#and no its NOT ok to buy the newest trendy outfit bc some influencer told you to
femgoddess-hecate · 2 days
Excessive consumption of anything legit makes me sick. Like I'm not on tiktok but I see stuff on YouTube and insta and like..... ew
New clothing hauls, restock my fridge with me, people getting iced coffees that are basically just liquid sugar, the water flavoring craze, needing to eat every version of a cookie, just consuming more and more and worse versions of everything.
We don't need this stuff. Seeing it being made and consumed makes me physically ill and then people defending it like "well I'm xyz and I NEED to drink water with glitter and cotton candy syrup and watermelon flavored powder or I LICHRALLY won't be able to stomach water at all" can we please just stop. This makes me wanna vomit I promise you water is OK to drink plain. Am I going crazy here? Not to sound like my own father but something is not right with people these days
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