#and no not some philisophical bullshit
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Saving Reality
Daisy: I couldn't do this without you, Rogue. Rogue: Sure you could. Not as stylishly, of course.
#reality cosmicson#rogality#rwm#anna marie darkholme#rogue#daisy johnson#unity squad#agents of shield#reality is often kidnapped#and no not some philisophical bullshit
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Ok this arguement is absolute fucking bullshit and im gonna fucking breakdown why (I accidentally deleted my original response before posting).
First off; when it comes to photography, cameras dont consume shit loads of electricity and water just to take a shitty photo of a lake. AI "art" requires high amounts of computing power.
Second; AI "art" can be used for absolutely heinous shit and the simple fact its possible with little to no regulation is already a fucking deal breaker. Revenge porn is the big one here, since before someone on r/incel had to at least be semi competent to make something that very vaguely looked like their target. Now they can press a cute little "break federal laws" button and make revenge porn of literally anyone :D
Second, part 2; Even outside of revenge porn there are already tons of examples of news and election fraud bullshit. You know those cute little photos shared on facebook of like, idk fucking donald trump helping people in north carolina (something he hasnt done)? Yeah some people fall for that shit. And thats just at ai's current level of being somewhat easy to spot. Could you imagine if someone made perfectly accurate images of politicans doing things they didnt do??? do you understand how fucking terrifying that is????? What if someone made an advanced ai vid of you committing a fucking crime?????
THIRD. Ai """"art"""" is actively pushing struggling artists out of jobs because corpos would rather have easy and shit quality art that can be mass produced rather than actually paying people. Artists are already fucking struggling do you really want john from accounting to get all the art jobs because he typed a prompt 40 different times before the ai finally pissed itself instead of shat itself?
FOURTH. You already touched on this but computers physically cannot create anything. AI "art" is purely an algorithm and said algorithm needs to be filled with something. Do you honestly believe tech bros and hollywood exes would genuinely give a shit if its ethically sourced? How many dead artists are being puppeted around by an ai? Sure humans naturally do it but there is a key difference between being inspired by and throwing it in a blender with 15 other artists. (plus if its truely plagerism you can press charges against the human, do you think you could vs an ai?)
Fucking... Fifth; We havent even touched on AI VOICES. Which has all of those fun issues from above like evenge porn, fake news, scamming, using artists against their will, using dead artists against their will, etc et fucking cetera.
I have typed all of this on the fucking toliet I havent even scratched the surface of all the ethical, enviromental, philisophical, and legal reasons why ai art is BAD
Anyways! Free blocklist in the reblogs since a lot of people are proudly wearing their "I learned nothing from the Web3 bubble" badges! :D
Like maybe I am biased because I am a photographer but there is not a lot a lot of difference between photography and A.I image generation when it comes to the argument of "the work you put in." Photography is entirely conceptual. You turn dials and buttons to your liking and press go. There is theory to it the same way there is theory behind A.I imaging, even if the basic foundational concepts of A.I are incredibly more nuanced than the foundational concepts of photography.
The divide of "professional photography" and whatever your iphone captures is really just technique.
And this backlash against photography was incredibly alive when it was being popularized as an art medium, the same it is with A.I art today. Traditional painters and sketchers complaining that theres no "work". That there is no "soul" to it.
So you have to excuse me when I complain about this stuff, because ive seen what people said when I was first starting out as a photographer and it very much mimics what people say about A.I art.
#if you unironically think ai art is “the future” i hope a tech bro scams ur grandma because he sent a realistic vid of you#or gets you thrown in jail for a crime you didnt commit#or steals all of your work and you never get a job in the art industry since tech bros took it all#or ... you get the idea. go fuck yourself.
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so i've already asked this to someone else, so you might see that, but i wanted your thoughts on this. what kind of pirate-y shenanigans do you think the nations got up to (or would have if they were old enough)? and what nations do you think would have been pirates (if everyone was the same age back then that they are today)? this was inspired by pirates of the caribbean, so it doesn't need to be super serious or accurate
Nice! Okay, so, these are the nations I have thoughts on:
England: the classic, am I right? I think he's a pirate bc he gets sick of all his govt's bullshit and just goes off the rails. He starts stealing his OWN ships and trade stuff (and hassling, personally, Spain and France). He'll get sink and go walking across the ocean floors emerging from the sea to storm-- dripping wet-- up to the crown and argue that it's his stuff, he's England isn't he? So maybe they should stop sinking him.
Spain: Became a pirate just to try and personally kill England. He steals only from England-- he only harrasses England. Some have pointed out this seemed a bit obsessive, and that did not end well for them. He uses being a pirate-- having been a pirate-- to flirt.
France: He's in it for the romanticism. He doesn't even steal anything as much as he claims to have done so in long winded tales he tells people at ports, half-drunk, trying to seduce them. He tries, actaully, to avoid Spains and England at all times. Sometimes comically so. And he claims at all times to be chasing after mythological items (which of course he never finds, despite keeping meticulous, prose-filled logs, that seem more like the manuscript of a philisophical treatise than anything practical).
China: He's legit. He's so incredibly, terrifyingly legit. The other nations are just fucking around. Not China. Everyone else is just playing at being a pirate. The others hope they don't encounter China's ship. If China sets foot on your ship's deck, your best hope is to try and strike a deal, because the fight is over.
I'm sure there's more nations with pirate-y histories, but these are the ones I feel most strongly about!
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Okay so book idea
Main character is robbing a house when they realise they aren’t alone. A kid catches them in the act. Never having been great at dealing with stress, the protagonist blurts out the first thing that comes to mind: “you’re a wizard”.
A little backstory:
1) The kid is, in fact, a wizard, albeit unaware of this fact.
2) A magic school has been trying to covertly enroll the child, but is thwarted consistently by the parents.
3) The parents are chill but hate the education system or something idk just anything more interesting than the whole “I hate magic” dramatic jazz hands thing. Maybe they just want their child to have basic technological literacy.
So now the school is trying to use the protagonist as an in with the kid, the parents are trying to convince the protagonist not to let the kid into the school, and the protagonist just wants to learn magic goddamn it and also maybe not have to make a living by robbing people.
The kid keeps threatening to call the cops, but the school keeps intervening in increasingly ridiculous ways.
Maybe the child is subject to a prophecy but the parents are philisophically opposed to godly bullshit so have instead made a very complex plan to kill some BBEG that’s off to the side. They are incredibly unhappy to discover that was the deific plan all along.
Or the protagonist deals with the bbeg but the parents have come to see MC as their own kid and that’s good enough for the prophecy.
#writing#writing prompt#it's kinda a harry potter au oops#magic n shit#book ill never write#don't forget to defenestrate your prophets kids
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It’s a shame the city won’t pay me to paint my murals instead of paying somebody else to paint over them.
#what do you mean people don’t want to see headless fairytail creatures on the wall of their favorite corner store?#it’s hilarious and you could probably make up some philisophical bullshit about what it means about humanity
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it rly is SO funny how self conscious i used to be about my writing (ie. never wanting to write creatively, never thinking anything i wrote academically was good enough, picking it apart to like no end and generally thinking it was Always stylistically terrible and self indulgent) cause like.. a good half (or more) of the academic writing i read these days be it like scholarly articles or like “renound” pieces of journalist work or philisophical writings are just utter bullshit or people absolutely talking out their asses. and that’s honestly not even a hot take at all like i think anyone who wants to go into a academic research based field based mostly on literary stuff would eventually say the same thing. the more i read the more i realize that over the past few years maybe ppl shot down a lot of my work because THEY were the ones who didn’t know what they were talking abt in some cases hmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
#like obviously writing is a skill tht needs to be practiced and improved upon and im not like A Perfect Writer to say the least lmao#im just thinking of the times that other ppl (men especially) got praise for certain things in their writing while i got scolded
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v1: starts saying some philisophical bullshit about nihilism and god
whirl: what? nerd *launches a feminist gernade directly at her head where it explodes large style*
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A lot of it does seem influenced by shipping bullshit, but the shipping bullshit is also in part influenced by the mindset behing this thought process. Even some well-meaning people just find Aang's motivations to be too lofty and philisophical to really connect with and assume that's universal. There's a reason i say this fandom is one of the worst to be Native in.
People who have been separated from their culture by genocide and imperialism and get irritated or even fly into a rage when people say Aang is unrelatable, unrealistic, or unreasonable are valid
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Shatter Me: Chapter 16-17
Chapter 16
Juliette whines some more about how much she hates dresses and how she’s not a doll.
Didn’t you decide in the last chapter that you’d be the perfect mannequin? Can you shut the fuck up and do that already?
I know Tahereh is trying to Say Something (maybe how Not Like Other Girls Juliette is for not liking dresses and being an Individualé), but we get it already. Just move on.
Juliette finds her old notebook in the purple dress Adam told her to wear and gets all angsty about the fact that he saved it.
He was trying to tell me something and I was so scared I scared him away.
I scared him away.
Yeah, you scared him away, what a terrible person you are for getting scared of a strange man who cornered you in a bathroom.
See, girls? Don’t be scared of the next man who tries to corner you in a bathroom, maybe he just wants to tell you some little secret! You just never know!
Adam has written “It’s not what you think” in her notebook. Thanks Adam. How very helpful of you.
Warner Bros. arrives and it’s time to leave, I guess. Juliette thinks about Adam some more.
“I really like that dress,” Warner says as he slips an arm around my waist. I jerk away but he pulls me along, guiding me toward the elevator. “The fit is spectacular. It helps distract me from all your questions.”
B-b-boyfriend ... g-goals ??
You know when your HOT SEXY DOMINANT DANGEROUS BAD BOY love interest is so gross he makes the reader literally feel sick that you’ve truly crafted the most #boyfriend goals character of all time.
Juliette makes a random comment about Warner Bros.’ mother for some reason I can’t quite understand, and he freaks out.
I feel sorry for your poor mother, is what I was going to say to him, that she has to deal with such a miserable, pathetic son.
Juliette is the queen of non-sequiturs, I guess.
“Your dress makes my dick hard.”
“Lmao yo mama.”
It’s obviously foreshadowing that his mom is in danger or sick and dying or some shit. Or maybe ye olde classic where the dad is a shithead who beats her and uses her to control Warner Bros. idk.
Chapter 17
Turns out that they’re going outside, and you know the outside is what really gets Juliette going, so she forgets all about the bad stuff and reaches for the skies, literally, because she’s just so very very deep and troubled.
Warner Bros. thankfully puts a stop to that nonsense and they basically go to address to his troops.
“Sector 45.”
One word. One number.
Yep. We can uh ... we can read, Tahereh Juliette, thank you.
Warner slips his arm around me. I cringe. The crowd starts. My heart careens out of control. I’m too scared to back away from him. His gun is too close to my body.
The soldiers seem stunned that Warner is willing to touch me.
We find out that Jenkins is a-ok and Warner Bros. tells the rest of the troops to be nice towards and afraid of Juliette, because she’s just so very very spooky, and then they do a little nice dance routine.
(It’s supposed to be some sort of salute, but honestly reads really silly so idk what to tell ya.)
[Warner’s] eyes are sharpening over the soldiers below, shards of emerald flickering like green flames over their bodies.
Ok Tahereh please chill.
He spends an eternity simply staring at the soldiers, letting his few words marinate in their minds. Letting their own imaginations drive them insane. Letting the guilty among them tremble in anguish.
I’m giggling. I think the author thinks that this is all very intimidating and makes Warner cool and says something about the human condition and our fears, but it’s really just edgy, silly, and makes no goddamn sense.
This is really bad politics. You don’t treat your military, your hundreds of actually armed human beings, like this. Politicians don’t threaten the military, because without the military, the politicians would have no power. These are the guys you need to rally and inspire and brainwash to fight for you, to die for you. You don’t scare them into doing that.
Whatever, man. We just have to make sure Warner Bros. is a real spooky scary boy. If he’s anything but that, then how can he be hot and scary and powerful?
Anyway, turns out that one of the soldiers has done a Bad and it’s time for punishment aka death.
The soldiers are all frozen in line, frozen in relief, frozen in fear, frozen in anxiety. Nothing moves. Nothing breathes. Even the wind is afraid to make a sound.
Turns out that the soldier, whose name is irrelevant and purpose in this scene is apparent so I’ll just call him Dead Meat, has been ... omg, he’s been hanging out with rebels and helping their cause?
And Warner is such a charismatic and darling leader, how can ANYONE betray him?
Whatever, we have to jack off to how hot and scary and brutal Warner is, so he shoots Dead Meat right in his ginger head.
*clears throat*
You’ve basically wasted years upon years of training and resources on this guy only to shoot him in the head because you decided that swinging your dick around to prove how scary and intimidating you are is more important than keeping loyal troops.
“Oh but this will keep the other soldiers scared and obedient!” Holy shit, no it won’t. Warner Bros. just shot someone’s friend! The fact that they’re all already so terrified, that they know that this shit happend regularly, just reinforces the fact that more and more people will turn away from Warner Bros. and the Reestablishment because they keep murdering their friends right in front of their goddamn eyes.
This is fucking bullshit. You don’t treat your military like this.
You don’t threaten the knife with your own throat.
You don’t intimidate the guys who shoot the guns for you, because that will make them shoot the guns at you. You need them to be loyal to you, to fight for you against a common enemy, but since this society doesn’t have one, you’re just painting yourself as a target by shooting soldiers in the face whenever you want.
Tahereh, please. Stop wanking off to your pseudo-philisophical crap and just actually think for one goddamn second.
God, this is all just to make Warner seem edgy, isn’t it? To show how brutal and scary he is and wax poetic about the psychology of fear or some shit.
Warner is supposed to be this semi-unhinged guy who puts on a smooth mask but is actually a sexy fucked up motherfucker. Except having him be constantly smooth and charismatic and never show aggression or even touch a gun but still be in charge would be terrifying if done right.
Imagine being in the presence of someone who commands hundreds of people and see just how much they all admire and adore him. How much control he has over them despite seemingly not trying, how they almost seem to want him to control them, how they seem to think it’s an honor.
How much he believes in his cause, and they believe in it too, and he’s so charismatic and charming and influential that even you start to believe it against your better judgment.
Wouldn’t that be monstrous?
But no. Instead we get a boring-ass edgelord who has to act cool for people to respect him.
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a list of some really weird shit that’s happened to me at Barnes and Noble
One time a man in his 40’s sat next to me while i was reading a book and asked if i thought lizards had feelings
Me and my very openly gay friend were looking through the bargain section when a man who must have been at least 80 years old ever so slightly bumped into my purse. It was so slight he could’ve just walked away and it wouldn’t have been rude, or maybe even apologized half-mindedly, but no. He turns to me and gasps and says, “oh my goodness i’m so sorry! And right in front of your husband (gesturing to my friend wearing “guyliner” and a Lady Gaga shirt), and my wife is right over there in the check out line, i’m so embarrassed!” And i wondered if i should tell him i was 17 and very much unmarried or that accidentally bumping into me really wasn’t that much of a scandal.
My other best friend and i were going down the escalator and i was explaining why i decided to go into musical theatre instead of something more stable, and this woman behind us takes us aside and goes, “i know i’m eavesdropping, but honey follow what you love, if you have a dream you need to chase it” and for about half an hour proceeded to lay out all her lifes regrets while occassionally throwing out some more clichés (this one wasn’t really as weird as it was kind of sad but sweet of her at the same time)
Okay so to set up this story— i commonly read books at the bookstore and put them back on the shelf after i finish because i’m a cheap peice of shit and also usually painfully broke, SO: i’m about 60 pages away from finishing a book and running low on time before my dad was supposed to pick me up. I was getting pretty into how the ending was playing out when out of the corner of my eye i see the most annoying kid i know barreling towards me. I hardly knew him so i kind of smiled and tried to go back to reading, but he sat down next to me and started talking like we were close friends being gloriously reunited. I tried to politely go back to my book or hint that the conversation was over, but instead of leaving he tried getting really philisophical, and it was annoying because not only did i have to accept i wouldn’t be able to finish my book, but also because he was asking questions in a way that only supported the trite bullshit he was spewing, meaning he really didn’t care about what i had to say at all. He just liked hearing himself talk. And then he put his arm around me despite my attempt at slowly inching away, and he called me pretty and had this disgusting “nice misunderstood intellectual” mantra going and i wasn’t about it. So right as i was about to forcefully leave, my dad showed up and assumed i was having a secret 14 year old date with the most annoying kid in the universe at Barnes and Noble. And it was The Worst.
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Me, myself and I
So, who is Amanda Porter? Honestly, I don’t know. This isn’t some philisophical bullshit don’t worry. I don’t know because I am not Amanda Porter. That is not my real name. Because who writes a blog and uses their own name? If I used my own name I would have to lie about what I write and what’s the point in writing this if it’s a lie.
But back the the main question. Who is Amanda Porter? Cause as far as you are concerned I am Amanda. Well I’ll tell you a bit about myself. I have blonde hair and brown eyes. I am not ugly but I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m pretty. If I had to choose a body type I would say lumpy and awkward. I am bisexual and there is still not a single prospect for me. I’m seventeen years old in my last year of high school and still a virgin.
Until about six months ago I had never even kissed anyone. Sixteen years old and never been kissed when my friends were all talking about anal and tit wanks. How sad is that? Well just before I turned seventeen I decided it would all change. I was going to put myself out there and do things I would never even think of doing. I was going to be the person that when you see them you think “wow…did you hear about her?” My plan was to be the topic of gossip, to get involved with drama and finally have sex.
So I constructed a checklist of sorts. I call it; The List of Shame [ ] Kiss [ ] Go on a date [ ] Wear more revealing clothes [ ] Get blind drunk [ ] Go to a club [ ] Lead someone on [ ] Send nudes [ ] Send nudes to multiple people at the same time [ ] Find out if I have a fetish [ ] Over the bra [ ] Under the bra [ ] Be fingered [ ] Finger a girl [ ] Hand job [ ] Blow job [ ] Be licked out [ ] Go down on a girl [ ] Tit fuck [ ] Sex
Some of these have already been crossed off the list. In future I will talk about the list along with my life and how it is probably much like most other middle class white teens’ life.
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