#and now to go post a chapter of hunter/snake/fox!
blarrghe · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
Hi and thank you! How nice :) Five favourites feels like a lot since I'm always deciding things are bad, actually, like a month after posting them. Don't do that, kids! Your writing is worth promoting still even if you have improved as an artist! Ehem. So, taking my own advice and a page from your book of picking these based on which ones were the most fun to write:
The Hunter, the Snake, and the Fox. ~60K words, Pavellan. It's so good. My first time posting a completed fic after having written all of it, it comes out on a regular schedule every Wednesday, or will do for the next three weeks! I'm almost done posting it and I think it's a really fun ride. Enemies-to-lovers canon-divergent Dragon Age Inquisition fic without the Inquisition. Dorian is a Magister, Taren First of his clan, they are thrown into an adventure together and have to slowly figure out how to get along (and manage their sexual tension ;)). It's also a tragedy and I'm really excited to break some more hearts, so go read it!
Strange Feelings in the Party Camp. 34K words, Zevran x Alistiar x Warden. This one is a sidebar romance within the events of Dragon Age Origins. Just a messy love-triangle-to-polyamory story, it's very sweet and they all figure it out eventually.
Matchsies. @onionjuggler YOU are the reason this monstrosity exists, thanks. I did eventually finish it! ~200K words, and there's a sequel. Pavellan. Modern tattoo-shop au slice-of-life complicated romance... thing. There's a lot of modern-with-magic worldbuilding and some beautiful relationship development stuff in this fic. I loved writing it, and I'm happy with the full final result, but I do look back on this one in embarrassment for how long the chapters got. Read it, but take breaks ;)
A Complicated Match. ~120K words, Pavellan. The Sequel to Matchsies. Rounds out the story in a nice happy ending, lots of great Dorian angst, Tevinter modern-with-Magic worldbuilding, slightly shorter chapters than its prequel. Really proud of them both.
Let's do something short and silly - I Hate You (and your little cat too.) ~4000 words, Fenders. Anders' cat escapes to his downstairs neighbour's balcony. His downstairs neighbour is Fenris.
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blogishdaj · 2 years
CSM liveblog - Vol 1 Ch. 23-26
Today's sponsor is the chainsaw man thread in the Trese discord :')
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Suuch a good cover.
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Aki's really always like 👁👁 isn't he. I guess the thousand yard stare's realistic considering his childhood (or lack thereof)
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Madoka sightings <3
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Fox devil my beloved
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Oh this panel slaps.
On to chapter 24.
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Furiously taking down notes for action sequences
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Also how cool is it that curse's finger comes from out of the panel
I thought the anime did its own thing but even the lips whispering ominously in the darkness is from the manga. Beautiful.
I liked the slow pan through Curse's spine the anime did though.
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We're not even at the peak of this man's suffering and yet he has already suffered So Much.
As much as the Pactposters here have compared Blake to Denji. Aki feels more Blake-ish considering the level of suffering he goes through.
(Bopin if ur reading this go read Worm so you can read Pact too >:( )
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The utter lack of background in these panels make them more intense. I love.
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It's really funny going from HNK where author notes are like "I got a PS5 :)" and then going to CSM where the equivalent seems to be these excited captions narrating whatever's going on in the page.
On to Chapter 25.
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Immediately hit in the feels by this cover. What the hell Fujimoto.
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Stylish and practical! (I am trying to distract myself from the pain)
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Ooh! This part of her monologue wasn't in the anime. Fujimoto keeps hurting me in new and unexpected ways and I expect he will continue to hurt me more. :')
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Even the way he puts consecutive panels like these on different pages, on different spreads, is really smart and makes for great timing (sobbing)
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It's really cool getting a closer look of Snake's design since it went by too fast in the anime (weeping)
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Denji is back! My boy!
On to-
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They sure are Fujimoto.
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Panelling 👌
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love how he depicts speed
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he's been barbered 😔
And now it flashes across all the dead devil hunters.
And we're back to Makima.
Continuing on the next post I ran out of images
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encrucijada · 3 years
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DAY 12: have you ever abandoned a wip? what do you think of it now?
i have abandoned many wips but here’s a sensible 3. putting it under the cut because this got a little long.
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while i have revamped HIDEOUT into “fantasybane” the story and characters are so different that i consider the original version discontinued. the story was about eight kids who could control the elements: diana who had powers related to the mind (not an element but okay if 14yo me had been more clever i would have said her element was aether), gideon who controlled water, summer who controlled fire, james & luke who controlled lightning, victoria who controlled nature, laura aka leo who controlled ice, and lilly who controlled wind. the plot was about them being stuck in an artificial forest, put there by diana’s dad, away from society so they couldn’t harm anyone. and they could also all shift into animals: diana was a snake, gideon a dog, summer a fox, the twins raccoons, victoria a dove, leo a badger, and liilly a mouse. they had their own little underground base and were colour-coordinated, all they did was train and hunt all day. intrigue kicks in when they are faced with wolves, which aren’t supposed to be in the forest. but at some point i just made it about the love triangle between summer, james and a girl named monica who was the nightmare elemental (idk) and could turn into a black cat. the big twist was gonna be that across the cliff that supposedly marked the end of the forest was diana’s sister evanna, the darkness elemental who could turn into a condor, and she had gone crazy or something. the finale included the forest being covered in snow and killing evanna i guess.
overall: it was trash but it was my emotional support trash and i really loved to read it out loud to my high school best friend when i went to her house. we also larp-ed with my characters and her characters who could also control the elements so i have warm and fuzzy memories.
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next to “hideout”, THE KIARA MARK was my other big project. most of its development came from a rpg i had with two internet buddies at the time. the idea came to me in a dream: a lot of fire imagery and a rebel gang of some sorts. the world of the kiara mark was a sort of post-apocalypse where the rules people abided to were that of the wild: predator eats prey. there were two groups: the hunters and the kiaras. my main character was valkrey, a 13yo who was by herself after her older brother died. she joins the kiaras, obviously. our main cast was composed of: valkrey who was little more than a meek little girl, ella aka fallout who was the mary sue oc of one of the girls i rped with she specialised in bombs, emily who was also just a little girl but was 10yo, abigail the rebel leader, felix abigail’s cousin and fallout’s love interest, jasper who was valkrey’s love interest, and lola who was just there to be Loud. i don’t actually remember much of the plot??? i later changed it so they could shapeshift into animals to add more spice. but really the beginning is all i remember clearly. no wonder i only even wrote one and a quarter chapters.
now i am working on revamping it but the details are a little fuzzy. the title is changed to “butterflybane” but i’m thinking of choosing another because i don’t think it’s going to companion fantasybane anymore. all the names of the characters are changed, or most of them, and now it’s less diet-hunger games and more science fantasy.
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i honestly have no idea where this idea came from. POISONED PARADISE was fantasy mixed with post-apocalyptic, a far future where people are hunting creatures of legend to experiment on them. i do remember i kinda figured the plot out while spacing out in church but if you put a gun to my head rn i wouldn’t be able to tell you how i decided the story was gonna end. the intrigue was in this midas touch-like sickness that appeared in the werewolf packs that turned people into precious jewels. there was a council of dragons that basically ruled over the creatures. the beta of one of the wolf packs got captured and was being held in an experimentation facility where they were also experimenting on humans and gave them superpowers?? bottom line is i overcomplicated everything and it was so convoluted i don’t think anyone, even me, knew what the hell was even happening in the story. i got to like chapter 5 and stopped writing, and this is the only story in this list i don’t plan on revamping in any way.
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whitetigerdemoness · 5 years
I was going to apologize for this taking so long, but it's actually only been a week and that isn't that long in the grand scheme of things. I've been distracted shit posting on https://discord.gg/geus6XM which is a breeding ground for Miraculous Ladybug au's. Pretty much all of them center around Nathaniel at this point but that is open to change. I also accidentally ship Nathaniel\Marinette\Marc\Luka now so *shrug emoji*
Foxes are very good at digging complex networks of tunnels. You never know where one might pop up.
Master Post of All Chapters
The moment Ladybug showed up was the exact moment everything went to hell. One moment they were curing the Shepard, who turned back into the wah-wah lacky from the hospital, and the next the group was fighting for their lives. Again. It had been a long twenty-four hours Viperion sighed to himself.
Between Ladybug and Penknight the scarlet akumas were falling at a steady rate. Between Scarlet Hawkmoth a female Chatnoir calling herself Panther, the heroes were dropping only slightly slower. Carapace had used his shelter early on to protect Night Hunter (a hero using the Tiger miraculous he was 90% certain was Adrien) from a flurry of Cataclysms. The turtle hero had been forced to retreat, his five minute time limit long since expired. Plumage had lost his fan in a similar manner, Panther turning it to dust with her Cataclysm before he could create a sentimonster. The new peacock hero was still an asset with his martial power, obviously trained in hand to hand, but he seemed to be tiring more quickly than he should. 
Sabrina was being protected by Queen Bee and Stardust as they tried to find a break in the wave of akuma’s to let her escape. Retriever had used her power to yank Ladybug to her side moments before Scarlet Hawkmoth could snatch her earrings, Ladybug having been pinned by scarlet akumas. Night Hunter was a flurry of claws as he felled akuma’s for Ladybug to purify. Rena Rogue was now helping Penknight fend off Panther, who was after his pen-sword to get his akuma. If they could only get some breathing room Viperion was certain the fox hero could create an illusion to give Sabrina enough cover so she could retreat and hopefully join up with Carapace in finding their kwamis food.
Viperion himself had used his second chance the moment Scarlet Hawkmoth showed up, but the power had expired long ago. He was grateful his miraculous didn’t seem to have a time limit like the others. Judging by how Panther was able to sling cataclysm after cataclysm, she didn’t either. He wondered what the factor was that decided that. He refused to believe it was because she was a better fit for the cat miraculous than Adrien had been. Viperion knew there were secrets within secrets surrounding the miraculous but having a firmer grasp on the ground rules would be nice. Using his power too many times close together made him tired, but didn’t detransform him. If Panther suffered the same problem she might take herself out of the fight soon with how liberally she was using her power.
“Rena, no!” Night Hunter shouted, hand outstretched to the fox heroine. Rena Rogue had had her feet swept out from under her by a scarlet akuma, going down hard. Panther was darting towards the downed heroine with a cataclysm ready. 
“Venom! Shit!” Queen Bee cursed, throwing her energized top. It was too late. The venom hit, paralyzing Panther, but not before she touched Rena Rouge’s miraculous. A horrified Alya clutched at the ashes of her miraculous as her transformation failed. Night Hunter, having tackled Panther only a second after the venom had hit, cursed and hit the ground. 
“Regroup!” Ladybug ordered, her yoyo spinning into a shield as she backed towards the downed girl. Night Hunter collected himself and removed the cat ring from Panther. She reverted a middle aged woman Luka didn’t recognize. Sabrina dived into Alya, hugging her fiercely as the girl stared in shock at her shattered miraculous.
“No!” Scarlet Hawkmoth growled. “Get them! Bring me their Miraculous!” The scarlet akuma fell on them with renewed vigor. 
“We could fight better if we weren’t protecting these guys.” Penknight snarled in frustration, furiously slashing at anything that got too close to their huddle. 
“We can’t just abandon them!” Stardust argued, using his staff like a baseball bat.
“Penknight is right.” Ladybug said. 
“I am?” He started, taken aback. Plumage slammed the scarlet akuma that jumped at Penknight in his distraction to the ground with a haymaker.
“Night Hunter, use your power to take Queenbee, Alya, Sabrina, Plumage, and Nathalie out of here. Feed your kwamis and re-transform if you can.” Ladybug ignored the various protests from the group. “Go. Now.” 
“But Ladybug...taking this many with me...I’m not sure I’ll be able to come back. I might pass out.” Night Hunter pleaded. Viperion winced. Normally Ladybug would never make such a dispassionate decision, but with Reverser’s alteration…
“Ladybug, are you sure?” Viperion gently asked while violently breaking a mixing bowl he had grabbed off an akuma over his knee. Ladybug gave him a cool, emotionless look as she snapped the butterfly out of the air. It sent shivers down his spine, and not good ones. “Maybe…” Viperion thought fast, “Using your lucky charm would reassure them?” He said, catching Night Hunter’s eye. Scarlet Hawkmoth was hanging back shouting orders as his akuma army tried to swallow them. It was only a matter of time before the man joined them in the assault, the horde was thinning.
“Lucky Charm.” Ladybug sighed rather than said. A red and black spotted pillow popped into existence. Her eyes darted around the battlefield in calculation. “Night Hunter, go. Now. Viperion, use your second chance. Penknight, create something above us. Anything so long as it provides a large shadow.” Penknight frowned at her but obeyed, using his creation to create a tent sized tarp about ten feet above them. Viperion nodded in what he hoped was a reassuring way at Night Hunter, who grit his teeth.
“I’m coming back for you, My Lady.” The current Tiger hero promised. “Shadow Step!” He shouted, the specified group sinking into the large shadow at their feet. The tarp fluttered sideways in the wind, tangling on a few akuma who easily ripped it apart. Scarlet Hawkmoth had not been idle. Using the tarp as cover, villain lept towards the sinking group with amazing speed. 
“Stardust!” Ladybug barked in command, shoving away an akuma that had tried to tackle her. “Stop him!” The goat hero swung his staff at Scarlet Hawkmoth, but he was too fast. Ducking under the boy’s attack he grabbed Night Hunter by the tail, yanking him out of the shadow. The rest vanished with terrified screams.
“This ends now!” Hakwmoth growled, ripping away the tiger and cat miraculous with one swipe. Adrien fell at his feet, exhausted by the energy it had taken to move so many people. He would deal with his son later. The boy had been brainwashed by Ladybug but no matter. Having his mother back would hopeful end this ridiculous rebellious phase. Emile had always known how to get their son to see reason. 
“Plagg, Noro, Unify.” Scarlet Hawkmoth growled, shoving the ring of the cat onto his own finger. He felt a great rush of power sweep over him like nothing he had ever experienced. If this was what just the cat and the butterfly felt like together he couldn't even begin to imagine how adding the ladybug would feel. He would know soon enough.
“Surrender Ladybug, and I’ll spare you.” He said, confidently striding forward as she backed away in fear. 
“No!” His wayward akuma shouted, valiantly trying to leap to her defense. He almost felt regret at the tearful expression of horror on the young woman’s face as he almost absently turned Penknight to dust with a superpowered cataclysm. The two remaining heroes, the goat and the snake, took up defensive positions in front of her. Scarlet Hawkmoth smirked, raising his hands, a cataclysm smoking in each one.
“No, please!” Ladybug begged, pushing to the front of the line. “Please. You’ve won. Take my miraculous, don’t hurt them.” She begged, pulling off her earrings.
“Of course not. I’m not unreasonable.” Scarlet Hawkmoth said, canceling the cataclysms to finally, finally, take his victory in hand. He hardly spared the plain looking young woman another glance, she was neither memorable nor important. 
“Father…” Adrien spoke, hesitant.
“Don’t worry my son, this will all finally be over soon. Your mother will come back to us and we will be a family again. Please understand, everything I have done has been to bring her back to us.” Scarlet Hawkmoth said, kneeling to place a hand on Adrien’s shoulders.
“She’s….she’s really coming back?” His son asked, tearful. Scarlet Hawkmoth nodded. Adrien clung to him in a hug. “Do it. I miss her so much, bring her back to us.” Briefly but strongly returning the hug, Scarlet Hawkmoth rose and adorned the ladybug miraculous.
“Tiki, Plagg, Unify.” The rush of power was euphoric, almost too much to bear. He was a god. No feat was beyond him now. Reaching out with his soul to the familiar one it yearned for, he pulled and….
“Are you okay? You’re crying.” Penknight fretted, holding Stardust.
“I’m fine. It’s just...his dream...he misses her so much.” Stardust sniffled, wiping at his eyes. Ladybug gently eased the pillow lucky charm out from under Gabriel Agrest’s head. Stardust had managed to hit Scarlet Hawkmoth with his Sweet Dreams just moments before the man had grabbed Night Hunter, allowing the group time to escape. She saw Viperion sagging with relief out of the corner of her eye. It had taken a few Second Chance’s to set this up. The kwami she still had with her were cheering and hugging Noro, who was equally overwhelmed at the reunion. She was glad she had not needed to unify any of them with Tiki. She had been spread so thin the past couple days she wasn’t sure she could have handled the strain long enough to be useful.
“Say goodbye.” She instructed Stardust and Penknight. “Once I use my Lucky Charm he’ll likely revert to Nathaniel.” The akuma started towards her with a dark expression, but Stardust pulled him back.
“Let her.” He said, taking the akuma’s hands.
“But I’ll forget all of this. Everything that’s happened. I won’t be the person you fell in love with anymore, I’ll just be Nathaniel.” He spat the name like a curse. Stardust smiled at him gently and kissed him.
“You are Nathaniel. At least the most confidant part of him. I like that about you, I’m so shy it’s...comforting to know there’s someone more bold who cares for me.” Stardust pressed their foreheads together. “but I love the shy part of you too. I love the part of you that gets excited when he’s talking about a new akuma design he came up with. I love watching how serene you look while you’re drawing, and how kind you can be, even when someone doesn’t deserve it. I love all of you, and that will never change.” Penknight stared into his eyes for a moment, before sighing and pulling the green eyed boy close.
“Do it.” He said to Ladybug, face buried in Stardust’s hood. 
“Miraculous Ladybug.” She said without feeling, throwing the lucky charm in the air. Ladybugs swarmed around her, and all of a sudden the emotions she had been lacking slammed back into her. Viperion caught her as she stumbled to her knees, trying to catch her breath.
“Ladybug?” He asked in concern. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Just need a moment to get used to having emotions again. Oomf,” She breathed out. “I already kind of miss it, can’t feel stress without emotions.” She laughed a little too fast.
“I know a guy who runs a massage parlor if you’re up for it later?” Viperion offered with a smile.
“I may take you up on that.” She said shakily, burying her head in his chest. She couldn’t believe it was all finally over. Hawkmoth was defeated and she could finally rest. 
“Huh. I’m still here.” She turned her head to see Penknight poking himself in the chest with mild curiosity. Ugh. Well, at least he was a loose end that could wait a little while to finally tie up.
“Well, would you look at that. So am I.” Ladybug and Viperion shot to their feet, her earrings giving their first warning beep. Stepping out of the shadows, wearing the miraculous of the Bee, Fox, Turtle, Tiger, Dog, and Peacock was Volpina. Ladybug didn’t see Plagg with the other kawmi and sent a furious prayer that Adrien had gotten away from her safely and she wasn’t just hiding the Cat somewhere.
“Oh Ladybug, don’t look so shocked! You didn’t really think it would be that easy did you?” Volpina’s laugh rang in her head like a bell tolling. Maybe that was just the beeping from both her and Stardust’s miraculous. The fox akuma pointed her flute at Stardust. Penknight bristled and growled at her.
“I can’t believe Ladybug gave you a miraculous. Oh well, no matter. Mutton, Butterfly, or treacherous little human, I’m not picky about my dinner.” Volpina grinned, showing off wickedly sharp teeth. Marc’s miraculous beeped on final time, dropping his transformation. 
“This IS my lucky day.” Volpina laughed as Penknight shoved Marc behind himself and raised his sword in warning.
“You’ll never get passed me.” The male akuma growled. Volpina just smirked and laughed again.
“But I already have.” Ladybug saw the movement out of the corner of her eye and felt stupid. Of course the fox akuma would pull something underhanded like this, she thought in despair as Marc screamed, being dragged into his own shadow by a clawed hand. 
“MARC!” Penknight shrieked, diving for Marc’s outstretched hand. Their fingers brushed briefly before the boy was swallowed up. The mocking laughter of Volpina’s illusion echoed in Ladybug’s head long after it had dissolved into smoke.
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blarrghe · 6 months
haven't promoted this story in a minute because idk I got tired of tumblr and took a sort of break. Tomorrow I will be posting ch. 14, which is halfway through the story, so it's a great time to pick up...
The Hunter The Snake and the Fox
Rating: M | Category: M/M | Words: 27 081 | Chapters 13/28
When Magister Dorian Pavus' expedition meets unexpectedly with a clan of unhappy Dalish elves, First Taren Lavellan may be the unhappiest among them. Unhappier still to be put to the task of helping to see his quest through. This is the tale of how a fortnight in the forests of the Free Marches can change everything.
And here's a long snippet from Ch. 3 for some Drama:
A sliver of light shone briefly in from a crack in the tent, and a leather-clad elf stomped through it. The elf barked something out towards the tent flap, and before Dorian could muster more than a groan, he stomped out again. Dorian blinked a few times after the fading blur of light.
Minutes went by. Possibly hours. Dorian’s head hurt. He tugged on the binds at his wrists, bending them uncomfortably this way and that. It only seemed to tighten them, so he stopped. His head began to clear. More time passed. He attempted to count the minutes. When the elf returned again, Dorian managed a few inquiring calls for attention. Things like, “Where are the others?”, and, “damnit, I’m talking to you!” His calls went ignored.
The elf poked his head back out into the bright daylight beyond the dark tent, and shouted something in grumpy Elvhen. Another elf soon pushed through the flap, they stomped grimly forward together, and then one on either side hoisted Dorian up by the elbows. 
Dorian’s legs were half asleep and still bound, painfully tingling with each jostling step as the two elves dragged him forward. He groaned. The elf on his right barked back something he was sure was an insult. His unwilling legs were dragged on.
Dorian did his best to make his case for answers and mercy as they went. “We have no qualms with you," he pleaded, " I know Tevinter hasn’t historically been kind to your people, but really, this expedition wants nothing to do with you, so if you’d simply let us go on our way…” 
Sharp grunt. 
“You’re making a huge mistake. Kill me, and you’d be inviting a war, do you have any idea who I am?” 
Angry Elvish epithet. 
“Dorian of house Pavus,” he said proudly, “ Magister Pavus as of recently, I have a fortune, you could be handsomely rewarded and —”
Big knife.
“— and a wife! And children! Please!” 
The big knife pressed closer to his throat. There was a bandage there already. 
“Alright! So I don’t have children, or a wife, but I am engaged, and —”
Dorian was shoved through a tent flap by the elf holding the knife, who wound up at his back as his second captor pushed his unstable and bound legs down into a kneel.
“Relax, shemlin,” said a low voice. 
Thank the Maker, Dorian thought, blinking now at the woven mat he’d been forced upon, its zigzagged pattern slowly coming into view in his still foggy vision. Finally, here was someone who spoke the Trade speech. King's Tongue, they called it in the south. Crude. In Tevinter, the nobility still had its own.  
Dorian’s eyes rose from the ground to take in warmly lit canvas walls draped in soft pelts and colourful woven blankets. He knelt near a smouldering fire pit. Smoke was rising up through a narrow hole in the tent’s roof. Through its haze, in a grand and intricately carved wooden seat, sat a man. The man stood, and Dorian watched leather-wrapped feet pace forward, around, circling him. There were more seats, less grand but still intricately carved, all around the fire pit. None sat in them except for one old woman. She sat still and proud, squinting at him through the smoke. 
Dorian lifted his gaze all the way up to the face of the man who was just now finishing his pacing examination of him. An elvhen mage stood before Dorian with his staff planted firmly on the ground between them. He was not tall, but stood in towering regalness over Dorian all the same. His posture was straight, his shoulders strongly set and covered with a heavy green cloak woven through with threads of blue and gold. He wore his deep auburn hair in a long, thick braid hung over one shoulder, and he held his carved, spiralling wooden staff in both hands, emanating power. 
“You are Master Pavus ,” said the standing elf, speaking down to him. 
“Master Pavus was my father,” Dorian replied, flashing the man a winning smile, “as I am evidently your prisoner, it seems only fitting that you simply call me Dorian.” 
DAFF tags list: @warpedlegacy @rakshadow @rosella-writes @effelants @bluewren @breninarthur @ar-lath-ma-cully @dreadfutures @ir0n-angel @inquisimer @crackinglamb @theluckywizard @nirikeehan @oxygenforthewicked @exalted-dawn-drabbles @melisusthewee @agentkatie @delicatefade @leggywillow @about2dance @plisuu
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blarrghe · 4 months
About the poll... You're generally the only author I'll read long fics from, but I'm currently waiting for the hunter and the fox to finish before actually reading it. I've loved your short(er) fics (the dead but not forgot Merrill sessions stands out).
I'd love a taren x bher one shot actually. You don't even have to write it just upload it directly to my mind.
aaaa thank you!!
I don't know if you're the same person who told me they liked The Merrill Sessions before or if there's actually two of you, but I actually really would love to revisit that story at some point. I had such plans! It's just been years since I last looked at that and I am embarrassed by old writing but!! Idk. Maybe I could do a re-write. I think it was in present tense? Man, I don't wanna write the rest in present tense lmao.
I will almost definitely be posting Taren x Bher backstory oneshot (or short? chaptered? fic??) at some point there's just a lot there and I really love Bher...
Anyway this is so nice. I was actually in the middle of updating The Hunter The Snake and The Fox when I saw this so I will go back to doing that now... nine more weeks! I hope you enjoy whenever you get to it :)
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