#and my roommate is calling with someone so I can't bother her for advice
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panthera-tigris-venenata · 1 year ago
Okay but like but does the reply to a reply start with Good Day AGAIN or with Thank you for the answer??
How am I supposed to end the email when the teacher ended with Wishing you a nice day??
WHY is this so goddamn complicated??
Help, I need to do something (send some emails) and I'm avoiding it so bad I opened math video lecture 😭
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dinas-a-bird · 2 years ago
A Rocky Start - 1
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Pairing: Ellie Williams x fem!reader
Warnings: mean!Ellie (at the start), modern college AU, Ellie is handsome because I say so
Summary: You start college and meet your roommate, Ellie Williams.
Word Count: 957
two three four
A/N: Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, I already have this entire fic written but I'm not going to post it all at the same time... sorry 😅
It is a hot August day as you step out of your parents' car and look up at the towering buildings of your new home for the next four years - college. You had dreamed of this moment for so long, imagining all the new experiences, new people, and the newfound freedom. As you hoist your backpack on your shoulder and make your way towards the dorms, you can’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves.
The campus is buzzing with activity as students and their families scurry around, hauling boxes, and saying goodbye to loved ones. You make your way to the check-in desk where you are greeted by a friendly-faced orientation leader who hands you your room key and a map of the campus.
You take in a deep breath and make your way to your new room, unlocking the door and stepping inside. It is small and sparse, but it will be home for the next few months. You start to unpack your belongings, feeling a little lonely and overwhelmed.
Suddenly, there is a loud knock at the door. You look up to see a girl with short auburn hair standing there, her arms crossed over her chest. "Hey, you're the new girl, right?" she says bluntly.
You nod, your mouth going dry. God she’s handsome. "Yeah, this is my first semester. My name's y/n."
She rolls her eyes. "I'm Ellie. Just so you know, I don't do the whole 'welcome wagon' thing. So don't expect any baked goods or any of that crap."
You raise your eyebrows. "Okay...I'll keep that in mind. You're my roommate then?"
Ellie nods, pushing past you and plopping down on her own bed, not bothering to introduce herself further. You don’t know what to make of her, but one thing was clear - she isn’t going to make your transition into college life easy.
You start to feel a knot forming in your stomach, wondering how you're going to survive the next few months with this girl as your roommate. You decide to try and break the tension by starting a conversation.
"So, what are you studying?" you ask, sitting down on your own bed.
Ellie gives you a look of annoyance. "Astronomy and Astrophysics. What about you?"
"I'm undeclared at the moment," you reply, feeling a little embarrassed.
Ellie scoffs. "Figures. Well, good luck with that. College is tough, and if you don't know what you want to do, you're screwed."
You start to feel even more intimidated by Ellie's blunt demeanor. "Is it okay if I put up some pictures on the wall?" you ask, trying to change the subject.
Ellie shrugs. "I don't care. Just don't make it look like a kindergarten classroom."
You try to ignore her attitude and start unpacking your pictures and posters. As you start to decorate your side of the room, you notice that Ellie is staring at you.
"What?" you ask, feeling self-conscious.
Ellie shrugs. "It's just weird seeing someone actually care about how their room looks. Most people just throw their crap around and call it a day."
You start to feel a glimmer of hope that maybe you and Ellie can find some common ground. "Yeah, I just want it to feel like home, you know?"
Ellie nods, her expression softening slightly. "I get that. Home is important."
You smile, feeling a little more at ease. "So, do you have any tips for surviving college?"
Ellie leans back on her bed, looking thoughtful. "Yeah, don't drink too much, don't procrastinate, and don't rely on anyone else to do your work for you."
You nod, taking in her advice. "Thanks, that's good to know. So, do you have any plans for the weekend?"
Ellie shrugs. "Not really. Maybe hit up a party or two. You?"
You shake your head. "I don't really know anyone yet."
Ellie raises an eyebrow. "Well, we can't have that, can we? Have to change that soon."
You can't help but feel a little surprised by her sudden change in attitude. "Yeah, that would be nice. How do you usually meet people?"
Ellie smirks. "Parties are always a good bet. But if that's not your scene, there are other ways. Join a club, volunteer, or just strike up a conversation with someone in class."
You nod, "Thanks, I appreciate it."
Ellie nods in response, her eyes scanning your side of the room. "So, what else do you like? Any hobbies, interests?"
You think for a moment before answering. "I like reading, listening to music, and watching movies. And I've always been interested in writing, but I'm not very good at it."
Ellie raises an eyebrow. "You should join the writing club on campus. I heard they're pretty good."
You feel a spark of excitement at the suggestion. "Really? That sounds cool. Do you think they would let me join even though I'm not majoring in English or anything?"
Ellie rolls her eyes. "Of course, they would. They're not that exclusive. Just go to one of their meetings and see if it's something you're interested in."
You nod, feeling a sense of motivation to try something new. "Thanks, Ellie. I think I'll do that."
Ellie nods in response before checking her phone. "Hey, I gotta run. I have a meeting with my advisor in ten minutes. Talk later?"
You smile and nod, feeling grateful for the unexpected conversation. "Sure, sounds good. Thanks again."
As Ellie exits the room, relief washes over you. Maybe you and your new roommate could find some common ground after all. You finish up decorating your side of the room and take a moment to sit back and take it all in. It's not much, but it's a start.
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david-watts · 3 years ago
I have to be yelled at because someone doesn’t have a backbone and doesn’t like it when someone’s shitty behaviour gets challenged
#realising that you can't change someone doesn't mean that you just lie down and take their crap#if she's gonna bitch about the fact that we don't do what she wants and therefore 'do nothing' sometimes calling her out for being an ass#is inherently more satisfying#if you're going to be cruel to me you better expect I will be cruel right back because I am DONE with this shit#don't yell at me for 'trapping the poor dog in this horrible room' maybe consider that for one the dog was hiding from you#and that you refused to let us make any real progress making it so this room wasn't quite as horrible because you are too proud#to let any of the spaces you inhabit have a few things in them that have literally nowhere else to go#especially if you think that things should go exactly where you think and will not accept any advice where the facts are laid out#that putting that thing there will not work. at all.#also I WILL mutter under my breath because maybe you won't listen to me correcting you on what's happened but it straightens it out#in my mind#I wanna fuckin. commit arson#I was feeling better because I finally decided to crack open some writing and was thinking 'hmmm I'll turn this into a script for a comic'#'and then I might make a patreon or something and publish the original writing there'#I was making PLANS for the FUTURE. now I wanna see everything burn#I want her to be unable to separate her childhood from adults using her as a pawn to get revenge on each other#I want her to hear the clatter of the locks falling on the tile#I want her to live on a bed for five years with encroaching rubbish that she has to fight off because her mother or roommate or whatever#is too lazy to bother actually taking the rubbish to the bin#or said person seeing you empty a bin and then before you can return and put a new liner in it she fills it with food and other disgusting#stuff and just LEAVES IT FOR LIKE TWO YEARS#and then when she finds it again insists it's your problem and you have to clean it#and I want HER to be in constant pain while she tries to function to a level that's impossible of her#I want her to almost faint when she stands up#I want her to be made to feel like absolute nothing and the moment that is called out have everyone around her tell her that's not what's#happening it's her own fault for not taking 'opportunities' that place isn't that bad even though it's committing crimes#even though she took all the opportunities she felt were actually available to her that get cancelled a fortnight in and nobody believes you#and that upstanding people who get respect and leadership positions because they're nice and popular are some of the cruellest people around#if she felt an atom of what I feel constantly I think she'd not cope#she likes to think she's the perfect picture of suffering sitting there for eight hours a day watching tv not doing anything other than
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scuttle-buttle · 4 years ago
Chapter 10
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WC: 1633
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: anxiety, angst, brief fears of infidelity, discussions of childbearing and marriage/gender roles, psych theories, some manipulation, age difference, brief mention of domestic violence (there is none)
A/N: If you have any questions regarding the tags for this chapter and want to ask me about it before reading please do so! The chapter is not necessarily dark but I understand that some may want me to give a more detailed warning/context. I want all my readers to be as comfortable as possible 💙
It started out small. He would bring up Dr. Stratton during conversation more and more often. Three times now he had been late to office hours, causing you to have to wait outside his room, nervously checking the time. But it’s nothing, you continue to remind yourself. They’re just good friends that haven’t seen each other in years. And you trust them both.
When another Friday night passed with Laszlo skipping drinks in favor of meeting with Karen, you decided to stay in as well. It had been a month since they reacquainted with one another. In those weeks you had seen less of him outside work. Your sex life was stagnating too, much to your annoyance. He had even canceled at the absolute last minute on a dinner date. Naturally, you had begun to feel a twinge of jealousy at his lack of attention. He kept saying it was work related. Nevertheless, the sullen temperament you'd adopted went unnoticed by the doctor. You felt foolish; you weren’t so needy that you had to make a big deal about it. So you said nothing on the issue.
You sat on the old couch in your apartment. Bitsy was getting ready to go out with Lucius for date night. Picking at your fingers, you decide to ask your roommate for advice. “Hey Bits?”
“Yeah?” she called from her bedroom.
“Can I ask you a question about Lucius?” you start.
“Sure, what’s up?”
You pause as you think of how to word your thoughts. “Do you ever, like, get jealous? When he hangs out with other girls I mean.” Her head pops out of the door frame as she finishes fastening her earring, eyebrows raised in question. “It’s just that Laszlo has been spending a lot of time with Dr. Stratton now that she’s back in town. I trust them and everything, but I’m starting to feel a bit left behind I guess…” you trail off.
“Oh honey, that's normal.” She waves a hand through the air as she speaks. “There’s this girl at the lab that Lucius works with and for the first month I was convinced she was trying to steal him away from me. Turns out she just wanted Marcus, his brother!” Bitsy lets out a cackle.
“Right…” you pick at the skin around your fingernails. “I just feel silly about it. I’m sure I’m overreacting to the whole thing, though. Laszlo would never do anything, and I don’t think Dr. Stratton would either,” you remind yourself outloud. "There's just this thing John said to me about them having a past and I can't get it out of my head."
“It's not silly.” Bitsy had moved further into the bedroom, causing her voice to be slightly muffled. “But if it bothers you that much, talk to him about it. He’s a psychologist, it’s kinda his job to understand emotions and things like this. And if he loves you like you say he does then he’ll put a bit more effort into giving you his attention.”
You marinate on what she’s told you. Bitsy is right, if it bothers you that much then you need to bring it up with him. Be an adult, use communication, and all that. “Why’re you always right and level-headed about everything?”
“Someone’s gotta be, with a hot head like you,” she snarks. Her phone buzzes letting her know her date is downstairs. With a squeeze on the shoulder she bids you goodbye, telling you to let her know if you need anything.
The atmosphere in Dr. Stratton’s office felt off. What was usually so open and warm had felt forced and awkward. You were still ignoring the guilt of your jealousy at the doctor. She wasn’t as talkative today, unlike usual. Instead, it was strictly business. You chalked it up to her having an off day.
The two of you discussed in more depth the fetishes and kinks from the list you had compiled. Unfortunately, due to spending less time with your boyfriend the last few weeks you hadn’t had much of an opportunity to try any of the new tricks you were learning about. Therefore, you had little to really talk about in that regard. You found that you didn’t particularly mind, as you were feeling less inclined to want to share about your love life due to your envy towards the woman in question.
Dr. Stratton quietly gathered together her notes from the session and placed them into the folder. You were about to ask if she needed anything else from you when her lips parted before closing again. She leaned forward on her desk towards you. Her fingers steepled under her chin.
She licks her lips. “There is something I wish to discuss with you unrelated to the study.”
You didn’t like where this was going. Dread pooled in your gut at the concerned look on her face. “O-okay.”
“Now I want you to understand that I only bring this up out of concern for your wellbeing and emotional health. But some of the things you have told me over the course of this study have me worried.”
What on earth could you have said that would cause this sort of reaction from her? She was the most calm and collected person you had ever known. To have her speaking out made your heart race in your chest.
She takes a moment to gather her thoughts before opening her mouth again. “In truth I worry about your current relationship. I fear that-”
Brows furrowing, your mind goes to the worst conclusion. You blurt out “what? No! He doesn’t hurt me or anything, I don’t know what would have given you that impression but I- ”
The doctor reaches out with her hand to settle on your forearm. “My dear take a breath, I meant no such thing.”
You take a deep inhale to compose yourself. “Then what are you talking about?”
“Speaking as your friend, and as an alienist, I fear that this boyfriend is potentially using you for your youth,” she begins the tale she concocted, unbeknownst to you. “In my experience as a psychologist, the young women such as yourself that I encounter with significantly older male companions find themselves locked into the relationship. Typically, it is from dependence on money at first. Over time, the male pressures the woman to be compliant in things like marriage and childbearing. I understand how difficult it is for a woman as driven as you to balance your aspirations with relationships and domestic matters. Do you want children?”
Her statement and question take you back. Confusion is written all over your face. Marriage? Children? Neither you nor Laszlo had ever brought up either subject. You didn’t even know if it was something he was interested in. “Wait what? I'm not sure I follow…”
“Men around his age go through an identity crisis in which they begin to become aware of their mortality. A change in priorities. The most common desire is to procreate, to start a family in which to pass on their wisdom is strongest here. Are you prepared to give him children soon? Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a mother, it is a very noble role. Yet you do not strike me as someone ready for such a large step.”
You can barely form a coherent thought at her onslaught. The whole conversation was so out of the blue that you felt incredibly lost. Did you want children? Did he want children? Now? You wrap your arms around your torso to stave off the uncertainty and anxiety you feel creeping in. No words come to your defense at her interrogation. You are speechless, jaw dropped.
She stands and crosses the room, placing her cool hands on your cheeks. “My dear you are still a child yourself. This is something you need to consider. To… consider the possibility that you can’t give him what he needs. That he may need someone closer to his age with the same priorities, someone more willing to give in to his needs now. I don’t think you’re ready for that. I’ve seen the cost that these girls face. And the societal pressures and judgement you would face being with someone so much older? I think it could throw you into a state similar to after your friend passed. I wouldn’t want to see you in that position again. I want you to have your freedom."
Dr. Stratton looks up at the clock suddenly; “oh! My, I’m going to be late for a meeting, you’ll have to go. I don’t believe we need any more sessions for the study, but I will let you know if anything changes.”
You are too in shock trying to process everything she said to you as she ushers you out of the door with a “think about what I said, dear.” The door shuts behind you.
Karen sat with a huff. She felt a tad guilty for what she had said to you. She had no idea if Laszlo wanted marriage or children, he hadn’t when they were first together. But times change. She hoped that by using the angle of kids and identity crises that she could subtly plant a seed of doubt in your mind. Strike quickly and overwhelmingly, plant the doubt that you weren’t right for him, then push you out before you have the chance to seek answers or reassurance from her. It seemed you bought her false concern as actual worry. You were a great girl. But you were just that - a girl. You couldn’t give Laszlo what he needed, not like she could.
Now she simply had to wait and let your mind eat away at itself, leaving him for the taking.
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yong-bokk · 4 years ago
all in³
pairing: unit chief ! bang chan x neighbour ! reader
genre: neighbours-to-something-more fluff
notes: this is so unnecessarily long and i can't end it well for the life of me but here u go </3
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why hello thereヽ(^▽^)ノ
u must be new around here
well u are !!
that’s because u just moved into this new apartment building
i mean the apartment itself isn’t new new
but it certainly doesn’t look like the building is going to fall apart any time soon so that’s a good start right
u scored a lovely studio flat
it’s a small space but
it’s cozy and has everything u need
bonus points: direct sunlight and a friendly landlord lady
literally my dream apartment can i move in with u :(
best thing about moving is u got to leave ur old roommate behind
we’ll skip the details but let’s just say u sure are glad u don’t have to worry about coming back to someone else’s moldy dishes in the sink anymore ತ_ತ
at first u were kinda bummed u couldn’t get the corner unit right beside u bc it's a little bit wider
but after unpacking and organising everything,
u made peace with it bc ur new home is just so lovely (❁´◡`❁)
after the chaos of moving in,
u decided to bake a few batches of cookies to give out to ur new neighbours and introduce urself
that day, u met everyone living on ur floor
the old lady from across the hall even gave u one of her succulents as a present
everyone except the one who lives right next to u
the corner unit neighbour !!
no one answered the door when u knocked that day
or the next day
or the day after that too
at the end u just stopped knocking and ate the cookies urself skdjfs
but yeah
all this time u thought the apartment next to u was vacant
that is, until the day u actually run into said neighbour
u had been working overtime and only managed to get out of the office a little before midnight
u were walking towards ur flat when u saw someone standing in front of the door next to urs
man just stood there and let out a heavy sigh like hhhhHHh is he okay
“hello? are u looking for someone bc i think that apartment is empty”
he looks at u confused...... and tired
but mostly confused
“i, uh i live here”
????? (´・ ・`。) ?????
now u look at him confused
“i forgot my keys………. i’ll just (sigh) go back to the office i guess“
“do u want to come in for awhile?”
“it’s 1 am are u sure”
and that’s how u end up cooking and eating ramen in the middle of the night with bang chan, the corner unit neighbour who u thought was nonexistent all this time
u’d cook him better food but u haven’t gone grocery shopping in a while so all u have is ramen ;—;
but he said he doesn’t mind
and u guess he really didn’t seeing how he wolfed down 5 packs of it skdjfksjf
“so how come i’ve never seen u before”
chan gives u a sheepish smile and tells u that he’s the chief police and work is why he rarely comes back to his apartment
“it’s so much easier to sleep on the couch back at the office instead of coming back here”
“u know sleeping on a couch is bad for u right :/”
“but it’s a sofa bed!!”
chan helped u wash the dishes and excused himself after the meal, spending the rest of the night back at his office bc he didn't want to bother u
“thank you for the food and for the company”
“no problem neighbour :}”
after that night
u two run into each other once in a while
whenever chan comes back to his apartment, that is
just friendly exchanges of ‘hi’s and ‘how are you’s here and there \( •⌄• )✧
often if u know he’s home, u’d cook an extra serving and share ur dinner with him
or have him come over
bc u once knocked on his door to ask if he has sugar
but u found out all he has in his apartment is a sofa bed (identical to the one he has in his office) and a near-empty fridge :/
u’ve also met special agents hyunjin and jisung when they came to fetch something from his apartment
“what do u MEAN he didn’t give u the key hyunjin i will SMITE u”
“i may or may not have left it on my table………“
u stepped in right before violence ensues
“excuse me, are u looking for chan?”
( ・◇・) (・◇・ )?
the two introduced themselves and ended up explaining the situation to u
hyunjin: “we kinda forgot to bring the key he gave us”
jisung: “o(-`д´- 。) what do u mean we-”
hyunjin: “anyways, we’ll just head back to the office, sorry for bothering u (◠‿◠✿)”
but then u remember that u have a spare key to chan’s apartment
bc he got tired of forgetting his keys in the office and getting locked out again for the 129834th time so he asked if u would keep a spare key to his flat for him
so u told them u’d open the door for them if they could call chan to verify
that night chan knocked on ur door and gave u a couple of breads he picked up from ur favourite bakery nearby
“thank u and sorry for the trouble ヘ(>_<ヘ)”
“hsdhfsdhs u didn’t have to,,, it really wasn’t trouble, i was the one who offered”
“meeting them was enough trouble >:”
chan says that but u’ve had enough dinners with him to know how he always talks about the agents in his division with so much love
so yeah
for the longest time
chan has always been ur lovely forgetful neighbour and occasional dinner partner who can’t eat spicy food for the life of him
u'd be lying if u say u weren't surprised when u came home late from work one day
and find him standing in front of ur apartment door
“hey chan !! are u locked out again?” u asked him teasingly
but his head shot up at ur voice and he let out a sigh when he saw u
“are you okay?”
“i just… u weren’t home and i tried calling but u didn’t answer and i guess i kinda got worried”
“oh !! i had to work overtime and i didn’t realise my phone died, i’m sorry for making u worry”
“no, no… i’m glad u got home safe.... i uh i’ll get going then-”
he was about to leave when u held his hand
“stay for dinner?”
a smile made its way back to chan’s face
chan knows better than to take jisung and hyunjin’s relationship advice but it was already too late when the pick up line left his lips
“u must be one spicy dish bc u’re making my heartburn”
“i’m sorry that was bad-”
“that was cheesy but i think u’re grate (´͈  ᵕ `͈ )”
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get-shiggy-with-it · 4 years ago
#1 Victory Royale
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✧ pairing: college student!spinner x student!afab!reader
✧ word count: 4.4k
✧ warnings: college au/no quirks, light angst, mostly soft/fluff, smut, could be hate fucking if you squint, afab reader but no pronouns, this is pretty tame, by like my standards, I wrote this at work, not really a warning, but it felt like you needed to know that
✧ summary: relationships suck and Spinner is starting to think maybe he does too
✧ ao3 mirror
✧ a/n: Hey y'all, welcome back to more college au bs from me. This is set in the same universe once again as all my other college pieces. A very sweet anon asked if we'd ever get to see more of Spinner, so here he is! Also with another cameo from shiggy's bitch (endearing) cause I can't help myself.
Spinner’s groaning echoed through the tiny apartment, the heavy sound of creaking couch cushions under his weight following.
“What?” his long-suffering roommate shouted out their bedroom door, rapidly shoving clothing and a toothbrush into an overnight bag.
He let out with another, louder dying animal wail. He’d been like this since they woke up—wallowing in some strange concoction of self pity and Red Bull on the kitchen floor when they walked in for water two hours ago.
“Motherfucker,” they mumbled, tossing their bag to the floor and marching, more than a little disgruntled, into the hall. “What do you want?”
Spinner was sitting upside down on the couch now, feet up against the wall tapestry and cotton candy hair splayed out on the floor. He stared blankly as his friend came into view—arms crossed, frowning at him from the end of the hall—and opened his mouth once more, letting out another garbled grunt that had one of the neighbors pounding twice on the wall to shut his dramatic ass up.
“Dude seriously, are you gonna tell me who pissed in your cereal or are you just gonna scream until the guys next door kick a hole through our wall?”
They almost felt bad as he looked away, sniffing and letting himself slump farther off the sofa until he was sprawled completely on the hardwood and staring, glassy eyed, up at the ceiling.
When he finally spoke a full sentence, his gaze was locked on the water stain above him from a year ago when the upstairs neighbors flooded their apartment trying to make jungle juice in the bathtub.
“I don’t know, I’m just in my feels as the kids say,” he sounded so dejected—strange for someone who was perpetually energized to a frustrating degree—that their shoulders immediately slumped from a hardass square to a softer, more sympathetic angle
They padded over to join him on the floor.
“Care to elaborate, oh roomie of mine?”
There was a pause and Spinner tapped his nails against the hardwood idly before responding.
“I guess I’m just feeling, like, fucking I don’t know,” he sighed, knocking his head against the dusty boards, “left out I guess? That’s not quite right, but it’s just Magne mentioned last time she came to The League meeting that Jin was seeing somebody and it just got me all introspective and weird…”
“Hm,” his roommate hummed thoughtfully and studied the way the textured white ceiling gave way to the rings of brown water damage, like a dead and dying flower, “I thought you and Jin weren’t ever that serious?”
“We weren’t,” Spinner groaned again and rubbed his eyes. “We went on like, one date a year ago and I haven’t thought about it really at all since then. I’m not sure why hearing he’s got someone else now made me so fucking...jealous I guess.”
“I mean, maybe you just never really gave yourself the time to process it?” they asked and received only an annoyed huff and accompanying groan. “Sorry, should have asked if you were looking for advice or just wanting to rant. My bad.”
“No, it’s fine. I think it’s just…”
Spinner trailed off and they shifted as the hard floor bit at their back and made it ache. The muscles were sore already as it was, and Tomura blowing their fucking back a few times a week wasn’t really helping. They’d created some kind of perpetually horny monster, but something told them cracking a joke about it wasn’t really going to help the situation much. Thankfully, Spinner found his way to filling the silence a minute later.
“I don’t think it has anything specifically to do with Jin. Yeah I liked him, we’re still really good friends and I don’t feel like I need him to be more than that. It’s just that—and this is gonna make me sound like a massive asshole—but with you and your new fucking boyfie and now even Jin finding someone to date I just keep seeing reminders everywhere of how motherfucking isolated I am.”
“Oh,” they felt their face burn a bit, guilt frothing as they were forced to acknowledge the fact that in all the time they’ve spent holed up with Tomura, Spinner had been discarded like an old Steam game, bought impulsively on sale and never played again. “I’m sorry I haven’t been prioritizing you—”
“No, no, no shut the fuck with that,” he waved his hand to cut them off and pushed himself up on his palms. “I know I’m not being fair about it, and I really am happy for you guys, but idk man….I just feel like I’m never gonna find that you know?”
Beside him, his roommate remained sprawled out on the floor like a homicide tape outline and was just as deadly quiet.
“I just,” he continued, running an angry hand through his hair, “I know I could be such a good partner. Like I’m funny and I’m not a fucking creep, which is actually a plus to most people.”
He shot a side glance down and they rolled their eyes, sitting up and knocking his shoulder roughly till he toppled back to the dirty floor and they stood above him.
“Fuck off,” they chuckled.
His roommate watched as the laughter seemed to infect him like a bad cold, creeping down the back of his throat and shaking in his chest.
“No I’m serious, I would be such a fucking great boyfriend. I give goddamn top quality cuddles and I actually know how to do laundry, what more does one need truly?”
“Damn bro, you’ve known how to fold your own clothes this whole time?”
The giggling spread into the quiet space, rocking through both their shoulders and leaving the air feeling light—fresh like the first nights of Spring. When it finally petered out into friendly silence, they were both far lighter.
“I just like the way you fold my t-shirts, the sleeves don’t get those weird creases when you do it,” he muttered and stood, doing his best to fix the wild pink locks that stood on end from his fidgeting.
“Yeah I’m sure,” his roommate rolled their eyes and turned back down the hall.
When they left for the night to stay over with their boyfriend, Spinner tried not to acknowledge the way he subconsciously glared at their back as they walked out the door, skipping yet another League meeting to swap spit with that guy from their English class.
He tried even harder not to think of how their bed would be warm and their legs would have legs to tangle with, their chest have a chest to lay against, while he heated up instant noodles in the microwave and fell asleep alone on their living room couch.
Not to mention that tonight was the big tournament with that new group on campus. He was really banking on his bff (best fucking friend as they were always sure to clarify) and him teaming up to crush those assholes from The Commission or whatever they called themselves.
Fucking lame as shit name in his opinion.
In any case, he’d have to settle for Magne again, and she was such a loose cannon they were sure to get their asses handed to them. She was a great fucking tank, he’d be the first to admit, but strategy was not a strong point of hers and they desperately needed that tonight.
He could feel the sinking weight of failure rolling in the pit of his stomach already even as he dragged himself into his room to tug on an old pair of jeans.
It bothered him way more than it should, the idea of losing some gaming tournament that, by all means held little to no actual significance.
Spinner knew the stock he’d started placing in games was growing to an unhealthy degree.
He knew that.
But self awareness rarely did anything to alleviate the irrational fear of failing at one of the only remaining consistencies in his life.
It stung worse when the tournament kicked off and by the third round, Spinner was the only remaining League member in the brackets.
“Fucking shit…” he muttered to himself, the small basement room alight with the blue glow of the monitor and the sound of frantically smashing controllers.
Behind him on the couch—stolen long ago from the theater building—Magne held him by the shoulders as he grit his teeth and leaned into the movement of his avatar on screen.
“You got this babe,” she shouted, cheek pressed up to his ear. “Make ‘em eat shit for me!”
“I would if you stopped distracting me,” Spinner hissed back.
Really it wasn’t Magne’s aggressive and somewhat bloodthirsty style of encouragement that shook his focus so badly.
It was his opponent.
The fucking president of The Commission sat, thighs spread and pressed to his, resting your weight on your elbows and snarling beside him in the couch.
Your face was split in this heart stopping grin as you quite deftly dodged all his attempts to get a hit in and managed to land a few of your own in the process.
And you looked really hot doing it.
Which was definitely just a side effect of the punch he (didn’t) drink and the body heat fueled temperature of the room—sweaty skin against sweaty skin making his mind wander against his will.
The shifting in his seat was absolutely just to illogically make him move faster and had nothing to do with how tight his pants now seemed.
So much for not being a fucking creep.
Your teammates were gathered in a circle behind you, enraptured and exuding the kind of smug confidence that said quite clearly The League was fucked from the second they walked in.
Not even two minutes later your hands were thrown up, punching the air and your team piling over the back of the couch to drown you in a sea of celebratory limbs.
Spinner felt himself deflating even as he was toppled off the couch by your screaming members and The League collectively cursed in the background.
Truthfully he’d known the chances of winning were slim.
Ever since his roommate started getting busy with classes and clubs that ‘looked good on their resume,’ The League had gone downhill rapidly. It was a problem since long before that Shigaraki guy swooped in and stole them away, but Spinner couldn’t stop himself from lowkey holding that against him.
The League had consumed so much of his life in college, functioning as a haven where he was finally respected and belonged to an extent he’d never experienced before.
The stink of failure and loss, not of the game but the only space he’d ever really occupied without complaint, burned his face and made the room feel more suffocating than usual.
Magne looked as though she wanted to give him one of her signature—and admittedly very comforting—hugs, but the deadly look of disappointment on Spinner’s face must have made her think twice.
The rest of his team seemed to read this sudden downward shift in the room as they began to filter out, climbing the steps onto street level and away from the suddenly stuffy, uncomfortable meeting spot. Normally everyone would stay and finish off the drinks snuck past the janitorial staff, eating Doritos until well past midnight. This time they couldn’t wait to be rid of him.
He couldn’t really blame them.
The multimedia building was a strange place after hours. Once Spinner might have called it something rare and liminal, now it felt more like a prison.
He stood, packing up the consoles a bit more roughly than necessary when someone cleared their throat behind him.
He turned to see you, standing alone with hands on your hips and scowling like you were the one who just got their gaming reputation ruined.
“Dude what the fuck was that?”
Spinner bristled at the knife sharp point of your tone.
“Really?” he asked incredulously. “You seriously waited around to rub your win in my face?”
You rolled your eyes and took a step closer around the couch. “I’m not talking about the fucking game dumbass. Why the hell are you pouting like I stole your fucking candy or some shit? You ruined the vibes man.”
“If anyone was ruining the vibes, it was you and your cocky ass team.”
Spinner felt himself stepping closer too, pulled in by the celestial weight that accompanied any kindling argument.
“Me?” you pointed to your chest and scoffed, “Wow, I was really hoping you’d actually possess a bit of emotional maturity, but if this is how you get after a loss I’m not shocked your fucking club is bleeding members.”
At some point the two of you had gravitated close enough that he felt the puff of your last breath on his cheeks. Two comets, ready and willing to collide.
“I’m not being the asshole in this situation, you know that right?” Spinner glared down his nose at you, heart pounding in his ears. “Maybe you shouldn’t make fucking unfounded assumptions about people you don’t know.”
“So then why are your panties in a twist over a fucking game?” you retorted.
He was peripherally aware that your eyes had taken on the same laser focused quality as they had during the last round. Determined and locked onto him without sparing a glance to anything else.
It was this same undivided attention that he’d envied in you as you played, and as Spinner felt it trained on him, his pants once again felt uncomfortably restrictive.
“It’s not about the fucking game okay!?” his voice came out hoarse and far more petulant than he’s been aiming for.
Though he quickly felt the embarrassment give rise to a secondary heat as you both breathed each other’s air and searched the face across from you.
“Then what is it about?”
That strange, unexplainable, inexplicable rush of potential filled the small gap that remained between your bodies—the kind of tension Spinner was beginning to think he’d never feel again.
He’d kissed plenty of people. Almost more than he’d like to admit, or that they’d like to admit more accurately.
But when his flickering eyes found your hard stare still and unwavering from his, it felt incredibly natural to lean in and press his lips against your fading frown.
It was slow going, the few centimeters that separated you seemed like miles as he moved slowly, never breaking eye contact until his mouth was finally slotted over yours and you weren’t pushing him away.
There was still a bit of lingering confusion, as this was decidedly not what either of you appeared to be expecting from the prior conversation. That coupled with the fact that Spinner wasn’t entirely sure he remembered your first name made the feeling of your tongue prodding at the seam of his lips all the more startling.
When he gasped, you slid your hands up his chest and licked into his mouth. Tongue tangling between breaths, Spinner felt himself getting lost in the familiar and coveted taste of another mouth, another body, another hand that grasped, that desired, that wanted him.
Your knees dug into the cushions on either side of Spinner’s thighs as you bounced in his lap. He fought to keep his eyes open against the pleasure of his cock sinking into you over and over again, so he could watch the way your head was thrown back and your chest heaved with the exertion.
He dug his hands into your hips and let his head hit the back of the couch, feet planted on the floor to help his hips thrust up into you, earning him some of the prettiest, stifled moans he’d ever heard.
Truthfully, he had not expected to fuck you. He figured you might be down to just make out for a bit until the cleaning staff came and booted you from the building, but both your pants had quite quickly and naturally found their way to the floor.
Neither of you spoke much, which he was thankful for. That would have been far too complicated of a conversation, especially considering you really didn’t know each other all that well.
Spinner usually liked to do a bit of ‘getting to know you’ type activities before he hooked up with people, which he did with surprising frequency for somebody so starved for a long term thing. Sex just fucking felt good and it was this eagerness that was his downfall. Most people he’d fucked around with seemed to read the urge to get into their pants as a diminished interest or emotional attraction and Spinner ended up with more friends with benefits than actual friends...or benefits.
Regardless, it was fine by him that the only form of communication passing between you for now were scattered groans of pleasure and the wet slap of your ass against his thighs.
He’d nearly forgotten how fucking amazing pussy felt.
For no particular reason, Spinner had always found himself fooling around with bodies more similar to his own. Not that he had any real preference, though the lack of experience often made him a bit nervous in the whole ‘pleasing your partner’ department, despite many helpful lessons from his roommate.
That was all to say that Spinner was incredibly thankful you reached down to guide his hand that had clumsily begun rubbing circles on your clit. That is until you simply knocked it away and went back to riding his dick like a fucking champ.
Then he did speak.
“Wanna make you cum,” he mumbled and really did sound like he was pouting this time.
You peered down at him, slowing your pace so you sat flush in his lap, grinding his cock deep against your walls. Spinner keened as you clenched around him, pussy so deliciously warm he felt himself near to drowning in the feel of you.
“Mm fuck,” you panted, leaning in to steal a few more messy kisses from him before lifting up and enveloping him in the slick heat all over again. “Don’t worry about it.”
“No,” he nipped at the column or your throat, careful not to leave any lasting marks just in case. “If I’m finishing, you’re fucking finishing.”
You pulled back and stared at him for a moment. He felt you purposefully tightening around him just so he would squirm under your curious gaze. After a moment you smirked and rolled your eyes again, taking his hand and guiding his fingers back to that little nub just above where his thick length was seated inside you.
Spinner was proud of his dick, it was hefty but not so long that it was a hassle to fit—just enough to reach all the important bits. He was sensitive as hell too most of the time, so just about any pressure felt amazing. But the best part of it was watching whoever he was fucking fall apart on his goddamn perfect cock.
So when you whispered, “Like this,” and showed him the rhythm and motion you liked, he pulled himself back from the brink to pay attention, speeding up until that look of cooled control slid right off your face.
“Ahh, yes fuck...” the words tumbled from you freely now. “Shit, yeah just like that—”
Spinner could get fucking drunk off the low groan that left you as he planted his feet more firmly and bucked his hips up. He must have hit something good by the way you choked and moaned boarding on too loud, though he had neither the heart nor self control to stop you.
“Feel good?” he grunted, picking up the pace and force he thrust into you, so that you had to loop your arms around his neck and hold tightly as he speared you on his cock.
“Fuck...yes..” you whimpered into his shoulder which did wonders for his ego.
Spinner kept up his rubbing frantic patterns on your clit and feeling the gradual constriction of your walls around him—the coil growing tight and ready to snap. He nudged your cheek with his until you pulled back a bit to face him.
“I want to see you,” he murmured, sucking your tongue into his mouth for a moment and tearing himself away so he could watch as you came undone around him.
You gave him a strange, soft look and pressed your forehead to his, eyes zoned in on only him.
The rest of the room, the whole fucking basement and campus melted away under that stare.
Your nipples peaked through your shirt, brushing against his as you were jostled into him by the movement of your hips. As you reached your peak, words devolved into increasingly breathy gasps. It took Spinner an incredible amount of concentration not to fucking paint your insides then and there.
Your pussy was so goddamn tight and warm and milking him just right, it was a fucking impressive feat to remain staunchly at the edge of his peak as your mouth fell open and your fingernails scratched at his back when you finally came—the telltale spasms around his cock and the near sobs coming from you more than enough indication.
He lost himself well and truly then.
Lost in the false sense of intimacy that came with being allowed to see you fall apart, this person he barely knew yet made him feel immensely important in that moment. Your breath and spit was in his mouth, the smell and feel of you soaking his length pushed him beyond the realm of conscious thought.
There was only a deep and burning need to be closer to you. So, so much closer.
His hands moved of their own accord, hooking under your thighs and flipping your bodies so your back hit the cushions and he hovered above you. The angle allowed him to slide deeper, pulling out and thrusting his hips in fast, hard strokes that hurtled him towards release.
Spinner couldn’t keep himself quite now either, panting and moaning and gasping unashamedly with his eyes screwed shut as you took his cock so unbelievably well.
It wasn’t until your hands, softer than he’d imagined, cupped his jaw and pulled him down to meet you that he was brought back down from whatever higher plane of existence his impending orgasm whisked him too.
Your lips weren’t nearly as frantic as the rocking of his thighs, the slap of his balls against your ass. The sweetness was an odd but welcome contrast.
“I’m gonna—fucking mm...” he tried so hard to get his tongue to form the words but he could feel himself slipping further as you started clamping around his length again.
“I know,” you breathed against his lips, faces pressed together and unmoving eyes steady on his own. “Ahh, inside if you want.”
He did want.
Oh fuck did he want nothing more in that moment to stay sunk in your warmth and pump you so full, but the last few remaining logical braincells reminded him that was not a great idea. Not without a more in-depth conversation neither of you was in a state to have.
“Shouldn’t...” he groaned and moved to pull out but your ankles locked around his ass and forced him back down.
“It’s okay,” you huffed and rocked into him, squeezing around the sensitive head of his dick just once, just right and that did him in.
It was something in the way you looked at him, so that he could feel nothing but secure—nothing but safe wrapped up in you. Something about the way you pressed him closer, in the movement of your thumb on his cheek.
It scratched some deep seated, lonely itch in Spinner.
Made it feel like this meant a hell of a lot more than it probably did.
In seconds he was blowing his fucking load right into you, milking himself in your heat until he was spent and overstimulated. You were kind enough to pull him to you, turning your bodies so you laid side by side on the coach, his softening cock slipping from you in a gush of release.
For a minute or so, neither of you spoke, just stared, long and comfortable at the stranger you’d just fucked on the gaming club couch.
Fucked wasn’t really the word he’d use at that point to describe what you’d just done, but anything more than that felt presumptuous.
You broke the silence as he nuzzled into your palm.
“You really needed that didn’t you?”
Spinner couldn’t help the familiar, infectious laugh that rattled in his chest. He liked the smile it earned him, far more genuine than any others you’d worn that night.
“Uh, yeah,” he said. “Yeah, I guess I did.”
You hummed, nodding in response. “Mm, me too.”
And somehow, for no real logical reason, Spinner knew you understood. That you felt the same isolation, the same starvation for love, for holding weight in someone else’s world.
That the games were just a placeholder, a way to fill the space, to get lost in other lives, in other stories where he did matter. Where his actions had foreseeable and measurable worth. That’s why it hurt to lose. Not for the glory, but for the destruction of the only remaining diversion from how empty his reality felt.
Even if it wasn’t really.
Even if there were friends and benefits and friends who offered both. His roommate could let him rest his head in their lap on movie nights or sleep in his bed on occasion when the heat went out and he got cold too quickly. But none of that quite filled the hole like you now, holding his face and knowing the struggle without him having to explain it.
Nothing like you pulling him in and kissing him too familiarly for someone he’d only known a day.
Magne used to say something about shit like this. Something like how people bond in train cars when there’s a rat eating a slice of pizza and you all watch it happen. Some weird camaraderie forged in the shared experience of life being a little fucking freaky a lot of the time.
That was how it felt when you slipped your leg between his and brushed your lips together again. Content to lay, half naked in the media building basement, making out with some guy you beat at Smash and fucked right after.
Reveling in the brief but meaningful feeling of mattering in some small, strange way to someone else.
Of holding weight.
Of being held.
101 notes · View notes
sly-merlin · 4 years ago
KILLING ME - 12 |n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au.
warnings of this chapter : mentions of blood and brutality. For future chapters, major character death(s).
words : 
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
“  curiousity got the cat hitched”
K.M masterlist
A/n : this was supposed to be a longer chapter. The Tumblr was bring problematic since three days. This is not how the chapter was supposed to end but i couldn't post anything longer than this so i had to make changes to end it on a surprise tone like other chapters. I hope you still enjoy it.
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Was he asking for too much?
His unsteady hand rose and fell, internal monologue stopping him from knocking on the door. Johnny wasn't sure how he even ended up outside taeyong's door. One second he was fighting with his thoughts and the next second he found himself jumping out of his car, almost ready to confront the person behind the door. 
He took a deep breath and was about to drum the wood when the door opened from inside, taeyong's sleepy figure greeting him instantly.
"John. Why are you here so late? Do you need something?"  from red pressed strikes on taeyong’s face, anyone would have guessed that he had been sleeping.
“Johnny! I’m talking to you.” he waved his hand in front of johnny’s distracted eyes.
“Do you want something?”
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Your life was back on the wagon. Not truly but with a few exceptions here and there, it certainly felt like the old days. You were in chois on weekdays and took tuitions on the weekends. You met your friends while visiting the library and everything felt quite normal. Even with a few oddities, that being the five day training sessions with Jungwoo, some new people in your life, a residence that you felt happy coming back to, absence of someone that you’d never grown a liking for, everything was smooth. Just like before. The only thing you missed was some time. Time for yourself. Though you lived alone, which was a luxury nearing its end, you barely got a few minutes alone with your mind and that was something you craved more than the drink shoved in your hand at the moment. 
You loved your friends, without any doubt, but they lived with the bad habit of disregarding your feelings, feelings that said you would be anywhere but the restaurant you were sitting in. 
“y/n is going into hibernation again.” minjun’s voice broke your trance.
“What did you say?" You challenged him but he cowered in his seat and turned his focus on the soggy french fries instead. When he silenced, yugyeom spoke up, 
“Yo y/n. Don’t scare the child. Just drink away your sorrows. The wine is quite expensive here. If you are making me pay then at least make it worth it."
Suddenly, Jungkook's loud snorting caught everyone's attention as they all quietened, waiting for him to reveal the reasons for his action. Swirling his burgundy glass, he chugged the last bit of the drink before leaning backwards in his chair, relaxing himself.
"Now what's the drama with You" Yeong grumbled, clearly intoxicated. 
"She's already hammered" minjun giggled. 
"When are you going to invite us to your house y/n?" Jungkook chimed in, a smirk plastered on his blushed face. 
"Oh yes. Ms. Lawyer no more l-lives i-in the d-dorms." Yeong hiccupped, losing the grip on the bottle of soju. Yugyeom chuckled at her antics before snatching the bottle away to avoid any fuss.
"I also meant to ask you but you are never available for more than an hour or so. Are you doing alright" gyeom shifted his chair towards you while keeping a hand on his girlfriend's back.
You didn't know how to reply or what to trump up so they'd stop pestering you. However, you had no other choice than to continue with the streak you had started a few months ago.
"Of course i want to have you there but my roommate is very, how to explain, very bitchy. He got this corporate job and he-he works from home so I'm supposed to pretend like I do not exist and keep quiet. That includes no outsiders as well. It's gonna be like this for a few months i guess"
You mumbled the last part.
 You averted your eyes but didn't mean you could've escaped their intense judgemental gaze. You repeated the whole lie that you recited to arrange it in the box of deceit that you were filling since the commencement of these stories. Forgetting any of these would mean shattering their trust. And that was exactly what you were supposed to protect.
Once reiterated, you gathered how foolish the sentence was. Had it been said to you, there wasn't a chance of putting your belief in it. But your company was drunk enough to believe it; two of them were enough to carry the whole table.
"Wow. How horrible of him. We should take y/n with us yugy. She'd be happy and she can invite anyone." Yeong low-key let out a little drunk growl to press her point. 
Yugyeom cooed at her before replying,
"And where will you live? Our apartment has only two rooms and both are occupied. Where do you plan to settle down instead?"
His question made her think harder than she ever had in life as she picked at her jutted out lower lip. 
"Laundry room. You and me, will live in the laundry room because y/n needs a nice home."
"I already have a nice home yeongie." You took the opportunity, got up and reached out to pinch her cheeks, "but you won't know unless you are sober. Take her home, yugy. I'm also sleepy so I'll get going. See you on Tuesday." 
" It's already 11. Let me drop you home." Jungkook suggested, startling you.
"No It-
"Yeah you drop her. I'll take Yeong and minjun home but help me in carrying their asses to the car please." Yugyeom pleaded. He left the bills on the table and took Yeong in his arms. You expected jungkook to do the same but he passed minjun your shoulders instead,
"Wait for me outside. I have to call someone first." and he walked away, his lover grinning on your shoulder like it was the funniest thing in the world but you were fine as long as their drunken state saved you from some heavy confrontation. The only person left was jungkook and you had the perfect idea to dodge him as well. 
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"So the same place or are you staying in the dorms this weekend?" He asked, driving out of the busy street.
"Just drop me at the nearest bus station. I'll ta-
"Nakamoto residence or the dorms y/n" you almost choked on the air as the word left his lips. Taking a bus home had seemed like the perfect plan but you had overvalued your common sense. Again.
"What are you talking about?" With hesitation evident in your voice, you muttered.
"Do you really think you'd go to a random house in front of me that I know nothing about and you'd be left alone without questions. I was there until the door was opened by someone. You really thought I'd have left you with a stranger. But i knew something was fishy when the receptionist told me that it's a home sweet home of Mr and Mrs nakamoto. Now spill before I get yugyeom to ask in his own way." He shifted the gears in frustration, your relaxed persona bothering him to no end. Getting jungkook wokred up wasn't a grunt work. He was like a matchstick, always ready to be ignited by any possible frictional surface. 
"It's not what you are thin-
"Don't lie please," he started, words dangerously polite, "If he's your boyfriend then there's no need to hide y/n. We would always be there to support you. When, how, why, i don't want you to feel pressured to answer me. Just because you go around with no commitment tag doesn't mean we'd judge you if you ever got in a relationship. We love you. Make us part of your life like we do. Can't we just expect that much." 
You gulped at how disappointed he sounded. He was right. You needed to include them in your life adventures but how were you supposed to explain him the riots you were dealing with. How were you supposed to spill everything without him getting his sword out. That would only lead to more troubles than you had the power to deal with. Trouble for you, him and for everyone who'd be passed that secrecy. 
So you begged, for some more time until you'd be more than comfortable to let all of them into your present life. 
Like every other word, this was also a lie that, in the first place,  you never chose to proceed with. 
He might have give in to you, but you knew eventually you'd have to muster up the courage to answer him and that day would decide another turn of your future. 
And you would make sure, inter alia, to shift the wheels in a more likeable direction.
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“Use your fists!” 
Jungwoo’s grip was strong. His one arm was holding your waist and the other was around your neck. It was painful but you knew he wasn’t going to let go easily this time. This was the third consecutive scuffle or demo fight with him within the span of the last forty five minutes and having lost the last two, awfully at that, expectation of some mercy was not very demanding on your part. But only if he would grant that! You heard his chuckle as you wriggled in his hold. He was clearly having a lot more fun than you were. There was no way you could’ve applied renjun and hyuck’s advice but you still tried to follow their vague instructions.
“Bit his arm and turn.”
“No, don’t. Turn around and hit his torso with your knees.” 
Bit him?
Halting your movements, a low grunt left your lips as you lowered your body and pressed your teeth on his flesh. He screeched and immediately retracted his arm. Taking advantage of his loosened grip on your waist, you whirled around and raised your knee to strike at his upper body. In an instant, your hands fell on your knees and you inhaled a harsh breath, regaining your strength. Jungwoo, on the other hand, was curled up on the floor like a baby. You wanted to laugh at him but the more astonishing thing was the lack of any noise from your cheerleaders. Right from the start, they were rooting for you like you were earning them some hard cash and now that you had done exactly what they had wanted, they were silent. 
you opened your mouth to speak but their lack of attention held you back. Their eyes were fixed at Jungwoo,who still laid where he had landed. 
“What did you do?” renjun shrieked.
“Exactly what you told me to!” you replied with heavy breathing.
“We said torso!”
“Yes and i hi-
Mechanically your hand slapped your face as you noticed the position of jungwoo’s hands. You had, mistakenly, kicked him in the groin which only meant more trouble for you. 
“Save me.” you mouthed to hyuck and renjun while approaching jungwoo. 
“Sorry teacher.” you mumbled.
He remained quiet for a few seconds and didn’t make any movement. When he did, you took a few steps back, afraid of his wrath. Palms down on the mat, he sat up and with painfully quiet voice spoke up,
“Looks like you won. Good j-job. I think i need to visit the medical room. You can go and celebrate.”
“Does it pain too much” pointing to his crotch and averting your eyes, you asked.
“No. not at all but i might need to adopt your kids someday. You know if i can’t make my own.” 
“Sorry” you cried.
“Dismissed.” his civil tone, probably due to the ache, glued you in the position.
When you didn't move, donghyuck came, took you by your arm and guided you for the door.
"He's just being dramatic. Just chill. Another hit and he'd be good to go." He giggled and was soon joined by renjun as well, who was now crouching down in front of jungwoo. 
"You sure?"
"If he doesn't then you can always give him your baby. Ofcourse after asking your husband." Only after he rambled, he realised what he had actually said. His face screamed surprise. To save him from spiralling into deep shame, you eased him by cutting off his apology,
"Ew hyuck. Give him one of yours if you want. Don't come for mine!" And you exited the door.
You were halfway through the basement when you realised the lack of your device. Running back, you were about to shout when you overheard their gossip.
"No, I'm telling you she meant to injure me so i won't teach her anymore or this might be the revenge of all the weapon training. Her knee is stronger than jeno's punch. Don't laugh at me you shits."
Jungwoo was whining. 
"Haha. Yeah ok. But i told you renjun, she's physically stronger than her. Kind of totally opposite." Hyuck's voice quietened at the end but before he could speak further, you interrupted,
"Like who hyuck?"
Their faces went blank at your question and the reason of sudden heaviness in the air was beyond your contemplation. 
"You don't want to answer? Fine. Maybe it's not my place to question." You simply stated before circling the mat to pick up your phone from the chair.
"No. It's not li-
"It's fine hyuck. Chill." You shrugged and walked away, deciding against pestering them for information that they clearly felt too uncomfortable to share. 
"You need a fucking lock on your bloody mouth." was the last thing you heard before they were out of your hearing.
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What was the need to ask something when you knew you won't ever get an answer out of them. Everyone was beyond friendly with you but still, there were some borders that nobody dared to cross. Maybe the mention of that woman was one of them. Fear of some unknown ghost of embarrassment was swallowing you whole when you heard grunts. Loud ones. You were still in the basement, the scuffle center being at the far end. The stairs were in front of you. The  snarls and growls were coming from the other end of the basement. The election wasn't hard and you didn't want to give in to your curiosity but you did. Your feet, not cooperating with the voice in the back of your head that told you to turn away, took you ahead in the direction of the noise. Though the residence consisted of only one plot but the basement covered two. Unknown to everyone, the house next to B.N was also their property and it was only utilised for the underground space. Hence the never ending lane and the countless closed metal doors.
The echo got louder with each step you took. It’s been more than a month since you were visiting the basement but those noises had never crossed through you until today. The end doors were forbidden for you, according to what you were told but now that you were exposed to it, there was no chance of ignoring. No prudent person would ever overlook such a thing. That was the justification you were repeating as you took baby steps.
All the doors were closed except one at the very far end. You thought about peaking inside then halted as if your conscious called you. The whimpers also stopped for a minute or so but your heart skipped a few beats when a collision following with painful shriek reverberated in the empty space. The door, slightly ajar, was just a few strides away but you were too startled to even back away from your position. Same pattern of hit and shouts continued again. Unaware of the happenings, you stood there as If you were waiting for someone to separate you from the concrete beneath your feet.
Adding to your distress, the metal door opened abruptly and you realised, you were again at a place where you weren't meant to be.
"What are you doing here?" Jaehyun's growl broke you out of the unconscious state you had fell into. Mechanically, you eyes roamed across him to notice a body lying on the table inside the room, strained cries escaping his lips. The limp body was enough to put two and two together to conclude that he was being tortured. He was a victim of jaehyun's wrath. 
"I asked what ar-
"Y/N!" he picked up his hand to touch your shoulders but you distanced yourself when you noticed the stains covering his clothing and hands, the blood red prominently visible even under the low light. 
His gaze caught yours in time and his eyes softened noticing the fear in your body. 
Very slowly, he reached out for you but immediately stopped, taking a note of your quivering lip.
"Hey. It-its not blood. I ca-can explai- Y/N!" 
The yells of your name covered the whole arena as you rushed away, leaving a dazed jaehyun behind.
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"Who was it jae?" 
Jaehyun saw your trembling figure diminishing while you ran away from him as if you were disgusted by him. Not that he expected any other reaction, some good time has passed since someone innocent had came across their work. To say the least, it was never pleasant to have someone witness their harsh manners.
"Y/n. She saw the body and also the blood."
He mumbled to ten whose visage, upon hearing, instantly mirrored jaehyun's.
"What about him?" Ten pointed to the man, "he's not speaking shit"
"Finish him off if you want. I need to handle something else now"
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You raced as fast as you could have. You had never thought of yourself as a weak person but the sight was gruesome to just disregard and walk off. With shaking legs, you finally made it upstairs but the ringing, only became more earsplitting. Your hand harshly rubbed at your chest as you tried to defuse the tension bubbling in your whole body. After what felt like minutes, you covered your ears as if it would stop the ringing. It certainly did not but surprisingly it was muffled. You removed your hands and the blaring returned again. But this time, you laboured yourself to look into your surroundings. You saw chenle, jisung, jaemin running back and forth from the kitchen while doyoung seemed to be scolding jeno for something. Few others were also there, cleaning the couches and spraying some fragrance in the air. Everyone seemed to be their own turmoil, origin was which was yet to be known.
That's when it hit you. Maybe your ears weren't booming due to fright. 
"Chenle"you screamed at the passing boy, "do you hear this sound?" You pointed your fingers in the air to exaggerate your point. He merely nodded before he went past you and the very next second the noise was reduced to mere buzzing. You inhaled sharply to regulate your heartbeat but failed due to the ruckus  that enclosed you. Suddenly jaemin emerged, 
"Why are you so disheveled? Go and change from these workout clothes. Uncle is outside. Didn't you hear the alarm." Only Half of his words entered your head and before you could come to your senses, you were interrupted again.
"Y/n my girl!" Whipping your head, you saw a familiar figure entering the threshold. 
An old man that you surely had seen somewhere. 
His voice was a lot stronger than his aged body which he was dragging along with the help of a walking stick. 
Jaemin nudged you to greet him and you complied as soon as could have in your current state. Only when you got closer, you realised he was the same man you had met in the office celebration. You haven't seen him since then but he looked significantly weaker than before. Even with dark circles present, his face still was still shining with the smile he wore as he staggered inside. 
"How's life treating you my kid" he asked, patting the empty space on the couch. You took the seat and replied in a small voice,
"I'm good. Everything is nice." 
"Why am I smelling Jasmines this late in the evening?" He sniffed the air and galred at doyoung, " Do you take me for a fool? One thing! Cleaning. that is the only thing i ask of you. There are- how many of you are present since the morning. Answer me doyoung." 
The man barked and doyoung muttered a sheepish apology, his head dropping with shame. 
"Each one of you is nonsense. If you'd just clean up your stink once in a while, you'd save your money on the thousands of spray bottles you buy every month. But you thick heads only know how to shoot and punch. Now get me a glass of water before i die of this fake flowery smell"
He shouted like he owned the place and Maybe he did. Your mind and heart were not aligned up to comprehend the simple scenario that took place before you, the dizziness coming and going with intervals.
Then you were called again. 
Looking at your right, your saw jaehyun standing, his face ridden of any colour.
You noticed his new shirt. There was no blood on it. His hands were also cleaned and you were stunned at how quickly your eyes were running on his body to find any trace of what you saw in the basement a few minutes ago.
"y/n, i need to talk to you" 
For the first time, jaehyun's words were directed towards you without any poison in them. 
You still didn't wish to face him so you moved yourself to face the old man.
"Y/n ple-
"Now you don't even greet your own father jung jaehyun."
He spoke with a steadier and louder voice that felt like it was only meant for jaehyun. The contrast in his tone was striking. 
He was jaehyun's father.
"Sorry dad. I have something imp-
"I called you in the morning to inform yuta and taeil and yet i do not see anyone here. Do i need to die for you to respect me!"
You couldn't believe your ears when jaehyun answered in shuddering tone. 
"Yu-yuta is not here." 
He sounded like a child responding to his teacher, scared of some evaluation.
"Then call him."
"I mean he's away on business dad."
It was like hearing Morse code.
"You sent him on a target place?"
"No. He's in Nice to collect information."
"Wow. Can you please clap your back for breaking the only sacred rule this family lives by?"
The silence in the extremely large living room was suffocating. This time, except you, everyone else was scared. And it still wasn't of any help.
"How dare you send a family man away on anything remotely dangerous. I thought you all were careful after taeil's incident but no. Nobody cares enough t-
Before he could complete, shaky coughs engulfed his body. Somehow, jaehyun grabbed him the moment he was about to fall from the couch. Doyoung ran for the kitchen while xiaojun, who was always too swift in his movements, came to the living room with a medical box.
You weren't sure what was happening with him or why he was being treated like some high mighty force or why he was so adamant on bringing yuta back but you could only pray that his wish won't be granted.
You weren't cruel but you were sure he'd be able to survive without that piece of shit roaming around.
You couldn't lose the few weeks you had without him.
Taeyong hands clutched yours like his life depended on you.
"Please please please y/n. It's been over a month since he's gone. I never withdraw from a deal. But this is an emergency. Uncle doesn't know you both were forced. He is a soft and weak hearted man. We cannot afford to tell him anything like this and clearly this would be seen as a betrayal to him. You both are nothing like what he's told but he doesn't need to need. He's the only father figure we have. Please just this time. I promise I won't ask anything from you after this. You do not need to live with him. he'd be here until two months are over. Please."
You lifted your brow at his last sentence and liberated your hands from his, feeling his trembling fingers. 
"I don't see the need to lie anymore, taeyong. You can tell him the truth and be over with it. If he has jaehyun as a son, he must be used to hearing blatant lies. This won't be the only one, I'm sure of that." Crossing your arms, you coldly said.
"I know you hate me but please y/n. You know how it is to lose the only family member you have. We have no one besides him. Never had anyone before him. The least we can do is keep him happy until it's too late. Please. Just this time."
Gobbling down each word, you merely nodded at him. If it weren't for his glossy eyes, you'd have threw up on him right after the first pleading but you weren't heartless like him. He was right. You knew how it felt to lose your loved ones, a fate you would never wish upon anyone. Not even the person you despised the most.
"Thank you. I owe you this one kiddo." He hugged you and you pushed him away. 
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"Let me call him."
"You need to come back immediately "
Taeyong spoke with urgency.
"Nope. I still have Three weeks and two days left." You heard his non-chalant words through the speaker.
"Yuta it's abou-
"Sorry I'm busy with my french girls. Call you later and please forget to take care of yourself."
And he hung up. 
A smirk formed on your face watching the grim expressions of taeyong.
"Good luck convincing him and while you are going to explain him the difference between the French girls and the French monkeys he has mistaken as women, why don't you explain me what exactly jaehyun does in that other end of the basement. I love some good stories, taeyong. So let's hear how good of a storyteller are you!"
taglist :: @kpop-choco @moon-yuta @kawaiiayasan @btm-taeyong @exfolitae @lanadreamie @cheersskznct @hyuckiesgf @theworld-accordingtocasey  @yiyi4657 @sorrywonwoo @sillywinnergladiator @minejungwoo @leesalts  @mal-nakamoto23 @ro2424 @itlittlefangirl @nctzens-world @bl--ankhaeji @simplybree @ncttboo @jeaneteflo @nuoyii @/bralessmermaid
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gaylittlesnoopy · 3 years ago
yes I am posting about my roommates again however this is a somewhat positive post idc if you read I just wanna talk abt it :)
so I went out with my roommate (C) who recently got back with her ex-boyfriend bc I had only ever heard stories about him and never met him so I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and get to know him on my own. some of our other friends in our friend group knew C's ex and weren't bothered about the fact that they got back together so I was like ok well I want to form my own opinion since I don't know him at all.
K & D (my roommates who drank my wine and who I'm bitching about in p much all of my roommate posts) have been very... tense about C and her bf's relationship and have generally been unhappy about it. K never met bf but knew C when they were last together, D is in the same boat as I am but doesn't like the bf p much just because K doesn't like him, which is fine bc it's like yeah that's your significant other and you should be supportive but also you can be your own person?
K's been kind of immature about it, last week she cornered me in the kitchen and cried about C not wanting to be friends with her anymore and how she doesn't tell her anything and doesn't listen to her advice about going back to her bf but I'm like... bro can you blame her? K's literally said "as long as I'm home he is not welcome in the apartment" and if she sees him at our house she's going to be "as unwelcoming as possible". like I understand if you don't like the guy but a) you don't have to be that rude b) you DEFINITELY don't need to be saying shit like that in our groupchat and c) it isn't just your house!!! holy shit!!! like it's one thing to feel that way but how the fuck are you gonna sit there and make decisions about the whole house when you are 1/4 of the fucking population and ESPECIALLY since we squeezed your fucking partner into our 3 person bedroom to help y'all mitigate costs and be able to see each other??? anyways just another instance of her acting like she's the only fucking person in the world who matters and also having the biggest victim complex I've ever seen :)
ANYWAYS that little rant aside I went out with C and bf last night and first of all, I like the bf! he's really nice, I could tell he's trying really hard to make a good impression on C's friends and he talked about how he stopped using any drugs after they broke up and he's still sober, which I admire! and C seems really happy and they do compliment each other's personalities really well, so I'm happy for them
but the BIG thing was that C and I started talking about ALL the bullshit K and D have been pulling in the house, just like how much space they take up, how they take food/drinks that aren't there's because they "can't remember what they bought", get defensive when we ask them to do/not do things but then try to dictate house rules, and just generally how they're very inconsiderate people to live with. and holy shit it felt SO GOOD to talk about it with someone who watched everything go down and was also able to help me feel validated/hold me accountable for ways I reacted/the way I've been feeling???
she didn't really want to talk about it before because she just didn't want to have a super tense environment in the apartment which I completely understand, I'm p much doing the same thing by walking on eggshells before I leave just so I don't have to deal with more bullshit while I'm trying to finish up my year. K just has the most intense victim complex, C brought up the fact that she's never in the wrong (about things in the apartment or outside the apartment) and I realized she was totally right. it's never her fault when something happens and she's always got some fucking reason we should feel bad for calling her out or being mad in the first place. and then D is just an echo chamber for her, half of their interactions are just them telling each other that their feelings are valid which sounds like such a mf stereotype but that's literally how it is.
but anyways TL;DR my other roommate made me feel much better about these past two years and how I've been feeling/reacting to my roommates so now I just feel more relaxed about wrapping up this chapter of my life and living with people who actually know how to be considerate :)
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