#and painting it to be the painting rapunzel did on her wall
cheerleaderman · 3 days
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Rolene Orielle
The heir to their family who has complicated relationships with their family expect their cousin due to finding out the truth behind their birth/upbringing.
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Twst Rapunzel
Basic info
Age: 16
Height: 169 cm
Birthday: June 21
Voice claim:Jp- Akira Asai - Call of the night. Eng - Haruri Fujioka-ouran highschool host club
Hometown: Sunrise Kingdom
Year: 1st
Dorm: Wonderling (My Alice dorm)
Dominant hand: right
Nickname: sunny, lene, sunfish (Floyd)
Favorite food: different kinds of soups, anything with nuts , waffles, smoothies, gummy Candy
Like/hobbies: painting, boating, picnics , sunflowers, ducks, rock climbing, archery, chameleons, dancing, lanterns
Dislike: being stuck in one place, uncomfortable shoes
Family: Flori Orielle(they call each other siblings)Lorelei Orielle (aunt ) Elian (uncle -deceased) Edeline Orielle (mother ) Oliver Orielle (father ) Elise Orielle (grandmother-deceased) Ludwig (grandfather)
Best subject: Art
Talent: doing hair, painting, climbing, tying nots
Unique Magic - Make the Clock reverse
Can reverse back any inanimate object back to its previous state up to 24 hours. They need to specify the time in the spell if not it will reverse to a random state within 24 hours
(More under cut)
More info
Rolene is someone who is loyal to the people the care about
Sometimes they use their magic to make their painting come to life
Is kinda naive in a sense due to living most of their life in isolation sometimes not understanding social ques
Others put pressure on them since they the heir to their family
Has a bit of an identity crisis learning of how they were born and the different positions that they and Flori are in. They question why their aunt still loved and cared for them despite her life work was taken from her to save their life even though she told them she never blamed them for anything
Their hair is slowly turning more brown over the years and with cut their hair when they’re 18
Usually sneaks out not getting caught only really Flori is able to catch them
Doesn’t have that close of a relationship with their parents due to the whole situation but is warming up to them current , they also still have love for their aunt
Very skilled on creating things but mainly focuse on painting
Has a pet chameleon at home named Pastel
Does know some healing magic and all ways have a mini first aid kit on hand
Please stop climbing the building how did you even get up there
Loves going and exploring the many forests in their home country
disgusting by their grandfather
Learned archery from their Aunt
One of the lost royal children and the heir to the grand duchess when their aunt ran away with them and their cousin Flori. Living in a cottage in complete isolation from the world for 14 years believing that she was their mother and Flori was their twin.
The two learn many skills but Rolene was mainly interested in the arts with many paintings on the walls of the cottage. Even with all these activities Rolene grew curious about the world growing restless. At first Mother said no telling the two about the dangers of the world. Flori was able to convince her to take them into the forest making Rolene very excited whenever they go out.
At 14 when Mother went out for errands Rolene and Flori snuck out to get some flowers from a field they found last time. When they returned they found the site of their home being searched by guards. The two ran away hoping to find their mother but after searching for hours they fell asleep by a lake later to be found by the grand duke their father.
Adjusting to the new environment was difficult especially with all these new expectations. You must not do this or that was hard for Rolene’s more care free self. They will start to see the difference in treatment between them and Flori by the staff making them refuse lessons and staff staying by their sibling side. Even when learning that Flori wasn’t actually their twin it didn’t change anything.
After a while their mother sat Rolene and Flori down to tell them about what happened around their birth and why Flori’s mother ran away with them. When pregnant the duchess started to fall ill and everyone was looking for a way to heal her and save Rolene. When many medics couldn’t find anything that’s when their grandfather took Flori’s mother life work that still hadn’t been perfected and gave it to her lucky it succeed and she started to get better and Rolene was born healthy. This led to Flori’s mother getting obsessed with the health of Rolene constantly checking up on them it wasn’t as bad since Flori’s father was there to calm her but after his death everything took a turn for the worse. Their grandfather has been pressing for a marriage even after the death of her fiancé leading to her breaking point and disappeared with both children as she was watching both at the time.
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lord-westley · 2 years
Me after info-dumping mom as soon as she wakes: im crazy but not that crazy
Mom: you sure about that?
Me: no :/
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Fairytale Series:
Part 1 Part 2
Yandere Witch x Rapunzel Reader x Yandere Prince
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For many, long years you had resided in an isolated tower deep in the forest with an elderly woman named Agnes and her daughter Hilda. The three of you had lived here together and created a nice home for yourselves in a place no man could ever harm you… or at least that’s what Agnes instilled in you and Hilda since you were children. Men were evil and couldn’t be trusted. They would lure you in with sweet words and promises, but then they’d swallow you whole like a beast.
Since you were ten, Hilda and Agnes never let you lift a finger nor did they let you outside. “It’s dangerous for you. You’re far too delicate for the forest. Leave it to us, (your name).” Agnes would always tell you before she took Hilda with her to forage and hunt.
Despite your years with the two of them, Agnes told you that you were not biologically her child. “Hilda and I found you in the forest one day. You were just a baby and we couldn’t leave you… so you can stay here with us, forever. You’re ours, my dear.”
They’d brush your hair as it slowly began to grow longer than the length of the tower. Your long hair was used to come and go after Agnes and Hilda sealed off the door to ‘keep you safe.’
Every time you’d ask to go out or inquire about what they’d see, Agnes would shut you down. “Curiosity killed the cat, dear. You just wait here, we will be back.”
The mother and daughter often took trips for supplies. Whether it was berries or necessities, their trips only took a few hours… sometimes they took a few days. It just depended on what they needed. The pair never let the supplies dwindle much. Agnes hated being irresponsible when it came to stock.
It was when you were over the age of twenty that Agnes’s health took a turn. Hilda would often weep with you as she held you close. You and Hilda had grown so close… Hilda swore she wouldn’t let her mother down. That’d she’d carry on her will. (A will you didn’t have a clue about)
When Agnes passed away, Hilda immediately took charge over the chores around the tower. The beautiful young woman often fretted over you as she made sure the two of you were cared for. She took over brushing your long locks and gathering supplies.
Sometimes Hilda would braid her long black hair with hers. So ‘the two of you were connected.’ It was always fun whenever Hilda would let you play with her hair.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back! I can bring you back your favorite berries.” Hilda would gave you a reassuring smile before she headed out into the forest. You watched her form until she disappeared into the trees.
So you’d get back to painting the walls with a hum. Your hair draped behind you like a waterfall as you sat on your homemade swing.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a loud clank on the side of your tower. What on earth was that?!
You jumped off your swing and ran to look at the balcony. A grappling hook was slung around the metal frame as a hooded figure began to scale the tower. Who we that?!
You went to shut the balcony door but ended up slipping on your own hair. Your back hit the floor as you whined in pain. Your eyes wide in terror at the knight that now stood in front of you as he quickly winded up the rope. The knight mumbled some curses before he shoved the grappling hook in his bag.
“W-who are-“ the knight pushed you further into the tower as he put a gloved hand over your mouth. Your body trembled when you looked into their lilac eyes. You’d never seen such pretty eyes before…
There was shouting below and the sound of hooves. Was this knight being pursued? You couldn’t tell since the knight held you firmly in their arms until the voices disappeared into the distance.
The knight breathed a sigh of relief before they released her. You quickly shoved the knight away from you as you scooted your body as far away from them as you could. You swore your heart was about to leap from your chest.
“Who are you?” You shakily asked but the knight gave you a small bow. Their hands slipped off the silver helmet on their head to reveal a rather striking individual with sharp features and long, lavender hair.
“I apologize for my intrusion. I’m Prince Vinicio of the Corcoran kingdom.” The knight’s voice was a lot deeper than she expected. How could a woman have such a deep voice?
“Prince? Don’t you mean princess?” You softly asked which made the knight erupt into laughter.
“No. Despite my rather feminine appearance, I’m male.”Vinicio smiled warmly at you. “I just noticed how long your hair is. Have you been growing it out for a long time-“
You jumped when he reached a hand out to you which made him frown. Vinicio’s mind began to wander as he glanced around your home. Did you live here all alone? This wilderness was not becoming of a lady, especially not one as stunning as you. “I apologize, I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“P-please leave. I’m not supposed to talk to men.”
Vinicio frowned but gave you a small bow out of respect. You must be being held against your will in this lonely tower… he’d have to gain your trust to save you.
“I apologize, I’ll take my leave.” Vinicio put his helmet back on but turned to give you one last look. “But can I meet you again tomorrow? I can talk to you from below the tower. I won’t climb up here again.”
You bit your lip. Agnes had always warned you and Hilda about men but Vinicio didn’t seem dangerous… “Okay. But only if you promise to not climb.”
Vinicio smiled warmly at you. “I promise.”
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tangledbea · 2 months
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Let's compare the S3 opening to the finale closing, shall we?
They're nearly identical with a few very notable differences:
The journal is closed. Her tale is told, this story is done. (It also closes while we watch, driving the point home.)
Her crown is now missing from the pillow*. This is to show how she's now comfortable wearing it all the time, indicating that she's stepped fully into her ruling role in society.
There is more paint spilled on the outside of the tankard that holds her brushes. This is, of course, because she's told a lot more story by the end of the season than the beginning. There's significantly less paint on it in the S1 opening. (And I'm positive the tankard is from the Snuggly Duckling.)
The view is finally pulled back and lit well enough to see what the thing on the far left is: an open birdcage. Rapunzel is finally truly free in the realest sense. She's chosen the life she leads now. None of this is being forced on her before she's ready for it. Interestingly, the birdcage is there in the S1 opening, too, but not only is the shot tighter so most of it is cut off, it's also draped in shadow, making it very unclear what the object is.
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But there are some very notable differences between the S1 and S3 opening shots, as well:
The candles in the S1 opening are lit and much higher than the ones in the S3 opening. These are intended to be the same candles, but burned down by S3. This also shows that she's doing her journal entries at the close of the day. But the lighting in the S3 opening implies either dawn or sunset (likely the latter). It's warmer and brighter, more full of possibility and feels less like she's hiding it from the world.
Her paint palette is on the desk instead of her adventure bag which is full of more paint brushes and also coins. She did all of her painting at home, and didn't really have anywhere else to go during S1. She was still doing things the way she'd always been used to doing them.
The wall behind the desk is mostly unpainted in S1 and completely painted in S3. By the end of the series, she'd once again made a home for herself, surrounded by her own art and the stories she had to tell. Similarly, the desk is far less marked up by art supplies in S1 than it is in S3 (just like the brush-holding tankard).
The books are leaning differently, because she took them with her during S2. You can see them in the S2 opening shot on her bed in the caravan.
The little pot in the upper right of the desk has clean, unused paint brushes in it. But in S3, it's full of flowers, instead, because those brushes are all now in use, and stashed in her adventure bag.
There are multiple writing quills on the desk in S1 and none in S3. I feel like this is significant of her always being out and about now. Also, she feel less like she has to "put things in ink," and can instead do her free-flowing lifestyle the way she sees fit.
*Yes, I know that in a previous post I said it was the pillow the wedding rings were carried on, but both of these things can be true at the same time.
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chillwildwave · 1 month
The Wishing Kingdom AU: Florin Walt ✨🪄🔮
Since I posted Chapter 4 and at the moment working in Chapter 5, I thought it would be a great idea to share a character that Ive been thinking on who to add to the story and what role they play.
I simply thought about adding Flazino after watching that deleted scene, I mean I did the elements of the character but from this description, you will know…
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This is Florin Walt, an imprisoned apprentice of the king and queen who wishes to do magic just like them, but his type of magic of a bit distinct to other forms, you see…
The backstory of Florin starts off in Stillfort, a poor village where he lived with his mother, father and little brother, he spent most of his life working in the farm and doing the chores around his cottage, although during his spare time, he would use a pair of chalk and started drawing on the rocks (sort of like how Rapunzel paints on her tower walls) so that he can make his dream come true, however, people around him said that it would be too impossible and that there’s no such thing as a dream come true, but he still kept drawing and drawing until the rocks were covered.
When he was 9, tragedy struck…
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It was when a nearby kingdom by the name of the Crangon destroyed his homeland due to loosing a lifelong beef between Stillfort since they won a war centuries ago and it was plotted as revenge, little Florin tried to attack one of the soldiers who was on his way to destroy his home but the soldier brutally kicked him back to the floor, causing his hand to bleed, thus, unable to get back up, he watched his poor home and his dream die…
Years later, still with no home, he went up to the highest mountain where a cave stood strong since the war, filled with curiosity, he went inside and to his surprise, there was a stained glass drawing of him as a king with these sketchy lines of magic on the centre of his hands, below the drawing,
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There is a wand shaped like a pencil that is wrapped around in thorns, it felt like his dream had already chosen him, it felt like there was someone calling out to him where he could finally get his dream come true, to think he worked his whole life to get this goal, it felt like it would become reality because of one kingdom…
One night, on his 18th birthday, he walked all the way to an unnamed kingdom at the time where he snuck inside the castle where he could get his dream, hesitant, Florin knelt by the king and queen (Harry and Adrianna during that time), he started by touching the pencil, raising it up and drew a circle, and just like that, that circle began to move ever so fluidly, like an illusion brought to life!
Impressed, Adrianna and Henry rewarded him with a wish to become a sorcerer by taking a petal and placed it on his chest and from there, his dream finally came true!
Since his dream, he continued using his magic to get better at his skills as whilst using it to help those in need for his kingdom, however, since Magnifico and Amaya entered the building, he knew that fate would enter….
During their ceremony, Amaya decided to reward Florin with a magical diamond, shaped like a pencil except it was extremely sharp, it wasn’t any diamond, it was a wishing diamond, just one touch and his wish would become bigger than ever, even though he already had his wish, he didn’t agree the first time but after hearing the queen’s truth about the wish, he accepted and touched his finger on the top of the diamond and…
The diamond caused another cut on his finger which led him to fall into a deep sleep, and while he slept, the magic from the diamond stole his wish and it floated towards the king and queen and his bright colour scheme went dark in a matter of seconds, and after that, it was then when he was thrown in the dungeon where until the curse lifted, he would spend the rest of the night doing labour for the couple.
The role he plays in the story is that he is supposed to be a cursed magician in Rosas until Asha and Antares find him and lead him to stop the couple as soon as possible, but he lacks empathy since he only cares about getting his dream back by himself without anyone’s help but as the story progresses, he learns to empathise with people throughout.
Now let’s analyse his design…
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For the character design, I wanted it to become different from other Flazinos and I was able to do this by looking through medieval wear from the 1200s whilst also adding the gradient purple on his hands and feet, the purple is also present in the yellow suit which is symbolism for creativity and lack of empathy, it’s also a royal colour as well which is so funny because he wasn’t born into royalty to begin with, and I also noticed how I accidentally made him hot, like look at that face!!!!!
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And this is the design of him after Rosas, and as you can see, the colour scheme has gotten darker, I wanted to use this to represent the current state of Rosas as well as the pain of getting your greatest desires washed away and taken away from you, and I feel like this could be great to visually showcase character development as the AU progresses through chapters!
I also forgot to mention that his name is a reference to Florian from Snow White and Walt Disney himself, so I felt like it would be heartwarming to pay homage to him in this way and also through this characters beliefs on making his own wish come true…
Let me know your thoughts on the character below and see if he stands with other Flazinos, I’m pretty sure they’ll greet him with open arms!!!! @annymation @uva124 @signed-sapphire @wings-of-sapphire @gracebethartacc @gracebeth3604 @rylxdreams @flicklikesstuff @oh-shtars @mythartist21 @spectator-zee @rascalentertainments @your-ne1ghbor @ishadow246 @tumblingdownthefoxden
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sssapplebottomjeans · 11 months
okay okay okay one thing I just absolutely love about the relationship between rapunzel and varian and what the show did with them in general is just how perfectly they were set up as mirrors of each other. varian is corrupted rapunzel. rapunzel is what varian could have been
Literally starting from their births, okay, Rapunzel? Born into the royal family, she’s the Princess of Corona, the one and only direct heir to the throne. A day after her birth, she gets stolen from her family, from her kingdom and completely isolated from the world for eighteen years. She’s taught that the world is dangerous, but even in her isolation and loneliness, she finds something that keeps her happy, which for Rapunzel is her art. And she’s good at it, she paints on her walls and nothing bad comes out of it, they’re her freedom when she herself has none.
Then you have Varian. He’s the son of someone who worked in a Brotherhood, someone who was in a close alliance with the king of the Dark Kingdom. Before he was born, his dad left the Dark Kingdom and started a new life in Corona, now with a newborn son. Varian grows up to be a little bit of a teenage hermit. Instead of being taught that the world is dangerous, he’s taught that he is dangerous, the first rumors Cassandra hearing about him is that he is a 'dangerous wizard', which, when we first meet Varian for real, we find out that he doesn't even like being associated with magic. And his biggest hobby is the same thing that makes him an outcast in the first place, his alchemy. His inventions and experiments never work the way they should, but they’re what he thinks is his way out, he’s going to help people with this.
So, comparing that, I do believe that Varian is a sort of mirror to Rapunzel. Both placed in similar positions (albiet Rapunzel's more extreme) with similar choices, but with different outcomes and reactions. Rapunzel’s a direct heir to the throne, Varian’s not an heir to anything but he comes from a line of people that worked for the king. Rapunzel was stolen from her kingdom, Varian was born into this new kingdom, his dad was the one that left. Rapunzel was forced into isolation against her will; Varian chose it and continues to choose it in pursuit of something better. The world is dangerous to Rapunzel, Varian is dangerous to himself and the people he cares about the most. Rapunzel is happy because of her art and it’s her freedom. Varian is happy with his alchemy yet it’s why he’s an outcast. They’re mirror images of each other, and I think Varian figured that out first.
Even their personalities are similar in that they’re both hopeful, excitable, energetic, they talk a lot, they want to please their parental figure(s), they want to change the world but there’s limits set in stone that keep them from achieving that, they’re stubborn as fuck, impulsive and don’t listen to what people say unless it’s someone they really value the opinion of.
She still has a family, he doesn’t. (The sad thing is, I don't think he realizes that Rapunzel has already lost Gothel, and for eighteen years, Gothel was her 'mother') She’s respected, he’s not. And he gets that “oh. If she’s just like me but *better*, then I know how to make her tick.” So he tries to trap her mom in the amber, he’s going into this fully intending on murdering her mom in the same way his dad died just in case her hair doesn't work, (keeping in mind that Varian has confidence which ultimately led to his downfall, so whether he was completely sure Rapunzel's hair would work or not would make a big difference) which in that case- then the roles are completely flipped for a second. Now Rapunzel is the less extreme of the two. Rapunzel indirectly left Varian’s father to die, Varian pours the amber on her mom himself. And then he says it himself, “Sorry, Princess! We were in this together, but if I can’t have a happy ending then neither can you.” “It’s not enough until you endure the same amount of pain and agony I have!”
It’s all about corrupting this version of himself that has what he wants, the family that will always support her, (which we know is wrong. Fred and Ariana don’t justify everything she does, and Fred especially has made decisions about Rapunzel that really are just questionable at the best of times) the kingdom that will respect her. It’s trying to bring her down to his level, so maybe she’ll finally understand, cuz a lot of his conflict up until this point has been that nobody really listens to him, his dad, Rapunzel, or the kingdom.
I'm getting more into headcanon territory here but I would make an argument that Rapunzel realized how similar they were only when they were face to face in the final battle of SOTSD, and i would also argue that when she drives the last spike in his automaton, that's it's also a promise to herself that she will never become like how he was then, angry and bitter and jaded, an attack that's also destroying that small part of herself... also thinking that her destroying the automaton and not hurting Varian was part of that promise. Cuz she never really hated him. And even if she did, that promise to herself would've also been, "to be merciful, to not hold onto anger and grief, and give those who act out of pain and desperation another chance."
...aka the exact opposite of what Varian did.
Butttt that's diving into headcanons, plus. i'm sleep deprived atm and really don't feel like editing it SKDJGHJDG
The show already makes so many parallels between them and i think one of my favorites is the dream sequence in The Quest for Varian
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
Day 5- Forbidden Love
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Obligatory Tags: @our-newdream @autumn-sundrop @seadrreams @the-writer1988
For today’s prompt I decided to do a small drabble! This takes place in an au where Eugene was pardoned, but isn’t allowed to date Rapunzel or be in the palace. For now at least, Frederic wants to try out a few suitors for Rapunzel. It was inspired by this particular concept art, because it’s really cute and I love it XD
“Let me guess, date with Prince Bradley didn’t go like you hoped?” Cassandra asked as she glanced down at the full cup of tea.
“Oh, nono, it was fine!” Rapunzel quickly reassured, “Well..until he called Pascal a salamander.” Ahhh, so that’s why he’d been red all day.
“Could be worse. Your dad could be setting you up with one of the princes from the Southern Isles.” Cass tried to cheer her up.
“I know, but I don’t want a prince from the southern isles. I don’t want any stuffy old prince.” Rapunzel replied, “They’re nice and all, but I….they just don’t understand me. And they’re WAY too interested in my hair. I keep telling them, it doesn’t heal anymore.”
Cassandra frowned, her heart breaking at her friend’s misery. She didn’t like this any more than Rapunzel did, but neither of them had any choice. Rapunzel had to find a suitable prince to marry, and Cassandra had to act like she was in full support of it.
“I just wish I could be with someone who loved me. Not the princess.” Rapunzel sighed, falling down onto her bed. Without even looking, she reached her hand under her pillow and pulled out a small flag. The flag Eugene bought her for her birthday. He’d given her the kindest smile when he handed it to her, and chuckled when she held it up to the light.
“It’s no lanterns, but any true devil may care rogue makes sure to get the birthday girl a present, Blondie.” She recalled him saying.
“Yeah I know, Raps.” Cassandra responded, “But…sometimes life doesn’t always work that wa-“
“Oh, Rapunzel! Let down your hair!” A familiar voice sang out.
“Lance! I told you not to sing!” They heard Eugene mutter. Cassandra and Rapunzel gave each other a look and headed outside to the balcony. To their surprise, they found a familiar pair of faces scaling the tower to Rapunzel’s room, bickering to each other about a dramatic entrance.
“Eugene! Lance!” Rapunzel cried out happily.
“And there’s the someone, right on cue.” Cassandra snarked, “Looks like he was preening a little extra today.”
“You know what Cassandra?” Eugene started to retort, but his voice died in his throat a little as he laid eyes on Rapunzel.
“Hey..” he whispered.
“Hi!” She chirped, her smile shining brighter than the sun. Eugene couldn’t help but find himself smiling back. She looked So beautiful with the sunset behind her like this, practicality bathing her in a halo of light. From up there she looked like an angel. That stunning dark purple dress that brought out her beautiful eyes. Those gorgeous freckles that perfectly painted her rosy cheeks. Short bubble sleeves like the one on that dress complimented her so well. She should wear them more often.
“What brings you and Lance out her?” Rapunzel asked.
“Damaging stone that’s hundreds of years old…and breaking into the palace…again.” Cassandra added dryly.
“Well a little birdie, or rather frog, told Eugene that you had a bad day.” Lance explained.
“So I brought a picnic!” Eugene announced. He moved his arm to grab the basket so he could show her, but then his arm flew right back to the arrow lodged in the wall as soon as he felt himself falling.
“And I’m here for musical ambience!” Lance announced proudly.
“And I’ve also got some candles too!” Eugene added, “And lanterns in case you wanted those instead of candles. But both are very romantic.”
“Exactly how long have you guys been scaling the wall like this with all this stuff?” Rapunzel asked.
“Uhhh….2 hours?” Eugene answered, “But don’t worry, my arms aren’t tired at all.”
Rapunzel barely stopped herself from giggling, “Do you want to climb my hair?”
“…Yes please, this is killing me.” Eugene finally whimpered, looking up at her like a kicked puppy. Rapunzel let the giggle out this time, and let her hair fall down from the balcony. Eugene quickly abandoned the arrows and grabbed on, now climbing much quicker. Rapunzel couldn’t help herself from leaning over the railing as Eugene finally made it to the balcony. Her heart soared as their eyes met and they smiled at each other. He must’ve gotten closer without her realizing, because before she knew it his lips were on hers. She giggled once more and happily kissed him back, her hands rising up to hold his face.
“Hey.” He purred when she pulled away.
“Hi…” she whispered, her cheeks flushing.
Lance chuckled to himself as he saw the scene, walking over to Cassandra as the two love birds pulled their picnic out.
“I doubt the King will ever approve of this.” Cassandra warned him quietly, “He’ll never allow them to be together.”
“Are you gonna say anything, goody two shoes?” Lance teased, but the twinkle in his eyes gave him away that he already knew the answer.
“I won’t say anything if you won’t.” Cassandra said anyway, “Besides, what they do when the king isn’t looking is their business.”
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msweebyness · 6 months
Miraculous Barbie: Nathaniel as Rapunzel
Here it is, the first entry in my Barbie movie adaptation series, with Nath in the lead role! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
"Love and imagination can change the world."
Nathaniel Kurtzberg as Rapunzel
Marc Anciel as Prince Stefan
Alix Kubdel as Penelope
Petra Markov as Hobie
Cash as Gothel
Phillipe as Otto
Alim Kubdel as Hugo
Penny & Alyssa Anciel- King Frederick/Stefan’s Mother
Kiran Anciel as Princess Katrina
Aya Kurtzberg as King Wilhelm
And so our story begins…
In a manor deep in the woods, there lived a young man named Nathaniel, fair as they came with long, beautiful red hair that reached to the floor.
The manor was concealed from the outside world, not only by the dark and monster-filled forest, but by a magic wall that stretched high into the sky, so high you couldn’t even see the top!
It was here that Nathaniel lived, working as a housekeeper for Cash, a callous and cold nobleman who was skilled in dark sorcery. Nathaniel was expected to keep the house in perfect order, with every nook and cranny spotless and a boatload of chores every day.
Nathaniel had been told by Cash that he was abandoned at only a few days old in the woods, and had been raised by Cash as his own since then, and that it was for this reason that maintaining the house was the least he could do. (Cash also had his sleazy pet ferret, Phillipe, who was a constant nuisance.)
Nathaniel had lived most of his life as a servant, but at the very least he had his art supplies to pursue his greatest passion: painting! His room was filled with beautiful images he had created with his brushes, many of the kinds of places he wishes to see someday. He also wasn’t lonely, because he had his two best friends. Alix, a young dragon who would one day be bound to serve Cash as her father, Alim did. And Petra, an anxious but well-meaning rabbit.
Daring and restless as she was, Alix longed for nothing more than to fly over the top of the magic wall and soar over the lands beyond. But Alim forbade it, positing that his daughter was too young and too inexperienced a flyer, which frustrated Alix to no end. Petra would often use her sensitive hearing to alert Nathaniel when Cash is returning so he can put his painting away, as the man often derides it as a “waste of time”.
One day, while Nathaniel is preparing Cash’s tea, Alix, while trying to use her still developing fire-breath to assist, accidentally knocks into a statue, which opens a passageway to a secret lower level of the manor. Nathaniel goes down to explore it, followed by an eager Alix and a nervous Petra. While down in the foreboding cellar, they discover invitations to various balls addressed to Cash…and an old painting of him with a red-haired woman, whose face has been slashed out.
But their most intriguing discovery by far, is an old ornate box containing a gorgeous and intricate silver hairbrush. What’s most striking about it is the inscription on the back: “Constant as the stars above, always know that you are loved. To our dearest son, Nathaniel, on his first birthday. With love forever, Mother and Father.” This confuses Nathaniel as it conflicts with the story he’d always been told by Cash.
He’s interrupted from considering this further when Cash calls for him, vowing to return later and investigate the room, as Petra and Alix work to get the room back in order, placing things back where they found them. But Nathaniel takes the silver brush with him. It says it belongs to him after all!
When Cash lays down for his afternoon rest, Nathaniel returns to the secret cellar, still thinking about the message on the brush. But when Petra accidentally startles Alix, causing her to punch a hole in the floorboards with her foot, Nathaniel discovers a secret tunnel that seems to lead away from the manor! Assuring his friends he’ll return soon, he goes to investigate.
Emerging from the tunnel, Nathaniel finds himself just outside a lovely little village that sits by a beautiful castle. Deciding to explore, he meets many of the villagers and is surprised by how friendly everyone seems to be. He almost feels at home here, even though he’s never left the manor before, and he finds himself wanting to stay and see more!
Meanwhile, back at the manor, Alix and Petra are worrying about their friend, waiting anxiously for him to return. Alix is contemplating flying over the magic wall to go try and find Nathaniel, when Petra alerts her that her father has arrived and is looking for her. Alix goes outside to meet him, and the two have the same argument they have many a day about her being too young to fly over the wall, leading Alix to storm off angrily as she’s still worrying about her best friend.
As Nathaniel goes for a walk by the river, he happens upon three children playing in a grove, the young Prince Kiran, and his two friends, Chris and Manon. But when Kiran goes over to fetch some apples from a tree for their horse, he falls into a pit trap in the ground, dangling above a deadly tangle of briars! Nathaniel rushes over to help, while Chris and Manon ride to find help as well. Nathaniel gets ahold of Kiran’s hand and manages to pull him up, only to lose his balance and nearly fall in himself! But someone catches him just in time…
It’s then that Nathaniel meets Prince Marc, Kiran’s older brother, who thanks him for helping the boy. While the children ride off to continue playing, Marc and Nathaniel begin to talk. Nathaniel states that this is his first time in the village and it’s certainly been exciting. Marc then asks if he comes from the kingdom of Queen Aya, explaining to a curious Nathaniel that she was the one who had ordered the pit trap to be set, going on to explain the years-long feud between her and the rulers of this kingdom, Queen Penelope and Queen Alyssa, who Aya claimed had done something unforgivable to her. Nathaniel asks why they can’t just talk and clear the air, but Marc sadly posits that they seem to be long past the point that that’s a possibility.
Hearing the three children begin to argue, Marc goes to check on them, as Nathaniel hears the clock in the village chime and realizes he needs to hurry back to the manor! Marc returns to find that Nathaniel has already left, wondering if he’ll get to see him again and realizing they never even exchanged names, but unbeknownst to them both…Phillipe happened to be wandering the village that day, and spotted Nathaniel, ready to report to his master!
Meanwhile, back in the manor, Nathaniel tells Alix and Petra all about the village and how wonderful it was. He tells them about the man he met, but when Alix asks his name, Nathaniel comes to the same realization that Marc did…just as Cash enters, inquiring if he had a pleasant trip today. Nathaniel asks the man why he never told him about the village, and is told that it was for his own safety, to protect him from the ‘evils’ there.
Cash then demands the name of the young man Nathaniel met in the village, but when Nathaniel tells him he doesn’t know, Cash accuses him of lying. When Nathaniel repeats that he doesn’t know because he didn’t have time to ask, Cash uses his magic to demolish Nathaniel’s paintings and his art supplies. When Alix and Petra try to defend Nathaniel, Cash threatens to harm them with his magic until Nathaniel insists they don’t know anything, and quickly sends them away. He tells Cash that he can’t keep him locked away forever, and in response, Cash transforms Nathaniel’s room into a tower, with no door. He calls for Alim, who he instructs to guard the tower, and tells Nathaniel that when he returns, he expects to be told the name of that young man.
Back in the village, Marc is returning to the palace, promising to help Kiran with his archery once he finishes speaking with their mothers. He enters the throne room where Queen Penelope asks if he’s had any luck finding the young man who saved Kiran, as they would like to express their thanks. When Marc reveals he hasn’t seen the redhead anywhere, Queen Alyssa wonders if he could be one of Aya’s spies. Marc doesn’t believe so, or else he wouldn’t have risked his life for Kiran. It’s reported by a page that there was no sign of Aya’s forces. Alyssa prepares to lead her own raid and tells Marc to be ready. He agrees, but something is clearly on his mind…
Returning to the manor, Nathaniel is still trapped and is now suffering from nightmares. But as he wakes from one, he reads the inscription on the back of the silver hairbrush, and resolves that one day, he will be free. But as he’s sleeping that night, the hairbrush is magically transformed…into a paintbrush.
The next day, Cash visits the village in disguise and learns that there is to be a ball for the elder prince’s birthday, while the knights of the kingdom report to Marc that they still haven’t had any luck finding the young man with the long red hair. Just at that moment, Marc and his mothers ride into the village to discover the aftermath of a terrible attack by Queen Aya’s men. Unbeknownst to them, Cash faked the attack with his magic, wanting to hurry a declaration of war along.
Back at the manor, Alix and Petra are using berries, vegetables and leaves from the garden to make new paints for Nathaniel, while contemplating how they could possibly help him escape. They bring the new paint to Nathaniel, who is incredibly grateful and discovers the transformed brush. But when he goes to use it on the wall, he discovers that it creates the images in his mind, without him even needing paint! And when a butterfly flies out of the image he painted of the village, and then Petra seems to fall through it, that’s when he discovers that this magical paintbrush can create portals…
When Nathaniel passes through the painting/portal, he ends up in the same grove where he met Marc…who just so happens to be there eating lunch, and is ecstatic to see him again! It’s then that Marc finally learns Nathaniel’s name, but Nathaniel insists that it’s better if he doesn’t learn Marc’s just yet. The prince is confused but agrees.
Nathaniel then shows Marc the paintbrush, asking if he can help find out who made it, in the hopes that that person may know who his parents are. Marc takes him to the silversmith, who recognizes the brush as the work of his brother, who unfortunately lives in Aya’s kingdom and who he misses terribly, as no one has gone between the two kingdoms since the beginning of the feud. Nathaniel is disheartened, but resolves to keep looking.
Back at the manor, Petra hears Cash approaching, and Alix panics, knowing that it he comes to the tower to discover Nathaniel gone, her father will pay the price! Petra goes to stall Cash while Alix travels through the painting to find Nathaniel.
Back at the palace gardens, Nathaniel gives Marc an invitation to the Masked Ball in honor of ‘the prince’s’ birthday, and Nathaniel agrees to come. Just then, Alix appears in the garden, through the painting/portal, and Marc draws his sword, thinking she’s dangerous because, well, dragon! But Nathaniel assures him Alix is his friend. Alix pleads with Nathaniel to return to the tower at least long enough that Cash won’t punish her father, and Nathaniel agrees, promising to return for the ball. He paints a portal back to the tower, arriving just in time.
Now back in the tower, Cash demands once again to know the name of the man Nathaniel met, and once again is told he doesn’t know. Angry, Cash tells the boy he can rot in the tower for all he cares. Nathaniel tells Alix that they all need to leave that night, and Alix must convince her father to come too.
Back at the palace, Marc is taking a stroll with Queen Penelope, and hesitantly asks if he might be permitted to invite Queen Aya as a gesture of good will, a step toward ending the feud. Penelope refuses, telling him peaceful resolutions are impossible with all that’s been done. This was the answer Marc had feared, and he doesn’t know what to do.
Back in the tower, Nathaniel uses the magical paintbrush to create a beautiful violet gown for himself, with Alix and Petra presenting him with an intricate mask to match the dress. But just at that moment, Cash appears and compliments Nathaniel, only to cut his long red hair off, and destroy both the painting/portal and the magical brush. He then casts an enchantment on the tower: "Tower, tower, do your part, never release your prisoner with a lying heart! Here for as these words are spoken, this fearsome spell can never be broken!" Blaming Alim for allowing Nathaniel to escape once again, he chains the dragon to the tower with magic. He then leaves to attend the ball, disguising himself as Nathaniel using the hair he sheared from the boy.
Back at the palace, Queen Aya has arrived in secret and is planning to launch an attack to make Queens Alyssa and Penelope pay for what she believes they’ve done, once and for all!
It’s then that Cash arrives at the ball, disguised as Nathaniel, and is spotted by Marc. Marc follows him and is led into the castle’s hedge maze, only for Cash to reveal himself, letting Nathaniel’s long red hair fall to the ground. Marc demands to know what the man has done with Nathaniel, but Cash only fires at him with his magic, forcing Marc to flee.
Alix goes to visit Alim, and begs him to help her help Nathaniel, explaining how the boy came back to prevent Cash from killing her father for letting him escape. Alim theorizes that if Nathaniel hasn’t been lying to Cash about knowing Marc’s name, then the spell shouldn’t keep him in the tower. So Alix flies up to Nathaniel, and sure enough, he’s able to pass through the magical barrier. While Alim is still apprehensive about his daughter being ready to go over the wall, he understands it’s what must be done, and Alix flies over it for the first time, carrying Nathaniel and Petra to the palace to try and stop Cash.
Back at the palace, Cash continues to pursue Marc, being sidetracked by Kiran and the other children. He fires a spell at Kiran, only for Marc to pull him out of the way, stalling Cash by dropping a banner on him. Meanwhile, in the ballroom, Queen Aya arrives and engages in a battle of swords with Queen Alyssa, while Queen Penelope evacuates all the guests.
Cash then enters the ballroom, and Aya recognizes him, with Marc questioning this. Aya explains that she knew him many years ago, they had been good friends. This infuriates Cash, who proclaims that they were more than friends, that they had been in love. Aya states that she was never in love with him, she saw him as a brother, and Cash states that she will pay for this ‘once again’, which confuses Aya.
Instead of explaining, Cash asks Queen Penelope why she and her wife despise Aya, with the Queen stating that Aya attacked their kingdom and people without cause, which is furiously refuted with the claim that they had stolen her son, which Queen Alyssa angrily denies. Cash then reveals that Alyssa is telling the truth…he stole the young prince. A furious Aya demands to know where he took Nathaniel, with Marc immediately recognizing the name. Cash states that where he is doesn’t matter as she will never see him again.
Only for Nathaniel himself to arrive with Alix and Petra just as Cash is about to blast everyone with his magic, demanding that he stop making everyone suffer. Cash refuses and blasts the chandelier, setting the ballroom ablaze, with Marc helping Nathaniel to escape. The two, along with Alix and Petra, lead Cash into the gardens, tricking him into entering the painting/portal of the tower Nathaniel left behind earlier.
With Cash now imprisoned forever due to all the lies he has told, the battle has been won. Nathaniel reunites with Aya, who apologizes to Alyssa and Penelope for all the trouble she caused them. The Queens accept her apology, knowing they would have been just as distraught if Marc was stolen from them.
Speaking of which, Nathaniel and Marc got to know each other better and started a beautiful relationship that lasted for five years before they were happily married and moved into their own castle by the sea, with Alix, Petra and Alim all living the good life there.
And they all lived happily ever after!
Their love will be Constant as the Stars Above! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs, and watch for the next installment!
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hyperfocuscentre · 1 year
giving disney princesses godly parents 'cause i'm bored
RAPUNZEL: I feel like Apollo is probably the most obvious option. She has a talent for singing and is incredibly creative: she sews her own outfits, makes candles and paints every blank space on her walls with colourful depictions of the things she sees and dreams of. Not even mentioning the healing powers. With the ungodly amount of time she had trapped in that tower, I'm gonna guess (using all the scenes of her completing her MANY hobbies) that she has a lot of knowledge of the most random shit. Also, the whole single drop of sunlight thing. I suppose you could also argue Asclepius as her parent, since she did manage to bring Eugene back to life but I'm gonna stick with Apollo.
MERIDA: So, not a godly parent but I'm counting it.. She'd be a Hunter of Artemis. The events of the entire movie are ripples caused by the rock that is Merida's refusal to get married (she's so aromantic, I love her). She'd much preferred to spend her time out in nature, shooting her arrows and doing everything that isn't expected of her as a princess. Again, I think it's pretty easy to place her.
MULAN: Okay, so my first thought was Ares. She's courageous and a brilliant fighter; an inexperienced woman surrounded by assumably-more-experienced men, yet she manages to be better than basically all of them. She's a victor of war. Maybe Mars, since I believe he's basically the more controlled and less brutal version of Ares? (atleast in HOO, anyway). You could also say Athena, she's strategic and seems to easily come up with strong plans mid action (the disguise herself as a man, the avalanche, the men disguise themself as women, the fan, the diy zipline. There's probably more that I've forgot). Maybe there's other obvious options but I'm lazy and sticking with my first thoughts but I'd be happy to hear other ideas.
MOANA: So, Poseidon was the first thought, for obvious reasons. She's got the whole connection with water and a longing to sail the seas that's linked towards her heritage, culture and it's history. Maybe, she's like Frank, a descendant of Poseidon with a family that's always seemed to be connected to the sea god (minus the shapeshifting powers, obviously). You could also link her to Palaemon, who I don't know much about so feel free to correct me, the protector of sailors (I believe he is a sea deity, or atleast thats what I read??). Choosing a greek deity for Moana is low-key hard cause she already has dieties (is that a word??) within her story so I'm gonna leave it at that because why not.
AURORA: So, most people's minds probably jumped to Hypnos immediately 'cause she's.. well.. sleeping beauty. Or maybe even Aphrodite 'cause, again, sleeping beauty. I can't argue against that because those are very valid ideas, though I'm more for daughter of Aphrodite than Hypnos because the whole sleep thing wasn't something she willingly wanted and was actually just tricked into doing. My mind kind of went to Pan- if thats possible- because I distinctly remember a scene with her in the woods, connecting with woodland creatures/wild (I don't know anything about this movie, help).
SNOW WHITE: Okay so I'm gonna say Aphrodite and leave it at that because I remember NOTHING about this movie other than her step-mother or someone wanted her dead for the absolutely treacherous act of being prettier.
ANNA, my beloved: Definitely not the most obvious option, but I want to go with Aphrodite again. She has an obsession with romance, she's desperate to be loved and feel love. She wants the butterflies, the pounding heart, the hand holding and the warm expanding feeling in her chest when she sees her lover. She literally tries to marry a man she just met. I also love this idea because it goes against almost every stereotype of a child of Aphrodite; she's a fighter, fierce and easily capable of defending herself; she isn't weak or helpless. She's one of the few princesses who gets the man whilst still being presented as a total badass. Furthermore, she loves so strongly in non-romantic ways too. She constantly stands at that door, trying to reconnect with a sister who suddenly refuses to talk to her. She SACRIFICES herself for that same sister.
ELSA: Boreas, he's the god of winter and ice. She has ice powers. I can't be bothered trying to think of a less obvious option but feel free to tell me about one that comes to your mind.
ARIEL: Triton. It's literally canon.
BELLE: Minerva is probably a very obvious option, if she can have kids the same way Athena did (can't remember). Belle values books and knowledge, the wisdom that comes with reading. She feels like the type of girl who would love to go to school and Minerva is supposedly the goddess of that. I'd like to be a bit less obvious and probably a lot more wrong (oh well) so I'm gonna also say one of the Muses is a possible option. Wikipedia tells me they were considered goddesses of literature, science and the arts. If I had to pick one I'd pick Erato probably, the muse of love poetry since, if my memory serves me correctly, Belle was reading a romance??
CINDERELLA: Maybe the child of Hestia? That is, if Hestia decided one day to throw away her oath of virginity or found a way to have kids without that. I'm not sure entirely why, it's just a vibe. Maybe favoured by Hera, since a marriage literally saved her from a life of abuse? I don't remember much of this movie, whoops.
I have absolutely no idea for anyone else and I give up so take what you have been given! Thanks to anyone who actually stuck with me and read through all this.
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faememes · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐂𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 (𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟏-𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟕) 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
Change pronouns and titles as needed.
"Ohh! I'm never going to be able to get those steps right ________!"
"Where did you go this time? I want to hear all about it!"
"Some people never change. But we can always hope!"
"Then he bowed and asked me to dance."
"I couldn’t say no to the king!"
"You must have felt like a princess!. I wish I could have been there."
"On the outside, maybe… but inside beats the heart of a prince."
"That’s not true! You’re risking your life to save your kingdom! Isn’t that what princes do?"
"But my subjects think less of me than they do the Mouse King!... My only hope is to find the Sugar Plum Princess so she can help me restore my people’s happiness… I owe them that."
"They say you’re… beautiful."
"Oh, there you are! The king needs you right away in the courtyard! And...he said if you didn’t hurry, you’d spend the rest of your lives as houseflies!...or was it… horseflies?"
"There’s more to being a king than having a crown!"
"You’ll never gain their loyalty until you’ve earned their respect!"
"And now you’re free to take your rightful place as king."
"None of this would have been possible without you, ________. Will you stay...and be my queen?"
"This locket was supposed to take me home...but in my heart, I feel I’m already there."
"Ok! Ready Freddy... Erm ..._________? What am I supposed to paint?"
"Once, long long ago, in the time of castles, kings and magic, there was a secret manor hidden deep in dark forest. The woods were whispered to be full of monsters and dragons."
"One day, I'm going to walk along a beach just like this one. And see nothing but open sky, for miles and miles."
"I can't imagine _________ attending all these balls."
"Oh, I ask you, who in their right mind would invite her to a party?"
"Would you look at this? Ooh, she sure got mad at somebody! I wouldn't want to be in his boots."
"It's beautiful! There's something engraved on the back."
"Constant as the stars above, always know that you are loved. To our daughter Rapunzel on her first birthday. With love forever, mother and father."
"This doesn't make sense... ________ said I was abandoned when I was just a few days old. Why would she lie to me about that?"
"Why does the old hag do anything other than torment people?"
"Now, there's the understatement of the 17th century."
"But...I've never been outside the magic wall! This is my chance. Maybe, my only chance. I'm going."
"After all I've done, after all I've given you, this is how you repay me! By sneaking off."
"Why are you doing this? You can't keep me locked away from the world forever."
"You must be pretty important if you are invited to the prince's ball."
"All these years, after all I've planned! It must be that boy she met."
"Tower, Tower, do your part! Never release your prisoner with a lying heart! And in which these words are spoken...this fearsome spell can never be broken!"
"And to think some people actually adore children! They're out of their minds!"
"She would've been my daughter if you had married me! I simply took what was mine."
"You don't know what love is, ________!"
"You kept me locked up my whole life because you hated my father?"
"Well, that’s the constellation Cygnus. It’s a swan. Imagine the four stars are the long neck, the big stars are the body, and running crosswise, those stars are the wings."
"_______, you’re a wonderful dancer! You should go to the village dances with your sister!"
"Do you know what I see? Kindness, laughter, bravery. All worth more than any treasure a king could possess… I may not have many powers left, but…"
"I suppose it doesn’t matter that I don’t know the first thing about dancing at a ball."
"The room is filled with lovely young ladies. Find someone wonderful to dance with while you wait."
"Long ago and far away, in a village high on a mountaintop, something amazing was occurring. At the very same moment, two identical baby girls were born! One, a baby princess.The king and queen were overjoyed."
"Hoo! We're late, late, late! We have twenty, maximum, twenty-two minutes, for your royal fitting! And then it's move, move, move to your speech at the Historical Society! After that we have to rush, and I mean, rush, to the Horticultural Society Tea! Oh, and then there's your math lessons, your geography lessons, your science lessons..."
"All my life I've always wanted to have one day for myself. Not waking up with a pile of work on every shelf. With no hems in need of pressing, and no sleeves in disarray. No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet. And no debt to pay."
"I'm so sorry, my darling, but as you know, it is vital you marry King ________. It is the only way to take care of our people."
"I know, it's my duty."
"Oh, and look! Another engagement gift!"
"There's more to living than gloves and gowns and threads and seams. In my dreams, I'll be free!"
"So happy. Free to do whatever they want. What do you think King _________ will be like?"
"Oh, I'm sure he'll be... suitable."
"Apparently, he's a lover of music. He plays three different instruments. The dulcimer, the trumpet, and the piano."
"We could be sisters."
"___________? You have the same name as the princess."
"I'm savoring a first and last taste of freedom before getting married next week... to a total stranger."
"First, I choose a fabric from the rack, and I pin the pattern down. And I stitch it in the front and back, and it turns into a gown."
"I wear the gown without my crown and dance around my room."
"But I'd never let my Mother know. I wouldn't want to disappoint her."
"We could be twins!"
"One day you must sing for us at the Palace,"
"__________. ___________, Darling? Are you here? Where could she be? She wasn't at breakfast."
"Lilac? She never scented her stationary with lilac. It was always rose."
"I better change my dress. Ho-ho, what am I talking about? I only have one dress!"
"And... she has beautiful eyes, your spirits rise when she walks in the room. Doors close, and the chemistry grows. She's like a rose that's forever in bloom."
"Something tells me you have a wonderful voice."
"There's something about you... You're honest ... no pretenses. I like that. Until tomorrow, Your Highness."
"I think I'm falling in love with the king."
"You do love disguises, don't you?"
"What do you enjoy most on your travels, Your Highness?"
"Oh, everything. Following the wind, discovering something new around the next bay!"
"What else do you enjoy, besides the harp, Your Highness?"
"This is the hardest thing I've ever done, Father. But I can't spend the rest of my life with someone I don't love. My sisters will run the kingdom."
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midnight-scrivener · 9 months
Kids are wild, dude.
Couple days ago, me and Partner popped over to Disney Springs to a) buy some mead, and b) spend gift card money to go see the Boy and the Heron (10/10 so good).
I was chilling on a wall outside, waiting for Partner in the bathroom, and behind me, I hear a tiny, clear voice, filled with the plaintive ennui of someone who's been trapped in a time loop for aeons unknown, say, "just let me die."
*Freeze, slow turn*
Reader, allow me to paint you a picture.
There is a man, the daddest man perhaps ever to dad. He is wearing a visor. The visor says something like, "have a Disney day™️" on it in red swirly font. His hair is sticking straight up out of the top of the visor, like a mad scientist who forgot he was leaning on the Tesla coil when he told his Igor to throw the switch, henchman! This gives the distinct impression that this is not his visor, but rather was hastily thrust upon him, likely by a spouse who is also in the bathroom. It was cold out (for Florida anyway), so this man was wearing a heavy Patagonia fleece, and, in true Dadly fashion, little cargo shorts, pockets bulging, dragging the shape of the garment parabolically earthward, laden with the responsibilities inherent in being the Vacation Manager and Bearer of the Visor. His legs were covered in gooseflesh. But, reader, he bore it.
He had sunglasses, those iridescent mirrored kind that make you think of sport fishermen. But they dangled around his neck, so I could see his eyes, vacant, staring, lined with the patient resignation that can only come from loving someone who is A Lot To Be Around. His hand, large and calloused and properly Daddish, was clasped with another set of tiny digits.
Dangling from his arm with a comfortable drama that implied this was but one time of many, was a tiny girlchild, no more than maybe five years old, wearing a full length Rapunzel princess gown, light-up Sketchers, and pink, glittery mouse ears that had been knocked askew in the process of her collapse and gave her hair the air of waging a losing battle with a little bird.
This girl, with the face of a cherub and the serious manner of an elderly man of state, stared off into a slightly different middle distance than her father. Her sketchers trailed over the ground as she rocked slightly in his gentle-but-firm grip. She sighed, and reader, I felt that sigh. In my bones. No one who's never experienced the weight of deep debt looming over them should be able to sigh like that.
She opened her mouth and said again in that clear, innocent voice, "Please won't you let me die?"
Her father, aware that people had begun to take notice, shook his head. "We're just waiting for Mommy."
This did not satisfy the tot. Still without a shred of distress, just the solemnity of a gig worker with twelve different 10-99 forms to file come tax season, asked "Yeah, but why can't I just die now?"
Her father closed his eyes. He was silent for long enough that I knew on some level he was wondering the same thing about himself. People were Aware of the situation now. Eventually he took a deep breath and looked down at her, still hanging from his arm. "It's against the rules to die at Disney World," he said. "Even if you want to. But tell you what, if you wait until we get back home, you can die there instead. That way Mommy and I can both be there."
The girl's mood brightened immediately. She got her feet under her and straightened, beaming up at her dad. "Oh, okay," she said. "After Mommy comes can we go to Legos?"
There's not really a proper end to the story, Partner just came out of the bathroom and we went to the movie. But damb. I hope that little girl knows I'll think about her at least once a day for the rest of my life.
Don't die. There might be Legos in it if you stay.
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donnetellotheturtle · 8 months
Chapter 1
Secrets revealed.
Varian rubbed his arms nervously. His new creation was almost complete. Save for testing. That was always where it went wrong. This current machine was to play music from a spinning disc. At least he knew the worst-case scenario was it simply didn’t work. Not that it would blow up in his face.
But to his joy and relief, it worked. The little pin read the disc and sent the music through the horn. He grinned widely.
He turned at the door to his workshop opening. Standing there was now queen Rapunzel. Her hair had grown out, ending just below her shoulders. She smiled. “There you are…” She trailed off, hearing the music. “Wow…is this your new invention?”
“Uh yeah. It needs a few tweaks but-”
“Are you kidding this is amazing!”
Varian smiled and hugged Rapunzel. She hugged back tight, then pulled away. “So, your nineteenth birthday party is tomorrow. I just needed your go-aheads on a couple of things.”
The two ran down the list. His nineteenth birthday party was going to be huge. Outside, the whole kingdom would be celebrating, but inside the royal ballroom, it would be him, Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance, the former king and queen, his dad and the other members of the order, Red, and Angry, both of whom had real names, but everyone still called them Angry and Red. He wished Cassandra could be there, but she was still gone on some adventure. Had been for years now. The letters never stopped though.
“I cant wait. Oh this is going to be the best party of the year!”
Varian chuckled. “You said that about Eugene’s birthday party a couple months ago.”
“Yes but this will be too!” She grinned. “Ooh why don’t you use your music machine tomorrow? Itll be great to unveil it at the party!”
Varian nodded softly. “Sounds good.”
Rapunzel smiled and nodded. “Ill let you get back to your work but before that I have something for you. Wait here.” She turned and went to the door. Varian waited with a small, confused frown.
A minute later, she came back in with a box, wrapped in blue wrapping paper.
“Rapunzel, shouldn’t you wait until tomorrow?”
“Actually, this is from King Edmund. He said that its traditional in the moon kingdom for boys turning 19 to receive this the day before their birthday. And you were born there so, he thought it was appropriate.”
He blinked, then smiled and unwrapped it. As he did, he saw a compass, beautifully crafted. He opened it up, and inside, indeed the signs for all the directions, there was small painting of him, his father and…his mom. He stared at it.
“How did he…”
“Do you like it?”
“My mother…how did he know what she looked like?”
Rapunzel looked at the compass, then closer at the picture, frowning. “That’s her?”
“Shes beautiful…maybe Edmund knew her. He’ll be here tomorrow so you can ask.”
Varian nodded with a small smile. “My dad probably knows too. I can ask him!”
“Yeah. Ill let you get to it. Lots to plan!” She winked and walked out, heading over to Maximus and riding off without another word.
Varian chuckled, then looked at the picture again.
Inside the house, Quirin was sitting drinking some freshly brewed tea as Varian came in. “Hey dad?”
“Hey. I thought you were going to be in your workshop all day?”
“Well, I was going to be until Rapunzel dropped off this.” He handed the compass over to his father, who stared at it for a moment. “Where did she…”
“Said King Edmund dropped it off. Some sort of tradition. Did he know her?”
Varian nodded and sat in the seat across from him. “As you know I was part of the brotherhood. Your mother, Ulla, was the royal alchemist.”
“Just like me!”
Quran nodded with a small smile. “Her and work partner made so many amazing things before the black rocks came…” He stood, went to the fireplace, then pressed a compartment on the wall. It opened up and from it, he pulled a green book. “This belonged to her…I wasn’t sure when I should give to you but…now seems like a good time.”
Varian took it and his father sat back down. The room was quiet for a moment as Varian looked at the cover. “the seven trials?”
“It was what your mother and her partner were working on.”
Varian opened it. It detailed seven trials corresponding with each surrounding kingdom including their own. Corona: Sun kingdom, Elio: Fire Kingdom, Dion: Water kingdom, Malik: Earth kingdom, Thora: Air kingdom, Estelle, Star kingdom, And The Dark Kingdom: the moon kingdom. All leading up to the eternal library, where all knowledge was kept.
“….why… why would you hide this from me?”
Quirin chuckled. “you think that I didn’t know that as soon as I did, you’d go searching?”
Varian paused. The thought had already crosses his mind as soon as he finished reading. He looked down.
“But, you’re a grown man now. You can make your own choices…I just want you to know the dangers.”
“Your mother disappeared looking for that place. I don’t know what happened to her. I can’t bear to loose you in the same way.”
Varian looked at his father. He looked so sad.
“I wont go.”
Quirin chuckled. “You will…and I won’t stop you.” He put his hands on his sons shoulders. “it’s time you have your own adventure.”
Varian smiled lightly, then looked at The book. “but…I don’t have to leave right away. I can start here! Get some information, you know… I don’t have to say goodbye just yet.”
Quirin nodded. “Yeah…I’ll help you start searching in the morning. You should get some rest. You have a busy day tomorrow.”
Varian nodded, holding the book and the picture close to his chest as he ran upstairs.
Quirin sighed softly to himself, and looked out at the fire. “Gods…guide my son. Keep him safe where I can’t protect him.”
Hugo sat in his tent, half asleep, when Cyrus came in. “Donella wants to see you.”
He groaned, but stood up, heading over to Donellas tent which was lit with laterns, and adorned with maps and books on the outside. He entered the tent.
“Hugo.” She turned. “I have a job for you.” She handed a flyer to him. A birthday party for the royal alchemist. Hugo raised an eyebrow.
“…This is some random guy.”
She rolled her eyes. “This.” She pointed to the picture. “is the son of Ulla. You watch him, make sure he knows nothing about what we’re trying to do. Understood?”
“Yes but…why does it have to be me?” Hugo almost whined.
A side eye from Donella made Hugo wince. “O-Okay. I’ll go….just don’t expect me to be happy about it.”
She huffed and turned away. “If on the off chance he does know about Ulla’s book, find where it is. Take it. And bring it back to me.”
When the morning came, Varian was up early. He had to pack for his trip after all, and get started on searching for the totem before his party at midday. He hummed softly as Ruddinger jumped up on his shoulders.
“hey buddy.” He gave the raccoon a little head scratch. “Today’s the day.”
He finished packing and smiled, heading downstairs. His dad was already up, humming as he made breakfast.
Quirin smiled at him. “Varian! I’m just making some birthday breakfast! You hungry?”
Varian nodded and sat at the table as his dad served his favorites. Bacon, eggs sunny side up, and some French toast. Quirin ruffled his sons hair before continuing cooking.
“I was going to start with Xavier to get some information on the relics.” Varian said, stuffing his mouth.
“That’s a great idea. You could also ask Ariana and Fredrick. They might have some books.”
“That’s a great idea! Thanks dad!”
“after your party, I want you to come here and pack okay?”
“Yeah dad.”
“And don’t forget your camping supplies.”
“I know dad.”
“And your alchemy supplies. You’ll need them.”
“Oh and yo-“
Quirin paused, looking at his son who was smiling. “Heh, just…be safe.”
“I will, dad. Promise.”
The two headed out to the kingdom proper not long after. The whole city was bustling with excitement. Kids kept pointing at him. Truthfully, Varian didn’t love the attention.
“I’m going to find Xavier before we meet everyone.”
Quirin nodded. “I’ll meet you inside.”
It was a quick walk to Xaviers smithery. As always it was full of soot and heat. He could hear Xavier humming a tune to himself.
“Well if it isnt the man himself?” Xavier grinned, coming out to see Varian. “your right on time. I just finished your birthday gift.”
“you should save it for the party.” Varian grinned.
“Yes, yes. But you seem to have a question.”
Varian reached into his bag, and pulled out his mothers book. “…Do you know anything about the seven trials?”
Xavier seemed a bit surprised, but nodded. “Yes. How do you know about them?”
“This was my mothers.” He pushed the book to the blacksmith who gently fingered through the pages, then nodded.
“So you intend to complete her work.”
“Yeah. I…I just need to know where to start.”
Xavier nodded. “Alright. The seven trials, created by the keepers of the eternal library and aided by Demanitus…each totem has a scientific puzzle to access them…but be aware, young man. These trials are dangerous and cannot be faced alone.”
“but the eternal library…it’s real?”
“In a sense, yes. It isn’t for the faint of soul. Legends say it will suck you in and keep you forever if it wills it.”
Varian wondered if that’s what happened to his mom.
“Very few have completed the trial. Even less have come back to tell the story. So be careful, Varian. Or you could be facing the end of your life.”
Varian nodded. “thank you, Xavier.”
As Varian walked out he felt as if he was being watched. He looked around, seeing no one looking at him. He frowned, sitting with the information that he could be going in to get himself killed.
Then he thought to himself. If he could find the library, he could find his mom. He could save her. Maybe, just maybe, he could do it. He’d have to be the smartest and most cunning he’d ever been. So he steeled himself.
He'd have to be ready for anything.
He headed into the party, seeing everyone made his heart soar. He came up to Adira. Over the years she’d softened just a bit to Varian. Now she was the only one who was allowed to touch her. But only for very limited amounts of time and always with a warning. She was who he saw first, along with Edmund, and his dad.
“hey guys.” He opened his arms to hug Adira, who accepted with a very quick squeeze.
“hey kid. You dad says you’re going to go on a trip.” She said, smiling.
“Uh, yeah…I’m going to complete my moms work.”
“Any chance you’d let me come with you? It would be good to have a body guard.”
Varian chuckled. “Thanks but…this is something I have to do by myself.”
“A boys first quest.” Edmund said. “That should be cherished.”
“Yeah…Dad said you knew my mom?”
“Yes…why I don’t tell you over dinner when you make it to my kingdom? Do you think you can wait that long?”
Varian thought it over, then nodded. “yeah…yeah I can.”
“good! I can’t wait!”
Varian chuckled, then walked further into the ballroom where everyone else was waiting. Rapunzel smiled and waved. “Varian!” She came forward with a grin, pulling him into a tight hug. “Your dad just told me you’re leaving!”
“Uh, yeah…I um-“
Rapunzel looked sad but excited for him. “Where are you going?”
“All the kingdoms. I’m on a quest, as Edmund put it.”
“really?” Eugene came up from the side, wrapping an arm around his wife. “I didn’t take you as the questing type.”
Varian blushed.
“Oh leave him alone!” Rapunzel chided.
Varian chuckled softly. “I’m planning on leaving tomorrow morning. I just wanted to stay for the party so I could say goodbye.”
Rapunzel sighed softly, then pulled Varian into an embrace. “Promise you’ll come home, Varian?”
He returned the hug. “…I promise.”
The party went off without a hitch. He ate his favorite cake, got some amazing presents which he could take on the road with him, and he said goodbye to everyone.
Late that night, Quirin and him reached the entrance to their home.
“Before you leave tomorrow…I want you to have Prometheus. He’ll be a good traveling companion for you on the road.”
Prometheus was their donkey. One who they’ve had since he could remember.
“…Don’t you need him?”
“Don’t worry about me. You’ll be better off with him. And I know you’ll take good care of him.”
Varian hugged his father again, tightly. “Thanks dad”
The morning came early and Varian ran and grabbed everything, rushing out. Only to find his dad beat him to it.
In the light of the rising sun, he saw his dad hitching up a caravan to Prometheus.
“Woah…” Varian mumbled.
Quirin looked to him and smiled. “I thought this would be useful.”
“wow dad! Thanks! This is amazing!”
He ran and hugged his dad. He smiled at his son. “You look just like her….when you find her…you let her know just how proud I am of you.”
Tears welled up in both their eyes and after a long, tearful goodbye, Varian set off in the light of the morning sun.
First stop, Elio.
Find this on A03!
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tangledbea · 1 year
What exactly happened when Rapunzel realized she was the lost princess? She just kinda looked at her hankie with the Corona sun, started seeing said sun in her wall art. Then she sort of remembered her parents, and she remembered the mural of them and her as a baby, then she sees herself wearing the crown in the mirror, and she realizes she's the lost princess from this? Did she search her feelings like they do in Star Wars or something.
Okay, so while it's a little bit bullshit (no one would have even the vaguest of memories from when they were a literal infant because long-term memory doesn't develop until around 2 years of age), I can handwave it because it's a fairytale.
What happened is that she looked at the sun on her souvenir, then realized she'd been subtly putting that same image in her art for her entire life. But how could she possibly have prior knowledge of that symbol if she's never left the tower? From this, she remembered the sun symbol on her mobile when she was a baby and had vague recollections of the people (her parents) leaning over her. From there, she was able to recognize them from that mural she saw of the king and queen. And in that mural, they were holding the blonde baby who - even when she first saw it, even if she didn't quite connect the dots (I've connected them) just yet - she realized looked exactly like her, especially when she was wearing the crown, which she saw very recently. (And even at the time that she put on the crown, she had a strange sense of recognition, even though she couldn't place it.)
And then she put two and two (and two) together, and realized that the king and queen were her parents, and that she was the Lost Princess.
In something that might be a headcanon or might be an observation, I think she's been painting the sun even before she was old enough to do much more than scribble.
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These are the earliest paintings we see in the tower, and it looks to me like she scribbled the sun over and over.
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beautiful-songbird · 18 days
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1 - Floating Stars [Rapunzel]
← Prologue | Chapter 2 →
Pairing: Rapunzel x Eugene
Word Count: 0.8k
Summary: What if Tangled had been a fantasy book instead? (basically my spin on Tangled)
The stars were a curious thing, Rapunzel had always thought.  Little dots that littered the night sky in such a way that formed patterns and shapes.  It fascinated her.  She’d lay on the roof every night and stare at the sky, and each night, the stars shifted a bit.  She’d begun to draw them in her journal each night, and she noted when the stars were back in their original place again.
The moon seemed to have its own cycle.  While the stars seemed to take an eternity to return, the moon would shine in the sky again every twenty-nine days, and it moved through the sky at a speed the stars did not.
There was one night every star cycle when the biggest and brightest stars appeared, and those were her favorite nights.  These stars almost seemed to float towards the sky, and she wondered how these stars could move so quickly.  The normal stars didn’t move with any kind of speed.  In fact, she couldn’t even see them move.  These stars did move, though, and then they were gone not too long after.
She drew these stars in her journal as well, and she dreamed about them when they were not there.  They called to her in a way the other stars could not seem to, and she yearned to touch them.  They seemed more tangible than the other stars, like if she could get high enough, she could touch one.  Her tower did not seem high enough in those moments, even though there were times that she looked off the edge and wondered how long it would take her to reach the ground if she jumped off.
On the nights that the stars did not appear, either because of the clouds or the rain, Rapunzel sat in her room and painted the walls.  The sky repeated itself on the walls, where her favorite constellations shone.  There were not many stars that made shapes, but there were a few she had come to recognize.  There were stars that joined to make a ladle, and there was another that vaguely resembled the dogs in the picture book her mother had read to her as a child.
In her journals, she began to see a pattern.  The stars would re-align roughly every three hundred and sixty-five days.  The moon’s cycle did not match this, and it irked her.  The moon would complete roughly twelve and a half cycles in that time, and so the moon did not look the same from the end of one star cycle to the next.
Rapunzel began to count the days based on the appearance of the brightest stars in the sky.  As they appeared once every star cycle, and the number of days between each event matched her calculation of the star cycle, she started her year on that day and counted to three hundred and sixty-five.  It matched but for every fourth year, when it would be three hundred and sixty-six days.
From these calculations, she constructed her own version of the solar calendar, and she wrote the days on her wall in an order that made sense to her, in rows of twenty-nine to match the moon cycle.  The moon cycle did not follow these dates from full moon to full moon, but she felt it appropriate to fix the calendar so, with seventeen extra days at the end of the year and eighteen extra days every fourth year.
By the time she was twenty-two, she was confident in her calendar, and on the first day of each calendar year, she lay on her rooftop expectantly, waiting for the brightest stars to appear.  They always appeared right after the sun set fully, and they were gone within the hour.
Rapunzel was careful to keep these things secret from her mother.  Her mother detested the outside world, and she spoke of it as though it had caused her great despair in her life.  Rapunzel had once asked how many star cycles her mother had lived, and the woman had given her such a look that she knew never to mention the star cycles again.  Her mother did not seem inclined to stop her from tracking the stars, but she hid the calendar anyway, writing it on the wall beneath her bed, where she was sure her mother would never look.
The older she grew, the more the outside world intrigued her.  Though her mother spoke scathingly of it, she heard the birds sing and watched the trees grow, and she thought perhaps her mother exaggerated a bit.  Still, she did not dare leave the tower.  She could only dream of what the outside world looked like, and she could only dream of touching the stars.
Series M.list
A/N: *ahem* yep definitely meant to post this today and not two days ago yep
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future installments!
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free-for-all-fics · 2 years
Namor fic ideas free for the taking! Just please tag me if you write something inspired by these. More than one person can pick the same prompt, and multiple prompts can be used by the same person. There are no rules.
1. Despite his hatred for the surface, Namor kidnaps adopts a surface dweller child. He whisks her away to a secret cave where he teaches her how to paint stories on the walls and builds a home for her there, giving her all the love and fine things she could ask for. Jewelry, dresses, books, anything her heart desires is hers. He gives her the best education he can provide, teaching her the language and history of Talokan. He’s recognized her as his heir despite the outrage and confusion it may cause. But as his daughter grows older, she becomes lonely and sad from being cooped up in the caves all the time and/or watched by Talokonil guards since she can’t breathe underwater. She can’t go anywhere alone. She misses the sun, dislikes not having any real friends, and struggles with feeling like an outcast. Namor keeps reassuring her that she’s Princess no matter what, that he’s working on something so she can breathe and survive the pressure underwater to be able to live in Talokan and take her place as Queen one day, but she feels undeserving of all that she’s been given.
She doesn’t remember her life before Namor, but starts to question what it must’ve been like - who her birth parents are, did she have friends, does anyone miss her?, etc. She doesn’t feel worthy of being Princess, future Queen, or even his daughter. Namor is at a loss, having kept his precious daughter hidden from the dangers and evils of the outside world for as long as he could. But maybe it’s time to show her the land and the sky? He’s heard from his mother about a place where the air is pristine and the water… a protected land where people never have to leave or change who they are…
2. Little Mermaid AU where Namor’s daughter is very curious and in love with the surface despite her father’s warnings and strict orders that she stay away from the land. She sneaks away a lot and goes undetected for a long time, but slips up and gets caught eventually. When Namor finds out, he’s so angry. The anger comes from a place of love and fear of losing his daughter and only child but still. They get in an argument and despite reader imploring her father to reconsider declaring war and attacking Wakanda, he won’t listen. She reluctantly gears up for battle and steps up to fight for her people as is her duty as Princess and heir to Talokan.
The reason Namor yields to Shuri is because his daughter, who didn’t want to be forced to choose a side like this, gets trapped in the aircraft with him and dried out, her injuries far worse than his. Despite her weakened state, she still stood her ground on the desert beach, trying to stop Shuri and her father from killing each other. She gets hit by the fighter aircraft explosion instead of Namor after pushing him out of the way. Namor, seeing his daughter lying near-motionless in the sand from the heat, her skin burned from the fire and littered in wounds, is scared for his only child’s life. As she flickers in and out of consciousness, he agrees to the alliance and Shuri helps get them both to water. Back in Talokan, Namor watches over and reconciles with his beloved child as they both recover from their battle injuries.
3. Tangled/Rapunzel AU: Reader grows up on the surface, raised as human all her life. She’s had a hard existence because she was born with pointed ears and got bullied and harassed because of it. She wears beanies and hoods all the time to hide them. Weirdly her family forbids her from swimming or going near large bodies of water - even to the point of having lived in landlocked areas most of her life. During a certain time of year, around her birthday, the waves and current seem more volatile and violent, the wrath of the sea unrelenting - causing many disappearances and deaths at sea. Sometimes the bodies are never found. As dumb, thrill-seeking, rebellious teens/young adults often do, she and her small group of friends go against her family’s orders and sneak out for night surfing/swimming. Things go to hell when weird white feathers start sprouting from her ankles and she wipes out on the waves, only for a man to start talking to her in a language she doesn’t understand. She realizes she can breathe and hear underwater. Wait, what? What the hell?
The strange man tells her not to worry about the feathers; she’s just a late bloomer. What does that even mean??? She’s freaked. Nope. This isn’t happening. No. This is too weird. She’s concussed. The waves must’ve hit her head too hard and she’s hallucinating. Or maybe she hit her head on the surfboard? Things go from bad to worse when the strange man with features like hers claims to be her father. He’s scoured the sky and sea for her all these years, and now it’s time for her to come home. She’s the long lost Princess, the King’s only child, kidnapped from Talokan as a baby. And the feathered serpent god wants his revenge on the surface dwellers who stole his sweet baby girl all those years ago. He wants his daughter back. And he won’t let anything or anyone stand in his way of taking her home or carrying out his vengeance. She’s coming back with him to Talokan, whether she likes it or not.
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4. Reader has a hard time adjusting to being the future queen of Talokan. The many history, etiquette and language lessons, exhaustive combat training, and culture shock of having to rule over a whole kingdom of underwater people that she may not have known existed until recently and keep them safe and happy is a lot on her shoulders. Homesickness may kick in as she feels the stares or hears the whispers of gossip from passerby about doubts of her being a good queen since she was born a surface dweller. Angsty as the wedding day approaches and reader is so stressed and gets pre marital jitters so bad she considers breaking off the engagement because she doesn’t think she’s worthy of being queen. But Namor shows her that she’s perfect for the title.
5. Andromeda myth AU where reader is chained to a large rock by the sea as a sacrifice to appease a sea monster. Namor is either the sea monster she’s sacrificed to or he’s Perseus and is the one who saves her. Or perhaps Namor is both her sea monster and her savior? Dark? Angsty? Fluffy? It’s up to you.
6. Namor isn’t new to being a king and leader. But he is new to being a father. Balancing both his roles has proven to be more challenging than he originally thought. Especially when his one and only heir is just a baby/toddler who gets scared/separation anxiety when he has to go away to attend to pressing matters too complicated for such a small child to understand. His little one cries up a storm that’s so loud he swears it shakes the palace walls. His child is inconsolable any time he must leave them. Namor has tried to comfort his baby by telling them he’ll be back soon, only for their crying to start up again when he tried to hand them off to another Talokanil. He feels so guilty about leaving his child so often that he’s started bringing them with him whenever he can (only if he deems it safe enough, of course). He sits them on his lap/knee or cradles them in a sling he drapes across his shoulder and torso, made of only the finest fabrics. Holding them close while he’s on his throne or in a meeting, using one of his arms to play with his baby and keep them entertained/distracted with a toy (It’s his heir; he doesn’t want them to cry again and it’s good for them to listen in on Royal affairs sometimes since they’ll inherit the throne one day.)
However, someone isn’t very pleased at seeing Namor with a baby on his lap and has the nerve to voice it out loud. “K'uk'ulkan, we must— Is that your child??” And when Namor is about to introduce the little Prince/Princess, this person digs the hole deeper and says something along the lines of, “Remember your place, K’uk’ulkan. You’re a king first and a father second.” And hoooooo boy Namor is not having that. How very dare this person not only have the audacity to tell him to remember his place while forgetting their own, but how to raise his child? Incensed feathered serpent god, protective loving father.
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here are a bunch of different headcanons for each of the firsts and then some extra people because i feel like it and i want to post more 😌:
what’s something surprising that sephiroth does that others may not expect?: sephiroth can get embarrassed very easily. he can actually be quite insecure. however, he can hide it really well behind his cold and numb expressions and voice. plus, he’s too embarrassed to even admit that he’s embarrassed about something. one time, in an interview, he spaced out for a second and accidentally “admitted” to the entire country that he does professional photo shoots with his hair. i mean, he does anyways. not professionally, but still. everyone laughed it off, including him, but afterward he spent an hour or two just going uugghhHHHHH into his pillow.
what is genesis’s bad habit?: genesis picks at his nails a lot. whether it’s biting, picking the skin off around his cuticles, or ripping the excess nail off, he does it very often and it grosses angeal and tseng out. genesis has been doing it ever since he was a child though. at first he started doing it because he’s a very obvious perfectionist and he wanted his hands to look perfect, but now it’s just sort of a nervous reflex. you wouldn’t expect it because he’s so clean and neat, but it’s a very big reason that he has to wear gloves. he’s very insecure about his habit and how his hands look so he wears the gloves (also because they’re warm and he thinks they look badass), but he can’t stop.
what is enough to bring angeal to tears?: bittersweet endings, especially related to family. holy shit, angeal sobbed when he watched Coco for the first time and miguel sang to mama coco and she was forgetting her dad. that got him D E E P in the feels. it doesn’t get him as badly as bittersweet family endings, but also animals. animals dying or sacrificing themselves gets him bad too. he had a dog growing up, but because they were too poor at the time, he had to give the dog up. ever since then, animals have always got him.
does zack swear?: the short answer is yes, zack does indeed swear. he wasn’t allowed to at home because his mother and father didn’t want him to and would wash his mouth out with hot sauce if he ever cursed, so he was a little hesitant to cuss when he entered SOLDIER. one time, he bumped his arm on the edge of a chair during infantry and he said, get this, “aw shit” (whatttt???), and got so nervous when he realized what he did, but literally nobody around him cared lol. in fact, some of his buddies in infantry actually cheered when he did because they were so proud of him for letting the word “shit” come out of his mouth because he refused to say a curse word. now he swears, but not super often. it’s more just habit that he doesn’t, but he’s not afraid to swear now. except when he’s around genesis, of all people. genesis doesn’t like zack swearing and will hit him with a book if he does (not loveless though, it’s too precious to hit zack). the best part about it is that genesis swears too, he just trolls zack.
what is something small that aerith enjoys?: painting! aerith loves to paint. think of rapunzel from Tangled and you get the idea. every single wall of her room is covered ceiling to floor with paint, and she wants to paint the ceiling but it makes her a little dizzy to look up on a ladder for that long. she collects little rocks from the creek right by her house and paints them. she has a little collection and keeps them in a special chest, which she also painted lol. not only does she love to make art on surfaces like wood and stone, but she also paints clothes. she’ll sketch out a pattern on pieces of cloth and then paint on it with fabric paint so her mother can sew it into clothes, blankets, pillowcases, etc. it’s an effective pastime for her.
what is cloud’s morning schedule?: to put it simply, he doesn’t have one. but, if he does, the only constant is copious amounts of coffee. It really just depends on the day for cloud. sometimes he’s up at 6 in the morning. sometimes it’s 2 pm. whatever time he wakes up though, it wasn’t enough sleep. as you’d assume, he is very grumpy whenever he does end up waking up, and he brews at least 2 or 3 cups of coffee each time. and downs all of it. each. time. which may not sound very impressive to you, because i’m sure you may consume extensive amounts of caffeine, until you realize that that is cloud’s starting amount. he has roughly 2 1/2 cups about every 3 hours. and goes to bed at 12 am. so we’re talking roughly 13 cups of coffee per day. I have zero idea how he’s still alive. he just shrugged and said “how else am i supposed to stay awake?”. this man istg.
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