#and only watched the brazilian adaptation btw
lullybaju · 3 months
Oh, Monte Cristo...
The french prince of Machiavelli
The pride and joy of Foucalt
The apple of Catholic's Church eye
The talented Ripley of 19th century
The master of narration
The king of metamorphosis
The romantic version of architecht archetype of mbti
The most controversial of them all
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Alright. Focus.
Here we are in June and I'm proud - almost in tears - to say that I've finally  managed to finish The Count of Monte Cristo, one of my favorite books since childhood and the longest book I've ever read (!)
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Although i enjoyed the experience of reading an over 1000 page book, I still think their final stretch wasn't that exciting. The last chapters were saved from boredom by the ko of the big four and the rising from the ashes of Benedetto. This corsican boy deserved to live in freedom and the knockout of Gerard de Villefort and Baron Danglars were those great epic revenges I was counting on and the epitome of violence I had been waiting for!
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Despite the ease of reading that dynamic side, the most special moment of the final stretch was Dantés return to If as Monte Cristo. Ok, I'm very aware that I said the merciful version of the count drove the story right to the end, but the door stopper built a new turning point for us to enjoy and it was not a cheesy one this time.
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Monte Cristo visit to If was a visit to his past and it radically changed his goals and his plans as it made him remember that his true wish was only not to get his memory taken away. Actually, his reflection carried something deeper than that: he could understand that his revenge succeed from the moment he managed to make people know and let people know about him and all the ordeal he went through - not just his traitors, but all those tourists who will carefully listen to the tour guide and wonder about what happened to prisoner number 34 and will talk about that history with many people. After all of that, he realized that memory is power and memory is justice.
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Can you feel?
The Count of Monte Cristo will always be one of my favorite books because it gives me life. This novel will remain extraordinary for eternity because it has the power to give life to any reader.
This amazing novel keep us informed of many tragedies with many gossip about many (aristocratic) people while let us know about a very methodical vengeance that is being carried out by a man who is experiencing the extremes of human being, but, although he was facing such hell-heaven condition, he didn't feel satisfied by just living in peace with the paradise side benefits of that situation and decided to fulfill our fantasies of power by using his lucky to bring justice by promoting violence against social structures and institutions of oppression, such as the judiciary, the capital and the army, through the people who represent them.
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In addition to that, the so-called man is superhumanly smart and focused on achieving his own personal goals, that is to say, as a rule, a role model for everybody living under capitalism and economic liberalism. Actually, a hero, but not any kind of hero: he isn't naive and break the rules without thinking twice to fuck his way to the top everytime he realizes this kind of cheating is social acceptable and the key to succeed, and he also goes through many mood swings to the point of bring his love to someone especial in a middle of some of his authoritarians states of mind.
Imperfectly human, the count seems to be a relief as he shows himself as a big guide of pros and cons of what even a hero is forced to do to have a decent life in times of great pressure.
Long life to the count of Monte Cristo.
Supporting text I used, but it's in portuguese
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
Let's talk about entitlement
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A couple of weeks ago I discovered that a voice actor from my country, an incredibly popular figure that is known for voicing super big roles such as Superman, Samurai Jack, Optimus Prime, Coop from Megas XLR (my favorite dub from the dude btw, he absolutely kills it!), and also acting as the voice for many popular actors such as Jim Carrey, was cast to play the role of Future Devil in the Brazillian dub of Chainsaw Man.
Now... I myself have not watched anything dubbed in my home country in eons, in fact, the Puss in Boots 2 movie was the first time in a while where I saw any form of media dubbed with Brazillian voice actors, if only because I wanted to see this thing as soon as possible so I just rushed to the nearest cinema I could find, and sadly Brazillian cinema doesn't show animated movies in their original dub...
So anyway, I wasn't exactly going "OMG!! Superman is gonna voice the "the future rules!" guy!!!" or anything like that. I was mostly just going "Oh, neat!", but after watching Puss I was kinda curious to find out how the whole Brazilian Future Devil thing went and... Ugh...
Apparently, the voice actor got a lot of hate on Twitter because they didn't adapt the line from the manga in the same way it was done by the fan translations... I repeat, people got angry at the actor because the line was different from the FAN TRANSLATIONS! And he received so much backlash from the watchers that he decided to drop out of the show and thus won't be returning for a future season.
So... Let's talk about entitlement a little bit
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Let's just assume for a moment that there is a girl you really, really like (I'm using "girl" but just replace it with whatever works for you), but she couldn't care less about you, so you try to make yourself look better, more desirable, more "worthy" of her by, let's say... Having a very well-paid job, or being someone who donates a lot to charity, or paying for the surgery of her grandma, or finding the cure for cancer, or ending world hunger... Let's just assume you did everything you could to be considered the most perfect person ever...
You're still not entitled to that girl's affection, appreciation, or even attention if she doesn't want to give you that.
Entitlement is the mentality of "I earned this, so I deserved it!"
But the fact of the matter is, unless you're paying someone for a job, and they agree to it, nobody really owes you anything.
(Although I guess one could argue that you're also owed your parents' support in order to survive since they're the reason you're here at all but... I'm not sure I have enough knowledge to talk about this so casually.)
But long story short, entitlement is this idea that you should have things done in the way you want them to be, just because you convinced yourself that this is how it should be.
I mentioned before in my Makima post that I really don't like this mentality because it works to make people think they have power over something they have nothing to do with.
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This happens a lot with fanbases. Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Chainsaw Man, Star wars... There are so many pieces of media where the public will go "this isn't how I wanted" or even worse "this isn't how it is supposed to go!" as if they were the creators or something.
They use arguments like "I complain because I care!" but in reality, it isn't about caring. This isn't about displaying your love for an IP you care about, it's about you not being able to handle a reality different from what you wanted.
It's basically the premise of the movie "Misery" where this one fan wants to act like she knows the story better than the actual author.
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Now... Thinking that you deserve something even though there is nothing that says you technically do aside from your own belief is already bad enough, but it gets even worse when people use it as an excuse to act violently.
Harassing a voice actor and making him give up on his job just because a line was changed is just beyond silly. It's not the fans' duty to tell how a story should be told, same way it isn't right for fans to harass an actor just because they played an unpopular character in a live-action performance like it Happened with Rose in Star Wars, or telling someone they should kill themselves just because they made a joke about an infamous ship in Chainsawman.
It's even weirder in Chainsawman's case because part 2 literally starts with someone getting so much harassment by their classmates that it makes her want to die, which just makes me wonder if people are even trying to pick the messages of the story they are consuming.
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Bottom line, entitlement is ugly. It is in my opinion THE ugliest mindset anyone could have.
It makes people perform actions out of selfishness, arrogance, anger, and it only works to spread pain and misery. It makes you look at other people as objects that only exist to satisfy your desires and makes you forget they have feelings and that they can get hurt, all because they happen to want to do something you disagree with.
If someone writes a story in a way you don't like it, you're not entitled to attack that writer. If someone performs the role of a character in a way you don't like it, you're not entitled to attack that actor. And if someone has an opinion about a piece of media that you disagree with, you're not entitled to attack that commenter.
You NEVER have a reason to attack anyone. Trying to put others down just to make yourself look big, ironically, doesn't make you look big! It just makes it look like you don't have enough faith in what you stand for and are too afraid that someone might prove you wrong.
Entitlement and aggressiveness are huge symbols of insecurity, cowardice, and immaturity, because people who truly believe in what they believe in, don't resort to harassment so fast just because a different point of view showed up.
We only attack when we feel threatened, when we feel someone is trying to hurt us or trying to take something important from us.
Attacking should only be reserved for self-defense, or the defense of someone who can't defend themselves (and even then I feel like there is a whole other grey area of debate on how to know who needs and should be defended and from whom, which I really don't feel I have the skills or maturity to properly talk about myself).
A random line on a fan translation of a popular manga that got changed when the official dub came out... Is just not a good enough reason to feel threatened, and not a good enough reason to attack someone, even if it's just an online attack.
We all know the line, "If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything!"
Unless someone is asking for your opinion, unless someone is paying you to speak and make a criticism or provide some sort of honest feedback, or unless you're being harassed first, you are NEVER entitled to use your words or body to try to harm someone!
You are free to live your life in any possible way you want, as long as no one is getting hurt from it.
At least in my opinion...
I am not a psychologist, or psychiatrist, or a psychic, or any form of expert in the field of the human mind.
These are just my casual thoughts about a... Not so casual topic, but I feel it's important to be talked about nonetheless because I feel not many people seem to realize how big of a problem entitlement really is, and how it seems to be getting worse as the years go by as the media and internet keeps making us feel like we have more power over other people's lives than we actually have.
Just... Try to think twice before you get that sudden urge to want to complain about the way something is or how someone is acting just because you don't agree with it. Think a little about who might be getting hurt from it and if it's truly worth it getting so upset about it.
Anyways, this was a downer talk... Anyone seen Puss in Boots 2 yet?
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dreamcast-official · 3 years
i wanna know about the sonic cartoons!!! i have seen clips of some and i was funny i wanna know more >:]
(but im going to sleep now, ill read it tomorrow lol)
omg sleep well bestie! i will tell you all i know about the sonic cartoons
so! the first sonic cartoon was the adventures of sonic the hedgehog (1993). it was very. strange. very 90s american cartoon. none of it had anything to do with the games - which, fair enough, the games barely had any plot at this point. i dont know much about it, as i never watched it, but it was famous for a) sonic’s catchline of “i’m waitingggggggggggg” which can be incredibly grating and b) introducing the idea that sonics favorite food is chili dogs! the brazilian dub also had sonic saying “meus jovens!” (”young men!”) a lot. i dont know if this was in the english version but it was really funny to me because sonic you are 12 who are you calling a young man. the second sonic cartoon was titled just sonic the hedgehog, but it’s more commonly known as sonic sat.am, which stands for sonic saturday morning, as it was a saturday morning cartoon. it was surprisingly dark! i watched it as a kid and don’t remember much about it, but man i was scared of robotnik back then. obviously i didnt watch it as it aired but ! whatever. at the same time sat.am was airing, there was also sonic underground, which is the weirdest sonic cartoon ever in my opinion. why? well my good friend, the plot of the show was that sonic was a long lost prince who had a twin brother and sister (they r triplets) and they need to save their mother, queen aleena hedgehog, yes that is her full name, and you’ll never guess how they plan on doing this. they’re going to save their mother with the power of rock. i literally love sonic underground so much i am not joking i unironically recomend it just because of how batshit it is and also the theme song fucks, go listen to it its really good. then there was the sonic anime, sonic x. sonic x is most remembered for being the only one of the sonic cartoons to directly adapt storylines from the games, mostly sonic adventure 1 & 2 and sonic heroes, but its also remembered by the theme song: gotta go fast. yes, if im not wrong, this is where “gotta go fast” came from. the 4kids dub for sonic x sucks ASS but the brazilian version was based off of it and im extremely emotionally attached to it. no joke, i would wake up early on weekends to turn on my sonic x dvds - which i still own btw. its genuinely such a charming show even if season 3 is kinda Strange. if you get the chance, i definitely recomend it! though, its better to watch it subbed for the story, but watch it dubbed for the funnys. and the last sonic cartoon, arguably the funniest, most iconic, most fan-favorite sonic cartoon: sonic boom. the sonic boom games were....not the best. but the cartoon? the sonic boom cartoon is a fucking MASTERPIECE. the jokes are the funniest bits ive ever seen in a kids show, the voice acting is incredible in every language ive seen this show in, and the animation - while not outstanding - definitely has a charm to it. i dont know if its on netflix worldwide, but i watch it on netflix all the time - it is so fucking funny, genuinely. the “sonic boom out of context” comps do it justice because the context is usually just as batshit.
and thats the history of sonic cartoons! they are all so very near and dear to my heart.
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svankmajerbaby · 3 years
yes i am complaining about a show i havent fully watched from the year 2015 i dont care
so there’s this amazing comic book i love called El Hipnotizador (The Hypnotist) which is Quintessentially Porteño. like, the streets, the architecture, the dustiness and early-twentieth century style of it feels extremely familiar and even comforting if you’re familiar with Buenos Aires, especially older areas like San Telmo that retain that sort of aesthetic
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(the whole comic book is available to read here btw tho i recommend buying it and seeing the drawings in their full quality, it has a lot of superb detail and its just a nice thing to have available to read at certain times)
anyway there was this adaptation which was this big publizised thing that HBO Latinamerica wanted to be the first big project in the southern hemisphere of their reach. and, because it was cheaper or sth they decided to film most of it in Montevideo, Uruguay, instead of Buenos Aires. and, because HBO Latinamerica has offices in Brazil and not in, you know, the country that the comic book is set in, it decided to pad out the cast with brazilian actors.
so far, it’s ok. it’s a rather short comic book and its understandable that they would try to add more characters, especially when each episode is around an hour long??? (i think it was a bad decision, but that’s not the focus of this rant)
BUT. my issue is. The Casting
like. look at this. this is meant to be the main character, Arenas.
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first of all the whole cast is like, easily ten years younger. but apart from that, the Absolute Lack of historical accuracy is what irks me the most. No Man With A Steady Job On Show Business In The 1930s would have stubble and badly combed hair. i get that hes meant to look disheveled and Tortured but like. fuck. also where’s the hooked nose. the jowl. the hunch. the way the guy looks like he was plucked from a crowd in an old photo. sbaraglia you’re a decent actor but here you’re so badly miscast
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then there’s salinero who was also both thinned down and made younger. cowards
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and then there’s this. which i hate even more.
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i literally can only tell the women in this show apart from the hairstyles. and even these are extremely inaccurate period-wise, especially compared with the original very well researched comic book.... like guys, you should have the resources to properly research this shit.
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and then livia. my poor livia. looking like exactly every daytime tv gossip show presenter. and Yes she has historically innacurate long straight hair at All Times, unnecessary nude/sex scenes that weren’t in the comic book, and even less of a personality than the comic book :^)))))
anyway this is all just to say we could have had an interesting concise adaptation but it was done dirty by bad historical research a need to “expand” the cast (tho with nary a person of color, even though it would make a lot of sense to cast actors that aren’t, yknow, white, especially since it’s a brazilian coproduction and clearly not set in Buenos Aires in the 1930s anymore). also HBO is terrified of old and fat people so fuck them
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startanewdream · 3 years
I love your story 'Until Spring comes Again'. You adapted it very perfectly that I didn't find it as an adaptation till James ran. I just have a suggestion and it's entirely upto you take or leave it. As I have watched Lion King and if this story ( going by till now) goes through the same line, then it would be James confronting Riddle. I just have a different idea. What if James goes undercover to find those still on his side? What if he pose as a rich lord who asks for Lily's hand in exchange for something which is obviously a con? Just a thought that screaming in my mind and that u wanted to share. If you don't like it just ignore it. And the story is really a great one.
Hey, @everythinghasreason!
I saved this for now to avoid any spoiler, but I just wanted to say it's been a delight discussing this story with you!
I was bound to follow The Lion King as much as possible, but if things were different, this take you suggested was so fun! More of a Robin Hood heist and I can only imagine Lily saying something like "you cannot force me to marry anyone I don't want!" and then upon seeing James she smiles to say "But since you insist, I will marry him". (Which is based on a Brazilian play, btw).
It would be fun, though in my mind Riddle would recognize James unless he was being very careful (and he would be, boy knows learned how to disguise himself).
Thanks so much for you support for this story!
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Some quotes from Fabinho's interview for 'De Sola' youtube channel via /r/LiverpoolFC
Some quotes from Fabinho's interview for 'De Sola' youtube channel
I know that someone else translated another Fabinho interview not long ago, but I was watching this one he gave a few days ago for a quite popular yt channel here in Brazil, and I thought you'd like some of the things he said - that he didn't say in the interview for Globo Esporte: (Here's the video for those who understand portuguese)
On who's the "most brazilian" out of the foreign Liverpool players: "Alberto Moreno, for sure." He said Moreno knows more brazilian songs than him "I'm not even exagerating, it's the truth"
On how was that to "put Messi in his pocket" (most of the questions came from social media btw): "I don't know if I put him in my pocket, gotta respect the man. He was the best I've ever faced. I think especially on the 2nd leg I managed to protect really well the area he plays and it was not easy.. he's unpredictable." "I saw people saying he disappeared on the game but the 4 opportunities Barça had came from him. He's a really unique guy, but there was a moment I noticed that Barcelona (players) waited and looked for him so I just started to close his area to not let the ball get to him - cause it's a problem if it does"
On if they believed that they could win the 2nd game against Barça: "Even before the first game I told Firmino: 'In Anfield we gonna swallow these guys up'" (he also told about Klopp talking to him in the dressing room after the 1st game and how everyone was very confident before the 2nd match)
On not being called up for Brazil NT: He said he's not trying to understand it anymore he's already in peace with it. His family's help made it easier to deal with it.
On the hypotetical scenary where his performances had something to do with him not being called up - even though they didn't - how he thinks he could improve to be called up: "I'm focusing now in improving at Liverpool... There's a lot of people who knows me and say that I should shoot more from the outside of the box.. it's one of the things I want to get better at. I want to be more important in the offensive part of Liverpool's game. The year of adapting is over, from now on I want to get better as a player for Liverpool and I believe it will also improve my chances to get in the NT."
On if the players and Klopp talked to him after he didn't get called up: "yes. I was actually surprised by how many people came to talk to me. I spoke to Firmino, he was like 'Don't worry mate. it happens..' Klopp sent a message .. I really didn't expect that.. he said 'I don't get it. You deserved it. But relax.." *then he joked that Klopp also didn't want to lose a player (mentally) as it was right before the UCL final.*
"Gini commented 'Fabinho?' when Liverpool IG page posted about Alisson and Firmino being called up. Then on the next day he said 'Fabinho, I was about to go to Brazil's IG page and comment a lot of times 'where's Fabinho?'' then I was like 'mate, stop that' (laughs)"
On who he thinks is going to be the Ballon D'Or winner: "I think it'll be Van Dijk. Especially after our Champions League title.. after our win vs Barcelona. I thought Messi would win it, but I think that loss affected Barça too much.. they even lost the Copa Del Rey final."
On if he dribbles VVD on trainning: "I'm usually on his team, thank God." "The only guy I've ever seen winning a ball from him on training was Firmino. Only once."
On which foreign Liverpool player he'd like to see the most in the brazilian NT: *The interviewer joked that he should choose himself, cause, like a lot of brazilians say on social media, maybe Tite thinks he isn't brazilian - that made Fab crack up* "A guy I really like is Mané, he's a great player" "There were like 7 or 8 games in a roll that he was always scoring, we just knew 'just pass the ball to Mané that 'something' gonna happen'" "If he was brazilian he'd make some damage playing along side Firmino in the attack - as they already know each other" .
Submitted July 09, 2019 at 08:15PM by lzn7 via reddit https://ift.tt/2Sexzzj
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alfredsnightmare · 6 years
It’s interesting how The Haunting remake draws so much from Richard Matheson’s Hell House - and specifically the film, The Legend of Hell House - more so then Shirley Jackson’s novel, which is of course rather fitting. Matheson’s book is indeed based on Jackson’s, and John Hough was greatly inspired by Robert Wise’s Hill House in making his Hell House.
(spoilers for both books and their respective adaptations follow)
This is most obvious in the character of Hugh Crain himself. If in the original book/movie he’s almost a victim of the house as much as the others (since the house itself is the source of evil rather then it’s ghosts), not the almighty source of Evil that 1999!Crain is - who, in turn, is lifted directly off Emeric Belasco from Matheson’s book (minus all the borderline pornographic stuff but still): a towering giant with a horrifying visage, who trapped and killed people within the house, and is now still keeping their spirits prisoner there after death. The house seems to become his “body” after he died.
The final confrontation between Nell and Crain is extremely similar to that of Ben and Belasco (even down to the cheesy dialogue lmao), both culminating in Crain/Belasco’s spirit being (possibly?) destroyed, and the only two survivors of the expedition - a man and a woman - leaving the house at dawn.
Lili Taylor’s Nell herself also seems to have borrowed a bit from Pamela Franklin’s Florence Tanner. Contrary to Julie Harris’ Nell (which is dangerously unstable, sometimes quite selfish and manipulative), Taylor plays her as a more resolute (if still fragile), selfless woman who - like Florence - wants to free the restless spirits (or one ghost specifically, in Florence’s case) killed by Crain/Belasco, and whose bodies were kept hidden somewhere inside the house.
1999!Nell and Florence both die likes martyrs in their quest to free said spirits, both getting crushed by religious iconography in rather similar settings (though in Nell’s case she is successful in her cause, while Florence was just being tricked by Belasco and ultimately has a more tragic death).
De Bont still owes a lot to Robert Wise, though. I had the opportunity to watch these two films back to back recently, something which I had never done before (in fact I had not seen the 1999 film in years because the internet convinced me it was horrible and my fond memories of it were because I was a kid, etc), and I was surprised at how much it actually uses Wise’s film as a blueprint and expanding upon it (which is sort of ironic bc the excuse they used for not being similar to the original was “it’s another version of the novel, not a remake” when it’s clearly based on many of the same changes and visual choices the 1963 version had). A few shots are even recreated verbatim. The house itself is clearly based on the original sets, only elevating it to a hundred. And yet, the mood and tone is completely different - the overall result looks and sounds a lot like Hough’s film (the sound design in particular).
I remember a Brazilian film review site actually described 1999!The Haunting as a remake of both 1963!The Haunting and The Legend of Hell House. According to IMDb, the film’s working title was The Legend of Hill House, which - if true - kind of confirms this theory.
De Bont still owes a lot to Robert Wise, though. I had the opportunity to watch these two films back to back recently, something which I had never done before (in fact I had not seen the 1999 film in years because the internet convinced me it was horrible and my fond memories of it were because I was a kid, etc), and I was surprised at how much indeed it uses Wise’s film as a blueprint and expanding upon it. Some shots are even recreated verbatim. The house itself is clearly based on the original sets, only elevating it to a hundred.
So overall I think people would’ve appreciated De Bont’s much more as a remake of The Legend of Hell House. A lot of the bad rep it gets is directly in comparison to Wise’s film - an expertly written, elegant, extremely subdued psychological thriller which is the complete opposite of the ultra-campy rollercoaster ride of Gothic Excess that it’s remake is.
Of course, Hough’s film lacks all the bad CGI and is still much more restrained and well written/acted then De Bont’s film is (it is Richard Matheson after all), but they share that similar feeling of being the more fun Hammer Horror remake of Wise’s more “uptight” film (I say this with all due respect, btw), with many similar aesthetic sensibilities (I’d also like to add the sound design of both films is also extraordinarily similar).
All of which is to say, once again, I really LOVE The Haunting (1999) - always have and always will - and it’s a damn shame it doesn’t get something of an appreciation after all these 20 damn years, if not for the effects and script - which are a mess - at the least for the awesome visuals, music, and Catherine Zeta Jones as an openly bisexual fashionista who lives in the end (Yaay!)
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
Heyyy, if you want to know the name of the song matuidi, kipembé and kurzawa are dancing to in the locker room it is Réseaux by Niska it is really good ! Also, those players are really funny and share the same vibes with Ney, you should definitely keep an eye on them. It is really true that the french teams in Ligue 1 have less money and supporters and smaller stadiums but it doesn't mean it is not interesting. The players are young and skilled. Neymar is there to play, not to be impressed
YESSSS ANON!!! Come through with more French music pleaseeee!!!
I don’t know if you follow me? And if you have if you followed me recently of just now, but if you do then you know I love French music. Every now and then I try to check the French top 40/50 whatever and download a whole bunch of songs haha. So if you have any other tips besides Maitre Gims, The Shin Shekai (do they still make music btw?) please let me know haha. 
Yeah, I see! The dressing room vibe is really good! Looks like they have much fun. I’m sure the dressing room will be a mix of Brazilian and French music haha. Dance partyyyyy. I can already see Ney vibing with some of them.
My main problem is that I hope they are also a team on the field. 
Well yeah I’m gonna see a lot more of Ligue 1 this season so I hope it’s entertaining. I’m just afraid he will get bored. That’s no shade to the French league if he would play here in Holland he would also get bored, but we will see. I’m gonna watch tonights match. Hopefully he will also score and then on to the next match. 
Anonymous said:Wow ney’s personal physiotherapists and trainer moved his family from Brazil to Barcelona and his kids are settling down there and adapting(they are apparently Carol’s neighbors in BCN). I am just wondering if he will have to move his family again to Paris especially when they are already adapting. Its amazing the number of people footballers moving to different cities affect.I also hope Carol doesn’t have to live because she seems to be enjoying Barcelona and making friends
Yeah I saw! They also had to sing a song I was surprised by that… 
I’m also wondering that tbh… I see a few of them are back in Barcelona now, but maybe to pack? Or maybe they will stay there? I have no idea where Gil is… Maybe also in Barça to leave his apartment? I know he really liked it there and he moved out and all, but I can’t imagine him not going to Paris…. Or attending tonight’s match tbh haha. 
I can imagine Carol staying in BCN. The flight only takes ½ hours and Davi is settled in BCN, has his friends, speaks the language etc. Also if she were to move I’m sure she would already be in Paris looking for schools for Davi. The school year - in France -  will also almost begin ( i think France is similar like Holland with that). Where Spain begins later. 
Anonymous said:I think ney has always been the life and party of the team and in the dressing room at Barca and Brazil NT but I think there are far bigger characters at psg and a strong group of French boys that seem to already be the life and party of their dressing room. I think until ney starts to speak French he’s going to stick with the Brazilians and might not be the big character he was at Barca.
Naawh I dont think he always was with Barca, but slowly that came. I’m sure with the NT he is the DJ haha. 
I’m sure he won’t be the life of the party at PSG in a few weeks. I mean of course every teammate knows he’s the star now, all the attention goes to him etc. But he can’t walk into a dressing room like “Yo wadduppp! *unplugs iPhone from random PSG player; plugs his own in and plays his music*. You also have to earn you place and status a bit in the team. If you get places into a new class halfway through the year you also have to get to know everyone a little instead of being loud etc like you were with the people you knew. It will come. Not this instantly, but it will come. 
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blackspellbook · 7 years
I’m currently following my country’s dub for Dragon Ball Super. When it was released in Japan (two years ago, I think?) I didn’t have interest to watch it because it seemed bad and the art style and animation were unappealing, but after Cartoon Network from Brazil started to dub the anime I decided to give it a chance because I hold special feelings for the Dragon Ball’s Brazilian voice actors.
Although it isn’t great, I’m really loving it. It’s so nice seeing again these characters that were so special to me when I was a child and the new characters are also great (BEERUS AND WHIS ARE AMAZING I LOVE THEM THEY’RE MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS NOW!!!)
The only things I really didn’t like so far are the fights, they are poorly animated and lack a climax) and the saga I’m current in, the Freeza’s arc. It is so slow and seems pointless in my eyes. I know this arc is just an adaptation of a movie (a movie I didn’t watch btw), but the pacing is bad, almost nothing relevant happens and Freeza’s presence is purely fanservice.
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