#and not everybody has that. or the language available to them. or any number of things in a support system.
knifearo · 4 months
I've been enjoying all your posts lately, especially all the community engagement. It makes me think about posting more personal aroace content instead of just reblogging.
I'm full of feelings but not sure what I really have to contribute to the conversation. Aro-identified people skew young and I feel like nobody's going to care what a middle aged aroace has to say but now I'm like hang on, maybe all aro content is good content, I don't know, I'm thinking about it.
i am absolutely of the opinion that all aro content is good content! especially because a lot of us skew young, i think it's so important to have (first of all just aro content in General. there's always a lack of that. but especially) aro content from people who don't usually have their perspectives talked about. if you've got nothing to contribute to the conversation that's fine :) more than half the time i do not either, i just make a silly happy little lah di dah i love aromanticism post and chit chat with all the little aromantic people who live on my laptop. if you're aromantic and you're engaging with the community then everybody should be more than happy to have you there :) just like you said. all aro content is good content. your opinion is valuable and your presence is treasured <2
#if people can post about their jakey 24/7 (vom) then we can absolutely talk about being aro without anything Special To Contribute haha#you're right though we skew super young...#has to be a lot of people your age who are here and just not talking though. has to be.#i am still very young at 20 obvi but i was online in aro/ace spaces at the end of my middle school career#and if there were people there seven years ago who were doing the stuff that i'm doing now and Any of them were like. grownups already lmao#seven years later there must be people out there who are not super young. rally in the replies. send in asks :)#it's hard cause our community got so fucked up around 2016... i wonder if a lot of the people who aren't like. Teenagers.#were online at that time and just never found their way back into the better community spaces that we're working on building nowadays#anyway. extremely silly cause like i said i'm 20. and when i post ab aro stuff it Is with like! life experience!#but my aro credentials are just from having come out suuuuuuper super early. a significant number of years of aromanticism under my belt.#but that's cause i was in a space that allowed me to be confident about a choice that i made at thirteen about who i knew i was#and not everybody has that. or the language available to them. or any number of things in a support system.#anyway my point here was going to be that i have valuable stuff to add in terms of having spent a lot of time thinking about being aro#and going through my formative years very consciously Being Aro and building worldviews that way#but i think it's super important to hear from people who have more actual life experience to share. more time spent on earth.#cause i can talk all i want about theory and about the life i plan to live and about all this stuff haha#but if you've got stuff to share about your experience being aro in your adulthood. i think that's plenty relevant.#anyway. um. hope this helped. would love to hear more from you. make those posts. stop by the ask box any time :)#aro community foreverrrrrrrrr <2#LONG ass tags jesus christ bracken 😭#talking#ask
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sheliesshattered · 11 months
Sylki fic: When She Sings She Sings Come Home
Loki/Sylvie, 3200 words. Post s02e06 fix-it, angst with a happy ending. Also available on AO3 under the same title and username.
When She Sings She Sings Come Home
Sylvie wakes with Loki’s voice in her ears.
It’s been months since she last saw him, striding out to the Loom to save the timelines. Winter has come and gone, here in this little corner of a branch that she’s made her home. Every day that’s passed, she’s half expected to turn around and see him standing there, like that night he appeared in the parking lot next to her truck. But for months, there’s been nothing but the absence of him, growing larger and more crystalline every day.
She wakes with his voice in her ears, singing that ridiculous song from the train on Lamentis.
To Sylvie, everybody! he’d said, grinning at her, not drunk only too full. She would give anything to see him smile like that again. She would give anything to see him again.
And it isn’t that she hasn’t looked. Of course she had. She’d barely gotten through a single shift at McDonald’s after leaving Mobius standing outside his variant’s house before she’d used He Who Remain’s TemPad to try to find Loki.
He wasn’t dead. She knows he isn’t dead. But he also isn’t anywhere. There are an infinite number of branches now, layers of reality twisting around each other into something larger, a shape she can almost see, almost recognize. But Loki isn’t on any of them. No matter where she searches, he remains just outside her grasp.
Sylvie goes to work, she drives her truck home, she listens to music at the record store, she checks in on Mobius, she tries to sleep. But everywhere is marked by Loki’s absence, and every moment is overlaid with the sound of him singing.
She can’t find Loki, but that song is a thread she can pull at. Where did he learn it? The words were almost Asgardian, but not quite. Something similar, a branch of the original. A variant. Because of course it was.
It’s not until she thinks to quietly spy on the New Asgard settlement in Norway, forty years on from her quiet life in Oklahoma, that she hears the language again. Norwegian.
Remember this place, she hears Odin say, in a memory that is not hers, rippling through the interwoven timelines because it is what she needs in this moment. Home.
She turns her back on New Asgard, on the man who is almost but not quite her brother, on the Valkyrie who will come to lead their people like the hero out of a saga that Sylvie had once wished she could become. She turns her back, and walks into this strange, beautiful land. Norway. One tiny place on one tiny planet in one insignificant branch of the ever-growing tree of time, where the syllables are shaped into words that resonate with Loki’s voice from so long ago.
Sylvie wanders into pubs, into taverns, into bars, into concerts. She hums the few notes that never leave her head, and hopes to find someone who knows the song.
Until, miraculously, one day, she does.
“It’s an old drinking song,” the bearded man at the bar tells her, gesturing with his beer. “It’s about taking the long way home, but knowing you’ll get there in the end.”
“Can you teach it to me?” Sylvie asks, unblinking, gaze trained on the stranger’s face.
“For that, I will need a lot more beer.”
So she buys him beers. She coaxes the song out of him. She buys rounds for the whole bar, until they are all singing it. They teach her the words in Norwegian, teach her to shape the vowels as carefully as any incantation, and then teach her the meaning behind the words.
In storm-black mountains, I wander alone
Over the glacier I make my way
In the apple garden stands the maiden fair
and sings, “When will you come home?”
“You, I think,” her drunk bearded acquaintance says to her, “you are the maiden fair.”
“And what if I am?” Sylvie asks, raising her chin, still dead-sober despite the bourbon clutched in her hand.
“Then you must sing for him to come home!”
“From an apple orchard, if you can manage it,” leers his friend next to him.
“Will it work?” she hears herself say.
“Of course it will work! Music is magic. Galdr, they used to call it, in the old religion. The power of your voice to shape reality.” The man is drunk, but his words tug at something in Sylvie’s memory, long buried. “Sing, and he will come home.”
“As simple as that?”
The bearded man laughs uproariously. “When has love ever been simple?” he demands jovially. “When has magic ever been easy? But that does not mean it is not worth trying. There is beauty in the trying. There is love in the longing.” He’s slurring his words, barely managing to stay atop his barstool.
But he’s not wrong.
I know what kind of god I need to be, Loki had said, tears shining in his eyes. For you. For all of us.
But Sylvie is a god, too, she reminds herself, as she tosses back her bourbon and turns her back on the little Norwegian town, with the northern lights rippling over head. She’s not the goddess of chaos anymore, and she hasn’t felt mischievous since she was a child.
But the goddess of galdr, yes, that perhaps is something she could be.
She returns to her little Oklahoma town, cloud cover obliterating the stars, and drives her truck to the record store. There’s only one song she wants to hear, only one voice to sing it, but music has been her comfort since she came to this place, and she cannot simply become the goddess of music-turned-into-magic because she wishes it to be so. Music has been her shield, her cocoon, her comfort these long lonely months. Now she must learn to form it into other shapes, into weapons and tools. Into a lighthouse, shining out into the vast dark of the multiverse.
She taught herself enchantment, while running for her life from one apocalypse to the next. She can teach herself galdr in this quiet little record shop in this quiet little town.
Sylvie slides the headphones into place, and lets the music move through her.
Oh, sweet nothin'
She ain't got nothin' at all
Oh, sweet nothin'
She ain't got nothin' at all
But what if she had something? What if she had the one person who would make all of this worth it?
I know what kind of god I need to be, she tells herself. For you, Loki.
She murmurs the words along with the music, infusing them with intent, with magic.
And for one fraction of an instant, she can see him.
He’s alone, on the throne he never wanted, surrounded by the threads of the multiverse, pulsing green as they grow and twist. There is nothing, nothing else, only Loki alone in that vast emptiness, in that expanse of everything that ever was or ever could be.
His eyes are dull, unfocused, far away. And then— a flicker of recognition, a spark of life—
Sylvie loses the connection.
She’s alone on the sofa in the back of the record shop, with Lou Reed singing in her ears.
He ain’t got nothing at all
She drives home. She tries to sleep. She keeps hearing Loki’s voice, keeps seeing him alone in that emptiness. She murmurs into the darkness— not quite a song, not quite a spell—
But trees dance and waterfalls stop
When she sings, she sings “come home”
There is a shape to the enormity of what Loki has done. There is an order to the way the branches of the multiverse wrap around each other. It is just outside her grasp, but Sylvie feels that if she could just see the shape of it, she might understand.
She might be able to reach him.
In storm-black mountains, I wander alone she whispers to the emptiness of her tiny apartment, in this tiny town, in this little branch of a timeline, one miniscule part of a greater whole, and falls asleep dreaming of trees dancing, of waterfalls stopping, of Loki taking her outside the flow of time to tell her that there was no other way to keep her safe.
Sylvie wakes with her own voice in her ears.
The song is coursing through her, jeg saler min ganger, and she can feel the magic at her fingertips, on the tip of her tongue, pushing at the insides of her ribs, swelling her lungs and begging to be released.
I know what kind of god I need to be.
She gets into her truck and drives. North and east, away from everything she knows, vaguely towards those northern lights dancing over the fjords, too far away to reach on roads such as these.
But once upon a time, when she was very young, there was another road. A rainbow road, the Bifrost, that could take her anywhere just like magic.
Every bit of magic she has now she has taught herself. And this, too, this song swelling in her chest, is magic of her own making.
There is beauty in the trying. There is love in the longing.
She drives past fields of wheat and fields of corn, through days and nights, with the glare of the sun or the pattering of the rain against the windshield. Sylvie drives and drives and drives, and keeps the song tucked away inside her, growing in fury like a hurricane in a bottle, like the storm that had raged outside the night they met.
She drives until the scent of apples wafts through the open windows of the truck, and then she pulls over, knowing this was her destination all along.
Iðunn, a childhood memory whispers, too long ago now to have any meaning at all. The apples of eternity.
Home she thinks, and then hears, from a memory not her own:
Asgard’s not a place, it’s a people.
This could be Asgard. Asgard is where our people stand.
Her brother’s voice. The voice of the man who had once raised her as his daughter. The family she lost and can never regain, no matter what shape the multiverse twists itself into. Words reaching across time, across branching timelines, to reach her here and now, because it is what she needs to hear.
Sylvie climbs out of her truck and walks into the apple orchard and doesn’t look back.
She walks until she can no longer see the road from between the trunks and branches. She walks until there is nothing but the smell of apples, the soil under foot, and the sky over head. She walks until the song finally bursts out of her, all of her desperation and loneliness flooding out of her lungs to shake the very air around her, in the shape of words that are his but also hers, now.
But trees dance and waterfalls stop
When she sings, she sings “come home”
In storm-black mountains, I wander alone
Over the glacier I make my way
In the apple garden stands the maiden fair
and sings, “When will you come home?”
But trees dance and waterfalls stop
When she sings, she sings “come home”
When she sings, she sings “come home”
When she sings, she sings “come home”
When she sings, she sings “come home!”
And then he is there, standing beside her in the sunshine and the scent of the apple orchard. Loki glances around at the trees dancing in the wind, his eyes bright, before his gaze snaps to hers.
“You’re here,” Sylvie croaks, her voice burned through with the force of the magic that poured out of her, the magic that’s brought Loki to her.
“No, not really,” he says, his eyes never still as they trace over her face. “I’m still there too. I’m sort of everywhere, really. It’s hard to explain.”
“Help me to understand,” she says before the words even have the chance to fade away. “You said you knew what kind of god you needed to be. You saved us, you saved everything, and then you disappeared. Make me understand.”
“I can’t, Sylvie,” Loki says gently, and there is a sorrow in his eyes deeper than oceans, more boundless than the vastness of space. “It’s been centuries for me. Lifetimes. I wouldn’t know where to start.”
Enchant me, he had begged her once, standing in the McDonald’s parking lot in his ridiculous TVA uniform. You can see what I saw.
“You don’t have to say anything,” she tells him, raising her hands slowly towards his face, green magic flickering between her fingers. “Just let me see what you saw.”
“Sylvie,” he starts, and there are tears in his eyes again, like there were in that last moment before he turned his back on her to destroy the Loom.
“We’re the same, remember?” she says, and if her voice cracks it is only because of the abuse it’s suffered, only because of the magic that poured out through her vocal chords to shape reality to her desires. “You shouldn’t have to bear this burden alone, Loki,” she tells him, with as much tenderness as she can force into her ruined voice. “Let me understand.”
“It was the only way,” he says, as if in warning, but Sylvie cups his face in her hands before the tears can fall from his eyes.
Centuries. Lifetimes. The same day, over and over again. Reality unspooling, starting with Victor Timely and ending with her, again and again. Their fight in the Citadel at the end of time, relived hundreds of times, always with the same ending. Always the death of He Who Remains, and the unraveling of everything, failure after failure after failure.
And yet in all of them, she does not kiss him. And he cannot bring himself to kill her. Until only one choice remains.
I know what kind of god I need to be. For you.
Sylvie watches in Loki’s memory as the temporal radiation burns away his TVA uniform, as his magic replaces it with something older, something primal, something true. She watches as he grasps the decaying branches of the multiverse and breathes life into them, wills them to live, to be whole and part of a whole.
She watches as the branches twist around each other, each variation of the timeline finding support in its neighbors, building into something greater than the sum of every moment of every timeline that has ever existed.
She sees the shape of what Loki has done, the enormous, infinite tree dancing in the nothingness outside of time. Yggdrasil, the worldstree, green and glowing, alive and growing, all because Loki willed it so. To restore freewill and safeguard it forever. For all of us.
His hands cover hers and Loki gently pries her fingers away from his face. “Enough, Sylvie. Enough. I know what I’ve done.”
There are tears on her face, the apple-scented wind plucking at the wetness as she stands there, staring at Loki. Even without the enchantment, she can see him sitting on his throne, alone but for the infinite tree he tends.
“It was the only way?” she asks in the ruins of her voice. It is only when he folds his hands around hers that she realizes she is shaking, trembling like a leaf in the wind. Not like dancing. Like shattering, collapsing in on herself with the weight of what he’s done.
“No,” Loki admits. “There was one other way. I could have left He Who Remains in charge. I could have let the TVA go back to pruning the timelines. But I would have had to kill you. I would have had to kill you with my own hands, and watch as you died, and then betray everything you ever believed in. I lived every variation of every action I could possibly change, but not that one. Not that.”
“You don’t even know me,” Sylvie blurts out before the words have fully formed in her mind. All of this, to save her? She cannot, she cannot—
Loki’s expressive face twists, stung by her words, hurt in this moment even beyond the deep sorrow that he wears like a cloak. “Of course I know you,” he says, wounded, his gaze searching her face. “Like I’ve never known anyone. Sylvie, I lov—”
She surges up onto her toes and kisses him, there among the apple trees. She kisses him for what he’s done, for what he refused to do. She kisses him for the loneliness they have both known far too much of, she kisses him for coming when she sang for him to come home. She kisses him because there is nothing else she can do, because there was never any other way for her, either.
And Loki kisses her in return, with a desperation borne of years, centuries, lifetimes of facing this alone. He kisses her in the apple garden, as the trees dance and the waterfalls stand still. He is there, kissing her, but also somewhere else, far away and outside time, tending to the tree that he gave his life to save.
“I can’t stay,” he says when they finally part, pressing his forehead to hers, his hands cupping her jaw in an echo of how she had enchanted him moments before. “I want to stay, more than anything, Sylvie, but I can’t, I can’t.”
“I know,” she assures him, even as she clutches at his robes for fear he will disappear at any moment. “I know you can’t stay here with me,” she says, then takes a deep breath to steady her ragged voice, her thundering heart. “But you don’t have to be alone.”
Loki pulls away abruptly, only far enough to see her face, confusion pinching his features.
“We’re gods, you said,” Sylvie explains, tripping over her words, her voice trembling with the weight of what she has already done, the weight of what she plans to do. “We have a responsibility. That’s what you told me, in that ridiculous room full of pie. We can’t just give everyone freewill and then walk away.” She offers him a small smile, the best she can summon at the current moment. “You have to sustain Yggdrasil. But you don’t have to do it alone.”
“I did this for you,” he says, holding on to her as desperately as she is clutching at him. “So you could have a life. That’s what you said you wanted, to live.”
“It’s freewill, Loki,” she says, shaking her head. “You can’t just give it to everyone and then be surprised when I use it to choose to be with you. I know what kind of god I need to be. You taught me that. I won’t let you bear this burden alone. That’s the kind of god I choose to be.”
“I can’t let you sacrifice yourself for me—”
“The only sacrifice would be giving you up.”
He gazes at her for a long moment, his uncertainty slowly transforming, then sings softly, “I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene,” and this time Sylvie understands the words. “Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem. I eplehagen står møyen den vene, og synger: ‘når kommer du hjem?’”
The apple orchard dissolves around them, replaced by the rippling greens and blues and purples of Yggdrasil, shimmering in the darkness outside of time.
“Home,” Sylvie says, and kisses him again.
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andymakesgames · 5 months
Balatro-Inspired Spinning Card Tweetcart Breakdown
I recently made a tweetcart of a spinning playing card inspired by finally playing Balatro, the poker roguelike everybody is talking about.
If you don't know what a tweetcart is, it's a type of size-coding where people write programs for the Pico-8 fantasy console where the source code is 280 characters of less, the length of a tweet.
I'm actually not on twitter any more, but I still like 280 characters as a limitation. I posted it on my mastodon and my tumblr.
Here's the tweetcart I'm writing about today:
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And here is the full 279 byte source code for this animation:
a=abs::_::cls()e=t()for r=0,46do for p=0,1,.025do j=sin(e)*20k=cos(e)*5f=1-p h=a(17-p*34)v=a(23-r)c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6u=(r-1)/80z=a(p-.2)if(e%1<.5)c=a(r-5)<5and z<u+.03and(r==5or z>u)and 8or 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2 g=r+39pset((64+j)*p+(64-j)*f,(g+k)*p+(g-k)*f,c)end end flip()goto _
This post is available with much nicer formatting on the EMMA blog. You can read it here.
You can copy/paste that code into a blank Pico-8 file to try it yourself. I wrote it on Pico-8 version 0.2.6b.
I'm very pleased with this cart! From a strictly technical perspective I think it's my favorite that I've ever made. There is quite a bit going on to make the fake 3D as well as the design on the front and back of the card. In this post I'll be making the source code more readable as well as explaining some tools that are useful if you are making your own tweetcarts or just want some tricks for game dev and algorithmic art.
Expanding the Code
Tweetcarts tend to look completely impenetrable, but they are often less complex than they seem. The first thing to do when breaking down a tweetcart (which I highly recommend doing!) is to just add carriage returns after each command.
Removing these line breaks is a classic tweetcart method to save characters. Lua, the language used in Pico-8, often does not need a new line if a command does not end in a letter, so we can just remove them. Great for saving space, bad for readability. Here's that same code with some line breaks, spaces and indentation added:
a=abs ::_:: cls() e=t() for r=0,46 do for p=0,1,.025 do j=sin(e)*20 k=cos(e)*5 f=1-p h=a(17-p*34) v=a(23-r) c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6 u=(r-1)/80 z=a(p-.2) if(e%1<.5) c= a(r-5) < 5 and z < u+.03 and (r==5 or z>u) and 8 or 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2 g=r+39 pset((64+j)*p+(64-j)*f,(g+k)*p+(g-k)*f,c) end end flip()goto _
Note: the card is 40 pixels wide and 46 pixels tall. Those number will come up a lot. As will 20 (half of 40) and 23 (half of 46).
Full Code with Variables and Comments
Finally, before I get into what each section is doing, here is an annotated version of the same code. In this code, variables have real names and I added comments:
[editor's note. this one came out terribly on tumblr. Please read the post on my other blog to see it]
This may be all you need to get a sense of how I made this animation, but the rest of this post will be looking at how each section of the code contributes to the final effect. Part of why I wanted to write this post is because I was happy with how many different tools I managed to use in such a small space.
flip() goto_
This pattern shows up in nearly every tweetcart:
::_:: MOST OF THE CODE flip()goto _
This has been written about in Pixienop's Tweetcart Basics which I highly recommend for anybody curious about the medium! The quick version is that using goto is shorter than declaring the full draw function that Pico-8 carts usually use.
Two Spinning Points
The card is drawn in rows starting from the top and going to the bottom. Each of these lines is defined by two points that move around a center point in an elliptical orbit.
The center of the top of the card is x=64 (dead center) and y=39 (a sort of arbitrary number that looked nice).
Then I get the distance away from that center that my two points will be using trigonometry.
x_dist = sin(time)*20 y_dist = cos(time)*5
Here are those points:
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P1 adds x_dist and y_dist to the center point and P2 subtracts those same values.
Those are just the points for the very top row. The outer for loop is the vertical rows. The center x position will be the same each time, but the y position increases with each row like this: y_pos = row+39
Here's how it looks when I draw every 3rd row going down:
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It is worth noting that Pico-8 handles sin() and cos() differently than most languages. Usually the input values for these functions are in radians (0 to two pi), but in Pico-8 it goes from 0 to 1. More info on that here. It takes a little getting used to but it is actually very handy. More info in a minute on why I like values between 0 and 1.
In the shorter code, e is my time variable. I tend to use e for this. In my mind it stands for "elapsed time". In Pico-8 time() returns the current elapsed time in seconds. However, there is a shorter version, t(), which obviously is better for tweetcarts. But because I use the time value a lot, even the 3 characters for t() is often too much, so I store it in the single-letter variable e.
Because it is being used in sine and cosine for this tweetcart, every time e reaches 1, we've reached the end of a cycle. I would have liked to use t()/2 to slow this cart down to be a 2 second animation, but after a lot of fiddling I wound up being one character short. So it goes.
e is used in several places in the code, both to control the angle of the points and to determine which side of the card is facing the camera.
Here you can see how the sine value of e controls the rotation and how we go from showing the front of the card to showing the back when e%1 crosses the threshold of 0.5.
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Drawing and Distorting the Lines
Near the top and bottom of the loop we'll find the code that determines the shape of the card and draws the horizontal lines that make up the card. Here is the loop for drawing a single individual line using the code with expanded variable names:
for prc = 0,1,.025 do x_dist = sin(time)*20 y_dist = cos(time)*5 ... y_pos = row+39 pset( (64+x_dist)*prc + (64-x_dist)*(1-prc), (y_pos+y_dist)*prc + (y_pos-y_dist)*(1-prc), color) end
You might notice that I don't use Pico-8's line function! That's because each line is drawn pixel by pixel.
This tweetcart simulates a 3D object by treating each vertical row of the card as a line of pixels. I generate the points on either side of the card(p1 and p2 in this gif), and then interpolate between those two points. That's why the inner for loop creates a percentage from 0 to 1 instead of pixel positions. The entire card is drawn as individual pixels. I draw them in a line, but the color may change with each one, so they each get their own pset() call.
Here's a gif where I slow down this process to give you a peek at how these lines are being drawn every frame. For each row, I draw many pixels moving across the card between the two endpoints in the row.
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Here's the loop condition again: for prc = 0,1,.025 do
A step of 0.025 means there are 40 steps (0.025 * 40 = 1.0). That's the exact width of the card! When the card is completely facing the camera head-on, I will need 40 steps to make it across without leaving a gap in the pixels. When the card is skinnier, I'm still drawing all 40 pixels, but many of them will be in the same place. That's fine. The most recently drawn one will take priority.
Getting the actual X and Y position
I said that the position of each pixel is interpolated between the two points, but this line of code may be confusing:
y_pos = row+39 pset( (64+x_dist)*prc + (64-x_dist)*(1-prc), (y_pos+y_dist)*prc + (y_pos-y_dist)*(1-prc), color)
So let's unpack it a little bit. If you've ever used a Lerp() function in something like Unity you've used this sort of math. The idea is that we get two values (P1 and P2 in the above example), and we move between them such that a value of 0.0 gives us P1 and 1.0 gives us P2.
Here's a full cart that breaks down exactly what this math is doing:
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::_:: cls() time = t()/8 for row = 0,46 do for prc = 0,1,.025 do x_dist = sin(time)*20 y_dist = cos(time)*5 color = 9 + row % 3 p1x = 64 + x_dist p1y = row+39 + y_dist p2x = 64 - x_dist p2y = row+39 - y_dist x = p2x*prc + p1x*(1-prc) y = p2y*prc + p1y*(1-prc) pset( x, y, color) end end flip()goto _
I'm defining P1 and P2 very explicitly (getting an x and y for both), then I get the actual x and y position that I use by multiplying P2 by prc and P1 by (1-prc) and adding the results together.
This is easiest to understand when prc is 0.5, because then we're just taking an average. In school we learn that to average a set of numbers you add them up and then divide by how many you had. We can think of that as (p1+p2) / 2. This is the same as saying p1*0.5 + p2*0.5.
But the second way of writing it lets us take a weighted average if we want. We could say p1*0.75 + p2*0.25. Now the resulting value will be 75% of p1 and 25% of p2. If you laid the two values out on a number line, the result would be just 25% of the way to p2. As long as the two values being multiplied add up to exactly 1.0 you will get a weighted average between P1 and P2.
I can count on prc being a value between 0 and 1, so the inverse is 1.0 - prc. If prc is 0.8 then 1.0-prc is 0.2. Together they add up to 1!
I use this math everywhere in my work. It's a really easy way to move smoothly between values that might otherwise be tricky to work with.
I'm using a little over 400 characters in the above example. But in the real cart, the relevant code inside the loops is this:
j=sin(e)*20 k=cos(e)*5 g=r+39 pset((64+j)*p+(64-j)*f,(g+k)*p+(g-k)*f,c)
which can be further condensed by removing the line breaks:
Because P1, P2 and the resulting interpolated positions x and y are never used again, there is no reason to waste chars by storing them in variables. So all of the interpolation is done in the call to pset().
There are a few parts of the calculation that are used more than once and are four characters or more. Those are stored as variables (j, k & g in this code). These variables tend to have the least helpful names because I usually do them right at the end to save a few chars so they wind up with whatever letters I have not used elsewhere.
Spinning & Drawing
Here's that same example, but with a checker pattern and the card spinning. (Keep in mind, in the real tweetcart the card is fully draw every frame and would not spin mid-draw)
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This technique allows me to distort the lines because I can specify two points and draw my lines between them. Great for fake 3D! Kind of annoying for actually drawing shapes, because now instead of using the normal Pico-8 drawing tools, I have to calculate the color I want based on the row (a whole number between0 and 46) and the x-prc (a float between 0 and 1).
Drawing the Back
Here's the code that handles drawing the back of the card:
h=a(17-p*34) v=a(23-r) c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6
This is inside the nested for loops, so r is the row and p is a percentage of the way across the horizontal line.
c is the color that we will eventually draw in pset().
h and v are the approximate distance from the center of the card. a was previously assigned as a shorthand for abs() so you can think of those lines like this:
h=abs(17-p*34) v=abs(23-r)
v is the vertical distance. The card is 46 pixels tall so taking the absolute value of 23-r will give us the distance from the vertical center of the card. (ex: if r is 25, abs(23-r) = 2. and if r is 21, abs(23-r) still equals 2 )
As you can probably guess, h is the horizontal distance from the center. The card is 40 pixels wide, but I opted to shrink it a bit by multiplying p by 34 and subtracting that from half of 34 (17). The cardback just looks better with these lower values, and the diamond looks fine.
The next line, where I define c, is where things get confusing. It's a long line doing some clunky math. The critical thing is that when this line is done, I need c to equal 1 (dark blue) or 7 (white) on the Pico-8 color pallette.
Here's the whole thing: c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6
Here is that line broken down into much more discrete steps.
c = 1 --start with a color of 1 low_dist = min(23-v,17-h) --get the lower inverted distance from center val = low_dist % 5 --mod 5 to bring it to a repeating range of 0 to 5 val = val / 3 --divide by 3. value is now 0 to 1.66 val = flr(val) --round it down. value is now 0 or 1 val = val * 6 --multiply by 6. value is now 0 or 6 c += val --add value to c, making it 1 or 7
The first thing I do is c=1. That means the entire rest of the line will either add 0 or 6 (bumping the value up to 7). No other outcome is acceptable. min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6 will always evaluate to 0 or 6.
I only want the lower value of h and v. This is what will give it the nice box shape. If you color the points inside a rectangle so that ones that are closer to the center on their X are one color and ones that are closer to the center on their Y are a different color you'll get a pattern with clean diagonal lines running from the center towards the corners like this:
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You might think I would just use min(v,h) instead of the longer min(23-v,17-h) in the actual code. I would love to do that, but it results in a pattern that is cool, but doesn't really look like a card back.
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I take the inverted value. Instead of having a v that runs from 0 to 23, I flip it so it runs from 23 to 0. I do the same for h. I take the lower of those two values using min().
Then I use modulo (%) to bring the value to a repeating range of 0 to 5. Then I divide that result by 3 so it is 0 to ~1.66. The exact value doens't matter too much because I am going round it down anyway. What is critical is that it will become 0 or 1 after rounding because then I can multiply it by a specific number without getting any values in between.
Wait? If I'm rounding down, where is flr() in this line: c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6?
It's not there! That's because there is a sneaky tool in Pico-8. You can use \1 to do the same thing as flr(). This is integer division and it generally saves a 3 characters.
Finally, I multiply the result by 6. If it is 0, we get 0. If it is 1 we get 6. Add it to 1 and we get the color we want!
Here's how it looks with each step in that process turned on or off:
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A Note About Parentheses
When I write tweetcarts I would typically start by writing this type of line like this: c=1+ (((min(23-v,17-h)%5)/3) \1) *6
This way I can figure out if my math makes sense by using parentheses to ensure that my order of operations works. But then I just start deleting them willy nilly to see what I can get away with. Sometimes I'm surprised and I'm able to shave off 2 characters by removing a set of parentheses.
The Face Side
The face side with the diamond and the "A" is a little more complex, but basically works the same way as the back. Each pixel needs to either be white (7) or red (8). When the card is on this side, I'll be overwriting the c value that got defined earlier.
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Here's the code that does it (with added white space). This uses the h and v values defined earlier as well as the r and p values from the nested loops.
u=(r-1)/80 z=a(p-.2) if(e%1<.5) c= a(r-5) < 5 and z < u+.03 and (r==5 or z>u) and 8 or 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2
Before we piece out what this is doing, we need to talk about the structure for conditional logic in tweetcarts.
The Problem with If Statements
The lone line with the if statement is doing a lot of conditional logic in a very cumbersome way designed to avoid writing out a full if statement.
One of the tricky things with Pico-8 tweetcarts is that the loop and conditional logic of Lua is very character intensive. While most programming language might write an if statement like this:
Lua does it like this:
if SOMETHING then CODE end
Using "then" and "end" instead of brackets means we often want to bend over backwards to avoid them when we're trying to save characters.
Luckily, Lua lets you drop "then" and "end" if there is a single command being executed inside the if.
This means we can write
if(e%1 < 0.5) c=5
instead of
if e%1 < 0.5 then c=5 end
This is a huge savings! To take advantage of this, it is often worth doing something in a slightly (or massively) convoluted way if it means we can reduce it to a single line inside the if. This brings us to:
Lua's Weird Ternary Operator
In most programming language there is an inline syntax to return one of two values based on a conditional. It's called the Ternary Operator and in most languages I use it looks like this:
myVar = a>b ? 5 : 10
The value of myVar will be 5 if a is greater than b. Otherwise is will be 10.
Lua has a ternary operator... sort of. You can read more about it here but it looks something like this:
myVar = a>b and 5 or 10
Frankly, I don't understand why this works, but I can confirm that it does.
In this specific instance, I am essentially using it to put another conditional inside my if statement, but by doing it as a single line ternary operation, I'm keeping the whole thing to a single line and saving precious chars.
The Face Broken Out
The conditional for the diamond and the A is a mess to look at. The weird syntax for the ternary operator doesn't help. Neither does the fact that I took out any parentheses that could make sense of it.
Here is the same code rewritten with a cleaner logic flow.
--check time to see if we're on the front half if e%1 < .5 then --this if checks if we're in the A u=(r-1)/80 z=a(p-.2) if a(r-5) < 5 and z < u+.03 and (r==5 or z>u) then c = 8 --if we're not in the A, set c based on if we're in the diamond else c = 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2 end end
The first thing being checked is the time. As I explained further up, because the input value for sin() in Pico-8 goes from 0 to 1, the midpoint is 0.5. We only draw the front of the card if e%1 is less than 0.5.
After that, we check if this pixel is inside the A on the corner of the card or the diamond. Either way, our color value c gets set to either 7 (white) or 8 (red).
Let's start with diamond because it is easier.
The Diamond
This uses the same h and v values from the back of the card. The reason I chose diamonds for my suit is that they are very easy to calculate if you know the vertical and horizontal distance from a point! In fact, I sometimes use this diamond shape instead of proper circular hit detection in size-coded games.
Let's look at the line: c = 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2
This starts with 8, the red color. Since the only other acceptable color is 7 (white), tha means that sgn(h+v-9)/2 has to evaluate to either 1 or 0.
sgn() returns the sign of a number, meaning -1 if the number is negative or 1 if the number is positive. This is often a convenient way to cut large values down to easy-to-work-with values based on a threshold. That's exactly what I'm doing here!
h+v-9 takes the height from the center plus the horizontal distance from the center and checks if the sum is greater than 9. If it is, sgn(h+v-9) will return 1, otherwise -1. In this formula, 9 is the size of the diamond. A smaller number would result in a smaller diamond since that's the threshold for the distance being used. (note: h+v is NOT the actual distance. It's an approximation that happens to make a nice diamond shape.)
OK, but adding -1 or 1 to 8 gives us 7 or 9 and I need 7 or 8.
That's where /2 comes in. Pico-8 defaults to floating point math, so dividing by 2 will turn my -1 or 1 into -0.5 or 0.5. So this line c = 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2 actually sets c to 7.5 or 8.5. Pico-8 always rounds down when setting colors so a value of 7.5 becomes 7 and 8.5 becomes 8. And now we have white for most of the card, and red in the space inside the diamond!
The A
The A on the top corner of the card was the last thing I added. I finished the spinning card with the card back and the diamond and realized that when I condensed the whole thing, I actually had about 50 characters to spare. Putting a letter on the ace seemed like an obvious choice. I struggled for an evening trying to make it happen before deciding that I just couldn't do it. The next day I took another crack at it and managed to get it in, although a lot of it is pretty ugly! Luckily, in the final version the card is spinning pretty fast and it is harder to notice how lopsided it is.
I mentioned earlier that my method of placing pixels in a line between points is great for deforming planes, but makes a lot of drawing harder. Here's a great example. Instead of just being able to call print("a") or even using 3 calls to line() I had to make a convoluted conditional to check if each pixel is "inside" the A and set it to red if it is.
I'll do my best to explain this code, but it was hammered together with a lot of trial and error. I kept messing with it until I found an acceptable balance between how it looked and how many character it ate up.
Here are the relevant bits again:
u=(r-1)/80 z=a(p-.2) if a(r-5) < 5 and z < u+.03 and (r==5 or z>u) then c = 8
The two variables above the if are just values that get used multiple times. Let's give them slightly better names. While I'm making edits, I'll expand a too since that was just a replacement for abs().
slope = (r-1)/80 dist_from_center = abs(p-.2) if abs(r-5) < 5 and dist_from_center < slope+.03 and (r==5 or dist_from_center>slope) then c = 8
Remember that r is the current row and p is the percentage of the way between the two sides where this pixel falls.
u/slope here is basically how far from the center line of the A the legs are at this row. As r increases, so does slope (but at a much smaller rate). The top of the A is very close to the center, the bottom is further out. I'm subtracting 1 so that when r is 0, slope is negative and will not be drawn. Without this, the A starts on the very topmost line of the card and looks bad.
z/dist_from_center is how far this particular p value is from the center of the A (not the center of the card), measured in percentage (not pixels). The center of the A is 20% of the way across the card. This side of the card starts on the right (0% is all the way right, 100% is all the way left), which is why you see the A 20% away from the right side of the card.
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These values are important because the two legs of the A are basically tiny distance checks where the slope for a given r is compared against the dist_from_center. There are 3 checks used to determine if the pixel is part of the A.
if a(r-5) < 5 and z < u+.03 and (r==5 or z>u) then
The first is abs(r-5) < 5. This checks if r is between 1 and 9, the height of my A.
The second is dist_from_center < slope+.03. This is checking if this pixel's x distance from the center of the A is no more than .03 bigger than the current slope value. This is the maximum distance that will be considered "inside" the A. All of this is a percentage, so the center of the A is 0.20 and the slope value will be larger the further down the A we get.
Because I am checking the distance from the center point (the grey line in the image above), this works on either leg of the A. On either side, the pixel can be less than slope+.03 away.
Finally, it checks (r==5 or dist_from_center>slope). If the row is exactly 5, that is the crossbar across the A and should be red. Otherwise, the distance value must be greater than slope (this is the minimum value it can have to be "inside" the A). This also works on both sides thanks to using distance.
Although I am trying to capture 1-pixel-wide lines to draw the shape of the A, I could not think of a cleaner way than doing this bounding check. Ignoring the crossbar on row 5, you can think about the 2nd and 3rd parts of the if statement essentially making sure that dist_from_center fits between slope and a number slightly larger than slope. Something like this:
slope < dist_from_center < slope+0.03
Putting it Together
All of this logic needed to be on a single line to get away with using the short form of the if statement so it got slammed into a single ternary operator. Then I tried removing parentheses one at a time to see what was structurally significant. I wish I could say I was more thoughtful than that but I wasn't. The end result is this beefy line of code:
if(e%1<.5)c=a(r-5)<5and z<u+.03and(r==5or z>u)and 8or 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2
Once we've checked that e (our time value) is in the phase where we show the face, the ternary operator checks if the pixel is inside the A. If it is, c is set to 8 (red). If it isn't, then we set c = 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2, which is the diamond shape described above.
That's It!
Once we've set c the tweetcart uses pset to draw the pixel as described in the section on drawing the lines.
Here's the full code and what it looks like when it runs again. Hopefully now you can pick out more of what's going on!
a=abs::_::cls()e=t()for r=0,46do for p=0,1,.025do j=sin(e)*20k=cos(e)*5f=1-p h=a(17-p*34)v=a(23-r)c=1+min(23-v,17-h)%5/3\1*6u=(r-1)/80z=a(p-.2)if(e%1<.5)c=a(r-5)<5and z<u+.03and(r==5or z>u)and 8or 8-sgn(h+v-9)/2 g=r+39pset((64+j)*p+(64-j)*f,(g+k)*p+(g-k)*f,c)end end flip()goto _
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I hope this was helpful! I had a lot of fun writing this cart and it was fun to break it down. Maybe you can shave off the one additional character needed to slow it down by using e=t()/2 a bit. If you do, please drop me a line on my mastodon or tumblr!
And if you want to try your hand at something like this, consider submitting something to TweetTweetJam which just started! You'll get a luxurious 500 characters to work with!
Links and Resources
There are some very useful posts of tools and tricks for getting into tweetcarts. I'm sure I'm missing many but here are a few that I refer to regularly.
Pixienop's tweetcart basics and tweetcart studies are probably the single best thing to read if you want to learn more.
Trasevol_Dog's Doodle Insights are fascinating, and some of them demonstrate very cool tweetcart techniques.
Optimizing Character Count for Tweetcarts by Eli Piilonen / @2DArray
Guide for Making Tweetcarts by PrincessChooChoo
The official documentation for the hidden P8SCII Control Codes is worth a read. It will let you do wild things like play sound using the print() command.
I have released several size-coded Pico-8 games that have links to heavily annotated code:
Cold Sun Surf
1k Jump
Hand Cram
And if you want to read more Pico-8 weirdness from me, I wrote a whole post on creating a networked Pico-8 tribute to Frog Chorus.
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omgotheromens · 1 month
Vabro: The Ultimate Free Task Management Software for Modern Teams
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One of the important elements to succeed and achieve productivity is managing tasks efficiently in today’s fast-paced work culture. Yet, the challenging fact is that it can be difficult to find a software solution amidst the abundance of task management tools available and budget concerns. Here comes Vabro—a free task management software with advanced features built specifically for modern teams. Vabro is an easy, open, and affordable user story mapping tool to organize your project management process, whether you are a small or large team.
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The software also provides extensive filtering and grouping capabilities, so tasks can be arranged by due date or priority if needed. This means that team members can work on their highest priority items without getting bogged down by the sheer number of tasks on everyone’s to-do lists. Its simple and clean design allows people to keep everything organized, either individually or as a team, so you clearly know who’s responsible for what.
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Vabro does not sacrifice quality and performance, despite being free. The software works reliably, running without downtimes or performance issues for its users. The fact that Vabro is free and gives you exactly what it promises—great task management done right, with a no-nonsense interface—easily makes it one of the best choices amidst countless others in its competitive field.
Vabro is much more than just a free competitor to all the task management tools; Vabro empowers teams to work smarter, rather than harder. Vabro is streamlined for modern teams that want a simple and customizable way to organize their tasks collaboratively. No other free task management software on the market matches Vabro in price or feature set, so it is often chosen by teams who want to level up productivity and workflow consistency all at once. Start engaging and empowering your team today, whether you are managing a small project or coordinating large teams—without the costs.
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
One Googler’s Insider Guide To Using Google Docs At Work
When Google Docs launched back in 2007, it was a scrappy, lightweight document editor. Today, it’s a full-blown workplace powerhouse, with all the features you need to create, collaborate, and share your ideas quickly.
As a product manager at Google, I’ve not only helped the team build and develop these tools, but I’ve used them every single day, often to write product requirements docs for our next feature. So here’s an insider look at five ways to incorporate Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides into your own work that you might not know about.
1. Design Professional-Grade Documents In Google Docs
You probably just use Arial out of habit, but there are actually over 600 fonts available in Google Docs, not to mention lots of professionally designed templates that do much of the work for you. There are built-in themes, and a large suite of formatting features you may not even know exist.
Our goal in adding these features has been to make creating beautiful, polished documents and presentations a breeze. For instance, easily organize the ideas from your next team brainstorm by choosing a meeting notes template from the carousel at the top of the Docs home screen.
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2. Turbocharge Google Sheets With Powerful Functions And Pivot Tables
Sheets is way more than just a way to throw a quick table or list together. It has over 340 powerful functions, including dozens that other spreadsheets don’t offer, such as Google Translate, which lets you automatically translate one language to another.
We’ve also designed Sheets to offer advanced pivot table functionality, including the ability to define custom Calculated Fields. And Docs and Sheets both support custom scripting and advanced API functionality via Apps Script, which is Google’s equivalent of macros. Basically, if your job entails a lot of number crunching, Sheets can handle it. Related Video: Are Work Habits Spoiling Your Productivity?
3. Present Painlessly To Groups With Google Slides
We’re big fans of the “show up, don’t set up” philosophy when it comes to presenting to groups. Giving a great presentation can be a big enough challenge on its own, so we’ve added a few tricks to make the A/V side as easy as possible.
With just a couple taps on your phone or tablet, you can use the iOS or Android Slides apps to present on any screen equipped with Chromecast or AirPlay. And if you’re on a Hangouts video call, the mobile apps let you present directly to everybody in the call–no more wires and set-up stress.
We also added a feature called Slides Q&A to help you talk with your audience, not at them. Q&A allows participants to submit questions and weigh in on them from their phones, laptops, and tablets using a shared link, which also lets the speaker collect real-time feedback.
Tired of trying to get feedback over the annoying, unreliable, audio-only conference line you’ve been dialing into for your remote meetings? Here’s how to use the Q&A Slides feature instead:
4. Use Google Docs While You’re Offline
We’re moving toward a world of constant Internet connectivity, but the real world doesn’t work that way yet. That’s why Docs, Sheets, and Slides work offline in the Chrome browser on your laptop as well as in the Android and iOS apps.
Chrome will even preemptively sync your recent files so you can keep working if you go offline unplanned. Whether you’re holed up in a Wi-Fi-less cafe writing the most epic report your boss has ever seen, or just dealing with a spotty in-flight Wi-Fi connection as you scramble to wrap up a project before takeoff, Docs has you covered.
5. Hook Google Docs Up With Loads Of Other Apps
Today’s digital workflows are complicated, and people rely on lots of apps and services to get their jobs done. That’s why both Google Sheets and Slides announced new feature-rich APIs at Google I/O this year. And Salesforce, SAP Anywhere, Sage, Anaplan, Asana, Trello, Prosperworks, and others will soon all be launching rich integrations with Sheets or Slides over the next few months. Soon you’ll be able to access all the functionality, whichever app you’re using.
These are a few of the nifty things you can do with Docs, Sheets, and Slides to improve how you work, communicate, and interact. From the very start, we built these Apps with collaboration in mind so that it’s fast and easy to work together with your team.
But as someone on the front lines–building these tools as well as using them myself–it still sometimes seems to me that we’ve only scratched the surface. We’re now using machine learning to create new features for Google Apps, like super-accurate voice typing and one-click data analytics, that take you beyond basic productivity and help you stay focused on the highest-value tasks.
The way we work, of course, is always changing both because of technology and in response to it. And sometimes keeping up to date on that evolution can be a challenge. So hopefully these five tips will help. My job at Google, in one sense anyway, is to help you do yours better. Which means there’s always work to be done. Welcome to the future.
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Unlock Success with NY's Premier Web Dev & SEO Company: If there's one thing we know about New York City, it's that there are plenty of options when it comes to web development companies. But which ones should you go with? The answer may surprise you! We've got everything from expert developers and designers to marketing experts who can help grow your business into something big—and fast!
Revealing NY's Web Dev & SEO Wizardry: You might think that staying up-to-date with all things related to technology would require an army of consultants, but not if those people are working together at [our company]. Our team knows how important it is for businesses large or small alike (particularly those located near NYC) so they work hard every day toward creating amazing websites that will bring them more clients than ever before...and maybe even some awards along the way!
Elevate Your Online Presence with NYC Pros
If you are looking to elevate your online presence, then it is essential that you get the best out of your web developer, SEO expert and web designing company in new york. The following tips will help you achieve this:
Get a good web developer. A good web developer can help provide solutions for any issues that may arise when building or maintaining your website. They may also be able to develop new features or provide enhancements that enhance the user experience on their sites.
Find an SEO expert that specializes in helping businesses grow by improving rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). An experienced professional will have extensive knowledge about how search engines work and how they affect businesses' ability to gain exposure through organic SERP rankings."
Insider Tips from NYC's Web Dev & SEO Gurus
Be friendly.
Be approachable.
Be helpful.
Know your stuff! It's not enough to be knowledgeable, you also have to be honest and reliable—and this is where the web development and SEO gurus come in handy because they can help you develop a strategy that will help you meet all of those goals at once! You want people who are honest with their clients, but also professional enough not to take advantage of them or waste their time (or yours). A lot of people are looking for someone they can trust so they don't feel like they're being taken advantage of when it comes time for payment; this is why we recommend hiring only reputable companies who have been around long enough so there isn't any question about whether or not what's being sold works as promised."
The Ultimate Guide to Web Development & SEO in NY
If you're looking for a place to live, work, learn and be, New York City is the place. It's one of the most vibrant cities in the world—and that's something you'll notice immediately when you step off your plane or train at JFK Airport. The skyscrapers of Midtown Manhattan rise up into a beautiful sky like giant mountains; there are so many parks that they feel like they were created just for us humans (and dogs).
New York City has been around since 1624 but has changed dramatically over its long history: buildings have been destroyed by wars or natural disasters; entire neighborhoods have disappeared under water during floods; entire streets have been renamed after famous people who lived here long ago (like Franklin Delano Roosevelt Avenue). But despite all these changes over time, NYC still feels like home today because it's still full of life!
Uncover the Hidden Gems of NY's Web Dev & SEO
When it comes to web development and SEO company in new york, New York is the place to be. There are so many top-notch firms and gurus out there that you can find them easily. But what makes some of these companies stand out from the rest?
The answer: their ability to uncover the hidden gems of NY's web dev & SEO industry. If you're looking for a new job or just want some advice on how best use your skill set in this industry, then read on!
Unlock Success with NY's Premier Web Dev & SEO Company
If you're looking to build your business, or if you simply need a web development and SEO company in New York City that will help you unlock success with its premier web dev & SEO company. You've come to the right place!
We have been helping clients like yours since 2007. Our reputation as one of NY's premier web dev & SEO companies is well-deserved; we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver results that will bring value to your business goals.
Revealing NY's Web Dev & SEO Wizardry
Revealing NY's Web Dev & SEO Wizardry
NY is a city that has a rich history and culture, but it's also a place where you can find some of the best developers in the country. This makes sense, considering that most of our residents are from New York or have been here for years. You might think about moving here if you're a web developer yourself—or even just someone who wants to learn more about their profession!
If you're looking for an agency with talented employees who offer quality services at reasonable prices, look no further than our team at NY Web Dev & SEO Titans. We pride ourselves on being one of the top agencies in New York City because we understand how important it is for our clients' businesses to succeed online today - which means creating websites that convert traffic into leads and sales opportunities will help them achieve success faster than ever before!
Empower Your Business with NY's Web Dev & SEO Titans
The best web developers and new york seo agency are the ones you can trust with your business. They know how to build websites that will help you grow, not just make a quick buck. If you're looking for a company that has years of experience, then this is the place for you!
If you want to learn how to get the best web development and SEO service providers in New York City, then look no further than these tips:
If you're looking for a web developer and SEO company in New York, then look no further than Web Dev & SEO Help. We have helped businesses of all sizes from small to large scale achieve their digital goals and give them the tools they need to succeed online. Our team of experts has been working together since 2008, so you can trust that when we say something is possible we will make it happen!
Get in Touch!
Address - 99 Wall Street STE#1597 New York NY 10005 Phone - +1(929)-474-6244 Email - [email protected]
Website - https://www.perfectmarketingsolution.com/
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tropicalglow · 2 years
Four Pointers To Begin My Employment On Real Estate
Four Ways to get everything rolling in Land Financial planning
  This article is the ideal nuts and bolts for getting everything rolling in land financial planning. This isn't a how to article yet an article that gives you a data about intentions for begin. All that in this article is apparatuses that can be applied to assisting anybody with getting everything rolling in land effective financial planning. I will give you my Four keys to getting everything rolling. Nothing is correct or wrong except for mirrors the perspective of the creator. Regulations and legitimate practices differ from one state to another, and regulations can change over the long run. The creator doesn't vouch for the lawfulness of his viewpoints, nor is there any purpose to supply legitimate exhortation. The writer emphatically urges the peruser to talk with experts and a lawyer before entering in any land exchange or agreement. The writer isn't an essayist yet he is a land financial backer. There will be language missteps and mistakes, so don't be excessively incredulous of the syntax however center your energy around the thing is being said. So set yourself up to think somewhat better and extend your brain. We should begin on an astounding experience.
  The Four Hints are as per the following
  1. Want
2. Objective Setting
3. Realizing What To Do
4. Going to a Land Money management Course
  1. Want
  Before we get in to the bolts and nails of land putting resources into I need to converse with you about want. Assuming that you will find success at anything in life including land money management you must have the craving to make it happen. Want is characterized as yearning or hankering, concerning something that brings fulfillment or happiness. Want focuses on the strength of feeling and frequently suggests solid aim or point. In land effective financial planning in the event that you don't want to learn and develop as a person and truly receive fulfillment in return, then, at that point, land effective financial planning will be difficult to do.
  2. Putting forth Objectives
  Having objectives is one of the main parts of accomplishing what you need throughout everyday life. You would rather not simply have your objectives up in your mind you need to get them on paper and past what you have composed on the wall some place or in the washroom reflect. You need to survey your objectives day to day and read them without holding back to yourself. This way you remind yourself ordinary why you are building your business.
  3. Learn
  Information assembles certainty and annihilates dread. Assuming you are beginning any sort of business you want to get familiar with the intricate details of that business. The most effective way I have found to find out about land effective money management is to learn about it. Yet, when you know it you need to apply what you have realized. Learning and perusing is only one stage to take. There are huge number of books available about land effective financial planning and everybody has something you can gain from. However, you would simply prefer not to peruse land effective money management books. You likewise need to fill yourself with persuasive and administration books. Each effective individual that I know whether a peruser and they all spend no less than thirty minutes daily perusing something that will show them working on their business or grabbing come out better personally. Probably the best books that I would suggest perusing are recorded underneath.
  4. Go to a Land Effective financial planning Workshop
  Going to a Land Financial planning Workshop can be one of the most outstanding spots to find out about land money management from a few very notable specialists. There are a few workshops continuing all around the country consistently. In the event that you live in a major city finding one will be extremely simple. On the off chance that you live in a town like Billings Montana you could have to venture out a little ways of seeing as one. Presently the greater part of the best gathering cost cash to go to them.
For More Info:-
Real Estate For Sale La Fortuna Costa Rica
Property For Sale La Fortuna Costa Rica
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learnchinesector · 2 years
Choose online Courses to learn Chinese easily
Needing to learn Mandarin online is certainly not a novel desire nowadays. Since China started to permit the rest of the world to start sharing the excellence the country brings to the table, the longing to learn Mandarin has expanded. There are two primary languages spoken in China. One is Mandarin, and the other is Cantonese. These two languages are not indistinguishable.
In the event that somebody communicating in Mandarin converses with somebody who communicates in Cantonese, they won't see one another. The Mandarin language isn't difficult to learn. In any case, with China boasting one of the quickest-developing economies on the globe, learning Mandarin is a savvy thing to do.
Many individuals decide to learn Mandarin online in light of the accommodations. With countless individuals partaking in a chaotic way of life, it is very beneficial to learn at your own speed and at the hour that fits your personal preference. Here is the thing: everybody learns differently and at a different speed, so there is no reliable period of time it will take you to learn how to communicate in this language.
To help you along the way, we've compiled a list of 4 tips for learning Mandarin on the internet:
1. The Course:
Clearly, assuming you will learn Mandarin online, you need to track down the right course for you. You need to pick something that will be agreeable for yourself f and is a financial plan cordial also. This is fundamental to long-term achievement. This is valid since, in such a case that the cost is excessively high or you are not happy with the course setup, you will wind up leaving. By looking through the web-based options, you will track down the various choices available to you.
2. Select your program with incredible consideration:
You want an intelligent program that will take you from amateur to cutting-edge levels without expecting you to buy an ever-increasing number of projects. It is always more reasonable to invest resources in one great program from the start rather than many lower-quality projects that don't show you as much.
3. Search for an intelligent program:
as they are simpler to follow and you are less inclined to get exhausted. You can't really learn Mandarin Chinese just by rehashing words again and again and attempting to recall them. You really want a program that will show you in an intelligent way that permits you to hear how local speakers say the words and structure sentences.
4. Try not to avoid the syntax examples:
Not many individuals find punctuation energizing; however, in the event that you include those illustrations in your Mandarin examples, you will have a full handle on the Mandarin language. You will appear like a tourist rather than a fluent speaker until you understand the fundamental rules of syntax.
For More Info:-
Learn Mandarin Language
Learn Mandarin Online India
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wangletblog · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
voozon · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
shktee · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
seabryzeblog · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
outoffblog · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
0 notes
motoburg · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
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leilockheartme · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
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jinggasaffron · 2 years
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WPIT18 It’s now typical to see online ads for jobs that offer the possibility of earning huge amounts of cash. If you regularly use websites in the Philippines you’ve likely seen this Wpit18 online Sabong sign-up advertisement.If you’re not aware the official registration website for rooster fighting that take place in the Philippines is Wpit18.com. Participants can sign up on this site to be a part of this event. The winner of the rooster fight gets prizes.Read More WPC2027 ACCOUNT LOGIN & DASHBOARD – EXPLORE BEST TIME-PASS AND WAY TO PLAY THE GAME ALL OVER THE WORLD There are many games online or offline. Everyone has different options and choose based on their tastes or preferences. We cannot make anyone choose an item they don’t want to even a little. However, in the same way we are able to offer suggestions. It’s up to the players to decide which games they wish to play. Many well-known games are all over the world. one of them is WPC2027. It’s not so famous simply because of its attractive name, and everybody talks about it. Commented on by Emilia Flores, co-founder of UK Bad Credit Loans.Read More JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER, 001 STRANGER THINGS, WILL STAR IN SEASON 4 JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER Jamie Campbell Bower, 001 stranger things, has become one of the most sought after actor in the Stranger Things universe. He has a role in the fourth season that is bigger than fans could have imagined. Jamie auditioned for the role on tape and waited for a callback. After the casting call, he met with the creators of the show to discuss the role. They agreed to give him a role after seeing his tape.Read More HOWIE MANDEL’S PROLAPSED RECTUM VIDEO GOES VIRAL ON TIKTOK A recent NSFW video of a prolapse of the rectum posted by a YouTuber named Howie Mandel has gone viral. The uncensored video, which was shared on his TikTok account, has garnered over 180 million likes. Although Mandel has since removed the video from his account, it is still available to watch online.Read More ALTERNATIVES TO MOVIEKIDS If you are looking for an alternative to Moviekids, this article will give you several options. You can try CMovies, Putlocker, or StreamM4u. All these sites offer free, public access to films and TV shows. So, you can watch as many movies as you want without worrying about the cost.Read More Ibomma 2022 iBOMMA with latest telugu content (keywords: iBOMMA for telugu language, iBOMMA for hindi language) In this article, we are going to talk about iBOMMA (Indian Business Modeling and Analysis) which is a tool for generating content for telugu language. .This tool was developed by an organization called iBOMMA (India Business Modeling and Analysis). iBOMMA is a Web-based software that is used for analyzing business models, processes, and the products they produce. In this article we will talk about steps to take when using the tool. Before you start using the software, make sure you are ready with your model reference, content to analyze and your source code. So please read carefully!Steps to use : Read More.. REGISTRATION FOR WPC2025 WPC2025 registration will start on September 15, 2019. To register, you will need to provide certain personal information. This includes your email address and mobile number. If you have any questions, you can call or chat with the WPC2025 help center. The registration process is straightforward and easy to navigate.Read More MBC 2030 – A FREE ONLINE SABONG GAME If you’re looking for a free online sabong game, MBC 2030 is a great choice. This game is similar to traditional Sabong, but with a modern twist. It features a betting system where players bet between 50 and 10,000 seconds. You can play this game on most mobile devices.Read More How to Register at WPC2026 WPC2026 is an online cockfight betting site. Before you can make your first wager, you need to register on the site. To sign up, you need to provide some basic information about yourself.
When you’ve done that, navigate to the site’s staging server. The realm you land on might be different from the one you’ll use for wagering on real matches. It will have a sign-up icon.Read More 十分抱歉由於特定原因您所在的地區禁止訪問本專/ 如何修復WordPress中的“對不起,您不允許訪問此頁面”錯誤 沒有什麼比被拒絕訪問您的個人 WordPress 管理員儀表板更令人痛苦的了。如果您在嘗試登錄和登錄時遇到“抱歉,您不允許訪問此頁面”消息,您已經體驗過它是怎樣的體驗。 有多種選擇可以擺脫這個問題。有一些耐心,可以擺脫錯誤並能夠在幾分鐘內管理您的 WordPress 網站。 在本文中,我們將深入調查導致“抱歉,您無權訪問此頁面”錯誤的原因及其發生原因。我們還將通過一系列選項來幫助您選擇適合您特定情況的選項。Read More MADRID-BASED JOBANDTALENT RAISED $108M IN SERIES C FUNDING Madrid-Based Startup Jobandtalent Jobandtalent.com is a digital staffing agency that operates in 8 markets, backed by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. The company offers its users a range of tools and services to help them search for and secure a new job. These include a CV builder that allows them to create a professional CV within minutes. The service works by asking users for the information they want to include on their CV, and then automatically creates a template for the user. It also features a weblog that provides job-related articles.Read More Ernst & Young: US Venture Capitals Cross $64 Billion In The 1st Quarter Ernst & Young is a multinational professional services partnership with its headquarters in London, England. It is one of the world’s largest professional services networks and is considered one of the “Big Four” accounting firms. Its services range from auditing and accounting to consulting and financial services. In addition to its worldwide presence, Ernst & Young provides specialized services to companies and governments in a variety of industries.Read More Automation 750m Alkeon Capital Coatue 35broofbloomberg UiPath is a supplier of robotic process automation, has raised $700 million through Series F funding, placing the company at around $35 billion post-money. This is an increase of three times the amount it was worth in July last year when it was able to raise $225 million.Read More Hdfriday Punjabi Bollywood Hollywood Movies Download Watch Online Hdfriday Bollywood & Hollywood Movies Download is a movie download platfrom for the Indian market which has been in the works for quite some time now. The company was founded by an entrepreneur from Mumbai, who wanted to make it easy to watch Bollywood movies online. He saw that there were not many options available for downloading Bollywood movies online, so he decided to make his own platform – HDFRIDAY – where users can enjoy watching Bollywood movies without any hassle. The movie is a remake of the 1973 film “Hindi Medium”, directed by Ramesh Sippy. The movie stars Shahrukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Kajol and Disha Patani in supporting roles. The film was produced by Farhan Akhtar and Anurag Kashyap. Read More
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