#and my five’s birthday
disabledrunner5 · 8 months
Well, it’s my birthday!
I’m officially slap bang in my mid twenties now 😅 but more to the point, that means it’s also my Runner Five’s birthday!
So I thought it would be cute to show you guys what I imagine what my Five received from Sam when she woke up on her birthday that took place during season 6 and some headcanons:
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Five woke up alone to this on her birthday ^
The map is shit, I mean there’s no mystery around where she was going or where she needed to stop but she wasn’t going to say anything. She liked how there was no mystery about it and she was 100% going to humour Sam by doing it properly.
The picture did have a comment on the back of ‘the pink thing is a worm’. But Five teared up when she saw the picture.
One of the stops was Runner 8’s statue which is where Five goes to think. She said good morning to the statue on her way round.
Anyway when she got to the comms shack Sam was there with a huge smile and a ginormous pastry spread picnic for breakfast. Five had no idea how he pulled that off since a) pastry isn’t readily available and b) the comms shack is kind of vital (she later learned they’d set up a back up Comms shack from a old van they used on the run from Sigrid)
Then their friends joined (bringing chocolate cake, this is before the chocolate factory got blown up in season 6) and they opened the presents:
Janine got her a Bletchley Park quiz book.
Jodie knitted her a Gryffindor beanie hat
Maxine and Paula got her a few survival bits and bobs, like a first aid kit and the most recent player handbook for DND.
Baby Sara insisted on giving her a teddy with a orange hoodie on it ‘because it reminds her of daddy’ so if Sam was away from Five all she needed to do was hug the bear. Five nearly genuinely cried at that gift. (Baby Sara is probably in her toddler years in season 6 but I imagine its a ‘Gavin and Stacey’ situation where Baby Sara is now a nickname)
Jamie got her a pair of brand new trainers, he’s the kind of England but he he knows what Five really needed.
Amelia unfortunately got her some cosmetics claiming she looked tired all the time which really rubs Five and Sam up the wrong way because of course she looks tired, she’s a runner!
Brett Valmont even sent her a gift which confuses her, he gifted her the eleventh Doctor’s sonic screwdriver that was used in the show. The actual prop (or one of them).
Peter got her the full boxset of Red Dwarf with special features, and I mean all of Red Dwarf up until the apocalypse started.
Veronica made her a real life working K9 model (lasers not included).
Then Five found out how Valmont knew it was her birthday, Sam had been given by him the actual ring that Catherine Tate wore in the Doctor Who episode The Runaway Bride, the bio damper ring. Sam asked whether he could give it to her as a proper engagement ring for her birthday and he’d agreed.
That is Sam’s present…well part of it, he had commissioned Maxine to work on a special module for Demons and Darkness for Five’s birthday!
So they spend the rest of the day eating cake, and playing DND (although Paula had to take Sara out for a while because restless toddler not good and Amelia excuses herself claiming she’s too good for dnd)
Five has a really good, and more importantly stress free day (well as stress free as playing dnd can get)
She couldn’t have asked for better friends to celebrate with.
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moonydrop · 1 year
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Happy 9th birthday, FNAF!!! 🎉
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leaky-heart · 1 year
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Happy birthday Michael!!
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juniperarts · 7 months
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I understand Freddy, I'd miss him too 😭
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bluebelledmoon · 3 months
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kagome chan... you are everything to me
(((op has not finished watching inuyasha so no spoilers thanks! :)))
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iindigoeyed · 3 months
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mikey doodle
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anotherfandomtrash · 1 month
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It' been so long...too long...
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
Happy Buildday
Get kissed idiot
Taking a majority of my art off tumblr for now. Fuck AI HELLO I have now survived 24 years on this planet and that means more self-indulgent art for me~ Don't ask me why he has long sleeves, it was just the current vibe
(this is queued cause I feel horrible and may not be online on the 29th so here ya gooo)
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lacnunga · 3 months
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sometimes you gotta draw fanart for old fandoms
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pixlokita · 10 months
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It his birthday…
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Once again sitting here thinking about how, for all the remorse August felt about the video, for how shitty of a person he felt like he was for posting it, for all his efforts (however subpar they were) to try and apologize to Wille about it...Simon never got a fucking apology.
Which makes sense, and shows how, at August's core, he's still an elitist, superior prick, even if he's more cognizant of his flaws and more uncomfortable with them than he's ever been. He could not be bothered to apologize Simon, doesn't even have the thought cross his mind—why? Because Simon's a nobody. Simon has no power. Like, let's be clear, August has fucked up his life irreparably. There is literally no future where the video will not haunt Simon. (I read a great fanfiction I have to find the link for, where Simon says that he was fucked the minute August hit "post," no matter what Wille said or did, and like...yeah.) That shit was all over the news in Sweden. We see, already, people recognizing him out in public. Beyond even just the emotional turmoil that comes with that video existing, we see, through the posting of his address and the rock through the window, that its existence physically endangers Simon. Even if Simon were to leave the country, move somewhere new and try to start over, it would take one google search of his name to uncover that blight on his life.
That's not to say that Simon couldn't process its existence emotionally, or that he won't be able to lead a happy, fulfilling life with the video existing, because he absolutely can and will! It just incenses me that not once in August's journey of feeling this guilt and shame over the video, and reaching some sort of understanding and peace with Wille, does he once consider giving Simon any sort of apology. (The settlement doesn't count, of course.) It makes sense for his character, and Simon probably wouldn't have accepted the apology, and by no means should be expected to, but the fact that he didn't get one still makes me so angry.
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love-3-crimes · 5 months
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reunitedinterlude · 3 months
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doctorsiren · 11 months
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It’s my 19th birthday! As per tradition, I drew myself with Mumbo Jumbo, and added in some other special guys as well ^^
Previous years’s drawings below the cut!
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2020-2022’s birthday drawings! I didn’t even realize I drew myself this year wearing the same leggings that I was wearing in the 2021 drawing
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aftoonfamily · 11 months
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Happy Halloween here is Mike and Gregory as the two different versions of Michael Myers
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dreambones · 11 months
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I should have drawn yesterday but hey, it be like that.
Happy birthday to me! It's been one of the hardest years, but despite it all here I am again, I'm thankful and so lucky I got to spend it with my friends and that I got to celebrate it a bit early by watching the FNAF movie. Things could be better, and I wish some things were different, but gotta keep moving and trying no matter what.
EDIT: Thank you everyone that sent me happy birth wishes in tags and comments!!!
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