#and must have accidentally deleted my cas bg
mmonetsims · 4 months
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we like the new cas bg?
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verdantsims · 6 years
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Reposting because I accidentally deleted the original post during a blog purge.
General Rules
1. The entire challenge will take place in the same house. -At the end of each generation everyone will move out except for the Heir. -That means that if the heir has siblings not of age to live alone then they will need to move out with their parents to a new home. -The moving-out rule also applies to pets when the following generation does not allow pets.
2. The house can have additions (rooms) built into it but none subtracted from it -This does not include removal of walls to make bigger rooms or to re-arrange the layout, such as to add stairs for a second level. -It's not recommended to sell objects as you upgrade and grow. You never know what ancestral items may be useful in the future
3. Vampires, Aliens, Sims, Plant Sims... Anything goes
4. If you do not have the Cats & Dogs game pack then you can ignore any points related to pets. -”Pets” refers” refers to cats, dogs, and any other kind of animal that can be made from their bases. -“Pets” does not include “small pets” which were introduced with the “My First Pet” stuff pack, in-game collectible frogs or bugs, or CC fake pets. -If you wish to have small pets, frogs, bugs, or fake pets throughout the challenge, however, that is permitted.
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You've always had the mind to help others. You've been good with taking care of people in the past and decided that being a doctor was the only career for you. You moved to a new town to follow your passion, but among the bars and nightclubs you've discovered another passion, a lust that cannot be tamed... Though that passion will likely come with at least one unexpected surprise. It will be up to you to figure up what kind of balance your life needs.
1. The color PURPLE must be incorporated as the primary color for either the sim's clothing or furniture
2. REQUIRED TRAITS: Romantic, Ambitious
3. SPOUSE: Optional - If you choose to have a spouse, you may either: Create your spouse in CAS with your Sim OR Your spouse is your love-interest from when you were a teen (If your sim is from another family/previous legacy) -NOTE: If you end up losing your spouse for any reason, OR you choose not to have a spouse at the very start, you CANNOT marry any of your affairs
4. KIDS:  Must have at least one child; if sim is engaging in woohoo with affairs of the opposite gender, or if mod is present for anyone to be pregnant, all woohoo must be "Try for Baby" (Or "Risky Woohoo" is a mod is installed). All children that result must live in the household, if possible, and all children (whether able to be in the household or not) are eligible for heir status.
5. PETS: None
6. CAREER: Must be Doctor and reach level 10 (GTW) -(BG) Writer, path Author; Gotta publish all of that important research, right?
7. SKILLS: Charisma and Logic must be maxed out.
8. ASPIRATION: Serial Romance, must be completed
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You spent your life watching your parent save lives and help people while helping themselves to nearly anyone who walked past. You admired your parent's genius but that's all you could ever admire. They were always busy with this or that, usually work or their other affairs, and you found entertainment and excitement for yourself. This usually meant helping yourself to other peoples' possessions. It wasn't as though you needed them, and you still don't. You have a mind like your parent and can achieve great things for great reward. You just... want them. And perhaps the money you can get for them isn't so bad, either... Money does provide many things, though the one thing it doesn't provide is a real parent. You're determine to do right by one child what your parent failed to do by you.
1. The color YELLOW must be incorporated as the primary color for either the sim's clothing or furniture
2. REQUIRED TRAITS: Materialistic, Kleptomaniac; Every item swiped must be sold for profit! After all, it'll add up to shiner things.
3. SPOUSE: Marry a spouse from a wealthy family, either in actual funds or for story purposes.
4. KIDS: Only one child allowed. You'll give this child everything you were never given like, say actual parental interaction! -(PH) Endeavor to have the Best relationship with your child of either an authoritative or relaxed nature (Provided Happy Childhood or Respected Heir)
5. PETS: One pet is required as companion for the child at all times. The pet is to continue with the child into the next generation. Other pets are allowed but must leave with the parents at the end of the generation.
6. CAREER: Astronaut, taking the Space Ranger path, and reach level 10
7. SKILLS: Logic, Fitness, and Parenting (PH) skills must be maxed out
8. ASPIRATION: Fabulously Wealthy, must be completed
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You were the doted-upon only child of a famous and wealthy Space Ranger. When your parent was on Earth you were the center of their universe. When they were away your other parent only had eyes for you. Even your pet, specially chosen for you, saw you as their whole world. It's only natural that you would want that in your soulmate! Of course, your soulmate can't be your whole world. Your parent opened the universe to you every time they returned from space. It's only natural that you want to learn everything there is to know! Sure, you could go up there and study it, yourself, but then who knows what would happen to your soulmate while you're away...
1. The color WHITE must be incorporated as the primary color for either the sim's clothing or furniture
2. REQUIRED TRAITS: Jealous, Hot-Headed
3. SPOUSE: Must be an alien (GTW), CAS is allowed. Should have the Romantic trait -(BG) Normal Sim spouse allowed
4. KIDS: At least two children; The eldest or an elder child should be heir.
5. PETS: Maintain one primary companion pet for this generation's sim. More pets are allowed if desired. No pets may carry over into the next generation.
6. CAREER: Scientist profession, reach level 10 (BTW) -(BG) Tech Guru, path Start-up Entrepreneur; What began as home-made gizmos to reach out to aliens became a lifelong career working with technology
7. SKILLS: Handiness must be maxed out. Complete two of the following collections: Microscope prints, Space prints, Metals, Crystals, Fossils, Elements, Geodes
8. ASPIRATION: Soul Mate, must be completed
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You had a good childhood. Your parents were good to you, especially your parent who spent so much time working on their science things. They tried to encourage you to follow in their shoes, but that just wasn't you. You're no goody-two-shoes. When the parents weren't looking you were making your own way. You're good with people and how to read them. Whether your goal is to play nice to get what you want or rile them up for a fight, you can get it done. That's why you're the Boss. You're no-nonsense, even off working hours. Romance isn't your thing, though, and neither are pets; You never really understood either and from watching your parents they both just seemed like a bother. You loved your younger sibling(s), though, and enjoyed taking care of them. You just hope that you can balance your working empire with kids.
1. The color RED must be incorporated as the primary color for either the sim's clothing or furniture
2. REQUIRED TRAITS: Outgoing, Unflirty, Self-Assured (Choose two out of three)
3. SPOUSE: None; You may give dating a try, but it just doesn't work out
4. KIDS: At least three children by any means (birth, adoption, abduction); The youngest should be heir
5. PETS: None; “fake” pets , collectible frog/bugs, or small pets (My First Pet pack) are permitted
6. CAREER: Criminal, taking the Boss path, and reach level 10
7. SKILLS: Handiness and Mischief must be maxed out.
8. ASPIRATION: Public Enemy, must be completed
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Everyone always said that you were fortunate to be the youngest. You were always told that being the youngest had it's perks. You begged to differ. You hated it because you wanted to be the one in charge. You've always had a mind of your own and a voice to go with it. Now that you've found your place in the world of politics you plan to go nowhere but up. Of course, you are prepared to do whatever necessary to get there. You learned a thing or two as a kid about doing underhanded things to achieve your goals. Schmooze with the right people parties, and keep your ears open, and the world is your oyster. Oh, and keep up the family appearance. The people love a good-looking family, not to mention a loyal family. Your family has been around for several generations now. Keep the good history in the press, and keep the shadier things in your back pocket: They may come in handy.
1. The color TEAL must be incorporated as the primary color for either the sim's clothing or furniture
2. REQUIRED TRAITS: Hates Children, Snob, Foodie (Choose two out of three)
3. SPOUSE: Someone very good-looking who will look good next to you for the press
4. KIDS: One child; Any more would be too much trouble. In fact, better get a nanny on the payroll for the one you have since you and your spouse will be far too busy with parties and campaigning.
5. PETS: None; They're too much trouble
6. CAREER: Politics, take the Politician path, and reach level 10 (CL) -(BG) Business, Investor path, reach level 10; Big business and big investments have nothing on you.
7. SKILLS: Charisma and Comedy must be maxed out
8. ASPIRATION: Party Animal, must be completed
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You were a neglected child. You knew more of the nanny than your own parents. One parent was always busy with work, their face before the public, or at parties, padding their social life for work. Your other parent was always loyally at their side. You're not sure if they were actually in love or not. You learned a lot from listening and watching them, though. You knew your parent's political gains had some shady hands and from their research into your family history you knew that your family didn't have such a sterling life. Heinous affairs, thieving, rabid jealousy, a whole lot of bad from your grandparent, and then your parent... It seemed destined that you would fall prey to something, too. Yet, you refused to let your family's negative history or your neglected childhood define you. After peaking in your career as a team mascot you decide to do everything you could to make up for your family's past by upholding the law and loving your family as they were meant to be.
1. The color GREEN must be incorporated as the primary color for either the sim's clothing or furniture
2. REQUIRED TRAITS: Family-Oriented, Squeamish (CANNOT have the following traits: Evil, Noncommittal, Kleptomaniac, Materialistic, Hates Children, Jealous, Snob, or Mean)
3. SPOUSE: Has the same trait restrictions as listed above
4. KIDS: Your first child must be adopted and can only be after you’ve reached level 2 of the detective career (GTW). You can then have as many children as you want, any way you want, once you’ve begun your new career as a Secret Agent. -(BG) First child can be adopted after reaching level 5 of Athletic career.
5. PETS: Only one pet is allowed
6. CAREER: Join the Athletic career until level three. Then join the Detective profession (GTW) until at least level 3. Finally, join the Secret Agent career, Diamond Agent path, and reach level 10. -(BG) Remain in Athletic career until level 6, then proceed to Secret Agent as normal
7. SKILLS: Logic, Fitness, and Charisma must be maxed out
8. ASPIRATION: Renaissance Sim, must complete
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