#and orokin vaults
kaiserouo · 2 months
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why is a historian tankier than rhino
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
Mmmmm reaching the point in wf where I know I need to do certain things before I continue the story or I'm gonna have a bad time but there's not really a good guide in game on What to do because the game is designed around dedicated players who already have everything they need for when the update drops
And thus I'm experiencing a burnout not because I'm not having fun but because having more fun requires pausing my entire experience to go and find every little thing I need to be acceptably stronger and spend like...several days of game time grinding for it
#girlbob.txt#'the grind is the game yada yada whatever'#warframe#from reading around i know that while new war is. fairly new player accessible once you get the fucking necramech#angels of zariman is Not#or at least that's the general vibe#tldr i need to at least get corrupted mods and arcanes for that and while i know how to get them nothing about the particular grinds sounds#fun#eidolons are cool but intimidating to try and solo and i don't wanna fuck up in a group#and orokin vaults....#nah. just#play the game but with a detriment that will make it frustrating for mods that make builds way more complicated to make#but are necessary for improvement#and to be a bitch#'this improves x stat but at the detriment of y stat' is such an awful way to make builds more interesting imo#at least the set mods tried to give additional variance#success may vary but ya know#the real root of the issue is it just feels so tedious to me?#idk like when the gameplay is fun and good i'm happy but a lot of grinding comes down to repeating content that gets kind of samey#for minor stat boosts#and grinding gacha boxes to either make money to buy what you really want or for a chance to get what you want#and make an organized group for best results and that's hard#anyway at some point i need to get a madurai lens but the bitch doesn't wanna drop for me#and i need to do eidolons for everything they drop#and orokin vaults#and and and and and#all these Giant endgame grinds that aren't endgame anymore but the solution becomes grind it or buy it from someone
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agoddamn · 6 months
Tales of Duviri is a storybook written by Euleria Entrati for the purpose of teaching children how to handle the manic flood of emotion that comes with Void exposure.
I pose a question: why does Euleria feel so strongly about this?
Her interactions with her own children are... let's call them wanting, and dialog implies that the negative aspects of their relationship--her denigrating, controlling nature, the distrust, etc--did not begin only after the Infestation brainrot set in.
We also know that she holds her father in extremely high esteem, but Albrecht did not think much of Tales of Duviri (see: him talking about his previous disdain for it in his own Duviri notes). Euleria put resources into writing Tales of Duviri instead of more traditional science, and Albrecht did not think much of it.
So why did Euleria write Tales of Duviri?
Let's rewind a step. Void exposure-induced mania, the whole thing Tales of Duviri is written to help manage.
How was that discovered and studied? It clearly was studied, enough to be a recognized condition and for the Orokin to build the iso vaults and for Euleria to write Tales of Duviri. But who would they have observed this mania in if Void research was an abandoned dead-end line of study?
Perhaps...the man obsessed with the Void who'd survived an unshielded Void dive?
Euleria had patient zero of Void mania sitting at her dinner table. Albrecht is the character who's undoubtedly had the most Void exposure.
Albrecht himself must have exhibited the Void mania and mood swings that Tales of Duviri exists to teach caution of.
And that's why Euleria wrote it; she had this gyroscope of a mood swing at home. She admired Albrecht too much to consciously deride his lack of control as irresponsible and so she channeled her energy into writing Tales of Duviri instead.
The emotion spirals of Duviri are loosely based off of what Euleria witnessed in the Entrati household and particularly Albrecht himself.
I don't believe that any courtier is a 1:1 translation of a member of the Entrati household, but more that their toxic interactions and dramatic heights reflected things that Euleria herself saw--or lived.
This reading of the Duviri characters and story--that they mean things to Euleria specifically--gives us a fun new lens to look at all of the chapters with.
For example, Mathila.
"Two children, and no memory of her husband. Poor Mathila."
Two children like Euleria herself, eh?
Mathila loved her husband. He also textually does not exist. He's not on the screen or in the text. He is a memory, and one that Mathila herself cannot even remember. There is no portrayal of their love.
Pivot to a writer's perspective. You need to write a loving relationship. You look to real life for inspiration, right? If you're a married woman needing to write a married woman in love, you naturally look to your own relationship.
And if you can't find anything to base that love off of? Well...move that character offscreen. Just tell about the loving relationship, don't show. Actually, do you even have anything to tell about? Well. Move the entire loving relationship offscreen, then. She's got amnesia. Nobody needs to talk about the love to sell it or make it feel real now. The narrator can simply mention it as a fact and it need not be challenged. Euleria doesn't have to imagine a loving family life between a husband and wife and their two children and question why that's hard for her. There. Problem fucking solved.
Another parallel that fairly started screaming at me once I started considering that the Duviri courtiers had meaning to Euleria specifically: Luscinia.
"I was created to be Sorrow, written into being, to serve as a lesson... can that change?"
Luscinia knows that she is a tool. As much as she dreams of being more, she knows very well that she is a tool--both a literal narrative element to teach a lesson and within the story itself Thrax's servant (his personal songbird).
Is there anyone in Euleria's life who might have some angst over their position as a tool? A servant who wants to escape the limited definitions of their role?
And so... here I am, back to my old role. The diligent servant. Albrecht would have smiled at that, I think.
Loid. It's Loid.
Luscinia: "This structure and I share much. Both of us once useful, both of us discarded, both of us now derelict. Both forgotten." Loid: "How might this relic make himself useful today?"
Both Luscinia and Loid are also capable of surprising amounts of ruthless violence. Luscinia has no hesitation telling you to kill the Dax or otherwise wreak vengeance on her jailers. Loid's Necramech lines feature him ranging from being excited for ensuing violence to coldly promising the Murmur regret.
The Duviri Tales were a subconscious form of therapy for Euleria herself as well, allowing her to write a story where emotional explosions were a problem that must be addressed rather than a social struggle to be suffered through at the whims of the more powerful.
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warframestuff · 9 months
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Happy New Year, Tenno!
Now that you’re relaxed and refreshed from the holidays, you’re invited to dive back into the Origin System and try your hand at a new series of Alerts running throughout the month of January.
Each weekend for the next five weeks, a new Alert will appear offering Corrupted Mods, Credits and more! Check out the full schedule below:
January 5 at 11 a.m. ET - January 8 at 11 a.m. ET Taranis - Defense (10 Rounds) Enemy Level: 10 - 15 Rewards: Fleeting Expertise + 30,000 Credits
January 12 at 11 a.m. ET - January 15 at 11 a.m. ET Tiwaz - Mobile Defense Enemy Level: 20 - 25 Rewards: Blind Rage + 30K Credits
January 19 at 11 a.m. ET - January 22 at 11 a.m. ET Ani - Survival (10 Minutes) Enemy Level: 20 - 25 Rewards: Narrow Minded + 30K Credits
January 26 at 11 a.m. ET - January 29 at 11 a.m. ET Ukko - Capture Enemy Level: 30 - 35 Rewards: Overextended + 30K Credits
February 2 at 11 a.m. ET - February 5 at 11 a.m. ET Oxomoco - Exterminate (high enemy count) Enemy Level: 30 - 35 Rewards: Transient Fortitude + Stratos Emblem
Remember, Tenno: Corrupted Mods are rare and only available by unlocking Orokin Vaults on Deimos. This is a great (and convenient) way to power up your Arsenal as we look forward to 2024 and a brand new year for Warframe!
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vervainvoyage · 4 days
MR5, woot woot! THAT test was the hardest of them all- they wanted me to hack 6 things in a row. Never ask me to do this again. PLEASE.
I'm done with farming for now and getting back to quests, and I have a weird feeling that I got spoiled with some info too soon by doing the Heart of Deimos mission and
being told that apparently, those huge people made me? cool. Nice to know. I like the look of their old buildings, very gold and white, so I can vibe with that. OH and it suddenly makes sense why the extraction points in Orokin ruins look so conveniently designed- because they were designed to be landing points for Frame aircraft. Neat.
Me and Daughter are really vibing, mostly because I applaud her choice of blasting a boyband at full volume on a moon entirely taken over by eldritch mutated meat growth. The horrors persists but we stay silly.
Despite having now... 20 hours in the game, wow, I still run face-first into walls and fall off the map. I applaud Lotus for still wanting me on any missions despite that, though considering how often she tells me to "Focus, Tenno" she might have figured out I just have ADHD and usually forget to put on glasses. She scares me with some of her warnings though- when raiding Vaults, she sometimes says "something's wrong" and DOESN'T ELABORATE. MA'AM. PLEASE. DETAILS.
Also it took my bro a few tries to hammer it into my head that during the drilling missions, when Lotus tells me "The scanner has picked up a target. Go to the dig site" I'm supposed to STAY exactly where I was. Lotus please WHY are you telling me to go somewhere else and then nag me about my excavator getting destroyed 😭 I'm just a little gal, I can't receive this many orders at once, you already know I woke up from the coma a bit uh... uncalibrated.
Anyway, I just finished Stolen Dreams and... well that was a plot hook if I've ever seen one. I am more confused than before that mission. The Codices sound like a random MacGuffin, but I must assume they will show up later and this was just a set up that they even exist. The message though? About "the womb of the sky" being empty? Yeesh thanks ominous machine. Good to know. I'll just. I'll just leave you to it, thanks.
So. It's fun playing a warmachine that goes through enemies like a lightsaber through butter, even if I'm clearly one that lost some vital brain matter during the coma.
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cardinalgoldenbrow · 5 months
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Plotbunny: Protea Prime gets cracked out of her Orokin Vault by a horde of Tenno and quickly learns that Parvos Granum, who she looked up to as a father, is *actually* a scumbag loan shark and cult leader spreading "Tenets" taught to him in the same Voidtongue that corrupted and killed her fellow warframe Dante. How can she fix this? With some quality Daddy-Daughter time spent with the most unsentimental man in the system, of course!
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silverchronicler · 8 months
Prime Report for January 2024
Hello, good fellows. Maybe at this point I should just wait until after the devstream, but I refuse. Let's predict what the future holds.
Prime Access
Gauss Prime has taken over Prime Access with Acceltra Prime and Akarius Prime, and there he should stay until April. Garuda Prime's relics are now in the vault, and Khora Prime (and Hystrix and the Dual Keres Prime with her) will be next up in April when Gauss leaves.
So, who will take over when Gauss leaves in April? As of today, we don't yet know. Will they be likely to tell us who it will be in friday's devstream? Almost certainly! But they may wait a while. So let's see who it SHOULD be.
With the pairing of Grendel and Gauss Prime, the male-male rotation is finished, meaning that next rotation should be female-female. But, the next batch of warframes will likely have a fun shake up.
After Gauss and Grendel, the release order of warframes goes:
Protea Xaku Lavos Sevagoth Yareli
While Xaku is nonbinary, they fill the second slot in the female release rotation, and likely will in the Prime rotation as well, with two male frames between them and Yareli. (Also, it would be QUITE a shake up for Yareli to jump the queue, and would mess up the timing quite a bit for future expected Primes as well.) But, Xaku can fill whatever slot they like.
Most likely we will be getting Protea first and Xaku after, unless the team decides they'd like to tackle the skeleton first. I find this unlikely, and people have been wondering how they'd go about Xaku Prime for a while, so Protea as our next Prime would make plenty of sense.
When we do see Xaku Prime though, they will give us an interesting look into how the lore may adapt for future Warframes of strange origin as well. Does Caliban, a warframe created seemingly by the sentients, have a Prime? Or was he created by the orokin and simply inspired by the sentients, and it wasn't clear before? Who knows! It may also allow us to eventually get prime trailers with voice overs by characters other than Ballas, which would be very fun. Maybe we will get Mother or Grandmother to tell us about Xaku Prime? The possibilities are endless and I will warmly welcome our new skeleton overlord.
Then, after Protea and Xaku figure out their order, they will be followed by Lavos and Sevagoth. Protea and Xaku should be released in spring and summer this year, with Lavos and Sevagoth taking the slots for autumn and winter of this year/early next year.
And then, if all goes well, next spring should bring Yareli Prime (to be followed shortly by Gyre Prime).
Obviously these warframes should all be accompanied by their signature weapons, but what other weapons do you think they'll have? What do you WANT them to have? What weapons will we never get primes of no matter how much we beg?? Some of these questions may never be answered (unless you want to).
Prime Resurgence
This week as part of the Prime Resurgence event, Varzia is selling Saryn, Valkyr, Atlas, and Vauban Prime and their associated weapons (Cernos, Venka, Spira, Nikana, Tekko, Fragor, and Akstiletto Prime). They will be in for another week until Feb 1st.
Starting Feb 1st and going until Feb 15th, all the Prime Warframes that showed up during the event will return, plus Rhino and Nyx Prime. This means that all of Mesa, Hydroid, Ivara, Oberon, Volt, Loki, Nova, Trinity, Saryn, Valkyr, Atlas, Vauban, Rhino, and Nyx Prime and their associated weapons will be in Varzia's shop for two weeks. At the moment it isn't clear what we will be getting after that, starting Feb 15th. Hopefully the devstream will give us some hints.
(Titania Prime would be a good answer I think.)
In the mean time, don't forget: January Devstream on Friday, Jan 26th at 2 pm ET! Twitch drop will be an Umbra Forma Blueprint, so make sure to tune in for the first Devstream of the year!
Any predictions for what topics we might get news about, other than the time traveling elephant in the room? Echoes of the walls??? Void Angels 3: The Revengening? Is the Krios Signa soon to be lost to time???? Feel free to tell me your thoughts.
See you on Friday!
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rainofchains · 6 months
✤ and the they. pleathe
A romantic memory.
"...I was made to hurt people, Florix."
They huddle there, in the dark. Holding each other. The Highwayman wraps his frame around Florix like a catgut string, holding them together, a precious bundle. They're both so thin, it's hard to keep each other warm, but he has muscle over his bones, so he coils tightly around his friend. Florix had whispered to him, just then, that he loved him. The Highwayman, who hadn't heard such a thing in a very long time, was stunned into sputtering. "And there's someone I don't want to hurt. More than anything."
He speaks into the top of Florix's head, muffled by his hair. He smells nice.
"You. I love you."
Florix was made to be his prey.
His spidery fingers close tightly around his arms as he pulls him closer in their embrace. It's the night cycle in Florix's dorm bloc, and they're in his room, huddled in the dark, curled furtively in only half of Florix's bed. So close are they, that they become small, in this big metal box, floating in all the everything out there.
Florix was born to be consumed by him.
He remembers the shock going up his arm every time he put his blade into Corpus standard issue uniforms. They were usually difficult to pierce, but easy to cut. They offer little resistance to the practiced arm. One slice is usually enough to reach bone, where his blade used to stop firmly. Now, with the strength he has, the sharpness of his blade, he can carve through suit, skin, muscle, fat and bone in one swift slice. Push in, cut forward, pull out. The blade jitters a little when it hits the mineralized outer layer of the bone, but once it slides into the marrow, and the fatty smell reaches his spiracles, it's easy.
In the warmth of Florix's embrace, it's easy to imagine the splash of blood on his exoskeleton. It goes from a splash to a flood. Earlier that day cycle, they had raided a Corpus column to extract a database of Orokin void gate locations. The mission was to copy and destroy the data, setting back years of research. The Corpus could not be allowed to breach the void any further than they already had. When he accessed the console in the data vault, he briefly noticed how bloody he was getting the keys. Idly, he had licked the blood off his claws with the thin proboscis that could slip through the staples on his maw.
Harrow sits there on the floor, next to them, mostly inert but still awake.
He still has blood on him.
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alteredsilicone · 8 months
Idk if i asked this before, but what is Viris dynamic with the surface level Entrati family and does she have any specific opionions on the different members? Does her discovery of the Sanctum Anatomica labs change her opinion/dynamics with any of them? Also, does she have any relations to Nef Anyo and Grandmother's little scuffle or Granum's interest in Entrati research?
You haven't! At least I know I had yet to put my thoughts about this in text.
The Perrin Sequence have a diplomatic partnership with the Entratis - similarly to Corpus researchers, Perrin researchers are allowed to go on expeditions on Deimos, collect samples and other data, on the condition that any Entrati property is returned to the Necralisk. Viri serves as one of many Tenno ambassadors, so in the case the Entratis need someone who is infestation-proof, she is ordered to help them out. That's how she occasionally is allowed into the Isolation Vaults (which are off-limits for regular people).
Viri has a mostly neutral relationship with the Entratis, but she would get on the best with the children, Kaelli and Kermerros, on account of them all being interested in zoology, conservation and such things.
The existence of the Sanctum does not really change much - Viri swore to Loid that she would not tell a single soul about the secret labs, so that's that. Though, exploring the labs and putting together Albrecht's personal notes made Viri realize the parallels between him and Euleria and her and her own father, so in some ways she sympathizes with Gomaitru's/Euleria's plight regarding her father's research and memory.
Since Nef is a permanent mark in Viri's dossier, she observed his dealings with Grandmother from afar, but as it ended without violence or disaster, she did not have to intervene. Viri is glad the Ventkids are now under a better "Master".
Granum's interest in the Entrati mirrors any Corpus' desire for Orokin artifacts. Ergo Glast is not particularly interested in Albrecht's secrets - after Frohd stole his Animo and repurposed it into a war machine, Ergo swore off anything Orokin-like. The last thing he wants is to dabble into the Void - the power of the Tenno is enough proof of its dangers, that and accounts of Acute Void Exposure from those that returned from the now emerged Zariman.
Thus, the Perrin are more interested in diplomacy and being on the Entrati's good side.
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grineerios · 9 months
(Temporary) Character Masterlist
Operator Kaine- Hot-headed and impulsive, Kaine was a Yuvan before becoming a Tenno. Hates amps, and typically rejects Tenno culture. Embraces the Void and all its horrors. Doesn't get along with his Drifter counterpart, Callan. Madurai.
Operator Rufus- Fearful and naïve, Rufus awoke from the Second Dream under unusual circumstances. He lacks a connection to the Tenno, and his Gauss is his closest friend. Vazarin.
Drifter Callan- A stubborn, anxious man. Callan is avoidant of his own problems, but will face others' head-on. Took on the role of a Tammherd while in Duviri. Sees himself as a guardian to his Operator counterpart, Kaine, but struggles with having a good relationship with him. Deals with chronic pain as the result of a run-in with a Void Angel. Strongly dislikes transference. Naramon.
Kaine's Volt- Standard Volt, sole warframe of Kaine's. He tends to work as a counterbalance to Kaine's impulsivity and powerful emotions. Doesn't remember much from before the Old War. Full of personality, but lacks independence from Kaine.
Callan's Oberon- Standard Oberon, helps Callan manage his void injury. Independent, but hollow. Met Callan during the New War after his Operator was killed.
Rufus' Gauss- Standard Gauss. An infestation scientist who formerly worked for Archemedian Silvana before becoming a warframe voluntarily. Rufus' caretaker. Fully independent and sapient. Spiteful towards Cephalon Anum for blackmailing her throughout the course of the Old War.
Radio (Octavia)- Octavia Prime. A chipper and energetic warframe safeguarding a Tenno who hasn't awoken from the Second Dream. She and her Tenno are somewhat co-conscious.
Sibir (Sevagoth)- Standard Sevagoth. A Tennoless warframe found deep under the surface of Deimos in a locked Isolation Vault. Seems to have a burning hatred for all things Entrati.
Crux- Wannabe treasure hunter and archaeologist. Fascinated by Orokin treasures and junk. Defacto leader of a small group of Solaris ice miners in Neptune Proxima. Has an Eximus Shockwave MOA leg for an arm. Has a pet Kubrow pup named Auron.
Febe- Originally a Fortuna Solaris. A mother. Trying to pay off debt so her kids- wherever they are- don't have to carry that weight in their lifetimes. After a work accident, couldn't afford to get an arm replaced, so Crux shifted her to working in analytics, data, and shipping. Firm, but incredibly loving.
Lanthan- Crux's second-in-command for negotiations. Grounded and patient. They're insistent about hearing both sides of an argument. A skilled artist in their spare time. Has feelings for Copernius.
Copernius- A disgraced former Corpus Crewman, he became a Solaris as a form of punishment after his squadron failed to repel a Tenno attack. With a new name, and a (somewhat) new body, he seeks penance through his work. He's solitary, and doesn't get along with the other Solaris, or the Corpus, making him quite the outsider.
Cabu Fakk- Steel Meridian Defender, spiteful and aloof. Has so many problems, and takes a lot of time off because of it. Has a love-hate relationship with other Grineer, and her faction as a result. Ship's on-board Komi champion. Has a begrudging respect for Kaine and zero for Callan. Incredibly gay. Close to Maroo.
Log-Rec Avarke- Cephalon Suda Gunner. Oblivious and naive, but true to herself. Aromantic, in a relationship with Cabu. Not super interested in Railjacks, but knows lots of niche facts about aspects of it, and will tell you about them.
Gallo Hirtu- Perrin Sequence back-up Pilot. Autistic as all hell, special interest is coins and, to a lesser degree, metal. Obsessed with the history of the Corpus. Will infodump on helm to Cabu and Avarke. Avarke appreciates it, Cabu does not. Has a one-sided crush on Callan, but has complicated feelings about it as he sees Kaine like a little brother.
Rex Sonokiza- Hexis Defender. A nigh-elderly Arbiter who chose to pursue Railjack work instead of retirement. Seeking fulfilment in life by helping others. Distant from the other members of the crew.
Cephalon Anum- Gauss' Cephalon. Spiteful towards her for blackmailing them for centuries. Sarcastic, but genuinely cares for Rufus, even if they're resentful towards his warframe.
Velondis Hotarbu- Converted Kuva Lich. A doting aunt figure to Operator Kaine.
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kindcore · 9 months
guys im a fuckign shell of myself. i need to farm orokin derelict vaults.
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(@riftwalker-limbro here hi hello!!)
you recently mentioned that in your world, the forge cannot be used to create warframes. apart from the fact that this idea has now also taken root quite stubbornly in my own head, i'm wondering - the original warframes were originally created through Severe Human Rights Violations, right. is this still possible in current times? (could we like. bring the helminth a corpus and. yknow) or not at all anymore due to some Lost Arts type deal? what are the Conditions? (you mentioned warframes were unique, too - you can't just bring the helminth a um. Suitable Host & tell it 'excalibur pls'?)
I love the polite anoning like I don't know what your main is :D Hi!
I'm gonna answer this in reverse bc it sits better with my logic somehow, here we go! Many many words up ahead
Yeah, there is no Excalibur Button. Or recipe. Or anything. Well, there kind of is, there is a list of parametres, from the host's genome, to drugs used to "prepare" the host, to environmental factors, and a million other things, but that'll only give you something…Excalibur-esque. Maybe you get an Excal wearing the proto skin. Maybe you get an Excal with abilities that work differently. All this is simplifying it A Lot but the gist is that no two frames are the same bc no two hosts are the same
Just like how two humans can come down with the same sickness in the same place on the same day and have completely different sympthoms (ranging from "oh you have a headache but I don't!" through "chickenpox spots are in different places on everyone" and far beyond), the Helminth will not make the same exact thing twice (neither will the infestation as a whole technically. Ignore the million copy pasted enemies as a game mechanic)
(And hey, maybe with time, they could've gotten it down to an art, to produce an army of Almost Perfectly The Same Excaliburs. But warframes proved to be ridiculously powerful, entire squadrons in one human-shaped body, so exploring options and building a varied arsenal proved to be a more efficient use of resources than copy-pasting one design that happened to work out. Plus the orokin were self-obsessed dipshits, they all wanted to be the one to come up with and/or sponsor and/or command The Best Warframe Design)
But of course there's a lot that can be controlled, and the Orokin figured out a fair bit of it! Warframe creation isn't just random, there is a lot of specific engineering and carefully tuned variables behind the whole thing. When i said that it was Vilcor's project that he made a frame with no energy troubles and elemental powers, I meant it - that was a design, which was then executed. But if he tried the same exact formula on a different host, the result wouldn't have been the exact same, even if it probably would've also hit the "no energy issues" and "elements" checkboxes
The "Art" of making warframes isn't all that lost tbh. It's still out there, a large part of it anyway. An absolute fuckton of data. A bunch more could probably be reverse engineered and extrapolated from existing warframes
But the Helminths that still exist are guarded by their tenno and frames, and a lot of the orokin knowledge on the topic is scattered across derelicts and places like the iso vaults. But technically, someone with enough dedication to hunt those fragments down (or enough money to make other ppl dedicated enough for that) (looking at Alad V and his dozen pet projects here) and access to a Helminth could technically create something that might be called a warframe*
(Now other technology that can interface with somatics and transference without being made of HR Violation Brand Meat is a whole other topic entirely!)
The way this connects with primes is a bit of everywhere? Since some primes were made as primes, some got upgraded into being primes, and some kinda just…evolved on their own. Making a prime frame or priming a frame tho is just another whole bunch of extra paramentres and resources and Hoping It Works (don't tell the orokin that last bit, they probably glassed ppl for it). In either case the "base" frame is considered a prototype of sorts, with its specs being matched as closely as possible in order to create something very similar, just this time with bits of gold on it
*There is a semantic issue here about whether a "warframe" is exclusively an Old War person-weapon of orokin construction or if a new one would still count, but eh, as i said, semantics
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girlbob-boypants · 1 year
I have run like...at least 10 orokin vaults and not gotten a single corrupted mod people actually use alsdkfj
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pettydavis · 6 months
it's crazy that corrupted mods are STILL locked behind orokin vaults and their droprates are allegedly all the same but i have a stack of triple digit transient fortitude and barely anything else. i loooooooooove "rng"
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pristine-starlight · 2 years
worst roll of Nora weeklies yet
I can do maybe one and that I don’t wanna bc I don’t at all enjoy the open world bounties and five of them is a lot to suffer through
Maybe at some point I can snag a squad for the 30min survival at a managable level if I’m lucky, but damn
I feel like there wasn’t a spread this incompatible with me even when i was just running in circles on Earth
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thedailyspuf · 4 years
Soloing Orokin Vaults
Orokin Vaults are an old, old part of Warframe. They’re the only place to get Corrupted Mods, which have both a negative and a positive. However, these vaults aren’t just old, they’re archaic as well. And it was only with the appearance of Deimos that they became far more accessible. What’s more important though is that these Orokin Vaults are easier to solo than ever. You don’t actually need to…
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