#and my fit was pretty so I was like okay. I’m gonna be brave. I’m gonna ask someone to film this shit for me
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#the body image vibes are!!!! Rancid#we did a sissonne combo that I killed#(ik bc of how it felt and also the delightful dancers who blurted out ‘’she’s so good’’ while I was dancing & then came up to me after 💁🏼♀️#and my fit was pretty so I was like okay. I’m gonna be brave. I’m gonna ask someone to film this shit for me#after class#and I hate it#all I can see are things I hate 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃#bleggggghhh#I know it’s bad and I know it’s unhealthy and it is also#super connected to how well I feel like I’m doing in dance (badly)#which is also! bad and unhealthy! and yet!!!!#here we fucking are#personal
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Fandom: Steven Universe Rating: Gen Words: 2.8K~ Summary: Not too long after making peace with Homeworld and sparking the start of Era 3, Steven wakes up one morning to discover some... notable changes about himself.
AKA: The one where Steven finally hits his growth-spurt. All at once. Because of course the half-Gem kid could never experience such a human thing like puberty in a "normal" way.
[Part 1 of 2]
Just a few seconds later, knuckles rap against the door in answer to his perturbed cry.
“Yo Steve-o, that you in there?” Amethyst calls.
“Y-yeah?” he stammers. His brows threading inwards, he delicately runs his fingers over the ridge upon his throat, very much thrown off by the distinctly lower tenor of the sound coming from his own mouth. He swallows hard, pushing himself to speak again. Come on Steven, he berates himself, think of something lighthearted. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing. No need to completely freak out over this yet. “Who else would I be? It’s not like the whole town uses this bathroom…”
“I mean, I do sometimes. For fun.”
“Okay, fair point, but—”
“Dude, what’s wrong with your voice? Are you like, sick or somethin’?“
“No, it’s just—”
He squeezes his eyes shut, blocking out all the nebulous, spinning distractions of his mind and the world beyond. Deep breath. It’s okay. Tons of things about his form may be entirely different right now, but like… he seems fine. Right?? Nothing about his body feels tangibly wrong like it did when he willfully stretched himself out on his 14th birthday, or when he changed all his fingers into cats, or when he lost all control of his aging and morphed into an anciently old man and almost died, it’s just…
New and wholly unfamiliar.
So what now? How can he bravely move forward with all this? What does he need to know?
“Have, uh… have you ever shapeshifted by accident in your sleep?”
“Not that I‘m aware of,” she says, and he can practically hear the shrug in her tone. “Shapeshifting is a conscious thing you do. It’s a choice, y’know? It doesn’t just happen.”
A good long moment passes as he drinks this information in. He runs his hand through the short curls at the back of his neck as he stands there in the pair of too-small banana yellow pajamas he fit in just fine last night, musing.
“Huh… I guess that makes things pretty simple, then.”
“What d’ya’—”
“Amethyst, I think I’m finally older,” he says, still absolutely mystified by this prospect as he gawks at himself in the mirror.
She gives a fond laugh. “Ch’a, right? You get older everyday, bud. Wild.”
“No, I mean I’m actually, physically older! Look!”
Steven whirls around and swings the bathroom door wide open to show her. Amethyst’s jaw drops.
“Whoa—! Dude!”
Chuckling nervously, he steps a few feet out, wriggling his bare toes against the wood floor. “I know, right?”
“What the heck, you weren’t kidding!” Before he can even move to say anything else, she spins on her heels and cups her mouth with her hands, hollering towards the temple door. “HEY, PEARL! GARNET! You gotta get out here and see this!”
His brows shoot towards his hairline, his heart hammering in his chest all the while at the thought of all the dumb show-and-tell he’s gonna have to deal with now. “Aww, come on, did you really have to—”
“Amethyst!” Pearl cries, scrambling through the still opening gap in the doorway with Garnet striding mere steps behind. She summons her spear from her gem and swings it to fighting stance with an artful flourish. “What happened? Where’s the threat? What do you need us for??”
Steven darts towards them, hands held up in a placating plea.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! There’s no danger! We’re fine. I just—”
“Oh, my stars—!” she gasps, allowing her spear to dissipate in a glittery flicker of light. “You’ve grown!”
“Nice look, Steven,” Garnet nods, a supportive smile gracing her lips.
“And you’re sure this is real this time? You’re not—?”
“No, no, I’m not stretching myself out, I promise. I just woke up like this.”
“B-but—” Pearl taps her fingers against her chin, appearing thoroughly puzzled— “I thought humans were supposed to age gradually, not all at once.”
Steven’s shoulders slump. “Well… that’s what I assumed too, but—”
“Come, sit with me,” Garnet says, walking around the warp pad to enter the living room. She sets herself down on the couch, patting the cushion in open invitation.
With a heavy, far too weary for his age sigh, Steven shoves his hands in the pockets of his too-small banana pajamas and plods his way over. The rest of the Gems follow suit. He settles himself right next to Garnet, with Pearl perched opposite to her and Amethyst happily lounging on the floor, leaning on the coffee table with her elbows.
“Steven’s aging hasn’t aligned with the norms of humanity for a very long time,” she observes, a glint of morning sun that’s beaming through the window catching on the edge on the edge of her star shaped visor. Then, turning to him: “I’m curious why you think this is.”
He hums, considering all the chaotic happenings of the past few years. Despite the rare query she poses, he gets the sense that… in her vast wisdom… she already knows the answer. Or at least, a small sum of it. It should be noted that her future vision— as far-reaching as it otherwise is with the vast possibilities of existence— can’t ever touch any knowledge that she won’t be conscious for or present to receive, let alone retroactively scry into the past.
(And honestly? Thank goodness for that.)
“I’m not sure,” he says, a half-lie.
He can think of one reason he might’ve started aging again. Though, it’s not something he’s ready to talk to the Gems about yet. It’s… far too delicate a topic to risk bringing up so soon after the start of peaceful Era 3. But after spending a whole childhood being constantly compared to and mistaken as various versions of his mom… let’s just say, having his gem torn from his body and getting to see it reform into a version of himself (and not her) was simultaneously the worst and the best thing that could’ve ever happened to him. While undeniably traumatic, this experience served as the ultimate proof that he doesn’t have to waste another second of his existence chewing away at some burgeoning identity crisis, that he can live his life however he wants. As Steven. Not as Rose, or Pink Diamond, just… Steven.
He’s not exactly sure how all this mental weirdness translates into him staying stuck looking like a little kid for like… six or so years, but after he returned home from his latest escapade on Homeworld, he could sense that— despite all the messed up stuff he and Connie went through— his spirit was lighter, somehow.
So maybe, he thinks, he simply had to peel away at all the damaged layers of his identity to ready himself to move on to the next stage of his life. Maybe he had to stare death in the eye and pass through the heart of the storm in spite of all these hardships before he could piece the foundational truths of his story back together and learn to finally live again.
To start shifting his hopeful gaze towards the dawn of their bright, sunny future…
“I mean, I always kinda thought he stopped aging because we never did,” Amethyst says then, laying her cheek on the table. “Like, it happened around the time you moved in with us, yeah?”
He purses his lips, scanning his memory. “Uh… I think so? It might have been a year before. Two, even. But I was definitely hanging out with y’all a lot by then.”
She leans over and playfully slugs him in the arm.
“See, there you go! You always wanted to be just like us when you were a kid, so much that you even wore that same ol’ star shirt every day to match ours, ha! You must’ve wanted to be a Gem so badly that you subconsciously stopped becoming older at all.”
“That’s actually a pretty solid theory, Amethyst,” Pearl chimes in. “Good thinking!”
“We have seen you shift your form in response to your perception of others around you,” Garnet says with a nod. “This has caused you to temporarily age and shapeshift in the past, but for you to age in a stable way now, your perception of self must have stabilized, too. I’m very happy for you, Steven.”
She tousles his mess of curls with her gold ringed hand, a welcome little offering of affection that he eagerly leans into.
And then, out of nowhere, Amethyst starts cackling.
“Dude,” she blurts out between her peels of laughter, nudging his foot with her elbow, “I just realized— Greg’s gonna totally lose his shit when he sees this…”
Pearl’s expression scrunches inwards with prickly displeasure. “Language!”
“What, it’s true!”
He waves Amethyst’s comment off. “Pshhh, my dad’s seen way weirder,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Like, did I ever tell y’guys how the cat fingers incident ended?”
“No!” the quartz exclaims with intensive fervor, and leans forward in anticipation. “Gimme the juicy deets, m’man!”
Garnet adjusts her visor then, her features falling into a dutiful line. “Speaking of Greg… story time can wait until later. Steven— if you want to see your father this morning, you need to head over there now… or there’s a good chance he’ll fall back asleep until one and you’ll miss your window.”
Amethyst’s lips fall into a pout as she slumps back against the foot of the couch, her arms crossed. “Awww, phooey. Spoil sport.”
He swallows a grimace as he internalizes Garnet’s prediction. Yeah, that sounds about right. That’s become a bad habit for his old man lately, staying up super late and then sleeping in almost half the day on weekends. Ever since he received that ten million dollar residues check it’s nothing that can hinder his financials anymore, thank goodness, but then again…
“Yeah… I should probably go make sure he wakes up,” he mutters, pushing his tired body off his seat. “I’ll need his help finding new clothes, anyways.”
The second he’s up and moving again, Amethyst darts around him and snatches his spot with such swift and viscous drive that one might believe this ploy were her sole quest and purpose in life. She stretches out against the seat back with a big, dramatic yawn, crossing her arms behind her head as she speaks.
“It’s too bad you can’t just… I dunno… summon whatever clothes you want out of light, like us. That’s like the biggest bummer of humanity, if you ask me.”
“And when do you ever experiment with your outfit enough to have a strong opinion about this?” Pearl prods, crossing her arms. “It took you almost a decade to fix that asymmetrical shoulder strap.”
“Well, P… I like to think of myself as a Gem who would experiment with my outfit. One day. If I’m ever really, really bored. Consider it an Era 3 aspiration.”
Steven rocks back and forth on his heels, absentmindedly fiddling with the fraying bottom hem of his pajama top.
“Okay, uh… well, I’m gonna dress to leave now, so—”
“Yeah, see ‘ya.”
“Send a text if you need anything!” Pearl says with a casual wave.
“And don’t forget…” Garnet begins, the ellipses in her tone practically visible with the naked eye.
He pauses in his dutiful march to the stairs— (a somewhat unsteady march… as it turns out, shooting up about a foot and a half in height overnight tends to impact one’s sense of balance for the worst, go figure)— turning back to intercept whatever life advice or future vision she’s prepared for him this time.
She grins, flashing him a quick heart with her hands instead. “We love you!”
Steven trudges across the hot sands to his dad’s car wash sans his favorite flip flops, trying his very darnedest to wipe away the developing grimace on his face all the while.
A small segment of him felt overjoyed when he first saw his reflection this morning, eager to look his age and finally grow up alongside his human friends. But after struggling to find anything that fits him even halfway right in his wardrobe, his good mood has rapidly spoiled. There’s a decent few reasons for this.
Reason number one: his old sandals are at least two sizes too small. His heels stick out over the end now, and the plastic thong digs into his toes something terrible. He literally can’t wear them without giving himself blisters. Ergo, his bare feet right now.
Reason number two: none of his jeans sit right around the waist anymore, plus they make him look like he’s waiting for a flood. (Though thankfully, he found a stretchy blue skirt buried in one of his drawers that will do the trick for now.)
And perhaps worst of all… reason number three: with his newly increased height, every single one of his treasured star shirts have been turned into ill-fitting crop tops, putting his gem on full display. He’s not against the concept of a crop top, but it sure ain’t a look he’s passionate about for everyday wear. It just feels… too exposing. Like, what about winter?? He can’t bear his whole midriff in winter, he’d freeze, and like… get hypothermia, or something. And not only that, but the longer he’s awake this morning the more an inescapable, thrumming ache starts to settle within the deepest core of his body, like even his bones themselves— the stubborn things— dare to object to this abrupt growth spurt.
Just… ugh. What an annoying hassle all these changes bring.
“Stupid shirt,” he grouses, tugging at the too-tight collar, “stupid sandals, stupid Gem puberty! Why, oh why can’t I ever go through human stuff normally?”
His bare foot catches upon a sizable stone hidden amongst the beach. On any other day he would’ve successfully broken his fall, stumbling forwards a few awkward steps before regaining his balance and continuing on his way. But with his body now so different, and his center of gravity entirely off from what he’s used to, he head plants straight into the ground.
Wow, he thinks, spitting sand out of his mouth and pushing himself back to his feet. How elegant. Truly the shining paragon of coordination and grace.
Thank goodness no one was watching. Next time he’ll just have to remember to float.
He arrives at his dad’s van with no further incident. The rear doors are— following Garnet’s prediction- cracked open. Dad’s awake, at least for now.
“Daaaaaaaad,” he hollers, cupping his hands around his mouth to project. “A really, really weird thing happened, and I kinda need your help!”
A few spare seconds pass, seconds filled with the rustles of shifting blankets, the sound of a book being shut closed, and his dad’s low murmurs. The doors swing wide, though not as wide as Dad’s eyes when they wander around their bright, sunny surroundings and eventually land square on him and his new look.
“Wh— Steven, holy smokes! Look at you!”
With an awkward chuckle, he scratches away at an itch at the nape of his neck. “Heh heh, I know, right?”
“You’re almost as tall as your old man! When did this happen? How did this happen?”
“Some point last night, I guess,” he shrugs. “I just woke up like this. But Dad—” he clings onto his arm with mounting desperation— “I need your help to find some new shirts. Don’t you have like… whole boxes of your old tour merch stashed away somewhere? I don’t wanna have to get rid of my star, I just— I just need a bigger size, or something.”
“Hmmm…” Dad muses, scratching at the scruff of his beard. “Well, maybe, but…”
“But what?”
“But if any of it’s still around, then it’s probably in Amethyst’s room. All of the stuff from the storage unit ended up with her, remember?”
“Oh…” he says, brows furrowed, not quite able to parse this fact within his memory yet. And then…
Ugh. That’s right.
Two New Years’ ago. The huge mess of crates and mattresses and long forgotten belongings. All that ridiculous Little Butler nonsense. Amethyst’s fight with Dad.
“Oh,” he mumbles, crossing his arms. “Right. Well, then let’s go find it!”
“R- right now?”
“Yeah, why not? I need new clothes, and you could see if there’s any old junk in there you might want to keep!”
With that, he grabs his dad’s hand and yanks him along, spirit filled with renewed purpose and vigor.
“And you’re sure you need my help for this?” Dad asks, lagging a step or two behind him as they march back across the beach together. “The Gems, they… well, they don’t usually want me going into the temple—”
“Oh, Amethyst will be fine,” he says with a wave of his palm. “She never cares when I go in there to check out her trash piles. ‘Sides, I need your help to find the right box! I have no idea what your old band stuff was stashed in.”
His dad flashes a tight smile, the sort he always serves up when he’s nervous, but also too timid to tell him that he’s nervous.
“Well… if you think she’ll allow it…” he relents, and picks up his pace to match his.
[End Part 1... more to be shared later.]
#i finished the art for this finally so y'all get a lil comic/fic exclusive until i can finish up the rest of it to post to AO3#still trying to decide if i want to split this up or post it as one huge chapter anyways#su#steven universe#amethyst#garnet#pearl#greg universe#su fanart#su fanfic#my art stuff#my writing stuff#i've been working on and off on this short comic since december lol#and i've had pieces of this fic wip since 2019
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Daddy Issues 2
Content Warnings: MDNI, oral sex (m receiving), p in v sex, creampie, both soft and mean dom ani, praise kink, degradation, kinda dubcon, pretty much porn no plot
WC: 2.3k
Filled with so much joy at his admission of love, you turn to face him- leaping onto his lap and kissing him all over. You toss off the panties that were dangling at your ankles and grind over his work trousers.
“Keep these on.” You point at his suit pants while you unbuckle his belt, the sound of the clinking filling you with excitement. The smirk is wiped clean off your face when his dick springs out of his boxers and causes your chest to involuntarily tighten. The tip is blushed pink and glistening with arousal, sitting prettily atop his thick base which sprawls with swollen veins. You salivate when you notice how it reaches beyond his belly button and curves up just a little- neat blonde curls surrounding the base.
You don’t want to be cliche and whine about how it’s not going to fit- but seriously, how was that going to fit? You pensively reach out to wrap both your hands around his shaft, eyebrows furrowing when they aren’t nearly enough to cover the entirety of his manhood.
“Don’t you worry about that, sweetheart. I’ll make sure you can take it nice and easy.” His smooth voice fills the room, anticipating that you would be apprehensive about his size.
“O-okay Ani.” You murmur, big doe eyes staring up at him as you drop to your knees to observe him better. He shuffles about, pushing his hips forward and resting his hands on the back of his head.
Deciding to be brave, you take all of him in at once, bobbing your head lightly as you do your best to please him.
“Relax baby, I’ll love anything you do.” He mumbles supportively and your heart warms as spit pools in your mouth, gushing all over his cock. After you’ve got it sufficiently wet, you pump him with one hand and focus on the tip, sucking and flicking your tongue across it until you elicit sharp moans and groans from his perfect mouth.
Just as you’ve worked up a tempo, you hear Anakin’s distinctly shrill ringtone going off.
“Fuck…it’s Leia. She might be coming home, I need to answer this baby.” He checks his phone screen and scrunches up his face. “Just hold on a second.”
You scowl as he answers the call- he just couldn’t wait, could he? You were going to make him regret that. With an evil smirk, you licked a stripe up his shaft as his eyes widened and his hand attempted to bat you away. You grab him by the wrist, holding it down as you began sucking his cock sloppily- the fervent slurping noises coming from the act no doubt drawing Leia’s attention.
“Aah, no it’s nothing honey, I’m just- uh eating my dinner. Yeah, I made soup.” He shoots daggers at you with his stern expression- but his mouth is open and his eyebrows raised so you know he’s loving it.
“Alright darling, I’ll see you tomorrow. Yea…ah yea, good night!” He chokes out, hanging up as soon as the last word leaves his mouth. “You dirty little girl. You just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
You shake your head innocently- as best as you could with his dick down your throat.
“She was just checking up on me, she thinks I’m a lonely, old man. If only she knew her best friend was here drooling all over my cock.” He rasps smugly and you feel your cheeks burning with arousal and shame as you come up for air.
“Oh don’t you dare stop now, sweetheart. You really thought I was gonna let you get away with that? Put that pretty throat of yours to good use and choke on my cock. Now.” He commands, grabbing you by the nape of your neck and pushing his dick past your wet lips. You wince at his change in demeanour but feel yourself tingling with excitement at the harsh words.
He fists your hair with a firm grip as he bobs you up and down his length, using you like a toy as you moan and whimper, eyes watering at the sensation of your throat being fucked raw.
“Just like that baby, suck daddy’s cock just like that.” He groans with increasing intensity. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna, ah- hey, why’d you stop?”
He looks down at you disapprovingly as you wipe the spit smeared all over your face off and get up from your knees.
“I can’t make you cum just from that. Old guy like you probably can’t go more than once.” You hum, wondering if your provocation had the desired effect.
“Oh?” He raises his eyebrow and glares at you amusedly. You stare at him with such innocence that he can almost picture a halo above your glowing angelic face. Anakin picks you by the thighs effortlessly, before throwing you over his desk- flipping you around and pressing his cock against your ass.
“Oh my God Ani, what are you doing?” You gasp as he places his broad hand on your lower back, pushing you so that your tummy lies flat against his cold oakwood desk.
“You’ve clearly only ever been with little boys if you think that one of them” He lines himself up with your dripping entrance. “could fuck you better than me.” He hisses as he slides in seamlessly, grabbing your arms and folding them behind you.
“You think I’m too old to handle a little brat like you?” He sneered, refusing to show his pleasure as you sniffled and whined. “Oh I’ll show you how old guys fuck. But I don’t want to hear you crying that it’s too much. You asked for this.” And with that, he slammed himself all the way in, going back on his earlier promise that he would make it easy for you.
You whine at the intrusion, aches of stinging pleasure ripping through you in such a way that you could’ve sworn he was fucking your brain and not your pussy.
“You’re fine, stop whining and take it.” He pounds into you repeatedly, digging his fingernails into your hips as he moves you into him; the room filled with the lewd sound of skin slapping against skin, wet squelching reverberating around his office as you clawed the wooden surface.
You lift your head up weakly and notice the framed photo of you and Leia resting on the corner of the desk and you let out a needy moan at the sight- heart warmed at how obviously he valued your presence in his life. You couldn’t believe your fantasies had finally come true- you’d dreamt about being bent over his desk and pummeled into oblivion a million times but now that your fantasy was a reality, you were overwhelmed with emotion and pleasure.
“Fuck sweetheart, you’ve absolutely drenched me in your cum.” He lets out a low moan. “Wanna do it again?” You nod, whining pathetically.
“Anything for you baby.” He reaches round and starts rubbing circles into your sensitive clit.
A new ripple of sensitivity overtakes you and you swear you can feel every ridge, every vein, every square inch of his cock- deep in your guts. You lean into his big-knuckled hand, allowing his fingers to bring you closer to your climax as he continues pounding into you, flesh smacking loudly and sending you into a cock drunk stupor.
“Please daddy, fill me up.” You whimper. “I need to feel you fuck your cum into me.”
“Oh my sweet little fucked out whore.” He grunts roughly and slams into you one last time, bringing you up and wrapping his arm around your chest as he fills you with cum. Your walls flutter around his cock, clenching as you throw your head back in euphoria and join him in climaxing.
“Fuckin’ love it when you cum all over my cock.” He grumbles quietly to himself.
“Wow Ani, that was -ah!” You squeak in surprise as he throws you over his shoulder and slaps your ass.
“I’m not done with you yet.” He growls and carries you upstairs to his bedroom, where he tosses you onto the mound of fuzzy white pillows piled on his bed.
“No buts. I said I didn’t want to hear any whining, didn’t I?” He stares at you hungrily, towering over the bed. “Now lie back and spread your legs.”
You comply with his command timidly, unfurling your thighs slowly to reveal your dripping cunt, leaking with his seed.
“Now that is a sight to behold.” He crawls in between your legs, admiring the dishevelled mess that was your body. “Let’s get this back in, shall we?” He takes two of his fingers and scoops up the trickling cum, pushing it back into your sore entrance. Your mouth gapes open in scandal and your chest burns with a renewed desire.
“Fuck. Please Ani, I need you.” You panted miserably, as if not being filled with him in that moment was a fate worse than death. Being the gentleman he was, Anakin wasted no time lifting himself and pushing into you once more. You struggled to catch your breath and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as torrents of pleasure consumed you. Anakin’s smirking face floated above you, admiring how responsive you were being to him.
“The way you’re reacting you’d think I was torturing you.” He grinned as his eyes flashed brightly. “Bet you’d like that though, wouldn’t ya? Bet you’d love your daddy to fuck you senseless until you’re begging for me to stop because it’s too much. But I wouldn’t.”
The filthy words that came out of his mouth rendered you speechless; you’d never imagined Leia’s dad could be so freaky.
“You’re taking it so well f’me darling.” He lowered himself and whispered in your ear as he pulled his length all the way out, tip kissing your entrance. “Daddy’s so proud of you sweetheart.” He cooed before slamming himself all the way in, rings of cum coating his cock and splattering all over your inner thighs.
“Give me your hand baby.” He takes you by the wrist and rests it on your lower tummy. “You feel that? That’s my dick rearranging your guts.” You glance down and see the bulge coming into view deep within you, blushing profusely.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart? Aw, are you shy? Even though you were begging for my cum a minute ago?” He mocks you cruelly as you feel the tip of his cock brushing against that spongy spot deep inside you, acutely aware your orgasm was drawing near.
You cover your face with your hands bashfully but he bats them away in an instant and pins your arms down.
“You weren’t so timid when you were climbing my lap and begging me to fuck you earlier. What’s gotten into you now, huh? My cum slut is quiet all of a sudden. Did I finally succeed in shutting you up? What a fucking miracle.” He spat, stuffing your pussy full as his deep, hasty strokes grew sloppier.
“Who’s pussy is this?” He wraps his hand around your neck and locks his eyes with yours in an intense gaze.
“Mm fuck, yours daddy, it’s yours! This pussy belongs to you!” You let out a sweet little cry as a grin spreads across his handsomely weathered face. “Mmm Ani please!” You sobbed, right on the edge.
“What is it, princess? I’ll give you anything baby.” He whines softly.
“Please let me cum daddy, I need it so badly it hurts!” You choke out a stifled mewl.
“Do you want me to pump another load into you?” He jibes condescendingly, his lips curling into a smug smile. “Why should I?”
“Please daddy! Please let me have it, didn’t I suck your cock like a good girl?”
“That’s right, you were such a good girl for me baby- cum for daddy. Go on honey, let go for me.” He encourages you as he snaps his hips forward even harder, cock throbbing and threatening to spill at any moment.
“Ani, g- gonna cum-” You let out one last squeal as pleasure pulsated through you in an explosive release, reducing you to a trembling, sobbing mess. The sight alone almost brought him to tears as he bottomed out inside you, releasing everything he had to give and filling you up once again.
After a moment of catching his breath, he pulls out and you both glance down to observe the mess you’d made; layers and layers of cum were hanging off his pubes in gooey strings, your inner thighs were coated in your juices and the bedsheets were utterly ruined.
“What was that you were saying about me being too old to fuck you properly?” He sneers, lifting you and taking you into the bathroom while you lowered your head in shame - you couldn’t have been more wrong. He turns the shower on and checks the temperature is alright before guiding you inside.
“Oh baby, you’re shaking.” He notices and holds you around the waist to keep you up. “Was that okay? Was I too harsh?”
“No Ani, it was perfect. You were perfect.” You sigh contentedly.
“You know I don’t mean any of the stuff I said, it just comes to me in the heat of the moment- i-if you don’t like it then please tell me and I’ll never say it again-“
“Ani, quit rambling. I’m yours to do with as you like.” You gaze into his blue eyes, once glazed over with lust but now beaming with love.
“I love you so much you don’t even understand.” He murmurs gently as you wrap your arms around his broad shoulders.
“I’m the only one who understands.”

Part 1
#hayden christensen#star wars fanfiction#anakin skywalker fanfiction#anakin skywalker smut#anakin x reader#anakin fanfiction#anakin x you#star wars smut#anakin x reader smut#anakin fluff#anakin skywalker fan fiction#star wars anakin#sam monroe#anakin skywalker#hayden christensen fluff#hayden christensen x reader#hayden christensen smut#sw anakin#Star Wars
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Most unhinged HC about post-MJ everlark?
Hmmm I don’t know. I feel like my hcs are pretty tame. Let me write down my most silly ones:
No.1: they gossip together. They GAB. They love to talk shit at home.
No.2: Katniss has a jealous fit over something or someone and Peeta which Peeta reacts to with confusion and then laughs about it for years. “Hey Katniss, remember when—” “SHUT UP.”
No.3: Peeta’s on a mission to have sex everywhere he’s ever wanted to in his fantasies. All furniture. In the woods. In the bakery. They would do the school too but the chances of getting arrested and traumatizing someone are too high. Oh and in Peeta’s new-to-him truck too.
No. 4: Peeta cannot be normal about sports. As the volunteer coach he’s gotten complaints but no one is brave enough to tell him to stop being so annoying outright. Imagine Katniss watching in the background with sunglasses and a smirk during a sunny day.
No. 5: Peeta and Katniss enjoyed doing the whole “polishing my gun” routine (but without an actual gun lol) for their daughter’s first boyfriend.
No. 6: Katniss cannot be normal about Peeta on the days after they sleep together for the first time. She wants to do it all the time. When they go out in public it’s kind of obvious by her face alone what she’s thinking about. It makes construction crews laugh and elderly ladies raise their eyebrows. Haymitch laughed so hard he choked and slapped his knee. Called her a starving dog and Peeta the unfortunate piece of meat in her path. Peeta does not care, he’s getting lots of liquids in, he can do this.
No. 7: if Finnick had survived he’d be the most no-boundaries friend ever. He’d just show up unannounced all the time. Picture him in flip flops and a Hawaiian shirt ready to use Peeta and Katniss’s nonexistent grill. The friendship would be immaculate. He’d be the glue who’d form the victors friend group: Jo, Peeta, Katniss, Annie and Finnick. He’d force them all to get on his boat all the time. He’d introduce Peeta to rum just to watch his face get all pink. He’d see Katniss like this little-sister best friend type but he’d still make dirty jokes at her cause she’ll never be able to handle those. Him and Jo are the best duo. Bro should have lived.
No. 8: Katniss, at 38, can still miss the point when someone tells her a dirty joke which her friends LOVE. she’s frequently like “what are you talking about?” And everyone just laughs. Also, Katniss is so used to Peeta just getting her that when her friends complain about their husbands not listening, or not understanding her honest reaction is: “just break up???” And everyone is like “girl, it’s not that serious. You just have the perfect husband.”
No. 9: Katniss cried one time when her daughter said she didn’t want to play with her anymore because who wants to play with their mom when they could just go outside and play with their friends. Peeta found her sobbing over a tray of cookies and tried not to laugh because it really isn’t that serious. It’s totally okay for ten year olds to want to be outside, but Katniss was still like “she doesn’t like me 😭”
No. 10: Where Peeta was a hopeless romantic who only ever wanted to be with one girl Peeta’s son goes through girls like water. It’s what Peeta yells about in the car when it’s just him and the boy. “Why?! Be respectful! I didn’t raise you like this!” I’m a believer in that the toastbabies are nothing like their parents. They’re their own unique ppl with the ability of driving both their parents up the wall. I looove thinking about them being teenagers and rebelling. Their kids grew up in a mansion, they’re gonna have a fun rebellion haha.
#just silly thought#not an invitation for fandom war cause literally just my opinions and ideas lol#the hunger games#everlark#thg#peeta mellark#katniss everdeen
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𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐚𝐮
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Sebastian Stan x Pregnant!Reader
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: Part two to this! I actually really enjoyed making this :)
@imsebastianstan , 7:03am

@imsebastianstan WE HAVE CONTRACTIONS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ❤️ going through the early stages right now, hopefully won’t be long until she’s here 🤞🏼
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@tomholland2013 good luck yn!! sending love 💙
@sebastianstanfanpage4: OH MY GOD IM SCREAMING RIGHT NOW
@ynfanpage2: i’ve got nobody to talk to about this.
@robertdowneyjr: good luck to the both of you 🤍
@ynstanofficial: labour actually sucks ass
@ynstanoffical , 1:27pm

@imsebastianstan , 4:53pm

@imsebastianstan: at the hospital, 6cm dilated right now ❤️ baby girl should be coming soon. yns doing pretty so, so well and being so brave, love you so much @ynstanofficial
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@chrisevans sending all the love and wishes from me and dodger 🐾💙
@anthonymackie good luck to both of you!! can’t wait to meet her!
@yourmomsnameofficial oh my baby 🥹 better be taking good care of her!!
@imsebastianstan always ❤️
@ynstanofficial last bump picture 😔
@ynfanpage1 who was there for the pregnancy announcement
@sebstanfan3 MEEE
@ynstanfanpage7 omg me i remember screaming at the announcement
@ynstanofficial , 9:34pm

@ynandseb.updates, 1:42pm

@ynandseb.updates: Sebastian and wife, YN are expecting the birth of their first child. We’ve had no update since YN’s story yesterday night at 9:34pm, hopefully we’ll hear about baby Stan soon!!
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@ynfanpage1 they must’ve have the baby by now
@sebfanpage3 omg what are they gonna call her??
@ynfanpage7 i’m actually crying i can’t believe they’re having a baby 🥹
@imsebastianstan , 4:32pm

@imsebastianstan my heart is honestly so full ❤️ after some long long hours of labour, she’s finally here. elena stan. born at 6:03am this morning, 8lbs 3oz 🧸🤍 yn did so, so well and is recovering now. words can’t express how much love i feel for both my girls. @ynstanofficial i love you so much.
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@chrisevans Congratulations, she’s adorable!! Hope you guys are both doing okay ❤️
@anthonymackie how’d we get baby winter soldier because GTA 6
@robertdowneyjr congrats!! 💙
@elizabetholsen omg she’s so cute, hope yns recovering well 🥹
@ynstanofficial loves of my life ❤️

@ynstanofficial just a little recap ❤️ sorry, kind of disappeared off the face of the earth these past 2 months, baby girl is now 2 months old!! 🥹 recovery is going well and elena is gorgeous and loves her mama and dada so, so much 🫶
… also how tf did she fit inside of me??? like HOW???
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@imsebastianstan ❤️❤️
@imsebastianstan i miss that bump
@ynstanofficial i don’t
@chrisevans omg booking a flight to come see her rn
@therussobrothers baby winter soldier 🦾🖤
@tomholland2013 did you get the spiderman onesie i sent you guys
@ynstanofficial sebastian binned it
@imsebastianstan burnt it, actually
@anthonymackie good. i’m sending a falcon onesie.
@imsebastianstan burning that too


#ur fav inactive writer#sebastian stan master list#sebastian stan x pregnant!reader smau#sebastian stan smau#sebastian stan x pregnant!reader#sebastian stan x reader#sebastian stan#smau#marvel cast smau#marvel masterlist#marvel cast
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from the sidelines
⌦ .。.:*♡
characters: natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff (wandanat)
genre: fluff, slight angst
warnings: swearing, mentions of blood & guns, breakdowns/crying
summary: When Wanda comes into Natasha’s life, she gives the widow something to lose.
word count: 3,859
a/n: this is my first time writing for nat/something nat-centric and, technically, wandanat too! this was inspired by sidelines by phoebe bridgers because i think that song is suuuuper underappreciated and that it was a good fit for them (lyrics are in bold and italics). it’s been a while since i last wrote anything for fun and not for uni, so please be kind. i also don’t know much about gardening so some of the language might not be accurate. you can read it on ao3 (here) or under the cut. i hope you enjoy :>
I’m not afraid of anything at all
If there was one thing constant about Natasha, it was the lack of fear. It wasn’t inherent, but was a habit developed essential for her survival. She learned that pretty quickly. One moment of hesitance, no matter how short, could mean life or death.
There were other times she felt brave without risking her life though. Like when she first dyed her hair. She chose the color blue because it reminded her of the sky. The horizon always looked limitless, a reminder that there could be more to life than what she had already experienced. She remembers making that choice and following through with it. It made her feel in control of something, amidst all the other things she had no power over.
───── ⴵ⋅ᗢ⋅ⴵ ─────
‘Cause nothing ever shakes me, nothing makes me cry
Not a plane going down in the ocean and drowning
One of her most vivid memories is flying the plane with Melina. The night was normal at first. She was playing tag with her younger sister until she fell and hurt her knee. Then, they watched the fireflies and went inside to help with dinner. Alexei arrived and they started eating. It all felt so nice, so normal until he said they were going on a big adventure. Her appetite disappeared. Yelena was excited, oblivious to what it actually meant. She didn’t have the heart or the chance to tell her.
The drive out was tense and quiet, save for American Pie playing in the background. She watched the scenes change outside her window from the suburbs to highways. They had to move fast, but she felt sluggish, overwhelmed with everything going on. She remembers holding on to a photobooth strip of her and Yelena before finally running to get on the plane after being urged by Alexei. The sound of sirens and the whirring of engines, her heartbeat hammering in her chest, filled her ears. Gunshots started sounding off. One hit Melina’s shoulder.
“I need you up here,” She said through gritted teeth. Natasha clambered beside her.
She was wincing in pain while giving instructions to pull right.
“Mom, you’ve got blood on you,” Her voice came out strangled, and that tight feeling came along with tears forming in her eyes. She didn’t cry often but she knew she hated the physiological sensations that came with it.
“It’s okay, baby.” Two more cars directly in front of them appeared in the distance. “Hit the accelerator there.”
She did as she was told, speeding the plane up. She faltered when a few more shots were fired at them.
“Hold it steady, hold it steady.” More shots, the headlights ahead were blindingly bright. “You’re gonna pull back at 55 knots.” They started counting in unison. Alexei popped one of the cars’ tires with a bullet, causing them to crash into each other.
“Pull back, you can do it! Pull back, all your strength...” Part of the plane grazes with the bottom of the now-upturned car. But they were finally off the ground. Flying. A sense of relief washes over her.
Considering the past few hours, the rest of the flight went smoothly. They landed somewhere remote, it felt like the middle of nowhere. Alexei carried Melina to a stretcher held by some soldiers she and Yelena ran after. After a short exchange of words with the older woman, she remembers wrangling a gun from someone, unwanted tears threatening to fall from her eyes again, and Yelena’s small form hiding behind her.
“I don’t wanna go back there.”
A needle was buried deep into her neck. She was then thrown into a shipping container with other girls. Masked people were pointing rifles at them, shouting and violently wrenching Yelena from her hold. There was a man, he knelt to meet her eyes. Rough and calloused hands held her face.
“The Red Room is your home now.”
───── ⴵ⋅ᗢ⋅ⴵ ─────
Watched the world from the sidelines
Had nothing to prove
Natasha had just started getting used to being “normal,” just another child in midwestern America. She was going to school, being around other kids, having a family until it was all ripped away. Even though it was all a lie, she couldn’t say it wasn’t important to her.
Being back in the Red Room was a regimented, isolating existence. No one was able to speak to each other for long. Schedules were planned down to the minute. Excruciating physical training, including hand-to-hand combat, ballet, acrobatics, and weapons training, pushed them to their limits, sometimes even beyond.
The mutilation, both psychological and physical, was the worst of all. They broke down each girl’s hope and willpower if any were even left. They were treated like objects, mere faceless weapons they could manipulate as a means to an evil end. The ones who survived were considered lucky, the prime of their batches, and given an operation. They called it “graduation,” but everyone knew what that meant.
At some point, she was able to get out. Her time with the KGB, then in S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers was filled with twists and turns. It was a lot of battles, moral disputes, and political agendas. There was even a time when she had to expose her own seedy past, much to her discomfort, but it was for the greater good. She didn’t mind as long as it was for the well-being of others.
───── ⴵ⋅ᗢ⋅ⴵ ─────
‘Til you came into my life
Gave me something to lose
Now that she thinks of it, the first time she interacted with Wanda was horrible. The witch inflicted a vision, memories that she was trying to bury and leave behind, when she was weakened and vulnerable. There were snippets of a conversation with Madame B. The graduation ceremony. It made her feel like a monster all over again.
The next time they interacted was in the Battle of Sokovia. She remembers regrouping with Steve, but not expecting the very same witch to make an appearance. Despite all the chaos, the jacket she wore looked familiar.
“Is that my jacket?” Natasha gestured at the younger woman, frowning slightly.
“She’s with us,” Steve said.
“That still doesn’t explain the jacket.”
Natasha was persistent. She didn’t shop for clothes often, never dressing up unless she wanted or had to, so this red jacket was special. It was one of the first few things she bought for herself. Wanda, now awkward and unsure of what to do, ran off. The rest of the battle felt like a blur of robots and rubble.
Since then, Wanda joined the Avengers. The younger woman mostly kept to herself when not on missions, watching sitcoms in her room. Vision would talk to her sometimes. Other times, the widow herself would do so. Natasha understood she needed space and time to cope with everything she’d been through but didn’t want to leave her fully isolated.
Their conversations, if you could even call them that, were awkward at first. Natasha would ramble on about whatever, trying to fill the silence.
“There’s breakfast in the kitchen.”
Wanda looks up from her book only to be met with a small, warm smile on the assassin’s face.
“It’s the usual American stuff. Eggs, bacon, sugary cereal, some fruit. Pretty sure Clint’s making waffles too,” Natasha points to the door with her thumb. “You should eat with us. Bond with the team, all that stuff that Steve goes on about. We’ll have training after.”
Wanda hums in contemplation. Then, she nods. It’s the slightest motion that one would miss if they didn’t pay enough attention. Natasha nods back and turns to leave the room. The witch’s voice catches her off-guard, though.
“I’ll come with you.”
It’s raspy in the best way possible, with a hint of her Sokovian accent lingering. It’s a sound that Natasha decides she would like to hear more often. Her smile grows ever so slightly as she gestures for her to walk together.
When Natasha started helping in Wanda’s hand-to-hand combat training, the two became closer literally and figuratively. In one memorable session, from when Wanda still wasn’t as skilled at combat as she is now, Natasha was able to pin her down. Her lithe fingers wrapped around the other woman’s wrists while she used her thighs to straddle. All to restrict movement, of course. The flustered expression on the witch’s face could not be more obvious.
Their sessions consisted of a warm-up, some rounds of sparring, and a cooldown. After barely surviving this particularly challenging one, Wanda lands on the bench with a sigh. “Fuck… You kicked my ass today, Tasha. No fair,” She says through heavy breaths, leaning back and wiping the sweat from her brow.
Natasha shrugs and smiles as she sits beside her, reaching for a bottle of water across from the younger woman. Her torso brushes with her thigh, making the Sokovian lose her breath all over again.
“Please. I went easy on you. Besides, it’s revenge for taking my jacket,” Natasha says as she sits back up and takes a sip of water.
Wanda stands on slightly wobbly legs while a breathy laugh escapes her lips. “You’re really still holding that grudge?” She raises her hands playfully, “In my defense, Steve threw it at me and told me to put it on. It was a hectic time, you know.”
Natasha smirks and shakes her head as they both move to gather their bags and leave. The assassin offers her hand.
“Let me carry your stuff. It’s the least I can do. Look, you can barely stand.”
“It’s okay, Tasha. I go—”
“Come on,” The widow urges. A knowing look is on her face.
Wanda’s face becomes flushed, more so than it already was. It looks like she hopes Natasha won’t notice, but she does anyway. She raises her eyebrow teasingly.
“Did the workout take you out that bad, Wands?”
The nickname doesn’t help at all. Wanda rolls her eyes playfully as she hands her duffel bag over. Natasha slings both bags over her shoulder and they start walking together.
“Remind me again why I have to keep doing the hand-to-hand stuff? I literally move things with my mind.”
“If you use your mind, why do you do the thing with your hands then?” Natasha tries to mimic the witch’s signature hand movements with her free hand. This earns her a lighthearted push.
“Oh, you know I’m just kidding. We both know you can’t just rely on your magic all the time. I want you to be able to fend for yourself if anything happens. Yeah?”
Wanda groans exaggeratedly, “Ugh. Okay, yes, you have a point.”
She chuckles at this. The pair, now embraced by a comfortable silence, walks to the elevator of the compound. As they enter, Natasha wraps her free arm around Wanda’s shoulder. She squeezes slightly, firm muscles under her touch, bringing her closer and looking into her eyes.
“Wanna have lunch with me today?”
Wanda raises her eyebrow, “Can we watch I Love Lucy while we eat?”
Natasha nods and hands over her bag. “Of course.”
They smile warmly at each other, parting ways to freshen up before meeting again later.
Natasha and Wanda have seen each other at different points in their lives. Happy, sad, and everything else in between. But the Lagos Incident was a whole other thing. Natasha herself was a witness to how Wanda had been doing so well before it. To watch the immense guilt, self-loathing, and depression come over the witch after the incident, after slowly building herself back up, was heartbreaking for the widow.
Old habits die hard. Wanda becomes a recluse again. However, instead of sitcoms accompanying her, it was the news. She couldn’t help but keep watching coverage of it as if being constantly reminded of this tragedy was helping anyone.
Steve already spoke with her, Natasha knows this, but she decides to give a different type of comfort to the person she’s grown to love. A silent one, one that speaks through actions.
On days Wanda doesn’t leave her room, Natasha knows she isn’t eating so she goes up and brings food. Nine times out of ten, it’s a peanut butter sandwich because it’s all she can make without setting the kitchen on fire. Ten times out of ten, it’s returned with just a few bites taken out. It doesn’t matter, Natasha is just happy to provide her with even the littlest bit of sustenance.
On nights Wanda can’t sleep, evident by the faint light escaping from her room, Natasha stays up with her. She takes it upon herself to change the channels on Wanda’s television or switch it off. She puts on some music instead, knowing that noise is a welcome distraction to her spiraling thoughts. Other times, Wanda motions for Natasha to her bed. The contact of skin on skin, the physical reminder that she isn’t alone helps Wanda relax even if it’s only for a few hours. Most nights, the feeling of Natasha’s body pressed up against Wanda’s is enough to lull her to sleep.
And when it’s not, when she falls into that spiral once more, Natasha’s always there to wipe away her tears and pull her out of it.
“So many people… All those lives lost because I-I couldn’t—” Wanda sobs, breaking down in the familiar hold of strong arms.
Natasha squeezes just a little bit tighter. She speaks softly, interrupting the younger woman, “I know, Wands. I know. But you have to stop blaming yourself, okay? We’ve all hurt people and we’ve all made mistakes. Even if we mean well. And you did mean well. It’s just sometimes things work out in ways we don’t anticipate.”
The consoling words fall on deaf ears. Wanda shakes her head and cries even harder while burying herself deeper into the embrace. Her voice is muffled, repeated pleas of repentance, “It’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s all my fault… T-tasha, it’s all my fault…” Unsure what to say now, Natasha resorts to her instinct instead. It has never failed her. She starts to rock Wanda gently, pressing a soothing kiss to the top of the younger woman’s head. A quiet, melodic hum resonates from her lips. She continues until Wanda’s breathing evens out and until sleep takes over both of them.
A soft stream of sunlight seeps into the room, awakening the Russian. She looks down at the sleeping figure in her arms. Wanda looks so peaceful right now, Natasha thinks. She would do anything to conserve this moment, this feeling of serenity for her. To take away all her pain, heartache, and afflictions. Realistically, she knows she can’t accomplish that. The best she can do is just be there for her.
It’s been a few minutes since and she feels Wanda stir slightly, who immediately snuggles closer and remains asleep. A warm feeling settles in her body, first in her chest then it spreads all over. She recalls feeling this way many times before, but only ever with Wanda. It’s at this exact instance she finally fully realizes what this is.
I’m in love.
She bites her lip in contemplation, quiet realization, as Wanda’s eyes flutter open. Hazy green eyes look into clear ones and a mumbled phrase reaches her ears. “Your thoughts are getting loud, Tasha. Are you okay?”
Broken from her trance, she looks down at Wanda. “Yeah, I am. Um. I just… I have something to tell you.” She shifts to lean against the headboard. Now is as perfect a time as any, she thinks.
Wanda’s eyebrows stitch together in a frown as she rubs the sleep from her eyes. She sits up, mostly leaning her weight on the other woman, while trying to decipher the look on her face. The Russian waits for a sign of approval from the Sokovian. Wanda nods and hums.
“I’m going to be direct about this, Wands.”
She takes a deep breath in.
“I like that we’ve grown close, that we consider each other as friends. I like doing things for you and with you and I like helping you, giving you what I have. Time, insight, comfort, whatever. Watching sitcoms with you, sleeping next to you, and waking up in your bed. I like your voice and your ringed hands, how graceful they look when you use your powers. The way your nose scrunches up and your bunny teeth show when you smile. How your accent slips when you say certain words and how you say my name. The way you carry yourself. How you care so much about others… If you let me, I would care for you for the rest of time.”
Natasha finishes with a sharp exhale, only now realizing her rambling. Losing control was one of the things she never wanted to experience again, but this time was different. Finally letting these thoughts flow through and out of her felt cathartic.
Wanda’s voice is quiet, “You would?”
Natasha nods, “Always.”
She says it without hesitation. Because she is wholly certain that she has no other answer. Why would there be?
Wanda becomes silent. An unreadable expression appears on her face as she takes in Natasha’s words. Her posture straightens slightly. Tension is now in the air and a silence begins to settle.
Natasha screws her eyes shut, willing the tears in her eyes to stop forming. She was just about to take everything back, apologize for even saying anything, before getting interrupted. She feels slim fingers gently hold her face. Wanda strokes Natasha’s cheek, her thumb moving in slow, circular motions while she speaks.
“Tasha, hey, please don’t cry,” Wanda looks at her pleadingly, leaning in closer.
Natasha blinks rapidly, brows furrowing together. “I’m sorry. I got nervous because you weren’t saying anything and I… I don’t want to lose you.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. I just had to take a minute because I didn’t realize you felt this way. Trust you won’t lose me, please.” She looks away. Her touch slows down and ceases as her hands fall to her lap. “I just don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
“You didn’t have to do anything, moya lyubov.” Natasha holds Wanda’s hands, “I mean everything I just said. I love you, Wanda.”
She waits for a response with bated breath. Before she knows it, she feels supple lips capture her own.
It’s tender yet electric. It’s everything she’s ever imagined and more. It’s simply perfect.
Natasha closes her eyes and deepens the kiss. She cradles Wanda’s jaw and feels the brunette melt into her touch. They pull away seconds later, foreheads touching as they catch their breath. Wanda says softly, “I love you too, Natasha. You don’t know how long I have been wanting to say that.”
───── ⴵ⋅ᗢ⋅ⴵ ─────
Now I know what it feels like
To wanna go outside
It was a calm morning, both women following a routine established over the past few months. Natasha would wake up early and then proceed to training, leaving Wanda to sleep in. By the time she’d be back, Wanda was up and just finishing preparing breakfast. They’d eat together, talk about their plans for the day, and decide what to do from there. Some days they’d spend together while, on others, they’d have separate activities.
“Detka! Come here, please!”
Natasha was working on some reports when she heard Wanda call out. She looks at the clock and decides now is a perfect time to take a break anyway. She hums as she stands up and stretches her limbs before leaving the room.
Wanda had been tending to the garden in the compound for some time now. She started with small pots of herbs and then moved to random vegetables after discovering she had a gift for raising plants. Lately, she also added flowers and various houseplants to her catalog. Being out in the sun, getting her hands dirty, and nurturing these plants was hard work, but it was work Wanda loved.
Natasha makes a couple of peanut butter sandwiches and pours two glasses of cold water on a tray, then carries it over to the sliding door leading to the garden. She places it down on a table outside and her eyes immediately search for Wanda. It’s an irresistible sight, her beloved’s face beaming and surrounded by greenery. She even thinks she sees her talking to the plants.
She smiles to herself while appreciating the view until Wanda realizes she’s arrived. She gets waved over, “Tasha!” The excitement in the witch’s voice is barely contained as Natasha walks towards her.
She wraps an arm around Wanda, bringing her closer and kissing her forehead, “Hi, kotenok. I brought over some snacks and water if you wanted them. What is it you wanted me to see?”
Wanda pulls off her gardening gloves, places them in her pocket, and brushes her hands over her pants. She mumbles a quick thank you before taking Natasha’s hand in one of her own and using the other to cover her eyes.
“Close your eyes. I want this to be a surprise.”
Natasha plays along, using her free hand to help cover her eyes. “Okay. Just make sure I don’t trip, yeah?”
Wanda giggles as she leads Natasha by the hand, “Don’t worry, detka, I got you.”
They walk slowly, up a few steps, and stop. Wanda takes a deep breath, “Okay, now.”
When their hands uncover Natasha’s eyes, she is met with vibrant blooms of various colors against a green background of bushes. It’s a masterful arrangement of asters, marigolds, hydrangeas, wildflowers, and many more. She gasps, breath taken away by the gorgeous sight.
“You did all this by yourself?”
The Sokovian nods sheepishly, “Yeah. I read somewhere that getting them all to bloom like this would be challenging, but I think I did decently.”
Natasha squeezes her hand, “It’s more than decent. It looks stunning, Wands. You did an amazing job.”
Wanda’s arm wraps around Natasha’s waist, her head rests on her shoulder. A satisfied sigh leaves her lips. They remain silent, basking in each other’s presence and the garden view.
“If you’re like this with plants, I can only imagine how well you’d be with kids,” Natasha muses.
Wanda lifts her head and looks at Natasha, her shoulders raised slightly, “What if, at some point, you won’t have to imagine?”
Small smiles grow on both of their faces. They share a knowing look before assuming their previous positions. “Someday, lyubov, someday.”
Natasha used to feel the need to keep busy, keep moving because she thought anything too constant would be taken away from her again. Though she never admitted it to anyone, not even herself, the thought of settling down and starting a family of her own was terrifying.
But not anymore. Everything felt so much easier with Wanda. It now truly felt like anything was possible. The lack of fear forced onto her when she was younger came from a dark place of abuse and indifference. Now, it comes naturally. It comes from love.
#ky writes!#oneshot#fanfic#marvel#mcu#marvel oneshot#marvel fanfiction#wanda maximoff#natasha romanoff#wandanat#wanda maximoff fanfiction#natasha romanoff fanfiction#wandanat fluff#wandanat fanfiction#wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff#wanda x natasha#wlw
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she wears my ring (eventually.)
“Is it just me, or are sparks flying?”
Janice doesn’t look up from her station - it’s an unspoken fact that Katrina can come bother her pretty much whenever.
Thank goodness she’s not working on The Project right now.
“If you can’t handle the heat-“
“Not what I said.” She feels Katrina’s hands slot around her waist. “What’chu working on?”
“Nothing really. Are you busy?”
“Hmmm, I could be…” Katrina shifts to press a kiss to her jaw - not an easy (nor advisable) feat when Janice is welding. “That is, if you have something you need me to do.”
“Katrina Faulkner, are you flirting with me while I’m operating heavy machinery? That’s dangerous.”
“I like a little danger, and that depends.” She tightens her grip around Janice’s waist. “It’s only flirting if it works.”
Damn. Her girlfriend is so hot and so stupid and Janice just can’t get enough of her. She sets down her torch gently, careful to turn it off first, and removes her welding helmet before she leans back into Katrina’s shoulder.
“You brave enough to find out?” she teases, kissing the skin right by her ear. “Because I won’t outright tell you.”
“I’m a good guesser,” Katrina whispers, playing with the hem of Janice’s shirt. This wasn’t the plan for the day, but Janice has learned more about spontaneity in the past few years than ever in her life. She’s happy to stop chasing routine if this is what interruption looks like.
“Let’s test that theory.” She turns so they’re face to face, grabbing Katrina by the collar.
“Now there’s an idea.” Katrina kisses her reverently, as if it’s the most important thing she can do. They sink into an easy rhythm, tangled together in a practiced fashion. It’s perfect now, the way they fit together. What used to be a flail of limbs, a clash of lips and tongue and teeth is soft and passionate and beautiful. United.
Janice could marry her.
She’s just about to voice that sentiment, fingers twisting roughly in Katrina’s hair, when a noise startles her out of it.
They pull apart, breathing heavy. There’s a joking smile playing on Katrina’s slightly swollen lips.
“That wasn’t you, was it?”
Janice snorts. “Shut up. Probably means your boyfriend’s here.”
“Don’t even joke about that,” Katrina protests. “Being straight sounds like a nightmare.”
“Bisexuality, babe.”
“Nah.” Katrina kisses her nose after she’s tugged her sweater back on. “I just like you.”
“Oh, so what?”
“Nothing.” Janice grabs her hand, tugging her out of the shed. “I like it.”
“Babe, you don’t have a shirt on and I don’t think Josh has ever seen a pair of tits in his life.”
Janice laughs. As friends of one Rachel Glazier-Hahn (and aunts to one Ezra Glazier-Hahn), they both can effectively prove that’s not true.
“Ah. Right.” She runs back in for her poor abandoned T-shirt, draped over her workbench, and slips it on. “Better?”
“Not for me,” Katrina grumbles. “But duty calls.”
Patches is there waiting for them, perched on the fence leading around to the front of their house.
“Hey buddy,” Katrina calls, reaching for him. “Where’s your freak of a father?”
The cat fixes her with a nonplussed stare before hopping down from the fence himself. He walks in little circles around her ankles, finding himself preoccupied with something in the grass.
“Okay, didn’t need my help. Cool beans.” She scratches behind his ears. “I’m gonna pick you up anyway.” Patches only scratches at her once in protest before settling into her arms. “Good job,” she whispers. “Knew I was your favorite.”
“Runs in the family,” Janice says. Kat smiles up at her.
“Speaking of family…” she unlocks the gate, holding the door open. “Let’s go on a Josh hunt.”
They make their way towards the driveway. If Patches just got here, Josh should be close behind.
But his car isn’t there.
“Hm,” Katrina hums thoughtfully. “That doesn’t add up.”
“It doesn’t…” Janice agrees.
“You think he’s hiding?”
“Where would he hide a car?”
The look of Katrina’s face suggests they can’t exactly rule that out as a possibility.
“We should call him,” Janice decides. “If he’s hiding, we’ll hear his phone go off.”
“Yeah. Good plan.” Katrina wordlessly hands the cat off to Janice before fishing for her phone. It doesn’t take long until she’s pulled up his contact (he’s on speed dial). He picks up after the first ring.
“I’ll be right with you, sir - Hey dude, you good?”
“Josh, where are you?” She can hear the hum of chatter and the clattering of plates. She knows the answer, but that makes this all weirder.
“At work? You need me to say you’ve been here?”
“No, no. Not crime. You swear you’re at the café?”
“Yeah, of course.” There’s a nervous edge to his voice now. “Are you okay?”
“All good, dude, promise. We just have an unexpected visitor.” She begins to pace as she explains the situation, trying to puzzle out how the cat got here and when to get him back home.
“You’re a troublemaker, huh bud?” Janice asks Patches, shifting to a seated position. She places him in her lap. “Affiliated with the wrong sort.”
Patches doesn’t make any noise. Which is strange - he’s a very responsive cat. Janice catches a glint of silver in his mouth.
“Hey, what do you have?” Janice opens her hand patiently. “Show me.”
Patches drops it obediently, and Janice’s heart drops with it.
Because sitting in her palm is her most recent attempt at an engagement ring.
“Dude, what the hell?” she whisper-shouts at the cat. She had thrown it away in frustration two days ago - the shape was fine, but it was far too large to have ever fit Katrina’s delicate finger comfortably. “How did you get this?”
The cat purrs in response, nuzzling the ring with his nose. Like he knows exactly what it is.
“You creep me out,” she tells him. He meows back.
“Uh-huh. You sure? Okay. Uh-huh. No, I doubt it. Love you, bye!” Katrina’s back. She pockets her phone.
“He’s insisted on coming over to pick him up. Shift ends in about an hour.”
“Well that’s good,” Janice replies, trying to be casual. Not like she has the unfinished product of a tangible representation of their love and journey as a couple in her hands.
“What’re you holding?” she asks. It seems innocuous. That’s the most disturbing part.
“Bit of scrap metal,” Janice blurts out. “Patches, somehow, got into our trash. Wonder who he gets his thieving tendencies from.”
Katrina clutches her chest dramatically. “What are you insinuating, my dear?”
“That you’re a bad influence.”
“How very dare you?!”
Janice chuckles at her girlfriend’s antics. “C’mon. Let’s go wait on the porch.”
“Janice, that’s not an answer to my question.”
“I dare because it’s true.” She scoops Patches up in one arm and pushes herself up to stand with the other. “Let’s go.”
“So mean to me,” Katrina huffs.
“Them’s the breaks, dovie.” She takes her hand and pulls her to the front porch.
They spend that hour cloud watching and rambling aimlessly. Katrina tries to teach Patches how to do a backflip. It doesn’t happen.
“Is that even physically possible?” Janice asks, cutting her girlfriend off mid-explanation.
“No clue! Never been a cat.”
Patches meows in agreement.
“Fair.” She leans back in her seat. “ETA on Josh?”
As if on cue, a Corolla pulls into their driveway.
“Babe, did you just summon him?”
“Huh. Maybe.”
Josh slams the car door behind him. “Alright, where’s my little criminal?” he calls.
“Hey to you too,” Janice shouts back. “Dad’s here,” she tells Patches, stooping to pick him up.
“He likes you,” Kat observes. “A lot.”
“Yeah, I think we’ve bonded.”
Janice meets Josh halfway.
“Thanks dude.” He pulls her in for a hug, careful not to squash the cat.
“Yeah, of course.” She lowers her voice once they’ve separated. “Does he ever root through your trash?”
“No? Never had that problem.”
“Then I swear he’s an eldritch being or something, because somehow he got a hold of this.” She shows him the too-large ring.
“Janice, is this-“
“Yeah. I’m trying to make it for her. That one was too big. I threw it away two days ago, and somehow your cat found it within five minutes of being here.” Janice grimaces. “And I know it sounds crazy, but I think he knows what it is.”
Josh chuckles knowingly. “Honestly dude? If the cat’s involved, it’s meant to be. Trust me,” he flashes his wedding ring, “that’s how it worked out for me.”
“Okay, what do you mean by that?”
“It’s a long story that I’ll have to tell you later.” Josh nods towards the house, towards Katrina, who’s coming down to join them.
“Hey,” she greets, slinging an arm around Janice’s waist.
“Hey,” they chorus.
Katrina whistles, impressed. “Mind meld.”
“I don’t think ‘hey’ counts as mind meld.” Josh argues.
“Nah. Twins.” She grins at him. “Do you know if it’s physically possible for a cat to do a backflip?”
“Patches, what were they doing to you?” he asks the cat, taking him from Janice and clutching him protectively.
“Trying to teach him to backflip. Obviously.”
“Honestly? Sick as hell.”
“I knew you’d get it.”
“You two are something else,” Janice says drily. Just then, Josh’s phone buzzes.
“Speaking of something else…” Josh finishes reading the message on his screen. “Ez has gotten into the paint again. So I gotta go clean up a mural.”
“Have a wonderful time,” Katrina starts sarcastically, going to give him a hug. “And keep an eye on your phone.”
“Cryptic,” he mutters, squeezing her back. Patches meows impatiently, but they all elect to ignore him for a minute. “Job?”
“Sort of. You’ll see.”
“More cryptic.” He catches Janice’s eyes over Katrina’s shoulder. “She ever do this to you?”
“All the time,” Janice responds.
“I’m not that bad.”
“Yes you are,” Josh insists, kissing the top of Katrina’s head before pulling back. “Freak.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too. Say hi to Ez and Rach for me.”
“Always.” He squeezes her arm twice. “Bye, Janice.”
“Bye, dude.” She pulls him to her side, squeezing quickly. “Thanks.”
“Yeah, man.” Josh knows exactly what she means by it.
They watch him go, sending him off with an excessive amount of fanfare. Once the car’s out of sight, Katrina nuzzles into her neck.
“Now, where were we?” she murmurs.
“The shed, if memory serves,” Janice starts, “but we have a bedroom that could be of use.”
“Onward then, fair maiden!” Katrina sweeps her up bridal style, buckling a little under the added weight.
“Dovie, this is a terrible idea,” Janice chuckles. Katrina kisses her forehead.
“I’m so big and so strong and it won’t be a problem.” And with that, she stumbles her way to their bedroom.
Later that night, Josh is settling down to sleep when he hears his phone go off. He shifts as little as possible, trying not to disturb Rachel beside him. It’s a text from Katrina.
Please please please keep this between us 🙏🙏 the most secret of all secrets
Yeah dude, of course
Okay: it’s time. I’m going to ask her to marry me, and I NEED you to come ring shopping with me or else I’ll actually combust bc I need a second opinion but it can’t be her obviously and I love Rach but I need you w me on this one.
Anyway. 💃🏼😟
Josh stifles a laugh, because of course they’re wanting to propose at the same time. It’s just a matter of who does it first.
Huge deal.
Yes of course that’s what I’m here for 💜
What does Sunday look like for you?
Sunday should work
We’ll talk ;)
Okay letting you sleep
Love you <3
Love you too <3
Bride-to-be 👀🤭
Josh has got to hand it to Patches. The cat knows love better than anyone.
absolutely MUST give credit to @wheelsupin-azarathmetrionzinthos for glass falcon’s lovely (and possibly all-knowing) cats. Zoie I love them <3
#CARCARP#because Zoie said “cat intervention” and I said “yes AND”#pibe fanwork 2025#pibe fanfic#pibe#falcon thieves#i love when shenanigans#silly!!!!! yay!!!!!
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(18Trip Translation) Tao Kinouchi SSR: The Brave - Beyond the Invitation Lies...
This translation uses the male protagonist’s name (Kaede), but the story doesn’t change regardless of the chosen protagonist
proofread by myuntachis, naginins77, jellyfish_apple and niri

Part 1
Location: HAMA House Living Room
Kaede: (Phew… I’m glad today’s job went smoothly.)
Kaede: (Not only was there interest in my proposal, I was also given an invitation to the pop-up store promoting the game.)
Kaede: (I may be excited, but I don’t actually know anything about this “Final Brave” game…)
Kaede: (Is it okay for someone like me to go there?)
Tao: Did you just get back, Chief?
Kaede: Hi, Tao-kun. Yup, I just got done with work.
Tao: Good work. I was just about to make some coffee. If you’d like, I could make some for you too—
Tao: Is this a ticket to FB’s pop-up store!?
Kaede: (FB… Oh, he’s talking about Final Brave.)
Kaede: It is. Our business client today was a game company, and they gave me an invitation to their upcoming limited-time store.
Tao: Huh, that’s like, some crazy luck!
Tao: This event is so popular right now, it’s been sold out for the next 3 months!
Kaede: I didn’t know that…! Was it really okay for them to give me something so valuable?
Kaede: I know that Final Brave is popular, not only in JPN but also globally, but I’ve never played it…
Tao: You’ve never played Final Brave!? How have you lived up till now!?
Kaede: I-Is that really so strange!?
Tao: Um, no– I’m sorry. That’s not it at all.
Tao: … If anything, I’m the strange one for acting like this over a video game at my age.
Kaede: Huh?
Tao: Uhh, it’s nothing. So… Will you go to that pop-up store?
Kaede: I’d like to go, since I was invited, but… I’m worried about whether I should, since I don’t know much about the game. Besides—
Kaede: You seem more interested in this, Tao-kun. So how about I give you the ticket so you can go, instead?
Tao: What, really!?
Kaede: Really. I don’t know much about it at all, so I think it’d be better if someone who can enjoy it properly goes instead.
Tao: W-Well… I am interested.
Tao: It says “Can bring a plus one” here.
Kaede: Huh? Oh, you’re right. I didn’t notice…
Tao: Then, since we can, how about we go together?
Tao: If I go by myself, you might get in trouble next time you meet with those company people…
Tao: And I’m sure you’ll also be able to talk about it to them next time!
Kaede: … You’re right. This will definitely be a good chance for me to learn more about FB.
Tao: Huh, you want to learn more about FB, Chief?
Kaede: Of course I do, since it’s that strange that I’ve lived up till now without playing it once.
Tao: Uuu… You took what I said to heart, didn’t you… I’m sorry.
Kaede: Hehe, I’m just messing with you. I’m really grateful that someone as knowledgeable as you will be coming with me, Tao-kun.
Kaede: It’s a plan!
Tao: Okay. I’m looking forward to it, too!

Part 2
Location: Anime Store
Kaede: Wow… There’s a lot more merch than I expected there to be.
Tao: I know, right! I didn’t know there’s so much official FB merch out there—
Tao: Is that the Hero’s Sword from II!?
Kaede: Is this life-sized? It looks like you can take photos here.
Tao: There are customers of all ages here, and they seem to be pretty evenly split between men and women. Everyone looks like they’re having fun—
Tao: …
Kaede: Do you want me to take a picture of you, Tao-kun? The line’s a little long, but since we’re here—
Tao: No, I’m good!
Kaede: Huh? But there’s a lot of people having their photo taken…
Tao: Anyway, let’s go look further inside! I’m sure there’s a lot left to discover!
Kaede: O-Okay…
Kaede: Wow, the stuff here is cute, too!
Kaede: Little trinkets with monsters printed on them, chopstick rests shaped like castles… They all look like they can be used as normal items, it makes me want to buy them.
Tao: Right. But nothing else’s gonna fit in our basket.
Kaede: Woah, when did you get that basket, Tao-kun!? And it’s filled to the brim, too…
Tao: Well, when I saw them, I couldn’t help but get my hands on ‘em. The coaster with the hero’s crest is sorta cute, and the keychain is an amazing reproduction of a monster from III—
Tao: … That’s only part of it, though. More importantly, I want to get a little something for everyone!
Tao: Like, I think Natsume-san would love this Demon King’s Sword muddler.
Kaede: (Would he…? It doesn’t really fit the image of Yodaka-san I have in my mind…)
Kaede: (Actually—)
Kaede: … Tao-kun, are you holding back for some reason?
Tao: Huh?
Kaede: I think you like FB a lot more than you let on, Tao-kun.
Kaede: If I’m right, I just wish you’d go on about it as you’d usually do. Unless… is there something bothering you?
Tao: It’s not that something’s bothering me…
Tao: I just figured you’d find it off putting if someone my age was so into a video game…
Kaede: Huh!?
Kaede: I don’t care about something like that at all! Your age has nothing to do with your interests, and I think it’s lovely that you have something you’re so passionate about!
Kaede: Besides, it’s fun hearing you talk so enthusiastically about video games, so I wish you wouldn’t let something like that bother you.
Tao: Chief…
Tao: Thank you. … I think my attempt to act indifferent was so weird that it kinda backfired.
Tao: Alright! From this point onwards, I’ll be putting my all into having fun! Let’s go look into every nook and cranny of this store!
Kaede: Yup, that’s the spirit! I’d also be really happy if you could tell me lots about the series.
Tao: Of course I will! I’ll keep going until you say you’ve had enough! So–
Tao: I’ll go get another basket, too!
Kaede: Whaaa, you’ve got more you want to buy!?
Tao: Hoo… I enjoyed this to the fullest!
Tao: Delivery drones sure are convenient. They carry two full cardboard boxes like it’s nothing.
Kaede: You got two whole cardboard boxes!? … You really bought a lot of stuff.
Tao: Yeah. I kept thinking that I’ll definitely regret it if I don’t buy everything now!
Kaede: Right, a lot of these items are exclusive to this pop-up store.
Kaede: But I’m glad you enjoyed yourself till you were satisfied. Alright, let’s go home for today.
Tao: Oh… Can I say one last thing?
Kaede: Hm?
Tao: I know I said I was good before, but—

Tao: I really want to take a picture with the hero’s sword after all…
Tao: So, could I ask you to take it for me?
Kaede: Tao-kun…
Kaede: … Sure thing. Alright, I’m taking it! Give me a smile!
Kaede: How’s this?
Tao: Thank you so much! Ummm…
Tao: Uh, Chief. Can I actually ask for one more thing?
Kaede: Sure?
Tao: I’d like to take a picture together. Is that alright?
Tao: It’ll be a memento of coming here together.
Kaede: Ah, yeah. That’s fine…
Tao: Let’s take a selfie, then. Chihiro taught me how to take one.
Tao: Uhhh, hold it up like this…
Tao: Sorry, Chief, could you come a little closer?
Kaede: O-Okay!

Tao: And… cheese.
Tao: Yup, it came out alright. Thank you so much!
Kaede: (... I’m really glad Tao-kun’s having fun!)
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{ "Don't dedcate to anyone elss but me." / "I'll give it my all!" }
Blinking at the male, you hold out the package in your hand. Uniform covered by your coat as you gaze at his pitiful appearance. The cold, tired stare, a dark hoodie, body slightly hunched over. He seemed meek, even skittish to a degree.
Tamon Fukuhara.
You raised a brow in familiarity, you knew him.
…In a sense.
Sighing through your nostrils, you offer a smile.
“Package for… You?.” You say gently, treating him as if a wild animal that might be spooked.
“Ah… T-Thank you.”
He… Closes the door further, sweating bullets as he gazes at the small item in your hand. Taking a more daring approach, you step closer. “E-EEEK- !” He hides his scream with a cough, cowering even further.
The two of you stare at each other as you feel your lips wobble.
You laugh.
“HAHA- Oh, god-! I-I’m so sorry… It’s just… You seem pretty brave!”
You reply proudly, making sure you’re eyes met his after the giggle fit. “I-I.. I…” He tries to spit out any words, mumbles of worries and jumbled sentences leave him.
“Oh god- you probably think I’m weird-! Or some incompetent dumbass that can’t talk for shit-!” He collapses on his knees, head banging on the door as he wails. “ BRAVE?! I’m the least of that-!”
“You had EVERY right to laugh-!”
You cut him off, choosing to kneel down to where he sat. “No, no I didn’t trust me. If someone saw that, they’d think I'm a jerk.” You recall a certain fan who'd probably bite your head off at such a action.
You offer out the package once more, “So… You gonna’ take it?”
“...Yes…” He nodded, slowly reaching out to the box. Losing your grip on it, he takes it fully. Glancing at the item.
You stand up, watching him fiddle with it, confused.
“T-This is.. The wrong address.”
You laugh again, this time at yourself.
After apologizing for the whole mix-up, he too started bowing his head. Even if he had no need too.
Soon, you kept seeing his strange presence pop into your life, (since he wore a paper bag on his head, you could easily spot him in the crowds).
A strange acquaintance-ship bloomed into your life. While, you were cautious enough to not go deeper into this situation-ship with him. You didn't mind pulling him along on your daily outings.
“Y-you.. Always laugh at everything..”
He mumbles to you one day while you dragged him to get some new tableware.
Mulling over what cups you wanted, you turn your attention to him. “Yeah… Is that bad?” You tease him a bit.
“NO! Of course not…” His voice falters a little, clawing at his hoodie strings nervously.
“I.. I really like it, your laugh.”
Pulling your lips together, you hold in your grimace, choosing to nod. Knowing the words on your tongue weren’t needed.
Turning away from him, you gaze at the two pink tinted glasses. Picking them up, you huff at the bargain. “Ha.. I think I’ll buy a couple of these.”
“Those?” The paper bag tilts slightly.
“Yeah, reminds me of your hair.” You reply, keeping your eyes trained on the glasses as you place them within your basket. Walking to the next aisle, you pause.
Said male, held his paper-bagged covered face. Jittering and shaking as you hear his gloomy words ring out.
“Reminds them of me… I’m not worthy as their friend…”
Face scrunching up, you hold in your mirth as you walk back to his side.
Kinoshita Utage was one your favorite MC's as of late. With an optimistic smile, the passion the fan held for F/ACE or specifically. Tamon, the supposed, wild and sexy idol of F/ACE.
You loved seeing their growth with one another. It was sweet, uplifting!
You recall grinning in amusement at their antics on the page. Looking forward to each installment with baited-breath!
So, when seeing Kinoshita, you absolutely wanted to bare-witness the events live! Knowing that the plot will start soon.
…But you’d have to get used to seeing Tamon’s face plastered in their room.
“You still haven’t told me your bias yet!” They squealed, cradling her Tamon hand fan.
You shrug, “Does, all them, count?” You play dumb.
“Yes- but-!”
“Then all!” You make a show of it, getting up as you spread out your hands with a small twirl. “The entire group!” You state as a fact.
Utaga laughs at your antics, tone becoming serious. “IF you had to choose ONE member though?”
“Tamon.” You blurt out easily.
Utaga excitedly gets up, grabbing your hands. Eyes shinning with utter joy at the words, “I know right! He’s amazing!”
“...The best.” You give back a reassuring squeeze.
“(Y/N)...!” Utaga sobs out, starry-eyed.
“This is… Beautiful!” Holding up the shirt high, she gazes at the details of Tamon’s face. Tracing the fabric in awe as you lean back. “Well, I thought a Tamon themed goodie bag might’ve lifted your spirits after exams.”
“It DOES- Awah! You’re too good to me! You’re amazing!” Placing the shirt (carefully) to the side, next to the Tamon plushie. Grabbing you, hugging you close, grip firm. Tearful praises singing out as you to grin like a fool.
“You’re welcome!”
“You know THEM!” The two teens point at one another.
“Of.. Of course (Y/N) has friends outside of me… I’m a terrible friend…” The pink haired idol bemoans as the brunette tries to cheer him up.
“Now hold on-! You’re not! What would (Y/N) say if they heard you say that!”
“Y… You're right…” He crumples into himself on the couch. Noticing (Y/N)’s contact picture on Utaga ‘s cell. A affectionate smile worms its way onto his lips. “That’s… A really good photo of them.”
The fan (internally) explodes from the gaze their oshi produced. Immediately offering up more photos that were on the phone of you. The two gush over each new difference in each photo.
"Ah! They lent me that jacket..!"
"Lucky! I was wondering why they weren't wearing it the other day."
[Some silly, indulgent fic for me and fans of Tamon B-Side! I hope when the anime comes out, the series will get more love! I really want some merch of it! If anyone wants a mini/series of this. Please let me hear your thoughts! Comments appericated and reblogs! Thanks!]
#Tamon B-Side#tamon furukawa#furukawa toman#utaga kinoshita#kinoshita utaga#F/ACE#yandere x y/n#x y/n#tamon b-side#tamon b-side x reader#tamon furukawa x reader#yandere idol#idol#idol x reader#fan x reader#utaga kinoshita x reader#will add more tags later#yandere male#yandere boy#y/n
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Little Stiles blurb. This is my first time posting my writing, so don’t be too mean, please. I know it’s a little dialogue heavy, so I’m sorry about that. Also, I have no clue how to work tumblr, so I would appreciate any tips.
Fluff, pure fluff, it’s lowkey cringey, stiles is a dork, reader is scotts sibling
“I’m scared,” It was barely a whisper, but he heard.
“I know, but we’re gonna be okay. I’m with you,” he held me tighter.
“Always?” I already know the answer, but I need to hear it right now.
“Always. It’d have to be the end of the fricken’ world to keep me from you.” I smiled at that. After everything we’ve been through, the end of the world doesn’t sound so scary.
“I don’t wanna lose you.”
“You never will. No matter what, I’m with you. You and me forever right? ‘S what you said when you made our rings.” I started laughing.
“I was high off my ass when I painted those, Sti. I literally used nail polish.”
“I know, you kept calling me pretty. I mean, I appreciate it, but you said it like a million times.”
“God, don’t remind me!” I gently hit his chest. He grabbed my hand, moving his face closer to mine.
“Am I still pretty?” His nose bumped mine.
“Of course you are. Can’t believe I got lucky enough to have such a perfect boyfriend.” I rest my forehead on his.
“M’not perfect, baby.” I wish he could see himself how I see him, but he can’t. So, I’ll just tell him, every day.
“To me you are. You’re every good thing in my world.”
“Yeah. I love everything about you. Your obsession with Star Wars. The way you pout when you focus on studying or working on a case. How selfless you are. How brave you are. Your beautiful brown eyes. Every birthmark you have. The impulsive decisions you make. Your hair. That big brain of yours. How persepti-” I’m cut off by a gagging noise. I pull away from Stiles, to look at my door. Finding my brother, Scott, standing there, I roll my eyes. I hadn’t even heard the door open.
“Can you two stop being gross and come down so we can all talk?” He looks absolutely disgusted.
“Shut up Scott. I’m allowed to spend time with my boyfriend. Also, learn to knock! ” I throw a pillow at him. I hear some laughter at my shouting, from down the stairs, as I stand up. Scott, who dodged the pillow, rolls his eyes and heads back downstairs. “Alright, let's go before Scott throws a hissy fit.” Stiles groans, before standing up. As I head for the door, Stiles grabs my arm and pulls me back.
“I love you,” He tells me, holding me to him.
“I love you too,” I breathe against his lips. He kisses me lightly before we hear Scott yelling at us to hurry up.
#fluff#stiles stilinksi x reader#teen wolf#stiles stilinski#scott mccall#mccall!reader#teenwolf x reader#reader#x reader#stiles x peter
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I absolutely love your chubby!Steve series!
I think partly because it challenges the fckng fatphobia my family has raised me with, acting like anyone who doesn't "fit" into their clothes anymore is fat and that's bad. Which *i* think is fckng stupid. I'm personally more at ease with my body. While being skinny (always was) ... ever since puberty or hitting my 20s I'm not a stick figure. I have some curves and while that's really nice if you feel comfortable in a woman's body - i've been struggling with gender and my little tummy fat, my thighs, my ass and always felt too feminine. I know I have a nice body (I feel strange about saying that) but in my eyes it's a lot of femme sexy not masc sexy. If it makes sense. But to get to the point 😂 I think your series has helped me too with reevaluating my depiction of whats masc and what's femme. And also how curves on men are hot and good and beautiful.
I'm obviouely not 100% there and probably won't ever be. But it helped a tiny bit! So pleaaaaaase never stop!! It's so good!
I really hope this all makes sense
(at first I wanted to make this anon but I'm gonna be brave about it! And yes it would be okay posting this publicly. But you can also answer if you want, privately)
hello friend!! ty for being brave and sending this! im so so so glad you’re enjoying them!!!
sorry i’m only just answering this too i kept thinking about what i wanted to say bc i never expected these stories to cause these kinds of thoughts. but it’s so cool!!
there is something so interesting about the way androgyny is so connected to thinness. and curves with femininity. like i saw an insta reel and this girl was doing butch outfit inso but she was a bigger, curvy woman and it kinda blew my mind like id never seen it before! they looked great!!
like masculinity and femininity is performance but i totally get the frustration of like having to counteract your ‘base’ in order to perform the way you feel most comfortable. if that makes sense. like i so often want a t-shirt to fit me like it would a skinny skater boy but i also think i look pretty hot naked haha and i know that’s me with my traditionally ‘feminine’ body shape. so i feel like i get what ur saying? sorry if i’m way off
but yeah i’m also sorry you’ve been struggling with your gender i hope it hasn’t been too dysphoric for you!
its just really interesting that you’ve sent me this tho. when thinking about like, how everyone interprets art differently. like, i honestly just started writing them bc i find bigger people really attractive. i wasn’t really trying to say anything about fat phobia but i totally see how it’s all connected. like i just think bellies are hot and i find peoples chests hot, like, boobs or pecs, whatever, its just a really nice, beautiful area. so i kinda wanted to just get that attraction out in writing because im trying to be less embarrassed about what turns me on. maybe that's why i write eddie so goofy, thats me still being a little embarrassed but also just maybe makes it all more accessible to people. idk.
but yeah i guess it’s just nice to talk about different body types, especially with such a traditional american male character like steve. i’ve just never found like a six pack very attractive, personally. i find strength and curves and softness and bigness really nice so idk i hope i’m giving a little more representation to that.
#hotlunch#ask#<3#ty for sending this really#i’m so glad it could help you#i hope my reply makes sense kinda?#what you said just made me think about a lot of different things#chubby steve harrington
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I feel kinda bad bc my WoLMeric ship is actually kinda toxic lmao

Like, Elysia kinda looses her shit post Heavensward after loosing Haurchefant and Ysale. It’s her villain origin story, if you will.
Haurchefant was her first love and everyone knew it, but Aymeric still fell for her. He still pursues her after he dies and basically becomes the home wrecker lmao. Elysia, because she’s kinda like ARR Thancred, fucking sleeps with him and things get real awkward real quick. It fucks both of them up big time.
Aymeric def deserves better than this train wreck, but I’ve decided that it’s funny AND angsty so I’m keeping it. I mean, how can he not fall for her? Elysia is the Warrior of Light- she is nothing but selfless and brave. Not to mention pretty but that is a whole other can of worms lmao.
Jk I am dealing with it here. sO-
Elysia is from a noble family in Hingashi, obviously she left but we’ll come back to that later. Basically, before leaving she was kinda only known and valued for her beauty. Which does wonders to someone’s self esteem y’know? On the one hand, she is confident, and some might even say a little vain. On the other, she knows how people see her, how men see her. She figures Aymeric is just another guys who’s Down Bad TM for her and he is but it goes deeper than she thinks. But also Ishgard is y’know… Catholic, so Aymeric also feels guilty for thinking about her like that.
Elysia is well aware that she’s being puppeted by the Alliance and the Scions. (in a way) Obvs she does it willingly and believes in their cause, but she mostly does it out of duty. She is the only one strong enough to save everyone, she has to.
(Even if she really can’t save everyone… I really miss Haurchefant and Ysale okay)
And this is where I think she parallels pretty well with Aymeric, in how they both deal with their respective duties.
I see a lot of people bringing it up and yeah, Aymeric is lonely. He loves his nation, make no mistake, but he is so lonely. Estinien leaves Ishgard, apparently Lucia does too, and WoL can’t be around all the time. But still, he is a politician and will do anything for his nation. But he literally says in the dinner scene that he does want to travel and I- ueueueuehjahskhwiuiloveyousmiwannatakeyouonvacationwithme-
But yeah despite all that, despite wanting to resign post uhhh Nidhog final fight (I think) - he remains steadfast for his nation which is super fucking admirable. Like sir you’re 32 you should be doing other things lmao. You are way too noble (and hot) to be a politician.
Elysia on the other hand, well- I’mma be honest she’s kind of selfish. She runs away from her original duties in Hingashi, and she’s only playing hero now because nobody else can. In a way though, nobody can really hold her down. That’s why she became an adventurer, because she knew she was meant for much more than some arranged marriage.
So it’s kinda juicy because Aymeric is lonely but devoted, and Elysia is burned by her duty. Idk where the line is from but it’s smth like “There is no greater burden, but also no greater honour” yeah that’s Elysia.
Having said that Aymeric is devoted, he is HOPELESSLY Devoted to her
But noooww there’s noooooowhere to hide since you pushed my love asiiiiiide I’m ouuuutt of my head, Hopelessly Devoted to youuuuuuuuu- oh wait that kinda fits their dynamic. Huh. Oh, I’m gonna think abt this now-
Yeah anyways you thought Haurchefant was down bad? Well, he definitely was but so is Aymeric. Bro is ready to walk into hell and be seen as a sinner for some Au Raussy. Okay no but he is hopelessly in love with her. It is very easy to see. I mean bro literally invites her to his house for dinner??? Alone??? The rumours are rumouring.
Aymeric makes it very clear that he is in love with her and will remain so even if she doesn’t return his feelings. Honestly, it’s more of a weird situationship than anything. Elysia won’t flat out reject him and they do find some comfort in the other’s company, but at the same time, Elysia isn’t really reciprocating so much as she is just there. It’s weird she teases and kinda flirts with him (in private) but y’know she wont say she loves him or anything.
I do believe there is some capacity for this to turn out as a healthy relationship, but not right now lmao. Elysia def deserves a reality check and I don’t want to keep bullying Aymeric. I do think they’re cute together, Elysia being kind of a tease x Catholic white boy Aymeric.
Oh yeah also have this fun relationship chart which summarizes everything I just said except for the duty part

#Oh yeah also i didn’t know where to fit it in but the age gap is kinda… uh….#Aymeric would catch a case let’s just say#Elysia is 22 he is TEN years older than her#Context: i did not plan on shipping them at first and I wanted Elysia to still be young enough to be attached to her family#But still be an adult#Bc the idea is that pre-ARR she’s already been hopping around Eorzea for a while after running away on her 18th birthday#Yes Eorzea’s hero is an emotionally unstable college student#Ffxiv#wolmeric#aymeric x wol#aymeric de borel#wol x aymeric#ffxiv oc#Wol oc#warrior of light oc#if it makes u feel any better they’re perfectly happy in a modern au#are you ever so normal you make a long ass post abt your oc x canon ship dynamic?#And a whole ass presentation to boot???#wol elysia vespera
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Chapter Twenty Three: Time After Time Pt.4
“....yeah no Ernest and Dorian will not be free roaming upstairs..” Dolly for the first time in a very long time felt like she was in danger standing on the second floor of the house.
“Okay so the floor is a little damaged, but it’s not that bad! Come on, you gotta see this view!” Envy just shrugged off the danger floor, it was just a minor inconvenience.
“A little? Try ‘this place is a death trap fit for making the Face Fur live in!’” Ernest remarked looking out from the carrier.
“Unfortunately for us, the Face Fur is gonna live in Briggs before moving into some barn. Besides, I’m gonna turn this place into a cadaver palace of sorts once I’m done!” Envy declared, their arms spread out to show just how determined this garbage gremlin was in turning this dump into a spectacle a serial killer would be proud of.
“Does this mean we get to decorate the skeletons with shiny objects?” Dorian asked, his curiosity perked and eager for some memento mori projects to tackle. “I can’t make that promise, but if we can be sure, then why the hell not!? Let’s glamorize some human skeletons!” Envy was feeling pride over what they could potentially turn this decrepit space into as the floor creaked in response.
“To be fair, it isn’t just some barn, it’s the barn that everyone avoids up until now.” Dolly regained some composure from the bold declaration, wanting to take her mind off the dangerous house. “You’re joking? What’s so scary about a barn?” Envy scoffed a little, doubting Freddy was that brave to purchase a building of ill reputation. “History makes it scary, I still remember the incidents from it before being forcibly shut down by the government. Some alchemists up here tried to breed some chimeric sheep for stronger wool that was resistant to the cold weather. Upside, there was some success. On the downside, the sheep had a thing for eating children and spitting corrosive acid.” Dolly grimaced as she recalled the horrible acid spewing mutant sheep that alchemy created, Envy on the other hand had a starstruck look of remembering the incident. “Shit I think I remember that place! The Pride during that was annoyed that we had to put down the barn as it was pretty hilarious to all involved.” Envy explained, overjoyed by the fact that they knew what Dolly was talking about and the ‘fond’ memories of the entire incident.
“For real?” Dolly couldn’t be surprised anymore given that she was talking to Envy the Jealous, gremlin for eternity. “Yeah! I only got to hear stories about it. I wanted to keep that barn running so we could use those sheep elsewhere, but the hag was against it.” Envy admitted, a part of this gremlin strongly debating on breaking into that bar to see if the skeletal remains were still there for fun. “Somehow I’m not surprised by this at all. Thank you Wayfarer for desensitizing me to your rather wild statements.” Dolly said in a deadpanned fashion, picking up on Lust’s mood for the first time after sharing that awful story. “Well it’s my job isn’t it? Now, let’s go look at what I wanted to show you.” Envy grinned widely, wanting to chance a fall with the decrepit floor upstairs. “Envy, I say this with all the love in my heart, but that floor is horrifying and you’d be insane to try walking about on it.” Dolly clutched the carrier full of alchemical abominations as she stared at the floor in horror. “Good news! I CAN CARRY!” Envy said as they lifted Dolly and the carrier with ease, marching on in a foolhardy fashion with the murder floor. “Seriously!?” Dolly yelped as she got picked up to be carried about towards the widow. “I’ve been waiting to do this since you carried me back in the woods.” Envy smirked as they deposited Dolly by the window to get a good look outside. “Oh my gods, Wayfarer, this has the perfect view of Corpse Mountain!” Dolly was in awe of the view of the horrifically corpse riddled mountain range of forlorn. “Figured you’d like that, I think in a few more months, we’ll have that meteor shower again like before.” Envy grinned as they felt pleased that the view of the horrible mountain was the biggest winning point for them. “Ah yes, the meteor shower, the one that contained a very hungry and pissed off Crom Cruach that you still haven’t told Dolly about yet.” A voice chided gently in Envy’s mind who simply made a grimace at the moment being spoiled a little.
“Everything alright there, Wayfarer?” Dolly glanced over towards Envy who regained their composure around Dolly much like a cat hiding an injury. “Oh nothing, just something we can talk over some drinks. Shall we get going? I’m sure the fashion frenzy at the main house has died down a bit.” Envy changed the subject, not ready to tell about the looming danger and the fact that a group of sideshow freaks were coming to collect Dolly.
“Sure that sounds good to me, but do be sure to continue carrying me about since I don’t trust teleporting in this place just yet.” Dolly was very adamant about the horrifying injury trap the aging building was.
‘Survive is going to have a pissy fit over hearing that.’ Envy thought as they carried Dolly out of the upstairs towards the exit down below.
Dolly wasn’t the only one not amused at the situation as Survive in that hammerspace dimension carefully glanced from the ramshackle death trap in the scrying bowl towards the mountains as that very thing she had feared began to stir. Yes, far up in the mountains, far from the city fire were the two state alchemists that bore witness to the escape of Ernest and had their donuts stolen by the most diseased cat in known times. They had both called in paid vacation time after the cat incident and as though the fates were merciful, managed to avoid the dreadful burning of central. The hike had been long going along the trail of Mount Kaiser as the winds whipped about as if it intended to knock the two men off the side of the murder mountain to add to its extensive death toll.
“We should set up camp now Frank, the wind isn’t dying down as it should!” The one man said, raising his voice to be heard over the whistling winds. “There’s only like five more markers to go though! Just hang in there until we get to the fifth marker!” Frank yelled back as he trudged along the snow and hidden corpses as something glistening caught the mens’ sight. “What is that thing?” The man asked as he looked carefully at the shimmering object coming from the side of the killer mountain. “I don’t know Bill, I don’t know. I think it might be a giant diamond from how it’s shining!” Frank exclaimed as the reptile part of his brain went off on its instinctive response towards a shiny object.
“Frank, we should bring that thing down to town with us! WE CAN RETIRE EARLY AND VACATION IN XING!” Bill stated as he started walking towards the massive object in the mountain side. “One step ahead of you there Bill! Think of all the tropical locations we could travel to as well! Early retirement, here we come!” Frank started bounding over the snow to follow Bill towards the treasure that promised early retirement and memorable vacations.
Frank and Bill carefully ventured towards the crystalline object of sorts that was poking through the snow. After some time of digging and dusting away the snowy coating on the diamond like sphere, it dawned pretty quickly to the two men that the sphere that was launched into the rocky interior of the mountain was likely as big as an island as they both paused for a moment. How exactly were they going to get this entire massive sphere into town? Carefully, Bill brought out the pick axes from the pack to start pecking and chiseling away at the massive sphere, hoping the bigger chunks could get them enough to retire on. Taking up a pick ax, Frank and Bill began the task of breaking down the crystalline sphere to take to town in hopes of getting to retire early. About seventy strikes in on chiseling for wealth, Frank and Bill paused as they heard something digging inside of the sphere as well. Unable to move, the two men watched in frozen horror as something clawed its way out of the crystalline prison, screeching in its first fresh breath of air after such a long time. Beautiful, matte black fur bristled from the cold as the rabbit-like being stood on its two feet, towering over the men as one single eye looked them over in regard, its iris shimmering in peacock-like colorations. Truly a beautiful being that was intimidating to be around as it opened its mouth to speak for the first time in a long time.
#The Wayfarer#Fullmetal Alchemist#FMA 03#Fan Fiction#FMA Fan Fiction#Writing#Envy the Jealous#Envy#OCs#Homunculus#Homunculi
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Thanks doll {1/?}
I know I don’t really write for anyone else other than Jeff but Rhea is just so got damn fine (fem readers) warning:fluffy stuff
You sat at the dinner across from a dark haired woman with amazing eyes and tides you try not to stare as rhea ordered. you look down to see her big and veiny her hands, your eyes wandered up her arm looking at how strong her arms were you thought she could easily ruin you, have you feeling her touch for weeks.
“And for you ma’am”, you didn’t realize that the waitress was trying to take your order until rhea lightly taped your hand. You hadn’t even looked at the menu umm you say trying to find something fast. Rhea chimed in “she’ll have what I having” “ok I’ll be back in a minute”
“So want to till me what you were thinking about?” Not really “I think you should anyway” why should I “because I want to see if we’re thing the same way” rhea smirked at you as you smirked back “are you really sure you want to know cause this might change everything” “yes I want to know tell me”
okay ima be honest I was thinking some dirty things about how strong your arms and hands were, that I would feel your touch for weeks. “Oh Ok You want to know what I was thinking” you nod “I was thinking of how much more beautiful your dark curly hair would look in my fits” WOW, and I thought I was a dirty girl.
The waitress returned to our table with our food and drinks.“thank this looks delicious” you and rhea began to eat and I have light conversation about your hobbies and family. But soon the conversation came back to the dirty stuff you told her about a story about your ex but you stopped talking when you realized you would have to expose your dirtiest turn on in the process.
“What wrong doll” rhea said as she looked up at you “nothing, I just realized I was doing a lot of Talking” “that’s ok I like watching that pretty little mouth move” you look down to hide the face you make when your turned on.Rhea smirked at you “it’s ok to be turnt on……..or HorNy”Rhea said try not to burst out laughing. Rhea please you giggled.
You could barely handle the shock the woman you had known as very serious  and a straight to the point at work was assuming you were turned on by her and was laughing about it. She wasn’t wrong but she shouldn’t have been so cocky to  assume. 
The waitress walked by again.  “uh yes can I have the check please” “yep one minute please” the waitress, came back with a check and put it on the table you reached for your purse but rhea said she already has it covered  you glanced at the $200 check “at least let me go half on it” no need got in cash
“I’m gonna call us a lift back to my place?” yeah that’s good. Rhea held your purse and hand helping you into the car, thank you “of course darling” Rhea stared to rub your knee than your thigh she made sure to look at your face making sure you were comfortable.
The lift stopped and rhea jumped out and ran around the side to open the door for you. You step out and and get on the sidewalk with Rhea. As she reach for your hand and walk to you to her door  she reached in her pocket pulled out the key , then open the door.
once inside Rhea took her jacket and shoes off you did the same as rhea led you up stairs “do you want some pajamas?” Rhea said, breaking the silence. yes and “what’s you favorite movie” OK but you have to promise not to laugh ”ok I promise” despicable Me 2 “really” Rhea said trying to hold in the laugh.“yes” well ok 
Rhea started to get undressed she stripped down to her underwear before “struggling” to take off her bra so you offer some help.you stood behind Rhea and unbuckled her letting her boobs fall free. bravely you decided reach and massage her tits, Rhea let out a loud moan of satisfaction that scared you making you remove your hands
“No please doll don’t stop” Rhea whimpers, OK let me change my clothes first, you noticed that rhea only gave you a oversize T-shirt you slide out of you red dress and undid your bra letting your  perky dark nipples fall your boobs and Rhea’s were the complete opposite.
When you looked up Rhea’s face was red she had only her pj pants on you walk over to Rhea and put your arms around her neck “how bout we just stay top lest and you get me some pj pants too” ok she got the pants and you put them on.
Rhea layed in the middle of the bed and you straddled behind her  so she could rest her head on your chest her hair brushed against your tits making you moaned softly as the opening scene for Despicable Me played you stared to massage her tits again “mhmm” “thanks doll that feel so good” Rhea stated to fall asleep from being so pleased and relaxed she mumbled one more thank you before falling asleep you soon after fell asleep too

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I don’t think so. I’m sorry. It’s like… cancer, yes? We can cure it before it gets to stage four. I think that’s this. She doesn’t look pretty, please ready yourself.
He blinks back tears and takes a deep breath before hopping to you in the bond, letting out a broken, stunned noise at the look of his wife. "Mé?"
Padme opens her eyes a little, taking a second to even recognize it's him. "Ani," she whispers, closing her eyes again, "Ani..."
"I'm- I'm here," he quickly makes his way over and drops to his knees next to her, holding her hand. "I'm- it's okay..." he starts to cry as he studies her features closer, "It's- you're gonna be okay."
"Mm-mm," she shakes her head as much as she can manage, "'m s-sorry..." she coughs some more and Anakin rears back as more blue blood runs from her mouth.
"Oh gods," he murmurs, his face crumpling. "Hey don't- don't go okay? Please? Please don't-" he pauses as she gives his hand a squeeze. "What is it?"
"I love- I love you," Padmé whispers. "My brave Jedi. Keep g-going. Okay? Promise me. I know-" she nearly chokes on her own blood with her next cough, "I know 's h-hard."
"I love y-you," Anakin lets out a sob and kisses the back of her hand, taking a break to cough for a second himself before turning back to her-
And freezing as her grip on his hand loosens. And her body stills. "Padmé?" he asks quietly, his voice almost as small as it was when he was little. "Mé?" He leans in and watches her chest, shaking his head frantically as he notices it's not moving anymore with her breaths.
And even though he wished on her downfall, Rex looks away as Anakin's broken sobs grow louder. Anakin's his friend. Even if he belongs with you, death isn't fair- Rex knows this.
"N-No no..." Anakin lets go of her hand, his breathing turning uneven as he becomes more distraught. "No-" he doubles over with a coughing fit, then turns to look at you, sobbing again as he slowly shakes his head in denial.
0 notes
sunflower, chapter nine
summary: after Y/n freaks out because Spencer got injured on a case, he just wants her to understand that he’s okay…
warnings: references to 9x18, realisation of love, injured Spencer, kissing, crying, fingering, (comforting) dirty talk
word count: 1885
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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You were on your way back up the stairs from your great adventure to see if there was any mail in your post-box. There wasn’t. But your trek up the steps was slowed down a bit by the distraction of a funny text from your sibling. Being too caught up in typing out your reply, you didn’t notice the figures that had caught up to you.
“Hi, Y/n!” you looked up to see Spencer, not in his usual choice of clothing, but instead in a red hoodie, some small navy shorts, and as a cherry on top, a matching sweatband around his head. Dare you say, he looked athletic today.
“Spencer, hey! You look,” trying and failing not to laugh, “great! I didn’t know it was casual Friday at the FBI headquarters today.”
“Oh, no, I just had to do a fit test,�� his voice went up slightly at the end, making it almost sound like a question.
“A fit test? I would have loved to see that.”
“Yeah, pretty boy did about how you’d expect,” a man you hadn’t noticed till now interjected. He was helping a wobbly blonde woman up the last few steps, before turning to her with a smirk, “you did amazing though.”
“Aw, thank you, Derek, I’d hope so because I’m gonna be so sore tomorrow,” then looking to you and perking up a bit, “Oh, hello! Reid, who’s your friend?”
“Um, this is Y/n.” sounding a bit unsure of how to introduce you.
Trying to help, you added nervously, “I’m his neighbour.”
“Yeah,” Spencer agreed slowly, “she’s my, neighbour.”
“Well, I’m Derek Morgan, this is Penelope Garcia, we work with him,” the man named Morgan reached out his hand to you, “it’s nice to meet you, Y/n.”
Shanking both of their hands, you smiled politely, “it’s nice to meet you too.”
“You are just too cute! And this dress is amazing, where did you get it?” Garcia complimented.
Looking down at yourself, “I, um, actually don’t really remember. It’s really old.”
“Well, point still stands, you look gorgeous.”
Giving a tight-lipped smile, “thanks.”
Almost like a Freudian slip, Spencer agreed quietly, “yeah, you look really pretty today,” catching his eye, your smile grew more genuine.
“Um,” Morgan looked between the two of you, “baby girl, how about we leave these two lovebirds alone?”
“Sure, let’s go,” she agreed with a smirk, “see you tomorrow, boy genius!”
“Yeah, see you,” he replied, and then they left the two of you alone in the hallway.
“Do you wanna come in?” he asked, “I was gonna take a shower, but you can come in if you want.” Nodding, you followed him inside.
Almost as soon as you heard the door close, his lips were on yours, catching a quick kiss, “hey,” he whispered.
You were about to reply when your face fell. Being too distracted before by the way he was dressed, you had failed to notice the small cuts and bruises on his face, “what happened?” your voice shook slightly from the worry.
“What?” he asked, not knowing what you meant.
Lightly grabbing his face to inspect, “you’re hurt!”
“Oh, I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not! What happened?”
“It was nothing. Just got a few superficial cuts and bruises on the last case,” he explained, trying to calm you.
“Superficial? That does not look superficial!” you yelled, not noticing the few tears that had rolled down your cheeks.
“Y/n, I’m okay,” he reassured, reaching out for you, but you shrugged him off.
“Why did you do a fit test while injured? What if you just aggravated something?”
“I didn’t, I promise I’m fine.”
“How do I know you’re not just putting on a brave face?” you accused, “you might have a broken rib or something, and you’re just not telling me!”
“You want me to prove it to you?” grabbing onto your wrist, he pulled you into the bathroom. Opening a cabinet below the sink, he pulled out a first aid kit, “here, you can help me, see for yourself, I’m okay.”
Agreeing, you sat him down on the edge of the tub and took off the colourful band around his head. Starting with the cut on his right brow, you carefully removed the two steri-strips, crumbling them up and placing them on the sink.
Placing a finger under his chin, you turned his head to inspect the bruise on his cheek, and to detect if there were any other injuries to his face. Not finding any other, you let go and motioned down to his torso, “can I?” you sniffled. Nodding, he raised his arms, letting you peel the hoodie and the white t-shirt he wore under it off.
He was very much okay under there. But still, you reached out and touched him with a cold hand just to be sure. After a few moments of your poking and prodding, he caught your darting eyes, “see, I’m alright.”
Lip quivering, you pulled him to you, hugging him tightly, not even caring that his face went straight into your boobs.
“You really scared me,” you sobbed.
Stocking his palms up and down your back, “I’m sorry.”
“Please don’t ever do that again,” you mumbled into his hair.
“I’ll do my best.”
For minutes he just hugged you back, letting you squeeze him as tightly as you need to understand that he was broken, whispering repeatedly into your skin that he was okay.
You really liked him. Like, really really liked him. The thought of him being injured was obviously a terrifying thought to you, but why did it scare you this much?
He was hurt, how could you make it better? How could you make him feel better? He placed a few gentle kisses on your collarbone, and you suddenly noticed just how naked his upper body was in your arms. And then, an idea popped into your head.
Lowering yourself onto your knees in front of him, you cradled his head in your hands and kissed him deeply. Parting, you whispered against his lips, “let me make it better, let me help you feel good.”
Letting go of his face, you let your hands fall to his thighs, rubbing them lightly, slowly moving further up. “Y/n, you don’t-“ his sentence was cut short when your hand met his already half-erect dick.
Palming him gently through his shorts you pleated, “please, I want to,” you felt his dick twitch at your words, rapidly growing completely hard, “please Spencer.”
His eyes fluttered closed, and he let out a low moan, the sound making you rub your thighs together for some form of relief. Then, almost shaking it off, he caught your wrist, “no.”
“What? Do you not want me to?”
“No, no, I do, I just-, you don’t have to,”
“But I want to. I wanna make it better.”
“Y/n, you don’t have to do that to make me feel better,” he tugged some of your loose hair behind your ears, “how can I make you see that I’m alright?” then pulled you towards him and began littering your face with kisses.
Getting up from the cold tile floor, he pulled you with him, running his hand down your body as you caught his lips with your own. Backing you up, you bumped against the sink, making your lips part, and letting a small gasp out. Lifting you up, with surprising ease, he settled you onto the counter, parting your legs and settling himself in between them.
Kissing your neck, he ran his soft fingers up your thighs, thus pushing your dress up with it.
“Please let me do this,” he whispered, “let me prove to you that I’m okay.”
Pulling back to see your answer, you looked into his dark eyes, knowing what it was he was asking for permission to do, you bit your lip and nodded nervously.
Letting out a whimper, you squirmed slightly as his hand came into contact with your covered center. Your lips parted as he rubbed his fingers up and down, using a little extra pressure every time he brushed over your clit.
You grabbed onto the edge of the counter, “let me know, at any time, if you want me to stop, okay?” he breathed out, “you’re in full control here.”
Quickly nodding again, you reclaimed his lips, and he dipped his fingers under the waistband of your underwear, groaning into the kiss as he felt how soaked you already were. Drawing tight circles around your clit, you pulled away from his lips with a whimper.
Holding you close, he whispered, “I’m okay, Y/n. I’m right here.”
You then felt his fingers move up and down your slit but always ending each motion with a teasing touch to your clit. After doing it an agonizing number of times, he finally plunged his middle finger inside of you, making you moan.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he cooed, pushing his digit in and out of you at a slow pace. Releasing your grip on the sink, you clutched onto his biceps for support.
Adding his ring finger to the party, stroking your walls, and curling them slightly, he planted a hand in the roots of your hair and kept his lips right at your ear. “I’m okay, I’m right here with you. Trust me when I say, you make me feel so safe. Even if I was seriously hurt, just having near me takes all my pain away.”
Bringing his thumb up to stimulate your clit, your eyes struggled to stay open, giving in, you let them flutter to a shut. “You take my pain away, Y/n, I’m okay.”
In that rapturous moment, it surprised you what you had to stop yourself from blurting out. You didn’t just like him. If you just liked him, seeing him hurt like that wouldn’t have been so painful for you. You didn’t like him. You loved him. You loved Spencer Reid. That was all you wanted to respond with to his wonderful, sweet words. Instead, you just buried your head in the crook of his neck and let out a string of pornographic sounds as you road out your orgasm.
“I would do anything for you,” he groaned in your ear.
Hips jerking from the high, Spencer retracted his didges from your throbbing pussy. Keeping yourself close to him, you just stayed there a moment, trying to catch your breath. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you even closer. Fuck, you loved this man.
“Hey,” he pulled back, “are you okay?”
Looking up into his eyes, you hummed in response. God, he was pretty. Standing there, studying your face. When he was certain that you were in fact alright, he smiled and brought his fingers, the very same fingers that had just been inside of you, up to his mouth and started sucking them clean. The sight honestly made you a little dizzy.
Pulling them out with a small pop, he asked, “do you understand now that I’m just fine?”
Biting your lip, you nodded, and then your eyes flicked down to his shorts, then up into his eyes again.
“Do you-,” you breathed out, “want me to…?” making a discreet motion towards his neither region.
“No,” he said calmly, with a warm smile, “I’m okay, trust me.”

next chapter

© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble
#sunflower#lea’s writing#spencer reid#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid series#spencer reid x fem!reader#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid fic#spencer reid x you#spencer reid headcanon#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid smut#spencer reid x fem!reader smut
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