#and no my name is not sama LMAOOO
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habibisagi · 18 days ago
ok guys i think i finally figured out a great selfship name / tag for me and isagi. #pure sky :3c what do we think!!
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bi-hop · 8 months ago
my thoughts on rgu ep 2
and we're back to watching rgu! my thoughts so far can be found here.
it's funny and cute how those girls fawn over utena. no further thoughts, I just enjoy when that happens in yuri
I was so fucking worried that Wakaba wouldn't want to talk to Utena anymore after All That. I think Utena did the duel for a good reason but it's not like Wakaba asked her to. but nope, that wasn't the point of all that. it's okay, girl, you're better than Saionji's abusive ass anyway
... is the student council a doomsday cult?
you'd think for a group trying to 'bring revolution to the world' or whatever, they'd be more comfortable with a chaos agent added to their game LMAOOO anyway I'm pretending I understand what the fuck is going on with the letters but I don't <3
current working theory: End of the World is a supernatural force guiding them to achieve ends on the material plane. source? I have none. do not tell me what's going on or I will scream at the top of my lungs and embarrass us all
I had the feeling Anthy would be in the dorm but her writing her name underneath Utena's because her placement was an afterthought is... cute... kinda heartwrenching...
also is Anthy meant to look like a housewife? they're really hammering home the patriarchal nature of engagement and marriage here, and we haven't even gotten to another duel
speaking of their situation... while Anthy being like "you dress like a boy because you like to and I do the role as a Rose Bride because I like to" is an interesting conversation to have, I don't know if I believe it. I'm not claiming Utena's reasoning for dressing the way she does is false, I just also don't think it's the full story considering how she was also inspired to dress a certain way by a figure in her past. As for Anthy though, I do think it's false. I think she certainly believes what she's saying but the idea that she just naturally enjoys being subservient (cooking, cleaning) and being an object (more on that later) does not seem organic or 'true' to her.
my girlfriend wants a Chu-Chu plushie... ruh roh
okay back to the duels. I was already thinking she'd object to further duels because the one she partook in was exclusively for the benefit of Wakaba and she has no interest in the power plays over the Rose Bride. she doesn't even know about what they're fighting for, right? so why would she care
god, Saionji is such an abusive ex. I mean, obviously, but wow. I do think the situation is worsened by the fact that the duels confer a sense of ownership over Anthy, but the entitlement... the way he feels like she's betrayed him when he's the one who lost while also having THE ADVANTAGE? rotating him calling her shameless... Saionji-senpai vs Utena-sama... hm
I honestly didn't really notice the castle at the top of the sky when I was watching episode 1, so now the dialogue about entering it makes sense lmao
Utena claiming not to care about Anthy's situation but then immediately getting into the Sword of Dios rite and subconsciously moving to protect the rose even at the potential risk to her... yeah okay. Even Saionji calls her out on it lmao
final thoughts on the way Anthy is rendered an object to be possessed and owned but the way Saionji literally talks about her and the Sword of Dios in the same breath as 'glory' rather than, you know, Anthy being a person he cares for says it all. Her worth is only in the sense of possessing the power of Dios (whatever that means)
... is the prince Dios??? is he dead? what the fuck.
.... is Dios End of the World?!??!!? I'm so confused
Next episode is a ball episode and I'm excited for that one. I love balls, I love intrigue, I love messes.
This episode was good though, even if the pace felt different than the first episode. I think my central interest so far in the series is unraveling the mystery of what the fuck is going on at this school (the student council being powerful enough to make kids vanish is so funny btw), but I'm also deeply invested in Anthy. her passivity in the face of everything is alarming and I just want to understand it. how much of it is facade? how much of it is genuine conditioning? I want to know!!!
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resident-normal-person · 2 years ago
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPS, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received
I was tagged by @therosefrontier! I'm gonna make the duration of the poll longer bc I am No Longer Active now that I'm in college and have to devote my brain cells to studying instead of making memes during zoom high school
I have like ten gazillion AUs across multiple fandoms, including Haikyuu!!, Tower of God, Bungou Stray Dogs, and Magia Record
these are just a fraction of my WIPs lmaooo
I put the ones I have been thinking about and have the most stuff planned for here
My AO3 is here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/resident_ordinary_person/pseuds/resident_ordinary_person
I'm tagging @lokislytherin, as well as anyone who wants to take part yeehaw
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tears-of-boredom · 8 months ago
finished season 3 aughrr here's episode 15 and 16 notes
girls when they see penist lmaoo love this demon reakky making a your mom joke gagdfag sam kill him<33 sammy kill him<33 sam in a suit sam in a suit sam in suit sam in sa suit sam laughing sa m alguhinggglalk 10 minutes another victim jogging in the night by the pier oh god i hate medical horror so much sam omg you really gonna try and make dean into a zombie to savw him the fuck sammy please defy dean more often its so hot 15 mins why the horribly sad music omg i know theyre codependent and shit but theyve been apart for a couple days before come on sams gonna get his fucking kidney stolen or something 23 mins funky music sam could you get bloody this episode that would make me feel so much better love<3 this doc lowkey hot lmao whos his actor bella omg youre so girlboss sam what the fuck this is not going to work youre smarter than this oh god medical horror augh why are you taking his eyes in specific i fucking hate eye stuff sam dont be stupid you see what immortality looks like that is not something you want for dean bella <33 love the new hair btw, i think the change does you good LMAOOO THEY DID BELLA HER SHIT PULLED A BELLA DAMN but noo bella no dont die cmonn did bella die fr? oh no man did she actuaööy die
episode 16 oohhh shit this song fuckss fuck yeah this intro fucks OMG THIS SONG FUCKS SO HARD WHAT THE FUCK "carry on my wayward son"?? uh ohhh is dean gonna go to hell maybeee also how come all these demons have such like english names,, fricking rubyu and lilith and gabriel sam pls summon ruby anyways i think itd be hot if you rebelled and summoned a demon sams angryy wait rubys actually really pretty how didnt i notice before ruby you gonna try and kill sam or something?? whats that circling about? oooh sam gonna become a witch? sammy sammy pls become a witch ruby youre so awesome dean cmon let sam do a suicide mission to try and kill lilith if youre gonna die anyway oh no the girllss are fightinggg sam youre so hot girl wait sam you were in on it?? cmon sammm become a wiotch :((( for me??😳😳 omg wait dean youre actually speaking facts,, you being kinda hot rn bobby<33 bobby i love you sam singing and msiling <3333 sam singing asnd smilinggz<<#3333 omg sammmy sammy singing dead or alive by bon jovi why so hot igjfdag ooh shitt ninja shit lessgooo oh theyre killing so many oeioke ih fuck samn youre so hot 27min sam sam kill ruby kill her<33 sam samsam kill lilith cmon i dont think they can show children dying so clkearly so sams probably not gonna kill her but oh god do i wish it works like cmon let sam kill lilith and then become a iwtch also<3333 do it sam do it doitdotitdotiitito please oh my god please awww:(((( samsam sam crying while angry so hot omg sam crying OH NO DEAN CRYING AS WELLL OH NO NONONON THIS IS TOO MUCH DEAN DOESNT FUCKING CRY WHYT HWHHY OH GOSDD NO RUBY SHHUT UP THEYRE HACVING A MOMEMTN OH GOD SAM SAM DIDNT HESITATE OH MY GOD SAM SO HOT DIDNT HESITATE AS SOON AS HE REALISED HE TRIED TO SWING OMG OMG EW EW LOILOITH WHAT THE FUCK WAHT DONT DOI THAT I MWAN ID POROBABLY DO THE SANME BUT COME ON DONT ASSSAULT HIM OH GOD OFHH THE BLOOD EFFECTS BE REALSS OH WAHTSGS HAPPENING OOH THAT WAS COOL HOW HER EYES ROLLED BACK DOWN ACTUALLY OOOHOHOHOHOHOOOO SMASMMAMSMAMASMSMSMA SAM ABLE TO SCARE LILITH OMG WAIT NO SAMMSAM SAMA SA M NHPO SAM YOUR HAIR IS MESSED UYP AND YOU LOOKS HOT BUT NO NOO OH FOD oh this is the fucking,, this is the scene that i saw bts for! behind the scenes! jensen said it was horrible to film it lmao the fact that its got dean straight up yelling for sam yelling "someone help me" omg its fucking bad huh. guy who will die rather than talk about feelings is openly asking begging for help dammm we in the trenches huh but tbh i wouldve liked it if they didnt show dean being "alive" cuz now its just kind of like,, like dean is obviously just gonna escape hell at some point or something. let me believe he's straight up just dead at least for this season like cmon, the lack of closure and not knowing whats gonna happen wouldve been sooo much better
@sardonic-the-writer hello. sir. sard. whats sir short for? cuz like you know there mister and missus but what sir for uh,, sirry? is that why its "no sir-ry bob". yeah gonna headcanon that about the english language forever i think
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sunnymimis · 5 years ago
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It’s about time I posted an updated look at Cassie’s design! In most universes, she’s going to be about this age. But for now, here she is in Utapri! 
She’s a fashion design mentor at Saotome Academy. She’s looking for a student to teach.
She’s a prodigy in the fashion world and started working for major brands at a young age.
She’s half Argentinian and half American. She’s fluent in Spanish, English, and Japanese.
She’s smart, but she can also be be blunt, cynical, and apathetic. She’s difficult to befriend, but the reason she automatically pushes people away is so she doesn’t risk getting hurt by them later.
She’s a delinquent and always has been. She still likes to pull pranks on people she thinks are too serious.
If you DO befriend her, she’ll do anything to keep her friends safe, especially if she’s mentoring them like she is with Mira and Momoka. The delinquent in her is willing to break bones if someone looks at them the wrong way.
She scares all of the students at Saotome because she always looks like she’s glaring at them and is so tall, but really she’s just spacing out on her skateboard most of the time.
She’s paired with Reiji in Utapri. They were friends in high school but have grown apart lately. That is, until she returns to Saotome to find her future student!
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years ago
that final phone call
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— Miruko is one tough rabbit, but eventually even the toughest of people need a helping hand. — 
pairing: usagiyama rumi (miruko) x fem!reader
warnings: angst, cursing, blood
word count: 5,836
a/n: this is for the bnharem angst april collaboration!!! here for the best girl miruko. I would die for her and yuh, im so tired its 5:40 am and I just finished this LMAOOO and its scheduled for 9am posting. lets hope for the best, enjoy bbs. angst masterlist here.
“Pick up…”
“Don’t ignore this…”
“P-Please pick up,” Rumi mumbled into the phone, her head spinning, her breathing weak and faint. “Pick up the phone, y/n…”
“H-Hello?” your tired voice answered, and just like that, warmth flooded Rumi’s chest. She had to resist the urge from cringing; there was no reason to cringe, she berated herself, accept your feelings Rumi. “If this a prank call, I swear—”
“Y/n,” Rumi finally whispered, the energy that always existed within her fading quickly.
She didn’t need to be in the same room with you; she already knew what you were doing. How your back stiffened at the sound of her voice and how your stomach clenched, remembering what had happened two months ago.
“Why are you calling?” you said so emotionlessly that it was a sucker punch to Rumi’s stomach. A sharp reminder of what she did to you, of what had happened because she was weak. 
A ragged breath escaped Rumi’s lips while she closed her eyes, her head laying against the cold concrete, listening to the lull of the line.
“I needed to hear your voice…”
One and a half years ago.
Usagiyama Rumi, better known as the Number Five Pro Hero Miruko was — to put it lightly — a powerhouse.
Known for her almost brash entrances, sturdy legs, and quick temper, it made sense as to why she wasn’t known as the Bunny Hero. She wasn’t soft enough to be a bunny, nor was she meek or gentle. No, Rumi was a hurricane of energy. She was fast, vibrant, and deadly. She was unmatched in her field of expertise, and she had no problem demanding people know that about her. She dived into her work, no matter how big or how small she handled everything with her fullest capability.
She was obsessed with her job because she always had something to prove.
But even a workaholic such as herself needed a break — or at least time outside of her uniform.
It was nearing midnight, and Rumi was strolling the dark streets of Hiroshima, her hands shoved into her jacket pockets. At the same time, she observed the neighborhoods she protected. It was a Saturday night, meaning that street life was quite busy. After working for two months straight without a single day off, her office staff had forced a two-day vacation on her. Still, it didn’t stop her from scouting these blocks for any sign of criminal activity. 
But she stilled when she heard loud arguing many alleys ahead, and with an excited smirk, Rumi took off.
It took her approximately thirty seconds to travel an entire block and into an alleyway where a large and burly man was arguing with a small woman. Rumi stilled, her eyebrow quirking in her confusion, what was going on?
“You have to let me in!” you insist again, your nose scrunching in your annoyance, your chest puffing out, and your eyes blazing. “I have reason to believe that there is a drug-pushing gang in this very club!”
Rumi shifted closer to you, and this now apparent bouncer who was looking less than impressed with you. A drug-pushing gang? She had been trying to find intel on that gang but had been coming up dry, she wanted to know more, to find out more. It seemed that it was her lucky day that she wasn’t relaxing at home because it seemed that you had information she could use. It was ballsy of you to show up at a hideout with such demands… she liked that. Rumi’s eyes looked over at you, and her smirk turned into a grin.
You wore a charcoal grey pantsuit, a white shirt underneath the opened blazer with the first two buttons undone. Her eyes noticed the scruffed up short heels you wore, and the way that your hair was in a chaotic bun. How amusing.
“Oh yeah, little miss nosey? And who the hell do you think you are exactly?” he sneered, taking an intimidating step forward.
The bouncer was easily twice your height, and Rumi watched you, expecting you to take a submissive step back, but was surprised to see you hold your ground.
“The investigative journalist for The Daily Hiro!” you inform back, your eyes daring him without a single bit of nervousness in their blaze. 
The bouncer opened his mouth, obviously ready to kick your poor journalist ass when another voice from the alleyway spoke up.
“She is not an investigative journalist,” the voice clipped, evidently very annoyed with your words. “She’s an intern. She makes coffee runs and edits my works, ignore her.”
Rumi’s eyes shifted on an angry reporter she knew by name. Hirano Naoko. A ruthless reporter that she often found herself at odds with because he didn’t agree with her... enthusiastic approach to being a hero.
A pained yelp escaped your lips when he grabbed your bicep and pulled you to him.
To an average person, there would be no way to hear the conversation between the reporter and the intern. Still, Rumi was not an ordinary person, after all.
“I thought I told you to take witness’s statements,” he hissed pulling you away into the darkness. “Not stir up fucking trouble! Drop the fucking gang shit before you get wrapped up in things you don’t want to get caught in.”
“But you don’t understand Hirano-sama, I saw—”
“I could give two shits about what you saw! That doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want! This isn’t some fucking cop show, grow the fuck up. You’re an intern, not a reporter!”
Rumi figured she had enough.
“Hold on!” she yelled, her voice bouncing off the walls of the alleyway, and all three heads snapped her way. Her arms folded across her chest while she tilted her head. There was nothing like the way all three eyes widening when they recognized the famed Rabbit Hero standing before them with a feral grin and civilian clothes. “I want to see if this intern is right, open the door, bouncer.”
The bouncer was like a mountain to the Rabbit.
Tall, muscular, and frightening in this dim and yellow light.
“M-Miruko!” he stammered, his fingers searching for something, and Rumi lowered her stance. Was he trying to inform them that she was here? “What a pleasure seeing you here!”
Then she heard it, the familiar noise of shuffling plastic. He was trying to alert someone.
In an instant, she was before him, her heel slamming onto his chin and sending him flying, knocked out cold.
“This is why we wear heels,” she snickered, watching the mountain of a man crumble to his face. How weak, pathetic. Her attention turned to you, the intern who looked both ready to pass out from this scare and vibrating with excitement. “Intern, you promise those villains are in there?!”
Your eyes flutter, and Rumi takes you all in. Strands of hair fall over your eyes, your painted lips pulled into a large ‘o’ from your shock, but there was that confidence in your eyes that made her lick her lips in anticipation.
“On my life.”
Rumi snickered, now that was an answer she wanted to hear.
And as a one-woman show goes, she flung open the door and, in under twenty minutes, single-handedly brought down the most extensive drug unit within Hiroshima. She had defeated them all, leaving her with significant cuts on her cheeks and arms, a fat lip, a broken heel, and bruises on her toes. But damn did she feel alive.
Rumi watched with a broad grin when the twenty-three men were put into police cars, their injuries far worse than her own. How amazing was that! Months of worrying disappearing on a leisurely night stroll! She couldn’t have done it without… her mouth frowned.
She did it with help?
Her eyes flew over to you, an intern, talking to the cops with a whole file that seemed to come from nowhere with incriminating evidence against this group. Rumi shoved off the medics that were applying more useless bandages on her and walked over to you.
“Oi, intern!” she called, and both you and the police officer turned around. Thankfully, the police officer was either done interviewing you or smart enough to leave once Rumi approached with her trademark grin. “You did good work out there.”
“Miruko-san, oh, um, thank you!” you smiled in return, bowing in greeting when she stopped in front of you. “Congratulations on closing that case!”
“How did you crack them? I’ve been working on finding them slip up for months now, but you figured it out?” Rumi asked, her arms folding and head tilting. “What did you see that I missed?”
Rumi could hear your heart stop and watched the way your eyes widened significantly. “O-Oh, well, I don’t know… I guess I have a knack of being at the right place at the right time?” you laughed, rubbing the back of your head. “To be honest, it was probably more important to me than it was to you… so I able to crack it before you?”
“What makes you say that?” Rumi asks, unsure if she should be offended or not. “Are you trying to say that I’m not working hard enough?!”
“Oh my god, no!” you panic, your hands out in a motion of retreat, your head shaking quickly. Rumi wanted to open her mouth and grill you for answers, but there was something about you that made her hesitate, that made her still. You shrug your shoulders, your hands clasping together. “My future career was riding on this case. The company thinks I’m a nutjob, so if I could prove my ‘conspiracy theories’ were right, I could finally be appointed a job as a journalist!”
Rumi hummed, taking a step closer to you, enjoying the way that your heart sped up when she did so, her head tilting in her amusement, “Well, you did what you had to do, congrats.”
“T-Thank you!” you brighten at the praise, and Rumi does everything she can to not throw an arm around you.
“Usagiyama Rumi,” she introduced herself to you, her hand extended.
You stared at her hand as if she was some goddess instead of a person. But that fire that had interested her well before that erupted back in your eyes. You extended your hand, grasping hers firmly.
“Y/l/n y/n,” you grin, and it’s at this very moment that Rumi solidifies that she indeed likes you.
You were a quiet fire, unlike her own raging one, but she was no idiot. You were something that would burn the entire world down because no one would see you coming, and she liked it.
Six months later.
“RUMI!” your voice shrieks from the kitchen. “HAVE YOU SEEN MY LAPTOP?!”
Rumi was soaking in a bath right now, her eyes closed while absorbing the warm water. Two weeks of straight and intense battles had left her body a bit beat up, but hey, she was currently in her girlfriend’s apartment presently being taught how to relax. 
Yes, shocking, her girlfriend’s apartment.
It took a solid week for Rumi to realize that she had feelings for her, something that took a while for her to sort out because she thought she was mentally ill for a second. Nevertheless, her good friend Hawks laughed in her face about how she was not dying but instead just having romantic feelings for you. After that, it took two seconds for her to confess and three minutes for you to say yes. 
It was very new for both of you, but Rumi was very pleased with where everything was going at the moment. Dating certainly wasn’t something on her radar for years now, but for some reason, that fire that burned through your soul was enough to pique her interest.
“Check under the bed!” she called back, listening to your feet shuffling against the wooden floor to get to the bedroom.
“Aha, I found it!”
Rumi cracked open a single eye to watch you waddle into the bathroom with the laptop in your hands and a wide grin on your face.
“So, I’m a junior journalist now, nothing too big or fancy, but… I think I have something outstanding in the making!” you excitedly inform her, throwing open the laptop while sinking to the floor next to the tub. 
“I thought you said bath time was a no-work zone,” Rumi teases her lips perking and her red eyes drilling into your own. 
An embarrassed look flashed across your face, but as you always did, you stood your ground and challenged her.
“I can give my information to a hero who wants it then!” you huff, moving to close the electronic device. “Like you care about my rule, anyways!”
“What a brat!” Rumi barks with laughter, her shoulders rolling in the warm and murky water. Her eyes watched the way her long white hair gently flowed in the water, something you had pointed out looked like moonbeams one night. It had been stupidly stupid, and she would forever remember the way you curled in a ball at your embarrassment. “Tell me!”
Snickering, you nodded, your fingers moving quickly against your keyboard while you searched for the document.
“I have information on the soon to be most dangerous crime group out there,” you inform her, your voice taking on a serious note when you look up at her. “Name it, they’ve done it, and worse yet, they’re a cultish family.”
Rumi felt a chill run down her spine at that information. That wasn’t a title you gave out quickly, nor with such confidence. Together the two of you had taken down four villain groups, and some of them had been nasty fuckers. 
“What’s their name?”
“They go by the name Shinseina,” you inform her, your knees pulling up to your chest, the laptop balanced on your knees to show Rumi your document. “I got one tip about two months ago, and that’s all I’ve managed to find on them.”
Rumi stared at the document.
‘Organization Name: Shinseina
Symbol: A Black Sun
Number of Members: ???
Warnings: ???
Leaders: ???
Location of Base: HQ thought to be in Hiroshima, the possibility of there being more is very high
Crimes: Quirk canceling drugs, quirk enhancing drugs, murder, gang affiliation, rape, robbery, theft, illegal quirk usage, money laundering, and 12 more.
Number of Heroes Killed: 16+.’
Two months of hard work, and that was all you had managed.
Rumi didn’t even need to use her quirk to hear your hammering heart, this was obviously upsetting you.
Sighing, she pulled her wrinkled hand out of the tub to motion for you to place the laptop away, her eyes holding yours when you do as commanded. “Come here, loser.”
“That’s rude,” you grumble, but still, you slide to the edge of the tub and watch Rumi.
Rumi sits up in the tub, her lips pressing against yours in a sweet embrace.
Your eyes flutter close at the feeling of her soft and smooth lips against yours. The slight coldness of her skin from just sitting in this water, sending a pleasurable shiver down your spine. Rumi chuckled, and the next thing you knew, she was dragging you in.
Rumi relished in the way your pitched screams echoed off the walls, your denial of being brought into the water was useless. Eventually, she pulled your fully clothed body into the lukewarm water with her, and your cries of disapproval faded into beautiful laughter.
Your cheeks burned while Rumi’s fur stood up in triumphant victory.
“I told ya, squirt, I don’t lose.”
You slammed your head against her collarbone, moaning loudly in your defeat, “I hate you!!!”
“Sure, you do!”
Rumi could only dodge out of your way when you went in for a weak attack. It was okay though, she thought, teasing you again for your weak punch. She would always protect you.
Her eyes rapidly blinked when those thoughts fully sank into her mind.
Excuse me?
Six months later.
“An obstacle course?” you repeated, your eyes looking at the bouncy house that was apparently a place for a date. While you pursed your lips, Rumi looked back at her friends who seemed excited. “I’m sorry, but in what world do you expect me — a journalist — to be able to keep up with you Heroes?
Rumi once again turned back to look at Hawks and his intern, who both seem ready to compete. So she turned back around to face you and nodded in egotistical confidence. Your mouth dropped when she finished nodding.
“The only time I exercise is when I chase after people who run away from me!” You cry, obviously not at all prepared to compete against people who practically worked out for living!
“Don’t worry, they won’t use their quirks, and this is a team obstacle course!” Rumi laughs, her arms flexing to show you that there was nothing to worry about. She would make sure you both won even if that meant she would have to carry you to the finish line. “I won’t let you get hurt,”
She knew you wouldn’t like the idea of it; after all, you hated losing. But you were not one to back away from a challenge, and Rumi loved that about you.
“Fine,” you huff, turning towards the obstacle course.
With a loud hoot, Rumi bounced after you, an arm wrapping tightly around your shoulders.
“This’ll be fun.”
The objective of the course was to get across some pretty insane things together. There was a maze, obstacles to climb over, crawl over, powerfully slam through, all leading up to a freakishly tall wall to go down a slide, which was the finish line. Rumi was brimming with excitement, if she had to launch you across the course, she would. No way in hell was she going to let Hawks of all people beat her.
Shoes came off, and Rumi bounced on her toes at the entrance. She was shoulder to shoulder with both you and Hawks, and her eyes were on the finish line. She was going to win with you, that was the truth.
The employee working the festival stand sighed, staring at the four of you and getting an okay from his coworker.
“You both need to be at the final obstacle at the very end, but only one person needs to cross the finish line to be the winner,” he explained, and his hand raised for a countdown. “Ready?”
Rumi turned toward you, her hand reaching out and grabbing yours and placing a reassuring kiss on the back of your hand.
“Stop being so gay, Rumi, how embarrassing,” Hawks teased to her right.
“Suck my lesbian ass, pigeon.”
Rumi took off instantly, tugging you along with her, and before she knew it, the two of you were on the course. It was actually going better than she was expecting, you weren’t as incapable as you thought. You were able to keep up with a bit of struggle, but Hawks had smacked into a wall earlier, so she wasn’t concerned.
Obstacle after obstacle, the two of you conquered until you reached the wall.
Rumi looked back and noticed that Hawks and his intern were still stuck on the second to last course. That maze had been pretty bullshit.
“I’ll climb first!” Rumi explained, and you agreed with a pant.
Rumi turned back to the wall and began climbing the poorly reinforced steps that were there. It was obviously constructed to be able to withstand a child’s footing and not anyone over the age of seven. So as it was already stupidly tall, it was a struggle to climb.
Rumi was almost to the top when she looked down at you. You were a few steps down, your face twisted in your attempt to concentrate, your arms wobbling under the strain of trying to support yourself. Her attention snapped over to Hawks, who seemed to be scaling the wall, and her eyes widened. 
She needed to win.
She scampered up a few more steps before a cry came out.
Her focus slammed back to you and the way that your fingers slipped from the grasp, and in slow motion, you tumbled. It was without a doubt that this fall wouldn’t have hurt you, not a chance in hell would you have been injured, but Rumi’s instincts took over, and before she knew it, her arms were wrapped around you.
The trampoline bottom crashed onto her back, and you slammed onto her stomach.
Rumi had caught you.
She groaned at the discomfort caused by this action but lay still her hands stroking your cheek. Your eyes were wide, staring up at your girlfriend in complete shock. 
“Are you okay?” Rumi asks in a rare moment of softness. “You weren’t hurt, right?”
“Why did you jump after me?!” you yell that amusement she loved so much burning brightly in your gaze. “I wouldn’t have been hurt, you dork!”
“I promised I wouldn’t let you get hurt,” Rumi insists, rubbing her nose against yours. 
Once again, she can hear your hammering heart, and it relaxes her.
“But you let Hawks win!”
Rumi blinks at the realization, and suddenly the wheels in her head are turning rapidly.
“Would you ladies mind moving? The champions are ready to visit other stands unless you don’t wanna hang with us anymore!” Hawks calls out to both Rumi and you.
Rumi watches silently when you push off her, pressing a grateful kiss to her lips before responding back to the Pro Hero. 
“Oh, Hawks! Has Rumi told you about the new detail about the Shinseina case I’m working on?” you called off, skipping to catch up with her friend that she had allowed to win.
Rumi gave up a victory for you… she threw it away to save you from nothing… she thought that there were things about you that she loved. It didn’t sit well in her chest, and she watched with a twitching nose when you exited the course with that captivating bright smile. 
She couldn’t be in love… no, there was no way!
Love made you weak! Love made you insignificant! Love was a demonstration that you weren’t strong enough on your own, and to Rumi — no, to Miruko — that wasn’t okay.
Four months later.
Rumi at the edge of your bed, her head down, ears wilted, nose twitching, and face clouded.
What the fuck was wrong with her?
“Bunny?” your tired voice called out in the silence of the night.
The noise surprised Rumi. It had so quiet until then, and it had completely caught her off guard. Her! The Pro Hero with some of the best ears around! Who could hear the quietest things meters away!
“Are you okay?”
Rumi wasn’t okay.
“I pulled a kick today,” she whispered to you, her hands shifting into fists on her lap. She shook with rage, her body trembling like a leaf.
“Is that a… a bad thing?” you yawn, shifting on the bed and finding her body, relaxing at the heat she gives off.
“Yes.” Rumi snaps, her body stiffening against your touch. “Yes, it’s obviously a bad thing.”
Rumi’s eyes concentrate on her bruised thighs, her frown increasing. How could she tell you the truth? How could she say that you were her weakness?
For years she had been a headstrong hero, someone who didn’t think but reacted. She lived her life to the fullest every day, and she gave it her all every chance she got. It applied to her social life and her work life, especially her work life. She wasn’t one to laze about; she would die on the job if she had to, and her opponents always knew that, but lately, things had changed. 
She found herself praying to some god about making sure she lived through these battles so she could go home to you. She prayed that someone else would find the Shinseina and bring them down so she wouldn’t be taken down. Being weak wasn’t a problem; after all, she was motherfucking Miruko, so she was used to building on her weaknesses, but this was different. No matter what she did, she couldn’t love you any less. Fuck, did she love you.
She loved the way your eyes narrowed whenever you interviewed people. She loved how you were quickly gaining traction in the media for being the best investigative journalist ever. She was so in love with you, and that’s where the problem was. Her love for you was so pure, so genuine, she wanted to give you the fairy tale ending. She tried to think before she acted, and villains were starting to notice.
Villains were threatening to hurt you, and Rumi was trapped.
“We need to break up.”
You weren’t expecting that, not in the slightest.
“I don’t want to be with you anymore,” Rumi lies, and she feels you move away from her body, and it takes everything in her to not cry.
“Why not?” you ask, your voice steely smooth.
“You were access to the information I wanted. My office team is ass, and you were always getting your hands dirty with cases I needed to solve. But it seems that you’re nowhere near close to figuring out the last group I care about,” Rumi wills herself to say, her ears moving back up to show that she wasn’t lying. “I pretended for a year to be in love with you, but I can’t anymore.”
“Y-You’re not a great liar,” you state, challenging her false words.
Rumi loved it when you challenged her, but there was no time for that. So with a tight chest and flaring red eyes, she snapped around towards you, lips pulled into a snarl.
“Do you think I’m lying, y/l/n? I stuck around because you made me stronger, but now? You’re no better than the dirt on my shoes. Pathetic, useless, and a disgrace. I don’t need you anymore, so I’m cutting this off because I don’t want to pretend anymore.”
Standing up, Rumi storms over to the door, ready to leave.
She wishes she could say that it ended there, but it didn’t. Not even close to being done.
You spat acid at her, and she returned it at the same toxicity. Over and over again, the two of you verbally battled. False emotions taking the better of you both until you were in her face, tears streaming down your face, fingers shaking in her face.
“You are a fucking coward, Usagiyama,” you sneer, the effect only dramatized by your red eyes and deep eye bags. “Get over your stupid fucking commitment issues, being apart of a team i-is not weak! I’m here to make you stronger, not for you to want to be a one-man squad again! You’ll die alone that way!”
“I know being apart of a team isn’t weak,” Rumi states, her heart long frozen over. “I just don’t want to be apart of yours anymore.”
A humorless laugh escapes your mouth, and you shake your head, “Don’t show your face here again, if I see you, I’ll call the cops.”
“— and Miruko, you’ll enter first. You’ll be alone for about five minutes if that’s okay.”
Rumi looked up, her mind freed from her daydream about what was happening.
It was two months since she had broken up with you, and things had only taken a turn for the worse. She threw herself into work. Overusing her quirk in ways that over-injured villains who were petty thieves, or underusing it in ways that she kept landing herself in the hospital. To put it simply, the rabbit hero was a mess. 
“Yeah, got it,” she nodded.
Things with the Shinseina ended up being brought to the light finally by you. You had noticed a slight clue in your office that had been undetected and ended up having you thrown into the Witness Protection Program due to the severity of the secret. But still, you provided an updated and completed information:
‘Organization Name: Shinseina
Symbol: A Black Sun
Number of Members: 237 thugs and lower cult members, 57 leaders and mid cult members, 12 senior members of the cult, 1 leader.
Warnings: All have dangerous quirks that can be used for assassination.
Leaders: Hirano Naoko
Location of Base: HQ - Hiroshima. Other sites detailed in the secondary report.
Crimes: Quirk canceling drugs, quirk enhancing drugs, murder, gang affiliation, rape, robbery, theft, illegal quirk usage, money laundering, and 12 more.
Number of Heroes Killed: 84’
“Hey, you get one call on this, we don’t want them finding anything on us in case we fail,” the leader spoke to her. Miruko breathed in deeply, accepting the cellphone that was given to her.
“Got it, thank you,” she muttered, and with that, they headed out.
Five minutes, that’s all it was.
Five minutes for Miruko, the Rabbit Hero, was nothing. Especially when she was zipping through room to room, taking out cult member after cult member. Everything was a blur, and she could only see her streaming hair following her like moonbeams in her wake.
Rumi thought of you, your face when you were happy when you were sad, and that night you broke up. Her lip trembled when her foot connected with someone’s chin sending them flying. Panting harshly, she stood in a room full of unconscious cult members. She had three minutes before backup would storm through the door, but which door to—
She just felt the impact. An intense tingle, similar to a severe electric shock coursing through her body. Rumi realized then that thousands upon thousands of circuits have just been broken, and it was burning her up. The heat was nothing she could have ever imagined, festering strongly in her bleeding wound. But there was still no pain when her foot connected with the man’s throat, instantly knocking him out. 
He had snuck up on her, his quirk concealing him even from her rabbit ears.
Rumi whimpered when she fell to the ground, blood pouring from her wound despite her best efforts. He had managed to land seven blows on her, and the world was darkening quickly.
Three more minutes until they came, but she could call them now…
When Rumi collapsed on the floor, her vision swam when she pulled out the phone, a warm and sticky puddle forming underneath her, staining everything that was white about her. Rumi’s fingers punching in the number she wanted to call.
“Pick up…”
“Don’t ignore this…”
“P-Please pick up,” Rumi mumbled into the phone, her head spinning, her breathing weak and faint. “Pick up the phone, y/n…”
“H-Hello?” your tired voice answered, and just like that, warmth flooded Rumi’s chest. She had to resist the urge from cringing; there was no reason to cringe, she berated herself, accept your feelings Rumi. “If this a prank call, I swear—”
“Y/n,” Rumi finally whispered, the energy that always existed within her fading quickly.
She didn’t need to be in the same room with you; she already knew what you were doing. How your back stiffened at the sound of her voice and how your stomach clenched, remembering what had happened two months ago.
“Why are you calling?” you said so emotionlessly that it was a sucker punch to Rumi’s stomach. A sharp reminder of what she did to you, of what had happened because she was weak. 
A ragged breath escaped Rumi’s lips while she closed her eyes, her head laying against the cold concrete, listening to the lull of the line.
“I needed to hear your voice…” 
“Do you even know what time it is?” you almost growl, and that fighting spirit sends a warm feeling in Rumi’s chest. “What in the fuck do you need?”
“It’s two a.m., I know that, but I need you right now,” Rumi staggers into the mic, your spirit bleeding through the call. 
The line goes silent for a bit, and Rumi’s eyes feel heavier with every passing second. She wants to tell you she loves you, please give her the chance to say it.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t go back to you anymore,” you curtly respond. “You made sure of that.”
How ironic, Rumi thought, because now she would never go back to you anymore… never…
“I know,” she hoarsely responds back, her mouth trembling and tears slowly pouring from her eyes. It hurt so much, how horrible it was to go out because of stab wounds. Of all ways to go out, she never expected it to be like this, nor did she expect it to be done with regret in her actions. Because fuck, she regretted how she ended it with you. She regretted letting you go. She thought of your face and how you looked the first time she admitted she loved you, of how dorky you were for your first anniversary. How your eyes glowed whenever you corned the people you were investigating with something that seemed straight from a story. “I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry, y/n…”
“Are… are you okay, Usagiyama?”
“I love you…” she whispered before the phone fell from her fingers, crashing onto the bloodied floor.
You stared at the phone, confused. 
Frowning you placed it down, the call had ended, but why was she calling you?
How this stupid bunny pissed you off sometimes. Turning your phone back on, you went to recent calls and recalled the number she had reached you on.
“Sorry, but the number you’ve tried to call is no longer available, please try again. Thank you!”
You frowned a pit forming in your stomach, but you put your phone away, and for some reason, you couldn’t fall back asleep that night. 
It was eight in the morning when your phone blew up, and with a heavy hand, you grabbed your phone and looked at the billowing messages. And at the headliner, your stomach dropped to your toes, and bile climbed to your mouth.
‘RABBIT HERO: MIRUKO KILLED IN ACTION DURING Shinseina RAID!: It’s being reported that she was stabbed several times while alone, and while she was given a phone for backup, she used it on a call they cant trace.’
You couldn’t read it anymore, your heart hammering erratically while a blood-curdling scream escaped your mouth.
She was gone, she had called you last night to say goodbye, and you didn’t give her the time of day. She was gone, and you would never get the chance to convince her that having a life partner wasn’t weak.
Usagiyama Rumi was gone, and no amount of hoping, praying, or crying was going to bring her back to you or to redo that final phone call.
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 5 years ago
gruvia drabble:
author’s note: so! this is based on a theory from @bbygirljuvi !!! it’s essentially predicting what would happen in chap 58 of 100 yq! so if u dont read 100 yq and have no idea what im talking ab, give chap 57 a read lmaooo. remember when i JUST said i didnt like writing fics of me predicting what would happen in canon in the future? well, fuck it ig!!!
ALSO i wanna point out that i LOVEEEE ur guys’ feedback and love sooossososo much!!! the only reason i dont reply to comments is bc this isnt my main blog so if i reply it will only reply from my main that i dont even use anymore:/ so i dont want u guys to think im ignoring u!!!:) just know that i do read ur comments and i love ur support! if u message me or leave me an ask i will 100% respond!:) thank u ALL ilysm!!! enjoy!:)
“She’s my power to live.”
Everything after that was just white. All she could see, all she could hear. The world around her completely stopped at that point in time.
Words like these were the exact words Juvia had dreamt of hearing for what felt like an eternity at that point. She knew her face was beaming red, and her mouth was agape.
After the short period of nothingness, the words repeated in her head over and over again. Did she hear him right? Did she mix up the words in her head? No. No, she was sure that she didn’t. “She’s my power to live.” played on loop. The more the words swirled in her head, the more she felt her heart burn. It was all too much for her, but in the best possible way. She completely forgot where she even was for a moment— that she was in the middle of a battle, having the life drained from by the second.
Juvia’s body shook as her head bobbed up and down, trying to catch her breath in that moment. Her skin was so hot she thought she might melt. She was his power to live. She knew that meant a lot, because that was exactly how she felt about Gray. All the emotions in her were rising to a boil, and it wasn’t until she heard her darling call her name that she was finally being pulled back to reality.
“Calm down, Juvia!” She heard his voice call to her. She then remembered just where she was and what she was doing.
“Gah!” Metro called out in sheer pain. “So hot!”
As Juvia reached her arms out to run and embrace her beloved, her arms didn’t listen. They were stuck to the tree. However, the grip did waiver. Juvia’s hot water was causing him to slip. Then, in that moment, her annoyance took priority above all her other emotions, and she let it out where she knew it would be useful.
“Let Juvia go!” Her voice was brash, and her body began to boil even more, doubling the steam that was already coming off of her and Metro.
“Stop it! Ah!” Metro’s body thrashed with discomfort, but Juvia wasn’t letting up— not until she was in Gray’s arms.
“Ergh!” Juvia practically growled. She mustered up all that emotion and got ready for one final blow of hot water.
Metro let out a scream of pain before losing consciousness and collapsing to the ground into a pile of steaming wood. Gray stood in awe as he watched it all happen, and once he realized Metro was about to go down, he took started to lunge forward to catch Juvia who would fall. Before he could get there, Juvia fell to the ground and stuck the landing. Gray didn’t even have a chance to ask if Juvia was ok before she herself lunged at him.
“Gray-sama!~” She sang as she threw herself onto Gray, wrapping around his torso.
“Whoa!” Gray grunted on impact. His eyes were still wide as he was still attempting to process everything that just happened.
“Oh, Gray-sama! Did you really mean what you said?!” She nuzzled her giddy face into his chest.
Gray was still dumbfounded at the pile of defeated wood that laid in front of him. He couldn’t process what Juvia was even saying. Just a second ago she was struggling to stay conscious, stuck on the enemy, and now she was completely fine and safe with Gray.
“Uh— What exactly— just happened?” Gray stammered. He finally began to reciprocate the hug by resting a hand on the top of Juvia’s back as his other hand ruffled through his hair.
“Hm?” Juvia pulled herself out of Gray’s chest and rose a curious eyebrow. She noticed he still had his eyes locked onto what used to be the great and powerful Metro and turned her head to match his gaze, and then quickly turned back to Gray. “Oh! That! Juvia can get pretty—erm—- crazy when her emotions get a little out of control.” She chuckled nervously, realizing that what she did was a bit much.
“Yeah... you don’t say.” Gray huffed.
“But Juvia couldn’t help it!” She threw herself right back onto him. “Gray-sama just said the best and most romantic words ever! Juvia had to give you a great big hug as soon as possible!” She giggled and snuggled back up all over again.
Gray snorted. “Wow.” He wiped his hair out of his eyes. It all happened so fast. Gray’s mind was running a mile of minute just a second ago thinking how he would rescue Juvia, but she went and rescued herself.
“You are... You’re incredible, you know that?” His breath was still stolen, but gave a chuckle at the end.
“Me?!” Juvia pulled away with wide eyes.
“Yes, you!” He finally looked down at her.
“Here I was so worried about protecting you and keeping you safe, but... you don’t really need me to do that, do you?”
“Well, of course Juvia wants Gray-sama to protect her! That is music to Juvia’s ears!” She swooned for a moment. “But don’t forget, Juvia is a Fairy Tail wizard. I know how to hold my own.” She smiled surely.
There he had it. Gray just got that closure he’d been searching for all this time, but Juvia took his closure and flipped it upside down. She gave him closure, but even better, she proved to him that he didn’t need to keep waiting to be “strong enough” or “confident enough”. He was confident enough and felt so strongly, that he didn’t need any of the validation that he thought he needed. All he needed was her, and he didn’t have to keep pushing off his feelings anymore.
Tears rushed to his eyes as he swfitly brought Juvia back into his embrace. “Thank you.” He said softly, tightening his arms.
“Thank you, Gray-sama.” Juvia wrapped her arms further.
They stood there for a while, just in each other’s hold.
After some time, Juvia’s legs began to wobble a bit as she felt light headed, and her stance struggled, causing her to take a step to the side and lose her grip.
“Juvia!” Gray exclaimed, concerned. “Are you alright?” He pulled her away.
“Well,” She chuckled. “Juvia did just exert a lot of magic energy back there, and while I can take care if myself, Juvia’s not invincible either.”
Gray matched Juvia’s grin. “Alright, let’s get you somewhere to rest. Can you walk?”
“Yes.” Juvia nodded. She took a few steps forward perfectly fine, and then she paused. A light bulb went off in her head.
“Well-“ Her voice pitch rose. “Actually, Juvia is feeling sooo weak! Juvia doesn’t think she can walk! Gray-sama will have to carry her!” She dramatically wailed, but as usual, Gray saw right through her antics.
“Yeah, nice try.” He scoffed.
“Aww...” Juvia’s shoulders sunk. It was worth a shot.
Gray smirked and rolled his eyes. “Here, just in case, wrap your arm around me.”
Juvia lit up all over again. “Ok! That’ll work.” Gray squatted a bit so Juvia could wrap her arm around his shoulders. Gray’s one hand held onto Juvia’s while the other wrapped around her waist for stability.
“Oh, and by the way,” Gray blushed. “I did mean what I said.”
Juvia was a bit confused, and she raised a brow.
Gray grumbled. “Ya’ know, about you being my power to live, or whatever.” He looked down, embarrassed. “I really did mean it.” He looked back at Juvia who had the same expression she had on her face the first time he said it. He quickly averted his gaze again.
“And, actually, you’re not just my power to live. You’re a whole bunch of other stuff too. You’re—well— my world, honestly.” He finally finished, and he felt a huge weight lifted from his shoulders when he finally said it.
Juvia gasped with delight, and she tilted her head into Gray. She giggled as they continued walking, and she tightened her grip on Gray’s hand.
“Well, that makes Juvia very happy. Juvia feels the exact same.”
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imelpomene · 5 years ago
10 Fave Fandoms
Name your top 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms (and tag 10 people unsuccessful LOL)!
Hahaha, I was never active enough on Tumblr before to have people tag me in things. But thanks @rekutopia​ 
1. Noragami - Yato. I had a tough time between him or Hiyori. Adachitoka does such a wonderful job of creating complex and deep characters. Picked Yato because he’s so... Resilient and hardworking. He was born for tragedy, but decided he wanted to make people happy. Not to mention, what he did for baby Yukine...  💔
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2. Classroom of the Elite - Suzune Horikita. This one I also had trouble deciding since I really liked Kiyotaka, but Suzune was the more relatable one since we have similar personalities (especially when it comes to getting the things we want.) 😏
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3. D. Gray-man - Lavi Bookman. His character is so complex, with his duty to his clan, but slowly yet surely, learning about things like friendship, family and emotions even though it’s not allowed... It’s kind of tragic. He’s also hilarious. Lmao.
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4. Full Metal Alchemist - Roy Mustang. He’s suave, badass and funny. Also, I have a thing for fire bois. 😏
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5. Avatar: The Last Airbender - Zuko. Bruh. This has to be obvious.
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6. Horimiya - Toru Ishikawa. He’s so precious and sweet, even though sometimes, he’s not the brightest crayon in the box. LOL. His reactions to things are also hilarious. (Manga versions of the characters are much better imo)
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7. Akagami no Shirayukihime - Obi. Dark, dangerous, but also sweet, kind and funny. He’s grown from an assassin to a wonderful knight. WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK FOR.
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8. Soul Eater - Soul Evans. He looks so good in a suit and playing the piano. I love hardasses that enjoy/can play instruments. Lmaooo.
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9. Fairy Tail - Natsu Dragneel. He might not seem like it, but I love how grounded Natsu is. When shit hits the fan, instead of wallowing in doubt, he smiles and thinks: we’re gonna kick ass. He also never takes anything personally, which I wish everybody in irl would be like. But I mostly enjoy his stupid shenanigans and when he’s whooping ass.. #FireBois
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10. Digimon - Mimi Tachikawa. This one goes wayyy back into my childhood. She’s normally not the type of character I like/relate to but beneath the prissiness and being spoiled, she’s very honest (brutal/radical honesty that sometimes end up unintentionally hurting people) and I loved how confident she grew up to be doing whatever the fuck she wanted.
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I’m not sure who to tag/who got tagged already so I’m just gonna randomly pick from the people I follow/followers. LOL.
@yume-yato​ @spootywabbit​ @watashi-yato-sama @immaburningship​ @anangrybouquet​
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fluffyomorashi · 5 years ago
hi fluff! this is a random question and isnt really related to anything omo or anything that's going on rn, but i wanna watch some anime tonight, and having not seen any anime except looking up omo scenes because i'm an uncultured swine, i was wondering if you could suggest any good animes, since i know you watch some lmao. (please don't judge me for not watching anime, it's just never been something i thought i'd be interested in-)
Ah!!! I-idk why but I get so gosh darn self-conscious and shy about this hdbsksnd ... ahhh but I guess I put a fewwwwww names I like..
B-but really depends what kinda anime you like ya know! like... slice of life? Comedy? Action? Fantasy? Drama?? Romance??? Ah! (Also I feel like a lot of my taste is slice of life romancey and childish >\\\>)
... also just wanna complain!!— I swear I get this question every few months and for once I actually wrote down a proper list and neat order!! But 10 minutes into destroying my room looking for it of course I can’t find it lmaooo... so.. here’s a quick frantic list of the anime I can remember right now that I liked!! all jumbled up!
My little monster
 darling in the frankxxx
Kokoro connect
My future diary 
Daily lives of high school boys
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
My big love story
Blue spring ride
Yuru yuri
Beyond the boundaries
Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Andddd lots more that I can’t think of I’m sure lol! >\\\> I hope this is ok/ you like some of them!
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thealter-ego · 5 years ago
Another day, another boi
Aku tau aku selalu cerita soal lelaki di sini. Karena aku nggak tahu lagi harus bercerita sama siapa, karena aku nggak pernah percaya diri untuk ngomongin hal ini ke siapapun, even itu sahabatku. Mungkin karena persona yang kutampilkan sehari-hari seperti perempuan cuek yang tomboy, jadi apabila tiba-tiba aku bercerita soal laki-laki, aku takut malah akan ditertawakan dan menganggap hal ini lucu bagi mereka.
Ok, jadi kali ini, i feel like someone have crush on me. I know it sounds weird and overconfident. But there is so many things that he did to me, that made me feel like that. It's already happened since maybe 2 months ago but i just want to tell what happened today. Just very this day.
So me and my friends including him, we were visited a museum for doing our project together. We shud be on the way at 7am but suddenly my stomach wasnt well that i had to have a breakfast first. So i was eating in the 24hrs restaurant near my home and the bus shelter that im gonna use. I told my friends via group chat and one of my friend said thats ok, then he also answered that its better if we had a breakfast first before we go. So yeah, we were having a breakfast first.
Pls notice that his place is near from my home that actually we can go together but he didnt asked and i was worried if i asked first it would make him unconfortable to go with me. So yea thats a lil intermezzo.
Soo long story short after eating my breakfast i was directly walked to the bus shelter to wait the bus. There was 1 bus that we dont have to transit but it just has a few buses that its gonna take a long time to wait. After a half hour i take the transit bus bcs i just dont wanna wait too long.
Setelah melewati beberapa shelter he said that he got the one way bus. I was a lil upset bcs MAN IM GONNA BE LATE BCS OF THIS TRANSIT BUS. But thats ok bcs i love seeing streets thru bus's windows anyway hehe.
After few hours he has arrived at the final shelter sedangkan aku posisinya masih lumayan jauh. Meeting point-nya pun bukan di final shelter, melainkan di sebuah tempat tidak jauh dari shelter. I thought he wasnt gonna wait for me bcs.. u know.. he SHUD BE doesnt care. But then he said:
"I'll wait here (shelter) bcs i dont want to look like a lost person. Im gonna wait T (my name) here. Im gonna wait the cameraman".
Yes im the person behind the camera in this project. And yes, he was waiting for me, for that long.
Tbh my stomach was like.. full of butterflies again. Omg its been so long, i never felt like this again. I kinda miss this feeling haha.
I was a lil worried bcs i was afraid that im gonna be awkward even though i already had a lot of boi friends around me but why is he made me worried.
When i was arrived, i saw him sitting on the bench, looked at his phone, while looking for me everytime a bus arrived. He saw me, then he get up, and walking like he dont care.
Ok i was just like.. ok. Thats ok. I was act like i dont care too like.. walking so fast thru ppl that block the way. But somehow he was trying to take care of me too WKWK I KNOW THAT SOUNDS CHEESY but u know, when we were walked passing thru the streets he was guiding me like trying to protect me.
When we arrived at the museum we shud bought a ticket. I didnt have coins that time and he pay double then i said that i wanna borrow his money and ill pay later. Ill tell u how this story end in the very end of story.
Then, another stories. So, he is really love photography and videography but he doesnt know how to operate it really well. He has a lot of equipments but he doesnt really use them lmao. Thats why he was so excited when we were going to build our own PH so we will produce so many videos together (with my friends ofc). And he was just bought an equipment and he was insisted me to use it bcs he was curious how to use them lol. I was like.. ok whatever hopefuly it will helps. But then we were spend like half a hour for setting up the equipment lol. And it wasnt going really well😂.
After we did our project, we were taking photos together using timer feature on camera. He was the one who clicked the shutter. My friend asked him that he shud know his position in the frame. From all the position, he took the position beside me. I mean, LITERALLY BESIDE ME, ON MY RIGHT. In the second photo he choose to take at the very left position, and i was half sit down for pose. Then in the last photo, he still choose at the very my left, he did a pose just like me. WHY IS HE ALWAYS COPY MEEEE???? LMAOOO.
After we doin our project in this museum, we were about to go home but we wanted to visit a tower near the museum. We were going to the upstairs to finish our project. The stairs are pretty old but i was like, ok it's easy to climb. But when we were going downstairs, i was so scared. I have acrophobia and the stairs like has a hole in every stairs that i could see the bottom of the tower. IT WAS SCARY THAT MY FEET WAS SHAKING. The handle is too short for me and i was carrying my heavy camera. Two of my friends was made me more scared that they made a joke of it. And u know what he said?
"It's ok, it's fine, there is nothing on the bottom", like.. did he tried to comfort me????
That what i like about him. He always made me feel safe and calm in any situation. But in that time i was like "YEA ITS BCS THERE IS NOTHING ON THE BOTTOM THAT MADE ME SCARED!!" LMAOOOO. Then he laughs.
After that, they were having an afternoon pray. Then he was keeping the project items and he said that i cud keep his gadget so i can copy the files. I dunno why i write this point but i feels like he trusted me to bring his fancy gadget lol.
Then we were waiting the bus that we'll gonna use. The bus wasnt seems like gonna coming so we were visited a minimarket near the shelter. We bought a lot of drinks, and one of my friend was buying 3 bottles of water. That time i finally had coins so i want to pay the ticket that he paid for me. And he said:
"No no u dont need to pay it back",
I was like.. "umm.. ok" lmao why i was so flat.
The bus still doesnt coming so we decided to wait in the opposite shelter bcs there is so many benchs that we can sit on it. I was sitting beside him bcs there is no benchs left. I took my friend's water bottle to put it in my water bottle bcs mine was almost run out. But he was get up from the bench and seeing me holding the bottle, i asked him, "u wanna drink?"
He said, "yea just a bit! Ill open the bottle for u first"
I was like (again) "ok".
He drinks and I was going to bring my bottle and he was too. I mean i want him to pour the water into my bottle. But i thought he was want me to put it by myself. When i want to take the bottle he was goint to pour the water into my bottle. It was looping couple times lol but ended up he pour the water into my bottle lmao.
The bus was finally coming and i was just realized that im gonna go home with him with the same bus's rute. Omg what shud i do.
But it ended up that we separated away bcs i choose to stands in the women area and he was in the men area. I thought he want to stay beside me but he didnt. After we transit, he
i mean, if he doesnt have a feeling, could u just like... be a normal person??? I never been like that with my boi friends that i knew.
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