#and my gf keeps dodging all of our plans to hang out
muldersjpg · 2 years
spiraling! at the late night posting
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colemacgrathtkz · 4 years
Buying time
Previously. Next
Fair warning: This one is long.
A few days after her return, Noceda made her way into the Blight manor. She hadn't seen anyone else from the "good old days".
Today, Amity should be finished moving back into her old room. Now that the "empress" had returned, Luz needed a place to stay.
The Owl house didn't seem like it would be accepting new tenants. Amity said she could stay at the "New Coven" HQ. Belos's former castle might as well be put to good use.
Stepping through the front door, she expected to be greeted by either stuffy parents or mischievous siblings. Neither seemed to be home. Just a familiar face waiting to report her news.
Luz: "Good afternoon, my lovely gf! I'm ready for my homecoming party!"
Amity: "I've already updated Willow and Augustus. They should be ready to speak with you after some time."
Luz(folding her arms): "Why so formal, Blight? Is it the house? Maybe we should get our own-".
Amity: "Everyone's going to need time to take all this in, even me. But what about you? Any trouble moving back into your old castle?"
Luz (sarcastically): " You mean Belos's hand-me-downs? You know, after I killed him. Not so bad once you get passed the stares and constant reminders of who I was."
Amity: "Sorry."
Wait, why was she apologizing?
Luz nonchalantly shrugged.
Luz: "Meh, there was vacancy."
Speaking of vacancy, even for a big house, this was unusually quiet.
Luz( jokingly): "So, when's the party? I want to see everyone. Where are they?"
Amity: "That's going to have to wait. My family's already on their way to a conference. We'll be gone for four days."
Luz: "Sounds like high class stuff. Perfect for a romantic getaway, like in the movies. Ok, I'm in!"
Amity: "You can't come."
Luz( pouting): "Huh, why not? I was technically at the top of this food chain. What could possibly stop this empress from returning to high class society?"
Amity: "Me. Remember, everyone was afraid of you. You're supposed to be a secret. Everyone at HQ has orders not to mention you being back."
Sticking her hands in her pockets, the sulking latina turned to leave.
Luz: "Fine! I'll just hang out with Willow and Gus."
Amity: "Those two are busy. Willow has official coven business. Augustus works with his father. They can't drop everything just because you're back."
Stopping mid step, she glanced back to hear about the others.
Luz: "Eda? King?"
Amity dodged her gaze.
Amity: "We haven't been able to reach them. They left Bonesborough to cure the curse... with Lilth."
For a brief moment, red flickered in Luz's eyes. Unfortunately, Amity caught glimpse of that. She made her way to the staircase.
Amity: "Enjoy the alone time."
Being left alone wasn't a fun thought.
Luz: "Hold on, you sure there's no way I could tag along?"
Amity: "Not without some assurances."
Luz: "Like a certain glowing circle floating in midair?"
Got her...
Amity: "The everlasting oath will only work if we're both on board with this. If you're willing to promise give up your magic, it could work. Just for four days, ok? I want to breathe easy. "
Luz: "Ok, but on one condition. We don't tell anyone else about this. There's probably a line of witches who want to take a shot at me."
A purple halo was spawned before them. Amity held her hand out, ready to begin. But just as Luz held out hers, it crackled. A burst of red in its hue, it zapped both their wrists before dissolving. The slight scorch marks seemed to send a clear message.
Amity( disappointed): "I knew this wouldn't work."
Luz: "Hang on, one more time. Close your eyes."
If you looked up "suspicious" in the dictionary, you'd see this moment.
Amity's narrowed eyes tried to read Luz's intentions. The suspect raised her right hand and put the other one on her chest.
Luz: "No tricks, I swear."
Complying with her request, Amity didn't peek.
Luz's eyes darted for the closest reflective object. Settling on a mirror, she knew who else was staring back.
Luz( mouthing the words): "Come on, help me out here."
Trying once more, two hands joined together without fail.
Luz: "See? No sweat. Now, when do we leave?"
Amity: "Tonight, I'm almost done packing. But there's something else I've got to say. My family's arranged for all of us to have our own rooms, for privacy. So..."
Amity brought a hand to Luz's face, smiling.
Amity( patting Luz's cheek): "Good luck finding a last minute vacancy."
And with that, a slack jawed girl was left to wait at the door.
Luz: "Fine, I don't need magic. I've got a dangerous rep!"
[The morning after Luz's return, at New Coven HQ]
Gus: "We've got to drop everything and deal with this!"
Amity: "No, we need to focus. How did she even get here?"
Willow(sarcastically): "Maybe you can find the answer at your next book club meeting? Spoiler alert! Luz's pages ahead of us."
Gus has been working with his father. Though, keeping his finger on the town's pulse was definitely a useful thing. From hearing rumors to reading reports, Gus was the group's ears.
He'd barged into Amity's briefing. Reports of crystal balls disappearing overnight. That definitely seemed like New Coven business.
Of course, it seemed like a good time to inform them of last night's visitor.
Gus: "This can't a coincidence. First, she shows up. Then, robberies happen all over town, overnight! What next? The town gets knee deep in a potion flood?"
Willow: "That doesn't sound that bad, all things considered."
Gus(hysterical): "Oh, sure! Why don't we just ask our former dictator? Hey, Luz, how bad are things going to get?"
They took the news about as well as could be expected.
Gus: "We can't just ask her. She'd probably get scary and wipe out the town."
Willow( putting a hand on Gus's shoulder): " Come on, Gus, this is Luz we're talking about. She's got a big imagination. She'd probably come up with something way worse."
Ok, that's enough panicking.
Amity: "She's not going to wipe out Bonesborough... today. Look, right now we've got questions that need answers. And each of us still have jobs to do. Augustus, I want you to keep up to date on the investigations. Willow, I need you to go to the tree. The portal's gone, but there might be something left behind. Anything that could give us a hint.
Get to it!"
This was normally the part where everyone's dismissed. But Willow waited to shut the door behind Gus.
Willow: "Now that he's gone, we need to clear the air."
Amity just sat down, resting her head on her arms.
Willow: "Do you know why I became your personal assistant?"
Amity(sheepish): "Because you're that nice of a witch and couldn't let me fall apart?"
Willow: "Luz meant alot to us. But she meant a whole lot to you. If anyone was going to get her back, it was you. You were the key to seeing her again. And I wanted to be there to see my friend again.
Guess I dropped the ball on that one, huh?"
These two might not be friends, but they had each other's backs.
Willow: "So, do you trust her?"
Amity: "I don't know."
Smirking, Willow wrapped one arm around Amity's shoulder.
Willow: "Well, maybe we can do something about that? See, while you were obviously crushing on her from afar..."
Amity(slightly blushing): " Obviously?!"
Willow(smug): " I was learning up close about schemes, plots, and ruses from a master of shenanigans."
Willow's confidence had improved.
Willow: "I've got a plan. If everything goes well, you might get everything you hoped for.
Twoo wuv's kiss saves Luz and both of you get a happy ending."
She took jabs at her new boss when she could. Payback for the years of bullying.
While Amity became beet red, Willow continued.
Willow(whispering): "Here's what you need to do..."
The afternoon after the conference, at the Blight manor.
The "undercover" duo knocked at the Blight manor entrance.
The family should be back, by now.
They were met by the twins, Emira and Edric.
Willow: "We need to talk to Amity."
Emira: "She's sleeping."
Gus: "It's four in the afternoon."
Edric: "She didn't get a wink, last night."
A smiles appeared on Amity's siblings.
Edric: "Want to see why?"
Not even waiting for an answer, he brought up a scroll. The footage was ready to go.
Edric: "We had a ball to cap off the night."
Emira: "But Luz wanted to do something special."
There, on the screen, Luz stood in the spotlight. Holding the mic and a spanish guitar, she broadcasted for the dance hall.
Luz: "This one goes out to a special someone here tonight. It's called, 'You're in my heart'."
Amity could be seen hiding her face, as she tried to excuse herself.
Emira: "We told her, Amity left during her performance."
Edric: "So, she asked for our help in finding mitten's window."
Pulling up another recording, this one seemed to take place outside.
Luz: "I saw this in a movie, once."
As the shot panned out, the eyes of these two detectives nearly popped out at the screen. What they saw could only be described as an army of Luz clones. The one up front, holding the guitar, began to play. The rest of them sang behind her.
Luz army(echoing): "Love of my life, you've hurt me.
You've broken my heart, and now you leave me."
The Blight twins collapsed from laughter.
The two guests looked at each other.
Gus(confused): "Are we... sure that's not the real Luz?"
Willow: "I thought Luz wasn't supposed to do magic?"
Edric(astounded): "That's why she asked for our help!"
Emira: "I just thought she was trying to get in good with her future in laws. Those powers glyphs weren't a bad start."
Before Willow could ask about that, Gus had his own question.
Gus: "When did you even learn this song?"
Blight twins(in unison): "Last night."
Willow: "No one tried to stop her during any of this?"
Emira: "People were too sacred they'd set her off. I mean, even we had trouble believing she wasn't going to start... you know."
Edric: "That is, until she wanted to pull something over on Amity. And really, who are we to try and stop her from redeeming herself?"
Emira: "Yeah, shame she made Luz walk home."
Slowly, Willow pieced together a realization.
Willow: "Time's not up yet and she's walking back alone.
Wait, did you post this on Penstagram?!"
Author's note:
Admittedly, the bonus was inspired by this moment in the show
Tumblr media
and a song on the radio.
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ponyregrets · 8 years
Is there any way you can do a Clarke POV for "No One Can Lift the Damn Thing" please? (I was going through your fics and was listing all the ones I would want an Alt-POV for, and they all involved Bellamy as James Potter, wow I have A Type.)
I feel kinda bad calling this a Clarke POV but whatev I had fun I like social media AUs
Original fic and alt POV on AO3!!
Raven: Just got my invite to Finn and Ontari's weddingYou?
Me: NopeDo you think they flipped a coin?Or she just gave him an ultimatum?LikeYou can invite one of your awkward exesBut only oneChoose wisely
Raven: Honestly, I'm guessing he never actually told his mom why we broke upAnd given the choice between telling her he cheated on me and I dumped his assAnd just inviting me to his weddingHe invited me to his wedding
Me: Yeah, that's definitely what happenedAre you going to go?
Raven: YupGot a hot girlfriendI like his parentsAnd I want him to feel awkward about shitToo bad he didn't invite you
Me: I really don't mindI feel like I dodged a bullet
Raven: You could have brought BellamyFinn was jealous of him BEFORE he was famous for being hotImagine how much he'd hate seeing you guys together now
Me: You know, I was going to say Bellamy has better things to do than go to a wedding just to piss off FinnBut then I remembered this is Bellamy we're talking aboutSo he'd probably do it
Raven: Yeah, I doubt fame changed him that muchSucks that you're not coming, thoughWe should get together soon
Me: Maybe I'll just come hang out in townCoincidentally
Raven: I know you're joking, but you shouldI bet Monty and Miller are going
Me: I'll think about it
supreme-girl-wonder posted: do you ever get amazed that people you went to college with are now getting married and have lives and seem to know what they're doing?? I think I might have the most competent group of college friends ever, it's really intimidating
but congrats to my cheating ex-boyfriend on his engagement and thanks for not inviting me to the wedding
Tagged: #no seriously #thanks #I really did not want to go #it would be awkward af but if he invited me I'd feel like I had to go #or else they were winning #glad I don't have to worry about that #I can just get drunk in the comfort of my own home instead
Bellamy: Did you book your hotel for Finn's wedding yet?What days are you going to be there?
Me: Hahaha that's cuteYou think Finn invited me to his wedding
Bellamy: He didn't?He invited me
Me: You're rich and famous
Bellamy: So are you, princessAre we calling you that again? Did we reclaim it from Finn?
Me: I prefer Supreme Leader nowI'm rich, but I'm not featured in tumblr gif setsPeople commission me to do fanart of you
Bellamy: And you haven't sent it to me?I thought we were friends, Clarke
Me: Is James/Sirius a pairing you're into?
Bellamy: Obviously
Me: Then I'll send you some links
Bellamy: AwesomeFinn really didn't invite you to the wedding?
Me: He used to hit on me in front of the woman he's now marryingWhile they were datingShe hated meOf course they didn't invite meThey'd probably keel over and die if I showed upRelated: Did you get a plus one?
Bellamy: YeahI was planning to get them really excited thinking I was bringing some famous actress or something and then I show up with Octavia
Me: Or you could show up with me
Bellamy: Yeah, that's a way better ideaSo, what nights do you want me to book the hotel?
Anonymous asked: do u know if bellamy blake has a gf????
supreme-girl-wonder answered: why would you ask me, a fanart blog, this
Bellamy: Is it weird that I feel bad flying first class?
Me: DefinitelyBut you're famous nowI assume you can afford a therapist to talk you through these issues
Bellamy: Why would I pay someone when you took that one psych course sophomore year?
Me: Good pointBad how?
Bellamy: Guilty, mostlyIt feels like such a waste of moneyBut holy shit it's so much nicerI feel bad for everyone who isn't in first class
Me: I'm flying coach soFuck you
Bellamy: I don't feel bad for you
Me: Wow, you're curedI'm better at this therapy thing than I thought
Bellamy: Ha ha.I hope the tone came across thereAnyway, I don't feel bad for you because you're richI assume you flew first class when you were a kidAlso I have to switch to airplane modeYou're boarding soon?
Me: Pretty soon, yeah
Bellamy: CoolSee you in Ohio
Me: Can't wait
siriusly-jily: omgkarakaradid u see the new bellamy pics????
supreme-girl-wonder: probably notI'm out of town for the weekendand pretty drunkwhat happened?
siriusly-jily: he's at some airport in ohioidk why, there aren't any cons or anythingwhat's in ohio????
supreme-girl-wonder: maybe he has a lifein ohiofor some reason
siriusly-jily: no wayactors exist only for our benefit :Panyway, he's got a gf :(people are saying it's clarke griffinthe vp's daughter
supreme-girl-wonder: wowam I just drunk or is that a lot of conclusions to jump to
siriusly-jily: check it outhttp://remus-lupin-lady.tumblr.com/post/138742714390/omg-omg-omgthere's more of him with fans but lbrthat's A LOT of huggingand I googled, it does look like the VP's daughter
supreme-girl-wonder: if they were dating they probably wouldn't be having their reunion in an airport in ohiojust saying
siriusly-jily: truuuuuuuuuuuuuuokay I gotta go to bedhave fun with whatever thing you're doing
supreme-girl-wonder: will dokeep me posted on Bellamy pics
Jasper: did you really bring FAMOUS ACTOR AND KNOWN DREAM BOAT BELLAMY BLAKE to this wedding???
Me: NopeHe brought me
Jasper: ohwellthat was my second guessgrats on landing a celebritybut I guess you're a celebrity too???so it makes sense
Me: You must be this famous to ride Are you coming over for video games?
Jasper: yes obvomw
Anonymous asked: omg kara do you follow m&m media??? they posted pix of them w bellamy and the vp's daughter??? apparently they're engaged??? im so heartbroken rn plz help
supreme-girl-wonder answered: Don't panic, anon! M&M have said they went to college with him like ten billion times. Quick google search says VP's daughter did too. So they're probably at a reunion or something. And let's be real, if you were posing for a picture with him, you'd want to be as close as possible too.
Raven: SooooooYou took off early last night
Me: Not THAT earlyWe danced a bunchI think Bellamy made a lot of dreams come true
Raven: Including yours?Seriously, I can't believe you never fucked him
Me: I was going to, but his mom diedBetter late than never, right?
Raven: [confetti emoji]Seriously I'm happy for you guysOne-time thing or?
Me: NoDefinitely notWe're going to try to dateIf we can make it workAnd if nothing elseNon-stop sex for the rest of the weekend
Raven: Well, we're doing breakfast in an hourSo make sure you come up for air so we can make fun of you
Me: You make it sound so funGetting breakfastInstead of having sex with my TV star boyfriend
Raven: One hourIf you're not there I'm going to break into your hotel room and post pics on tumblr
Me: OkaySee you in an hour
Raven: [kiss emoji]
natsukashii-na asked: Random question but do you have a gf now?? You've been reblogging some couple-y stuff and I was just wondering haha sorry if that's weird
supreme-girl-wonder answered: Boyfriend, actually! Bisexuality: it's awesome. But yeah, we've been together for about a month and it's going really well. Long distance right now but I'm moving in with him in a couple weeks. I'm really excited.
Tagged: #I know that sounds fast but #trust me #it definitely took us long enough
Anonymous asked: doesn't your bf mind that you're really into bellamy blake :/
supreme-girl-wonder answered: He'll live.
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