#and my man graham's up next
passionsafire · 1 year
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"Hmm... seeing so many of these transformable fighters all in one place is making me feel nostalgic," Graham Aker says, musing to himself as he overlooks the hangar bay he and the other pilots docked in the other night. The Valkyries they have stored here seem to have captured his rapt attention.
He chuckles under his breath. "I almost feel like I'm back in the Over Flags again... what a strange feeling."
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lilgynt · 10 months
i would be less of a holiday villain if my mom and brother could be less annoying about my mom being a boy mom
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bluetimeombre · 1 month
・❥ 'Are you Hugh down under?' p2
You and Hugh were the stars of the biggest movie, Wolverine and Ladypool, and fans love the two of you.
[Here's p2, thank you for loving the last one and being as obsessed as I am. I hope i got everyone on the tag list and the second part to Ladypool and Wolverine is on its way. Again this isn't proof read, this is just vibes. There's some sexual innuendos and sexist comments that Hugh is at the rescue for. Also, i'm British so half of these interviews just end up being British icons]
part one
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You and Hugh being in love for twenty-five minutes (part two)
2017, Y/N heart monitor
You were doing an interview for your latest movie with Nick Grimshaw on BBC radio one. It was a new thing he'd come up with, trying it with you for the first time as you were hooked up to a heart rate monitor.
'Is it working?' asked Nick. 'Is she alive?'
You help him put the stickers onto you. 'It's like, there's nothing there,' you joke with them.
'She's a robot.'
The beeping began and it found your heart beating at a steady pace, a good start.
'So, I'm going to show you a series of images and we're just gonna see how you react to these images, ok?' he asked.
You grin, nerves kicking in. 'Ok.' It could have been anything. And boy were you right.
Some of them were fine, easy, normal. A picture of a co-star the heart rate was fine, a pair of shoes that you wore a lot, a picture of cash and an ex that had it risen but not alarmingly.
'And finally,' Nick picked up an image. 'Hugh Jackman! How does he make you feel?'
Your cheeks go red and you laugh. 'I hate you all so much, um, Hugh Jackman?' you were too busy laughing. Once you had made a joke about Wolverine and how good looking he was, now it was following you everywhere.
'Heartbeats rising!' Nick cheered as you covered your face. 'Heartbeats the highest it's ever been, eighty-five, up to ninety! One hundred!' he claps.
You bang your head on the table, finally finding control over yourself. 'I can't believe you all.'
Nick slid the picture over to you. 'Here, you can take that one home with you.'
'Thanks. He looks great there, doesn't he?' you say. 'A classic, Hugh Jackman picture.'
'Yeah, you like it?' he teased.
You grinned. 'That's going on my wall when I get home.'
The Graham Norton show
You and Hugh had walked out, waving at the adorning crowd that cheered as you took the sofa.
‘Hello! Hello!’ Graham called.
The two of you looked the pair as you smiled and sat next to each other in spite of the space on the sofa.
‘Sofa to ourselves, i like that,’ you say, lying back.
‘The other guests were too intimidated,’ said Graham. ‘Now, was the walk out ok for you guys, Hugh, are you happy?’ He asked.
Hugh frowned. The crowd laughed. ‘It was very good, thank you.’
‘Because, is it true- and Y/N correct me if I’m wrong, you had a specific song you walked out onto set with?’ He asked.
Immediately knowing what he was talking about, you laugh while Hugh hangs his head and sighs.
You sat straight and took to explaining while patting his back. ‘You see, it’s very tough for Hugh to get into character as Wolverine sometimes. So the only way was to get him out the trailer was to play a specific song.’
‘Ok, ok so shall we do it again, this time with the song?’ Graham proposed. He ushered you both backstage, Hugh squeezing your shoulders as you went.
‘Whatta a man’ by salt and pepper started playing and you led the way out for Hugh who danced his way out. The crowd clapped along as Hugh shows his moves and ended with dipping.
‘Oh wonderful!’ Graham called as the two of you took your seats again.
For the rest of the interview thing went very smoothly.
‘Now is is true that the first time you met, Hugh, you didn’t actually meet Y/N?’
Hugh again huffed and shook his head. ‘This show is all to embarrass me, isn’t it?’
‘Makes a change honestly,’ you say.
Hugh looked back to you and started to tell the story. Through out, his body had moved toward you, his entire presence facing you despite talking out to everyone. ‘When I first walked on set, you know, at the ready, I was very excited to be there and even more excited to meet this wonderful lady here. And I got suited up, you know, went to hair and makeup and one of our first shots was quite a challenging one, a big stunt.’
‘Big,’ you agreed, taking a sip of your drink. You knew where the story was going.
‘Yea, so anyway, I walk over to Y/N whose already in her suit. Looks great by the way. Anyway so I start introducing myself and saying hello and how thankful I am for being here, a real heart to heart you know-‘ he says, ‘and then Y/N walked in and i realized I’d been speaking to her stunt double the whole time- whole time!’
The crowd laugh as do you, almost choking on your drink.
Wolverine and Ladypool press:
You and Hugh sat with each other all day doing press. You kept it light with jokes between the two of you, working through the people and questions.
One particular interviewer just had to get his answers though. ‘So your suit,’ he starts, looking to you. ‘It’s very tight and eventuated several parts of you, did you find that hard to manoeuvre around?’
Hugh answered before you had the chance to open your mouth. ‘I found it very easy to move around in. You know, first x-men movie, not so much but these suits, are perfect.’
The guy chuckled, it was clearly forced but you thanked Hugh for taking the question, patting his knee. ‘Can you wear like panties with them or thongs, cause they are skin tight.’
‘I’ll take this one!’ Said Hugh again. ‘I go commando, but that’s just because I like it.’
‘He does, he does like it,’ you nod, grinning. ‘He’s going commando right now actually.’
The guy tried one more time to ask you a question about the suit. At this rate, your entire body turned to face Hugh. ‘Do you feel sexy in the suit?’ He asked you.
‘Very,’ said Hugh.
After that, Hugh made several vulgar comments when you were alone, but luckily for you, Hugh was your own superhero.
Buzzfeed quiz
'Hello!' you greet the camera, holding your phone to your chest. 'I'm something-something Jackman.'
'And i'm the greatest actress of all time,' said Hugh.
You deflated, looking at him. 'Oh, well now I just look like a dick.'
'No, it's ok,' he shrugged. 'One of us has to look like a dick.'
The two of you were doing quizzes for Buzzfeed, answering if you're more Ladypool or Wolverine. Although you were sat next to each other, you'd both craned your bodies back so the other couldn't see what you were putting in, like it was a test.
'We're really competitive with each other,' Hugh told the crew.
'Yeah, not with anybody else, but I have to- I just have to prove i'm better than Hugh Jackman at something,' you said.
'Who are you hoping to get?' asked the lady behind the camera.
'Oh, Ladypool, obviously,' you said.
Hugh nodded along, watching you. (Did this man ever not look at you?) 'I wouldn't be angry about getting Ladypool either.'
You tut. 'So quick to betray yourself.'
If you could have a super power, what would you chose?
You read through the options. 'I think telekinesis,' you said. 'Mainly just because I'm lazy and it would be so easy to pick up the tv remote or close the curtains. Very practical.'
'Yeah, that's a good one,' Hugh hummed about it for longer. 'Maybe healing ability.'
You roll your eyes, throwing your head back. 'That's such a Wolverine answer!'
'I know, but I'm getting old, be nice for things to not hurt a lot,' he said.
Who's your favourite MCU character?
Hugh scanned the options. 'I er, don't see Wolverine on here?' he looked around at the crew behind the camera's shaking his head.
'Can't get the staff these days- oh my god Spider-Man's on here!' you cheered, distracted.
'She loves Spider-Man,' Hugh told the camera.
'I do. I really do,' you agreed. 'If it wasn't gonna be Wolvie, it was gonna be Spidey,' you look into the camera, holding your phone to your ear, mimicking for Andrew Garfield to call you.
Hugh dragged his finger of his neck in a cutting off motion if he ever did.
Who do you pick to be your road-trip buddy?
'You have to pick the Wolverine, c'mon,' Hugh nudged you.
You looked through the options which all considered x-men. You hesitated, humming. 'I dunno.'
'We had great fun in the car!'
A red blush took over your cheeks as you re-called the multiple, multiple takes you and Hugh had to do. Hugh saw this and draped his arm over the back of your chair.
'Yeah, but that was- that was different, this is a roadtrip not a porn video in a car,' you joked. 'And Wolverine's like so serious, Rogue, she's so fun.'
'Woah, woah,' Hugh paused everything. 'Rogue is great, don't get me wrong. But who's better!' he pointed at himself. 'Wolverine's not grumpy with you, he loves you!'
You look over at him, grinning sweetly. 'No, you love me and it's judging your character.' For five minutes, the two of you argued over who you'd rather have as a road-trip buddy. Most of it got sped up during the video. 'Ok, fine, I pick Wolverine. Who are you picking?'
'Charles,' said Hugh even though Ladypool was on the list.
You faced the camera, mouth hung open as Hugh laughed loudly and gave you a side hug, assuring you it was a joke but he still clicked on Charles!
Which musical number would you want to perform with your 'Wolverine and Ladypool' cast mate?
'Oh, some great choices!' boasted Hugh as he read through them all.
You smile at him, eyes softening. 'You've awakened the musical theatre beast.'
'Y/n, there's so many good choices! What do we pick?!' he grabbed your hand and squeezed as you watched him with joy.
There was a few choices: 'Love is an Open Door,' from Frozen, 'The other side,' which Hugh obviously did for The Greatest showman. But there was also 'The Love Melody' from Moulin Rouge and 'You're the one that I want,' from Grease and when you both saw that you gave each other a look and knew which one you were picking.
By the end when your results came up you cheered and punched the air, practically jumping out you seat. 'Ladypool! God, this felt like my audition for the character all over again,' you wipe pretend sweat from your brows. 'What did you get?'
Hugh showed you his phone. 'Ladypool! I got Ladypool!'
'We're so alike!' you entwined your fingers. Slowly and dramatically the two of you leant in, pretending you were going in for what would have been a very wet kiss before you both pulled back and explained your answers.
You and Hugh with Alison Hammond again!
The interview with the two of you and Alison Hammond was pretty much the two of you flirting and Alison fangirling. Fans couldn't stop editing it together.
'Ok so obviously there's been a lot of competition between the two of you, so we need to settle who's better once and for all,' said Alison. 'So i've got a series of challenges for the two of you to complete but there's a twist.'
'We're naked!' said Hugh causing you to laugh. 'No, sorry.'
Alison handed you both each a boxing glove. 'I want you to put one on each and sign your autographs, which ever is close wins the point.'
'You're on, Jackman,' you said, already sliding your hand into the boxing glove.
Hugh gave you a cocky smile. 'I am so gonna win this, you know why? Cause you've given me a right boxing glove, but i'm left-handed!' he quickly got to scribbling his autograph.
'Fuck!' you cursed, struggling with your own. (It was bleeped out on this morning).
When you handed them both back to Alison it was obvious who the winner was. 'Thanks for this guys, it'll do numbers on Ebay.'
The two of you practically topple on each other with how hard you laugh.
Next you had to try to open a bottle of water with your gloves on and pour it into glasses and try drinking from it, both of which you failed at. Then the two of you just started fighting each other so Alison called it off like she was your teacher in a rowdy class.
'So, as I am a morning presenter, I thought I'd see how good the two of you would be if you had your own Hugh and Y/N morning show- so here's some guards, scoot closer, scoot closer,' said Alison.
The two of you took the cards and moved your chairs together until your thighs were pressed together. You waited for your cue before the two of you began your audition for your own morning show.
Hugh threw his arm around your shoulder, drawing you in.
'No, Hugh,' you denied, 'we must be professional on tv!'
Alison cackled. 'Yeah, you wouldn't do that on tv.'
Hugh looked offended at the both of you. 'We're re-defining what it means!'
You push him off you and hit him with your cards.
Hugh assesses the camera. 'Where's the shot? Above our chests, perfect, so I can do this.' And he puts his hand on your thigh, sprawling it out as you bite your lip to stop the grin.
'I'm taking this audition seriously, Hugh!'
Finally, the two of you start, acting as if it was a real morning show while Alison gave you pointers.
'Did you have a good weekend?' Hugh asked you (in reality all your weekends had been spent in his company) 'What did you get up to?'
You shrug. 'Nothing much.'
'No,' he interrupted causing you and Alison to laugh. 'When I ask a generic how was your weekend, you have to tell me a great funny story that we've set up before. So, Y/N, what did you do on your weekend?'
'I went fishing,' you said the first thing that popped into your head.
'Did you fall in?' he asked.
'I fell in.'
'That's hilarious!' the way he said it and the way he looked into the camera, caring about it just made you laugh so bad. 'Don't go anywhere, we'll see you after the break!' you were still laughing when Hugh wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your neck, making kissing noises and hiding behind the cards.
Even more at the premier
You and Hugh stood next to each other, him keeping an arm around your waist as you both listened to the interviewer ask you questions.
'So, Y/N, we found this interview from 2017 and we thought Hugh might like to take a look at it,' they said, pulling out their phone and clicking on a video.
As soon as it started playing, you knew what it was. 'Oh god.' you hid yourself, turning to Hugh as he watched.
It was the famous heart-rate monitor interview, where, when you saw a picture of a shirtless Hugh Jackman, your heart-rate spiked higher than any other picture.
Hugh was smiling the whole time and beamed at you when the video finished. 'You have that effect on me,' he assured you, leaning his head on top of yours and smiling at the interviewer.
'Y/N, do you still feel that way when you look at him now?' they asked.
'More,' you said, speaking loudly over all the noise. 'I feel it ten times more.'
And fans, anyone, could see how much the two of you were in love. Whether it was just flirting or if it was real, it was there and everyone was happy for you.
As the two of you walked off, the camera followed you. Hugh's head was bowed low, seemingly taking low to you as his arm remained around your waist and yours came up to rub his back up and down. He laughed loudly at something you had said before dropping a kiss to the top of your head and continuing on the journey.
(there probably won't be part three but I'm working on another compilation with you and Hugh)
taglist (thank you all!): @geeksareunique, @angstdaddy, @tranquilty, @gotta-go-now, @pear-1206, @chronicallybubbly
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shirozora-draws · 3 months
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So, uh.... how about that Kendrick vs. Drake Rap Beef 2024?!?!?!??!!?
In all seriousness, I had a mentally ugly April and so I want to thank the early May nuke that was Meet The Grahams blowing up my Twitter feed for getting me back on track. Sometimes you gotta pop out and hyperfixate on something really fucking different to get your brain back on track, which it did. The final draft of the next chapter is ready and waiting, and now I just need to get rid of all the goddamn rust and dust clogging up my arting gears.
I've done and posted multiple iterations of these designs through the years and they're buried in the archives but at some point I have to commit. That point is right now. I have to commit because these are going to be my visual guides for the next act of the story. Man, I hope I can pull this off. I want Din's look to be red for Aq Vetina and made up of scraps while he continues on his quest to rebuild himself. And I want Luke to have SOME color of some fucking kind and also I got tired of capes and thought the contrast to Din would be fun.
Grogu has some tweaks too but I need to stop dawdling and start thumbnailing for the chapter that is waitingwaitingwaiting for launch day so his little "design sheet" will come later. And once the chapter goes live, I'll spend the rest of the summer getting the pop-up shop up and running for pre-orders. Hopefully. Definitely. For sure.
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g4yforethan · 6 months
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pairing: leon kennedy x male!reader
summary: leon saves reader who repays him in the best way
warnings: cursing, smut, riding, praise k!nk
a/n: can u tell i'm obsessed with him? i’m almost done wit re4 and i don’t want it to be overr ;(
it was cold and dark in the small room those deranged villagers kept you hostage in. you were hungry and tired and just wished you would make it out alive of whatever they wanted to do to you. a bang on the door interrupts your thoughts as a man enters the room. you scream and try to hit him with the lamp on the ground. he grabs your arm and you both make eye contact. “y/n graham. i’m leon kennedy. i’m here to save you on behalf of the president.” you don’t know what to do so you run out the room towards an open window. leon catches up to you and grabs a hold of you again.
“hey listen to me! i know you’re scared but you need to trust me and right now we have to go!” as he says this, the villagers start to attack the both of you. “JUMP!” he says as he pushes you out of the window. the two of you run through the village while leon shoots any villager trying to get ahold of you. you make it to a safe room to catch your breath and collect your thoughts. “thank you leon! god why are all those sick fucks after us?!” he laughes and lays down to rest. “i’m just as confused as you are. best guess is this has to do with what happened 6 years ago.” you listen to him talk and lay down next to him.
“well thank you again for saving me. it’s been a while since i’ve had an interaction with a normal human being.” he laughed and groaned as he massaged his shoulder. “shit my shoulder.” you took this as a sign. “um here i can help. just try and relax.” he agreed as you started massaging his shoulder with your soft hands. “fuck your hands feel so good.” he moaned. he was slowly turning you on. you continued doing so until you noticed leon start to put his hand on his crotch. you both made eye contact as he begged for you to touch his cock.
you unzipped his pants and began massaging his thick and hard cock. he moaned as you started to pick up the pace slowly put his dick in your mouth. "mh your mouth feels so fuckin good." he said as his hands ran through your hair. "ugh fuck im gonna cum. sto-stop-" he said as you listened to his command. "take off your clothes baby boy." leon demanded as you quickly unzipped your pants and got on top of him. his dick slowly went inside your hole as he gripped your waist. "that's it. good boy. ride daddy's dick." he said as you continued riding his dick and leon gripping your ass and rubbing it. as you rode him, you started to pick up the pace while also leaving hickies on his neck. "oh god you're such a fucking slut. fuck im gonna cum." he said as you bounced on his cock. "cum in me leon."
leon moans as he fills your hole with his warm and thick cum. he kisses your chest and rubs your back as you continue to lay on top him him, the both of you still naked. "fuck i really needed that y/n. let's say nothing about this to anyone huh?" you smile and look at him. "of course leon. your secret is safe with me." you kiss his lips as he runs his hands through your hair.
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coryosbaby · 6 months
Time to Pretend .. Will Graham x student! Reader
Content warning . 18+ NSFW
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His sweet little moans sound so delicious in her ear that it almost seems right to be touching him like this.
Oh, and how sweet he looks. Her forensics professor leans against his desk, big arms gripping the edge of it as his pants rest at his ankles. His cock is red and achy in her hand as she rubs the tip of him with her palm.
He stays still for the most part, but boy does he make faces. His mouth dropped open, eyes scrunched closed as she whispers foul mouthed things in his ear. He whines when she kisses him firmly on the mouth, feverently pressing his lips against hers like a man starved. She pulls away from him with a small chuckle.
“Concentrate, professor.“
“Please,” he murmurs, breathless. Her thumb rubs over his cockhead and he fucks into her hand with shallow thrusts. “Please, baby— I can’t—“
“You can,” she coos. His glasses fall crooked on his nose, and she kisses him on the cheek before setting them straight. “Come on, professor Graham, don’t you want to be a good boy for me?”
The sound he makes is borderline pornographic. He nods, because yes, he wants to be a good boy for her, he wants it more than his next breath. He bites his lower lip to muffle his sounds— it’s a lunch break, and anyone could walk in.
“Look at you, honey,” she sighs out, hypnotized by the pre cum spilling over her fist. “You’re so wet. Practically dripping down my hand.”
“It’s.. it’s because you’re making me feel so good,” he breathes out. His hand reaches out to wrap around the wrist stroking him, and he doesn’t know if he wants her to stop or keep going because his brain has turned to complete mush. He assumes the latter, because he can feel his orgasm rapidly approaching when she twists her wrist a certain way. “You’re making me feel so good. Fuck— “He tilts his head back, eyes rolling. “ I’m— I’m close. I’m gonna—“
Her hand stops, pulls away from him so suddenly that he lets out a choked sob. Not again.
“No!” He whines, and reaches out to grab her fingers and put them back where they belong. She slaps his hand away.
“Did I say you could do that?” she asks, scolding. “Put your hands on the desk. Don’t fucking touch me, ever.”
He wants to scream. But his obedience doesn’t waiver now, and he digs his fingernails into the wood of the table. She smiles at this, her hands trailing up to his hips and squeezing them.
“You’re so pretty,” she praises, and tilts her head. “It’s too bad you’re such a brat.”
“I’m not.” he replies under his breath, almost annoyed. But not really— he could never be annoyed with her.
“What was that?”
“That’s what I thought,” she says, before wrapping her hand around him again. He sighs in relief, his cock so red that it’s almost purple. How long has it been since they begun this? Thirty, maybe forty minutes? He should be concerned about getting caught, but right now he’s too far gone to care.
There she goes again. Bringing Will to the edge, denying him. Over, and over, and over. Until some semblance of mercy is cast upon the poor man when he sees her pull down the front of her skirt. She tugs the waistband of her underwear open so he can see the top of her mound, and she directs the tip of his cock right above it. She jacks him feverently, telling him to squirt all over her aching pussy.
Will is excited, almost relieved of all of his fucking issues when she says this. It’s all going great— until the sound of a doorknob jingling reverberates through the room.
Panic surges through Will. He had locked the door (thank god), but now the person on the other side begins to knock.
He thought she would panic. She doesn’t.
“Better cum now, professor,” she teases, batting her eyelashes, and he bites into his wrist. “Cmon, baby, I’m finally letting you cum. Is a little audience really giving you cold feet?”
“(Y/N), I swear to God—“
He hears a voice from outside, one that seems to be looking for him.
Jack Crawford. He’s getting edged by one of his students, and the person to come knocking on his classroom door is Jack fucking Crawford. His forehead bumps against hers and his mouth falls open.
He can’t help what happens next. Maybe it’s all the pent up sensations, or the way her pussy looks so delectable and she’s begging for him to cum all over it— maybe it’s the fact that he might get caught. But the man’s mouth drops open, drool seeping out of the corner of it, and he finally, finally reaches his peak.
He practically drenches the girl’s panties, glazes the inside with sticky white and fights the urge to yell how thankful he is. She strokes him through his orgasm, a grin on her face at the sight of his spend coating her. The knocking sounds louder, but fuck it feels so good that Will could care less.
She pulls her hand away when he comes down. She smiles, her lips grazing the shell of his ear.
“Good boy,” she whispers, and he shudders.
“Will?” Jack’s voice sounds again, concerned almost. “Are you in there?”
The girl shakes her head— a signal. There’s a smile on her face as she sees Will’s distraught face. He stays silent.
It isn’t long before Jack leaves, going off elsewhere to find him. He hears retreating footsteps, and breathes a sigh of relief. Looking at her, his jaw clenches tight.
“Why did you do that?”
She shrugs. “Why not?”
He wants to be angry, but all he’s thinking about is the load that’s drying in her underwear. She kisses his cheek before she skips to the door, vacant on the other side.
“See you tomorrow, professor.”
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:: @mysticpenguincreation @nightmare-niko @iheartinkonpaper @claireyberryy @becauseseaotters @emmalandry @princesstiti14 @aerangi @kaithoughs @jamespotterismydaddy
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not-another-leon-blog · 7 months
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RE4! Leon Kennedy x Reader
Summary- You're Ashley's bodyguard. And the one Leon finds in the church instead. Word Count: 2086 Masterlist
Your leg bounced nervously, eyes trained on the hard stone floor beneath you. You’d lose your job for sure, you thought. It was supposed to be simple and had been for the past few years.
Protect Ashley Graham.
And yet here you were. Locked in an old church somewhere in Spain and with Ashley nowhere in sight. Occasionally, someone would wander into the church downstairs and you heard incoherent muttering. But almost as quickly as they came, they left and slammed the heavy door closed behind them.
Your mind was scrambled with ways to get out. You couldn’t jump out the window. The drop was so high you’d certainly break something or get a bitch of a sprained ankle if you were lucky. And the thick wood door was locked tight. You’d attempted to kick it down earlier but hadn’t made so much as a dent in it.
So you were left to wait. For whom or what, you didn’t know. All you knew was that whenever that door opened next, you’d need to act quickly. Either overpower them and run, or kill them and run. But no matter what, you needed to make sure that you escaped this room and found Ashley.
But where would they take her? Perhaps you could start with the village. And if she wasn’t there… well, you’d figure something out. Even if you died trying, you couldn’t leave this place without her.
You heard the church doors creak open again and froze, straining your ears to hear if anyone was coming. But something felt off. Usually, the door swung open so quickly that it slammed into the wall. This time it had opened slowly, cautiously.
You stood up and brought your ear against the door. Nothing but a muffled voice. Just barely, could you make out the footsteps coming closer.
Quickly, you pressed yourself against the wall and grabbed the nearest weapon you could find. You frowned at the candelabra you'd snatched but it would have to do.
The door creaked open and you held your breath. First, you saw the muzzle of a gun, then muscular arms and broad shoulders. Whoever this was, he was significantly bigger than you. You'd need to act fast.
You creeped out from behind the door as he moved further into the room. With the door wide open, maybe you could just make a run for it.
No. You couldn't have him chasing after you. The last thing you needed was to get yourself caught just moments after freeing yourself. Either you'd knock him out, or kill him.
He whipped around, gun aimed at your chest. You swung the candelabra, knocking the gun out of his hands. You swung again, only for him to catch it and rip it from your hands, tossing it aside. The air was knocked from your lungs as you were thrown to the floor, your shoulders pinned to the floor by his knees. The cool blade of a knife pressed against your throat as you glared up at him.
You lay there panting. There was no point in struggling against him– there was no way for you to throw him off. He was too big and too strong.
Disappointment washed over you like a tidal wave. The one chance you had to break free and find Ashley and you blew it. Still, you wouldn’t cower away from death. No matter how hard your heart beats against your chest. You’d stare him down and make him watch the life leave your eyes.
Blue eyes glared down at you and you braced yourself for the moment he’d slide his blade across your neck.
But it never came.
Instead, he leaned back and sheathed his knife at his shoulder.
“I’m gonna get off you,” he said slowly. “Don’t try to take my head off with a candle stick again.”
“Who are you?” you demanded, watching him with narrow eyes. Why didn’t he go in for the kill?
The man climbed off of you and got to his feet, offering you his hand to help you up. “I'm Leon,” he said. “I was sent on the president’s orders to get you and Ashley home safe.”
You stared at him for a moment, eying his hand suspiciously. Taking his hand, you let him haul you to your feet.
“You're a little young for a bodyguard, aren't you?” He asked, though there was no malice in his voice. 
You scoffed. “Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?”
His brows furrowed then he chuckled lightly. “Touché.” He reached for one of the pistols holstered at his hip and held it out to you. “I'm assuming you can use this?” A nod. “Good. I can get you extracted-”
“No,” you said immediately. “Not without Ashley.”
He nodded. “I’m gonna find her-”
“Then I’m going with you.” You stepped up to him, your eyes hard and your tone unwavering. “You and I both know POTUS doesn’t give a shit about what happens to me.” You were certain that you were already presumed dead back in the States. “Your chances are better with backup and you’ll have an easier time getting Ashley to trust you if I’m there.”
Leon wanted to argue, but it wasn’t like you didn’t bring up some good points. Ashley was most likely terrified and having a friendly face to help ground and guide her would be best. 
“Fine,” he bit out. “But you’ll do as I say.” As much as he didn’t want to risk your blood on his hands, he found that he didn’t want to be alone in this any longer than he had to be, especially given the hell he went through just to find you. There was no doubt in his mind that Ashley would be much more heavily guarded than you were.
“Fair enough.” You trailed after him and out of the small room. The church was quiet save for your footsteps echoing off the walls. He was about to start down a rusty ladder when something flickered in the corner of your eye. You stopped in your tracks, a hand on his shoulder. “We might have company.”
Leon cursed and crossed to the tall windows. There on the other side of the cemetery was a crowd of villagers, pitchforks and torches ready.
“They don’t look very friendly,” you commented beside him. 
“They’re not here for a campout, that’s for sure–”
A sharp sting in your temple nearly brought you to your knees. A voice whispered in your head. Though your eyes were squeezed shut, you saw the faint figure of a man wrapped in a purple cloak.
“The lost lambs are escaping,” the voice said. “Bring unto them salvation.”
As quickly as it started, the pain was gone and a loud BANG drew your attention downstairs. It was only a matter of time before the villagers found you up here. Before you could even think about putting together an escape plan, Leon was on the move.
He ushered you over close to the wall and knelt down. Above him was another ladder leading to the attic. Without a second thought, you scurried over and carefully climbed up on his shoulders, your hands braced on the wall in front of you for balance as Leon slowly stood up. Reaching for the ledge above, you pulled yourself up and kicked the ladder down for Leon.
A lone window offered the promise of escape. One glance down had your eyes wide. It was at least a ten-foot drop to a small wood platform below.
“Afraid of heights?” Leon asked as he came up beside you and examined the drop. There was no time to reply when he dropped himself down to the platform. He looked back up at you expectantly. “I can catch you.”
Taking a breath, you all but threw yourself out of the window. Your stomach dropped as the ground rushed to meet you, only to be stopped by Leon’s waiting arms. Not that you saw anything with your eyes screwed shut.
You met Leon’s gaze and your breath caught, a blush dusting your cheeks. For a brief moment, the world fell away, returning only when the sound of smashed glass met your ears.
“Leon?” You started. “You can put me down now.”
He blinked. “Right, uh, yeah.” He set you down and jumped to the ground, mud splashing beneath his feet. You dropped down behind him as he reached for his ear, likely communicating with his handler. “Roost, this is Condor One. I have Shadow Eagle, but no Baby Eagle.” He led you around the side of the church, listening carefully to whatever instructions were being given. “Copy that. Condor One out.”
“What’s the word?” You asked, trailing behind him to a small hallway. You watched him push a fallen bookshelf aside, eyes caught on how his arms flexed.
“I heard talk of someone being taken to that castle nearby,” he said quietly as the two of you reached the other side of the hallway. “Chances are it’s Ashley.”
You paused. “Then what made you come here?” Why not go straight to the castle?
He hesitated and glanced back at you. “That talk included two people and two locations. Can’t be too sure, right?”
When Louis had mentioned two people being carted off, Leon was sure that he’d find your body instead of nearly having his head taken off because you swung a candelabra at him. Even Hunnigan sounded surprised when he reported that he found you alive and kicking.
“What can you remember?” He asked as the two of you picked your way through the village.
“Not much,” you admitted. You reloaded your gun and pulled a boot knife from the body in front of you. With your jaw set and a glare, it was clear how much you blamed yourself. There had to be a thousand different thoughts running through your head. “I just remember leaving campus with Ashley and car trouble and then from there… nothing until I woke up getting dragged to that church.”
His eyes scanned over you, pausing when you rubbed your neck like something had bit you. “Everything okay?”
“It’s probably nothing,” you assured him. “I think that’s how they knocked me out.”
Leon stepped closer and gently moved your hand from your neck. There were two small punctures in your skin; one that had knocked you out and another that he suspected was used to inject you with whatever he had been injected with. 
“That voice from earlier,” you began, “did you hear it, too?”
“Yeah.” He continued through the empty village with you close behind. “The sooner we find Ashley, the better. You sure you don’t want that evac?”
You shook your head. “She was my responsibility. I’m with you until I’m dead or we find her.”
Well, he admired your resolve. There would be no persuading you and honestly, he only asked so you didn’t feel like you had to keep going. He wouldn’t have faulted you if you did choose to leave.
The bell tower that had stood tall in the village now lay in a pile of rubble blocking the way forward. No matter, he’d simply lead you through the house that survived the explosion. He pushed open the wood door and started to the stairs, wood creaking beneath his feet.
Your eyes scanned the house. It appeared empty and you suspected that Leon had already had a nasty encounter here. There were at least three bodies down on the first floor riddled with bullets.
“Not the homey type I’m guessing?”
“Yeah, they really rolled out the red car–” A man pounced on Leon, pinning him to the wall and forcing his gun out of his hand. With no clean shot, you dashed up the remaining steps and wrenched the man off of him, throwing him to the floor and driving your knife into his temple. He lay lifelessly beneath you and pulled the knife with a sickening squelch.
You turned to see Leon staring in surprise. “What?” You asked, sheathing your knife. “You’re not the only trained killer here.” It wasn’t something you were proud of but it was a necessary part of your life.
Leon snapped out of his trance. “No, no you did good, uh, just can’t say I’m used to having a partner.”
“Better get used to it then.” You picked up his gun and handed it to him. “Because you’re stuck with me until fate says otherwise.”
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Just Friends: Can I Take Your Order?
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Bucky pays you a surprise visit.
It’s giving
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Your work isn’t hard per se, but it can be chaotic. Still, your tips more than make up for all the running around, but not necessarily the ridiculous attire. You’re not entirely unhappy, it’s exciting even if it can be stressful. 
The diners always keep you on your feet. Literally. You run around, table to table, that night dressed as the infamous Dorothy who’s too far from Kansas. Somewhere around their, a lion, scarecrow, and tinman are taking orders and entertaining children at their seats. 
The themed restaurant isn’t really the place you would go, but it’s a family-friendly venue in a city overcrowded with more adult attractions. The money keeps a roof over your head. You won’t complain for that. 
The Oz room is overflowing and you can see more customers in the lobby. Please send them over to Mary Poppins’ Pop-In. You don’t have time to dread the new wave of diners as you bring a tray of desserts to a table with three blustering toddlers. You could never. 
“Anything else?” You ask as you put out the stemmed cups of banana pudding pie. 
“The check--” the father demands before he’s hit in the face with a stray straw. He grits back his agitation and forces a smile, “thanks.” 
You pick up the straw and leave him. As you do, you pass Graham, that night’s scarecrow. He lowers his voice as he follows you to the till. 
“Can you get the next table, please? I’m dying for a smoke. Any longer and I’m going to smack one of these brats,” he mutters. 
You smile at him. You find the nights go by quicker without breaks. “No problem! On it. I just need to get this bill printed out.” 
You toss the straw and tap the till. You pull up that table and print it out, tucking it into one of the little folders. You grab a handful of hard candies and sweep back across the dining room. 
“Here ya are, enjoy your desserts,” you say and carry on. 
You peer around, searching for the new diners. Right there in the corner. You head over in your pig-tailed wig and red shoes. As you near, your chest flickers. You think you know the back of that head. No, it’s not. He wouldn’t be here... 
You’re all but assured of your suspicions by the golden hair of the man across from him. A third to round out party. You cringe before you muster a smile and come to the side of the table. 
“Welcome to the Land of Oz,” you recite your mandatory introduction and avoid looking at Bucky, “don’t stray too far or you might find a wicked witch or flying monkey to carry you off. May I start you with some drinks?” 
“You got cocktails at a joint like this?” Bucky scoffs. 
You refuse to look at him, “the menu’s right there.” You point beside the centerpiece. He chuckles. 
“This is cute, how’d you find this place, Buck?” The blond asks. The man better known as Captain America. 
“Hmm, this place would be fun to you two geriatrics,” their other companion says. That’s the Falcon. 
You can feel Bucky watching you. He’s smirking. You know it. At least when you see him, you only ever have your stupid dress on. You take the wig and makeup off before you go home. It attracts less weirdos. 
“So, we do have beer, despite what you might think,” you offer. 
“Got prune juice? These two need it--” Falcon, rather Sam Wilson, chortles and receives an elbow to the ribs. 
“We have cranberry,” you suggest. 
“Where’s Toto?” Bucky asks. 
You hold back as sigh and finally meet his eyes, “no dogs allowed.” 
“Damn, sounds like you should go then, eh, Buck,” Sam adds. You grin as he cackles. 
“Hey,” Bucky sneers. “Just water for me.” 
“No milk to keep your bones strong?” The Captain, or Steve, kids. 
“You’re a year younger, shut up,” Bucky huffs. 
“I’ll get a water too,” Steve smirks. 
“Get me a Miller,” Sam says, “please.” 
“No problem. I’ll be back with that and some menus.” 
You spin and strut away. It feels good to see him getting teased because you know he only came here to mock you. You can’t exactly follow him to his work and make fun of his arm. Not that you would. 
You get the water and beer and return to the table with menus under your arm. You hand them all out and give them some time to look over it. You check in with your other tables before you go back again. 
“So, have we made up our minds?” You smile. 
Steve smiles at you, “uh, can I ask what kinda fish it is?” 
“Cod, sir,” you answer as you lean in to see where he points on the menu. 
“Ah, thanks.” 
“You got any recommendations?” Sam asks. 
“I usually go straight to dessert,” you smile, “but the spaghetti is yummy. And you can get it spicy.” 
“Oh, you like it spicy?” Bucky snickers. 
You look at him and Steve clears his throat, “Buck.” 
“Yikes, dude. You got lines, huh?” Sam teases. 
“No, I just--” he gets flustered and rolls his eyes. “Can I have the cheeseburger and fries?” 
“Sure thing,” you take out your notepad. 
“I’ll have the fish and chips,” Steve says, “is it possible to add an extra filet?” 
“Yeppers,” you nod and jot it down. 
“Think I’ll get the meatball sandwich,” Sam says, “apparently, I like meatballs.” 
Steve scowls again and Bucky sighs. You tap your pen on the pad, “alrighty. I’ll go put your order in.” 
“Thanks, doll.” Sam winks at you. 
You smile and as you turn, you hear Bucky hiss, “doll? Since when do you call anyone doll?” 
You make a face but don’t pay much mind to their arguing. He did mention his other friends could be a bit much. Based on that interaction, you’d say he’s just as bad. 
You put the ticket in the window and turn back. As you go back to the family to get the bill and your tip, your eyes snag on Bucky. He cranes around to see you and waves at you with two fingers. Oh, you have to get him back for this. 
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transformation4life · 10 months
Army, Man
Juan was your average guy before his life was changed forever. Decent grades at his dream college, but no friends to speak of. So when he received a letter to join the US army in his assigned mailbox Juan was very confused. "The army? They must joking." Juan spoke as he looked at the recruitment flyer in his dorm room.
Juan and being enlisted in the army sounded like a twisted joke to him. He was scrawny and could barely do one pushup in gym class. Either way, Juan noticed a number at the bottom of the flyer in big bold letters and some voice in his head was nagging at him to call it.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt. Maybe it'll be fun! Who knows!" So Juan grabbed his phone and dialed the number.
Some rings later and it sounded like a guy picked a phone. "Hey there, Name's Gruff, I'm assuming you're calling cause of the flyer you got in the mail, yeah?" Gruff's was deep and masculine. Definitely Juan's type but I bet he was straight.
"Y-Yeah! I thought I'd give it a shot since it's not like I got anything better to do!"
"That's the spirit man! Our army count has been real low due to... events so even one guy joining is great! But first I just need to ask you a few questions..." "A-Alright. Go on ahead..." Juan had to wonder what they would ask. "First question! Are you sure you want to join the army?" Gruff's tone was dead serious on this one and it shook Juan up a bit. "U-Uh... Yeah!" Juan was too far in to quit now at least that was his reasoning.
"Wonderful! Next question. How muscular are you?"
Juan frowned. As mentioned before, he barely had muscle and never went to the gym. Still, he felt the need to answer honestly.
"N-Not really sir. Sorry." "Haha don't worry about it! Alright that's all see you soon!" Gruff hung up before Juan could even say bye.
Juan was a bit shaken but that wasn't too bad. Juan pondered the interaction and something hit him. "Wait... I didn't tell him my address and he said he'll see me soo-" A wave of pain immediately hit Juan and he fell to the floor.
It wasn't before long Juan's body began to grow and get more muscular. Juan's arms became much beefier as his biceps were the size of sports balls. Six perfect abs popped onto Juan's stomach as his nonexistent chest began to inflate and become thick poppable pecs as his back expanded to support his new musculature making his tshirt real tight. Soon after, Juan's neck got thicker as his adam's apple was now ever more prominent than before as he gained some facial hair around his mouth. Juan's legs were next to grow as his thighs became much larger and his legs more defined as feet increased some sizes. Luckily Juan wasn't wearing any shoes but Juan's socks definitely didn't survive the growth. Some more minor changes appeared like a bigger dick and Juan's body aging physically. It's a miracle none of Juan's clothes ripped apart but it's not like it mattered anyway as Juan's apparel began to change.
Juan's graphic tee became more tough material and more generic as it became a dark green. It was still tight around Juan's figure though. Next up was Juan's pants as it gained a camouflage pattern and became cargo pants. A belt magically appeared and looped around the belt holes of his news pants as well as an army hat wrapping around Juan's head. Juan's socks were stitched back together and went a dark black and suddenly army boots were now being worn by Juan. The last change was an army tag appearing around Juan's neck saying "Juan Graham". Juan was now the definition of a buff army man.
Once the pain subsided and Juan regained his bearings he readjusted his glasses and looked at the mirror nearby. "What the- WHAT THE FU- Oh god, my voice... my EVERYTHING!" Juan was amazed but also scared. He gained muscles in seconds but how?
And before Juan could question things further, Juan's phone rang once again. Juan saw that it was the army recruit number. He concluded they must be involved so he answered the call.
"Hey Juan, ready for your first day?" It was Gruff again "First day? You did this to me, didn't you?"
"Not sure what you mean, but you agreed to join the army and we need you now." "But I don't even know anything about how to do anythin-" One more sound of pain hit Juan as memories of years of military training and gym workouts filled his mind. Everything he could ever need to be in the army was now in his brain. Juan now much more confident started a new sentence. "Nevermind. When does the car get here?"
"That's our Juan! Should be there soon. You can walk out and wait already." "Perfect. See you soon." Juan hung up and left his dorm and old life behind. It was probably for the best anyway. He much preferred being a beefcake army man than some twink in college.
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apologies for not posting for a couple months. I got major writer's block but here's a story for you guys hope you like it!
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 6 months
Just One Date (Hannibal Lecter)
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Description: Y/N hates Hannibal but he wants to go on a date with her.
Warning: Making Out
Word Count: 2,051k
“Hey I’m heading over to Hannibal's, I'll be back later.” She rolls her eyes at her best friend’s words. “Okay come back in one piece.” She said with a monotone voice. Will rolled his eyes at his best friend’s comment. “I know you hate him but I highly doubt he will kill me.” She looked back at him with a “really?” expression and he sighed. “We are the only ones that think he killed anyone Y/N/N.” “Doesn’t mean we are wrong.” She points out. She knew Hannibal was the killer. It wasn’t a think. She found the man creepy and odd. Sure he was charming but Y/N saw right through his bullshit. Will did too but couldn’t stay away from him.
She never wanted to come home and see Will dead or hear it because he keeps hanging out with Hannibal the cannibal. “I’ll be fine. You have to trust me.” He tells her. “Of course I trust you Will. It’s him I don’t trust. Jack could be eating you tomorrow.” She exclaims. He sighs and hugs her. “I’ll be back later in one piece.” She pulls away and looks at him. “You better be Graham.” 
Hannibal and Will sat in the office as Hannibal was taking notes. “Tell me about Y/N.” Will looks at him confused as to why he’d even ask about her. “Y/N? She’s my best friend.” He tells the man. “Just best friend?” Will nods not seeing a point in the question. “Good then. I guess you wouldn’t mind me asking her out.” Will’s jaw dropped. Hannibal was into her? It almost made him laugh because Y/N hated him. There wasn’t any way that Hannibal would get her to go out with him. “Yeah good luck with that.” Will says, trying to hold back a laugh. “Why do you say that?” Will shrugged. “She’s hard to get.” Hannibal sat the notebook down and looked up at the man. “Well I love a challenge.” 
Y/N waited and waited for Will to get home. Each time he went she became nervous. Her foot was tapping as she stared at the door. Where was he? As if on que he walked through the door and she let out a mental sigh of relief. He was okay. He greeted the dogs one by one and sat on the couch next to Y/N. He turned to look at her and laughed. She raised an eyebrow at him. “What’s so funny?” She asked. He shook his head. “You wouldn’t believe it.” He tells her. “Yeah well we can’t be sure until you tell me.” He nods and clears his throat. “Hannibal wants to ask you out.” He says holding back his laughs. She stood up so fast it almost made her dizzy. “What?” She asked. “Yep, he wants you.” She wanted to puke. The man she hated most wanted her. “Well you told him I’m not interested right? That I hate his fucking guts.?” She asked hopefully.
Will laughed and shook his head. “No, I told him you were hard to get.” She looked at him in disbelief. “Will are you fucking kidding me?” He looked up at her and saw how mad she looked. Wow she really hated him. “Oh come on Y/N/N just turn him down.” “I shouldn’t have to say a damn word to him.” She yelled. He stood up and turned to her. “It’s kinda funny if you think about it. You hate him, he wants you.” She was fuming. “Will that is not funny you ass.” She yelled. “Ok listen, just reject him and don’t say anything else.” He says. She sighs annoyed that she has to even do that. 
Will was already at work when Hannibal knocked on the door. He saw another car in the driveway he assumed was Y/N’s. She opened the door and her face dropped at the sight. “Look, whatever Will told you was a lie. I’m not hard to get, I just don’t like you.” She says. Hannibal’s face dropped. Wow. “May I ask why?” She chuckled. “Besides the obvious point that you’re the killer?” “I am no killer Y/N.” She nods. “Right, sure.” She says and goes to close the door. “I won’t quit asking you on a date until you agree.” She opens the door back up. “A little creepy no?” “Well you think of me like that anyways.” He was right but Y/N wasn’t saying yes. 
“Wait, he actually came by here and asked you out?” Will asked her as they sat on his couch talking. “Yes Will. Thanks to you.” He held up his hands. “I didn’t tell him to ask you out.” “You didn’t tell him not to either.” He sighed and looked at her. “Look maybe this could be good for you.” She looked at him with wide eyes. “Will he’s a killer and he eats people.” Will shrugged. “We don’t know that.” “Yes we do!” He stood up. “I just think you should accept one date with him. Get him off your back.” But she wasn’t going to. 
Will woke up the next day to find flowers at his door. His best friend’s name on them and the hand writing matched Hannibal. He chuckled and set them on the counter for Y/N to find when she woke up. 
She sighed as she walked into the kitchen and saw roses on the counter. Why did Will get her flowers? She picks them up and notices a note of her name. The handwriting was too pretty to be Will’s. She rolled her eyes as she realized Hannibal sent them. That man could not take a hint. Though they were beautiful. She put them in a vase and left for work.
“So you kept the flowers he sent?” Will asked as he saw them on the counter. She sighed over the phone. “Yes, because they are nice.” He hummed at her response. “Thought you’d throw them out since you hate him so much.” He joked. “Not the flower's fault he’s shitty.” Will laughed at her and told her he’d see her when she got home. 
Day by day Hannibal would send Y/N gifts. Each time Will would laugh and Y/N would sigh but keep them. She wasn’t used to a man doing this for her and she couldn’t lie. It was kinda nice. She wouldn’t tell Will that for the simple fact that Will would make fun of her. She almost wanting to go out with him just for him to stop but she liked the attention. “You’re coming with me today.” Will tells her. She sighs and looks at him. “Will it’s my day off, i’m not going anywhere.” He shakes his head. “Nope. You are coming to Hannibal’s with me.” “But why? He keeps giving me things.” She whines. He chuckles, “You enjoy it.” She wasn’t denying that. 
His house was huge. Who was she kidding? It was a mansion. “By the look on your face you’re impressed?” Will teased. She flipped him off and he knocked. Hannibal opened the door and lost his breath at the sight of Y/N. He could tell Will forced her here. “Nice place.” She says to him not even looking in his direction. He nods and smiles. “What am I gonna do?” She asked the two. “Think about my offer.” Hannibal said as he closed the door. She sighed and sat at the chair by the office. She played with her hands and debated on what to do. Maybe he’d leave her alone if they went out. Will wouldn’t let her live if she didn’t. He really thought it would be best for her even though they both thought he was the killer. 
They were finished an hour later and  she stood up as they came out. “So did you think about it?” Hannibal asked her. She looked down and sighed. “I’ll go on one date with you but that’s it.” She says to him. He nods and smirks “Be here at 7.” It was currently 4 so she had time. 
“I can’t believe you agreed to go out with him.” Will said as they drove back to their house. “Yeah well you both wouldn’t shut up about it.” She shrugged. He looked at her. “You can’t wait, don't lie.” “I just want him to stop. I hope this works.” 
She knocked on his door at 6:50. She knew the man was cooking and hoped he'd be done with the food by then. He opened the door and lost his breath. Y/N was in a pink dress that went down to her feet and her hair was down and curled. She had red lipstick and eyeliner on. She looked amazing. He stuttered over his words. “Y-You look amazing.” He tells her. She smiles and takes in his appearance. He had on a tux and his hair was like it always was. He didn’t look bad himself. “You don’t look bad yourself Lector.” He lets her in and they walk to the kitchen. The kitchen was huge and it smelled amazing. She saw the food on the table with what appeared to be wine. “You’re a wine guy?” She asked. He nodded. He pulled out a chair for her and she sat and thanked him. He sat in the chair that he usually sat in.
They began eating and it was some of the best food she had ever had.He watched as she ate the food. “You enjoying it?” He asked with a small smile. She nodded and looked over at him. “You’re a very good cook.” He thanked her for the compliment. “Just think you could be having this for the rest of your life.” She almost choked at his words. “Hannibal I was really hoping this would have been a one time thing.” She said to him. “You don’t even know me. I want to prove to you that i’m not the monster you think I am.” She couldn’t believe he wasn’t even if he could prove it. “That’s great but I don’t think we’d work out.” “Is it Will?” He asked. “No Will is my best friend.” “Then there isn’t a reason you can’t let me prove it to you.” She stared at him as he tried to reason with her. The man seemed set on having her around here more often. “Okay let’s get through this date first.” 
She was a little drunk off the wine he had. She was laughing and giggling as they talked on his couch. He was laughing too. “Will actually did that before?” He asked her as she giggled. “Yep. He has no game when it comes to women.” He shook his head and set down the glass. “He should really bring this up in our sessions. I would love to help him.” They both laughed. “Yeah you certainly could.” The laughing died down a bit and they looked at each other. “You look like an angel tonight.” He said softly to her. She felt her face heat up and she had to look away. “I’m serious. There’s never been a woman as beautiful as you. “ She looked at him after he said that.
They both started leaning in slowly until their lips touched. They both tasted of the wine Hannibal had. The kiss was soft and passionate as he moved closer to her. His hand went to her neck to deepen the kiss. Her hands placed themselves on his chest. She moved over to sit in his lap and his hands held her hips. They both pulled away breathing hard. “Hannibal, I am so sorry.” She said, trying to get off his lap. “It’s okay dear. I liked it a lot.” She smiled at his words and cupped his face. “I don’t know what’s happening to me.” She whispered. “I hated you at first but now I-I think I like you alot.” He smiled . “Well that’s not such a big thing is it?” “I don’t know.” “Would you go on a second date with me?” He asked her. She bit her lip and nodded. “Yeah I would.” She leaned in and kissed him again. Maybe she was wrong about him but little did she know that Will would be arrested the next day and things would go down hill.
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viranellee · 1 year
you'd never guess (i'd never know)
synopsis: the only thing eddie roundtree likes about billy dunne is his younger sister.
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warnings: smut, dirty talk, swearing, unprotected sex (reader is on the pill, but it's never mentioned)
a/n: the lack of eddie smut on here is appalling
⁠ ♡
“Where are you going?”
Frozen in your tracks, you slowly turn around and meet Eddie’s still sleepy but inquisitive gaze, and as his eyes look you over from head to toe, it morphs into a distinctive shade of lustful. You allow yourself the liberty to admire him as he does the same to you - unguarded and vulnerable in his half-awake state, the nest of tangled light brown hair on top of his head, his naked body painted with love bites underneath the white hotel sheets.
You want to kiss him.
“Sweetheart, c’mon. Come ‘ere.” He tries coaxing you, but you know the rules by now. No matter how sweet the temptation is, no matter the things his deep, husky morning voice does to your insides, no matter the way your heart threatens to beat out of your chest everytime you lay eyes on him, you need to be unfailingly secretive about this, whatever it is, between you two. Otherwise the deadly tornado of a man your brother Billy is will turn it into ruin with a single flick of his hand.
Even still, it seems that you’re the only one rightfully worried.
"Eds, I have to leave, you know this.”
Something hardens in his gaze for a moment, but it quickly slips away. It pains you to watch it. You lean down to kiss his cheek in an attempt to make him feel better, but he turns his head around, capturing your lips with his. You gasp and instinctively fist your hands into his hair as he rearranges you to sit on his lap. There’s something desperate about the way he holds you and kisses you this particular morning and it sets everything in you on fire. You moan into his kiss despite your brain screaming at you to get the fuck up and leave before anybody finds out you’re not in your room. Eddie seems to sense your overthinking, as he usually does, and slips his cold hands underneath your blouse, letting his long fingers trace your spine, trying to soothe you.
"Focus on me. Don’t think about anything else.” Eddie instructs and you suddenly feel lighter.
You kiss him again, a silent thanks for bringing you back to the present, and it’s his turn to moan as he presses you down on his hard-on.
"A couple of kisses and I’m already rock hard like a fuckin’ teenager. Jesus, the things you do to me.” He mutters, more to himself than you, but the words still manage to leave their impact on your nether regions.
“Eddie, Eddie…” you pant as his mouth begins to place greedy kisses down your neck. “We’re…we’re going to be late for breakfast.”
He laughs against your skin and you swear you’ve never felt something so good.
“I’m already having my breakfast, sweetheart, and it’s much better than the shit they serve down there.”
“Anyone got any idea where Eddie and my sister are?” Graham asks his friends, in the midst of swallowing his piece of omelet.   
Warren shrugs.
“Eddie’s probably still sleeping. I mean, when has he ever shown up for breakfast on time? Let the guy get some sleep, man.” 
Graham nods a couple of times, deeming the explanation logical. It doesn't stop him from thinking about the person left out from it.
"Yeah, sure," he starts "but my sister always shows up. I...I don't know, maybe she slept in this time, but maybe I should go up and check." 
Karen suddenly pipes in from her place next to Graham, putting her hand on his thigh. 
"Don't. For we all know, she's just sleeping in." She says, looking at Warren from across the table pointedly, who takes the hint and nods reassuringly at Graham. "And you know how she gets when someone wakes her up. Let her rest." 
"But what if she's hungry when she wakes up?" 
Karen sighs, closing her eyes for a couple of seconds. Warren inhales sharply, a tell-tale sign of him holding in his laughter. 
"Graham. She isn't an infant. I'm sure your sister is fully capable of getting breakfast for herself." She says, but he still doesn't look entirely convinced.
"Yeah, but I don't want her to be alone." Graham pauses. "I don't want her to feel lonely, y'know." 
"Hey, chill man. She and Eddie wake up around the same time anyway, they usually get breakfast together, don't they? I really don't think there's anything to worry about." Warren adds, as he takes the last bite of his P&J sandwich. 
Graham silently leans back in his chair and Karen takes the opportunity to change the subject.
"Anyway, uh, how's Lisa, Warren?" 
KAREN SIRKO: I knew she and Eddie were fucking from the moment I saw them together. 
WARREN ROJAS: For the record, I had no idea they were fucking. 
GRAHAM DUNNE: [sighs] Can we not talk about this, please? 
"Yeah, just like that. Fuck, you look so good bouncing on my cock like that." 
You don't know how long you two have been going at it. What you do know, however, is that Eddie Roundtree, the insatiable sex maniac, has already put you through five different positions and this is the sixth one.
"Eddie, I…I don't think I can..." You start saying as you feel your strength leaving your body, but he knows. He always knows. 
He tightens his hold on your hips and drags you up and down his cock and you have to physically put a hand over your mouth when he hits that spot inside of you. 
"Found it, huh?" He comments, with that goddamn cocky glint in his eye and you would have normally rolled your eyes at him if it weren't for the fact that they were already rolling towards the back of your head. 
"Shut...up!" You pant, and he smirks. As soon as you see that smirk, you involuntarily tighten around him. Eddie groans when he feels it and you lean down to kiss his Adam's apple, and then - him. He cups the back of your neck with one large hand and you shiver.
"I'm, I'm close. Eddie, fuck!" You barely manage to stutter out and he goes even faster, the sounds of skin slapping against skin echoing throughout the room. He presses a sweet kiss to your collarbone and immediately goes back to whispering filthy things into your ear.
"Cum for me, love. Cum on my cock." He urges, breathless, something swimming in his eyes you've never seen before, and you do just that. 
You think you might have screamed. You don't know. All you remember is Eddie.
You hide your face in his shoulder, sensitive and exhausted - he cums shortly after, your name on his lips like a prayer. You sigh when you feel him soften inside of you. He falls back on the pillows and you fall along with him, head on his chest and his hand playing with your hair. 
It's comfortably silent after that, so silent in fact, that for a second you think Eddie might have fallen asleep. You tilt your head upwards to place a kiss on his jawline, but you find him already staring back at you, an uncharacteristically contemplative look on his gorgeous face. 
"What?" You question, growing increasingly worried. 
This is it, you think, this is when he ends things. 
My worst fear is coming true.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Y'know, I've played in front of hundreds of thousands of people. I know what anxiety feels like. But laying in that bed with her, looking at her, was the most nervous I'd ever felt in my entire life. 
"I…" He begins and closes his mouth, as if carefully choosing his words, but doing nothing to ease the pit in your stomach. "Well..." 
You stand up upright, a typical "Dunne frown", as he liked calling it, on your face. 
He should look me in the eyes, at the very fucking least. 
"Oh, is this what you're doing now? Fucking me one last time before you reject me? You've had your fun, is that it?" 
Y/N ROUNDTREE: I do admit that I... misjudged the situation. But when you've been with assholes in the past, sometimes you come to conclusions a bit too quickly. 
Eddie's face scrunches up into a mixture of shock, confusion and slight sadness.
"What?" He asks so loudly that it makes you feel embarrassed. "What in the actual fuck are you on about? Why would you even think that? Sweetheart, I was going to say I love you."  
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I'll never forget the look on her face, swear to God. [laughs] 
"What?" You parrot back, just as loudly. It takes a beat or two for the words to sink in.  When they do, you start laughing like you've never heard anything funnier. 
Eddie simply looks at you like you've grown two heads. 
"Oh, Eds. Please don't lie to me like this." You cover your face with your hands.
Suddenly, your hands are being gently pulled away - he's staring at you so softly you think you might die. You might have actually died and this is your heaven. It certainly feels like it. 
He whispers your name and you whisper his back. 
"I love you." He says, cupping your cheeks,  and keeps repeating it as if trying to get it through your head. 
"Eddie…" you breathe against his lips. He pulls your bottom lip down with his thumb, pupils dilated like you're his new favorite drug. You might actually be. "Eddie, I lo-"
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: She might not have told me she loved me that day, but - [shows wedding ring] - I know. I know.
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parkerslatte · 2 years
Right Person, Right Time
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Y/N is friends with The Six, but she is a little closer to a certain bassist in particular. She can always sense that something is wrong. When Eddie has a conversation with Camila, Y/N is there to reassure him that she is always there for him and it puts things into perspective for him.
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Eddie: There’s a lot to say about Y/N. 
Karen: We all met Y/N around the time we started our first tour. She was just starting out as an actress.
Warren: Y/N? Y/N was great,man! When she wasn’t on set she would join us at the studio. I tried teaching her drums once.
Eddie: She was…the best person I’ve ever known.
Y/N L/N stepped through the threshold of the house she knew and loved so much. Everyone was expecting her so she dumped her bag near the bottom of the stairs and walked through the house. It was eerily silent. Typically she heard shouting and arguing or the sound of instruments.
“Hello? Guys?” Y/N called throughout the house. 
Y/N turned a corner and was surprised with the sound of yelling and streamers being thrown in her face. 
“Oh my god!” She exclaimed. 
Eddie, Karen, Warren and Graham stood there with smiles on their faces. Y/N smiled at them and raced over to hug them. Warren pulled her into a hug first and held onto her tight, next was Graham, who’s hug was short and sweet before he took his place next to Karen. Next was Karen.
“I can’t believe you left me alone with these boys!” Karen spoke and she hugged Y/N. 
“Next time come with me, escape the testosterone for a bit.” Y/N joked with her.
The final person to give her a hug was Eddie. He stepped up to her and gave her a tight hug. His arms  wrapped around her waist as he lifted her up from her feet and spun her around. 
“Eddie! Put me down!” Y/N exclaimed as she gripped onto him. 
Eddie smiled and placed her back down on her feet. Y/N smiled at Eddie and he slowly released her and stepped back. 
“How have all of you been? It’s been months.” Y/N questioned.
Warren steps closer to her and slings his arm over her shoulder leading her through the house, “You’re the one who’s just home back from a big movie set, tell us about it.”
“It was great! It was a lot more tiring than I thought it would be though.” Y/N responded. 
“Just think about it, Y/N L/N, Oscar winning actress!” Warren said as they sat on the couch. 
“That’s a goal for later in life.” Y/N laughed. 
Eddie sat down next to her and Y/N unconsciously leant into him. 
“But if you do go to the Oscars, I’ll be your plus one right?” Warren questioned, taking a sip from his drink. 
“Hey, why do you get to be her plus one? I’m the one who invites her to all the rehearsals.” Karen cut in. 
“She met me first!” Graham exclaimed. 
As the three began arguing, Y/N sat back and watched, an amused smile gracing her face. Eddie looked down at her. 
“You’d bring me, right?” He asked, bending down to whisper the question into her ear. 
“No doubt about that.” Y/N resplied, turning to face Eddie. 
Eddie smiled and reached to take a sip of his drink while the three continued to argue.
Eddie: That same year I was at the Oscars watching Y/N make her speech for best supporting actress. I was so proud of her. 
Warren: I still can’t believe Y/N didn’t take me.
Eddie: It wasn’t long after Y/N won an Oscar before we were on tour. I asked her to come with us. Having Y/N around always made me feel better. But she was going to work on another film. 
“Call me when you get the chance. I want to hear all about the excruciating bus journey.” Y/N says as she hugs Karen. 
Y/N hugs the rest of the band members one by one until she gets to Eddie. She reaches up and locks her arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug. Eddie reciprocated the hug and held her tightly. 
“I’ll miss you.” Y/N mumbles into his shoulder. 
“I’ll miss you too.” 
“You’ll be fucking amazing.” Y/N says and she pulls away. 
With one last wave at the band, Y/N steps over to allow Camila to say goodbye to everyone. Camila bids goodbye to everyone, however once she gets to Eddie she simply gives him a smile before walking over to Y/N. Y/N furrows her eyebrows for a moment, thinking the interaction was strange but the thought quickly leaves her mind as the buses pull away. 
Eddie: She could almost always tell what I was feeling. That’s why she surprised us on the tour I think. 
When Y/N walked through the doors to the party, all eyes turned to look at her, including the eyes of the people she had come to surprise. 
“Y/N?” Warren exclaimed and rushed forward to greet her, “What are you doing here?”
“I have a few days where I’m not wanted on set so I’ve come to surprise everyone.” Y/N shouted over the music. 
“This is a great surprise!” Karen said while passing Y/N a drink which she accepted gratefully. 
Y/N slumped down on the couch and fell into conversation with her friends. Despite having close friends outside of this group, she never felt at ease as she did when she was surrounded by them. Falling into conversation was easy and didn’t ever stop until the early hours of the morning. 
Y/N hadn’t even finished her drink before another one was thrust in her hand. She quickly finished off her first drink before starting on her new one. 
“Where’s Eddie?” Y/N questioned upon noticing that she hadn’t seen him yet.
“Not sure,” Warren replied, “He wandered off a while ago.”
Y/N looked around the party, “I’m going to look for him.”
Y/N got up and looked around the room in search of Eddie. Many people dragged her into conversation as she looked around and she had to find the most polite excuse to end the conversation before she got sucked into it. 
Looking around the room once more, she found Camila quickly walking away from the balcony doors. 
“Hey Camila!” Y/N says, weaving her way through people, “Have you seen Eddie anywhere?”
“Um,” Camila says, looking around, never making eye contact with Y/N, “No, I haven’t, sorry Y/N.”
Y/N eyes her suspiciously before nodding, “Okay, if you find him, let him know I was looking for him alright?”
Camila smiled at her, “Will do. See you later Y/N.”
Y/N smiled at Camila before the woman left her. Y/N’s eyes drifted up to the balcony doors which were firmly closed. Before she even knew it, Y/N’s feet were taking her over to them. Y/N pulled the doors open and stepped out onto the balcony and into the cool night air. 
Y/N looked to the source of the voice and smiled at the sight of the person she had been looking for. 
“Eddie.” Y/N says, flinging her arms around him, careful not to spill her drink.
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asked.
“I have a few days off from shooting so I came to surprise everyone.” Y/N responded, pulling away from the hug to take a swig from her drink, “I was sitting with everyone before I realised you weren’t there so I came looking for you and- are you okay?”
Y/N cut herself off to ask Eddie that question. His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes and he looked like he was trying his best to hold back tears. 
“I’m fine.” Eddie lies.
Y/N’s eyes softened, she reached up to Eddie’s face and wiped away the single tear that slipped down his cheek, “Eddie, I’ve known you for years, I can tell when you lie to me.”
“It’s nothing,” Eddie says, “At least it is now.”
Y/N placed her drink down on the floor before she wrapped Eddie in a hug, “Does this have anything to do with Camila?”
Eddie didn’t answer but that was enough of an answer or Y/N. 
Y/N pulled away slightly, placing her hands on either side of Eddie’s face, “You don’t have to tell me anything Eddie, but if you ever want to talk about it, I’m just a phone call away.”
“That’s the problem,” Eddie says, “You’re a phone call away but I wish you were just here with me or I was with you.”
Y/N leaned forward, resting her forehead against Eddie’s, “Eddie, I wish that were possible but you and I both know it isn’t.”
“I know, but I miss you.” Eddie says, closing his eyes. 
“I miss you too,” Y/N says, her voice barely above a whisper, “So much.”
Eddie gave a tight lipped smile before pulling Y/N closer, he buried his head into her neck and the two stood like that for a while. 
Eddie: I think that was the night that put everything into perspective for me. 
Karen: Everyone could see that something was happening between Y/N and Eddie. Graham and I were taking bets on it.
Warren: Honestly I thought they were screwing long before the tour.
Eddie: I realised that day that night that Y/N was the one I wanted to be with. That feeling I would get when I was with Y/N was love. I was in love with Y/N and I hadn’t realised it. There was a point where we didn’t have shows for a couple days so I went to see Y/N. Billy wasn’t happy but I didn’t care, the only thing I cared about was her.
Y/N lay in her garden, enjoying her final day off before she finished shooting her movie. She flipped the page of her book while taking a sip from her drink. 
“Y/N?” A voice broke the peaceful silence. 
Y/N turned and came face to face with Eddie. Her eyebrows pulled together confused. 
“What are you doing here? You should be on the other side of the country.” Y/N says, getting up from her chair. 
“I needed to see you.” Eddie says.
“Are you okay?” Y/N asked concerned. 
Eddie nodded, “I just need to tell you something.”
“You do know that phones exist right?” Y/N joked but once she realised that Eddie was serious she stepped closer to him, resting her hands on his upper arms gently.
“Are you sure that you’re okay?” Y/N questioned. 
Eddie: As soon as she asked me that the second time, I couldn’t stop myself. I kissed her.
Y/N let out a sound of surprise as Eddie’s lips connected with hers. His hands held onto her waist, pulling her closer. Y/N didn’t do anything, she was shocked. 
Eddie pulled away and looked at Y/N, her face remained expressionless. He was afraid he had just messed up another friendship. 
“Y/N…” Eddie mumbled, “Please say something.”
Y/N didn’t, her thoughts were running at a million miles an hour. Y/N slowly reached up and rested her hands on either side of Eddie’s face.
“Y/N, please.” Eddie said, barely audible.
Y/N leaned forward and connected their lips once again, her fingers ran through his hair. Eddie gripped onto her waist tightly and pulled her close until there wasn’t a single gap between them. 
Eddie: (laughs) I still remember that day like it was yesterday.
Eddie tapped Y/N’s thigh and she jumped up wrapping her legs around him. Eddie carried her into the house and set her down on the kitchen countertop. Eddie pulled his lips away from Y/N briefly. 
“Y/N, I love you.” Eddie says, his thumbs brushing across her thighs. 
Y/N smiled, “You want to know something, Eddie? I had no clue I felt this way about you until you kissed me. It just feels right, like we should have been doing it all along.”
Eddie smiles and Y/N swears it is the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. 
“Well then, let’s make up for lost time.” Eddie says and connects their lips once again. 
Eddie: I proposed to Y/N six months later. 
Y/N L/N: Over twenty years later I still feel like the young woman I was when we shared our first kiss and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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lavenderlacedquill · 1 month
will pining for romantically dense reader ?? :D
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˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐦 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
Pairing: Will Graham x Reader
This has been living in my head all day today and I am actually dying to talk about it!
Okay okay, I imagine this pining situation taking place at work, likely while Will is predominantly teaching.
Every day he gets up in front of his students, presents them with the gruesome truth of being involved in the FBI entails all in the name of preparing them for their future career.
Then one morning, while speaking on ransom notes and their importance in solving cases, you walk in. The subtly in your steps does not go unnoticed by Will, but it wasn't until his eyes found you that his words escaped him.
It was only for a second, later covered by a small cough.
You work in graphology and were asked by Jack Crawford to bring in archived notes to pass around for the students, but Will had no idea.
Your interruption was considerate, "Good Morning, Professor Graham. I was asked to bring in some archived sample notes for your students. Would you mind if I passed them around?"
He was trapped in a trance, and your request nearly fell on deaf ears before he gestured towards his pupils, "Of course not. Thank you for bringing these in."
Your lips curl up ever so slightly in return before giving out the samples.
Will tries to reel his brain back onto the subject at hand, ultimately falling back onto the lesson plans perched onto his desk to light up his teaching spark again.
The small smile you give to each student as you passed them doesn't go unnoticed.
You're dressed in sleek blue, a color that brings out the light in your eyes, and he swears he has never seen someone so...there isn't even a word for it.
Once you've lapped around each of the students, just as you're about to open the door and exit the lecture, you stop. Dead in your tracks, hanging out of the threshold halfway, watching Will pace back and forth as his hands do most of the talking.
He's saying something about Jack the Ripper.
The sound of a bell ends his discussion prematurely, tens of bodies huddling towards you, their exit. Will trails closely behind them, catching the door before they trample you.
"I didn't know they made you teach the Ripper with graphology. Most think it's a sham"
His mind is blank. Completely blank. Your jokey tone is coupled with a smirk, letting him hear your laugh for the very first time. It's small and intoxicating, and Will is certain he will do whatever he can to hear it again.
"They don't make me, but I always do. You do incredible work. Would hate for that to go unnoticed,"
He does his best to catch your gaze before continuing, "And, if I hadn't, I wouldn't have had the pleasure of seeing you."
The polite and flirty comment...didn't land. You look at him with, if anything, slight confusion, and that absolutely perplexes him.
You leave for your own office only a couple minutes later, and after standing in your absence for only five minutes, Will is determined to see you again.
The next few weeks are filled with small romantic gestures, but as you seem to ignore them, Will only grows more desperate.
He sits beside you at every staff meeting, but each time you seem almost surprised, completely oblivious to the fact that he saved the seat for you.
While he doesn't eat lunch with the rest of his Prof peers, Will takes that time to leave small gifts at your desk, mainly snacks he's heard you like. A note always accompanies them, thanking you for any samples you've brought to class or small conversations caught between classes, but he never hears anything about them from you.
His efforts become so obvious that Jack noticed him waiting outside of your office, waiting for you so he could walk you to your car on a particularly late night...for the third time this week.
He gives a knowing sigh, "I don't know how she doesn't see it, Graham."
The brown haired man quickly turns to Jack, completely unaware that he was there. He tries to act nonchalantly, "What are you talking about, Jack? It's just late, you would do the same thing."
Jack chooses not to press too much more, instead hangs his head with a chuckle while slowly making his way farther from Will.
"You know how I know what's going on, Graham? I didn't even have to tell you what or who I was talking about."
The professor simply stares, dumbfounded.
The door beside him creaks, your frame trudging tiredly through, and when you sense the presence of the newly familiar Will Graham, you don't even question it.
"Professor Graham, to what do I owe this very late pleasure?"
Your computer bag is swiftly taken off of your shoulder and lands on his own, his hand immediately being held up upon your protest. Your feet take you on the nearly instinctive path outside.
"Please, let me. It's late and I didn't want you to have to walk through the parking lot alone."
He gained a smile, taking in every single ounce of it that he could.
"Well, thank you. I thought you might be here again tonight."
You miss the rising blush in his cheeks by mere seconds, the cold November air nipping your face as the pair of you meet the vast plain of the parking lot.
You see, it wasn't that you were ignoring Will's subtle advances, you just didn't really understand where they were coming from. You two weren't friends, only distant coworkers, so why was he leaving snacks in your office? Better yet, how did he find out which ones you liked?
Why was he practically racing to every meeting and saving you a seat like you do for your friend in grade school?
Why was he choosing to stay an hour later in his lecture hall just to walk you to your car?
Speaking of your car, it is now in your sight. With all of these questions bubbling to the surface, your pace slows, not going unnoticed.
Will glances at you with slight concern, "Is everything alright? I'm sorry it's so cold out. I should have offered you my jacket."
There it is again, an undoubtedly nice and sweet gesture out of nowhere.
"No no, that's alright. I uhm... can I ask you something?"
His nerves were practically jumping. A blush was soon to return to his face. His hand gestures towards you slightly, "Of course, ask away."
And now your nerves began to do the same, and it all felt so silly and childish. You both pause, only feet away from your car. Heat radiates from Will's body, enough to make you shiver.
"Where...where is this all coming from?"
He pretends to not know what you're talking about, emitting one of those confused stuttering noises that only happens during a white lie.
"No, seriously. The snacks, you saving seats for me in our meetings, and now you staying later to walk me to my car?"
Your head shakes in slight disbelief, one of those infectious laughs escaping you before continuing,
"I really hope this isn't coming across as rude, because you really have been so nice. Just...why? Where has this come from?"
There's a piercingness in your eyes that Will is only noticing now, not afraid or hesitant to hold your gaze in his. And your cheeks wind-nipped blush isn't simply pink or red, it's a delicate shade of berry that he can't quite place.
the both of you begin walking the short distance to your car, he opening your car door before beginning to answer.
"I'm sorry if those things came off strange, that was never my intention."
You began stepping into your car, but your movements halted once his next words hit your ears.
"I like you. I really do. I don't know how else to say that."
God he wanted to take the ear to ear grin he won from you and bottle it, but he couldn't have been prepared for what followed.
Just before you settled behind the wheel, ready to begin the long trek home, you stepped infinitely closer to the tall man. His breath grazed your face as you stood up on your tip toes, pressing a delicate kiss to his stubbled cheek.
The late November took your whisper with its wind, but not before it reached Will's ears.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Will."
I know this one was long, but I hope you enjoyed it! It was so very fun to write up :)
the beautiful gif at the top is from @rocktheholygrail, here is the original gif set it is from. I am new to using gifs on Tumblr and crediting their creators, so advice is always welcome :)
My requests are also open! Send me all of your Will Graham thoughts, just read my guidelines before doing so pretty please! :)
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dailycass-cain · 1 month
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So you want to preorder the NEW Batgirl #1 coming to a comic shop near you on November 6?
Well, hopefully, this can help you attain that preorder. So you're doing your part to make sure this series lasts.
The first step is to find your local comic shop. Use a search engine for that most heavenly of place that has comics.
Or if you already know search them online (they might have an online shop), an app, call the store, or visit it in person.
Now I'm using my experience from the shops I visit in the midwestern area. So this could be different in the region you're in the US (or Canada). I have no idea on the best way to attain this book outside the country save Canada. So anyone who can answer that pls chim in here.
I mean, possibly, you could buy it on their website (or their eBay shop) and MAYBE they have international shipping. Then again, if you have a US friend maybe they can do this all for you?
Preorders will begin next month. If you go in person you could put your order in. If you know those who work at the LCS they might think of you and put that in your pull list.
I know one LCS in my area, he is thoughtful enough to sometimes keep a variant that has Cass for me knowing that Wed I pull up I'll nab it. Cause he knows my weakness. That, and Rian Gonzales variants.
Likewise, the other LCS I went too. There was a clerk there who'd put stuff in my pull that she knew I'd like.
But there's always that chance they might not do any of this. So it's best to just do this person next month to guarantee your preorder.
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Now let's talk about variants. Some shops if they sense there's "blood in the water" when preordering will order more comics. More comics mean more chances to get the variants (i.e. the Artgerm or Jeff Dekal ones).
There are only two variants that might be problematic to attain that I can foresee.
The holo variant from Artgerm one. Unless there's a comic convention near you that same weekend there's a good chance these might sell pretty fast. It is Artgerm after all.
Unless, your LCS is part of a "larger" chain. So one of my LCSs is a Graham Crackers which is a HUGE midwestern comic shop. So there's a really good chance I'll be able to attain all my variants.
The other LCS I go to, while they are my primary pull list really don't dabble much too much in variant covers.
This is because they're trying to make a profit and they don't see being able to make one. At least that's what I was told back when I had Batgirls on my pull.
If they do. It would be two or three copies. Like the last AAPI Batgirls variant. Said my shop owner did secure me a copy even without me asking them because they knew of my interest in Cass.
I've noticed since they "enacted" that policy they do order more of the "hotter" comics. Like I noticed a few Birds of Prey, Batman, and X-Men variants in one visit not too long ago.
Still, I know attaining the 1:25 Skylar Patridge will be next to impossible from them. They don't order 25 copies of a comic (unless it's Batman or Spider-Man).
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For that, I'd recommend a larger comic shop chain (or if you know your LCS. They might order enough and you can reserve said copy via them next month).
If not...
Again, I'd recommend a larger chain with their web shop or if they have one via eBay. I've nabbed all the variants I want because Graham Crackers is HUGE in the Midwest.
If you know your shop will have more than 25 copies of Batgirl #1 please preorder the 1:25 by Patridge next month if possible.
Or wait until their website opens orders (usually a week prior to release on a Thursday.
If not... There's always a chance if there's a comic around that period (or a bit after) they might have it to purchase. However, you so won't be paying the original cost of it. 😬
Now here's my overall impression of the release. DC itself doesn't think this comic might sell. I mean they're only doing a 1:25 only for this series. That's it.
That already is 🚨 because we aren't getting a 1:50 like we did with Batgirls #1.
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That is why I HIGHLY stress PLEASE PREORDER THIS COMIC! DO NOT WAIT UNTIL NOVEMBER 6th! Show your love for this character by preordering the heck out of it! Add this to your pull list!
Please do your part!
That said, please go crazy and nab these covers and variants. They ain't kidding when the last Cass solo was over 14 years ago (I'm counting Batgirl Vo1. 2). You've voiced your want. DC heard it. This is you honoring that want.
Cause if not...
Well, I can't say cause in all honesty? The old DC regime is gone. They ain't side scheming or pushing something else behind the scenes. Just this might be it for Cass when it comes to an ongoing solo.
Why I say please do your part. Hopefully, this helps and if not someone better than me can advise you better (and they reply via this post). But this is me doing my best with the knowledge I know.
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poeticpascal · 1 year
Trouble (Pedro Pascal x Rockstar!Reader)
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Summary: Pedro had never heard of (Y/N) (L/N) before his latest appearance on The Graham Norton Show. By the end, his assistant wishes it had stayed that way, and he wonders how it took him so long to find her.
Word count: 4.8k
Warnings: mentions of drug abuse (now recovered), allusions to but no specific mention of an overdose.
A/n: I am very nervous to post this! I've never written a fic about an actor like this before, so depending on how this one does lol, you may be able to expect more from me like this. Please let me know what you think, and don't forget my requests are open!
“And he used red this time! We were getting so worried that he wasn’t interested in all 3 primary colours-”
Pedro sighs, glancing towards the door to see if his assistant was coming back yet. No sign.
He turns back to the old lady who’s been talking now for what - 4 hours? 5? It felt like it. She was sweet, and he didn’t want to be rude, but god if he had to spend one more minute hearing about her grandson’s latest finger painting-
“So sorry I took so long! We’ll have to get going Pedro - your next interview is in 10.”
His assistant - Alicia - burst back into the room and Pedro was sure he could feel his eyes well in relief. He takes the lady’s hand, shaking it and giving her a warm smile. “Mrs Alderman, I’d love to hear all about Harvey, but I’ve gotta go. It was lovely to meet you!”
She smiles in understanding and clasps her own hand on top of his. “It was lovely to meet you too, Peter!”
Alicia snorts behind him, and Pedro gives up with a final, defeated smile before heading out of the cafe and back towards his car. He’d only wanted to nip in for a second, to grab coffee and a pastry, but then Alicia got a phone call, and Mrs Alderman started talking to him in the queue, and by the time they left his goddamn coffee had gone cold.
They clamber inside, Alicia pushing a few files onto the backseat as Pedro stares. “I almost died, you know,” he quips, half muffled as he takes a bite of his croissant. He hums at the taste, light and buttery; maybe it had been worth it.
Alicia rolls her eyes, used to his antics by now. “I was on the phone to the BBC. They’ve confirmed who you’ll be on The Graham Norton Show with.”
“They have? Who?” 
He generally felt nervous going on the big chat shows, especially with how in demand he'd been recently. But Graham had been so warm, especially for his first time on the show, that when they asked him to come back he'd accepted without hesitation.
And really, he was quite looking forward to it.
Alicia doesn't seem quite as excited though. She flips open her notepad, littered with delicate but hasty scribbles of various projects and dates, and begins to read out the names.
“Robert Downey Jr, he’s promoting Oppenheimer.”
“I'm gonna meet Iron Man?” Now he was nervous.
“Kate McKinnon. She's in the Barbie movie, I think.”
“Amazing.” He'd always wanted to meet her.
“And…” she sighs. “(Y/N) (L/N).”
“Who?” No seriously, who?
Alicia snaps her head up to look at him. Surely he didn’t not know who she was? “(Y/N) (L/N)? The singer?”
Pedro just shakes his head, unbothered. “Nah, never heard of her. She any good?”
“No, Pedro, that’s the point.” He cocks an eyebrow, gesturing for her to continue as she looks back and forth between him and her notes. “She’s a publicist’s worst nightmare. She’s the lead singer of this band, The Heartbreakers, they’re huge. Like, Taylor Swift-huge. But if Taylor Swift did heavy metal.”
“And why don't we like her?” he asks.
“Because she’s trouble. She’s had big drug problems, she argues with everyone, she goes on stage and pulls all these crazy stunts. She’s always in the news, Pedro.”
He can’t help but think she sounds like fun.
“Can’t be that bad, right? If she’s that famous?”
Alicia shakes her head, “she's famous, but that doesn’t mean she’s not dangerous. People love you right now, Pedro. I’m just concerned that if you’re seen to be… friendly with her, people will raise their eyebrows. It won’t look good.
He thinks for a second. It really wasn’t in his nature, this whole PR thing. He liked meeting new people, and listening to them, and connecting. Maybe not Mrs Alderman - and now he's thinking about that nightmare again - but, for the most part, yes; Pedro liked people.
And not giving someone a chance because of his public image didn’t feel right.
Alicia sees the cogs turning in his brain, so she flips the pad closed, giving him her full attention now. “I know it’s strange, but I mean it. It’s not a hole you want to get dragged into. Her fandom is huge, the media's obsessed with her, parents hate that their kids listen to her and kids love to piss off their parents by listening to her. I’m going to speak to them about getting you sat on the opposite end of the couch... I just want to make sure you’re not linked with her. Trust me.”
With that, he nods his head. He does trust her - at the end of the day, he didn’t even know who this (Y/N) person was. So what if he didn’t speak to her much on the show?
He had to pull the phone away as Bella’s near-screech pierced his ears. They yell again, something along the lines of “are you serious? Pedro, are you serious?!”
“Yes I’m serious, what’s the big-”
“Oh my god I can’t believe it! You’re going to meet (Y/N) (L/N)! Will you mention her to me? I saw her tweet once that she watched the show and oh my god I need her to follow me on Instagram-”
“Wait, Bella, wait,” Pedro rubs his thumb and forefinger between his brows, not exactly thrilled that what was supposed to be a call to calm his nerves the night before the show was now filled with so much rowdiness. “I don’t even know who she is! You listen to her?”
They gasp, and he just knew they were pulling a dramatic, jaw-dropped face on the other end of the line. “Come on man, I know you’re not the hippest guy around but you have to know who she is!”
He giggles, throwing his hands in the air. “‘Fraid not, Bella. I’ve no clue. I do know i’m not supposed to talk to her though.”
Now there was a real gasp, not the purposefully dramatic kind. “What? Pedro, you can’t not talk to her. You have to. She’s the coolest person, like, ever.”
Pedro scoffs, “what about me?”
“When you get sleeve tattoos and banned from performing at the VMAs, you might get considered dude.”
“She was banned from the VMAs?”
You know that feeling, when someone tells you not to do something, and you don’t want to do anything else?
Yeah, that.
“I’ll send you the link, it was so cool. She said she’ll be allowed back next year anyway 'cos they need her to stay relevant.” He giggles again at that, and yeah, he couldn’t deny his intrigue.
“So that’s why you like her? She's all rebellious and stuff?” Pedro chews on his thumb as he asks, the anxiety of tomorrow not quite forgotten, but listening intently as Bella rants on.
“Nah, I mean she is controversial, but I just think she’s amazing. She acts all tough and rock 'n' roll, but she's really great deep down. I went to see her band once a couple of years ago, and this girl fainted so she stopped the whole show to make sure she got water and was okay. She’s just misunderstood, man.”
“Is it true she’s a drug addict?” He's not sure why he felt the need to ask. Why he cared. Maybe it was just to build a better picture, or maybe because Bella loves her so much, and he cares about their interests. Maybe, he had a sort of… concern, for her. For this enigma.
They knew each other well, and Bella could sense Pedro’s interest. More than anything, they were just excited to tell him about their favourite singer. “She used to be, it was crazy. She’d go on stage high and everything, people really hated her then. But she’s been sober now for, like, a year? She talks about it a lot. This is what I mean dude - everyone remembers all those shitty things but I think she’s so strong.”
He hums in agreement, thinking back to Alicia’s warning a few days earlier.
“Do you think it’d be bad? If I talked to her?”
It was Bella taking a moment’s pause, now. “I mean… Alicia’s not wrong. She’s not exactly got the cleanest image a celebrity’s ever had. I guess it’s up to you to decide what matters most.”
It was quite profound really, and Pedro was reminded of just how mature they were for their age.
“The most important thing is that you give her my instagram handle.”
And just like that, the moment’s gone. He laughs, shaking his head and muttering “you’re a dick”, before falling into conversation about other things. He fully intended to look up (Y/N) (L/N) before he fell asleep, but the hours went by quick and soon enough he'd drifted off, phone in hand and tomorrow's nerves dispelled for now.
Maybe this whole Graham Norton thing was a bad idea.
Pedro was tired.
It had been a long flight to London, a long drive from the airport to his hotel. And a long, long wait at the studio before they even thought about getting filming started.
He’d been in hair and makeup for a good while, and according to Alicia, it would still be another two hour’s wait until they got him sat on the big red couch.
Yeah, he was tired.
He steps out, the muddied skies of London painting a grey-cast shadow on his face, the frosty winds hitting his skin. It was nice. Different. Much harsher than the LA sun he was used to.
He looks around; it’s just him there in the car park, leant against the windowsill and letting his eyes drift shut. It’s peaceful, and if it weren’t for the rushing of the motorway that ran just beside him, he’d almost feel alone.
“Mind if I join?”
He jolts awake, startled out of his near-tranquility, facing the woman who’d crept outside through the same doors he did. She was casually dressed, far more so than the BBC staff he’d seen today; she must be a temp, or an intern or something. A heavy black hoodie swallows her frame, and he wished he had a similar one as his ice-cold breath fell into the air. His eyes draw upwards, and he thinks to himself just how pretty she is. (Y/H/C) hair is bundled in her hood, loose strands blowing messily in the wind. She has no makeup on, so he can see greyish bags hung under her eyes, her lips stained pink, a soft blush blooming over her cheeks from the frosty air. There’s a roughness to her, something harsh, and it makes her so utterly alluring.
“Yeah- yes, of course. Of course.” He offers a smile, and she smiles back, and his heart races.
He shuffles to the left, unsure of why he’s making room for her on the windowsill; they’re outside, he’s a stranger. There’s a bench not far from the door, perfectly fit for her to sit on. And yet she follows his movements, and leans against the porcelain outline of the large window, searching for something in her pockets.
“D'you smoke?” She produces a pack of cigarettes, and digs out a lighter from her back jean pocket. Pedro watches as she slips one of them between her lips, covering the end with delicate hands as she lights it, revelling in the taste and taking a long drag. He notices then her long black nails, perfectly painted and delicately holding the cigarette in place, elegant and weapon-like at the same time.
There’s a nonchalance to everything she does, and it’s enticing. She doesn’t look at him when she asks, or when she expels the smoke from her lungs, keeping her eyes set forward and undoubtedly feeling the weight of Pedro’s on her face.
He forgets he’s supposed to answer.
“Er, no, thank you. I’m being good.” He offers her a smile, forced as he tries to remember his own whereabouts, too entranced by the beauty and the charisma that fell from this woman in droves.
The two are silent for a little while, he can’t be too sure how long. He smells the smoke from beside him, sees the wisps drawl from her tongue and into the cool air, and for someone who considered himself rather charming, he couldn’t for the life of him think of something to say.
He doesn’t have to.
“What're you doing out here, then?”
And this time she is looking at him. They’re sat close, and his eyes meet hers with ease, warm and welcoming. He feels a little more comfortable now, like she’s a friend; her warmness makes it hard to feel anything other than at peace.
He smiles, bashful. “I’m working.”
He looks down at his shoes, rubbing them against one another. It was always a strange conversation to have, explaining who he was to people who didn’t know. It felt like showing off a little; more than anything, he didn’t want to make a big deal of it.
“Yeah, I, uh… on the show.”
She giggles, and it sounds so sweet that his tummy heats up. “I’m only kidding. I know who you are. The Last Of Us, right?”
There’s a sincerity to her tone, nothing like this thick, false charm people try to use when they know he’s famous. It didn’t feel like she wanted anything from him in that moment. He nods, looking back up at her and his breath hitches when they immediately lock eyes again. Her lips are turned into a sly smile, cheeky almost, and he can’t help but grin back.
“I liked that show,” she says before taking another long drag.
“Thank you. That means a lot to me. Makes this fuckin’ huge press tour worth it.”
She laughs. Not the quiet giggle she gave him before, but a proper laugh, one that makes her eyes brighter and her nose scrunch up. Pedro laughs too, caught up in her, and when their chuckles die down they relax into a comfortable silence for a few moments before he turns to her again and asks, “how about you? Are you on the production team?”
She ponders her answer. It’s the first time - in the 10 minutes since they’d met - that she’d seemed to falter. Like she was unsure. “Yeah, you could say that.”
He didn’t push it. Maybe his fame was a problem. Did she feel overwhelmed? Or judged? He didn’t know - but a twang of sadness settled in his gut, and he wondered what to say next.
She recovers quickly, though. Stands back up a little straighter, puts the butt of her cigarette out against the wall, and faces him once again. “You seem nervous."
Pedro chuckles, nervously. “Am I that obvious?”
“Only when you scuff your shoes within an inch of their life and readjust your glasses every 10 seconds.”
“And here I thought I hid it well.” Cocking an eyebrow, the woman looks at him knowingly and tilts her head, encouraging him to go on.
“I always get nervous before these things... it feels worse this time, though. I just know Robert Downey Jr is gonna think I’m so weird, and then there’s this other lady I gotta avoid-”
She was abrupt, quickly apologising for interrupting him. He didn’t mind. “She’s like this... musician? I think. I’m sure you’ll know who she is. I’m awful at keeping up with whatever the kids are doing now. (Y/N)- (Y/N) something.”
There was a pause, awkwardly long. “My assistant says I gotta stay away from her” her continues, feeling a need to fill the gap. “Just doesn’t feel right to me, you know? To judge someone like that before you’ve even met them?”
He watches as she nods her head, deep in thought. She meets his eyes and nods again, faster, showing to him now that she agrees. She understands. He’s not quite sure how she understands, but he believes her; she didn’t strike him as the dishonest sort.
Pedro’s phone vibrates in his pocket, startling them both and they share another soft laugh. He grabs it, seeing Alicia's text flash on the screen - You’ve got a meeting with the producers to go over filming. 10 minutes. Ah shit.
“Everything okay?” There’s concern in her voice, and Pedro wonders if she knows he has to go. If she’s just as disappointed as he is.
“Yeah, yeah. I just - I gotta go.”
She’s definitely disappointed. He knows because her bright eyes fall the same way his did.
He’d never quite felt like this; like a magnet was drawing him to someone and like it would hurt in his soul to let her go. It occurred to him then, he didn’t even know her name, and he’d be damned if he was going to crawl back into the world of PR and publicity stunts and rehearsed answers without finding it out.
“It was nice to meet you. I don’t know if you- you want to get a coffee? Or something? After filming?”
The same harsh edge she had when they met, the one that had slipped and softened as they talked, seemed to have crept back as a once-sweet smile became that sly, cautious smirk. He couldn’t quite understand what she was thinking, what the cogs that so clearly turned in her mind were churning up, but he knew he didn’t care as long as he got to see her again.
“I’d like that.” Pedro sighs in relief, smiling again and sticking out an ice-bitten hand. “I’m Pedro.”
She giggles, offering her own hand and he stalled at the feeling of her fingers wrapped around his own. “I know.” She retorts, and he laughs, and just when she opens her mouth to tell him her own name-
“Pedro! We gotta go!”
Alicia shoves the door open, not even looking up from her phone which was presumably inundated with countless emails and phone calls, and Pedro sighs before looking desperately into the still nameless women’s eyes. She just smiles, dropping his hand and digging hers into her pockets. “Go on. I'll catch you later.”
He nods, swallowing and offering a small, regretful smile before pushing himself off the wall and following Alicia back inside. She huffs at him, speeding back off down the corridor and muttering something along the lines of “these goddamn producers”. He looks back a final time, to where the woman still sits in the windowsill. She waves, and he grins, unable to hide the childlike excitement her little gesture gave him before waving back and letting the door shut behind him.
“We’ve got a fantastic show for you tonight, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s get some guests on!”
Pedro hears the roar of the audience, only a single wall between them and him as he waits to hear his name. He looks around the room; Robert and Kate are stood with him, chatting away at something he’d stopped listening to a little while ago. He felt better now he’d met them - they were lovely, so down to earth and genuinely happy to chat to him and hear what he had to say. It made him less nervous, and you might even say he was looking forward to this now.
There was no sign of her though. The singer - (Y/N). Alicia had scoffed, “typical,” just 10 minutes earlier, when there had been no sign. And she still wasn’t here.
“We’ve got the newly Emmy-nominated actor, best known for his amazing roles in The Mandalorian and HBO’s The Last Of us,” the audience’s roars got louder, “Mr. Pedro Pascal!”
It’s time.
He pulls his suit jacket a little tighter around himself, laying his palm flat against the bottom of his chest. With the other hand, he waves, smiling brightly at the crowd who cheered him on. Graham greets him, pulling him in for a hug and welcoming him back, before pointing him towards the end of the couch. Pedro gives the audience a final wave, mouthing ‘thank you’s and trying to express his gratitude for the love that filled the room.
Kate and Robert came next, shaking his hand and ‘introducing’ themselves again, despite the fact he’d already met them an hour earlier. A producer runs up to Graham, whispering something in his ear before darting off in the other direction. Graham rolls his eyes playfully, turning towards the audience and announcing, “we’ve got a late one!” The audience laugh, and Graham just organises his cue cards as producers usedthe extra time to prepare the camera angles and get the lighting right.
Graham looks at the couch, smiling with a wink. “Don’t worry - she’ll be here in a minute.”
“Is this (Y/N) again?” Robert asks, grinning.
“You’ve met her?” Pedro jumps in, falling into small talk among the four of them.
“A couple of times now yeah,” Robert replies. “I think she’s great, really funny. She's just… not the most put together person.”
They laugh, and Kate recounts her own story of having to wait on some celebrity or another, entertaining the crowd.
Graham parts from the conversation after around 10 minutes, holding a finger to his ear piece and nodding at whatever he was being told from the other end of the line. He stands up, smiling wide and turning to the audience, “she’s here! We have our rockstar ready.”
Cheers immediately erupt, and Graham turns to the guests to check they’re all ready to carry on with the show. Pedro nods, anticipation building as he spots Alicia from the corner of his eye, keeping watch.
“And don’t worry everyone, we’ll cut that little intermission out!” The room laughs. “Now I’m very glad introduce our last, but certainly not least, guest of the night. She’s the lead singer of Grammy-nominated band The Heartbreakers, she’s one of the most famous women in the world right now, and she’s only a tad terrifying. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome - (Y/N) (L/N)!
The audience becomes the loudest they’ve been all night, standing and yelling as the final guest takes the stage, and -
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
It’s her. The woman from outside, the one he’d been thinking about all afternoon. The one whose name he never learned. 
She looks different; she looks like the woman he’d been warned about. She looks dangerous. Where a black hoodie had hung from her shoulders, a black lace dress now clung to her figure and he could see the tattoos that littered her sleeveless arms. The bags under her eyes were gone, as was the pink on her cheeks; her skin was painted, perfected, sculpted with darker shades and glowing radiantly. Her lips were black and glossy, so neatly done that she almost looked like a doll. Thick eyeliner carried a smoky shadow across her eyelid and beyond, drowning the same (Y/E/C) eyes he’d memorised in black.
She was ethereal.
And she was his one, single instruction for the night. Don’t get involved in her.
She waves at the audience, smirking in the same sly way she’d done to him earlier; he saw more clearly that they were the same now. She has the same charm, same charisma, same allure and yet she seems all the more potent now as she strides across the stage in 6 inch heels and pulls Graham into a tight hug, like old friends. She whispers something in his ear, and he throws his head back with a laugh before she saunters to the couch, where the three guests stand up to greet her. She and Kate introduce one another with a kiss on the cheek and a warm smile, before she gives Robert another tight hug and they share a word that Pedro can hear now. “I have to stay here an extra 10 minutes ‘cos of you” Robert quips, causing (Y/N) to pull back and look at him with a cocked brow.
“You know I’m worth it, Downey.”
With that, she turns to face Pedro, and his breath hitches the same way it did when they’d first met. Her grin falters slightly, and there it is again; that honesty. She almost seemed like she was putting on a show, with her slow saunter and cheeky remarks, but there was nothing false about the way she wrapped her arms around him and looked into his eyes.
“My name’s (Y/N).”
He just laughs. He can’t help it. She makes him feel giddy. “I know.”
The audience’s applause dies down, and (Y/N) takes her spot as the star guest, and the first on the couch closest the Graham. He talks between them and the crowd, commenting on what a great line up they had today, despite certain delays, which has the audience howling again. (Y/N) laughs with them, shaking her head and pretending to cover her face with her hand, before looking up at Graham and saying, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, okay? I got held up!”
“Well you have to tell us what happened,” Graham retorts, and they banter as (Y/N) recounts getting stuck in the backstage toilets. She has everyone wrapped around her finger, listening to everything she says and laughing at her jokes, and Pedro can’t find himself believing the warnings Alicia had given him. 
He remembers Bella, and how much praise they had for her, and he gets it. He sees what they see.
“Well you’re here now, that’s all that matters. We actually haven’t seen you for a while!” 
(Y/N) nods, her demeanour becoming slightly more serious. “No, it’s been a strange few months.” 
Graham continues, “the last time you were on the show was 2021. And obviously as most of us here know, you've had quite a difficult time since then, right? Tell me how you’ve been.”
She takes a sharp breath, and Pedro could’ve sworn she glanced up at him before she answers. “Well, yeah. I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone that I was struggling with addiction for… most of my career, really.”
“‘No surprise’?” - Graham interjects - “you used to get high on stage!” It seemed judgemental, but it quickly became clear that he and (Y/N) had that sort of friendship, the kind where you can talk to one another so blatantly. She purses her lips at him, and he giggles, which makes her break the feigned offence and giggle too. 
“Look, man, that’s rock and roll.” The room laughs again. “No but seriously, yeah, it just got worse and worse until… well, you know what happened. it was hard. But I’ve gotten clean, I haven’t touched that shit in what, 8 months?” The crowd launch into cheers and applause, echoed by Graham and the other guests. Pedro could see how much it meant to her, how she tried to keep a stoic appearance despite the tears beginning to glisten in her eyes. She mouths a thank you, and he longs to skip right past Robert and Kate to be by her side, to hold her. She recovers quickly, something Pedro notes she seems to do a lot; cover her moments of weakness as soon as they start. Instead she sits up straighter and jokes, “I think everyone’s worried I’m gonna be boring now, without the drugs.”
Graham laughs, “I mean, you are known for being one of the more controversial artists out there.”
“If anything, I think being high slowed me down. I’m just gonna get worse, now.”
“Oh god, don’t say that,” Graham jokes, “you’re going on tour again soon, I’m not sure we can handle it.”
The audience cheer even louder at the mention of the tour, making (Y/N)’s smile grow wider. “Yep, new album, new tour. It’s all happening.”
Graham turns to Pedro suddenly, as if remembering he had three other guests to rope into the conversation. “Do you listen to this sort of music, Pedro? The Heartbreakers?”
And, shit. Pedro can feel Alicia’s eyes burning into him from off-stage, and he recalls her warnings about this very situation.
Don’t make friends with her
Don’t give the media something to talk about
Don’t ruin your reputation
And yet, her voice got quieter and quieter in his head, as the sound of (Y/N)’s laugh and the pierce of her eyes became all he could think about. The decision was pretty easy to make, really.
“I actually hadn’t heard of them, until today.” Graham chuckles at his reply. “But I think I’ll have to start listening.”
The crowd cheer, and the pair lock eyes for what could’ve only been a few seconds, but felt like so much longer. She tries to fight the way the corners of her mouth pull upwards, white teeth poking through painted black lips, but when she sees him smiling back at her she lets them go and drowns in the butterflies she’s so unused to feeling.
God, he was in so much trouble.
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ficnation · 7 months
Chapter 8: Devour
Series: “Eat Your Heart Out” Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x Female! Reader x Will Graham Word count: 4,3k+ Warnings: canon-typical warnings, canon divergence A/n: Here we go! A part of Su-zakana and we're slowly diving into our connection with Hannibal (unedited)
Main Masterlist || Hannibal Masterlist
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You return home with Will that night after a long day of investigating the crime scene, only to find the house empty and the shadows of night already filling the rooms. The air carries a stillness, as if the house is holding its breath in anticipation of something—perhaps in preparation for what comes next.
The dogs are sleeping peacefully by the fire, their heads lifting with perked-up ears as they sense an intruder. But once they notice their owners, they just wag their tails and shortly after, return to sleep, reassured by your presence.
“Let’s talk then,” Will says, his voice quiet yet determined as he breaks the silence that hangs heavy in the air.
Your heart skips a beat at his words, a flutter of anticipation mingled with apprehension. This is the moment you’ve both been avoiding yet yearning for—the inevitable confrontation. With a steadying breath, you gather your courage, readying yourself.
You step further into the house, shedding your coat and snowy boots, feeling the weight of the day lift as you leave the wintry chill behind.
“I thought the only thing that could haunt my dreams is my sister’s death,” you admit, your voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability as you confront the unsettling thoughts that have been plaguing you.
“Is it your father?” Will asks, his tone gentle yet probing.
“He was an asshole,” you reply bluntly, a trace of bitterness creeping into your voice as you recall the painful memories associated with that poor excuse of a man.
“I know. That’s why I’m asking.”
“He doesn’t deserve to be in my nightmares. I don’t even think about him, Will,” you insist, the words tasting bitter on your tongue, knowing all too well that it’s a lie. The weight of unspoken truths hangs heavy in the air between you both. You can’t ever tell him the truth.
A flash of understanding crosses Will’s face as he takes in your words. Unlike most people, he can see through your denial, knowing that there’s more to your feelings than you’re letting on.
He studies your expression for a moment in consideration before speaking again, his tone laced with tenderness. “You do think about him, don’t you?” he asks quietly, his eyes searching yours for confirmation.
You turn around instantly to avoid his gaze, walking over to the bed and plopping down on it with a heavy sigh, the weight of those words bearing down on you like a crushing burden. You change the course of the conversation. “It’s… It’s Hannibal.”
“He’s in your nightmares?”
“He never leaves them,” you admit, your voice barely above a whisper, the truth hanging heavy in the air between you and Will. The mere thought of Hannibal’s presence infiltrating your dreams sends a shiver down your spine, reminding you of the insidious grip he still holds on your psyche. “He appears as this black creature, its eyes so black they resemble holes, a giant set of antlers growing out of its skull. In one of them, it impaled my hands on them.”
There’s a spark of recognition in Will’s eyes. He used to have them too, but they subsided once you came back. He knows this monster very well; it’s engraved in his memory. The shadow of Hannibal Lecter looms large over both of your lives, leaving an indelible mark that cannot be easily erased.
“Left me hanging there, face to face with this thing. Blood running down my arms...” You let out a trembly sigh. “The worst part is, there’s no pain. No distraction. It’s just me and him.”
He knows full well what it’s like to have Hannibal’s monstrous presence seep its way into your nightmares, haunting your sleep with his malevolent presence.
“You’re trapped,” he observes softly, his tone touched with empathy, “with him.”
Will joins you on the bed with a heavy sigh. He reaches out to offer you his hand, the gesture filled with an underlying sentiment of comfort and reassurance. His hands are cold—a grounding kind of chilliness.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this.”
“You didn’t drag me into anything, Will. We’re in this together,” you assure him, your voice steady despite the lingering unease in your heart. “And we’ll find a way to face it together.”
“It’s not good for you. I see it so clearly.”
You see it too, more than clearly. Hannibal Lecter should never have entered your life, and you should never have entered his.
You’re not sure if it’s something particular he did, but it’s not just your nightmares he occupies—it’s your thoughts and fantasies. It fills your mind with immeasurable guilt because how could you do that to Will? How could you think about someone other than him like that?
From the moment you met Will Graham, you knew he was your everything. No man has ever come close to filling the void in your soul that he filled. No man has ever engraved himself in your memory like Will did. He was truly your everything. And now? Hannibal Lecter occupies your thoughts just as much as Will does—it’s unnerving.
“I don’t know what to do,” he admits, head bowed in defeat, so you reach out and raise it with your fingers gently gripping his chin.
“We keep moving forward, Will,” you say softly, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek as light as a butterfly’s touch. “If you want to help all those people then let him devour us. Let him pray we’re not poisonous.”
“Not literally, you fool.”
A few days later, you find yourself in front of Hannibal Lecter’s office, patiently waiting for his patient to emerge. You hadn’t expected to end up here at all, nor did you anticipate being the one to seek him out. How the tables have turned...
The young woman exits the room just twenty minutes later. She doesn’t rush, taking her sweet time to put her coat on and greet you with a “good evening” that sounds just a tiny bit snobbish. You wish you had you had the same luxury of time to savor such small moments.
The sound of your knuckles rapping against the wooden door echoes through the corridor. You wait patiently, anticipation stirring within you as you wonder how Hannibal will receive your unexpected visit.
A faint “come in” follows from within.
You push open the door, stepping into Hannibal Lecter’s office with a mixture of apprehension and determination. The room is bathed in soft lamplight, casting long shadows across the elegant furnishings. Hannibal sits behind his desk, his posture relaxed yet attentive as he regards you with a curious gaze.
“Mrs. Graham, I didn’t expect you,” Hannibal’s voice is smooth and composed, betraying little of his inner thoughts. You offer a polite smile, though inside, your nerves are coiled tight.
“I didn’t expect to end up here today either,” you admit. It’s the truth. You don’t have any idea why you’re here.
“Perhaps you’re here to talk about Will?” Hannibal suggests, his tone measured and probing, yet not demanding. He appears content merely with your presence.
“I’m really not sure,” you confess with a quiet chuckle, the sound barely audible in the air between you.
“Would you like to take a seat?”
“I’d like that,” you respond a bit too quickly, mentally cursing yourself for the slight hint of eagerness in your voice. “If you don’t have another patient waiting, of course.”
“I’m done for the day,” he says with a smile that tells you he definitely noticed your tone. That’s not good. Or maybe it is?
You take a seat in one of the armchairs, crossing your legs and looking at him expectantly. With a deep breath, you let your shoulders relax slightly. Hannibal takes the other armchair and mirrors your posture, crossing his legs and folding his hands atop them in a manner that echoes your own.
“Something tells me you’re not here because of Will.”
“You might be right about that.”
“Then why are you here, Mrs. Graham?” Hannibal inquires, his tone soft but curious, his gaze fixed on you with an intensity that makes you feel like he’s peeling back layers of your psyche yet again. “Because of our unfinished conversation, perhaps?”
“Do you consider it unfinished?” You tilt your head slightly, a ghost of a smile playing over your lips.
“Indeed,” Hannibal responds, his own lips curving into a faint smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Our last discussion left many avenues unexplored, wouldn’t you agree?”
“I believe the last thing I asked about was the purpose of your previous visit,” you say, your tone measured and composed.
“I recall that,” Hannibal acknowledges with a nod. “A valid inquiry, indeed.”
You nod your head and look at him expectantly, feeling a quiet buzzing in the back of your head. The black creature stands behind Hannibal, expressionless and looming like a silent sentinel. You discreetly rub your eyes with your fingers, not expecting it to help, but to your surprise, it does. The monster is gone, leaving not even a shadow after its disappearance.
“Would you like me to be perfectly honest with you?” 
You take a moment to gather your thoughts, weighing your words carefully before responding. “Yes, please,” you reply, meeting Hannibal’s gaze with unwavering determination. You brace yourself for whatever truth he’s about to reveal.
“I’ve been Will’s therapist for a while,” he begins, his hands finding their rightful place on the armrests. You can’t help but notice how majestic he looks in his domain. “You seem to be a person of significant importance in his life. Yet, I haven’t heard much about you. Not until recently, and even now, Will seems to be avoiding discussing your role in his life.”
Hannibal meets your gaze head-on, boring into your soul. His stare alone makes you want to tell him everything—things he’s not supposed to know and things he has no right to know.
You remember the words you said to Will. They echo in your head, bouncing off the walls of your skull. Let him devour us. Let him pray we’re not poisonous. They dissipate as you draw in a deep breath and release it slowly.
“Our paths to this moment haven’t exactly been peaceful,” you admit, idly playing with the edge of your skirt—not out of nerves, but to subtly direct Hannibal’s attention there.
The tactic proves effective as his gaze follows the movement, tracing down the length of your crossed legs to the black heels you wore during the dinner at his place. You’re almost certain it triggers memories of that day—the elegant green dress, the atmosphere thick with tension and intrigue.
You hold his gaze steadily, letting the silence stretch between you as you wait for him to respond. There’s a tension in the air, a palpable energy that crackles with anticipation.
Hannibal’s lips curve into a faint smile, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes as he meets your gaze once more. “Ah, the witness protection program,” he muses, his tone laced with intrigue. “It certainly has a way of reshaping one’s path, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, it does,” you agree, a hint of mystery in your tone. “You might be surprised to find out just how much.”
Hannibal’s smile widens slightly. “Not a lot of things surprise me anymore, Mrs. Graham.”
You lean just a little bit closer in the armchair, your eyes narrowing slightly as you focus on Hannibal. There’s a sense of anticipation in the air, as if you’re both teetering on the edge of a revelation.
“I see what Will sees in you,” he says, his tone soft yet filled with depth, as if acknowledging a truth that transcends mere observation. 
Hannibal’s gaze holds yours, his expression unreadable yet strangely intense. It’s as if he’s peering into the depths of your soul, searching for something that even you might not fully understand.
“Do you, Doctor Lecter?”
“Indeed, Mrs. Graham,” he replies, unwavering.
The air between you crackles with tension, igniting sparks that dance between the two of you. Despite being different people, there’s an undeniable similarity that hangs between you, palpable even without knowing him intimately.
“Would you like to tell me more about your time in witness protection?”
Hannibal’s question catches you off guard. You blink rapidly, surprised by his inquiry. You had hoped he would honor the unspoken promise he made to Will, naively believing he wouldn’t pry into the matter. Wrong. 
“It’s been peaceful. Tough to leave everything and everyone behind, but not working in the FBI has been a blessing,” you respond, offering a brief summary of your experience.
“But now you’re back in the field, why?”
“Curiosity, perhaps. A desire to be part of something meaningful again,” you reply, keeping your answer vague yet suggestive.
Hannibal shakes his head with a quiet chuckle. “You’re quite good at deception, aren’t you?”
Your mouth quirks up in amusement that he figured you out so easily. For some reason, it doesn’t make you sweat as it should. If he could uncover your lie that quickly, it meant he could unearth much more with just as much ease. It definitely should make you nervous.
“That’s what working in the BAU does to you,” you reply with a wry smile, hoping to brush off any further questions. “Makes lying your second nature.”
“You don’t have to lie to me, my dear.”
My dear—the nickname reverbarates in your mind, melting your brain with it’s sweet tone. I shouldn’t be here. Your cheeks flush with warmth, a sensation you’re not particularly fond of. You’re no longer a young schoolgirl harboring a crush on her professor. You shouldn’t feel like this.
Hannibal lets his eyes stray toward the elegant watch on his wrist, his lips pressing into a thin line. Hannibal sighs deeply, his gaze filled with longing as it returns to your face. Such a beautiful creature, he muses silently.
“I’m afraid our meeting must come to an end sooner than I’d like,” Hannibal explains, a regretful tone in his voice. “Time seems to slip away all too quickly in our conversations.”
Thank heavens.
“I understand,” you reply, masking a pinch of disappointment that creeps into your heart. “Thank you for your time, Doctor Lecter.”
“It’s Hannibal,” he reminds you with a hint of amusement in his voice.
“Hannibal,” you murmur his name, tasting it on your tongue yet again as you stand up, smoothing out your skirt. “We’ll meet again very soon.”
Knocking on the door of the stranger’s shed elicits a cacophony of barks and screeches from the animals inside, their alarm evident. You lock eyes with Will inquisitively. You were well-acquainted with the case of Sarah Craber’s murder and the circumstances surrounding the discovery of her body. It was poetic. Not beautiful, but undeniably poetic.
When no one appears in the doorway, you let yourself in reluctantly. You follow Jack and Will inside, making a point to be the last one to enter. It generally makes you appear less threatening.
“Scare them when ya knock like that,” the manly voice is uninvating, perhaps carrying a hint of shyness.
“Apologies for the disturbance,” you offer with a polite nod, acknowledging the man’s comment and the subtle hint of shyness in his voice.
Jack simply shakes his head, still not accustomed to your courteous approach with suspects and witnesses. He’s always leaned towards a more direct method, but he couldn’t deny the effectiveness of your approach, which often yielded the best results.
“Peter Bernardone?” Jack questions.
The man in question reacts suspiciously, awkwardly turning his back toward your little group, trying to avoid your eyes.
“Sir?” Jack tries again, while you and Will exchange uncertain glances, unsure of how to react. “You don’t seem to be curious about who we are.”
“Who are you?” he mutters, barely audible. It’s evident that the question is forced out of him—an awkward effort not to appear suspicious.
“I’m Agent Jack Crawford with the FBI. This is Will Graham and Agent Avant,” he introduces you to the man. You walk around the small building, observing the various animals in cages. The place feels familiar, although you’re certain you’ve never been here before. Perhaps it’s these creatures that remind you of Will’s habit of collecting stray dogs.
“We’re here to ask you some questions about someone you may have had contact with when you worked at the Blackbriar Stables. A woman named Sarah Craber. Her body was recently found… in unusual circumstances.”
“I know,” Peter Bernardone interjects, sounding just a little guilty. “I know. I heard.”
You lean over one of the cages, locking eyes with a white rabbit. Its red eye resembles a small bead, peering straight at you yet seeming to look right through you at the same time. It’s beautiful yet unsettling. You’re glad Will takes in dogs and not bunnies.
“There was a bird in her chest. Did you hear about that?” Will looks around the shed before his gaze finds you, a small quirk of his mouth appearing when he notices you leaning over one of the cages, observing the little creature.
“Was the bird alive?” the man questions, more concerned about the animal than about the dead woman.
This question seems to catch all of your attention, as you look at Bernardone, surprised and intrigued, as do Jack and Will. Crawford wears a smugness in his expression that seems to say, “I told you so.”
The man staggers, “Who— who— who taking care of the bird?”
You feel a pang of sympathy for him, for reasons you can’t quite articulate. You probably shouldn’t, but you can’t help it. You can’t fathom him strangling an innocent girl to death. Yet, the world is cruel and deceptive, and even the most innocent-looking people can be capable of terrible things. People are flawed, and God knows that His creations can act worse than animals at times.
“Don’t worry about it, Mr. Bernardone. We wouldn’t leave it to die,” you reassure him, gently inserting your finger between the metal rods of the cage to stroke the soft, white fur of the animal. You smile when it doesn’t shy away.
The man’s shoulders drop a little in relief. A good sign.
“How well did you know Sarah Craber?” Jack questions.
“I didn’t know her,” Peter shakes his head, still avoiding eye contact with any of you.
Jack takes a step closer, and Peter freezes, looking like a deer caught in headlights, unsure where to direct his gaze or where to move. 
“Would you mind looking at a photograph?” your boss persists.
“I—” Peter stammers once more, his voice barely above a mumble. “I know who she is. I didn’t— I didn’t know her.”
Will and Jack exchange a silent glance, piquing your interest more than the rabbit, so you decide to leave it alone. You step a little closer, joining Will by his side. His hand reaches for yours, clad in warm gloves. 
“Just… take a look to be sure.” Jack reaches out his hand, holding the photograph out toward Peter.
It takes a moment before he finally extends his hand for the photo, his head turned in the other direction.
“I feel bad for him,” you whisper to Will, low enough not to be heard by the two other men.
“I do too,” Will responds softly, his voice carrying a hint of empathy as he grips your fingers just a little tighter.
Peter glances at the picture of Sarah Craber for a fleeting moment, his brain seemingly struggling to process the image before he returns it with an outstretched hand, his head once again turned away, eyes closed shut. 
Will’s eyes dart between Jack and Peter, his gaze shifting rapidly as he processes the interaction, piecing together the puzzle before him. “Did you get your head injury when you were working at the stables, Peter?”
The man in question point his finger at his head. “Yeah, okay. Kicked by a horse. Boom.”
“That’s an atypical motor response,” Will concludes, taking a step closer. “Peter’s abilities to look and touch can only happen as separate events.”
It all makes sense now.
“It’s aggravated by stress, right?”
“Are you feeling stressed, Mr. Bernardone?” you inquire in a gentle tone.
“Yeah, I’m worried about the bird.”
“Would you like us to bring it to you?”
The man doesn’t meet your gaze, his head bowed and his eyes blinking rapidly. He’s clearly overwhelmed by the situation, with too many questions and unfamiliar faces and voices.
“Yes. Worried about the bird. I’m sad for her death, sad for the horse, but I…” He looks at Will then at you. “I can only help the bird.”
As you exit the building, you can’t help but hope for the chance to visit again, under much kinder circumstances. You’re sure Peter Bernardone isn’t the killer, and Will seems to share your conclusion.
“I don’t know if he’s the killer, Jack,” he says, uncertainty shading his tone. He exhales, the breath visible in the cold air as a puff of fog. “If he is, he never meant to be. And if he isn’t, he knows who is.”
“He’s not the killer,” you affirm, your voice carrying a tone of conviction stronger than Will’s.
You don’t say anything else, tucking your hands into the pockets of your black coat as you stride toward Jack’s car, a quiet whistle escaping your lips. The icy air nips at your cheeks and nose. God, I wish I were sunbathing in the Bahamas.
The Chinese food lacks its usual flavor, failing to satisfy your appetite as it typically does. Seated cross-legged on the floor in front of the fireplace, you absentmindedly poke at your pasta with chopsticks, lacking the usual enthusiasm for your meal.
“What’s wrong?” Will asks, his posture relaxed as he sits slouched in the armchair nearby, clearly not sharing your lack of enthusiasm.
You sigh deeply, punctuating your discontent with the last stab of the chopsticks into the takeout box before rising to your feet. With a resigned shrug, you leave it perched on the windowsill behind Will’s armchair, a silent testament to your waning appetite. You return to your previously occupied spot on the carpet, folding your legs beneath you as you settle back down, the fire casting a warm glow over the room.
“Jack’s got me looking at dead bodies again. Makes me wanna throw up,” you admit, the words carrying a hint of frustration and discomfort.
Will stops his movements, chopsticks halfway in the air, his gaze shifting from the food to you.
“You were supposed to work with the witnesses and suspects only,” he says, his tone tinged with more than annoyance as he lets the food fall back into the small box and leaves it on the windowsill next to yours.
“I thought so too. Turns out Jack doesn’t really keep his promises.”
“That’s not okay.”
“It’s not,” you agree, glancing at him in your peripheral vision.
The silence stretches between the two of you as you both gaze into the dancing flames of the fire. The crackling of the fire fills the room, punctuating the quiet tension that hangs in the air. Each flicker of the flames casts fleeting shadows across the walls, adding to the somber atmosphere. Despite the warmth emanating from the hearth, a chill seems to settle in the room, matching the unease that lingers between you and Will.
“I went to see Hannibal,” you confess, your voice breaking the silence with an impulsive urgency.
Will’s expression shifts subtly, a mix of surprise and curiosity flashing across his features before he masks it with a neutral facade. “Why?” he asks, his tone carefully measured.
“I don’t know.”
“Might be.”
Will nods slowly, his eyes studying you intently. “What did you two talk about?”
As you sit in the flickering glow of the fire, contemplating your words, Will’s attention shifts fully to you, his expression a mixture of curiosity and concern. He leans forward slightly, waiting for you to continue, his eyes searching your face for even a little hint.
“You and me, our paths.”
Will nods slowly, his gaze still fixed on you, waiting for you to elaborate. The weight of his silent anticipation hangs heavy in the air, urging you to delve deeper into your thoughts.
You take a deep breath, gathering your thoughts before continuing. “Our paths, they seem to keep intersecting, don’t they? Whether by fate or some other force, we’re constantly drawn together, tangled in each other’s lives.” You pause, searching for the right words to convey the complexity of your connection with Will. “It’s like we’re two parallel lines that can never quite stay apart, no matter how much we try.”
“We’re intertwined in ways that neither of us fully understands,” you continue, your voice carrying a mixture of resignation and longing. “And sometimes, I wonder if that’s a good thing or a curse. But regardless, here we are, facing whatever comes our way together.”
The man nods silently, his expression reflecting surprise at your mention of fate. It’s been some time since you broached the topic, and he had assumed you no longer believed in its influence. Yet, as he considers your words, he realizes he’s pondered the same question himself on numerous occasions.
A blessing or a curse. Will is not offended in the slightest. You clashed on more than one occasion, burning down anything that crossed you paths at the wrong time. Yet, you always end up together, as if some unseen force continually draws you back into each other’s orbit.
You offer a small smile in response to his silent acknowledgment, realizing that perhaps there’s more to your connection than mere coincidence or happenstance. Despite the uncertainties and complexities of your relationship, there’s a shared understanding that binds you together, transcending the barriers of logic and reason.
“I love you, Will. With all my heart.”
“Well… I’m sure you can’t love me more than I love you. I’ve waited for you my whole life.”
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