#and oooooo boy silver!
sortanonymous · 5 months
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Sorta Angry Comics #2 - "Group Trauma-Dump (and Friendship Time! :D)"
Alternate Title - "Angsty Birds"
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angelicbite · 3 months
Mascs in those silver chains oooooo boy
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little-lazuli · 4 months
@going-back-to-505-artic-monkeys oooooo okie dokie, imma try and do this question by question and not overwhelm you, thank you for such wonderful questions 🥹🤗
Who and who is together in ur au? I already know abt daphne and Ron, but who else?
Daphne/Ron, Fred/Hermione, maybe an eventual Neville/Pansy
Is he friends with Harry? Is Ron friends with Hermione, or Neville? Maybe a side charecter?
Short answer: his main friends, the silver quartet include himself, Daphne, Theodore and Tracey and is he friends with the others? I guess
Long answer: It’s complicated. There were many factors that occurred to cause Ron’s relationship with the Golden Trio (Harry, Hermione & Neville) to go up and down and up again and back down etc etc.
For a solid breakdown of the relationship status of Ron and the trio as a whole throughout their time in school and eventually growing up started off as acquaintances to friends to enemies to friends to enemies to enemies who are stuck working together to friends to enemies and to allies to mutuals to in-laws to friends/family
And is he close to his family, after the war, after he gets the dark mark? Do they make up?
Oh yes! My work titled “Verdict” was just a glimpse of the repairs both Ronaphne and the rest of the Weasley clan put into making their relationship work again after the war. Also my first 100 headcanons and second 100 headcanons slightly delved into a bit further into the future of of Ron, Daphne and the Weasleys
And how did everyone react to Ron getting sorted in slytherin, were they angry?
Percy was the first to accept it, the twins were miffed at first but accepted that he was sorted there but the two HATED everything Slytherin around Ron which is where most of their anger and fights come about, the twins would say or do something stupid to Ron’s friends (Daphne, Tracey and Theo), Ron would defend them and this would cause them to fight. Ginny was the exact same way. Arthur was slightly disappointed but not so much considering his own mother Cedrella was a Slytherin and so he eventually got over it or so we think whilst Molly’s reaction was the hardest for Ron to internalize:
“Dear Ronald,
I hope all is well and that you are safe throughout your time in school. I apologize for the late response, but I needed some time to recuperate from the news of your sorting. Slytherin. My son, alone in the house of snakes. I will not lie to you and say that I am proud of your sorting. I am not. I am afraid. I am frustrated. I am lost. Are you well there? Are you being bullied? Why did the sorting hat believe you belonged there? What morals did the hat say you have? Did I fail you as a mother? Did me and your father falter in our love for you? I just don’t understand how this is possible, Ronald. Please know that me and your father do still love you with all our hearts, but understand that we are going to talk about this in depth the next time we meet.
Your mother, Molly Weasley”
Is Ron close to Sirius?
No, Sirius after being freed was reluctant to let the Weasleys hide at 12 Grimmauld Place partly because of Ron’s placement into Slytherin, it was here Arthur and Molly would tear into Sirius and lowkey turn to Harry to promise him the Ron was a good boy and not evil, Dumbledore and Harry would be alright but overall Sirius held somewhat a side eye and indifference like opinion of Ron
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pure-vanilla-lilies · 3 months
imagine SilverChoco (silver lavender and choco lamb) meeting each other's parents
silver lavender meeting with choco lamb's mom and dad: Lamb cookie would adore silver lavender and already imagine him as her son-in-law and upon finding out how tenderly he treats her daughter, she whispers choco lamb that she must keep him cuz this boy is real treasure choco brute (aka Schwarzwälder) would be that type of dad that firstly doesn't trust his kid's lover, but with time he get along with his kid's partner
and how would millenial tree and elder faerie react to choco lamb, especieally the fact that her mom is a cult leader, that gone through hell and somehow achieved peaceful life?
bonus headcanon: if lamb cookie ever met elder faerie, lamb cookie would definatelly tease elder faerie with the fact that she treats silver lavender "way more better than him", like Alastor teased Lucifer by telling that Alastor more better dad for Charlie than Luci in "dad beat dad"
Oooooo yes!
Millennial Tree and Elder Faerie would be suspicious at first. But if Choco Lamb makes Sliver Lavender happy. Then it makes them happy. (Just hope she don’t mention anything about his older sister :3)
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This is going to be a bit about Bill too because they are very connected but I promise the main point here is Kris’s tragedy.
OK so. I’ve mentioned before that there’s a timeline 0 and that consists of RGBY and GSC. And the world was so unstable and on the verge of collapsing in on itself by the end of that timeline that Arceus had to essentially reset the timeline and basically create patches so that it couldn’t happen again.
But the problem is that the work was very shoddy, and various fragments of the old world continue to haunt the new one, with only two people even remembering that there was an old timeline. One of these ghosts was Kris Kawamoto, and the only two people who remember the old timeline is her, and her uncle Bill Sonezaki, the man who destabilized an already unstable world.
But what HAPPENED? You may ask.
See, Kris was a regular bright eyed trainer who was exploring Johto, trying to complete her pokedex. She had her childhood friend Ethan and a strange boy named Silver traveling with her off and on. She was a little feisty and hot tempered but she still had a good heart, love of adventure, and reckless courage.
But that reckless courage ultimately would get her killed in a freak accident involving her trying to register Lugia on a stormy night.
And her uncle, who loved her like a daughter, was DEVASTATED. So much so to the point where he he took to using his box system to try and preserve her soul and have some way to keep her around. Again, he loved her like a daughter he never had, and she meant a lot to him.
It’s a bit difficult to explain how the box system works in the first place but essentially, pokemon can be compressed into data and stored in computers. Only certain Pokémon can go through this method and still roam not just an individual’s PC box, but the entire web, one of these being porygon. And with porygon as the base of his design, he went to work trying to save his niece’s life in any way possible.
But, even with Celebi giving him its blessings, because Bill was using science to play god with his already very iffy design, the existing cracks in the universe began to show themselves more, and it started to collapse. Arceus steps in. The world gets reset.
All’s good right? The world gets reset, meaning nothing happened, even if Bill gets punished with the memories of the existing timeline, and all’s good right?
A little anomaly, a bug if you will, slipped by Arceus’s notice. It was just one soul after all, even a god would miss that among a sea of god knows who many.
And that anomaly was the soul of Kris, who managed to attach itself to the PC box system after all.
And so when the world gets reset, the box system is created, Kris wakes up with every memory of the existing timeline, including her final moments where she was killed by Lugia. But she isn’t able to roam the world with her own two feet, in fact she’s stuck in a network, stuck behind computer screen after computer screen. Viewing the outside world from other people’s desks.
She doesn’t even realize the world’s restarted, until she comes across a comes across a PC under the name that’s just like her last name, with an IP address that looks awfully familiar, and a desk that looks just like hers. In fact it is her desk. She would recognize her childhood cyndaquil plush anywhere, that picture of her parents on her wall anywhere.
But that’s not her on the other side of the computer screen, it’s a different girl. A girl she doesn’t recognize, but wears pigtails just like she does, and has parents who look just like and have the same exact names off. A girl by the name of Lyra.
She’s been replaced with a girl who’s nothing like her, while Kris is stuck watching her live a world behind a window.
And eventually she would meet Lyra for real and they would talk, getting to the point where Kris starts going along with her in Lyra’s pokewalker. But whenever Kris calls for her parents while Lyra steps away, they can’t understand her. They just hear beeping. Lyra has no clue who she is, or what she even is in this world. (It’s only until later that Kris breaks the news about it to her.)
And then Lyra starts going on a journey like she does, she goes with Ethan Hidaka who’s supposed to be HER friend, she meets Silver Watanabe who’s supposed to be HER rival with Ethan, she goes on a journey with a Cyndaquil just like hers and gets to go and complete the pokedex like Kris could never finish.
A porygon for a friend isn’t a replacement for an entire team of six that the girl in front of her has taken from her.
Sure Lyra takes her along, and for some odd reason Silver and Ethan can understand her through the weird tamagotchi thing and the PC whenever they’re in a pokemon center. So she acts like she’s friends with the other three. But she’s boiling with hatred for both Lyra and her uncle.
She’s stuck in a little computer watching a world where she should have had a place in while she watches a completely different girl in every way but place in the world, have the adventure she wasn’t able to finish.
She was supposed to be dead.
Instead she’s living through something that feels worse.
But she’s not even sure if she could consider it living.
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okayto · 1 year
What manga are you currently reading, or do you suggest? The author of Full Metal Alchemist has a new series called Daemons of the Shadow Realm that I got v1 of today.
She has a new series!? Oooooo, I've enjoyed two of her previous ones so I'll have to look that up, thank you!
Currently reading:
Mashle, whose basis is "what if Harry Potter, but One Punch Mob Psycho?" It's very silly and I'm enjoying it.
I Want to Be a Wall, which only has a couple volumes out so far. It's about a marriage between an aro/ace woman and a gay man, and is very sweet.
Usotoki Rhetoric, Showa era, 1926. Girl has the ability to hear lies, gets run out of town, ends up partnering with a detective. Smaller publisher (had to request library acquire), but is promising!
Just finished xxxHolic, which was disappointing! Gonna try out Tsubasa to see if it's any better, but xxxHolic was going well for a while and then just kinda collapses in the last few volumes (not much explanation, doesn't wrap up things from before).
Previously read (and did the check-out-a-dozen-volumes-at-a-time-from-the-library thing):
Silver Spoon. Also by the creator of Fullmetal Alchemist! City boy decides to go to a rural agricultural high school, hoping to find an easier way than his ultra-competitive city options to be the top of his class. It's a good plan! Except for all the farming, which he neglected to realize was a key part of the curriculum.
Barakamon. Talented pro calligrapher loses temper and punches a guy, is sent to rural island town as exile until things calm down. City boy is dragged kicking and screaming into local community. I loved this--I reviewed the anime a few years ago and it's good too, but doesn't cover the whole manga.
Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun. Humor series; stoic-looking high school boy is secretly a shoujo manga artist. Some of his classmates help. Everyone is odd. It's ongoing but I'm caught up, so when a new book is released I usually check out all the previous volumes again to reread.
Baby and Me. My secret quest to read series I starting 15+ years ago, this was one of the premier Shojo Beat titles in their magazine! (RIP monthly manga magazine, I loved you.) 10-year-old boy often takes care of his toddler brother because he dad works full time and mom recently died. Ranges between emotional and comedic and did make me cry a couple times.
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. Girl gets entangled with a ghost, and her high school the epicenter of a lot of supernatural weirdness. Ongoing; I usually wait a while and check it out in chunks when multiple new books have been released because some stories can last for multiple volumes. I watched the anime first a couple years ago and really enjoyed it.
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts. Picked up on a whim (the whim of "hey look, there's like a dozen sequential volumes sitting on the library shelf") so I wasn't expecting much, but I enjoyed it, and while it ended fine I think that even with its 15 volumes, it had room for a couple more because the focus on diplomacy between the various kingdoms and vassal states hadn't been exhausted.
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hoshi-y · 2 years
How Tsukasa became the Reader's bf please?
A Night To Remember
genre : Fluff
characters : Yugi Tsukasa
TW : None
A/N : HELLO I'm not gonna include Tsukasa's murderous, chaotic, and very loud nature in general, So that way some people wont think that Tsukasa just forced you into the relationship no, we need soft Tsu too 😞
I also name some of my one shots my song titles/chorus 😍
New banners people 😱
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I was scared that you wouldn't love me back..
Tsukasa was known for his outgoing and very cheerful nature
He wasn't too loud nor too rough on people
Its just, him
He didn't notice you at first cause of how extroverted he is
always having conversations with people left and right
And not to mention he was quite popular
both twins were popular, his older brother was known to be the captain of the soccer team
and he was the captain of the volleyball team
and not just that, he has alot of girls lining up for him
"Yugi-san my best friend said she likes you!!" A group of girls shouted from across the cafeteria as their friend shrunk in her seat
"Oooooo Tsukasa another girl likes you~~~" Fuji coed hold his hands together while making kssing noises
"Can't believe you get more than Amane—" Amane smacked Yamabuki with an empty plastic bottle with an irk on his forehead
"Be quiet."
He didn't mind it
but it did bother him
just cause he has a very outgoing nature doesn't mean he can't like to be alone
he can't get any peace and quiet for once without people popping up out of nowhere and starting a conversation with him
He tries his best to find areas where not alot of people like going in to
And he thought of the library
he walked in, checked in from the front and tried to avoid any group of people possible
But the only available seat was where you were seating
but you had headphones on signaling that you didn't wanna talk to anyone
Even with headphones on, you heard a chair squeak beside you making you look up from your laptop to see a boy with choppy black hair and amber eyes
he froze and suddenly let go of the seat "Oh, sorry I'll go find somewhere else—"
"Ah no, it's alrigth" You point at the seat he took out and went about your business not minding his or whatever he was doing
"So.. like.. what's your name?" You looked to your side and saw he scooted closer, man he also looked really eager to talk to you
you were never really good with conversations but, you're gonna pray to every god out there that it won't end with an akward silence or this faithful day will you haunt you forever
"uh.. my name is [L/N] [F/N].. whats yours?" This guy infront of you looked a bit shocked, maybe you said something wrong?
"You... don't know who I am?" He pointed at himself making you tilt your head in confusion "No.. I don't know who you are.. I'm sorry if I don't"
"D-DON'T BE" He quickly covered his mouth as few 'shh' and 'be quiet' were heard throughout the library "Sorry, It's just I've been around alot of people already and you.. are kind of the first person to not know who I am.."
"Is that a bad thing?.." He shook his head excitedly as he extended his hand out to you, you looked at his hand and back at him
"My name is Yugi Tsukasa, I hope we can be friends"
a little backstory on how we met Yugi Tsukasa
after that day, he stuck to you like glue
usually you'd hang out by yourself cause you don't like being in crowds of people
but surprise surprise the once quiet and joyful time being by yourself at lunch
turned into you sitting in a big round table with loads of people
"Guys this is [L/N] [F/N], I met them at the library!!" Tsukasa introduced you to his friends while you gave a small wave
"What were you doing in the library Tsukasa-kun?" a girl with silver to teal hair asked
"Don't ask—"
You were scared that some group of girls will come beat you up cause you were hanging out with one of the prince of the school
anyone and I mean ANYONE would die to be in your position
you mostly didn't utter a word and kept to yourself until you finished your lunch
"Awww [L/N] You're gonna leave already? Stay a little loonggeerrr..." Tsukasa held onto your uniform making this sad puppy eyes at you... well you had to secretly admit he looked kinda cute..
You sighed and sat back down and Tsukasa immediately jumoed back to his cheerful nature, you honestly didn't know why he liked having you around so much
Your once quiet and calm schedule turned into alot of hangouts with him and his friends
mostly him
but you did enjoy them, you didn't have alot of friends back then and you were very thankful he came into your life
and he was also very thankful you came into his
Days turned into weeks and into months
you two went from being strangers to glued-together best friends is that even a thing?
You two were NEVER apart not even once
He loved how much you warmed up to him
those akward single conversations turned into long ones
all that hardwork of him nagging you to talk finally paid off
and he gets to see that beautiful smiling face of yours..
Tsukasa shook his head with a slight blush on his face
'Why am I thinking of [F/N]..'
He got up from his bed and went to the bathroom splashing water on his burning face, He looked at himself on the mirror while his hands gripped onto the sink
His heart was beating fast, he was giving out cold sweat, and not to mention his burning face
this kind of behavior of his started 3 weeks ago when you and him decided to hang out at the cinema and went out for a night walk around the park close to your house
the way your laugh sounds so sweet, your cute smile that he'd give his best jokes just to see it, your beautiful [E/C] eyes that he wants to get lost in, not to mention he wants to hug you so tight that he.. wait a minute.. don't tell me—
"I'm falling for [F/N].." Tsukasa muttered, he slowly walked back to his room, closed the door and laid back down
His heart wont stop beating so fast, he clenched onto his shirt and tried to think of something else
but whenever he tries
his daydreaming always leads him to you
it was monday finally
and Tsukasa was excited that ever making his brother wear sunglasses in the morning because of how bright he is
"geez.. whats gotten you so happy at 5 in the morning.." Amane yawned as he grabbed himself a cup of coffee half awake
Tsukasa didn't walk to school woth his brother
he sped walk to school
it's not like him to be this so excited to go to class
but you made him the reason to always want to wake up happy in the morning
Tsukasa walked into the campus and saw you from afar changing your outdoor shoes, he walked faster and slid beside you to change his shoes too
"Oh, goodmorning Tsu, you look really happy—" That nickname you gave him has him going CRAZY, but he kept it cool and just smiled "Mmmm I don't know!" He changed his shoes and waited for you
"geez how did you change your shoes so quickly—"
He has been acting strange around you the past week
Was he planning ong pranking you?
nah the last time he did that you scarred him for life
But this weird behavior of his was bothering you
and you wanted to ask him about it
But you didn't wanna overstep any boundaries so you waited until the perfect time
You and Tsukasa waited and anticipated for this day to come
It was finally the Tanabata festival, and they made it even better this year than last year
You decided to go their in costume wearing your Kimono/Hakama, fixed your hair, and went off to meet up with Tsukasa at your usual meeting place
Tsukasa was as excited as you were and wore a Hakama, He was sitting down on one of the benches looking at messages on his phone waiting for you
"Tsu! sorry if I took too long it was so hard trying to walk faster with these slippers.." He looked up from his phone upon hearing your voice and almost dropped his phone
You were drop dead GORGEOUS.
Making his heart beat faster than a horse
"So, do I look alright? this is my first time wearing a Kimono/Hakama" You straightened any wrinkles while you waited for Tsukasa's reply
But you were met with silence
"Tsukasa?" He snapped back to reality and had a slight blush on his face, but he was thankful it was kinda dark you wouldn't see his blushing face
"Yeah I'm fine! Let's go I heard the line-up for the Tanuki Stalls are getting long" He held your hand and you two ran
Your heart was beating fast because of running
But his were beating fast because of your intertwined hands.
When you two got there there were alot of people already, and it was just 7pm
I guess they stuck around in the afternoon to get a headstart
You started shaking Tsukasa's arm and pointed to the Tanuki stall
Tsukasa finished his in a flash and even offered to do yours
he just wanted more to do lol
You were so focused, you had both your hands on the tanuki scraping the outlines with a serious face
Tsukasa found it cute and secretly took photos of you
"I can hear your camera shuttle Tsukasa turn that off.." You caught him off guard whichhe didn't panick and gave you a closed eye smile
"I'm taking selfies dearest~"
"LIAR, ypur phone has one of those cameras that come up when you take a selfie!"
You two did another run around the festival
trying out games
Tsukasa won you ALOT of prizes by the way
You tried to win him something but you failed miserably
But he said it was alright, he said he wanted to try out something else and he'll win something for him
After all that running around trying out different stall games and collecting tags, you two were really hungry and decided to eat before heading to the bamboo trees to hang your tags and to watch the fireworks
Fireworks scare you a bit cause it was so loud, but you enjoyed in nonetheless
I mean if you did Tsukasa is wide open for business you know what im saying aha
okay I'll stop...
You and Tsukasa finished your food and threw away the boxes in a nearby trash bin
While you were finishing your orange juice, Tsulasa tapped your shoulder and showed you the tags they collected with a big smile
"We collected all of them [F/N]! I really wish my wish could come true" He gave ypu your tags as the two of you start heading towards the bamboo trees to write and hang your tags
they say that when you collect all 10 tags and hang your wish on the bamboo tree, the gods will read it and make it come true.
You two wrote your wishes on a nearby table and once finished you two hung it together
"What did you wish for Tsu" You tried peeking at his tags but he blocked your curious eyes "You can't look or else it won't come true!" He said still blocking the tag from your vision
you sighed maybe your curiosity will come in someday if his wish DID come true "Alright fine, anyways the fireworks are about to start, let's go find a place where it isn't too crowded they always step on my foot.." He nodded enthusiastically, when he went ahead first you turned around and looked at his tagged hung on a bamboo branch
You really did wanna look at what he wished for but you swallowed your curiosity and jogged to catch up with Tsukasa
Tsukasa found a really nice area on a small hill with not to many people around, He brought out a blanket from his bag and set it down patting the empty soace beside him, you sat down and made yourself comfortable and eyed the many people trying to find a place
"They look like ants from here" You said watching everyone trying to find a place to settle before the fireworks come out, Tsukasa chuckled at you "Don't you hate ants [F/N]?" You nodded
"Hey Tsukasa, I have a question.. and I've been curious about it for awhile now" He stopped eating his chocolate bar and gave his full attention to you "What is it?"
"Why did you want me to become your friend? I mean, you're the most popular guy at school, anyone would die to be in my position right now.." Were your curious or just insecure that he can talk casually to people and not you?
"Well.. being popular can be tiring too, always having people by your side left and right, I cant get a break. I never wanted to be popular to begin with, its just ever since I joined the volleyball team and became the captain that's where it all started, alot of them wanted to be my friend but I didn't know if they REALLY wanted to be my friend or just use me for popularity.. " He hugged his knees close to his chest as he rested his chin ontop of knees looking at the sky
"You.. were the very person I met that felt kind of weirded out instead of getting this overly excited face when you saw me sit down at your table, I was also really relieved that you didn't care who I was nor didn't care for my status.. and that's where I knew you wouldn't stab me in the back like anyone else"
He really trusted you, he really did, He told you all his secrets from minor to major to dark cause he knew you wouldn't tell anyone else, He told you about his problems and helped him get over it instead of having dry responses that can't help him recover
Not only that, He entrusted you with his heart and you've taken care of it for all the time he has been with you
and he thinks it finally time, to have this conversation with you
"Tsu look they're putting the timer for the fireworks!" You pointed at one of those big stadium jumbotron with a countdown for 2 minutes
Tsukasa didn't have much time but, these things are slow countdowns right? He has to do it.
"Hey um, [F/N] I have to tell you.. something" For the first time in his life, he has never felt this nervous at all, he was always so confident of things but this? it just went down to negative one
You turn to him with an excited look on your face waiting for the count down "Sure what is it?" He gulped, It's like everything became hot all of a sudden
'You can do this'
Tsukasa can't trust his own mind at the moment when it said 'he can do it'
like what if he messes it up?
"Tsu?" You furrowed your eyesbrows, he was shaking and this is the first time you've seen him this nervous looking "Tsu.. don't force what your gonna tell me.. I can wait you know"
"N-no I want to tell you this now I'm fine" The first time he stuttered
You held his hand reassuring him that you can wait, But this action you just did just made his heart beat 10x faster
He inhaled and exhaled and gave you a more serious look
"[F/N], These past few months with you has been absolutely incredible a-and.." There he goes again, stuttering, His heart was beating faster than ever he might even have a heart attack
He heard you giggle as you held his hands close "You were gonna tell me you like me huh?" He blushed furiously and nodded shyly "how did you find out.."
"Well captain obvious, actions speak louder than words you know, and you have been acting awfully weird these past few weeks.. so I put two and two together.. and led me here.."
He was scared.. Like really scared, it was okay to him that you reject him and go on about your life but what if you reject him AND end your friendship with him cause you thought it was weird?
"The annual fireworks will start in 10 seconds!!" They announced, the crowd went wild and started counting down
"If you're thinking that I'll reject you Tsu.. I wont cause.. I also have feelings for you.. And I was as scared as you thinking that you might reject me" You looked at him almost tearing up
"But I guess I was wrong.."
Tsukasa pulled you a little closer and held your face in his hands "who won't fall for you?.. You're very cute and your humor..god it makes me crack a smile everyday, not to mention you're so smart and talented in every way.."
Your heart skipped a beat when he inched a biy more closer
"There was never a day.. that I wouldn't stop thinking about you, [F/N].. You never failed to make my heart race, your smile, your laugh.. Everything about you.." He held your hands tenderly
"I love you everything about you.."
You were tearing up already, no one has ever shown you this much affection to you in a long time, cause ever since you were betrayed in middle school, you never ever tried making friends again
But everything changed when you met him that faithful day
Tsukasa gently wiped your tears away "I am very greatful that you came into my life, its like you have permanently changed it.."
"I'm thankful you came into my life aswell Tsu.." You let out a giggle as he placed his forehead on yours
Tsukasa chuckled, hearing you laugh because of him made him so happy "Well then, can I court you [F/N]? I know you aren't ready for a relationship—"
"Who said I wasn't?.. I'm ready Tsu.." Tsukasa was about to explode, he was so happy right now, words can't really describe on how happy he is
"So.. [F/N], Will you.. be my Girlfriend/Boyfriend?" Your held back tears finally came gushing out, you nodded your head yes over and over again
Tsukasa and you stood up with the most biggest smiles on your faces, he held ypu on your waist and lifted you high in the air twirling you around
You giggled as he set you down, he hugged you so tight "I'm so happy.. that you're finally mine.."
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he held onto your waist, He glanced down to ypur lips and you already know what he was craving for
"You can go ahead Tsu, What kind of S/O would I be if I didn't let my boyfriend kiss me?" He inched in closer and closer, while you closed your eyes he chuckled "Cute.." He mumbled and sealed the gap between the two of you
As soon as your lips crashed into each other, the fireworks shot up in the air as people around cheered at the fireworks, all of them were having the time of their lives
But You and Tsukasa? well, you two had a romantic kiss, under the lights of the fireworks, If a photographer were to shot this beautiful moment you two wouldn't mind
This day was truly a night to remember forever, who knew a simple hangout to the festival would pull both your feelings out for each other
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Fun fact : The day I got this request, I was supposed to post it the same day BUT I forgot I suck at making confessions, So I would take some parts oit, replace something, squeeze another sentence here, It's been a week now oml 😞
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Lewd Mash-Up 6D: Kali was really looking forward to a night home alone to relax and unwind—unaware that her open balcony left her vulnerable to White Fang invaders
It was supposed to be Kali's night to just relax. What with having the whole of the Belladonna manor to herself. Unfortunately for her...
"Oooooo~ You boys are so naughtyyyyyy~" Kali squealed as she felt the massive cock belonging to the bull Faunus repeatedly slam into her pussy. The young horny Faunus hooking Kali's arms behind her, as he fucked the MILF from behind. "Mmm~ But I thought we had a deal: I let you all fuck me, you film it~"
"Oh, sorry Mrs. B..." A silver haired wolf Faunus said apologetically. He quickly retrieved his scroll from his pocket, and began recording the unfolding scene.
That instantly pacified Kali, who began moaning and mewling even louder. "Thats it!~ You're making mommy cum!~ Nyaaaaa!~ Harder!~ Fuck mommy hardeeeeeerrrrrrr!~"
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fuchsiagrasshopper · 3 years
Author’s Note: Here it is, the long awaited one-shot that ended up a mini story in length. This wasn’t a planned idea, just something I went with and this is the result. I know this fandom is starting to shrink due to the show ending, but I hope those of you still here are having fun!
Summary/Pairing: Ivar x Reader In which Ivar thinks he’s found a daughter of the goddess Rán
Wordcount: 9642
Warnings:  Language, Angst, Smut NSFW
The night was warm and still when Ivar made his way down to the stretching shore. It was a difficult trek the older he became because he had to wade through the sand that seemed to double his weight and sap his strength. After all that effort, he was reminded why he put himself through such a trial when he came into the blessed solitude. When he was a boy he had found an old fishermen's dock that was no longer used, and it was a quiet place he could go without being bothered. Sometimes he would look out at the water and imagine all the lands that were waiting for him to bring them terror and glory. When he was feeling less ambitious after drinking with his brothers, he would lie back on the creaking boards of the dock and gaze at the stars and wonder if the gods were watching in forethought.
His mother told him it was the sea that would take him from her. Her eyes would grow empty yet full of sadness, and he could only watch without being able to comfort her. Ivar wanted to journey, and he assumed his mother's vision meant that either it was by ship or drowning that he would be taken. When one entered a longboat to go raiding, the chance of a storm crashing down was always a possibility, but it was a risk worth taking for honor and legacy. He loved his mother, more than anyone, but he could not stay in Kattegat forever. His fate was out there waiting, and he needed only to extend his hand to take it.
A sudden movement in the water broke his focus and he looked out over the dock to the rippling surface. His eyes adjusted, and he thought his mind had gone when he recognized the whites of a pair of eyes staring back at him. There was a person in the water, bobbing just to their nose above the surface. At first, Ivar reached forward with his hand. They must have been frozen to the bone in the frigid sea. Kattegat's waters never warmed, even in summer.
When he looked at his hand cast forward, he felt foolish. With his useless legs, he couldn't swim. His upper body strength might support him a moment or two, but then sink and be wrapped under in the weeds before he could take a breath. He withdrew his hand only to find the eyes were no longer where they should have been.
Ivar scooted closer to the edge of the dock, searching the black water for the face he thought he saw. He rubbed at his eyes. Perhaps he hadn't slept well enough, or maybe he had ingested something spoiled during the last meal. He chose to believe his senses were sharp. They had kept him alive this long, and while trying to match his brothers no less. His eyes did another sweep of the shore before he called out, "I know you're there. You should know you cannot hide from a son of Ragnar."
His legs that dangled over the pier were parted, and a figure came straight out from the water to rest its arms on his thighs. Ivar flushed when he saw the figure was womanly. A beautiful and terrifying face, with large silver eyes, peered up at him. He had mistaken you for a woman, but you were something more. The hair that tangled down to your waist dipped into the water, and below was not a pair of legs kicking. Black scales with a pearlescent shimmer. You were one of Rán's creatures, or perhaps a daughter to the goddess herself.
"Ragnarsson," You spoke, and he was struck dumb by your voice. "Few may hear the siren's song calling."
Ivar's eyes shot to your hand as it trailed up his leg. Your nails were long, and there was a transparent webbing between your fingers. What surprised him even more than your strange claws was how gentle your touch was. It was a caress barely felt through his trousers.
"Who are you?"
You smiled. "I am (Y/N)."
"I am Ivar."
"I know you," You replied, and your sweeping hand switched to cupping his cheek. "You have your father's eyes and spirit."
"You know Ragnar Lothbrok?" Ivar asked while leaning into your touch. Your hand was warm despite the brisk waters you waded in.
"I know many faces of your home. I like to watch and learn from your people. Your father was a gazer too, but his eyes were to the horizon. You search the stars and night sky."
When you began to pull away, Ivar grabbed your hand and brought it back to his face. "Do you know my brothers?"
"I have seen them, but my song does not reach their ears. You are unique."
Ivar simpered. He could hear what his brothers could not. While they were off in barns and clearings, playing under the skirts of thralls, he was alone in the quiet of the night with a goddess. The sea had chosen him, though youngest and deformed.
"Why have you sought me out?" He asked, desperate to have his hopes confirmed.
"I wish to talk with you, and learn more of your kind. But we must always meet under darkness, for many of your people would rather hurt me than trust me."
Ivar knew why. Fishermen told tales of beautiful women taking sailors to the water, down to the sea bed of Rán's hall, never again to surface. He did not think you had the malice to do such a thing to him.
"How do I know you'll return? Is this even real?"
He couldn't help the creeping doubt from springing forth, and you flashed him a look of pity before plucking the knife from his belt. That got his attention, and he lurched forward to reach for the thing, but you held no ill intent. Instead, you pulled your hair over your shoulder and cut free a length to give to him. It was softer than any wolf pelt, and he clutched it tight to his chest.
"Giving a lock of hair to another can be one's undoing, so believe that I will return or curse me should I ever be treacherous," You said, and you slid his knife back into place before dragging your hand down his thigh. His cock gave a twitch, and your grin told him you knew. "Farewell Ivar."
You slipped back into the water like a needle through silk, and he was only able to catch a glimpse of your tail before you disappeared into the deep.
Ivar went back to the dilapidated dock every night, and true to your word you would be there waiting in the water. You only approached once he took his place at the end of the pier, and Ivar would keep his legs apart so you would come rest between them. As you spoke of things unimportant, he would weave his hand with yours, playing with your fingers and the thin membrane of webbing. You would return the affections with little pets of your own, and you always left a kiss to the corner of his mouth before parting.
The lock of hair you had given to him was always with him. He had braided it together into a bracelet that he wore everywhere on his wrist. If his brothers thought anything about it, they never voiced such concerns. Ivar presumed they figured he had found his own thrall to be with, and as distracted as they were with Margrethe, they didn't dig further into his affair. His mother had noticed the thing as well, and always she would give it a long stare. Ivar always anticipated her to ask, but she avoided mentioning it as if it were a matter too delicate to speak of.
Ivar wished he could bring you to meet his family if only to brag to his brothers that you had chosen him. But he knew that could never happen. They would fear that you were a deceiver after his life, and his mother would have you killed to keep him safe. She probably would never let him near water again.
"Ivar," You called, clasping both hands on either side of his face. "Your mind is elsewhere tonight."
"Sorry," He said, looking away momentarily. "I just was thinking what it would be like to live our lives together."
"Come with me to the water," You suggested, and you gave a small tug on his arm that scooted him closer to the edge. He almost let you drag him in before he grew hesitant and pushed back.
"I can't swim like this," He said, scowling at you and then his legs.
"I will keep you safe." Ivar searched your face for any deception, but he only saw your smile. "You don't trust me?"
"I do," He said quickly. "But I…"
You heaved yourself upwards on the dock until it was just the tip of your tail whipping strokes in the water. Ivar caught your bare torso against his chest, and he flushed as your breasts pressed up against him. You were practically sharing the same air, noses brushing together as you steadied yourself in his arms. Your eyes met and you breathed a laugh that eased his previous concerns.
"We won't go far. I just want to show you that your legs aren't the burden you think they are."
You weren't pleading, and Ivar was intrigued by your suggestion. He gave you a short nod, and that was all it took for you to wrap your arms around him and haul him down into the depths. Your strength was surprising, but the admiration was banished from his mind the moment the cold water soaked straight through to his blood. He thrashed his arms, grabbing for purchase at imaginary aids that weren't there. When he tried to let out a shout, he swallowed saltwater. The sea was going to take him, just as his mother feared.
No. You were there, and you had never left. Like a spark to wood, Ivar was enveloped in a new warmth, and he floated to the surface with your arms around him. He took his first breath of air, but his throat was raw and he sputtered and choked. Your lips closed over his while he continued to cough, and it was as if you pulled all of the water out from his lungs. He didn't know if it was a real kiss, but he wore a shy grin as you pulled away.
"Breathe," You instructed. "Breathe, and look up at the stars you love."
Ivar first looked back at the shore and realized you had kept your promise. You had only taken him out far enough so his feet wouldn't brush the sandy floor. He then craned his neck up to the sky and found the familiar sight of his stars. They were the same out in the water as they were on land, a comforting thought for when he would one day sail away from home. The sky would always be there.
"Lie back and let the water hold you," You whispered in his ear from behind.
Ivar didn't know when you had maneuvered around to his back, but he continued to put his faith in you as you guided him down gently into the water. He was lying face up with his body floating across the surface weightless and free. You joined beside him, and together you shared in the silent night, bathed in the moonlight with the motion of the sea carrying your bodies. Ivar forgot for a moment about his broken legs. Drifting there beside you, he felt whole.
"You didn't answer me before," He spoke up, and you watched him with curiosity. "About us living our lives together. Is it possible?"
"There are those of my people who have given up the sea's blessing to live on land. Some may even live among your kind, though I doubt you would recognize them."
"How did they do it?" Ivar was sure even the dumbest farmer in Kattegat would have noticed a child of Rán flopping about.
"When my people choose to live a life as a land dweller, they simply have to go ashore. The blessing of the sea will fade, and in place will be a soft and weak human body, " You explained, and you turned your eyes away from him. "But the sea is vengeful and she hates those who leave her waters. Once the blessing fades, we can never return to her currents, or else we would be reduced to nothing more than foam that settles into tide pools."
If you were to be together you would have to give up everything you knew to be with him. Ivar wanted to ask this of you, but he was afraid of your answer. Being a prince as well as his mother's favored son meant he never had to work for anything. What he wanted he got, and always in plenty. If you refused him, he feared the rejection and what his reaction could be. He wasn't beyond forcing you out from the water onto dry land if it meant keeping you for himself. Better to not ask now. It was too early to demand so much from you.
He heard you shift in the water, and you were at his side again while supporting his back with your strong hands. "You don't want to ask me?"
Ivar shook his head. "Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow."
"I know you will soon, Ivar. It's in your eyes, they darken with hunger."
"What would you say if I did?"
He let out a shiver as you righted him back into your arms, holding him in your embrace that let him know you were in control. "I would say that you could also give up your life to be with me. Right now, I could take you down there, and you would never again have to worry about dragging yourself upon the land."
The idea of never having to crawl again was tantalizing, something he had always wished for, and yet...even if he was with you, he knew he wouldn't forget all that he would leave behind. He wanted to show his people he could lead and conquer better than any man, even without working legs.
"I couldn't," He murmured.
"Then it is good I did not ask, and nor will you ask it of me. We will take comfort in the joy we have now, and forget everything else."
You met his eyes with your own. Silver, just like the treasures that were brought back over from raids. Ivar refused to fluster under your gaze, even though your peering felt like a piercing dagger. He wanted to appear self-assured, and not as some young lad who needed you to hold him. He pulled you close and planted a clumsy but heartfelt kiss. Your lips were cold but your mouth was warm, and he tried to keep up with your feverish pace as you devoured everything from the kiss.
When you clapped your hands on his cheeks, Ivar could feel himself trembling, and he knew it wasn't because of the kiss. Your mouth left him, and he tried to find your lips again. You placed a finger to his mouth to stop him and gave him a shake of your head. "You are like ice. I've kept you here too long."
"Not long enough," He retorted before sneaking another kiss on you.
You laughed while gently prying him back. "You have your father's confidence."
"Good, maybe you can find out what else of his I have." He gave you his best wolfish grin.
"We'll have our time," You promised, and you secured an arm around him before starting to swim back to shore.
The water seemed to grow colder as you glided through it and by the time you made it back to the pier, Ivar couldn't control his shivering. You urged him up onto the dock, and your concern had made you grow quiet. Ivar didn't mind that you fretted over his well-being, but he missed your smile.
"How will you make it back home?" You asked while looking over him to where the edge of the town was barely visible through the treeline. It was a long way off.
"I've travelled further," Ivar excused, though he had his trepidations. His damp clothes were sticking to him, and his hair felt like grass after the thawing in spring. The cold made his muscles tighten, and he wasn't looking forward to pawing at the ground with stiff hands.
"Go now, while you have the moon's light to guide you."
"When can I see you again?" It was becoming more difficult each time he had to leave you, and his thoughts revolved around when you could be together.
"I'll come back until I feel you no longer wish to see me." You reached your hand out to him, and Ivar took it, bringing it to his chest.
"That will never happen."
What he was saying must have been madness. Maybe you were Rán's daughter, and you had him under a spell. If you did, he didn't care. He would gladly stay under your enchantment. It was a warmth all his own, and a happiness he didn't have to share or contend with his brothers over.
"Goodnight my love." You placed your lips once more on his hand before returning to the sea.
Ivar did not watch after you as he usually would. It was a luxury he couldn't afford. The desperation to get inside by a fire drove him to turn towards home, and he struggled through the terrain as fast as his dragging would get him. He only passed by drunks and stragglers that did not give him a second glance upon realizing who he was. Ragnar's youngest son, the cripple. No one important.  
He huffed his way up the stairs of the Great Hall, nudging on the doors with his shoulder until they parted. A low fire was burning in the pit, and his mother was asleep on her throne. She was still all done up from the last meal, and he realized she must have waited up for his return. His guilt propelled him forward, and he went towards her instead of his room. Careful not to wake her, he collapsed on the furs at her feet where sleep found him quickly.
Ivar didn't know how long he had been asleep, but he was startled awake by screaming. It took him a moment to realize it was his voice shouting, and he had jack-knifed into a seated position, clutching at his lower right leg. He knew he had broken a bone, and his mother, who was alert at his side, knew it as well. She called for two able-bodied guards to take him back to his room, out of sight of the thralls who had now gathered. None of his brothers were about, and he was relieved to be spared the humiliation. The weakness of his body during moments like this was only for his mother and the healers.
He was placed down onto the fur-covered palette in his room with one of the guards already off to fetch a healer. His mother was already trying to soothe his agony with her words, and as she brushed the hair on his forward she grew a frown.
"You're burning up," She said, feeling his forehead and then his chest. And your clothes are damp."
He swatted softly at her hand, frustrated with her observations but with never enough ire to cause her any harm. "Go away."
"Ivar, where do you go? All of these nights you leave my sight and no one knows anything about it." She plucked at the bracelet of your hair on his wrist before he jerked it out of her reach. "Who is this woman you see?"
"Get out, please," He begged. Tears stung at the corners of his eyes, and he didn't know if it was from the fever or the pain in his legs.
He was spared any further argument from her when the healer entered with three other thralls to assist. With soft voices, they were able to make her leave, at least until they finished addressing his fracture. Ivar would have felt awful at banishing his mother from his side if he could summon any other thought that wasn't about the hurt he was feeling.
The trek back through Kattegat had proved to be too much, but he didn't regret the night spent with you. In the water under the stars, and in your arms sharing kisses was where he wanted to be. He kept those thoughts in mind as the healer got to work on setting his leg in place, slathering it in a warming salve before wrapping it tightly in bandages.
"My Prince, you will need to stay in bed for the next few days to give the bone time to mend."
He gazed up at the rafters of the ceiling with contempt. How was he supposed to stay put knowing you were out there waiting for him? He couldn’t let the time pass and risk losing you, but he would need help.
"Go and bring me Ubbe," He instructed one of the thralls who shuffled out of the room at his request.
The healer continued to try and force some foul brew down his throat that he cursed her for at every turn of his head. Ivar knew he was notorious for being difficult to treat, but this healer had stuck through the bad times at his side. He admired her tenacity. If the situation was reversed, he would have given up on himself a long time ago.
After he had taken a large enough dose of the revolting stuff, he was left alone. The medicine made his head foggy, and he drifted in and out of consciousness while waiting for Ubbe to arrive. His eldest brother was best suited for the task in mind because he was soft when it came to Ivar's condition. Hvitserk didn't care about his legs either way, and Sigurd made a point to disparage him at every turn so he was definitely out of the running. Ivar guessed they had to all be out to the hunter's cabin. Following the commotion he had caused in the morning, one of them would have heard about it by now if they had been in town. It was nothing new really. He was used to being left behind.
Just as he was about to slip into another fitful bout of sleep, his door was forced open and in came his brother. He looked out of breath from running at least half of the distance back. Poor, gullible Ubbe.
"What happened?"
"The usual," Ivar started to explain as he forced himself to sit up. "Another broken bone."
"Mother says you also have a fever," Ubbe retorted as he took a seat at the end of the palette.
Ivar groaned. He hadn't estimated that his mother would be playing watchdog. "She got to you already?"
"She's worried about you."
"What else is new? She always worries about me," He grunted out as his leg twitched in pain.
"It's not just her this time. We all are concerned. You disappear at late hours and you're always tired. Even Hvitserk has noticed, and haven't you realized that Sigurd no longer says anything to you? For him, that's practically a defeat."
Come to think of it, Ivar couldn't recall the last verbal sparring match he'd shared with his third brother. Had his time with you sapped him of his usual energy?
"I need your help with something."
"Alright," Ubbe agreed with a nod of his head. "What is it?"
"When night falls, I need you to go down to the water. There's an abandoned dock if you follow the shoreline westward. Wait there and call for (Y/N), and tell her what has happened to me."
"Is she the woman who gave you that?" Ubbe asked while indicating to the bracelet on his wrist."
Ivar nodded as he began to twirl the thing around. It meant more to him than an arm ring. It was proof you had chosen him. "She's a daughter of Rán."
"What do you mean?"
"You'll see for yourself when you meet her." He smiled something Ubbe couldn't understand.
"Feel better, brother," Ubbe said softly as he made his exit from the room.
Ivar could feel the headiness of the brew still working, as he was pulled into visions of you. Together you danced under the moonlight. He could recall the feeling of working legs even though he'd never had a pair before. You glided with him in his arms, but Ivar could not see if it was feet you stood upon or you had somehow managed to balance on the tip of your tail. The strangeness made him privy to the knowledge it was just a dream, but he allowed himself to be carried away in fantasy regardless.
Sometimes his mother would pop inside to have a check on him. Her long hands caressing his forehead and pushing back his hair made him feel like a boy again. The worry on her face had settled now that he was no longer writhing in pain. They only shared in a handful of words while the healer continued to tend to him. It was their special connection, a bond she did not have with his brothers.
When night came and darkness fell, Ivar sat himself up against the wall and waited for Ubbe to return with word of you. It was the first time in a long line of sneaking away that he didn't escape to go find you. A strange emptiness filled him at the thought, and he rubbed at his eyes to combat the sleep that threatened to take him. He couldn’t miss the update about you because he had fallen asleep.
A thin stream of silver light poked through a cut out in the roof of his room, and he imagined you in the water beneath the stars. He wondered what your reaction would be to learning of his injury. Concern he hoped, and not pity or regret for the night they had shared.
As Ivar's thoughts began to spiral out, he was relieved from further gloom when the door opened. Ubbe had returned, and he had on a perplexed frown that furrowed his brow.
"Well, did you speak with her?" Were the first words out of Ivar's mouth.
Ubbe shut the door behind him before coming further into the room. "I called for (Y/N) and waited on that pier, but no one ever came, Ivar."
He took a moment to juggle that information in his head while Ubbe looked on with worry. You never showed. Had something happened to you? Perhaps you were riddled with guilt about taking him in the water or you had seen Ubbe from a distance but did not approach. That had to be it. His brother was a stranger who did not hear your song as he had.
"I have to go there."
Ivar threw the furs off and started to twist to the side. His broken leg protested the rapid movement, and he grunted through his struggle. Ubbe was already at his side pushing him back. He latched onto his brother's arm and tried to shove him off, but even his upper strength had waned and he ended up flopping back down like a lifeless fish.
"You can't leave this room like that," Ubbe scolded. He took a seat down beside him, preventing him from trying something foolish again. "You'll end up losing that leg entirely."
"What's that matter? I'd be no worse off than I am right down."
Ubbe sighed. "I understand you care about this (Y/N), but I don't believe she would want to see you harm yourself this way."
Ivar knew you wouldn't. That's why he had to see you again and be surrounded by your love. "You could take me there."
"We'd never make it past the throne. Mother has seen fit to have eyes on who comes and leaves your room. I think she is looking for the woman to blame."
"(Y/N) won't come here," Ivar said and he could see the confusion on Ubbe's face, but he didn't elaborate. "I've probably lost her forever now."
"If she truly cares for you, she'll still be there," Ubbe argued, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "When you are well enough, I promise I'll help you back to the dock."
Ivar knew from past experiences that it would take many moons before he'd be fully healed. His eyes closed as angry tears threatened to fall. Why had the gods cursed him with these horrible limbs? The faults of his parents should not have fallen onto him. It was a cruel fate.
When he didn't continue to speak, Ubbe must have assumed he had fallen back asleep. He crept back to the door and exited the room as softly as a mouse scuttles through the kitchen.
Once he was alone, Ivar opened his eyes and took off the bracelet from around his wrist. He held it close to his lips, feeling the silk strands as he kissed the braided band. Maybe you could sense him reaching out. He decided to keep it enclosed in his hand and across his heart. If you were calling out, he would feel you in his sleep.
In the many days that went by, Ivar became more frustrated with his leg. His broken bone was mending, but not fast enough that he was allowed out of the great hall. The slow progress had him taking out his anger on everyone, and they must have felt as trapped in with him as he was feeling about being locked up.
After a brief appearance to sit down to a meal with their mother, he had not seen his brothers again. This time he could admit he was to blame, and that they made the smart decision to cut and run back to the cabin. He had made the meal as uncomfortable as he could manage out of some need for vengeance. While they were free to run about Kattegat with their thralls, he was stuck in bed with wrinkled healers painting noxious salves on his body. He couldn’t be with you, so he chose to be spiteful.
Even his mother began to show signs of being fed up with him. Her smiles were now close-lipped, and she would linger by the door when she visited to make a hasty exit. He had yelled at her only once, and it had to do with her wanting to leave him just like everyone else. Ivar knew that wasn't true, and the moment she let out an anguished sob he had apologized.
Rather than continue to hurt those around him, he knew what he had to do. His leg was well enough that he could crawl again, and if he secured it tightly in his leather bindings it should protect the bone from any trauma as he moved. He had to get down to the pier himself and find you again. The call from the sea had him more desperate for water than a man dying of thirst. No thrall or guard would dare refuse him, and even his mother would not be able to stop him from going. He was doing this for her as well, even if she wouldn't see it that way. After causing her tears, he wouldn't be the reason for any more of her sorrow.
He needed the light to travel, so he began the trek from his room when the sun had only just begun to kiss the horizon. Much of the activity in the great hall had died down once the last meal had been served, and many of the thralls had already gone off to the barn. His mother was not on her throne. Ivar smirked at his good fortune and made for the doors as fast as he was able. Once he had them nudged shut behind him, he began his descent down the stairs. It was the most difficult part of the journey, guiding his body down feet first so his leg wouldn't bounce on every step down.
By the time he had cleared the treeline, the sun had set further and shadows were popping up in every corner. Ivar was more winded than he would normally be due to being bedridden, and he was mindful that he would have to work on building back the strength he had lost. But none of that mattered now. The dock was in sight. He had made it. He went together well with the solitude of the place, and when he sat perched on the end the creaking boards welcomed him home.
"(Y/N)," Ivar called out while searching for any ripple in the water. The surface remained still as glass, and he frowned while giving your name another shout.
Perhaps it was still too young in the day. He waited for the complete pitch of night to hit while letting his mind run wild with all the things he wanted to tell you about. It would be like a reunion of two lovers, and he couldn't fathom how one could be separated from their woman while gone on raids. Of course, his mother and father detested one another's presence, so it must have come as a balm to be away from one another.
The clouds parted from the moon, and one by one the stars surfaced in the sky. He called for you again, then held his breath to listen for any break in the water. Instead, he heard the crunch of footsteps behind him, and over his shoulder, he saw Ubbe approaching.
"I figured you would try coming back soon," Ubbe said once he stood at his side. "How's the leg?"
"Stiff," He replied tersely. "What do you want?"
Ubbe took an uninvited seat beside him which caused Ivar to shift over. There wasn't nearly enough room at the edge of the dock for both of them, and the wood groaned with the added weight.
"I never told you, but I've been coming back here every night after you sent me to search for (Y/N)."
Ivar frowned. "Why?"
"Because I saw how important it was to you to get that message to her, and I wanted to help. I might not be able to take away your pain, but I will still be your legs where I can."
Ivar looked at his lap as the heat built up in his face. He never knew how to take to his eldest brother's kindness. None of the rest of them had it, but from Bjorn's mouth, it was said that he inherited it from Ragnar.
"She never came back, did she?"
Ubbe shook his head. "She must only come for you."
"I don't think so," Ivar said as he looked out at the water. "It's been too long, and I've missed my chance. I don't think she'll come back."
"If she cares for you as you do her, I'm certain she'll be back."
Ubbe's words floated off him as he gazed down at the black water. He was struck with an irrational idea to force your hand if you were near. Before his brother could react, Ivar threw himself off the dock and into the water. It wasn't deep this close to shore, but it was enough that he began to sink. Ubbe was quick to follow, and Ivar tried in vain to bat away his saving hands. He was so desperate to have you come back that he would risk drowning. What a fool.
"Idiot," Ubbe cursed as he dragged them both up onto the sand. "What were you trying to do?"
Ivar turned his head away as he coughed up water. He felt embarrassed by what he'd just done and angry that it didn't earn him anything more than soaked clothes. "You wouldn't understand."
"I don't understand, and you won't help me to," Ubbe said, and his tone lightened from annoyance to mild irritation. "I need my little brother back. The one who's smarter than me at every turn, and doesn't make me fish him out of the sea."
Ivar started to laugh. It began in a quiet snicker and grew deep from his belly until Ubbe joined him. Neither of them knew what the humor was in the situation, but Ivar felt it was better to give in to the urge. He wanted to forget you weren't there, and giggling like a child with his brother in the sand was a good way to accomplish that.
"Should we head back?"
Ivar gave his leg a tug with his hand. "The bandage has soaked through and is starting to fall off. Guess I'd better have it looked at."
Ubbe crouched down beside him and indicated for him to climb up on his back. "C'mon, it'll be faster."
For once Ivar didn't argue. He couldn’t benefit from another disagreement, and he didn't want to be in wet clothes longer than he had to. Ubbe or Floki were the two he trusted most to support him. Hvitserk had dropped him one time, and he refused to let that happen twice. Sigurd never offered.
Once he was secured up to Ubbe's height, they started back home. He chanced one last look over his shoulder for as long as the water was in sight, clinging to the idea that you would spring up from the depths. The only movement out there came from the wind and the tide.
Neither brother spoke another word, but Ivar suspected Ubbe knew he had taken that last glance. How could he not? He wasn't ready to give up on you or accept the idea that you had abandoned him. Thoughts of you being in harm came to him, and he to banish those away because of the helpless feeling they gave him. You were a daughter of Rán, and the sea couldn't hurt you. Repeating it enough times had to make it true. As they journeyed through the night back to Kattegat, Ivar clung to the hope of seeing you again, and his thoughts warmed him up and dulled the pain until he found rest.
Time passed by for Ivar and the pain in his legs dulled back into its usual ache. With his bone mended he could return to training with his brothers, and hunting up by the cabin. While his physical injury may have healed, it was not so for the throbbing in his heart. He had gone for sparse visits to the abandoned dock again, with each ending in the same sorrow until he had decided to give up going back. What's more, your bracelet that he had never let out of reach had vanished one day. Perhaps you had never been real, and he had dreamed you up.
What more could the gods take from him? First, it was his legs, then his father, and recently he was drifting from his brothers due to their infatuation with Margrethe. It was his mother he looked to as his constant, but she had grown distracted by visions. It was now common practice for her to disappear to her room after the last meal, when not so long ago she would be the last to leave with a chalice of wine. All of this left Ivar alone, and his thoughts had become unbearable. He needed something to dull the noise, a distraction.
More than anything Ivar longed to keep up with his brothers, and that's when he decided he wanted to fuck a woman. He approached Ubbe with the request to convince Margrethe. She had a pleasant face, and she didn't resemble you. If she had taken three of the other sons of Ragnar, he should be no different. Ubbe appeared torn when he first asked but did agree, and Margrethe was hardly in a position to refuse.
Now that the moment was approaching, and he was being brought over to the cabin by boat, he wondered if he would be the one to refuse. From what he'd always seen, men loved to hump a beautiful woman. It's what led to his parents' affair and marriage. So what was wrong with him that as he grew closer to the destination he felt ill? Ubbe certainly wasn't sharing the sentiment. He wore a dumb grin and was humming an old song to himself.
"You're happy I'm about to lay with your woman?" Ivar asked.
Ubbe laughed. "Margrethe isn't my woman, she's still a thrall. But I am happy because this is a good day for you, brother."
The day is still young, Ivar thought with a bitterness that was ingrained in his bones. Was sex such a powerful thing that it would shift who he became? Other than to have children, Ivar never dwelled on the matter. He'd never had a lover, and the closest he had come to obtain such a relationship was with you.
The boated jilted back and forth as it hit shallow water. Ubbe tied off by a tree before coming to fetch him. He was to be carried by his brother to his first tryst with a woman. Not nearly as humiliating as crawling he supposed, but the difference was negligible.
As they passed through the threshold of the abandoned cabin, Ivar stole a look around the place. It smelt like fire and driftwood, and there was a bed that had been piled thick with furs. The flame burning in the hearth let him know that Margrethe was already there.
Ubbe deposited him down on the bed and turned to get a look at him. "I'll leave now so you can be ready for her. Relax and enjoy yourself."
Ivar swallowed. That was easy for any of his brothers, they all had working parts. A handful of times he had felt his prick twitch and stiffen, but it was never a long event and he had never dared to try to take himself in hand. It was silly, but he was afraid of his cock.
He began to disrobe with haste, not wanting Margrethe to walk in on him without his trousers and his legs exposed. Once he was free of his garments he threw the heavy furs over himself and clutched them at his waist. All he could hear was his heart pounding, and he kept his chin tucked into his chest, straining to listen for the woman in the cabin.
She came to him from behind in light, cautious steps. Perhaps she was nervous, or his trepidations had seeped into the air and spoiled the mood. Ivar resisted the urge to peek until she stood at the side of the bed. When he glanced up he saw that she wore a fisherman's net as a veil. Her features were distorted, but he could make out the subtle difference that alluded to her being anyone other than Margrethe.
"(Y/N)?" He whispered and hoped.
You lifted back the thin mesh from your face, and you put on a dazzling smile. Ivar had never seen a better sight, not the first sacrifice of spring or the storms of Thor could hold a candle up to you. You donned a crisp white gown that was cinched at the waist with a strap of brown leather, and your hair was a wild tangle of waves. He had never seen you without your sodden tresses.
You took your first step to come closer, but you lost your balance and fell onto the bed in his awaiting arms. This was where you belonged.
"Shit," You cursed, pulling back enough to look him in the eye. "I was supposed to be beautiful and graceful, but these legs are too light. If I run fast enough, I'm sure I could soar like a bird."
"You have legs?" Ivar exclaimed while pulling you onto the bed beside him with all of the strength he could summon. "Let me see."
You swung your legs across his lap, careful not to rest any weight on his thighs. He hitched the skirt of your dress up to your thighs, exposing the new flesh. His hands didn't know where to touch first. This must be the work of the gods. In place of your magnificent tail were two gorgeous limbs that he was happy to smooth his hands over. You wiggled your toes, content to observe Ivar as he studied you.
"How is this possible?"
"I told you my people can choose to abandon the sea. Now I'm a soft creature like you," You said while giving his arm a playful squeeze.
He caught your hands before you could pull away and placed a kiss on each of them. They no longer had the webbing or claws, but there was a strength to them that he could feel under your touch. "Where did you go? I tried so many times to find you, and I even sent my brother."
"You had your life up here, and I had mine below," You said as your eyes grew vacant. "When I did return to the surface, I could no longer find you. All of these things left unsaid caused us to miss each other."
"Then why are you here now, like this?"
You reached for his wrist, finding it bare. Ivar knew what you searched for. "You no longer have my precious gift. Did you think I turned treacherous?"
"I misplaced it. I would never have thrown it away, even if I thought you'd left me."
"I know," You said as you ran a hand down his bare chest and over his heart. "You were in more pain than I understood that night. The blue in your eyes."
Ivar tensed. "How did you learn about that?"
"Your mother told me."
"My mother…" Ivar knew his mouth was hanging open in question, and he snapped it shut to regain composure.
"She found your bracelet. It was her voice I could hear beckoning me to the land. She must be a powerful woman to do such a thing."
You didn't have any animosity in your voice, but Ivar couldn't help but feel angry for you. His mother had taken your life from the sea by force. He had considered the heinous deed himself for a time, but he would have never risked your resentment. What if that came to pass now that the unthinkable had happened?
Ivar couldn't keep himself from looking at you now. He wouldn't let you go a second time. "She said the sea will take me. Perhaps you are meant to stop that from happening."
"Or maybe I am the sea," You said, shifting your hips as you hovered over his lap. With a firm shove you had him down flat on the furs, and he nearly lost his air as your thighs squeezed at his waist. "Come to take you myself because I couldn't stand the thought of that Margrethe touching you."
And then Ivar realized...Ubbe had known he was taking him to you. You had been on land long enough to learn to walk and find out about his pathetic setup with the thrall. His face flushed and he turned his head to the side before feeling your fingers grasp his chin. You tilted his face back around, and he saw only tenderness.
"I know the weariness from being alone. My heart has been there as well."
"You'll stay?" Ivar knew he sounded a touch petulant, but he did not want to suffer another morning with you vanishing.
"Until the gods bring you home and the sea turns me to froth, I will remain by your side, Ivar Ragnarsson."
He didn't know who's lips touched first, but when your mouths connected, it was like being awash on the deck of a ship. You were a cool drink of water with the tang of salt, and Ivar threaded his hands through your hair. The more his hold tightened, the more it pulled him in like reeds in a marsh.
You withdrew slowly, and you held his gaze, even when he wanted to look away from the thrill of what you'd just done. With careful hands, you shed the veil from your head, and then the dress, all collecting into one pile on the floor with his garments. You were naked before him. All of your scales were gone in place of smooth flesh and pleasing curves. Ivar knew he was gaping at your breasts, how they rose and fell with each rapid breath you took. As you gave a coy grin, you peeled back one corner of the furs and slithered your way in beside him. You pressed up against his side, and his body went taut as you tangled your legs with his.
"Is this alright?" You asked while your toes brushed up and down his shin.
"Yes," He said as a puff of air escaped him.
It was stifling hot under the covers, and your hand seemed to sear his flesh as you dragged it up to his thigh. Your fingers just teased next to cock before brushing up his abdomen. Ivar shifted, his hand reaching yours to halt your motions.
Your eyes flashed to his, and you smiled with patience. "Tell me what you want."
"I…" He paused, unable to form the words, and he could feel himself losing his nerve. With a tighter grasp, he took control of your hand and brought it back down to his half-hard prick. "I just want you."
"You have me," You murmured back as your hand began to fondle his shaft. He continued to grow in your hand, and Ivar let his eyes roll back at the feeling of you working him. His cock had never been so stiff, and his free hand clutched at the furs as he tried to recognize everything he was feeling. Fluid was beginning to bead out at his tip, and he struggled to push you back.
"S-stop," He sputtered.
You pulled back with a shy expression, and you were breathing just as hard as he was. You enjoyed what you could do to him. "Are you alright?"
Ivar bobbed his head, not sure if he agreed or not with your question. "I was losing control too soon, and I haven't even touched you yet."
"Is that all?" You rolled yourself on top of him, pushing back the furs while the cold air of the room pebbled your nipples. Ivar looked up at you in awe. "Touch me then."
Your slick center was rubbing on the base of his shaft now pressed up against his stomach, and he could feel his hips give a few practiced ruts. He saw the flash of delight in your eyes, and you hummed out a moan that was as long as a horn that bellowed in war.
"I'm still adjusting to this new body," You panted. "I've never felt like this before."
Ivar felt a strong sense of pride for bringing you these new experiences along with him. Even though he lacked the skill, he had a newfound confidence that had him reaching for you. His hands felt rough and clumsy against your untouched skin, squeezing and pawing to see how much pressure to apply and where. Your breasts were soft and pliable while your backside was firm and rounded, and you leaned further into him as he grasped onto your cheeks. You placed a wet kiss in the hollow of his throat that had him moaning. He wondered if you could hear his heart racing.
"Please," He choked. "I need to feel you."
Your hand reached down between your bodies, and you pulled back to watch his face as you clutched his cock. Lining it up with your slippery center, you brought your cunt down to the hilt. Ivar was under no delusions that he would last long or immediately be worthy of infamy in bed like his brothers, but being surrounded by your wet heat, he thought he'd cum right then. As you sat up straight to readjust, he let out a gasp. You did too, only when his eyes cracked open to get a look at you, your eyes were shut and your face was screwed up in pain.
"What's wrong?"
"Is it supposed to hurt like this?" You whimpered, hands grabbing at his chest. It seemed everything about your human body was new.
"For human women, it does the first time." He wrapped his arms around you and spun you down onto the bed with himself still connected between your legs. It would be difficult for him to manage this way long, but it would be better for you this time. "I've got you."
Your eyes were blurry from unshed tears, but he could feel you relax in his arms as he began to set a slow pace. On the first withdrawal of his cock he could see a small amount of blood seep out which he regretted feeling thrilled about. You were his now, and he was yours.
The strength in your legs was unmatched, and as you grew more comfortable you squeezed at his waist with your knees. He knew his end was already in sight from the tightening in his balls and the burning in his gut. You had thrown your head back, hair tousled and mouth open to show your sharp teeth. It was the only telltale sign that you weren't a human, and he bought his lips down on yours to explore the fangs with his tongue. You teased back with little nips, and you gave a harsh tug on his hair that separated him from the sloppy kiss.
"Fuck," He breathed out, and his hips began to lose rhythm. "I can't go much longer."
You ran a hand meant to soothe down his back, but it only spurred him on. His hips snapped at a frenzied pace with his thighs smacking against yours. Nothing could stop him chasing the feeling of his release, and with a few more pumps he felt himself empty deep inside you with a profane groan. All of the strain he'd put on his arms to keep from balancing on his legs gave out, and he collapsed on top of you. Your hot skin stuck to his, and he could feel you twitch beneath him.
"Sorry," He whispered embarrassedly. He rolled off of you and his cock made a wet pop as it slipped out from your folds. "You didn't get to finish."
You rolled onto your side to look at him, still breathing fast and on the precipice of your release. "Forget that. This was about you getting to enjoy me tonight."
Ivar shook his head as he turned into you. "But I want you to enjoy me as well."
His hand dove for your core, chubby fingers fumbling around in your wet pussy that was now a mix of your blood and his cum. This was the first time he had felt a woman's warmth, and he watched your reaction as he felt around your lips and the tiny bud at the top. When he stroked over it with his thumb your legs jerked and you whined. He continued to swirl his digit around the nub while experimenting with varying degrees of pressure. You were now experiencing his love for you, and he could read what you enjoyed most with how expressive you were with your body. He settled into a comfortable pattern, and your hand shot down to join his when he hit a perfect cadence.
"Yes...there," You cried.
Ivar plunged his longest finger into your depths as you began to wither and shake. He could feel your pussy clamp down on him as you came, and he knew he wanted to feel that on his cock next time. Your eyes blinked rapidly as you started to calm, and he withdrew his hand, only to bring it to his mouth for a taste. You watched him in rapt attention.
"A warrior tastes the blood of his enemies in battle, so should he not also taste his lover's in bed?"
You brought your hands back together with his and pulled yourself against his chest. "If the gods willed it, then let it be so."
You laid in silence together, and Ivar felt your little puffs of air even out as you fell asleep. He pulled a fur over the both of you, the fire had long gone low and the night air colder. Indeed the gods must have willed it. Ivar now knew he was favored by the gods above all other sons of Ragnar. You were a daughter of Rán, and you had chosen him. His mother knew it as well, or else she wouldn't have summoned you back into his arms. In his heart, he had already forgiven her for taking the bracelet.
The sea had come to take him, and he had gone willingly into the mouth of the current. It was comfortable there, like a never-ending waterfall over rocks beating him down onto your altar. You opened it up and took him in, and now you were both drenched.
The cabin grew cold and black, and Ivar went to sleep beside you that night with the comfort that the stars still shined overhead, and that when dawn came he would not have to face another day without you.
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beetlebugdash · 3 years
My thoughts during Strike Back
- Attack on titaiN?
- I'm starting to dislike frogs
- Poor tiki
- Attack on titian or miraculous?
- Felix I love and hate you
- Nvm
- I do admit Gabriel is smart (sort of)
- Shadowmoth my beloved
- “im froggy im no fun im not afraid of anyone”
- ZEKE?????
- Chat right now “WRONG SHOW”
- Ok somebody translate because they sound pissed
- Now she opens her eyes
- The mayor has not seen aot confirmed
- Neither has the news
- Pretty animation is pretty animation
- So only chat has seen aot
- ladybug is saving the frog child
- why are they looking so depressed
- Same im getting annoyed too
- Ok now ladybug has a plan
- Welp good going chat
- Ticket to the movies saves the day?
- Wait how come felix didn’t have a mark? Because he got there that morning?
- Adrien/felix with a necklace
- Too many references
- Speaking of references, an aot and the miraculous anime trailer
- I want the frog PLEASE
- Looks familiar
- Ladybug likes bad boys
- But I do feel chats pain for real
- Surprised its not a piece of paper that says “doomed”
- I smell trouble from felix
- Hawkmoth doesn’t sound pleased
- Alya knows theres trouble
- Ladybug looks depressed
- Gabriel gained silver hair
- “ah shit its felix”
- Its an “you know I know” situation
- Ngl felix looks hot here
- I
- Ring for the peacock
- Oh god that face
- Im afraid for Adrien
- Poor poor ladubug
- Im so confused if that’s the end or just gloob explaining
- Old guy isn’t gonna like this ending
- If it was truly bad bunnyix would’ve come so im guessing its part of the plot
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noodlepai · 3 years
Not me absolutely gushing over the Vs Hypno mod like rrRRAHSHSB okay okay, god damn it's a good mod, mod spoilers ahead btw cuz imma be having my moment
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First of all, the first two songs and the mechanic is AWESOME, and the way the screen like, gets all fucked up when you miss the spacebar is amazing, AND THE DESIGNS LIKE HOLY SHIT, GF my beloved <3 and just the nostalgia with Hypno's Lullaby just yesssss, the death screen is also cool af
Seeing Missingno makes me literally feel like a kid again when I used to be afraid of creepypastas, especially Lavender Town, BANGER SONG btw that shit is 🤌🤌 big nostalgia and I fucking love it so damn much, love seeing more appreciation for my mate Missingno, the bg and death screen music being Cinnabar Island is rad as hell, the way Missingno messes up your arrows, to the beat as well is just mwaH
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON SILVER, I REMEMBER THE CREEPYPASTA AND ALL THE VIDEOS, I remember how scared and shit I would be but I still absolutely loved it all, bro when I saw my boy come up and heard the song (which may I add IS SO DAMN GOOD) I just started to smile, literally put me in 2013-2015 in the span of seconds, reminds me of back when I was super into creepypastas and especially Pokemon ones, bro this song alone probably is gonna be the reason I look up videos of Lost Silver again, time to fixate and loop the ost, my man literally said "I'm dead 💀", AND THE CELEBI IN THE BACK WITH PERISH SONG JUST OOOOOO
This mod is definitely one of my favorites now and just, sheeesh god damn, this was such a great trip down memory lane, okay thank you for listening I am gonna go loop Monochrome now
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hottakesdutp · 2 years
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Hot Takes Dutp: Xie Cheng
A) OoOooo Long Hair +5
B) Look at this Refined Gentleman <3
C) POP that collar
D) Cheekbones for Days babe <3
E) I’m a sucker for a serious face +5
F) One Lip Club <3
G) Turtle neck?
H) Ya know this boy is ripped
I) Sword! Nice
J) Love this pose, looks natural
K) Silver AND Gold accents!? Swag
L) Historical Shoe Booties <3
Additional Notes:
The little shocked face animation he does when you click on him in the lantern IS SO DAMN CUTE.
This guy is in my top five male romantic companions for sure, official ranking to be posted when I catch up to the current stories.
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doiefy · 3 years
nct as songs! any unit or members idk you pick
oooooo okokook this is fun, thank you anon !! <333 i'll do my 127 boys then because i actually have a folder of playlists based on each member (yall hmu if you want em 😳). edit: yep. i went all out with these, couldn't help myself.
taeil: re-bye by akmu. something about taeil screams jazz. he's so classy but also just. plain weird. funky and quirky, kinda awkward but in a sweet and very loveable way. he'll trip over beats, swing notes, hit the wrong chords in an experimental way, but he'll make it sound good. late mornings and brunch at a traditional diner. bitter coffee turned sweet with copious sugar.
johnny: allergic by post malone. maybe it's because of that ig video where he dances to it, but yeah. coming of age, college movie lead in a big blockbuster. charming girls around campus, getting his heart broken all too often, but getting up and walking past like nothing happened. messy math notes, chewed up pencils, chaotic dorm, waking up in the bathtub hungover and not knowing how he got there.
taeyong: subside by eloise. was debating giving this to taeil because it'll be on the playlist for my next taeil fic, but this is totally taeyong. lowkey, soft domestic boyfriend who feeds the neighbour's cats and takes lost puppies under his wing. nothing grand, nothing over the top, just mornings in bed, drowning in the warmth of fresh laundry while the sun spreads its rays across the bedsheets. 
yuta: baka mitai by kazuma kiryu. okay LISTEN, the song fucking slaps even if the memes prevail. this was on the playlist for my vampire yuta fic, and seriously, just imagine: late night drives, city lights, the classic 80s and 90s hits on his squeaky, static-laced radio. classy, elegant, almost kind of traditional, but he brings his own style to it. 
doyoung: love scene by baekhyun. i contemplated putting a more traditional ballad for him, but he's in his e-boy phase and we take those. late nights, black clothes, edgy lil bitch but not in the sense of stealing shopping carts and going for joyrides around empty parking lots. contemplative, dark, moody, quiet. nights spent locked in his room with his mini fridge and projector.
jaehyun: feels like you by faime. he's a fucking heartthrob, that's what he is. simple guitar riff, soft falsetto, dream-like melodies. sweater vests and nice dress shirts, oversized jeans. a first date on the first day of spring: pink skies, picnics in the park, blossoming trees and dancing under the stars. gentle love and soft confessions.
jungwoo: yoru ni kakeru by yoasobi. c'mon. that's him. fun-loving, free-spirited, running wild through the night and reliving his high school days. being scared of being reckless, being scared of getting caught, but doing it all anyways. screaming bloody murder in the backseat of a car while the driver goes 40 over the speed limit.
mark: origami by unlike pluto. another movie protagonist. he's the male lead in a indie summer film that probably involves a scene where he goes cliff diving with his buddies. coming of age, going through the pain of grief and loss, throwing caution to the wind when he comes out of it; enjoying life the way he wants to.
haechan: i shot cupid by stela cole. he's in his rebellious, big boy phase okay. stomping around in combat boots and leather jackets, but you best bet you’ll find him getting all soft and trying on glittery lip gloss. hitching rides on motorcycles after spray painting a giant dick on a mailbox in the middle of the night. flashing neon lights, silver accessories, customized chrome bike accents.
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Between Rei & Inko, who do you think is more eager to show off (embarrassingly cute) baby pictures of her son to her (future) son-in-law?
Oooooo I think Inko would be the most eager to embarrass Izuku! Her baby used to love dressing up in costumes and definitely had a phase where he wanted to wear his silver-age All Might costume all the time!
As a result, Inko has several albums of little Izuku posing for the camera, a bright smile on his face, but never really had anyone to show them to... So when Shoto comes over for the first time, she jumps at the opportunity.
Izuku may be mortified, but he has to admit that the fond smile on Shoto's face makes it worth it.
Rei would be incredibly eager as well, seen as she's missed out on these things for so long and never really got to do typical-mother things like embarrass her baby boy. She'd be less vocal about it though, worried that Shoto wouldn't see the funny side to it.
As their relationship grows though, she gradually gains the confidence to tease him. And when her son walks into her room one Saturday, holding hands with someone who could only be Midoriya Izuku, Rei's face begins to ache from how much she's smiling.
They talk for a while - he's incredibly awkward and stuttery and Rei can't have that at all, because she wants this boy to feel welcome. So when Shoto steps out to talk to one of the nurses about her potential discharge, Rei beckons Izuku over onto her bed and pulls out an old album that she hasn't even shown Shoto yet.
She begins to flick through the pages, explaining the context behind each photo and soon enough, Izuku is smiling and laughing along with her. She shows him so many memories she thought she had forgotten; Toya's first attempt at baking cookies with her, Fuyumi playing piano with a baby Shoto sat on her lap, Natsuo winning a gold medal at his school's sports day.
Even when she shows Izuku a blurry photo that Fuyumi had taken of a naked two year old Shoto running away from Rei after having a bath, she can't deny the fact that this isn't just about embarrassing her son anymore.
Sometimes it's nice to just remember.
Their shoulders brush when Izuku suddenly moves to point at a four year old Shoto, who's stood proudly and smiling at the camera, a love heart made of ice in his hands. He gushes about how adorable her son looks and thanks Rei for showing him such an intimate part of her life.
She turns to look at him then, admiring the way Izuku seems to radiate a warmth that's so different to the fire she's used to.
In that moment, she understands exactly what Shoto had meant when he had told her Midoriya Izuku was something special.
'I'm so glad it's you.' She confesses, not noticing Shoto enter the room. 'Thank you for loving my Shoto.'
Izuku blushes for a moment, but is still feeling playful.
'You say that like I had a choice, Rei-san.' He giggles. 'I couldn't stop loving Shoto-kun if I tried.'
They get the photo album out a lot more after that. Shoto doesn't mind though. Being with his two favourite people is enough 😌
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Can I have some Lich King head-canons? Like with a village town boy crush who is oblivious to the Undead Kings advances?
Oooooo yeeeeeesss, of course you can!!
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- They see you first through the eyes of their undead horde. Which, before you, the horde was going to desecrate and pillage the Town to find fresh bodies for the army and silver/metals for their armour and weapons.
- But seeing you, face flushed from hard labour in the fields. Sweat dripping down that gorgeous body of yours, the Lich just couldn’t bring themselves to destroy YOUR town. 
- So, instead, the horde scatters and starts bringing little gifts to you. At first you’re terrified. How else do you react when rotten, shambling corpses chase after you with flowers and little makeshift baskets of goods? 
- Confused and terrified, you lock yourself away in your home until the Lich calls back their shamblers. They’d have to think of another way to make you feel safe and accept the little shiny trinkets the Dead leave for you. 
- But over the course of a few weeks, the Dead come and go. Leaving they’re gifts and adoring letters from the Lich. The Lich comes to you in nightmares. (That’s all they know. They don’t know how to enter dreams without causing fear.) And you start to understand their intention isn’t to harm you. But to get to know you. Some days you yearned for sleep, to see the haunting figure. Speak with them about your day and possibly, despite it not being real, to hold their skeletal hand.
- When Undead animals come to you in the woods, you don’t immedately strike them with your axe. But instead speak to the Lich about your day. They are unable to talk back. But they stay by your side, guarding you until you return home. 
- You’re shunned by the Town after some time though. They chase you from your home with pitchforks and torches. Cursing your name and threating to hang you or drown you in the lake. 
- When you arrive on the Lich’s doorstep, trembling and terrified, they comfort you with whispered words and a bony embace as they usher you inside. 
- The next day, you could see the town in flames. The Dead crawling over it like rats; tearing viciously at the townsfolk until they either joined the ranks, or were devoured. 
- You live out your days within the Keep of the Dead. The Lich King leaves sometimes to destroy and conquer. And they return with treasures and bountiful lands to call your own.
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment zone for aew dynamite 5/11/22
started like 40 mins late and i didnt even have time to eat my dang burger
me at the beginning of the adam cole vs dax harwood match: if adam wins im gonna be really mad me at the end of the adam cole vs dax harwood match: >:( AND to the sharpshooter??? AUGH my burger will console me
dude i hate impractical jokers so bad its like a lethal amount of secondhand embarrassment oh boy its the cm punk vs silver match!! im exci-- hes. his jersery is so big. boyfriend's jersey. what on this earth wow johnny hungee / cm punk chant hangman just say youre here to support your friend. do it LMAO THE "FUCK YOUR PIZZA" CHANT cm punk and hangman exchanging looks from 500 feet away :)c long island crowd got the chants yeah!!! silver with the kicks!!! brainbuster!! whoa the AUDACITY MY FAVORITE THING IS WRESTLERS USING OTHER WRESTLERS' SPECIAL MOVES OOOOOO CM PUNK... WOOO he loves it when people get mad at him. hes got troublemaker's disease. how can this man continue to be a face
what is this sweetheart filter on this britt baker segment
DANHAUSEN TIME!!!!! WHAT IS THIS THEME DID THEY MAKE A DIFFERENT THEME??? HIS LEGALLY DISTINCT TEQUILA ONE IS SO GOOD THO TONY DIDNT EVEN GET AN ENTRANCE?? LOL i guess they gotta cut for time with all these matches on the card OH MY GOD THEY SQUASHMATCHED HIM ULTRA HEEL HEAT "we're gonna beat up all your internet meme wrestlers" please no leave my favorites alone but also i think orange would kill him so maybe are they going to make hook save him??? LMAO YES HOOK DANHAUSEN ENEMIES TO FRIENDS ARC COMPLETE wish it was a real-er match but whaddya gonna do. someday, maybe...
wardlow time!!! LMFAO A DARK SIDE OF THE RING SEGMENT???? I SAW MJF IN THE BG I KNOW THIS IS FOR JOKES OMG YES this is so good. LOL HES ALSO WEARING A JERSEY staring at this table in the middle of the ring. chekov's table dont tell my friends im only half listening to mjf's speech. he is not my guy ok the winking is almost getting to me though lol mjf loooooves whippin people with his belt oh shawn spears did his 10 bit! did he only did that in the indies cage match? LOL mjf reffing for the cage match? OMG YESSSS TAKE THE CUFFS OFF :) >:)!!!!! YESSS GOT EM NOOOOOOOO oh lmfao the buttons just scattering everywhere CHEKOV'S TABLE!!!!!!!! ok but for reals we know wardlows gonna win at double or nothin now cuz the stakes are too high
ricky starks vs jungle boy! these two guys are just alright. i do not hate them, or even mildly dislike them, but i also do not go nuts for them. pure neutral here im apparently missing out on some insane commentary work swerve why are you h-- oh no jungle boy... OH! its christian cage! is he going to be evil now. i keep hearing people wanting him to be evil more interpersonal conflict is developing... cage.......... HUG ok hes a good guy. thats cool im all for it
jas time! is eddie going to show up with a bandaged face. like a mummy. i want this "you wanna know what turns me on?" lmao "YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT GETS MY NIPPLES HARD" i continue to love and appreciate 2.0 jericho: look in your heart. you know it to be true. long island sucks oh dont adultery eddie's made-up wife jericho. thats no good OH!!!!!!!! ITS EDDIE'S WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES BCC ASSEMBLING LMFAO AOHFAOUHGH EDDIE'S HALLOWEEN FACEPAINT KILL!!! MURDER!!!!!!!!!! REGAL ATTACK!!! YAY!!!! BCC EDDIE SANTANA ORTIZ TEAM lmao @ eddie tearing up the podium in the background like an angry dog dude jericho's team is gonna get wrecked. unless jericho starts casting blizzaga theyre done for
toni storm vs hayter... :)c toni's outfit. very red exchanging punches... i actually dont know who to root for here! baker vs hayter is like, well, i hope this tears their group apart. but toni storm is cool and i think itd be neat to see her fight baker too. or whoever the jonker is. i think hayter is cool and i want to see her wrestle more tho. im invested :o well that answers that
omg sammy telling kazarian that scorpio is a bad guy and kazarian rejecting this advice...
LOSING MY MIND AT THESE PPV MATCH ANNOUNCEMENTS OHHHHH HOOKHAUSEN BUY-IN MATCH REAL ?? wow i got my real match faster than i thought id get it. then again nese is tagging with sterling so... hmmm i guess i better figure out how im going to buy the ppv sooner rather than later, esp if fite is crackin down on vpn stuff... i dont update my phone apps for storage reasons so i think im good on that front but i already had a little bit of a struggle buying revolution 2022 as is (had to do a roundabout thing of getting google play credit and using that)
what the why are you looking at my liveblog when youre in voice chat with me dont yell at me for being blazé about your mjf man. and i WAS paying attention despite it all!!! he is just too funny to ignore unfortunately
darby vs jeff hardy. theyre going to kill each other love jeff hardy's outfit here he looks like a piece of candy as much as i love shirtless men i feel like you really miss out on the accessorization opportunities. leaving that torso slot unequipped, man. i joked earlier about this match just being darby and jeff hardy pulling out taller and taller ladders to jump off of and here they just pull out the 100 ft ladder at the start staring at the chekov's chair setup just sitting over there. unharmed. not a wrestler on it oh no what the NO THAT LADDER IS TOO HIGH AND THAT IS NOT THE-- THATS THE GROUND ITS NOT EVEN PADDED. THOSE CHAIRS ARENT GONNA BREAK YOUR FALL ok yea just come down the other side thats fine OH NO DARBY NOT YOU TOO AGHGUGHGHGHHGHH insane. ough the ring apron is hard. not as hard as that ladder and chairs but oof SWANTON ON THE STEPS bruhh ;o; (crying emojis) OHHHHH JEFF HARDY WITH THE PIN!!! lmfao "you know how he [won?] in a no rules match, he did a wrestling move!"
very exciting matches for us on friday and also wednesday. didnt realize that double or nothing is so soon theyre gonna have to speedrun these trials for wardlow huh. gonna be good
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