#and people in the comments were talking about how snape is too old for drake
hbpseverus · 4 months
i genuinely love alan rickman so much, i think he was genius and did an excellent job at portraying snape, but damn sometimes it drives me crazy how the general public who just watched the movies casually without diving much deeper into the franchise genuinely think that snape was a 60 year old man 😭 that doesn't even make any sense timeline wise
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lostdrarryfics · 11 months
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THE BIG FIND 2023: Day 9
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s anniversary. Below is the Day 9 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
9.1 i’ve read this explicit fic once on ao3. honestly I barely remember anything except for draco saying “ah there’s my pretty cock” or something when he saw harry’s dick (im sorry for the words), they were about to have sex, and I think they’ve got an established relationship already.
9.2 Draco is sort of an assistant around Hogwarts, post-war, and Harry recently started teaching there. And Hagrid tells Harry about how Draco was really subdued because he was tortured and found in the forest or something, and Harry decides to try talk to him more. I think there’s a part where Harry goes to Draco’s class and he startles him and he dropped some potions, and panicked. It’s on ao3 I think, no more than 50k.
9.3 i was looking for a fic where they’re both Aurors and friends, working on a case. i read it 2-3 years ago and all i remember is one specific scene where they were at draco’s apartment on a couch and he was pining and thinks it would be easier to deal with his feelings if they were entirely physical, but they’re not because harry is in his pyjamas. harry also makes him tea in his house a lot. i think it was on the shorter side? probably not over 90k.
9.4 I’m looking for a fic where hp is finally gaining confidence in 4th yr and accidentally meets dm through the qddwrldcup as well as his younger sister he then meets him again in hogwarts as he is a very intelligent student who is recommended by the pres/headmistress. i dont recall anything else except Sirius and Remus were in hp’s life, hp and dm spent some time 2gther in the forest to heal his sis and himself. they liked eachother from that first meeting but more of a crush. I think dm’s younger sister was called Lyra, hp spoke to bill weasley and got a snake earring from him, I remember moonlight or something moon in the title. Fic is not double trouble by babythelady
9.5 im looking for a creature fic where draco is taken into a elf/veela village with severus as his mother and he has half-brother drake malfoy. harry is VERY interested in draco and he is a creature too but icr what. ik draco was very controlled of his emotions but harry always teased him to make him blush. there was also non-con with his step-bro drake and karkaroff i think and cissy was a bitch in this story.
9.6 Searching for a fic I read on ao3. I don’t recall if there was specific year they were in or if it was a multi year fic, but they were still in their Hogwarts years. Draco was fully helping them. I think Sirius and Remus were there and together, but I could be remembering wrong. A huge battle, I think the final one, went down on the ground of Malfoy Manor. Snape revealed himself as a spy to Voldemort in the battle, facing him himself.
9.7 So the fic I’m looking for is a multi chapter fic where Draco is pregnant and he stays with the golden trio and I think that they (H and D) redecorated the place. Harry and Draco have a fight Draco tries to put a newborn scorpius to bed but he keeps crying for harry so harry comforts Draco and Scorpius, and Draco says he’s a bad dad and harry reassures him. Harry wakes up to Scorpius calling him dada (I think) and finds out that Draco, Ron and Hermione have been teaching scorpius to say that.
9.8 pretty sure it was on fanfiction.net but it’s possible that it was transferred to wattpad. It is complete and I’m pretty sure it had chapters. It’s an au set at Hogwarts in fifth year (no umbridge) where Harry and Draco are mind linked because of a bad mix of spells on the train home at the end of fourth year. Draco’s been having dreams that he consistently dies in while Harry is there. They learn that they’re connected and start talking to each other in their dreams and in their minds during school. snape is his godfather and tries to find potions to help him but doesn’t not know that Harry is apart of it. I remember it being very specific about one potion tasting like raspberries. Draco gets into a few fights with an older bigoted Slytherin and it is a known fact in this fic that he does not respond well to magical healing. He also claims that Harry is stalking him and then is made fun of for being paranoid. It also gets found out that Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George cursed Draco and his friends on the train the pervious year and are brought to Dumbledores office with Snape and McGonagall. Draco’s parents are super protective and they as well as snape set up something called SASHA which is to help slytherins who don’t want to participate in the second wizard if war to safe harbors. They drug the food in the middle of the night and remove the students who signed up. Blaise stays behind to be with Draco but most other named Slytherins from the books leave. Draco and Harry have a falling out over this. Sirius and Remus are boyfriends in this but are very minor characters and I don’t think are listed as a pairing although it’s implied in the fic. Dumbledore is blatantly evil as is mad eye moody and is trying to find out where the missing kids are. Draco is kidnapped and is severely injured. Harry wants to help find him but is told that he’s done enough and is put back to sleep. Remus tries to advocate for dumbledore to help find him by saying that when Remus taught him he was a really bright kid and Dumbledore brushes him off and says something along the lines of ‘we can’t save every kid, if he comes back alive we welcome him with open arms, if not…’ and Remus and Sirius are dumbfounded. Remus and Sirius break in to the hospital wing after the malfoys show up and have Harry talk to Draco through their connection to find out where he is. Narcisa is wildly powerful and finds him somewhere out of the country (I think New York, it was something on a license plate). He gets brought back and everything’s alright. Then it’s revealed that Dumbledore planned the kidnapping.
9.9 Drarry adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” or “What You Will”. I’m not sure if the author actually mentions it but I remember thinking that when reading it. The Twins are Draco and Luna, but they aren’t actually twins in this fic, they are strangers that just met that looks alike. Even down to their butt because I remember a funny conversation about one being the model for a butt pad and the other wearing it. The plane or some kind of transportation they met on crashes. Harry is like Duke Orsini in which he is trying to woo someone (I can’t remember who) with the help of Draco who I think is amnesiac. It gets fuzzy from there, but cue lots of mistaken identity hijinks. I think Blaise is that old friend that keeps harassing Draco to get something back.
9.10 Harry is DADA Professor at Hogwarts. He goes by Evans instead of Potter. He also doesn’t look like Harry Potter. Most of the school doesn’t know he is really Harry Potter. McGonagall knows his true identity as well as Teddy. I don’t remember who else knows. Teddy is a first year and he becomes friends with Draco Malfoy’s son. I don’t remember if his name is Scorpius or if it was something else. I also don’t remember which house they were sorted into. I think it was Gryffindor. I do know they are in the same house. Harry is Scorpius father but he doesn’t know it at first. Scorpius doesn’t know who is other father is but he knows what he looks like because he has a picture of him that he got from Draco. I have been looking for this story for a couple of years. I worry it has been deleted. I read it on fanfiction.net or a03
9.11 Sirius rescues Harry from Dursleys as a toddler and raises him? Harry and Draco become best friends (so adorable) and James and Lily are ghosts in the fic (ig?) . Also there’s a scene where they play pretend house where Harry is dad Draco is mom and Ron their dog? I think Pansy is the daughter.
9.12 looking for a fic that had a young harry and a death draco. it had gentleman in the title (i think it was the death gentlemen something). gloves and hand holding play an important role in the story. i think death draco leaves harry for a bit and they meet up again later
9.13 just remembered this fic i read a long time ago. i can’t remember if it was in ao3 or wattpad. it was set post hogwarts. harry is at least partly raising teddy and is lonely. he ends up finding draco and draco runs a center for lgbtq+ witches and wizards. a few former teachers are in it. teddy is struggling and thinks he is trans but isn’t sure but one day at the park wants to wear i think a dress, if it wasn’t a dress it was feminine presenting and other parents and kids make fun of him so harry immediately brings him to the center and everybody makes him feel better. obviously drarry gets together. there is also a pride-esqe thing that happens.
9.14 It’s about after the war, Harry and Ginny split up so he lives in a house which is attached to one side of the forbidden forest. One day, he meets Draco in the forest, keeps going back to talk with him, and falls in love. Draco later takes Harry to a lake and reveals that he’s committed suicide and was not real (a ghost maybe). It then ended with Harry committing suicide to be with him by also drowning in the lake.
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