#and mest has like so many boyfriends
cheesydelphox · 2 years
sometimes i get reminded of how much i hate the fairy tail canon and then remind myself "wait i can make shit up and ignore that"
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filet-o-feelings · 2 years
Fic Origin Story
tagged by @stereopticons @smallumbrella369 and @jesuisici33
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)?
I'm fairly certain the first fics I read were Hanson (I remember a fic specifically with a lot of Phil Collins references???), and the first fandom I wrote for and made friends in was Good Charlotte. I have thankfully since moved on from RPF. The first non-RPF fandom I read fic for was Sherlock, briefly, but I didn't write anything.
What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it?
Uhh I don't remember and I don't want to dig through my livejournal accounts (I started new LJs constantly lol) trying to find it, but it was probably a GC Billy/Benji. I'm guessing my reason for writing it was that I wanted to make the pretty band boys kiss. The first fic I specifically remember was for The Used/Mest crossover about Quinn mysteriously showing up in town with no memory after waking up in a cave(???) and it was my first serious attempt at a chapter fic and I never finished it and that still haunts me.
What’s a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self?
Just keep writing!
What’s an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)?
Wayyyy back in the LJ days, I made so many friends, including a few I've met in real life and am still friends with. The comments were (and continue to be!) always so fun and encouraging.
More recently, because I feel like Schitt's Creek is the first fandom I've really immersed myself in, I think just how immediately I was accepted into the fandom despite being very late to the party. Specifically, I remember @stereopticons always including me in ask games from the start and offering to beta when I was new and had no idea what I was doing and crying out for help in tumblr. Also @treluna4 yelling with me about my fic when I was feverishly writing Further North and desperately needed to yell about it. But honestly, every kudos and comment made (and makes!) me so happy and made me want to keep writing. I will never stop screaming about how amazing and welcoming this fandom is on the whole.
Post a sentence or two from one of your older fics, and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want).
Okay I found one of my old LJ accounts and actually came across the aforementioned amnesia fic, so here's a bit from that:
“Yeah I’m sure, and you’re not an inconvenience. Like I said before, don’t worry. We’ll talk in the morning.” Matt said sternly, making sure the blonde knew that he wasn’t in the way. He didn’t want to create any more worries for him, he surely had enough on his mind. Ironic that forgetting just about everything on one’s mind will only create seemingly more on the mind. Erased memories become worry and fear and millions of thoughts racing to fill up the empty space. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” Matt added before leaving his room and closing the door behind him.
As for something newer, from Everything's Too Cold... But You're So Hot:
They round a corner and the man, after quickly checking over his shoulder, pulls him down an alley before pressing him against a wall and covering Patrick’s mouth with a hand adorned with several wide, silver rings. Patrick thinks briefly that the combination of warm skin and cool metal has no right to feel this nice against his mouth, but then the man’s face is tucked into his neck and his mouth is inches away from his ear and Patrick can’t help but shiver when the hot breath reaches his skin and he registers the words moments after they’ve been spoken: “My name is David and I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend. Please, trust me.” 
Too tired to tag. If you haven't been tagged and want to do this, please do!
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Pregnant Mc who hates to take naps but has/ does because she‘s way too sleepy
 need to tell you guys anymore that I love it, right? Good.
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,,My love...“ Jumin whispered, stroking your arm softly.
Both of you were on the couch. He could see that your eyes were almost closing, but whenever you almost fell asleep, you would force yourself to open them again.
You puffed and looked away, being moody once again when you noticed what Jumin was trying to make you do.  
Jumin sighed sadly but kept smiling.
You were pregnant and in the 30th week.
You had a pretty easy pregnancy and weren’t moody that much, but the both of you always argued when he asked you to take a nap.
He read that sleeping was very important for pregnant women and so he begged you every day to sleep since you hated to sleep on your own.
,,You’re working so much. Why should I spend the time I have with you sleeping?’’ you asked him.
,,I’m here by your side and we can still enjoy our time together,’’ he answered back.
You were still opposed to this idea, but like always, as soon as your husband would make you lean your head on his shoulder you would fall asleep immediately.
And even though you hated taking naps, you quickly fell asleep.
You needed sleep after all....
At first you were taking naps regularly and did them of your own free will.
But at some point, you just didn’t want to anymore.
Maybe it was because you got used to staying at home alone and wanted to enjoy the time you had with Zen whenever he was home.
It was difficult for him to make you take a good rest even though you felt sleepy. 
At night you didn’t sleep, in the mornings you woke up early to prepare his things, even though he didn’t want you to, and in the evenings you waited for him until late at night.
The only time you had to rest was in the afternoon, but that time was mostly your couple time or your cleaning time.
,,Okay. I will fall asleep with you,’’ he tried to make a deal again.
You looked at him, unsure what you should answer.
Naptime together with your boyfriend?
You stayed silent for a few seconds before you rolled your eyes and took his hand as he lead you to your shared bedroom.
,,Lay down, my princess,’’ he whispered and made sure that you stayed warm and comfortable.
,,I love you, Hyun… poor you have to deal with me,’’ you said, tearing up, sleepy as soon as your head touched your soft pillow.
,,I can handle you. My love for you is just that big,’’ he laughed and kissed your nose as you slowly drifted to sleep.
Both of you were lying on the bed together.
,,Can’t you just close your eyes?’’ Yoosung asked you as he observed you.
Your eyes didn’t stop flickering.
,,No,’’ you answered honestly.
Yoosung couldn’t understand why you were so against taking a good rest. You were already four weeks pregnant.
He stroked your belly, imagining what it would be like as soon as you would have a bigger belly.
,,I’m scared,’’ you whispered, making Yoosung stop.
,,Why…?’’ he asked you, beginning to honestly worry.
,,Whenever I close my eyes, I feel either sick or I have odd dreams about cats… I feel like Seven,’’ you said and actually made him chuckle.
,,No way you can become like Seven,’’ he said and kissed your hand.
,,I read that the dreams are totally normal and getting sick is too. Whenever you get sick I will be here and help you out so feel free to fall asleep…’’ he whispered, but there was no need to beg you anymore, you were already sleeping…
Finally it happened that you could get pregnant.
It was a long way and Jaehee was anxious about everything.
She was still the old Jaehee after all.
Everything had to be prepared perfectly and you actually had your pregnancy schedule.
But you simply didn’t want to listen to her.
,,I want to help you in the shop and work with you. I love you, Jaehee…’’ you whined and looked up from the couch.
,,I love you too,’’ she began.
,,But think of the baby! Besides, you won’t be any help if you are weak and sleepy, so rest a bit and come down later,’’ she told you.
Both of you knew that as soon as you would close your eyes, you would sleep for four hours straight and that would be the time your coffee shop would close up again.
But since you were really tired and couldn’t keep up with her, you simply closed your eyes and began to dream about your child...
,,I don’t know why this is such a problem,’’ Saeyoung asked you and shook his head.
He watched you as you glared at him with puffy eyes.
You cried again because you didn’t want to fall asleep.
,,I mean, I would be glad if someone made me fall asleep,’’ he said and patted your head.
You didn’t sleep the whole night again because you felt so sick.
,,Then sleep with me,’’ you whispered and patted his side of the bed.
Saeyoung hesitated because of all the things he had to do, but he knew that he couldn’t go back on his words.
And so he quickly slipped in, playing with your legs as he became warm and felt the comfortable vibes the bed sent him.
,,I love you,’’ you said, closing your eyes.
,,I love you too,’’ he answered and kissed away your tears as he closed his eyes and imagined what his baby would look like.
Naps were a nightmare for you.
One of the reasons was that whenever you fell asleep, Saeran would do something like cleani or put some stuff away.
And whenever he did, something would break or get even dirtier.
And whenever he didn’t do anything, he would end up waking you up by accident with anything else.
So, since it meant more stress for you, why was there a need for you to sleep?
But this time, he promised to sleep with you. ,,Nothing. I promise will happen, so please just rest!’’ he begged you.
And so, after you indeed closed your eyes and fell asleep, you woke up totally rested with your boyfriend next to you and his hand on your swollen belly.
,,You will become a great father, Saeran…’’ you whispered.
,,Lucy, don’t go, okay?’’ you whined.
,,Mommy, I will just sleep with you if it makes you so sad,’’ Lucy, your adopted daughter answered.
She didn’t quite understand why you, her mother, reacted like that.
Jihyun observed the both of you and chuckled a bit.
,,Mc, you need sleep for the baby,’’ he warned you.
You looked up to him. ,,I hate naps, okay? I just feel like they are unnecessary and I could do so many things, but instead I’m sleeping,’’ you said.
,,Well, if your body needs them…’’ he laughed.
You were still kind of pissed, but decided to lay down, stroking your daughters hair who was also almost asleep.
And it didn’t take long until you closed your eyes and fell asleep.
This gave your husband the perfect chance to take pictures of you….
Whenever you slept, Vanderwood used the time to clean the house.
But since a few days ago, you hated going to take naps.
Vanderwood didn’t understand why.
,,I simply don’t want to,’’ you answered and began to clean the kitchen.
,,Then don’t, but you will feel weak, and your feet will get swollen, and you will-’’ 
,,OKAY!’’ you yelled, making him shriek.
This was your power, changing mood from one second to another.
And going back on your words.
Even though you hated going to sleep, you were one of the people who fell asleep the fastest.
And so today, as soon as your head was on the pillow, you were breathing calmly and finally resting up.
31.03.2021// 22:16 MEST
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My Fanwork
Do you want stuff to read or art to look at? Here are the fandom things I have made these last two years, maybe you can find something? 
It’s a lot. I can’t believe it’s this much, to be honest. Anyway. It’s presented more or less chronological. If you find something tempting, I hope you enjoy!
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This is a long post. So. It’s all under the cut. :) 
Multichaptered fics
Don't leave me (alone): Isak/Even, 106 674 words,  6/6 chapters. Explicit. Slightly magical AU where Even never transferred to Hartvig Nissen, but Even and Isak meet as adults.  
The Very Personal Shopper: Isak/Even, 21 986 words. 2/2 chapters. Explicit. Part of the Apps of Love series. A shopping service AU (an alternative first meeting for #SkamFicWeek). Isak is too lazy to shop his groceries, and too fed up with Eskild’s complaints, and finds that a shopping service would be perfect. But what can he do when his personal shopper turns out to be the most gorgeous guy he has ever seen?
Different, but same: Isak/Even,  31 615 words, 2/2 chapters. Explicit. Post break up fic. Even goes on a ski holiday with Yousef and Elias to get over it. At the cabin he meets a guy who looks like Isak, except his dark, buzz cut hair, well trained body and rough, charismatic personality. The fact that he calls himself Markus Simensen is even more confusing. Translated to russian here. 
Drunk on Your Colours: Isak/ Even,  71 500 words, 4/4 chapters + bonus info. Mature.  When Isak starts at Hartwig Nissen, he is confused by all the eyes with bright colours he can see. He has a strange gift that makes him see colours in certain people’s eyes, and the colours reflect who they are and how they feel. Now there are kids with colours in their eyes everywhere, and one tall, gorgeous guy has the colours of the whole rainbow. Friends to lovers AU where Even is in third year at Hartvig Nissen when Isak starts in his first year.
My Very Personal Ski Trainer: Isak/ Even, 28 181 words, 5/5 chapters. Explicit. This is part of the Skam Stories Christmas Challenge and part of the Apps of Love series. Even has just broken up with Sonja and is recovering from a manic and depressive episode. Sana has invited Even and her other friends to a Holiday cabin trip, and Even needs to get in shape so that he can beat his buddies in Sana’s planned ski race. He tries out a personal ski trainer app and meets the hot ski trainer Isak Valtersen. A different meeting AU. 
The Secret Santa App: Isak/Even,  25 591 words, 5/5 chapters. Mature. Part of the Skam Secret Santa. Part of the Apps of Love series. In this world, Isak and Even met at Nissen, but they were never brave enough to do anything. Isak (25) is a stressed-out salesman for playground equipment. Even (27) is a freshly educated, burned out and lonely children’s psychologist. They meet again when Sana, Eva and Vilde arrange a Secret Santa party. Without knowing it, Isak and Even end up as Secret Santas for each other and they chat with each other on the Secret Santa App. Things happen.
A Fucking Bet: Isak/Even, 32 793 words, 7/7 chapters. Explicit. SKAM Big Bang 2018 collection.  A fuck buddies AU/ Canon Divergence in Isak’s POV (and one chapter in Even's POV). Isak and Even are just friends. They make a bet and decide to fuck only five times and then go back to being friends again. Isak hopes that he might be able to fuck his crush out of his system, once and for all. Who knows what Even’s motives are.  
Around the Corner (My Very Personal Christmas Shopper): Even/Isak, 51000 words, 4/4 chapters. Explicit. Evakteket Christmas Challenge 2017 collection. Isak (22) works in a record shop for Jonas. Isak’s best friend Eva works in the shop, too. Even (24) comes and asks for a job. The two get off on the wrong foot, although Isak finds Even irritatingly attractive. To complicate things, Isak has just gotten a personal Christmas gift shopper, who turns out to be very flirty.This is a Holiday movie AU (inspired by “The Shop around the corner”, 1950), and it's part of the Evakteket Christmas Challenge. The two other prompts were “Bah, humbug!» and Snowglobe.
To Write a Good Ending: Sara/ Ingrid, 13205 words, 2/2 chapters. Explicit. Evakteket Birthday Challenge.  This story starts the summer before Sara starts at Nissen. Sara is ambitious, but struggles to feel like everybody else. This is a 5+1. Five times Sara kisses someone for the wrong reason, or one time she kisses for the right, or five times Sara is a part of someone else’s story ending, and one time she writes her own ending.
The Cuddle Snuggle App: Isak/Even,124934 words, 10/10 chapters. Explicit. Part of the Apps of Love series. Halfway through Even's third year, he is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. When Isak is 16, he moves away from his troubled mother. Both boys have turned their lives upside down, and their new lives are more or less lonely and touch deprived. They meet when Even downloads a cuddler app (mostly for his film project, but also because he needs the touch) and Isak becomes his professional cuddler. They are both determined to keep the cuddling friendly and platonic, but it proves to be difficult.
Mine egne meninger: Eva/Vilde. Norwegian. 16,871 words. 6/6 chapters. Explicit. Eva kunne allerede kjenne hjertet banke raskere. Hun visste det var tullete, men med ett bare visste hun at hun kom til å slite med å dele rom med Vilde. Hun kom til å bli gående rundt en feberhet tåke og tenke på Vilde hele helga. Til ingen nytte. Fy faen. Dette kom jo til å bli en helt strålende romjulsferie.  
The Origin and the Fulfillment: Isak/ Even. 81,026 words. 14/14 chapters (13 + epilogue). Explicit. Collab with @evakuality​.  Isak, an alpha, and Even, an omega, meet on the tram on their way to school. From there, they deal with first heats, pining, miscommunication and lots and lots of tension. They both have issues with their own, and other people’s, assumptions about being alpha and omega.  
The Fake Boyfriend App: Isak/Even,  7 239 words, 1/1 chapter. Mature rating. Part of the Apps of Love series. AU where Isak is desperately pining for his flatmate Even, and downloads a fake boyfriend app to get over him. When he discovers that the Fake boyfriend is a human, and not a bot, he is sceptical.
An Early Friday Morning: Eva/Jonas, 2 115 words, 1/1 chapters. Explicit. This is a future fic/ ficlet. Eva and Jonas wake up and take the chance of a quickie while the kids are busy. That's it. It's a pwp, basically.
Trollbundet/Spellbound: Isak/Even, 16 425 words, 1/1 chapters. Explicit. Evakteket Summer Challenge. A summer fling soulmate AU. Isak has graduated from Nissen and he’s attending Trolsk (Enchanting), an alternative Fair/music festival with his friends. When he meets a guy called Even, they bond. However, Even is reluctant about bonding. Is a summer fling all they will have? Prompts: Camping, summer fling you can’t forget, bare feet.
The Rule of Reciprocation: Noora/Eva, 9952 words, 1/1 chapters. Teen and up. SKAM Reverse Bang 2018.  Noora knew too well that she had fallen in love with Eva. She didn't know exactly when it had happened. It was something that snuck up on her gradually, and one day she realized she was gone for Eva, for her laughter, her sense of humour, her bright eyes and the way she always was so open to so many things. Noora had most likely fallen a long time before things ended with William, she just hadn’t known it yet. She hadn’t allowed herself to know.  
My Tie Is Blue: Even/Isak, 1 185 words, 1/1 chapters. Teen and up.  Ficlet based on Julie Andem’s New year’s gift and this anonymous prompt: «Has anyone ever written a backstory for "my tie is blue and i love you"? I imagine them bickering, Isak says the tie is blue and Even insists it's black and it goes on for over half an hour of light insults and playful shoves and at some point Even realizes he's wrong but he won't admit it and in the end Isak settles the argument by saying I love you»
Not an aberration, but rather a truth: Even pov. Collab with @evakuality. 2780 words, 1/1 chapters. General Audiences. Skam Chill Christmas Challenge.  It takes Even a little while to figure out who he is, and it's not as clear cut as he might once have thought.
Den lengste natta: Isak/Even. Norwegian. 22101 words, 1/1 chapters. Explicit. Skam Chill Christmas Challenge.  Det er fredag den 21. desember 2018 og vintersolverv. Fruktbarhetsguden Frøy, i Evens skikkelse, må for første gang gjøre seg fortjent til den gaven han ønsker seg aller mest; kjærlighet. 18 år gamle Isak syns kjærligheten virker uoppnåelig, helt til han kommer hjem til Oslo på juleferie og besøker Jonas og Eva på kafeen Eldrimni. 
All Good Things Life Has to Offer:  Vilde/ Eva. 10,721 words. 1/1 chapter. Explicit. She hadn’t really had butterflies in her stomach since she went out with Magnus, half a lifetime ago. Magnus was sweet. But the butterflies today were for Eva.
Don’t you let me go tonight. Isak/ Even. 2 209  words. 1/1 chapter. Written for the smut prompt making love.The first time Even and Isak make love, it’s not particularly slow and tender, at least not at first. Some would maybe not even call it making love, they would call it getting off, or fucking. Not that Even cares about that. But the point is, the first time they make love, it’s not really planned.
Just A Summer Dream: Isak/Even. 9,105 words. 1/1 chapter. Explicit. Even knows that this thing is temporary. And yeah, he knows that to do this, here, probably is a stupid thing to do.  He knows that it’s just a summer fling and that he’s too invested and a quick fuck in this bathroom will do nothing to help that, but the thing is… he doesn’t have the energy to care. He wants Isak so much, and he wants him now.
Touch yourself: Isak/Even. 924 words. 1/1 chapter. Explicit. “Touch yourself for me,” he commands, voice still a whisper, but determined.
Hvis senga hans kunne snakke: Isak/Even. Norwegian.  3,662 words. 9/9 chapters. Explicit. Hvis senga hans kunne snakke, / ville den fortelle om / drømmene han drømmer. / Om alt som truer med å / flomme inn / gjennom sprekkene i veggen / og ta pusten fra han. / Drukne han.
A Mouthful: Isak/Even.  5,157 words. 1/1 chapter. Explicit. “What do you want?” Isak says, looking tired, although there’s a hint of recognition in his face as he watches them.Even grins. "Meeting the love of my life."
My Poison of Choice: 2456 words, 1/1 chapter. Mature. Part of the Temptations series. Matteo has an intoxicating crush on his best friend, Jonas. They have a smoke. Jonas wants to try shotgunning. This fic is translated in Russian here.
My Sweetest Elixir:  2,539 words, 1/1 chapter.  Mature. Part of the Temptations series, more or less free standing sequel to My Poisin of Choice. Written before we knew David’s name. – Good? Matteo asks casually, and the guy nods. His cheeks are slightly pink. Matteo’s face is burning. Damn. He wants to lick into those lips. He wants to bury his hands into that thick, dark hair. He desperately hopes that he doesn’t imagine that there’s something heated in the guy’s eyes, as well.
Draumekvila: Gunnhild/ Luna.  5,112 words, 1/1 chapter. Norwegian. Mature. Det er noko der imellom dei, er det ikkje? Ein tone som strekkjer seg mellom dei og skjelv. Ein melodi som summar under huden. Det er vel ikkje berre noko Luna innbiller seg? Luna trur ho kan sjå noko i auga til Gunnhild, men ho er ikkje sikker.
Blue Moon:  Gunnhild/ Luna. 1,134 words, 1/1 chapter. General audiences.   Gunnhild is pining for Luna.
Even and Isak Fanart 
In Eden’s Garden 
Ingrid and Sara Fanart 
Isak and Even Pride Kiss 
Isak blowing Even (explicit)
Isak and Even good times (slightly explicit)
Isak and Even kissing in bed 
Sculpturer Even and Isak (explicit)
Young Even in Winter  (Skam Chill Christmas Challenge )
Aurora and Steve (Isak and Even kissing,  Evakteket SKAMenger Hunt)
Eva and Chris doing Holiday Chores - Fanart (Explicit, Skam Chill Christmas Challenge)
Trans Even and his Isak
Isak and Even (Explicit)
Isak ready for a fight
Matteo and David
Beautiful Minds
David and Matteo Smitten (Michelangelo's David and Michelangelo's San Matteo)
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vampiretheory · 7 years
Hello. According to @funwithlanguages​ post you can understand a lot of a language by learning the ~300 most common words. I decided to translate the list into my native language, Danish. If anyone finds any mistakes, please let me know.
If you want someone to look over your Danish, feel free to message me also, if I have the time I’ll gladly help (I’m currently helping several people I know in real life learning danish also)
First Verbs
To be · At være
there is · Der er
Have · (At) have
Do · (At) gøre
Go · Gå
Want · Vil have
Can · Kan
Need · (At have) brug for
Think · Tænke
Know · Vide
Say · Sige
Like · (At) synes godt om
Speak · Tale
Learn · (At) lære
Understand · (At) forstå
that (as in “the woman that…”) · der / som (Not applicable for “I think that…”)
And · Og
Or · Eller
But · Men
Because · Fordi
Though · Selvom / Dog (It depends on the context)
so (meaning “therefore”; e.g. “I wanted it, so I bought it”) · Derfor
If · Hvis
Of · Af
To · Til
From · Fra
In · I
at (a place) · Ved
at (a time) · Ved
This is very unusual in the danish language. “meet me at 10” would be “mød mig klokken 10” klokken meaning time in this case.
With · Med
About · Om
like (meaning “similar to”) · Som (similar to would be: svarende til)
for (warning, this one has several meanings that you need to take care of) · For
before (also as a conjunction) · Før
after (also as a conjunction) · Efter
During · Imens / Mens
Question Words
Extra comma rule! Whenever there’s a question word that starts with Hv there’s a comma before. Example: Ved du, hvem der gjorde det? Nej, men jeg ved, hvad der er sket.
Who · Hvem
What · Hvad
Where · Hvor
When · Hvornår
Why · Hvorfor
How · Hvordan
How much · Hvor meget
Which · Hvilken
a lot · Meget
a little · Lidt
Well · Godt
Badly · Dårligt
Only · Kun
Also · Også
Very · Meget
too (as in “too tall”) · For
too much · For meget
so (as in “so tall”) · Så
so much · Så meget
more (know how to say “more … than …”) · Mere
less (know how to say “less … than …”) · Mindre
as … as … (e.g. “as tall as”) · Så… som… (så høj som..)
Most · Mest
Least · Mindst
Better · Bedre
Best · Bedst
Worse · Værre
Worst · Værst
Now · Nu
Then · Dengang (meaning back then) / derefter (as in first this, then this.)
Here · Her
There · Der
Maybe · Måske
Always · Altid
Usually · Som regel / for det meste
Often · Ofte / tit
Sometimes · Sommetider / Nogle gange
Never · Aldrig
Today · I dag
Yesterday · I går
Tomorrow · I morgen
Soon · Snart
Almost · Næsten
Already · Allerede
Still · Stadig
Even · Selvom
Enough · Nok
the, a (technically articles) · We don’t have “the” in danish. “A” is either en or et depending on the noun. Instead of the, we end the word in either -en or -et again depending on the noun. (The dog = Hunden. A dog = En hund.)
This · Dette / Det her / Denne / Den her (again depending on the noun)
That · Det der / Den der
Good · God / godt (dependant on the noun?)
Bad · Dårlig / dårligt (dependant on the noun?)
All · Alle
Some · Nogle
No · ingen
Any · Nogen
Many · Mange
Few · Få
Most · Flest / Mest
Other · Anden / Andet (denpendant on the noun)
Same · Samme
Different · Forskellig
Enough · Nok (there is enough = der er nok)
One · En
Two · To
a few · Nogle få
First · Først / Første
Next · Næste
last (meaning “past”, e.g. “last Friday”) · Sidste
last (meaning “final”) · Sidste / Endelige
Easy · Nem
Hard · Svær
Early · Tidlig
Late · Sen
Important · Vigtig
Interesting · Interessant
Fun · Sjov
Boring · Kedelig
Beautiful · Smuk
Big · Stor
Small · Lille
Happy · Glad
Sad · Trist / Ked af det
Busy · Travl
Excited · Spændt
Tired · Træt
Ready · Klar
Favorite · Yndlings
New · Ny
right (meaning “correct”) · Rigtig
Wrong · Forkert
True · Sand / Sandt
Know them in the subject (“I”), direct object (“me”), indirect object (“to me”), and possessive (“my”) forms.
I · Jeg
You · Du
She · Hun
He · Han
It · Den / Det
We · Vi
you (plural) · I (Written in uppercase)
They · De
Everything · Alt
Something · Noget
Nothing · Ingenting
Everyone · Alle / Alle sammen
Someone · Nogen
no one · Ingen
(name of the language you’re studying) · Dansk
English · Engelsk
Thing · Ting
Person · Person
Place · Sted
time (as in “a long time”) · Tid
time (as in “I did it 3 times”) · Gang(e) (Jeg gjorde det 3 gange)
Friend · Ven (male and female, used most often) / Veninde (female)
Woman · Kvinde
Man · Mand
Money · Penge
Country · Land
(name of your home country) · Danmark
City · By
Language · Sprog
Word · Ord
Food · Mad
House · Hus
Store · Butik / Forretning
Office · Kontor
Company · Firma
Manager · Manager
Coworker · Kollega
Job · Arbejde / Job
work (as in “I have a lot of work to do”) · Arbejde
Problem · Problem
Question · Spørgsmål
Idea · Idé
Life · Liv
World · Verden
Day · Dag
Year · År
Week · Uge
Month · Måned
Hour · Time
mother, father, parent · Mor, far, forælder (forældre in plural)
daughter, son, child · Datte, søn, barn
wife, husband · Kone, Mand
girlfriend, boyfriend · Kæreste (gender neutral)
More Verbs
work (as in a person working) · Arbejde
work (meaning “to function”, e.g. “the TV works”) · Virke
See · Se
Use · Bruge
Should · Burde
Believe · Tro
Practice · Øve sig
Seem · Synes (Context dependant)
Come · Komme
Leave · Gå / Forlade
Return · Vende tilbage / Tilbagevende
Give · Give
Take · Tage
Bring · Bringe
look for · Lede efter
Find · Finde
get (meaning “obtain”) · Få
Receive · Få
Buy · Købe
Try · Prøve
Start · Starte
stop (doing something) · (At) Stoppe / (Jeg) stopper
Finish · Færdiggøre
Continue · Forstætte
wake up · Vågne
get up · Stå op (get out of bed)
Eat · Spise
eat breakfast · Spise morgenmad (verb + noun)
eat lunch · Spise frokost (verb + noun)
eat dinner · Spise aftensmad (verb + noun)
Happen · Ske
Feel · Føle
create (aka “make”) · Lave
cause (aka “make”) · Forårsage / at være årsag til
meet (meeting someone for the first time) · Møde
meet (meaning “to bump into”) · Støde ind i / Møde
meet (an arranged meeting) · Møde
ask (a question) · Spørge
ask for (aka “request”) · Bede om
Wonder · Undre (sig)
Reply · Svare
Mean · Mene
Read · Læse
Write · Skrive
Listen · Lytte
Hear · Høre
Remember · Huske
Forget · Glemme
Choose · Vælge
Decide · Beslutte (sig)
be born · (Blive) Født
Die · Dø
Kill · Dræbe
Live · Leve
Stay · Blive
Change · Ændre
Help · Hjælpe
Send · Sende
Study · Studere
Improve · Forbedre
Hope · Håbe
Care · (At) Bekymre (sig om)
Hello · Hej
Goodbye · Farvel
thank you · Tak
you’re welcome · Det var så lidt / Selv tak
excuse me (to get someone’s attention) · Undskyld mig
Sorry · Undskyld
it’s fine (response to an apology) · Det er okay
Please · We don’t have this. We would say “Vil du være sød at…” (Would you be so kind as to…) ending the sentence in “..., tak”
Yes · Ja
No · Nej
Okay · Okay
My name is · Mit navn er...
What’s your name? · Hvad er dit navn? (uncommon) / Hvad hedder du? (common)
Nice to meet you. · Godt at møde dig / Rart at møde dig
How are you? · Hvordan har du det?
I’m doing well, how about you? · Jeg har det godt, hvad med dig?
Sorry? / What? (if you didn’t hear something) · Undskyld? / Hvad?
How do you say ______? · Hvordan siger man ____?
What does ______ mean? · Hvad betyder ____?
I don’t understand. · Jeg forstår ikke (helt) / Det forstår jeg ikke (common) / Jeg forstår det ikke
Could you repeat that? · Kan du gentage det?
Could you speak more slowly, please? · Kan du snakke lidt langsomere?
Well (as in “well, I think…”) · Altså
Really? · Virkelig?
I guess that · Jeg tror at...
It’s hot. (talking about the weather) · Her er varmt / Det er varmt
It’s cold. (talking about the weather) · Her er koldt / Det er koldt
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naarassusi92 · 7 years
I was tagged by @theweirdgirlthatlikesmetal​, thank you Sweetheart!  ❤️
WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? Blue, but I have partial heterochromia, so my left eye is partially green
WHAT IS YOUR FASHION STYLE? Black, leather and denim, but I can be classy too
DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? Yes, two sisters
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MOVIES?  There’s too many but my favorite genres are thriller, horror and comedy
WHAT ARE YOU FAVORITE PASTIMES? Music, movies, video games, web design, meeting friends
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB? Web designer who has own wolf sanctuary 
WHAT WAS YOUR SCARIEST DREAM? Usually there’s a psycho chasing to kill me
Armored Saint - Terror
Fejd - Ledung
King Diamond - Halloween
Astral Doors - Hungry people
Yngwie Malmsteen - I’ll see the light tonight
Sabaton - Camouflage
Ozzy Osbourne - The ultimate sin
Bucovina - Meste canis
Megadeth - Countdown to extinction 
Anthrax - I am the man
Yngwie Malmsteen - I’d die without you
Iron Maiden - Prisoner
Queen - Induendo
Forever Storm - Paradox
Black Sabbath - N.I.B.
I tag: @victoria-krueger​, @depseth​, @eloquent-cabbage​, @an-infinite-divergence​, @nagatopain92​, @nightmaretoremember94​, @as-cold-as-her-sorrow​,
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kreechure · 5 years
So this list of words is based on the Fun With Languages post found here translated for Norwegian. **This is for my own personal use, I am not fluent in Norwegian in the least and I am learning!** I am hoping someone who is fluent can go over it and make any corrections or suggestions, I would be very grateful. 
I found a lot of the translations from ntnu.edu, which has a comprehensive vocabulary list.
First Verbs
be - et være
is - er
have - å ha
do - å gjør
go - å gå
want - å ville
can - kan \ å kunne
need - å trenge
think - å synes
know - å vite
say - si \ å si
like - å like
speak - snakke \ å snakke
learn - å lære 
understand - å forstå
that (as in “I think that…” or “the woman that…”) - at
and - og
or - eller
but - men
because - fordi
so (meaning “therefore”; e.g. “I wanted it, so I bought it”) - så
if - hvis
of, off, by, from - av
to - til
in, at, on - i
with - med
about (approximately) - runt, omrtrent
about (concerning) - om, angående
like (meaning “similar to”) - som
for - til
before (also as a conjunction) - før 
after (also as a conjunction) - etter
Question Words
who - hvem
what - hva
where - hvor
when - når \ da
why - hvorfor 
how - hvordon
how much - hvor mye
which - hvilken
a lot - mye
a little - litt
well - bra
badly - dårlig
only - bare
also - også
very - veldig
too (as in “too tall”) - også
too much - også
so (as in “so tall”) - så
so much - så mye
more (know how to say “more … than …”) - mer
less (know how to say “less … than …”) - mindre
as … as … (e.g. “as tall as”) - som
most - mest
least - minst
better - bedre
best - best\beste
worse - verre
worst - verst
now - nå
then - deretter
here - her
there - der
maybe - kan være
always - alltid
usually -  vanligvis
often - ofte
never - aldri
today - i dag
yesterday - i går
tomorrow -  i morgen
soon - snart
almost - nesten
already - allerede
still -  ennå 
enough - nok
this - denne\dette 
that - at\som\det
good - flink
bad - dårlig
all - alle
some - noen
no - nei
any - noen
many - mange
few - få
most - flest / mest
other - annen/annet
same - samme
different - forskjellig
enough - nok
first - først /  første
next - neste
last (meaning “past”, e.g. “last Friday”) - i går kveld
easy - Enkel, lett
hard - Vanskelig (as in difficult), hard (as in hard to the touch)
early - tidlig
late - seinere
important - viktig
interesting - interessant
fun - Morsom (adjective), gøy (adverb)
boring -  Kjedelig
beautiful -  vakker
big - stor
small - lita (femine), lite (neutral), liten (masculine)
happy - Glad, lykkelig
sad - Trist
busy - Opptatt
excited - spennende
tired - Sliten (as in physically/mentally exhausted), trøtt (as in sleepy)
ready - Klar
favorite - Favoritt-, Yndlings- (these are prefixes and added directly in front of the noun they describe)
new - ny
right - Riktig, rett, korrekt
wrong - Feil
true -  Sann (Sant)
I - jeg
you - du 
she - hun
he - han
it - det
we - vi
you (plural) - dere
they - de
everything - alt (all)
something - noe
thing - en ting
person - et menneske
place - å sette (as in to set down), 
time (as in “a long time”) - en gang (a time), klokka er (the time is), en time (an hour, appointment, etc)
friend - en venn (a friend), ei venninne (a female friend)
woman - kvinne
man - mann
money - penger
country - et hjemland (a native country)
city - en by
language - et språk
word - et ord
food - mat
house - et hus
office - et kontor
coworker - en kollega
work - å jobbe
problem - et problem
day - en dag
year - et år
week - ei uke
hour -  en time
More Verbs
see - å se
use - å bruke
should - burde
believe - tror (å tro)
practice - ei trening
come - å komme (to come), kommet (past)
leave - å dra
give - å gi (to give), gir (gives, offers)
take - å ta
look - å glede seg (look forward to), å passe på (take care of)
find - å finne
get (meaning “obtain”) - å få
receive - å få
buy - å kjøpe
try - å prøve
start - å begynne
stop (doing something) - å stoppe
finish - ferdig
wake up - å våkne
get up - å stå opp
eat - å spise
feel - å føle
meet - å møte
ask - å spørre (to ask), spør (asks), spurte (asked)
wonder - å lure
reply - å svare
mean - å bety
read - å lese
write - å skrive
hear - å høre, hørte (heard)
remember - å huske
forget - å glemme
die - å dø, døde (died)
live - å bo
change - å bytte
help - en hjelp (a help), å hjelpe (to help), hjalp (helped)
send - å sende
study -  å studere (to study), studiet (study), et studium (course of study)
hope - å håpe 
care - å passe på
hello - hallo / hei
goodbye - ha det bra
thank you - takk / 
you’re welcome - bare hyggelig
excuse me (to get someone’s attention) - unnskyld
sorry - **I actually can’t find one so I’d appreciate some help?**
it’s fine (response to an apology) - **same as above**
please - vær så snill 
yes - ja
no - nei
okay - OK
What’s your name? - Hva heter du? 
How are you? - Hvordan har du det?
I’m fine, thank you - Takk, jeg har det bra
How do you say ______? - hvordan sier du
I don’t understand. - Jeg forstår ikke
Could you repeat that? - Kan du gjenta det
Could you speak more slowly, please? - Kan du snakke litt saktere, takk?
0 notes
katarh-mest · 8 years
Character Development HM
(Original from i-see-light)
Character Development Questions: Hard Mode This is incredibly long so I put it under the cut. 
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with? Katarh is estranged from her cousins of a similar age.  She is childless/childfree, and they’re all about the babies.   She has no full siblings, as her mother was injured during her birth and had to have a full hysterectomy and nearly died in the process.  Katarh is closest to her younger half brother, Sparrow Singh, although she’s seen a lot less of him since he too succumbed to the world of parenthood. 
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like? Katarh is fairly close to her mother.  She sends money home to support her, and tries to visit once a month.  But her mother is just as baby crazy as Katarh’s aunts, even though she couldn’t have more children of her own, so Katarh can’t stay for long lest the demands for grandchildren begin.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like? Like most Moonkeepers, Katarh didn’t grow up with her father in the house.  He was a wandering trader.  He did bring her presents while she was growing up, and she knew he had another family out there (again, as is the Moonkeeper way), but she felt he loved her well enough. 
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know? Katarh is Echo blessed and has been dragged into many battles with the Warriors of Light over the years.  (OOC: I don’t play her as Hydalaen’s chosen.) But her real big not-so-secret is that she is a Voidwalker, and can traverse to other multiverse branches at will.  She doesn’t talk about the things she sees - but she knows that in every universe she can travel to, “Katarh Mest” doesn’t exist and nobody recognizes her, not even her mother. 
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets? Her prized goldsmithing hammer, the ingredients needed to make glamour prisms, a can of black truffle risotto soup, some high quality cordials, and some max potions.
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams? Katarh’s dreams are all over the place.  She doesn’t seem to have any consistent themes.
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares? Katarh doesn’t have nightmares very often, and there is no consistency to them.
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target? Katarh learned the ways of a machinest and is proficient with a gun, but prefers her bow and arrow.  Her first target was a little ladybug.
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up? Yes.  Katarh grew up poor.  She became an artisan because she needed to support her family; her first potions were sold to buy her grandmother’s medicine.  She learned she had a talent for goldsmithing, which is a very expensive trade, and had to move to Ul’Dah, where wealth is might.   In order to fool her clients into thinking she was wealthier (and thus better in their eyes) than she was, she learned to dress with care. She learned to play Ul’Dah’s markets and found a niche crafting simple but well made battle jewelry for the countless mercenaries and adventurers in town.  As she became renowned for her skill, she went from poor forest poacher trash to Eorzea’s top 1%.  But she declined a seat on the Syndicate when offered, uncomfortable with that kind of power.
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? More clothing.  Katarh is very modest and isn’t comfortable unless she’s clad head to toe.   She prefers long skirts, but will wear pants in battle when tanking.
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? The first time Katarh accidentally warped to another universe she was scared out of her wits, especially when she realize that her avatar in that world had all her knowledge but none of her strength. 
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been? Her wedding to her beloved, Lothar, a Wildwood Elezen. He is a very calming presence to her.
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way? Katarh can handle blood, faeces, and urine without getting too grossed out.  She is very uncomfortable with vomit, however. 
Does your character remember names or faces easier? She remembers both names and faces, but often has trouble putting the two together.  She remembers faces alone much easier. 
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not? Yes.  Katarh is a money hoarder and has a goal to amass a fortune so big that she’ll never go hungry again. She’s quite generous with friends and the poor, though, and donates money to many refugee causes in Ul’dah. Unfortunately she has a bad impulse buy problem when it comes to fashionable clothing.    She works twice as hard after a big purchase to make up for the splurge. 
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success? Success.  Happiness is a process, a transient state, not a goal. Achieving success will not lead to happiness.  Happiness is instead found in small every day moments of joy. 
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child? The small model of a chocobo wagon her father brought her.  She would pretend that it was his, and imagine him taking her on all sorts of adventures.  But good Moonkeeper girls stay at home, and she was not allowed to go with him. 
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others? Wisdom.  Ambition without knowledge is like going into a fight unarmed.
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before? Katarh does not want children.  Because of this, other Miqo men thought she was strange, and she didn’t have much success in relationships with people of her own kind.  She didn’t have a steady boyfriend for longer than a month until she met Lothar (who is a Wildwood Elezen), who also did not want children, and she’s been with him ever since. 
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism? Katarh is very competitive when it comes to dress.   She prefers to lavish praise instead of criticism, but will make sure any criticism she does dispense to others is constructive and intended to help the recipient improve. Katarh is incredibly confident when it comes to her own style abilities, so for her fashion as self-expression is a form of self-validation.
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others? Katarh has been among the Warriors of Light long enough to know that if something extremely bad happens, there’s a good chance an Ascian was involved.   Her Voidwalker ability felt like a curse until she learned to control it.  
What does your character like in other people? Katarh appreciates entrepreneurship, generosity, kindness, and patience, She likes word puns and word play.  
What does your character dislike in other people? She does not like trolls, and doesn’t find a lot of the “jokes” among the adventurer class to be very funny, especially the crude sexual ones. She also greatly dislikes bullies, and people who only tear down others instead of building up themselves.  She firmly believes that everyone has a skill they can develop, even if it won’t make them rich, and is frustrated with people who give up without trying.  
How quick is your character to trust someone else? Katarh gives someone the benefit of the doubt on first meeting, unless cause is given otherwise. 
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person? It takes a long time for Katarh to grow suspicious. She assumes most people are good, and is disappointed when they show otherwise. 
How does your character behave around children? Katarh doesn’t hate kids.  She just doesn’t like them until they’re around age 10 or so and can have a real conversation.  Unfortunately kids love her because she doesn’t condescend to them.   So a group of children around Katarh has them clamoring for her attention, and her become flustered because she can’t handle them. 
How does your character normally deal with confrontation? Katarh prefers talk and diplomacy to fighting.  She can fight when necessary, though.
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation? Katarh only fights as a last resort. 
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true? Katarh wanted to be a trader like her father.  She did end up in that capacity, although she is bound to Ul’dah most of the time since she’s the artisan, not the reseller.  Sometimes the urge to travel and explore strikes her all the same, but she doesn’t have to go from city to city by foot since she can travel through the aether thanks to the Echo and her goods are small enough to fit into her bags. 
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting? Vomit.  Cuculean in Void Ark makes her sick.  Cerberus in World of Darkness isn’t much better.  She also has vertigo issues, and refuses to fight the Allagan battle simulation of Sophia taken to the extreme level because the floor tilts. 
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. Sitting at home with her grinding wheel, making jewelry to sell, while her professor husband is on the couch, reading and researching. 
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable. Getting dragged into someone else’s drama.  She tends to tiptoe out of a chat channel if a fight breaks out, but she’ll force herself to mediate if it’s her own Free Company. 
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve? Katarh will accept constructive criticism, provided the justification is clear and there’s evidence to back up the improvement.  She recently adjusted her bard rotation on someone’s suggestion. 
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method? Katarh will move on if she doesn’t see evidence of something working. 
How does your character behave around people they like? Katarh will let the conversation flow around her and participate when appropriate.  She likes most people by default (except kids.)
How does your character behave around people they dislike? Katarh will ignore them as she is by nature non confrontational. 
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status? Protecting her (now wealthy) status.  If someone said her honor was going to require her to pay 30 million gil to defend, she’d let them release the blackmail material instead.   She lives in Ul’Dah, they forgive rich people almost anything. 
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat? Katarh would prefer to remove herself unless the threat is going to cause problems for her or others down the road.  
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)? Katarh has not been bitten by an animal.  The scar on her face was from an early cheap alembic that blew up in her face; after that incident she learned blacksmithing and armory so she could make her own equipment. 
How does your character treat people in service jobs? Katarh is respectful of her servers and leaves a generous tip.
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first? Katarh believes everyone has the means to earn their dreams.  Hard work, perseverance, and knowledge will pay off in the end. 
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them? No.  She does not have any mentors outside of the Guildmasters, and those are colleagues, not parental figures. 
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them? Katarh has not taken on any apprentices and has not adopted any orphans, as she does not like children. 
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? Katarh cannot say it without meaning it.  She is deeply in love with her husband Lothar, and truly loves her Free Company members, but she doesn’t toy with the hearts of others. 
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? Katarh follows the religion of the Twelve.  Her patron god is Nald’Thal.  She does believe she will enter the realm of Thal when she dies, as do most Eorzeans, but she doesn’t like to dwell on it that much.   She instead lives firmly in today, in the realm of Nald. 
0 notes
Ayesha Liveblogs Fairy Tail S7 Part 2
Natsu and Gray went on a battle date how cute
“If there’s something you don’t want to see then stop looking” 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Lmao at this point Fairy Tail is just kind of like ‘we were 100% expecting for someone to fight us this is just our life’ 
“Sorry kid, I like ‘em full grown” FANTASY JELLAL IS FANTASTIC
Playing keepaway with the one magical item that might help you is probably not a good idea
“Children are much easier to assassinate” calm down Lord Voldemort
This is the most adorable dark power I’ve ever seen
“Girls just aren’t meant for fighting” KILL THEM LADIES
Natsu’s using a pretty loose definition of ‘adult’
Regression Man has not taken into account that Gray has been ready to fight since birth 
Someone needs to protect these small traumatized babies
I’m so proud of Gray for being so good at strategizing even when he’s like three feet tall  
It seems likes a poor decision to kill a demon on top of a sacred alter
I’m laughing at Gray grabbing Lucy’s forehead I guess that’s one way to cool her off 
“We don’t know why, or who’s responsible,” said Grand Doma, as Doranbolt and Lahar shared a look that said ‘Jellal?’
Well that escalated quickly poor Doranbolt he’s had a rough few years he must have the worst case of survivor’s guilt in history
“I could’ve sworn he already gave Juvia a clear cut answer in the form of a ‘No’” He did someone teach Juvia about consent
If they are going after former council members I am very concerned for Jellal 
It’s been a wild of ride from Laxus “I Will Murder All My Friends Including My Grandpa” Dreyar to Laxus “Defender of Little Girls and Old Men” and “Probably Fuckbuddies with Freed” Dreyar 
Poor little lightning man he deserves better than this
I love that Loke is present during important times because he’s a full-fledged member of the guild in his own right
Did Loke just tell Wendy that he fucked his way into important knowledge
The answer is yes, yes he did 
Michello is a piece of shit he wants Lucy to sacrifice a pregnant woman 
“You leave the town out of this,” said Natsu, before proceeding to destroy more of the town 
This is awful Elfman has already lived with the guilt of killing Lisanna once
I imagine “Immorality and Sinners” will not be nearly as fun an episode as the title might imply 
Midnight’s new character design is less goth and more Void
Leave Jellal and Erza be!!! They deserve a home together and five dogs not torture and guilt and five-on-one battles
Maybe I should rescind my comment on Juvia, Gray seems to be far more accepting of her presence near him than before
“There’s a victim inside every villain - that doesn’t absolve us of our sins” I love Jellal so much 
This intro has induced a lot of stress what are they going to do to the guild hall what is going to happen to Jellal’s eyes please stop 
Why do they keep shooting holes through the people I love 
What the fuck man can Jellal see or what surely there were better ways to break through an illusion 
Chairman Crawford, probably: Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal 
Kyoka, after murdering someone: It would seem that I have blundered
Mirajane is my beautiful demon queen she could definitely step on me
“You’ve implied that there may be a time and I am oh so willing to wait” I live for Loke ddfkjghksjghjkhfklg
Lmao @ Alzack carrying his little girl in his poncho while he battles The Ultimate Dad 
If Mira claims to have demon blood does that mean her siblings are half-siblings and also is Gray part demon because of Silver? Unclear
[Timberland voice] Only got 41 minutes to save the world 
A lot of Fairy Tail’s problems this season would be solved if people communicated better
My best guess for the soul is Gildarts by merit of the fact we haven’t seen him since before the games
“Are you trying to beat me or take me home? Because either way I’m not that easy!” I am deadass in love with this boy
Good for Wendy it’s about time she enhanced her combat abilities I know she’s a healer but she’s also a dragon slayer
Based on how many repeated shots there are this season plus the different animation they have a lower budget but they will spend every cent they have animating Gray’s titties
This is so fucked up why the little girl and the cat what the fuck
I fucking forgot about Hades’ finger guns good lord
Richard thinks Jellal is in love with Merudy because he has not seen him interact with Erza for ten seconds in the past seven years
“You don’t choose for her” Cobra is a closet women’s rights activist
Amazing Jellal and Merudy can win over the hearts of villains with beautiful sincerity and inadvertent charm 
The Strauss family is so Pure
Lucy is always losing her top after a battle but you know what so is Gray so fair enough 
I wasn’t expecting to feel so sad about the celestial spirits oh no
“The passion is electric” Even the villains are always gay for Erza
Gajeel, Juvia, Gray and Natsu forming #ProtectLucySquad is my aesthetic
“I’ve liked Gray for much longer than he has” I’m pretty sure his dad’s not going to try to bang him Juvia
It’s like since Doranbolt was being a good surrogate dad to Wendy they had to immediately contrast it with what a terrible dad Jiemma was
They do an impressive amount of keeping track of when things happened to them because in Gray’s mind his parents’ deaths must’ve happened ten years ago
Oh no Gray his going to fight Deliora while wearing his dad’s corpse
My baby is so smart using the elements around him to fight 
“You shut your filthy demon mouth!” Panther Lily sounds so offended yet so calm it’s hilarious 
Gray’s life is so sad let him be (but I’m happy that he’s going to be in this arc more)
Silver is embodying my will and giving Gray the world’s longest hug
“I’m an ice demon slayer now,” Well that was quick and convenient
I don’t really think Juvia is going to die but if she does it’ll be unfortunate
I just really want all of Fairy Tail to know that Lucy saved the she deserves that acknowledgement 
“This is how I die, drowning, falling, fading into black,” Gajeel is so dramatic
I can’t believe that Levy just gave underwater CPR I’m not sure if that’s medically sound 
GAJEEL DOESN’T KNOW LEVY KISSED HIM also Gajeel’s plan is totally what I thought Levy was gonna do 
Laxus my lightning baby is back <3
“I’m running solely on vengeance” Laxus pls 
Gajeel is watching this fight terrified and a little turned on
I guess there’s a reason the voice of Laxus was cast as Fight Dad in Bleach because he is truly the Fight Dad of this guild 
For the most part they try to show that no one is beyond redemption, everyone has the potential to be better or have someone they care for except Tempester who is like ‘by the way fuck you all’ as he dies
That is a plot twist I was not expecting holy shit Natsu’s dad was hiding in his body does that mean that Wendy and Gajeel also have dragons inside of them
Kinda fucked up that Kyoka is goddess of the slave planet and she’s fighting Erza who was once a slave
Juvia is just gently holding Laxus like ‘I will protect this man twice my size’
“Even making the slightest of movements causes my entire body to be wracked with pain” same Panther Lily same
Erza is the greatest warrior I have ever seen in my life
Mard Geer is so upset about being ignored by the dragon bros
No one loves a dramatic entrance as much as Gray Fullbuster
I love the lizard boys 
Honestly Natsu and Gray teaming up to fight the Big Bad is the battle I’ve been waiting for my whole life 
“The only thing she was ever going to be good for was continuing my bloodline” it is possible Jiemma is the worst father in this show
My boys are so in sync they can match each other’s strikes without even saying a word 
Doranbolt is so graceful that coat toss arced right onto Lisanna’s shoulders
Fucking Jellal has he just been walking around for hours while the world is ending dude needs to work on his timing 
Zeref, talking about his own murder: It saddens me, but you failed
“If you don’t get that he’s out of your league by now, you’re probably a lost cause” Fdfkghkdfjhgkfdjghklf Bickslow and Freed are killing me
I have a lot of emotions about Gray and his dad but I’m glad he’s at peace
“It is possible though, that our paths will someday cross” Erza’s garbage boyfriend missed the battle but drops by with vaguely inspiring words and a lowkey ‘I’ll call you’
Whaaaaaaaaaaat Mest has had the most confusing life
It’s a testament to how tired I am that it did not occur to me right away that Etherious Natsu Dragneel spelled out END
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Been gone for a while, see requests open? Nice. Oh, and can I get the RFA react to an MC who is a game developer?
RFA with a game developer Mc  
Hey! of course, here you are! I hope you enjoyed this Headcanon! Please tell me your opinion, okay! 
Have a great day!
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,,It’s a pity that you already have to leave,’’ Jumin said as he walked you to your house.
,,Jumin, you know that we will be married soon! You will see me every day!’’ you chuckled and kissed him on his nose after you typed in your code to open the door.
,,Yes… but it’s 4pm!’’ he added, looking kind of like a baby.
You tried to explain that you still had to get ready for the next day since your investor wanted to see your demo game.
At that point, Jumin’s head was up again with his eyes staring into yours with surprise.
,,You work?’’ he asked you.
,,As what?!’’ he added.
You had to chuckle. Did he think that your bills would be paid by doing nothing? 
And so you explained that you were a game developer.
,,I write the storyline myself, the designs are done by me, and, in the end, even some of the programming,’’ you sighed.
,,Okay, I will be your Plan B if they don’t want to pay, okay? And after you live with me, I will make sure to get you some people who work below you to support you!’’ he told you and kissed you, going back.
You still could hear him talking to Jaehee and asking him to send Luciel to him so that he could buy everything he needed to support a game developer.
Being your boyfriend’s manager and also a game developer was tiring.
But even worse was to hide your second job from him.
It was a lot you had to do, but thank god you just had to do the design and the storyline on your own.
The reason you wanted to hide it was simple: You were working on a game where Zen was the main character.
This had to stay a surprise for him!
And so, months went by without Zen noticing that you were getting busier and busier.
Just when the news spread the rumor that a game was inspired by him, he began to notice that something was fishy.
,,This person has to know me… Maybe Luciel pranked me… These details are way too accurate… Look how handsome I am and how good my habits got described….’’ he praised you, without knowing that he was praising you.
,,It was me,’’ you finally told him, looking into his red eyes as they grew bigger.
,,What?’’ he asked you again.
,,It was me,’’ you repeated ,,I am the one who made this game. I’m a game developer, Hyun,’’ you finally said.
Your boyfriend was overjoyed that someone, his girlfriend at that, got inspired by him.
He was so overjoyed that he actually began to tear up…!
,,Tell me the storyline…’’ he whined a few days later as he read his lines on his phone, hoping you would give him a little spoiler...
The first time both of you were on dates, you tried to get to know each other better.
Both of you already knew a lot about the other.
You knew that Yoosung liked to play LOLOL and that he studied to become a vet.
Yoosung was pretty much interested about you and tried to get to know everything about you.
There was just one thing he never asked: what were you interested in at work?
Yoosung thought, from the start, that you were studying.
He wasn’t sure why, but he simply thought that you wanted to become an assistant just like Jaehee, seeing how interested you were in the RFA and how much you supported Jaehee for the last few months.
However, he got to know about your real degree - three months after dating.
,,Wow, they are using a really good designer, see these details?’’ you asked him, when you first visited him and watched him play LOLOL.
Yoosung looked up at you, question marks all over his face.
,,How do you know that?’’ he asked you.
,,Well, I am a game developer. This is my job,’’ you chuckled.
For a few seconds, it seemed as if Yoosung himself became a question mark.
,,And you didn’t tell me?’’ he asked you, kind of hurt.
,,Well, you never asked me… I thought you already knew or simply didn’t care…’’ you laughed, a bit embarrassed by now.
Yoosung immediately jumped up.  ,,NO, OH MY GOD! YOU’RE FAMOUS!’’ he exclaimed.
You laughed hard and tried to calm him down.
Both of you kind of became closer and you decided to bring him to your workplace.
,,This is my best friend, and the CEO, and this is my place,’’ you said to him, after he greeted your friend.
Looking around your workplace seemed like a game room.
You had a beautiful room with posters all over the wall and a lot of computers.
It seemed as if you were the female version of his friend Seven.
Since then, he came to visit you two times a week and observed you working on a new project. Once again, he realized how awesome you were and how lucky he was.  
,,That’s an amazing idea!’’ Jaehee nodded, pouring Seven another coffee, who for once, crawled out of his room to listen to the business idea you had.
,,I’m good, but I’m not that good to do it myself. That’s why I would love to have your support, Seven. I need you and I would like to also give you a part of the money,’’ you said.
,,Don’t let it fail! The girls are putting their all into it!’’ Zen warned the red haired boy, as he took a bite of the cake.
The whole RFA, except for V and Jumin, was in the shop, listening to your idea.
,,Again for me,’’ Yoosung begged, making Zen roll his eyes.
,,Okay, you know I’m a game developer and since I started business with Jaehee, I’m now on my own. However, I still want to do what I love, so I want to develop a game related to our shop.
People will work with us in a game and I want them to play the version here in our shop. If they all like it, we will launch it for the whole country!’’ you explained once again. This time, you didn’t use that many words Yoosung wouldn’t understand.
,,I think it’s a wonderful idea. We should also launch a cat game to-’’
,,NO!’’ Jaehee, Zen and you said at the same time, cutting Seven off.
,,I need a few more gadgets. I already got most of them from my old office,’’ you began, facing Seven, who listened to you and read your list.
Jaehee and Zen, as well as Yoosung, decided to leave you both alone.
,,Don’t you think that Jumin would like to invest?’’ Yoosung asked, using the moment to look at his phone and notice that he was way too late.
With a quick ,,Bye!’’ he jumped up, running towards the main street while his bag jumped up and down.
,,He will never change,’’ Zen laughed.
,,Yes, neither will Jumin… and luckily, never will Mc…’’ she chuckled and observed you, explaining to Seven what you pictured in your little head.
,,Ah, so this is also made by her,’’ Saeyoung mumbled to himself as he played the game you developed.
It’d been a year since Saeyoung met you and managed to save his brother thanks to you.
He still remembered the first time he found out that you were a game developer while trying to do a background check on you.
Ever since then, he saw you as a rival and as the woman who could possibly win at all possible games.
However, a year later he was the one supporting you the most and helping you out, despite being jealous over you being so good.
,,Hello, yes, thank you very much. The virus attack could get stopped thanks to a personal friend. Yes, we are currently working on it… Yes of course! One moment,’’ you said over the phone, putting it away from your ear and telling your fiancé that someone wanted to talk with him and know how he managed to destroy the virus which almost destroyed your whole carrier.
,,Hello, Saeyoung Choi, fiancé of MC, what can I do for you?’’ he said, teasing you as you were rolling your eyes.
,,He is such an idiot,’’ Saeran commented. He was also working with you guys.
And you had to say that it was really helpful to have some people who could support you.
Designing and developing the storyline by now was funnier than earlier, when you had to also programm the game.
,,Okay, here you are, wifey.’’
,,I am still not your wifey, dummy,’’ you teased him and took your phone, changing the application on your phone to the saved pictures, where the current image of your latest project was displayed.
,,Okay,’’ you began, putting your hair behind in a ponytail, ,,Are you guys ready to work the whole night?’’ you asked them and began to let your fingers dance on the keyboard of your computer.
26.01.2021// 22:13 MEST
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Hey hey! I'm your new fans and can I request yoosung with a popular, really popular reader? He always says that he's not that popular in his college, but what if he has a popular, an IT girl as his girlfriend? Thanks! ❤
Yoosung with a really famous girlfriend
Hey dear! Welcome! I guess Mystic Messenger can still get new people to love them, I am happy! Nice that you are here! I am happy for your request. I hope you like it, please give me feedback!
Have a nice day!
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Days passed since the RFA Party. Ever since the blond haired boy met you, he just couldn’t forget you. You were implanted in his mind with your smile, your eyes, your hair, and your voice in his ears like music for a musician. The young man was in love, deeply in love with you, the woman of his dreams who even liked him back and even better - was going to the same University as him. Yoosung thought that he was very lucky, at first at least. By now, the young man only felt jealousy. People always walked around you. A crowd of girls and boys was next to you, never leaving your side. People were on your right, left, in front of you, and behind you. Yoosung, your boyfriend by now, really hated the situation. His eyes followed yours as he was between the crowd walking around you. He didn’t feel like a boyfriend, but more like a crazy fan who was walking with you, hoping to get noticed some time. ,,Mc! You really look beautiful today!’’ a girl praised you, making you smile happily and thank her. The girl began to scream happily, something like ,, She responded to me!’’ before the whole group of people began to scream happily. ,,Yoosung?’’ you called, searching for your boyfriend. It took Yoosung some time to finally find a place to reach you, but he eventually did. At first, he was happy to know that you called him. However, that happiness quickly disappeared when both of you sat around the table, trying to enjoy the food in the school. ,,Impossible,’’ Yoosung whispered as a group of ten were next you guys just to eat with you. Finally, a long day passed and you and Yoosung finally had time to yourselves and were able to walk together towards your home. ,,How can you handle that? I mean, I’m so tired, and I’m just witnessing the whole fuss…’’ Yoosung asked you. You lowered your head, mumbling an apology before you stopped your steps. ,,Yoosung, you know, you don’t have to bear it with me if I make you feel tired…’’ you began, making your boyfriend stop immediately and grab your hands. ,,No… Mc… I didn’t mean that… I want to stay with you, no matter how many people you have around… I mean yeah, I get jealous, but I’m also happy that I’m together with such a kind, warm hearted person who is also loved by everybody by just existing!’’ Yoosung praised you, holding your hand stronger. ,,Thank you, Yoosung… you don’t know how much this means to me…’’ you began to tear up without stopping, smiling at Yoosung.
28.02.2021// 12:26 MEST
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Heyo, requests are open? Can I request the RFA (+Minor Trio if you want to) react to MC being a popular manhwa author?
RFA with a Mc who is a popular manhwa author
Heya! Thank you for your request and your patience! I beg you for pardon, I will only write the RFA but if you want to have the Minor Trio, be free to request it again! For the future too, I will write an extra post about it, I will only write for the RFA OR the Minor Trio. The reason is, that it has been to much lately and probably you also noticed that I‘m not that active anymore. Maybe, one day I will write more again but for now I can’t. And for those, who wonder why I don’t let you decide the members till an amount: imagine 20 people ask you to write a Hc with eight different people in a different order - there would be too much chaos in my Masterlist. I hope you all can understand ❤️ Now, the story 😂
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Your husband knew that you, his wife, was an amazing person who could do so much.
You made him feel special feelings and showed him so many common things, but now you even showed him new hobbies.
He loved to read your work as a popular manhwa author and he supported you, like always.  He loved seeing the stars in your eyes.
You got your own room with enough daylight with the best asistans, one of them was also Yoosung, and someone who could check the copyrights on the web, in other words, Seven.
,,My wife is working so hard… Mc, know that I am your number one fan!’’ Jumin once told you and kissed your forehead.
,,Thank you for your support… I just needed this. You gave me a new idea!’’ you laughed and took your pen again.
Although there were days when you didn’t even get out of your room because the deadlines were so stressful, Jumin knew that you gave your best and supported you with little things like a five star master chef from France with the best desserts from south italy and fresh water from the mountains…
,,NO!’’ you hissed at Zen’s Company Manager, threw the plan across the room, making the papers fly in the air.
,,I am the author of this Manwha and I have the upper hand. Besides, I am Zen’s manager. You gave me this job and I’ve decided that Zen will be the main lead in my story!’’ you argued.
,,Okay! Do it! But you will miss my money. I’m not sure if you really want to fire me, but do it!’’ you laughed and crossed your arms.
,,Okay, do whatever you want. Give Zen the job, but just go away...I don’t want to see you anymore,’’ he sighed and turned around.
And once again, you won a bet.
,,Princess, did everything go alright?’’ Zen asked you concerned.
You wrote a story for almost three years now and did your best to make the character of your story fit Zen’s behavior.
And after a lot of people wanted to make a drama out of it, you finally felt as if you had an opening for your boyfriend.
Luckily, you could win against your boss, who almost made it impossible.
,,Of course, I told you that you had the job!’’ you laughed.
,,Okay, then let’s practice!’’ Zen smiled.
And so you guys practiced, just like he wanted the scene where he and the woman from another dimension were getting intimate...
Yoosung felt as if he was on cloud nine.
What could he have wanted more than to go to a convention with his girlfriend?
To take part of it in cosplay and have so much fun?
Okay, maybe that you were by his side, but he could also manage to watch you from afar while you gave tons of fans signatures on their manhwas and fan merch they got from your own shop.
And it was okay, because as long as you were happy, he was happy too.
Yoosung decided to use the time you were working to look around the convention and once again noticed how famous you were. The line just to talk to you for five minutes was extremely long and everywhere pictures of you were hanging from the roof.
,,The best author of the most known manhwas is here’’ the posters said.
And indeed you were the best author.
You already wrote tons of stories in your manhwas with different genres which were loved by everyone and Yoosung Kim was your husband...
When Jaehee asked you to open the coffee shop with her, she still didn’t know that you were a very famous manhwa author.
But she found out after tons of informed fans found out that you would open a coffee shop.
Both of you thought about it for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that you should open a big shop with two concepts.
Your concept and her concept.
,,Hey, nice to meet you guys! Thanks for coming!’’ you thanked your fans and normal guests.
,,Well, neither of us expected there to be so many people so please take turns. I will shortly explain how our shop works!
On the left side is a normal coffee shop and on the right side of my shop is where I will work, read the latest chapters with you, and hold a fan meeting. The coffee, as well as the cakes, are in the middle of both rooms,’’ you explained.
And indeed, the shop was successful for a very long time.
,,I am so happy that the both of us found a way to solve this,’’ Jaehee whispered later in the evening after a lot of hesitating.
,,I am the most creative after all,’’ you teased her and hugged her
There was no way that you could hide something like that from him.
Saeyoung was already a fan of you and kind of a stalker, so of course he knew you.
,,That’s why I was so concerned and went to you in Rika’s apartment. I didn’t want you to be in danger because I needed to know how the manhwa goes on in Chapter 52!’’ he teased you, making you throw a pillow at his head.
,,And since you made such a tasteless joke, I will kill your character I gave you in the story after you begged me!’’ you hissed, of course teasing him too.
,,WHAT?!’’ he began to sob.
,,It isn’t simple with two crazy asses and workaholics,’’ Saeran sighed and looked away.
On some days, the both of you were extremely hyperactive, going out, searching for new ideas, or just having fun was a part of you guys, but at other times, both of you just stayed separate in your rooms, not eating or sleeping, but just working.
And even though Saeran hated to admit it, he hated those lonely days. But since he was so proud of you guys, he didn’t dare to say anything...
08.12.2020// 10:38 MEST
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Hello, I love all your headcanon. First sorry if my english suck and can I request the jealous RFA + minor trio with MC who addicted and love playing otome games? I hope you understand my request, thank you sweetie 💙💙💙
RFA + Minor Trio being jealous over a Otome Game addicted MC
Hii my babe! Of course I get it! Your english is perfect! I really love your request, since I play Otome Games myself I knew what to write, lolol! Enjoy and please tell me your opinion!
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,,I‘m home,“ he tiredly mumbled and kissed you.
Your husband hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek, glancing at your phone.
,,Hello Jumin, was your day okay?“ you asked him.
You didn’t close your phone. The screen stayed on that fictional man who didn’t wear a shirt.
,,Jumin?“ you called him for the third time as he didn’t react to your call.
Instead, his eyes were fixed on your phone.
,,Oh, excuse me, my love. Your game… irritated me,“ he told you honestly.
You chuckled and told him to take a seat next to you.
Then you told him that you were playing ,,Is it love, Ryan“.
,,It reminds me a lot of you. I’ve played otome games ever since I was a teenager,“ you told him and tapped on the screen.
,,But,“ he whispered, took your phone, and slowly pushed you on the couch ,,I’m your only one…“ he jealously whispered into your ear and began to kiss your neck.
Your boyfriend woke up due to your happy chuckling in the middle of the night.
At first, Zen thought that you were dreaming about something funny, but then he noticed that you were on your phone.
He slowly looked up to observe your screen.
Were you playing a game? 
Suddenly, you turned around and shrieked, almost falling down.
Luckily, Zen was able to hold you before you crashed onto the floor.
,,What are you doing in the middle of the night?’’ he asked you, his voice a bit sheepish.
,,N-Nothing…’’ you tried to lie and looked away.
However, Zen could now look at your phone. A man was talking to you and you had to choose your answers.
,,It’s an otome game… for girls…’’ you whispered.
,,But you have me, you have a boyfriend! Isn’t that cheating? You’re flirting with a stranger!’’ Zen complained.
,,Well,’’ you whispered.
,,To be honest, I’m not flirting. This man here is already my husband. Besides, I’m cheating on him with you, by the way…’’ you explained, but then burst into loud laughter.
Zen hugged you tighter and whined into your chest to love only him and to never leave him.
You nodded and tapped on your screen behind his back, trying to hold back laughter.
Whenever your husband played his game LOLOL, you used that time to stay on the phone yourself and play your favorite otome games.
It wasn’t that you were hiding them, but you guys didn’t really talk about them.
,,Oh, Lisa, are you hungry?’’ you asked your cat when she nuzzled her head against your leg and began to meow.
You quickly laid your phone down and got up, ready to feed your pet.
While you fed Lisa, Yoosung paused his game and came to check on you.
Well, he was hungry too after all.
However, he didn’t find you. Instead, he just found your phone with your screen still on.
Yoosung looked closer at the picture in front of him and began to play the scene.
He kept tapping on the screen and read out what the man on the screen said.
,,You unlocked the special scene due to your right choices. Would you like to play the special scene or do you want to go back to the basic story?’’ the display suddenly lit up.
Yoosung decided to play the special scene and quickly let the phone fall when he saw the two protagonists half naked.
This was also the time when you came back and saw him.
,,Oh my god! I missed half of the story, Yoosung?! And you even unlocked the special scene!’’ you complained and looked at the screen in disbelief.
,,WHY ARE YOU PLAYING THINGS LIKE THIS, MC? Am I not enough for you??’’ he asked you.
You shook your head and kissed him telling him over and over that it was just a game and fiction.
,,But tell me, what happened?!’’ you kept whining.
,,I don’t think this is a good idea, Mc,’’ Jaehee told you, unsure.
To be honest, she was excited too, but she was also jealous.
Why did you play games like these where the girl has to flirt with random guys you have choose?
Did she lack something?
Jaehee felt weird at the thought of you playing things like these. She didn’t really like it.
,,It’s okay, you’ll like it! I’ve been playing it for a long time and it’s pretty interesting!’’ you told her and turned on your laptop, showing her a game you had for a long time.
The main girl could see a demon and her teddy bear suddenly began to talk. Both of them wanted to kill her so the purpose of the game was to not die.
And there were different routes.
One of the demon, the teddy, the childhood friend, the ex boyfriend. or the woman next door.
,,You can’t forget to save so you can always return back whenever you make a mistake,’’ you told her and played.
It was quite funny to play with you. She really enjoyed it.
,,We got the bad ending,’’ you sighed and looked at the screen.
Your ex boyfriend cut off your head and put it in a glass.
,,This game is weird, Mc,’’ Jaehee tried to smile as she looked terrified at the scene.
,,True, luckily I have you so there’s no need to be jealous, Jaehee,’’ you told her and chuckled as she embarrassedly looked away from you.
,,Could you please stop looking into my stuff and deleting my games? I’m tired of starting over all the time,’’ you mumbled as Saeyoung sat in front of his big screen.
,,Well, I don’t get why you need to play these kinds of games. I mean, you have me,’’ Saeyoung sulked.
He didn’t even look at you from the corner of his eye.
,,Saeyoung, they aren’t even real people. I’m just playing this because I think that it’s funny when I don’t have anything else to do!’’ you answered.
,,Well, you could play sudoku on your phone or Candy Crush! Why must it be this odd game SSum?’’ Saeyoung asked you.
This time he looked at you.
You rolled your eyes and kissed him.
,,I only love you. You are my love and characters in a game won’t change my feelings, so dare to delete my game again and you will drive to the shop with a bike, I swear,’’ you hissed.
,,I just became a mother. Now I need to play three seasons again!’’ you whined.
,,If that’s so, we can replay the stuff from yesterday night!’’ Saeyoung teased and pulled you onto his lap.
,,Don’t you love me?’’ he asked you.
His eyes were teary.
,,Am I not enough for you, Mc…?’’ Saeran asked you and looked at you with his big eyes.
He looked like a puppy right now.
You chuckled and kissed his forehead.
,,You are more than enough. I just played this game in my teenage years and it’s still ongoing so there are emotional memories that make me hesitate to delete it,’’ you tried to explain.
,,I understand,’’ Saeran mumbled and hugged you.
He was still worried and a bit jealous.
The situation reminded him of the time when he tried to lure you with the RFA, telling you that they were just Al’s, so it was kind of hard for him to accept your taste in games.
What if these Al’s weren’t fake, but instead real people? he asked himself.
However, he quickly found out the difference.
,,I now know why it was so easy to get you to come along with me,’’ Saeran laughed and tapped on his screen.
,,Are you really playing my otome game?’’ you asked him and shook your head.
Your husband had to understand that you had games like these and that you enjoyed them.
Of course, he was jealous of the fictional people in your phone.
You often chuckled or smiled when you played the game.
He was jealous.
Why couldn’t he make you react like that?
He wondered if you liked the game more than him.
But you quickly explained to him that you played that game ever since he left you.
,,Saeyoung felt bad, the RFA wasn’t working out that well, you didn’t tell me where you were, and you left me here.
Only your letters were a sign for me that you were still alive.
I was stressed out at the time,’’ you began.
,,That’s when I began to play these otome games, just to feel better and distract myself.
And one thing led to another, the game went on, and it showed me many other games.
I know that they aren’t real and I only love you so there’s no need to worry,’’ you told him.
He nodded. You must have felt lonely.
He was the one who made you play these kinds of games and thanks to them you could wait for him, so who was he and what right did he have to make you delete them?
Jihyun accepted the games afterwards and even began to watch walkthroughs with you.
From the outside, he didn’t really care.
And since he looked as if it didn’t matter to him, you kept playing the game in front of him.
You kept giggling whenever something cute happened and became excited whenever something horrible happened.
You couldn’t stop talking about them; the boys in the game who helped you and fell in love with you.
One day it was too much; even for the man with the handsome face.
,,Mc! I’m here, I’m your boyfriend, could you praise me too?’’ he asked you.
His red face distracted you from his words and made you laugh loudly as you turned off your phone and hugged him.
You gave him a big deep kiss and praised him for everything.
,,You did well! I’m proud of you for choosing such a fine woman like me!’’ you laughed and felt how he pushed you back on the couch.
Your hair was all over the pillows.
You laughed as you observed his embarrassed face.
,,Come here and make me feel your chest so that I can praise you some more,’’ you kept teasing him and kissed him, stroking his hair as soon as he laid over you.
14.04.2020// 23:41 MEST
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
I'm that anon with the cutting request. It's ok that you don't want to write it I understand that like you said it's a really sensitiv topic😊 Can I have a Headcanon with the RFA+Minor Duo who play Shooter Games like Borderlands, Bioshock or Games like that together with MC who loves this kind of Games and is really good at it insted?
RFA + Minor Duo with a Mc who likes and plays shooting games and is good at them 
Okay babe! Here you are! Sry for the long wait, I also had to watch some videos on YouTuber since I’m not a gamer, lol! I hope you enjoy it!
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,,Oh oh oh oh oh!’’ you suddenly cursed as loud noises were heard.
Jumin Han just came home and rushed into the living room where he heard your voice.
He was a bit scared of what he would find there. There were loud noises, but all he found was you playing a game.
It was winter apparently, and you seemed to run.
,,Are those little dragons?’’ he suddenly asked you, making you shriek and look up at him.
,,Oh dear, Jumin, you scared me!’’ you giggled and kissed him.
,,Welcome home, husband. I’m sorry that I didn’t welcome you,’’ you told him and hugged him.
The game was on pause and somehow Jumin wanted to know what you were doing.
And so, just a few minutes later the both of you sat in front of the device while you began to explain what the game was about.
,,Like, basically you fight against different enemies and gather different things until you get a key to open the -’’ suddenly you stopped.
,,Actually no, let’s just play. I don’t want to spoil it for you,’’ you laughed and made him play.
At first it was pretty hard for your husband, but you also got to laugh a lot, making him grin too.
,,Woah, I never thought that we wouldn’t win something, but we have to play the second game to see what we really are fighting for. That’s a good marketing technique…’’ he mumbled.
You nodded.
,,It is and I think that they were also pretty good at it,’’ you nodded and showed him all the games you owned.
,,Let’s have a game night, Jumin!’’ you tapped him and began to play once again.
,,You’re a gamer?’’ Zen asked you when you begged him to enter GameStop.
You nodded and looked at their latest games.
,,I love shooting games and I’m good at them. I know everything, Borderlands, Bioshock, Call of Duty. Hell, there are so many games!’’ you laughed and looked at him.
,,I don’t believe you. How can a girl be good at such violent games?’’ Zen asked you, making you fired up.
The both of you spend the whole night playing together and really - you were always the winner.
You even showed him some new tricks and taught him how to play different games.
,,Oh babe, I never thought that you could be so good at them. I mean, I’m baffled!’’ he laughed as he looked at the ranks.
You nodded and clapped on your shoulders, turning off the TV and kissing Zen.
With your hands you signed a gun.
,,Hands up and promise me that we will play every weekend so that you can become better or you’ll embarrass me when I make you meet my friends!’’ you laughed and kissed Zen, who was now  kind of scared of your environment.
,,What is my husband doing?’’ you asked him as you looked over his shoulder, seeing that he was playing LOLOL.
,,Mhh… you still play it?’’ you asked him and got a nod.
,,I need to teach you one day. It’s such an amazing game!’’ he happily told you, making you shake your head.
,,Everyone has a different taste but,’’ you began ,,I know games which make you fall in their abyss even more than LOLOL,’’
Well, this was something that your husband just couldn’t believe and so the both of you made a bet and began to play all the games you knew.
However, you won and ended up playing three hours with him in some shooting games.
You were pretty good at them and Yoosung wondered what you were doing all your life.
,,I think I know now why you always defended me and supported me,’’ he began as he paused the game to brew you some coffee and take out some Honey Buddha Chips you stole from Seven.
,,Yeah, because we’re the same. You don’t wanna know how many lessons I missed,’’ you laughed and began to explain to him how to play Devil May Cry, turning on your PS4 and grinning like crazy at him.
,,Oh, I don’t think that these kinds of games are my taste,’’ Jaehee honestly told you.
The young brown haired woman was still hesitant and looked at the console as you tried to pressure her into playing.
,,Killzone: Shadow Fall, old but gold,’’ you told Jaehee, wetting your lips as you put the DVD into the device.
,,Shouldn’t we watch Zen’s DVD instead?’’ she asked you.
,,Shooting games really aren’t something for me. I don't like the violence in there,’’ she told you.
You nodded and then made a good deal.
,,Let’s play one round. If you hate it so much, we will watch two DVDs, but f you like the first round, we’ll play a second one and watch only one DVD, okay?’’ you asked her.
Indeed, Jaehee found it rather interesting.
Yes, there was a lot of blood and it seemed a bit...odd, but she did want to play a second round.
The two of you, however, didn’t stop at the second round, but instead spent more hours playing the game.
You were so good at it that Jaehee just couldn’t stop observing you.
And besides, her fingertips were itching to play too, and so you spent way more time than you actually planned in front of the TV.
,,OH MY GOSH!’’ you suddenly whined.
,,Mh?’’ Saeyoung asked you as he worriedly looked at you.
,,I can’t play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive anymore!’’ you whined louder.
,,I always knew that you weren’t an innocent lady like everyone said,’’ your fiancé chuckled and began to type something on the computer.
Half an hour later, he finally told you that you could play again.
,,You really hacked the server?’’ you asked him. However, before he could even answer, you were already deep in your game, not looking to him anymore and instead shooting down your enemies.
,,Holy cow, babe, I’m scared of you…’’ he laughed when he saw how good you actually were.
You happily grinned since you thought that Saeyoung was joking, but the truth was that you were really amazing.
,,Your opinion on Destiny 2?’’ he suddenly asked you.
,,Mhhh…’’ you mumbled and shook your head.
,,So many problems. They didn’t reset the trials and now we have Loot-Problems,’’ you sighed.
Saeyoung nodded as he followed you.
,,So my 606 is a gamer. I like you even more now,’’ he laughed and kissed you.
Afterwards, he played with you and noticed that you were much better than you seemed.
Your boyfriend looked away as you shot down another enemy.
,,I don’t like it,’’ he whispered and made you look at him.
,,I’m sorry, Saeran,’’ you apologetically smiled.
You felt guilty since you really loved shooting games.
However, over the years, Saeran got used to the games you played, to the noises of the guns, screams from characters, and to the sounds of the characters walking through the forest.
And at some point, he even tried to play it too.
However, even though you were a really good player, you were pretty bad at explaining.
But at least it was always pretty easy to decide on a present for you.
Weekends like these were always the best.
The two of you on the couch, the console in your hands, and you guys playing together to shoot down enemies.
,,We’re a dream team!’’ you laughed and kissed him.
,,We will always be,’’ he nodded and kept shooting down another figure.  
Since Jihyun’s eyesight wasn’t the best yet, you tried to hold back.
But there weren't many times when the both of you could play.
Even though you were a big fan of violent and loud shooting games, you were still a mother.
And so you wanted to protect your daughter Lucy.
But you still played a lot and you were still the best between the both of you.
,,Hahaha, you still can’t achieve that level,’’ you teased him.
You still remembered when you first confessed that you liked to play these kinds of games.
Jihyun didn’t really like it since there was a lot of violence and triggers.
But by now he noticed that as long the both of you kept playing with limits, playing was okay.
And he actually enjoyed going to conventions with you and Yoosung, shooting pictures of all the new contacts you guys made and then returning home.
25.03.2020// 22:10 MEST
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
Rfa + Saeran have a kid(s) who looks just like them
RFA + Saeran with child(ren) who look just like them
OMG I love these kinds of request, please request more of them….! I hope you enjoy it! 
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When you first confessed Jumin that you got pregnant he was overjoyed. 
Love and happiness filled his heart of the thought to see the fruit of your love grow in your womb. 
The first thing he thought about was that your children had to just look as beautiful as you, that was for sure.
A lot of journalists however claimed that you had an affair, which made you feel stressed in the pregnancy. 
Jumin however knew that this wasn’t what happened and his trust in you wasn’t in vain. 
As soon as Mr Chairman had his grandson in his arms he confessed that it was odd. 
,,I feel as if I have Jumin in my arms….’’ he whispered, observing the black hair and the nose. 
Years passed and the little boy seemed like a mini Jumin. His expression, his stature, the hair, the skin, his movements, just everything. 
Even your second child, a black haired girl looked like Jumin, just much more feminine. 
And Jumin loved it. And the best was that they had your way of thinking and handle situations….
,,Tell me that it’s a joke…’’ your boyfriend first begged you when you showed him the ultrasound. 
,,Tell me that you’re not pregnant Mc….don’t you realize that these children will have bestial DNA?! Shit! They will be snatched away from me and I will feel lonely…..oh dear….what if you will give birth to girls?! They won’t marry, will they?!’’ 
Zen whined. 
You laughed, it was quite a shock at first but now it was just hilarious. 
An old saying went by ,,stroking your children beautiful’’ and so Zen begged you to not stroke your belly or else the baby would become even prettier. 
,,Look at the ultrasound, the baby already looks good there….’’ he whined. 
That day both of you found out that you would give birth to a girl. 
Zen thought he was dreaming when the white haired baby laid in his arms. 
,,You stroked your belly secretly, didn’t you, Mc…?’’ he asked you and tried to not let his tears fall on his daughter.
 Zen felt as if he got punished for something since he got you pregnant a second and even a third time. 
Both girls - girls who looked like him.
 Beautiful girls with long lashes, red eyes and beautiful white hair. 
His oldest daughter was already 15 and to see how pretty she got made him actually feel bad. How many bad boys were there….?
 Probably too many……
,,Even though his hair are brown he resembles you now a lot….’’ 
Jaehee nodded as Zen talked with Yoosung. 
,,Really?! So I did a good job!’’ the blonde boy laughed. 
His eyes wandered back to your child, the boy was currently sleeping.
,,It’s amazing that a human being like that can grow up, isn’t it?’’ he asked you in the evening while you were feeding the hungry boy. 
You simply nodded and then you looked at your husband. 
,,I think, brown would look good on you too….’’ you simply said.
 And just half a year later Yoosung’s hair were brown again.
 It was a good idea since now he and his little, big guy looked just like twins. 
,,I feel as if I have a bond with him…..’’ he whispered three years later, noticing that he was softly looking at Lisa’s hurt paw like he did it. 
He was indeed Yoosung’s son, even his first word was ,,Rika!’ which actually had to mean 니가 (Niga), you…..
It was hard. 
Everything was hard. 
You and Jaehee would never have a child together, it would always be one of yours. 
The decision of who should give birth wasn’t a easy one either. After you miscarried for the third time Jaehee decided to try it with her body and indeed, a little girl was born.
A girl which looked exactly like her. 
This made you love the little, brown haired princess even more. 
Her eyes wich looked like your girlfriend’s, and the same intelligent look made you realize how beautiful she and Jaehee were. 
You loved your daughter so deeply. 
But you weren’t the only one. 
Jaehee felt as if she was looking into the mirror. 
But your girl didn’t just resemble Jaehee but also Jaehee’s mom who would probably laugh at the silly big glasses of your daughter.
 ,,I‘m so happy that it turned out like that....“ you told Jaehee who was observing her daughter‘s sleep. 
Jaehee agreed to you and smiled softly at the sight of her daughter. 
At first your fiancé was totally against children.  
You didn’t expect this but you understood him when he told you his reasons. 
,,I had a terrible childhood. An abusive childhood is all I know. How am I supposed to be a great dad? Besides, to put children in this environment where my father still has his powers?“ both of you agreed about not becoming parents but something didn’t turn out like you imagined. 
You weren’t really unhappy, instead you were overjoyed but Saeyoung surely wouldn’t feel the same. 
It took you a long time to tell him and him a long time to accept it with his whole heart but as soon as he had his twins in his arms he couldn’t bear to let go of them. 
There was nothing that could make him go back, his eyes were firmly on his children, the most beautiful red haired babies. 
And the more they grew the more they resembled him.
 It was scary at how much they could look like him, his eyes, the hair, even his hands and his brain. 
The most surprisingly out of all was that they had his humor - unfortunately. 
,,Woah! Haha what is it?“ he laughed. 
,,To....?“ he asked his boys. 
,,Who....?“ his last question was.
 ,,UNCLE YOOSUNG!!!“ their scream filled the room, together with Yoosung‘s screams of fear. 
You and your period-it was quite interesting since your period was mostly irregular but your sex with Saeran wasn’t.
It was just predictable that you would get pregnant. 
And surprisingly your boyfriend enjoyed it. 
He loved to type on his keyboard while having you on his lap, your little baby belly made him remind how important it was to save his brother as soon as possible. 
But after a few months typing wasn’t possible anymore like that and so the sight of you stroking your belly filled him with happiness while working. 
Labor surely wasn’t easy but the worries and fears were all well invested as soon as he had his newborn daughter in his arms. 
The little girl made him fell parential love as soon as he saw her eyes. 
,,I promise to protect you with all my heart…’’ he whispered. 
A few years later the two of you got a second and a third child. 
Surprisingly they all had red hair like Saeran and the exact same eyes as their dad. 
Unfortunately they didn’t just look like their father but they also had the same health.
 At least once a week one of them was in bed with a high fever or an illness none ever heard. 
,,I promised I would protect them but instead I can’t help but put them into danger….why did they have to have my body…?’’ 
Saeran one night asked with tears after his youngest boy awoke from a coma. 
But both of you were sure that everything would turn out for the best. 
03.09. 2019// 18:00 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 @r-f-a-journalists 
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
Heyo! I have so many ideas for headcannons so I'm sorry in advance but feel free to choose any one of these ideas as the prize for the contest that happened a few months ago! They will all be for rfa + minor duo. The first idea is for soon after the main story before marriage. MC has a loving, but loud and crazy family and they all want to meet her new significant other at a family gathering. How will the boys(and girl) impress them? (Feel free to have them bring out baby photos)
RFA meeting Mc’s parents {it’s boring :(  }
Hahaha the one with the baby photos actually made me chuckle! It’s a good idea! I hope you like it, especially because you’re the first one who will read this, my lovely beta-reader XD
BTW, I’m sorry for not writing, I didn’t forget you all but I was so busy...I still have exams going on. The day after tomorrow is my day, I will turn 18 and so I have been busy...besides I found and amazing KDrama and so I’m enjoying it instead of writing anything.
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,,Okay okay okay…’’ you mumbled excitedly and let your fingers down in front of your face in order to make yourself cool down.
,,I will give my best, my love…’’ Jumin tried to calm you, when he noticed that you were really nervous.
,,I’m not worried because of you, but because of my crazy family members…’’ you laughed.
But your fears were all in vain because Jumin fit in perfectly.
You were happy that he could talk normally with them.
When your little cousins decided to play a game, you were also grateful that Jumin showed his best skills.
,,Drawing cats in a few seconds is one of your skills, huh?’’ your sister teased him.
,,Yes. I actually like cats very much.’’ he affirmed, not noticing that your sister meant something completely different, but making your family burst in laughter.
,,You need to at least tell me what kind of wine your parents like,’’ Zen begged you, making you grin.
,,Nope. You have to impress my big family on your own,’’ you kept teasing him.
What your boyfriend didn’t know was that your family was literally big - you didn’t just mean your parents and your siblings, but also your aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Your boyfriend’s skin was pale, but now he was even paler than he was before.
But he soon won over their hearts when he began to dance and sing just for them.
As if he was on stage, he thanked them all for their love and support.
,,And now, let’s have an encore together!’’ he laughed and caught your aunt’s heart when he grabbed your little cousin’s hands and began to sing with them all.
,,Huh? Yoosung? What are you doing with the box?’’ you asked him when you were about to start the car.
,,It’s a surprise,’’ he mumbled and laughed.
He had a pretty good idea.
As soon as you arrived at your childhood house, you got welcomed by your family.
Yoosung was pretty impressed himself by all the people he met outside.
As soon as he saw the other twenty people inside, he noticed that bringing baby pictures with him was a mistake.
But it also ended up with your mother unpackaging your baby pictures and looking at them together with Yoosung’s pictures.
,,Here. I have a similar picture! The difference is that Yoosung is wearing his sister’s clothes and that Mc is wearing my clothes and shoes!’’ your mother exclaimed, making Yoosung blush at the sight of him wearing a bright pink dress with lipstick in his hands.
The car smelled so good.
You loved the smell of coffee and cakes and she knew.
That’s why she brought along plenty of desserts and coffee.
When you guys arrived, she kindly shook hands with everyone and then showed them all the cakes she made, catching the housewife's hearts.
Everyone complimented you for finding such a heartwarming and intelligent girlfriend and you could only agree.
To be honest, you were kind of worried about your fiancé.
It was his first time meeting your family and you knew, for sure, that they would all ask him about his past.
You were really worried because of that, but perhaps you just forgot how amazing he was.
He could perfectly win over their hearts with his amazing jokes, stories, and not to forget, with his amazing creations.
,,Oh dear! A robot cat!’’ your cousin exclaimed.
,,Yes! You have to keep an eye on her because she’s being hunted by the other cats for being a robot! Will you protect her with me?’’ he asked her and motivated her to be a kind child.
Since then, he softened your family’s heart and was loved by everyone.
Yes, I forgot the Minor Duo, I’m sorry. 
02.12.2019//22:32 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @sailormoonrocks666
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @r-f-a-journalists
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