#and maybe they like. joke about it now that tommy is more confident and theyre close again bc hes around so much while dating buck
silasplaskett · 4 months
really into the headcanon that tommy once had a little crush on chimney back in the day and how complementary it is in my mind to my other headcanon about bucks crush on connor
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worminstuff · 4 years
hello!! could you write a fic (in game or irl) about dream and the reader being friends. then he gets jealous of one of the boys and then accidentally blurts out that he likes the reader? just something really fluffy lol. i hope you have a great day!! i just got caught up on all your fics (bc i’m a simp) and i just wanted to say they make me go SO soft:) -anon xo
your brain...it must be so big...
Dream x reader
no warnings, maybe a bit of angst but mostly fluff!!!!
in this fic its set in game, so theyre not playing the games at computers an all theyre in it, not usually how my fics go but were trying it:) (dont try to wrap your head around logistics im not making this a lore)
Dream, George, y/n and Sapnap were all say on the docks tubbo had built. George was stood fishing, while Dream, y/n and Sapnap were sat at the edge of the dock dangling their legs over.
“Sap did you ever get all those buckets for more fish for the pond around the community house?” y/n turned to him.
Dream felt a twinge of jealousy at the way shed called him sap, she never made nicknames for him..
“i have the buckets, just no fish. why?” they were both looking at each other when y/n sprung to her feet excitedly.
“well were here so why not get some fish!” y/n was already taking off her shoes and socks before he could reply. Sapnap laughed and stood, joining her in taking off his shoes. Dream watched as both rolled up their pant leg's and ran down the dock to the shore line.
“Not gonna go with?” George looked away from his fishing line to pear down at Dream.
“No. Ill let them do it, its their project not mine.” he looked down at his feet as they swung above the water.
George didn't question him but his brows furrowed. Dream was usually glued to y/n whenever they were together. George had an inking about his small infatuation, it was pretty obvious, ironically to everyone except y/n.
George and Dream sat in a comfortable silence until they heard huge splash and a laughing scream from y/n. Though Dream knew immediately that wasn't a scream of fear, he still lept up quickly turning to where Sapnap and y/n were. Upon seeing them, his shoulders shrank.
Sapnap had tackled y/n into the water and was now holding her up, threatening to throw her into the water.
 Dreams heart felt heavy. 
Suddenly Sapnap caught Dreams eyes, both of them staring at each other now. Y/n craned her neck to look back at Sapnap curious why he’d suddenly stopped laughing with her. She followed his line of sight to see Dream, and George now too, staring at the both of them.
Y/n was about to say something when Sapnap suddenly tossed her into the waters, a yelp leaving  her mouth as she collided with the cold water.
George and Sapnap busted out laughing, y/n rose to the surface and quickly started making her way to Sapnap, he laughed and quickly started getting out of the water, baiting her by walking slowly.
Y/n was still confused as to why Dream looked so...upset. She and Sapnap were only messing around. She shrugged it off in her mind though, she had to get Sapnap back.
“Before you two get any more. Whatever that was.. Y/n needs dry clothes now Sapnap, im not gonna deal with a sick y/n.” George said pointedly, as he looked towards Sapnap. Sapnap rolled his eyes and walked ahead as they made their way back to the base.
George decided to catch up to Sapnap, leaving y/n and Dream behind a bit.
Dream looked to y/n, “Are you cold?” 
“A bit, but im okay.” she gave him a small smile and his heart clenched a bit.
Slowly, he unclipped his mask from behind his head as they grew closer to the base. The other three were no stranger to Dreams face, so he kept it on only where he might bump into others like tommy or tubbo.
Y/n had seen his face before, many times actually, but every time he took off the mask, she couldn't help but stare for even a little while. 
Dream looked to her, seeing her already looking up at him. He grinned, “What?”
“Nothin. I just like you with no mask.” She matched his grin. Dreams face grew slightly red at her comment.
They made their way into the base, Y/n quickly heading to her room to get dry cloths.
The boys sat and waited for a bit until they heard y/n from upstairs, “Can I get a shirt really quick! All of mine are dirty..” She sounded slightly embarrassed but the boys were unfazed.
Sapnap got up before Dream could, “I threw her in, so ill give her one of mine.” He made his way up the stairs to his room.
Dream pouted slightly. Now shed be in his clothes? George glanced at him quickly, noticing his expression.
“why are you making that face?” He questioned.
Dream only shook his head. 
“Its not nothing, you were gloomy at the docks too. Are you mad at Sapnap?” He tilted his head a bit.
“No..well maybe a bit. But I shouldn't be.” Dream looked to George finally, and he was about to continue but he was cut off.
“Hey Alexa!” y/n yelled.
“Hey Alexa!” Sapnap yelled back.
“How many bitches can we fit in a tesla!” They both yelled together, laughing the rest of the way down the stairs.
“What?” Dream was nearing his last bit of patience.
Sapnap giggled, “Its just a thing we do, don't worry about it Dream.”
The way he had said that made Dreams blood boil, making it all the worse, he glanced at y/n. She was wearing baggy jeans, black ones, like Sapnap, and one of his shirts with the flame on it. They were matching.
Y/n briefly caught his eye before Dream turned and walked out of the house quickly. She stepped forward to follow, calling out his name softly.
Sapnap was about to follow when George held his arm, “Let her talk to him.” Sapnap nodded back.
Y/n followed Dream as she watched him walk off the beaten bath near their home.
“Dream! Slow down please.” She was trying to catch up when he swiftly turned around. His eyes were angry, his mouth a flat line. Y/n flinched back at how angry he looked. When he saw her flinch his features softened.
“I'm sorry, I just..” He huffed, not really knowing what to tell her. 
“What's been up with you? You've been all grumpy..” Y/n stepped closer to him.
Dream stared into her eyes, looking between both of them. “M’ not grumpy..im just..well..” he closed his eyes, his face already getting a red tint.
“You're what Dream?..” Y/n asked softly.
“I'm jealous! I was jealous..” He blurted out, looking everywhere but her.
“Jealous? Why? Of what?” Y/n was thoroughly confused.
Dream let out another huff, “You and Sapnap..” He was ringing his own hands, y/n had never seen him so nervous before. He was usually so confident.
She tilted her head, “Me and sap?” He clenched at the nickname.
“Yeah!” she had struck a nerve. His eyes were now trained on hers, “Of Sap, throwing you around in the water, giving you his clothes, having inside jokes with him and all! Why don't I have a nickname? Why don't we have inside jokes?” He blurted out all of his thoughts. Once he realized what he had said, he stared down at your shocked face. 
“Y/n..I-I’m sorry, I didn't mean to get mad like that. I just..I really like you y/n. A lot. And seeing you both all buddy buddy just got to me.. I'm sorry.” his glance was soft, and hopeful.
Y/n let out a small laugh, Dreams brows furrowed. “Really? You? Jealous? Cause of me?” She couldn't believe it!
Dream laughed with her, “Yes! I'm not lying y/n.” He stepped a little closer, taking her hand. “I'm a bit selfish.” His smirk was causing a blush to rise on y/n’s face.
“I like you a lot too.” Dream could've cried after hearing those words from her mouth. His face broke into the biggest grin you'd seen on him,
“Yes!” He grabbed your hand dragging you back to the house quickly.
pushing you into the house with him, he ran to where George and Sapnap were sat waiting. He pushed you in front of him pointing at you with a glare,
“Mine.” he was looking at sapnap.
The group all burst into a laughing fit at the expression sapnap had.
“Priceless” George murmured. Looking at Y/n and Dream happily.
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shoezuki · 4 years
cracks knuckles. i promised to elaborate and i will.
the one common perspective that everyone seems to be able to agree on is that techno / sbi + schlatt + tubbo + ranboo are just genuinely funnier than the dteam, and honestly yes it's because if the popularity. if you go back and watch the dteams older (im talking before 2-3mil subs) videos they are funnier than their current ones and i think it's because they're trying to shift their humor to a broader audience?
the minecraft community has always been mainly queer/poc/ndv kids because it was exiled away from "acceptable society" for so long that only the people who had already been "exiled" continued to enjoy it. I, as an example, stopped playing when it became a cringy thing because I was so worried about being seen as weird. now that ive discovered, come to terms with, and enjoy my queerness, i realize that if i had known i was queer back when mc was exiled i wouldve continued to play because i alrwady would have known what it was like to be part of that seperate society. (Please keep reading i promise I have a point)
but then minecraft came back. minecraft became mainstream again, and it came back HARD. watching it go from something that you would be bullied immensely for to something that you would be bullied for not doing was an extreme experience. in all honesty im still angry about it, but that's another topic. when minecraft became mainstream it brought with it all of the people that hadn't been part of the exiled societies yk? including... the dream team.
dream blew up. we all know how much he blew up. i personally dont believe he cheated on the speedrun but to each their own (although after reading your stuff and becoming more critical of them im realizing i might need to reexamine that), and the speedrun controversy brought even more people to his base (cough drama loving straight white girls cough).
when they were brought into the fanbase that's when it started to go downhill. they shifted their humor to fit that, or maybe their humor was always that and they just got more confident in showing it after they had gotten a fan base to back them up. which is also why techno / sbi + schlatt + tubbo + ranboo (who ill refer to just as techno&co now because he's the main one but also that's long as hell lmao) are funnier than them!
for one, their fanbases are smaller. now 5 mil is by no means a small number, but compared to dream's 16 mil? yknow. especially with techno's wack upload schedule he's never had to worry about having a stan fan base because the only people who stay are people who genuinely enjoy his content the way it is.
two, techno&co are mostly ndv. techno has adhd, tubbo has dyslexia, wilbur had and maybe still has depression, ranboo has anxiety, tommy hasnt confirmed or denied his adhd but im betting he at least has borderline. i am in no ways saying that being part of one minority (in this case ndv) gives you free range over another (queer), but all minorities have this understanding about what it is to be part of an exiled community (if that makes sense).
philza and schlatt, not so sure if they're ndv, but they're also older and generally more mature and esp in philza's case, theyve had their chance to make their bad jokes and pull stupid shit and theyve grown out of it (if they ever had that phase at all). techno&co have that understanding and even if they dont know where the boundaries are they know that queer humor (and all humor! other than techno, sbi doesnt really make gay jokes) going to have boundaries, and they respect that.
three, techno is the funniest bitch because he has adhd. i dont take criticism on this point because im right.
i probably missed a lot, probably got some stuff wrong, but all in all i think i hit my mark. i can come off anon to chat anytime if youd vibe w that. no pressure to respond to this! have a good day, etc etc, it was fun getting to tear into the dteam in a safe space. respect for them and their fanbases, their humor is a little off but i still gotta respect how well theyve done. btw i woke up and rolled over and started typing I haven't proofed this at all so yeah. :) - andy
And your brain is fucking massive yo like u must got chronic back pain too from holdin up all these Thoughts in ur head
I really like. Minecraft fans is So varied cuz like u said it was so very 'cringe' before. I got into mc again n playin it w my siblings years before it Popped Off again entirely cuz i stopped Giving a Shit that it was 'weird' or any a that. N sbi have been goin strong through it So Long both when it was hotshit and when it was "cringe"
N definitely like minecraft ive always noticed has a Massive ndv community. I dont know entirely what it is like definitely part of the 'cringe' factor like u said and also cubes make our brains go brrrr? The aspect of self expression in it? I dont know but we Been Here
I do think dteam's content and shit like. It obviously moved in sync with perceptions of mc to garner a Big General audience. Dream blowing up entirely had to do w the Trends and how mc got popular. Therefore hes audience is Huge and Varied
In contrast w techno n like. He has blown up quite a bit too. But i feel its fair to say he Hasnt altered his content significantly. Or at least like. How its presented, what he does, etc. For fucks sake he doesnt have a stream schedule. And although his content is Still garnering a Large and really varied audience it feels more like. Isolated and homogeneous almost
Like. I can go into the technocord right now and say 'dont forget to take your meds' and at least 20 or so ppl would be all like Oh Fuck Whoops. Theres SO many of us adhd ppl in there. I always goof bout techno jus sayin pspspsps and the neurodivergents crawling up from the floorboards but honest to god. His content and jokes and i suppose Personality jus appeals to us So Much. Same goes for sbi pretty heavily honestly altho i feel its most evident in techno's most Dedicated fans
Also. Lbr. The people who stay through technos schedules and content Droughts are the ones who be hyperfixating Abskfvdkdsjsjsl
BUT going into sbi as a Group like. They are friends. And together they are fucking hilarious. N i feel it strongly like. The fact theyre all such Varied people of different ages and such helps w that shit. It Works So Well.
Long story short being neurodivergent makes you funny as hell letsgo
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things from NC Newsies
Crutchie is really channeling his inner 90s newsies it's fantastic
When Jack tells Crutchie to come with him to Santa Fe, Crutchie is kind of bashful and reluctant
Jack has drawn a picture of Crutchie riding a horse and he GIVES IT TO CRUTCHIE
carrying the banner is fantastic I'm pretty sure Jack is buttoning Crutchie's best for him at some point and it's so pure
Finch is IRISH and I think Specs is also IRISH and I think Romeo is ITALIAN AND IT'S GREAT
Jack smacks a delancey with the crutch and THE CRUTCH BREAKS and Crutchie had to use it as a cane the whole rest of the scene I have never laughed so hard (he came back out the next scene with it tied in the middle with a strip of cloth)
This Davey is so delightfully awkward he's wearing a full suit I am in love
And Les is so sure of himself he’s so confident I love this child
Pulitzer waited the whole song so he could put his shoes on dramatically at the wax line and I can't take a man in bright red socks seriously
He said "shave me too close and you may cut my throat" and Nunzio GIGGLED
Medda is amazing and lovely and geez what a performance
After Jack leaves the drawing for Katherine (which he draws on the back of a poster) she stares at it for so long like all the way through the next set change
okay the world will know we got Davey in his vest and tie but no jacket he’s eVoLvInG
Jack paints “strike” over the headline
Davey doesn’t start singing along with the others till like the second verse and even then he’s really hesitant until near the end when he starts doing the motions
It’s Crutchie, Jack, Les, and Race that go into the World building. Davey tries to follow them but the door closes on him before he can
“I think we launched our strike in a most auspicious manner”
silence from the others
Katherine’s so sassy she mimics the way Jack says “What’s the last news story you wrote?” when she says “what’s the last strike you organized?”
okay before watch what happens when Jack’s like “I can tell you what i’m hoping for tonight” Katherine looks at him and just laughs it was great
and when Katherine starts watch what happens, there are newsies sitting in the towers behind her, but as the song continues, they keep straightening up and leaning forward to listen to her
seize the day is great at the beginning everyone runs in and every person looks around and stops like they were expecting more people and are crushed that they’re not there
there’s a nervous newsie (becomes one of the scabs) that runs away in the middle of Davey’s solo 
speaking of Davey’s solo, it was amazing. he started all tense and nervous with his shoulders up high and then he slowly got more confident, especially closer to Jack’s speech
also when Crutchie comes out with his strike sign, Race gestures to Davey and goes “that’s great”, and then to Crutchie and goes “that’s pathetic”
also that nervous newsie made my life he was so scared of the others (actually all three of the scabs seemed really scared but I mean they were scabbing)
dance break was lit, they didn’t spin on newspapers, they sat on stacks and hit them like drums with other rolled-up newspapers
fight scene was so sad y’all I swear I had to hold back tears, one of the Delanceys grabbed Crutchie’s crutch and just bashed him in the head and knocked him out and they dragged him off stage so fast
there were still newsies running from the cops in the background at the beginning of santa fe
like they were sprinting
“Tommy!” when one of the newsies couldn’t find tommy boy for a second it broke my heart
Santa Fe was so emotional I love the way Jason Gotay sings holy shit
king of new york was amazing, the erster line killed and there was a great moment of that awkward laughter after Jacobi’s joke, you know like when an uncle tells a bad joke and you’re just like “ha...yeah”
Davey and Katherine are besties fight me they hug more than Jack and Katherine hugged the whole time
Katherine’s first tap solo was so cute she sat on a chair and barely moved her feet and then when she got going they kept picking her up
Les and Race chilled in the background together they’re buds
all the newsies kept playing catch and keep-away with the newspaper
“and you ain’t even dead!” was a clear, quality line
okay when Crutchie gets to “when that train makes-”, it’s not that anyone shushes him, it’s that a kid beside him sits up really fast from a nightmare, reaching out, and Crutchie slowly helps him lie back down and shushes him back to sleep
also he still had his crutch
and Snyder came in at the end and yelled for quiet and Crutchie lay down really fast and stuffed the letter under his pillow
the butt swat after “we’re inevitable” is very pronounced
also their conversation about Crutchie is done much more sad than angry and it about broke my heart
whenever Hannah brings Jack into Pulitzer’s office, he kind of bows to her and she is totally blushing as she leaves I feel ya Hannah
okay this Pulitzer is so sinister his voice is so deep I love him
also Katherine didn’t come in till he said the line “I think she can hear for herself”, the Delanceys brought her in
Jack didn’t put up much of a fight, it’s like he just gave up, his shoulders slumped and he just let them take him to the cellar
“now that there is firm” is still the stupidest line in this whole musical
mmmmm the rally LES BROUGHT HIS DATE also there were so many little kids there they’re my fave
everyone ran and ignored Jack after he finished speaking, also Katherine had snuck to the edge of the room and was watching what happened
also the cartoon of Pulitzer was him with a baton, stepping on a kid and hitting another with said baton
so “Specs showed me” WE SEE SPECS SHOW HER
she talks really fast she’s so nervous about her plan but still so sure, it’s more like she’s talking so Jack doesn’t interrupt her
Kath and Jack don’t even kiss till near the end of the duet and their hug is so big and pure they keep hugging all the way offstage
they all have lanterns going into the cellar, and they’re all singing really quietly and you can hear how nervous they all are about getting caught
Bill and Darcy my heart
“And proud to be a part of your revolution” he sounds so reluctant maybe Katherine made him
they have a dance break during the last verse at the key change and we see all the newsies handing out the flyers and Jack and Davey are at the top of the towers throwing more into the air
omg Pulitzer’s office, first of all Spot sits right down on the desk and finds a cookie and just starts eating it like what a mood
shit Davey’s got some nerve now I absolutely love how Daniel Plimpton portrayed him and his character development I could write an essay about it (and I might)
Spot is such a little shit omg
THEY WON also Jack’s totally about to leave he has the stuff he packed and Katherine just whips out a bag like damn she really is by his side isn’t she
“What’s Santa Fe got that New York ain’t? Sandstorms?”
Jack and Kath kiss and it’s so cute and when the others notice another newsie DIPS SPOT CONLON
Crutchie’s back and he looks like he did in the Refuge I about cried again
but dang his “you’ll be laughing all the way to the pen, little man” was so vengeful sounding I love it
their finale was fantastic the lighting and everyone’s little bows one guy did airplane arms
anyway this show was absolutely perfect
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