#and not that “A Philosophers Salon” tiktok person
fragglez · 5 months
i cannot deal with Nietzsche in the morning
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holysea · 5 months
Whenever I see the philosopher salon discussion on tiktok, I remember the alcohol abuse and how unaesthetic my experience all was. 😭 My experience was going to my classmate's bare apartment, no furniture nothing, it was musky, humid hot and there was no ac or fan. It was sooo bad , we're in this sticky floor eating Jjajangmyeon and downing watered down orange juice and soju. The topic was whether or not Hegel, Cavell and MacIntyre were just bad writers or that we were just stupid. ( personally, I just think some of them need to learn how to end a sentence . . . maybe use a period . . . )
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