#and my writing skills are rusty
wastingawayinmyroom · 4 months
He almost cleaved the poor boy in two. The whole situation reminded him of the time he disturbed an older boy in the Lotus Casino, one who was so focused on his video game that, in surprise, hit Nico with the controller. He had thought Bianca would be mad at him, but the only one she lashed out at was that teenager.
He felt a pang of sadness at the thought of her. Not now, he thought. Not right after Will.
"Gods, Harley," he said, pulling him into a hug and ruffling his hair affectionately. "Don't sneak up on me like that. You'll end up like one of the practice dummies in the arena."
Harley giggled. Nico couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed like that.
"Why aren't you smiling?" He asked. Nico realized he'd been staring off into the distance like he was waiting for someone. "Didn't feel like it."
It was Harley's turn to make a face. "You can't not feel like smiling. That's not possible." He squirmed out of Nico's arms. "Something happened, right? So tell me."
His brain went through a thousand responses, from denial to avoiding the question to shadow traveling to Italy to start a new life. "It's..."
William Andrew Solace broke up with him. The person he went to literal Tartarus with, the one who knew all his secrets, the one... the one.
His one and only.
His mouth settled on an answer. "It's complicated."
An hour later, after skirting the topic of blonde hair and freckles and sun-kissed skin, he was at the door to Sally Jackson's apartment.
"Oh, Nico!" She said when the door opened. "I haven't seen you in so long! Come in!"
He smiled, just so she wouldn’t he worried. “Thanks, ma'am. Is Percy around? I just wanted to talk.”
Her face brightened even more at the mention of her son. “He’s out running some errands, but he should be back in a couple minutes. In the meantime, how about you try…”
He felt bad for zoning out, but he couldn’t focus the moment he saw the framed pictures of Percy on the table. There was one on his graduation day, one with a car (Paul’s Prius, he assumed), and one with the two of them. Percy and Nico.
Percy would never think of him the way Nico thought of Percy. To Percy, Nico was just a little brother, someone to look out for and eat ice cream with.
To Nico? There weren’t words to describe it. He didn’t need words, anyway, since it was completely hopeless.
Besides, he’d only been without Will for a month and a half. Maybe this was just him longing for someone to hold, someone to know, or maybe just someone.
The door flew open, the sounds of laughter and conversation filling the apartment.
“Nico!” Percy said, uneven smile on his face. “Dude, I haven’t seen you in forever! What’s up?”
He smiled, for real this time. “Nothing much. You?”
Three hours after that, after some talking and crying and wondering where things went wrong, they were at the beach. Specifically, the one at Camp Half-Blood.
He'd never really been a fan of beaches, since he couldn't swim, and sitting by the water wasn't any fun. He'd rather teach a bunch of little kids sword fighting than sit still for more than a couple minutes. But Percy promised that he'd show Nico some new surfing moves, and when Percy asked something, Nico could never say no.
So there he was, sitting under an umbrella on a checkered blanket, watching the son of Poseidon ride the waves like it was nobody's business.
Percy was only wearing blue swim trunks and his necklace. Nico couldn't even recall a time where Percy hadn't been wearing some sort of blue, no matter how small. Nico also couldn't explain why he loved it so much.
It was the little things about Percy that made Nico so fond of him. The Camp Half-Blood necklace, the obsession with all things blue, that uneven, troublemaker’s smile… gods, what was he thinking? Loving Perseus Jackson was a mistake. He’d already learned that, hadn’t he?
“Nico? Are you ok?”
He turned to find himself staring right at Percy’s abs.
“Yeah.” He could feel his face getting hot. Gods, he was such an idiot. Especially when it came to Jackson.
Percy chuckled. “You’ve literally been in the shade this entire time, and you’ve still got a sunburn.”
Nico touched his face. A sunburn? “Must be all that time in the Underworld.”
Percy laughed, and Nico committed the sound to memory. “Seriously, man, you need to wear sunscreen. You look like a tomato.”
“Hey!” Nico flicked his arm playfully, and they both collapsed into a pile of giggles.
Six years later, they were in New Rome, walking and talking and reminiscing in some garden Nico couldn’t remember the name of.
Six years after Percy saw Nico’s blush and thought it was a sunburn, he proposed to Nico.
And a year after that, the same story was told at the wedding.
@neo-kid-funk ITS DONE!!!!!!!!
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heareriissmau · 2 months
❧ ❝pseudo alliance❞
mha kacchako!smau
disclaimer: if you don't like kacchako step away. this smau is only for fun. also this is gonna be filled with a lot of curses or expletives because bakugo.
genre: comedy, romance, slow burn, crack, tooth-rotting fluff summary: After the big war of today's generation, the popularity of Class 2A skyrocketed even before their debut as Pro-Heroes. Which comes with a price. The most popular students in class are getting way too much attention to the extent of being stalked. So, the students brainstormed ideas on how put a halt on these harrassments. Or; Class 2A opts for Bakugo and Uraraka to fake date to get rid of each other's strange fans. ship: Bakugo Katsuki x Uraraka Ochako (My Hero Academia)
**paragraphs are present for this part. **
word count: 1,720
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katsuki semi-slams the cluster of books on the table. not loud enough to be glared at by the librarian for the second time, but loud enough to express his vexation over his project partner's tardiness. it has been well over 5 minutes, where the hell is she?
he pushes his phone away with a grunt, opening one of the books to start studying. twenty minutes already passed. he's never one to waste time.
thinking about this had him pissed off again.
"she's in charge of collecting homework today." the two-toned boy sitting across katsuki reminded, not sparing a single glance at the latter. "just saying. in case you forgot."
katsuki huffed through his nose. "of course i knew that." he did not. he did forget, so he mentally forgave his cheeky partner for not showing up at the designated time. doesn't change the fact that ochako didn't bother give him a heads up before she left!
"guess it's fine she isn't here yet," the raven-head sitting beside shoto spoke and rested a palm over her chin, observing the blond. katsuki noticed neither of them mentioned ochako's name on purpose. kyoka continued, leaning a little closer to whisper, "not much onlookers today."
she made a good point. it's rare on occasion to see the library be not filled to the brim with curious students openly watching them like hawks. it was a curse to be popular.
"aren't you a girl, too?"
"probably not."
katsuki raised his eyebrow at kyoka for the dumb response, which the raven-head shrugged at in deadpan.
it's 'cause kyoka is taken.
guess fangirls knew to respect a relationship, even if one hasn't been established yet. this left a shudder down the blond's spine. the word 'dating' has been haunting him recently. let's think about something else.
why isn't uraraka ochako here yet?
katsuki has already had the one page he's been reading over and over memorized while waiting. he could've started by himself but she borrowed his laptop to work on her part of the report. this was getting nowhere. he checked the time on his phone. 5:45 pm.
"if you need her so bad, why don't you go look for her?"
he absolutely did not like the teasing tone underneath kyoka's voice and it didn't help that he found her smiling at him like a damn cheshire cat. she's definitely mina's friend.
the twitch on katsuki's eye was beyond his control. "she ain't lost." he checked the messages on his phone for good measure, earning a snicker from the girl.
"it seems to me you're worried about her," shoto finally spoke again while taking his time writing notes for his report. "the way your leg has been bouncing up and down under the table the last several minutes is annoying, bakugo."
katsuki didn't even realize his anxiety was showing. wait, anxiety? who's anxious?! god-
he considers ochako a friend now, maybe. a friendship orchestrated by a frog every lunch break. whatever. sure. it's harmless to admit he's worried about her whereabouts and it's not weird just because she's a girl.
girls are so fucking weird.
"she could be terrorized by that kid that likes her, for all i know," katsuki blurted out of nowhere.
"so you are worried about her?" kyoka questioned.
"whatever you wanna call it." katsuki was tired.
"how sweet. hope you get worried about me, too." katsuki considered shoving a book in shoto's mouth.
"anyway, if it helps," kyoka's earlobe jack slithers back up to its original length and twirls it around at the blond like a pointer finger casting a spell at him. "there's a familiar giggle i heard in the hallway. that should be her."
as if on reflex, katsuki stood up from his seat, catching the attention of both his classmates. he blinked.
"i'mma go piss."
"sure. of course, you are."
he nodded at no one, "be right back," and exits the library. he paid no mind to the stares bored onto his back by those two. they already know where he's actually headed anyway.
shoving both his hands in his pockets, katsuki walked down the halls and roamed his eyes discreetly around the long corridor. also completely passed the restrooms as he did. he'll go later. from a few feet away, he finally found the very girl he's wondered where the hell has been all this time, talking with a dude.
jesus, could you tell her to get a room? katsuki rolled his eyes before turning around about to leave her there until ochako saw him. her cheery, jolly expression then immediately turned sour. she widened her eyes at him, brows furrowed, lips pursed tightly. katsuki thought she looked like she was about to let out a fat shit while the dude with her was turned away, trying to find something from his backpack.
ochako's expression now looked like she was about to cry while letting out a fat shit. he pieced it together. right in front of her was the same dude trying to get into her pants even after getting rejected over and over. from the looks of it, she could be signalling katsuki to offer her help.
now, what was he supposed to do???
he scratched his head and watched as ochako still made a crying face at him. flailing an arm to get him to come until she quickly snapped out of it, back to her fake smile when her stalker turned to her again and gave her unwanted undivided attention. katsuki was very tired.
"oi, cheeks."
he finally approached. the stalker turned to the direction of the voice and flinched at the sight of the very bakugo katsuki looming behind him. that's right, get scared. "i've been waiting for an hour for you and this is where you've been?"
that wasn't a lie. though an hour was an exaggeration, but nevertheless the sense of relief painted on ochako's face was absolutely priceless. what have they been talking about for her to react like this from getting found?
"sorry, bakugo-kun! a bunch of stuff happened so," the brunette sheepishly responded and slid away from the other kid. she stood right next to katsuki like a little cat that got sprayed with water.
she turned back to the first year, presenting her usual chirpy self, "anyway, asahi-kun! what were you saying?" as if she actually cared about what he said at this point.
the kid, apparently called asahi, had his mouth agape. his eyes shifted back-and-forth from ochako to katsuki. must have been confused by the combination. "i was about to ask if you're free to go to an exhibit with me this friday?!" the ahashi kid held out the tickets to her face.
ochako made this strange apologetic look as she said, "oh, i'm sorry. we're workin' on our assignment. i'm sure you'll find somebody else to hang out with!"
wow, she's had it, huh?
that is not something ochako would usually say.
the look of confusion rather than dejected sadness that resulted on the azashitty's face was katsuki's answer. he must've been incredibly egotistic to only be confused ochako had rejected him. "then what about another day? are you free-"
alright. katsuki got the gist of it.
"are we done here?"
his voice exploded from the patience that has been lost since he left the library, startling the kid in the process. "she said no, didn't she? the hell are you still yapping for? you really think over-insisting would get her to say yes? you made out of fucking gold or something?"
"don't be too loud, bakugo-kun."
"wh- w- what's it to you?! m- mind your own business!" he looked like he was about to pee on the spot. a wimp, after all.
"'mind my own business,' he says," katsuki scoffed, maintaining eye contact with the first year. indimidation works so why not use more of it. "what if i told you it is my business? i'm the one she's hanging out with this friday anyway." it's for their project but he can be smug about that too.
ochako badly wanted to roll her eyes to the back of her head, but she didn't. "let's just go to the library." she tried to avoid the whole debacle and go back but katsuki held her in place. he wrapped an arm around her neck.
this felt ominous.
"y- you? okay? what's that supposed to mean?" the kid seemed to be bothered at the sudden skinship. ochako and katsuki were always seen together, in the same group of friends. to add, ochako has always been the clingy type of friend. she's found to be linking arms with, holding hands with, resting her head against her closest friends from class but never with katsuki. the very dude that disliked skinship, a complete opposite of ochako.
so, what's going on right now could very well be a nightmare fuel.
ochako sighed. "well, he isn't wrong.
"we're partners fo-"
"we're dating."
there was silence.
the partners made eye contact. one just as surprised as the other. ochako stared right at him with crazy eyes. katsuki guessed she must've been losing it inside.
"WHAT?" but not as much as the kid before them.
the blond decided to stand his ground, breaking eye contact with the girl in his arm. "yeah," his voice cracked.
"uraraka-senpai!" the kid shifted his attention to the poor internally spiraling ochako. he just doesn't stop, doesn't he? "since when? why haven't you told me anything?! all this time i've just been stupidly chasing over someone that's taken?!"
ochako's eyebrows furrowed at the demand for an explanation. as well as the absurdity of this conversation. especially from a literal extra. "i think we're done here, asahi-kun. i would like for you to stop bothering me anymore, or i will actually call faculty on you."
ochako unhooked katsuki's arm dangling around her and held his hand, pulling him to the library with her. they walked silently, or not considering the incoherent shouts coming from a certain student.
just now did katsuki realize what he had done.
"holy fucking shit."
ochako stopped to give him a blank stare.
"... my bad."
"remember this is your fault."
both students decided it was best to not proceed with their previous objective back at the library.
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⸻ part 10: patience wasn't the key
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heights alliance secrets:
denki cried on priv, asking kyoka to unblock him. he apologized.
kyoka was eavesdropping. shoto, too.
toru sent ochako one-word messages frantically that it amounted to over 50 messages notified on ochako's end.
katsuki was then given another reason to save ochako's number.
oh and they went to the courtyard because acads comes first. also, ochako needed some time to chill before coming back to the dorms and be met with interrogation.
reply if you wanna be in my taglist! ⚝
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noctilucous-sunni · 1 year
Eternity truly is the ultimate curse (Dying in their arms)
me? posting? that happens like once in a blue moon. tbh i was mainly thinking about dainsleif and scara while writing this. its just a random drabble or smth. if there’s like a big mistake or error pls tell me bc i barely proofread this lol. masterlist
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Scaramouche/Wanderer, Dainsleif, Xiao, Aether
Mortals were so painfully fragile.
Haven’t I given enough?
No. Not you, not this.
Countless arguments, countless days of delight and they all end here?
You whimper quietly as he shifts you in his arms. At the end of it all, you’re glad that at least you’ll die in the arms of someone you love and vice versa.
“I’m fine, I just need a nap…” you joke, taking a shaky breath. It results in you coughing painfully, wheezing as you can taste the blood in your mouth.
Always the fool with the slowest heart.
“I’m… so… sorry,” you continue to mumble out, your vision getting worse. “That I couldn’t… stay.” You grasp his clothing tighter, tears falling down your cheeks. “I… really wanted to. I promised…” you choke out, and it gets harder to hold on every moment longer.
But with my tunnel vision,
How was I supposed to see the way?
“No. No, this isn’t the end. No.” He murmurs, pushing your hair back. He shakes his head, unable to come to terms with reality. He won’t lose everything he ever had again, he won’t lose you.
You sigh, your hands loosening from their grip. You’re so, so tired.
Haven’t I given enough, given enough?
When he gazes at you, with fear and panic and despair and absolute utter hidden rage, a soft smile makes its way to your lips. “I’ll see you again. Soon enough.”
Haven’t I given enough?
“No, don’t—don’t… no, please, please…” He begs quietly, throwing aside any notion of dignity or pride he once had as he pleads for you to stay alive just a little longer. He doesn’t want to be alone again. The light in your eyes starts to dwindle, before breathing out your last words for reassurance. “It’s… okay….”
Your warm body is the last sign of life leaving you as it grows cold in his arms. He’d burn the world down if only that meant it would give you back alive.
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koszmarnybudyn · 5 months
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Yeah I know that's not a tape recorder this is a doodle and i didnt google it before i drew it. Anyway.. dndads tma au because its plauging my mind again so have a little snippet that i wrote in class:
Uh...Willy, told me to do these logs now as a way of catalouging our "adventures" and archiving the older stuff. I heard before my times there were reports but it seems kinda hard to belive since i've worked here for ages and never seen any, literally none. Guess some unfortunete soul needs to get stuck with the paperwork and today it just happpens to be me.. great. For some fucking reason writing or recording this shit digitally doesn't work, so Norm decided we could use these..tapes? Or whatever, I'm not a nerd. So yeah I'm now stuck in this stuffy basment speaking into a beat up dictaphone like some wacky sci-fi scientist that's going crazy, I guess. *Sigh* Fuck I spend too much time with Norm i'm starting to sound like him.
So where to start..? *Pause as the voice gets slightly further and muffled supposedly reaching under the desk* I guess one of these is as good as any, I think its from... Well definitly before i started working here. Let's just get this over with...
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William Afton x GN!Reader
Words: 606
CW: NSFW, smut, sexual teasing, cockwarming, dirty talk
Description: During a pleasant moment of intimacy, William unintentionally escalates the situation.
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The two of you sit comfortably, you on his lap in his office chair. He has his arms extended past you so he can hold the papers on his desk, his head leaning onto your shoulder. You enjoy the moment, comforted by the feeling of William fully inside you. William leans into your back, scanning through the legal documents and signing the papers he needs to. You two stay very still, just enjoying each other’s presence while he continue his work.
After getting through a stack of paperwork, though, William reaches to the side to grab a manilla folder. He shifts ever so slightly; it makes you whimper in surprise as his hips move into you slightly. He looks up from the work, and looks at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Is something wrong, love?”
You shake your head with embarrassment, but you clench down on his member slightly. William’s eyes light up in recognition, a mischievous smirk gracing his handsome face. He looks back at his paperwork, and shifts his position in the chair innocently. The movement makes you gasp for air, as if the sensation knocked all the wind out of you. You bite your lip to try and quiet yourself, but William chuckles lowly, his once half-hard cock now fully hard.
He’s doing this on purpose.
Unpredictably and irregularly bucking in towards you, Will continues to half-ass his paperwork, more focused on your desperate reactions than the work in his hands. You continue to whimper and moan, trying so hard to keep your volume down as William teases and fucks you. Eventually, he sets drops the documents and starts to actually thrust into you, setting a tantalizing pace.
“William, hngh, you should be, hn, working!” You try and reason between groans of pleasure.
“Oh, love, this is much more productive~”
As he picks up his pace, you cry out in desperation. He responds to this by pressing his lips to your neck, kissing you slowly and sensually. And with the way you’re whining, you’re practically begging for him to be more rough with you. So, being the ‘selfless’ man he is, William happily obliges, pressing you forward onto his desk as he stands up and rails you hard. His pace is delightfully harsh, his throbbing dick making an intensity build in your core. You try your best to reach up and hold William for support, but the pleasure is so mind-numbing that you can’t even move your arms fully.
“Mmmh, love, you— fuck— take me so well” William praises in that husky low growl of his, and you can feel yourself getting dangerously close.
“Will~ I’m—“
“Hush, love, let me take care of you. Let me fuck you like the rabbit you are, my sexy little bunny~”
After that, you couldn’t hold it much longer. Your orgasm crashed into you, making you moan William’s name loudly as your pleasure unraveled. William smirked at this, soon cumming himself after another minute of sloppier thrusts.
You stay awhile in this position; you pressed back onto his paper-littered desk, Will leaning over you slightly while still inside, both of you sweating and panting like dogs.
Once you come down from your delight, you turn your head slightly, noting how crumpled and scattered the papers on William’s desk have become. It seems like you even knocked over some office supplies on the desk while you two were in the moment. You laugh in embarrassment.
“Sorry, Will, I didn’t mean to ruin your desk,”
William simply chuckles, brushing some of his now-messy hair out of his eyes.
“Doesn’t matter. I’d rather do you than do paperwork any day.”
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theadventurousdork · 6 months
I'm 0.2 seconds away from writing a fic about Rachel and Max teaming up to find a missing Chloe.
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golden-rats · 1 year
oooohhh you wanna write more of sub swiss praise kink~ ooohhh you want aether using that against him in the sweetest way so bad~~
Damn, y'all are needy
I have absolutely not proofread this and I am severely sleep deprived so take what you get
2k of Swiss getting teased by Aether. It gets steamy so MDNI
It was a quiet night in the ghouls common room. Most of them retreated to their own rooms. While Aether was still seated on the sofa, having a drink by himself after a particularly stressful week. His ears twitch as someone entered. He notices Swiss and flashes him a warm smile. Beckoning him over, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Swiss! Come join me. It's terrible here without your captivating presence." Grinning at the ghoul he patted the seat next to him. Swiss arched an eyebrow, his usual guarded expression cracking ever so slightly. Noticing the alcohol and look he gave him.
"Oh, Aether, flattery will get you everywhere. But don't think you can charm your way into my pants so easily." The multi ghoul smirked as he stopped midway in the room, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Sure of himself.
Aether chuckles, his voice like velvet. "You wound me with your accusations. But let me assure you, I just really want some company right now."
Swiss leans against the backrest of the sofa, unable to resist the allure of Aethers words completely. Grinning teasingly. "Is that so? What is in it for me if I agree to waste my time here talking to you, dear Aether?"
The quintessence ghoul leaned closer, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "You've been dying to spend some time alone with me. Don't think I wouldn't notice. Your scent betrays you." He finished his sentence with a wink, extending his hand out to him. "Your confidence, like a shield, hides the depth of your emotions. Your wants and desires. But I see through it all…"
Swiss's stoicism wavers, his eyes briefly betraying a flicker of vulnerability. "I've spent years perfecting that. It's not so easily pierced, you know." He huffed. Ignoring the hand stretched towards him.
Aether reaches out some more and gently places his hand on Swiss' arm. "I know, my dear ghoul. But sometimes, it's okay to let someone in, to lower those walls just for a moment. And when you do, I promise you, the world becomes a more beautiful place."
Swiss icy facade melts a little, his guarded demeanor crumbling before the ghouls words. His voice merely a whisper. "You have a way with words, Aether. A dangerous talent indeed…"
Aethers smile widens, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "Danger and temptation often go hand in hand. And I have a feeling you're not one to shy away from a little risk… My little troublemaker."
Swiss' lips curl into a genuine smile, his usual playfulness resurfacing. "You wanna dance with danger? But be warned, I'm not an easy conquest. You sure you're ready to handle me big boy?" In this moment already, he had to fight hard to hold back a blush. It was unusual for him to get flirted at, especially by Aether. Swiss was the type to make the first moves and get what he wants.
The taller ghoul snickered. His eyes resting on Swiss. "Where's the fun if everything is easy? It's the challenge that excites me. And I have a feeling you're the most exhilarating challenge of all~" A flicker of mischief shone in his gaze.
Their eyes lock, the room fading away as the allure between them intensifies. Swiss swallowed. Trying to uphold a smirk and rounding the sofa, sitting next to Aether. His attitude making it seem like he did it out of free will and not because he indeed, got lured in by the ghouls words.
Aether placed his drink on the table, shifting in his seat to face him. Reaching out to trace his fingers along his jawline, his touch featherlight yet filled with an intensity that stirred the depths of Swiss' soul. Feeling his defenses crumble under the weight of Aether's adoration. His heart, so often guarded, opened like a delicate blossom in the presence of his touch.
“Let me take care of you. You deserve it. You’ve been so, so good.” The multi ghouls eyes, usually brimming with mischief, now shimmered with raw vulnerability. His breath caught in his throat. That was when Aether knew, he pushed the right buttons. A playful grin curling his lips. His hand went from caressing Swiss’ jawline to wander along his throat, to the back of his neck. Claws grazing through his hair. “My darling ghoul… You just look so sweet when you give up the fight. It suits you, pretty boy.”
Swiss’ thoughts began to rapidly wander. His eyes flicked over the other ghouls face, nervously. His lips parted in a silent protest, but the words wouldn’t come out. He was completely taken aback by how much those simple sentences affected him.
“Don’t-” He was cut off by the quintessence ghoul, shaking his head. “Shhh… Your mouth can do so much nicer things than talk right now. Let me feel those soft sweet lips of yours…” Aether cradled Swiss' face in his hands, his gaze filled with tenderness and admiration. As he leaned forward to seal their lips, the multi ghoul could sense the faint taste of whiskey. Feeling it sting slightly. He still wasn’t so sure about this. His body reacted on his own though. Letting himself fall into that soft display of affection. Returning the kiss instead of shying away.
The taller ghoul smiled against his lips. One hand stroking through his hair once more. Breaking away before it got too intense. He needed to see the blush on Swiss’ cheeks. Needed to have him flustered before he could make him breathless.
“That’s my good boy… So good for me…” The multi ghoul grit his teeth. It embarrassed him a little to show just how much he loved hearing those words. But the tips of his ears were tinted pink, as were his cheeks. His breath got slightly quicker. When he closed his eyes, he was sure the other could hear his heart pound against his chest.
“Mhm, you’ve been driving me crazy lately, you know that?” Aethers voice was low, only for his ghoul to hear. His lips brushing against the others ear, breath ghosting over the skin. “How badly I wanted to grab that small waist of yours… Wipe that cocky grin off your face.” Swiss shuddered at the sensation. “O-Oh yeah?” It was adorable how much he still tried to uphold the teasing and playful personality. It was clear in his voice that he was struggling.
“Be a darling and moan for me, yeah?” Swiss brows raised in confusion for a second, then immediately feeling lips on his neck. He jolted back but didn’t get far, Aether was holding him near. His arm wrapping around the middle of the smaller ghouls body. Drawing him close. And indeed, it brought a reaction from him. A needy whimper. Involuntary pressing himself closer into the embrace. “Look at you. You want me so bad it makes you look silly…” Smirking, he continued to plant kisses along the soft neck. Teeth grazing the skin.
“Oh fuck…” Swiss, overcome by the weight of the words, surrendered completely. He let go of his reservations and allowed himself to be enveloped in Aethers love, finding solace and acceptance in the shelter of their embrace. Starting to hold onto him. His claws gripping the fabric of the ghouls shirt. Tilting his head to give him better access.
With that, Aether couldn’t help himself. Decorating the exposed area with lovebites and amethyst bruises. Purring as he did so. The body of his lover shivered. Breathing seemed to get difficult. “My perfect ghoul… Your sounds delight me, you have no idea…” It was rare to not have Swiss bicker and talk. Reducing him to only pathetic pants and poorly held back moans brought great satisfaction to the bigger ghoul. Arousing him.
Swiss felt heat rolling through his body. His face glowing, flushed red. Eyes taking on a hazy look. “I’m… I want to be good.” He whispered. “Let me be good…” At this point he couldn’t even stop himself from softly grinding against the man that held him close. He buried his face in the crook of Aethers neck, their hearts beating in unison.
“That’s what I like to hear~” The quintessence ghoul brought his face to the same level again. Their lips colliding, teeth clashing. Tongues wrapped around each other like their tails intertwined. They fueled each other. Aethers hands roaming over every part he could reach. Leaning in so he almost laid on top of the multi ghoul. Shoving his clawed hand under the loose shirt, feeling for the most sensitive parts. Circling and pinching.
“Mmhm!” Their kiss was filled with moans. Stifling them. Aether swallowed the sounds Swiss made. While not stopping to draw them out of him. His leg was placed between the ones below. He used this position to slightly press against the very obvious bulge. A wet spot already formed through the fabric. He barely had the chance to speak between devouring kisses. “You’re just so needy… Already leaking... You respond so well to me…”
Swiss squirmed under the touch. And finally he was able to breathe again. The bigger ghoul sat up, looking down at the mess he created. Golden eyes looking slightly teary. The reddened mouth hanging open, trying to catch his breath. Making his chest rise and fall. And what was that? No eye contact and not a single snarky remark. "Oh sweet prince…" Another gasp filled the air. Aethers big hand placed directly on the smaller ghouls lap. Palming him through his sweatpants.
Swiss squeezed his eyes shut, his head falling back onto the sofa. Heat struck his core as he felt what was going on. Shakily groaning. Gripping at anything he could reach. "P-Please… Aeth…" The voice that came out of him sounded nothing like his own. Dripping with desire. Embarrassment. Longing. It was almost soft. Bucking up his hips and directly into the hand.
"It's okay darling. Give in. You can come, love." Aether leaned closer once more. Focused on stroking and massaging the painfully hard cock. Whispering words of affection into flushed ears.
He tried to hold back. He really did. Coming this early was even more humiliating than the fact that this little game turned him on in the first place. He had a reputation to uphold. And yet, he wished for nothing more than to hear praise.
"Aeth… Ae-" A particularly forceful grip let his words change into moans. On top of it he could feel the big ghouls lips over his body again. Licking and leaving wet trails. "I love how you say my name. I love the sound of your voice." Aether just couldn't stop. The words spilling as he worked his lover through his climax. Accompanying every pant and groan, the little screams with a token of affection.
It was a delight to observe. How small he looked beneath him. The blushing cheeks tinted even darker. Drooling.
"Oh my… Are you alright baby?"
The voice faintly reached Swiss ears. He was fully in bliss. His mind not able to grasp a single thought. Let alone comprehend the moment. A shudder and wave of pleasure washing over him. It was a first that anyone could bring him to the point where he came in his pants. Merely by teasing touches.
"It's alright. You deserve that high." Aether spoke again. A gentle smile playing around his lips as he did. Stroking some hair out of Swiss' face. Caressing his cheek. "You made my night so much more exciting."
He liked this side of Swiss. It was a welcomed change from his usual aggressiveness. And Aether meant what he said. He did deserve to feel good. Praise was important. And if it riled the troublemaker up, even better. So he made sure to take a mental note, remembering what he could say to make Swiss melt.
But for now, all his good boy needed was some cuddles as he came back to earth. And the quintessence ghoul would be there. Always.
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vicsy · 2 years
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Pierre/Charles • 35k • explicit •
Some still look at him and whisper, Il Predestinato comes forth, but Charles disregards the old legends. In another chapter of the story written by gods, he wants to be remembered as Charles Leclerc — a mortal, a race car driver, a winner. In a life beyond the deafening rev of running engines and a tart taste of adrenaline, Charles wishes for the simplicity of being a brother, a friend, a lover. But racing, undoubtedly, forever comes first.
a playlist curated specifically for this fic.
written for wonderful @russiardo for Piarles Winter Fic Exchange 💕
once again I want to thank each and every person who took part in making this exchange, I love you all so much! shout out to @gaslytopsfirst for helping me beta this and for being there for all my deranged ideas.
i have never written a 35k fic, let alone in one month. this is not just a fic but a piece of my soul, a gift, a wild concept born out of song and my love for metaphors. this is, truly, my pièce de résistance.
hope you will enjoy ❤️
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kotoneshiomiofficial · 2 months
hate this feeling of like. ennui. ive been trying to write for like 6 hours today, wrote maybe 300 ish words and deleted it. gahhh i just want to make something im relatively happy with !
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blankinsidecards · 10 months
i’m writing a fic for the Legends & Lattes book (because this is a “write the orc x succubus lesbian smut you wish to see in the world” situation) and I didn’t listen to the audio book of L&L but I did listen to the audio books of the TLT and somehow Tandri’s voice in my head has become indistinguishable from Moira Quirk’s voice for Camilla Hect
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icedhotkopi · 2 years
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In which Anya meets Daredevil
A random crossover idea i've had for a while now where Anya just keeps getting into situations where she decides to help heroes without revealing the fact she can read minds (kinda like how she does it in the series)
[ pt 2 ]
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jacks347 · 2 months
Idea I have neither the time nor the spoons to do anything with but I refuse to let sit and rot in my brain:
Cold and calculating yandere x erratic and hot-tempered yandere (who for the sake of this post I will simply be calling Hot and Cold)
Hot is like a rabid dog. Aggressive, temperamental, switches moods on a dime, an absolute hurricane of a person. They're constantly lashing out and are a known and feared danger to themself and everyone around them. Getting within their blast radius is a death sentence. Their killings are violent and bloody, ripping their victim to pieces until there's nothing left. The only thing louder than the screams is Hot's hysterical laughter. And they absolutely worship the ground Cold walks on. Hot lives for Cold's attention, their care, their orders. Anything for their lover. Anything. If Cold had anything less than a totalitarian grip on their impulse control, anyone who even dared perceive Cold would be nothing more than a red puddle.
Cold is like a sentient supercomputer. Manipulative, selfish, plays with people for their own gain, an overall cold-hearted bitch. Being acknowledged by them is like a kiss of death, once they have you in their sights they're not letting go until they get what they want whether you like it or not. Their killings are silent and uncaring. Slit your throat in an open field so no one will find you before you bleed out, something simple yet effective. There's no thought or planning beyond what's necessary put into it, that would imply they care and they don't care. Except when it comes to Hot. Hot is Cold's absolute obsession, consumes their every waking thought and the reason behind their actions. Everything they do is for Hot, their love, their protection, their absolute power. They'd do anything to see Hot happy, to watch that mask of rage melt into a wicked smile. And if anyone dared to touch their precious jewel, they'd see what happens when Cold actually plans a killing.
Now don't get me wrong, these two are dysfunctional as all fuck. They constantly butt heads and argue, they never see eye to eye on almost anything and it's a horribly toxic relationship. But they'll never leave each other, no they could never. Not their overwhelming obsession, their undying love, no no no just the thought makes them shudder. No one could possibly understand it. They see Cold as a vindictive puppeteer just playing with Hot until they get bored or Hot as a threatening warden holding Cold's safety over them to force them to love them. And sure, maybe they're both a little true but they do still love each other. A sick, twisted, unstable kind of love but love all the same.
They don't deserve you. They'll never deserve you. Not like I do. I'll protect you. I'll keep you by my side. I'll rip anyone who even looks at you apart. You don't need anyone else, they can't protect you like I can. I won't let you leave me. You're mine. Mine. Only mine. I'll show them all what happens when they cross me. I'll kill them all. All for you, my love. Always for you. Anything for you.
Those poor fools, they think they can take you from me. They think they can understand you. Ah, my jewel, no one understands you. Not like I do. No one could ever get you like me. They don't deserve your attention, not a single second of your time. Just stay with me, always with me. I'll be everything you could ever want, you don't need anything else. I'll kill them all just so you stay with me. All for you, my jewel. Always for you. Anything for you.
So basically take Beauty and the Beast but turn it up to like 26. ("It's just sociopath x psychopath!" I will gut you where you stand, shush. Let me have this-)
Also hi Tumblr! I haven't posted in like a month, did you miss me :D I certainly missed y'all, I've had a very busy end of July but I'm back~
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speedane · 11 months
Sugar Crash
Prompt: "wtf Q" (this prompt was taken randomly)
Tags: slight mentions of drugs and addiction
Summary: Sugar, in moderation, can improve one's mood. Of course, anything in excess is bad.
I don't usually write, but content drought has pushed me to pick it up again.
Life has its ups and down. When faced with comfort, there is no reason to worry about tomorrow. Live, laugh, love, they say. Everything becomes some sort of a game. Time tends to pass by so quickly when having fun… that sometimes it becomes too noticeable when things start crashing down.
“Everyone wants to be a critic these days! Nothing is enough for these people!”
When faced with hardships, people had to cope. There are different ways to deal with stress. Some sleep it off, others resort to vices, while some…. consume copious amounts of sugar. 
“When I’m sad, I eat candies to make myself better! Or cake… mmm cake.”
Sugar can improve someone’s mood occasionally. There is nothing wrong with eating sweets once in a while. Of course, excess leads to ruin. 
“What do you mean you splurged your money on sweets??”
“I’ve had a tough week, let me have this Brynn!”
Relying on sugar to manage your emotions could cause adverse effects to the body. Like a drug, you get stuck in a loop that your brain and body wouldn’t want. 
“Mr. Q, I do not advise too much sugary sweets...”
“It’s my cheat day today, old man! Leave me alone!”
“I’ll prepare you some tea then.”
Sugar as a stress-suppressant makes you overly-dependent on it. You pick it up once, and it was the most exceptional feeling ever. You pick it up a second time, and it wouldn’t be the same as the first one despite still feeling good. In hopes of feeling that same level of happiness again, you’ll keep consuming more sugar to satiate yourself in the short-term. 
“Hey, you didn’t tell us you’ll be having cake!”
“Look David, there’s gum drops, chocolates, soda, and gummy worms too!”
“Hey hey! Don’t touch those without asking me!”
“Whoa hey, no need to be snappy…”
At a certain level, there will be a time where sugar can no longer make you happy. You would feel terrible, like you’ve hit rock bottom. But your body has become too reliant on sweets that it crashes along with your mood. Lack of control could lead to disastrous results. 
“Goodness, Q, what is all this..?”
“I don’t feel so good…”
“Did you try consuming all of this into your tiny little body?”
Sugar must be consumed in moderation. Like any other coping mechanism, it’s not meant to make problems magically disappear.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I just want to make people happy… but whatever I do, it’s not enough!”
“Calm down, don’t start throwing stuff now!”
Hardships are meant to be shared, and one man can never handle a burden alone. There is no shame in admitting you need help. Humans are not solitary species, after all. 
“Ashley, I’m sorry..”
“I can sense that you are having a tough day.”
“My body really feels terrible right now… I can’t move my legs.. urk..”
“No more eating sweets for you for a week or two… Don’t worry, I’ll carry you to the infirmary.”
You may not feel good today, nor even tomorrow. But nothing stays down forever. 
Sorry for the chaotic writing, but I need to drag you all into total chaos in the most effective way possible. :D
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guppyfreedom · 1 year
Oscar meets Anton
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Oscar does not approve his brothers' new colleague.
For those who are unfamiliar with the Swedes, they are from a Netflix show called "The Umbrella Academy." Their first and last appearance is in season two. They are brothers who are assassins that work for an organization called the Temps Commission.
Oscar (Thomas Sinclair - in gif) Axel (Kris Holden Ried) Otto (Jason Bryden)
For those who are unfamiliar with Anton Chigurh, he is from a novel/film called "No Country for Old Men." He is a psychopathic professional hitman. His employers are unknown.
(Javier Bardem)
With one last hard push, Oscar managed to fit his victim's head inside the freezer. He had finished hacking the woman to death after finding out she was abusing her cats. The poor kittens were malnourished and neglected.
Sighing heavily, Oscar retreated to the woman's couch. He sat down and picked up one of her...well, his cats and laid them onto his lap. He shushed the animal gently, rubbing their back.
Even though she wasn't their assigned target, Oscar's two older brothers didn't mind the slaughter as long as there were no other witnesses.
Plus, they understood Oscar's empathy for animals.
"That was foolish," a deep voice commented.
Oscar looked up, his blue eyes narrowing at his brothers' new...colleague. He snorted at the man's ugly haircut since it reminded him of his brother, Otto.
"All that for miserable animals," the man, Anton, continued.
Anton was sitting on an upholstered chair across Oscar, his hands resting on his lap.
"That tiken deserved it," snapped Oscar, gently putting his cat to the side.
"I don't think you understand. Typical, for someone as young as you. You took too much time with her. A bullet to the head is quicker and the outcome easier to clean and dispose of."
"And so what? The Commission takes care of our mess anyways," continued Oscar.
"Alright. That explains your lack of care."
Oscar's clenched fists and angered expression looked as if he wanted to have a go at Anton while Anton's dry smile was challenging him to try it.
"Enough, we have more important matters to attend to," a commanding accented voice spoke.
The two men turn, seeing Axel walk into the living room. The eldest brother was holding his navy blue trenchcoat, carefully draping it on the back rest of the wooden chair.
"Yes," replied Anton, "your impulsive brother on the other hand..."
Axel heavily sighed, gesturing at his brother with a stern look.
"Knock it off, Oscar. You're letting your temper best you."
Oscar clenched his jaw, turning away from the two older men. He hated that Axel was right and he hated how it seemed Axel was favoring this Chigurh man over his own little brother.
With a hissed curse, Oscar stood up and stormed out of the living room to the bedrooms upstairs.
He doesn't like his brother's "friend".
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kazumist · 6 months
hi hi hi ill probably release some very old tot drafts (theyve been ready to post for a year i just got lazy) and maybe the gepard piece that i have still yet to write (aventurine has me on a chokehold rn erm..) for now HAHAHAHAHAHAH
love maybe updates will still be posted as usual but ill try to balance them with my old content that's purely written again hehehe
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stunt-lads · 4 months
I wish I had a marketable skill, not because I want to create specifically for money but because money is, unfortunately, required for goods and services
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