#and now im okay and i befriend people and suddenly im capable of caring about them so deeply
chemblrish · 1 month
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flovverworks · 6 months
hold on im rereading (skimming thro) owens affection story and the way cain first went 'whats up do u wanna grab a meal?' and then akira (who has been watching) approaches owen like 'hello how have u been do u want to eat together..' LOOOOOLLL
also i know this gets brought up early pt2 alrdy when akira speaks to vincent, but akira calling all of the wizards by name (and heathcliff heath etc) but using miss for canary. lord. also the way akira starts thinking everyones handsome nonstop and brings in a billion 'this person is so pretty' adjectives in every other sentence LIKE U RLY DONT HAVE TOOOOOO <-person who thinks its hilarious. i sometimes go 'please understand' when i have akira think someones handsome Once. i need to upgrade it to ten times
Akira: I’m taking notes on everyone here in case I suddenly have to return to my world. That includes you too, Owen.... Could you tell me more about yourself? Owen: I was killed by you. Akira: Eh...!? Owen’s delicate lips twist at my exclamation. Owen: What would you do if that was the case? What if your memories from your other world were all false? What if you were a criminal in this world? Alternatively, what if your lover was someone you happened to hate? What if I was your lover?
completely normal conversation. but also owen who only seems pleased if akiras annoyed when owen says he hates them,,
Owen: What are you trying to accomplish? Owen’s irritation catches on to me, and I begin to feel irritated and sad. Akira: Then fine. I don’t care anymore. If you’re not going to talk about yourself, I’ll never understand you. And next time Mithra is about to find out about your injury, I won’t know what to do, so. I’ll leave you alone. Bye.
THIS IS THE PART IM OBSESSED WITHHHHHHHH GUY WHOS BEEN TRYING NONSTOP TO BEFRIEND SOMEONE LETS THE BAD MOOD AFFECT THEM the second part wording is ssooooo bad too LOLLLL theyre so annoyed i love it sm. but also this being the time when owen accepts talking to them,,,despite also being rly annoyed,,
but also akira like Just having owen agree to their request, immediately saying 'ya i thought ur room would be strange' and trying his bed is so funny. 'i finally realize why i cant bring myself to hate owen' oughhh but also both akira & owen sitting there confused while owens trying to talk abuot himself LOL i like them so much. i think theyre rly neat
reading mithras too, and the way oz is like 'why would i do that' but then akira asks and hes like '...i guess since the sage is asking..' LOOOL
Akira: Ah... Mithra, it looks like you have a visitor. Mithra: You get the door. You’re capable of that much, right? Akira: (He’s just non-stop snark right now....) Ye~s, who is it?
this fkng interaction skull emoji (laughed) 'mithra u should say thank u too' like a mother....
anyway the way mithra talks about tiretta,,,,,,'only just said goodbye to her 10 or so years ago' T_^ (also thinks its funny/endearing how he says the twins said she was like his mother while mithra says she was more of a master/comrade/little sister<-especially the last one makes me laugh. i lov tiretta
My lips curve upwards, and I can’t help but stroke Mithra’s hair. Mithra doesn’t resist. Akira: I can sort of understand why people want to pat you on the head, Mithra. Mithra: Okay..... Is that so. Akira: It’s like when you’re next to a wild beast that you usually don’t see around. It makes you want to touch him while you can..... Mithra: You’re treating me like a rare animal...... Mithra rolls onto his other side. In the next moment, Mithra leaps up, pins me down, and bites my shoulder. Akira: Gya....ah! Mithra: Ahaha. I scream, and Mithra laughs. Apparently he only pretended to bite me. But I had prepared myself for death, so my heart won’t stop pounding. Akira: (What the heck goes on in his mind..... Was he playing around with me because I called him a beast? I thought I was going to die.....)
THIS PAAAARRTTTTTTT IM ALSO OBSEESED WITH 'i had prepared myself for death' JKADBKAD I THINK ABOUT THIS ALL THE TIME. guy who doesnt act like both owen & mithra could easily kill them
also what da hell was the next part about. when akira can wish that mithra wouldnt do things thatd make ppl misunderstand & dislike him. also oz giving tips to akira on how to make mithra sleep but its just ways to make kids sleep,,,,,the dad,,,
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kaliawai512 · 7 years
Bandages-verse genocide run sorry not sorry
*cracks knuckles* Buckle up, folks, because I’ve never written anything Genocide and this might actually be the angstiest thing I have ever written (for this fandom).
Everything is okay. It isn’t perfect, but it’s okay. Sans and Papyrus have grown up with loving, supportive adoptive parents, and have moved out on their own, but keep in contact with those parents regularly. They still have occasional symptoms of PTSD, but through a mix of professional therapy and consistent emotional support (from others and each other), they have worked through most of their trauma. They have bad dreams, they have bad moments, but they know, for the most part, that they are safe.
Alphys never created the Amalgamates, and therefore never created Flowey. Flowey has never reset the world, and therefore Sans has never become suspicious about the resets or become apathetic and depressed in the way he is in canon. He doesn’t believe that the world is pointless because he has no control over it. He still feels helpless at times, and still gets depressed, but it’s not nearly as bad.
The relationship between Undyne and Alphys has been slow-going, because they’re both rather terrible about being open about their feelings, but Sans and Papyrus have been encouraging them for years, and now they are in a stable, happy partnership. Alphys has come out of her shell some, though she still prefers sitting inside watching anime. Undyne often joins her, and the two of them still hang out regularly with the boys. Alphys spends a lot of time with Sans, and Undyne with Papyrus, but the four often spend time together.
Asgore is … managing. He still doesn’t know what he will do when another human arrives, whether he will continue with his plan or let them free. He is leaning toward the latter option. He still feels guilty about what Gaster did under his watch. It’s a guilt he will never completely get over. But he is managing.
Gaster remains in what no one bothers to pretend is a prison cell. His freedom is still limited, and he is never allowed anywhere near the boys, unless the boys themselves have agreed to it beforehand. He leaves sometimes to work on the Core with Alphys - closely supervised. Alphys treats him civilly. She respects his work, but she will never respect him again. They are co-workers, but not friends. He has accepted this, as much as he still mourns the loss of a friendship, which he knows is entirely his fault.
It’s not perfect, but it’s okay. Everyone is managing, and even if the Barrier isn’t broken, even if the former Royal Scientist’s actions shook the entire Underground, things are going pretty well.
Then a human comes to Snowdin.
Sans is still a sentry, and he’s still befriended Toriel, but he doesn’t have the same suspicion that he does in canon. He is still cautious. He still knows something is wrong immediately.
He warns Papyrus as soon as they are alone. It has never done any good to keep things from him before. They grab as many people as they can and go back to Snowdin to evacuate. The human still kills a few people before they can reach them.
Sans goes ahead to Waterfall and Hotland to spread the news, get everyone out of there, and he thinks Papyrus is going with him to help.
But Papyrus stays in Snowdin.
He isn’t stupid. And this time, he isn’t quite so trusting. He knows what this human has done, because Sans has told him, and he trusts Sans. He knows that sometimes people do bad things, very bad things, and there is no explanation, and sometimes, you can’t stop them.
But Gaster stopped. Papyrus was nice to him, and he stopped.
If no one stops the human, they will keep going, and evacuating might not be enough. The human might still find them, and besides, they can’t stay hidden forever. Ruby and Allandy might be killed. Undyne and Alphys. Asgore. Gaster. Sans.
Papyrus knows that there are risks. But if he can stop Gaster, maybe he can stop the human, too. He smiles, holds out his arms, and knowingly offers mercy when the human initiates the battle.
The human slices off his head.
By the time Sans realizes Papyrus never left Snowdin, it is already too late.
Undyne won’t let Sans stop. Won’t let him go back, no matter how he struggles. She sends him ahead with the other monsters and stays to stop the human herself. Alphys begs her to come with them, to be safe, because they both know the chances Undyne will live through this encounter are slim. But the longer the human is stalled, the longer they have to evacuate everyone and find a safe hiding place.
As Alphys starts to protest, Undyne grabs her, kisses her with far more gentleness and tenderness than she ever has before, then shoves her away with the others, running off in the opposite direction.
Alphys doesn’t have time to stop and cry when her sensors indicate that Undyne is dead.
The human kills the few people left behind in Waterfall and moves on to Hotland. Alphys might not have created the Amalgamates, but she did create Mettaton, and he stays, of his own free will, to give them a bit more time.
He dies quickly and painlessly.
As the human makes their way through the Capital, toward the castle, everyone has been evacuated and hidden. Asgore was informed and reluctantly agreed to hide with the other monsters. He let Gaster out of his cell and pulled him into the group.
Gaster does not stay in the group.
Humans killed his people once because he didn’t fight. He will not let that happen again.
But when he reaches the Judgement Hall, there is someone already there. Someone he has not seen in person for quite a few years. Someone who, normally, would be very, very unhappy to see him.
Sans hardly reacts when he sees him arrive.
“they killed my brother,” he says, monotone, his sockets blank and his tears gone. “so im gonna kill them.”
Somewhere deep inside him, Gaster feels an overwhelming pain he did not think himself capable of any longer. He does not pause to let himself feel it.
Neither of them think about whether they will survive this battle. Neither of them know that the human can reset after they kill them, so they hope against hope that they will be able to land one killing blow and stop them for good.
Sans still remembers the visions of standing in a golden hall with something red dripping off his hands. It doesn’t faze him. If he can damage the human enough before he dies, at least Gaster will still be there to finish the battle.
They don’t say anything. The human arrives, and the battle begins.
They attack at once, together, both of them using their strongest attacks. They barely get the chance to feel the moment of triumph before the world reloads.
Neither of them know about the resets, but they know something is wrong. They don’t remember it, but they know the human expects their moves. They keep fighting anyway.
Sans’s dodging skills are good, but they aren’t perfect, and they don’t last forever. One misstep, and it is clear the blow is going to hit.
But it doesn’t.
Because Gaster, on an instinct he didn’t even know he possessed, steps in front of him.
He barely gets a moment to react to the pain before he’s dust on the floor.
Sans stares at him. He’s not grieving. He has never cared for Gaster, not like Papyrus did. But watching the person who tortured him, then suddenly let him go, who broke his eye and then fixed it, die in front of him, is enough to make him pause.
The human takes their chance.
Sans dies slowly, and he swears he sees his brother reaching out a hand to him as his body crumbles to the floor.
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