#and ofc . Testament. omfg. testament...
pawzunyan · 2 years
*downloads fighting game out of curiosity*
*immediately falls in love with it*
I NEED. TO DRAW. [lies down and dies bcuz I have work tomorrow so I can't start anything until after work]
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glitchaxolol · 6 months
Honest opinions on Wrestlemania XL Sunday:
Drew v Seth: I was so happy for Drew when he pinned Seth. Seth was taking those hits like a boss but Drew was honestly slaying. Drew’s entrance looked cool asf but wth was Seth’s😭!? Him tweeting during the match was actually so funny. But anyways, DAMIAN CASHING IN WAS AMAZING AND JUDGEMENT DAY CHEERING TOGETHER AT THE END MADE ME SO HAPPY!!! (I expected Damian to cash in but I was glad he did) Match was still really short tho.
The Pride v The Final Testament: I like both teams but may I say, Scarlett and Karrion looked badass. Some of those hits had to be painful, on both sides. Also Karrion just picking Scarlett up at the end was lowkey sweet. Again, it was really short.
LA Knight v AJ Styles: That flip from AJ over the top rope was smooth. Both of them got in some good hits. That Avalanche German Suplex was actually insane. I was honestly rooting for AJ(who was looking like an absolute daddy btw😩) and I’m genuinely sad he lost. The end was lowkey stupid tho.
Randy Orton v Kevin Owens v Logan Paul: The start was genuinely funny, Randy getting on the back of the cart and riding along. Teaming up on Logan was a good idea. Also like, what did KO expect? Ofc Randy was gonna try to RKO him. They all got some good hits. I was NOT expecting IShowSpeed to be in the suit😭🤣! I was pulling for Randy but I still didn’t mind Logan retaining. Honestly he makes a good heel.
Bayley v Iyo Sky: Bayley’s wrestling gear looked great but Iyo looked lowkey drunk walking down(lol). They both gave us a good match tbh. Bayley was being an absolute beast, taking those hits pretty well. And I’m so happy that Bayley is finally getting what she deserves, she absolutely deserved that win!
Cody v Roman: The orchestra for Roman’s entrance was pretty cool honestly. (He looking fucking hot as ever btw🤭 also he stuck his tongue out so omfg, he cannot keep lookin like that😩). (He could call me a little bitch if he wanted🤞). Jimmy and Jey coming out to fight was pretty cool. I was just waiting for Solo to show up lol. John Cena and Rock coming out to face off with each other was great! I was hoping Dean was the one to come but Seth is alr ig. Roman choosing to hit Seth over Cody was a nice “Fuck you” for when they were in Shield. I actually cheered when Taker came out!!! Both Roman and Cody were absolute BEASTS during the match. I love Roman and I would’ve loved for him to win but it was for the best.
Overall: The matches were a bit short but holy shit was it worth it. The main event was amazing and so chaotic!!!
Reminder: These are just my opinions so don’t get like pressed or anything lol.
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