#and not nonsense Red Wave wishcasting
qqueenofhades · 11 months
Just Cali Voter Things: Panicking bc you thought you were supposed to have a mail in ballot for today, wondering where you'll vote in person...only to realize with relief you read the website too fast and the next election for your area is 2024.
For everyone else, go fight and win! Whip up a Blue Tsunami that leaves no red stains behind!
Aha, indeed. I voted by mail a couple weeks ago for 2 (two) school board races and a couple of statewide ballot measures, which may seem like small potatoes but are, yknow, directly relevant to where I live, the amount of tax money I will get next year, and so forth. EVERY ELECTION, EVERY TIME.
I likewise just made a post about it, but if they are in fact calling KY for Beshear with improved margins from last time (2019), then abortion rights will probably pass in Ohio and Virginia can be kept safe from Youngkin. Or so we fucking hope. If we can get some actual hard data, maybe the idiots flooding the zone with garbage polls that show Trump pulling 22% of Black voters and Biden only ahead of Trump by one point with voters under 30 (all together now: LOLOLOLOLOL), can shut up or at least not get constant breathless media attention for a bit. Plus I am old enough to remember how the narrative in 2011 was all how Obama was going to get crushed by a generic Republican (oh Mittens, how we long for the days when we thought YOU were the worst the GOP could do). Then he won handily with 332 electoral votes. It's almost like the media has a vested interest in running a Horse Race narrative and beating down the Democratic candidate every time. Weird.
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