#and my brain was like OH THAT BUT MALVIE
sparrowmoth · 3 years
Concept: vaguely Tam Lin-flavoured Malvie love story where mortal Evie and faerie Mal meet as strangers in the forest and slowly fall in love, prompting ever less fanciful talks of how they could marry and run away together (not necessarily in that order).
The problem is that Mal’s mother is not just any fae, she’s queen of her court and she expects Mal to inherit her position someday. Worse, Maleficent thinks of mortals as beneath the fae. She would never approve of Mal being with Evie.
The solution, Mal decides, is to stand up to her mother and tell her that either Evie’s accepted as her consort or she’s leaving the court to grow old with her.
Mal tells Evie of her plan, but insists it’s something she has to do alone. Evie has a bad feeling about that, so she decides to follow Mal back in secret...
As expected, Maleficent is furious at the notion of her daughter with a mortal.
She’s more stunned than anything when said mortal steps out from the crowd and challenges her ruling, which would have forbidden Mal from stepping foot in the mortal realm again until such time that Evie would be long since dead.
Maleficent, though... she thinks she knows this story. She had a mortal lover once. She knows how weak the passion pumps through their hearts, no matter what their lips say, so she decides to teach her daughter instead of sparing her.
“Hold her,” says Maleficent. “Prove your love.”
It’s too easy a way to convince her. Mal knows that. Evie knows that. But still, Evie is stubborn and determined and, in Mal’s eyes, naive to what Maleficent is capable of, so... when Evie rushes to Mal’s side and wraps her tightly in a hug, Mal lets her because, in her own mind, this is the last embrace they’ll ever get.
“Hold her,” Maleficent says again, now smiling cruelly as she works her magic on her daughter’s form, shifting her from the soft, small girl with tear-brimmed eyes to a hissing serpent with dripping fangs—then a wild dog, barking and drooling—then a boar with blood-stained tusks—then a dragon with burning scales, growing more and more and more until Evie can scarcely grasp her...
“Hold her,” Maleficent commands with venom as she draws out Evie’s truest fear: her own mother. Grimhilde. The monster she was born to, but has never held like this, because—because—
“Let go of me! You’re embarrassing yourself! What kind of behaviour is this for a proper young lady? Men will think you’re desperate. No one will ever love you.”
All these words spill from Grimhilde’s mouth as if it were Mal who spoke them, or... it were truly Grimhilde herself, or—no, but it’s not, and Evie knows it’s not, so if it’s not, then it’s Mal, but it’s not her face, so... are those still her words?
Evie closes her eyes and holds tighter, refusing to let go even as her mother continues to berate her. It’s a strange thing, because if it were really her mother, she’d be shoved off, but she isn’t. Her “mother” holds her like she never has before. It doesn’t feel good, like Evie thought it might. It feels wrong.
But isn’t all of this?
And then, finally, with a screech of fury and impatience, Maleficent recalls her magic and, when Evie dares to open her eyes, it’s Mal she’s holding, trembling and weak and vulnerable, drained by her efforts to resist her mother’s magic.
Mal, though she can barely stand, takes Evie’s hand in hers and whispers simply, “Don’t let go.” Then, with a last long look at her mother, she turns away and pulls Evie with her, out of the court and into the woods, to the borderline.
This time, when Mal steps through into the other world, she sheds her wings and nearly collapses from the rush of magic leaving her body. Evie catches her before she can fall to her knees and, as she holds her up, the both of them shaking from adrenaline, she whispers to Mal, “I won’t let go. I promise.”
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telli1206 · 3 years
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
Haha, how dare you make me say something positive about my own writing Sparrow! You know I just like to wallow in my own self-deprecation 😂
But if you're going to make me...I guess I appreciate my commitment to my characterizations. I really don't like to include a character in my story and not any depth to their personality or backstory. I find it to be both a skill and a curse though, because my longer fics definitely take MUCH LONGER to write because I can't stop myself lol.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
I recently updated The Wedding Date after much too long of a break between chapters...and I'm already working on the next chapter! I'm definitely not putting 6 months between updates this time.
And I managed to start The Heart Will Follow (2 chapters in) and The Love Game, along with a few drabbles. That was a nice little burst of writing inspo for me 😁 I just need that back now...
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Oh! I want my next multi-chapter fic to be a Dark!Jay from the Isle story. I've been thinking about this for a while...I had a commenter on Merry Christmas to Us make the suggestion and I LOVED it. It will be mostly a dark!Jaylos story, but with some dark!Malvie in it too, and will focus on Jay's obsession and desire to take over Auradon (with Mal and Evie) and possess Carlos in the process. I'm excited to get started as soon as The Wedding Date is done 😊
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Detailed - I can't leave any little detail out, my brain doesn't let me lol. I think of every scenario so I don't leave any little plot holes, or I'll freak out when I find them.
(Mostly) Fluffly - I love me some good ol' Descendants fluff! Mostly Jaylos and Malvie, but Marlos and Carvie and Jal and Jayvie (and of course OT4!) are all fun to write fluff for too. My babies all deserve some sweet lovingly fluffy pieces dedicated to their adorable dynamics.
(Sometimes) Dark - As much as I love my fluff, I also love to delve into the Dark side of Descendants. It started with Harlos for me, because @bunny-lou has convinced me of the dark and noncon elements of their relationship, and I can't think of them in any other way now. And I also love digging into the darker sides of the Core Four, especially Jay and Mal (like in Merry Christmas to Us). But I also LOVE Dark!Evie, especially in No Song Without You! I'm excited to write more dark fics and drabbles in the near future.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
Right now I can think of three: I Think I Always Knew by @hersilentlanguage (how can you NOT love an adorable Drunk!Carlos?? 😍), No Promises that I commissioned the lovely @unapologeticallyjaylos to write for me, and Sanctuary (In Your Arms) by @callous-and-misunderstood, which I've read too many times to count at this point. They all feed my love for Jaylos and are just sweetest, cutest content my heart could ever ask for 🥰
Fanfic ask game
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Rate Rotten OT4 from 1-10 and explain why! What are your favorite headcanons of Jayvie and Marlos? Favorite AU ideas for Jaylos and Malvie? What song(s) remind you of Rotten OT4? ♥
This got super long. I’m not even sorry, y’all know I love them okay!! @hersilentlanguage
Rate rotten ot4 from 1-10 and explain why
1000000/10 listen, they are my babies and I love them. The power they have is indescribable but I'm going to try so I hope you were expecting an essay. They work so well together and know one another. They feed off of one another's energy and when they come together for those moments it's always so strong and really the definition of found family. All of the soft moments are so pure and good. 
Like Mal and Jay? Soft babies that look tough but are gooey as heck. So protective of one another!!
Mal and Evie? Queens, with an lgbt anthem WE STAN. Married couple energy, so good at lifting one another up.
Jay and Evie? So in sync, Evie always laughs at Jay's jokes that's like prime wife material just saying. 
Mal and Carlos, omg the softness, the mischief, the shoulder thing THE SHOULDER THINGGGGGGG. The way Carlos looks to Mal when he’s scared, I cannot.
Jay and Carlos? Do I even need to say it?!!!!! Beautiful, glorious idiots. Heart and Brain, I love them your honour.
Evie and Carlos? Precious nerd children with so much compassion, these little geniuses who people underestimate but are complete badasses in their own right. 
All of them are strong individually but together, those dynamics all form and the four are just so good, they've been through so much and are so ride or die for one another. They balance one another out and as cheesy as it is "four hearts as one" I think they are 4 sides of a square. Also, they're all fucking fine as hell and I'm very weak for all of them. It shouldn't be fair that they all look that good.
Favourite headcanon for Jayvie:
Omg, just one? 🤪 I was going to say hairstyling because I see we're all in that mood but I'm going to divert slightly. It's still in the hair area, but something I thought about was how they both have such long and luscious hair and that it's clearly very well taken care of. I have a hc that Evie makes them all custom shampoos with specific scents and Jay’s is so chocolatey and rich. When one of them has had a hard day they’ll take a shower and will spend a lot of time carefully washing one another’s hair, because it feels so damn good and the two of them really appreciate how much work goes into maintaining their luxurious manes. They really love hair massages and brushing one another’s hair, it’s so simple but it’s an activity they like doing, it’s a routine they get into. After a tourney game Evie will run Jay a bath and wash and then style his hair, and yes they love braiding but they also just like the feeling of their hair in one another’s hands, taking care of it and going shopping for hair products, researching what works best for their hair and trying out new styles with one another. Like some days Jay will rock a side braid and then he’ll be massaging Evie’s head and gently scraping her hair into a ponytail as she works.
Favourite headcanon for Marlos: 
Prankster duo!!!!!! I know I usually go for a softer headcanon but I just fucking love the idea of Mal and Carlos teaming up to cause a little mischief. I blame all of their interactions in WTBW for fueling this energy. Mal loves pranking so much and Carlos is such a planner, he makes powerpoints and blueprints for his ideas. Put Mal’s determination and sheer power with Carlos’s analytical and sneakiness, just wow. Mal is an enabler, she for sure encourages Carlos to make inventions that they can use to prank someone. Both of them are so small and I think it works to their advantage, they would hide and plot and scheme and no one would bat an eyelid, especially because Mal would glare until they stopped. I see both of them as being very active minds, they work well as a team because both have such a flair for chaos and you expect that to stop when they get to Auradon? No fucking way. Mal and Carlos scheming because they don’t like how much D*** lurks and suddenly his locker is booby trapped and no one knows how Marlos did it. Mal is very impulsive so she just decides she wants to do something and Carlos is like “your grumpiness I have been planning this for weeks, here’s my essay on why flour bombing people is fricking hilarious” and Mal is two seconds away from jumping Carlos right there and then.
Favourite au ideas for Jaylos and Malvie: 
oh damn so many. 
Lemonade mouth/band au. 
Always a sucker for hogwarts au's, like give me rival quidditch players Jaylos (because Carlos is super quick and could be a seeker for sure and Jay is 1000% a beater), give me Mal and Evie being paired up in potions and Mal getting super distracted by how animated Evie gets. Give me Evie and Jay wanting to talk to the cute hufflepuff and the snarky slytherin and trying to hatch a plan on how best to go about this. I love hogwarts fics and will eventually write one!! 
I want to write a coffee shop one where Carlos has been trying to flirt with an oblivious Jay by using coffee puns whenever he orders and Jay is just transfixed by this curly-haired god and Mal is getting really annoyed because Carlos is trying so hard and she's wondering if she was this oblivious with Evie (Carlos likes to remind her that she was waaaaay worse so he's allowed to have a crush in a beautiful dumbass), it would be cute and silly and accurate to my life because I like to write nice messages on coffee cups.
Ngl I have a few smutty ideas 👀 but idk whether I should be horny on main
and you know we both had the idea of hairdresser Jay and the other three being weak af for him as an excellent rotten ot4 au.
What song(s) remind you of the rotten ot4?
I should create a playlist 🤔 I always find new songs that I feel fits them or reminds me of them. A few that come to my mind are:
Unstoppable - The Score
Learn to let go - Kesha
Start a riot - Banners
Find my way back - Four year strong
Famous last words - My chemical romance
Horns like a devil - Bryce Fox (I don't even know why, I just think of this when they're being badass and ruthless and just yes!!! This vibe 👌)
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
Just put on the movie
And there we go. The dedication is there.
Oh god the rapping.
My palms will be bloody by the time this is over.
But I like the parallels to the first movie
To much auto tune
There goes my heart Disney.
Oh lord that’s high
Bbys. Smee twins
There’s my child Celia
MY BOY!!!!
I mean Mal has a point.
He thinks it through
I love him so fucking much
Loving Doug’s hair
Rat bastard. Rat bitch. Rat fairy (Adam belle Verna)
Fuck off leah chad Audrey
😍😍😍😍. This version is better then d1
Oh Evie love. Just tell him you love him
I hate you Adam and belle
Ben and the other three are adorable family
Still hating Audrey. So. Fucking. Much
Love the purple limo
Bal parent vibes are strong
They shoulda painted the limo roof purple
Dying of cuteness
Proud fiancé Mal. Love it
Fuck off leah
Here’s papa hades. And the ham.
Ah well. Nice while it lasted
So. Much. Ham.
Poor girl. Ouch.
🤮🤮🤮🤮. I still hate her and her geriatric bitch of a grandmother
Oh bitch please. First words out of your mouth were creel. And it ain’t abated
I’m supposed to be sorry for this sad act? I don’t think so
So. Much. Rapping
Still theft. Throw her on the isle with her grandmother
Lonely and friendless. Because Mal is so much better then you ya limp noodle
Gotta be bad on the back
Seriously though. The actual singing is better then the rapping. So gotta give satah her dues
Fuck off grown ups.
Blue bitch. Just like always belle
Ok. People. You can see it’s hurting bal to do this. KILL THE BEAST
Murder. The fucking. Parents
Evie. Evie’s sensible. Listen to your sister Mal.
And here comes the guilt. Like always. The narrative blames Mal
That darn cake
Ah. Pain. Hug them now
And jump scare
Oh god. Shut up Audrey. You’re a sore loser
Eh. The prosthesis look ok
Audrey. Nutter. Ben was more then ready to start the honeymoon when Mal was a dragon. Do you really think a hag would stop him?
Oh boy
That’s a lie and you know it bluey.
At least the bikes have an explanation
Why the red for Evie though
And the mutt speaks
Fuck off Chad. I hate you so much
This bitch again
So shrieky.
Kiss ass
Real original
Jump Jane jump!
So many neck cricks
No one tells him anything
Cella’s right Mal
Overly long gag. But cute
Awww 🥰🥰🥰🥰. At least he’s a good dad
Nice reference
And the fear mongering begins.
And here’s the cryptid. He shoulda died in it’s going down
Psycho bitch pirate whore
Cella’s a troll and I love it
The vehicle needs an oil change
At least he’s sleeping. Though that position can not be comfortable
At long last the reveal.
He’s funny. And hot. (I can see where @mochacake2016 is coming from)
We know! We know
And here’s the music
He’s got a point
She actually sounds like jade west here
So far. Besides the proposal. This is my favourite song. Mostly for Hades great looks. Great voice
And the tambourine
Would be better with purple and blue fire effects. But no. We can’t have nice things. They spent the budget on pirate whores make up
She’s got a point. They both do
Proud papa
C’mon girl. Cry
Of course she told her sister
He’s a good king.
T-shirt should be ripped.
🤮🤮🤮🤮. Hate her so much
And. Here. We. Go.
Benny. I love you. But did you not hear what she said to Evie when you first met the vks. Of course not. You were lost in Mal’s eyes.
Whore man is probably skunk drunk. Gil’s cute as ever though
Throw hook in the water. And keep it there.
🎶she’s back🎶
And there screwed
He makes feel physically sick
Uma. I love ya. But honestly. Mal owes no one anything. It’s not her job.
No it ain’t
Jay’s got a point
Oh honey
Hook. In the words of the irreverent Captain Jack Sparrow “if the bikes be crashed properly. You be crashed along with it”. Not you Gil. I like you
Mother hen strikes again. Uma ain’t buying what she’s selling
Pure child Celia. (I don’t use this very much but) Gil’s babey (it feels wrong to type£
Chicken arms. No brains. No wit. No dance skills. No rapping skills. Ya basically a walking corpse hook
The dogs giving me a nervous twitch.
I hate the pair of them so no. No sympathy for prince douche bag
Gil makes me cry so simply
Stab the pirate jay. Please. For all of us
Psycho bitch
I want. It. Dead. Brutally. Dead
And more music. If this weren’t Disney they coulda melted them yo pukes of goo and pour it down Harry’s throat.
Oh god
So she can’t count either. Just like her brother
Definitely cha cha slide.
Deep sigh
So much ham.
Here’s a funny idea. How about instead of a bloody pantomime. ACTUALLY FUCKING FIGHT YOU FECKERS
Synchronised armour dancing. That’s new
Oh for fuck sake
Ha ha. Save it for the sob story bitch
What’s next a kick line
Thank god I was wrong.
Hook should be suffocated under the armour right now. Put us out of our misery
Care bear alert
I had to have a flu jab today. And it weren’t as painful as every single nanosecond hooks on screen
Love the platonic affection (I hate the very concept of malvie. What did you expect?)
Mother alert
Don’t eat wild fruit honey
So cute. But so dumb
Oh. Phineas and Ferb reference
Awww babies.
Don’t you dare tell me Mal doesn’t care.
Uma’s so done with care bear bs
More singing. Yay(!)
Please. Remind me again exactly why this is a DCOM. Cause it honestly does not feel like it what with the backstory pirate whores entire existence and the choreography
How has evie not broken a leg in this number.
Believe me Mal and Uma. I feel your frustration they go together like peanut butter and chocolate spread. (Perfectly if you didn’t know)
Where is she going?
She knows how R&J ended right? Double suicide. Why the romanticism huh?
HE IS NOT A RAG DOLL! Though props to Zachary for not corpsing
How can you hate Doug. He’s adorable. Best straight couple ever
There’s ma boy. Rip Harry’s throyatvout plwae.
Ben’s always been hot. But this is definitely working for me.
Awww. Carlos helping his papa
Wet Ben. Yum
Awww. Janelos cuteness.
Love the beard. So good. 🤤🤤🤤🤤
Someone murder the man whore before I do.
He makes me wanna throw up. And I’m not physically capable of doing that
@rpsocsandcanonohmy. I get where you’re coming from. But I also get where Ben is coming from. Sunbeam did get him abducted. And man slut tried to feed him to sharks. So I do understand both points. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong though
Shoulda let Ben slash hooks throat jay. You’re slipping buddy
Mal’s eating crow
Hopefully he chad suffocates. Then she’s have done one thing that wasn’t completely worthlessly reprehensible
And it had to ruin it
Te-am work. As plankton says
Proud sister
Boys are back. (With dude and the mutt in tow)
I hate happy harry. But I do like happy Uma. Eh. Double edged sword
Shoulda gone with Janelos. Jarlos is from big time rush
Oh they’re so cute
Poor Doug.
So. Update. Might be like Mal. (Definitely loving Ben’s facial hair)
Yawning over chad. So pathetic
Her seat from him douchey mcuseless
Poor Janey
Cats outta the bag
Once again. I kinda understand all points. Yeah Mal shouldn’t have lied. But Uma didn’t really give her and choice. And Evie just kinda assumed. And no one really lets her explain anything.
Hooks still pathetic. Even hurt emotionally I still wanna punch his roger rabbit looking face (Sorry Roger)
Oh dear
Mal. Don’t apologise. You did what you felt you needed to do. And no gives you a chance to explain. Ever.
Yes. You needed to do what you could.
Excellent acting all around as usual
Evie. Look. I love you. Your favourite number seven. But WHY IS IT YOUR SISTERS JOB. WHY DOES EVERYONE MAKE IT MALS PROBLEM
Ha! Evie said it. She said family.
Oh fuck. Taken for granite
More singing.
I do want to stab Harry in the mouth with the hook
More flashback. Yay(.). Couldn’t they fill out the runtime
More dragon.
Audrey’s performance might make me a vegetarian
How is it not crushed by the claws?
Fire should be green
Yay. Auds dead. Please say yes?
The twins say literally one thing
From magical incantation to vaguely irritating verbal tick. Well alright then
Evie. Why do you sound so sad. It’s a good thing Audrey’s dying. The ultimate price and all that. You should be glad. It’s a good thing
Mal: he’s my father. Ben: shocked face. Me: makes a sound like a boiling kettle
Bye bye facial hair
Die slut
More eating crow
The in laws meet
Exactly hades. Exactly. Knee beast in the dick
God Ben’s so hot.
Bite Adam’s throat out please hades
Should’ve let Audrey waste away. And sent granny to Tartarus to meet her
OH SPARE ME YOUR BLEEDING HEART ROUTINE! I still hate you in a fundamental level
Nice little family moment
What the fuck is Evie’s dress?
Queen Mal has a very nice ring to it.
Sure you can. You owe them noting. You owe nobody anything
Jay has a pull back braid in his hair. Yay!
“Audrey would be gone”. You say it as though that’s a bad thing
“Insert woody woodpecker laugh”. Fuck you Adam
Compromise. Bring the vks over. And plop Adam Audrey chad anleah on the isle. Sink it into the ocean
Why didn’t Verna bring the barrier down. Oh yeah. Cause then she’d be useful
More singing
At least this takes place in daylight
I still hate harry
Push Harry in the drink please. IM LITERALLY BEGGING YOU
God I love Ben and Doug
Why the Charleston?
I still hate tremaine
Well. Jane. In ZM. You met Mal. She’s Carlos’s mother in this au
Giljay. It’s cute
So Harry makes me ill right upbto the end. Now he’s related to purple and blue
🎶a bitch is in the dog house🎶. And deservedly so
Sweet little king
Oh boy
Whore has a turkey neck
This is the end. Good movie. With some unneeded bits. I’m gonna change a lot in ZM part three. And both dedications broke me.
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jaylosismyjam · 7 years
Prompt: What’s the matter? Word Count: 649 Ship: Malvie A/N: @dancergymnast2003 requested this on a fic I (@probablyonearth) submitted to @queendohertyplayfair last week, I hope you don’t mind
   Needless to say, Evie was sad. Testing has gone by, dresses were designed, and friends were made. It had been a good week, but the little things added up.   "Her brains are fake."   "She lies."   "I heard she just dated Doug to get good grades."   "Well, I heard that she stole designs from a company and took credit for it."   "Her hair is so fake."   "She doesn't even fit in properly. Mal's a leader, Carlos is smart, Jay's strong. What's she? A pretty face?"   She'd think that after two months in Auradon that people would just accept that they were there. Yet still, the hate comments kept coming. As of right now, she was holed up in her dorm, curled up into a corner on the floor next to her bed and bawling her eyes out. It didn't help that those words, those insults, were in her own voice. It was her voice that echoed in her head, not anyone else's, though they had a week ago.   She was just so tired of having to prove herself. Why couldn't she ever be enough for anyone? Doug and she had broken it off on good terms, agreeing that neither was the right person that they were looking for, but the news spread like wildfire. Did he dump her because she was a villain? Did she dump him because he wasn't a prince? The rumours were endless, and each one seemed to tear away at her armour.   There was a soft knock at the door before it creaked open. "E?" Mal's voice called softly. Evie just sniffed in response.   "Oh, Evie," Mal whispered, crouching down and taking Evie's hands in her own. "What's wrong, E?"   "Who am I, Mal?" Evie cried, her voice wobbling.   Mal smiled, her eyes tender and warm. "You're Evie. Greatest up-and-coming fashion designer in all of Auradon. You're Evie of the Isle, and of Auradon, a girl who overcame both worlds. You're Evie, one of the smartest people that I know, even without Doug or your mirror. You're Evie, who is so beautiful whether or not you choose to wear makeup, or pick a matching outfit, or style your hair. You're my best friend, the one who's been with me even though I treated you horribly, even though I ran away, even though I was broken inside. You chose to pick me up and put me back together. You're Evie, the girl with the biggest smile possible and an even bigger heart. Whether you like it or not."   "But what if I'm not? What if I'm nothing more than just a pretty face?"   "If you weren't more than just a pretty face, then Ben would be swimming with the sharks right now. I would still be on the Isle. Dizzy would still be on the Isle. Doug would have less confidence. Carlos would be trapped with Cruella. Jay might still be stealing." Mal squeezed her hands tighter. "We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."   "Other girls were saying that I'm just a fake," Evie confessed, wiping tears from her eyes.   "And it's not your place to listen to them. People will always be jealous of you because you're such a good person, better than they will ever be." Mal leaned forward and touched their foreheads together. "Don't worry about them, E. Hate is just a weapon, and all wounds can be healed."   For the first time that day, Evie let a smile work its way onto her face. "Thanks, M,"   Mal stood and held her hand out for Evie to take.   "Come on, we're going to go on a date and I'm going to prove how very real you are to me."
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