#and no hearing that did NOT help my heartrate
angel-of-the-moons · 3 months
Hear me out.
A Ghost In The Gym
(Ghost x Fem!Reader)
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It was another day at the gym for you, only, today... There was a man in a rather scary skull mask glaring holes into the mirror across from him as he used the dumbbells...
You paid him no mind, some people wear masks in the gym. Could be allergies or... Something
Your eyes can't seem to focus on anything else around you, because whenever you look in the mirror, you see he's staring at you
It immediately concerns you, and you try to shove your discomfort aside.
You put in your headphones and try to tune the world out and focus on your routine.
You were ten minutes into your slow climb to a trot on the treadmill when you looked up and he was suddenly right there
You almost trip as you hit the stop button on the mill, and look up at him because he's leaning very close all of a sudden. Your voice is very sheepish and concerned.
"Can I.... Can I help you?"
"I didn't mean to startle you. There's two men staring at you, they followed you in here. They're talking about trying to convince you to come home." His rich voice grumbles softly.
You swallow and casually glance around the gym, spotting the men in question, who suddenly acted like they were busy. You were so concerned with the big scary man in the mask you didn't notice the two guys dressed in street clothes. They looked familiar...
"I told them to fuck off." He says, standing up straight. "Hope you don't mind, but I told them that you were my girlfriend, that you were meeting me here."
"Oh... Um.... Thank you."
He tilts his head, his chocolate eyes softening as he notices you're still on-edge; and honestly? Who could blame you in the situation?
He takes a step back. "My name's Simon. If you like, I can spot for you while you work out and keep them off of you."
Your body relaxes a little bit, comforted by the man's respect of your personal space.
"Y... Yeah. Thanks." You babble, awkwardly fiddling with your water bottle as you take a sip. "You're uh... A big guy, ain'tcha?"
"I'm military. Pays to be big." He replies, tilting his head.
"Oh! Oh... Yeah, I can see why." You laugh awkwardly.
Simon's eyes crinkle at the corners; a smile beneath his mask. You're not sure why, but that twinkle in his eyes makes your cheeks heat up.
"So, what's next on your workout routine?"
"Uh... Well, I use the medicine ball and do some curls... some squats."
"Alright then, luv. Let's get to that. Let me know if I get too close or make you uncomfortable."
He was... Surprisingly respectful. Most guys at the gym who got so close to you were creeps who couldn't keep their distances from you.
Ugh, and don't even get started on the mouth-breathing many of them did... Or the shameless staring at your tits.
But this Simon, your... uh, Gymbro Avenger as it were, was rather kind. He kept track of your sets even when your frazzled mind lost track; even while he did his own. But then again, the man probably worked out so often that it was muscle memory for him to do it without needing to count.
You two got to talking while you exercised; he was some sort of high-class soldier, couldn't tell you more because of how "classified" it all was.
He told you about his unit; his friends. His family, basically. The "Old Man" Price, his annoying "battle buddy" (a US military term that someone named Alex told him) "Soap", Gaz, who apparently always had a "kicked puppy" face...
It made you laugh, some of the stuff he told you.
Talking with you... it made him feel... human. Almost normal.
When was the last time he felt like that?
Too long, it felt.
You had gotten comfortable to the point that you hardly noticed when he'd put a hand on you to correct your form.
You ignored your heartrate spikes when he did, of course. You also had to remind yourself to stop ogling his thick arms or how his veins bulged or how intricate his tattoo was...
The two of you explored the gym and did things you didn't normally do. He helped you use the Olympic bench, the rowing machine...
He stood outside the showers (a respectful distance away, mind you) to make sure those guys didn't creep on you on the way out.
You didn't notice when your stalkers gave up and left, seemingly irritated that Simon "was" your "boyfriend" and wasn't going to leave you alone.
You bought him a smoothie as a thank you.
He'd gotten a phone call halfway through and seemed saddened that he couldn't stay with you, but said his Captain called and he had to go.
You almost protest when he hands you some money to pay for the smoothie, but as you look up he was already leaving, his bag over his shoulder as he mounted his motorcycle.
You open the small wad of bills and realized that he left a scribbled note in it. A phone number.
"Call me when you need to go to the gym or don't feel safe, birdie. I'll be your scary dog privileges."
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alyswritings · 5 months
First Period
Request: Could you write a fic where jj maybanks little sister gets her first period and her dad finds out and makes her feel really bad about it but then jj makes her feel better?
JJ Maybank x sister!reader
Summary: Y/N gets her first period.
Warnings: luke being a dick
(gif not mine)
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Y/N walks into the bathroom, pulling her pants down and sitting on the toilet. She looks down, her eyes widening at the red stain in her underwear. Her heartrate picks up, the girl quickly pulling her pants up and turning around in the mirror, seeing the red substance on the back of her pajama pants.
"No. No, no, no." She mumbles, rushing to her bedroom. She pulls the blankets back, the blood on her sheets. "Fuck." She whispers, feeling panic start to build up. She doesn't have any items to help her or prepare her for this. JJ's not even home, the boy having to work, reluctantly leaving his sister home alone with the siblings' dad.
Y/N whines as she considers going to get Luke. Maybe he's in a rare moment of sobriety and would help her. She goes to leave the room, but stops as music starts to blast letting her know she's not getting her wish.
She contemplates texting JJ, but knows they need the money and she shouldn't make him leave early, especially for something that isn't life or death.
The girl jumps as the door slams open, her father storming in.
"The fuck you doing, you useless little bitch? You were supposed to get those damn dishes done." Luke sneers, grabbing a fistful of her hair making her cry out.
"I-I'm sorry. I'll do them now." Y/N whines in pain.
"You bet your stupid ass you will." Luke seethes, Y/N flinching as spit flies onto her face. Luke starts to drag her out but notices the stain on her bed. "The fuck is that?"
"I-I got my period." Y/N admits with a shaky voice, avoiding eye contact.
"Ugh." Luke grimaces. "Don't you have shit for that?" He questions, shoving her back.
"N-no. No, this-- it's my first one." Y/N says. "I didn't-- I didn't know it happ-" She flinches as Luke punches the wall, creating a hole the size of his fist.
"You fucking idiot! You're supposed to know better when it comes to all that nasty shit!" Luke shouts.
"I'm sorry." Y/N whimpers, tears springing to her eyes.
"Don't fucking cry, you little crybaby!" He roars in her face, Y/N doing her best to hold her tears back. "Fucking stupid disgusting little bitch. God." He storms out, slamming the door shut behind him. He raises the volume on his stereo, Y/N covering her ears to block the noise out, quietly sobbing to herself.
JJ quietly walks into the house, listening to the silence. He waits a moment, hearing the snores emitting from his father in the living room. He gently shuts the door and creeps through the house, keeping his eyes on his dad to make sure he doesn't wake up.
Ditching his bag in his bedroom, he goes to Y/N's room, gently knocking on the door before opening it and going in, shutting the door. He looks around, frowning when he spots Y/N curled up on the floor on a blanket, her head on her knees.
"Hey." JJ gently calls, Y/N's head shooting up, the boy only growing more worried at the tear stains on her face. He glances up, noticing the hole in the wall that he knows wasn't there before. "Did he hit you?"
Y/N sniffles as she shakes her head, relaxing JJ only the slightest.
"What happened, kid?" JJ asks, crouching in front of her, brushing some of her wet hair away from her face.
"I-I got my period." Y/N mumbles, sniffling. JJ's eyes widen momentarily, not expecting that answer.
"O-okay." He says. "What happened?"
"He got really mad." She says, her voice only a broken whisper. JJ sighs, grimacing at her having to deal with Luke.
"C'mere." He tries to pull her into a hug, but she pulls back.
"No." She whines. "No, I'm disgusting."
"No, you're not." JJ denies. "This is a normal process for girls, you're not disgusting." He assures.
"No, it-- it's in my underwear and on my shorts. That's why I have the blanket, I didn't wanna stain the floor." She starts to cry as she rants. "And it's-- I didn't know what to do, we haven't actually talked about this. And it's all on my bed." She sobs, JJ finally able to pull her into a hug. He gently shushes her as she cries into his shoulder, his hand resting on the back of her head and stroking her hair.
"You're okay." JJ mumbles in her ear. "You're okay. It's okay." JJ continues to hold her until her cries start to cease.
"Okay. Hey." He pulls away, smoothing her hair down. "Get changed, clean up however much you need to, put some toilet paper in your underwear, and-- and if you're okay with it, I'll call Sarah and Kie and get them to help out with-- with the whole... supply thing. Cause I can comfort you, but I know there's a lot of options and I don't know shit about any of them." He admits gaining a watery giggle from his sister.
"That's fine." She nods, rubbing her nose and sniffing.
"Okay." JJ nods. "And pack a bag. We're going to the chateau." He states.
"What about the sheets?" She asks.
"Uh... I'll throw 'em in a trash bag and we can wash them there." JJ says. "I'll handle everything. Just get ready." Y/N nods and JJ kisses her on the forehead before leaving to let her get changed.
After a somewhat long trip to the store with Kie and Sarah on FaceTime, the two siblings managed to get the correct items. JJ didn't realize how much they would cost, using the last bit of money he had for them and a candy bar Y/N was eyeing at the counter.
The two are at the chateau and Y/N had taken a shower, taking care of everything while JJ put her sheets in the washer.
Them, Pope, and John B are hanging around as they wait for the other two girls to get here for a movie night.
"Hey." Sarah greets with a smile as she walks in.
"Hey, boys, Y/N/N." Kie smiles, walking in, her arms holding a few pizza boxes and six pack of beer along with a six pack of Y/N's favorite soda.
They get greeting in return, John B taking the pizzas from Kie and putting them on the coffee table.
"And this is especially for you." Sarah smiles, holding a basket out to Y/N. The younger girl lights up at her favorite snacks in the basket, along with a few period products and some painkillers. "A care package."
"Yeah. And if you have any questions, need any help, or anything, you know you can always come to us." Kie assures, smiling softly at the younger girl.
"Thank you." Y/N grins, getting up and hugging them both, the older two returning her hug with tight embraces.
"Here, baby Maybank." John B holds out a plate of pizza out to her, sliding a soda can over to her side of the table.
"Thanks." Y/N mumbles, accepting the plate and sitting back down.
'Thank you.' JJ mouths to his two female friends, both of them giving him smiles and nods.
"Can you sit with me?" Y/N hopefully looks up at Sarah.
"Yeah, of course." Sarah grins.
"Oh, come on." John B whines.
"Sorry, John B. I'm spoken for." Sarah shrugs, sitting next to the tween, rubbing her leg for a short comforting moment.
JJ reaches out and gets his own food and a beer, ruffling Y/N's hair before he sits back down.
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macfrog · 4 months
birds of a feather | joel & ellie
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y'all listen to the new billie eilish album? there's a song that reminded me of a couple of someones.
pairing: joel miller & ellie williams summary: joel surprises ellie on her sixteenth birthday. warnings: nada. just me loving hard on this pair. word count: 1.5k
main masterlist | follow @macfroglets w notifs on to be the first to hear when i post 🤍
Oh, my god, it is a dinosaur.
She didn’t actually believe it would be. I mean, it was her first guess – but where the fuck is he going to find a dinosaur way the hell out here? She was kidding.
Wasn’t a convertible, wasn’t a puppy, wasn’t even a lotta kittens. A litter. Whatever. It wasn’t a new pair of sneakers, nor a comic book collection. She’d almost run out of ideas, when she spotted the tail through the bushes.
Is that–? Is he seeing this, too?
It’s, like, three times the size of her. No, wait – five times the size of her. Ten? She’s gotta ask Joel.
Two thick, stocky legs planted firm into the earth. Draped in ivy and spattered with moss – the thing actually looks prehistoric. Head lifted to the canopy; teeth bared in a silent roar. His little arms – alright, they’re actually kinda fuckin’ cute – frozen, reaching for something.
It’s right fucking there. Right in front of her. A motherfucking dinosaur.
Her hands fly to her head.
“Joel!” Ellie cries, and she can hardly feel her legs with giddiness.
Joel lingers a few steps behind her. He kicks a heel through the mucky grass, just watching. Smiling like an idiot, letting the ripples from the kid’s glee wash over him. It’s like the zoo all over again, or that time he found a Savage Starlight poster while out on patrol.
Ellie’s laughter is ticklish, vibrating through his veins. She pumps her fists and sizes up the monster. She says holy shit, Joel three times before she takes a step closer.
The sun trickles through the leaves, haloing over the Rex. It’s warm, but not too warm – and the swim on the way helped cool them down. It’s a bit of a hike to get here. He’s just glad it’s a nice day.
He was, truthfully, a little nervous about it. About bringing her here. He’s never had a sixteen-year-old to plan shit for. What if she didn’t like it? Hell, what if she thought it was fucking lame?
But Ellie wades waist-deep into the moat instantly. She pulls herself through the murky water straight to the plaque, and whips out her journal.
And Joel knows he’s fucking nailed it.
“King of the tyrant lizards,” she announces, making sure she gets the spelling right. Her tongue pokes from the corner of her mouth as she sketches.
Joel wanders over to her side, hand combing through the tangles of leaves drooping from the dinosaur’s belly. He swats fluttering flies away from his face.
The water sloshes around her feet as she rounds the tail. It’s slippery with slime. She crawls over threads and vines, soles scuffing up the spine.
“What are you doin’?” he asks, a chuckle patching over cracks of sudden fear.
“I’m climbing a dinosaur!” Ellie yells. She hesitates on the snout – though only for half a second, because fuck it, how many times am I going to jump off a motherfuckin’ dinosaur? – and then she’s plummeting.
Joel’s stomach flips. He staggers into the water, breath clamped in his throat until she resurfaces again.
She’s still wearing that dumb as shit smirk. It probably didn’t flinch, the entire fall. “Did you see that?” she gasps.
Jesus. Yeah, he saw it. He pulls a hand down his face.
It’s been a year, little less than. They’re used to it by now – the slow turn of life in Jackson. Breaking bread in the dinner hall, calling the woodland creatures by whichever ridiculous names Ellie christens them with.
It took a few weeks, but eventually, their heartrates settled. Their fists loosened. They relaxed into the quiet, found respite in the negative space.
Tommy joked for the first little while that Joel had a shadow he couldn’t shake. She’s five-three, red hair, and she carries a switchblade everywhere she goes. Following him close enough that she felt more like a phantom at his heels.
Joel never minded, and he still doesn’t. He’s long forgotten the feeling of being alone – as quickly as he acquired it, it seems. These days, he waits at his kitchen table for the kick of the backdoor, the slump of a still half-asleep teenager opposite him.
He wonders how he ever got by so long without it.
He leads Ellie into the museum.
Everything looks exactly how he left it. A jungle of a building; shattered glass and overgrown grass, a muggy smell lingering in every dim corner. The stuff he deliberately left for her to stumble upon when she got here: a Giants of the Past brochure, the stupid hat he knew she’d force him to wear.
A marshland wasteland, and she still sees the magic in every square inch.
She throws fact after fact at him. Fruit flies and moon landings, gunpowder and Yuri Gagarin. She knows a shit ton, if the stacks of books on her desk are anything to go by. And when Joel tells her how smart she is, Ellie smiles smugly to herself and thinks up ten more facts, just for him.
He thinks of her books and their awkwardly long titles, the faded pictures on all the covers. Astronauts and nebulas and faraway suns. He offers the one thing he remembers from school back at her: My very educated mother just served us nice pizzas.
She’s never even heard of it.
But she’s impressed, and she repeats it to herself as she explores some more. Turning back at every new artifact she finds, beckoning Joel over with a flapping hand.
He wanders after her, thinking up questions he’s sure he already knows the answers to – just so she can tell him again. Just to see her face light, to hear her ramble as she explains.
And nine times out of ten, she corrects him, anyway.
The space shuttle is spotlit under a dome roof, more ivy spilling over the top. A little heap of machinery, succumbed to the nature around it. They crank the door open together, and a springtime heat floods from the cockpit.
Joel stops Ellie from climbing in. “You’re goin’ into space,” he says, leaning on the warm metal. “You’re gonna need a helmet.”
Her eyebrows lift. “Oh, right. What was I thinking?”
They’re too big for her – all three helmets. They’re clunky and clumsy, the visors a little grubby and distorted. But she pulls one over her head and jogs back to Joel, hoisting herself into the shuttle.
It’s cramped inside; stifling even with the door wide open. Joel feels his back twinge as he settles into the seats. But he doesn’t mind, and neither does Ellie.
She flicks button after button, her elbow knocking against his. Explosion sounds rumbling from her lips. Her breath clouds the inside of her helmet.
He could lie here all day beside her. In this quiet corner of the world, where time stands still. Guarded by the Tyrannosaurus Rex out front. Just him and his kid, listening to her mimic engine noises and pretend to lift them both into space.
But he’s hellbent on timing it perfectly. So just as she sounds the roar of a seamless takeoff, he slips the tape from his chest pocket.
“Happy birthday, kiddo.”
Ellie blinks at the cassette. “What is this?”
“This…” Joel says, pinching it in two fingers, “…is a thing that took a mighty effort to find.”
His handwriting is carved into the label. It’s the first gift – real gift, birthday gift – she’s ever been given. Thought out and made up, addressed to her and placed in her hands for keeps. All hers.
She clicks it into her player and hooks her headphones in, thumping her helmet back over her head. She jams a thumb into the play button, and –
He did remember to rewind the tape, right? It’ll play from the start, won’t it?
Joel’s heart begins to thud. He shifts uncomfortably.
Shit, what if it spoils the surprise? What if she hits play, and the first thing she hears is –
Ellie’s head lifts. Her eyes are wide. She grins, and so does he.
He fucking nailed it.
She closes her eyes, the staticky babble of mission control in her ear. His voice tickles, pulling a wide grin across her face. 10, 9, 8, 7…
The shuttle shudders as it shoots into space. She’s holding her breath, holding until he announces liftoff on Apollo 11. The naked sun stretches over her visor, red under her closed eyelids. It disappears somewhere in the distance.
Ellie lands slowly, carefully, back in Wyoming. She blinks her eyes open.
Joel’s still right beside her, hands clasped on his chest. He waits for her to turn, waits to check her expression. He asks it softly, earnestly.
“I do okay?”
Her cheeks ache with smiling. She clutches the tape player tighter, replies through a giggle.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
There might be nothing outside of this shuttle. Perhaps there was nothing to begin with. They might’ve shot straight past the earth’s atmosphere, might actually be among the stars. And it might not even matter, if they are.
Everything is right here. The sun and the moon – the entire universe between them.
Joel breathes a relieved laugh. His chest loosens, his heart settles back into place behind his ribcage.
“You’re welcome, kiddo.”
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I need tsundere gap moe
HK416/WA2000 going too far on a specific aspect her partner is uneasy at and lowering their walls, trying to make it up
(GFL) HK416 and WA2000 letting their walls down for S/O
tsundere gap moe is what I live for
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To say 416 had a sharp tongue was a dramatic understatement.
Not a day went by where she wouldn't admit something solely due to pride.
She had thought her actions spoke louder than her words, but sometimes she isn't aware just how loud she is in general, especially her insults.
Even with S/O, her habits refused to back down, leading to an occasion where her usual snark had genuinely hurt S/O's feelings.
(S/O) "416, you need to calm down-"
416 clicked her tongue in annoyance as she put her equipment into the locker, one eye glancing over to S/O.
(HK416) "Like hell I will! I have a right to be angry, my ass is always out there, always about to be blown up into a billion damn pieces!"
She spun around and jammed a finger onto S/O's chest, her voice only increasing in volume.
(HK416) "I don't see you risking your neck out there! You're just sitting around here doing nothing while us T-Dolls do all the work! I don't wanna hear a single fu-..."
416 quickly cut herself off seeing S/O seemingly shrink back from her, and detecting their heartrate growing at an alarming rate, as if they were in danger.
When she pulled back, S/O winced when their hand brushed over the area she had jabbed them with, suddenly being reminded that she was a T-Doll, and S/O was human.
Her voice grew quiet as she hesitated, stepping forward carefully as to not spook S/O again.
(HK416) "S-Shit, I'm sorry, I-..."
She looked to them for permission to approach, and seeing them sigh and relax their shoulders, she gently rubbed the spot she had presumably hurt them, cursing at herself under her breath.
(HK416) "I...I didn't actually mean any of that-"
(S/O) "It's okay, I know you didn't. I want to help you out on the field, I truly do, but I know I'll just slow you and the rest of 404 down."
They averted their eyes from meeting hers, still looking understandably hurt.
Her fingers fidgeted for a moment before she checked the hall behind her, ensuring they were alone.
After doing so, she slowly and awkwardly wrapped her arms around S/O, trying her best to not let her usual language slip up and hurt them even more.
(HK416) "Honestly, I'm glad you're here. It's a lot safer at the base than it is out there..."
She wanted to say more, but found the words getting caught in her throat, unable to voice them.
So instead, she hugged them tighter, relaxing when she felt S/O's arms wrap back with their heartbeat stabilizing.
(HK416) "You'd never slow me down, S/O."
(S/O) "Hah, that's a lie and you know it-"
She put a finger onto S/O's lips and sighed.
(HK416) "Let's get something to eat. It's on me tonight."
A paid dinner was not nearly enough for how bad she hurt S/O with her carelessness, but hopefully it was a start.
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Trying to get WA to say what was truly on her mind was like getting a cat into a bath: annoyingly difficult.
She barely did so with any of the other T-Dolls and the Commander, even the presence of her S/O seemed to exacerbate the issue.
But WA was always remorseful in private that she wasn't as honest as she could be.
S/O had become used to her antics, and that only made WA further irritated.
S/O had truly entrusted their heart to her, a T-Doll of all things.
And she could barely do the same for someone who saw her more than that, maybe one of the only few who would.
It was only a matter of time when WA childishly called them names would be the last time, right?
(S/O) "...WA?"
She snapped out of her thoughts as her finger stopped tracing the outline of the wine glass, turning back to S/O.
Their brows were slightly furrowed out of concern.
(S/O) "You alright?"
(WA2000) "...Just thinking. P-Promise me you won't laugh!"
S/O nodded and held her hand, turning her cheeks as crimson as her eyes.
(S/O) "I promise. Go ahead."
(WA2000) "How are you not sick of me?"
Before S/O could ask what she meant, WA continued while looking at them directly.
(WA2000) "I...know I struggle with telling you how I truly feel, but you've always been so patient, no matter how many times I call you an idiot, or a pervert, or whatever. But, why are you still with me?"
S/O was silent for a moment, one finger idly tapping the top of her hand.
(S/O) "Truth be told, I'm actually astonished you're still with me. Considering that I can barely do anything to help you directly."
WA immediately wanted to call them an idiot for even thinking that they have done so little for her...But, that would have completely defeated the purpose of why she brought this up.
Instead, WA shoved her glass further into the counter before her head leaned onto S/O's shoulder, still holding onto their hand.
(WA2000) "I think the fact I can even talk to you about this proves that you've done more than you think..."
Being this close, she didn't even need her scanners to detect S/O's heart beating faster, feeling S/O hold her closer.
(S/O) "I'm glad..."
WA shut her eyes as her voice grew even quieter. Maybe it was the alcohol or her own feelings, but it let her speak her mind clearly.
(WA2000) "I'm glad you're here too, S/O. Don't forget that."
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
“It was only six feet,” muttered Dick.
“What did you just say?”
Dick sighed and rubbed his face. “I know you woke up in a grave and it was very traumatic for you, but you’re acting like this is the only time it had ever happened to anyone. You just had to dig straight up. Do you hear me complaining about it?”
"I'm sorry, did my ongoing trauma from being beaten to death and then waking up in a confined box make you feel uncomfortable, Dick?"
"You just keep going on about it like you're the only person who has ever experienced this. It sucks. No question. But getting out for you was basically on easy mode."
"It tore my fingernails off. I almost SUFFOCATED."
"That is part of being in a coffin, yes Jason."
“What are you talking about?” Tim walked into the room, towelling his hair dry from his shower.
“Being buried alive.”
“Digging myself out of my own grave.” Jason and Dick answered simultaneously.
“Well which is it?”
Jason glared at Dick. “Digging myself out. Dick here thinks that I’m blowing things out of proportion by being slightly upset about that building partly collapsing on me tonight.”
“Well, that is a conversation I can’t contribute to, so I’ll leave you both to it and go to bed.” Tim dropped the towel in a laundry basket and started to walk away.
“Tim,” Dick reached out to catch his arm. "What do you mean, which one?"
Tim shrugged a shoulder. "Well the only insights I have about being buried alive are 'sit tight and wait for rescue and slow your heartrate so you're not using so much oxygen' so I don't really think I need to be here. Good night."
"When have you ever needed that? And if you did, you didn't try to dig yourself out?" Jason said skeptically. "That's your view? Stay in one spot and wait for help? Because trying that in Ethopia worked so well for me."
"I was under a concrete slab. There wasn't much that I could do."
Dick tugged Tim around to face him more fully. "And when was this exactly? I don't remember that case report."
"It was during AzBats; that's why you haven't read it. And I was fine. Steph eventually got me out."
They stared at each other. Dick looked away first. "I wish you'd had more support back then."
Tim smiled, one side of his face quirking up. "You had your own problems."
"Wait a minute. Back up. When was this?" Jason interrupted.
Dick looked back at Tim. Tim rolled his eyes up slightly. "When Tim here was a little baby Robin. Thirteen or so."
"Excuse you, I had had my fourteenth birthday by then. I had my licence."
"Oh I'm sorry, when he was fourteen years old. And far more grown up."
"That's right."
"You were buried alive under concrete?" Jason sounded incredulous.
"It happened. Why, did you think you were the only one? Dick once tunneled out of a grave sideways and almost fell off a cliff into the sea."
"I didn't think you knew about that time," Dick said, his voice soft.
Tim grinned. "You left some notes in your own computer system about it."
"You like me that way."
"You've both also been buried alive?" Jason threw his hands in the air.
"Mmhmmm." Tim yawned and stretched, walking towards the stairs.
"As I was saying, it can get a bit tiring listening to you go on about it," Dick added, following him.
"Yes and you never ever let any of us forget it." Dick slung an arm over Tim's shoulder, then turned his head back to look at Jason. "Want some hot chocolate before bed?"
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draguuula · 1 year
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synopsis: mc is a little - just a tad bit - down bad for mychael over their impromptu dinner date. all silly fluff and crack here, maybe spoilers? for a lot of game dialogue used, and a bit of swearing. whoopsie 🤭
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"mychael...? is that... yours?"
the man burrows his head in his hands as he shamefully lowers his gaze while you stare at his tail, the slender limb firmly wrapped around the mug. you can feel the atmosphere in the room change, too, if the tension wasn't already thick enough to cut through with a knife.
"i'm sorry, mc, i think...
"i think it's time i was honest."
as he lifted his head and carded his hair back, you saw his eyes, yellow gleaming despite a shadow downcast over them. you froze as they stared directly at you before swiftly averting your gaze.
you were in awe. you had to fight the urge to have your giddy smile spread over your face with excitement, yet you didn't think you could stop your eyes from sparkling.
as if sensing your heartrate pick up, mychael stuttered out his next words. through your own burning gaze, you could see his throat bob up and down when he gulped.
"i-i know it's a lot to take in, but... this is the real me...
"please... please don't be scared."
he carefully picked and said his words with such utter desperation you felt your heart clench and you grit your teeth, having to stop yourself from bombarding this little forest guy with reassurance.
god, he was so cute.
he tensed even more so than he already was as he saw your jaw clench, trembling slightly while he prepared for the worst reaction from you. it was almost unfair how he waited with baited breath as you nearly passed out from trying not to bounce off the walls with excitement.
i mean, could he blame you? maybe. you were excited just first seeing his rather unusual appearance too when you awoke, but the sheer shock of being in an unfamiliar place and not finding your cat made you a bit... prickly, earlier.
you winced at the memory, and mychael grimaced at the idea of you being disgusted by him. of course, you noticed this only after sensing his gaze on you, awkwardly clenching the kitchen utensils in hand.
"mychael... i..."
you placed them down, a hand over your eyes while you lower lip trembled.
"i'm not scared.
"honestly, i think you're really fucking pretty."
the silence was loud.
"oh. excuse me. that was rude. are you comfortable with swearing? i sure hope so..."
he was going to sputter, but no words came out. instead, his eyes blew wide open and his pupils dilated significantly. like a cat's... you noted.
he clearly stared at you dumbfounded as his face slowly grew blue, silently waiting for an explanation behind your thought process. he couldn't believe what he was hearing. you merely chuckled at his awe. and the cute way his ears lowered and pulled back, by extension.
"o-okay, maybe i came off a little too strongly," you cleared your throat awkwardly, nervously tugging at your collar with a laugh, "aha, maybe i'm a little scared, but-"
"ah! s-sorry." he apologized.
of course he apologized... you thought, just when you were about to say you were scared by how damn alluring and attractive he was because... damn, had you never seen a guy so otherworldly.
you went to sigh at your messed up rizz, but paused midway of doing so as he grabbed a plate, hiding behind it. you blinked at his "hidden" figure with a blank face, opening your mouth to say something but deciding against it as that same mouth already made him panic just now.
"would it help if i just... hide it? i-i could fix my hair like before... if that's what you prefer."
you sat there with tears stinging your eyes mentally. or maybe a singular tear really did slip out as you watched him hunch over to make himself seem less intimidating... he was just too damn adorable.
you finally let out a sigh, a crooked yet bashful smile appearing on your face.
"hey... mychael?"
he flinched in place as your fingertip made contact with his flushed green skin, and you delighted in seeing faint hints of blue decorating his adorable, elongated ears up close. he muffled a response to you from behind his glass shield. you shook your head at his antics.
"...can... you put that down?"
he went silent with the shyest look on his face as he slowly peeked over the plate, all four eyes looking at the floor instead of you.
"...c-can you look at me...?"
he finally glanced at you. you felt that stupid, silly grin of yours take over your face against your will, warmly smiling at him as you got a proper look over his features.
"hi, there."
with just those words alone, his face was almost fully taken over by a shade of blue, much to your amusement. it only served to make you giggle at his shy cuteness while he blushed harder.
"d-don't look at me like that..."
"look at you like what? i'm not doing anything..." you tease, feeling your own face heat up and paint your cheeks a darker hue.
"mc, p-please..." he groaned, on the borderline of hiding his face in his hands again before you apologized, not wanting him to pull himself away from your stare anymore... even if it flustered you, too.
you plucked the mug from his tail as he stared at you, bewildered once more. you stared into the mixture while moving the mug in a circular rotation to watch it swirl, about to compliment his natural affinity for his handiwork in the kitchen before he fidgeted.
"a-are you really... okay with this? with me?"
you noted how his voice seemed small as he questioned you, the blue pigment having seemingly never left his skin. the corners of your lips twitched upwards lazily while you had your own blush dusting your cheeks, now being the one to glance away.
"i said it before, and i'll say it again... you're really pretty, mychael. i think... i think you're really attractive, if i'm gonna be honest..."
he watched as you squeezed your own eyes shut and took notice of your flushed skin, his lips pressed together nervously. he twiddled his fingers together, fidgeting again. "...y-you think i'm attractive?"
your hum in response didn't help his own blush out as his head spun watching you genuinely - genuinely, of all things, get embarrassed and now be the one to bury your head in your hands.
he could probably cook something with the heat rushing to his face. yet, he found a silly smile make its way to his lips while his eyes gleamed with happiness.
what a hell of a first date.
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volturilovers · 10 months
Matters of the Heart
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Request: (Another idea if you’re up for it! Can you do one where the reader is Caius’s mate and was born with a heart problem and he reacts to her story after spilling it all to him. She really gets his reaction just after hearing that her heartbeat is different from everyone else?)
(Caius discovers his mate has a heart condition.)
Caius POV
Me and my mate was on one of our rare afternoon walks in Volterras forests, enjoying the nature. I am usually in a meeting by now and they usually and late at night when my love is asleep so these moments are rare but special as she is still human, hopefully for not too long since there is a lot of things that can kill a human from deaseces to external sources.
We were going up a hill when I heard her heartrythm become irregular which I thought was strange since I haven't noticed it before.
"Can we stop for a minute" I heard my mate say with her beautiful voice, sounding breathless.
I looked at my mate, worried and since something was wrong.
"Is something wrong?"I asked her looking worried.
She sat down and clutched her hand close to her chest and took deep and slow breaths trying to slow down her heartrate. I looked at her worried.
"It's nothing to worry about it's just my heart that's playing with me again" she said with a forced smile trying to cease my worries with her words which usually works but not this time.
"Don't try and downplay it. I know you good enough to know that you are hurt somehow, I can hear your irregular heartbeats. As your mate I can help you if you are hurting." I said to her.
"Unfortunately this is something you can't really help me with. I just really need to sit down for a while" she said , giving me a sympathetic smile showing that she appreciate my efforts. Still holding her hand close to her heart as if it hurts
"Why can't I help you? I asked her. Curious to why I can’t help but at the same time worried for her.
"I have had this problem since I was born and it's a chronic condition. I am the only person in my family currently with it, my grandmother had it but she has been dead since a while ago.
“Did she die of it?” I ask her even more worried and feel an even bigger urgency to turn her.
“Not per se. It made some things more difficult for her. She was operated on as her heart problems came with complications. She lives on for a while more before passing away.” She noticed the worry clearly shown on his face.
“Don’t worry I will live, and soon we will have an eternity together.”she told him taking his hand in hers to calm him down.
“That we do amore.” I said feeling a lot calmer. I put my nose onto her neck to breathe in her scent. Reminding myself it will all be alright in the end.
A/N: this one has been brewing in my drafts for too long since I feel like I can’t do the request justice so… here is my best attempt and keeping it shorter.
Bye lovelies❤️
Requested by: @inner-sparkle-inner-writings
Tagged: @wonnou
97 notes · View notes
cherienymphe · 2 years
Amnesiac XI (Rafe Cameron x Reader x JJ Maybank)
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WARNINGS: eventual NON-CON, violence, mentions of past assault, underage drinking, drug use, non canon ages, kook!reader
➥ banner by @maysdigitalarts​​​ | divider by @firefly-graphics​
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➥ series masterlist
summary: “There’s something wrong with your love story, baby…”
After a surfing accident leaves you with little to no memory of everything that happened before that day, you start to wonder if the blond in what little memories you do have is the same one who claims to be your boyfriend.
“If she doesn’t wake up in the next hour, we’re taking her to the hospital.”
Those were the first words you heard upon shifting back to consciousness, the fingers on your forehead keeping your heartrate calm. You felt so hot in John B.’s house, your chiffon dress sticking to your legs. You shifted, and the hand on your forehead drifted to the back of your neck.
You reached up, touching the familiar hand. Your heart was starting to beat faster, and you fought to calm yourself, to keep your breathing even. Your lashes fluttered a few times, and you swallowed, keeping them open. It took a moment for your vision to clear, sleep still in your eyes, but when it did, JJ was the first thing you saw.
He looked so relieved, a smile dancing on his pink lips. He leaned in, opening his mouth to say something when he paused, frowning at you. You didn’t realize why until you noticed he was getting blurrier, tears kissing your eyes.
“What’s wrong? Is it your head?”
You noticed that Kie worriedly stood over his shoulder. Your throat felt so tight, and you desperately wanted to say something, but you didn’t even know where to start. You could see that the longer you remained silent, the more worried JJ became, and he glanced at Kie in question.
“You fainted,” she softly told you. “Do you remember that?”
You remembered everything.
It was amazing how one little head injury could make you forget so much, and how something as simple as a kiss could make you remember it all. You struggled to sit up, shaking, and JJ was quick to help you. Your tears finally spilled over, skipping down your cheeks, and JJ wiped them away.
“I’m gonna go get Sarah,” Kie said.
You squeezed your eyes shut as she left, and JJ took your face into his hands. More tears fell, and JJ tried to get you to look at him, softly calling your name. Your chest was tight, and your entire body felt like it was weighed down. Weighed down with guilt and regret.
“I’m sorry,” you finally murmured.
When you peeled your eyes open, JJ looked confused.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated. “I’m so sorry.”
“For…for what?” he wondered, moving closer.
“It’s all my fault,” you weakly choked out just as Kie came back with Sarah.
John B. and Pope stood in the doorway, worriedly looking in. JJ’s face fell as the realization hit, and he tried to pull you into a hug, but you pushed at his chest. Your breathing was short, and you couldn’t stop crying.
“It’s my fault.”
“It’s not-.”
“What is she talking about? Y/N, what are you talking about?” Sarah asked, kneeling beside you.
You couldn’t cry and talk and try to breathe all at the same time. Your head fell against JJ’s chest, and you felt like you were going to pass out under the crushing weight of your recovered memories. Your last memory before you woke up in that hospital was of you in that water, genuinely believing that the last time you’d ever see JJ was when he’d been rightfully mad at you over something you didn’t have the guts to do.
You could hear them talking around you, and you didn’t know what about until you felt a glass of water in your hand. JJ tilted your head back, helping you drink it, and it forced you to start breathing slower. The contrast in your memories from before your accident and the ones after made your head spin.
“None of this would’ve happened,” you whispered, stumbling to your feet. “If I had just…at least let you tell our friends about us, then none of this would’ve happened.”
“No,” you heard Sarah say. “I’m sure you guys had your reasons-.”
“JJ didn’t because I didn’t want to.”
You swallowed down another sob.
“If I had just let him then… None of this would have happened. Rafe would never…”
You trailed off, taking a few steps away and feeling like you were going to pass out. The room was blurring around you. Your chest was growing tighter, and the dress on your body started to feel like a bandage. You needed it off of you now. You reached up, pulling at the fabric, and both JJ and Sarah ran to stop you.
“Get this off of me,” you gasped, tearing the fabric.
“Wait- I can take you back to-.”
“I need this off now,” you screamed, struggling to get out of it as Sarah pushed you towards John B.’s room.
“I have some extra clothes here. You can put on something of mine, okay?”
Between your blurred vision and frantic movements, you stumbled over your feet, tripping on the fabric.
“I got her, I got her,” JJ hurried to say, following you and shutting the door behind you both.
“Help me,” you cried, the zipper getting caught, and you were relieved when JJ just ripped the expensive dress off of you.
He held you as he looked around for something of Sarah, spotting one of her oversized t-shirts. He practically dressed you, still holding you to him as you slowly sat on the floor.
“It’s not your fault,” JJ whispered, lips brushing your cheek.
“It is,” you sobbed, nodding. “No one knew…and so everyone believed Rafe.”
“I was so scared of him…”
Your eyes met JJ’s at that, and his widened.
“I was so scared of what he would do to you if he knew about us,” you whispered. “…and I should’ve told you, but I didn’t…I didn’t want you two getting into another fight.”
JJ swallowed, and you watched him glance away, eyes hardening.
“So, it was Rafe.”
“I should’ve just told you the truth. I should’ve told you that he was threatening both of us, and I wish that I had.”
JJ frowned at you.
“This isn’t your fault-.”
“…but it is. Rafe would’ve never gotten away with any of this if at the very least our friends knew about us, but even after what he tried to do, I never could’ve imagined just how low he’d sink,” you murmured.
The memories of Rafe kissing you and having sex with you were vivid, and your stomach turned. He had touched you in ways that he knew you never wanted him to. He had taken pieces of you that were only reserved for JJ now, and you wanted to be sick at the thought of him taking you apart over and over again.
“I had sex with him.”
You didn’t even know if you were ever going to tell JJ that, but it came out before you could stop yourself, said so quietly as if you were almost afraid to even tell him. JJ lifted his head at that, a stricken look on his face as he registered your words. You blew out a shaky breath.
“I didn’t…know. He didn’t just disrupt my life for months. He finally got what he wanted,” you tearfully said with a shrug.
JJ’s face had evened out before you could register that glint in his eye, wrapping his arms around you. He held you tight as if afraid that you would be ripped away from him again, deeply inhaling and breathing you in. It felt so good to be in his arms again, and you wish that you could forget everything that Rafe had done just as you had before.
There was no telling how long you and JJ sat in John B.’s room, holding each other and wishing you could make up for the months you’d spent apart.
“When I heard about the accident…I was at the hospital that same night,” JJ murmured. “Everything was a mess, and when I finally found Sarah, she said that they were only letting certain people see you.”
You looked at him, and JJ pushed his hair back, a far away look in his eyes.
“They wouldn’t even let Sarah in, so…I knew there was no hope for me.”
He looked at you then, a sad smile on his lips.
“I came by every day. I didn’t want to believe Sarah when she said you didn’t remember anything. I wanted it to be a lie so bad because I just…I needed to say sorry for how we left things…”
There were tears in his eyes as he gazed at you.
“You almost died, and our last memory would’ve been a stupid fight,” he spat.
“It wasn’t stupid,” you argued, sitting up.
“It was. After everything, I realize how stupid it really was.”
JJ leaned his head back against the wall, swallowing.
“I know you went out there because of me,” he whispered. “You always surf when you need to clear your mind, and…it wasn’t hard to put two and two together.”
“My accident was not your fault,” you told him.
He frowned at you.
“Then everything with Rafe wasn’t your fault…”
Your lips parted at that, and you swallowed down a retort.
“That second fight that you and Rafe got into after my accident,” you started. “…I remember how bad he looked.”
JJ’s face grew taut, and you touched his chin.
“Even then, I could only imagine what you looked like. What it was about…”
JJ exhaled, and you took his hand. He suddenly chuckled to himself, and it lacked humor.
“He came to see me,” he sneered at the memory. “Drove all the way over here to tell me that he’d won…that you were his now…and he wouldn’t hesitate to make it clear if I went anywhere near you.”
You sharply inhaled at that.
“Of course, I knew exactly what he was capable of…and you didn’t then, and…”
JJ looked at you, eyes glassy.
“I couldn’t put you in danger like that. It killed me, but I think about that night at Sarah’s party a lot.”
Your heart sank at that.
“JJ…no. Why…?”
You didn’t even like to think about that night.
“I’ll always remember your screams. How scared you sounded…and what could’ve happened if I hadn’t shown up.”
He touched his forehead to yours.
“I knew what he was capable of, and I hated that I couldn’t see you. The first time I saw him after your accident, I couldn’t even help myself. I saw his face and just lost it,” he confessed. “…and when he came by that night…I wanted to kick his ass all over again.”
He exhaled.
“I tried to kill him.”
You recalled the blood on the side of Rafe’s face.
“I still just might,” he whispered.
“No,” you choked out. “Rafe is dangerous. He’s worse than I could’ve ever thought, and… I don’t want you two near each other.”
“I feel like you’re asking a lot of me,” he laughed, face falling into his hands. “He assaulted you, took advantage of you and your accident, threatened both of us…”
JJ suddenly stood, eyes tearful and hands on his hips.
“I mean, if we’re being technical about what happened, he raped you.”
The anger and hurt in his eyes were evident.
“He lied to you, manipulated you, and got you to sleep with him under some fake bullshit relationship story he came up with. He hurt you.”
“I know,” you whispered, reaching for him. “I know that, but he knows that hurting you will hurt me more. If anything happened to you…that’s something I don’t think I could come back from.”
JJ looked like he wanted to argue so bad, but he eventually relented, taking your hand and sitting back down with you. After everything you both had to deal with, you just wanted to sit down and just be with your boyfriend more than anything.
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You woke up alone, voices carrying into the room that you didn’t even remember falling asleep in. When you looked around, JJ was nowhere to be found, and you frowned. When you stepped out of John B.’s room, he and Sarah were sitting with Kie. Their conversation dwindled when they noticed you.
“Well, hey, sleepyhead,” he teased, throwing you a smile.
“Hey,” you slowly replied back, glancing around. “Where did JJ go?”
None of them had an answer for you, and your frown deepened when Pope came inside.
“He left about…20 minutes ago? You hadn’t been asleep much longer than that so,” he shrugged, plopping down beside Kie.
There was a sinking feeling in your gut, and you bit your lip.
“Did he say where he was going?”
Pope shook his head. You remembered how mad JJ had been about Rafe, telling you how hard it was to ignore the guy who’d made both your lives hell. They’d always been more alike than what was comfortable to you, and you rubbed your forehead.
“What’s going on?” Kie finally asked at the look on your face.
You sighed.
“I think he’s going to find Rafe.”
They all jumped up at your words.
“What? JJ’s not that-.”
“Impulsive?” John B. interrupted, making them all pause.
“Y/N, are you sure?” Sarah wondered.
You nodded.
“We were talking about a lot of things, and most of it had to do with Rafe and everything that happened. It was pretty upsetting, and I thought that I had calmed him down, but… I wake up, and he’s gone.”
You shrugged, throwing your hands up. Kie moved to look for her keys while John B. frantically ran his hands through his hair.
“So, this is like really bad, right?” Pope finally said as you all hurried to Kie’s car. “JJ could get himself hurt.”
Pope was voicing your thoughts, and you almost wish he wouldn’t.
“…or hurt someone else and wind up in jail,” you mumbled as you slid into the backseat. “I’m sure Rafe would love that.”
“I guess none of us can really blame JJ though. What Rafe did was pretty messed up.”
You didn’t know how to tell John B. that he didn’t know the half of it. You could feel Sarah’s gaze on you, and you avoided her eyes. You didn’t want to be the one to reveal to her just how awful her own brother was, and there was a huge part of you that hoped you were wrong. You hoped that you were overreacting, and that JJ was just off buying some weed or something, but the churning in your gut told you otherwise.
“Topper texted me back. He said they’re just getting high at Kelce’s,” Sarah spoke up.
“Do you think JJ would think to check there?”
The silence was loud, all of you knowing that if he was looking for Rafe, he’d check everywhere he could think of. The drive to Figure 8 was filled with tension, and you visibly shuddered when Kie pulled up to the curb of Kelce’s yard, Rafe’s black truck ominous in the driveway. You hoped that maybe you’d been wrong, after all, but the familiar sound of a bike approaching had your eyes widening.
You practically fell out of the car climbing over Sarah, everyone calling your name as you ran at JJ just as he slowed to a stop. He only sighed at the sight of you, at least having the decency to look a little bit ashamed.
“You said you weren’t going to go after him,” you accused as he got off.
“I did.”
He shoved his hands into his pockets, the ocean breeze ruffling his hair.
“So, what changed in between then and me waking up alone?”
JJ ran his hands down his face, skin reddening in anger as he briefly glanced away.
“I watched you sleep.”
You frowned in confusion, and he continued.
“I was watching you sleep…and you looked so…sweet, and I thought to myself… How and why could anyone do that to you? Hurt you? Treat you like he’s treated you?”
“I should’ve broke his neck that night of Sarah’s party,” he spat, a gleam in his eye that you weren’t used to seeing. “Every punch to his stupid face since then has been for that night, and now I know that not only did he finish what he started, but he’d been trying to make your life hell even before that.”
“I know,” you sadly said. “…but I can’t let you do something so stupid. You could get arrested, and then where will we be?”
“I can’t pretend like nothing happened,” he said to you, and your shoulders fell. “I can’t pretend like he didn’t just take you away from all of us for months. I can’t pretend like he didn’t violate you.”
You opened your mouth, but he continued.
“I cannot pretend like he didn’t try to rape you, like he didn’t eventually succeed,” he hissed.
Hs voice had lowered, but not enough.
You turned at the sound of Sarah’s voice, freezing as she looked between you and your boyfriend with wide eyes. Her troubled gaze finally settled on you, and you swallowed.
“Y/N? Is…that true…?”
Your best friend sounded horrified, and while you didn’t want this conversation to go like thus, you also couldn’t lie to her about who her brother was.
“Yes,” you eventually whispered, and she stumbled back.
John B. started to approach from Kie’s car at the sight.
“What?” she gasped. “W-when? I…”
You glanced away, gaze fixated on a nearby house.
“It was last year…at your birthday party…”
She didn’t respond, and when you looked back to her, there were tears in her eyes. She looked between you and JJ.
“Last year… This happened last year?”
You nodded, and now it was her turn to look away.
“JJ knew.”
“JJ…stopped him,” you confessed, and she looked at you two again.
“It all makes sense, now,” she weakly said. “I could never understand why you and Rafe just…fell out overnight. I didn’t understand why you and JJ seemed to be as close as you were overnight.”
She sniffed.
“I didn’t understand why you wouldn’t talk to me, but now I do.”
She suddenly looked like she wanted to be sick.
“…and Rafe…he…”
She trailed off, the full picture of just how far he’d gone being revealed to her. As she was still processing everything that Rafe had put you through, you all heard Kelce’s front door open. The sound of rowdiness reached your ears, and you looked over just as Kelce, Topper, and Rafe came stumbling out. You immediately looked to JJ, reaching for his arm as you sent him a pleading look.
“Please, let’s just go.”
You could see how conflicted he was, torn between wanting to fight on your behalf and making you happy. You pressed your other hand to his chest, attempting push JJ back, and eventually, he took a step back. You glanced at Sarah, and although she looked like she wanted to stay as much as JJ did, she started to walk back to Kie’s car.
Unfortunately, the moment you started to climb on the back of JJ’s bike behind him, that was when all hell broke loose.
“Isn’t that JJ and Y/N?”
JJ hadn’t started his bike yet, looking up at the sound of Kelce’s voice. You followed his gaze, shuddering as your eyes connected with familiar blue ones. You already knew that Rafe had been smoking, but one glance at him told you that he’d had a lot to drink too. He was still wearing the shirt and pants he’d worn to Midsummers, the event ending only hours ago.
“JJ, let’s go.”
He didn’t listen to you, and you tapped his arm. Kie hadn’t driven off yet, and you were more than grateful for that when Rafe started walking towards you both.
You cut yourself off when he pushed himself off of his bike, and you almost fell trying to stop him. You saw Kie’s car doors open, and you desperately pulled on JJ’s arm.
“What did I tell you about coming on our side of the island?” Rafe slurred, a glint in his gaze that made you shudder.
“JJ, let’s go!” you pulled at him, but he wasn’t budging.
Rafe’s eyes cut to you, and you faltered at the way they darkened as if he just registered who was at JJ’s side. You watched the way his jaw clenched at the sight of you.
“So, I was right,” he mumbled. “You really did just run back to him.”
“I’m her boyfriend,” JJ spoke up for you. “Her real one.”
“JJ, man, let’s just go,” John B. quietly told him, coming up on his other side.
Rafe smirked at that, staring the other blond down.
“You should listen to your friend…because I’ve been wanting to drown you for a while now…”
Rafe’s voice was cold, detached and terrifying.
“…and with you gone,” he tapped his fingers against his chin. “…nothing’s going to keep me from fucking your girlfriend…again.”
Everyone seemed to move at once when JJ did, rushing in to stop the impending fight. Rafe was faster though, his fist connecting with JJ’s jaw. In the fray, you found yourself landing on your ass, watching in horror as your boyfriend and ex-best friend fought while everyone around them tried to stop them.
You couldn’t see what was happening, but you could hear your friends screaming for them to stop. Crawling between everyone’s legs, your hand connected with JJ’s arm, trying to get his attention. Sadly, it was Rafe’s attention that you got, and in a drunken coke fueled rage, he let JJ go to tackle you. Your head hit the pavement, and you winced, letting out a choked gasp at the feel of his hands around your throat.
There was a short bout of confusion before the horror kicked in as they realized it was you he was choking. You reached up, fighting to get his hands off of you as he pinned you down beneath his frame. His pupils were blown, an endless rage in his eyes as he clenched his teeth.
“I’d rather see you dead than with him,” he sneered in your face.
Several pairs of hands fought to get him off of you, JJ’s arms circling around Rafe’s neck.
“I won’t let you…I won’t let you,” he hissed.
JJ was pulling him back, but Rafe was pulling you with him, and you were forced to follow with his hands around your throat. Tears were spilling out of your eyes, and your nails drew blood. When they finally got him to let you go, you collapsed, coughing and gasping for breath.
“What is wrong with you?” you heard Sarah scream, her arm around you while Kie wiped your face.
You looked up, and Topper and Kelce were keeping Rafe away while Pope and John B. did the same for JJ. The look in your boyfriend’s eyes was crazed, a determination to kill there, and you struggled to get to him. Kie was screaming his name, and you probably would have too if your throat didn’t hurt so much.
“Y/N needs you, okay?” you heard Pope angrily tell him. “Forget him.”
That seemed to clear JJ’s head, and he paused before hurrying towards you, helping you to your feet. You didn’t even want to look at Rafe, flinching at the way he screamed at you. You glanced at Sarah, and you could tell by the look on her face that it was like she was staring at a stranger instead of her brother.
JJ was quick in inspecting your neck, and you knew that he wanted to hurt Rafe now more than he ever did before, but unlike before, he chose to listen to you this time. He walked you towards his bike, the neighborhood growing quiet as Kelce and Topper finally got Rafe back inside.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head.
“No, I…I get it. I get it,” you rasped. “I do.”
You sniffed.
“You don’t know how badly I want to hurt him too,” you told JJ. “…but he scares me…and with good reason.”
JJ looked down.
“If that’s what he would do to me in front of everyone, imagine what he would do to you given the chance…”
JJ was quiet for a while before resting his forehead against yours.
“I literally can’t just walk around this island while he is. I can’t,” JJ choked out. “He hurt you. I don’t think I can do it.”
JJ sounded pained at the thought, and you understood him better than anyone in this moment.
“Every time I think about him, I just think about everything he did…and I just think he should be under the jail.”
You wrapped your arms around JJ, and he leaned in to press his lips to your neck. He held them there, breathing you in and trying to kiss away the damage that Rafe had caused. His lips brushed against your skin as he spoke, and his words made your skin turn to ice.
“I hope you never stop loving me…because I might have to kill him.”
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stephstars08 · 1 year
Monster ~ Chapter One
Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: Adult Language, Weapons, Threats, Mention of Death, Mention of Nudity, Violence, Angst, Some Fluff, Dark Themes, and Possible Grammar Errors.
Word Count: 2,501
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Y/N was peacefully sleeping in her bed till she was awoken by tapping on her window of her bedroom. When she opened her eyes, she saw a familiar face standing on the fire escape that was connected to her window. She sat up and looked at her alarm clock on her nightstand that read two in the morning. She let out a sigh as she pulled off her soft and comfy blanket off her body and stood up.
She walked over to the window and opened it up. She did it as quietly as she could, so she didn’t wake up her parents that were sleeping in the room next to her. Let’s just say this window has been noisy ever since she was a baby. No matter how many times she told her parents it needed to be fixed it just went through one ear and out the other. They probably leave it like it is on purpose so they can hear when she is sneaking out. But jokes on them since she has learned if she opens the window as slow as she can, it won’t make any noise.
“Jason, what are you doing here?” Y/N whispered to her long-time best friend. “I was wondering if you were up to do one of our early morning strolls.” Jason whispered back to her in a curious tone. “I would but you know if my parents find out that I sneaked out with you they would have you arrested just like they did the last time.” Y/N whispered to him with a tired sigh. Let’s just say that Y/N’s parents aren’t very fond of Jason. “Don’t worry, I have a plan this time.” Jason whispered to her as he quietly climbed inside.
Y/N watched Jason grab all of her pillows that were sitting on her comfy chair and laid them out on her bed. He pulled her blanket over the top of the pillows, so it now looks like someone is laying in the bed. “I don’t know Jason, I’m still worried about getting caught.” Y/N whispered still very unsure. “Y/N don’t worry. We’ll just be out for a couple hours. I promise I’ll have you back in time when they come in here to wake you up for school.” Jason whispered to her in reassurance.
“Okay.” Y/N whispered finally giving in as she slipped on a pair of shoes. Jason’s lips curved into a smile as he grabbed one of her jackets and handed it over to her. She thanked him and slipped on her jacket as she followed him over to her open window. Jason was the first one to climb out of the window and onto the fire escape. As always, he helped her climb out of the window and safely onto the fire escape. She quietly closed her window and followed Jason down the fire escape.
“So, what are we stealing tonight?” Y/N asked him as she walked out of the alleyway with him and walked down the sidewalk with him. “Car tires.” Jason answered. “Car tires?” Y/N said in a confused tone. “Yeah, I can make good money selling them.” Jason told her as he walked into the next alley way from Y/N’s apartment building.
Their eyes went wide when they saw a nice-looking car parked in the alleyway. “Holy shit! Look at this baby!” Jason said walking over to the car and putting one of his hands on top of the hood. Y/N knew she’d seen this car before on the news. “Oh my gosh!” Y/N gasp remembering. “Jason, this is the bat mobile!” Y/N told him. “So, that means it will be double the price for the tires.” Jason said taking out a wrench from inside his jacket that has a pocket inside. “Go be the look out.” He told her getting down on his knees and started to take the screws out of the front tire.
Y/N turned around but before she could take even take two steps, she ran into someone. She looked up to see who she bumped into. “Oh, crap!” Y/N said when she noticed who she ran into as her heartrate sped up. “What is going on here?” Batman growled which made Jason freeze. Jason looked over and there he saw him, Batman standing right in front of Y/N. “Um, we were just leaving.” Jason said dropping the wrench. “Hold it!” Batman hissed it a warning tone before Y/N and Jason could run away. “First, you are going to fix my tire.” Batman told Jason in a stern tone. Jason let out a heavy sigh as he picked his wrench back up.
“When you are done fixing my tire, I am going to drive you two home since you two are way too young to be out here this late by yourselves.” Batman told them which made Jason roll his eyes. “You can take Y/N home. I don’t have a home.” Jason told him as he finished fixing the tire. “Do you have a parent or guardian?” Batman asked him which Jason shook his head no. “My mom died early this year and I don’t know where my dad is.” Jason said standing back up and putting his wrench back into his jacket. “I’m the only person he has. I’ve tried to have him live with my parents and I, but they don’t like him.” Y/N added.
“I know someone who can take you in.” Batman offered which made Jason let out a harsh laugh. “Yeah, no thanks.” Jason snapped turning to walk away but got stopped by Y/N grabbing his arm. “Jason please take his offer.” Y/N said in a pleading tone. “I’m better on my own.” Jason told her in a stern tone. “No, you’re not!” Y/N said matching his tone. “Ever since your mom died you have been having trouble supporting yourself.” She told him. She knew he still wasn’t on board. “Please Jason! It’s not safe for you to be out on the streets!” Y/N begged him with a worried look in her eyes. She knows he hates when he worries about him, so he knew he had to take up the hero’s offer. “Okay, I’ll do it.” Jason said in a soft tone finally giving in.
Two years have now passed since Jason has been adopted by the one and only Bruce Wayne. Jason had only been living with Bruce for one month when he was told that Bruce is Batman. Bruce has seen much potential in Jason, so he decided to train him into becoming the new Robin. Training only took one year. Ever since Jason became Robin, he hasn’t been able to visit Y/N. Ever since becoming the Boy Wonder he’s been busy. During the day he’s doing home schooling with Alfred and during the night he’s on patrol.
It was pasted midnight when Y/N was walking home to her apartment. It was a chilly night in Gotham, so she snuggled closer into her jacket. “Hey cutie!” She heard some whistle at her. Y/N just ignored the voice and kept on walking. “HEY!” The voice called out to her louder this time. “LEAVE ME ALONE!” She yelled out as she kept on walking.
Suddenly she was pulled down onto the cold sidewalk by her hair. “Don’t you ignore me you little bitch!” A man snapped at her standing over top of her now shaking body. Y/N was going to try and get back up but quickly halted when the man took out a gun and pointed it right in front of her face. “Give me your fucking money!” The man told her in a demanding tone. “I don’t have any money, I swear.” Y/N told him in a shaky tone. “Fine, I’ll just take your fucking life instead!” The man snapped with anger. Y/N closed her waiting to hear the gun go off but instead she heard the man groaning in pain.
When she opened her eyes, she saw a gloved hand offering to help her up. Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed that the hand belongs to Robin, Batman’s side kick. She put her hand in his and let him help her off the cold sidewalk. “Are you okay?” Robin asked her with concern in his voice. “Yes, thank you so much.” Y/N told him so thankful. “It’s no problem. That bastard is knocked out and tied up. He can’t hurt you.” Robin told her in reassurance.
The more Y/N stared at him the more he felt very familiar to her. “Have we met before?” She asked him which made his heart skip a beat. Jason wanted to take off his domino mask, but he knew he couldn’t. “No, sorry.” Robin said with a lie which killed him inside. This isn’t the first time he’s lied to his best friends face but he knew it was the right thing since it’s going to keep her safe.
“Why are you out here all by yourself?” Robin asked quickly changing the subject. “I snuck out to go to a party which started to get out of control, so I left by myself which was obviously a dumb decision.” Y/N explained with a sigh. “It’s okay, you just didn’t want to get into anything you would end up regretting.” Robin reassured her.
“Thanks again for saving me. I really should get back home.” Y/N said with sincere. She went to go walk away but he quickly stopped her. “Let me walk you home.” Robin offered to her. “But what about the robber.” Y/N asked in confusion. “Don’t worry, the cops are already on their way to get him, and he’ll be out for a while anyways.” Robin reassuring her with a smile as he offered his hand to her again. “Okay.” Y/N said with a smile as she put her hand into his again.
Ever since that night Jason has been visiting Y/N as Robin. Since he couldn’t find the time to see her as himself, why not visit her as his other identity. Of course, he never told Bruce about it since he knows he’ll chew him out for it. He wants to tell her the truth but every time he mentioned it to Bruce, he would immediately shut him down saying it’s too dangerous for Y/N to know. However, after two years the visits suddenly stopped which made Y/N confused till she finally found out why. The Joker had murdered him which broke her heart into a million pieces.
*One Year Later*
Jason slowly opened his eyes from a deep slumber. He slowly sat up in the mattress he stole and took of the blanket he also stole off his body. He looked over in the corner of the small bedroom where his red helmet and suit just lying on the floor in a small pile. Flashbacks of last night started to flash through his mind.
Jason broke out of his flashbacks when he heard his phone ringing on the floor next to him. He picked the phone up and answered the call putting the phone up against his ear. “Hey Babs.” Jason said into the phone. “Hey Jason. I called to let you know that I tried everything but unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything on your childhood best friend.” He heard Barbara tell him in a sad tone. “Oh.” Jason said in disappointment trying to hide it but didn’t work. “I’m so sorry Jason.” He heard Barbara’s tell him still with a sad tone since she really did feel bad. “It’s fine.” Jason said into the phone with a heavy sigh as he used his other hand to run it through his messy raven colored hair. “I can try something else. There has to be something that can tell us if she’s still in Gotham or not.” He heard Barbara tell him which just made him shake is head. “No it’s fine. I’m sure Bruce is giving up a lot of shit to do anyways.” Jason said into the phone. “I’ll talk to you later.” He said and ended the call before she would say anything.
When Jason put his phone back down on the floor, he saw the framed picture of him and Bruce just lying there on the floor. The picture was from the days when he was Robin. He was in his suit and Bruce was in his Batman suit. The picture was taken in the bat cave by Alfred. Jason knew that the photo taken the day he wore his suit for the very first time. As he stared at the photo, he noticed the big smile he had on his face. He hasn’t smiled like that in a very long time.
He felt his blood start to boil in anger, so he quickly stood up and made his way to the bathroom so he could take a shower. After he turned on the water he stripped out of his dirty clothes and walked into the shower. He let the warm water come down onto his sore body. He washed his hair and body and then washed off the soap. Once he was done, he turned the water off and pulled away the shower curtain to grab his only towel. He wrapped the towel around his waist and made his way back to his bedroom.
He got out a fresh pair of clothes and put them on after he dried himself off. He grabbed his black leather jacket and put it on slipping on an old pair of sneakers. He grabbed his phone and keys that were laying together on the floor. He didn’t even glance at the picture. Jason walked out of his tiny apartment, locking the door and then out the door of the apartment building into the chilly autumn weather.
Jason just stood at the top of the steps and took in his surroundings. As the autumn breeze passed through him people just walked down the sidewalks making their way to their destination wether it was work or school for the kids. Jason took a deep breath and walked down the steps. He started to walk down the sidewalk with both hands into the pockets of his jacket.
He wasn’t watching where he was going to, he accidentally ran into someone. “Oops, I’m so sorry.” He heard a sweet and familiar voice say to him. When he saw the person’s face his heart rate sped up.
“Y/N!” Jason said in a surprised tone. “Oh my gosh, Jason! Is it really you?” Y/N said in complete shock. She almost didn’t recognize him since he looked pretty much all grown up. Jason gave her a nod.
Y/N didn’t say anything, she just gave him a big hug. “I’ve missed you so much.” Y/N said as she rested her head onto his chest. “I missed you, too.” Jason said returning the hug that was bringing memories back to the both of them. It felt so good to be back into each other's arms.
🏷️ @calicocat45 @deimks @k0m0rixminttea @greeniegreengreen
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basshole-astard · 1 year
hey you, blogger. do you find yourself in incredible pain daily? even weekly? despite being in your 30s, or younger? despite doing everything that's ""supposed"" to help?
On top of being in incredible pain, can you or could you at any point in your life:
bend yourself into funny positions like putting your foot behind your head
can bend down without fanfare and put your palms COMPLETELY FLAT on the floor
do your elbows bend a bit backwards? how about your knees?
you can bend your pinkies backwards 90 degrees
you find your joints are incredibly weak and garbage; wrists often in pain despite doing stretches; shoulders/neck always hurting no matter how good your posture is; can’t get down on your hands and knees because doing so is Ow Ow Oof Ouch
you have gastrointestinal issues that you cannot link to food in any way (yes, for real,)
headaches/migraines – especially unexplained, but even if you do have an explanation (for real)
never had enough room in your mouth for your teeth
vision prescription gets better and then gets worse again and you find yourself very confused about how??? why????
have really bad allergies including “I can’t use x soap it gives me a rash for some reason” or other similar “coming into contact with certain things makes me break out” (it’s called MCAS, it’s often comorbid)
stand up and your heartrate spikes and/or you get dizzy (that’s called POTS, also comorbid)
Then, hi, you might possibly have something called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, or EDS; specifically the hypermobile subtype (hEDS), which doesn’t yet have a known genetic marker and goes wildly underdiagnosed in patients, partly because the things they test for hypermobility are pretty limited, partly because doctors don’t know what it is, partly because doctors would rather diagnose you with a different condition (if arthritis or fibromyalgia diagnoses/treatment didn’t help, well...!) because if it sounds like a horse it’s PROBABLY a horse (but it could be a zebra)
Of course having any one of these does not an hEDS diagnosis make, but if you have multiple on my above list? Multiple of the list I am including below the cut? It’s worth looking into. You can continue on reading to see my brief overview, or you can head to www.ehlers-danlos.com to do your own research; they’re a great resource!
"I have a lot of these but not all of them" that's still worth looking into! I've only got five on the above list, and i definitely still have hEDS! Even three is worth considering!
more symptoms and info below the cut, if you want to hear it from a fellow blogger who was diagnosed at 25 and found the diagnosis Extremely Eye Opening as to why i was always in pain and Various Other Issues
General hEDS info: EDS itself is a genetic disorder that affects your connective tissue, which in general makes your joints weak and your ligaments weaker. hEDS is the most common subtype, in which you have a lot of EDS traits AND hypermobility BUT none of the genetic markers for the 12 other EDS subtypes.
“Wait, but this thing I can do is normal, my whole family can do it!” or “my mother’s side of the family is all like this!” hEDS is genetic. It’s possible to have it if your parents don’t, but VERY unlikely. So unlikely, in fact, that having immediate family history of hEDS is one of the 3 main diagnostic criteria for it. (You can still get diagnosed if you hit the other 2, but they only ask for 2/3.)
“Surely it can’t be so hard to diagnose that doctors don’t notice it!” my sister did not find out until she was in her 30s, because one of her friends has hEDS, and when my sister was bemoaning how useless doctors were, her friend was like “....hey those sound like MY symptoms, have you considered you might have hEDS?” (Which, due to it being genetic, is how my mom and I found out we also probably had it.) Also, much like ADHD, doctors are wary of diagnosing people with it, afraid they’re just trying to get the “good” meds.
“What good does a diagnosis/research even do me?” 1) an explanation for why you’re in pain all the time 2) knowledge so you can avoid doing things that would hurt you (you have to be SOOO careful with most forms of exercise!) 3) it’s a disorder that warrants higher pain meds than what you can get OTC, so if you are seriously in a lot of pain all the time, and would like to not be...
I’m gonna put a more in-depth list of symptoms below. If you have any five of them, I highly suggest you poke around www.ehlers-danlos.com and do your own research, because even if you aren’t in a position to get a clinical diagnosis right now, even suspecting you MIGHT Have it is useful, either for an explanation for all the things that seem wrong with your body that couldn’t otherwise be explained, or to know that... hey, you should really be careful with what kinds of physical exercise you’re doing, because your risk of injury for some sports is WAY higher than it is for people who don’t have hEDS. More on that below, as well.
Symptoms list time:
hypermobile joints
unstable/weak joints
joints that dislocate frequently
stretchy and fragile skin (classic EDS marker, but can show up in hEDS): do you bruise easily? Do cuts take forever to heal?
your parent(s) are also like this (it's a genetic disorder!! Chances are you got it from one of them!!! Love to hear “oh my hips do that too!!! Didn’t realize it wasn’t normal” thanks mom.)
"my parents don't have hEDS tho" are you sure. like. my mom didn't know until my sister found out she did. this thing is *wildly underdiagnosed*. Mom’s in her 50s and had doctors diagnose her with arthritis and fibromyalgia, the treatments for which didn’t help her because it wasn’t what was actually wrong
chronic fatigue
gastrointestinal issues (if you thought you had IBS, but hit any of the hEDS things, you should consider, well, an hEDS diagnosis; gastroparesis is a common comorbidity)
dysautonomia; i don't have this but it causes things like POTS or "heartrate spikes when i stand" or "i get dizzy when i stand and lose vision briefly"
headaches (and/or migraines!)
MCAS, aka really bad allergies. your nose gets offended at the slightest bit of pollen. the weirdest materials give you a rash. you can only use one soap because all the other ones make you break out. etc.
...ADHD. I’m not shitting you. It is so frequently comorbid that in the UK when you test positive for either ADHD or hEDS they will immediately test you for the other. Connective tissue exists in your brain, as well, so I guess if your connective tissue just doesn’t function properly...
sure! did you, at any point in your life:
- able to bend into funny positions like put foot behind head; especially as a kid (hi! that's me!) but of particular note if you can still do those things now
- stretches like butterfly or crossing your arm over your chest just... don’t feel like stretches? (my sister)
- could you bend and without effort place your palms flat on the floor? can you still now? apparently most people struggle - without regular stretching - to touch their toes, let alone put their palms *completely flat* to the floor. that's hypermobility baby!
- elbows bend a little bit backwards? knees?
- can you bend your pinkies back 90 degrees?
- consider yourself double-jointed?
- shoulders/neck always hurt? and like your muscles are SOOOO tight in your neck all the time? hey guess what: the thing EDS does is make your body produce less collagen, which makes your ligaments weak as fuck, and so your muscles are constantly spasming to hold your head up. this is why you're in pain. this is why working the knots out never helps and they always come back. no, this isn't because you’re on your computer too much. your body was just built differently (poorly)
- stretching never seems to help? stretches make you hurt more??? or even: most forms of exercise cause you pain? yeah, most exercise/stretches are meant for Able Bodied People, not people with an underlying undiagnosed hypermobility disorder. You have to adapt them to your needs, and also stretches will never be the be-all-end-all solution to back pain like those funny little infographics on the internet will try and tell you. Maybe it is for able-bodied people, if you have a genetic condition that causes chronic pain, well,
- “but my shoulders are soooo tight tho” POINTING ABOVE AGAIN. they are doing that because the muscles have to overcompensate for your weak ligaments. Stretching does not fix this; you may loosen your muscles, but they will simply tighten again later. The real fix is doing exercises to improve your shoulder muscle stability – I’ll talk about some exercises below.
- have you ever thought to yourself "what the hell, i'm too young to be in this much pain all the time??" you're right! it might be hEDS.
- struggle with opening jars? weak upper body strength? randomly lose your grip on things you’re holding with your hands? “are you serious” I’m serious
- can't crawl on your hands and knees because that hurts your wrists and your knees?
- tangentially: did your parents say you crawled funny as a kid? army crawl? started walking way earlier than expected? yeah.
- you can't squat or kneel because ow oof ow your ankles ow ow your knees? yeah.
- is getting up from the floor hard sometimes?? despite being 30 or younger???? yeah.
- despite everything, and not trying to be, you're still kind of really flexible???
- like, you could do the splits as a kid without having to train yourself to do it?? you can still do the splits now without any effort at all?
- do you seem to get injured really easily? joints especially, or, again, bruised really easily.
- are you in pain right now? think about it. shoulders? back? legs? did you see the part where one of the diagnostic criteria for hEDS is chronic pain? yeah.
i could probably keep going.
~here's some specific connective tissue disorder things; i've included only the extremely "normal" ones that haven’t already been listed above and/or are easy to check yourself. you can find a full list at https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/what-is-eds/hypermobile-ehlers-danlos-syndrome-heds/ under "how is hEDS diagnosed?"~
listed above: stretchy/fragile skin. By stretchy btw I mean: can you pinch your skin anywhere and pull and get even half an inch away from your body? Neck/back of hand is a good place to try. If you can’t pinch your skin at all w/o hitting Meat then you don’t have this (I don’t, even tho my sister does!) but it’s worth looking out for and alone is like THE thing EDS (all types) is characterized by, so if your skin stretches, that’s of particular notice (but your skin not stretching does not disqualify you from having EDS)
stretch marks (they hate to use this if you're afab, but,)
"Bilateral piezogenic papules of the heel" uh when you're standing are your heels kinda. lumpy. like they got balls in 'em. that's what this is. (this is one of the things i have)
dental crowding (lol!!!!)
can you close your thumb+pinky around both your wrists? (steinberg sign)
when you make fists, thumbs underneath fingers, do your thumbs stick out past your fingers? (walker sign)
“Hey, I’m not really hypermobile - is it still possible to have hEDS??”
in theory! I’m only mildly hypermobile myself, outside of the “foot behind head” trick from when i was ten and the “can even now at 25 bend down and put palms flat on floor with no effort” i have… basically no other signs of hypermobility. Though, I guess “things that should be stretches like butterfly or touching your toes are super easy and not stretches for me” also counts as being hypermobile, huh. It’s just really mild.
And, you know, maybe you just have a different EDS subtype. EDS as a whole is not super well understood, so the chances you got a doctor who didn’t know what it was / didn’t want to order a genetic test about it is still, like, high enough it’s worth looking into, I think.
Basically every issue my body has can be drawn back to hEDS, and that kind of knowledge is insane but also really liberating. There is a cause for this. I’m not just in pain for no reason – or worse – because I’m “bad” at taking care of myself. I have a genetic disorder that makes it so my joints don’t work right and also I’m in pain all the time. It’s not necessarily happy, but at least it’s an explanation, instead of sitting there and shrugging and going “I dunno” about it.
So, sincerely, if even five of the things I’ve listed above sound familiar to you, I think you should look into it. Maybe you’ll research and go “oh, that doesn’t sound like me at all, actually”, but on the chance you, like me, start researching and find yourself going “THAT’S WHAT’S BEEN CAUSING THAT THIS WHOLE TIME????” I think it’s worth looking into. That validation is sincerely quite freeing.
“Ok, you've convinced me. Now what do I do?”
first of all research some more!
https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/what-is-eds/ <-- EDS overview and EDS subtypes! Maybe you have one that isn’t hEDS
https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/what-is-eds/hypermobile-ehlers-danlos-syndrome-heds/ <-- hEDS specific page
https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/heds-diagnostic-checklist/ <-- hEDS diagnostic checklist
https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/assessing-joint-hypermobility/#1667831445611-fb40d58e-84a4 <-- the checklist opens on something called the Beighton scale, which is explained in more detail here. **IF YOU DO NOT SCORE HIGH ON THE BEIGHTON SCALE BUT STILL HAVE MOST OTHER HEDS ISSUES, PRESS FOR DIAGNOSIS NONETHELESS. ENTIRELY POSSIBLY YOU ARE HYPERMOBILE IN AREAS THAT AREN’T TRACKED BY THE BEIGHTON SCALE. IT’S IMPERFECT AND PROBABLY NEEDS TO BE REPLACED BUT THEY HAVEN’T GOTTEN AROUND TO IT YET.**
https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/2017-eds-classification-non-experts/ <-- EDS things in layman’s terms, including comorbidities, like what I was talking about wrt gastrointestinal issues, orthopedic issues, chronic fatigue issues, etc, etc, etc. if you have issues with allergies look at the Mast Cell Disorder one. if you have that “heartrate spikes or I get dizzy when I stand” issue look at the Cardiovascular Autonomic Dysfunction one.
(ngl, sorry if its gross, but learning that hEDS often comes packaged with gastrointestinal issues was what really sealed the whole deal for me being convinced, despite “your sister has it and your mom almost definitely has it” being EXTREMELY damning evidence, because. I have had issues with diarrhea my whole goddamn life. I can’t tie it to food. It just curses me daily.)
second of all: talk to your doctor! or, find a doctor in your area that specializes in EDS. book an appointment, see what they can offer you. they can probably hook you up with physical therapy options (to safely strengthen your muscles to compensate for your weak connective tissue) or some pain management options! If you find the physical therapist is making you do things that make you hurt more and they repeatedly do not listen to you and your body, fire them and find a new physical therapist. 
https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/healthcare-professionals-directory/ <-- list of doctors. 
Third of all: find a support group if you’d like? There’s FB groups and Reddit groups and probably even more. Links to some of them here: https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/support/ 
YMMV because hEDS sometimes gets shit on by people with the other EDS subtypes, but at the very least, if a fellow Zebra is bitching about a doctor, you’ll know who to avoid. 
Fourth: Just… if you think you might have it, I want you to take a step back and reconsider the way you feel about yourself and maybe about the exercise you are/aren’t doing. I had a lot of compounded guilt about how I “wasn’t taking good enough care of myself” ; when you’re in pain all the time you sometimes start blaming yourself, especially if you, like me, find that exercise is difficult and painful and that stretching doesn’t ACTUALLY help, you quit doing it. But you don’t always quit thinking “well apparently if I did those stretches to prevent back pain that people always talk about, then I wouldn’t have any back pain!!!!!!” and that kind of mindset... sucks.
It's also not true. Like, not in general, but also especially not if you have hEDS. My back is in pain because my body was built different (poorly), NOT because I “wasn’t doing the right thing”.
So here’s my get out of jail free card, for you. You aren’t in pain because you aren’t doing anything to “fix” it. You’re just in pain. Sure, you can do some (specialized) (hEDS friendly ones) exercises to help combat it, or you could go take some painkillers, but... your pain is not a punishment for your decision not to exercise. Your pain just kinda... is.
Every generalized exercise advice you see online you need to take with a grain of salt anyway, because it was not written for people with a hypermobility disorder. If doing it doesn’t help, then you don’t need to push through the pain because “it’s the thing that’s supposed to fix everything!!!!” No no. There is no correct answer. There is no one-size fits all. If it doesn’t help, or if it hurts, then you shouldn’t do it.
I say this from a place of love. I spent several months trying to fix my wrist pain with stretches, and you know what never went away? My wrist pain. In fact, I’m mildly convinced the stretches made the pain worse. I kept pushing through it for ages, though, because I kept getting told it was supposed to help, and that it was IMPORTANT as someone who spends all day on the computer to TAKE CARE OF MY WRISTS via THESE STRETCHES WE HAVE HELPFULLY COMPILED ONTO AN INFOGRAPHIC FOR YOU!!!!! ...but that’s not how it works. The rules are a little different when you have a hypermobility disorder. You have to really look into exercises that are safe for you to do, instead of just assuming the ones that everyone passes around are going to help.
“Man, so even those shoulder stretches you see around might not help?” nope! They might not!
“What do I do then?” strengthening exercises... I’ll put resources / explain one easy one (for shoulders) below.
Also if you are someone with a job that requires sitting at the computer all day, and you’re worried about how that affects your health... Even if you just get up once every two hours and walk around / look at something else (even your bathroom!!!) for a little bit, that’s fine, that’s plenty, that’s more than enough. You don’t have to stretch your shoulders every 30 minutes. You shouldn’t stretch your shoulders every 30 minutes if that’s hurting you.
1) https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/resource/strengthen-your-hypermobile-core-a-home-exercise-approach-for-eds-hsd-and-hypermobility-jeannie-di-bon/ <-- webinar that covers at-home exercises you can do
2) and a whole playlist of at-home exercises (in reasonable sized video chunks) by one of the experts, here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp-oNOmoFdAMFZB7XfpUZyvg_xzE3S3Ue – DISCLAIMER I HAVE NOT WATCHED OR USED THESE, SO WHILE I CAN SAY I DOUBT SHE WOULD BE FEATURED WERE SHE NOT A REAL EXPERT, PLEASE JUST. Err on the side of caution. If even one of these hurts you, try not to do it until you can talk with your personal physical therapist, which, yes, I realize requires Acquiring one first..... worth poking around tho, this person has a ton of tips on how to be careful with your joints while doing chores and day-to-day tasks as well, it seems. Actual advice that might actually help you instead of “oh make sure to stretch every 30 minutes!!!!” (might not help) or “have you tried jogging? Its free and easy!!!!!” (sport that is more likely to injure you thanks to the weak joints thing)
3) You can also search “exercise” on ehlers-danlos.com and come up with a ton of other pages/videos/etc of EDS friendly exercises produced by the experts that run this site.
4) That One Easy One I Can Explain In A tumblr Post: Bridging
Meant for core stability, but also works towards strengthening your shoulder muscles as well. Bridges!!! You can probably look up guides, or the lady I linked above has a video that includes her doing bridges about 4 minutes in. here's the video (link).
The version I do involves going up for five seconds, then down for five seconds, repeating for a minute (time yourself). Each day add on ten seconds (so second day you do a minute ten, third day minute twenty, etc) until you are eventually able to do it for three minutes. You do not need to go past three minutes. You are recommended not to. You are recommended to work up to 3 minutes and then continue doing it for 3 minutes every day.
(It doesn’t have to be every day nor does it necessarily have to be 3 minutes every time; if I’m tired or in a hurry I’ll just do two minutes. If I’m really tired I’ll just skip it and do it the next day. No big deal!)
That’s all I got. Thanks for listening to me rant. Hope it was enlightening at all!
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spnexploration · 2 years
I've Got You
Happy birthday @iprobablyshipit91! I wrote a Protective!Dean one-shot for you (I'm hoping I got my timezones right...!)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Words: 740
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You blearily opened your eyes. Your heart was thumping in your chest, your breathing panicked. You dizzily looked around you, a sense that you’d just been running from something but now didn’t know where it was. You couldn’t quite remember what it was that was after you, which was even more terrifying.
The room span. Or maybe your head did? You didn’t know.
“Hey, hey, you in there?” Something was touching your face. Repetitively. You couldn’t focus on it, over the feeling of the blood pumping in your ears and your hands shaking.
“Y/N! Y/N! Sweetheart, you with me?”
Suddenly you had a thought – was that the thing you were running from?! You tried to get away, but for some reason you couldn’t. You couldn’t seem to stand up, couldn’t seem to run. Your heartrate impossibly increased, again.
“She ok?”
“Eyes are open but I can’t get her to respond. I don’t think I’m getting through.”
You tried to move again. There was something after you, you had to get away! What kept stopping you?!
“Whoa, whoa, sweetheart, you gotta stay still. We only just got the drip out of you.”
Someone was holding you! That’s why you couldn’t get away! You started to struggle: kicking, hitting, anything you could do to get out of their clutches.
“Fuck, Sammy! She’s freaking out. I can barely hold her. You got that new antidote yet?”
You couldn’t move your arm, they were holding it still! A sharp pain! What were they doing to you?! Your heart was about to leap out of your chest and gallop away, it could barely keep up with this pace.
You continued to thrash about in someone’s hold. Or was it two someones? There seemed to be a lot of touchpoints on you. You’d count them but you had to get away.
“How long’s it going to take to work?”
“I don’t know Dean, it’s not exactly an exact science mixing my own hybrid-Djinn antidote on the fly!”
You screamed. Maybe that would help.
“Come on sweetheart, you gotta come back to us, ok?”
Was that Dean?
“De-Dean?” you stuttered. You couldn’t find him, you couldn’t tell one shape from another in front of your face. But you thought you’d heard him.
“Yes, sweetheart, I’m right here. I’ve got you.”
“What? Where? Why- why can’t I- what’s happening?!” You started to flail your arms in front of you, trying to get to Dean. Trying to get through the sea of shapes and colours in front of you that you hadn’t worked out what they were yet.
“Hey, hey, please stop, sweetheart,” Dean said, while hands tried to stop your arms. “You gotta calm down for me.”
“Where are you?!”
“I’m right here.” Something moved your hand and suddenly you felt stubble under your fingertips. “This is me, I’m right here.”
You blinked a few times. The shape. The shape in front of you. It was… Dean?
You stopped fighting.
“That’s it, that’s it, good job sweetheart. Can you see me now?” You nodded. “Ok, good. Now I need you to start calming down. Tell me something you can feel.”
“Umm, umm, my lungs.”
“Good, good. Tell me something you can see.”
“Something you can hear.”
“My heart pumping.”
Dean chuckled, “Ok, we’re trying to calm that down. Let’s take some nice, deep breaths.” You did, feeling your breathing coming more under control. “That’s it, now we’re getting somewhere.”
“What- what happened?”
“Half-breed djinns. I think they mostly got you with the fear kind, but just enough of the original to let Sammy mix up an antidote.”
You remembered the fear, the running, the feeling of something after you. You started to shiver. Pretty quickly your whole body was shaking uncontrollably.
Dean started shifting position so that he was sitting on the floor. He nodded to Sam who held you up while he moved. Once Dean was in position, he reached out and pulled you onto his lap, encouraging you to lean against his chest. He wrapped his long arms around you and held you firmly.
You clutched the front of his flannel.
He gently stoked your head. “You're ok,” he murmured quietly. “I've got you. Sammy and I killed the djinn, it can't hurt you anymore. Nothing is after you, you're safe.”
You slowly relaxed against him. The shaking reduced, your breathing slowed to a normal rate.
He kissed your forehead, “I've got you, sweetheart.”
Everything Supernatural taglist:
Dean Winchester taglist:
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theamberfist · 6 months
Writer's Block | Thoma x Reader
Romantic: Thoma x Author! Reader
(Notes: none) (gender neutral reader)
Description: When you're late turning your new draft in to Yae Miko, Thoma helps you hide from the kitsune's wrath.
It was late in the evening, almost night. The stars could be seen twinkling overhead, despite it still technically being twilight. Though darkness was coming, there was still just enough visibility that a few people went about their business in the streets of the city. Shopkeepers were just beginning to close up for the day, and families that were still out began making their way home. Crickets could even be heard somewhere in the grassy patches. The entire scene was very peaceful.
Well, until a certain h/c haired individual came thundering down the path, disrupting the calmness of the night. You were in quite a rush, and several people narrowly managed to duck out of the way before you ran right into them.
"Late again, Y/n?" A restaurant owner called as you passed him by. You nodded, a sheepish smile crossing your face.
"I may have forgotten my new draft was due today..." You replied before glancing back to see the very figure you dreaded most in the world was starting to catch up with you. "Gotta go!" You shouted, picking up the pace and throwing yourself down the nearby flight of stone stairs and plotting the best escape route in your head.
You easily ruled out some of the more obvious ones like gliding off the nearby cliffs or trying to escape into the field that eventually lead to Chinju Forst, mainly because they'd already failed you before.
Though startling to some passersby, the circumstances you now found yourself in weren't exactly an uncommon occurrence, especially now that you were a permanent resident of Inazuma. You'd never thought moving away to work on your career as an author could be so eventful.
Now, reaching the bottom of the stairs, you could hear her close behind you, and you didn't even dare to look back and confirm her proximity. Instead, you kept running, weaving between buildings in the hopes of losing her. Unfortunately, it did little other than slow her down a little, which wouldn't be enough to help you escape your quickly approaching fate.
Knowing you wouldn't be able to make it out of the city before she caught up, you opted for the less risky, but much more terrifying choice; hiding and hoping for the best.
As soon as you reached the outskirts of the city where the big Sakura tree was planted, you wrapped your arms around it and scurried up as quickly as you could, ignoring the small splinters you could feel entering your skin. After all, if you managed to escape, it would all be worth the pain.
Finally, you reached what you deemed to be a safe enough height that you wouldn't be easily spotted from the ground. Arms beginning to grow tired, you reached out and swung yourself onto a nearby tree branch, arms latching around it as the rest of your body lay atop it. You didn't dare to sit up yet. This way, in the approaching darkness, you might look like you were one with the branch, or at least, that was what you hoped.
Though, who were you kidding? Someone like Yae Miko, who had literal fox ears and kitsune powers, could probably see in the dark too. You were most likely going to be a lost cause this time, too.
You sighed, craning your neck to see if she'd caught up by now. Even though it felt like hours had passed, realistically, it had probably only been about thirty seconds.
"...Ahem." The sound of someone clearing their throat snapped you out of your thoughts and your gaze immediately darted over to the branch on the other side of the tree, where a familiar man sat with a cat in his lap. Seeing him, your heartrate slowed slightly knowing he wouldn't give you away.
"Thoma?" You whispered, "I didn't see you there." Though you were quickly losing light, you could just make out the little smile that covered his face.
"I could tell." He chuckled quietly. You rolled your eyes, but truth be told, you were smiling too.
"Well, at least that means this is a good hiding place." You breathed as the familiar head of pink hair finally appeared from behind one of the buildings nearby.
"Trying to avoid Yae Miko again?" Thoma asked. You just nodded, afraid if you spoke, her fox ears would pick up on it and she'd find you. He seemed to understand your position, because he continued just as quietly, "don't worry. I won't blow your cover."
You sent him a thankful gaze before freezing in place. She was standing right under the tree now, but she hadn't seemed to notice you yet. Her eyes squinted, as if trying to pick you out, but then she noticed Thoma first and a smirk appeared on her lips.
"Ah, Thoma," She called, moving over to the side of the tree his branch was on, "I'm once again searching for my dear employee, Y/n. Have you seen them anywhere? It's getting dark and I do worry about them, you know." You rolled your eyes at her attempt to appeal to Thoma's better nature.
Had he not seen you just now, he might have agreed, or even helped look for you. Luckily, he wasn't falling for it now.
"No, I haven't seen them at all today, sorry!" He replied nonchalantly, gently getting down from his branch and making sure not to let the little cat fall in the process. "But I'm sure they'll be alright. If they aren't here, then they probably wandered back into the city or to their house. They's been living in Inazuma for a few months now, so you don't have to worry that they'll get lost."
You smiled at his words. Not only was he not blowing your cover like promised, but he was even helping to cover for you. You'd have to find some way to repay him later for this.
"I suppose you're right." Yae Miko replied, visibly frowning at his response, "Well, thank you for trying to help anyway. I'll keep looking for Y/n. I'm sure you need to be getting back to the Kamisato Estate before it's too dark."
"R-right!" The blonde replied, gently setting the cat down with a smile, "It was good to see you, Lady Yae. And again, don't worry too much about them!" She smiled back, though to you, it was clearly fake. Still, she kept it plastered on until Thoma had walked far enough away that she could no longer see him.
Turning back to the city, the kitsune let out a sigh, placing her hands on her hips.
"You can run but you can't hide, Y/n," She said softly, "That boy is too kindhearted for his own good, but I suppose he did have a point. I'll check their house since they can't have gone very far..." With that, she went off in the direction of your home, just inside Inazuma City.
You stayed put for a few more minutes until you were sure she was gone. Then you gently lowered yourself to the ground and checked to make sure no one else had seen you.
"It's alright, she's gone now." A voice spoke from behind you, making you jump and whirl around to see Thoma standing there once again. He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to check whether you'd gotten away yet."
"I was going to book it back home, but she's checking my house now," You admitted with a sigh, "I'm not sure where I'm going to sleep tonight, but I guess that's what I get for having writer's block again." Thoma chuckled, having witnessed you and the kitsune's cat and mouse game several times before, he knew what you meant.
"Well, you're welcome to stay at the Komore Teahouse, if you want," He suggested, "I don't think she'll look for you there, especially after seeing me just now."
"You did give quite a convincing performance," You smiled, wondering whether he'd always been that good at lying. "But are you sure that would be okay? I can find somewhere else to sleep; I'm sure Yoimiya would take me in again...Maybe." Actually, after the last time, when Yae Miko had searched her entire house and everything in it to find you, just for you to have been hiding under the bed the entire time, you weren't so sure she'd be willing to help you.
"Don't worry, you hiding out at the teahouse for one night isn't going to hurt anything," Thoma replied, "Come on, I insist. I can't just go home for the night knowing you might not have somewhere safe to stay. And plus, I would feel bad if she found you. It sounded like she was really upset this time." Finally, you gave in.
"Alright, then let's get going before she comes back." You started leading the way before quickly stopping and turning back, "And thanks for all your help, Thoma." He just smiled back.
"It's no problem!" And with that, the two of you headed off to the teahouse, careful to avoid areas with light so you wouldn't be seen by your boss or create potential witnesses.
"So how overdue are you with this one? I don't think I've ever seen Lady Yae so determined to find you." Thoma commented quietly as the two of you walked.
"Actually, I was only supposed to have this draft in by the end of the work day, which was just a couple of hours ago." You defended. He raised an eyebrow. "Though, technically, today's due date may have come after three or four extensions already..."
"There it is," he replied with a chuckle, "But then again, I can't say that I blame you. It must be hard coming up with new ideas all the time, and every author gets writer's block occasionally."
"'Yet none quite as often as the infamous Y/n L/n,'" You quoted, "That's what Miss Yae always says. I'm probably the most troublesome writer they have at the publishing house. Sometimes I feel kind of bad about it."
"Maybe, but you're also the best writer they have!" Thoma quickly countered, "I've read your books, and there's a reason they sell so many copies each time. Plus, they didn't move you all the way here from Sumeru for nothing! That's something to be proud of."
"Thanks, Thoma." You smiled. Finally, the two of you arrived at Komore Teahouse and quickly entered in the hopes that no one had seen you.
"Woof!" A quiet bark greeted you both as you walked through the door, and your eyes brightened as you saw Taroumaru sitting on the counter like always.
"Hey buddy," You scratched his head, smiling as he wagged his little tail. Though you didn't get to come to the teahouse often, his presence always seemed to make your day better, even when you were taking refuge from your very angry boss.
"Y/n's going to stay here for the night, okay Taroumaru?" Thoma informed the dog, who let out a quiet bark in approval. You smiled before following the blonde man to one of the tearooms, where he prompted you to set your small backpack down and began setting up a few cushions as a makeshift bed.
"Sorry there isn't anything more comfortable to sleep on," he sighed, glancing around the room again for anything that might make a nice blanket. "When I stayed here during the vision hunt decree, Miss Kamisato brought me a mattress, blankets, pillows, and whatever else I needed, but I guess those have all been moved back to the Kamisato Estate."
"That's okay," You shook your head, "I really appreciate you letting me stay here, as it is. You could have just told me to suck it up and face the consequences of my own actions." Thoma laughed.
"I would never," he replied, "Especially when those consequences are Lady Yae herself. She can be pretty intimidating when she wants to."
"You got that right," You sighed, stretching your already-sore muscles. Now that you had the chance to slow down and be calm, you realized just how exhausted your body felt, and the idea of sleep became more and more tempting. "But seriously, thank you. If not for you, I'd be locked up in the publishing house and finishing the last two hundred and ninety or so pages of my book in one sitting."
You took a seat amidst the cushions Thoma had set out, relishing in their softness. Either the two of you had very different definitions of comfortable, or you were just tired enough that anything felt comfortable.
"Two hundred and ninety? Wasn't that book supposed to be three hundred pages? Y/n, you've barely started!" He replied in surprise.
"...Inspiration didn't strike!" You shrugged, feeling your cheeks get slightly red from embarrassment, "And plus, I was still feeling burnt out from writing the one before it!"
Technically, both of those things were true. You always had a such a hard time working around the many mental blocks that came with writing, and Yae Miko's pushing you to write so many books one after another didn't help with the burnout you'd been feeling creeping up for months either.
"You also like to procrastinate," Thoma added with a smirk, only making your face more red.
"Maybe that too," you admitted with a yawn, "But either way, I'll get it done soon. I just needed a little more time."
"I believe in you," Thoma replied as you nuzzled into the cushions, "You didn't build a career on this for nothing, after all. I have full confidence you'll finish this book soon, and that it'll be your best one yet. In fact, I look forward to reading it myself!" He glanced back at you, noticing that your eyes were now closed as you lay in the little makeshift bed.
"Uh huh." You uttered, now half asleep. He hadn't realized just how tired you'd been. A smile crept onto his face as he got up to leave. It was getting late, and plus, he didn't want to disturb your rest. Glancing back one last time, he was sure you were asleep now.
"I really admire you, Y/n." He whispered just before closing the tearoom's door, "I hope you know that."
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rubyreduji · 2 years
[minors dni] [cw: phone sex, sending nudes, guided masturbation, light pet play]
"soooo...." you call through the phone "do you like my present?"
junhui is about to nut in his pants
pulled up on his phone screen is a photoset that you had just sent him. the photos feature you in an erotic set of pink lingerie that accent everything
there's silky straps that sits against your skin and lace that he can see your nipples peaking out from behind
the look is topped off with a set of cat ears and a matching collar and tail that makes jun's head go blank and his mouth water. he doesn't think he's ever wanted you do badly in his life
"baby these are..." jun can't find his words, his brain clouded with lust
you giggle through the phone reciever "i'm glad you like them. i thought i'd send you something nice since we can't be together for valentine's day and i figured these would be nicer than chocolates"
"you're killing me here y/n" jun groans
"oh? want to tell me more?"
"i think i'm going to die from how hard i am right now" jun whines a bit
"that's so hot" you purr "...can i see?"
jun is quick to turn his video on so you can see his face, you do the same. you're sitting on you bed, staring at the screen with a sultry gaze. jun is lucky you caught him at an off time as he lays in bed as well, his cock hard and straining in his pants
he turns his camera so it's pointing at his lap before he pushes his pants down, his boxers go with, his cock springing free. he can hear you moan a bit which turns him on even more
"mmm baby look at you, so hard just for me" you coo "can you pretend it's me there, touching you"
"y-yes" jun mutters
"your cock is so big, i wish i could taste it. go ahead and touch yourself baby, stroke your cock"
jun reaches down and grasps his cock. he thinks about what you do when you touch him, the way you take your time teasing him, getting him even more worked up
he bites down on his lower lip as he trails his finger over the underside of his cock before swiping his thumb over his sensistive tip
"that's such a good boy, yeah just like that" you encourage jun as he gently grips his cock and starts to slowly pump his hand up and down "go slow, we're in no hurry here baby"
jun lets out a strangled moan as he bucks his hips up into his fist. he misses you so much, and he misses you more now that you can't help him while he's so worked up. he continues to imagine you're there in front of him, working his cock in your hands as you press kisses to his hipbone and suck on his balls
his free hand wanders down to cup his balls and he massages them softly in his palm. the hand on his cock traces around the head of his cock and he starts to leak precum
"baby look at me" jun doesn't even realize his eyes were closed until you speak up
jun opens his eyes and glances at his phone and he nearly shoots his load right there. sitting on the other side of the screen you've stripped down to just your panties, your tits already out in the open. you have the cat ears and tail back on, the collar sitting snug around your neck
you're in a pair of red lace panties and when you spread your legs, jun can see your slick cunt on display for him. holy shit you're wearing crotchless panties for him
"fuck, kitten, holy shit," jun whines "you look so pretty. fuck you did this all for me?"
"all for you junnie, you deserve it"
jun is about to respond but his voice falters when you reach down to start playing with your clit. he watches your fingers slowly rub at the bud and you let out a slow, deep moan that has jun's heartrate speeding up
jun can't keep his eyes off of you as you continue to touch yourself, wishing he was there to play with you instead. if he was with you right now he would eat you out for hours, never stopping until you've came at least five times
you'd be exhausted, your body shaking and overstimulated, as he presses kisses against your warm skin and leaves love bites on your thighs
the things jun would do right now to be squished between your thights, suffocating himself while giving you head. as he thinks about it, jun's hand speeds up its pace as it pumps at his cock
"kitten please, you look so good. thank you, thank you. fuck my pretty girl. my perfect girlfriend" jun knows he's babbling nonsense right now, but he doesn't care, he's too focused on you and the way your fingers keep disappearing into your dripping pussy as you finger yourself
your other than reaches up to flick at your nipples and jun wishes he could put his mouth on them, sucking and licking and nipping until you're a withering mess under him
"aww baby you're such a mess right now" you tease "you know how you can thank me?"
"i'll do anything for you kitten, promise"
"cum for me, and make it loud"
that's an easy request for jun, who's worked himself up to completion. he thrusts up into his fist two more times before he whimpers and groans loudly, just the way you like it. his hips stutter as he spurts his cum all over his hand and thighs. his squeezes his cock tight, milking all of his seed out of him
his eyes are droopy as he looks at his phone. on the otherside of the phone you're orgasming yourself, your thighs shaking as you let out short, hight pitched moans. your fingers are quickly rubbing your clit as your pussy spasms
jun licks his lips a bit at the sight, watching as you flop back onto the bed when you're finished
"fuck, that was so hot" you say "we should do that more often"
"yeah, yeah we should" jun's still out of breath as he responds
"mmm, i have to go soon, but i hope you enjoyed your gift"
"i enjoyed it a lot, really, probably too much" jun knows for a fact as soon as you hang up the call he's going to jack off again, this time looking at the pictures. he thinks you know that though
you prove that you do know that as you say goodbye "i'll end the call here, but if you decide you want to enjoy my gift more later, send me vids" you wink at the camera and with that you hang out
jun waves bye and as soon as your video closes he moves over to your texts to pull the photos back up, his cock already twitching back to life
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taglist: @pandorashbox @leejihoonownsmyheart @soonhoonietrash @chaimi-yuta @embrace-themagic @kayleeshinee @coupsgyus @joonsytip @heyxxitsxxtay @synthetickitsune @chwecardcaptor @candidupped @dreamhannies @d0nghyck @niyizh @baldi-2 @enhacolor @noniestars @heavenly-mobo @sunnyteume @debsworld23 @m1nghaos @just-here-to-read-01 @blxckswxnxge @17kwans @jeanjacketjesus @x-veex @namjoonbaby @ovai @honeylovemoon
join my taglist: here!
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poisonedspider · 3 months
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This is just my 'safe place' (ironic since it's full of demons and sinners haahahaha) so I just need to vent a bit. But I'll put it under a trigger warning for drama, cancel culture, blocking, whining, whatever else you want to say. It is against no one in particular, for the record!
I just hate that I legit have PTSD from Tumblr fandoms. Like. That sounds silly, but it's true - and I can say it's true, as a therapist, because I meet all the criteria. And I've talked to my own therapist about it (which is kind of just....sad me thinks). Like. I am a big believer in this is your space and make it how you want. Curate it how you want. This is a hobby, you owe no one, blah blah. Yet I still always go into full blown panic mode when someone blocks me out of nowhere. Especially when we were either a) having great reactions and nothing out of the ordinary seemed to happen or b) we had yet to interact but wanted to and suddenly...nope.
Like if I didn't have the PTSD behind it, I'd still be sad. I adore writing. I adore storytelling. I want to create with every single person on here. But it wouldn't send me into this absolutely distressing DREAD. The fear the rumors are being spread about me again. (If you ever need/want to know what happened in past fandoms, my inbox is always open, but I can tell you that as of January 2023 so literally a whole ass year ago, the person apologized directly to me *I have every screenshot trust me I made sure to cover my ass so fast* and took down the faked call out). The fear that people still believe those rumors. The fear the people see the name 'Strode' and immediately block because they heard something that was just never true. The fear that I'm going to wake up to anons in my askbox telling me to k*ll myself again, or see the 400+ reblogs of hate against me saying scum like me shouldn't be on this website.
And honestly? Even if that stuff had been true (again, it wasn't, and I'm....so annoyed and hurt by it all but - ) that was still A YEAR AND A HALF AGO. Do people not change? Or are they not given the ability to? Tumblr can be so whack in how it crucifies people and does not allow room for growth. So at the end of the day, it's hard for me to see a block as 'innocent.' It could be ANYTHING. Maybe I post too much ooc. Share too much fanart. Didn't reply in enough time. Who hecking knows, right? It could be literally anything. Hell, maybe I'm interacting with someone they don't want to see. But because of my trauma, it always comes down to fear. Fear of what do people think I did. Why am I the bad guy now. What is going to make me scared to survive in this fandom as well.
This is all very much Benadryl/Mucinex inspired but....I like to share my thoughts. I think it can be helpful for someone to see and be like "I needed to hear this, because I have felt this way too." To realize people aren't alone. Because in October 2022, I felt the loneliest in my life due to 'cancel culture'. To watching my followers drop from 600 something down to 142 (no joke). To realizing I spent some of the last moments I would have with my grandma before she stopped remembering who I was crying about fictional people who suddenly hated me over night.
Sometimes it makes me scared to sleep. Not knowing what I'll wake up to. Not knowing who I'll lose next that I've grown to care about. I guess just know that you all matter to me, more than just a hobby. I see you as friends. I care about your days. And if you were to disappear, I'd be worried sick.
Again, no shame about blocking. But at the end of the day, a 'block' can have a lot more impact than I think people realize.
(Also haaaa the fact that I got an inbox message right as I was typing this and my heartrate peaked so quickly then I saw it was just aracniss like lol for some reason that's hysterical because that brotherly shit WOULD happen just to mess with Angie).
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keelsforreals · 2 months
creek - prologue
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nishinoya x f!reader
𓇢𓆸 prologue - creek masterlist
!!!- no smau elements, ittiest bit of angst
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"oh hello sweetie, how have you been?"
"hi grandma! i've been good, what about you?" it was the summer of your 3rd year at of college. classes were over, weather getting was getting warmer, you could do whatever you want. the process of moving out of your dorm was harder than you thought, but some friends had offered to help later. sitting in a pile of clothes, you listened to your grandma.
"well i am doing just fine. i do have some good news though"
"oh? what is it?" you hadn't spoken to your grandma in a while, school always getting in the way. you secretly hoped it was an opportunity to see her.
"your grandpa and i were planning on going on a trip all summer long with some of our friends, hit some casinos, go to the beach, you know, all that stuff." you laughed and agreed, she had always been an adventurous woman.
"well anyways, we thought that if you wanted, you could stay at our house this summer. take care of ernie, watch my plants, invite any of your little boyfriends over." you rolled your eyes and sighed. any friend you ever brought up was automatically a boyfriend in her eyes.
"my friends are not my boyfriends, grandma. and i have yachi too! remember her?"
"oh you're right! i love that girl." sometimes you thought she liked yachi even more than you.
"so.. you're saying you're leaving the whole house to me and my friends? for the whole summer?" that house had been your whole childhood. going to creek barefoot, playing hide and seek in around the house, helping your grandma bake, it was all coming back to you. you remembered constantly asking your parents to go back, practically spending more time there than your real home. no, that house was your real home.
"yes darling, i trust you. besides, it'd give you a chance to see that little nishinoya again. i wonder how he's doing." your heartrate increased. nishinoya, a name you had been trying to forget. a face you hadn't seen in years.
"that.. was a long time ago." praying she would change the subject, you tried to not sound so serious but you knew your tone shined through regardless.
"oh but you two used to be attached to the hip! you remember that? always walking over to his house from the creek, you know i heard he was coming back from his little trip, did i tell you about tha-"
"grandma. please, i don't," you paused. you hadn't told her about what had happened between you two, you didn't know how. "i... don't feel so good right now, must've eaten something bad in the dining hall."
"see i told you that food isn't as good as my cooking. well, i guess i'll let you go now. you let me know soon about staying at the house, it'll be all cleaned for you and your friends."
"okay, i'll ask them about it. thank you grandma, i love you!"
"i love you darling, call me soon!"
you got up and laid down on your bed. your friends had been hearing stories about your grandma's house, wondering when they could see the infamous house themselves. but, they had also heard stories about him. his house was a good walk away from your grandma's anyway, it was unlikely you would cross paths.
was he really going to be there? no, you couldn't think about him now, you had things to do. you needed to move on.
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synopsis: years and years of a "causal" relationship, broken by moving plans and wanting a fresh start. what the two don't know is that they've both been thinking of each other the whole time, through meaningless hookups and new friends. whenever they were alone, their minds always went back to the other.
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star-p3bbles · 4 months
Dating Josh Washington Headcanons
CW: mildly suggestive jokes, it's Josh, but I'm going to write separate headcanons for 18+ content, mentions of mental illness (Hannah and Beth are alive and well because I said so 😌)
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Okay so we can all agree he's a lil cutie
Imagine that tenfold
At first he's actually kinda nervous and shy
He doesn't want to mess things up or weird you out
But once he knows you like him for himself??
Let the goofiness and cheesy jokes fly
"Y/n what does a skeleton take when he has a sore throat?"
"Babe, it's 2 am."
"A coffin drop."
"Go to bed Josh."
I think the game creators said he's around 6'0"??
So if you're shorter then him he definitely uses you as an arm rest
Even if it's just like, 2 inch height difference
If you're taller then him?
"How's the weather up there?"
Super affectionate, this man just likes being close to you
Even when it's super hot and he can't hold you he'll put his hand somewhere on you
Preferably a place he can feel your heartbeat
It helps him sleep
When it's cold he'll put his hand under your shirt, either on your tummy or chest
His top two forms of cuddling is either holding you or having you on top of him
Will bundle you up in his arms and tucks your head under his chin
He likes to smell your hair like this, not in a creepy way, it's just the smell of your shampoo and conditioner, it's like aromatherapy. He just instantly relaxes
When you're on top of him, he likes the pressure, especially when he's having a harder day
It forces him to breathe slower and helps lower his heartrate
Movie nights are a given
Especially horror movies
Will sit with you between his legs, your back to his chest
Hugs you closer if you jump/get scared
I don't care what anyone says I believe this man can cook
Hannah and Beth are spoiled beyond belief by him, he learned how to cook because of them
Loves making your coffee/tea/smoothie in the morning
He's perfected the art of it, it's perfect every time, just the way you like it
Come up behind him in the kitchen and hug him from the back and kiss his back
He'll melt
Loves being in the kitchen with you, even if it's just frozen pizza after a long day, he'll put on music and cheesily slow dance with you while it's in the oven
He's so beyond in love with you
You've seen the good, the bad and the ugly and you stuck with him, sometimes he feels even his friends don't care that much
He will do anything to see you smile, to hear you laugh
Speaking of his friends
You all eventually meet at one of his parties
He's a little wary with Mike just because of his reputation but he trusts you so it doesn't become an issue
Sam and Chris absolutely adore you though, they see how happy Josh is so that's all that matters to them
If you do drink and get drunk, he's immediately at your side, making sure you're okay
100% will not leave your side if you throw up, he'll hold your hair back, get water, carry you to bed
Or just sick in general
He really likes carrying you, makes him feel strong :)
He'll run up behind you and just sweep you off your feet just because he can :)
He'll give you annoying cutesy nicknames to tease you
But the ones he uses in a serious way are cute
"There's my pretty girl."
"Y/n, my love I've discovered how to make Ramen in the coffee maker."
"Babygirl why are all my shirts in your hamper??"
Because you steal his shirts of course
Especially his flannels
Hannah and Beth like to steal you to hang out
Hannah just gets a call one day when you guys are hanging out
"Hannah did you take my wife?"
"1. You guys aren't married. 2. No, Beth took her I just drove."
Once a week all the girls get together and you get basically kidnapped the first time
Beth has a spare key so they all just came in, picked an outfit from your closet and Sam and Hannah carried you out
He just sat there speechless
"Josh wait, help me, what are they doing, Josh stop laughing help me."
"Have fun baby."
So the guys had to start having their own night
This is my first headcanon so please let me know if you enjoyed it and request if there's anything you'd like for me to write about!
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