#and oikawa just walking in there and killing everyone to rescue him
iizuumi · 1 year
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starfinss · 3 years
Just Enough — Oikawa Tooru
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Summary: Oikawa reaches his breaking point. You’re there to comfort him.
Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Rating: Angst, fluff (SFW)
Word Count: 1,361
Sort of a part 2 to this
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Those were the sounds you heard as you stood outside the gym doors, your school books tucked into your bag and your coat on over your uniform. Practice had ended thirty minutes ago, and Oikawa was still at it. 
You puffed out your cheeks, your breath clouding in front of your face, and you leaned back against the door, listening to the sound of volleyballs hitting the floor with the speed of bullets as Oikawa practiced those monster serves, over and over again. 
If you’re gonna hit it, hit it ‘til it breaks.
That was what he always said. But if he was what ended up breaking, what was he supposed to do? 
You lingered at the door, fingers brushing against the handle as you contemplated going inside, knowing it’s what you should do. You were the team manager, and while this was somewhat outside of your realm of duties as a manager, it wasn’t outside your duties as his girlfriend.
It was long since time to go home, but the more you listened to him work himself to the bone, the more your heart broke. You leaned your forehead against the cool metal of the door, worry bubbling in your chest.
“Oh, Tooru.”
The sounds inside the gym stopped, and you listened to the faint sound of a ball bouncing away. And, layered with that, something else. A sound that took your heart and crushed it.
The sound of crying.
You felt tears well up in your own eyes at the sound, and you pressed both palms to the door, wanting so badly to go in, but every time you caught him like this, he brushed it off like it was nothing and never told you what was wrong. It was infuriating as it was heartbreaking. 
There was a certain sadness behind his chocolate brown eyes, and you wanted more than anything to soothe it. You decided you wouldn’t let him hide it anymore. You knew he didn’t want to worry you, but his dismissive attitude towards his own emotions was killing you inside. 
You stepped back, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand, then slowly pushed the door open, letting light spill into the chilly darkness outside, bathing you in illumination, slanting it across your face and body. You stepped inside noiselessly, and your heart crumbled when you saw your boyfriend.
He was sitting on the ground, long frame curled in on itself, his knees against his chest. He looked so small. So vulnerable. His broad shoulders were shaking with his quiet sobs. It was a complete contrast from the tall, domineering young man he was on the court. Gone was his boisterous and eccentric attitude as he jeered and teased friends and opponents alike with his signature cheeky grin plastered on his handsome face. This was something he’d hidden under the surface, away from everyone.
Away from you.
You didn’t think he noticed you come in. You felt tears sting your eyes, worry spilling out into a soft, pained sigh as you walked towards him. You knelt beside him, gingerly putting a hand on his back, and you watched his head snap up. 
The look in his eyes broke you. Those eyes, the ones you loved so much, were filled with tears, glistening with them, and that guarded sadness you noticed was all consuming. His brows were pinched upwards, and you watched him study your face.
“(Y/N), I—”
You simply opened your arms, a sad smile fixing on your lips, and Tooru’s face broke apart, tears falling freely down his cheeks as he pulled you into his arms, his face burying itself in the crook of his neck. He sobbed quietly and you held him, whispering comforts and rubbing his back, doing anything you could to provide him consolation while your heart broke four him. Your own tears were wetting your cheeks, but that was hardly important right now.
“I’m not good enough,” Tooru spoke, softly, his voice brittle and small, “no matter what I do, I’ll never be good enough.”
His words made your arms tighten around him, shock and sorrow overtaking your features. 
“No,” you said, “no, Tooru, no, you’re more than good enough.”
“But I’m not,” he said, “Kageyama, Ushiwaka, both of them always win. I’m not as good as them. And I couldn’t protect you from those girls.”
You stroked his hair. “Tooru, that wasn’t your fault. That was those girls. And you came to my rescue. I love you. I’m not dating Ushiwaka or Kageyama, and those girls didn’t make me want to break up with you. You’re excellent at volleyball. You kick ass at it, babe. I love to watch you play.”
Tooru moved his head to look up at you, and you wiped the tears from his cheeks with your thumbs, a touch he leaned into.
“Is that what you’ve been worried about all this time? That you’re not enough?”
A moment of silence, and Tooru looked away, watery eyes focusing on something behind you. You stroked his hair, brushing soft tendrils away from his damp cheeks, leaning in to kiss his forehead.
“Why’re you crying, princess?” He asked, and you gave him a gentle smile.
“Because you are, my prince.” He tucked his face into the crook of your neck again, thumb rubbing soft circles against your shoulder. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“Tooru,” you said, “answer my question. I’m not important right now.”
“Yeah,” he said, “yeah, I’ve been afraid of that all this time. And dating you, finding someone so perfect for me, y’know, it adds to it. I’m afraid of losing you, too. My fangirls can be a lot, but they’ve never done this before. And I want to be the best at volleyball. I taught Kageyama everything he knows and he’s still defeated me. I feel like a failure.”
You held him close. “No, Tooru, you won’t lose me. Your fangirls won’t make me stop loving you. And the fact that Kageyama wins is proof of your success. You’re more than enough for me.”
Tooru heaved a sigh, tears wetting your coat, and you buried your nose in his hair. 
“You mean that?”
You reached for his hand, weaving your fingers together with his. “Of course I mean that.”
Tooru looked up at you, cupping your face in his hand, leaning to rest his forehead against yours. His eyes were full of utter adoration and care that made your heart overflow with emotion.
“What did I do to deserve you?” He asked, voice full of wonder, and you managed a soft laugh.
“You existed.”
Tooru leaned to kiss you gently, and you squeezed his hand, loving the feel of his opposite hand on your cheek, his arm drifting down to wrap around your waist, holding you like you might disappear if he let go of you. 
He pulled back slowly, keeping you close to him, which you didn’t mind in the slightest.
“I love you,” he said, “so much.”
You smiled. “I love you, too, Tooru.”
After he’d calmed down somewhat, you went to fetch him his coat and his knee brace as he went to change back into his uniform, and he stayed glued to your side as the two of you walked home, hand in hand. He bought you ice cream, showering you with compliments, in typical Oikawa Tooru fashion, and you laughed along with him, hardly minding when he took the long way back to your house, just to spend a little more time with you.
You knew he’d tell you what was wrong from now on. You knew from the adoring glances he gave you when he thought you couldn’t see, or the way his thumb rubbed tender circles against the top of your hand as you walked down the darkened streets with him, or when he pressed soft kisses against your temple every so often. 
He kissed you tenderly goodnight on your doorstep, and you almost had to pry yourself away from him as you went inside, but you knew you’d see him tomorrow. 
You really had struck gold when it came to boyfriends.
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fijiangecko · 3 years
Maintaining a New Life
Chapter 6 - Search and Rescue
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Read it on AO3 here
A/N: school is over (thank god)
You stood in that doorway for God knows how long. Shivers traveled down your spine when Kuroo slammed that damned door, and slowly the static built over your frozen muscles. How could you let this happen? He’s right, you could’ve just told them and maybe things would’ve been different. If you really did trust them like you claimed, why didn’t you just admit to everyone and ask for guidance? 
Your instincts kicked in. For a long while, you pushed them back and remained the new person you so desperately wanted to keep around. You knew, somewhere deep down, that if you went back to your old self, that would be the only thing they would talk about. That being said, you weren’t going to back down from a challenge or downplay your strengths, but that killer instinct that those bastards drilled into your head needed to take the back burner for a couple of years.
Too bad you pushed your luck and now it was all boiling over.
Your attention was brought back to that pot, and finally when those reactions kick back in your legs carry you across the apartment. Only grab what’s necessary, burn the rest and get the fuck out. Easy enough, considering you always knew something like this might happen. Just like back in the office, you didn’t own much. It was easy to only have a large duffle bag worth of stuff, clothes and sentimental items mostly.
You made a decision when you first left the Port Mafia to keep other things, clues one might say, as to your involvement with them in a separate location. Weapons too; you never knew when you were gonna need some extra firepower.
Anything else in the apartment that you knew could be used for evidence or could lead anyone back to the office you burned with your belongings. Better to be safe than sorry.
It doesn’t matter if he tells them, you think as you hoist the materials into the metal garbage bin in the parking lot. You’d be gone within the hour because either the Mafia is on their way, or Tooru and Hajmie will stop by in the morning. All you wanted was to protect them.
You patched the back windshield up with a bit of duct tape and a trash bag in the meantime. At least it would keep the cops from pulling you over while you headed over to the shop. Glass shards still litter the back seat, but you could care less as you set the duffle in the passenger's seat and start the engine.
With one last glance, you look to your apartment, the nearby trash can as flames lick the edges of the metal. All of your work suits were in there. All the funky ties Bokuto had given to you as jokes every year at the Christmas parties; all of the pens Akaashi and Kenma had lent you; all of the files Oikawa and Iwaizumi had forgotten at your place over the years; all the little sticky notes Kuroo left on your keyboard-
A tear hits your cheek. It’s a shock to your system and it brings you back to the present. You quickly wipe it off and swing the car out of its spot and head off. 
A plan bubbles in the back of your mind. A way to keep everyone out of danger and clear your involvement. You think of the countless possibilities and endings this could have as your drive down the streets. The trees get denser and the sunlight shines through them like ribbons as you speed down the highway, only thinking of how to survive.
The first thing you’d like to do is to fix the damn windshield. Off the top of your head, you can think of a few people that might be able to help you out, just some local shops that still owed you back when you did people “favors” and that sort of thing. Again, not your brightest moments but they were your moments nonetheless.
Memories flood your system of those times. Back when you practically had the whole mafia under you. Every goon, henchmen and officer looked down when you walked down a corridor. Only those on an equal footing or on your personal squad would even bother trying to talk with you.
Not that you were authoritative or anything. Far from it, actually. Out of all of the four executives, you were the most forgiving, the most human. But it was the fact that you were an executive; the shared second in command position for all of the Port Mafia. With a brain and a gift like yours, it was an obvious choice but called for you to make a lot of tough decisions.
“Y/N,” Ushijima greeted you with a bow, and once he stood to his full height he stared directly into your eyes. The vertical distance was pretty large at the time, considering this was almost seven years ago. You remember looking up at him and feeling nothing despite his size and stature. Slightly behind him on the left stood a man, almost equally as tall with bright red hair.
“Hello boys,” a coy smile tugged at the edge of your lips. You used to be so full of yourself, and you roll your eyes at the thought. You were not only the youngest mafia member to become an executive, but also the first female to achieve the position despite who the boss was. Is? Hell if you knew whether that old bat is still kicking it.
Tendou had the tendency to lean over Ushijima’s shoulder and look down on you, almost like you were an animal in a zoo, but you got along with him just fine otherwise. Whenever you guys were in the same room you’d joke around, try and get on Ushi’s nerves but nothing ever seemed to work. On occasion he’d try and get you both to meet up for dinner but you’d always end up busy with meetings.
You saw him as a friend. Someone to kill the time with. Not much else, but you always saw the small shimmer in his eyes when he’d try and make those dinner plans. You felt in your gut that a question might pop up one of those nights if you sat down in a fancy restaurant with him.
“I don’t think Washijo is gonna appreciate you doing all of those construction deals in the southwest.” The redhead sang to you in a tune that was unrecognizable.
“Why wouldn’t he? It’s only making us more money and I did it ‘legally’ this time.” Unfazed by his teasing, you continued into the meeting room and took your place on the left side, by the head of the long conference table.
Ushijima followed opposite of you, taking up the chair directly across from you on the right. The spaces next to either of you that follow down the long edge of the hardwood were left empty, and your respective teams filled in the chairs after that point.
Everyone was dressed up, black and white attire. You always opted for a pantsuit rather than a dress or skirt purely because the port brought in the seaside winds and you’d rather not flash anyone. Oikawa, Iwaizumi and two others sit in their suits further down the table, hands folded and placed atop the table. They made small chit chat with the other squads, Oikawa smiled and bantered while Iwa usually just sat and listened. 
They were members of your personal squad almost the entire time you held the title of “executive”.Them and the two others that sat next to them, Matsukawa and Hanamaki. You kept your personal group small since you’d be around them constantly. Those four were always funny together, always made things lighthearted despite the horrid situations you found yourselves in.
“She’s right Tendou,” Ushijima’s voice could’ve rattled the whole building if he spoke louder. “Out of us four she’s pulled in the most territory and revenue over the last quarter.”
“That’s because she's not doing the best in one category Washijo will strip her title, no questions asked.” Oikawa whispered to Iwa, very cautious of who might hear him. From what you can remember, a fair amount of the members weren’t as progressive as you had hoped when you first joined, but it didn’t stop you from climbing the ranks.
Your thumb beats against the steering wheel at the memories. Were you really happy then? Were you really doing what you wanted?
It’s taken you years to find the answer, but you’ve concluded that both are no. You hated working for them. You hated the senseless murder, especially if it was for a bullshit excuse like “it’s all for a better Yokohama”. To hell with it all, you’d tell yourself after spending nights hiding in homes that were starting to fall apart. For half a year you lived as though the modern world didn’t exist, all by yourself. You would only go into town to buy groceries or if it was absolutely necessary. 
It was a sad life, but it was better than living in a high-rise apartment where goons would pretend to be buddy-buddy with you just to up their rank. It was better than pretending to care what that old fool had to say about your operating style and the fact you didn’t do anything “by the book”.
Your thumb stops drumming a while ago and your fists tighten around the wheel, knuckles turning red and white as you press your skin firmly into the rubber. The morning rays dissipated a while ago as well, the sun fully shining her light down on the city. The further you drive, the more recognizable the area becomes. Dreary, dark streets turn into buildings and stores with an even darker past. Your stomach churns with every old memory seeping back into your brain, only the faces of the agency members keep you going as you pull into an all too familiar lot.
Iwaizumi’s hands run through his dark hair, gripping the strands and pulling them as he looks at the disaster around him. Chairs broken into pieces, glass shards all across the floors, papers littering every nook and cranny of your apartment. Nothing was salvageable. Anything you had bought was destroyed either by your own hands or someone else's.
Oikawa dug through the cabinets and drawers to find anything that could be an affirmative that this was the Port Mafia’s doing, or at least give them an idea of who it could’ve been. The dumpster fire outside was obviously your doing, either of the boys recognized that in an instant considering it was all of your clothes and it was practically only embers by the time they had gotten there.
Hajime’s heart is pounding heavily in his chest. He was the one who protected the ones he cared about. That was his gift and his duty to you all, and he failed miserably at it since you’re gone and now everything is on fire (literally and figuratively).
“They left the stamp!” Tooru stumbles over bits and pieces of debris as he rushes to show Hajime the small insignia that was left on a scrap of paper. The Port Mafia always left them at raids so either rival gangs or the police knew exactly who beat them to it.
Iwaizumi snaps out of his little trance, the iron grip on his hair loosens enough for his hands to run down the back of his head to the base of his neck. It wasn’t exactly what he wanted to hear, but it narrowed down some of their options.
He grasps the small paper and double checks it to make sure every design detail was exactly the same, that this wasn’t a dupe or some imposters work. Tooru watches with careful eyes as Iwa mimics his exact same actions from just moments ago.
Kuroo walks up to the complex, hands in his pockets and head hung low. After being told off by Takeda, he was instructed to go help look for you. Since you’re all still on a case together, and “regardless of personal affairs”, you were all assigned to this case for a reason, or that’s what he said at least.
In his mind, Kuroo is in the right. He has every right to be angry with you. For three years you withheld that one of the greatest crime organizations was a past employer. I must be the biggest fucking joke. 
He knows deep down that this is all just pain coming out as anger. He just lost one of his best friends, one of the few people in his life that he genuinely cares about enough to hang out with on his days off - and one of the only people he’s been interested in years.
Everytime he thinks about your laugh, or your little smile when you finish a stack of paperwork, his heart hurts a little more. The tightness in his chest is something he only experienced when his parents divorced when he was eleven, but it wasn’t even bad compared to now.
How could he not be angry?
Once his feet hit the asphalt of the parking lot, he finally glances up and realizes the chaos around him. The pile of garbage in the bin was merely smoldering at this point. He looks to the apartment and notices the two figures standing in the living room, which he can see through the window. Both seem to be inspecting something in the palm of Iwaizumi’s hand, unaware that Kuroo is standing in the parking lot.
“Guys…?” Kuroo’s voice is soft as he passes through the threshold into your apartment. “What the fuck is going on?” Iwaizumi and Oikawa turn to face him immediately, not expecting anyone else to be here and they certainly were not expecting it to be Kuroo.
“Y/N’s gone.” Tooru speaks clearly as he glares daggers at the man who dared to speak against you only thirty minutes ago. Iwa crumples the stamped paper in his hand and clenches his jaw.
“Yeah… I can see that.” Kuroo’s eyes shift between all corners of the room, processing every bit of information his eyes came across.
Hajime nudges Tooru with his hand (rather harshly but the anger wasn’t directed at him) and he walks out of the apartment, shoulder checking Kuroo as they pass by. There was nothing more for them there, and now Tooru and himself are going to have to think of a way to find you.
Kuroo remains in his spot as a weight starts to bear down on his body. The couch he crashed on when he was too drunk, the table you guys mulled over paperwork together - the apartment he had made so many memories in was completely destroyed.
He couldn’t help but start to think that this might just be his fault. He left you last night in the exact spot he’s standing in right now. Yes, he was upset. What you two had built was entirely based off of trust, and Kuroo hasn’t trusted someone that much in a very long time (Kenma can attest to that). 
You deemed that information as potentially harmful to him, and he told you that you had no right. What kind of idiot am I? As he looks around the space, he realizes now just how dangerous this all really is.
Iwaizumi stomps his way back onto the main roads and keeps a hand clutched around the stamped paper. “Who the hell does he think he is?” The question wasn’t directed at anyone, but Tooru knows this is how he expresses his anger without going to the gym.
“Takeda probably sent him since everyone at the agency still doesn't know what’s going on.” Tooru pulls on his jacket and follows Iwa down the sidewalk.
“Better off just leaving us the hell alone. Ukai and Takeda aren’t stupid and they both know something has always been up with Y/N. As soon as we came into the picture I’m pretty sure they picked up on us being involved with her too. Kuroo shouldn’t be sticking his nose in this,” Iwa huffs, but Oikawa makes the motion to start talking before he is swiftly cut off. “And I don’t give a shit what Y/N told him. The only reason she did so was because she had too after last night. There was no way for her to cover up that encounter with Tendou and you know it.”
“Do you think she would’ve kept it from them forever though?”
“I don’t know. She’s never really told us why she left in the first place, but Y/N was with the Port Mafia for years. Most of her teenage and early adult life was spent with them before she just up and left.” Iwaizumi shoves the paper into his pocket as he talks, also placing his jacket over his shoulders. He guides the pair back to the subway station.
“Guys!” The two stop walking for a moment, each processing whose voice was calling out but once it registers that it’s only Kuroo, they continue down the steps into the station. “Wait up!”
Their pace picks up as they pull out their passes to scan and get through the bars as quickly as possible. Too bad Kuroo’s legs are long and he catches up to them in the nick of time. Just as Tooru swipes his card, Kuroo is hot on his heels as he fumbles around to find his own train pass. “Wait- please.”
Tooru can tell that he’s desperate, but when Iwa glances over his shoulder to check on the situation Tooru can see the anger starting to bubble up again. His own stomach churns at the thought that Kuroo can just switch on a dime if need be. That even though you explained everything to him, it still took seeing all of the damage for him to realize what kind of scenario this really is.
“Please Oikawa,” Kuroo grabs his shoulder once he makes it past the turnstiles. “Let me help you guys find Y/N.”
“And why the hell would we want your help?” Ignoring that he called for Oikawa, Hajime fully turns around and marches over to Kuroo. Although he is shorter than both of them, Hajime has this air about him that says I will kill you here and now depending on how you answer.
Kuroo’s chest pounds against itself. He snapped out of his own thoughts pretty quickly back at the apartment and realized that you could actually be hurt. This wasn’t just something nonchalant, there was a reason you kept this from him. 
After coming to, he figured the only thing he can do in this situation is to find you. Iwaizumi and Oikawa were involved in this somehow. There was a reason they weren’t at your apartment last night having that same discussion. “I know you two are the only ones who are gonna be able to find her-” he pauses to take a few deep breaths “-and I owe her an apology.”
“No shit you owe her an apology after all of the fucking chaos you caused back at the office. You’re lucky I didn’t deck you in your fucking chair.” Iwaizumi steps closer to Kuroo, almost chest to chest, and stares right into his irises. 
Oikawa grabs at Iwa’s bicep and tugs him back. “Let’s just go Hajime.” Iwa snarls and stomps away.
“Please…” Kuroo can’t mess this up, he knows that. This is the only shot he has at finding you is by getting in with these two. “I know I screwed up.”
Oikawa slows his pace, listening to the pleas of someone he once considered more than an acquaintance. His mind is telling him to follow Hajime and find you as quickly as possibly, but he also knows in his heart that Kuroo meant well. You trusted him enough to explain everything to him.
“I don’t know if Y/N’s dead.” Kuroo’s voice cracks as he thinks out loud of what might be. “I- I know I messed up really bad but I need to know if she’s okay.”
“Look,” Oikawa stops fully and turns his head to speak, “most likely she’s not dead since there weren’t any signs of struggle at the apartment. Her car was gone and her personal belongings were either missing or charred in the trash can in the parking lot. The mafia just destroyed her house, but my bet is that she’s still alive.”
Iwaizumi had stopped walking as well, listening to Kuroo’s plight. Although he was full of anger, he heard the crack in his voice. He hears his pleas and Hajime is torn on what is the right decision.
The three are silent as civilians walk past them, hurrying from one train to the next. Hajime takes a deep breath and rubs his eyebrows with the index and thumb of his right hand. “You have a lot of shit to make up for and explain after this morning, especially if you’re gonna help find her.”
Oikawa and Kuroo look at him in shock. “So I can come-”
“We’re still working on a case together and Y/N is a part of this.” Iwa cuts him off with both his words and a glare. “Nothing more. Once we know she’s alive we’re done. We’ll do what we have too, but you don’t get to go any further than that. Y/N wanted to protect you and everyone at the agency, so the least you can do is stay out of all of this. For her sake.”
Wordlessly, Kuroo nods and the pair in front of him start to walk further down the pathways, hopping onto a train and heading into the city. Hajime’s expression is stern, Tooru has an air of uncertainty about him and Kuroo clenches his fists around nothing, wondering where you could be and what’s going to happen now.
“Where are we going?” Kuroo asks once they all press themselves amongst the crowd of people.
“Back to the agency. We left some of our gear there and then we’ll have to stop by Iwaizumi’s house to get some more.” Oikawa looks around the train cautiously.
Kuroo opens to speak again, but then closes his mouth. That just means I’ll have to explain what’s going on to everyone else. 
“Everyone there has had their suspicions about Y/N and the both of us, so it really doesn’t matter if you tell them we’re ex-members as well.” Hajime outright confirms the next thing on Kuroo’s mind. He had the intention of asking, but wasn’t sure how to bring it up in conversation. “I’m getting in and getting out as quickly as I possibly can. I don’t owe these people any explanations as to why I’m choosing to find Y/N, or why this matters to me.”
Respectable is the only word that comes to mind when Kuroo thinks of Iwaizumi. He’s a gentleman, chivalrous and makes good on his word. Although he has a mild temper at times, Kuroo has never known him to say something he does not mean.
“Y/N may have been our boss, but she cared for us more than anyone in that damned organization ever would’ve if we stayed. We owe her a lot, and finding her and helping her can only pay a small portion of that back.” Oikawa pipes up, sprinkling more bits and pieces of information for Kuroo to pick up on. “She’s like a sister to me and it would kill me to know that she might be out there, struggling when I could’ve helped. The same goes for Iwa-chan.”
The rest of the train ride is silent between the three. Kuroo tries his best to wrap his head around everything that has happened in less than twelve hours. Not only was it revealed to him that you were an ex-mafia member, but two of his other co-workers were as well, and you used to be an executive. You ran a portion of the city for years, Iwaizumi and Oikawa working under you until you left for unknown reasons and joined the Armed Detective Agency sometime later.
You were one of the most powerful people in Yokohama, but why did you leave it all? What drove you out? Oikawa didn’t really give a reason as to why they left, but it was related to you in some way.
Walking in the agency doors with a new perspective gave Kuroo an icky feeling. Everyone in the office turns to see who it is, and their eyes go wide when the three figures walk through the door. Oikawa and Iwaizumi beeline it over to their desks and start to rummage through the drawers and shoving things in their pockets. Kuroo stands awkwardly by the door before walking slowly over to his belongings and picking up what he thinks he’ll need.
Bokuto and Akaashi watch him carefully, waiting for an opportunity to ask what was happening. It was Ukai, who walked into the main office right after the front door slammed shut, that broke the deafening silence.
“My office. Now.” The three halt their movements for a moment, knowing the order was directed towards them but each unwilling to actually make their way over. Surprisingly Oikawa moves first, eyes watching the ground as he moves to follow the blonde. Iwaizumi and Kuroo follow shortly after, the other detectives shifting slightly in their seats to try and get a better position to listen in.
Ukai’s private office space only had two guest chairs, so Kuroo was forced to lean against the back wall as they held conversation.
“I’m assuming that under all the circumstances brought up today, Y/N wasn’t at her house and now you’re all back to try and find her.” Ukai’s eyes shift around the room, glaring at each of them individually but lingering on Kuroo’s a split second longer than the others.
“That would be correct.” Tooru confirms. He never feared vocal confrontation since he usually charmed his way out of things, but this was a situation he knew that required a certain level of honesty.
“So she’s not dead, just missing, and your plan is to find her and then what?” The butt of his cigarette package is beaten at the base of his palm before he opens the backing and pulls one out. He lets the question linger in the air for a moment before placing the filter to his lips. A small black lighter that’s usually kept in the desk drawer is rummaged out before flickering to life. Ukai takes a long drag in, and slowly exhales the thick smoke into the cramped room.
A noxious smell enters the senses of every other man in the room, each scowling when they realize that the air conditioner isn’t running and the windows are shut. Ukai’s set on getting his answers, one way or another.
With a light cough, the charmer opens his mouth once more. “Y/N must have a plan if she decided to burn everything and run. Once we find her, Iwaizumi and myself plan on helping her in whatever she decides. Kuroo will be returning to the agency. Depending on what happens with Y/N we may or may not be coming back.”
The end of the cigarette burns bright when Ukai inhales. He’s attentive to every word and weighs the possibilities in his mind, although he knows that two of them have every intention to find you regardless if Ukai wants them too.
“Is her apartment gone?”
“No, just trashed from the Port Mafia.” Oikawa speaks again, knowing that Kuroo is in no position to speak and Iwaizumi would rather be out looking for you.
“You said she burned everything, is that correct?”
“Yes. She burnt her personal belongings and took her car. There was nothing left in her house at the time of arrival but the furniture was smashed to pieces.” Tooru’s mouth dries as he speaks, taking a breath to swallow his spit and think of his next words. “We think that she left her apartment right after she explained everything to Kuroo and the mafia found her address a few hours later.”
Using his better judgement, he thought it would be better to be upfront about everything than only tell Ukai bits. After working with him for so long, Oikawa knows that Ukai isn’t a fool.
A beat of silence passes over them. Ukai takes into consideration all of his options, or what he can control. Kuroo looks down at his hands and remains passive; Iwaizumi doing the same but shaking his leg, hoping that the time would pass quicker so they can get out there and start searching.
“Do you think you can actually find her?” The cigarette is only a butt now, the ashes have been tapped into a tray sitting on the edge of Ukai’s desk, who stares into the stern irises of Iwaizumi. He matches the intensity and responds without hesitation.
“Yes. It might take a couple of nights, but I doubt she left the city.”
Ukai runs his tongue across his upper teeth, lips shut as he looks at this rag-tag team sitting before him. Three men who want to find you desperately, two with the same intent and the third still a mystery to him considering the events from just an hour ago. “I want reports on everything once you get back.” Kuroo’s head snaps up only to find the Ukai is looking between them as he smothers the cig in it’s ashtray. “Go find her.”
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thebonggirll · 4 years
Chapter 36 - Dorm
Chapter 35
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"I heard your brother is collaborating with an artist from my parent's company," Kyoka said.
Y/N filled her in of all that went down in those few days. And finally, they got some time left in their hands to spend some time together. While her parents were not agreeing to send her over for a sleepover at first, they gave in when they heard about Kyoka's parents.
"Oh yeah I heard that," she chuckled and scrolled down her social media account, "They were not ready to send me anywhere. I'm lucky that they know your parents."
"How do you think they're gonna react to the notice?"
"I guess they received it by now, right?" Y/N locked her phone and turned to her friend, "Can you get your parents to talk to them? I don't think they'll agree."
"Why are your parents so overprotective?"
"Because they didn't want me to start a career here in the first place. Let's talk about something else. I escaped from the situation, so I don't wanna talk about it."
"Well, they are gonna talk with you tomorrow though," Kyoka said and observed the sullen face of her friend, "Okay, so...is it okay to talk about Baku-"
Y/N sighed in annoyance and said, "Gosh, you choose to talk about topics I don't want to."
"Yeah, but you have to talk about it with someone right? I mean...do you think you know what he meant?"
"I don't know anything about him," Y/N muttered and looked at her chats, "I gotta inform Oikawa about this now? Ugh kill me."
"What? You don't seriously think that he rejected you right?" Kyoka asked her.
"What else did he mean by he doesn't have time for this?"
"....that he just need some time?"
"You don't expect me to have hope even after this right?"
Kyoka sighed, "No, you're right you shouldn't-"
"Cause I found a loophole and I think I'm gonna hold onto this just a bit longer," Y/N giggled.
"I didn't mean that-"
"Maybe he'll say okay after we settle down with our careers?"
"Dude...either you have an incredible amount of patience or you're just plain dumb,"
"I can be both," Y/N pouted as Kyoka clicked a picture of her.
"This is going on instagram," she said.
"I swear to god, I'll trap you in my water prison and you won't be able to get out," Y/N said trying to reach over her phone.
"Oh yeah, I'm so scared," Kyoka laughed, "You look cute, so shut up."
Y/N quickly took a picture of her friend, as they both started wrestling each other. "Oh are you scared? Should I call Kaminari to hold your hand?" she laughed, getting her mobile away from Kyoka's reach.
Her friend turned to a shade of red and started stuttering, "Hey, it was a one time thing!"
"When you were in the hospital, unconscious and alone?" Y/N wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, "You know who else got all romantic in the hospital? I KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING. I've got the experience!"
Suddenly the door opened and Kyoka's father entered the room, "Can you girls be a little quiet!"
"You expected us to sleep in a sleepover, dad?"
"Mr. Jirou Kyoka's got an admirer-" Y/N laughed and got slammed down on the bed, Kyoka's hand tightly covering her face.
"It's nothing-" Kyoka said.
"Oh," his expression hardened as he stared at the girls and muttered, "my god!" He quickly entered and closing the door behind him he sat down on their bed like a gossiper and said, "Tell me everything! Who's this person!"
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The students gathered around in front of a building waiting for their teacher. Ofcourse it took a lot of convincing from the teachers and a tantrum from Y/N, but her parents finally agreed on letting her stay in a dorm. The safety measures in the campus were one of the main reasons too.
"Your dad looks cool. I mean it would've been fine if we did talk about Kami-"
"Nope," Kyoka said, "You don't know how I've been dealing with this shit you caused since the last time." She turned around and said, "Don't look at the back-"
"Ooh look at my hubby," Y/N muttered, "trying to look all broody with that baby face."
Kyoka slapped her hand on her forehead, "Jesus, it feels like he made it worse for you. You're annoying-"
"There's your dumbass hubby," Y/N interrupted her and pointed at Kaminari.
"I don't know who you are," Kyoka said and walked forward, ignoring her calls.
Y/N's smile slowly faltered when she turned to look at Bakugou.
And just like before, feeling a set of eyes on him, he looked at her direction as she quickly turned away and walked towards Kyoka.
Oh..and with a blush on her face.
He never noticed these little things before, did he? Now it felt like he was more conscious of her actions than before.
Aizawa arrived and stood in front of the students in the mean time.
"Given everything that has happened, I'm glad we're  able to bring Class A back together. Now then, I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly. First however," he joined his hands and said, "we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses that you were supposed to get during the training camp. This is important so listen up. Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki and Y/N, you six were the ones who broke the rules and decided to go rescue Bakugou that night. Based on your reactions, I assume the rest of you were atleast aware of their plan. I'm gonna set aside a number of issues to just say this - if it weren't for All Might's retirement from the hero scene, I would've expelled everyone here except Bakugou, Jirou and Hagakure. The six of you went, sure but the rest of you remained silent and betrayed our trust, even if I was to keep your friends from getting into trouble. In order to regain our confidence, you need to obey every rule and live as model students."
Aizawa turned around and walked towards the dorm, "Now look alive. Enjoy your new home."
Bakugou pulled Kaminari behind a wall and after a while, he came in looking in a daze - usually like the stupid phase he goes into after using his powers too much. All the students cracked up and the blond offered some money to Kirishima.
"This is my money you idiot. To replace what you spent. Don't say I never gave you anything. Now I'm not in your debt," he said walking away.
Y/N looked at him and then laughed looking at Kaminari.
"Hey dumbass."
She straightened her posture hearing the voice and waited for him to say further.
"I'm talking to you dumbass."
Y/N turned to look at the blond standing before her. "I don't wanna be in your debt."
Her face cracked a small amused smile and she asked, "Are you here to ask me what I want?" She received nothing but silence from him.
"Aren't you mad at me?" she asked.
"For what."
Y/N couldn't believe her ears. She was sure that Bakugou would be mad after he came to know how she knew the truth about All Might before he did. Oh well, she didn't want to remind him either.
"Anyways," a sudden wave of courage took over her and she said, "You know what I want though right?"
Bakugou stared at her for a while and muttered 'tch', leaving her standing with the classmates, as he entered the dorm.
Y/N didn't know what she was feeling though. Ofcourse, her heart felt heavy remembering the rejection, which she has been avoiding to accept. But then again, was this fluttering in her heart whenever she talked to him. She definitely wasn't regretting that.
It was worth it to see the most short-tempered person of her class blush once in a while.
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Chapter 37
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Tags:  @honeylemondragonemperor @mikithekiki @kkikiss @garnet-redtailedhero
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settersprouts · 3 years
꒦ ikanaide : chapter four ! ꒦
. . : oikawa is the son of athena, while iwaizumi is the son of ares. both godly parents are known to be rivals, but what does that mean for their children ?
or, hq + percy jackson au, where oikawa is not the son of aphrodite for once, but people still think he is because he's pretty, and he's flattered and confused.
. . : okay hear me out, oikawa is known to be strategic and analytical, which is perfect for a descendant of athena. that is my reasoning for this alr dont attack me pls also, vv sorry this was late, i was feeling like shit all week and couldn't finish m sorry :((( hopefully you guys didn't wait too long :((
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iwaizumi's about had enough of his bullshit.
his fists were shaking as he stood in front of his divine cabin, the front door ajar and an absolutely horrid smell wafting out from the cabin. he stepped closer to the cabin, stiffening even more as he pushed the door open the rest of the way. the whole place was absolutely trashed- both his and his other roommates' clothes mixed together in many piles on the floor. he could tell just from the strategically placed items all around the room that the place was definitely rigged with mediocre traps. nothing would kill him, but it would most likely maim him.
the demigod growled, stepping over the tripwires on the floor and grabbing his khopesh. it was charged with electricity, thanks to yū nishinoya from cabin one. in exchange for the many weapons the son of ares' crafted, the son of zeus would help charge a select few and give them back to him.
the added energy would definitely be helpful for when he beat the absolute shit of a certain demigod.
he was seething with bloodlust as he stepped out of his cabin, walking towards the beach, where he knew the person he was looking for would be.
and there he was. sitting in one of the little tide pools, talking with one of the sea nymphs. she was way too close to him, but oikawa didn't look like he minded in the slightest. or he didn't notice, one of the two.
she bent down to whisper in his ear, his pupils growing smaller in his brown eyes, and he let out a laugh. it was really melodic, which was common for a son of aphrodite. their beauty was immaculate, and they were practically irresistible to everyone, unless you had a decent sense of self control. iwaizumi knew that oikawa had the whole camp under his fingertips. except for him.
iwaizumi let out a groan, clenching his fists. fuck morales. he knew that his father and oikawa's mother were on really good terms, but he couldn't help but feel attracted to the absolute need to punch the brunette in the face. with a concrete slab. or choke him with aphrodite's famous scarf. one of the two.
he let out an animalistic growl, drawing the attention of oikawa and the unnamed sea nymph. oikawa blinked at him, unimpressed, while the nymph shrieked and dove back into the ocean with a splash. oikawa glanced at the bubbles where the nymph had disappeared, and let out an unamused sigh.
`oh, well, she was kind of boring anyways,` he said nonchalant, stepping out of the pool, buck-naked, without a care in the world. iwaizumi's eyes widened as he turned away almost immediately, his face flushing completely.
`what the hell do you think you're doing?` he seethed, his usual bark lacking no bite, since oikawa really couldn't see his facial expression.
the latter let out a chuckle. `calm down, you can turn around, now. i'm decent.`
forest-green eyes slowly darted back to the brunette's figure, pupils growing bigger in relief, as he realized that he really was decent. he was dressed in the atrociously bright orange camp half-blood shirt, and bleached denim jeans, rolled up to just above his ankles. his bead necklace was still wrapped around his neck snugly. it was extremely tighter than iwaizumi's, which hung down just over the scar on his left pec. he must've tightened it like a choker. it was kind of smart- usually, monsters with half a brain used those necklaces to pull demigods towards them if they couldn't grab their limbs. this tactic limited the amount of things they could grab on him.
iwaizumi would've never thought of that.
`so,` oikawa mused, folding his now damp towel. he must have used it to dry himself off while iwaizumi was looking away from him. `what do you need from me?`
the other demigod blinked, mouth forming an 'o' once he realized his reason for being there. he totally didn't forget that he wanted to sock oikawa in the face just because he saw him naked. `right. i have a bone to pick with you, oikawa.`
`oh? is that so?` the brunette smiled sweetly at him, his eyebrows furrowed in an act of confusion and innocence. disgusting.
iwaizumi stepped forward, whipping out the khopesh he had stuffed in his pocket. with a simple flick of his wrist, it extended. the contraption was thanks to someone in cabin number six, with the help of cabin nine- apparently, iwaizumi had saved someone dear to them, and he was given the khopesh as a thank you. however, the person never did reveal themself to iwaizumi. it was an athena cabin secret.
oikawa's brown eyes widened at the sight of the weapon, but that expression was quickly replaced with an amused sneer. `oh, what's this? you want to fight?`
`no, you're going to let me maim you in silence, i refuse to fight someone as weak as you.` iwaizumi retorted, fists clenching. the brunette gawked, his mouth agape in a silent shout.
`weak? excuse me? i'm far from weak. just because you come from cabin five, doesn't mean you're higher than everyone else.` he replied, sticking his nose high up in the air. `i'll have you know, i've won many tournaments against your cabin.`
iwaizumi rolled his eyes. `yeah, because you always cheat and sneak over to athena's group.`
`i don't cheat! and i don't have to sneak over to athena's group, i have a place there you know!` oikawa shrieked, whipping out a dagger and pointing it at iwaizumi threateningly. however, the latter remained unphased, which pissed the brunette off even more.
`yeah. sure, and what's that?` iwaizumi said, letting one of his eyebrows raise. if rules served him correctly, there was no teaming allowed in any game at camp half-blood, unless stated otherwise. however, he always saw oikawa with athena's group, but he let it slide, thinking the ares' cabin would win anyways. he was, unfortunately, very wrong.
oikawa blinked. `are you stupid? athena's my mother.`
`huh?` the son of ares' stepped back a bit, glaring at the other. `you- athena's son? but- you're-`
`pretty? yeah, i get that a lot.` oikawa sheathed his dagger, stretching out his muscles. `people mistake me for the son of aphrodite way too much. it's kind of annoying, actually. there's a lot more to me than my face,` he mused, glaring at iwaizumi. `looks like you're no different from the rest of them. shame. i actually took a liking to you.`
the other stood there, unmoving, confusion lining every forehead wrinkle. `what are you saying? there's no way-`
oikawa sighed. `i should've known you were going to be hard to convince. look, i'm the son of athena, and the current ruler of the cabin. if you don't believe me, ask my cabin mates. they'll tell you.`
`then who the hell's trashing my cabin?` iwaizumi seethed, still not convinced by oikawa's truths.
the latter let out a melodic laugh. `i thought that was obvious. i saw some of hermes' cabin sneak out to yours during lunch. makes sense, they're always trying to pull pranks on everyone and see their reactions. yours was most likely the best one of them all.` oikawa smiled, his eyes twinkling as he walked away. `well, while it was fun talking to you, i have to go. it's getting dark, and i'd rather not get caught being out past curfew.`
iwaizumi looked up to the sky to find out that he was, in fact, right. the sky was slowly darkening, the sun almost disappearing at the horizon. the green-eyed demigod let out a sigh, turning to glare at oikawa, to find out he was long gone.
`..damn it!`
`can you believe he's even athena's cabin ruler?` takahiro hanamaki muttered lowly to his fellow cabin mate, issei matsukawa, who also stood in front of a very emotional toorū oikawa. he had been ranting about how he was sick of everyone mistaking him for a son of aphrodite, and when his cabin mate shigeru yahaba said it could've been a compliment, the hysterics had gotten even worse.
fortunately, the 18-year-old had tired himself out, and was now resorting to laying on his bed and blinking the tears out of his eyes.
matsukawa sighed. `no. i can't. not when he's like this.`
`i can hear you, 'ya know.` oikawa muttered, tear-filled chocolate brown eyes turning to them accusingly. `you can't even act like you're tired of me, you just got here.`
`true,` hanamaki replied, kneeling down next to his dear friend. `but according to yahaba, you've been complaining about this for the past forty-five minutes. don't you think that's a tad bit excessive?`
oikawa sat up abruptly. `no! well- maybe. but it's so stupid!` he exclaimed, fists furrowing in his fluffy brown locks. `i don't act like aphrodite at all! i don't even look like her, but i'm pretty and that's the only reason people need to lump me in with that cabin. i actually liked iwa. of course, he's just like the rest.`
`oh.` matsukawa snapped his fingers, pointing at oikawa. `he's the guy who rescued kiyo and takeru, right?`
the brunette shuddered. `right. that memory just gives me chills.` he thought back to that day, where a gorgon had came across oikawa while he was taking his sister and nephew shopping. the gorgon smelled him, and realized he was a son of athena, and attacked the group, leaving oikawa bruised and bloodied while he took kiyo and takeru as prisoners. however, a group of demigods from camp half-blood on a quest sensed the violence occurring, and rushed to the scene as quick as possible. iwaizumi was amongst the group, but he had taken off after the gorgon, and didn't get a good look at oikawa's face.
when the group returned to camp, oikawa had made the khopesh iwaizumi had sported, and left it on his bed while he was out training with his cabin mates. he also left a thank-you note, but didn't sign it, hoping to leave his identity anonymous.
`yeah, why don't you just tell him that you're a relative to kiyo and takeru? the whole camp knows about that quest, so if iwaizumi knows your identity, everyone else will too. people won't mistake you for a descendant of aphrodite anymore,` hanamaki supplied, reaching into the tupperware of ambrosia oikawa was given (he had started a fight with kyōtani from ares' cabin to relieve his stress- both parties sporting the same amount of cuts and bruises) and popping a bit into his mouth.
oikawa shrugged, snatching back the tupperware before hanamaki could steal any more. if a demigod ate too much of the sweet, healing treat, they could get extremely sick. `yeah, maybe. but,` oikawa grinned, turning to his two friends that stood by his bedside, `beating him at capture-the-flag tomorrow sounds way more fun.`
the two boys sighed, smiling at the sight of their best friend with a much happier mood. capture-the-flag with demigods was always a very violent and extreme sport, but all cabins ended up having a lot of fun playing the game. and, no matter what side the athena cabin was on, they always ended up winning. no one could remember a time where they lost.
beating the ares' cabin was going to be a piece of cake for oikawa.
`you seem on edge, iwaizumi.` ushijima had muttered to the demigod, taking a seat beside the other. they were currently stationed in the middle of the forest, with the job of guarding the red flag. `do you want to talk about it?`
iwaizumi glanced at his companion. under the absolutely atrocious battle helmet was a look of concern and worry for his friend. the dark-haired demigod let out a sigh, nodding slightly. `yeah. i'm just.. shaken up, i guess.`
`how so?`
`well..` iwaizumi pondered, trying to figure out the best words and phrases to lay his point across. `i pissed off one of the sons' of aphrodite here, because apparently, he's the son of athena, and not aphrodite. like, what the fuck? the dude even acts like the deviled spawn of her, so i don't understand why he's so pressed.`
ushijima nodded, listening intently. `you mean toorū oikawa, right?`
iwaizumi gaped. `how the hell did you know that?`
`i made the same mistake you did, thinking he was a descendant of aphrodite.` ushijima mused, looking up to the sky. the clouds reflected in his olive-coloured eyes, but were less noticeable than the clouds reflecting in oikawa's eyes. `when he had first came to camp half-blood, he was called weak by one of our cabin-mates. he challenged him to a duel and won. i then told him he should have been a descendant of ares, not one of aphrodite. he would have a rightful place here, with us.`
`oh? what'd he say, then?`
the olive-haired demigod shuddered. `he slapped me. very hard. and then yelled at me, saying he was a son of athena, not aphrodite. he apparently doesn't like being addressed as a child of aphrodite.`
a sharp wolf-whistle came from the trees. ushijima and iwaizumi stood up, quickly switching to a fighting stance. iwaizumi clenched his khopesh as the figure who was listening to their whole conversation emerged from the trees.
and of course, it was fucking oikawa.
`y-you?` iwaizumi shouted, almost dropping his weapon. `how long were you there?`
the brunette stretched, calm despite the fact that a sword and a khopesh were both aiming at his chest. `i heard the whole conversation. i've been watching you two for quite some time, now.`
ushijima stepped forward as to greet oikawa, but faltered. his eyes widened, and he turned around. leaning on the flag they were supposed to protect was a silver-haired male holding a celestial-bronze axe. his honey-brown eyes met ushijima's olive-green ones, and a corrupt smile split his face. `finally. you noticed me. i was wondering how to get your attention.`
iwaizumi turned around to see the second attacker, letting out an almost animalistic growl. `it's a fucking ambush.`
`correct~` oikawa mused, taking out his dagger and smiling at the other. `however, suga-chan isn't allowed to touch you. i wanted to do all the dirty work myself.`
the silver-haired demigod nodded. `my only purpose here is to take the flag once oikawa defeats you. he requested to fight you both at the same time.`
oikawa nodded, flicking a little switch on his dagger iwaizumi hadn't noticed before. as soon as he did so, he dropped the dagger, and it extended into a much longer weapon. the other demigod scanned it, recognizing the weapon to be a scythe. 'suga-chan' smiled at the sight, meeting iwaizumi's questioning eyes. `you guys better be prepared. he hasn't lost a duel since he came here.`
the brunette nodded, pointing at ushijima with a smile before lunging at the demigod. before the latter could even react, oikawa had connected his foot with ushijima's abdomen, sending the demigod flying. he landed on his back with a gasp, having the air knocked out of him. iwaizumi's eyes widened- he hadn't even been able to react either. that was how fast oikawa was.
ushijima sat up quickly, blocking oikawa's attack with his sword. the other demigod smiled sweetly, twisting the scythe and yanking ushijima's sword out of his hand. it landed in the dirt a couple yards away.
iwaizumi growled, running at oikawa with his khopesh up high. the brunette turned around, unamused, sidestepping iwaizumi's attack and tapping at the end of his weapon. the khopesh hissed and groaned, a net pooling out from the back end, trapping iwaizumi in the knots. the demigod gasped, writhing around in the trap. `wh-what the hell?`
`you seem to be confused. could it be,` oikawa laughed, `that you didn't even know that was there?`
`s-shut up! how the hell did you know anyways?`
oikawa deadpanned. `i made the stupid thing. i think i would know every little thing there is to know about it.`
the dark-haired son of ares stared at his attacker, watching as he stalked over to suga and ripped the flag out of the ground. the brunette turned and smiled sweetly at his victims, waving. `well, see you.`
the two demigods sprinted off, laughing at the shouts coming from behind them.
`i can't believe him!` iwaizumi kicked the boulder, ignoring the pain from doing so. `he's so fucking insufferable! but i can't even do anything about it, because apparently he made this stupid weapon-` he waved the khopesh in the air, `-and i have to be grateful, but he's making it so goddamn hard!`
kyōtani glanced at the demigod, popping another piece of ambrosia in his mouth. he was still recovering from his fight with oikawa earlier. `you didn't know he made that for you? i thought it was obvious.`
the other glared at his cabin mate, confusion in his eyes. `what do you mean?`
`well,` kyōtani chewed the left over ambrosia in his mouth and swallowed, before continuing. `i'm pretty sure he has a crush on you, or something. he's been watching your duels ever since he came back with your group.`
`what group?`
`the quest you had a while ago.` kyōtani muttered under his breath, probably ridiculing iwaizumi. `you saved his sister and nephew from a gorgon. remember that?`
iwaizumi deadpanned, the memories all but flooding back to him now. `that was him?`
`that was him.`
`so he really is a son of athena?`
kyōtani nodded.
`..fuck, i'm an idiot.`
`i know.`
─── demigods.
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altumvidetur · 5 years
Haikyuu!! Fic Recs (MatsuHana)
Fic Recs Masterpost
So, I was thinking about the coronavirus pandemic and what I could do to help people out. I’m isolated because I’m at higher risk, so I can’t really offer to go out for my elderly neighbors or my family… but I thought I could try to help keep people entertained.
Because I don’t have an AO3 account right now, I’ve been compiling fic recs for my own amusement for a year or so. And I thought – maybe that’s the time to share these with everyone? So everyone will have plenty of things to read while they have to stay at home, or even to escape anxiety a little bit if you’re forced to go out.
Of course, these cater to my own tastes, so you may find stuff you don’t like around here. I never include works in progress. The Mature and Explicit works will be in italic. I ask you to READ THE WORK’S TAGS before continuing, so you won’t find anything that makes you uncomfortable.
I’ve decided to split it in a series of posts, starting with my OTPs. So here we go with some MatsuHana!
rated m for, by orphan_account
He should have known that there was a Specific Reason™ why it was so absolutely vital that he and Matsukawa specifically meet for a reading of the script. He should have known that there had to be some evil catch beyond sitting in a tiny, cramped studio with his newly sworn enemy.
Hanamaki stares at the title of the script he’d so gracefully neglected the night before.
“Excuse me,” Hanamaki starts, raising a pen in the air while staring blankly at the packet in his free hand. “Just to clarify, you want me to record a boy's love CD with Matsukawa?”
of weather, of leisurely tensions, by b_minor
Two boys share an umbrella.
Don’t Lie, Bright Eyes, by tookumade
“Where do you see yourself in twenty years?”
It’s nearly one in the morning and Matsukawa, tucked up comfortably in bed next to Hanamaki, is on the verge of drifting off into blissful sleep when the question stirs him.
“Why are you trying to give me a late-night existential crisis?” he mumbles.
(written for Haikyuu!! MatsuHana Week - Day 4 - leaving home)
Roses, by h_lovely
(Summary by me: slow burn, friends to lovers, things are kinky, I’m pretty sure this is the best MatsuHana I’ve ever read.)
You’re in Pink (and I’m in blue), by Hyeyu
Takahiro held his gaze a few seconds in silence before he sighed. "...It's only been a week, okay? S'not serious yet."
“Not serious yet?” Something jumped in Matsukawa’s jaw and he abruptly released Takahiro’s hand, sending the petals cascading to the ground. Takahiro was going to have to clean them up before the others started streaming into the clubroom, and wouldn’t that be fun. “You’re coughing up fucking flowers, Hanamaki.”
“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.”
Hanamaki Takahiro has 99 problems and Hanahaki flowers make up 98 of them.
Good Bad Ideas, by tookumade
When Oikawa asks his friends to help out at his nephew’s birthday party, they get a little more than they bargained for.
(written for Haikyuu!! Rarepair Week - Day 1 - beginnings, celebration)
texting (with a capital S), by parenthetic
Hanamaki breaks his No Texting In Class rule, and it's all downhill from there.
Wet Your Whistle, by darkmagicalgirl
Hanamaki gets a job as a bartender. Matsukawa likes his uniform. (Alternatively: Matsukawa tries to ignore his huge crush on his friend-with-benefits. He fails.)
[obnoxious clucking noises], by parenthetic
On the last night of their last training camp together, Oikawa has a bad idea, Hanamaki goes along with it, Iwaizumi sort of wishes he had better friends, and Matsukawa proves himself to be particularly adept at intimidation tactics.
Love Doesn’t Come with an Instruction Manual, by plumtrees
Seijou 3rd years (now college freshmen) go to ToyCon. Oikawa has a spaz attack over Star Wars, Iwaizumi is his designated babysitter, Hanamaki is adorable, and Matsukawa doesn't know how to deal.
Here Today And There Tomorrow, by tookumade
A first meeting on opposite sides of the volleyball net, and chance meetings afterwards without it.
A Ring of Cream, by plumtrees
Hanamaki has never been one for grand romantic gestures, has never been one for romantic gestures at all, but Matsukawa's a stubborn guy.
Who can't bake for shit.
Iwaizumi and Oikawa (mostly Iwaizumi, really) to the rescue.
Morning Glory, by darkmagicalgirl
On their days off, Hanamaki and Matsukawa's mornings follow a sort of routine.
Even Though It All Went Wrong, by plumtrees
It hadn’t always been so cold. Matsukawa remembers a time where the sun shone high, its rays bright and its heat pleasant like a blanket against his skin. He remembers Hanamaki holding his hand, remembers his cheeks hurting because he’d been grinning so much. Hanamaki had opened his arms wide, and Matsukawa ran straight for them, like he’d been magnetized. He picked up Hanamaki easily and twirled them around, danced with him until they both tumbled along the grass, laughing like idiots.
He remembers because it’s all he can do now.
Crescendo, by plumtrees
Day 1 for MatsuHana Week: Online
The voice continues to feed him instructions, the deep rumbling purrs reverberating across his body, each hiss and click of a consonant like a sharp bite, each roll of his tongue a slide of silk against his overheating skin.
Fuck, he loves it.
Somewhat Well-Kept Secrets, by tookumade
“Why don’t they just… date already?” said Iwaizumi.
(written for Haikyuu!! MatsuHana Week - Day 2 - cream puffs, in the background)
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time, by plumtrees
Day 3 of MatsuHana Week: Tattoos and Flower Shops
Hanamaki, cheeks as pink as his hair, says, "I was drunk."
"Okay?" Matsukawa prompts.
"And it's way too expensive to laser something this big."
Holy shit. "Okay?"
"Look, can't we just go with 'I made horrible life decisions in college that are now coming back to haunt me' and move on?"
morning, noon, night, by b_minor
A day in the life of two losers in love.
on the anatomy of crushes, by carafin
A part-by-part dissection of their relationship. Medical school AU.
‘See you tomorrow?’ Hanamaki asks. He’s still smiling faintly, still carrying about his usual air of quiet self-assurance, but there’s no mistaking the hopefulness in his voice. ‘On the bus, I mean.’
‘Yeah,’ Matsukawa says, and tries not to make it sound too much like a promise. ‘See you tomorrow.’
(Falling in love is really, ridiculously easy.)
Dating Is Not A Nine-To-Five, by tookumade
“What if,” said Hanamaki in a whisper, “we walk in and there’s a yakuza member getting his tattoos done, and he tries to kill us because we saw his face?”
(written for Haikyuu!! MatsuHana Week - Day 3 - tattoos and flower shops, coffee shop)
To Fit Myself In The Spaces Between, by tookumade
It's late, a boring movie is on TV, and the remote control is nowhere in sight—and that suited them just fine.
(written for Haikyuu!! MatsuHana Week - Day 4 - midnight, no control)
It’s not even close to your birthday, by squidmemesinc
The shoes look like they could be some kind of gothic lolita item, with thick, tall heels and Mary Jane straps that have little silver hearts on them. The socks are simple except that they run all the way up to his mid-thigh; the crisp white makes enough of a contrast with his skin that the colors flatter each other, rather than subdue them. Then there's the dress. It's just plain black, short and slim, though the skirt flares out at the waist. Takahiro's eyes run up it, stalling where it cuts off around the shoulders and has a wide boat neck trim with a thick ivory collar. The final piece is a simple pink ribbon—not even a necklace, just a ribbon—tied around his neck with the bow in the back.
Where Was I, When The Rockets Came To Life, by tookumade
In a city like this, there wasn’t much of a chance that they would meet again, and given Hanamaki’s current career of choice, if they did, then it was more than likely to be because of a cruel joke set up by fate. He was not about to let his heart be broken now. He had more important things to think about…
(written for Haikyuu!! MatsuHana Week - Day 5 - glasses, piercing)
not like the movies, by bravely
“Here,” he says, offering the thumb back to Hanamaki. Absentmindedly, Hanamaki licks it back off. “Thanks.”
Then he blinks.
“Wait,” he says. “Shit, wait. Was that supposed to be romantic just then?”
“ — Well.” Matsukawa clears his throat. “You tell me, I guess?”
No One Else Like You, by auber_jean
"It’s not at all liberating to finally have it said out loud, because it makes it all that more real, and Matsukawa was doing really well pretending that he wasn’t in love with his best friend."
With the turn of graduation, Matsukawa finds himself choosing between a future that he has planned or something more.
live it up, drink it in, by puny
Hanamaki's not a detective, just a wing spiker with a hangover, but he's gonna figure out who gave him all these hickeys if it damn well kills him.
Begin, by Karasuno Volleygays
It's the last day of their high school years and the first day of the rest of their lives. As they spend the night under a blanket of stars, they can't help but wonder where will they go from here?
Playing Doubles, by squidmemesinc
“We always said we were going to fuck at every possible time of day,” Takahiro says, rolling his hips gently over Issei’s.
“I do remember saying that once. Do you have the calendar on hand?”
Captured Light, by plumtrees
“The smile you’re wearing in this photo,” Hanamaki continued, just a little bit sad, “you haven’t smiled like that in a long time.”
Matsukawa looked at the photo again. It was awkward; it always was, seeing himself through Hanamaki’s lens. He’d never really focused on himself whenever he looked at the photos Hanamaki took of him, but now his eyes actively trailed over his face, the crinkle of his eyes, the twinkle in them from the light reflecting off of his cellphone, the smile wide enough to show an entire row of teeth.
He tried to emulate the expression, only to realize how foreign it felt on his face.
A love story like most love stories, stuck between busy days and too little time spent together.
Matsukawa learns to take it easy, and Hanamaki is his teacher.
Marks, by Andramion
The room is quiet when Issei gathers the pillows under his arms and lies down. He presses his nose into his shoulder, closes his eyes and focusses on the barely-there touch of fingertips to his skin.
Hanamaki always does this, every single time.
Sure, by kiyala
Beginning university brings a lot of changes with it. As Iwaizumi and Oikawa deal with going to different universities, Hanamaki thinks about his own relationship with Matsukawa.
nebulas, by tothemoon
“You'll have to let me think about it,” Hanamaki says to him while they're looking at soup stocks in the supermarket one evening, because he knows being with someone is not as simple as he'd like it to be.
(At this, Matsukawa does not fret. He goes for the snack aisle, instead.)
Settled, by kiyala
Hanamaki and Matsukawa go for a walk in their hometown in the middle of the night, and reflect on the things that have changed since high school.
Staking a Claim, by iwaizumemes
"Do you think they can tell?"
"Tell what?"
"That we've fucked in all their bedrooms."
something of a disaster, by latenights
“This is the part where you make a wish and blow.”
“Now, let’s not get too hasty—“
“I meant the candles you bastard.”
that’s you get (for waking up in vegas), by skittidyne
“There was an Elvis?” Hajime asks.
“He was the officiator. It’s the cliché, right?”
“…Officiator of what?” Tooru asks with a look down at Takahiro’s hand.
“You can borrow my phone to pull pictures from for our wedding album.” Issei reaches over and grasps the hand with the ring on it. Everyone is staring at their clasped hands like a three-headed lobster just crawled onto the table. “You were both the best men and I was very, deeply touched by how affected you both were at the ceremony,” he says in a perfect deadpan.
(( or: iwaizumi does not want to be the responsible one, and thus they suffer the consequences, or, perhaps, 'suffer' is a bit too strong of a word ))
Wilds, by AngryKitten
Makki waded back to him, two handfuls of stones dripping lake-water. He was grinning, like he always did, like their lives were one great joke that Matsukawa only occasionally understood. Hanamaki tipped his hand, and the rocks tumbled out into the bottom of their canoe.
“For later,” Hanamaki said.
Parting Words, by kiyala
Matsukawa confesses his feelings for Hanamaki at graduation, knowing that they're unrequited. Hanamaki's not so sure about that.
we could be the greatest team, by anyadisee
Oikawa mock-gasps. “Makki! You should know that I was genuinely planning on talking about strategy! I just thought it would be polite to wait for Iwa-chan and Mattsun to get back. But since you brought the topic up”—Hanamaki opens his mouth to protest, but is ignored—“have I told you how amazing Iwa-chan is? Like, he’s just the best boyfriend ever.”
“Wow, I never would’ve guessed what with, you know, how much you’ve been talking about it,” Hanamaki deadpans.
Oikawa waves a hand airily. “Don’t be jealous that my boyfriend is so sweet and romantic.”
Now it’s Hanamaki’s turn to raise eyebrows. “Excuse me, but did you just indirectly drag Issei?"
[in which hanamaki and oikawa get competitive, matsukawa and iwaizumi are good boyfriends, and the rest of seijoh somehow get involved.]
chocolate, by tellalie
“We have to do something,” Mattsun says.
Tides That Bind, by rubyfiamma
Matsuhana Fluff via prompt #19. Things you said when we were the happiest we ever were.
Room to Talk, by holdontoyourhulahoops
In which one snarky comment from Yahaba makes Hanamaki realize he's been a dirty hypocrite all this time.
The Best/Worst Places to Cry in the City, by AngryKitten
“Okay this is going to sound weird, and I get it if you want to say no, but I know a good place to cry and it’s only like a block from here. If you need to, um, let that out or something.”
Matsukawa gets hit on while crying in public and it might be the worst thing that has ever happened to him. Or it might be the best.
plus one, by orphan_account
"Did you know we're dating?"
"What? Says who?"
"Says everyone apparently."
"Oh," Hanamaki frowns for a few seconds before shrugging and turning his attention back to the chocolate fountain. "Nice."
Making Sense, by kiyala
Sharing an apartment does very little to help Hanamaki deal with his feelings for Matsukawa. Perhaps that's not such a bad thing.
and indeed there will be time, by plumtrees
Between volleyball and the looming end of their high school years, Hanamaki thinks he’s already dealing with more than enough, thank you very much.
Unfortunately, no one else gets the memo.
Alternatively: “I am not in love with my best friend!” says Hanamaki Takahiro. Nobody buys his bullshit.
snakes, meth labs and something like love, by orphan_account
"Did you know snakes can give birth to between ten and 150 babies at any one time?"
Matsukawa tenses. "And how many have you, um— How many have you found?"
"Four," Hanamaki sighs, voice shaking slightly with what sounds like pure, unadulterated defeat. "So far."
Flamingo, by JanaRumpandRCJawnn
Summary by me: series with Trans!Makki, dealing with transphobia, and a nice lovely characterization of Ushijima.
it’s cold out there, by bishounen_curious
Seijoh's parties are always a mess, but this one takes the cake.
he’s a looker but i really think it’s guts that matter most, by respectableflourish
His fellow first year loves volleyball, has a chill factor verging on glacial, partakes in the type of verbal repartee Takahiro has only ever dreamt of finding in another person, and just so happens to exhibit an eyebrow and eyeliner game that is on another fucking level.
my heart beats for contract law, by orphan_account
"You had an emotional breakdown in a McDonalds drive-through."
"And proposed to me."
"In a McDonalds drive-through, Hiro."
Takahiro huffs out a nervous laugh, keeping his eyes closed. "You love it," he repeats, nuzzling closer.
services i can provide, by commovente
“So, what’s this?” Matsukawa asks. “An apology?”
Hanamaki drawls the words out, but he’s rambling. “I mean, I was actually going for a bribe, but. You know what, Mattsun? I’m nothing if not adaptable, so. Yes. Consider this an apology.”
it’s easy being with you, sacred simplicity, by earlgrey_milktea
a conversation at half past three.
poolside, by tothemoon
At eighteen, it'd been a matter of wading.
At twenty-five, Hanamaki tries not to fall in headfirst.
need a little sweetness in my life, by orphan_account
The smell of freshly baked bread, watching his cakes rise, listening to customers endlessly praise his desserts? All that is great but, Matsukawa thinks as he shuffles closer to the counter to greet him, the best thing about his job is the man standing in front of him.
And he doesn’t even know his name.
Lemonade, by carriecmoney
“Seriously, after Oikawa’s Oikawaness, Iwaizumi with the shoulders and the intensity and the caring about people shit and you with…” Takahiro gestures at Matsukawa’s everything. “That. What am I?”
Sing For Me, by rideahorse
The first time he hears Matsukawa singing, it’s in the shower, post-practice, when Matsukawa is likely positive no one’s around to hear it. Takahiro doesn’t even know what to think at first; Matsukawa sings just as he talks, voice a low timbre, barely changing pitch as it navigates through some melody that is so familiar yet unreachable in Takahiro’s mind. It’s English, too, so Takahiro wouldn’t understand it anyways, but that’s beside the point.
The point is that the locker room suddenly feels ten times hotter and Takahiro feels like he might melt into a puddle of very gay and very confused sludge.
Realisations, by kiyala
In which Hanamaki realises that Matsukawa is a werewolf, and has a few other realisations while he's at it.
Magical Mishaps and How to Deal, by plumtrees
Hanamaki Takahiro loved Matsukawa Issei. Sometimes. Mostly. When he wasn’t being bull-headed or overly-difficult. Which wasn’t a lot of the time now that Hanamaki thought about it. Shit. But he digressed.
Demon-mating was a for life kind of deal. Certainly not a decision one could make out of the blue, without years of prior thought and much meditation. The day he asked for his mother’s blessing, the day he planned to ask Matsukawa to be his mate, she had told him If you’re sure you’ll be happy with him, then all I hope for is that he says yes and by some miracle he did and here they are now and Hanamaki could say with all the certainty in the world that he loved Matsukawa Issei with all his heart and soul(s).
But some days…dear gods, some days…some days he just made it really, really difficult.
Or: Matsukawa accidentally turns Kindaichi and Kunimi into babies and guess who has to help him clean up his fucking mess.
Pink and Yellow, by hotcocoa
Hanamaki is beautiful, Matsukawa is supportive, and both of them are the luckiest boyfriends in the world.
hang out fall in love, by carafin
In which Hanamaki's humble medical practice is threatened by an intractable asshole a witch doctor who's just moved into the shop down the street. Medical/Witchcraft AU.
As far as Hanamaki’s concerned, and as far as bad life decisions go, setting up your witch clinic right next to an actual, proper, medical clinic is practically akin to setting up an all-you-can-eat buffet right next to a gym. Or a sex toy shop next to a church. Or a vegetable patch next to a goat farm. Or – yeah, the point is, this Matsukawa guy has totally cornered the market in Terrible-Life-Decision-Making-Skills.
Baby It’s Cold Outside, by dancingwithwings
Matsukawa looks round. And – heaven help him – he’s greeted with the guy from a couple of apartments down, the guy who dyes his hair to look like a strawberry for reasons unbeknownst, looking so disgruntled, so bedraggled, so akin to a drowning cat, that it almost makes him laugh out loud. The guy is barefoot, wearing only a towel. And the look on his face might turn Matsukawa to stone.
In which the fire alarm goes off, Hanamaki is in a towel, and Mattsun just really needs to study.
Zenith, Nadir, by tookumade
A former god realises that it's time to say goodbye.
Parallel Lines, by orphan_account
Yesterday night, Matsukawa had told his parents that he was joining math club, which lead to several confused smiles from them as they tried to figure out his change of heart.
“Didn’t you say you were allergic to competitive math?” His mom had asked. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, we’re very supportive of your decision, but-”
Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, they’d let it go because no sane parent prevents their child from joining math team, which is intellectually beneficial and looks very nice on college applications. This, in turn, prevents Matsukawa from having to explain that he’s joining- dear god- because of a crush.
this isn’t exactly how i thought i’d spend my adult years, by jadedpearl
When Hanamaki coughs–hacks–the guy, who's been near comatose this entire time, opens his eyes and looks over a little, seemingly with the least amount of effort possible. "Bless you," he says, but his eyes are still sleepy. Hanamaki turns his head and stares at him. "I didn't sneeze." The guy looks a bit surprised. "What?" "I coughed." "So?" "Who the fuck says bless you when someone coughs?"
The Courage of Stars, by FairyLights101
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
Then again, not many things were.
sugar pink liquor, liquor lips, by h_lovely
His lips still taste like sugar and liquor; they’re rosy and plush as they fit softly against Matsukawa’s own.
What would you do (if I told you that I la, la, la, loved you?), by Frenchibi
5 IwaOi moments as seen by Hanamaki and Matsukawa ... +1 moment of revenge :'D
Shoulda Known, by fxvixen
He quickly composes his face to look concerned. “What’s the matter there, sport?”
The groan cuts off.
Hanamaki lifts his head, a few strands of hair flopping onto his forehead. He narrows his eyes at Matsukawa’s attempt of a poker face. “Never call me that again.”
matsuhana feels and cuddles
Time and Distance, by kiyala
Matsukawa is attending university in Kyoto. Hanamaki comes to visit.
Kaleidoscope, by tookumade
Fall in love in five cities.
press play, by airblends
“Makki, you want in on our intro?” Oikawa gestures with his hand.
“Nah, I already promised Issei we’d do one for his channel. There are only so many intros a man can film in a day.”
“Issei, huh?” Oikawa’s lips settle into a knowing smirk. Iwaizumi coughs into his fist, gently prying the camera from Oikawa’s hands to turn it off.
Hanamaki’s face burns up, his cheeks a fiery red. “We’re just friends,” he says, the phrase rolling off his tongue by sheer reflex. He has lost count of how many times he’s typed it into the comment section beneath his videos. At this point he might just start to believe it himself.
New Ground, by kiyala
About new cities and new relationships.
Trusting Things Beyond Mistake, by twinkrevali
"‘I–’ Hanamaki starts, then stops, turning to face the lake and frowning as the words fail to reach him.
Matsukawa pushes himself up to look at Hanamaki properly, hands resting in his lap.
‘You,’ he prompts, and Hanamaki looks at him, eyes shining.
This must be, he thinks, what they call a moment of clarity."
Would You Rather, by jadedpearl
“Y’know,” Hanamaki says, stretching his arms above his head, “I don’t even get why Oikawa is the popular one. If this was an anime, I’d be the main character.”
The setting sun burns his edges gold, alights the sharp planes of his face. Matsukawa looks away, faces forward, towards the houses that wind out of sight.
“What makes you say that?” he replies easily, because things have always been just that, with Hanamaki.
too scared to say (that i want you), by urieskooki
"How could he not hate me if he knew?"
Falling in love with your best friend sucks.
one-way ticket, by noyabeans
post-chapter 258.
in an alternate universe, they would be the ones on that screen, feet solidly planted on the smooth ground of the tokyo gym and the smell of air salonpas around them.
take my hand, take my whole life, too, by earlgrey_milktea
matsukawa and hanamaki, a few years down the road, and years to go, together.
all our stolen moments (i’d spend forever with you), by earlgrey_milktea
quiet moments between matsukawa and hanamaki.
it's all worth it, in the end.
Switched Jerseys, by chromyrose
After practice on an afternoon shortly before the Spring High tournament begins, they’re the last two people changing in the club room. The weather is starting to turn for the colder, and Hanamaki sighs when the cool air touches his heated skin after he takes his jersey off. He feels a warm hand on his back, and looks over his shoulder...
oh we’re fading fast / i miss missing you now and then, by earlgrey_milktea
It’s strange, missing someone. You find them in every thing you do, and you think you want them back, but you don’t. Not really. Not now, not like this.
issei and the quiet that hanamaki left behind.
i thought i could tame these memories to keep me company like a housecat, by earlgrey_milktea
So he stayed here, in a house that hasn’t been a home in a long time, with a cat that keeps looking out the window as if waiting for someone that isn’t coming home.
takahiro and the empty house and lonely cat that issei left behind.
those days are dead and gone (but we’re still here), by kythen
They're graduating today and Hanamaki doesn't want to get out of bed.
stranger things, by tinypersonhotel
In 2012, the men’s national volleyball team took home the bronze at the Asian Cup. Tokyo Skytree opened to the public. Also, the dashing Hanamaki Takahiro and painfully cool Matsukawa Issei started a radio show out of Aoba Johsai’s abandoned A/V room and accidentally became the two most popular guys in school.
Daily Password: [ ], by tookumade
“Neko Atsume?” Hanamaki says sleepily when he recognises the song coming from his phone. He opens his eyes with a mystified smile. “You’re still playing?”
(written for Haikyuu!! MatsuHana Week - Day 1 - music)
tell them i love you, by tookumade
“Are you two serious about it, though?” Oikawa says dubiously after training when they’re leaving the clubroom together. “Could you seriously tell each other ‘I love you’?”
“Of course we’re serious!” protests Matsukawa at the same time Hanamaki says, “Of course we can!”
(written for Haikyuu!! MatsuHana Week - Day 3 - romantic gesture)
like a river, by astersandstuffs
“Is that a confession? Are you actually confessing to me right now?”
“Hm. Yeah.”
Or, they still have a lot to learn (and maybe that's the thing about being together).
Baby(sitting), Maybe, by tookumade
“One day,” says Hanamaki, “we’ll look back on this and laugh.”
“Mm-hm,” Matsukawa hums.
“It’ll be a cute little story. We’ll tell our friends, and they’ll laugh along with us. They might even be sympathetic.”
“You’re absolutely right, sympathetic is reaching way too far.”
(written for Haikyuu!! MatsuHana Week - Day 6 - children, bonds)
Matsuhana Week 2017, by h_lovely
Day 1: music//relationship goals Day 2: competition//petty Day 3: romantic gesture//fairy tale Day 4: in danger//leaving home Day 5: food//science Day 6: children//bonds Day 7: on video//surprises
A God for Every Season, by timkons
Mortals have all kinds of foolish tales, like how Hades and Persephone's annual reunion causes the seasons. Matsukawa knows better.
Habenaria Radiata, by tookumade
Hanamaki turns onto his side so that they’re facing each other, and his smile is warm; Matsukawa feels his heart skip a beat, as it always does whenever this happens, and he wonders when he’ll ever get used to it, when it’ll become normal enough that he doesn’t get butterflies in his stomach every time Hanamaki smiles at him.
(Probably never, if he’s being honest with himself. He is content with this.)
take my heart and put it in your pocket, by Frenchibi
Issei blinks. “I ain’t drinkin’ any of your froofy Christmas Latte thingies.” “Orange Caramel Mocha.” “What?” “Vanilla Chai Latte.” “Ew.” “Cinnamon Hot Chocolate.” Issei rolls his eyes, resigned. “Fine. That doesn’t sound too awful.”
Remind Me, by tookumade
For Hanamaki and Matsukawa, their first meeting consists of a small accident, a terrible first impression, and the start of something new—maybe something better.
(In which they learn to keep trying, and to try again.)
like twinkling lights and the warmth of your hand, by earlgrey_milktea
mattsun and makki go on an impromptu date.
in a daze, by wyverning
The sound of a camera shutter goes off, and Issei lazily cracks open an eye to see Hanamaki grinning down at him, phone held loosely in one hand.
“That was the best Kunimi impression I’ve ever seen,” he says by way of explanation.
Clueless, by Elleh
If anyone had asked Issei how he’d thought his night would end, he’d have never said: catching my best friend moaning my name while fucking himself.
There’s an odd second, between Issei entering their room and sliding the door of the bedroom open, in which Issei is still oblivious. Skin prickling, a sudden dryness in his mouth, but oblivious. He’s taking his shoes off when the first moan catches him.
He stills right on the spot, a shoe hanging from his finger, the other hand half-way to opening the bedroom. Issei swallows, images of Hanamaki with a girl from the hotel, that’s why he didn’t want to come with us drink, the bitter taste that realisation leaves behind. Issei shouldn’t care Hanamaki’s having sex with someone, but the sourness turns into rage—and maybe disappointment. He’s gonna have a serious conversation about boundaries and, you know, could you let me know in advance, so I find—
“Issei… Mmmh, fuck.”
IOU, by Karasuno Volleygays
Matsukawa Issei goes in for a tattoo and ends up with an interesting new friend in Hanamaki Takahiro. Soon his visits to his tattoo artist's studio in the back of a restaurant become a highlight of his days, and that's before feelings start to wriggle their way into the picture.
take a screenshot, it’ll last longer, by h_lovely
It’s all fun and games until someone pops a boner in a staff meeting.
lapsus linguae, by astersandstuffs
“I’m literally your best friend,” Matsukawa says.
Takahiro pauses. “Shit. You’re right.”
Reflex, by hiuythn
Nobody likes to talk about how Hanamaki and Matsukawa met, which is a shame, because they both think it's the funniest fucking thing to ever happen to either of them.
my way home, by tookumade
Matsukawa has been sitting at their freshly-placed dining table and staring at his copy of their new apartment keys for at least an hour.
(Hanamaki checks his watch. Okay, five minutes; same thing.)
first light, by tookumade
Iwaizumi and Oikawa immediately break out into booing and gagging noises, because as much as they both think themselves mature and reasonable people, they are honestly idiots. Matsukawa just grins and takes a sip of his own beer, pleased, but Hanamaki is frozen, eyes wide and a blush creeping across his face in a way that had nothing to do with the beer.
Tactical Retreat, by Karasuno Volleygays
After years of getting their asses handed to them by the seemingly psychic Iwaoi bond, Issei and Takahiro opt to spend the rest of their paintballing trip engaged in other activities.
Mirror Flower, Water Moon, by h_lovely
Matsukawa’s gaze lingers on Hanamaki. He’s talking about something, ranting on and Matsukawa isn’t sure about what at this point. He should be listening really, how rude of him. But spring has just sprung and the little pink petals dotting the sidewalk match so pleasantly with the strawberry shade of Hanamaki’s short-clipped hair.
(Or, a study on timing and how to get it right.)
quidditch gloves, parchment, and custard cream, by h_lovely
After class, Matsukawa finds Hanamaki in the tall cushy grass by the lake.
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haikyuutext · 6 years
haikyuutext’s fanfic rec (hq!! only)
structured as: 
ship. word count. rating.
italicized fics are my favorites!
Conquering the Great King
iwaoi. 105k words. explicit.
Iwaizumi blinked his gaze over to Oikawa, "Last time was supposed to be a one time thing," he said, voice low, lacking some conviction.
Oikawa's lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi's, "One time thing, Two time thing, what's it matter as long as it's not a Relationship thing?"
Arrest me Officer
iwaoi. 122k words. general audiences.
‘Perhaps getting mugged at two in the morning isn’t such a bad idea’ Oikawa thinks as he eyes the world’s hottest policeman settled in the seat across from him.
In which Oikawa is a news reporter head over heels for a commanding police officer.
NOTE: This is fic is mainly Oikawa/Iwaizumi - There are also other side pairings (look in tags)
to be first, to be best
iwaoi. 26k words. teen.
Hajime is apparently something of a masochist, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks “I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren't I?”
new phone who dis
iwaoi. 57k words. teen.
Oikawa texts the wrong number when complaining about Ushijima, and then keeps texting Iwaizumi.
Trial by Fire
iwaoi. 76k words. explicit.
Iwaizumi is a young, bright-eyed criminal prosecutor fresh out of law school. After half a year of trying misdemeanor cases and learning the art of argument through his mentor, Ushijima Wakatoshi, he finally gets his first felony case: a murder of an affluent CEO by his son, Daishou Suguru.
But when he meets Daishou’s defense attorney, a talented and extremely successful lawyer by the name of Oikawa Tooru, he finds himself wavering in his ability to prosecute the case. Especially when Oikawa looks like that fucking good in his pressed suit and tie.
(lawyer!AU - in which Iwaizumi loves his objections, Oikawa is beautiful, and they have more chemistry than two opposing attorneys probably should.)
I honestly didn’t expect this story to pop off as much as it did.
I like the way your clothes smell
kagehina. 75k words. explicit.
Power outages, ghost stories, and the presence of a certain orange-haired boy lead to bad decision-making on Tobio's part. He'd planned to keep his crush a secret; the universe has other plans.
Saffron and Cayenne Pepper
kagehina. 30k words. teen.
Cooking is hard. Even if you have your very attractive, very grumpy neighbor there to help you.
In which Hinata's lack of cooking skills are a danger to him and others. Luckily (or not), Kageyama is willing to teach him, if only for the sake of avoiding any burned down apartments.
Come and get lost with us
kagehina-centric. 150k words. mature.
Kageyama is a thief, betrayed after his last raid, and left to die alone in the forest.
Hinata is the one to find him, determined to save his life and nurse him back to health.
In a forest that is growing more dangerous by the day, tension is running high, and neither of them can anticipate the impact they'll have on each others life.
There are good fics, and then there’s Come and get lost with us.
gold star, ash sky
kagehina-centric. 147k words (INCOMPLETE). mature.
Hinata Shouyou dreams of becoming a samurai, but there's a problem: he can't kill a dragon.
You’d fit my lonely arms so perfectly
daisuga. 25k words. general audiences.
“Oh. You're. Not Asahi.” Calmed down enough that he can speak again, Daichi takes a deep breath, his smile settling on his face easily and wide. “Not as far as I know, no.”
Suga accidentally calls a stranger instead of his best friend, tells him all about his burned batch of cookies before realising, and that particular mistake might turn out the best one he ever made.
The Stars in Summer
daisuga. 36k words. mature.
‘ “We’ll take you to our favorite ice cream shop,” Daichi tells Suga. “It’s not fancy, but it’s really good.”
Suga waves a hand over himself, his soft, frayed shorts, and plain white t-shirt. “I was really hoping for fancy, Daichi, so I don’t know if this is going to work out.”
Daichi laughs, that warm rumble that starts in his belly, and Suga thanks all of his lucky stars that he’s walking through this nothing town right now, with this boy who is definitely something.’
butterfly in the subway
daisuga-centric. 62k words. teen.
Sugawara Koushi has no idea he's already in love with the man he's supposed to hate.
It’s a You’ve Got Mail AU. Can you hear my crusty ass screaming?
cool kids don’t wear skinny jeans
daisuga. 31k words. teen.
'He was supposed to ask Suga for his number or ask if he was busy next Friday night and if he was interested in seeing a movie or something. Instead, he said in a slightly cracking and not at all calm voice, “I think I lost my kids.”'
that fic where babysitter no. 1 Daichi loses three kids in the city, gets into a bunch of shenanigans, and tries to ask Suga on a date.
Rough Draft
kuroken. 16k words. teen.
Kozume Kenma's a novelist tasked to write a romance into his action-adventure stories in order to attract more readers, something he has no idea how to do. At a loss, he recruits his attractive next-door neighbor Kuroo Tetsurou to assist him in experiencing what a relationship feels like.
He should have anticipated the way things grow more complicated.
How Kuroo Found Kenma
kuroken. 37k words. explicit.
"Oh my God," Kuroo said, eyes growing wide. He slowly turned to fully face Oikawa, "I'm in love with Kenma."
Oikawa brought his tea to his mouth. "Yeah," he said, smiling through the steam rising in front of his face, "I know."
This is actually a spin-off from Conquering the Great King, but you don't need to have read that beforehand to enjoy this.
Liked, Commented and Subscribed
kuroken. 45k words. teen.
" 'Hey, Bokuto?' Kuroo interrupted his friend. They were both sitting on his couch, Bokuto telling some silly story that happened the previous weekend and Kuroo reading the comments on his latest video. He was quite happy with how it turned out – a lot of people seemed to enjoy it and he even saw a few memes on tumblr titled ‘The actual signs as Kuroo’s signs’. There was only one thing bothering him. 'Yeah, bro?' Bokuto answered, a little annoyed for having his great story be interrupted. 'Do you know who Kozume Kenma is?' " -- Everyone is a youtuber and tumblr ships KuroKen. A lot.
Never Fly on One Wing
bokuaka. 23k words. explicit.
'This was not what Koutarou had planned out for his evening. Yet here he was, sweating, scratches on his arm, and a shaking cardboard box in his lap.'
In which Bokuto rescues an owl.
tea-stained polaroids
bokuaka. 5k words. general audiences.
“I'm gonna date that,” Bokuto declares solemnly, and Kuroo throws a plastic spoon at his head.
Come Downstairs
bokuaka. 50k words. teen.
Akaashi Keiji is pretty certain that he’s got love figured out. Or at least, he’s figured out that love isn’t for him. It isn't until his new downstairs neighbor moves in that he realizes even intelligent people make mistakes in their calculations.
Iron Curtain
kurotsukki / bokuaka. 4k words. mature.
Desperate times, Tsukishima thinks, call for vicious measures.
(Kuroo and Bokuto are, predictably, impossible to live with; Akaashi and Tsukishima hatch a plot. Nothing goes as planned.)
This one’s too fucking hilarious not to add to the list.
Mannequin Men
bokuakakurotsukki. 76k words. mature.
The modeling world is full of hungry wolves, constantly clambering over the other, snarling and desperate. They fight, and they kill, trampling over anything in their path.
In this case, Akaashi fell in love with the wolves.
I remembered liking it the first time around and the second time was even better.
national hot dad alliance is not calling...
not ship-centric. 58k words. teen.
Sawamura Daichi: What the fuck.
(Or, the captains' squad interactions that definitely happen outside of canon, presented in Skype chat form.)
I think that’s all for now! I might make a second list later with more stories I fall in love with, so stay tuned! I didn’t include everything that I love for the sake of space and variety, but let me know if you’d like more recs.
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thatishogwash · 7 years
Marry Me is Not a Question
KuroDai Weekend
Day 2, December 9: Celebration
“Marry me.”  Kuroo said to the top of Sawamura’s head.  The man didn’t even pause as he continued to pick the lock attached to Kuroo’s ankles.  It was a complicated thing, the actual lock connected to Kuroo’s feet while his hands were hanging from the ceiling.  It was clearly designed to keep the prisoner from freeing themselves.  It was clever.  Kuroo probably would have had to dislocate a shoulder to get out by himself.  Luckily he wasn’t by himself, hadn’t been for years.
The King must have forgotten about that.  Many people tended to overlook Sawamura, which was how the man liked it.
“You just had to ruin the wedding.”  Sawamura sighed as something clicked and suddenly Kuroo was sprawled out on the dungeon floor.  He groaned as feeling returned to his previously numb arms.
“Someone had to stop it.”  Kuroo grunted as Sawamura pulled him to his feet.  Kuroo doubted the King would have really hung him as he had promised to do.  Oikawa would forgive Kuroo eventually, but it was probably best if Kuroo didn’t linger in his Kingdom too long.  “Iwaizumi is off playing good knight-”
“Some might call it his job.”  Sawamura mumbled as he peered around the corner.
“So the job fell to me.”  Kuroo leaned against Sawamura’s broad back.  More so to just be able to touch Sawamura than to see around the corner.  They had been separated for weeks now.  Sawamura tended to stay away from large cities where royals might gather.
The guards were slumped against the ground, leaning against each other as if they had merely taken a nap.  Knocked out, not dead.  Oikawa would, eventually, get over Kuroo ruining his wedding but he would never forgive the killing of his own people.
Oikawa was loud and obnoxious but he was a great King.  He also had a habit of getting horribly lonely when his Grand Knight was off defending the Kingdom.  When Oikawa got lonely he fell in love easily, and quickly.  The young woman he had decided to marry this season was lovely, they all were, but she had own own hidden agenda that Kuroo knew involved poison in a goblet after she had been named Queen.  The royal advisors couldn’t talk Oikawa out of the bad match, so it fell to Kuroo to do so.
“Talked out of” might be a slight exaggeration.  Actually Kuroo hadn’t even tried to talk to Oikawa at all.  What he had done was stowed away the bride-to-be, stolen her dress, wore in and almost married the King.  Kuroo might have had a bit too much to drink, but the dress had just been right there and so tempting to him.  It had ripped on his shoulders and sagged on his nonexistent chest but he thought he looked rather stunning.
Kuroo might have stolen something or another, he couldn’t exactly remember.  It might have been the royal rings.  They were small and shiny, and Kuroo was a thief after all.  He blamed Oikawa for that one.  Who invited a well-known thief to a wedding then just left the rings sitting out in the open?
“You didn’t answer my question.”  Kuroo stated as they safely escaped the castle.  Sawamura had stashed their bags behind some tall hedges.  Oikawa had taken the dress, leaving Kuroo bare in the cold dungeon.  Vindictive King.
“I don’t remember you asking me anything.”  Sawamura said as he kept watch while Kuroo quickly pulled on his own clothes, thankful for the warmth.  They still weren’t in the clear, Kuroo could hear shouting in the distance as they realized something was amiss.  Sawamura gently took Kuroo’s hands, running his fingers carefully over the raw skin on Kuroo’s wrists.  The cuffs had been padded, which led Kuroo to believe that Oikawa, no matter how angry he appeared to have been, would not have hung him.  But even with padding he was held suspended in the dungeon for most of the night and his wrists were tender and red.
“I asked you to marry me.”  Kuroo reminded the other man, twisting his hand to capture one of Sawamura’s before placing a kiss on Sawamura’s calloused palm.  Sawamura pushed Kuroo’s face away, though even in the dark Kuroo could make out the flushed cheeks on the other man.
“Did you?”  Sawamura asked as Kuroo shoved his trusty boots on before they both grabbed their packs and began walking in the shadows and away from the castle.
Kuroo ran the conversation through his head.
“Yes.”  Kuroo had asked Sawamura to marry him several times.  It had first started off as a joke, before they had even shared their first kiss or Kuroo was blessed to witness a naked Sawamura.  Truly one of Kuroo’s favorite sights.  Whenever Sawamura did something amazing Kuroo would pop the question.  He wasn’t sure when it started to become a serious one.  Perhaps sometime after Sawamura saved Kuroo from the bloodthirsty sirens but well before Sawamura rescued a baby dragon.
“Funny, I just remember you making a statement.”  Sawamura grinned over at Kuroo as they made their way through the dark streets.  Neither of them had much to fear.  Sawamura was a wicked fighter and Kuroo had a couple tricks up his sleeve.
“Well when I ask if you will marry me you never answered that either.”  Kuroo picked up his speed a little more so he could walk next to Sawamura instead of behind him.  He took hold of Sawamura’s hand, lacing their fingers together.  His own hands were cold but Sawamura’s were broad and warm as always.  There had been a time when Sawamura stiffened whenever Kuroo touched him, or even came too close.  Kuroo learned it had more to do with Sawamura’s past and the band around his neck than Kuroo himself, so he kept at it.  Toying the line of Sawamura’s comfort but making sure never to cross it.  It took Kuroo a while to realize that Sawamura loved to be touched, but the mark he carried wherever he went meant most who went to touch him did it for harm.
“Pick up the pace, I paid Terushima an arm and a leg to leave tonight and I have no doubt that he would leave without us.”  Sawamura said, pulling Kuroo gently down another dark alley as the sound of armored soldiers approached from another direction.
“You paid him in advance?”  Kuroo asked.
“Do I look like I was born yesterday?”  Sawamura countered back.  A stupid question in answer to another stupid question.  Kuroo had doubts that Terushima would leave Sawamura behind even if he did pay in advance.  Terushima would relish abandoning Kuroo to his fate, but he would wait for Sawamura.  Terushima was a relatively young pirate, though he called himself a mercenary, which was true enough.  He had a bloody reputation but a great amount of respect, and fear, for Sawamura.
They made it to the docks unaccosted but there were soldiers everywhere.  The sun was beginning to peek over the horizon as Sawamura and Kuroo sacrificed stealth for speed.  Terushima’s boat, the big ugly yellow thing it was, was pulling out of the docks.
Shouts sounded from behind them.  Sawamura pushed for speed, Kuroo kept pace right behind him.  Kuroo was faster than Sawamura, and if it was anyone else Kuroo would have left them behind but he would never do that to Sawamura.
Sawamura jumped at the end of the dock, clearing the water and landing on the ship with a roll before popping up onto his feet.  Kuroo jumped right behind him and landed on the balls of his feet, crouched down before standing up and shaking out the pins and needles from his legs.
“Outrunning the navy is going to be extra.”  Terushima called from his post at the Quarterdeck, directing the ship away from the docks.  Kuroo leaned over the side of the ship, saw soldiers running around to get their own ships ready.  “We’ll have a good head start.”
Lightning flashed in the sky.  Sawamura turned an accusing stare on Kuroo.
“What?”  Kuroo asked as innocently as he could.
“What else did you do?”  Sawamura clenched his jaw, making the strong line of it look like it could cut glass.
“Nothing.”  Kuroo put his hands up right before it started downpouring.
“Oikawa doesn’t pull out a storm because you didn’t do anything!”  Sawamura had to raise his voice to be heard over the growing storm.  “What did you steal?”
“I didn’t steal anything!”  Kuroo shouted right before thunder roared in the sky, angry and bellowing.
“You two should go below deck!”  Terushima ordered them.  Kuroo glanced back at the slowly shrinking city behind them as the waves became larger, tossing them around and drenching everyone on deck.
“Terushima!”  Kuroo shouted, making his way up to the Quarterdeck where Terushima was at the helm, probably trying to keep the ship from capsizing.  Not that Kuroo knew much about ships, he rather travel by horse or on his own two feet.  “You’re a captain, you can marry us!”
“Little busy right now!”  Terushima grunted as pushed against the wheel.  “Everyone make sure they are tied up!  If you go over I’m not rescuing you!”  Terushima shouted over the railing.  “That goes for you too.”  Kuroo briefly wondered if Terushima would go over for Sawamura.
“Marry us and I’ll give you double what Sawamura promised!”  Kuroo really had to shout now to be heard over the storm.  Terushima turned to look at Kuroo for the first time and Kuroo could have sworn Terushima’s eyes flashed gold for a moment.  Kuroo almost regretted offering it, he had no idea what amount Sawamura had already paid to get them out at the last moment.
“You okay with this?”  Terushima asked, leaning around Kuroo to look at Sawamura.  Kuroo turned to see a shocked man behind him.
“You’re serious?”  Sawamura asked, his voice too low to hear but Kuroo could still read his lips.  ���Yes.  Alright.  Yes, please marry us!”  Sawamura grinned, a big wide thing that Kuroo saw far too rarely.  The man was weighed down by a heavy past, the burn around his neck marking him as a traitor, the lashes on his back proving what he had gone through.  He was always so serious, and Kuroo had begun to realize that Sawamura thought that Kuroo, at some point, would abandon him.
Marriage wouldn’t erase all of Sawamura’s worries, those were deeply buried inside the handsome man.  But Kuroo thought that marriage was a good first step to prove he wasn’t going anywhere.
Plus he rather enjoyed the thought of being married to Sawamura.  For Sawamura to be his and for Kuroo to be his.
“We are all gathered here today on this momentous occasion to bind this man to this garbage human-” Despite the growing storm Kuroo heard laughter around them as Terushima grinned over at Kuroo.  “I would like to make a grand speech but current circumstances mean I have to cut it short!”  Someone shouted out ‘thank god’.  Kuroo suspected it was the First Mate, anyone else would fear that Terushima would hang them overboard for such talk.
“Does anyone have any objections to this union?  Besides the fact that Sawamura could do much, much better?”  Terushima asked.  Kuroo thought about pushing him overboard but despite Johzenji’s cutthroat reputation, they were loyal and loved their captain.  Kuroo also didn’t want bloodshed on the day of his wedding.  He would get Terushima back in his own time.
The sky roared as if in its own objection.  Which could be true since Oikawa was controlling the weather.  He was probably quite angry that Kuroo was getting married right after ruining his own wedding.
Oh, speaking of Oikawa’s wedding.
“I have rings!”  Kuroo shouted, putting his hand into his pocket, reaching for his own small magic that allowed him to have a shadow pocket.  Someplace he could store his stolen loot.  Many times Kuroo had been caught but had to be let free because they couldn’t find the items on him.
“Where did you get those?”  Sawamura asked suspiciously as Kuroo held out the two wedding bands.  Kuroo was glad the bride-to-never-be had large fingers.
“Kuroo, do you take this man to be your lawful husband-”  The ship was carried high on a wave, nearly toppling over.
“I do!”  Kuroo shouted as Sawamura grabbed a handful of Kuroo’s shirt, keeping him from being washed overboard.
“Sawamura do you take Kuroo?”  Terushima shouted, speeding things up a bit.  Sawamura looked over at Kuroo, both of them drenched and freezing at that point.  Sawamura grinned and answered Terushima.  “Are you sure?  Like, are you really sure?  I can just let him go take a swim and no one has to know about this.”  Kuroo scowled at that.  Grungy bastard.
“I’m positive.”  Sawamura said.
“Then by the power vested in me I pronounce you man and man!  Get the fuck below deck and kiss the groom.”  Terushima turned away from them, shouting out more orders as the storm ranged on.
Sawamura pulled Kuroo down below deck.  Kuroo realized after a moment that his pack was gone, he had dropped it on the deck after jumping.  Sawamura smartly had his still over his shoulder.
They went to the guest cabin.  It was a tiny little thing and they were being thrown around by the weight of the storm but Kuroo couldn’t remember a time when he had been happier.  He held up one of the stolen rings.  Sawamura eyed it dubiously but held up his own hand for Kuroo to slip it on.  It was a pretty thing.  A thick silver band, shot through with black and gold.  Kuroo had Sawamura put on his.
“We’ll be lucky if Oikawa doesn’t sink us to the bottom of the ocean.”  Sawamura commented as they stumbled against each other.  He gripped  the wet fabric at Kuroo’s sides as Kuroo huddled closer, mostly to be closer to Sawamura but also because he was quite cold and Sawamura radiated warmth.
“No he won’t, then he’ll never get his rings back.”  Kuroo smirked, their noses knocking together as they tried to kiss.  The movements of the ship were far too jerky for anything tender, but Kuroo was fine with what they had.  It was quite like them.  A bit messy but full of love and warmth.
“We are going to visit Asahi and ask him to make us new rings, then we are going to send these back.”  Sawamura ordered even as he laced their fingers together, watching the rings on their fingers slide against each other.
“He’s never going to ask him.”  Kuroo groused, though he wasn’t all that displeased.  Azumane was a fine blacksmith and Sawamura always relaxed when they visited the little town of Karasuno.  Plus he quite looked forward to telling everyone that he had married Sawamura.
“That’s not for us to decide.”  Sawamura sighed against Kuroo’s mouth.  The waves seemed to become less choppy outside.  Oikawa had probably exhausted himself.  Anyone who wasn’t a complete fool could see that the King and his Knight loved each other.  Oikawa just had to stop trying to marry someone everytime Iwaizumi was out of his sight.
Kuroo was fiercely glad that there was nothing so complicated between him and Sawamura.
“Good morning, my husband.”  Kuroo grinned, quite liking the way that sounded.  From the blush on Sawamura’s face he seemed to like it also.  “Thank you for rescuing me.”
“Are you sure?”  Sawamura dipped his head a little, so that the mark around his neck wasn’t as visible.  “You know how people feel about me, they already treat you differently when they see us travelling together.”
“No, it’s too late, you said yes and I said yes and you’re mine.”  Kuroo placed soft kisses all over Sawamura’s too-handsome face.  “And I’m yours.”  Sawamura’s grip tightened on Kuroo’s hand before he was smiling up at Kuroo, that warm and bright smile that made Kuroo’s chest feel too light.
“My husband.”  Sawamura said, sounding as if he was testing out the words.  “How exactly do you expect to pay Terushima when you let your pack go overboard?”  Kuroo laughed as he leaned down to kiss Sawamura.  He would think of something.
Perhaps he would give Terushima the rings.  They were worth quite a bit.  That would set Oikawa on Terushima.  Terushima deserved it for all the snide comments he made during Kuroo’s own wedding.
Yes.  That would work out quite well.
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loralyi · 7 years
Not So Secret Secrets
Pairing : Kyoutani / Yahaba
Rating : Teen + Up
Genre : Slow Burn Werewolf Au
Word Count : 2217
Chapters : 1/?
Summary :  Yahaba's trying to figure out how to turn himself and Kyoutani into a functioning setter and ace team and everyone is suggesting that they get to know each other better, which is easier said than done. And as if that wasn't enough this strange golden dog comes to his rescue and starts following him around and he's fairly certain it's more sentient than a dog is supposed to be.
Read on AO3
“You’re not trying! If you were you could have easily hit that!”
“I’m not trying?! You’re the one who refuses to sync with me, you just expect me to hit whatever you toss!”
“Why should I be the only one to change? We’re supposed to be a team!”
Kyoutani scoffed. “Yeah, supposed to be.” He was already walking away by the time Oikawa and Iwaizumi had made their way over to quell their fighting. Iwaizumi turned and followed after Kyoutani while Oikawa stayed, giving Yahaba a sympathetic smile. Yahaba growled in frustration and kicked at the gym floor.
“Why does Coach force me to practice with him? It’s a waste of time.” Yahaba asked glaring at the floor.
“Because you two are going to be next year’s setter and ace and you need to work on your teamwork.” Oikawa answered simply. Yahaba knew that, and he knew that he was partly to blame for today’s fight. Partly. But Kyoutani had been especially annoying today, honestly he had been all week, and Yahaba had hit his limit.
“Yeah if we don’t kill each other by then.” Yahaba sighed heavily. Oikawa laughed and Yahaba moved his glare from the floor to Oikawa. “I’m serious. I might kill him.” Oikawa smirked.
“Good luck with that.”
Yahaba rolled his eyes at Oikawa’s patronizing tone. “Shouldn’t you be giving me advice on how to handle him or something? Or are you just here to bother me?” Because at this point he was at a complete loss as to how he was supposed to rectify this situation and could really use some advice.
“If it were literally anyone else I would most certainly give you my best captainly advice, but let’s be real, you can handle him way better than I can.” Oikawa shrugged.
Yahaba’s shoulders slumped with a sigh and he glanced across the gym where Iwaizumi was giving a stern talk to a Kyoutani that was clearly barely listening. He stood with his arms crossed and was looking at just about everything but Iwaizumi with his usual scowl. Their eyes met for a moment and the scowl deepened and he quickly jut his chin in the opposite direction.
“I don’t really think fighting with him is better than him ignoring me.” Yahaba said skeptically.
“I do. It means he respects you enough to answer. I think. Or at least that’s what Iwa-chan says.” He waved his hand in Iwaizumi’s general direction.
That was a good point, Kyoutani flat-out ignored most people so any reaction was probably a good reaction in his case. But it wasn’t enough. If they couldn’t work out their communication problems by next year their team was screwed, and Yahaba cared way too much about the team’s future to let himself be a part of what drags them down. Something had to be done.  
He asks Watari about it as their walking out of the locker rooms after practice.
“I don’t know man, you handle him better than anyone else, ‘cepts Iwaizumi of course.”
“Everyone says that,” Yahaba sighed heavily, “but fighting with him all the time isn’t enough! And no matter how much we practice one on one nothing changes.”
“Hmm…” Watari rubs his chin. “Maybe you just need to get to know him better outside of volleyball.”
Yahaba gaped at him as if he had just suggested that he shoot himself in the foot. Watari laughed sheepishly, “I know it sounds crazy-”
“It does.”
“-but think about it. What makes Oikawa and Iwaizumi such a great team?”
Yahaba thought about that for a moment. “Because they’re dating?” Watari shook his head.
“Ok yeah that’s part of it, but it’s because they understand each other so well. They understand what motivates the other and where to draw the line. You and Kyoutani have a communication issue, and like you said, you’ve tried just about everything you can on the court to get through to him and nothings working. So if you can figure out how to talk to him about normal stuff then maybe you can translate it to volleyball.”
Yahaba pondered that for a moment. “I guess,” He relented, “but how do I go about doing that? We can’t even talk about our common interest of volleyball, how am I supposed to talk to him about other things?” They came to a stop as they reached the spot where their paths home diverged. Watari shrugged with a confident smile and patted Yahaba on the back, “That’s for you to figure out, future captain.”
“Yeah yeah.” Waving his friend off he continued his walk home thinking of ways he could possibly get to know Kyoutani better. But every situation he came up with he could only picture Kyoutani ignoring him or refusing to take part. He could offer to help with homework, but he highly doubted Kyoutani would accept his help. And asking for help would likely earn him a sneer and rude comments on how their future captain needed help. Maybe he could ask Iwaizumi for advice, he seemed to get on with Kyoutani better than anyone else at school. There was a good chance he would be more helpful than Oikawa at least.
He was so deep in thought that he didn’t see the man in front of him until he all but ran into him.
“Ah, sorry sir.” He apologized quickly, blinking and getting his bearings. The man before him appeared to be in his late twenties or early thirties with messy black hair and a scruffy beard. His clothes looked like they had seen better days and the smell radiating from him suggested he was in need of a shower.
“No need to apologize.” The man smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes as they looked Yahaba up and down with interest. He leaned in breathing deep and Yahaba was thoroughly freaked out at this point. Everything about this man was setting off warning sirens in his head, and he tried to back away to put some space between them but the man just followed.
“Well, I should be going.” Yahaba attempted to say nonchalantly and tried to walk past the man but he reached out and grabbed ahold of Yahaba’s arm and Yahaba started to panic.
“Hold on there, I’ve got a few questions for you.” The man drawled all too close to Yahaba’s ear, but before the man could do or say anything a loud growl erupted from behind him.
Without a change in expression the man turned to address the large angry dog that had appeared behind him. “This one yours?” He asked. Yahaba shook his head but the man didn’t seem to care about his answer and continued to stare down the growling dog, grip tight on Yahaba’s arm. After a second or two that felt like an eternity the man released him, putting his hands in the air and backed away. “Sorry ‘bout that, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of homework to do. Maybe we’ll talk some other time.” The dog’s growls intensified at his words and it watched the man until he walked out of sight before becoming silent, though its body remained stiff with tension. Yahaba on the other hand let out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding and nearly fell to the sidewalk. Instead he stood bent over with his hands on his knees and brain running a mile a minute. Who was that? And why did they seem like they knew him? It was easily the strangest and scariest encounter he’d ever had, and he wasn’t entirely sure how to react. Lost in his thoughts again he jumped violently when the dog poked its nose into his face.
The dog jumped back as well, but stayed close and looked at him with what could only be concern. Now that he was calming down he noticed just how strange this dog was. It was rather large and built like what he could only describe as a wolf because it looked like no other breed of dog he had ever seen. But he’d also never seen a wolf that was completely golden like this one was, though as he looked he noticed it wasn’t a solid color. Two bands of black fur perfectly circled its neck in a way he had never seen on an animal before. Even stranger than its appearance was the way it was acting, with the way it had treated the man with such ferocity to now carefully walking up to him as if afraid it was going to scare him again. Finally regaining his breath and no longer feeling like he was about to fall over he reached out to the dog, letting it sniff his hand before scratching it behind the ear.
“Thanks for saving me, I think I would have been in quite a bit of trouble if you hadn’t shown up.” The dog sniffed as if agreeing and Yahaba laughed. He’d never met a dog with so much personality before, was this normal? Or was he just seeing things because he was still freaking out over what had just happened. Probably the latter.
“I’d better get home, I don’t particularly want to wait around and see that guy again.” He straightened up and started to walk towards home meaning to say goodbye to the dog over his shoulder when he realized it was walking beside him, shoulders set and ears back looking every bit like a guard dog.
“Walking me home?” He asked with a small smile.
The dog flicked its ear but otherwise ignored him. On one hand bringing a strange stray dog home seemed like a bad idea, but he also felt a whole lot safer with the dog by his side so he decided to let it follow as long as it liked which turned out to be the whole way home. It walked beside him looking every bit like a fully trained working dog and not the stray Yahaba assumed it actually was. Once he got to his house he expected to have to shoo it off but as soon as he turned to his gate it stopped and watched him before turning away.
“Wait!” He called after it and it paused, looking back at him curiously. “Umm, just wait here okay? I’ll be right back.” The dog just continued to look at him but he took it for conformation and rushed into his house and straight into the kitchen. After doing so much for him he figured the least he could do was give it something to eat. He just hoped it would still be there when he got back. Finding a tub of leftover meat in the fridge he grabbed a few pieces and quickly headed back outside. The dog was still there, standing in front of the gate to his yard with its head tilted to the side as if wondering what he was doing. And as relieved as he was that it had listened he couldn’t help but wonder again if dogs usually acted like this, because he was fairly certain they didn’t. Stepping back through the gate he kneeled and offered the food to the dog who sniffed at it briefly before looking up to his face almost questioningly.
“For saving me back there. And walking me home.” He answered, still not quite believing that he was talking to this dog as if it could understand him. It turned its attention back to the meat, giving it another sniff before gently taking it from Yahaba’s hand and with a few bites swallowed it gone. Yahaba reached out and scratched it behind the ear again and the dog took a moment to enjoy it, even wagging its tail slightly for the first time since it had appeared. Then it stepped forward and gently started nudging Yahaba back towards his house, as if reminding him that the street wasn’t safe. “Alright alright.” Yahaba stood and moved back toward his gate and paused with a hand on it. “But don’t be a stranger alright?” The dog just stared back at him.
Once back in his house he looked out the window. The dog was still standing there, watching the house for a moment as if making sure Yahaba was going to stay inside. After a moment it turned, trotting off back the way they had come and within seconds it was out of sight.
Moving to his room Yahaba dropped his bag to the floor and flopped onto his bed. Now that the dog was gone everything that had just happened felt so surreal. Was he really just almost assaulted on the street by a strange homeless looking man and then saved by a weirdly sentient dog? Rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hand he sat back up and shook his head. No matter how weird all of that had been he still had homework to do, not to mention he needed to figure out what to do with Kyoutani.
Hmm, maybe he could bring up the fact that he had seen a dog with a weirdly striking resemblance to the ace, though definitely had a better personality. Yahaba laughed at himself. That sounded crazy, and making Kyoutani think he was crazy wasn’t likely to help much.
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thebonggirll · 4 years
Chapter 26 - New Bonds
Chapter 25
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When everything was over and under control Y/N, Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki were taken to Hosu General Hospital. Since most rooms were occupied by those victims who got injured yesterday, everyone was kept in one room. Although she felt a bit uncomfortable with three other guys in the same room, she definitely slept like a baby after the little incident. Well, her training was brutal and she didn't want to waste a day where she's finally getting some sleep. Her side of the bed was fully covered with curtains. When she finally woke up, she rubbed her eyes and heard the conversation between the boys.
"Did you sleep Midoriya?" Todoroki asked.
"No, not really," Midoriya answered.
"I figured. Me neither."
"Thinking about the fight now, we did something pretty amazing."
"Yeah, I agree."
"After everything that happened back there, it kinda feels like a miracle that we are even alive. With my leg messed up, I was an easy target. He probably could've killed me if he really wanted to," Midoriya said, glancing at his wrapped up feet.
"Yeah, seems to me that he let both of us live in purpose. I am impressed by you though, Iida. He was actually trying to murder you but you stood tall," Todoroki said looking at Iida.
"That's not true. I was-" Iida got interrupted by a loud 'thud'.
"Uh...morning guys?" Y/N said.
"Wait, are you okay?! Did you get hurt?" Midoriya asked looking at her down on the floor.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine. I just got a little cramp on my legs for speeding up too much. I also had training yesterday, you know?" Y/N said getting up and walked to the bathroom to get freshen up. When she was done, she heard some voice outside the bathroom.
"There you are!" Baiji's angry voice entered her ears as soon as she got out of the bathroom.
"Oh shit," Y/N thought.
"I told all of you not to engage in fights! That was an order! What made you think you can just go out there and disobey what I said?!"
"But you said that I can rescue someone. And my friend Iida needed to be rescued!" Y/N said, hoping Baiji won't use this to double the workouts for her.
"Don't blame this on him! You should just be glad that there wasn't any kind of major harm! That was very reckless of you," Baiji sighed, "Well we don't have time for that now. You've got a visitors."
The Police Chief, Kenji Tsuragamae along with Manual and Gran Torino were also in the room.
"So, you're the U.A. students who brought down the hero killer huh?" Kenji said, "Stain has some serious injuries - severe burns, lots of cuts on his body and several broken bones. Right now, he's in the hospital under strict guard. There's a lesson you should've already learned. When quirks became the norm, the police forces sought to maintain their status quo. They decided we wouldn't use quirks as weapons. That's when heroes came in. They could do what we couldn't, that is if they are licensed. It would be impossible for police to condone the use of deadly quirks. Afterall, we are here to stop such harm from being done. The reason why only pros can use their powers now is because of the strict code of ethics that the heroes abide by. That's why it's against the law for uncertified people to cause injury. Whether you were up against the hero killer or not, none of you have the authority to harm the villain. That means the four of you along with your supervisors are sure to receive harsh punishments for gross abuse of your powers."
"Now wait a minute! If Iida hadn't stepped in Native would've been murdered. And if not for Midoriya and Y/N, both of them would be dead. No one else even realized that the hero killer was in Hosu! Are you saying we should've just stood by and watched people die?!" Todoroki said, anger laced in his voice while Midoriya and Iida tried to calm him down.
"So it's okay to break the laws as long as it goes your way?" Kenji said.
"But sir, isn't it a hero's job to save people?" Todoroki said, his patience was running low now.
"This is why you're not a full-fledged pro yet. It's obvious U.A. and Endeavor hasn't been teaching enough," Kenji said which pushed Todoroki to finally march towards him but got stopped by Gran Torino in middle saying.
"What I'm saying is the official stand of the police department. But any punishment would only be necessary if this was public. If it was, there's no way you could escape from being reprimanded. On the other hand, we could say Endeavor saved the day. Media would support the stories completely and we could pretend you weren't involved. Thankfully there were very few witnesses. This could be the last you heard of any punishments. It woul mean no one would know about you though. You'd receive no claim at all. The choice is yours." Kenji said, "Personally I know where I stand. I don't wanna damage any promising young careers for a mistake like this."
"We all sorry for what we did," Y/N said as Iida, Todoroki and Midoriya nooded their heads and bowed down in respect.
"I know it's not fair. You won't enjoy any of the fame and praise you would've received otherwise. But allow me, as the chief of police," Kanji bowed down as well, "to say thank you."
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After taking some rest, Y/N took her phone and stepped outside their room. She went near the visitor's area and called everyone, reassuring them of her health and safety. She read everyone's texts and send them messages. Well, almost everyone. Maybe it was because she was nervous to read the texts Bakugou sent her. Or maybe she 'saved the best for last'.
She opened the text with a small smile on her face. She didn't exactly expect him to text her back.
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From the looks of it, Y/N felt that Bakugou was actually a bit worried. Was he though? Maybe he was just being himself and talking naturally like he did with others. She wasn't so sure, and Kyoka wasn't available all the time since she had her own training. She was overthinking for sure. But this was a conversation starter and she was glad.
Y/N's injuries weren't that bad, so she got released from hospital. And she went back to train at the internship again.
Oikawa hugged her and almost cried like a baby when she entered the agency. Baiji was furious with her actions and gave her more tasks than usual. With a bit of pleading and ugly crying, according to her sidekick, the police department agreed to just punish her with a paycut. Baiji became more petty than she usually was. Often she would repeat Y/N's words and mock her, something that she didn't do in front off her sidekick. But it was all for fun and in the sense that they were now closer than they were before. And her friends were all safe, even though Iida's left arm was damaged way worse than expected, atleast he was alive. She knew Iida would work harder and never give up. It brightened up her mood and she felt positive.
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Well, all of that and also the fact that she started expecting replies from him. For someone as rude as Bakugou, Y/N didn't expect him to have any sense of humor.
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And as for Bakugou, he was surprised at the sudden text from her. What was she thinking? Why would he allow someone like her to be his friend? But he couldn't help it. He never ignored her words before, and he wasn't going to be a coward and piss himself just because of this 'friendship' bullshit.
And then, he heard the news of the attacks in Hosu City. He knew her agency was close to the said city. He thought that he was being very subtle about his worry, and from the outsider's perspective he would even come off as rude but if any of his friends got a glimpse of his texts, especially Kirishima, it wouldn't take them a second to know that he was infact, worried about Y/N. He was sure what they would've said about this. He might've acted like he didn't understand it before, but he knew what Kirishima meant when he talked about Y/N to him.
"How come you don't know our classmate's names and their quirks but actually know Y/N this well?" ,
"Hey, you probably have no idea about this but you look at her way more than any other girl in this whole school." ,
"Dude, I know you're smart and shit but no one is gonna believe that bullshit about you observing her. You were clearly checking her out!" ,
"Just admit it bro, there's something different between the both of you!"
All of which were now absurd to him. They were nothing but old classmates. And now, they are just friends.
And ofcourse, besides that, Bakugou would also know all about Y/N's weaknesses.
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Chapter 27
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thebonggirll · 4 years
Chapter 25 - Hero Killer Stain vs. U.A. Students
Chapter 24
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"Where are you Tenya!" Y/N heard someone say followed by a blast. The interns followed Baiji and one of her assistants. She wasn't so sure if she heard it right. But she just hoped that it was just her imagination.
"Looks like we need to go there!" Baiji said and glanced behind, "Stay the hell away from the monsters! You don't need to fight it! And that's an order!"
"Y-Yes ma'am!" Y/N tried to make her voice stable. Oikawa looked at her while running. She was definitely worried about something.
"Hey!" he shouted at her, "Are you okay?!"
"Uh yeah. It's just that...I've already faced one of these creatures before. And the name I just heard right now was...of my friend. I can't be sure but he came to the Hosu City as an intern. He's not the kind of a guy who would act reckless but.." Y/N said.
"Stop," Baiji said halting suddenly, "What do you mean you've faced these before? You were in Class 1-A? Do you have any kind of information about them?"
"When the League of Villains attacked us in USJ, they had one of these creatures. It's almost impossible to beat them. Even All Might had to put in a lot of effort and the most he has done is throw it out somewhere far. The only information that I know about it is that it could regenerate and it had shock absorption quirk. But I'm not sure about the ones we saw here. These look different so their quirks can be different too. I'm not so sure." Y/N said, "And these creatures were human before. Their bodies have been heavily experimented on."
"Y-You faced one of...these?" the other girl asked. She looked really nervous and scared. Well at this point everyone was worried. Even Oikawa was a bit shaky after watching all the things that was happening.
Baiji was already feeling like she took a wrong decision after observing the interns. "Okay, we don't have time to lose come on! Every bit of information is useful to us at the moment!" They rushed towards where the fire was spreading out.
Y/N observed the two huge nomus in front of her and the several heroes surrounding it. No doubt about it, they were all struggling to even make it stay at one place.
"Sorry it took us some time!" Baiji said and turned around to face the interns, "I don't think you guys should be here anymore! These creatures aren't something even heroes are capable of taking under control. Get out of here and go somewhere safe! It's okay if you want to help and rescue people but DO NOT ENGAGE IN FIGHTS." She then ran off towards the fire along with her assistant.
Y/N was about to leave when she heard someone yelling again, "Where did you run off by yourself! Where the hell are you Tenya!" She followed the voice and looked at the hero, Manual.
"You're in the way kid! Get out of here!" Y/N heard one of the heroes say. Going by the conversation, some kid was in this mess as well.
"You guys go, I'll catch up! Some kid is here as well!" Y/N said.
"Wait I'm coming!" Oikawa said, turning to run along with her but got stopped as a hand pulled over their sleeves. Y/N looked back at the hand of the other girl who came along with them as an intern. She was literally shaking in fear.
"Oikawa, take her and leave. I told you, I'll be right behind you," Y/N said.
He hesitated for a moment. "Okay, be careful and hurry!" Oikawa yelled and ran, pulling the hand of the girl.
Y/N in the mean time ran towards the voice. In all the smoke of the fire, she didn't notice the guy who was there along with them. But as she came near to him, her eyes widened.
"What the heck are you doing here?" Y/N asked, "Shouldn't you be in Yamanashi Prefecture for your training Midoriya?"
"Yeah long story short, our train got attacked and we had to leave. But on the top of that it's Hosu City. You heard Manual right? Tenya-"
"I did. Iida wouldn't do something so reckless but..." Y/N gritted her teeth and said, "her brother was attacked by the Hero Killer. I don't think he's gonna let it go that easily. We should've talked to him about it."
"We don't have time to dwell on it. Think about where he is right now."
"I think we have a clear idea of where he can be..." Y/N said looking at Midoriya.
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Midoriya was faster than he was before. If Y/N didn't work on her speed like Baiji said, she would've had a hard time following him. He was good in these matters and he knew exactly where Iida might be. They were lucky to arrive at the right time and stop the hero killer.
"Guess I was right," Midoriya said punching the hero killer's face.
"You found him too? But how?" Iida asked, as he was struggling to speak. Y/N noticed a cut on his shoulder and some blood on the ground.
"I saw it on TV. They had some stats about the hero killer. Most of his victims were found where there weren't many people. So in order to find you, I needed to search far away from the panic - in the back alleys of Hosu City. Let's go! We have to get help from the pros!" Midoriya said.
Y/N tried to pull Iida on his feet but it looked like his shoulder hurt a lot. He said, "I can't move my body. Since he got me, I've been paralyzed!"
"That's the kind of quirk people of TV said the hero killer might have. So cutting somehow activates his power huh?" Midoriya said, and soon he noticed another injured person near the wall.
"I'll carry Iida, you carry the other person!" Y/N said, trying to pull Iida. But he stopped her by saying, "Please don't get involved. T-this has nothing to do with you. Listen to me! Stand down!"
"If you really believe in that, then why are trying to become a hero in the first place!" Midoriya said, "There are plenty of things that I want to say, but it has to wait."
Midoriya ran forward to fight with him, and managed to get one hit. Y/N took the time to pull Iida and the other hero far away from the fight. Midoriya needed help, sure, but the hero killer here targeting Iida and the other hero in the first place. She thought he can buy some time and then manage to escape but when she turned around to look, Midoriya was on the ground.
The hero killer was walking towards her with the blade and the only thing she could do is defend and fight back. But it was hard to predict how the hero killer was going to use his sword.
"Get away!" Y/N said throwing some water blades at him. But he was quick to dodge them. She knew that if she used the water prison now, it would make her lose energy way faster. And it would be easier for the hero killer to finish all of them. She just couldn't risk it.
"Move away kid," the hero killer said and started running towards her, "or you're going to be next!!"
"Don't let him swallow your blood!" Midoriya shouted.
Y/N used water from her feet to make the road slippery but it had little to no effect. He was fast and jumped around. Within a flash he was close to her, his hands swinging near her face. And like a reflex, she used her hands to claw at his face, all while dodging his sword and releasing boiling water from her hands.
The hero killer jumped back, his cheek stinging from the attack earlier and then immediately threw three knives at her. Y/N screamed in pain and ran forward, where Midoriya was lying paralyzed. Her eyes moved up, where the hero killer was. She just needed to use her quirk to wipe off blood from the knives before he tasted it, if he managed to get the knives out of her arm. Using her high speed, she slid towards Midoriya. But as soon as she picked him up, the hero killer rushed towards Iida to attack. It could be over in a second and Y/N had very little time to use her quirk on him. But the problem was, if the hero killer dodged, the ones who would get hit were the injured ones. It was either her speed or nothing.
Fortunately, a fire rushed towards the hero killer and stopped him from killing Iida.
"Todoroki?!" Midoriya said noticing the familiar face, "How did you get here?"
"It took me a while to figure out. You need to send more than just your specific location. But you're not one to send messages like that, are you?" Todoroki said, "Everything's okay. The pro heroes are going to be here any minute."
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Iida and Midoriya got freed after a while. The hero killer's quirk can paralyze someone but how long it worked was based on a person's blood type. All of them had some kind of injury, and as time passed, he was getting desperate to kill Iida and the other hero before the pros showed up. In the end while Todoroki was using his quirk to attack from below, Y/N attacked from the top of the building. Midoriya and Iida used their fast moves and strong blows to punch the hero killer down, who was knocked out after it.
"Then we must restrain him and get him to the street. Maybe we can find some rope," Todoroki said.
"Yeah, we should take all of his weapons too," Midoriya said.
Y/N looked at Iida sitting on the ground, staring at them. "Are you okay?" she asked, her right hand shut tight and squeezing his leg, trying to suppress the pain on her left arm.
"Y-Yes. But your arm-" Iida said, pointing out at the knives stuck on her arm with eyes full of guilt.
"I'll be fine. It's really fucking painful but if I remove the knives, I might lose way more blood than this. Besides I don't have the guts to pull out knives from my arm right now," Y/N explained clutching onto her injured arm.
As soon as they reached the street, Gran Torino spotted Midoriya. Soon, other heroes arrived the spot as well.
"Endeavor told us that there was a request for help here but.." the heroes looked at their faces and said, "children? Here?"
"Those injuries look bad. I'll call an ambulance right away." One of the heroes said.
"Is that...the hero killer? I'll get the police on the line!" Another said.
"I need to make a call too," Y/N said and stepped aside taking out her mobile. She called Oikawa on his phone and informed him about it saying, "Don't worry about me. I'm fine, and pro heroes are with me. I won't be able to join you guys.".
A part of her was glad that Baiji and her team was busy in putting off fires around the city. But then again, sooner or later it will surely reach her ears and Y/N had no idea how she's going to take it. Soon, she got a call on her mobile. It was her brother. The media might already be recording about this incident. Knowing her parents and Kyoka, she was sure that they will call her soon. She noticed one notification of a text from Bakugou.
Oh yeah, Bakugou. She forgot about him. Well she didn't exactly have the time to worry about him when they almost got killed by a villain. Y/N sighed and picked up the incoming call from her brother, followed by a voice filled with nervousness, "Y/N? Are you okay?"
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Chapter 26
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