#and not having a single peso to spend on things i actually love doing
sheila--e · 9 months
being poor sucks sometimes I wanna have expendable income but rent is due.
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sputnikodin · 5 months
re: the watcher anger
i know $6 a month isn't a lot in the united states, but they have a pretty international audicence and with currency exchange, $6 is a lot. like in hong kong that's $50 a month, mexico its 102 pesos a month, in the phillipines that's 345 pesos a month, in argentina that's 5,221 argentine pesos--you get the idea. hell, i live in the us and i can't even afford to spend an extra $6 a month 😭
i agree on paying creators fairly, and i know watcher has 25 employees who deserve to paid. but the channel already pulls in over $100k a month from patreon alone; they also make bank from all their sponsors and merch sales. i mean, one of their main series is steven lim eating expensive food like gold flaked beef. i mean, he has a new tesla!
idk it just feels like that ceo thing where they aren't happy with consistent success, it needs to be increasing success. but ofc idk them, i'm just an outside observer so idk the full story, etc.
first up -- i actually think $6 a month IS a lot for some people in the US & have talked in private w friends about how i wish they'd started at like, $1-$3/mo or smth because even that would make it more affordable for a lot of their fans :-) just to clear that up! $6 is a lot when most streaming services that offer way more than 2x as much content cost like 2x as much on average (i think? the only streaming service i have is for baseball, i pirate everything else so idk). $6 a month is also a lot, Period, for many people, regardless of context. it's the principle of paying for it at all that was my main point in that post
to everything else -- great points and i appreciate the info and your perspective. re: money i know $100k/mo sounds like a lot + they have the other revenue sources you mentioned but i think it's important to keep in mind that they're not just paying for their own/their employees' lives but also funding the shit they make -- travel, gear, production costs, everything they need to buy for the videos etc. like it's not JUST 28 paychecks that the money is going towards but also the necessary costs of the job itself. not to mention that at least shane steven and ryan live in a super HCOL area ($100k/yr for a single person is literally considered "low income" in san francisco lmao & i dont even wanna know what it is in los angeles). they could still be making bank, idk! i have literally no idea what their finances look like, i'm spitballing the same as everyone else. but i think shit costs more than a lot of people realize
i have zero argument with the frustrations with how expensive this will be for their non-usamerican audiences, i'm really sorry that they didn't roll out different prices for different locations or like ... seem to take that into consideration at all. like i said in the original post, i have no beef with anyone who is personally upset about getting priced out of content they love. honestly my only point here is that i do not doubt at all that everything they release on watcher will be uploaded to piracy sites by people w accounts & that everyone anywhere who is capable of piracy (ik some countries are harsh about it but # of countries where it faces strict repercussions < # of countries where watcher's pricing is prohibitively expensive afaik) will be able to access it, and i bring that up more in hopes that it's encouraging for people worried about getting to still watch their content than bc i'm trying to argue anything
ultimately i still think this was not an outrageous thing for them to do & i empathize with people who are pissed and sad with the Way this is going down but i still at the end of the day think we gotta adjust to artists wanting & requesting to be paid regularly and directly for their work cuz that is the world we live in rn. it sucks but i can't get mad at them for it
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thecaladrius · 2 years
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sylvia plath, the unabridged journals of sylvia plath // margaret atwood, crow song // franz wright, god’s silence
javi calderon. 32 years old. formerly a nurse. currently a med student. perpetually rolling boulders.
skeleton | application | ability | pinterest 
absolutely miserable dead inside septic tank of a man (full of shit). the kind of brother you’d need a shovel to love
dad of the team! meaning: he’s emotionally unavailable and leaving to get milk
former prodigy conman/politician (synonymous words if you live in the philippines) turned nurse as divine punishment for hubris; god is beating the evil out of the genius
the team’s healer. very ambivalent about it because javi is by nature extremely self-centered, but is now in a situation where his survival hinges on his ability to care for and look after others. we will figure out how these dynamics play out once ive actually messaged people, but i do imagine that being the eldest in the group and having a position of significant responsibility over a rabid group of twenty-somethings with different flavors of unresolved childhood trauma speedgrinded his maturity levels until he evolved from manchild to legal guardian. like a pokemon
split between some passive acceptance of his fate and the active and vengeful desire to steal his god complex back from god
would sooner die than tell you a single thing about his past. is actively pretending to be a person that had A Regular Amount Of Money growing up even though he was actually fairly wealthy for all of his childhood & DISGUSTINGLY wealthy for all of his early twenties. hello comrades. how do you do fellow marxists.
born javier agustin tanjuatco sarmiento, but goes by javi because the philippines is a nickname-loving culture. lived a relatively ordinary catholic childhood in a very upper class part of manila. had supportive doctor parents. love, in the sarmiento household, is unconditional, non-transactional, and undemanding.
socioeconomic inequality in the philippines is a plague, and when you grow up wealthy in a place where conditions are so destitute that most people are willing to destroy their own dignity just to survive, you develop fucked up ideas about which lives have value
perfect grades and perfect life growing up and it gave javi a god complex; he tested the validity of said god complex by applying for a position in the government and then stealing 900 million pesos worth of taxpayer money (funds meant for poverty assistance projects, better infrastructure etc etc.) to fund his maserati collection, among other things. though it worked at first, journalists eventually found out and exposed him
1986: news of his scandal caught on and the rightfully infuriated taxpaying masses gave his parents shit for it. bc the culture places a lot of emphasis on family, whatever choice the sarmientos made would have had a consequence: protect your son and they’ll see you as selfish bastards who chose the welfare of a greedy fraud over justice. don’t protect your son and they’ll see you as heartless monsters who abandoned their child. it’s shit, but mostly they were just heartbroken that their son became capable of such damaging and unnecessary evil when they did everything they could to raise him right. as one last act of love, they fly him to verum to help him escape arrest, & then cut ties with him
diaspora’s a bitch. as anything uprooted is wont to do, javi’s withering
ruthless ambition melts away and turns into simple desperate homesickness. hoping to find a way home without getting arrested, he told the Beast that his desire was to be forgiven for his crimes
the Beast said: Repent, Bitch
gains the healing transference power. penance means going to nursing school so you can work in hospitals and find sacrifices who are willing to die in place of people whose lives the Faceless deemed more important (i.e. politicians, church officials probably, rich people). javi spends a lot of time with the elderly, suicidal, and the terminally ill, because they’re going to die anyway, and for his power to work, he first needs to gain the trust of the people he intends to harm. building these connections while causing death and suffering on a regular basis destroys him inside, and he comes to the slow realization that other people’s lives actually matter.
everything bad that has ever happened to him is his own fault, so he doesn’t allow himself to feel any sense of sadness or self-pity. the beast, probably: don’t act like this is new to you. you’ve always been a bloodsucking parasite. if you’re going to cause suffering, look your victims in the eye.
uncertain about whether or not his desire has been completed. slowly going insane because he’s not getting answers. wildly oscillating between “ohhh okay i get it forgiveness is about becoming a better person and correcting my previous inability to see value in other people” and “OKAY I GET IT HUMAN LIFE HAS VALUE OR WHATEVER CAN I PLEASE GO HOME AND GET MY MASERATI COLLECTION BACK”
this can be a redemption arc or a long, drawn out mental breakdown. choose your own adventure!
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ethanesimp · 3 years
Pairing:  Ethan Torchio x Mexican GN! Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: A name. Two words. Twelve letters. Five syllables… That was all it took for you to turn your life upside down after hearing the name a fortune-teller promised belonged to your soulmate.
Series Masterlist
A/N: I made sure to remove every description that was too specific to the OC (ex. eye color, skin tone, etc.) but please let me know if I missed one :) I hope you like it 
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July 3rd, 2012
There was nothing better than summer vacation. It was one of the few times of the year where you spent almost every waking moment with your friends and got to forget about school for a few months. Not to mention all the beautiful festivals and carnivals that were organized in the city during this season.
Earlier in the day, you had begged your parents to take you and your best friend to the carnival that was starting today. You had found out there be a drive-in and one of the films playing was going to be Dirty Dancing, which happened to be a favorite movie of yours. They'd agreed to take you only because friends of your father were going to and he wanted to meet up with them after years of not seeing each other.
At some point of the night, they'd gone to see their friends after giving you some of their pocket money, leaving your best friend, Emilio, and you alone. It hadn't taken you too long to spend all the money they'd given you until there was only enough money to pay for the tickets to the drive-in and ten additional pesos that weren't even enough to buy a bag of cotton candy or popcorn.
There was still about an hour left until the movie started and you had absolutely nothing to do so you just sat by the game stands and watched people play darts to pass the time. Most were terrible and would often miss their targets by a long shot, not like you were much better at it though.
You got bored of seeing people try and miss every single time, so your mind darted to the most pressing and annoying matter at the moment. Ever since summer began, your head had been completely blank of ideas to write about. During the school year it had been buzzing with new concepts to try out, but the moment you got out and actually had free time, all those ideas went poof.
You had started writing about two years ago after your mom bought you a Gabriel García Márquez book and you fell in love with the idea of maybe writing one of your own one day. Just to be clear, you were nowhere near good at writing, but it kept you happy, so you kept on doing it in hopes that you’d eventually improve. Emilio was your only audience. He'd read every single thing you wrote down and criticize it, not like he knew more than you did about writing, but it was still a good way to try and get better.
Amongst all the people in the crowd, you spotted a couple holding hands, and your mind couldn't help but make up a story about how they could've ended there. Perhaps it was their first date, maybe they'd been together for years or maybe you were just being ridiculous and too much of a hopeless romantic.
Either way, Emilio saw it fit to interrupt your thoughts by poking you on the rib and pointing to a stand you hadn't noticed before. There was a small sign placed outside that read: 'Hazle una pregunta a la adivina y conoce tu destino por tan sólo cinco pesos.' You couldn't help but snort. You had never been one to believe much on things like those. Emilio, on the other hand, was a firm believer. (Ask the fortune teller a question and get to know your destiny for only five pesos.)
He dragged you over to the tent and you didn't complain just because you wanted to know what it was all about. You paid the small fee and walked in together because he didn't want to go in by himself in case it was a trick and there was a kidnapper on the other side or something.
The dark tent was only illuminated by a crystal ball that sat in the middle of a small round table with two chairs. In one of them sat a woman with long and white curly hair. She looked to be at least fifty-five yet the smile that appeared on her face when you walked in screamed youth.
The room smelled strongly of incense, but not to the point where it bothered you. In fact, you found it quite calming because the smell reminded you of the dance classroom that always smelled of incense and coffee. You looked and Emilio and he gestured for you to go first, so you pulled the chair back and sat on it. You fumbled with the velvet tablecloth to distract yourself as you felt the lady's eyes inspect your face.
"So, what has brought you to me today? What is the question you need an answer to?" You opened your mouth to speak but closed it right away because truth be told, you had no clue. There were many questions that you needed an answer to, but most were far too personal to ask a stranger.
You turned to look at Emilio in hopes that he'd have an interesting question for you to ask and he didn't disappoint, "What's the name of her soulmate?" You giggled and shook your head. It was the perfect thing to ask, nothing too personal and funny. You wanted to see what the lady would come up with.
She reached for something underneath the table and placed it right in front of you. It was a small sack full of things that had rattled when she picked them up. The lady opened up the bag and you noticed it was full of scrabble tiles. You furrowed your eyebrows, what was she going to make you do? Get out letters and see which name they formed?
"Okay, what I want you to do is to take a deep breath, close your eyes and pick out two of the tiles," You tilted your head to the side and sighed, but did what she asked anyways. You moved your hand around the bag a few times and picked up several tiles only to let them fall again.
Before you could pull the tiles out, Emilio emitted a sound that sounded almost like a screech, "¡Mierda! Tenía que llamarle a mamá antes de las nueve, ya vuelvo." By the time you had opened your mouth to protest, Emilio was already gone and you were alone with the fortune teller. (Shit! I had to call mom before nine, I'll be right back.)
You shook your head and apologized to the lady before drawing out two tiles and placing them on the table. You looked at the letters scribbled down on them: E and T. The white-haired lady placed her neatly manicured hands over the letters and closed her eyes. She leaned her head back as if she was looking at the sky and you saw her lips move but heard no sound come out of her mouth.
With an awkward chuckle, you fumbled around with the necklace around your neck. You had no clue why but you were starting to get freaked out, something about the vibe and being alone gave you a queasy feeling. Your head shot up the moment the woman spoke, "Hmm, this is quite interesting. You see, I'm sensing this strong connection between you and this person."
"Whose name is?" You asked and felt kind of stupid. As much as you wanted to pretend you didn't really care, the romantic side of you was eager to know the name of the person, even if you knew this was probably all bullshit.
"Ethan," She finally said as she looked you dead in the eye, "Ethan Torchio."
By the time Emilio had returned and asked his question, you were waiting outside shaking. There was something about the way she had looked at you that had sent shivers down your spine and the name... God, as crazy as it sounded, it made you feel something when you heard it.
As you watched the film, you still couldn't get it out of your head. Ethan... Ethan. You kept repeating it over and over again inside your head as if it were a mantra. As if there was someone out there who owned that name. There was just something about it that felt so right, you knew it in your bones. That something was the only thing that allowed you to remember the name, even years after first hearing it.
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bluegreenandpurple · 3 years
A beard through seasons- Chap 2
Second installment of this four chapter series... let's see what moment is Ron's beard bringing to us!
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters from HP Books nor do I get a single pound/penny/peso (money) out of this. Rated M because of Hermione's thoughts.
You can also find this work in AO3 and FFN.
Chapter 2: The dad’s beard
Hermione Granger-Weasley hadn't slept one single night alone since five years ago when the news of the conception of her daughter had been delivered to her husband. When Ron found out that he would become a father, he made a resolution to never miss a milestone of his child’s life and spend as much time as he could with his family. And so, he resigned his position with the Aurors and took a full-time job with George in the joke shop. Although, at the insistence of the Minister himself, Ron agreed to keep a connection with his former work as a Consultant for special cases and Professor of Strategy and Planning for the Auror Training Program.
Hermione Granger-Weasley hadn't slept one single night alone in five years until two weeks ago when her new position as Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement had required for her to present the British Wizarding Community’s advances in the abolition of blood-related laws and regulations for the International Convention of Magical Law.
Actually, Hermione Granger-Weasley hadn't slept one single night alone in five years. Because whatever she had been doing the past two weeks surely couldn't be counted as sleeping. The king-sized bed of the hotel room seemed extremely big and frighteningly deserted without her husband. Despite applying impeccably performed warming charms one after the other, the bed remained cool. And the silence. Hermione could sleep with cold, she had done it countless times during her younger years in the Horcrux hunt. But, as had been proved during said hunt and reaffirmed in the past two weeks, she couldn’t sleep without the soft soothing sound of Ron’s light snores.
Each night for the past fortnight, Hermione had spent hours in bed recalling the warmth of Ron’s body and the comforting feeling of his arms encasing her in a fortress where only his signature smell and his purring breaths could trespass. She would concentrate on every sensation in an attempt to convince herself that he was there and overcome her insomnia. But he wasn’t there and she would subdue herself to night after night of what little hours she could accomplish of restless sleep.
When time passed and Hermione was finally able to return to her loved ones, she was bouncing on her feet in anticipation. The second she stepped out of the fireplace, she heard the muffled voices of Ron and Rose coming from the second floor. Eager to see her family, she sprinted and took off her cloak halfway up the stairs, discarding the garment on the floor. This level of disorder was anomalous coming from her, but the familiar smell of her home combined with her husband and daughter's voice had made her desire for Ron’s warmth and her children's stickiness almost unbearable.
Hermione followed the sound towards Rose’d bedroom and was frozen on her spot at the sight of her family. She was itchy to go and hug them but the scene on display was so adorable that she had to take a minute to commit it to her memory. Ron and Rose were sitting on the petite chairs of her tea time set and she was decorating his beard with a variety of her hair clips. He was curled on himself in an unnatural position, with his knees almost beside his ears and his hands resting palms down on the carpet, probably for balance. He would've been more comfortable on the floor than scrunching to fit on the chair, but Hermione had the suspicion that he was doing it for their daughter.
Hermione’s heart warmed watching as Rose was adorning his father's facial hair with a grin so wide that her eyes were closing from happiness. He was cottoning to her about how beautiful he felt with his new beard style and Hermione chuckled internally as she focused on said beard. She could clearly remember the last time Ron's beard had stolen her attention for so long. It was the day she’d noticed that he was no longer a boy, but a man. And now she was realising that her man had become a full proud and accomplished father. No, not a father. Her colleague's husbands who they continually complain about for not contributing to their children’s care were fathers. Ron was a dad. A fully committed, capital “D”, Dad.
‘Are you done ogling me, or shall I give you a few more minutes?’ Ron was glancing at her from the corner of his eye twitching his lips with the effort to stop a smile.
Hermione shook her head amused by his boldness. Oh, you are so full of yourself, are you? Well, two can play this game . She thought, and narrowing her eyes at him, she asked, ‘What makes you think that I was looking at you?’
Ron chuckled, triggering a reprimand from Rose at the sudden movement of her model. He apologised to her and promised to remain still before he answered, ‘Because if you would’ve been looking at Rosie with that eyes, love... I’ll be calling child support and the Aurors.’
Hermione gawked but recovered quickly, deciding to ignore her husband's ridiculous comment and walked into the room. ‘‘Where is Hugo?’ She queried, noticing the absence of her youngest son, as she squatted next to Rose and wrapped her in a bear hug. The little one immediately left her task at hand to snuggle into her mother.
‘He’s already asleep. Little Rosie here put her brother to sleep - with my help,’ Ron hastily added, as Hermione’s incipient protest died in her throat. ‘And now is my turn to give her night night.’
They ended up putting Rose to bed together, stealing glances at each other, trying to convey through their eyes all the longing from the last two weeks. Once in their bedroom, Ron and Hermione fell into their well practiced bedtime routine. As usual, she was first in bed. Ron didn’t know it, but she had trained through the years to perform the routine in record time so she could watch him peel off his clothes with no interruptions. Contemplating as Ron undressed was one of those little simple pleasures of life.
Whilst Hermione rejoiced with the view of her naked husband, she remembered the story Ginny had told her about the name she’d heard her coworker’s daughter called Harry. Ginny had been so full of herself recalling how she’d caught the girl saying to her friends that Ginny’s husband was a total DILF. When Hermione asked what that meant, Ginny’s grin could have lightened an entire city. “Dad I’d Like to Fuck”.
Hermione surveyed her husband. He was absolutely a DILF. If she’d been a teenager she was sure she'd have a crush on him. She had had a crush on him when they were teenagers and he was still a work in progress. If she’d have to choose, Hermione was completely sure that Ron had never been more appealing than he was at that moment. He didn’t have the body of his early twenties but he was still stunningly fit compared with her colleagues’ husbands. And maturity had brought an air of wisdom that mixed with his sarcastic humour made him more attractive than ever. In addition, seeing him as committed as he was to Rose today, made his sex appeal rise to the sky.
‘Ready to sleep, love?’ Ron had suddenly stopped mid-movement putting on his pyjama bottoms. One leg in the air, contracting his entire body to remain balanced. Hermione bit her lower lip to contain a moan at the sight of is firmed and perfectly sized for a small hand arse.
‘I think there are some other things I’d like to do with you before we sleep.’
Ron’s eyes went wide with want as he dropped his pyjamas and as he kneaded his hands he huskily said, ‘Then what are we waiting for?’ Then jumped on the bed and crawled between the sheets.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by ehxsnos
First lets get the basics out of the way...
What's your name? Robyn.
How old are you? 22.
Where are you from? Philippines.
What color are your eyes and hair? Eyes are dark brown, hair is black.
When were you born? April 21.
Now for the fun stuff!
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Closed. Some people can fall asleep with their closet doors open (and this is a thing in the first place??)? I could imagine that would irritate me to death, and I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep until I got up and closed it.
How many people have you slept with this week? Zero.
What size is your bed? Just a twin size. It’s all I need for now.
What do you drink with dinner? Cold water, always. We also usually have other drinks served at the dinner table - Coke, buko juice, and iced tea - but I never drink anything else.
What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Barbecue sauce.
Last person you kissed/kissed you? You know who it was, I don’t feel like continuing to mention them on surveys as often as I used to any more.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Two for the Road, The Proposal, and Toy Story.
What is your usual bedtime? From Monday to Friday I’m usually passed out anytime between 10 PM–12 AM. It’s a different story on weekends; revenge bedtime procrastination is my thing now, so I go to bed anywhere from 2–5 AM.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? I always had different outfits on per year, but they were always the generic ones that we could buy costumes of at the mall – pirate, Tinkerbell, mermaid, etc. I didn’t start getting resourceful and/or witty with my Halloween choices until I was about 14 or 15 when I first went as AJ Lee.
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? February last year when I had my grad photo taken.
Take a vitamin daily? I am guilty of skipping my vitamins lol.
What do you wear to bed? I answer this all the tiiiiiime but I like wearing super-thin clothes so it’d feel airy while I sleep. I don’t exactly live in the chilliest country in the world.
Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Can’t relate.
Ever have plastic surgery? No.
Do you want kids? I would love to have kids, yeah.
Where did your last kiss take place? Outside of that person’s car, just right before they got inside.
Four words to explain why you last threw up? I had a fever coming in and was starting to feel nauseous.
Last thing you ate? Adobo.
Do you get your nails done? Nope.
When did your last relationship end? September.
So tell us, what room ARE you in? I’m in my bedroom.
How many stories does your home have? Three if you count the rooftop.
Do you own headphones? No. The one I have in my room is my dad’s; he just lets me borrow it.
Have you ever...
Gotten a Brazillian wax? No, never tried having that yet. Being waxed looks like it hurts, so I’ve stayed away from it to this day lol.
Gotten so drunk you couldn’t remember wtf you did? Only a handful of times as I try not to get to that point, but yes, it’s happened before.
Been called a bitch? Sure.
Slut? No.
Pierced anything? I have a couple of piercings, but nothing I pierced myself.
Had a tattoo? Not yet.
Smoked a cigarette? Yes, but I actively try to make it a point not to form it into a habit.
Smoked weed? Nope.
Missed someone so bad you couldn’t eat or sleep? Sure, this has happened back when I still felt this way about the person. 
Worked out at a gym? No, never at a gym. I’d feel too self-conscious to get a gym membership altogether haha. In the brief time I worked out, I only did it at home. 
Snuck out of the house? No. With my parents, it’s much safer to ask permission than attempt to be sneaky since they always say yes anyway.
What’s the nearest furry object? That would be Kimi.
Is the room you are in messy? I would say it’s messy in my mom’s eyes but relatively neater than the average bedroom I would see at my friends’s and relatives’ houses. My mom just has ridiculous sky-high expectations when it comes to neatness and I’ve stopped bothering to meet them years ago.
What is the single largest item in your house? Either the living room couch or my parents’ bed, not sure which would ultimately take up more space.
When did you first become interested in sex? I mean I remember starting to explore porn when I was maybe 13 or 14, so those ages would be safe guesses.
How much money did you spend today? Zero and I plan on making it remain at zero. Payday is taking so long though :((((
What is the biggest amount of money you have ever had at one time? I think I had to hold around ₱7,000 in bills at one point in high school when my mom asked me to pay for something tuition-related.
What kind of cell phone do you have? iPhone 8. It sounds more and more ancient with each year that passes lmaooo.
Have you ever been under anesthesia? Never, and I hope I never have to? I’m scared of the things that could come out of my mouth.
Which Disney parks have you been to? None of them.
What does your bed comforter look like? Blue.
When did you last cry? Yesterday, from watching an emotional clip.
When is the last time you took medicine? Start of June.
What was the medicine for? It was to treat my UTI. I was already feeling so much better by the time I had to take that last pill, but I was instructed to take it for a certain period of time so I was just following the schedule.
What kind of health insurance do you have? I’ve actually never tried looking into the specifics of it. I know health insurance is part of my job, but I don’t even fully understand insurance yet HAHA and the thought of it makes me anxious so I haven’t read too much into the kind of insurance I have and the inclusions I can avail from it.
What is your birth control method of choice? I don’t have a preferred one. I’ve only been with a girl, so I haven’t had the chance to explore methods I could gravitate towards.
How much do you spend on your parents for Christmas? Several thousands of pesos, usually.
If you were given $1k and had to use it on 1 purchase, what would you buy? Like, I was challenged to finish it off on one thing? I’d get an iPhone 12.
Have your parents ever caught you drinking? They never caught me drinking when I was not yet allowed to drink. Now that they know I do drink, there’s no ‘catching’ that happens; they don’t mind me downing a bottle of soju from time to time.
Have you ever crawled through a window? I may have as a kid.
What do you spend most of your money on? Food delivery, heh. :)))))))) It’s my favorite way to spoil myself.
Is there a secret you've never told your parents? Yup.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? Yes. I’m definitely a photo hoarder regardless of the person, so she’s not an isolated case; I also still have photos of people who aren’t in my life anymore, like Athenna and Sofie. I just don’t look at photos of me and Gab anymore, but they are definitely still around. Deleting them would be like deleting the last six years of my life and that sounds a little unfair.
Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Someone spread a rumor that I was bi and dating Andi back in 6th grade but I wouldn’t call that nasty.
How many rooms does your house have? It originally had three, but we had the balcony renovated into another bedroom, for my brother; so now we technically have four.
Would you sex tape with you in it for 3 million dollars? As long as I felt safe in the environment and with the person/people, sure.
Are you happier single or in a relationship? There are different kinds of happiness you can get from either; I don’t believe this is something that should be compared.
Do you have curly hair? No.
What is a compliment you receive often? That I write well.
How tall are you?: 5′1″.
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when? Not sure, maybe one of my parents or one of my best friends.
What is the last thing you said aloud? “Already?” Cooper was nipping at my hoodie and he was able to destroy a part of the underside in like three minutes.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee.
What is one thing that can ALWAYS be found in your freezer? At least one type of frozen goods, like tocino or hotdogs.
How many pets do you own? Two.
How old will you be turning on your next birthday? I’ll be 23.
Last time you went out of town? January.
First thing you wash in the shower? My hair, then I work my way down.
What kind of shampoo & conditioner do you use? I use a Dove shampoo and a Pantene conditioner.
Do you own something from Hot Topic? No.
Have you ever bought anything from Pac Sun? I don’t think so. We don’t have that here so there’s no reason for me to own anything from there.
How often do you hold hands with someone? Never. That’s a sensation I miss, for sure. But I’m fine – this is just my period talking HAHAHA
What was the most recent thing you bought? I got a Zinger from KFC because I was craving for fast food at 1 AM yesterday.
Could you ever forgive a cheater? Considering how stupid I can get when it comes to love, probably yes in certain situations.
Do you have Verizon? No.
Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? To a very, very tiny extent, especially compared to my siblings. I’m nowhere close to being a brat, though. 
Have you ever been pregnant? No.
What is your average cell phone bill? I’m on prepaid, so I load up my phone every week with a certain amount instead of paying for a consolidated bill every month.
How many piercings do you have? Two.
Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in? I turn it on only once I’ve gotten in.
Have you ever had stitches? Nope and I’m terrified of the thought. I hope I’ll never have to need any.
Do you think it’s right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced? Eugh, outdated question. Next.
Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? Coffee.
Do you have a wireless keyboard and mouse? No. I don’t use a mouse and my keyboard is already built into my laptop.
How many songs are on your iPod or MP3 player? I don’t regularly use either anymore.
Where did you get that shirt you're wearing? I’m pretty certain this is a hand-me-down from my mom.
What are your pet’s names? Kimi and Cooper.
Honestly, are you in love right now? Nope.
Honestly, what color is your underwear? Blue.
Honestly, do you think you are attractive? Some days.
Honestly, do your wrists hurt? Haha no, but my back and shoulders do.
Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now? Sure.
What would you do if the doctor told you that you were pregnant? Continued from this morning. Figure out a way to tell my parents without getting hit.
Was there anyone who "made your day"? Today? Not really.
Are you vegeterian? Nope.
How many windows are open in your computer? Two of Chrome, one of Spotify.
Do you read Perez Hilton? Ew, no. Does that guy still do stuff???
Is there a baby in the room with you right now? No.
Do you plan on moving within the next year? It’s nice to daydream about but likely not gonna happen.
Have you been to a baby shower? No.
What brand is your computer? Apple.
How many cars can fit in your driveway? 4-5 if we really want to make the most out of the available space, but at present it only has 2.
Are you taller than your mom? Nah. Everyone thought I would be, but then I just stopped growing. I am now the shortest member in the family hahaha.
Are you a cuddler? Only with significant others. I would feel uncomfortable if a non-SO cuddled me as I am not a touchy person to begin with, except when it comes to hugs.
Sleep on your back or stomach? Stomach. I could never sleep on my back; I feel too exposed.
Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? I always close the bathroom doors. Kimi has the tendency to pee on the bathroom floor so I make sure he doesn’t follow me in there.
Do you dress for style or comfort? More for style. I do take comfort into account, but looking nice and feeling confident in my outfit honestly takes precedence for me.
Think of the last time you were angry. Why were you angry? 15,000 cases today.
Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? Yeah. It would even be a bit of a relief, honestly, because it means less pressure for me to have sex to please my partner.
Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry? Yes, both happy and sad tears.
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? It depends on the person, I guess. Some can handle breakups well, and I’m not one of them.
How long has it been since you had sex? It would be 7 months this April.
Who was the last person to call you babe? My ex probably.
Last reason you went to the ER? I’ve never been to.
Were you a planned pregnancy for your parents? Yeah. They were having trouble conceiving at first, but my mom eventually found out she was pregnant with me on her 27th birthday.
How old was your mom when she gave birth to you? ^ 27.
Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Yes, many times.
When was the last time you shaved your legs? A couple of weeks ago. I’ve been meaning to shave again but I’ve just been sooooooo lazy.
What facial cleanser do you use? I don’t use any products on my skin.
Do you use a blowdryer? Nope.
How many purses do you own?: 3 – I now have more than one! Haha. A month ago I had to buy bayongs from this small business for these PR kits we needed to send out and they included a couple of purses as freebies. Since we’re all working from home, I got to keep them since I was the one who placed the order heheh.
What are your top five favorite stores to shop for clothes? I really just stop by stalls of small businesses I see at the mall and see what trendy pieces I can get from them.
What kind of clothes do you mostly wear? I like halter and tank tops, paired with denim jeans.
What about shoes? Sneakers. You’ll rarely see me wearing anything else.
Have you ever cheated on the significant other that you have now?
For that one week a month, do you hate being a woman? I’ll feel icky about it every now and then, especially if my flow happens to be heavy; but for the most part I don’t have any complaints. I think bleeding out every month is actually kind of fucking hardcore.
What are your first thoughts when your visitor visits? Be relieved. I’ve never had irregularity issues with my period, so every time it comes it usually serves as a reassurance that there continues to be no problem.
Favorite underwear brand? Don’t have any.
Last thing you bought at the mall? Three new pods for my vape.
Do your parents like your boyfriend/girlfriend?
What color are your pillows? They’re the same style as my current bedsheet, so they’re also blue.
What if an ex asked to be back in your life? I think it would be nice if we would at least have lunch somewhere to catch up, then ask her what led her to that point.
Don’t you just love DVR? We didn’t use it often.
If you're on a laptop, how much charge does it have left? 93%.
Last gift you recieved? I got lunch from Bea after our virtual event with the media for one of our clients. Later that day, Kata also had banana bread delivered to my place :)
Lesson you recently learned? What to do when my candle starts tunneling, which I had looked up literally no more than 5 minutes ago because it started happening to my scented candle :(
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Tymee Thoughts Tuesday #1
February 25, 2020
1. EDSA Revolution and Imelda Marcos
Today, the Filipino people celebrates the 34th year  that we were able to overthrow a dictator, Ferdinand Marcos through collective action. And this was not a single dictatorship, it was conjugal. Ferdinand Marcos ruled hand in hand with her wife, Imelda Romualdez Marcos. The “beautiful” and extravagant Imelda.
Under the Marcos Regime, they were able to stay in power for as long as 21 years. They declared Martial Law which lasted a good eight years with the excuse of extinguishing rising communist threats (exaggerated to extend and increase their power). During the regime, 70,000 were jailed as political prisoners. 35,000 were tortured. Almost 3,000 were killed. Human rights were violated.
Luckily, this week, I have had the chance to watch two documentaries featuring the iconic First Lady. Ramona Diaz’ Imelda (2003) and Lauren Greenfield’s The Kingmaker (2019). 
While Ferdinand Marcos seems to be very predictable and lawyerly-like, Imelda, with her beauty, wits, and charm, is very spontaneous. The narcissistic woman and her edifice complex seems to make her appear someone not to be taken seriously. This was all part of the act. The 3,000 pairs of shoes, the lavish dresses, the terno, the hair, it was part of her brand. She wants to appear as someone laughable but she does that with the intent to manipulate us.
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In the Ramona Diaz documentary, she goes on explaining her absurd theories of life from apple to apple and here obsession with beauty as part of the Circle of Life -- how beauty is love applied. It was funny at first and would make you believe that she needs psychological help (fun fact: in the kingmaker it was revealed that she was actually brought in a psychological hospital in New York where the doctor aid that she’s okay, she just could not take politics, so Ferdinand said that he will give up politics for her, which obviously didn’t happen, but after that incident, Imelda is a new person). Afterwards, it starts becoming horrifying.
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This quote from the documentary reveals how out of touch Imelda was with the reality of the situation. Truly, the best villains in a story are those that think they're the hero.
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Let’s now jump to the Kingmaker!!! This one talks more about the rise authoritarianism, how the Marcoses are going back power. It acknowledges that Imelda is an unreliable narrator but is a very instinctive and powerful political animal.
A great point that hits home is when a footage jumped on the kids in a high school asking what their thoughts were on martial law. All they said were positive (but untrue) accounts of the Marcos regime. The history was revised. The memory of tortured heroes, forgotten. The children had a Utopian view of the Martial Law Era, seeing it as a time of economic progress and discipline, when it fact it is very far from the truth.
That said, it show the importance of writing our histories, sharing them with the world, because with the rise of authoritarianism, the strong-man narrative of Rodrigo Duterte (our current president), one the only ways that we do not fall to the same mistakes of history is to study it, remember it, and learn from it. It is scary to imagine another Martial Law, but seeing the political climate now, the future is not very far. We need to educate more, be vigilant. Hold our line and contribute in our nation-building. Contribute in defending our freedom.
 Another feature of the film that I didn’t know before was how Imelda displaced 254 families, a community in Calauit, an inhabited island, just to house the animals coming from Kenya. Now, the safari and its animals, with no budget, no veterinarians, are suffering. The community in there were suffering as well. This is a metaphor for the Regime’s way of using their power as well as their priorities once in power.
Some key takeaways:
- The EDSA Revolution was not bloodless. The revolution began 14 years ago. Saying that it is peaceful and bloodless disregards the unsung heroes that were killed in the process.
- The Filipinos are very forgiving. What we Filipinos should learn is that while we can forgive, it is also important that we hold those that wronged us accountable. It is almost unthinkable how a family of someone that plundered an estimate of half a trillion peso can still return to power.
- As much we can, we must also continue to speak of the people that were against this dictatorship as someone to emulate. One person from the panel said that for every time we are angry and mention the Marcoses name, we must spread the names of the people who toppled the dictatorship ten times so as to have someone to emulate and be known. People like Edgar Jopson, Archimedes Trajano, Primitivo Mijares, Pete Lacaba, Emmanuel Lacaba, Lorena Barros. They are the heroes that need to be broadcasted more in this narrative. Less of the narcissism of Imelda and more of the injustice and violations of democracies during that time.
-Duterte and Marcos are experts of the Filipino Psychology. While we academics tend to be very rational and logical, these politicians know how to tickle the minds of the Filipinos to allure them into believing that they are someone that they could trust. Now, they not only use the media. They also use weaponize the Internet in a way that would benefit their narrative. Their propaganda continues with all the lies and the fake news.
Sorry this was mostly me talking about Imelda and their injustices during their time in power. I still have so many words and I really can’t help but be outraged. It was just so outrageous to think that (1) they are slowly going back in power, (2) they have no remorse nor guilt over what they did, (3) they have single (double??)handedly affected the influenced major key factors of today’s time, mostly relating to the economic status of the country.
ANYWAY, here are some of the other thoughts that have passed through and plagued my mind through the week!!
2. Valentines Day Podcasts
Because it is still February, go on and check some of the cool podcasts about it!
Here’s Usapang Econ Podcast that discusses the economics of love and valentines!! (In Filipino, sorry international audience :( ) 
And this episode of Debatable by Nina and Kyle that discussed some debate motions about love and valentines. I really enjoyed their chaotic energy there. I ship the two too, so that’s a plus! (Seriously Kyle, why would you leave Nina hanging on your Valentines Dinner for a Bumble Date??)
3. You will be judged not by what you do but by what you did not do. Some musing on where best to spend my time.
I have been thinking about the organizations that I need to join and the things I need to do to be able to land a good job once I graduate. I want to do an internship. In the my course, an internship is voluntary. In the Philippines, unlike in the US or other Western Countries, becoming an Intern just because you want exposure on something is not the fad. Internships are a mandatory thing needed before you graduate. However, I don’t want to just go with the flow.  I want to gain real life experience on real things, especially on the work that I am most interested in. This was triggered by this Rappler Article regarding internship, wherein, apparently, aside from a CV, I also need to pin a portfolio of a work that I’ve done. I am beginning to become convinced that for me to land a good job someday, I need to begin looking for connections related to the job that I want to do. A thick CV won’t cut it. I want to maximize my skills and opportunities here in college while I still can.
Tomorrow, I will be awarded as one of the University Scholars of my University. It can be assumed that I am a good student, I get good grades, pass my work on time. But am I really limited just by the grades that I earned inside the classroom? Should I rush into looking for a workplace or should I just continue doing the things that I’m currently doing (because it seems to be working). Should I dare to be more than what I am now?
Because that entails sacrifice. It may mean less time for family, less sleep, less time for myself. God knows how much I value my time alone. But God also knows how much time I waste for resting and sanity breaks (a little bit too much break tbh). Another fear that I have is going against the harmonious relationship that I think I have now with my family. Saying that I want to do an Internship, which is not included in the curriculum, may raise some eyebrows from the people in my family. I think I need more courage to explain to them the value of doing such things. I remember a saying that I don’t know where I remember from (maybe in the Bible, but I can’t find it): You are judged not by the good that you do, but by the good that you choose not to do. What am I not doing? How can I be better? 
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Hey There, Sunshine
Ah, summer. Roughly two months of fun-filled activities, living the best of teenage life under the sun.
That’s a big fat lie. For me, at least. My summer, only a week running, has only been nothing but disappointing, and it looks like it’ll only get worse. Fact is, writing this thing is probably the only thing that’s keeping me from bashing my skull on the wall ‘til it cracks open.
Here’s why:
Don’t get me wrong, things are probably not as bad as I’m making them sound. But yeah, it’s pretty bad. Like, bad enough that eloquence with words (if I ever had any) has completely left my brain.
Let’s start at the beginning a.k.a. the start of my summer.
Listen, the last few days of school were pretty bearable. Heck, I would even say they were pretty fun, but looking around at my class of 38, I realized that they have done squat for me this year (well, save for a handful of underrated gems). I looked around and realized, “damn, I am NOT gonna miss any of these people.”
I mean, were there nice people in my class? Yes. Did I actually like hanging out with them? Sometimes, yeah. Do I wanna go to great lengths to see them during this two-month-long lull? Yeah... probably not. And I don’t blame them. I’m not the most open of people, and definitely not the easiest to get or get along with. Pretty much every interaction with me is a struggle for a person who doesn’t know me well enough (I’d say it weeds out the weak). This year has enabled me to be completely empty and dead inside, Seriously. Every damn groupwork where that one asshole groupmate does zilch, every single time I tried to connect with a brand new person but feel like we’re talking two different languages, every second I had to pretend to be different out of fear of being judged or being thought of differently (which was almost every second in my class). That kind of stuff is hard to deal with, and every time you have to, you give a little piece of yourself, to the point that you have drained yourself so much of the optimism and faith in humanity you thought you had, only leaving the shell of a being comprised of nothing but bitterness (oh hey, JUST like this blog entry).
I could talk more about how sucky junior year was for me, but that’s a blog entry for another day. Rest assured, I did gain something this year: I learned which people were worth climbing out of my box for, and it was the people who were willing to do the same (nevermind which came first). But I’m digressing: back to summer.
Like I said, I wasn’t going to miss anyone. I packed up my stuff without a word and was just happy to go. I knew I was still going to see the people I wanted to hang out with this summer. And the people I didn’t? I know I’m not gonna see them.
My prize for getting through the year was attending a graduation ball. Yep, someone thought me not vomit-inducing enough that I would be invited to a dance. My first ever dance. And hell yes, I was excited. It was this guy I had known for a while. He’s really sweet, I’m just really not interested (and honestly, I fear that he is, even if it’s a little presumptuous for me to think so). I thought it was going to be fun, turns out it was just gonna show me truly how antisocial I was. I loved the dress, the makeup, the hair. But walking around in it in a stuffy dark room full of strangers? No thanks, apparently. Besides, I can eat bad food in the comfort of my own home, thank you very much. I didn’t even slow dance because my date was too awkward to ask (and he’s supposed to like me, according to my friends, go figure), making excuses because of the crowd (to his credit, the dance floor really was stuffed). That night only told me how much I knew I’d say no if he asked for something more. I went home that night, disappointed and dejected, bringing home nothing but aching feet. I feel bad for the guy, I do. He didn’t even stand a chance to my pessimism and severe aversion to socialization. I hope he finds someone better (and if I’m the one to beat, he will).
The morning after, my mom stuck my feet into yet another painfully uncomfortable pair of heels, and we went to a family event. It was my mom’s cousin’s (who happens to be my godfather) son’s (HA, try making that connection) baptism celebration. It was a million peso event (that family DOES like to show off how much money they have). Not much happened, besides my family comprised of mostly doctors telling me to get my shit together if I want to get into medicine because I have the grades but not the drive (as if I needed to be told more than the thousand times they’ve already told me). That night, my mom, dad, brother, and I went to a gay bar and watched a drag show. I got drunk for the first time ever with my brother. The drag show was the highlight of the night, it was amazing, the getting drunk, not so much.
That’s a lot to happen over a weekend, right? I was stupid to think my summer would be as eventful though. After that night, everything just went still. I just wake up day after day in my bed’s that’s been unmade for weeks next to a trashcan full of junk food wrappers in front of my laptop screen with yet another movie I’ve fallen asleep to. This is no way at all a graceful way to be living summer. I mean, I did see one of my favorite people and we watched a movie at the mall together, but the time I spend alone just gets unbearable sometimes.
So that’s been my summer so far, and in the horizon, a summer class that starts next week in the effort to get me into shape for exams for my college applications coming in September (don’t even get me started on THAT). I want excitement in my life this summer, and what I get is a class. But hey, optimism, right? Can’t knock it ‘til I try it. The worst case is that I’ll just be disappointed again, and I’ve already had a lot in this lifetime, so what’s one more time? The best case: I might actually have some fun. I know which one I’m hoping for.
The takeaway: try doing something, anything you like. After so much time spent doing things you don’t (despite needing to), you owe yourself that much. And try not to be so bitter as I am, okay? Only I can do that. You go have a good time and leave this complaining and the sulking to me.
Peace, lovelies xx happy summer
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jonbelch · 6 years
“Motor Club of America” Scam Has People Losing Cash (Joking) and Gaining MCA Scam Benefits!
Hi! Let’s make it known... the Motor Club of America Scam never was a thing! It doesn’t exist because the MCA Scam does not exist...
Ok let me refrain from getting you mixed up lol. What I’m trying to tell you is that Motor Club of America is not a scam and the company is even represented by the Better Business Bureau.
...In my past when I was clocked in at my job making sure that patients at the rehabilitation home wouldn’t try to escape
I was intensely researching for an enterprise to earn extra income on the side.
To tell you the truth, I needed to get rid of my job because I hated being a security guard so much. I was earning some pesos per hour... it was so dreadful.
...at that time, I had no idea I’d soon be the reason for helping hundreds of people in the so called Motor Club of America Scam  close sales in the business and even be able to quit their jobs.
It’s extremely tough to see how your future is going to improve when you are low on money, stressed out, and being hit by bills...
But somehow I discovered MCA by doing research online and actually that was the company that I made some quick income in. That’s just what happened!
So yes...
The MCA Scam (supposedly) actually pays out to their members if you when you make sales...
And yes....
The Motor Club of America Scam (Allegedly) does provide benefits and a slew of savings to the associates of the company.
Here are some of the company benefits:
Emergency Roadside Assistance Discounts on Dental and Medical Bail Bond Lawyer Compensation Credit Card Protection Travel Discounts etc
Regardless of the fact that I made decent money in Motor Club, unfortunately and fortunately it is no longer an opportunity I want to keep referring people to.
...I didn’t feel good promoting something that I was no longer sure about money wise, so I stopped promoting the company...
The reason I prefer to no longer have people join me in the TVC marketing business is because they depleted the comp plan.
Members USED to have the ability to make eighty dollars per MCA Total Security membership that you sold. Now instead, the max payment you can get for selling an MCA Total Security package is 40 bucks. So the CEO of the business decided to change the pay structure.
... does this mean that you can’t make any money in the Company? Of course not.
It just takes more deeds to make a substantial your pay as opposed to how it used to be.
...And since I have 6 years experience being in different companies and I’ve been on TOP Sales leader boards for various businesses, I’ve personally witness and have been effected by quite a few opportunities (like MCA) that had to stop doing business...
And if they didn’t go out of business then they’d switch up the payout plan or change the infrastructure thus causing reps of the company to get frustrated and upset.
I’m still not calling it the Motor Club of America Scam!
...I’m just being honest about why I chose a different primary business...
#1. You don’t own the company and therefore you have no control over any changes the CEO makes #2. I got sick and tired of having people join me in the business only to get them disappointed when they realized they’d be earning half the money per sale #3 Some people call it the MCA Scam because the company does chargebacks to your account if a member who joins you decides to cancel their membership earlier than expected
As a result I decided that I’m only going to educate representatives in MCA who need my help with getting more income and success.
...I’m proud to say that my training has helped MANY associates in Motor Club of America increase their income and even go on to make money in other companies as well...
Click Here to See the PROOF!
I still provide the MCA Training System PRO training system to struggling members because I do take into consideration that there are still people who love the company and the benefits, so I’m not fighting that.
No matter what, my purpose is still about helping the MCA associates make more money.
I just rather lock arms with something that I’m confident will never change or go out of business.
That’s my feeling on the matter.
Either way I’m here to help.
I just want to give an honest review on the company and share my reasons as to why it is no longer a company I want people joining me in.
In conclusion, if you love the MCA Benefits and you are satisfied the 40 dollar commission pay they now have then I’d be ready to educate you and show you step by step on how to get sales every single day....
Learn More about Your MCA Training System PRO HERE
On another note...
Business is supposed to help you get financial freedom...
Business is supposed to allow you to spend more time with your children...
Business is supposed to allow you to be able to pay the bills and still have extra income to go travel and sight see...
Look, I can’t help people who see every opportunity as a Scam or the MCA Scam as such
...I can only help you if you are ready for the help...
Just like I was open minded before I joined the MCA Scam...
Either way the cookie crumbles, it helped me quit my job, I’m now able to inspire my family to go after their dreams, and I get to make money on my own terms.
...when I was so broke that I couldn’t even take my girl out to eat when she wanted... that hurt me.
...when I was so broke that I couldn’t even travel when I needed... that sucked.
I’m still helping associates in MCA get more people to join them in the business, It’s just no longer my cup of tea.
...What I’m doing now is available to everybody in the world...
...It’s pays out 100% commissions...
...It pays instantly to your bank account, so no waiting a week to get paid...
...It’s a one time fee to get started...
...And the platform comes with a marketing education site so that you aren’t confused about how to market to get sales when you decide to join...
It’s called the Email Processing System!
But like I said earlier in this article, the vision is still about me helping you and your family.
Even if you decide to stick with the Motor Club of America Scam (which it’s not a scam I’m just using the term for keyword purposes) ... it’s okay I will show you the way to making money in that as well.
Just sharing with you that anything can be rearranged in the company at any time and you aren’t the chief executive officer.
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
13, 29, 25 for the specific asks
Oooh hello Ettie!!! 25 has me feeling a little 👀 about myself lmao
13. first thing you're doing in the purge?
Going straight to the nearest store that’s got a wide selection of different shoes and robbing every single black one they’ve got. What the fuck are Docs and Nike/Adidas so expensive for… It’s not like Docs are as well made as they used to be and we all know most mainstream sports brands get their shit made for dirt cheap in sweatshops…
Realizing that I’m answering this the same way I answer every ‘what would you do with 1M pesos’ question and would go for the thing I hate spending money on the most lmao I’m not very fun when it comes to this >.>
25. would you say you have good taste in music?
Yes actually lmao >w< I think my taste is great based purely on the fact that I greatly enjoy Since I Left You and We Will Always Love You /hj
No but really I do think I have good taste because I won’t turn down listening to anything at least once before I make a call. I’ll listen to meme music but also critically acclaimed shit like Kid A; will play OM character songs on repeat alongside Florence and the Machine, and Hero’s Come Back is as much as a hype song for me as Here Be Dragons. My current earworm is That That by PSY but just a couple weeks before I couldn’t stop listening to La Campanella.
(Real answer is idk, but I really like the music I’ve saved and think they’re neat lol)
29. preferred pasta noodle?
Bit basic but I enjoy a solid fettuccine and macaroni, also rigatoni. All very evenly tied and I get excited when I see them >w<
Send me a really specific ask?
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bhoi-blog · 6 years
Surely living abroad can be very expensive especially if you are migrating from a third world country. As for me, I started off as a student via the student visa. I am actually a Registered Nurse in my country before I decided to go abroad for a better living. I did enjoy my work as an Operating room nurse in the Philippines. However, as all Pinoy(s) know, nurses’ salary in our country is even lower than the minimum wage here in Australia. When I arrived in Australia as a student, with very limited pocket money, I would usually compute and convert the prices. I usually would not want to spend more than 10 dollars for a single meal. I also allot 40 dollars for a fortnightly groceries, 40 dollars for weekly transportation, then the heaviest part for me was the room rent which ranges from 120 dollars per week to 200 dollars per week for a room share or a single room. To convert, you may multiply that to 38 to 40 pesos per dollar. As a student, legally you can only work 20 hours per week with an hourly rate of 15 dollars to 22 dollars with the kind of work I first had (cafes/barista/kitchen hand/cashier, Assistant in Nursing-when I was not a registered nurse yet, I also tried distributing flyers-mailbox to mailbox, and tried housekeeping before.) To cut it short, I really had to be a bit more careful in spending my money. With very little money to allot for pleasure when I was still not stable at my jobs. To be able to survive, I learned about the cheapest shops, cheapest brands, cheapest fast food/ restaurants (I wonder how I still gained weight!lol). To share my tipid tips to people who are planning to go abroad and to people who are new here, here are some not-so-secret TINpid tips: 1. Make a list of the things you need to buy- I would usually not do this and end up buying the things that I don’t really intend to buy. So at home, I would plan in my mind what I need to buy and not make a list then end up buying more than I planned for. Like for example there was one time I was only planning to buy toilet papers then at the shop while scanning, I saw yellow tags (which mean those items are on sale) and bought them. At least if you have a list, you would most likely just stick to it and not spend more than 25 percent additional. 2. Decide if you need the item- First, ask yourself, “Do I want the item?” Second, ask yourself, “Do I need what I want?” If yes, then buy the item if the answer is no, ask yourself another question, “Will I be able to use that item that I want for more than at least 3 times?” If your answer is yes then you may buy it but always take into consideration the money that will be left in your account/wallet. 3. Take time- Take time to think and to think twice. It doesn’t matter if it takes you too long in deciding, it’s even harder if you run out of budget because you rush into buying things. Also allot time for window shopping or canvassing. I did this during my first 4 months in Sydney. With my previous roommate who enjoys the same thing: looking around and learning the price of a certain item and comparing it against store to another store to another store just so you know which store sells the cheapest with similar quality. Sometimes the quality does not differ too much; sometimes one item is only more expensive just because you are also paying for the brand name. 4. Cook at home- as much as possible, try not to eat out. Cooking is after all like a therapy in my opinion; it distracts you away from thinking about your problems if you do have one. If you don’t know how to cook, everything is “Youtube-able” now; Youtube your way to your favourite meal. You’ll discover that it’s actually that easy to make. If you cook, you’ll also be able to share it or have it more than once. Also, learn how much you really need to cook for especially if you are living alone so there wouldn’t be any wastage. I guess that’s about it. It’s as simple as that. Now that I am not a student anymore, I still do these. It is after all best saving more than spending more and to be able to send some money for your loved ones rather than spend too much just for yourself.
"Abroad Tipid Tips" by: Tin Diaz
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themispronounced · 4 years
Coffee Therapy I
“Hey. Have you been here long?”
She greeted her bestfriend with a smile. They’re never the hug or kiss type of people but instead they fist bump. He arrived an hour after she decided to go to the coffee shop. It’s usually like this for them. She would stroll around the mall alone and would later meet up. She needed her alone time and he understood. For others, it may be an odd pairing. He likes to wear baggy shirts and shorts while she looks... normal. She’s the goody good type while he’s perceive as someone who is the exact opposite. Despite that, they love each other to the core. They’re willing to drop everything just to rescue the other - thankfully, they haven’t been in that kind of situation. She’s kind of worried that she might one day receive a phone call from him asking her to bail him out of jail. Him being in jail is not quite a shock; what’s worrying her was the fact that she may not have the enough money to bail him out. Again, luckily, they haven’t come to that.
“You don’t look shit at all.” He said.
She glared at him. Why did she invite him again? Her original plan was to spend the day alone. Why is this stupid fucker in front of her - mocking her again. “Shut up.”
He giggled. He likes it when she’s being mean; it’s kinda out of her character. “Hey. I’m just saying you look pretty.” He said, defensively.
“That’s because I am.” She said, matter of factly.
He smiled. It’s a good thing my bestfriend is a tough chick, he thought to himself. “I’ll get myself some coffee. Do you want anything?”
“Are you paying?”
“Of course not. You earn 46,143 each month and you expect me to buy you stuff?” Yes, that’s the exact amount she’s earning each month.
And yes, he knows it. He saw the job offer.
No, he wasn’t with her that day.
Yes, she sent a picture of the contract.
Yes, that’s the kind of friendship they have.
She glared at him once more. “Go buy me some garlic bread and get some water please.” She said while producing a 500 peso bill from her wallet.
He marched to the cashier while she checks if there are any available seats outside. Of course, he would want to sit outside so he can smoke.
Once he got his order, they went out.
“You look pretty today...”
“I’m pretty everyday. What are you saying?” She interjected.
Again, he giggled. “Nah. I mean, weren’t you just crying last night?” He leaned forward to take a good look at her. “You don’t look like shit at all.”
“That’s because I didn’t cry last night, stupid.”
“Wasn’t it just last night when I asked why you’re still up and you told me you’re having one of those sad night of yours again?”
She took a sip of her decaffeinated coffee before answering. “No. That was last week. Seriously. Get some sleep.” He’s been pushing himself with work again.
And another giggle. “So how are you? What happened?”
She’s quiet for awhile, processing what words to say to him. But it’s him, she can tell him anything.
She took out her phone, made a few swipes and taps here and there and handed it over to him. “Look.”
“What’s this?”
“Oh.” When he saw the phone he immediately knew what she was trying to say. He just didn’t expect her to open up right away. Usually she would shrug it off first until she’s ready to let it all out. I guess she’s hurting that much and wanted to tell him right away. She needed a place to pour her heart out and he was always the available place to stay in. With that, she’s grateful.
She watched him skim through her phone and not minding if he already browsed everything in it.
With a straight face, he gave the phone back and stared at her for a solid minute. “Now it’s for good?” He asked.
She shrugged.
“That’s what he said. You know I’m easy to talk to.”, she tried saying that with a smile but her eyes are giving her away. It’s apparent that there’s something wrong with her. She’s not her usual cheerful self - but she’s trying.
He nodded, acknowledging her. “How are you feeling then?”
“Light?” She said, not knowing if that’s the right word to describe her current state. “Felt like something was lifted off me.” She continued. It’s true though, the heavy feeling she was having for a couple of days are gone.
“Although I cannot deny that there’s a void in here somehow.” She continued, pointing at her chest. Her bestfriend stared at her. “Mare, this is the closure I’ve been telling you about. The closure that you need as well.” She was pertaining to his situation, the almost same situation she’s in. 
He was trying to comprehend what she was saying. Emotional stuff isn’t his best suit that’s why she’s here - ‘cause between the two of them she’s the emotional one and well... he has some problem in that area. “What was lifted?” He asked, trying to catch up.
With her knowing that he wouldn’t understand, she explained further. “I don’t know. The pain, I guess? It hurts, yes, I don’t have that heavy feeling anymore. Felt like I was released from the agony of waiting for something.”
“And the void? Isn’t it normal to feel that way when someone leaves?” He asked. She stared at him while talking. There’s a lot of things going on inside her head; trying to untangle the thoughts so she can explain it better. “People usually feel uncomfy when they’re empty.”.
“Yes. There’s this void but now it’s just on you. You don’t have to be dependent on anyone anymore. It’s kinda liberating.” She said, realizing that for the first time.
She spent nights trying to figure out why she’s not crying that much anymore. Of course, she’s sad. She feels empty but the tears are nowhere to be found. She cried a little bit yesterday but she expected it to be more than that - much much more than that. Surprisingly, there’s a shortage of tears that night.
Hearing herself say that, it all makes sense now.
She took one bread and realized that there’s more than two pieces here. “Didn’t I tell you to just order two?”
“Oh right. I wanted some too so... you bought me three. Which reminds me, thank you.” He said with that stupid look on his face.
“You’re stupid.” She said.
He flashed that goofy smile while getting one piece for himself too. “But hey,”
She looked up meet his gazed. “What if the person already feels empty? Like he’s already fine with being empty?”
Of course he’s talking about himself; her unbothered bestfriend. “Then maybe you’re just waiting for the person, mare. With me, it’s like he filled a space in me and now that he’s gone... the space that was once his is now empty. You get what I’m saying?”
He stared at her.
“That’s what I’m feeling, you know? There’s this void in me like there’s something missing.
But I think it’s manageable.”
He nodded, somehow getting what she’s trying to say.
“So is it more like you waiting for him to leave you?”
She was a bit taken aback. How did he come to that conclusion? But yes.... he’s right. How can he read through me?, she thought.
With all the events that has transpired between her and this guy, she found herself not wanting to leave. She tried to but interesting enough she never actually brought herself in to actually leaving. She found ways to go back to him every single time. Somehow, she wanted it to work even though she knows it’s a lost cause.
She smiled at her bestfriend, acknowledging the motherfucker who knew her so well. “Well...” she trailed off. “Yeah ‘cause I just can’t do it. I remembered the time when I asked him to block me ‘cause I really can’t stop myself from messaging him.
Now that he’s the one who initiated it then I guess I’m free.” She smiled weakly, trying to let out a chuckle. She is now free, isn’t she?
Well, they were never a couple to begin with but she decided to be available exclusively for him which she never regretted.
After sipping his usual coffee, he smiled at her. Feeling happy and proud at his bestfriend. “At least now you’re not torn anymore! I’m feeling good for you then!” They both laughed.
It felt good to laugh. She has been feeling so down and the bestfriend therapy is exactly what she needed. “I still feel shit though and I still hate you.” She said in between giggles.
“I know but unto the next chapter now right?! It’s what you’ve been looking for all along. I remembered you feeling so torn for a long time now ‘cause you don’t know if you’re gonna regret leaving him or not.”
Of course the motherfucker’s right - again.
“Now, he’s the one who’s going to think that way.” He added. “You’re a fucking safezoner.”
She laughed. “I call that smart play.” She stated, matter of factly. But deep inside her she knows she just can’t do it - leaving him.
“So smart you prolonged your agony.” He said teasing her.
She raised an eyebrow. “At least it’s not on me. I have no regrets and I know in myself that I did everything I can.” She said defensively. She doesn’t even know why she’s being defensive.
He then asked how many drinks she’s had ever since the “breakup” to which she replied with nothing yet because it doesn’t feel heavy at all.
They laughed about nonsense things for the next 30 minutes until they went back to the discussion when she told him she misses sex.
“What if he asked you for a one last fuck? What would you say?”
“Okay, game.” She responded a little too quick, laughing at the idea. It’s not a lie though, she wants to see him one last time.
He cursed her and they laughed again.
She felt like all of her worries was just a smudge. Laughing like this with one of the most important person in her life is the best therapy. She wanted to thank him for accompanying her but they’re not that kind of people. The only time she said she loves him was when she was having a sad night and he was there sending her a picture of them together telling her that she’s not alone. She will never be. That made her cry some more but it’s more because she was so thankful that she has someone like him in her life.
How did I get so lucky?, she thought.
He may be a pain in the ass but he’s her pain in the ass until, well, he finds someone who’s willing to take all of his shit.
0 notes
nanyoky · 7 years
OH god it’s a CHRISTMAS EPISODE. our core four pairs have broken up, fp is about to die and it’s a CHRISTMAS EPISODE
mary booked a singles cruise so i guess they couldn’t get molly ringwald for more eps this season
yay my girl polly’s back for a presumably horrifying dream sequence
That Kubrick-esque centered shot of Hood!santa climbing over the couch back????? *kisses fingers like cartoon italian chef*
Cheryl still EXPECTS her mother to put out jason’s stocking and demands to know what such a tiny candycane is doing in their home because she is still GRIEVING but still SO MUCH . this is what the death of a twin looks like take fuckin note marvel
Also nana rose didn’t die in the fire? so that’s nice.
“86,000″ “what- dollars?” like the hospital in smalltown usa might charge people in pesos or forint- godbless you archie
“Kevin’s secret santa has a 20$ limit” “Kevin needs to chill” no, v, YOU need to chill. or rather don’t. because we love you so much.
“Havent you heard? we’re still friends!” “oh yeah. isnl’t everyone?” i love these girls almost as much as the lund and byerly’s checkout lady who never judges my wednesday night sale sushi runs
fp looks so thin without his jacket and warm vestiges i’m worried about him is he taking his vitamins eating his spinach if he has been surviving on hot pockets and beer since he got out i will be so cross with him
“BOY.” i’m DISTRAUGHT. fp and jughead are living together again and we’re finally getting to see what that looks like and it’s exactly as heartbreaking as we knew it would be
also fp wears his wallet with a stylish chain that goes from his pocket to his beltloop because it’s apparently 2008 in that trailer
“Couples massage.... thanks” “You can go with betty!” audience: YES PLEASE.
also who the fuck would do a couples massage with their highschool boyfriend- veronica lodge that’s who, but who ELSE.
archie didn’t spend any money on his gift and it is obviously the ebst one int he exchange and we love him
oh dear. mr. svenson. of course i love that betty and co. know the janitor at their school’s name. is that normal? i went to an enormous highschool- i barely knew my teacher’s names half the time. but i imagine it’s very sweet and very betty of her.
oh god jughead came to riverdale high for the gift exchange because he’s a good dude. a good dude.
his little SMILE when he feels how heavy it is is the most boyish he’s looked since the scene where we find out fp is his dad in the drive in episode and I’M NOT OKAY
veronica giving archie an expensive engraved watch is CLASS COMMENTARY and it is very good of archie to try to explain that to her calmly and without accusation or bitterness i don’t know if i would handle it that well cuz fun fact i once accused a guy of making me into Pygmalion because he tried to take me to a restaurant with multiple spoons
jughead wants to help but now sweetpea has replaced joaquin as the unreasonably beautiful surrogate son fp feels more comfortable putting in danger than his own kid help
what is the point of showing cheryl is interested in buying a tree? other than maybe she’s going to spend more than her mom can afford now??? or that she’s back at archie now that josie is weirded out by her possessive obsessive tendencies? not sure what the point of that was
nice reverse zoom/dolly into a dutch angle on this modest janitor house
the parole officer calls him “jughead” that is all
hermione and hiram being deliberately flirty in front of veronica after she and hermione had that talk about loving one’s partner
“Since when are you a communist *deliberate eyeroll at hiram*” i still can’t tell whether season 1!hermione or season 2!hermione is the act and i’m still RIVETED
okay it was to show she’s just spending a bunch of money to piss off penelope who coincidentally, is wearing a WINNER of an outfit rn damn son i have that but like- not as good cuz my black lace sheath is from target
not to take credit away from cheryl’s high quality cherry sweater
“you should have drowned them at birth like a basket of kittens” NANA ROSE. NANA FUCKIN ROSE. COMIN IN HOT FOR THE HOLIDAYS.
i honestly don’t know if it’s ever stated if nana rose is penelope’s mom or clifford’s but judging purely on penelope’s eyeroll and non-verbal expression of “UGG. MOTHERRRRR” i’mma say her’s.
betty pulls her sweater over her hands when approaching her mother because how often did alice tug roughly at young!betty’s clothes to make sure she was PICTURE PERFECT at all times
we all knew that it was going to be a finger right we all knew
and of course she only tells archie because this is betty cooper we’re talking about
“would the sisters talk to us?” “pft- they better” betty’s gunna beat up a nun
also my first assumption is that the janitor’s sin is pointing out the wrong guy to the lynch mob??? could be wrong but it seems kinda odd that archie isn’t bringing up that part of the story
the lodges have the same “christmas classics” cd as my mom because of course they do
the fact that veronica finds the deed to pop’s and doesn’t react in shock or anger but sits back in her dad’s leather office chair and crosses her legs to think things over is CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
jughead knows fp too well to apologize for thinking badly of him and the duffles and IT HURTS SO GOOD
oh god jughead is calling on the next gen serpents for help this isn’t going to end well, son
“take out penny” take out? TAKE OUT???? TAKE OUT?!?!?! JUGGIE. take a nap.
sweet pea and fangs are either the bestest of bros or engaged to be wedded i can’t decipher their eye communication exactly
the serpents are FACTIONING and this CANNOT end well
next gen serpents are going to fuck everything up and i can’t take jughead trying to do an intimidating under the brows stare seriously
we all think that nun is the drug dealer lady in the wheelchair right?
“the truth” THE LODGE TRUTH. HOOO BOY. *pours another drink*
i just pictured fp’s face if he saw this and did the most ridiculous puppy whine
“oh noooo. no girls allowed” NANA ROSE BLOSSOM. MY MAIN GIRL.
founding families. what did i say.
hefty sigh at barchie kiss. like- i’d be more into this if they actually built it and didn’t keep breaking up and putting everyone back together back and forth
oh cheryl saw- THAT i’m interested in
they’re not going to tell us the lodge truth because they’re bastards
penny didn’t show up for your pickup, did she?” “no.... no she didn’t.” JUGHEAD IS THE PARENT AND FP IS THE KID AND IT IS HORRIBLE AND PERVERSE AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH
“this life you tried to protect me from? i’m proud of it!” *WHALE NOISES* FP’S FACE. FP’S *FACE*. THIS IS THE LOOSE HENRIAD CRIME FAMILY AU I’VE BEEN HURTING FOR.
oh god there’s one black guy in the picture please don’t tell me our sweet angel pop was involved in this how old is pop he’s not old enough right tell me he had no part in this
oh god oh god oh god did sheriff keller shoot bh so he can’t talk oh god oh god oh god
this is too easy and we all know it i’m still pulling my multiple killers theory and i haven’t given up on shady!keller yet
weird sound editing trying to give studio quality to josie and kevin just jammin acapella outside a diner
YASSS JUGHEAD GETS HER A SIGNED FIRST EDITION OF BELOVED WHICH I HAVE BASICALLY BEEN WAITING FOR SINCE BETTY SAID SHE LOVES TONI MORRISON IN EPISODE ONE. well- not exactly this. but that IS one of my alltime favorite books and a huge influence on my own gothic writing so to see it referenced on this show is just GRAND
we all know it’s not over juggie, we all know.
Episode Scorecard:
Number of sick beat drop rhythmic editing moments: none
Episode hair MVP: Nana rose’s stripe was featured as a plot point and is always of the highest quality
Do I still miss Joaquin: yes
Episode outfit MVP: Penelope’s black lace sheath
Cast/Crew shoutout: There were some really solid cinematography moments, but I would have liked to see better editing? pacing was a bit rough.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Sin 1: Lust 1. Who was the last person you checked out? Did they check you out too? Surprise surprise, it’s my girlfriend. Yeah she did - I think I’d start worrying if she didn’t, lmao.
2. Who was the last person you desired, but they didn’t feel the same? Gab, at one point. Other than her, I haven’t desired anybody else; but I was on the ‘didn’t feel the same’ side at least once, back when Mike used to like me.
3. Ever cheated on a significant other? If so, have you learned from it? No, I’ve never cheated.
4. Do you watch porn? Yes. I’d have phases where I’d view it 2-3 times a week, then I’d completely stop for months – kinda like how everyone plays The Sims lol. I don’t know why it works like that for me.
5. Do you masturbate? Sometimes.
6. Best physical features on your preferred sex? I don’t have a preferred sex, and my favored features differ per person.
7. Who are some celebrities that you think are totally hot? Kristen Stewart, if you don’t me already haha. Also Eugene Lee Yang from the Try Guys, Beyoncé, and Jennifer Aniston.
8. Did you ever lust after a best friend’s significant other? How did it turn out? Mmm nope, I never found myself attracted to Hans in any way. The fact that he has always been associated with Angela ever since high school also helps.
9. When was the last time you had sex? Like a week before Christmas, I think.
10. Ever pursued someone, even though they were taken? No, that’s a little awful.
Sin 2: Gluttony 1. When did you last eat at a restaurant? What restaurant was it? Last Monday – Gab and I went to Yabu to catch dinner. We had been entertaining my mom’s guests and their kid all day and thought we couldn’t leave the house cos it’s a bit impolite, but I had such a craving that I ended up asking permission if we can go to Yabu by 8:30 even though the mall closed by 9 lol. I realize I talk about Yabu an awful lot on here so for those who wanna know, it’s this local Japanese place that serves theeeee best katsu.
2. When did you last have fast food? Where did you get it? I don’t actually remember. If I’m not wrong, it was around two or three weeks ago, and we had KFC delivered to our house because we were too lazy to cook or go out. I had the Zinger Steak, which I hope they never phase out because it’s insanely good.
3. What was the biggest meal you had all day? I haven’t eaten yet, and it’s only 10:51 AM. 
4. Do you have too many clothes? How often do you go shopping? I wouldn’t say it’s overwhelmingly many, but I definitely own more clothes than the pieces I’d usually wear, and that’s because I don’t like throwing old stuff out just in case I’d need them in the future (definitely got my great-grandma’s hoarding tendencies). I go shopping once in a few months, which in itself is pretty seldom, but that’s because when I go shopping I usually already buy a shit-ton of new clothes, enough for me to be able to mix and match to come up with new outfits for the next few weeks.
5. What’s something you have a LOT of? Black clothing. I’ve made an effort to get more colored tops, but the blacks still overpower.
6. Do you eat a lot? I’m very takaw-tingin, which is a Filipino term used when you get a crapload of food either because you’re hungry or because you’re confident you can finish it – or both – then you never do. Takaw means greedy or glutton, tingin roughly means sight, so it literally means that you just kinda want to get everything because it looks like a lot. So to answer the question, I always feel like I can eat a lot, but at the end of the day I just end up with stomachaches and I never learn.
7. What was the last thing you splurged (spent a lot of money) on? If a bunch of stuff counts, then I splurged on Christmas presents for various people that I all bought in one go – I got massage oils, a garlic press, a frisbee, Marikina sandals, lipstick, and Instax film. If you’re talking about a single thing that I had to drop a ton of money on, it was for my dog’s blood test and some arthritis meds that the vet recommended.
8. What do you spend most of your money on (besides bills and anything necessary like that)? I only ever spend on necessities like gas, clothes, and food, honestly. Other than that... I spend on (and this is very seldom) whatever hobby I’m into at the moment. At one point I spent on slime because I got interested in them, and before that – and y’all know about this – I spent my Christmas savings on adult coloring books and pencils.
9. Last time you ate candy? What was it? A week or two ago; I had a Crunch bar.
10. Last thing you ate too much of? Eggs, I think. My mom makes it for breakfast so I have it almost every day.
Sin 3: Greed 1. Do you share things? How often? Yeah I can be pretty generous with my stuff. I know I’d appreciate it when other people lend me their belongings, so I try to do the same. I once lent my phone to Rita for over an hour just because she wanted to play Mario Kart, and I also lent a book that’s really important to me to an online friend I barely knew; it was with him for like two years, lol.
2. Someone asks you for a piece of your cookie. You break it in half, but the pieces aren’t equal. Who gets the bigger piece? Usually it would be me; but if the person who asked for it was Gab, or if that particular person likes the cookie I have, then they get the bigger piece.
3. When you see change on the ground, do you pick it up? Only if it’s a 10-peso coin, because I’m greedily picky like that lmao. Other people might need a peso or a 5-peso coin more, so I leave it be.
4. How often do you lend money to people? I don’t, and that’s one thing I wouldn’t tend to lend. My parents just give me allowance and it’s usually enough for necessities and for treating myself once or twice a week, so I wouldn’t be able to have some left for others. Besides, that’s my parents’ money and it would be pretty fuckin’ unfair to them if I just give it away to others lmao.
5. Do you loooove money? I hate what it’s done to society, how it’s divided the rich and the poor, and how the people with the most money also tend to be the most selfish coughcoughBILLIONAIREScoughcough. But I love spending for my own, hah.
6. If someone offers to pay for you, do you decline or readily accept? Oh no no no. Decline all the way. If they keep insisting then I’ll probably give in because it’s the polite thing to do, but if I can, I’ll keep declining.
7. Which of your friends is the wealthiest? Rita. Her grandpa is a former senator and she lives in literally the swankiest neighborhood in Metro Manila; I was a bit intimidated when she invited us to her place for the first time lol. She’s the simplest person I know, too; and that’s my favorite kind of rich.
8. Would you take a high-paying job that you didn’t really like just for the money and benefits? That’s definitely what I plan to do, lmao. At least this is how I know myself now: I have enough money to buy whatever I want, and I’m a happy camper. That may change in a few months or within the next year and I may eventually wanna search for a passion – but for now, it’s the mindset I’m going with when I go job-hunting soon. If I survived four years of college with a very burnt-out, emptied passion for journalism that I thought I had, I could probs do the same in the workplace.
9. Ever stole from anyone? What about stole from a store? What happened? I unknowingly stole a box of crayons from a store back when security equipment wasn’t that rigid yet lmao. I realized I ‘stole’ it because I had it in my hands and not in a paper bag when I walked out, so I immediately went back to pay for it. I’ve never stolen anything from anyone.
10. Do you ever have enough money? I don’t think anyone ever feels this way. Ever heard of billionaires?
Sin 4: Sloth 1. Last thing you procrastinated on? Washing the dishes last night.
2. When you’re at a strip mall and the next store you want to go to is at the other side, do you drive over there instead of take a short walk? It depends how far “the other side” is. <-- Yep pretty much. If it’s literally on the other side of a street, then obviously I’d go walk. But in places like my school which is super big and where ‘other side’ could mean 2 km away, a drive would be more convenient.
3. What’s a typical day off of school and/or work like for you? I’d normally spend the day lazing around on the couch with my dog beside me and lurking around social media.
4. What’s one talent you have that you don’t really work on, even though you have the ability to be good at it? Public speaking, or debating.
5. How many hours of television do you watch a day? I keep Friends as a background noise on Netflix nearly all day because I hate when it gets too quiet around me. As for watching on an actual television, I haven’t used one in years.
6. What about the amount of time you spend on the internet a day? The internet takes up my entire day it’s crazy lol. I kinda need it for everything now.
7. How many hours of sleep do you get a day? Do you sleep in late? It’s always different. I can go anywhere between 3 and 10 hours of sleep. I don’t sleep in often, though.
8. Do you drive to places that are less than three blocks away? I don’t know how big blocks are supposed to be since we don’t use that system here. But yes, I usually drive even though Point A to Point B is very much walkable hahaha. My friends make fun of me a lot for it but I don’t care, at least I don’t get to my destination all sweaty and smelling like the sun.
9. When was the last time you exercised? November, on my last PE class.
10. Ever copied and pasted your homework from a website on the internet? I never did this. My schools always emphasized the consequences of plagiarism so as someone who always stuck by the rules, I always made sure I at least paraphrased the content I see on the internet.
Sin 5: Wrath 1. If you could kill one person and get away with it, would you do it? I know it’s pretty dark to come from such a place, but I’ve always thought death is an easy way out for people who’ve done awful things. I could answer this question with a name of a corrupt politician, rapists, or animal abusers, but tbh they don’t deserve the sweet escape of death, even if it were from murder.
2. Is there anyone you honestly and truly can say that you hate? Anybody who has hurt cats and dogs.
3. Is there anyone you want revenge on, whether you want to get them back big-time or just play a little prank on them for hurting your feelings? Like I said, I’d daydream about getting revenge just to satiate my desire for it, but I think it’s pretty childish and downright cartoonish to actually go through with it. I’ve only ever seen people getting petty revenge in movies, but it seems a bit stupid in real life.
4. Are you fighting with any friends right now? Why? No. The most that’s happened was me kinda scolding Andrew for not letting me know beforehand that he submitted our thesis proposal to our prof through VIBER, which is incredibly unprofessional and I definitely let him know what I thought about it. I didn’t fight with him though.
5. Last time you were really angry? What happened? The aforementioned thesis prof letting me know we’re missing a part of our thesis on the last day for profs to submit their grades. That meant that however early we submitted a revision, she wouldn’t have been able to give it a mark anyway. That definitely pissed me off, especially considering that she was silent for two weeks and didn’t give back any comments which made us think we were good to go.
6. When you’re angry, what do you do to calm yourself down? I watch Friends or any one of my favorite YouTubers so I can have some relief. Other times, I’d force myself to sleep.
7. “Hate is just the fear of loving someone.” true or false? No. That makes no sense to me.
8. What’s the best revenge you ever got on someone? Never done this before.
9. Was there any hard feelings after your last break-up? On whose end was it on? There were definitely hard feelings in the beginning because she executed the breakup so poorly and I thought I didn’t deserve any of the treatment I was getting, and I was also mad that I wasted my time for that long only for her to break up with me in the end.
10. Ever been cheated on? How did that make you feel? No.
Sin 6: Envy 1. Is there anyone you’re jealous of? Name a person and tell us why. Envious is the better word, and I feel this way towards anybody who live with both parents. My dad’s worked overseas all my life, and as grateful as I am for his sacrifices, having a dad at home is more foreign sensation to me than the idea of having a dad who’s gone for 4-6 months a year.
2. List three physical features some other people have that you’re envious of (no need to get specific and name people; you can just say something like “brown eyes” or “having perfect eyebrows”). Straight teeth, fixed eyebrows, legs that don’t need much shaving.
3. List three personality features that other people have that you’re envious of. Confidence, independence... is privilege a personality trait lol?
4. Are you a jealous significant other? I can be. I don’t make a big deal about being jealous as much as I did two or three years ago anymore though.
5. Could you date someone who was really jealous? Gab can be a little jealous but for the most part it’s endearing because it’s never turned into abuse.
6. What celebrity’s looks do you envy the most? Audrey Hepburn.
7. Do you think anyone is envious of you? In your opinion, what characteristics (physical and mental) do you possess that you think someone might be envious of? Being in a long-term relationship, definitely. A lot of people my age want significant others so bad, and I know this because a good chunk of them post the same wish over and over on social media lol.
8. What are a few things you wish you were good at? Drawing, playing an instrument, dancing ballet, changing a car tire, COOKING.
9. Did you ever date someone, break up, and then see them dating someone very attractive a few days later? Were you jealous of that person? This has never happened to me.
10. When looking at a love interest’s exes, do you often find yourself jealous of their good-looking exes? I haven’t had to do this, because I was Gab’s first. I wouldn’t want to fixate on exes if I were in a different situation, though.
Sin 7: Pride 1. What’s something you brag about a lot (be honest–we all brag sometimes)? My school is easy bragging rights. Everybody wants to be in UP.
2. What physical features do you take the most pride in? My body figure in general. Also my fingers, legs, and jawline.
3. Are you satisfied with what you have? Yeah but as the above questions have made it clear, I can always use more money lol.
4. Be honest… when someone is telling you something, do you often change the subject so it’s about you and your accomplishments instead? NEVER. That’s one of the worst things anyone can do. I feel like I used to do this when I was younger, then it just hit me one day about how tasteless it can be so ever since then I’ve let other people hype themselves up and be excited about accomplishments or new things in their life as much as they want with me, as long as they aren’t being so conceited.
5. Do you like talking about your achievements? If I’m in a group and we started sharing our achievements then yeah I’d join in. But I wouldn’t bring it up if it wasn’t already being brought up. It’s better to let the accomplishments speak for themselves.
6. Do your parents tend to brag about how well you came out? My mom is definitely more ~braggier than my dad, but she’s never come off as an asshole about it. If she was, I’d pull her aside.
7. Do you strive to be better than others? Do you think competing with others is healthy? I keep a mindset of competing with others, but I keep it internal.
8. What do you do better than most people? See the little details. I’m always surprised at how most of the people I work with just look at the big picture – like how they don’t pay attention to the red squiggle under misspelled words on a group paper (or if they do see it, they don’t do anything about it), or how they don’t seem to care about proper spacing on a Powerpoint and proceed to just dump a bunch of text on one slide. Now this is something I can brag about too, cos a lot of people are just so not detail-oriented lol.
9. Do you believe in taking pride in things you can’t control (ex. being proud of your heritage, being proud of your skin color, being proud of your natural artistic ability)? I don’t see why that’s an issue.
10. Who are you competing with right now (it could be anything–classmates for a grade, co-workers for a position, other girl for a guy, etc.)? There’s no particular person, but like I said, I’m always in this perpetual mindset of wanting to compete with others just so I’m more motivated to perform well and get things done.
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travelwiide · 4 years
10 SIGNS IT'S A great opportunity TO Leave YOUR Place of employment TO Venture to the far corners of the planet
10 SIGNS IT'S A great opportunity TO Leave YOUR Place of employment TO Venture to the far corners of the planet
We've seen various articles instructing you to leave your place of employment and travel since you're not content with it, or because your manager is sickening and you're hating the organization of your partners, and so on. Be that as it may, we state NO! Try not to leave your place of employment to flee from a person or thing. You ought to stop since you're prepared to construct a Manageable TRAVEL Way of life!
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You can likewise peruse this article Kach composed for Rappler-before leaving your place of employment if it's not too much trouble Manage The entirety of your Duties at home.
1. Got the Cash!
You've been putting something aside for some time now, and you have enough buried to help yourself for at any rate three months without working. You won't need a colossal measure of cash as inns are modest, as are nourishment and lagers, in addition to there are a lot of chances to make your spending stretch further.
2. You've fantasizing about a courageous man/lady
On the off chance that you're searching for an undertaking man, at that point, you need to be that experience lady (and the other way around)! You're not going to discover them sitting in your office work area, or in the shopping center. You'll see them drinking bia hoi in Vietnam, chilling on Koh Phi Island, scuba making a plunge fascinating areas or on a yoga retreat in India. On the off chance that that is the sort of individual, you're searching for, at that point, it most likely implies that is the sort of individual you fantasy about being. You can re-make yourself when you travel, so proceed, who would you like to be?!
3. You've been purchasing those modest flight tickets however couldn't go on account of your remaining task at hand!
In case you're starting to lose check of the measure of modest and 'Peso Arrangements' you've purchased and along these lines squandered because of unexpected work duties, or your supervisor wouldn't give you the downtime, at that point perhaps now is the right time…
4. Your Instagram is brimming with others' movement pictures.
You like each photograph of a cascade, seashore, mountain, market or sanctuary that you see. You've perused such a significant number of various touring web journals that you could design a movement schedule to any nation on the planet without opening a manual!
5. You like to chip in
You've invested such a lot of energy working for cash, yet you don't feel like it's getting you anyplace. Regardless of the amount you work and the amount you procure, there are in every case more bills to pay, all the more new should-have devices to get; it's an interminable cycle. You wind up thinking about, 'What might it be want to work since I need to, not for cash, yet for the happiness and fulfillment of realizing I'm adding to something beneficial?'
6. You've found out about Couchsurfing, and it sounds magnificent!
You can't consider much else stunning than arriving in another nation or city and dozing on the couch of somebody you've never met. You can now additionally join a network of for the most part Filipino explorers on Facebook if you need to be propelled by various travel stories or possibly just to search for a movement mate!
7. You're a daring person and prepared to go all alone.
You're sick of simple. You're exhausted of that day again and again. You need to feel out of your profundity in a circumstance that challenges you, perhaps frightens you a bit. Solo travel gives you precisely that. Even though, in actuality, you'll never truly be on your own when you're going as you meet individuals any place you go; in inns; on transports; even simply strolling around. Being distant from everyone else is something you figure out how to be alright with and a decision you make.
8. You ache for new and extraordinary nourishment
You've eaten at for all intents and purposes each eatery around. There's not a solitary Indian, Chinese, Thai or Vietnamese diner where you haven't destroyed the menu. You know there's just a single method to discover more nourishment – travel!
9. You're anxious to learn new abilities
Clinical research has discovered that constant learning for the duration of our lives is amazingly advantageous to our psychological prosperity, helping us to like ourselves and our general surroundings and boosting our confidence. The entirety of this causes us to keep up an inspirational mentality towards life. If you have a feeling that you haven't picked up anything new in quite a while, or regardless of whether you haven't got the hang of anything new in the previous week, at that point possibly now is the right time.
10. Your life feels vacant and exhausting you need another experience!
Alright, so you've quite recently got an incredible advancement, you have advantages, you love your associates and have a strong chief. You ought to be upbeat, you have all that you need, isn't that right? On the off chance that you do, at that point that is extraordinary, I'm glad for you. Then again, on the off chance that you have each one of those things you despite everything return home by the day's end feeling unfilled, at that point perhaps now is the ideal time. On the off chance that you feel like at any rate one of these is you, at that point perhaps it's an ideal opportunity to leave your place of employment to travel! So recollect, if you choose to relinquish your position to travel, ensure it's for the correct reasons, or at any rate, for positive reasons!
source https://www.travelwiide.com/2020/04/10-signs-its-great-opportunity-to-leave.html
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minksthings-blog · 5 years
The Past in Present Tense
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By: Joyce Mangulabnan
She’s running and running in an empty space like there’s no end. She wants to stop due to exhaustion but she couldn’t. She’s running out of breath, visions are getting blurry, tears streaming down her face. She’s about to give up when —
The sound of her alarm clock waking her up. She rises in instant, chasing her breath, trying to calm her racing heart.
“It’s just a nightmare”, convincing herself and chooses to ignore it.
It’s her first day as the CEO of Lee Hotel and Restaurant, their business. Excitingly, she jumps out of bed, rushing to her bathroom.
She starts pulling her hair tie, and her long, silky, brown hair begin to fall.
“Look at those chinky eyes, that pointed nose, kissable lips, poreless skin and peachy cheeks. Who can even resist?” she’s tracing her face with her finger down to the strap on her shoulder to undress.
Her satin night wear’s sliding through her soft, and fair skin. As the dress reaches the floor, she starts showering.
It takes her a decade to finish, that’s overreacting but that’s how pretentious Madison Lee is.
She runs downstairs the moment she’s done preparing.
Mr. Lee greets her and she answer uninterestingly.
“Sorry, I won’t be able to come. I and your Tita Lea have a flight to Singapore today.”
Lea Briguela is her stepmother. Madison hates her so much eversince. Don’t get her wrong, she wanted a mother when she was a kid. Her father was busy with his work and her mom? No one knows, she just disappeared when Madison was 5 years old.
But Lea Briguela? Really? A big no. That filthy, gold-digger witch.
Speaking of the devil, there she is, walking towards the table. She greets her husband and approaches Madison, “Madison, you look sick. You’re getting fat, you should maintain your diet. That’s not good, hija. You’ll get ugly.”
“You know, you’re overreacting. If fitness is the basis of beauty, then I must say..” pauses to stare at Lea from head to toe, “then you’re not pretty at all.”
At the building, Former CEO, Mr welcomes her, and introduces her to the staffs. After which, she escorts her to her office.
Upon looking around the room, what catches her attention is her name plate on the table.
“One step closer, and this business will be mine.” she says while grinning.
The day is going smooth, this is what she likes, no interruptions. A notification pops up on her computer. A highschool reunion asking for her longing.
The ringtone shocks her whole being, it’s her bestfriend calling.
“No. I won’t come.” she answers before Scarlet could even utter a word.
“Why aren’t you coming? Let’s go!” Scarlet convincing her.
“No.”she’s about to hang up when Scarlet says, “Remember Abby? The who bullied you? I’ve heard she’ll come.”
“Alright, I’ll come.”
Saturday came, it’s their reunion. She’s observing her former classmates, some are successful as her, some already have a family and some are still the same.
The emcee is giving credits to the people who made it possible.
Upon introducing, everyone is cheering. Especially for George Abueva, Scarlet’s third cousin. The heartthrob during their highschool years. His swift moves, his scent, his well-structured face, his sense of humor, and his mouth-watering toned muscles. Who would’ve not fall for him?
He is very popular for he owns a dance conservatory in which he is the instructor. Sadly, because it’s against his family’s will, he’s the sustaining it. His place is currently in-debt and needs to work on it within three months, or it will be served as the payment.
Madison can still remember how George defended her from bullies. Cause as a child— she was not as pretty and fit as today.
While at work, a knock breaks the silence.
“Dad, what a surprise. What brings you here?”.
“I just have something to discuss with you. I’m getting old, Hija. I need to rest. You know you’re the heiress of this business, but before you become it, I have conditions first.”
“Conditions? What are those?”
“Actually, I only have one. Since I’m getting old, I want to witness you having a family. I will only give you this business and my other properties once you get married.”
“What?! Marriage?! Family?! I’m not even looking forward to it, Dad!”
“That’s my final decision, Hija. Failure to do it, i’ll pass it to someone else.”
Emotions and thoughts are running through her mind, she can’t even concentrate at work. What does she do for her father to ask something this fragile?
On the other hand, George is looking for someone to lend him 10million pesos, for the debt and for reconstruction of his conservatory. He’s roaming around lending firms and banks but he couldn’t find any that would lend him that much money. He’s trying to get help from his family but their doors are closed, and whoever opens it for him, will get a consequence. That’s why no one dares to do so— even Scarlet.
Scarlet, a relative of two problematic people, comes up a with an idea. Madison and George can help eachother, wherein they’ll both benefit.
An idea where Madison can lend George money and in condition, they will fake a marriage.
“So that’s it, that’s a good idea, no?” Scarlet asks them both.
“No!” they refuse in chorus.
“That’s the only thing you could do. George, even I’m your cousin and I have money, I cannot lend you. Madison, you’re single. It’s impossible for you to get married within the year. So it’s up to you if you’ll accept this idea.” Scarlet explains.
George can’t help but to agree, the idea really will benefit them both. Madison still chooses to disagree.
It’s Madison’s first month at work. Lea approaches her.
“I’ve heard about your father’s proposal. Seems like the “heiress” will not experience her crown.” Lea mocks.
“And who do you think will inherit my father’s properties? You? I won’t let that happen.”
“Let’s see how far you’ll go, daughter.”
She goes to her room, thinking of how to solve this problem. She dials the number of Scarlet and tells her what happened. Scarlet then pushes her to accept the idea. She finally agrees to it, and so George.
On the day of meeting, George and Madison’s talking about the plan and agreed conditions.
“Rule no. 7: Don’t fall inlove.” Scarlet reading their printed documents, “Well, let’s see if you both can do it.” She continues.
Night comes, a doorbell gets their attention. A sign that Geogre has arrived. Madison introduces him to Mr. Lee, and a shock draws to Lea’s face. They eat together, and she announces that they’ll get married in a month.
Night ends with a glass of champagne, it is indeed a success for them.
For the next weeks, they agree to look after their “wedding”. They will only have a civil wedding.
Weeks have passed already and the everything is now settled. Today’s the wedding day, their families are present, they are actually cool with eachother as if this is not the first time they meet. Weird.
The event starts, they are both nervous. Who could even calm when they are marrying the person they don’t really love?
The ceremony is done, they can’t believe it. They choose to have a private reception because they know they’ll be divorced soon.
At the reception, Mr. Lee approaches them.
“I want you to live at our house for a month. Before you settle on your own.”
A month? Together? In one roof? That can’t be!
“No, dad. We’ll just be a nuisance to you. Right?” Madison widens her eyes, telling George to agree with her.
“Ah, yes Tito. Ofc—
He did not finish his sentence when his father came.
“Compadre, what is this all about?”
Mr. Lee then explains what happened.
“Why wouldn’t you? That’s a good idea, it’s for George to be closer to your family.”
They ended agreeing.
It’s about bedtime and they don’t know what to do. They can’t be in separate bedrooms because they are “couples” and they don’t want to draw confusion to the family.
They agree that George sleeps on the couch and Madison on the bed. It works, and do it every night.
Today is their 1st week as husband and wife. They are preparing for work, George will accompany her to work, prepares her breakfast. They have to act like a sweet couple.
They mostly spend the day at work and be together at night and morning, that’s why it’s not hard.
One night, Madison angrily approaches George.
“George! Where did you go? Yaya Marie told me you were out with another girl! What are you thinking?!” she exclaims.
“Chill, what’s with your reaction? Jealous?” He giggles.
“I am not, what if someone saw you?! They will think that you’re cheating or this whole thing was a fake!”
“I’m with Scarlet’s sister, stop shouting. You’re cute when you’re jealous.” He mocks.
“I said I am not!”
“Whatever, Mrs. Abueva.” He then winks at her.
She rolls her eyes, then went to sleep.
Sun rises at Sunday, it’s their dayoff. They will have a family gathering at the Abueva’s.
They do their routine, George prepares food, while Madison is making herself ready. They eat together with Mr. Lee.
“You guys really look good together.” Her father while staring at them.
Madison’s heart beats faster and her cheeks turned red. Hay, this whole thing is tiring.
After an hour, they are ready to leave. They arrived just in time for dinner. They share meals and talk about stuff. Mr. Lee opens the topic about passing their business in Madison’s care. That he is going to give it after a month living with them.
Her face lightens up, she’s happy for she’ll be able to have the properties and be able to pay George— at the same time, sadness suddenly hit her heart.
Madison hears her father and Mr. Abueva talking at the garden.
“These kids are really good at acting.” Together with Mr. Abueva, they laughed.
She can’t help but to eavesdrop. She grabs George for them to listen.
“The plan is working, these kids are still indenial. They think we’ll fall for their traps.”
“I thought it will be hard for them to be together, turns out it’s their own will. Thanks for the idea, Compadre!”
Madison can’t help it anymore, she gets out from where she’s hiding.
“What is this all about?!” Madison asks furiously.
“What’s with the fuss, Darling? We’re just catching up.”
“I heard everything, what plans and traps are you talking about?!”
“Alright, I’ll tell you. We know that you’re faking this whole thing up.” Her father says calmly.
“What?” she asks nervously.
“We know you did it for eachother’s benefit. To be able to fulfill my conditions and to help George to pay his debt. We set this whole thing up, I and his dad were business partners eversince you were kids. You used to play together, sleep in eachother’s house. Until your mom left us. We moved far from them.” Mr. Lee explains.
They are shocked.
“You two went to the same highschool but Madison became a shy, quiet and anti-social teenager back then. George used to tell me how he rescues you from the bullies, and you do the same to your dad. We were glad to know that you still have the connection but it seemed like you can’t remember your childhood years because 10 years had passed.” Mr. Abueva continues.
“Remember the day you went home crying and George walked you home? That’s when I and his father made a decision that 10yrs from then, and if we’re still business partners. It’s either you fall for each other or we’ll do a fix marriage.” Mr. Lee says, reminiscing the past.
“I can’t understand. We come up to this without us telling you. This was our decision.” Madison asks in confusion.
Mr. Abueva laughs, “It’s not true that I don’t want to support George for his chosen career, I just need him to be helpless and seek for your help.”
“Since I know, you’re single at the age of 25, it happens that I have to make a decision for you to be together. That’s why we talked to Scarlet and told her to convince you to help eachother.” Mr. Lee says.
“So Scarlet knows about this?” Madison and George in chorus.
“Yes, she has nothing to do with this. We forced her, and she knows your story too. When you graduated highschool, you went to America for college and told me you are done with the bullies and you will forget everything that happened here— including George. America did poisoned your mind, and you became the woman you are today.” Explains Mr. Lee.
“George is still in-denial, he has feelings for you eversince. He don’t want to admit but you were his first heart break. He pursue on becoming a businessman too but he focused on dancing to forget you—
George cut his fathers sentence.
“The day I saw you in the reunion, my heart pounded. I waited for that moment, I waited for you. 10 years had passed and I thought I forgot about you and it’s not easy.”
Madison is crying, don’t know what to feel. She knows she grew feelings for him when they were faking it, and now she knows that it’s not about today but about the past.
“You were my knight in shining armour, I was busy forgetting the past and building up a whole new life. The truth is, we can’t change everything, especially the love we had for eachother.” Madison says with a shaking voice.
They are just in denial for the past years, and now is the time that they make it clear. They exhange hugs, for they miss eachother.
Their fathers leave for them to talk.
“Will you be Mrs. Abueva for real?” George asks.
Madison nods.
“Lend me 10million first.” He jokes, he hugs her tight, expressing his love.
Afterall, they are eachother’s first true love.
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