#and maybe some Jenna bad takes too
Pros of being in a small fandom and getting an adaptation: more contents, more people, bigger fandom
Cons: discourses and bad takes (tm)
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nouvxllev · 5 months
Jenna x Reader
Summary: R gets high off their ass after an argument w J, J gets home (xtra tired) w R drunkkkafff, but even in a drunken state, R still treats J like a literal princess, no matter the circumstance they're in cuz R loves J sm
i (do)nt care!
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Gn!Reader
Summary: request!! ^^
Words: 3.5k
Warnings: literally drinking tears away, on the verge of an alcoholic and stressed out reader, readers the sweetest but also dorkiest, bittersweet stuff but the author is trying to sound funny above most of it
a/n: one of my recognizable anons, thank you for requesting!!! APPRECIATE YOU SMMM
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You're a shitty person at times, like having quips come flying out of your mouth like a 7th grade asshole. You don't know where they come from, but they came from something like maybe a stressful week.
Like people not knowing when and how to shut the fuck up, angry customers with blonde hair and a penchant for that pixie-cut hairstyle pestering you all day because you allegedly forgot their order as if you weren't new to the whole running a coffee shop thing while on a minimum wage!
The internet seriously romanticized it too much, it's becoming a hassle to know which job to take when all you want is something relaxing and pays well.
Job hunting was a pain in the ass more than you are.
But then there's that lovely and caring girlfriend of all that makes it all bearable even if you're on the brink of insanity. The one who makes everything okay with literally just her presence. If there were a worldwide contest for the best and most understanding girlfriend, you knew Jenna would win it hands down.
You'd sooner try to stop a bullet train with your bare hands than even hurt her in the slightest. You loved her all too much to even do so.
But somehow in your own fucked up, seriously-like-actually-what-the-actual-fuck-were-you-thinking way, you managed to mess that up too.
You had an argument with Jenna as soon as you walked through the door the both of you shared. (It was because she accidentally broke your Minecraft bed and now it wasn't placed beside her. Again, you were stressed, and everything piled up. Even if it's dumb ones.)
You still remember the sound of her voice, heartbreaking is all you could say. (Again, dumb argument. Why did you even bring it up as if it was some huge problem?)
So now you're here. Drinking all your sorrows away like it would magically bring Jenna close and sing some we are the world shit for the rest of your living lives and kiss.
It was moments like these when you question if you were dropped on your head as a baby multiple times and no one even bothered to tell you.
I mean, arguing over a Minecraft bed? Seriously? Maybe you should take up lobotomy without anesthesia.
You still remember saying, 'Fine! Go away and see if I fucking care!' like something out of a bad soap opera and then she actually went away.
And you do care. Very much so.
It's safe to say you spent 30 minutes crying on the floor before picking your ass up to get a cab and come up with a dangerous coping mechanism before you eventually spotted a bar and decided you'd start drinking.
And of course, being that one person who never drank before in their entire life without having to chase it all down with water the soon it hits your tongue, it tasted bitter.
The bar was quiet with a hint of peoples voices going up and down alot, screaming alot, and the occasional drunkard barging in with their work attire.
You'd like to think that you're none of these people, but your the person who argued with literally the love of your life that you vowed to never hurt over something so dumb and tried drinking it all away.
"Ffffuck..." you murmured to yourself. Your eyes burned like hell, that was a nice addition to a headache.
Your head was down on the counter, your fingers gripping the shot glass as if it was your last moment on earth.
"You've ordered two bottles of whiskey and a fuck ton of tequila shots in the past hour, something wrong?"
Let's see, I've been fighting sleep as if I've disrespected my ancestors, job hunting is literally chewing me like I'm flavored bubblegum, tired, stressed, and most importantly, I managed to upset my one and only girlfriend who only gave me nothing but pure happiness and love! So, I'm fucking not, thanks so much for asking!
But you can't say that to someone who's also working minimum wage at a bar in New York. Living in New York is hell enough, dealing with fucked up customers like you is already going to be the next problem.
Because what can you really say to someone who's just trying to do their job? They don't need to hear about your self-inflicted drama.
You hear the bartender sigh. Not unlikely because you've probably been groaning and whining for the past few minutes.
"Let me guess, gotten to a fight with your significant other?"
How in the hell did he know that!?
Your eyes widened, immediately sitting up straight. "Holy shit, you're a wizard!" By the way your voice slurred and literally no one on earth would have that as their first thought, you're drunk.
The bartender chuckled, cleaning off another class and chucking it in the sink. "Not quite. Just seen my fair share of broken hearts. Kind of comes with the job."
You shake your head, "Nope," you popped the P, "definitely a wizard."
"Wanna tell me about them?" He placed another shot glass your way, "On the house, juice, though. You shouldn't be drinking anymore."
Taking the glass of juice, you swirl it around absentmindedly with your hand perched on top of the table and carrying the weight of your head. People say don't talk to strangers, but they never really said to spill your guts over to them.
With a sigh you down it all.
"Her name's…" Oh, right. She's an actress.
You really shouldn't be going around telling people you're literally with America's Idol when you kept your relationship with her private until she's ready to go public.
"Her name is, uhm, Jenny." Fuck, she's gonna kill you if you tell her this story. But it does put a very stupid smile on your face.
"Pretty name."
Your eyes lit up like never before. You were passionate for her, how could you not? "She's pretty, very pretty—you wouldn't know how to describe it yourself, you'd have to write verses upon verses to."
"Have you?"
"I'm still writing. Everyday."
The bartender nodded with a slight smile to his lips.
You stand up straighter. "She's this—talented person with one of the most dangerously charming brown eyes that resembles a nebula. Her smile, oh—her smile is one of the most incredible things to witness. She could make a devil weep and laugh with her, it'll make them regret their sins in an instant." Your voice was warm, clear, not even a trace of drunkenness whenever you're talking about her.
"It's not just her looks, or her smile, or whatever, she has a brilliant mind you could never dissect. Tears were never a challenge for her, she's brave, braver than anyone I've ever seen. She's a kind and romantic soul, an old one at that, but romantic nonetheless. Not just to me, but to everyone around her. She cares for everyone around her." You didn't notice you started crying halfway through.
"Dreaming was never a problem when I'm around her, though it felt like reality was greater than anything I've ever slept in. She's just the most gorgeous and incredible girl. She sees right through me, through everything, but she still loves me despite all my flaws and fuck-ups."
You pause. "But tonight, I got us into an argument so stupid, like so stupid and then I burdened everything I was feeling on her. Before I knew it, I yelled some things at her that I didn't really mean and she was out the door."
You'd think you'd be fine after literally spilling everything out, but no, you just slump back again in defeat like some pathetic hopeless romantic loser.
You facepalm yourself. "Give me a bottle."
"You shouldn't be—"
"I'll pay you 100$ no change needed, just please give me a bottle." You were acting like one of those drunkards you see on TV shows where the character gets horrendously fucked over.
One of the all time low for you, you've really outdid yourself.
You hear the bartender sigh and place another bottle of whiskey. "Business is business."
In one go, or maybe one shot glass, you were back to words stumbling and your brain feeling like fizz.
"All I know is I screwed up big time, and now I'm sitting here feeling like the world's biggest idiot for doing something like that to literally the love of my life!"
"Well, is she—"
It happened in a flash.
Or rather it happened in a second by how fast your mood changed to serious to straight up bawling your eyes out and gripping the bartenders collar.
"What the hell do I do, John!? Is your name even John!?" You cried, even breaking down and making a mess of yourself in front of the population of this bar.
"ImessedthefuckupandIdon'tevenknowifshesgonnaforgivemeohmanwhatthehelldoIdo!?" You swayed him back and forth, it's amazing how he isn't calling for security and escorting you out.
"OKAY, OKAY! Calm down, shit!" He immediately grabs your hands and gently pries your fingers from his shirt and sits you back down.
"I feel like the—" you hic "—worlds biggest asshole and my girlfriend thinks that too!
"I still love her with all my heart! I'll do anything to be with her again, I'm so fucking serious, anything I—!"
"She's right behind you, man!"
You stop.
You turn around.
"Oh, shit."
You murmured. It was like your brain was stumbling on a delicate thread of soberness and drunkenness. Jenna looked like the most finest pair of blobs.
Jenna looks tired, exhausted, stressed. Her eyes are glistening with tears, and her nose carries a reddish tint to it. You didn't even notice that she was wearing your shirts with one of your jackets.
"Oh, love!" You come crashing down on her as you stood up, embracing Jenna into a warm hug.
"Y/n, you're crushing me—"
Jenna used to love your hugs, even if they were totally crushing her. Oh, you were so fucked.
"Sorry, sorry," you mumble, stepping back slightly but your hands lingered on her shoulders, offering a small massage to her stress. "Is that you, Jenna?"
She looks up at you. There were visible dark circles under her eyes and glint of past tears that trickled down her face.
"I'm... I'm so sorry, Jennaaaaauuhh!" you cry out, her name stretching as you bawled your eyes out in front of her, words tumbling out of you before you can even stop them.
"I didn't mean anything, or any of it! I was stressed, people were so mean to me, but that isn't a valid excuse for me to just..." you blew a raspberry for dramatic effect, "blow it up on you. Please don't ignore my hugs, you always adored my hugs! Oh, God, Jenna, I'm so sorry!"
You were still talking before Jenna could even get one word out, "I love you literally sooo so so much I was a fool for even—hey, how'd you know I was here? Fuck, you shouldn't be here! I can't let you know that I was drinking, turn around!"
"Y/n," she sighs, reaching up to cup your cheek in her hand, "Let's just go home. You've been here for an hour."
You nod frantically, not knowing if that was meant to be as an I forgive you gesture or an I will tear your limbs from muscle to tendon and taxidermy you into the most horrendous positions after we get home gesture.
"I'll get the door for you!" You shout while stumbling over your own feet as you rush to get the door.
By the time the two of you got home safely without you trying to insist taking over the steering wheel when you're completely blacked out of your mind, you're still clinging onto Jenna as if she was the one going to fall on her own feet.
"Y/n, what are you doing?"
Jenna looks up at you, your whole figure sprawled out in front of her like a starfish.
You turn around at her like some superhero who came to save the day, vision blurry from the light. "The moon looks suuuper close tonight. What if you'll get burnt!?"
"That's the porch lamp, Y/n."
"No, it is not—!" You look up. Oh, shit it is.
"Oh." You take Jenna's hand, giggling away your blatant stupidity with a goofy grin, "God, you're so smart, can't believe you're my girlfriend."
But Jenna just laughs. It's everything to you, a sweet symphony blessed with those close with her.
"I like 'ur laugh, Jenna." You whisper to her, hands in your pockets while you watch her struggle with the keys.
She doesn't respond but with a nod. Your heart sinks for her—she's that exhausted and it's all because of you!
Finally, she manages to get the door open with your heart stuck in your throat while Jenna leads the both of you inside. The house was warm, toasty, but it left remnants of your argument with her.
You steel a glance at her, her eyes cast downward while she struggles with her own jacket.
"Oh—here! I'll get your coat," you offer, your hands trembling slightly with your own coat hanging from your forearm. "Annnd I'll take care of your clothes—wait, did you have dinner yet? I can whip up something for you!"
Without Jenna's judgement, you hurry up with a tail stuck between your own two feet to Jenna's closet, throwing everything out and getting some nice and comfy clothes for her. Not knowing you went to your closet instead of hers.
"Jenna!" You run towards her, pretty fast for a drunkard without falling over, "Shit everything looks like hell for me—anyway, what do you want for dinner? I can literally make anything, just say the word!"
Jenna still stands in the doorway, looking up at you. "You can't cook dinner, love, you're drunk."
She called you love! Yes!!
"I'm not drunk. I don't have my hiccups anymore, my vision is not that impaired and I can walk perfectly fine. You just saw me run!"
"You mistook a porch lamp for a moon and tried to protect me, Y/n."
Noooo! Back to the first name basis already!?
"You're sweating even if the air condition is turned on, your eyes look red so is your face."
"Okay, maybe—"
All you heard was a sigh before Jenna's lips met yours. Soft and delicate, it was the effect she had on you. You can melt like winter bathed in sunlight for the first time by the touch of her lips on yours.
"Earth to Y/n?"
Your eyes were still closed even after she pulled away, what an idiot you must've looked like.
You blink.
"Oh—oh, that's me. I'm Y/n." You cleared your throat. "Here, your clothes!" You bounced back almost immediately, but you swear your heart is still fluttering like crazy.
Jenna took the neatly folded pile of clothes on your hands, "Let's just take a shower, okay—"
You're practically bouncing with energy and utmost passion to help out your girlfriend with a simple sentence coming out of her mouth. "I'll draw a bath for you! Even scented candles and bubbles—wait, let's get you on the couch first."
Jenna smiles at you. Oh, how you've missed her. "You know, you don't have to do this, baby." She murmurs as she makes her way to the couch with your hand between hers, sinking into the soft cushions with a relieved sigh like she was a plushie.
"But I want to," you respond softly, handing her a bottle of water and arranging pillows for extra comfort. "It's the least I can do."
Fuck, she's too adorable. How in the hell did you manage to get into an argument with this perfect girl?
"I'll be right back, baby. Just relax, okay?" You reassure her, giving her a quick peck on the forehead before eagerly skipping to the bathroom like your life depended on giving your girlfriend the most luxurious bath of all.
It took a long while before you got everything in place. It was all 50% work and 50% taking a rest because you almost tripped and fell into the bathtub, eaten shit on the floor and the bath bomb, mistook rose petals for blood, almost dropped your phone into the water, and took numerous breaks to calm your vision and heartrate down.
Returning to the living room, you find Jenna lying down with her eyes shut, looking cozy and content.
Yet she was still tired.
Visible traces of exhaustion were etched on her face, her eyebrows are slightly creased even in her REM cycle, and her hand is curled into a fist as she constantly twists and turns in her sleep.
You wince at the sight.
You approach her quietly, gently brushing a strand of hair away from Jenna's face. You watch her breathing even out, her chest rising to her breaths. She looked dangerously ethereal.
How long have you been staring at her for?
You smiled, getting into the couch with her, wrapping your arms around her soft body, hoping that it felt like comfort to her like how she felt like undeniable solace to you. She was cold, very cold, but you couldn't help wrap your arms around her.
"Hey." You murmur, planting a soft kiss to her neck, "You okay? I drew a bath for you."
"Just for me?"
"Mhmm, why?"
"Aren't you going to take one? You reek of alcohol, baby."
She laughs at you, sitting up and pulling you along with her. "Take a shower with me, there's enough space for two."
You smirk at her, "Ooooh, sexy."
Jenna could almost burn holes in your face, rolling her eyes with the same smile as yours, "We are not having sex, baby."
"Oh." You wince as you get up, taking Jenna along with you, "But seriously?"
"Seriously, you reek."
"And I thought you love me!"
"I do, just not the smell."
By the time you both got into the shower, you were marveling at Jenna's figure.
She seemed almost too flawless, simply too gorgeous not to appreciate fully. You could almost cry at the sight (which you did). She was too perfect not to.
Jenna turned to you, her wet hair cascading from her shoulders as you sat behind her, massaging her shoulders to relieve any stress and tension in her body. "You alright, baby? You're... crying."
"Sorry," You wiped your tears away with a light laugh, "You're too perfect, how could I not!?"
Jenna leaned into your touch, letting the warm water and scented candles warm her spirit as well as heart, the tension melting away under your gentle touch. "You're pretty perfect yourself, Y/n."
"Compared to you, I'm no one."
"Now that's the dumbest thing you've ever said."
You paused in your ministrations. "I made you cry, Jenna. Over something so stupid." You let your arms fall to her waist, wrapping them in a tight hug as you bring her closer to you, burying your head on the crook of her neck. "'M sorry. I shouldn't have blown up everything on you. I didn't mean anything."
Jenna sighed, her hands finding yours cuddled around her and intertwining each finger with hers. "I know you're just tired—"
"You are too. More tired than me but you never harmed me like how I harmed you." You whisper to her, your breath shaking, "I'll do better, Jenna. I'm sorry."
She hummed, turning her head to plant a delicate kiss on your cheeks. "I forgive you, Y/n. We all have our moments, you aren't any out of the ordinary."
You hummed softly against her skin.
"Also, please don't go out drinking again, okay? It's gonna turn out a bad habit for you."
"You smoke, Jenna. We aren't that different."
Jenna narrowed her eyes, "I will drown you, Y/n."
You laugh, placing a kiss on the corners of her lips. "I'm just joking!"
You continued to massage Jenna's shoulders, feeling your own stress and tension melt away as you kiss every patch of her skin.
"How come you still treat me so well even when you're drunk?" Jenna adjusted her position as she nestled between your legs, her own drawing up to her chin.
You scoff, "For the second time, I'm not drunk and I love you too much not to."
"That's a stupid reason."
"Excuse me?"
"What were exactly your exact words... Oh, 'Go away and see if I fucking care?'"
"You know I didn't mean it!"
"I do. But I wanna hear you say it."
You couldn't see Jenna's exact face, but you know she's wearing a shit-eating grin with the most stupidest and cutest dimples around her smile.
"I do care for you, Jenna. So much. I was a dumbass for saying that, a dick, even."
Jenna laughed, leaning in to rest on your shoulder, her hand gently guiding your head to face towards her.
She pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "I love you."
"Well, I care for you." You kissed her back.
a/n: im surprised that this was so short also im back! my schedule is hectic and very stressful but im still alive for the most part
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jybyls · 5 days
Soft spot || J.O
Request by anonymous here
Warnings: Fluff, bad writing, and hella short.
Words: 620~
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- 📜🎧🍂 -
"Jenna, come on !" Aliyah, Jenna's sister begged her. "I said no Aliyah, we are not going out shopping." Jenna said sternly, "I have work to finish, I can't go out now. Maybe later." She focused back on her work, Aliyah on her side sighed, dropping on the bed. She was about to open her mouth again to speak, but-
"Jenna, my love !" You came in the room, running like a child on ecstasy. "Can we go out ? Please ?" Jenna didn't even think twice before getting up and taking her jacket. "Yeah, let's go." You smiled and held out your hand for her. "Wait, what ?! You just said you wouldn't go out because you have work ! Why did you say yes to her ??" Aliyah stormed out, "Because she's different." Jenna answered nonchalantly and walked out of the room with you, heading outside, leaving Aliyah completely dumbfounded and offended.
But she needed to know if she was the only one who got dumbed by Jenna because you existed.
"Hey, mom ? Did Jenna already disagree on something but immediately changed her mind when y/n said the opposite ?" Her mom scoffed like it was the most stupid question her daughter could ask. "Of course. That's a daily thing. She's far too obsessed with that woman to not do what she asks." She then asked. "Why ?" She dramatically sighed before speaking up. "Because she told me she couldn't go today, but then y/n came into the room asking if Jenna could go out with her, and she said yes without hesitation." The older woman laughed. "Yeah, sounds like Jenna."
Yeah, it did sound like Jenna because it was totally her. She adores you, and she's not ashamed about it. She always claimed to be your biggest supporter, and she wasn't wrong about that. Saying she has a soft spot for you wasn't even enough. For example, one day this happened:
"Hey, Jenna ? Do you want to play Ninja ?" Emma asked. They were waiting in between scenes. She wanted to kill time, but Jenna was too tired to even get up. "No, not now. We can talk, tho." She politely denied her friend's request. The blue-eyed girl was about to agree and sit next to the brown eyed one, but your voice stopped her in her mouvement. "I could play Ninja with you, Em." Emma's smile picked up. You both got in place and were about to start playing before Jenna stood up and placed herself next to you.
Emma looked at Jenna in disbelief, "Are you kidding me ?" She playfully said, looking at her with a 'Are you being dead ass right now ?' Look in her eyes. "What are you waiting for, Myers ? Let's play." Jenna sarcastically answered, a small smirk of satisfaction appeared on her face. The taller girl rolled her eyes but got back in place for the game. It ended up with you and Jenna ganging up against Emma, then Jenna letting you win.
- 📜🎧🍂 -
This girl is down bad for you, and everyone knows it.
If someone want Jenna to do something or go somewhere, they just had to say, 'Y/n will be there.' or 'Y/n would like this.' Basically, they just need to say your name, and Jenna is up and ready to go. You have some sort of power over her that makes her turn into the biggest softie, and she's not complaining about it.
She always lets herself rambles about you and God the stars in her eyes when she talks how danced around the house after a burst of energy ? Unbelievable. She has a whole galaxy in those big brown doe eyes of hers when her mind thinks of you, which is constantly.
She adores you, and she's not scared to show it.
- 📜🎧🍂 -
A/n: Hey, so sorry for whatever this is. Better fics are coming up, I promise !
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just-zy · 2 months
You said you'd wait
pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem Reader!
summary: A failed courtingship leads to heartache, days, weeks, months.. I hope you waited like you said you would.
A/N: your pov, first person idk yes ok, dk what I'm doing, u can guess if it's angst or not.. I hope y'all get this, it's absolutely nonsense wtf, Im tired
Warnings!: uh yes, sad yes, happy idk.. short ahh imagine
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Whenever I think about love, the first thing that comes to mind are my failed relationships, was that why I felt bad? Maybe I'd just found reasons to make you stop courting me, or even make you stop liking me. A part of me wanted us to work, I lied when I told my friends I didn't see myself in a relationship with you, I lied when I said I didn't feel an ounce of love for you. Whenever I'd pass by your room, I'd take a peak just in case you were there, just in case you were looking for me too.
Maybe I was wrong, maybe I do want you, but why did we have to end with me bad-mouthing you? I guess it triggered something in me, you showed no respect for my boundaries, so I left. That was the first red flag you showed, then I left, what was the point of making you court me anyway? Was it for the thrill? The thrill that I didn't need? I might just be full of myself, really.
Come back to me.
"What's up with her?"
"Oh, heard she made Jenna stop courting her."
"You're kidding. How can she say no to The Jenna Ortega??"
For some reason, I hated hearing your name in the hallway, it reminds me of how bad I really seemed. Of how insensitive I was to you.
"Jenna's been awfully stressed lately."
"Might be that girl she last talked to.."
Oh, I hate hearing how bad you've gotten, even when I see you in the corner smiling and grinning like what we had was nothing.
I miss you..
"Do you think they'd miss eachother at the same time?"
"Hmm, sometimes. Jenna's doing okay now anyways, so that doesn't matter."
Were you over me? Over us? I hoped you'd keep your promise when you said you'd wait, I wish you had, gosh I wish you did.
"Bro, I heard someone's trynna make a move on Jenna."
"Seriously? Did Jenna say yes??"
"I think so!"
I saw you walking up to his car for a drive, did you think about me when you got in? When you locked eyes with him? Where was I? Where did I stand with you?
I never had the chance to call you mine.
If it's still an option, I hope it can happen now.
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imthegayone · 1 year
A Broken Rib (drabble)
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Summary: You broke a rib during a stunt, earning yourself a scolding by your girlfriend.
Warrnings: mention of bruising? and some errors (reread this maybe twice)
Author's Note: A small little drabble cause I wanted to get something out for you all but these wips are kicking my ass rn. Also this is inspired by an interview where Britney Snow (i think) broke a rib during a stunt where she had to ram against a car to break it's widow and a fic I read a bit ago were Jenna sprains her ankle at work when she's distracted by a video of reader. (sadly I can't find it or I'd link it) Hope you enjoy 🩵
Word Count: 431
“You’re never doing that again.” Jenna reprimands a look in her eyes that says there’s no room for negotiation. However, it was an accident, you knew that and she knew that. The stunt was easy, even your manager agreed that you could ram yourself into the car for the scene. It didn’t stop Jenna from worrying though, the second she was told about your hospital visit a nervous pit settled deep in her stomach. 
“Jen.” You groan, you’re in need of sleep and just want to be held in the shorter girl's arms while you watch your favorite comfort movie. “Don’t Jen, me I’m not the one in trouble, you are.” Crossing her arms, you finally notice just how high her anxiety was. Understanding exactly how much stress someone could put themselves under when not knowing the condition of their loved one. You had experienced the same mounting fear when she sprained her ankle on set a year ago.
You sigh, never wanting to make her sick with worry especially when you were fine. “Baby, I’m okay. It’s one broken rib, plenty of people get broken ribs and survive.” 
“I’m just a little sore.” You add, prodding at the growing colors splayed across your abdomen. “And bruised.” Jenna mumbles knowing she’s not gonna get anywhere with you. You grab her hand placing it above your heart. “I’m fine. We got the shot, neither I nor Naomi need to redo it.” 
“She’s doing all your stunts from now on and I mean it.” Jenna gives you her best stern eyes but she knows you, you’re just like her when it comes to things like this. If you can do it yourself then why not? 
“You know I can’t promise that.” Jenna sighs knowing you’re right. She gently wraps you up in a hug, careful not to hurt you further. She’ll have plenty of time to scold you but for now she’d rather get you into bed to rest. “Just take it easy next time, okay? If you need a break, take one.” 
“I will. I promise.” Promising sincerely, your y/e/c eyes boring into her soft brown ones. “Too bad there’s not gonna be a scar though, I heard women love scars.” You tease, breaking the tension.
“Oh my god, please shut up.” Jenna says hiding her face in your neck at your embarrassing statement. Unable to contain her chuckle at your silly excuse for flirting. “I love you, even though you’re a reckless idiot.” 
“Yeah but I’m your reckless idiot.” 
Squeezing her tighter in your hold. “I love you too.”
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void-wolfie · 1 year
summary: jenna helps you with your insomnia.
pairing: Jenna Ortega x gn!Reader
tw: none, pure fluff (not unless you include my terrible writing lol)
words: 360
a/n: not my best work but i felt bad for not updating in a little while... life's been chaotic so i haven't had the time/energy to write much lol... don't worry y'all, new content coming...eventually?
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You rolled over on your side again, trying to get more comfortable, hoping that maybe if you were in just the position you might be able to fall asleep.
What was most likely only thirty seconds felt more like thirty years. You tossed again, rolling back around, trying to be gentle so you wouldn’t wake up your girlfriend sleeping next to you.
More minutes passed and still nothing. Your mind just wouldn't shut off. Sometimes it was random thoughts, other times you were starting at the back of your eyelids, hoping you'd eventually fall asleep.
Still nothing...
You leaned over, checking the time on your phone; 3:15 am. So much for a good night's sleep...
You put your phone back on the nightstand, wiggling back under the covers to get comfortable again.
"Mmmm, baby..." An arm was draped over your waist and your girlfriend's groggy voice broke the silence of the room, "why are you awake?"
You felt bad for waking her up with all your tossing and turning. But you couldn't help it.
"I'm sorry, love. I just can't fall asleep,"
Jenna snuggled closer to you, wrapping her arms around you, and burying her face in your chest.
"Did you take your meds?"
"Babe…" even in her half-asleep state she still found the energy to scold you.
"I know, I know," you sighed, "I just don't like taking them, they make me feel sleepy the next day,"
She sighed, it was way too late to take them now, not unless you wanted to be comatose for the rest of the day. But it gave her another idea to try.
"Come here," she pulled you closer to her, practically draping you across her small frame.
You settled in between her legs, your ear pressed right against her chest, listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
She grabbed her phone from the nightstand, putting on some soft music before setting it back down. She raked her hands through your hair, absentmindedly fiddling with the strands.
You nodded, ever so slightly starting to drift off to sleep, "perfect..."
It wasn't even five minutes before Jenna peeked down to see you fast asleep, arms wrapped tightly around her.
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wol-fica · 1 year
Brom. I just had the perfect idea for a oneshot but idk how to write it so I'm gonna ask you 💪
Ok, so Jenna x gp reader where she recorded us having sex one time and she was showing someone some pictures on her phone and she accidentally scrolled to that video 😭
gotchu bby @deep-fried-egg (ik this is old don’t remind me)
“And that is when Aliyah slipped face first into mud.” Jenna chuckled, showing the photo to her older sister.
“Damn I wish I could’ve gone hiking with you two, looks like you had a lot of fun.” Mya said, smiling at the photos her younger sister kept showing her.
“We would’ve been so chaotic.” Jenna replied, her mind wandering back to when she went on that trip with her younger sister.
While lost in thought, she completely forgot she was scrolling for more photos and accidentally stopped a few seconds too long on a video no one should have ever seen.
Jenna wasn’t one for watching porn or anything of the sort, but she won’t lie saying she doesn’t get horny missing you when she is across the country. So, she sat down with you and asked if she could take a few videos to keep her awake and alive whenever she is filming far away from home.
This was one of those videos, what you liked to label as a sex tape. Jenna were on her back, her hands handcuffed to the headboard behind her. With her arms up, her chest was on full display, breasts bouncing beautifully to each thrust from your hips. Farther down on the screen, her legs were spread wide open with you in between, your cock buried in her soft heat while you fucked her and stretched her thoroughly.
Jenna remembered that time like it was yesterday, because it was. After her day trip with Aliyah, she was exceedingly desperate for you, hence why she came home and asked you to film another video for her folder labeled away-from-home-collection. She remembered how you handled her, rough and straight to the chase when she politely asked you to rail her.
The video played for only 3 seconds, but that was enough for one to see the way your cock slid back and forth easily through Jenna’s cunt. How her abdomen muscles tensed when she came, and how your dick got covered with a new layer of her cum. One could also see how Jenna was being practically manhandled, her wrists cuffed, her legs forced open by you while you pounded into her. What a sight to see.
“Oh my god!” Jenna almost yelled, pressing her phone to her chest.
Mya looked aghast, eyes wide with disbelief while her stare followed the phone. The audio was still playing from the video, Jenna’s moans filling the now quiet kitchen. Jenna quickly shut her phone off, staring straight ahead in pure embarrassment.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered, clutching her phone like it was a bomb.
Then a wolf whistle from her right.
Jenna snapped her head to her younger sister, gawking when she saw how she was laughing.
“Oooo Wee! I didn’t know you and Y/N filmed porn!” Aliyah yelled, cackling while clutching her stomach, “Is that your new genre? Can’t get enough of horror?”
“Aliyah.” Jenna said through her teeth, face flushed red.
“Maybe she had to take a step up from X.” Mya said from her left, causing Jenna to now look at her with the same gawked expression.
“Who’s the church mouse turned bad girl now?” Aliyah joked, laughing and slapping her knee at the reference.
“Good one Ali.” Mya quipped, sipping her drink daintily, “You already know Jenna has more of those vidoes.”
“Guys!” Jenna cried out, letting her head fall into her hands, “This is so embarrassing.”
“Nothing to be embarrassed about ReeRee.” Aliyah said, wiping tears from her eyes, “I’m sure Y/N is great in bed anyways.”
“You should’ve seen how big she is. Jenna is lucky.” Mya mumbled loudly enough for both girls to hear.
“Mya!” Jenna shouted, throwing her hands up in exasperation, “Cmon!”
“Don’t get mad at us, you pulled up the video.” The oldest sister said, smiling behind her wine glass.
“Bet it was in the away-from-home folder.” Aliyah snorted, giggling like a school girl.
Jenna groaned into her hands, a small smile on her face from her sisters laughter filling the room.
“I’m never going to show you anything on my phone again.” She said, stuffing it safely into her pocket.
What a story it will be to tell you when she gets home.
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love in the moonlight
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summary: filming on the set of scream vi was all fun and games. until you started falling head over heels for your best friend. confessing your love in the moonlight was not at all what you expected to be doing.
word count: 1.2k fluff!!
"ugh i don't know what to do!!" you whine, falling back on the sofa in the makeup trailer.
"hey you already know what im going to suggest" jenna giggles as the makeup artist does some final touches.
"i can't just walk up to him and be all like 'oh by the way im like super in love with you' " you explain.
"no that's exactly what you need to do!" jenna pleads. she walks over to you, flopping down beside you.
"but what if i tell him and ruin the whole friendship thing" you whisper, turning your head to meet jenna's eyes.
"oh my god. have you seen the way he looks at you?? that man is in love. i guarantee it."
you look away from her, staring back up at the ceiling wondering how you got into this situation.
wrapping up your final scene for the day you head back to your trailer. not much to your surprise jack is already outside waiting for you. he;s leaning against the side of the trailer as his skin glows from the moonlight. you can't help but stare for a moment to take him all in.
"hey pretty girl! all done?" he asks, a smiling spreading across his face at the sight of you.
"mhm im so tired" you respond opening the door to your trailer. while also hiding the blush on your face from the nickname.
"you wanna get changed and go back to my place?" jack asks.
"yeah ofc! just give me a couple minutes!"
soon after you open your trailer back up making sure to turn everything off. putting your tote bag on your shoulder, you gesture to jack signaling your ready to go.
"how were your scenes today?" you ask while walking
"they were really good!! except at one point i bumped into this extra and i felt so bad. i think i made up for it by giving her my number though. she was really pretty" he explains with a giggle.
"oh, yeah that was nice" you fake a smile as you feel your heart sink.
you soon arrive back at jack's place, where you found yourself spending a lot of time. dropping your tote bag, you immediately fall back onto jack's bed.
"well someone is tired" jack laughs glancing over at you.
"movie night?" you smile while getting more comfortable.
"you know it!"
jack puts on one of your favorite movies and joins you in bed. you two had always done stuff like this but for some reason tonight felt different. jack begins talking pulling you away from your anxious thoughts.
"hey so i was thinking maybe you could help me text that girl i was telling you about" he asks while handing you his phone.
"oh yeah um sure" you say taking the phone in your hand.
"so what do you want to say" you question.
"do you think its too soon to ask her on a date?"
you try to keep your composure hearing those words come out of his mouth.
"uhm maybe not" you whisper feeling tears brim your eyes.
"okay maybe start with 'hey! i think you're super gorgeous and i was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me?' " he finishes.
you stare at the phone for a second feeling all your composure slowly break down.
"i'm too nervous to send it you do it" jack giggles fidgeting with his fingers.
"i can't im sorry" you say, a tear threatening to slip from your eye.
"what?" he questions at your sudden mood change.
feeling hot tears down your face you quickly try to get out of the room. why were you so worked up? why were you crying over such a small gesture he was making? why were you making a fool of yourself? god this was so stupid.
jack very quickly notices your distress. you're already walking out of his room before he can even get the chance to ask what's wrong. all he does is stare in shock as you gather all your belongings.
"hey hey what are you doing? what's wrong?" he questions, you can hear the full distress and concern in his voice.
"i just really need to go home" you say giving his phone back. this is the first look of you he's been able to see since you started freaking out. he grows even more worried when he sees your glassy eyes and red nose.
"was it something i did? what can i do to help?" he pleads.
"nothing i promise i just really need to go" you respond, you can feel your voice betraying you as your vision becomes blurrier.
"okay well at least let me drive you home" he says reaching for his keys on the counter.
"no jack please just let me go" you slightly raise your voice.
he stays silent and you take this opportunity to walk out the front door. quickly calling a cab, you feel your face cool as the cold wind hits your tear-stained cheeks.
"okay i tried to be considerate and let you go but i just can't. seriously what's wrong. please tell me i just want to help" he pleads.
you slowly turn around to face him. faces just inches apart, you stare into the same eyes you've loved for so long. you let your eyes roam his features, just taking him in. his cheeks and nose slowly turning a bright pink from the cold wind.
"i'm in love with you jack" you finally confess.
“and i have been for a really long while, i just never knew how to tell you" you whisper, growing insecure. he doesn't say anything for what feels like an eternity and you very quickly regret everything that has just happened.
going to turn around you are very quickly interrupted by jack's strong hands snaking around your waist pulling you closer. shocked by his movement you stare at him wide eyed. staring into each other's eyes he closes the gap and meets your lips. taking a few seconds to register what the hell is happening you very quickly kiss back.
wrapping your arms around his neck trying to get any closer you could possibly be. hands roaming his curls as his hold your waist even tighter. breaking away from the kiss you take a moment to process.
"im in love with you too" he finally confesses.
taking a moment to process everything, your thoughts finally catch up to you. "why didn't you do that like forever ago?!" you yell pushing his chest.
"what?!" he questions, confused at yet another sudden change in emotion.
"i've literally spent so much time going insane over you" you laugh.
"what!!! i've been going insane! i have been sending so many signals but you're oblivious or something!" he responds laughing as well.
"okay so we're even" you smile.
"one more thing and we're even" he responds, pulling you closer and kissing you again.
"so you're not going out with that girl right?" you question, putting your arms around his neck to hold him closer.
"oh she wasn't real i was just trying to make you jealous" he calmly explains.
"jack!! oh my god i hate you" you say in disbelief.
"mmm you just said you love me" he responds with a fake confused face.
"oh shut up" you giggle, pulling him in a for another kiss.
and there you were, two teenagers in love kissing in the moonlight.
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talesofesther · 2 years
serenity haze
Jenna Ortega x Reader
Summary: You notice the changes in Jenna in the lines that you draw; the sketches of her in your sketchbook have more lines to them, creases in her eyebrows, and shadows below her eyes. Your heart clenches painfully whenever you look at a finished piece you did of her.
Requested by anon
A/N: First time writing for her so don't crucify me pls. I still feel a tad bit weird writing about real people, but I see my Jenna as a character in a story, that's all. Hope you can enjoy this one, let me know your thoughts. Requests are always open, though be aware that I go where my inspiration takes me, and be mindful of my guidelines.
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You were naturally observant, it was a habit that came with a hobby.
You liked to draw things, and to be able to draw them, you had to observe.
Because you're observant, you tend to notice patterns, details, and moments that might go unnoticed by most.
Lately, you found yourself drawing one thing in particular — or better, one person.
Jenna Ortega captivated you, anyone who met her would probably say the same. She is captivating after all. Yet you know your feelings are different, because you see a side of her that few people do.
You had been offered a role in the new Wednesday show, it was a smaller one, but a privilege nonetheless. And this role gave you the opportunity to meet Jenna.
After the first month of working together, it was already known on set that; where you went, Jenna wasn't too far behind.
You'd catch yourself searching for her in the crowds most days, her favorite coffee order in hand. She'd greet you with a warm smile that never failed and a hug that lasted a little too long. Jenna was sunshine if sunshine could be a person, she was the most genuine girl you knew; beautiful inside and out.
It was inevitable that she became your muse.
Unbeknownst to you — and maybe even to herself — Jenna felt drawn to you too. You were quietness, you were calmness, you were the steadiness she craved in her hectic life.
Jenna had no obligations with you, no expectations to meet; she could be herself, on good or bad days, and you'd still be there. She didn't know how much she needed something like that until she finally got it.
In some ways, it felt like you were her breath of fresh air whenever she needed one. Which seems to be happening quite often nowadays.
Whilst everyone was running around on set, cameras on every corner of the room, and people talking incessantly in their intercoms, Jenna was speaking with Tim about an upcoming scene in the show. She leaned back on what was one of the booths in the Weathervane cafe, crossing her arms over her chest and nodding along to his words.
He spoke about the dance, and Jenna confirmed she had almost all the choreography done already. Except she didn't.
What she had, were sleepless nights weighing down on her shoulders.
She tried to take a deep breath to calm her nerves, but it didn't do much. Her gaze skimmed over the room against her own volition, finding you sitting in a corner of the set — on the floor no less — sketchbook in hands.
Jenna felt the overwhelming urge to escape to your world.
Dark lines steadily appeared on the paper along with the drag of your pencil. You bit into your lower lip, a habit of concentration, and glanced up at Jenna; only to notice her eyes already on you.
The heat that came to your cheeks was instant and you gave her a sheepish smile. She caught you red-handed. Hopefully, she wouldn't bring it up.
Because, how could you resist? When Jenna is standing there against the sun, golden rays highlighting all her features for you; from the curve of her lips, to the tip of her nose, to the shape of her eyebrows. Flawless.
You couldn't resist taking out your book and drawing a quick sketch of her. Sometimes for you, watching people from afar was much better than seeing them up close, you could capture their essence fully, notice each little quirk or mannerism.
Take Jenna for example; her thumbs brush the fabric of her Nevermore uniform as she speaks with Tim, she's nodding eagerly to everything he says, not able to stay still on her feet. She's a little nervous, a little anxious. You could tell from the other side of the room.
It's no secret that filming this series is taking a toll on Jenna — your pencil traces the outline of her jaw on your sketchbook before you move to her eyes, and around them, you see yourself being forced to add just a tad more shadow; it's been happening for a while — you see her exhaustion in the lines that you draw.
The rough image of her stared back at you from your sketchbook, and part of you wanted to take her hand and go away for a day or two.
There's a sudden presence beside you that makes you flinch back to reality. Jenna sat down on the floor with you; she rests her head back against the wall, a lazy smile tugging at her lips.
She brought her knees closer to her chest, making herself look smaller than she already is. Turning to look at you, all she asked was; "what are you drawing?"
There's always a silent understanding between you both. You bumped her shoulder with yours, "that's confidential information."
And she actually pouts, lower lip jutted out and big doe eyes pleading at you; "even for me?"
"Especially for you," you mumbled, not sure if she heard or not.
Jenna doesn't inquire further, forever reciprocating the serenity you bring to her life. She slumped closer to you, allowing her head to fall on your shoulder, blindly trusting you to hold her weight if so needed.
You placed your sketchbook aside, focusing solemnly on her. Your cast and crew mates are still walking around, no one spares a glance at the two actresses who sit on the floor of Jericho's cafe; it feels like your own little bubble of peace for a precious minute.
"Were you and Tim discussing a new scene?" You asked eventually, gently leaning your head on top of hers.
Jenna hummed, "it's a dance that will happen at the school party, I'm creating Wednesday's choreography."
"That's exciting, do you have anything already?"
"Not really. I've got two weeks."
The turmoil of emotions was so evident in Jenna's tight voice that you almost pulled away so you could look her in the eyes and tell her… you're not sure what you'd say, but something to ease it.
Yet you held back, choosing instead to take her hand and whisper 'you got this' against her hair.
Things only got worse after your little moment.
Jenna has been on autopilot. You doubt she's sleeping, or resting at all. She's always the first one to arrive on set and the last one to leave.
The sketches of her in your sketchbook have more lines to them, creases in her eyebrows, and shadows below her eyes. Your heart clenches painfully whenever you look at a finished piece you did of her.
It was a Saturday night, you sat on the roof of your trailer, enjoying the starry sky above you, the cold breeze around you. With the flashlight of your cellphone on, you turned the pages of your sketchbook, reminiscing the drawings of last week; until a rather loud noise caught your attention.
You looked around you with a confused frown. The set's parking lot was empty, with only a few street lamps on, and no one in sight.
This could be a cliche horror movie scene. You could feel a chill running down your back; but then you caught sight of Jenna's trailer, the lights were on.
Checking your phone, you realized you had been sitting outside for longer than you thought. 1:37 AM.
Not giving yourself much room to chicken out, you hopped down from your trailer, stuffed your sketchbook in your pants pocket, and walked up to her door.
You hesitated, awkwardly hovering outside Jenna's trailer in the dead of night. Your stomach was twisting and turning unpleasantly. Coming from inside, you could hear the faint melody of 'Goo Goo Muck' playing.
Your worry got the best of you. Taking a deep breath, you raised your fist to the door, and knocked.
The music stopped abruptly, and you heard shuffling from inside her trailer. And then nothing, the silence stretched for a few good seconds, before her door finally swung open.
Jenna stood in front of you and got your heart shattering a little. She was a bit of a mess; hair up in a disheveled bun, only in an oversized hoodie and sweatpants yet you could see her forehead glistening with sweat, her lips quivered softly with each breath she took, and you could tell her eyes were red-rimmed if you looked closely.
"Hi Jenna," you started with a timid smile, "uh- I'm sorry to bother, it's just, I was out and I saw your lights on and just wanted to ask if everything's okay."
Jenna gulped down the lump in her throat, fidgeting with the sleeves of her hoodie; "yeah it's fine, I'm fine." She tried mimicking your smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.
"Okay," you whispered sympathetically, seeing right through the lie.
"Um-" Jenna cleared her throat, but it sounded more like a soft sob. She avoided meeting your eyes then. "Would you- would you like to come in?"
It was a plea more than anything else. You didn't hesitate in saying yes.
You closed the door behind you and glanced around her trailer; she had her laptop on her bed, YouTube page opened to The Cramps' song; there was a stress ball rolling around on the floor, you figured that's where the loud noise from earlier came.
"I'm working on the dance," Jenna turned to you, threading her fingers through her fringe, restless.
"And how is it going?" You asked, though you had a feeling you knew the answer.
"I can't come up with anything," Jenna shrugged, chuckling humourlessly as her eyes welled up with tears.
Your heart was trying to escape your chest — Jenna's eyes were shining under the orange lights of the trailer, hands trembling as she tried to hold herself together — you took a step closer to her; "Jenna, I think you just need to let your mind rest for a while, have you-"
"I can't," she cut you off urgently, "the scene is one week away. One week. And I have nothing," tears started to roll down her cheeks, but you don't think she realized it.
Jenna started walking from one side to another of the small cramped space of her trailer, "I can't think of anything that would fit Wednesday, and we're shooting this scene next week. I told Tim I could handle it and yet I have nothing, what am I gonna tell him? That we're gonna have to postpone shooting because I can't come up with a fucking choreography?"
By the end of her rant, Jenna was panting heavily, borderline hyperventilating. Her tears came nonstop as sobs shook her body. She was hugging herself, chasing some type of comfort that wasn't there.
Your worry finally escaped you and you closed the distance between you both. You took her face in your hands, cupping her cheeks as your thumbs gingerly brushed away the wetness there; "Jen, look at me," you spoke softly, not missing the way her hands came to desperately grasp at your shirt, "breathe with me okay? Can you do that?"
A fresh batch of tears hit your thumbs and you felt your chest crack open; yet Jenna nodded, all reddish nose and glistening eyes.
You took a deep breath in, held it for a second, and then exhaled, watching closely for the way that she'd copy the motion. You did it a couple of times until her breathing was finally somewhat even.
"There you are," you mumbled, regarding her with a bittersweet smile when her eyes found yours, "you're okay," you promised, brushing away a few wisps of hair that clung to her skin.
A sob escaped Jenna's lips as soon as she heard the words, letting her forehead lean into yours in a silent request.
You gladly complied, raising your lips to place a kiss between her brows before guiding her head to rest on your shoulder. You embraced her body flush with yours, arms sliding around her back until you felt the curve of her spine. The thudding of her heart mingling with yours.
You could feel the gentle trembling of her body from time to time. It only made you hold her tighter.
Jenna had a death grip on you, your shirt bunched up on her fists as if you'd disappear if she let go. She buried her head on your shoulder, seeking a safe place, "I'm so tired," she spoke against you, words muffled.
"I know," you kissed her temple, "I know."
You're not sure if you held Jenna for five minutes or one hour, but you stood there for as long as she needed. And when she was ready to pull away, bright and puffy eyes timidly looking at you with nothing but gratitude, you didn't say anything; all you did was turn off her laptop and put it away for the night, dimming the lights on her trailer to give her body a much-needed break.
Then, you sat down beside her on her bed. There was a reasonable distance between you that she was quick to close, sitting shoulder to shoulder with you.
"Be honest with me now, have you been sleeping this past week, at all?" You raised a brow at her.
Jenna pursed her lips, in some ways resembling a child who'd been caught stealing from the cookie jar, "that obvious?" She asked, ducking her head to hide behind her fringe.
"Very," you smirked, "for me at least."
That got her looking up at you with tender curiosity, she was looking more like herself already.
With your heart in your mouth, you fished for your sketchbook in your pocket. You handed it to her without daring to breathe.
Jenna flipped through the pages as if they'd crumble between her fingers; carefully, reverently. You could hear the way her breath caught when she found herself between the sketches, once, twice, and then again and again. Different versions of her by your eyes; talking, thinking, walking, smiling, laughing, sometimes even scowling.
And Jenna has never seen herself look so beautiful, so enchanting. Is this how you see her?
Her vision got blurred again but she gulped it back this time, "it's so beautiful," was all she could whisper, smile tugging at her lips as her fingers traced one of the lines that formed her.
"You are," was your answer, in the same quiet tone, afraid to break the spell holding this moment.
Jenna's eyes turned up to you at last, big and vulnerable, almost completely black because of her pupils. She leaned in just a tad, your noses shy of brushing each other — gravity, magnetism, fate; whatever it might be, trying to push you together.
You ran your tongue over your bottom lip in a motion that she followed, "tomorrow, I'll help you with your dance," you took hold of her free hand, intertwining your fingers, "and it's gonna turn out amazing."
Jenna giggled, and you wanted to bottle up the sound and keep it forever.
"Tonight," you copied her smile, "we'll rest, okay?"
Bringing your hand up to her lips, Jenna planted a kiss on your knuckles, "okay."
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Jenna’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @thenextdawn @alexkolax @aahdiieb @mindingmybidness12 @melthedwarf
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yooglefics · 4 months
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Intentions don’t mean much.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x fem!partner Wordcount: 670 words Genre: Angst. Hurt / comfort. Established relationship. Song drabble. Summary: Yoongi is having some bad days and, in the end, deciding to keep it to himself to not worry his partner is not the best idea. More info under read more.
Includes: Mentions of bad mental health, implied depression. Nothing too dark but Yoongi overthinks a lot. Lack of communication. Author's note: A little drabble inspired by The Craving ( Jenna's version ) because I just had to write something after listening to it. Is pretty short but I kind of like it as is, because it can be read with the song in the background uwu. Hope you like it! If you do please remember to leave a reblog, like, follow, comment or send an ask, donate on ko-fi and what not. As always, thank you for reading <3
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He is scared of putting too much weight on her shoulders, of driving her crazy because of his thoughts, and fears; the problems in his head, the ones that don't even have anything to do with her.
On bad days he tries to be reassuring. Holding her hand while sharing a cup of coffee and cuddling with her on the couch. Yes, it’s a bit selfish because it does good to him too, knowing she is with him even when his psyche reminds him of the possibility that they, too, are part of something temporary. That it could end sooner than expected, which is not much to say since he doesn't want it to end at all.
Is not that he doesn't believe she loves him, of course not. He believes everything she says, even the little conspiracy theories she rambles about at night in their bedroom. But, his brain tells him, life is unpredictable and the world goes around and around and around and…
When it gets too bad he spends most hours of the day in his studio. Even sleeps (or at least tries to) there. She brings him lunch and he kisses her cheek or forehead, sweetly and full of love. An attempt to not worry her.
Some nights, as he lays on the leather couch, he hopes she will knock on the door, looking for him and asking him to come to bed. He would say yes, even if that meant just playing with her hair as she fell asleep on his chest while he lays with his eyes open and his mind never shooting down.
But it doesn’t happen. 
Is still dark outside when he hears her socket steps against the wooden floors, the beeps and trumps of the coffee machine following close behind, and he decides to join. 
“Isn't it too early for coffee?” he asks, leaning in the doorway.
“Is six, just one hour early.”
“How did you sleep?”
He keeps quiet, a bit confused with himself as to how he didn't realize so much time passed.
“Did you sleep?” She asks instead, tone different this time and he doesn't like something in it.
“Don't worry about it.” He tries to dismiss, coming closer and wrapping his arms around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder while they wait for the melancholy sounds announcing their beverage is ready.
But a sniff comes instead.
It takes a second for his tired brain to register it, yet is quick to react when she tries to move away, hugging her firmly against his chest. “What is it?”
“Nothing. Is silly.” she murmurs back.
“Tell me anyway?”
“Is just… after so long, I don’t know a lot about you still. And I wish I did.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cry about it. I don’t know what just—” 
“Hey,” he softly calls out, turning her around as he looks for her gaze, “don’t apologize for it. Is on me, I’m going through some shit but I’m okay.”
She worries her lip between her teeth before asking, “Have you slept at all in the last few days?”
“A little bit.” Pretty vague, not wanting to bring concern around his insomia. But her eyes get glossy again and his open in surprise. In realization that doing that is what is upsetting her. He hates that. “I slept a couple hours yesterday after lunch, maybe that’s why I’m still awake.”
“You aren't tired then?”
A different kind, he thinks. And considers answering that while she fixes his hair, but he still isn't sure. “Maybe you just need to do that for a while so I don't wake up until tomorrow.”
That makes her smile and her eyes fall to his again. But is hard to ignore the bags under them and the bigger issues. “I'm going to the store later, I'll bring you that tea we saw the other day. We can drink that before going to bed and see if it helps. Deal?”
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♡ Tag list: @n33mesis , @sexytholland , @mggv97 , @wobblewobble822 , @bbou-doir , @m00njinnie , @itsmina29 , @nariee02 , @ktownshizzle .
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rbr4c1ng · 4 months
Hii! I was wondering if you could maybe explain the bus bros fallout or p2p gate or pretty much all of the McLaughlin-Newgarden lore to me since I'm only getting in to IndyCar now and I want to be caught up before the 500. I understand this is a big ask but I've seen that youve posted about it and I just NEED to know. Any links to other pieces of lore would also be much apreciated. Completely understand if you don't want to write anything though so thank you so much I advance!! <3
YES ABSOLUTELY I WILL EXPLAIN! this is my special interest dw i could write an 18 page essay about their lore.
SO basically scott came into indycar from supercars in 2020-2021 ish and him a josef started getting along like super well, which is honestly a bit odd bc josef is known to not really let people get so close to him, so scotty is a bit of an outlier in that respect.
eventually! they make bus bros!!! wooooo everyone loves it etc etc they have fun making it…. until they don’t! leading up to their breakup there were QUITE a few clues that they knew it was gonna end in flames like scott talked about it on off track (see audio excerpt below) and on hot seats with hinch if i remember correctly?
there’s also a fair share of articles that mention it. they basically knew it was inevitable but i don’t think anyone thought it was gonna happen so quickly??
so then the winter break leading into the 2024 szn happened! this is about when i started getting really into bus bros and was honestly pretty present for some of this shit (i was at the daytona 24 and st pete so i’ve got some first hand evidence but we will get to that later)… anyways so the rumors start going around that bus bros is over around?? st pete time i think??? a little bit earlier. which is odd given that they seemed okay with each other at the daytona 24, even though i thought it was strange that they weren’t both on tower motorsports anymore cause josef switched to penske porsche but GENERALLY it seemed okay (although based on this pic idk their relationship seems a little charged atp but it’s all speculation really)
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then after the rumors come out i think it was jenna fryer’s article that did it in? (idk it has a paywall on it for me right now and i don’t care enough to find it here but there’s definitely excerpts floating around) now i do recommend to take anything jenna fryer says with a grain of salt bc she is essentially a gossip columnist for all intents and purposes. but the article basically said that josef and scotty were done and scott wouldn’t answer any questions about it and was only saying that they’re fine or to ask josef about it (tea from todays 100 days to indy episode actually…). they promptly took down the bus bros merch site and have been relatively quiet since then. at st pete they talked on the podium and didn’t seem too bad but i’ve seen other clips where they won’t even sit next to each other or speak to each other so take that as you will. podiums are pretty much just publicity, cameras everywhere, you’d probably want to seem at least cordial with your teammate.
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(pic 1 is mine, pic 2 is a pic of my tv from todays episode LMFAO)
so heres where most of the speculative stuff comes in. Josef dissolved his media company, unfollowed everyone, and cancelled bus bros leading into the 2024 season because he wanted to “get rid of distractions”, and really we could leave it at that, but i find it hard to believe that that’s the only thing that happened.
Josef is the dictionary definition of Penske Perfect, you won’t get any closer to it than him. he’s fucking OBSESSED with this idea of being perfect. perfect season, perfect body, perfect car, perfect team. obviously this isn’t feasible, but scotty seemed to have broken through that block in his little Penske Perfect brain and got him to LIGHTEN UP A BIT. and then the 2023 season happened. sure, josef won the indy 500 but it was one of his worst season finishes in a while and, to make matters worse, scott BEAT him. little scotty mac, supercars champion transplant from 2021 beat josef newgarden at his own fucking game after breaking down his walls and making him soft. i can see how that scared josef honestly. so he ended it. Scott doesn’t see things on a plane of winning/losing imo, everything is just experience for him. hell, he didn’t even know if he would end up in indycar and he sure as hell didn’t think he’d win races so soon AND beat his teammate. to josef, it’s JUST winning/losing. if he’s losing, he needs to be better. and he lost sight of that for the 2023 season. that’s why he had to come back and put an end to the shenanigans bc he knows scott makes him soft.
but that’s just my speculation!!!!! literally could just be nothing. maybe it is to josef, but i know for a FACT it isn’t to scott.
OH and with the p2pgate stuff! basically they had a component in their car that. was not supposed to be there! that prevented race control from turning off their push to pass like normal. (marshall pruitt has a rlly good article explaining it all here) and they were caught in long beach when race control forgot to turn on the push to pass during the sunday warm up and HMMMMM why do the penske cars still have it???? when has this happened before??? oh ok st pete! now they’re disqualified. josef used 9 seconds of p2p when it was not enabled and scotty only used 1.9 and will used none. so i’m led to believe that it was a josef-centered choice IF it was intentional to use the p2p when it was supposed to be inactive.
now josef really laid down the water works for that press conference at barber to the point that i was having a VERY hard time watching it. i felt bad for the guy. he seemed really fucking upset and i almost believe that it WASNT on purpose but. it’s just too good to be true right?
honestly i think this all could tie back to the downfall of bus bros in that scott maybe didn’t want to do the p2p thing but josef was willing to? and maybe that caused some sort of divide between them bc then again for josef it’s about Winning No Matter What, and yes scott wants to win but cheating isn’t the way for him. idk.
for more of their lore when they WERE friends, watch bus bros (duh), admit one, 100 days to indy, scott learns america: nashville, hot seats with hinch, and listen to scott’s episode on off track with hinch and rossi! also there are some very brief interactions between them on some older penske games videos before bus bros was even a thing but it’s not much. there are more but i can’t think of them rn…
sorry for rambling, if you have any more qs feel free to ask!!! i’m always available for brain picking :)
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jenna0rtega27 · 6 months
hi! I found you just a few days ago and i love your stories, love the way you write.. you're my comfort writer, really!
I kind of have an idea for a story and, if you can and want, i'd like you to write it.
It's a fem!reader x jenna
R is an actress, jenna's coworker.
During a IG live, someone in the comments insults Jenna and Reader is sooo pissed off about it and she answers to the comment defending her with so much passion and "fire" that she ends up accidentaly confessing she's in love with the girl.
The video goes viral and R is ashamed and embarassed, she starts avoiding her castmates, especially Jenna, 'cause she's afraid to be rejected by the girl.
Live IG
Thank you for asking Jenna x F!Reader Summary: RequestWarnings: Maybe some drama but nothing alarming Thank you for your comment and your request. It means a lot to me to be your comfort writer. And that’s exactly why I write. I want to make people happy. And if it’s writing that can make people happy then I’m fulfilled. I love you all and thank you very much for all your support, it really warms my heart. Continue to send me your requests, I love reading you so much. Number of words: 1963
" Are you ready? »
" Yes I am ready. » You and Jenna are getting ready to do an Instagram live. Jenna is your work colleague but also your best friend. But the little brunette is also your biggest crush. But you never dared to talk to him about it for fear of ruining your friendship and that would be your biggest loss.
In short, like every Monday, you and your best friend do an Instagram live to be able to interact with your fans.
Jenna starts the live and you watch the first people to arrive.
"Hello everyone. » You have always loved with your fans. Without them you would not be where you are today.
Jenna sits next to you on the couch and your thighs touch. You try not to panic and blush at the proximity. Jenna's phone is hung on a tripod so she doesn't have to hold the phone.
“Ask us questions and we will try to answer them. »
Jen_Y/n: are you in a relationship?
“No, we’re just best friends. » Jenna replies with a big smile and taking your arm in hers.
“Yeah, we’re just best friends. » You try very hard not to show that you are hurt by Jenna's response. Even if you're not together, it hurts when your crush says you're just friends.
You've been live for 30 minutes now and there are over a million people watching you. You are always so intimidated every time there are so many people on the live show. Because you know that right now, lots of fans and even non-fans are recording you either to post it on their fan account, or to use it against you later.
As you read the comments, your jaw is picking at someone saying a lot of crap about Jenna.
User5647392948465: Jenna is so ugly. Plus it's too small. Y/n I don’t understand how you manage to be with this shit.
User5647392948465: Plus Jenna is so bad. She is literally the worst actress I have ever seen play. Take it off the set and send it somewhere else so that we never see it again and can never talk about it again.
You turn your head and see Jenna looking at the comment and you swear you saw a tear in your best friend's eye. Seeing his sad crush made you angry that you weren't able to remember what you were going to say next.
“Listen User thing, Jenna is the best actress I know. And she's not just the best actress, she's also the brightest, smartest, mentally strong and kindest I know. And she is the most beautiful woman on this Earth. And you know what, we're always going to talk about her. I will always talk about her because I am madly in love with this magnificent woman. »
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. But soon you realize what you just said and your eyes widen. Your cheeks redden with shame. You couldn't think of what you had just said. You have just admitted that you are in love with Jenna in front of millions of people but especially in front of the person who concerns her.
“I think we’re going to go.” It's starting to get late. Goodbye everyone and thank you for being there. We'll see you again soon for another live. Bye. » Jenna thanks and cuts the Instagram live. You remain frozen. You don't want to look at Jenna. You are sure she is angry with you. You just screwed up your relationship. She will never want to see you again.
" I have to go. » You get up without saying goodbye to Jenna and leave your best friend's house. Or ex best friend?
You run to your car and once inside you collapse. “But what a fucking cunt I am!” » You scream and hit the steering wheel, letting hot tears flow down your cheeks. You put your forehead on the steering wheel and scream.
“I’m just a big fucking bitch!” FUCK!!! » You continue to hit the steering wheel and you are sure that the next day your hands were going to have bruises from how hard you hit.
After 5 minutes, you notice that you are still in Jenna's driveway. You wipe your eyes and quickly leave for home. After 20 minutes of traffic, you arrive home. When you get home, you immediately head to your bed. You don't force yourself to change or eat. You go to your bed and continue crying until you fall asleep from exhaustion.
It's now been 3 days since the big reveal and your phone hasn't stopped ringing. Videos have been posted of you saying your declaration of love. You are so ashamed of yourself. Jenna sent you lots of messages and calls but you didn't respond to any of them. Even your friends sent you messages to see if you were ok. You make yourself sick thinking that Jenna will never forgive you. And you especially think that she is calling you to break up your friendship.
5 days now and you are still locked in your house. You still don't talk to anyone. You hardly eat anymore. All you do is watch TV and cry yourself to sleep. Every day you think of the little brunette who you miss so much.
Today it is raining heavily. The sky is gray, there is lightning and thunder. A bit like your feelings. It's 5 p.m. and you're listening to season 3 of Outer Banks while trying to forget about Jenna. But your mind is still focused on the little brunette.
After 15 minutes of the 1st episode, you hear someone knocking on the door. You huff in anger. All you want is to be quiet and cry for the rest of your life. So you let it go. The person will perhaps leave thinking that there is no one there.
But other blows are heard and louder than the first time.
“It’s okay, I’m coming! When someone doesn't respond, it's because they're either not there or they don't want to respond to you. » You say, getting up from the couch and going to open the door to yell at the person who is bothering you in your moment of sorrow.
But when you open it, you open your eyes wide, not expecting at all from the person right in front of you.
“Jenna?” » The little brunette was completely soaked. Her hair was stuck to her beautiful face and it was stained with her running mascara.
Without answering, Jenna pushed you and walked inside. You are surprised by her behavior and why she is here at your house. Jenna looked furious. And you hope it’s not because of your statement you made on your last Instagram live.
“Why didn’t you ever call me back when I texted you or called you?!” I was worried to death! » Jenna practically shouts at you.
“You know very well Jenna why I didn’t talk to you. » You say, looking at the ground and playing with the ring on your thumb.
“Well you should have called me back or at least sent me a message to let me know you wanted it!” Even your friends you didn't talk to them! »
“To tell you what Jenna?!” I'm sorry for ruining our friendship?! Sorry for developing feelings for you?! » Your anger was growing. You don't want to take it out on Jenna but you've been keeping your anger buried so much that you have to explode in front of Jenna.
“Our friendship has never ruined Y/n. » Jenna said more slowly as she slowly approached you. You look at her as tears flow freely down your cheeks.
“Jenna, I humiliated myself in front of everyone. And because of me, everyone is sending you the live video. » You respond sadly.
“Y/n I don’t care about this video. All I want is for you to be okay after this. When I called you and you didn't answer, or you didn't respond to my messages, I thought you were never going to talk to me again. I was so scared. » Said Jenna as she too had tears running down her cheeks.
You frown in confusion.
“Jenna, you should be the one pushing me away, not the other way around. It was me who humiliated you in front of over a million people. You have nothing to reproach yourself for. I should be the one to blame. I ruined our relationship. » Your last sentence is weakened by tears and the fear of losing Jenna.
“Y/n can I tell you something?” » You nod your head to continue. “I remember the first time we saw each other was on the set of X. The first time I saw you, I wondered who this beautiful, magnificent woman was. This woman with beautiful y/h/c to y/e/c. You looked so beautiful in this costume that made you look so sexy. » You feel your cheeks redden at Jenna's words. “I told myself that I have to go talk to him, otherwise I would blame myself for the rest of my life. And you know what? It was the best idea of ​​my life. Because I met a strong, intelligent, courageous and so kind woman. But above all very sexy. » You both laugh at the last comment. “And after filming X, we became best friends. But I was missing something. For a long time I wondered who I was missing. »
“And what was that? »
“It was you Y/n. Every time I saw you, butterflies flew in my stomach. Every time you smiled, laughed or spoke, I loved you more every day. But at first I didn't want to admit it to myself because I thought you were straight. But when I saw you defending me the other day, I knew in that moment what my feelings for you were. » Jenna steps forward and cups your cheeks in her hands. “I’ve been in love with you Y/n for so long. »
You don't believe your ears. Your crush for years confesses his feelings to you. You wanted to pinch yourself to see if you would wake up. But Jenna's thumbs gently caressing your cheeks brings you back to reality.
“I love you so much Jenna. You can't believe how much I love you. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. » You place your hands on his hips and rest his forehead against his. Jenna runs one hand through your hair and the other on the back of your neck and scratches your skin with her nails.
" Can I kiss you? » Jenna asks you looking into your eyes and doing the triangle technique. You do the same and accept immediately. Jenna leans towards you but you step back. The brunette looks at you confused but you place your lips on hers. You wanted to kiss him first.
The kiss is soft and slow. There is no language just pure love. Jenna's lips are exactly what you imagined. They are sweet, pulpy, they taste like cherries.
You continue kissing before pulling away for lack of air. Your forehead is pressed against Jenna's and you look at her lovingly. She looks at you the same way.
“Jenna would you like to be my girlfriend?” » You ask with a smile on your face seeing her smile after your question.
“Yes Y/n, I want to be your girlfriend. » You both smile madly before launching into a kiss that's a little more intense than the first.
For now, your life is filled with happiness.
Thank you and fuck you User5647392948465.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Heyyyy I finally got an idea (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
It again Mafia Au since I liked the prev one so much shshshhshshs.
Buuuuut this time it's an enemies to lovers.
R and J's gangs have a rivalry for wtvr reason.
But when J and her groopies gets captured by another gang (too many gangs) one of jens dudes who fled the scene came to R for help.
After a while she went and got her rival back (and the others ಠ⁠∀⁠ಠ)
Maybe R patching up Jenna, them getting together? only if you want. though
Again if this makes you uncomfortable pls delete or ignore this
Thank you broko loco
I hope you have a wonderful day
I love your requests 🫶🏻
Small heads up: I still don’t know anything about the mafia so this kinda sucks soooorrrrryyyy.
Also I figured out that Mafia stories aren’t really my thing, they just aren’t as good because I don’t know shit about it
Jenna Ortega x reader
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The mafia was something you grew up in, as a small kid you lost your dad. Your mom didn’t have a lot of money, you were about to live on the street when someone swoop in and decided to help you. He was a friend of your dads, his death hit him nearly as much as it hit you guys so he decided to take you in. It was how your family got into the mafia thing.
18 years later you were second leader of the group, after your second dad. He thought you everything, how to use guns, the codes of the mafia and how to earn yourself respect in a group of men.
This was also how you met the Ortegas, leader of one of the other biggest Mafia groups around. You were taught to despise them and honestly you got why, they were arrogant, it was impossible to talk to them and they were unfriendly. Your group also had its flaws, that’s for sure, but there was no way that you were this bad. Sure, sometimes you guys were a bit stubborn but you were always willing to help, or at least most of the time, and it was always possible to talk to you.
The rivalry with the other group went from verbal fights to physical fights in open spaces or bars. Nobody has ever been killed but people were hurt to the point where it was a close call. Sometimes you wish for the fights and the rivalry to end but then their first and second leader showed up, being all snappy and up on their high horse because they had a lot of money and suddenly you were back to understanding why you had these fights.
Every once in a while on a blue moon you met Jenna, daughter of the leader of your rivals, in a bar. If you were both alone you’d sit next to each other and drink in silence for a while, then you’d talk for a minute before a weird tension builds between you two which is the moment the conversation turns into a fight and you guys part.
You were sitting in a cafe one of your members had as a side hustle, it was nice, kinda cute with lights and plants everywhere, coffee and cake, just like any other pastry were great. You were doing some work, looking for your own side hustle and drinking some iced coffee when a friend of yours came in. “It’s been quiet lately hasn’t it? I mean like suspiciously quiet” he said as he sat next to you, stealing a piece of your cake. “What are you talking about?” You mumbled as you kept scrabbling down numbers, “the Ortegas. No fight in 3 days, nobody of us has seen any of them. You have been home from the bar early yesterday which means that miss Ortega wasn’t there like she normally was” he explained, and it suddenly clicked. He was right, she wasn’t there yesterday and nobody came running to you about how someone was beaten up again. “Well, maybe they finally backed off” you answered as if you didn’t care where the girl was. “Oh, be honest. You were sad that she wasn’t there” he teased earning himself an elbow to the ribs. “Shut up and get going, I still have work to do” by now he has eaten your cake, drank half of your coffee and destroyed your order. “Alright, if you wanna lie to me” he grinned before disappearing.
Two days later and nothing happened with the Ortegas again, they were nowhere to be seen and nobody heard anything. You also hadn’t seen Jenna for a while now.
“Go and get us out of here” mister Ortega whispered towards one of his newbies who managed to escape the handcuffs and ropes. “Who am I supposed to get?!” He whispered back, “just anyone” he looked around anxiously. “I don’t know anyone, I’m new and nobody listens to me. The only one I know is y/n y/l/n” he said and started creeping away a bit. “No! Everyone but them” the leader scream whispered, “just get anyone to get us out of here. Damnit” Jenna said and ended the discussion with that.
It was rather late, you were in a bar playing billiard with the owner. It was only you, the owner, your dad Marc and about four other members when somebody entered. “We are closed” the owner said as soon as the door squeaked, when there was no response you finally looked up. “Owen?” You asked as you saw the smaller man, “I-we need help” he mumbled out as he walked further towards you. It was the first time you could take a good look at him, he had some bruises in his face and was covered in blood. “Who needs help?” One of the members asked, “the Ortega group. We-We were captured, I could escape but I can’t get them out alone, please” he pleaded looking at you. “No! We are not going. It’s their own business” Marc said causing you to gasp, “Marc” you started but he interrupted you, “no. We are rivals. We are not going to save them” Owen stood between you, unsure of what to do or what to say. “You took me in back then, you took my mother in. You told me you did it because everybody deserves a chance. Where is their chance?!” You asked, stomping onto the ground like a little kid. “They had their chance y/n! We tried to make peace. So no, we are not going. Nowhere. They brought themselves into it, they can get theirselves out of it!” He raised his voice, towering in front of you. It was something you rarely did, probably never but the way he stood there looking down at you made you uncomfortable.
But if this man taught you one thing, it was to never back down if you really believe in something. “If you aren’t going then I am” you said looking him straight in the eyes. “This is my gang y/l/n and I say we are not going” he said, his voice dangerously calm. “Then I’m going alone. You don’t have any control over me” you answered and stepped away from him to get a warm coffee for Owen.
You sat on a bench further away talking about what happened, “mister Ortega said that they are from downtown, something about them wanting to form one gang and something about a marriage but his daughter didn’t wanna marry their son. So they chose whatever this is. Y/n, I wasn’t made for this. I didn’t know it would be this hard” he explained, his hands shaking spilling some of the coffee. The thing about Jenna made your heart stop. “Give me an address and about 30 minutes. I’ll figure something out but we definitely need more people.”
So Owen gave you an address, you called one member and he send you a map of the building. “I think I have a plan” you called out, Owen immediately scooting closed. “It’s going to be extremely hard but we may be able to do it together” you started when suddenly somebody scooted in next to you. “You would really risk your life to save them?” Marc asked you as he looked down onto the plan you made. “For these unfriendly and arrogant assholes?” You nodded not daring to look at the man, scarred that you’d see the disappointment you feared would appear. “Well then, let’s call the rest” he smiled warmly with his arm around you shoulder.
He called the rest and you explained the plan. It wasn’t really a plan by now, storm the thing act like you guys were one gang and then fuck off again. “We are trying to set an example so no fights with the Ortegas!” He said before grabbing his gun and walking towards the car.
It took about 25 minutes to get there, you didn’t even try to be discreet about it, you wanted them to know that you were there. After 10 minutes you found the hostages, they were tied together. Mister Ortega looked the worst, he had open wounds, a broken leg where you could see the bone and he had bruises all over his body. You looked through the whole place but Jenna was nowhere to be found, “where is she?!” You asked her father as you pulled the gag out and untied him, “I don’t know. They took her, we couldn’t do anything” he was too weak to even stand alone. “Y/n, we have someone screaming over here” Marc called out causing you to immediately sprint towards them. The screams that came from the other side of the door made your heart clench. “We gotta go in there” you said, pulling out your gun. You kicked in the door and stepped to the side letting the others flood the room, there were around 4 shots and a like two screams, both male before you entered the room. One of yours guys was shot in the arm and the guy in front Jenna was from the other group, he was laying in front of the girl holding his stomach. You guessed that the rest of the shots didn’t hit anybody. Then your eyes finally fell onto the petite girl, her body was bloody, her nose broken and her left eye bruised, there was a cut just above her check bone and one over her eyebrow. Tears streamed down her face, rolling over the cut one her lip. Her hands were bound behind the chair and her legs were bound to a leg of the chair. She yelped out a sigh of relief when her eyes fell onto you.
You had to take a second to calm yourself before you finally walked towards her, pulling the gag out of her mouth just like you did with her father minutes ago. Pulling a pocket knife out you cut through the tape that bound her hands and legs together finally freeing her. She was still panicking and immediately stood up looking around hastily. Not even 10 seconds later her legs gave out, luckily you stood behind her and were quick to catch her. “Careful, your das seems to be okay. My guys are getting him fixed and now we need to fix you” you told her and wrapped an arm around her waist to try and support her to walk but it was no use. “I’m gonna carry you okay?” You asked her and as soon as she nodded you swooped her up, carrying her bridal style into the car. You sat in the backseat with her.
“How do you always get into stupid shit like this? You guys, all of you, could have died!” You said looking out of the window, “for real? So this is our fault?” She asked clearly pissed but you were too. “If you guys werent arrogant and wouldn’t always show how much money you have it would be possible that this didn’t happen?” She rolled her eyes but kept quiet which scared you. You looked over scanning her face, her head was leaning against the headrest with her eyes closed. There was blood coming thru her shirt and her hands were still shaking.
“Come on, let’s get you out od here. We need to take care of your wounds” and that’s what you did. You carried her out of the car and into the house where you cleaned to wounds on her face. As carefully as possible you cleaned up the dried blood and everything else before putting band aids on the cuts. “The cuts are taken care of, so you have any wounds somewhere else?” You ask as you throw the wrappers away. She shyly pulled her shirt up, which was weird because she was normally really overconfident. There were some cuts and some bruises, “I’ll clean the cuts, once the doc is done with your dad he’s going to look at the bruises alright? Don’t wanna risk Internal bleeding” you told her and disinfected the cuts. Your phone blinged, “your dad is alright. They had to bring him to the hospital to take care of his leg but other than that he has a small concussion. He will be completely fine” she smiled at you and pulled you into a hug which surprised you but you hugged her back nonetheless. “Thank you. For saving us and looking out for me” she mumbled into your neck and then you suddenly felt tears streaming down your neck. You tightened your arms that were wrapped around her waist, trying to give her comfort.
You hugged in silence for a while, then you pulled away and whipped the tears away too. “Dad didn’t think that you’d come, I know that we don’t have the best relationship but when Owen said that he only knew you I knew that we’d be safe. And I finally wanna do something about that damn tension” she rambled, her sentences weren’t really connected but it was cute. You liked her like this, it was the real her. And while you thought about how cute she was when she rambled she surged forward and pressed her lips to yours. You were quick to reciprocate the kiss, your hand on her cheek.
“Y/n, I’m here to look after … oh” the doc came inside causing you to break apart. “Oh, no. It’s fine. Come on check her out, I wanna be sure she’s fine” you smiled at her softly, a smile nobody has ever seen. “So an arranged marriage to form two gangs into one? What year is it? 1750?” You laughed out while the doc pressed onto her stomach. “I feel terrible about it. If I had agreed none of this would have happened”she sighed sadly, you grabbed her hand and shook your head. “No, that’s not true. It would have happened anyway and now you’re at least free. Which means that I can take you on a date right?” You smiled which made her smile too. “Yeah, let’s do it. I will give my dad a heart attack but hey” she laughed out causing you to grin. When the doc was done he told you that she was fine. “So how about I cook something as a first date?” You asked her making your way to the freezer to grab her something that she could press onto her bruised eye. “Or we could go to your guys bar? I’m in desperate need of a drink and I kinda just want your comfort, and you can’t do that when you’re cooking” the way she talked so shyly made your heart beat faster. Without another word you stretched your hand out for her to take. You grabbed your keys and drove her to the bar where you ordered drinks and food.
“Gosh, I’m so tired” she mumbled and rested her head on your shoulder. Without a second thought you kissed her forehead and grabbed her hand, your thumb stroking circles on the back of her hand. “I’m gonna get you home, you should sleep” you whispered into her hair. “You’re really sweet” she mumbled and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips, followed by some more. When you parted you saw Marc and mister Ortega starring at you. “Are you guys trying to kill us?” Marc asked, holding a hand over his chest while Mister Ortega just had his mouth open. “Well, we are going home so if you guys die do it outside, I don’t want my bar to smell like death” you said before standing up and pulling the young Ortega with you. “Wanna sleep over tonight?” You asked her as you started the car, she immediately nodded.
That night you laid in bed, cuddled up with Jenna in your arms. Something you didn’t really imagine would happen anytime soon. “What does this make us?” You asked her, unsure of yourself, “oh wow, the big y/n y/l/n wants to talk about what we are?” She grinned and turned around in your arms. “Let’s talk about this tomorrow okay? I’m so tired” she kissed you again before laying her head on your chest and falling asleep.
You’d talk about it tomorrow. Then you could figure out what you’d do about the rivalry and about the gangs. It would work out in the end. Right?
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infinit-world · 2 years
Maybe Christmas it’s not that bad
Pairing: Jenna Ortega X Reader I wrote it thinking of fem!reader but can be read as gn!reader
Word count: 3.35k
Summary: You end up spending Christmas with Jenna and her family.
Hi! This is my first time writing, so sorry if this is bad. Also, English is not my first language, so if you see a mistake, please let me know.
A/N I know it's too late (or early) for a Christmas fic, but this idea popped in my head and I had to write it. Hope you enjoy it!
You look at the Wednesday cast. You can’t contain the small smile that appears on your face when you see them all laughing and having a good time, chatting about their plans for the upcoming Christmas holidays. Your eyes land on Jenna, like they tend to do. You love seeing her like this, so relaxed and carefree. 
Suddenly, you feel a hand on your shoulder, seeing Emma with a smirk looking at you. "What are your plans for the holidays y/n/n?" Your smile disappears after hearing the words, without much of an idea of what to answer. "Hmm, not much, just a nice and calm dinner with some friends." The lie rolls easily, and you’re happy that she doesn’t ask anything else before going back to talk with the rest. 
See, the thing is, you don’t really like Christmas. You loved it when you were a kid, with all the gifts and special foods. But when you started to grow up things changed. Your parents didn’t get along really well with your other relatives, so dinner with the rest of the family was always filled with uncomfortable tension. You were forced to talk with people that basically didn’t care for you, just to keep the happy little family facade that everyone knew was fake, so your parents would be happy. It was exhausting. Plus, your economic situation wasn’t good, so you stopped getting presents at the age of 10. In the end, Christmas started to feel like an obligation. Seeing everyone be so excited, knowing that they had a good time with their families just added an extra bittersweet feeling. It made the longing to experience something like that stronger, and you hated it.
You excuse yourself, too distracted thinking how you will be all alone again, to notice how Jenna looks at you with a frown. You close the door to your trailer with a sight, ready to take a shower and go to bed, wanting nothing more than to have a little bit of peace. Right as you get out of the bathroom you hear a knock on your door. "I’m coming." You yell, a little confused as to who it could be. When you open the door you see Jenna and Emma. "Come in." You say while opening the door a little more. 
Once the three of you are seated on the couch you wait for one of them to start talking. "We wanted to talk with you about earlier. We noticed how you felt a little uncomfortable after asking you about Christmas. Just wanted to make sure you’re ok." Emma says softly. "I’m fine, just a little tired." " Y/n, don’t lie to us please. There’s something bothering you. If you don’t want to talk about it it’s fine, we were just worried." Jenna tells me.
You stay silent for a minute, thinking if you want to tell them the truth. They already know a few things about your past, but they don’t know the whole story. In the end, you decide to tell them. You exhale before starting. "You know I don’t have contact with my family anymore. But, the truth is, I don’t really talk with anyone else apart from you. I didn’t have a lot of friends back home, and I’ve been so focused on Wednesday, I haven’t had a lot of time to meet new people. My plan was to stay here. I don’t really like Christmas, so I don’t mind if I don’t celebrate it." You shrug trying to play it down. 
After you tell them how were your Christmas before cutting the ties with your family, they share a look of understanding before Emma starts speaking. "Well, there’s no way we’re going to let you stay here alone for the holidays. We can talk with our families and we can stay here with you. Make it special so you can finally have good memories of it."  "What?" You say shocked. "No way. I’m not letting you stay here just because of me. You haven’t seen your families in months, and I know how excited you two were to see them again. I will be fine, I promise." You say crossing your arms to emphasise how serious you were. "If you’re not going to let us stay here and we’re not going to let you stay alone, I think the only solution is for you to come with one of us." Emma nods to Jenna’s words.
You think about it. It would be nice to spend the holidays with people, and you already met Emma’s family through a video call a few months back. But still, you don’t want to be a burden. "Y/n, please." Emma gives you puppy eyes and you can feel your resolution crumbling. "Ok, ok, if your family is ok with it, I will go with you." You say. "Oh please, my mom fell in love with you since the two of you met. She will be happy to have you over."  "And, if not, you can always come with me." Jenna adds with a smile.
The next morning, while you’re in makeup, Emma comes to speak with you. "Hey y/n. I’ve talked with my mom about you tagging along for Christmas."  "Uh, ok? Did she say yes? That’s why you’re grinning like the Cheshire cat?" You ask a little confused. "Unfortunately, we will have more family than expected, so you can’t stay."  "Oh, ok. There's no problem. I will just stay here."  "Oh, you won’t. You will stay with Jenna."  "What? I’m not going with her Emma, I don’t know her family!" You say a little panicked. "Too late. I’ve already spoken with her and she said there’s no problem for you to go with her. I’m sure you will have a lot of fun." She says winking at you. Before you can think of an answer, Emma has already left the room. What the hell? You think before realising what just happened. Emma knew about your crush on Jenna, so she framed you to spend the holidays with her. I’m going to kill her when we finish the show.
You spend the rest of the day nervous. There’s just a couple of days before the holidays start, and you don’t think you’re ready to be at Jenna's house. "Hey, you’re ok?" Jenna asks you. "You’ve been a little distracted today."  "If I’m being honest, I’m really nervous about Christmas."  "Why?"  "Well, I don’t know your family. What if they don’t like me?" You say scratching your neck. "Y/n, don’t worry, they will love you." She gives you a reassuring smile before talking with you about the details of the trip.
The rest of the days fly by and before you know it, the day of the trip comes. You and Jenna spend the whole trip making plans for the holidays, since there’s still a week left until Christmas. Jenna tells you a little bit more about her family, and by the time you get to her house door, you feel you’ve known them for a long time.
Her mom is the first to hug Jenna, while you step aside not really knowing what to do. As soon as they separate, her mom comes and hugs you too. "It’s so nice to finally meet you, Jenna won’t stop talking about you!" Both of you blush while Jenna whines "MOM! Stop it!" After the introductions, you look around the house. It’s nice and cosy, with the Christmas decorations filling the hallways and the living room. The tree hasn’t been decorated yet, waiting for the whole family to be together.
Before showing your room, Jenna shows you hers. It’s smaller than you imagined it. Just a double bed, a desk and a built-in wardrobe. On the wall above the desk, there’s a corkboard full of photos of Jenna with her family and friends, movie tickets and other different items. "It’s my memory board. I used to save things of special moments and then I would pin them on the board." Jenna explains when she sees where your eyes are. You get a little bit closer, looking at everything with intent eyes. You love the idea that a lot of Jenna’s important moments are present on the board. 
You point to one of the photos of her with her siblings, all of them making funny faces. "What was happening here?" She chuckles before answering "That was our second easter with the twins, they wouldn’t stop crying so we started to make funny faces so they would laugh. Dad thought it was really cute and snapped the photo without us knowing it." You smile, imagining the scene. You spend a little more time talking about the different photos before deciding to take a nap before dinner.
Dinner is great. Her parents are really good cooks and all her family is really easy to talk with. You spend the whole time laughing at the banter of Jenna’s siblings, loving the happy atmosphere of the house. After you eat, they decide it’s a good time to decorate the tree, so you all move to the living room. You sit on the sofa with her parents, watching with a smile how the siblings argue about which decoration they should use. At one point, Jenna gets on top of Mia, trying to steal one of the ornaments that Isaac has. You laugh, before taking a picture, an idea for Jenna’s present forming in your head.
Jenna comes to you after giving up, a soft smile on her lips. "Come on, you have to decorate the tree with us." She says while offering her hand to you. You take it, loving the warm feeling spreading through your chest, joining the siblings. Without you knowing, her mom takes a picture of you.
The next morning, you two decide to go for a walk, so Jenna could show you her favourite spot in the city. "What do you think about my family?"  "They’re great Jenna. I love how all of you interact. Especially you with your siblings."  "Really? They can get really annoying when they want, which is always. If you haven’t realised, we spend the whole time bickering."  "I think is really cute. It shows how much you care for each other." You say with a smile. Jenna looks at you, her eyes curious. "What?"  "Nothing, I just… I would love to see the world through your eyes."  "Why? It’s not that interesting, I just see what others see." You say without understanding her.
Jenna drops the subject, guiding you to a hidden spot beside the road. It’s covered by trees, but once you pass them, you can see a bench facing a cliff. "Wow, it’s beautiful." You say. From where you stand, you can see the city below, surrounded by the desert. You sit down, enjoying the comfortable silence.
After a few minutes, Jenna starts talking. "Can you tell me a little more about your childhood? I know you don’t like to talk about it, but I’m curious."  "What do you want to know?"  "What was your favourite thing to do?" You think for a couple of seconds before answering. "I loved watching movies in the dark, I would wrap myself in a blanket and sit on the floor with the lights off. I could spend hours that way."  "That’s so cute! I used to do blankets forts with my siblings and watch movies inside."  "I always wanted to do that."  "Wait, you’ve never built a blanket fort?" Jenna asks you a little shocked. "No, I always watched it in movies and I thought it look really fun, but I never had the chance to try it."  "What else you’ve always wanted to try?"
You two spend a couple more hours talking before heading back to the house. 
For the next few days, you pass the time with her family, playing games in the garden with her siblings, helping her mom cook and getting to know Jenna a little more. You also took a lot of photos for Jenna’s present. You were thinking of creating an album, including photos since the two of you met until Christmas. 
It was December 22, and the family decided to go shopping for Christmas gifts (I know it’s too late, but imagine you can buy them without a problem) You were talking with Markus when you see Jenna looking out the window of a jewellery store. There, in the front, was a beautiful necklace of a raven with his wings opened, a small blue stone on his beak. You know Jenna has had a little obsession with ravens since she started Wednesday, so you make a note to yourself to come back later and buy it. 
You all end up separating so you could buy the presents for everyone. After a few hours, you only needed to buy the photo paper and the necklace for Jenna. You had talked with her dad a few days ago, and he let you use his printer for the photos. Once you got everything, you go back to the house, hiding the gifts in your room before anyone could see them. You decided to have a quiet evening, a little tired from socialising so much this past days.
You’re just scrolling through Instagram when Jenna knocks on your door. "Hey, you’re busy?" You look at her, noticing how she seems excited. "No, I was just being lazy, you want something?"  "I have a surprise for you." Jenna leads you to the living room. When you enter, you see that the sofas have been moved, so there was space for a blanket fort. "You told me you always wanted to try it. I know you haven’t made it, but they can be a pain in the ass to build sometimes, and I wanted it to be perfect." You smile at her, your eyes shining with love. "Thank you, you didn’t have to." You say with a soft voice. You enter the fort, seeing all your favourite snacks and Jenna’s laptop already prepared for a movie marathon. You stay there, curled at Jenna’s side, until late in the night.
The last day flies by, and Christmas Eve arrives. You spend the morning in your room, wrapping the gifts, only having to finish Jenna’s present. You sort the photos in an album on your phone, adding the ones her parents took for you, before deciding which ones you want to use. You decided that you would put the photos in a box instead of an album so if Jenna wanted, she could save them in her corkboard. After you print them, you put a nice decorative paper inside the box. But, you’re not quite happy with it, it’s like something is missing. That's when an idea pops into your head. Jenna told you she wanted to see the world through your eyes, so you decide to write what was going on in your mind when the photos happened.
The dinner that night is awesome. It’s the best Christmas you ever had, and you can’t wait for tomorrow. "Oh, we forgot to tell you!" Jenna says when you are finishing. "We usually open the presents when the clock strikes midnight."  "Yeah! we can’t wait until the next morning. Too much excitement!" One of her sisters adds. You smile, before reassuring them that it’s ok. 
You all get the presents and take a sit in the living room. Her parents are the first to give them, loving to see their children's excitement. You cry when you open your gift. It’s nothing special really, just a few hoodies from your favourite artists, but your chest feels like it’s going to explode from happiness, so you thank them sniffing, with a huge smile on your face. 
After a while, it’s Jenna’s turn. She gives you two presents, one is a rectangle, and you immediately know it’s a book. The other is a small box. "Open the big one first." Jenna instructs you. You unwrap it carefully, seeing the cover of your favourite book. "It’s a special edition. I know how much you love it." When you open it, you can see that some pages have artwork on them. You want to thank her, but she shushes you before nudging the second present. 
When you open the box, you can’t fight the tears that start to fall. Inside, lays a silver bracelet with an infinity symbol in the middle. It’s exactly like the one your Granny gave you. Your grandmother was the only person in your family that you really loved, and that bracelet was the last present she gave you before she died. You told Jenna how you loved it, but unfortunately, the bracelet broke a few years ago, and you really missed it. Jenna knew how important it was for you, so she search everywhere until she found it. "I know it’s not the same but-" Before she can finish, you hug her. "It’s perfect, thank you."
You clear your tears before giving your gifts. You’re nervous, you want them to be perfect as a thank you for giving you such a good Christmas. Everyone likes them, thankfully, so you relax a little bit. You look at Jenna, wanting to see her reaction. You just give her the necklace, wanting to give her the photos when you two are alone. A gasp leaves her mouth when she sees it. "I know you’re a little obsessed with ravens lately, and I saw you looking at it that day." You say as an explanation for the gift. "You know, some people believe ravens give bad luck." She tells you with a playful smile. "Sometimes, but to others they symbolize rebirth and starting anew, serving as a positive sign. I think that belief fits better for you." She smiles, before asking you to help her clasp the necklace.
You all stay talking for a while, before her family decides to go to sleep. It’s getting pretty late, but you ask Jenna to stay with you. "I have another gift for you." You tell her when she gives you a puzzled look. You give her the box, nervous about her reaction. When she opens it, she finds a little card
I hope this helps you to 
see the world through my eyes
She lifts the decorative paper, seeing all the photos, each one with a number on them. She takes the first one. It’s a selfie of you two. You took it after the first day you two met. "Turn it around." You tell her in a soft voice, not wanting to change the soft atmosphere. 
I knew since that moment that you were going to be one of the best things in my life. You were the first person to really see me. You didn’t judge me, or force me to talk, you just stayed close and waited for me to come to you. You brought a happiness into my life that I never thought I would have. Thank you.
She whispers your name after reading it, tears already forming in her eyes. She looks at you, before looking back at the box. You never stop looking at her while she reads them all, taking both of you on a trip of your relationship. The one where the cast of Wednesday fills the space, with smiles on your faces after the first week of shooting; Jenna with her siblings decorating the tree; Jenna hugging you from behind, with her arms on your hips, watching the tree after decorating it; you giving Jenna a piggyback ride in her back yard…
When she finishes reading them, she looks back at you, with a look of adoration in her eyes. You stay like that for a while, neither of you wanting to break the moment, before she grabs your cheeks and gives you a soft and chaste kiss on the lips. "Is this ok?" The words get stuck in your throat, so you kiss her softly again, a smile on both of your lips.
Maybe Christmas it’s not that bad
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crowroboros · 1 month
What are your opinions on Micha?
For starters; love to see a bat in a fvn/furry art in general. Especially when the traits of that species gets utilized in the story. It makes the world feel more alive.
So, I read Echo in the following order: Carl's route -> Leo's route -> TJ's route -> Route 65 -> Jenna's route -> Flynn's route before taking a break for a month and accidentally discovering the side stories when I went to reread the vn. After getting Leo's good & bad endings back to back and then following it up with the pain that is TJ's route, I figured that Route 65 would be a nice light-hearted break from the main story. It wasn't, but the point is that I somewhat already knew of Micha's existence prior to going into Jenna's route. At least, I knew of his connection to Leo even if I didn't know exactly who it was.
He kind of reminds me of Flynn. With Keith serving as Micha's Sydney. Though it could be argued that Micha, while still desperate for answers about what happened to Keith, has accepted that Keith is gone better than Flynn has come to terms with Sydney's death. And as I'm writing this I just realized that both Micha and Flynn had a brief sexual relationship with Leo that ended with both Micha and Flynn feeling used and discarded by the wolf. Maybe Micha is meant to be a Flynn parallel for the Tetanus Alley gang. Perhaps that is obvious but I certainly didn't notice.
I didn't think much of Micha in Route 65 cause he appeared for one scene and while his appearance was notable it didn't give me much to work with. He wasn't even named, I think he was just "figure with a camera" if I remember right. Upon rereading Route 65 after Echo, it makes everything much more clear. I also wasn't too sure what to think of Micha upon his introduction in Echo beyond his friendship with Jeremy, Clint, and Heather and that he was kind of a shithead, but as Jenna's route went on he really grew on me. He went out of his way to admit to playing a part in Carl's disappearance even though it would get him put in danger, he tried to protect Leo from Brian, he helped calm Heather down in her home when she had everyone at gunpoint, etc. Micha proved time and time again to be a pretty great guy. Seeing him at the end of Jenna's good ending hanging out with the main cast was great. His stand-offish and arrogant demeanor being a defense mechanism after being abandoned by his family and cast aside by people he considered himself close to led to some great characterization as Micha grew closer to Chase and the rest of the main cast. Watching his walls slowly drop and seeing him bond with the others was nice.
Micha is the prime example of why I really wish we had a bit more on everyone in the Tetanus Alley gang. Jeremy, Clint, Heather, and Micha all have this complex relationship with each other and the rest of the cast and I would love to see more of it to flesh out their characters. Cause Micha is a pretty good character and I want the to say the same for the others as well. Not even a full route dedicated to them, maybe a side story or two.
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
Lazy Ghostface. Lazy Ghostface okay
Random black hoodie that says Nirvana or Batman or some other piece of dark pop culture and ripped jeans, combat boots halfway laced up, mask slightly crooked
Forgets their knife. Whoops, gotta either improvise or take one from the house. Can you imagine Ghostie with a regular old-fashioned Michael Myers kitchen knife? Skill imo
Puts on that stupid gag mask with the tongue on Halloween for extra surprise factor. Oh, you thought you were getting trick-or-treaters? Sorry, loser, get stabbed instead
Alternatively, forgets the voicebox. Guess the kill is silent then; no phone call for you. More creepy ig that would be pretty badass
Shoes come untied during the chase because they were too lazy to do more than a half-assed single knot on each boot
You know what we SHOULD’VE gotten from Jenna’s Ghostfaces? Modern movie references. Instead we got her talking about the Babadook or what the fuck ever and Ghostie was still all “nah I like the classics fam”
Can you imagine Ghostface who’s Gen Z and only watched classic old horror movies for Johnny Depp in a crop top
They’re all “ever seen Smile? I bet I can cut your face up to look just like that”
”Newest Halloween, Michael pulled every tooth out of some poor fuck. Shall we try it?”
”I bet I could Murk you without telepathy.”
”You’ll float too, sweetheart. But I ain’t gonna become a ginger to make it happen.”
A chase scene where Ghostface gets a really bad side ache, doesn’t really feel like running anymore, so they just. Throw the knife. Maybe it sticks the victim in the back, maybe the hilt stuns them long enough for Ghostie to catch up. They get a good laugh out of either one before finishing the job
Actually does go for people walking alone at night, but only because they’re genuinely the easiest
Has never hurt an animal. Stops to pet the dog every time. Pause a murder to make friends with the cat
Idk man lazy Ghostie
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