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