#and obviously the finer details of these can be plotted / rearranged depending on what other ppl are hip to so like
miocaesarino · 5 years
i’m posting some verse notes while i still don’t have a verse page -- a link to this will proooobably be put somewhere on my blog until i make a real page.  i’m taking a lot of creative liberties with some of these haaaah so bear with me.  also  LONG POST  warning !!!!
caesar creates his final hamon bubble,  fully expecting this to be his end.  a portion of the ceiling collapses,  and the debris just  barely  misses caesar.   he manages to crawl away from the wreckage,  below everyone’s radar,  and suspend your disbelief everyone because the bastard finds that he still has some fight left in him,  manages to get enough of his breathing under control to slowly close his wounds.   the speedwagon foundation was alerted to caesar’s  “passing”  and have checked the place out to give him a proper burial,  only to find him barely alive and hiding in a dark corner of the room.   they take care of him while joseph and lisa lisa fight kars and wamuu,  and he’s bandaged up but standing at joseph’s  “funeral.”   following this,  he is convinced to  kind  of  settle down  -- he adamantly trains his hamon,  but he does take up a career in culinary arts.
that all being said,  this would then make him alive and well by the events of sdc.  whether shipped with joseph or not,  he has a hand in raising holly.  still being obnoxiously proud of his heritage and history with hamon,  he lowkey teaches holly as a child how to wield it right under joseph’s nose.   when the crusaders embark on their journey to defeat DIO,  caesar insists on accompanying them,  despite not having a stand.   while he cannot see other stands,  making him a perfect target for other stand users,  he develops an ability to sense them  --  and is otherwise at the very least not able to be distracted by stands.   in battles where the user is out in the open,  caesar can go straight for the user if the other crusaders can distract the stand.   however,  he is forced not to chase after DIO with the remaining crusaders after their journey into the mansion,  it being too dangerous for him to continue.   ( side note for any kakyoins,  i humbly offer a Thought(TM):  caesar being near the water tower after DIO and joseph continue their chase,  and just  barely  managing to close his big-gaping-wound.  nudge wink shrug emoji. )
okay bear with me again  (as if y’all haven’t been doing this already lasdkfdjf).  just before the Gang(TM) leave cairo,  a test - shot arrow is fired at caesar and pierces his stomach.  he reawakens to find that his own stand has manifested because of the arrow  ( which could be how jotaro and co. are alerted to the existence of the arrow in the first place. )   introducing:  STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN.  while it does assume a humanoid appearance,  it is attached to caesar at all times practically from the hip,  and operates in a similar fashion to hermit purple in that it amplifies caesar’s current abilities:  anything caesar utilizes as a weapon can become capable of hitting other stands,  including his hamon bubbles.  stairway to heaven can create a temporary barrier to protect caesar against oncoming attacks,  which caesar can then potentially infuse with hamon,  but otherwise cannot physically attack anyone,  itself.
this one’s brief:  whether caesar has a stand or not,  he’ll accompany joseph to morioh town.  he’s still pretty energetic for an 80 - year - old,  albeit a little slower on his feet.  his vision isn’t what it used to be,  and he now wears glasses.  he can be seen mumbling about how he’s getting “too old for this” more frequently.
there’s no way he  hasn’t  been to italy at any point during the course of this part’s events.   he’s a retired man,  just on vacation.
don’t have much to expand upon here,  but the verse exists,  and i am cool with young or old caesar,  with or without his stand.  anyone,  including duplicate caesars... come at me.
since i let caesar be a chef in all of his other verses,  he’s a fashion designer in his modern verse,  although he is still quite the cook on the side.  he goes to school for fashion in italy,  where he grows up,  and then moves to new york later.  caesar’s an active member of the nyc drag scene.
my boy’s a water type gym leader.  possibly subject to change,  but his team currently includes:            gyarados - named puffin,  evolved from a magikarp who caesar lovingly                              took care of while saving caesar from a cave-in.            blastoise - named polpetto.            wailord - named tiny,  because he thinks he’s hilarious.            kingdra - named bravo            samurott - named topolino            vaporeon - named joy (but affectionately calls jojo) he also has a sobble,  who is not part of his team,  but sits on his head,  always.  his name is bubble.
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