#and merthur probably just fits into a lot of peoples preferences
apk02 · 2 years
Thank you @1shadowhole for the tag! I think this is the first time I've been tagged in one of these!
3 Ships: I mean there's no question the first is Merthur. I got into it pretty late but the number of fics I've read of these two is just... Almost 80% of my BBC Merlin bookmarks on A03 are Merthur and it's going to remain that way for the foreseeable future. My second favorite ship in Merlin fandom is probably Arwaine. There are times where it actually competes with Merthur depending on my mood. And there are some extremely well written fics of Arwaine and they just fit so that's second.
Outside of Merlin, probably Sirius/James (Prongsfoot). In HP, I generally don't do ships. I just read character-centric stories which are more or less always around Sirius. But, if I do prefer a ship, it's got to be Prongsfoot. And, as an honorable mention, I'd like to mention that one DeathStar fic that's made this one of my favorite rare pair to read. And lastly, Marvey (Mike Ross/Harvey Specter), from Suits. I haven't actually found a lot of people who read Suits fics but, yeah, some of them are pretty well written.
First ever ship: I actually am not sure. I went back to my bookmarks and my first bookmark is a Sirius/Lily fic which is hilarious because the number of fics I've read for this ship is such a small fraction. But, probably Sirius/Lily or Prongsfoot.
Last Song: The last song I listened to was Break the Distance by Ashton Edminster.
Last Movie I saw: Ugh I don't remember. I probably watched the last Thor movie which came out. Absolutely loathed it. But I can't remember anything else I've watched recently.
Currently reading: I don't have time to read actual books right now. I'm sticking to fics. 'It Runs in the Blood' and 'The Servant Prince'.
Currently watching: Ooh 'Vincenzo'. Its a Korean Drama. And it's got most of the tropes I like. And 'Scrubs' though I'm very close to finishing it.
Currently consuming: I had cake an hour ago. Probably will get back to it when I get a break.
Currently craving: Peace. I've been tired for as long as I remember now, so some rest and peace would be great.
Tagging: @groundbreakingdot872 @gracelesslady23 @padfootastic @writtenbyanidiot @dragoon-the-greatest @seecheli @thenerdyindividual @justforthoughts
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nextstopparis · 3 years
Why do you think people ship merthur? What is it about them that makes them so ✨ (I'm asking this as a merthur shipper myself just because I'm interested in your opinion coz I love your merthur posts)
first off anon, thank you!!! that means a lot:D secondly, i think you should 200% check out this post (if u hvent seen it already) because it sums up everything i could ever hope to say better than i could ever hope to say it, lol. (ALSO THANK YOU @bellamyblakru FOR FINDING IT FOR ME!!!)
as for my opinion from my own brain (yikes) ive been think abt this question for the WHOLE DAY and still hve no idea how to answer it.
honestly? i think it’s the potential of their story, more than anything. i don’t know how to explain this very well, but ill try.
you have these two boys who grew up lonely, and then found a home within each other. these two people that, at first, wanted nothing to do with the other, and then got to know each other and decided that actually. i misjudged him. i do like him. i do want him as my friend. and just the fact that they became so important to each other so quickly, too. they compliment and contrast each other well - one is the best swordsman, while the other is the most powerful sorcerer ever. they’re both, fundamentally, good people. they could rule the kingdom together or they could run away and say screw it all, and either story would be fascinating. either story could be possible. they have that forbidden love possibility. they have the soulmate trope. they have the screw destiny, i would still choose you trope. they have the yearning and antagonistic-but-interested strangers to (potential?) lovers trope. they have they id do anything for you trope. they love each other in that very overwhelming and heart wrenching sort of way thats always been romanticized. across hundreds of lifetimes. like theyre made from the same star. so different but not really all that much. they have an equal chance for one of the happiest endings or one of the saddest ones.
its also just. its also interesting, you know? like all that potential for their story aside, they’re funny together. they have good chemistry. there’s something about bantering couples that makes people just like them, and merthur fits into it. they have sweet moments but they’re also lightly teasing each other bc thats just. idk. them. they are comfortable around each other to be playful and tease. they both enjoy it. theyre compatible and a good match for each other so it doesn’t get boring. merlin usually has the last laugh and arthurs either trying to hide a smirk or endures it with an eye roll bc they just!!! understand each other!!! idk!!!
i also think theres a lot to be said about how so many song lyrics or poems or excerpts flawlessly fit them (and how they parallel canon couples). all these things about romantic love, so separate from each other, not written about merthur at all, all about the same thing, being so applicable to merthur, anyway. you know, everyone has their own experiences w romance and all but there are just some fundamental similarities and!! they apply to merthur a lot of the time!! ive made like 3 web weaves about this. ive seen a lot more web weaves about this. all different and still just showcasing that, you know. all these lines written about romance and tragedy and undying love from however long ago (maybe not that long ago at all)… they apply to them, too.
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